#Copy a Website
98chao · 1 month
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breakbeatbun · 2 years
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heartorbit · 9 months
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maladaptivewriting · 7 months
being on marauders tumblr has made me realize that a lot of people would actually share anne rice's (terrible) opinion about fanfiction if they didn't write fanfic themselves.
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darkwood-sleddog · 1 year
once again i am asking tumblr to hold public polls for users to vote on potential changes. imagine if you were the 'respect our users opinion website'. like that could be us but apparently not.
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diosmaden · 1 month
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Start Reading :: Latest Update :: Read The Rest Of CH1 Now
Hello everyone, and happy friday!! It's been a hot minute since I made an update notice post, and that's because when I got back from my trip I got the exciting news that Heart of the Storm had been accepted into the SpiderForest collective!
So these past couple weeks I've been busy setting up the new independent Heart of the Storm website (!!) and integrating everything into the collective.
From here on out the new website is going to be one page ahead of the ComicFury mirror, so you might want to subscribe to the new site instead!
Also, I'm currently catching up on commissions, but once I'm back on track with my queue I'm going to finalise the last few thumbnails for chapter 2 and start working on the final pages..!!
My Patreon at the moment is two pages ahead of the free release, but as soon as I finish the first page of chapter 2 I am going to start posting the entirety of the rest of chapter 1, and then pages from chapter 2 will go up as and when I finish them. There's currently 99 pages projected for chapter 2, so it's going to be in the making for a while! You can also become a supporter on Ko-Fi for the same benefits if you would prefer!
If you've been waiting for chapter 2, consider becoming a patron/supporter! The more supporters I have the less commissions I need to take and the more time I can dedicate to making HotS Real :)
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britishchick09 · 1 year
a sneaky list of full poto movies! ;)
1937 song at midnight
1987 animated
1989 mall
1991 staller
1993 y/k
1995 wishbone
1996 ivan jacobs
2000 ken hill audio
2013 ken hill
2021 korean y/k
leroux audiobook
(these last two are privated every so often, so they're not always available)
1974 paradise
1989 freddy
1998 rat phantom
1925 in hd
1995 phantom lover
2011 y/k takarazuka
night gallery
internet archive
1925 original
1974 paradise
1974 hollywood
2004 takarazuka
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summerblueringo · 1 year
SB: It says, Vettel has no more friends in the paddock. Is that true? KR: It is basically difficult to have friends inside Formula One, but we two are. We aren’t seeing each other as often as before because Seb moved a little further away, but I still would call him my friend in Formula One. I know him best of all. SB: He (Seb) is still being criticized for ignoring team-orders in Malaysia. How would you have acted, if the team told you to stay behind your slower teammate? KR: Always you journalists with your would-if-questions! Team-order is a part of Formula One. Sometimes you stick to it, sometimes it doesn’t make sense. Team-order can be that your engineer tells you to do this or that, but you wanted to do it the other way round. Then I won’t listen to my engineer and do what I want. SB: Just like Vettel. Afterwards he told honestly what he’s thinking about his teammate (Webber). How did you like that? KR: Seb has his opinion and he told it. He is honest and open. That’s a good thing, I like that. SB: How did Seb change because of his three titles?   KR: He didn’t change. Sure thing: He’s getting older and gets to know more about the sport. But apart from that, his personality didn’t change at all. He’s still a normal, funny and nice guy.
excerpt from Kimi Räikkönen's interview with Sport Bild, April 2013 (translation: x / x)
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cacodaemonia · 9 months
The fact that a huge amount of information on platforms like tumblr, instagram, and apparently also tik tok is now shared as screenshots of text instead of—you know—the text itself, which is easier to read and can also be scanned by screen readers, makes me want to burn down the internet.
Tumblr is a platform where you can actually make text posts! There's no character limit! Just. Put. The text. There!
Instagram is for photos, not fucking essays!
Tik tok is a video platform, so why the fuck are people sharing screenshots of Tumblr posts (without even linking to he original post, naturally) set to music and calling those videos?
I don't understand why so many people look at extremely limited (as in they have a very specific function and are not intended to be used in any other way) apps like instagram and tik tok, and go "Ah, I will now use this platform to convey information in the most convoluted, least accessible way possible."
Just?? Use a platform that's actually friendly to whatever kind of info you're trying to convey???
I'm sure there are all kinds of factors involved, especially when people are so driven by views/likes/whatever on one platform, but this trend has made the internet so much less user-friendly and accessible. It's like trying to eat soup with a butterknife, while also taking away other people's spoons and making them use butterknives as well.
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every-grelle-sutcliff · 3 months
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kangals · 2 months
As the resident collie expert of dogblr, which came first, the rough collie or the smooth collie?
i am most certainly not a collie expert lol but that is flattering. and what a good question! i actually am not sure, so i did a bit of reading and unfortunately the answer kind of seems to be... 🤷
the exact origin of the collie is still a little wobbly - we know that for many centuries collie-type dogs were used in the british isles for sheep herding and farm work, and by the early 1800s there were several different types of collie including the scotch collie, fox collie, welsh collie, and others. and around that time, as dogs-as-pets were becoming very Cool, some people took some of those scotch-type collies and did some selective breeding with other herding dogs (and possibly setters and borzoi and greyhounds depending on who you believe) and created the "modern" collie specifically for show and companion purposes.
however i can't find any source that talks about smooth vs rough specifically - everything just seems to refer to both coat types always being present, starting in the generic collie-type dogs and persisting through the breeds mid-1800s refinement. it looks like smooth collies had separate show classes for themselves as early as the 1870s, which considering collies were first shown in the 1860s definitely indicates that there were plenty of smooths from the start.
it's annoyingly vague (and also none of these places actually cite sources so who knows), but seeing as i cant find anything that says "smooth/rough coat first appeared in year X" or along those lines, i think the answer is that both coat types have always existed together ever since way back in the primordial collie-dog soup. although if anyone out there knows more, i'd love to hear it.
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getbreaded · 7 months
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And that's a wrap on the first day of this summer semester 🌿
Did a yoga session and continued to work on my website, had one class (product design, feels a bit chaotically structured but maybe fun) and met with a friend just to chat :)
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lovebunnie · 7 months
collecting my favorite parts of the novel like pokemon cards
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badnewswhatsleft · 9 months
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save me AP #313 commemorative issue patrick stump cover <3 AP #313 commemorative issue patrick stump cover save me <3
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supersecretnerd · 9 months
On the Octonauts with dinosaurs, I found at least two better quality images of it made for the show
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Also I found some clips and they made Pinto the same size of Peso (Pinto only shows up while they're explaining the size of a dinosaur or something; basically a dino walks in while they're doing a puzzle and Peso just drags Pinto away)
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