#Coo coo
tokiwartootth · 5 months
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uh hhhhhh umm oh yeah collared dove
(please give my other posts attention 😔)
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1drwstuff · 4 months
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northernpintail · 3 months
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Lifer mourning dove!!
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jazzeria · 5 days
Me to my partner, slightly intoxicated and speaking slowly: Man I can't wait for cooler weather so I can wear my pigeon sweater everywhere.
Me, suddenly realising: 💡! Coooooooler weather 💚💜
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tokillamockingbird427 · 3 months
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pups-2-dust · 2 years
Crying thinking about doves rn
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Like come on just LOOK at them
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mm3r4k1 · 1 year
who the fuck was going to tell me there was sun and moon funko pops out now?,?,? like i swear to god i thought i was tripping when i found out., like WHEN WAS THISS?? when did funko release genuine, real, authentic sun and moon action figures…SEPERATELY?,,? this is so crazy. dare i say coo coo
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pigeon-with-a-blog · 5 months
Might fuck around and make a multi chapter fanfic that’s Artorias/original character and the most self indulgent thing in the world
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TFA Theory: Starscream Has Been A Clone This Whole Time...
[Note: Reading This Weird Fan-Headcanon and Theory is Optional, and it is okay that not many agree with this weird theory that pop into my head that has to do with Starscream being a Clone. and yes I will get off topic a bit in this.]
I had realized why Starscream's Clones are so different, and are not only representing different parts of Starscream, BUT they are also all Clones of a Clone.
the Original Starscream, is seen 50 Stellar Cycles (50 Years In Human Years) Ago (in the timeline in the TFA Universe) when he tries to take out Megatron, and even 50 Stellar Cycles Later when he seems a bit, unstable and crazy...even if fans don't pick that up at first...or that he never left the ship he was on throughout Season 1 to Season 3...
and instead of going to Earth himself, he sends a Perfect Clone instead of going himself, which means that the Starscream that put humans in danger and hit Bumblebee with a blast to the back...
was NOT the Original Starscream, and had been a Clone this whole time...because the Original is a bit coo-coo for coco puffs at the moment after being in solitude for 50 Stellar Cycles and looking for the Allspark.
the clone that we believe was the Original Starscream, is made to be a perfect clone of the original, that it was able to fool both Autobot and Decepticon, and not even Megatron could tell that Starscream is a Clone of a very unstable and now coo-coo for coco puffs Starscream.
I forgot the name of the movie but I had learned there is a movie where this was a guy who made a clone, and the clones made clones of themselves, and well that is basically what Starscream II had did.
when you make a clone of yourself, even if you are a clone as well, of course there is gonna be a chance that the new clone will be a bit different from the Original Template.
in the Original Starscream's growing craziness, he started to talk to a piece of rock that is the same kind that Optimus's team found the Allspark covered in.
and Starscream calls the Rock "Megatron" and even drew a face on it that is a poorly drawn image of Megatron...
the Starscream we see on Earth in TFA, is not only a perfect clone but his Spark was also a clone.
the Original Starscream could be watching through the optics of Starscream, all while talking to "Megatron" and the only time he isn't able to see what Starscream II sees, is if he is knocked out cold or offline, and when the connection is back, it is thanks to a Allspark Fragment.
like picture the Original Starscream appearing on Earth, with "Megatron" who has made him "his" Co-Ruler of The Deceptcons, but Starscream being the one most in charge while "Megatron" is a advisor.
like picture him fighting Optimus or Rodimus's Team on Earth, and he stops in mid fight and takes out "Megatron" and holds the rock with the poorly drawn face of Megatron on it, close to his audio and goes "whats that...?" and goes "hmm, you don't say...?"
and Optimus's Team or Rodimus's Team, is all looking at him like he is more crazy than Blitzwing.....which would be correct at this point.
and when that Starscream meets the Real Megatron again, he will think he is a clone and ask "Megatron" while holding the rock in his servos if he had cloned himself. XD
it would make sense that a part of the True Original Starscream, knew he wasn't fit to go to Earth and instead sends a Perfect Clone of himself who believes he is the original.
Starscream not knowing he is a clone, and some of the clones he makes will be a bit different with different names, would make sense.
Slipstream being the smart one of the clones, like being the womech behind the mech or whatever...
she might know that Starscream is a clone as well and might know that the true original Starscream is a bit coo-coo and talks to a rock with Megatron's face drawn on it...
Female Transformers also called Femme, being called Womechs as a counterpart to Mechs makes sense.
in both TFA and Earthspark, the Older Femme are Womechs and the much younger ones that are the younger version of Sari Sumdac and even Hashtag Malto and Twitch Malto are Femlets.
if a Cybertronian, no matter if they are Autobot, Decepticon, Neutral or Terran...
are not Mechs or Womechs yet, and are still around Hatchling, Sparkling or Youngling Age...
they would be Mechlets and Femlets, but some can be Nonbinary.
like some could be different type of Nonbinary, like going by just them/they or she/they or him/they.
I made some new buttons (it's the type where you can take some paper draw whatever in it and place it into the button and mash it together, but it's best to use one of the parts of it on the paper and use the scissors to get the shape just right.) that have Asexual, Aromantic, Fictoromantic and Nonbinary flag colors in each of them.
I'm glad I was able to find the right colors for each of them, and I was able to use black marker to get the Fictoromantic Flag just right, so I was able to make the black circle around it just right.
I wasn't sure if I had the right colors to use to make Aroaceflux Flag type button, but I guess I could double check sometime.
the Nonbinary button I made, I wrote "My Pronouns: She/Her & They/Them" on it.
I made them this month of December a few days ago, I made those new buttons on December 26, 2023 so a day after Christmas.
I have them pinned inside of one of the bags I have, I can't really openly have them be shown to my family...even though I was finally able to talk to one of my family about their misunderstanding about Asexuality, that there are in fact some who are Heteroromantic-Ace.
though some humans who have a dislike for Aces should know that some are Biromantic, Panromantic, Lesbian, Vincian, Sapphic and Heteroromantic, and some are Aromantic.
at least not all humans try to make Ace invisible or even those who have a multi type heritage...
and well before I go back to talking about the theory that the Starscream we saw on Earth in TFA, has been a clone this whole time.
I want to say that a video that I watched, some weeks or so ago, I think it was on December...or November...
anyway, I don't think I would want to go live at Arizona, even if there may still be some good people there, but I rather not go live there...
I mean if I was able to, maybe visit...I mean if I was able to.
I guess if one did go to some place that still has some problems with where you came from, and your mixed heritage, it is best to have some family and friends to go with you and to stay safe.
though even if I could visit other places, I would probably still need to keep my gems on me at all times, and even if it has been some time since I had a seizure, but I believe why it stop since we moved to the town we live at now, is because we moved away from the dangerous energies that came from a place or people...and possibly some times both. and one of the reasons I wouldn't want to go too far from the place I currently live at, is that it may have way more safer energy than the other places I lived at before where I had seizures.
babies and children, wouldn't be able to understand or realize that their seizures wont be the type that is what doctors normally deal with, and doctors need to understand some seizures are energy based...some can be caused by paranormal energies.
and yeah, I might be a bit paranoid, but if I'm in the living room and have this feeling I need to leave even if I'm eating or watching a movie, I will stop what I'm doing and go to my safe space in my room.
I had to stop watching the Turning Red Movie I was in the middle of watching because of that need to leave the room...I will watch it again later, along with what I wanted to watch some hours ago but after watching one of my Transformers Movies, I got tired and went to sleep...
so yeah, later I'm gonna watch Ah My Goddess, and yeah I'm still gonna relate a bit with Urd...as weird as that might be for some.
I'm a Defective Earth Angel, who realized that because most of my ancestors were royalty (and some of them being King David and King Solomon) that made the whole "Earth Angel Princess" pop into my head...
plus there is the whole being a descendant of both Cain and Seth thing...and I'm still gonna hope that Jesus is just a distant cousin, and yeah it took me I don't know how long to process in my head, that Jesus is technically family...and I know it be technically bad to be his granddaughter, even if there could be a bright side, but knowing the info I read before that has to do with the whole Antichrist and Jesus...I'm still gonna hope I'm just a distant cousin.
I still hope to one day run away in my afterlife, possibly to a whole another world a different dimension, cause I do NOT want to put up with those two's Masculine fighting that crosses a line...
even if I can still believe Jesus still has a good side and I can still believe in him, but I don't have to agree with certain things he may do that has to do with what I had read before that he would be involved with.....because it just proves to me that even if that bad stuff does happen, and some percent of it is caused by humans, but if they are being puppeteer by Archangel Samael, then that would mean that the humans aren't at 100% at fault, and those Eon-Boomers need to stop it....
Archangel Samael ain't the boss of me, and even if it does turn out he is Cain's Bio-Dad (while Adam is still considered the Real Father, even if he might be a Gray-Parent and might not be biologically the father), and well, there is the whole doing a Jerry Springer where it has to do with finding out who's Cain's Bio-Dad is...
and yeah hopefully there be other Earth Angels who will finally wake up and see there is something wrong with the Patriarchy that has to do with both sides, and we need to at least try to get back to the proper balance, but with some who might not truly accept it, I'm not gonna force them, they should only believe it by their own free will.
I mean, it was my free will to believe in a Goddess now as well, even though I can still believe in God as well.
and well, I'm still gonna hope I don't run into that Toxic-Religious again, the same one from a few years ago that seem to have a problem with me believing in a Goddess now and kept throwing and misusing by the way...
the words "may the lord have mercy on you" or "may god have mercy on you." (I know it was one of the two.) at me repeatedly even though I pointed out it was hurting my feelings and making me cry, so yeah that Toxic-Religious Jerk, end up making me cry and feel really bad and they wouldn't listen to reason...I think that besides past life toxic-religious trauma, that thing that happen with that insensitive jerk does count as religious trauma.
anyone can get some toxic-religious trauma, and ya don't have to be religious for to happen.
and sometimes trauma wont have to do with toxic-religious people, some times it can have to do with other stuff.
like Starscream from Earthspark, who looks awesome with the goatee by the way.
I think it is implied in the show, that he has PTSD...
it is possible that most if not every Starscream from the infinite timelines and alternate timelines, even in the Bayverse where Starscream helps take care of the Hatchlings, (and the same universe where Megatron is gentle and fatherly to those Hatchlings...)
may have PTSD, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Starscream I/The True Original One and not the one that was send to Earth and end up losing his spark and brought back by the Allspark Fragment, might have PTSD...
and I'm pretty sure some fans have already figured out that Starscream from Earthspark has PTSD, and it would appear the Megatron from that timeline does feel bad for being part of the cause of it, and if I remember right, it is pointed out by Hashtag who pointed out to Starscream that Megatron hurt him.
I might not be the only one who views Karen Croft the leader of G.H.O.S.T. being a Karen. there could be different levels of Toxic-Karens...and Karen from Earthspark, is the worse of all the Karens.
even if there might still be some good people who are really named Karen, but it doesn't mean they will be a Karen...that might not make sense to some, but it might still make sense if you really think about it.
anyway back to the whole TFA Starscream isn't the Original and he is in fact a clone.
my theory is that the Starscream we see on Earth in TFA, is in fact a clone and who when making full clones of himself and using the power of the Allspark Fragments, end up making clones who aren't 100% like him and that what happens when you make a clone of a clone...chances will be they will not be 100% like the original.
I'm not sure if I'm the only fan who realized this or other fans started to realize it as well and figured out that Starscream (the one that appeared on Earth and lost his spark and brought back by a Allspark Fragment) is a Clone and he made clones of himself that are very different from himself and the True Original Starscream, who once again might be coo coo for coco puffs after being alone for 50 Stellar Cycles and talking with a rock that he drew Megatron's face on and even calls Megatron.
if Starscream II, Slipstream, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Ramjet and Sunstorm as well as ones that work for Swindle, ever met the True Original Starscream, who is dancing while holding "Megatron" in his servos while celebrating becoming "King of The Decepticons"
and Starscream II and the other clones are watching while being weirded out and one by one, they back away slowly all while the music is still playing...and Starscream I is still dancing with a space rock in his servos who he calls "Megatron" and thinks it is Megatron, even if the Real Megatron could be standing right in front of him, he will still think that rock is the real one instead.
if TFA ever got a spin-off TFA Show, it could be revealed that Starscream is a Clone and the Original is still in space and talking to a space rock with a poorly drawn face of Megatron on it.
not everyone has to agree about this theory, and I'm still gonna view it as headcanon and possibly true.
and I know this theory is but one of my weird and crazy theories and there might be more weird and crazy theories in the future, and only some will be debunk and stay in the fanon zone, and I'm okay with that possibility. not all my fan theories have to end up being true.
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ludinus-is-a-bitch · 2 years
Marisha: can we all huddle under the uh--
Laura: *you're not awake*
Marisha: I mean, uh, -snoring noises-
I love these dorks!
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richarlisonny · 1 year
PGION GOAL????? 🕊️🕊️
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theratking20 · 11 months
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"You fear nothing...because you dont know what lurks inside the darkness...fear fuels the dark..."
Doctor William Zecker
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lemonlofts · 1 year
It’s a feisty creature
(No humans were harmed)
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euesworld · 2 years
"You can't quench a fire of passion just as you can't stop a beating heart, you can't unwrite poetry just as you can't unsee art.. you can't stop loving me cause I love you too, a coocoo that flew over heavens nest to softly land on the moon."
You may think I'm all flabbergasted gibberish, but that's cause I can't breathe when you smile with those lovely lips - eUë
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Finally caught this loser, he’s lucky we’ve got an alliance with the corvids or there’d be trouble
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numbthepain · 2 months
My conscious patting me on the back cause he know how good of a job I’m doing by hiding my insanity
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