#Crewmate Mack
kitsuna21 · 2 years
I finally finished my pmv parts for the lovely @imagzination ‘s project that they are editing! It was really fun to work on and I even got to meet some super cool artists!
Here are a few of my parts!!! (I’ll post the rest in a separate post)
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world-of-ezraprisc · 1 year
I would love to see your take on blue suit Mack! If you have the time of course!
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"Here's ur order ma'am"
Artist's Note:
Me: A'ight, time to draw something else. Gotta prep those JSE egos or perhaps my sona.
Brain: Draw MatPat again
Me: No, i've drew enough of him
Brain: Draw MatPat again
Me: No...
Brain: Draw MatPat again
Me: Urgh, Fine. Away to the lists I go.
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oswinunknown · 2 years
more funkies for the alwy discord server:
again, i dont have access to discord on campus so im postin em here before i forget
these ones have a few variations of them so ill put two versions above the cut
dictator mack and plant boi mack
darkiplier, one with just the chromatic abberation and the other with full monochrome glitch
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insane4fandoms · 2 years
Engineer Mack and Crewmate Mack are twin brothers, I’m calling it (jk)
Imagine all of them are just identical siblings (Jacksepticeye decided to be quirky in the womb and be fraternal) , and they do chaotic shit to fuck with everyone.
Captain, walking pass Mack: Hey Mack
Crewmate Mack: Morning Captain!
Captain continues to walk down the hall to only pass by Mack again, but in a different outfit: Hey… Mack?
Head engineer Mack, turning around: Yes, Captain?
Captain, a little confused: I thought I passed you earlier.
Mack, rolling his eyes, hiding his smirk: I guess you being in charge is making you stress out, Captain.
Captain hesitantly nods and walks away, bumping into Mack again, in another outfit: Sorry-… What?
Dictator Mack, smiling condescendingly: Yes Cappy~?
Captain, a little unnerved now: Uhhh… what is going on?
Dictator Mack, closing in on them: Nothing is going on Cappy, just lay back and let me take care of you~
Crewmate Mack, spotting and walking towards the two with a grin: Captain! There you are!
Head Engineer Mack, walking in and seeing the mischief in Crewmate Mack’s eyes: Oh Captain, please proofread this.
Jacksepticeye Mack, showing up out of nowhere with a bright smile: Captain, it’s a pleasure to meet you! I see you already met my brothers and-
Captain, who is surrounded by these four Macks, scared and flustered, but also fed up with this: … MARK!! GET GUNTHER AND SHOOT THESE IMPOSTERS!!
The Macks, like the rats they are: SCATTER!!
The four run off into different directions as Captain stood there with a flustered expression.
Mark and Gunther, barging in with guns: Captain! What happened?!
Captain, face flushed and clearing their throat: We have a Mack problem.
Gunther, cocking his gun: No further explanation Capt’n, I got you.
Mark, already gone to hunt down the Macks for scaring his Captain:
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MatPat Egos with Sick!Reader
In honor of me being extremely sick right now
The Detective: - Absolutely no working yourself. You’re stuck in bed until he deems you healthy enough to leave - This also means he’s cooking for you most of the time. Specifically soup, because then he can feed it to you like the sweetheart he is 💛 - He also keeps tissues on hand, beside you, specifically, so you can reach for them whenever you need them
MadPat: - Kind of a germaphobe sometimes, but only around people who are sick, because he doesn’t want to get sick too - Buuut… for you, he makes an exception. He’ll keep you on a medicine schedule, depending on what you’re sick with, and bring home pizza from the pizzeria - Maybe stay out of the pizzeria for a while though… can’t have customers getting sick too.
Mack: (Crewmate, head engineer, dictator) - Crewmate Mack is also a sweetheart, very similarly to The Detective. He gets soup from the kitchens (even if he has to pull a couple strings) - He also tries his best to finish all of his tasks as quickly as possible so he can spend as much time with you as he can - Unlike crewmate Mack, the head engineer is a little less… soft. He keeps you from being scheduled for any of the difficult tasks, and even keeps you from having to do any work at all if he can, but that’s about it - When he gets a break from work, he’s with you. He pretends to be displeased with needing to take care of you, but in reality, he loves it, because it makes him feel important - Dictator Mack gets extremely possessive. You’re not allowed to leave his side even once, no exceptions - He’s getting the colony’s best doctors to check on you, even if you assure him that you’re okay. He just doesn’t want to take any risks - When it is proven you are, in fact, fine, and just sick, he’s very, very firm about getting you back to health as soon as possible. Meaning he’s strict about you taking the medicine the doctors recommend for you
The Hermit: - He’s not familiar with illness. Living on the island has increased his immune system drastically, so he’s basically immune to being sick - At first he’s convinced you ate something poisonous on the island, but when you explain to him you’re just sick and it’s not poison, he’s a little bit calmer - He’s determined to keep you inside, though. So you’re basically stuck in bed-rest for a while
WarfPat: - He’s honestly the most cool with it. If you’re not like… throwing up sick or anything really serious, he won’t really treat you any differently - Though, one thing that is different, he won’t let you on his talk show until you’re feeling better. Just in case - If he’s feeling really nice, he might get you a small gift to help you feel better, like flowers or a box of chocolates. But if you ask about it, he will deny it until the end of time
DarkPat: - He’s never been sick— he can’t get sick— so he doesn’t exactly understand what you’re going through - He does, however, see that you’re struggling. - He hates when you’re sick. He gets temperamental around everyone but you because he is stressed. You’re hurting, and there’s nothing he can do to help you - He brings you your favorite food and watches your favorite show (even if he thinks it’s just a little bit stupid)
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gaymingintrovert · 1 year
I don’t know if your request are open? But I’m a Mack lover and I wanted a Mack and captain interaction please! :) (ISWM)
My requests are open! I just haven’t gotten any in a long time!
And absolutely, fellow Mack lover
Here’s some little drabbles with the Macks (there isn’t much resolution in them because I’m bad at writing short things but that’s okay-)
“Captain!” Mack runs up to you, hiding something behind his back. You turn to him. “Yes, Mack?” “I made you something! Close your eyes!” You hold your hands out and close your eyes, and he hands you a small box. You open the box and look inside, seeing a small metal flower and the words “Will you go out with me?” engraved on the box. You giggle and kiss Mack’s cheek. “Of course!” He blushes a deep shade of red and smiles brightly. “I’ll pick you up at dinner! We’ll eat in the bridge!” He hugs you and kisses your forehead before running off, skipping happily. You go back to your room and put the box on your desk in plain view, excited for your date.
Head Engineer
Mack spent most of his morning looking for you. You had gotten into a habit of doing your own thing in the morning, and Mack was admittedly not the biggest fan of that. He wanted to spend as much time with you as he could without admitting to you that he wanted it. “Captain.” He stands directly behind you, stopping himself from holding you. You try to hide your blush. He’s never been this close to you, though he has been slowly getting closer and closer to you. “What do you want, Mack?” “I have go make sure you’re doing your job right.” You roll your eyes. “I assure you, I’m doing my job right.” You hear him take a deep breath and feel his hand gently rest on your shoulder. “I-I also wanted to ask if you wanted to take a break. Together.” His shyness is clear in his voice and you giggle. “That sounds nice.” He brightens up. “We can take that now if you want.” You nod. “Yeah. I need a break.” He takes your hand and leads you to a break room. You two talk for a while, eventually starting to get closer to each other and even cuddling a little. Mack looks at you towards the end of the break. “…Captain? Would you want to maybe…go on a date with me?” He blushes and looks away from you. You feel your face heat up and you kiss his cheek. “I’d love to.”
Mack thought you were nearly perfect from the second he saw you. He never started showing his affections for you until recently. You didn’t expect to have a very good life on the new planet, but Mack made sure you were taken care of. You had one of the best rooms in his house and you were kept very safe from the people who disliked you. Mack had wanted to ask you to be his for a long time, but was never confident enough. Today, he gathered all his courage and knocked on your door. You had apparently been asleep, since your bedhead was obvious (and quite adorable to Mack). “Y/N. I wanted to talk to you about something.” You start looking a little nervous. “W-what is it?” He takes a deep breath, most of his confidence suddenly gone. “I wanted to tell you that I’ve adored you for a while. I-I was wondering if you would want to…go on a date tonight?” His bright blush is obvious and he looks nervous. You relax and smile. “That sounds wonderful!” He smiles and picks you up. He twirls you around and kisses your forehead. “I’ll make sure everything is perfect!” You giggle and hug him back.
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speedystarshine · 2 years
(Because I said so, also for 33 followers because Holy shit I hadn't noticed! Thank you all so much for the support <3)
Matpat Egos with a Winged!Reader
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Characters: Matpat, Madpat, Mack (crewmate/engineer/dictator), The Detective, The Hermit, Warfpat
The minute he sees you he's all 🤨👀🧐. He's uh... Not really used to seeing entity's or hybrids or other egos, so sometimes he forgets that not everyone is human. Fully human, anyways.
He's really interested in them, though! (Even if you might take it a different way due to his facial expressions 😭) He mainly wants to study them and understand how they work, but outside of him wanting to know everything about them, he thinks they're really cool! And soft, he sometimes picks up stray feathers that have slipped for them. Is also immediately there if you mention needing help preening. I mean, c'mon! A) their soft, B) you like it and C), he likes it! I don't think he really understands that preening is usually done by uh....yk. Not new friends, let's say.
Probably asks if he can fly with you once and then starts crying the second you're both 0.1 centimeter of the ground 🙄
5/10 very helpful, but also very annoying.
"That's cool, now if you don't mind I'm on fire and-" IM JOKING IM JOKI- He's not tho
He thinks they look amazing! He likes the markings/colours on them, and asks you about them.
The only thing he's curious about though is, how do you balance with them? They look very heavy they are and are certainly bigger than you.
As long as you're okay though, he doesn't mind!
He's heard about preening before, but has absolutely no idea what it is exactly or how it works. He reminds you about it daily, though.
He also collects the feathers that fall out, but gives them back to you instead of keeping them. Probably keeps one or two to study them, though.
He won't ever tell you this, but he is very intimated and turned on when he sees your wings stretched out at full height. Just sorta 'eeps' and scuttles away.
He's also very careful with his weapons when he's around you, since he knows that if he swings stuff around too much he could hurt you :(
Probably turns on his chainsaw every now and then and then giggles like the bastard he his when you jump
Stops after the first few times though, since sometimes you knock stuff over with your wings, and also, you have wings. He does not. You will and have suddenly flown of with him as revenge. And he knows you'll do it again.
Mack (crewmate)
You'll definitely know the first time he sees them since it'll be silent and then you'll hear a little "oh!"
He's like a little puppy and just follows you around everywhere, and it's very obvious that he has a lot of questions.
He's too nervous to ask you outright though, probably asking Celci to ask you since he knows that if he asked Mark then Mark would tease him and he'd probably die tbh-
You definitely notice that he's following/staring at you, so sometimes if you stretch n yawn you make sure to stretch your wings full height so he can see.
Also picks up feathers bro why do all of them but instead of waiting till your gone like the others, it'll be a mad scramble to get them before they hit the ground. What can I say, he's a little bit of a germaphobe.
He doesn't really know what they fully feel like, but from what he knows they're very soft and silky, you obviously take good care of them.
His favourite pastime is ruffling them so their all fluffy :)
One day when the two of you are alone you feel him staring for the bazillionth time that day, so you eventually cave and tell him he can touch them if he wants too.
Mack is processing-
When he does, he'll be so excited! And nervous. His hands are probably shaking. Eventually though he melts into it, and actually finds it very relaxing both of you. Probably turns into an accidental preening session.
Mack (Engineer)
Instantly notices, how could he not? He absolutely adores him, but acts as if they're a massive nuisance all of the time (We're not stupid, Mack-)
Cleans up your feathers after you, all the time, even though you haven't asked him too.
Sometimes you shed more on purpose because it's funny to hear him mumble stuff like "If I were Captain, I wouldn't leave feathers all over the place!" Yeah yeah sure, we know you have a big fat crush on-
Every single feather he collects, he keeps in a little cabinet in his room. If anyone where to ask he'd get very flustered, but is reasoning is "Well we can't throw them out the Airlock, littering is bad!" Uh huh, sure-
Sometimes if he's walking closely behind you, going on his rants about how he is clearly the better captain, or something else, you smack him in the face with your wings
He's so shocked help 😭- He's trying to process what happened, like yeah it hurt but how come it was so soft? What even- OH
Captain is cackling their ass down the corridor all ready, not waiting for his reaction.
He'd be so flustered for a second but then remembers 'wait I'm supposed to hate them' and just storms off after you, yelling shit like "Captain! Ugh! They are so immature- 👹"
Calls you 'bird brain' as an insult but it eventually becomes a pet name as time passes
Mack (Dictator)
Is immediately in love with them and you the second you step onboard-
When you land, he gives you the final choice to make the 'right' decision and make him Captain.
And you know what? Yeah sure, go ahead.
Captain: *giggles* IM FREE YES FUCK YOU-
Tee hee, no. No you are not.
Anyways, his thoughts about them!
He really does think they're pretty on you, heck, you always look amazing! But... He does need you to rely on him, and knocking you a peg lower than you already were seems to do the trick :( sorry.
He's not a total monster though (🤨) and he knows how uncomfortable it can be for you to have feathers, since he'll sometimes wake up to heaps of them in your shared bed.
He'll also preen them for you, though he constantly tugs on your collar which can make it annoying.
Sometimes if he wakes up before you, he'll pet them gently. Will instantly scream like a girl and shove you out (and most likely off) the bed when he notices you waking up.
He also likes how they unfold and seem to shelter you two from everyone else when you two are, uh...... 😳Holding....hands...?
^He'll also tug on them if he knows it'll get a reaction out of you
Throws out the loose feathers :( What's the point of having feathers when he has the actual bird? Thing?
He loves you (🧐) but will snip them if he feels like/catches you're trying to run away too much.
The Detective
He will trail around with you, but unlike Mack, and unfortunately for you, will asks lots of questions. And I mean a lot of them. Writes down everything you say in his goofy little notebook 😭
Also calls you 'bird brain', but it comes out more teasing and friendly than derogatory.
*sighs* keeps your feathers. Probably has a separate journal with all of them in there, yk how some people do those flower stamp journals?
Claims it's for 'research' or 'evidence' like bestie the only 'evidence' I'm seeing is how much of a simp you are-
Is a lot more touchy than the other egos, probably just immediately holding them and being like 🧐😳🤨 whether or not you're comfortable of people touching them 😭
Preens them for you, but he does ask first though. However, if your wings were really dirty and not taken care of, he'd sit your ass down straight away and start-
Probably puts on gloves when they're dirty because he's a dramatic ass bitch-
Sometimes when he feels really tired and just wants to go home he'll make 'little' hints like "y/n would it be odd if you gave us the answer to this puzzle" or "y/n wouldn't it be so funny if you just flew of with the strongman rn haha" yeah no sorry bestie
Yk how sometimes ppl do the thing where they ruffle someone's hair? Yeah he does that but with your wings because he has a teensy tiny theory that it's practically the same thing. it's not, don't tell him tho
Yeah if you got jumpscared you'd probs accidentally smack him in the face with them since he's always like. The closest person in your general vicinity.
Sometimes if you two cuddle you wrap them around the both of you like a blanket and let him pet it :)
Poor guy just needs to lie down, yk that image of a pathetic looking kitten with milk spilt all over it's face yes that is him 24/7
He loves you tho :)
The Hermit
Oh you'll be wanting to stay away from him 24/7.
It's not that he'll actually hurt you, it's just a general vibe, and the fact he keeps making little comments that imply he wants to roast and eat you.
He doesn't get social cues though, having lived by himself for so long, so he probably doesn't get that it's coming across that way or why you look so scared 😭
He is super affectionate towards you, practically begging to preen you despite probably having no idea how to do it.
You have to show him 😭 you also do his hair! Bro's been living in a cave for god knows how long, you can't tell me he doesn't have random stuff in it.
He won't keep your feathers, although if you were to give him one he'd do something silly like tuck it behind his ear :)
He also keeps one on a necklace, kinda like how he has that mini skull :D
Is overall super affectionate and friendly, despite everything else about him practically screaming "sketchy" and the fact he never seems to want you to leave his cave or side
He doesn't really have a lot of questions about you tbh, instead just pinning it as 'the many beauties of nature'. He does find them fascinating though, and tells you so every so often.
BlackBoxWarrior - Will Wood, 2:46
Bro will probably drag you by the wings into his goofy ass studio >:(
Frames if as an interview but honestly he just wants to know himself-
Asks if he can give a 'live demonstration' of preening even though A) the answer is probably most definitely no B) he doesn't know what he's talking about, he's like a kid playing tag except they don't know the rules so they add random shit to make it looks like they do-
You eventually let him, in private, since he won't leave you alone and every single fucking door you open leads you right back to his studio >:((
He still takes a sneaky little video or picture because of course he did 🙄 istg he's like those girls who my teacher will be like "guys my friend died :(" and then you just hear "A NEVER ENDING STORYYYYY AHHHHHHHHHH STORIEEEEEE" and look back to see two white girls twerking
He loves you though :) he finds that your wings make great blankets/pillows if he's tired!
He swears it's like cat hair though he'll wake up with feathers in his fucking mouth and hair and even his moustache
If he's being too annoying though don't worry you can just swoop him up and fly off with him :)
Which.... Uh doesn't actually work the way you'd want it to because he finds it fun and pretends to fake swoon because he's a bastard
I'm sorry I don't know his character that well 😭
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Tee hee finally finished *collapses*/j I guess this is technically a 30 follower special, hope y'all enjoy!
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l05t1nth3v01d · 2 years
I swear I'm not obsessed 😀
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Its the Boy! The Mack! I give him a lil kith on his forehead
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b-is-in-the-closet · 7 months
Low key want to write for MatPat egos again
If anyone has any ideas or characters feel free to give them to me,
The “MatPat Cinematic Universe” characters/egos I know are:
Crewmate!Mack (I call him Wynn)
Dictator!Mack (I call him Richard)
Matty Patty
Jonathan Harker
Caliban (fan made ego by @wouldntyou-liketoknow )
The Hermit
The Detective
Patty (fan made ego by @wouldntyou-liketoknow )
And there’s also a few that I kind of know of, but that’s about it
Dr Matt
Actor Mat
Dominic (Damien?? But MatPat? I think?)
Professor Patrick
Matthais Patthias
Also, for Mack: I have like a bajillion AUs and variants. I can talk about them if people want!
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An Elevator of All Places
Pairing: Cal Kestis x GN!Reader
Word count: 1.1k
Summary/Request: Based on this request
I think this is gender neutral? Please let me know if it’s mistagged
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There is a mention of killing, violence, and yk general empire shinanigans. Please let me know if there's anything I missed!
You shivered, “Ugh I hate Imp bases” You groaned as you followed BD and cal through the dark hallways of the base, your lightsabre gripped in your palm as you kept alert for any stray stormtroopers wandering around. 
The slight click of your boots made you jump every so often, on edge and exhausted as you spent the past few days going out nonstop with Cal. Leaving early in the morning and not returning till long past even your crewmates retired to bed. 
Cal had noticed your recent fatigue and promised today would be the last day before you both took a few days off, catching up on some much needed rest and proper cuddles. You suddenly stumbled as your eyes drooped, tripping over your own foot. 
Cal was quick to look over his shoulder as you tumbled to the ground. Pain shooting up your thighs as your knees hit the cold metal of the hallway floor. You groaned as you braced yourself with your hands, hearing the clattering of your lightsabre as it slid across the floor and feeling Cal’s gloved hand grip your shoulder. 
He immediately jumped to check you for injuries as you rocked mack to sit on your heels, “I'm fine Cal, just took a tumble that's all” You assured as you spoke softly, watching his brows furrow in worry. 
“Are you sure? You can barely keep your eyes open…” His tone was laced with worry as his other hand came up to your face, his thumb swiping under your eye, where you knew deep eyebags were sunken and dark in color. 
“I'm just a bit tired, lets's finish clearing the base and just get out of here okay? Merrin promised to make dinner and I can’t wait to see what she cooks up” You gave a light chuckle at the end of your sentence, assuring your very worried Jedi boyfriend that you were okay. 
You knew he didn’t quite believe you but he smiled and helped you off the floor anyway, BD crawling off his shoulder as he stood, opting to run a bit further down the hall. You brushed off your pants and summoned your lightsabre to you, continuing through the base. 
After another hour or so you and Cal had finally made it back to the exit, only running into two groups of stormtroopers, and some droids. Now you were both making a beeline for the exit with a purge trooper hot on your heels. BD had quickly run out of stims between the two of you and Cal decided he’d rather not risk either of you coming out of it any more banged up than you already were, thus deciding to hightail it out of the base for the time being. 
You didn’t know the extent of his injuries but you were sure they were worse than yours. He had taken the brunt of the blows for you, seeing as the fatigue of your recent journeys was hitting harder on you than it was on him. 
You were racing ahead down the hallway with BD on you shoulder to get the service elevator while Cal staggered behind, trying to keep the Purge trooper occupied with a blaster you had picked up off of one of the troopers you killed. 
Adreniline was pumping through your veins as you rushed to the operating pad, allowing BD to jump off your shoulder and start tinkering with it to call the elevator. Your head whipped around to see Cal rounding the corner at mock speed, his eyes wild as he sprinted towards you. As you turned your head back to BD to see the progress, the corner of your eye caught a glimpse of black and purple rounding the corner after him. 
“How much longer BD?” You shouted as you heard the furious thudding of boots approaching. BD didn’t answer as the doors opened with a ding. BD quickly scampered inside and you stepped in placing your had on the door to hold them open, turning to see your companion closing in on the elevator. 
Your heart dropped as you saw the purge trooper dangerously close behind Cal, you bit the inside of your cheek as gauged the distance Cal had and your chest tightened at your realization. He had a good fifteen feet before he would be in the clear, you could see the way his chest heaved and you knew with the way the purge trooper was gaining on Cal that he wouldn’t make it. 
You moved to step out of the elevator to help Cal but winced and clutched your side, where a storm trooper had nicked you in the side with their blaster. You looked at Cal and outstretched your hand, using the force to pull the blaster from his grip and bring it to you. 
Once the blaster reached your hands you wasted no time using it to shoot at the purge trooper beind Cal, and barely moved quick enough for him to get in the elevator, and usher BD to close the doors. 
The last thing you saw as the elevator doors sealed was the Purge trooper slashing their staff across them, leaving a red mark streaking across the doors. You sighed and slumped down against the side of the elevator next to Cal. Leaning your head against his shoulder and clasping his hand in yours.
He gave your hand a gentle squeeze and kissed the crown of your head, chuckling as BD settled into your lap. “Thanks for the save, that was a close one,” He said lightheartedly as you hummed, you eyes falling shut. 
The gentle hum and passing lights of the elevator came to a jolting stop and the scraping of metal wretched your ears. Cal shifted and BD jumped up, tinkering with the command board. He beeped and you groaned, “Great, now were stuck, and in an elevator of all places” you grumbled and curled into Cal’s side. 
He simply chuckles “Yeah, yeah. Just rest a bit for now, me and BD will fix it and ill wake you up when were ready to head back to the Mantis” He said and you made a noise of agreement, your body ached and your head was pounding. A nap sounded just right. 
- The next morning you awoke to find yourself in your and Cal’s shared courters, your wounds delicately bandaged and your clothes changed to something comfy. You smiled and curled back into Cal, who was laying next to you in a similar state, ‘Of course he carried you back’ You rolled your eyes internally but couldn’t help the smile that was plastered on your face.
This was a fun little drabble! I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for the request, I did take my own creative liberty with it and I think it turned out super good!
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venuss-heart · 1 year
How would Mack feel, react, anything really to a captain that likes to collect plushies? And like, uses them as comfort items and support.? They'll carry them around, sleep with them, let the crewmates borrow them, that kind of thing?
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He's an asshole in general even mocking them at first and saying how a captain shouldn't have such childish things, but after learning that they're comfort items to them he'd back off a bit and not insult y/n about them but he'd still be slightly judgy about it. But those feelings come mostly from jealousy that the captain doesn't let him even near their plushies, even though sometimes he'd catch the crew hugging the soft looking stuffed animals. Though after some time of interacting with the captain and even developing a soft spot/feelings for them he'd ask why they find plushies comforting, smiling when they talk about their love for the soft items and he'd even open up about his love for birds which loads of people have made fun of him for.
But it's completely harmless since he'd go to the park and take photographs of differents birds he saw, even writing facts about them and what they each represents in fiction. He's always loved birds cause he also longed to be able to fly away, and explore the world and now look at him in a space ship, baby boy made his dream come true. So Mack and y/n would end up getting closer due to now knowing what the other finds comfort in, Mack and his birds and y/n and their plushies, what could be better than.
If they gifted him an oriole/dove plushie he'd smile so widely that the crew would be blinded by his bright smile, y/n's kind gesture of, first of all giving him one of their plushies and second of all it being a bird, just sealed the deal and now they're the closest members in the entire ship.
Oriole - bird that represents friendship(means that the captain is letting Mack know that they consider him a friend) platonic route
Dove - bird that represents peace, freedom but most importantly, love(the captain making a subtle but romantic advance on Mack) romantic route
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captain-neutrino · 2 years
Pspspsps + crewmate Mack. I feel like he would be really confused but would come anyway
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gaymingwriter · 9 months
Masterlist and Requests
Requests temporarily closed!
Some of this will change, so please check before requesting!
Will write x reader for:
Markiplier Egos/Lore:
Wilford Warfstache
Eric Derekson
Dr. Iplier
Actor Mark (this includes ADWM and AHWM Mark unless specifically requested for them to be different people)
Engineer Mark
Celci F. Kelvina
Mack (Engineer, Crewmate, Dictator)
Possibly more in the future
Septic Egos:
Jameson Jackson
Chase Brody
Antisepticeye (both original and current)
Marvin the Magnificent
North Star/Starlo (Undertale Yellow)
Will write ships for:
Markiplier (several, ask for specifics)
I write SFW only
Some can’t fit here and are linked in a separate list
* = On my main account before I moved writing here
X Reader:
Eric x Kind!Captain*
Mack x Captain With Plushies (Headcanons)*
Mack x Captain (Sign Language)*
Damien and Celine/Dark x DA (Angst)*
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insane4fandoms · 2 years
Going off of your earlier post about the Mack's being siblings, I'm just imagining them fighting for the Captain's attention/approval like any siblings would with a parent
Crewmate Mack: "Hey Captain! I fixed the engines so we're ready to go!"
Head Engineer Mack: "Well I fixed the window before anyone got sucked out into space and died!"
Dictator Mack: "Hey Cappy~ You look a little tense. You want me to help you relax?~"
Jacksepticeye Mack: "Morning Captain! You seemd tired so I made you some coffee!"
Absolutely, and they glare at each other while Captain ignores their antics.
Captain, sipping the coffee Jacksepticeye Mack gave them: Thanks Mack, this is some great coffee!
Jacksepticeye Mack, feeling proud and slightly flustered: I know Captain, no one makes coffee as good as me!
Head Engineer Mack, appearing out of nowhere: Your coffee gives nothing but stomach pain, and while you waste your time, I upgraded Captain’s cryopod to give a more comfortable sleep.
Dictator Mack, pushing both Macks aside: What Cappy needs is no coffee or comfy cryopods, but a nice relaxing day off, and with me to take care good care of them~
Crewmate Mack, clearing his throat: I believe that Captain is very uncomfortable with your passes, and is annoyed by your condescending talks! Leave them alone!
Jacksepticeye Mack: Captain and I are having well spent time here! So if you would be good lads… and FUCK OFF!!
The other Macks: NO!!
Captain, just wanting coffee: Time to get Mark…
And if you watched The Amazing World of Gumball, and that one episode where they try to guess the computer password and the hint is the name of the favorite child, it’s the same with these dumbasses.
Dictator Mack: Well, it’s obvious that the favorite Mack is the yours truly~. Cappy very much loves the way I could make them happy~
Head Engineer Mack, irritated: They like me more since I don’t try and fuck them every second I get! I actually get work done, unlike you!
Crewmate Mack: I also get work done, and I don’t do it while having an attitude! And I don’t have to counteract my own feelings with a hostile persona because I’m insecure!
Head Engineer Mack, glaring at Crewmate with tears in his eyes: You bitch-
Jacksepticeye Mack: None of you can ever give them rich coffee like I do, and I actually give Captain space when they need it!
The Macks continue to argue back and forth
Mark standing next to Captain: So, who is your favorite Mack?
Captain, sipping coffee with a shit eating grin: The password is just their name. Just let them argue more, it’s funny.
Everyone just agreed that Dictator Mack is just-
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What MatPat egos are like as lovers
(The Detective, MadPat, Mack, The Hermit, WarfPat, DarkPat)
The Detective: - Are you kidding? This man is the sweetest!! - He likes bringing you flowers a lot. His favorites are lilies, because they remind him of you - Physical touch is definitely his primary love language (have you seen him and Ro in Escape the Night?!) - He’s a very patient person most of the time, unless he gets too stressed out. Arguments (because, let’s be honest, they’re inevitable in all relationships) with him are rare. - He isn’t always the one to apologize first, but he makes a point to always make up for it after you’ve both cooled down
MadPat: - What?? A serial killer can’t be a good lover, right…? - Ha! Wrong! - Well, mostly. Sometimes he gets so caught up in work that you don’t see him for a whole day - I have no idea how he does it, but this man will somehow work his ass off every day at the pizzeria, and then come home and manage to give you all of his attention - He likes listening to you talk. Not always anything in particular, either. Hearing about your day, reading to him… all of it is nice. He especially likes it after a long day of work, or after, uh… his less-than-legal hobbies - If he can help it, he tries to keep you separate from the whole… serial murder thing. Though, I’m sure it’s inevitable you find out eventually…
Mack: (Crewmate & Head Engineer) - For crewmate Mack, he’s obsessed with you. But not in a creepy way. He just loves being around you, and probably even went as far as to beg the captain to put you on similar jobs so he can stay with you as long as possible - Loves forehead kisses! Both for you and for himself, but every time you two have some alone time together, it’s cuddles and forehead kisses if he has his way - Head engineer Mack is more bold. He’s less outwardly touchy, and is far less obsessed with you, but that’s mostly because he has a reputation to uphold. He’s the second-in-command of the whole shop, after all. People look up to him! - However, he does use his title and his power to keep you around him as much as possible, same as crewmate Mack. Maybe it’s you being assigned the job of cleaning the same room that he’s stationed in, or specifically keeping you from working on one particular day so you can spend the whole day with him
The Hermit: - He’s the most protective of all the egos. He knows the danger out in the world, and is very adamant about keeping you safe. - Admittedly, sometimes this protectiveness borders on possessiveness, but he’s a sucker for you. All you have to do is tell him that you appreciate his concern and that you’ll be okay. Sometimes you have to agree to take him with you, but overall, you’re usually allowed to go on your own - It sounds absolutely insane, but with him as your lover, you are treated like royalty. Sure, he lives in a cave on a (mostly) deserted island, but you have everything you could ever want. - You swear he has some kind of extraterrestrial abilities…
WarfPat: - Oh dear, let’s hope you’re up for the chaos - His love language switches like… every time you blink I swear. One day he’s all on you, hugging you, kissing you, etc. and the next, he’s giving you gifts like there’s no tomorrow - He’s overall a pretty energetic guy, but around you, he simply cannot sit still. He loves being around you!! It makes him really talkative, too, so he ready to hear him infodump about anything - You are his favorite guest on his talk show, easily. You’re a fan-favorite, he always says - He’s kind of like a teenager when it comes to some things in the relationship. Like, for example, he is a sucker for matching things. If you made him matching bracelets, he’d love you until the end of eternity (he already does but you know)
DarkPat: - I know he looks like an asshole, but it’s mostly just for show - DarkPat is a mix between The Hermit and Mack, really - He doesn’t like physical touch all that much. Not just in public, either, but all in all. He will hold your hand sometimes, but kisses make him uncomfortable when they’re unprompted, and he isn’t really one for cuddling - He makes up for the lack of physical touch with gifts. Specifically expensive jewelry. Seeing you wear it makes even him smile, and then he buys you more - Rich man fr - He also likes taking you to fancy dinners for dates, which kind of freaks out the people around him, seeing a glitching entity with too much eyeliner, but as long as you’re happy
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