#Contracts and Agreements
legalservices-ks · 1 year
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bmpmp3 · 2 months
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based off this video. i think teto is a union man
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ambeauty · 4 months
Ok let’s discuss partnership agreements for a quick second. I own a business and I have a partner. It’s common and it’s necessary to have a partnership agreements. It’s going to list the official profit share, how much time each partner is going to commit, what skill each partner brings to the business, and what factors are in place in case one partner wants to leave or dissolve the business. This is a very basic overview of a partnership agreement. Sydney needs this. It will legitimize her position as partner in the Bear. So Carmen extending this agreement to her is significant. He can’t necessarily force her not to leave but they have to have a protocol in place in case she wants to. It could get sticky but not if they follow the agreement. Unless she doesn’t sign it…
What’s strange to me is him saying “So I can push you and you can push me.” This makes me think he knows that he’s going to get toxic and he doesn’t want her to just walk out like she did in review. It’s like saying “for better or worse.” And also tell me when I’m fucking up because I don’t want you to leave. I have it in writing how much you mean to me and this business. So neither one of us can just fuck off when the going gets tough. Signing this agreement would make her (both of them) contractually committed to working things out with him even when it (he) gets difficult. That’s still a spiritual marriage. A business is a marriage and a (legal) marriage is a business.
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bestworstcase · 2 months
Are you worried about Viz taking over RWBY? I’ve heard Kerry is still going to be involved in some capacity but that’s ambiguous. What about the other writers and creatives as well? Works like this are never written/realized by one man, it’s the collective hard work of the group. A lot of the intricacies you’ve teased out of RWBY, and their culmination in the narrative, rely on the same team (or some of them) being involved going forward. Where are you at on this rn?
really seems like the best case scenario honestly – kerry being the showrunner is obv the one taking point on the negotiations but it seems like the rest of the core crew and cast are being kept in the loop at minimum, though i’d bet contracts and production logistics are still being worked out behind the scenes. on the viz side they are clearly REALLY excited about the IP and kerry being involved decision-making for the show’s future is a pretty firm signal of intent to preserve the original vision and direction for the show, plus i would assume keeping the crew and cast together to the greatest degree possible is probably kerry’s biggest priority rn now that the first hurdle of finding rwby a new home has been cleared.
the ambiguity is 100% because nothing is settled yet aside from what’s been announced. it is frankly shocking that they closed the deal on the IP this fast—i know two months feels like a really long time when you’re waiting for news, but corporate acquisitions of any kind are not like picking up milk at a grocery store. just from a strictly financial standpoint everything needs to go through accounting and depending on how viz is structured treasury might have needed to sign off too, so that’s financial projections and budgeting that needs to happen and pass through multiple different layers of approval potentially across two different departments on top of legal and whatever specific considerations other departments may have had; there are a lot of moving pieces that have to be lined up just so. i was really, really confident that rwby would get picked up pretty quickly but if you’d asked me after the shut down announcement i would have told you six months to a year because that’s, in my experience, about how long this sort of thing takes if nobody is dragging their feet.
two months is fuckin wild.
but by the same token, yeah everyone involved with this deal is going to be up to their eyeballs in paperwork and meetings for at least a few more months before we get any concrete new announcements, and nothing is getting announced to the public until it’s settled because you don’t want to be announcing things that aren’t locked in yet. that includes basic stuff like whether the original VAs stay on—there is absolutely no reason to think that, say, lindsay won’t keep their role as ruby, but we are not going to hear that until they’ve signed a contract, which may still be months away. similarly there is no reason to think that viz acquired the IP without every intention to greenlight v10, but we are not going to hear a v10 announcement until all the production logistics and legal and financial decisions have been squared away.
just keep in mind that corporations move like glaciers and the two months between the RT shutdown announcement and viz snapping up both the IP and the showrunner means this is all happening at breakneck speed, suggesting that everyone with decision-making power at viz is incandescently excited to get this show back on the road. it’s in good hands, they’re hustling, we’re probably on track for v10 news sometime this fall.
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tokutaiseichan · 2 months
thinking about that Ritsu Shinjo doing a demonic pact makes me giggle a bit bc you know that mf gotta be a one handful little contractor
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bitchesgetriches · 9 days
Predatory NDAs Just Got a Lot Harder To Enforce
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jjinpang · 11 months
Sephiroth's height is anyone's guess
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※from Ultimania Omega
his age is ?
his height is ?
his blood is ?
his birthday is ?
his birthplace is ?
his weapon is SWORD
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(X) (X)
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I mean, I 100% support the writers because studios - especially Marvel Studios - are known to underpay and treat their creative teams like trash but...Matt. 
My baby boy, my beloved babygirl Matt...how much might the strike put back production on Born Again??? 🥺
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hood-ex · 10 months
Do you think Tom Taylor is going to have Dick cheat on Babs with Bea? Like the only reason Dick and Bea broke up is because she is a civillian. Based on 108 i get the sense there is still feelings there ,and if Dick saves her in 109 they might kiss which may be what Dick needs Bruces advice about in #111 how to tell Babs he cheated. I want Babs gone from the comic but not if it makes Dick a cheater.
Nah, TT made Jon try to stop a dictator with a hug, he's not ruining his perfect fantasy world by having Dick cheat. So far, all of his stories in Nightwing have wrapped up without any huge dings or consequences to the heroes. It's always a happy ending. If he actually did something like that, I would eat my shoe.
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mudwerks · 1 year
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(via Canadian judge rules the thumbs up emoji counts as a contract agreement | Engadget)
oh fuck
my god what have I agreed to?
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cursedfortune · 3 months
Which of Regulus traits annoys Mortem most?
@swordduels in regards to @fallesto's reg
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Honestly, not many. Even the traits that would (understandably) annoy others she can actually find pretty charming. It's more about the context. In one setting/situation/conversation, she can find him pleasing. In another, she can find him being annoying. It can be the same trait but the context is what matters. There are many sides to personality traits and habits and she isn't blind to the nuances of an individual.
I think the most annoyed she gets is when he throws a tantrum or doesn't consider his own strength. Not because she gets irritated when her body is damaged. Nope, she doesn't care. What she does care about is how many dresses he has ruined and not always put back together by just reversing time. :I And not even ruining her dresses in a fun way. Solely because he threw a fit and she has to guide him down from it.
That's kind of a ha-ha answer but I think it connects a bit to a larger reason. Most of her dresses she made herself. So when he acts out and says or does things thoughtlessly, it's him prioritizing his respect for himself vs keeping a mutual respect between them. Mortem isn't someone who takes things personally or usually cares about disrespect, tbh. But in this context, she won't humor him saying he loves her one minute and behaving poorly the next. Being mad she was trying to help him and calling her a jackass for it absolutely will lead to her cursing him to be a literal jackass for a week. Enjoy sleeping in the barn, husband. She'll match pettiness with pettiness on occasion and give him a taste of what he dished out.
Her husband is an absolute brat of a man half the time when he doesn't just pause to think. But she understands why he is the way he is. Between what he experienced as a child and the fact he isn't really human anymore, but the embodiment of greed itself, his moral structure has completely changed. And she often finds that change favorable because it means they understand one another more easily. But it doesn't change the fact his humanity was altered as a child and it led and he has mostly being alone for two hundred years, Regulus has had no one to bounce his behavior off of. Unfortunately, Regulus also holds onto a lot of human/mortal ideals and opinions. That's an issue because he sets expectations and standards upon everything, and when things don't go the way he intended them to he uses his power to force a favorable outcome.
Is the morality an issue? No. It's more of the temperament. She doesn't mind his anger and negativity, his greed, any of what makes him, him. Mortem accepted Regulus day one. Even when they throw hands. However, in certain contexts some of these things get strained. He's a very intelligent individual and when he calms down and doesn't get so worked up, he puzzles through things exceptionally well and proves he's far more observant than what one may initially think. But he often runs away with his initial feelings first and has a tendency to takes things personally. He's very Main Character coded; if he couldn't sit down and communicate with Mortem, she wouldn't have married him.
So context matters. Sometimes his fits are hilarious, sometimes they are useful, sometimes he pisses her off. It just depends on why it's happening and what he does that determines her own feelings and what she'll do about it.
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peterarklenews · 1 month
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© Peter Arkle 2024 WHATEVER!
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nando161mando · 1 month
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My friend’s work is trying to implement a “wage confidentiality agreement”
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johnhelliwell · 7 months
Oh i am so mad at Roger. They settled with Rick at least but are still going with Roger.
#supertramp#roger keeps pulling the I did all the work but i promise you his music wouldn't have been as popular without the collective effort of all o#these people#like John wrote all of his own parts and often also made an insane amount of suggestions mostly for the better of songs#now rick isn't involved but his piano solo makes school and he also basically wrote more of it than roger anyway#but like the lawyers arguments also bring rick down again which roger likes to do so much#as if roger is the only reason supertramp even exists and managed this#without rick the band wouldn't even have existed#roger helped with a huge part of it but don't be so damn arrogant man#stupid piece of shit#i was mad about roger and rick about this lawsuit before tbf but it's news they settled with rick but it just seems in character Roger#is not relenting while there's clear proof over the agreements the royalties were not a gift but something in contract#initially only Rick and Roger would get something and the rest would literally just get a barely liveable salary#imagine pouring everything into a band and being met in return with this absolute bullshit#and then dougie accused bob and John for continuing to tour with rick solely cuz of the money cuz he left supertramp cuz of his loyalty to#roger which is insanely hypocritical to me but whatever#just glad the three of them are now coming together to do this#i wonder if John will be asked about it now cuz there's an actual article about it#first it was only court documents
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davidaugust · 10 months
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So Alex Winter wrote a nice article about the SAG-AFTRA tentative agreement:
#ActorsStrike #SAGAFTRAStrike #SAGAFTRAstrong #UnionStrong #u1 #contract #TentativeAgreement #ratification #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #GAI #generativeAI #VFX #CGI #scans #labor #unions
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monacodarling · 8 months
Seems like not having a number 1 driver is kinda lowkey backfiring now since that’s not the case I think anymore??? Been seeing a few mixed articles out there about this
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