#Cory Wheat
azspot · 9 months
Robert Blincoe survived the mills, wrote a memoir that became a bestseller and inspired Charles Dickens to write Oliver Twist, which is really best understood as Luddite fanfic. The Luddites wanted the machinery to be accountable to the workforce and the people they served, and not to the forces of capital. Computers are incredibly powerful tools for activists. I cut my teeth riding a bicycle all night around the streets of Toronto, wheat-pasting posters to telephone poles to get people to turn out for demonstrations. And if you’ve never tried to organize a movement without the internet, I’m here to tell you, it’s really hard. We need to seize the means of computation, because while the internet isn’t the most important thing that we have to worry about right now, all the things that are more important, gender and racial justice, inequality, the climate emergency, those are struggles that we’re going to win or lose by organizing on the internet.
Cory Doctorow
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abookishdreamer · 7 months
Character Intro: Porus (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nickname- Po by his family
Age- 34 (immortal)
Location- Shadowstone neighborhood, New Olympus
Personality- He's an introverted idealist who thrives on creative ingenuity. He's also brilliant, resourceful, & is constantly inspired by new ideas. He's married.
He has the standard abilities of a god except shapeshifting. As the god of resourcefulness his other powers/abilities include enhanced craftsmanship, supertasking, thought acceleration, limited pyrokinesis, pathway generation, & hypercompetence.
Porus resides at a townhouse in the Shadowstone neighborhood of New Olympus. He lives with his wife Penia (goddess of poverty) and her sister Ptocheia (goddess of beggary). He takes pride in the fact that he built most of the furniture (except for the china- it was bought at A Hearth Design furniture store during a super sale) as well as the large self-organizing mahogany closet in his bedroom. He often finds thrown out glass jars in recycle bins in the city which then become reused to store obol coins.
Other members of his immediate family includes his older brother Ponos (god of hard labor & toil), and his mother-in-law Amechania (goddess of helplessness & want).
Porus will almost always start off the mornings early with a bike ride through the city. He'll sometimes go for a walk through Eaglepoint Park with his wife if she's up early too.
Go-to drinks for him include water, ginger ale, beer, orange juice, iced tea, & earl grey tea. He also doesn't mind red wine. His usuals from The Roasted Bean is an olympian sized roast coffee and a large iced green tea.
Porus designed and made the saddle (using leather from an old railway car) for his brother's dragon Shadowsteel.
There's always loose change in his pockets.
Porus always has his beloved notebook with him, where he's writing down & drawing new invention ideas.
He enjoys slices of toasted wheat bread topped with butter and honey. He also likes his wife's rizogalo and scrambled eggs (added with tomatoes, spinach, & feta cheese) along with his sister-in-law's blueberry oatmeal muffins.
Porus and his wife are still newlyweds having been married for a little over a year. He fondly remembers the moment her intense dark amber hued eyes met his at a council meeting in New Olympus City Hall. He quickly admired her intelligence and tenacity. Porus had asked for her mother's blessing twice- when her asked her out on a date & when he proposed. Porus even forged their own wedding bands.
A guilty pleasure of his are the 20 chicken nuggets from Olympic Chef. He eats them without any dipping sauce.
His favorite thing to get from The Bread Box is a grilled chicken sandwich along with a green bean salad (topped with toasted almonds & feta cheese).
Porus' main job is as an inventor. Some of his products (like the self-organizing closets) are sold at The Lumber Shed, a home appliance store. He's also working with iCHOR Tech to design and develop their latest smartwatch. Another of his inventions littered throughout the city are the touch screen parking meters.
His favorite frozen treat ia a plain vanilla sundae topped with crushed gingerbread cookies & vanilla brownie pieces from The Frozen Spoon.
Even though he cares for his sister-in-law, Porus does feel that it's long overdue for Ptocheia to begin living independently. Most times when he tries spending time with his wife or going out with her, it becomes a third wheel affair. Never mind that it's always uncomfortable for Porus to initiate intimate contact with Penia- the fact that her sister is a floor below being at the forefront of his mind. He often vents his frustrations to his friends and brother.
In the pantheon he's friends with Ktesios (god of the household), Neicus (god of debate & appeal), Karmanor (demi-god of the harvest), Eikono (goddess of iconography & literature), Axiótimos (god of honor), Kópros (god of manure & excrement), and Corymbus (Cory) (god of the ivy). Outside the pantheon, Porus has many friends who are cyclops!
His all time favorite meal is his wife's balsamic pasta salad.
In his free time Porus enjoys spending time in his workshop, reading, blacksmithing, chess, doing crossword puzzles, bowling, yoga, playing pool, drawing, fencing, doing puzzles, bike riding, and playing various card games.
"It's not the lack of resources that causes failure, it's the lack of resourcefulness that causes failure."
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Cory McBrown: Year 1-Chapter 1
Here's another sample of my writing, and you can check out all ten chapters on my website, linked at the bottom:
2nd of October, 2001
First I have to set the scene. It’s the 2nd of October, 2001. Here in Ireland, we start secondary school at twelve. My alarm clock was set to the radio. At 6:00 a.m., “Shiny Happy People” by R.E.M. started blasting. It must have been some throwback station or something. Not that I minded. It was one of my favorite songs when I was little. I turn off the alarm and roll back over. I do not want to get up. My blanket is so warm, and the pillow is so soft.
My baby sister, Jenny, starts fussing in her crib. I share a room with her. I don’t share a room with my big brother because he’s older, and apparently, 16-year-olds don’t generally share a bedroom with their 12-year-old little sisters. Something about bringing girls over. I roll out of bed and pick up Jenny. I take her downstairs to my mum, who is making breakfast and lunch for school.
“Morning. She’s up.” I say.
My mum turns to me and takes the baby. “Good morning, sweetie. Thank you. You’d better get ready so you’re not late.”
I rush back upstairs, brush my long, wavy, blonde hair, braid it, brush my teeth, and then put on my new school uniform. It’s a white shirt, green sweater, purple and gold tie, and blue and green plaid skirt and blue blazer. I add a sparkly purple headband to the uniform, cause you know, I like to be unique.
I sling my backpack over my shoulders and go back downstairs. This time I find Jenny in her high chair, and my older brother, Bart, eating shredded wheat at the counter. Mum hands me a plateful of fried eggs and toast as I sit down at the table.
“There. That should fill you up for the morning.” Mum says.
I smile as I start to eat. Mum works a lot, but she always gives us a big meal before school, to make sure we won’t be hungry until lunch. She hasn’t done it with Bart since he was about 14 and a half. He took charge of his own breakfast then, and he even started drinking coffee! It’s weird sometimes having a brother so much older than you.
There’s a knock on the screen door, and my two best friends, Samantha and John McBride, who are also twins, walk in.
“Morning!” Sam says.
“Good morning, you two,” my mum says. “Nice hair, Sam.”
Sam brushes her new chin-length hair behind her ear. “Thank you, Ms. McConnell.”
Just in case you caught what Sam called my mother, as I mentioned my parents are divorced. I haven’t seen my father since I was six years old when he left. I don’t know why he left. I don’t even know if he’s still alive. I think I asked my mum once, and she said he was, but that was a couple of years ago. She’s remarried now but kept her last name, as did Jenny.
Anyways, I like Sam’s new hair. She looks good with it short. The twins immediately sit on either side of me.
“Guess what?” Sam says.
I shrug. “I don’t know. What?”
“That cute boy I’ve been eyeing all semester- he got moved to our class. And his name’s McGinty, so I may get to sit next to him.”
“Didn’t you have a crush on a girl last year?” I ask.
Now Sam shrugs. “So what? I can crush on both.”
John takes a banana and starts to eat it, while I ask, “Why’d he get moved?”
Sam shrugs again. “I think he wanted to change his schedule.”
“Supposedly, he wanted to be on the other side of the school as Rooster McClaggen at the end of school,” John says.
“It is so weird going to school with old teenagers,” Sam says.
Bart frowns at her. “Hey, watch it,” he teases.
“Bart, will you walk Cory to school today?” Mum asks.
Bart frowns. “Me? Why? I promised Mary I’d meet her at school.”
“I can’t walk up to my girlfriend at school with my little sister hovering behind me. Why can’t she walk with Sam and John?”
I frown at my brother. “Bart, I’m sure you did not mean to be hurtful just now, but I want you to walk with her because people have been antsy since the plane attacks. I want you to look after her until she gets to class,” Mum says.
Bart sighs. “You’re right, mum. I’m sorry,” he just goes back to eating.
My mum is referring to the September 11th attacks in New York and Washington D. C. She didn’t let me see any of the footage, but I know it was horrible. And she’s right, it’s making people antsy, especially at school. Some of our darker-skinned classmates are being bullied because of it. I don’t know why. It’s not their fault.
After we finish breakfast, we grab our backpacks and head out the door. Bantry is a small town, so we don’t have to walk far to get to school. We don’t even go to the normal secondary school. That one’s a Catholic school, I mean it’s Ireland. We go to Bantry Bay Alternative Education Academy. It’s not an alternative version of education, it’s just not a religion-affiliated school.
Bart walks with us but is using his new phone to text someone. “Who are you texting?” I ask.
Bart groans. “Cory! You made me push the wrong button.”
I giggle. Those phones are weird. Why would you take all that time pushing buttons to get the right letter when you could just talk on the phone?
“Is it Mary?” I tease him about his girlfriend.
Bart puts his phone away. “I have other friends, you know,” he says.
After my first class, I meet Sam and John in the hall to get our books for our next class out of our lockers.
“I thought secondary school English would be a lot more difficult than primary school. But that wasn’t so bad,” I say.
“Aye, that’s because we’re in the first tier,” Sam says. “Bart is diagraming sentences.”
I shudder. John catches the eye of a tall brunette with a bow in her hair.
“Oh, Janey Mac!” He says, blushing bright red and trying to hide behind his algebra book.
“What’s gotten into you?” I ask.
Sam tries not to giggle. “Uh oh. It’s Trudy O’Neil. John’s had a crush on her since 5th class.”
I frown. “What? How come I didn’t hear about this?”
“Because he’s too scared to talk to her.”
John frowns at Sam, lowering his book without thinking. “I am not scared.”
The girl, Trudy O’Neil, comes up to us. “John McBride?” she says.
John quickly puts the book back in front of his face. Sam and I laugh. Trudy tries not to laugh, too.
“I just wanted to say that I liked your shoes,” Trudy says.
John lowers the book. “Oh,” he blushes. “Thank you.”
Trudy smiles. “See you in class.”
Trudy then leaves.
Sam and I look at John, who is bright red. I nudge him playfully. “She likes you.”
“How do you know?” John frowns.
I exaggeratedly imitate Trudy. “See you in class.”
John gives me a mock glare. “Just wait till you have your first crush. I’m gonna be relentless.”
I roll my eyes. I don’t see that happening.
After school, I went to watch the girls’ basketball team practice, longing for the day when I can be on the team myself. Basketball is my favorite sport, and I’ve been told I’m pretty good at it. I once beat Bart 35-17 one-on-one, and he was at least 7 inches taller than me at the time. I met Sam and John after and they walked me home. I had a spring in my step, but that didn’t last long. When I got home, Bart and Mum were fighting. They fight a lot nowadays. It’s about various things; school, girls, responsibility. It isn’t that Bart’s not responsible. He’s a Virgo with a Capricorn moon. No one is more responsible than Bart. He accuses her of being irresponsible, and that makes me uncomfortable. I sent Sam and John home for the fight. I walked in, trying not to get in the middle of it.
“Bart, there is no discussion here. I don’t want you going out that late on a school night,” Mum says.
“I am sixteen years old. I can go out as late as I want,” Bart argues.
“When you’re eighteen, you can go out as late as you want. Until then I get to say,”
“You know what. Fine. It’s not like you care,” Bart stalks off to his room.
I just quietly go to my room, sit down on my bed, and cry. After a few minutes, someone knocks on the door.
“Who is it?” I ask.
“Honey, it’s me.” It’s Mum.
I sit up and wipe my eyes. “Come in.”
Mum comes in and sits on the bed with me. “You didn’t say you were home.”
“You and Bart were fighting again. I didn’t want to get in the middle of it.”
“Honey, you don’t need to worry about me and Bart. But you do need to let me know when you get home from school, okay?”
I nod.
“Where’re John and Sam?” Mum asks me.
“I sent them home. I didn’t want them to see the fight.”
Mum looks at me, sadly. “Honey, I’m sorry. I’ll try to do better about letting it go to a full-blown fight, okay?”
I nod again. “Okay.”
Mum and I hug. “Alright, do your homework, and I’ll call you when dinner’s ready.”
Mum had to go deliver a baby. She’s a Lamaze coach and midwife, so sometimes she gets called in the middle of the night, day, mealtime, and once even during a PTA meeting. So, Bart is making me dinner tonight. I do my homework in the living room.
(2 - 3)t + 4 = 1
What is this gob? The worst part of secondary school so far is algebra. What the hell is the letter for? I thought math was supposed to be about numbers.
“Cory, dinner’s ready,” Bart calls me from the kitchen.
I lean back and sigh. I didn’t get a thing done. My brain just isn’t working.
Bart comes in. “Did you hear me?”
“Aye. I’m just frustrated by this problem.”
Bart looks it over and helps me through it. t=3 apparently. We went into the kitchen and ate dinner. Bart made mac’n’cheese with bacon, and peas. It’s an easy thing to make, and easy for both me and Jenny to eat, except she doesn’t like peas. Bart tried several times to get her to eat before he caved and cut up a carrot for her.
After dinner, and putting Jenny to bed, Bart came to my room and helped me braid my hair. Every night we have quality time, even since Bart became a teenager. I like that he makes time for me, even when he has friends and a girlfriend. The truth is, Bart may irritate me sometimes, but we’ve always been close. After our father left, he started to take care of me a lot more.
While Bart braided my hair, I mused. Finally, I ask him, “Bart, why do you and mum fight so much?”
Bart sighs. “That’s not anything for you to worry about.”
“But I already worry about it. I hear it all the time. Sometimes I don’t think you think she’s a good parent.”
“Mum is a wonderful parent… We just disagree sometimes.”
I sigh. “Bart, why can’t you tell me?”
Bart finishes my first braid. “Because you’re too young to understand.”
I frown. “I’m twelve! I go to secondary school.”
Bart tickles my nose with some of my hair. “And you can’t understand algebra yet. When you can understand that, I’ll tell you why Mum and I fight.”
I frown again. “That’s just not fair.”
“You know, when I was your age Mum told me I wouldn’t understand why she dated for another few years. That was unfair.”
“Doesn’t she date to replace da?”
Bart pauses for a moment before continuing. “Aye, but not for the reason you think.”
“She wants a dad for us. That’s why she married Edward.”
“Aye, and Edward is always working.”
I never thought about that before. Edward O’Donoghue is Jenny’s father and our stepdad. It’s true, though. We don’t see him a lot. He does play basketball with me sometimes.
Bart finishes the second braid. “Look… There are a lot of grown-up things that go on that… one day you’ll understand. But right now you’re twelve, and the only things you should be worried about are school, eating right, and getting enough exercise.”
“And my period. Sam said I’ll probably get mine soon. She got hers last year.”
Bart nods. “Aye, sure. Now go brush your teeth.”
I hug Bart before I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready for bed.
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brookston · 11 months
Holidays 7.17
Air Conditioner Day
Constitution Day (South Korea)
Crank Call Day
Disneyland Day
Ethnographer’s Day (Russia)
Feast of the Clockless NowEver
Flag Day (Norway)
Guelaguetza (Primer Lunes; Mexico)
International Firgun Day
International HIV Prevention Day
International Tim Brooke-Taylor Day (UK)
King’s Day (Lesotho)
National Air Conditioner Day
National Asshole Awareness Day
National Cory Day
National Heart-Brain Disorders Awareness Day
National Lottery Day
National Physiatry Day (Philippines)
National Tattoo Day
National Voice Actor Day
President’s Day (Botswana)
717 Day (Pennsylvania)
Sewing Machine Day
TWA Flight 800 Crash Anniversary Day
U Tirot Sing Day (Meghalaya, India)
Victims of Baton Rouge, Louisiana Attack Day
Wear Crazy Socks to Work Day
Wheat Day (French Republic)
World Day for International Justice
World Emoji Day
Wrong Way Corrigan Day
Yellow Pig Day (Celebrating the Number 17)
Yellow Submarine Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Indie Beer Shop Day (UK)
National Peach Ice Cream Day
3rd Monday in July
Global Hug For Your Kids Day [3rd Monday]
Guelaguetza (a.k.a. Festival of Lunes del Cerro; Oaxaca, Mexico) [Monday after 16th]
Marine Day (Japan) [3rd Monday]
Munoz-Rivera Day (f.k.a. Birthday of Don Luis Muñoz Rivera; Puerto Rico Day) [3rd Monday]
National Get Out of the Doghouse Day [3rd Monday]
National Prosecco Week begins [3rd Monday]
Perseids Meteor Shower begins [Varies; thru 8.24]
Umi No Hi (Ocean Day/Marine Day; Japan) [3rd Monday]
Independence Days
Negaunee Republic (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Slovakia (Remembrance Day; from Czechoslovakia, 1992)
Feast Days
Alexius of Rome (Western Church)
Andrew Zorard (Christian; Saint)
Ba-Maguje's Day (Hausa; on Eid al-Fitr)
Boccaccio (Positivist; Saint)
Caligula Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Cynehelm (Christian; Saint)
Cynllo (Christian; Saint)
Ennodius (Christian; Saint)
Feast of the Carmelite Martyrs of Compiegne
Feast of the Holy Royal Martyrs of Russia
Festival for Victoria and Virtus (Goddess of Victory & God of Bravery in Warfare; Ancient Rome)
Furgus Fuzz (Muppetism)
Gion Matsuri (Japan)
Inácio de Azevedo (Christian; Saint)
Jadwiga of Poland (Christian; Saint)
Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (Artology)
Jowls (Muppetism)
Kenelm (Nun’s Priest Tale; Canterbury Tales)
Kurman Ait Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Magnus Felix Ennodius (Christian; Saint)
Marcellina (Christian; Saint)
Martyrs of Compiègne (Christian; Saint)
Pavel Peter Gojdič, Blessed (Greek Catholic Church)
Piatus of Tournai (Christian; Saint)
Leo IV, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Romanov sainthood (Russian Orthodox Church)
Skinny Dipping Day (Pastafarian)
Solstitium XII (Pagan)
Speratus and companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Turninus (Christian; Saint)
Why Not? Day (Pastafarian)
William White (Episcopal Church))
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [26 of 37]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [40 of 57]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [19 of 30]
All You Need Is Love, by The Beatles (US Song; 1967)
Ant-Man (Film; 2015)
Arthur (Film; 1981)
The Case of the Velvet Claws, by Erle Stanley Gardner (Novel; 1933) [Perry Mason #1]
Cherokee, recorded by Charlie Barnet (Song; 1939)
The Dark Knight Rises, by Hans Zimmer (Soundtrack Album; 2012)
Disneyland, in Anaheim, California (Theme Park; 1955)
Egghead Rides Again (WB MM Cartoon; 1937)
Endless Love (Film; 1981)
(500) Days of Summer (Film; 2009)
From Up on Poppy Hill (Studio Ghibli Animated Film; 2011)
Greyfriars Bobby (Film; 1961)
James and the Giant Peach, by Roald Dahl (Novel; 1961)
Jungle Cruise (Disneyland Ride; 1955)
The Mask of Zorro (Film; 1998)
Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride (Disneyland Ride; 1955)
Multiplicity (Film; 1996)
My Neighbors the Yamahas (Studio Ghibli Animated Film; 1999)
North by Northwest (Film; 1959)
Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag, by James Brown (Song; 1965)
RoboCop (Film; 1987)
The Secret World of Arietty (Studio Ghibli Animated Film; 2010)
Splash Mountain (Disneyland Ride; 1989)
Trainwreck (Film; 2015)
Turbo (Animated Film; 2013)
Victory Through Air Power (Documentary Film; 1943)
Water Music, by George Frederic Handel (Orchestral Movements; 1717)
Who Goes There? (a.k.a. The Thing), by John W. Campbell Jr. (Novel; 1938)
Yellow Submarine (UK Animated Film; 1968)
You’re the Worst (TV Series; 2014)
Today’s Name Days
Alexius, Charlotte, Donata, Gabriella (Austria)
Marin, Marina (Bulgaria)
Aleksije, Branimir, Leo, Nadan, Rufina (Croatia)
Martina (Czech Republic)
Alecius (Denmark)
Meeme, Meemo (Estonia)
Ossi, Ossian (Finland)
Arlette, Charlotte, Marcelline (France)
Alexis, Charlotte, Gabriella (Germany)
Alexandra, Aliki, Marina (Greece)
Elek, Endre (Hungary)
Alessio, Marina (Italy)
Ainārs, Aleksejs, Aleksis (Latvia)
Aleksas, Darius, Girėnas, Vaiga (Lithuania)
Gorm, Guttorm (Norway)
Aleksander, Aleksy, Andrzej, Bogdan, Dzierżykraj, Januaria, Julietta, Leon, Marceli, Marcelina, Maria Magdalena (Poland)
Bohuslav (Slovakia)
Alejo, Alexis, Jacinto, Marcelina (Spain)
Bruno (Sweden)
Codie, Codey, Cody, Dakota, Dakotah, Ismael, Kody, Vesta (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 198 of 2024; 167 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 29 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 8 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Wu-Wu), Day 30 (Bing-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 28 Tammuz 5783
Islamic: 28 Dhu al-Hijjah 1444
J Cal: 18 Lux; Foursday [18 of 30]
Julian: 4 July 2023
Moon: 0%: New Moon
Positivist: 2 Dante (8th Month) [Boccaccio]
Runic Half Month: Ur (Primal Strength) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 27 of 94)
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 27 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 11 months
Holidays 7.17
Air Conditioner Day
Constitution Day (South Korea)
Crank Call Day
Disneyland Day
Ethnographer’s Day (Russia)
Feast of the Clockless NowEver
Flag Day (Norway)
Guelaguetza (Primer Lunes; Mexico)
International Firgun Day
International HIV Prevention Day
International Tim Brooke-Taylor Day (UK)
King’s Day (Lesotho)
National Air Conditioner Day
National Asshole Awareness Day
National Cory Day
National Heart-Brain Disorders Awareness Day
National Lottery Day
National Physiatry Day (Philippines)
National Tattoo Day
National Voice Actor Day
President’s Day (Botswana)
717 Day (Pennsylvania)
Sewing Machine Day
TWA Flight 800 Crash Anniversary Day
U Tirot Sing Day (Meghalaya, India)
Victims of Baton Rouge, Louisiana Attack Day
Wear Crazy Socks to Work Day
Wheat Day (French Republic)
World Day for International Justice
World Emoji Day
Wrong Way Corrigan Day
Yellow Pig Day (Celebrating the Number 17)
Yellow Submarine Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Indie Beer Shop Day (UK)
National Peach Ice Cream Day
3rd Monday in July
Global Hug For Your Kids Day [3rd Monday]
Guelaguetza (a.k.a. Festival of Lunes del Cerro; Oaxaca, Mexico) [Monday after 16th]
Marine Day (Japan) [3rd Monday]
Munoz-Rivera Day (f.k.a. Birthday of Don Luis Muñoz Rivera; Puerto Rico Day) [3rd Monday]
National Get Out of the Doghouse Day [3rd Monday]
National Prosecco Week begins [3rd Monday]
Perseids Meteor Shower begins [Varies; thru 8.24]
Umi No Hi (Ocean Day/Marine Day; Japan) [3rd Monday]
Independence Days
Negaunee Republic (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Slovakia (Remembrance Day; from Czechoslovakia, 1992)
Feast Days
Alexius of Rome (Western Church)
Andrew Zorard (Christian; Saint)
Ba-Maguje's Day (Hausa; on Eid al-Fitr)
Boccaccio (Positivist; Saint)
Caligula Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Cynehelm (Christian; Saint)
Cynllo (Christian; Saint)
Ennodius (Christian; Saint)
Feast of the Carmelite Martyrs of Compiegne
Feast of the Holy Royal Martyrs of Russia
Festival for Victoria and Virtus (Goddess of Victory & God of Bravery in Warfare; Ancient Rome)
Furgus Fuzz (Muppetism)
Gion Matsuri (Japan)
Inácio de Azevedo (Christian; Saint)
Jadwiga of Poland (Christian; Saint)
Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (Artology)
Jowls (Muppetism)
Kenelm (Nun’s Priest Tale; Canterbury Tales)
Kurman Ait Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Magnus Felix Ennodius (Christian; Saint)
Marcellina (Christian; Saint)
Martyrs of Compiègne (Christian; Saint)
Pavel Peter Gojdič, Blessed (Greek Catholic Church)
Piatus of Tournai (Christian; Saint)
Leo IV, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Romanov sainthood (Russian Orthodox Church)
Skinny Dipping Day (Pastafarian)
Solstitium XII (Pagan)
Speratus and companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Turninus (Christian; Saint)
Why Not? Day (Pastafarian)
William White (Episcopal Church))
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [26 of 37]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [40 of 57]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [19 of 30]
All You Need Is Love, by The Beatles (US Song; 1967)
Ant-Man (Film; 2015)
Arthur (Film; 1981)
The Case of the Velvet Claws, by Erle Stanley Gardner (Novel; 1933) [Perry Mason #1]
Cherokee, recorded by Charlie Barnet (Song; 1939)
The Dark Knight Rises, by Hans Zimmer (Soundtrack Album; 2012)
Disneyland, in Anaheim, California (Theme Park; 1955)
Egghead Rides Again (WB MM Cartoon; 1937)
Endless Love (Film; 1981)
(500) Days of Summer (Film; 2009)
From Up on Poppy Hill (Studio Ghibli Animated Film; 2011)
Greyfriars Bobby (Film; 1961)
James and the Giant Peach, by Roald Dahl (Novel; 1961)
Jungle Cruise (Disneyland Ride; 1955)
The Mask of Zorro (Film; 1998)
Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride (Disneyland Ride; 1955)
Multiplicity (Film; 1996)
My Neighbors the Yamahas (Studio Ghibli Animated Film; 1999)
North by Northwest (Film; 1959)
Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag, by James Brown (Song; 1965)
RoboCop (Film; 1987)
The Secret World of Arietty (Studio Ghibli Animated Film; 2010)
Splash Mountain (Disneyland Ride; 1989)
Trainwreck (Film; 2015)
Turbo (Animated Film; 2013)
Victory Through Air Power (Documentary Film; 1943)
Water Music, by George Frederic Handel (Orchestral Movements; 1717)
Who Goes There? (a.k.a. The Thing), by John W. Campbell Jr. (Novel; 1938)
Yellow Submarine (UK Animated Film; 1968)
You’re the Worst (TV Series; 2014)
Today’s Name Days
Alexius, Charlotte, Donata, Gabriella (Austria)
Marin, Marina (Bulgaria)
Aleksije, Branimir, Leo, Nadan, Rufina (Croatia)
Martina (Czech Republic)
Alecius (Denmark)
Meeme, Meemo (Estonia)
Ossi, Ossian (Finland)
Arlette, Charlotte, Marcelline (France)
Alexis, Charlotte, Gabriella (Germany)
Alexandra, Aliki, Marina (Greece)
Elek, Endre (Hungary)
Alessio, Marina (Italy)
Ainārs, Aleksejs, Aleksis (Latvia)
Aleksas, Darius, Girėnas, Vaiga (Lithuania)
Gorm, Guttorm (Norway)
Aleksander, Aleksy, Andrzej, Bogdan, Dzierżykraj, Januaria, Julietta, Leon, Marceli, Marcelina, Maria Magdalena (Poland)
Bohuslav (Slovakia)
Alejo, Alexis, Jacinto, Marcelina (Spain)
Bruno (Sweden)
Codie, Codey, Cody, Dakota, Dakotah, Ismael, Kody, Vesta (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 198 of 2024; 167 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 29 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 8 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Wu-Wu), Day 30 (Bing-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 28 Tammuz 5783
Islamic: 28 Dhu al-Hijjah 1444
J Cal: 18 Lux; Foursday [18 of 30]
Julian: 4 July 2023
Moon: 0%: New Moon
Positivist: 2 Dante (8th Month) [Boccaccio]
Runic Half Month: Ur (Primal Strength) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 27 of 94)
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 27 of 31)
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larryland · 3 years
REVIEW: "The Almost True and Truly Remarkable Adventures of Israel Potter" at Oldcastle
REVIEW: “The Almost True and Truly Remarkable Adventures of Israel Potter” at Oldcastle
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corystssides · 4 years
I’m so happy it’s raining today
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bi-dean-winchester · 3 years
so guess who thought she's been eating gluten free bread for the past few months and actually wasn't?
this idiot
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thisisntcanon · 2 years
High-Vitamin Astronaut Drink
The school cafeteria is a bustling cesspool early in the morning. There’s an entire corner devoted to aerosol hair sprays and heat from blow dryers. Some of the stronger kids show off their muscles while they work on their quads and biceps using cafeteria tables and overturned trash cans. A smaller sort, like Cory Matthews, is better off sticking close to the walls to buy a snack from the vending machine.
“Good morning, Mr. Feeny,” he nods to his homeroom teacher for the next three years of middle school.
“Good morning, Mr. Matthews.”
They haven’t officially met as student and teacher, but they’ve known each other as neighbors for the past seven years. Cory pulls a candy bar from the machine, and the teacher frowns as he retrieves a coffee from the adjacent machine.
“Has your mother stopped feeding you a proper breakfast?”
“Oh, she does, but I gotta get the taste of shredded wheat out of my mouth.”
He watches as Cory takes a bite. “You know, you’re not doing your body any favors loading up on junk like that.”
Cory watches as the teacher sips his coffee and nods. “Oh thanks, Mr. Feeny. And please enjoy that high-vitamin astronaut drink you’re sucking down.”
“There’s no gravity in space, Mr. Matthews,” Feeny calls after him. “Therefore, astronauts suck up.”
Cory walks over to a near-empty table, and Shawn reaches for his hand under the table. As per usual, Shawn tells Cory not to antagonize his neighbor – though this one has the added effect of the teacher. And Cory explains how the only things that aren’t going to make him miserable at school are Shawn and dragging Feeny down with him.
Not long after, homeroom has started, and Mr. Feeny has a scene from Romeo and Juliet set up. His teacher’s aide, Vanessa, is a college student. She plays the role of Juliet having just taken the poison. The students play Romeo; Feeny has them pick up the knife and kill themselves in a realistic way. Shawn and Cory sit in the back, Cory listening to the baseball game through a portable radio and headphones – reiterating the score to Shawn.
Unfortunately, Feeny catches on. He yanks out the earbuds, followed by Cory’s feeble excuse of a hearing aid.
“Mr. Matthews,” he reprimands, “You do not listen to the ballgame in the middle of my class.”
Cory stands in defiance, stealing a glance at Shawn. “Mr. Feeny, who cares about some guy who killed himself over some dumb girl?”
Shawn smirks, and Mr. Feeny shakes his head. And Cory winds up with Friday afternoon detention. After school, Eric alerts Cory that he’s got a date with a hot girl, so he won’t be taking Cory to the Phillies game. He’ll be taking her.
“… but it’s like our special thing,” Cory groans as he paces in the side yard less than an hour later. “Eric’s been taking me to the Phillies big game since I was four.”
“I know,” Shawn nods from his spot by the door. “He was in second grade, and you rode on the handlebars of his Ninja Turtle bike.”
Cory sighs, half in frustration. “And now it comes to an end. Should I go to Dad?”
“You could, but doesn’t Feeny usually talk to him first? By the mailbox?”
Cory realizes what his boyfriend means and slides down the side of the house next to him. “And they’ll only care about the detention. Crap. My brother betrays me, my parents will take his side over mine…”
“But you still have me.”
Cory smiles and takes his hand. “Yeah, I still have you.”
The next day after school, Shawn helps Cory move out of the house – and into the treehouse in the backyard. His parents go along with it, bringing out bribery food. As it grows dark, the boys watch into the dining rooms on either side – the Matthews and Feeny’s. Amy and Alan spend most of the dinner talking amongst themselves, whereas Mr. Feeny prepares for a fancy dinner with someone who fails to show.
Friday comes, and Shawn wanders into detention where Cory sits alone. Mr. Feeny grades and staples papers a little violently at his desk. Cory is wearing his Phillies jersey, and Shawn wears Eric’s old one. The teacher doesn’t look up, and yet the boys know he’s acknowledged the familiar face. Eventually, it becomes too much, and Mr. Feeny goes on a tirade about poetry and the history of love – leaving the boys petrified in their seats.
On Shawn’s insistence on the way home from school, Cory starts moving back into the house. Shawn takes over when Morgan catches them and invites Cory to tea.
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rockrevoltmagazine · 5 years
INXS, an amazing band gone too soon.  After the loss of vocalist Michael Hutchence in 1997 that was, for all intents and purposes, the end of this legendary band.  November 22nd of that year was the day the music died for one of Australia’s biggest musical imports.  Sure, they tried to carry on but could never replicate what they had with Michael and in 2012 called it quits for good.
Unfortunately, I became a fan too late and never had the opportunity to see INXS.  I would have to satisfy my urge for live INXS via YouTube videos which as we know are not even close to the real thing.  Enter KICK – The INXS Experience.  I’m thinking I must have stumbled across KICK when perusing INXS live videos and was blown away by not only the almost identical look frontman Cory Massi has to the late Michael Hutchence but the voice as well.  How does that even happen to not only have the look but sound the same? It’s almost as if the powers to be decided this world did not get enough Michael Hutchence and packaged him in an almost indistinguishable Cory Massi.
Now I typically do not review tribute bands but this to me was more than a tribute band, it was the re-incarnation of a legend and I had to see for myself if KICK – The INXS Experience lived up to the hype and the amazing quality of the YouTube videos.
Fortunately for me KICK was hitting the road and one of their stops was going to be at the Tupelo Music Hall in Derry, NH about 20 minutes from my house.  Side note if you have not taking in a show at Tupelo you are missing out.  This is one of the best small venues in the area with a great line up.  I highly recommend checking it out.  Now back to the show!
So, on Friday November 8th I was going to find out for myself if they met the expectations.  I should also mention KICK is the only INXS tribute band endorsed by Hutchence’s sister Tina.  And on this evening, we would get the huge honor of her attendance.  With her book Michael:  My Brother, Lost Boy of INXS in hand they have joined forces on tour to make this evening unforgettable.  Also, this show would be a special one as it would be KICK’s 100th live performance.  This night was already shaping up to be a great one.
When I arrived I wasn’t sure what to expect?  Would the people show up? Would they enjoy it? Would they participate? What was Tina going to be like? What was the band going to be like in person? The first question to be answered would be what Tina would be like.  She is an extremely sweet, soft-spoken and very inviting person.  You get the sense that’s what Michael would have been like if giving the opportunity to meet him.  Just a wonderful experience to meet her. I did pick up a signed copy of her book as well and looking forward to diving into that.
As I entered the hall the question of whether the people would show up was answered, they did.  The nearly 700 capacity seating venue was filled in nicely.  I would say they were at about three-quarters capacity and to me for a tribute band playing a venue of that size this was a great showing. 
As I settled in and got ready for KICK to take the stage, I could feel the energy of the crowd, there was excitement.  This wasn’t going to be a sit back and watch type of show.  These people were ready to sing, dance and embrace the music of one of their favorite bands.  This was shaping up to be an electric night.
From the first lines “Live baby live” of show opener “New Sensation” all the way through their 26 song set list Gary Forbes (drums), Todd King (guitar/vocals), Jason Taylor (guitar/vocals), Don Leslie (bass), John Cassidy (keyboards) and Tom Wheat (saxophone) kept the crowd highly engaged.  And they weren’t just up there going through the motions they were performing with energy and passion; they were having fun. Massi played out the part of Hutchence’s to the fullest, not just in looks and vocals but also in swagger.  He involved the crowd in a way that Michael would.  I was blown away.  Not being able to see the real thing this is as close as I’ll get, and I wasn’t disappointed.  Neither were the few hundred others in attendance as they got up from their seats to dance and sing along.  Not only that but we got 26 songs! Just an amazing performance worthy of a Vegas residency (if anyone in Vegas is paying attention this should be a very serious consideration).   
INXS may be no more but you can relive the legacy with KICK – The INXS Experience as they continue their full-blown U.S. tour.  I hope these guys are around for a while as I for one will be in attendance any time they hit my area and for those INXS fans out there I suggest you do the same.  I promise you will not be disappointed. 
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”1356″ display=”pro_horizontal_filmstrip”]
 New Sensation
Bitter Tears
The One Thing
Original Sin
Listen Like Thieves
Kiss the Dirt
Suicide Blonde
Beautiful Girl
Shine Like It Does
Need You Tonight
Elegantly Wasted
Heaven Sent
Not Enough Time
The Stairs
Just a Man
This Time
To Look at You
Devil Inside
What You Need
Taste It
Never Tear Us Apart
Don’t Change
Connect with KICK – The INXS Experience(click icons):
LIVE REVIEW: KICK – THE INXS EXPERIENCE was originally published on RockRevolt Mag
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andsoshespins · 4 years
Weekend in Review
I accidentally went on a cooking spree on Saturday, and now have a little too much food since I am still finishing up last weekend’s dishes. 
In making cookie dough to freeze for Christmas treats, I actually used up all my regular flour and have only a little whole wheat flour left.  I will definitely need to restock this soon.  I have NEVER run out of flour. 
As a result, I attempted to make chocolate chip cookies with whole wheat flour.  I haven’t baked them yet, but the dough does taste a little bread-y.  Oh well...? Maybe I’ll feel slightly less guilty eating them...?
Ben Savage acting in anything unrelated to Boy Meets World makes me chuckle.  I cannot unhear Cory Matthews as long as I live, as proven by the Hallmark movie I got roped into while in the kitchen.  
The flick about feuding inn-keeping families was better.  Not that the bar is all that high here...
Brie is a cheese that should be more appreciated. 
Butternut squash is life-giving. 
The bottle of wine I started Friday night is almost finished.
My hair is long enough to start braiding it again.
I made a mistake by not leaving my house today, even though the weather was mild. At least I opened my windows for fresh air...? 
I was a little afraid to visit my grandparents, even outside, because my school now has at least two confirmed positive cases of COVID19. 
We are fully remote until further notice.  
And here’s another pointless post about what I’m doing to feel better about actions I take as I feel like my mind is wasting away in my house during this frustrating year...
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sciatu · 5 years
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Pi nui chi giramu, a Casa è unni i lacrimi s’asciugunu e u corri s’arricria. A Casa è unni u sangu è focu, è storia è puisia. A Casa è unni tutti i ricoddi nasceru, unni  i to stori i carusu mai fineru unni tuttu u munnu ncumincioi   A Casa è na gioia intra i tia chi mai s’asciugoi. A casa è a luci ntall’occhi i to matri, è a fozza nte brazzi i to patri, è u surrisu e i smoffi i to soru, è u vinu fotti u pani culuri ill’oru. A casa è u ventu nte rami ill’alivi, è u rispiru di spighi i ranu, è da parrata chi chiù nun sintivi, su i signa chi potti nta manu, è da canzuni chi sintivi quann’eri luntanu A casa è unni tuttu nasci e finisci è unni ogni amuri e raggia ti brisci A casa è d’avia, unni u mari mori è unni nasciunu i radici du to cori A casa ta potti arreti nto sangu, è a to fozza, è a to speranza è u to rangu.
Per noi che torniamo, la Casa è dove le lacrime si asciugano e il cuore ritorna a vivere. La Casa è dove il sangue è fuoco, è storia, è poesia. La casa è dove tutti i ricordi sono nati, dove le tue storie di bambino non sono mai finite, dove tutto il mondo è iniziato. La casa è una gioia dentro di te che non si è mai asciugata La Casa è la luce negli occhi di tua madre, è la forza , è la forza.nelle bracce di tuo padre , è il sorriso, le smorfie di tua sorella, è il vino forte, è il pane color dell'oro. La Casa è il vento nei rami dell'ulivo, è il respiro delle spighe del grano, è quella parlata che non sentivi più, sono i segni che hai sulle mani  è quella canzone che sentivi quando eri lontano La casa è dove tutto nasce e tutto finisce, è dove ogni amore e rabbia inizia, La casa è laggiù, dove muore il mare, dove nascono le radici del tuo cuore. La casa la porti dietro con te nel tuo sangue, è la tua forza, la tua speranza, il tuo rango.
For us who return, the Home is where the tears dry up and the heart returns to life. The Home is where the blood is fire, it is history, it is poetry. The Home is where all the memories are born, where your child stories are never finished, where the whole world started. The Home is a joy within you that has never dried up The Home is the light in your mother’s eyes, it is strength, it is strength. In your father’s arms, it is the smile, the faces of your sister, it is the strong wine, it is the gold-colored bread. The Home is the wind in the branches of the olive tree, it is the breath of the ears of wheat, it is the spoken word that you no longer heard, they are the signs you have on your hands is that song you felt when you were away The home is where everything is born and everything ends, it is where all love and anger begins, The home is there, where the sea dies, where the roots of your heart are born. You carry your Home with you in your blood, it is your strength, your hope, your rank.
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mdrblogblog · 4 years
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*** 2019 SEASON END REPORT ***                                             Well folks, it’s closing time, one last call for alcohol so finish your whiskey or beer…you don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here! That’s it for the 2019 Manitoba Dirt Riders season which marks our 11th year of off-road racing in the province of Manitoba! To think we only had 48 members and 2 venues all the way back in 2008 when the club first started, to grow to over 300 members and 6 venues with lots more in sight 11-years later really makes us proud and all the hard work worth it!
 2019 was another unforgettable season, we kicked our season off on May long weekend at the Oaklake dirt drag which was a first in MDR history holding a race on a long weekend and it couldn’t have worked out better! Thanks to the support of Kurt McCullagh and his team at Quarry Ridge Racing who were our entertainment sponsor this year we were able to kick our season off in style with a karaoke party on the Sunday night that was nothing short of pure gold entertainment lol Miniota’s devils drop was our second stop of the 2019 Manitoba Cup, unfortunately mother nature didn’t cooperate which seemed to be the trend of this season, we had to cancel racing on the pro loop for the Saturday fun race but ended up having a team relay on the Sportsman loop that was lots of fun and excitement! Round #3 led us to Fisher Branch Rock’s N Logs which is always a spectator favorite, we battled extreme heat but luckily there’s a pretty sweet swimming hole to cool down in when we were done riding for the day! With 3 races in the books that marked the halfway point of our season and summer break! Round #4 was Morden’s corn scrambler which was brought back on the circuit after resting it in the 2018 season. Thankfully the rain JUST missed the track on race weekend and made for some awesome racing! Round #5 brought us out to the St. Lazare outlaw scramble aka “ Mud-fest 2019 ” needless to say mother nature hammered the track with rain the entire week leading up to the race and made for very challenging track conditions to say the least, it definitely separated the men from the boys! Our 6th and final round of the season was out in Melita at Sandy Oaks Raceway. Yet again mother nature didn’t cooperate, we seen significant precipitation but thankfully the track is all sand and made for unreal track conditions and even better racing! Overall, we had another great season of racing! There was lots of blood, sweat, and tears poured into the hard-fought battles this season for the championships which made for very exciting racing! We would like to congratulate all the champions on their grit and determination throughout the season, your championships are well deserved!
 This season wouldn’t have been possible without the loyal support of our amazing sponsors! Our club would not be what it is today without them! Mike Voden and his team at Wheat City Cycle in Brandon stepped up huge this season as our series sponsor and we can’t thank them enough for everything they’ve done for our organization over the years! Our weekend sponsors played a vital role in the success of our season as well and they were as follows:
Round #1 – Oaklake Dirt Drag – Capitol Motosports
Round #2 – Miniota’s Devil Drop – The Pitts Paintball & ATV Park Ltd.
Round #3 – Fisher Branch Rocks N Logs – Chudds Powersports in Gimili
Round #4 – Mordens Corn Scrambler – S.A.R. in Steinbach
Round #5 – St. Lazare Outlaw Scramble – Ronds Marine
Round #6 – Melita Sandy Oaks Raceway – Transcanada Motorsports
 As most of you know, our community meal is a staple in the MDR Community, and this season was no different. We had excellent turnouts and more than enough food to go around thanks to the membership stepping up! Having a master chef on hand as our President, Brent Macdonald went above and beyond the call of duty again this season with everything from chicken, to beef to pulled pork we ate like kings! We can’t thank Greg and Jody Buhr from GWB auto sales enough for stepping up this season and not only being our community meal sponsor but our water sponsor as well!
 Safety is the Manitoba Dirt Riders top priority and we would like to thank Fouillard Steel Supplies Ltd. for being our medic sponsor for the 2019 season as well as Gerry D and his team for keeping us safe out there. Unfortunately there were a few very serious injuries this season and we would like to extend very heartfelt wishes to all the riders and their families on a fast recovery especially Tye Beischer who has a long road of recovery ahead but we look forward to seeing him back on the bike next season!
 We had strong support from our partner sponsors as well and they were as follows:
Cypress Industries
Fisher Branch powersports
Arnason Industries
Jebb Electric
Watson Roofing
Prairie Mobile
 Last and certainly not least to the people that run the show and make it all happen our amazing board of directors and volunteers!
President – Brent Macdonald
Vice President – Paul Swiscoski
Secretary – Ryan Krause
Treasurer – Richard Baril
Officer Rep – Cory Sidlar
Rider Rep’s – Kelly Mauws & Orlando Thieseen
We are happy to announce that everyone will be returning to the board for the 12th Manitoba Dirt Riders season in 2020!
Our race weekend coordinator Val Bugera with her right-hand man Colin Scarfe did an exceptional job in the scoring trailer for their inaugural season at the helm. Our volunteer coordinator which was a new position for this season was Lauraine Berard who did a fantastic job of streamlining all our volunteering. To our track owners and the families that prep our tracks, to the people who run the gate, set up and tear down the trailers, cook, carry, lift, push, sweep, lap count, help in the pits and pick up bikes! You are the true hero’s; the heartbeat of our club and we’d like to extent a huge thank you to everyone from the entire MDR Community for all your hard work this season!!!! A special mention to Kelly Mauws being awarded the Jonah Crookes memorial award for good sportsmanship and Roxanne Reimer being awarded the Catherine McCullagh memorial award for outstanding volunteerism, both very deserving of their awards and we appreciate everything you do for our club!! We’d also like to thank Russ Beaudette from RPM Graphx for another quality season of professional trophies as well as all the moto moms who captured the endless memories through the lens that will last a lifetime!
 We had a successful AGM and hope everyone enjoyed themselves and had a great time at the awards banquet! We owe it all to our very own Tracy Mauws who took the lead in planning it all, she did an amazing job finding us a fun venue and the consensus was it was our best banquet yet
 On a final note, as far as the 2020 schedule goes, we hope to have it finalized and release it sometime early in the new year! Stay tuned, there’ll be some big exciting changes coming for the 2020 season!!!
 With that being said, we hope everyone has a great off-season! Try and stay warm and pray for lots of snow for us snowmobilers! From everyone at the Manitoba Dirt Riders organization, we hope you all have a Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year! We look forward to seeing everyone at round #1 of the 2020 season!!!
 Cheers – MDR
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goalhofer · 5 years
2019-20 Springfield Thunderbirds Famous Relations
Rodrigo Abols: Son of Dinamo Riga head coach Artis Abols.
Daniel Audette: Son of former Florida Panthers RW Donald Audette.
Aleksi Heponiemi: Brother of Pingviinit LW Valtteri Heponiemi and Ilves LW Ville Heponiemi.
Joel Lowry: Son of Brandon Wheat Kings head coach Dave Lowry and brother of Winnipeg Jets C Adam Lowry.
Ethan Prow: Husband of former Minnesota Whitecaps RW Hanna Prow.
Kevin Roy: Brother of former Riviere-Du-Loup 3L G Derick Roy.
Aleksi Saarela: Son of Lukko RW Pasi Saarela and brother of Ilves LW Antti Saarela.
Riley Stillman: Son of Sudbury Wolves head coach Cory Stillman.
Paul Thompson: Cousin of University Of New Hampshire Wildcats hockey head coach Mike Souza.
Owen Tippett: Cousin of Syracuse Crunch C Mitchell Stephens.
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shadottie · 5 years
A dream
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Gravel crackled under the tires as we came to a stop. Sunlight made the fields of wheat a sea of gold. Reaching the twilight, but still so far to go. 
Kept driving off the road, out of impatient to the long line on this one lane? The music was good though. It was a favorite, and singing together felt longer than the few minutes of the song itself. We drove and drove. We had somewhere to be. We’d get there on that country road. 
But then, the same situation kept happening again and again. Testing out this story; solving the puzzle to move forward. I kept failing; restless. It wasn’t my fault-- always outside influences to interrupt this repetition. I reached the top of the puzzle though-- and the answer to success came with critical thinking- unconventional means than that the straight path.
I took pride in it. I shared it, to no one listening in that office. The flourescent lights flickered. Damn things need replaced; really replaced. The pale light on everything didn’t compare to the gold. 
Twilight still, but a storm on the way, the skies tinged pink. 
With a puzzle complete, what direction to take now?
To take comfort in repetition again. 
I sat at my desk, adjacent with others. Faces I don’t know, but colleagues. The door clicks, and a woman comes in. She had an island desk all to herself, higher than everyone, looking over everyone. Our boss.
Her hair is short, black to match the rest of a long black coat and purse with silver clasps. I knew she was always more upbeat than this, if not forward when it seems like this office was slacking. She pulled open a drawer and started handing out paperwork in silence; puzzles. More puzzles to be occupied, to slip into the repetition once more. 
Someone else voiced my confusion. 
“I need time. I just wanted some time with my sister...” the boss replied, finally, quietly. 
My heart went out to her, even in my confusion and shock. Her sister passed away? Everyone stared. Chairs shuffled. One stood up, and another, and another. 
I stood up.
We moved in to console her, but I stopped. Someone taller looked out the window and pointed. 
I turned around.
The silence cruelly weighed heavy on my chest. My ears rang. I had my answer for what happened to her sister. Low, distant thrums shook the fluorescent lights flickering again. Pillars of smoke and debris had joined those dark clouds in the distance, against the reddened sky. 
A light flickered in that darkness too.
A nuclear missile.
They failed.
It claws at my mind that it’s all pointless- everything has been pointless in these final moments. Running will lead to nowhere. Where’s my phone. I want to move, but I can’t move. I can’t move. I can’t run.
I can’t call my family.
I can’t reach Cory--
I was suddenly aware that I knew it all along; even on that country road. The military combated something; stressful- uncertain. Comfort in the freedom of acting on a whim; or distractions in repetition and routine.  To cope. To cope with the helpless feeling, leaving my life in another’s hands.
Why didn’t I- do something.
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giasesshoumaru · 3 years
“A candy bar? Doesn’t your mother feed you a proper breakfast?”
“Oh, yeah, she does. Now I got to get the taste of shredded wheat out of my mouth.”
“You know, you’re not doing your body any favors loading up on junk like that.”
“Oh, thanks, Mr. Feeny, and please enjoy that high-vitamin astronaut drink you’re sucking down.”
“There’s no gravity in space, Mr. Matthews, therefore astronauts suck up. Learn from them.” - George Feeny and Cory Matthews (Boy Meets World, Episode 1.1)
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