#Covid 19 Cw
humandisastersquad · 2 years
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hey UK followers, go get your covid boosters ASAP before these bastards take away yet another covid protection. jfc
EDIT: ffs can y'all read the tweet and the actual article, not just the headline, it says how it's 'healthy under-50s' that they're cutting access to boosters for and eventually first and second doses. Yeah, most people who would have gotten them would have by now but there's many reasons that some people haven't and these options should still be open regardless.
This bullshit approach of taking away even the vax part of "vax and relax" is going to kill and disable people. It even quotes the fuckign health minister saying "as the transition continues away from a pandemic emergency response towards pandemic recovery". THERE IS NO RECOVERY WHEN SAID PANDEMIC IS STILL GOING!!!
and YES i know the sun is a murdoch rag that's lower quality than used toilet paper but i shared this particular tweet as a) the tweeter is a reliable and staunch anti-covid advocate and b) for once this piece of shit news source is telling the truth
finally, for those saying that this isn't a big deal as "most people are fully vaccinated", think again. Most vaccine immunity wanes after several months so defining "full vaccination" as having had a primary course nearly 2 years ago is outdated and lulling people into a false sense of security. In an ideal, science-informed, non-covid-minimiser world, we'd be having boosters every 4-6 months so that antibodies don't fall below effective levels.
Basically, this post should be a wake up call to those who haven't gotten their booster if they're eligible for it and for everyone to realise how much more fucked the approach to the pandemic is becoming. not only in the UK but everywhere else tbh
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nightiingaled-a · 2 years
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    Hey folks, just checking in: 
   Sorry I up and poofed - Kit’s been taking up most of my time. And if you haven’t been watching her blog, you’ve missed that I went to Missouri to see my family, ended up in the ER there, got home only to end up in the ER again. And now I’ve got Covid...also again. So it’s been a wild few weeks. I’m alive - miserable, but alive. If you need me for anything just hmu through discord (if you don’t have my disc, don’t hesitate to ask for it). 
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
Instead of coal, Santa gave the bad kids COVID and the next super wave of the pandemic started. He had to go on the news and reveal himself to apologize as the good kids also got crazy sick.
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onlytiktoks · 1 month
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littleguymart · 2 years
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artemis-pendragon · 7 months
Not my roommate stomping upstairs and slamming the door in annoyance after I told them I'm gonna wear a mask around them because they had a COVID exposure LMFAOOOOO literally am I insane. Like am I going insane. How are THEY annoyed at ME.
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snarp · 5 months
COVID Nostril Swab Self-Test Kits Poll
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leafdlc · 7 months
i got covid for the first time early last month and it was minor, I thought. the second I tested positive I contacted my doctor and got paxlovid prescribed to me. I picked it up the same day and started taking the twice daily medication that night.
yes, paxlovid can help reduce/minimize long covid symptoms so I thought I would be fine. but to this day I still am only in the begining steps of recovering from the brainfog, forgetfulness, trouble concentrating, and trouble paying attention for longer periods of time.
it's horrible. it sucks shit. I am constantly missing my exits and turns when I drive, even WITH a navigator on my phone. I stop talking in the middle of sentences bc I forget what I was even talking about in the first place.
the way covid affected my brain makes me feel like I got another concussion, but without the pain or the dizziness or the nausea or any of the typical physical concussion symptoms that come with one.
I constantly see people in all groups all ages not masking over here. or coughing into the open air and sneezing without covering their nose and mouth with their elbow. didn't we learn this in preschool. what's your problem??? if you can do anything to stop or prevent someone else's suffering then why wouldn't you???
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audible-smiles · 2 months
spent the morning going through my grandma’s bathroom and throwing out half-used toothpaste tubes and the like, because death is not glamorous. found her Paxlovid prescription from a month and a half ago, with all but two of the pills remaining. that was a rough one.
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trek-tracks · 1 year
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Well…after three years, it finally got me. Thankful it was after the performances of the show I wrote/starred in and one of the two concerts I was performing in, but I’m going to miss two review openings and this weekend’s concert performance, and I feel super lousy. My kingdom for a hypospray…
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khizuo · 1 year
thinking about how my dad became more abusive to me when I began taking stronger COVID protections. thinking about how abuse often serves as a means of enforcing ableist normativity on its victims. thinking about how widespread COVID minimization plays into the abuse culture we live in.
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highladyluck · 1 year
Spouse and I have covid 😭 we had a good run, this is the first time. I am grumpy and congested and feverish but am fine so far. I will continue to be horrible at answering DMs! This concludes my press conference
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
My COVID face mask converted to a parachute and I could fly through the sky with it.
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It truly baffles and angers me at how ignorant people want to remain about covid. I get it, I wish I could live in a world where this virus isn’t deadly or disabling but the truth of the matter is that it is. We know that with each covid infection you will get sicker- symptoms or no. We know that it weakens your blood vessels and can cause people who are high risk or perfectly healthy alike to have heart attacks. We know it can cause tachycardia, chronic fatigue, lower lung capacity, all of it. We know all this, and people still just want to forget about it. And the people who do just forget about it or ignore it, and in doing so act like it just doesn’t exist, are so incredibly selfish. They want to live in their world they’ve made up in their heads where it isn’t a problem while making it worse for everyone by not adhering to any covid measures and little it run rampent.
The world is on fire and some of us are screaming out to help us put it out while others think it’s unfair we are ruining their piece of mind.
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consolecadet · 23 days
Pharmacy refused to give me the longer needle for my covid booster this time, saying they didn't have them/implying they never had (which is not true, they have before). I think I'm ok -- despite my weight, my shoulder muscle is pretty close to the surface -- but it's really irritating how inconsistent this pharmacy has been re: longer needles, and it's also not cool because other people whose deltoids are not so accessible also need correctly administered vaccines
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sapphicscholar · 1 year
Covid and Flu Vaccine PSA
For anyone who might benefit from this advice, as a heads up, the CDC has released guidelines (available as a PDF here) that link patient weight and appropriate needle length for intramuscular vaccines. They suggest that using a longer 1.5 inch/38 mm needle for Covid and flu shots is medical best practice for many. The CDC uses weight-based metrics on their chart (>200lbs or 260 lbs for estrogen- or testosterone-based fat distribution, respectively), but really, it’s most important to consider your own body fat distribution. This big thing is ensuring that the vaccine can reach your deltoid muscle for the greatest efficacy and uptake, rather than only making it to subcutaneous fat!
Even if you’ve already gotten vaccinated/boosted this year, it might be worth hanging onto the PDF for the future - having clear guidelines that come directly from the CDC might help to cut through some of the bullshit too many people face when dealing with the medical establishment.
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