rennebright · 6 months
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Untitled by Cotta [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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amamiofacciouncasinoo · 10 months
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Panzetta :)
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carryonthroughtheages · 5 months
Important COTTA Announcement
Hello Friends and History Lovers. 
I’ve been procrastinating making this announcement for the last couple of months, mostly trying to convince myself that I need not make it. I've actually had this sitting in my Google Docs, waiting for the right time to break the news.
However, as we are now in May, and time is coming where normally I’d make the official COTTA announcement. I can’t put it off anymore. Besides, there is no right time to break the news.
After four amazing years, I am saying goodbye to Carry On Through The Ages. As much as I have loved and enjoyed spreading the love of history and plugging our Carry On characters into different historical periods, I find I no longer have the time nor the mental spoons to take on another year of COTTA by myself. 
I am not completely gone from the Carry On fandom. I am still hanging out in the periphery of the fandom, but there are other things in my personal and fandom life that I am very excited for. And when push comes to shove, I had to let go of something, otherwise I’d crash and burn. As much as it hurts, I’ve decided that COTTA had to be it. 
What does this mean?
Well, I won’t be deleting the tumblr, first of all. There are reblogged stories and art that exist there. 
I won’t be deleting the Discord server for COTTA. There were some amazing discussions and research done within the channels, that I can’t find it in myself to erase them. I encourage people to still use it for history talk and nerdery, even though COTTA is done. 
The AO3 collection will not be deleted, so don’t worry about your fics and art disappearing. 
It’s been an amazing past four years, and while we were a small event, we were a dedicated group of nerds who loved history so much and wanted to share that with the rest of the fandom. From the bottom of my heart, I thank each and every person who has shown support for COTTA. Whether by reblogging announcements, signing up and participating in the fest, or providing support for fellow writers and artists, you have all meant so much to me. 
Thank you. 
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cattocavo · 1 year
Inktober day twooo! COTTA (carry on through the ages) (im following my own promptlist)
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I really like this one!!!😆 i spent so long on this considering its just lineart but 🤷 I’m not behind so it doesn’t matter.
Anyways knight baz. Floofy hair baz. Added a bit length to his hair and gave him some more waves - i bet simon would pass away if he saw baz like that. Hed spend all his time convincing penny that baz’s hair is a plot to seduce women and drink because he’s obviously a vampyre (with a y bc its cotta)
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daughterofhecata · 3 months
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Irgendjemand hat diesen Ausschnitt aus Geisterbucht bestimmt schon mal gepostet, aber er ist einfach zu herrlich 😄
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mynameis-gloria · 1 year
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Potrei esser pronta per andare a ballare o per dormire. Vi lascio nel dubbio! :)
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pointwhitmark · 4 months
"Diese Karte, Sam.", setze Cotta an, "Diese Karte war wirklich eine Schnapsidee."
Reynolds kicherte und auch Cotta konnte nicht anders. Die Wortwahl war einfach zu witzig, wenn man die halbleere Flasche zwischen ihnen auf dem Tisch betrachtete.
"Du glaubst gar nicht, von wo ich schon überall Anrufe herbekommen habe, weil Justus da eine von diesen Karten präsentiert hat."
Reynolds schenkte ihnen beiden nach bevor er sagte: "Ich hatte nicht gedacht, dass die drei so lange interessiert bleiben. Ich hielt das für eine Phase."
Cotta sah ihn entgeistert an. "Eine Phase?", fragte er etwas zu laut.
"Nicht so eine Phase, du Dummkopf.", sagte Reynolds mit einen Augenrollen. "Aber Kinder haben doch immer wieder so Phasen des Hyperfokuses. Dinosaurier, Ritter, das römische Reich und so weiter. Ich hatte wirklich nicht gedacht, dass diese Karte so lange überlebt."
Diesmal war es Cotta, der ihre Gläser füllte. "Ich glaube, du weißt einfach nichts über Kinder.", sagte er, dann prustete er los. "Aber ich ja auch nicht. Eine Phase!", wiederholte er mit belustigt.
"Eigentlich hätte ich es ahnen können. Bei mir hält die Phase jetzt schon 60 Jahre an.", sagte Reynolds und stürzte den Schnaps hinunter.
Cotta betrachtete ihn nachdenklich. "Meinst du das Detektiv - Spielen?"
"Auch das."
"Bei mir sind es 40 Jahre. Und kein Ende in Sicht."
"Wir hätten es wirklich wissen müssen.", sinnierte Reynolds.
"Meinen Nachfolger werde ich aber etwas zeitnaher warnen.", beschloss Cotta.
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nncastle · 5 months
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The gardein is slowly waking up.
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mostro-rotto · 1 year
Un ragazzo aveva una cotta per questa ragazza, e la seguiva ovunque andasse. Un giorno, la ragazza se ne accorse e chiese al ragazzo, "Perché continui a seguirmi?" Il ragazzo rispose, "perché sei cosi bella e penso di essermi innamorato di te", disse la ragazza "davvero? Ma non hai ancora visto la mia amica. Lei è molto più bella di me ed è proprio dietro di te". Il ragazzo si voltò e rispose "mi stai prendendo in giro? Non c'è nessuno dietro di me". La ragazza rispose "hai ragione, ma se davvero mi amassi, non ti preoccuperesti neppure di guardare"
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jjmorelikeotp · 2 years
Feuermond by André Marx is a fourteen year old book and it is by FAR the most academia case out of all these mf cases and it is a CRIME, yes I said it, a CRIME that it has never been made into a movie like wtf more do u want than an iconic teenage trio, two dead & depressed famous painters with a big secret and the legend about a mysterious painting that for some reason does not interest the greatest art thief of all time - who, obviously, is french - for the money but because he wants to destroy it with his own hands??? Not to mention that the teenage boy and the art thief are weirdly obsessed w each other? And we have explosions and camping and 3d puzzles btw
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rennebright · 1 month
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yinlin by Cotta [Twitter/X] Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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drei-satzzeichen · 1 year
Cotta: I can't believe you just ran off on your own like that!
Justus: Really? What part of that was out of character for us?
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ic3-que3n · 1 year
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posts for the first time in weeks and runs
A preview for my Carry On Through The Ages piece ( @carryonthroughtheages ) Thank you for everyone who has tagged me over the weeks and for those who tagged me today: @artsyunderstudy @confused-bi-queer
Tags under the cut
Tagging: @theearlgreymage @ileadacharmedlife @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @martsonmars @cutestkilla @shrekgogurt @prettygoododds @ivelovedhimthroughworse  @nausikaaa @whogaveyoupermission @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @wellbelesbian @crimsonskyes @bookish-bogwitch @johnwgrey @yeonjunenby @mostlymaudlin  @raenestee @gekkoinapeartree @ionlydrinkhotwater @brendughh @wolfywordweaver @fatalfangirl @erzbethluna @bazzybelle @kohatenz @foolofabookwyrm-activated @facewithoutheart @prettyaudvampyscones @moodandmist @henreyettah @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @thewholelemon @stardustasincocaine @takitalks @theimpossibledemon and anyone who wants or has time!
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lilyvalleyinfo · 5 months
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Lilies are the stars of the ground
Stars are the the flowers of the sky
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In Lily Valley, lilies, the six-petals flowers, and stars, the six-pointed lights, are two of the most symbolic symbols to find.
“As so above, so below”
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daughterofhecata · 7 months
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true colors
a.k.a. die Gefangenendilemma-Fic
Als das FBI Cotta in Victor Hugenays Hotelzimmer überrascht, droht ihm plötzlich eine mögliche Anklage wegen Mittäterschaft an Victors Diebstählen. Ohne sich mit ihm absprechen zu können, muss Cotta sich zwischen Zusammenarbeit mit dem FBI und dem Risiko einer Gefängnisstrafe entscheiden und gleichzeitig versuchen, abzuschätzen, ob Victor schweigen oder ihn belasten wird.
-> hier auf ao3 -> hier auf ff.de
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rainbow-0bsidian · 1 year
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My mate @snowbaz-parentis wrote this excellent work for @carryonthroughtheages.
Safe Harbor
It all started on an island...
It's 1956, and Baz Pitch is existentially lost in New York City. After graduating from Columbia, he's working for a wedding photographer with no taste as he avoids his inevitable fall attendance at Yale Law School, his father's alma mater. All Baz wants to do is be a fashion photographer, and when an opportunity to assist a famous photographer out on Fire Island falls in his lap, it just may be the key to helping unlock him from the closet of his family's expectations.
It's 1956, and Simon Snow is wondering if there's more to life than this or if this is as good as it gets. He's been working in construction with his foster father, David Cadwallader, practically ever since he was taken in at age 13, but there's something beyond the water that's calling for him. When Davy offers Simon a chance to manage his family's rental properties for the summer in Cherry Grove on Fire Island, Simon jumps at the chance to finally take charge of something.
What Baz and Simon didn't expect: the sense of freedom that comes from being able to absolutely surrender to the truest version of yourself, and the choices you have to make when it happens.
Chapter one is up now on ao3.
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