#Reader is a baddie
xiaosspear · 6 months
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ᴀɴ ᴇᴛᴇʀɴɪᴛʏ ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ || xiao x reader
Part I
As the tumultuous winds of the Archon War raged on, I found myself amidst the chaos, my energy waning with each passing moment. The deafening cacophony of battle surrounded me, the anguished cries of the people mingling with the clash of steel and the thunderous rumble of magic. Dust and debris filled the air, obscuring my vision as I fought tirelessly to protect those caught in the crossfire. Yet, despite my efforts, the overwhelming tide of conflict threatened to engulf me, leaving me gasping for breath amidst the swirling chaos.
As I battled against the relentless onslaught of enemies, my senses heightened by the intensity of the conflict, a sudden eruption caught my attention. "Shit," I muttered under my breath, instinctively bracing myself for the impact. In a blur of motion, a streak of vibrant teal green streaked past me, accompanied by a rush of wind that seemed to carry the very essence of speed itself. The figure, cloaked in that ethereal hue, collided with the earth in a tumultuous crash, creating its own miniature explosion upon impact.
In an instant, I recognized the silhouette—a fellow adeptus, I was not quite one myself, a half adeptus, among those with whom I had honed my skills in the art of combat. Yet, our acquaintance remained distant, forged merely through shared trials under the watchful gaze of the divine. Bound by the mandates of the cruel Archon, our duty eclipsed personal bonds, compelling us to carry out deeds that defied our very principles.
With swift movements, I dashed forward, leaving a trail of shimmering hydro particles in my wake. Gently, I began to clear the debris that trapped the figure, helping them to rise. Yet, before we could even register relief, another deafening explosion rent the air, triggering the collapse of towering mountains. The accompanying adepti, valiant protectors of Liyue, were mercilessly overwhelmed by the relentless force. "NO!" cried the figure, consumed by despair, their pain eclipsing any acknowledgment of my presence.
"Alatus,get out NOW!" commanded Bosacius, an adeptus endowed with the power of electro, just moments before succumbing to the crushing force of impending demise.
Startled from my slumber, I was abruptly jolted awake by the presence of a floating figure- Paimon, and concerned Lumine, standing at my bedside. Paimon's gentle voice broke the silence, expressing worry: "Are you alright? Another nightmare, huh? Who is Alatus?" Overwhelmed by her inquiries, I struggled to find my bearings, emerging from the depths of my most vivid dream yet. Its resonance echoed as if the events of a millennium past had unfolded mere moments ago.
"Alatus..." I whispered, the name of a distant figure from a bygone era escaping my lips, yet lost in the mists of time. Paimon's puzzled expression mirrored my own inner turmoil as I sought to comfort her. "It's nothing, just recurring nightmares of my past," I reassured them, my smile masking the lingering shadows of memories long past. With a gentle gaze, I sought to convey to both Paimon and Lumine that despite the haunting echoes of my history, I remained fine in the present moment.
Paimon gently grasps your hand, urging you to rise from your bed, thoug you take the initiative to stand on your own accord, making it easier for her. With a playful tone, Paimon suggests, "Come on, Y/N! How about we distract you from your thoughts and treat you to a meal at Wangshu Inn? It's on Lumine!" Paimon's mischievous smirk is met with a sarcastically perplexed expression from Lumine.
With a warm smile, I graciously accept their kind offer. As we leisurely stroll through the bustling streets of Liyue, we engage in lively conversation, all the while marveling at the splendor of the cityscape. Lumine initiates the dialogue, her expression inviting. "So, Y/N, with the Lantern Rite approaching, do you have any plans?" Her smile hints at an unspoken invitation, one that I eagerly interpret as a desire to accompany me to the festival.
"I do not have any plans," I chuckled softly, feeling a hint of embarrassment at the realization that I had been contemplating spending the most beautiful event in Liyue alone. "I suppose I would love to accompany you," I admitted, grateful for the opportunity to share in the festivities with Lumine and Paimon by my side.
As we neared Wangshu Inn, an uneasy sensation began to creep over me, my heightened senses as a vision wielder amplifying the bustling energy around us. Despite feeling overwhelmed, I brushed off my unease, reminding myself that it was merely my imagination running wild. "It's nothing," I reassured myself inwardly, determined to overcome my apprehensions. "I need to learn to be comfortable in crowded places and not let irrational fears take hold."
As we took our seats at a table in Wangshu Inn, accompanied by Paimon and Lumine, Verr Goldet handed us our menus with a smile. But as I scanned the offerings, an uneasy feeling crept over me. It was as if a sense of impending danger lurked nearby, despite the relatively quiet atmosphere of the restaurant. I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, even though there were only a few other diners around—a sensation I had never experienced in public before.
I jumped up, earning surprised looks from Lumine and Paimon. "Nah, this won't do," I blurted out, my distress evident as I stood. "Let's hit up Third-Round Knockout instead!!," I suggested, punctuating my words with an awkward chuckle and a sheepish smile, hoping to dodge any questions about my sudden change of plans.
As you departed, Verr Goldet seemed puzzled by your suddenly vacant table, but found a small pouch of mora left behind as a token of appreciation. As you three made your way back to Liyue, you made a concerted effort to study the building of Wangshu Inn from afar as best you could. And to your surprise, there was something all the way up on the roof of the building. "Surely no one is able to get that high" I brushed off, as I turned back, Paimon, ever observant, noticed your frequent glances behind you and your unusually subdued demeanor, but wisely chose not to press for answers.
As I stepped into the tavern, Zhongli's presence caught my eye. I knew him as a familiar face from the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, but little did I know, he held memories of me from a time long past. His gaze, filled with a hint of recognition, met mine, though I remained unaware of our shared history from the Archon War. Despite my limited knowledge, there was an unspoken connection between us, one that transcended our current acquaintance and hinted at a deeper bond forged in the crucible of ancient conflicts
Paimon's voice rang out excitedly, breaking the momentary silence. "Lumine, Y/N, it's Mister Zhongli! Let's go say hi!" Her enthusiasm was palpable as she urged us to greet Zhongli.
"Ah, Lumine, Y/N, and Paimon," Zhongli greeted us with a measured tone, his demeanor serene yet enigmatic. "A fortuitous encounter indeed. Pray tell, what brings you to this humble establishment?"
Paimon interjected with a hint of exasperation, "Eh?! I never understand you, Zhongli! You always use those big words Paimon can't wrap her head around!" A chorus of laughter erupted from Lumine and me, while Zhongli offered a gentle smirk in response, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he took a leisurely sip of his tea.
"I deemed it fitting to take respite within the confines of this establishment," Zhongli began, his voice carrying a hint of contemplation. "And lo, what a fortuitous encounter it is to behold the presence of Lumine, Y/N, and the ever-vibrant Paimon within these walls. Truly, your company brings a welcome spark to this humble tavern." His eyes glimmered with a subtle excitement as he acknowledged our presence, a rare glimpse of genuine pleasure amidst his usual composed demeanor.
Zhongli's keen gaze lingered on you, noticing the subtle signs of distress and disassociation clouding your thoughts. For some time, he knew you remembered some details, though he had contemplated revealing the truth about your past—a tale of being a half-adeptus, half-human, who had once risked her mortality to protect an immortal Yaksha. It was a story of sacrifice, of being granted a second chance at life by the Archons, with memories of the past allegedly erased. As he observed your troubled state, Zhongli wrestled with the decision, knowing that the revelation could bring clarity but also upheaval to your fragile sense of identity.
"So... Y/N," Zhongli began, his measured tone instilling a sense of anticipation tinged with anxiety. His piercing gaze seemed to penetrate through the facade, causing a flutter of unease within me. "What is he going to say?" I thought, feeling the weight of his scrutiny. "He sees right through me, doesn't he? Shit, I need to think of something..." My mind raced, scrambling to concoct a plausible response to his probing inquiry.
ɴᴇxᴛ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ: ᴡʜᴏ ᴡɪʟʟ ꜱᴇᴛᴛʟᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴡᴏʀʀɪᴇꜱ, ᴡɪʟʟ ᴢʜᴏɴɢʟɪ ᴛᴇʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ɪᴍᴘᴏʀᴛᴀɴᴛ? ᴏʀ ᴍᴀʏʙᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪʟʟ ꜰɪɴᴅ ᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀꜱᴇʟꜰ...?
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An Elevator of All Places
Pairing: Cal Kestis x GN!Reader
Word count: 1.1k
Summary/Request: Based on this request
I think this is gender neutral? Please let me know if it’s mistagged
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There is a mention of killing, violence, and yk general empire shinanigans. Please let me know if there's anything I missed!
You shivered, “Ugh I hate Imp bases” You groaned as you followed BD and cal through the dark hallways of the base, your lightsabre gripped in your palm as you kept alert for any stray stormtroopers wandering around. 
The slight click of your boots made you jump every so often, on edge and exhausted as you spent the past few days going out nonstop with Cal. Leaving early in the morning and not returning till long past even your crewmates retired to bed. 
Cal had noticed your recent fatigue and promised today would be the last day before you both took a few days off, catching up on some much needed rest and proper cuddles. You suddenly stumbled as your eyes drooped, tripping over your own foot. 
Cal was quick to look over his shoulder as you tumbled to the ground. Pain shooting up your thighs as your knees hit the cold metal of the hallway floor. You groaned as you braced yourself with your hands, hearing the clattering of your lightsabre as it slid across the floor and feeling Cal’s gloved hand grip your shoulder. 
He immediately jumped to check you for injuries as you rocked mack to sit on your heels, “I'm fine Cal, just took a tumble that's all” You assured as you spoke softly, watching his brows furrow in worry. 
“Are you sure? You can barely keep your eyes open…” His tone was laced with worry as his other hand came up to your face, his thumb swiping under your eye, where you knew deep eyebags were sunken and dark in color. 
“I'm just a bit tired, lets's finish clearing the base and just get out of here okay? Merrin promised to make dinner and I can’t wait to see what she cooks up” You gave a light chuckle at the end of your sentence, assuring your very worried Jedi boyfriend that you were okay. 
You knew he didn’t quite believe you but he smiled and helped you off the floor anyway, BD crawling off his shoulder as he stood, opting to run a bit further down the hall. You brushed off your pants and summoned your lightsabre to you, continuing through the base. 
After another hour or so you and Cal had finally made it back to the exit, only running into two groups of stormtroopers, and some droids. Now you were both making a beeline for the exit with a purge trooper hot on your heels. BD had quickly run out of stims between the two of you and Cal decided he’d rather not risk either of you coming out of it any more banged up than you already were, thus deciding to hightail it out of the base for the time being. 
You didn’t know the extent of his injuries but you were sure they were worse than yours. He had taken the brunt of the blows for you, seeing as the fatigue of your recent journeys was hitting harder on you than it was on him. 
You were racing ahead down the hallway with BD on you shoulder to get the service elevator while Cal staggered behind, trying to keep the Purge trooper occupied with a blaster you had picked up off of one of the troopers you killed. 
Adreniline was pumping through your veins as you rushed to the operating pad, allowing BD to jump off your shoulder and start tinkering with it to call the elevator. Your head whipped around to see Cal rounding the corner at mock speed, his eyes wild as he sprinted towards you. As you turned your head back to BD to see the progress, the corner of your eye caught a glimpse of black and purple rounding the corner after him. 
“How much longer BD?” You shouted as you heard the furious thudding of boots approaching. BD didn’t answer as the doors opened with a ding. BD quickly scampered inside and you stepped in placing your had on the door to hold them open, turning to see your companion closing in on the elevator. 
Your heart dropped as you saw the purge trooper dangerously close behind Cal, you bit the inside of your cheek as gauged the distance Cal had and your chest tightened at your realization. He had a good fifteen feet before he would be in the clear, you could see the way his chest heaved and you knew with the way the purge trooper was gaining on Cal that he wouldn’t make it. 
You moved to step out of the elevator to help Cal but winced and clutched your side, where a storm trooper had nicked you in the side with their blaster. You looked at Cal and outstretched your hand, using the force to pull the blaster from his grip and bring it to you. 
Once the blaster reached your hands you wasted no time using it to shoot at the purge trooper beind Cal, and barely moved quick enough for him to get in the elevator, and usher BD to close the doors. 
The last thing you saw as the elevator doors sealed was the Purge trooper slashing their staff across them, leaving a red mark streaking across the doors. You sighed and slumped down against the side of the elevator next to Cal. Leaning your head against his shoulder and clasping his hand in yours.
He gave your hand a gentle squeeze and kissed the crown of your head, chuckling as BD settled into your lap. “Thanks for the save, that was a close one,” He said lightheartedly as you hummed, you eyes falling shut. 
The gentle hum and passing lights of the elevator came to a jolting stop and the scraping of metal wretched your ears. Cal shifted and BD jumped up, tinkering with the command board. He beeped and you groaned, “Great, now were stuck, and in an elevator of all places” you grumbled and curled into Cal’s side. 
He simply chuckles “Yeah, yeah. Just rest a bit for now, me and BD will fix it and ill wake you up when were ready to head back to the Mantis” He said and you made a noise of agreement, your body ached and your head was pounding. A nap sounded just right. 
- The next morning you awoke to find yourself in your and Cal’s shared courters, your wounds delicately bandaged and your clothes changed to something comfy. You smiled and curled back into Cal, who was laying next to you in a similar state, ‘Of course he carried you back’ You rolled your eyes internally but couldn’t help the smile that was plastered on your face.
This was a fun little drabble! I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for the request, I did take my own creative liberty with it and I think it turned out super good!
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nottsangel · 7 months
rafe cameron’s rich and confident baddie!gf hcs ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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moodboard . outfits . masterlist . jj version .
ꨄ︎ rafe usually goes for sweet submissive girls, since he likes to have control, but the moment you laid your eyes on the pretty boy, you knew you had to have him. and as usual, you always get what you want.
ꨄ︎ all eyes are focused on you when you both enter a room, rafe simply being your accessory as your louboutin heels clack on the ground, head held high with your make up, nails and hair perfectly done.
ꨄ︎ rafe used to get lots of attention from girls before, but now that you’re dating him? girls don’t even dare to look his way because of your intimidating aura. if they were stupid enough to still flirt with him, then you’d have no problem putting the bitch in her place. “listen, yeah? you better go flirt with topper or kelce or whoever the fuck, cause trust me, you don’t wanna know what happens when my girlfriend finds out.”
ꨄ︎ you secretly pay the bill at a restaurant when rafe’s at the bathroom, a trick he used on his previous girlfriends. he comes back to the table, pulling his wallet out before you place your hand over it with a smile, telling him it’s already been paid. “oh for fucks sake. you really gotta stop that, a’ight?”
ꨄ︎ it’s always a battle for dominance in the bedroom, rafe desperately wanting to have all the control but you not letting him have it easily. one time he accidentally slipped out a ‘mommy’, which you’ve never let go of ever since. “i never fucking said that, okay? you heard it wrong!”
ꨄ︎ topper and kelce constantly tease rafe for being your bitch but not daring to say a word when you’re around, their demeanour instantly shifting when you walk into the room, making rafe smirk as he looks at you proudly. “not much to say now, top? yeah, that’s what i thought.”
ꨄ︎ you have no trouble confronting ward whenever he treats rafe unfairly. ward was taken aback at first, not being used to rafe’s girlfriends talking back at him, making his eyes widen and almost choke on his expensive wine. later, he realised you’re exactly the kind of girl rafe needed this whole time.
ꨄ︎ you’re the centre of attention at parties— your hips swinging to the beat when you’re dancing with your girlfriends, your short dress leaving little room for imagination. you’d try to drag rafe to the dance floor, interrupting him when he’s busy dealing drugs, but knowing he won’t ever say no to you. “jesus, just fucking leave me a— i mean. i’ll… i’ll be there in a bit, okay?”
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r4spb3rr13s · 4 months
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pro heroes meeting their feisty, mcbling gf
♱ bakugou, kirishima, midoriya, dabi
♱ pt.2 here pt.3 here
note: it’s me, i’m the feisty mcbling gf 😞
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Katsuki has been on shift for what feels like hours. In reality… well it has been hours. He’s been patrolling a smaller, more mundane part of Tokyo, where all he’s done is help little old ladies with their groceries and scold kids for trying to steal candy.
He was dying to get home.
So, when he heard a scream five minutes from patrol ending, the groan he let out was loud, unprofessional and frankly, really douche-y of him. But still, he flew towards the alley it echoed from.
He turned the corner, expecting a damsel in distress…
Only to see you.
Beating a man with a Juicy Couture suede bag, wobbling on platform sandals.
While this man lets out the girliest, highest-pitched screams Katsuki has ever heard in his life.
“That’s.” Hit. “What.” Hit. “You.” Hit. “Get!” Big hit!
Katsuki blinks out of his trance and takes a booming step toward you. “What the fuck’s goin on?”
You gasp and look up, and Katsuki swears his heart is echoing out of his chest.
Your s/c skin is everywhere, from your jean shorts to the cleavage practically spilling out your leopard print zip-up, and as you straighten up, he catches a glimpse of a belly ring that makes him gulp.
Your hair frames your face with a pair of sunglasses at the top of your head, showing off a fantastic scowl. Glittery eyes are met with furrowed brows, decorated with piercings-galore on your face, and two big hoops either side of your head.
“This prick!” You punctuate it with a nudge of your painted-pink toe, “Tried to rob me! I kneed him in his tiny balls.”
Katsuki raises a brow. You take a minute to glare at the guy, still whimpering, before you strut towards him with narrowed eyes.
You hate to admit it, but Dynamight was hotter in real life. Soot is smeared on his cheek and the scowl on his face sends his ruby-red lasers shooting through you.
“What? You have a staring problem?” You ask with a hand on your hip. Every ounce of confidence you’re letting off is soooo clearly fake right now, but he doesn’t seem to notice.
He shakes his head and looks around you to the poor guy on the floor. He’s not going anywhere, still curled up in a feral position and cradling his nads.
Katsuki sweats.
“Alright, sweetheart-”
You try to pretend it doesn’t make your heart skip a beat.
“Sweetheart?” He freezes and looks down at your cocked brow. “At least take me out for a drink first, Mr. Dynamight, c’mon.”
He clears his throat awkwardly, “Shit- sorry, I didn’t- look, you’re okay, right? No injuries?”
You’re inspecting your nails at this point, trying to avoid looking at the muscles in his hero costume. “Huh? Nah, but he should probably get checked out. Am I good to go?”
You sound eager to leave, but you make no move to when he nods.
Instead, you stand, scrutinising him with crossed arms. Katsuki hates to admit it, but even standing a whole foot taller than you, you’re making the blond blush.
“Okay, what? You need somethin’?” He gruffly says.
You glance back at the idiot still on the floor, and he flinches at your gaze.
“You don’t need my number for a report or somethin’?”
The words leave your mouth sooner than you can stop them, but you keep your face cool as your turn around. God, you need a smoke after this.
Katsuki’s hearts skips a beat, but his lip quirks up and he huffs out a chuckle. He reaches into one his pockets, and passes you his phone.
He’s still blushing, but God that man is grinning as well.
Eijiro is mid-lat pulldown when he hears you through the full blast of his headphones. Being the manly pro he is, he takes an earbud out to hear the commotion.
“When I say fuck off, I mean fuck off! What part of that isn’t get through your thick skull?”
Eijiro watched as you scream in a steroid-fueled gym-bro’s face. You’re jabbing a pink nail in his chest, neon pink shorts matching to a sports bra and a small hoodie on your top half.
He gets off the machine, and a loud clang echoes through the gym - you don’t even notice.
“What, too much muscle blocking your brain from working?”
The guy is getting ready to respond, an ugly, violent grimace on his face. As Eijiro steps behind you and crosses his arms, the guy thinks twice.
He nods at you, and turns away, practically running.
You huff and tuck a loose piece of hair behind your hair.
“What was that?”
You jump at the voice and spin around with a shout. A chest- Jesus Christ, he’s tall. You’re face-to-chest with a man covered in muscle, a sharp-toothed smile and spiky, red hair to match it.
He raises a brow and smiles at you.
A blush is fighting it’s way onto your face, but you’re too cool for that. Way too cool. So you clear your throat and stop staring at his adorable face for a minute.
“He wasn’t taking no for an answer,” You huff and cross your arms.
Eijiro frowns, “Shit, that sucks. Do you come here often?”
It’s your turn to raise a brow.
His face turns as red as his hair when he realises how stupid that sounded. It’s weirdly endearing watching such a large man blush and panic in front of you.
“N-no, like, I can get him banned if you’re a regular. I know the owners, so-”
“Where do I know you from?” You cut him off, doing mental gymnastics.
Eijiro freezes as he watches you. Your thick lashes touch your brows as you go wide-eyed, staring at him intently. So intently, he’s terrified to move a muscle.
You click your fingers and point a sparkly nail at his chest, “Red Riot! I knew I recognised you from somewhere.”
He grins and shrugs. “Yeah, that’s me.”
“I mean,” You trail off for a minute, using all your self-restraint to not blush or stutter in front of this fine-ass man, “if you ever wanted to come to rescue again, I could just give you my number?”
Eijiro has never grabbed his phone faster in his life.
Izuku has been caught in the midst of little fans. Children are detaching themselves from parents, flying away from friend groups to crowd around for his autograph. He’s reminded again why he always wears a cap and glasses when he goes to the mall.
He just needed to pick up a pair of boxers, for Gods sake.
A little boy comes hurtling at him, but such is the norm. What he doesn’t see is the girl sprinting after him- sprinting in platform heels that is.
Jeans cling to you tighter than your zebra print top, and the tiny handbag on your shoulder keeps slipping down. Every step you take is a loud jingle with the massive array of jewellery you have on, and star-shaped clips in your hair keep slipping out.
“Deku! You’re the coole-”
“Isamu! Get back here!” You screech. Your sister was going to kill you if she knew the one time you took your nephew out for a little trip to the mall, you lost him.
Watching him talk to a stranger was almost the cherry on top.
You come to a skidding stop, somehow not hurtling over on your open-toed death machines, and grab the 5 year old by the armpits. Isamu let’s out an excited shriek and smiles at you.
Then he points to the guy.
That guy being the number one hero in Japan.
You nearly drop your nephew.
“Oh my God-”
“I’m so sorry-”
You both speak at the same time, then shut up, and just stare at each other like two idiots. He’s not in his costume - duh, idiot, he’s at the mall?- but he looks just as good as he does with his face plastered all over Tokyo.
Strong arms are straining the seams of his black shirt, and his dark hair is brushing the nape of his neck- it looks so soft-
“I’m really sorry, I should have come out with my hat on, sunglasses-”
“Please do not apologise for looking that good,” You mutter and roll your eyes. Then you freeze. Then you both look at each other, while you nibble your lip and smear your lipgloss everywhere.
“Deku! Can I have your auto map!” Isamu screeches from your arms, wiggling like a worm. It’s getting hard to hold him, so you plop him down and hold his hand instead.
“Autograph, buddy, not auto map,” You whisper in his ear.
Izuku’s heart skips a beat. You are gorgeous, silly and amazing with kids- I mean, what else could he really ask for?
He nods and crouched to Isamu’s height.
“Who am I making it out to, then?”
Isamu screams his government name so loud you want to cover your ears, but you just smile awkwardly at Izuku crouching under you.
He looks at you with his big, doe eyes and a soft smile. “What about you?”
“Oh, no, I don’t want an autograph-”
“Your name?”
Oh shit. You mutter it and watch with a smile as the pro scrawls on a notebook he miraculously pulled out from his arse. His round, perky-
“There you go, Isamu. It was great meeting you,” He pats your nephew’s head, who is practically beaming. “It was nice meeting you too, Y/n,” he adds, and turns away with a wave.
As you walk away, Isamu thrusts the paper in your hand.
‘if it’s not too forward, id like you text me sometime y/n :)’ and next to the note is his number.
Cheeky bitch.
Dabi has no fucking idea how he ended up in a bar blasting Kesha from the speakers with millennial women screaming ‘this was my party song!’ but he hates it.
Until he sees you.
You’re in the tiniest jean skirt he’s ever seen, and your ass cheeks are so close to popping out. If you’d just stopped swaying your hips and bend over, he’d get a glimpse-
But you turn around, and he watches you twist and turn in a matching halter top, jewellery adding rhythms to the music.
Dabi swears he has never seen anything as captivating as your baby pink lips mouth along to Die Young. God, was he really thinking that? In relation to Kesha? You must be special, he thinks to himself.
He makes no move, though. He sits at the bar, watching you tip back fruity cocktails and teeter on your fur-covered boots.
He looks away for a second, he swears, and suddenly you’re on the bar stool next to him. Not just sat, but staring. Like, blatantly staring right at him.
He mirrors you, leaning on his palm and watching you.
You’d be lying if you tried to say his cerulean eyes weren’t doing something to you, but there were more pressing issues at hand.
“You’ve been staring at me all night.”
It’s a fact, he has been.
A smile curls onto his lips, and he shifts so he’s closer to you. “Have I? Didn’t notice…”
You’re drunk. Like, much too drunk, because his face is a blur- a handsome blur though. You are aware enough to tell he’s staring at your tits, though.
You click your fingers in his face and he looks back up at you. There’s a moment on his face where he looks shocked, but a bigger smirk replaces it.
“Sorry, hun-”
“Hun? What am I, 5?”
He leans forward, and the overwhelming stench of a beach fire is fighting with your Britney Spears perfume. The air starts to smell like burnt sugar around you, and it’s weirdly compelling.
“What do you want me to call you then?”
“Well, you’ll need my number to call me.”
It takes you a minute to realise how dumb that was- you’re drunk and that is not what he meant, but it made him drop the cool boy act. He stared at you for a second with wide eyes before chuckling under his breath.
“You are somethin’, princess…”
“Yeah, the skirt and all the pink- very princessy,” He gestured to your outfit before pulling out… a burner phone.
You really should not have drank that much, because you don’t even care to question it as you’re typing you digits in.
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note: ffs i didn’t make izuku’s gf feisty enough 😞
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athenasarahsstuff · 4 months
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Who else saw this scene rewind it a few times to make sure this was baddie Aemond Targaryen. Raise your hand!! 🙌
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a-hazbin-reader · 1 month
Imagine being Alastor's ex-wife that nobody knows about because Alastor regrets letting you go. So he actively avoids being around you but also prevents you from getting new a man in your life.
Imagine you two were married when you were alive, and both of you were keeping secrets from the other, causing the marriage to become rocky before you both died.
Imagine running into Alastor, and you're still bitter about everything, and everyone else is just shocked that you can disrespect him like that. Yet Alastor allows it because he loves seeing you even if you hate him
"Alastor, who was that?"
"...my ex-wife..."
Imagine you don't let anybody hurt him because that's your ex-husband that they're putting their grubby paws on. You say it's because you want the satisfaction of killing him one day, but really deep down, you still deeply miss him.
"I just wanted to thank you for your assistance back there."
"Don't, I only did it because I want the satisfaction of killing you myself."
Imagine you both pretend not to care about each other, but after a while of prolonged exposure to your relationship issues, everyone sees through you both.
"They're fighting again..."
"Ha! Only because they wish they were fucki-"
Imagine all the overlords and hotel residents investing themselves in your relationship and trying to do subtle couples therapy on you both. Even worse, it works.
"So why did you and Alastor divorce?"
"We died but the real reason things fell apart is because he's a selfish, lying, manipulati-"
"Okay!! Let's start from the beginning then!"
Imagine the two of you agreeing to try and start again, but this time with a better understanding of each other than when you two were alive.
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yaamatic · 11 months
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So...the new event, huh?
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starkeysprincess · 2 months
Can you do a Rafe x Baddie girlfriend smut? Like Rafe has this girlfriend who's like nobody he's every dated before, she definitely has the power in the relationship which isn't normal for Rafe since he usually wears the pants but he doesn't care because he likes how demanding she is. And he usually likes to be in control in the bed but instead she takes over and he's just mesmerized and in love with her.
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Good Boy
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pairing: rafe x baddie!gf warnings: sub!rafe, dom!reader, use of "good boy", praise, p in v, creampie, 18+ mdni word count: 805
a/n: pls keep in mind this is my first time writing sub!rafe
m.list ✧︎ taglist
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When you and Rafe first started dating, people were questioning your relationship, trying to figure out if the two of you would last because you weren’t the type that Rafe normally goes for. You weren’t a shy, submissive woman, you were the complete opposite and had no problem confronting people when needed and were never the one to shy away from speaking your mind. 
He liked how confrontational and demanding you were, it was different from what he was used to. Rafe always loved having control over anything and everything, including the women he dated but he didn’t have that same control when it came to you. You were like no woman he had ever dated before, he was used to being the one to wear the pants in the relationship but with you, you practically had him wrapped around your finger. 
Throughout all of his relationships, he was always the dominant one in bed and he figured you would be different in bed, assuming you were submissive but he was wrong when he experienced what you were like when it came to sex for the first time. 
The first time you and Rafe had sex, he had you on your back, his hand around your throat with your thighs spread open as he pounded you into the mattress of your bed. “Rafe, let me get on top” you moaned, only to earn a chuckle from him, “I don’t think so, you’re gonna lay here and take my cock”. Although he was making you feel good, your need for control was through the roof as one of your manicured hands wrapped around his wrist, pulling while your other hand pushed at his muscular chest with all your strength. 
His cock slipped out of you as you managed to push him onto his back, leaving him stunned while you climbed onto his lap, straddling him. You leaned over, opening the drawer of your nightstand before shutting it. You grabbed his wrists, pulling them up above his head before cuffing his wrists to your bed frame. “What the fuck are you doin’?” he gritted his teeth, tilting his head to see the fluffy, pink handcuffs around his wrists.
“You look so cute in pink” you purred, your fingers slithering up his bare chest. “Get them off-...oh shit” he groaned when he felt the warmth of your wet walls swallow his length as you lowered yourself onto him. Your hands rested on his chest, steadying yourself before you rolled your hips, earning a low moan from Rafe. “Shit…” he gasped, feeling your nails rake down his chest as you began to slowly bounce up and down his cock. You dip your head down, capturing his lips in a hungry kiss, swallowing his small groans. You suck his bottom lip between your lips, biting before letting go to bury your face against his neck, sucking and kissing at his sensitive flesh. 
You pull away from his neck, your hips bouncing faster, his cock sliding in and out with ease. You lean towards him, your chest pressing against his face and he doesn’t hesitate to lick and kiss at your chest, his tongue swirling around your hardened nipple before taking it into his mouth, sucking. He releases your nipple from his mouth with a wet pop before moving to the other. He feels your inner walls clench around him and a soft moan is pulled from you at the feeling of his mouth on you and his thick, cock filling you up with each bounce and roll of your hips. 
Your hand intertwined with his hair, tugging harshly as you pull him away from your tits, “Take these off or else” he threatened, tugging at the fluffy handcuffs as his eyes locked on the sight of your tits bouncing with each downward thrust you gave. “Or else what?” you tsked, your hand snaking up his chest to wrap around his throat, squeezing firmly. “Fuck…” he moaned, making you smirk at his reaction, “You’re doing so good” you cooed. He looks at you with heavy-lidded eyes, panting softly and he can’t help but be mesmerized by you.
“Fuck, ‘m so close, please” Rafe pleaded, “Please what?” you teased, wanting to hear him. “Please let me cum” he groans, feeling your cunt tighten around him, “Yeah? You want me to let you cum?” you taunted. “God yes…” he gasped, feeling his orgasm approaching, “Only good boys get to cum”.
“P-please, please let me cum. Fuck…I just wanna fill you with my cum” Rafe whimpers as he begs for his release. “Come on, baby, be a good boy and cum for me” you whispered, he bites his lip, stifling a low moan, feeling his cock twitch before his thick cum spilled inside you, “Good boy” you praised, peppering his face with kisses.
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tagging: @oceandriveab / @babygorewhore / @drudyslut / @xxbimbobunnyxx / @shawtycoreee / @drewsonlyaurelia / @sturnioloshacker / @rafesthroatbaby / @hallecarey1 / @slumnit / @heartsforvin / @rafescurtainbangz / @eddieslut69 / @eternalbuckley / @starkeyisthelastname / @kisses4angel / @hyperfixationgirl / @emilysuperswag / @flvredcas / @rafeinterlude / @starkeysheart / @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles / @fae-of-prey / @amandabbbbb / @rafecameroninterlude / @sabrina-carpenter-stan-account / @spid6y / @chimindity / @starkeysbebe / @spacexdrago / @honeybunniesoobin / @juniebugg / @wearemadeofstardust0 / @blckbrrybasket / @kisstaya / @rylie-m / @annoyingassleo / @nemesyaaa / @bimbotrashcan / @redhead1180 / @bunnyrafe
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writingbynova · 2 days
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The Party ★
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★ & The After Party
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⊹ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 ⊹ : pwp (porn with plot) - mdni - frat boys au - gojo & geto x nerd!fem!reader - party - bff drags u there - tiny mention of substances but no use - mean geto - protected sex - degrading - pet names - geto calls you: sugar/ doll & Gojo calls you: sweetie/ princess/ baby - rough sex - biting - overstimulation - threesome - slight choking/ breath play - hits of dacryphilia - missionary - Doggystyle - face fucking - praising - oral(m & f receiving) - mind breaking - dirty talk - fingering - getting caught (through the phone) - lmk if I missed any tags...
Word count : 3.6k
A/N : sorry js felt horny ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ (should have added toys but I'm sleepy) wrote this while listening the the party & the after party, shameless, often, I was never there, & coming down.
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Majoring in Biology but never got fucked by two frat boys at a party ? Guess you didn't listen during the chapter of reproduction... Let's teach you some tricks shall we ?
"Going where? A party ??" you asked your eyes almost gouging out of their socket "Id love to but i don't think I can... And I wasn't invited. I have homework anyway it's better I stay and study"
You friend stands in front of your mirror, putting dresses up to her body to determine which one suites her best. They all do.
"Yeah whatever, good think wasn't asking you come. I'm telling you. Get dressed, Yuji is picking us up in 30 mins. " She says leaving alone in the room.
Frat boy's parties weren't really your thing. Although you couldn't judge because you had never been to a party, you always focussed on your studies. Hence why you didn't even know where you were heading to. Nonetheless you headed to the bathroom to shower and get ready.
"You done ?!" You heard your friend scream from another room, while you applied some mascara. "You better be when I get there !!"
You sighed. You really didn't feel extremely comfortable going. You didn't know anyone except your bestie who was basically your polar opposite. Outgoing, friends and... Well 'closer' with the popular boys. While you were the awkward nerd who didn't know anyone and never interacted with XY chromosomes possessors. Majoring in Biology.
Your friends barged into your room just as you expected and you stood anxiously before her.
"Where you going?" She asked judging you up and down. "Uh.. you said a party" you muttered, this situation really wasn't your daily life. "No, I mean where are you going dressed like a Spanish teacher, you look a damn mess girl." So that's the matter. "Oh...it's that bad ?" "That bad ? You look like you got dressed in the dark"
Pink skirt and a purple top make a cute combo tho ? Don't they? Okay, maybe not then.
"You were seriously about to walk out dressed like a 6 year old girl? And where's your makeup ?" Truthfully she was being dramatic. "I don't wear makeup and I've never seen a 6 year old dressed like this" you clapped back "Only means they dress better than you." Ouch. Touché " We've got about 10 minutes to salvage this before Yuji shows up, go get my makeup bag and the black leader dress on my bed. Quick." You nearly ran out the room. Visibly the night would be hard.
"Are you sure this is okay ? I think I look kind of weird and these lashes are sooo long I've never had them this long."
"You look like a piece a cheesecake. I'd take a bite out of that ass right this second if Yuji wasn't waiting for us" she laughs. You chuckle at her antics. As funny as she is you can't help but feel self conscious at the idea of walking out dressed like this. A black leader strapless dress, barely covering your ass. Black high heels in which you barely felt stable. A full face of makeup adorning your face you looked like a mini version of her. Hot as a motherfucker though.
"Let's head down girl?" She says, peaking through the door. Handing you a little YSL bag with a gold strap.
"Yes, be there in a second I just need to find my glasses..." You said, patting your desk in search of your square correction glasses. "Please tell me you're not planning on wearing those windshields..." She criticizes. "I need to wear them, I can barely see without them." "You're lying !! You haven't been wearing them since and you're fine let's go." She said grabbing your wrists and dragging you out. Fuck.
A pink haired boy gestures at you two before opening the car door for you two. 'Such a nice boy' you think. Thanking him and sitting next to your friend in the car. She makes small talk with him and you get to know he's one in a few classes of hers and friends with the party organizers.
"Gojo and Geto, hottest boys alive. The party is at Gojo's house he's some rich kid you must have seen him at least once." You look over at the picture. A tall boy with white hair and sky blue eyes leaning on a tall boy with black long hair and purple eyes. They're cute you can't lie. You have seen him around, he plays basketball and girls from what you heard. "They look nice" you only say. Because what else is there to be said. This is just two campus boys organizing a big party. Nothing special, you've never experienced one but now it doesn't seem like anything special
"I won't tell you what I think. Make up your own opinion were here" she says gesturing for you to open the door on your side. Suddenly it does seem like something special and the knot ties in your stomach, you start wobbling on your heels. Still your friends drags you to the door with a "you'll be okay" that does not reassure you in the slightest. A boy open the door. Pink hair. "I though Yuji wasn't coming in until later ?" You whisper in her ear "that's not Yuji it's Sukuna his twin." Yeah makes sense. He lets you both ente the house and you're hit with the smell of sex, probably some weed and sweat.
Your friend drags you over to her group of friend and they start chatting, before moving over to take shots. You on the other hand stay aside, props for not drinking but you do feel excluded. You need to isolate, Candy by Doja Cart banging within your head, it's too crowded. "Where's the bathroom" you scream over the music. Your friend points up the stairs. Without thinking you rush up the stairs, it's already better. The floor is already much more empty.  What wasn't smart was not asking which door was the bathroom door. They were all white. Which one was it ?
Anyway. You didn't really need to go to the bathroom you just needed some alone time. And which the popular music playing downstairs you were soon the only one left sitting on the hallway carpet in some corner. Clearing your calendar and doing some homework on your phone. You should have taken your earphones with you. "Need some help princess?" A voice asks. You lift your head to be met with the white haired boy leaning over you, his big eyes staring at yours. So that's why she said they were the hottest boys alive...
The black haired boy sighed "is she even sober ? How many times have we told these randoms to stay off the top floor" he hisses staring you down. "Oh I'm very sorry, I didn't know and I was looking for somewhere private..and I'm not drunk, I don't drink" you say almost muttering. This is not the best encounter you ever went through, it looked like the white haired boy was intrigued but the black haired boy very obviously didn't like you. "Coming to a frat party to stay alone and not drink. Do you even know us ?" The black haired boy asks. Shit. That's true what's their name again? "Uhhh" you point at the white haired boy" Joe—go ? Jogo? And Toge? No! uhhh Geto is it ? "They both stare at you blankly before bursting out in laughter "she called you Jogo, you'll never hear the end of it" Geto? Laughs, mocking the white haired boy who's face in now red.. "Sorry was that not it ? I apologize if I said something offensive " you retract "it's okay" he offers you a hand. "I'm Geto, you got that right, and he's Gojo, not Jogo" he chuckles looking over at his friend. You take his hand lifing yourself of the ground and stepping in a much clearer light.
"Damn, ya look good" Gojo says, starring you down. They probably couldn't see you properly because corned you were in. "You actually do" Geto adds smirking at you. "How About we show you around ?"
Well they're much more welcoming now.
You can feel your face burning. Like melting off. As you walk down the corridor. You're sandwiches between 6 total of six ab rows. Scarily hot. Gojo's hand holds your hip, while Geto's holding your hand. "So... What do u major in ?" He asks. You're hardly able to think, the tension is so obvious. "Uhh.. bio" you say as the white haired boy unlocking a door to a room? "What are we doing here ?" You ask starting to feel anxious. Two frat boys taking you in some room sounds weird. It was pretty though, a balcony from which you could see over a good part of the city, a huge bed with silk red sheets and a plain blanket, a nightstand, a desk. And some led lights shining a pretty pink.
"Who's room is this?" You ask. Looking around. "Mine, if you looking to chill you're free to come here" he says closing the door, locking it and standing behind you, his hand on your waist. Letting the white haired boy come into view. He holds your cheek, his eyes never leaving yours. They probably could tell your heart was beating at a thousand mile per hour, you tried avoiding his gaze, though he was dangerously close to your face, to your lips to be precise. "You're so soft" he says "and you smell so nice" Geto adds, his face buried in to crook of your neck.
"A-ah thank you" you stutter. You can very distinctively feel Geto's cock pressing up against you dress, which is too short by the way, entirely too short. Gojo starts lining kisses on your jaw, until his face is met with yours again, his eyes focusing on your lips, he grazes his thumb upon them. "Can I ?" He says looking you in the eyes. He wants to kiss you ? This rich ass frat boy want to kiss you ? Fuck.
Your mouth opens but nothing comes out, so you nod mindlessly. He leans in "just relax" his lips meet yours and the feeling in euphoric, he's crazy skilled, it feels like bliss pure bliss, you taste a minty hint on his lips before his tongue slides into your mouth. Chasing after yours "mmhf!" You whine feeling Geto behind you, trailing bite marks all over your neck. "What'd you say sugar ?" He says coily, watching you avoid the question. Thing is you don't stand a chance before them. When's the last time you've had sex ? A year and a half ? Maybe two? And now you two guys slowly hiking up you dress. "Listen here sugar. How about we make you feel realll nice? You seem so pent up..." He says against your skin. Kissing the spots he previously bit. "Ah uh I don't really kno-"you start saying, interrupted. "oh won't you look at that ? So horny she got her panties and my pants wet! We should take care of that" Gojo says shining a runway worthy smile. Shit. You knew you were kinda wet, who wouldn't be, squeezed in between these two boys, ready to ruin you while the biggest party on campus was going down a few feets below. Before you're able to speak Geto offers you a hand "Let's play sugar. You can only win here." The offer was tempting so tempting you took his hand, blushing at Gojo's cheers behind you.
"Talk to us. What do you want sugar ?" Purple eyes grazing upon your almost naked body. It didn't take Gojo much time to slide your dress off you, leaving you in your black laced matching underwear set. Good thing you were wearing that one. "Focus" he ordered. You were laying back on his chest, while he was playing with you bra's clasps. Focus. Focus? Right he asked a question. "I uh... I- don't know.." you muttered, eyes fixed on the white haired boy kissing your pussy through your panties. Having you throb like crazy..
"Mhm a virgin maybe?" He said, studying your look. "No! No.. I have had sex in the past I just.. you know..."
"No we dont. Use your words sugar. 'fore I take them away" he warns. "You're making her wet! Such a needy thing." Gojo adds, taking a break from teasing your pussy though your panties. "When's the last time you got ate?" He asks training his finger up and down your soaked undies. What? How was that relevant ? "I had lunch if that matters ?" It's the way his eyes go wide that makes you wonder what the fuck you just said. "You've never gotten ate before ?Oh I have to be your first" he said shifting behind you to get up. The white haired boy reluctantly move but before he whispered something to Geto that makes him lightly chuckle and say "okay okay"
His face stills between you thighs, you're mesmerizing by his beauty and assurance. The tensions is building up in your stomach "just trust me and relax". You simply nod, trying to put your focus away. Gojo's laying next to you. Kissing your chest, his hand wrapped around you, slowly u doing your bra. "Oh fuck..." He says, flinging the fabric at some end of the room before latching on your nipples. "Ah!" You yelp, feeling his hot tongue rolling over your bud. You close your eyes, too busy relishing in the feeling to bother realizing Geto's sliding off you panties and spreading you thighs far apart. You jolt and moan loudly when he licks a long strip from your pussy to your clit. "Ya like it uh ?" Gojo teases, finally letting your boob free, with a satisfying "pop!". You nod frantically, whatever he's doing he's great at it. So great you start lowly moaning for more. Trying to cover your pathetic whines with your hand "Go on tell him you feel good" Gojo says encouraging you to speak. Your eyes drift over to Geto, teasing your hole with his fingers and sucking your clit. "Ahh... I- I like it, it- ah! Feels nice..." You whine, felling your face heat up.
Geto's eyes stare into yours, and you can feel him smiling against you. "Good girl, see, wasn't so hard" Gojo says, making you return your attention to him. He lands a soft kiss against your lips, not letting you pull away. And you're moaning into the kiss, your chest hovering up and down the faint sound of 'Coming down' by the Weeknd playing downstairs, Geto's fingers stretching your walls open while he licks you down. The squelching sound and feeling sending butterflies to your lower belly. You eventually pull away from Gojo, out of breath. Your legs shuddering, your moans growing louder and louder. "Hmm! 'm cumming! Fuck fuck fuck fuck!" You mewl throwing you head back into the pillows. Your body jolting up at each additional suction he makes. He trails kisses up your body, upon your navel, between your breasts, up your neck before settling for your lips. You whine when he pulls away from your dripping cunt Making you crave attention. "What was that sugar ?" He asks caressing your heated cheek. "Felt nice...so nice...wan' more" you shamelessly admit, while still recovering from your high. "Say no more" Gojo says standing between your thighs in an instant.
Fuck it's big. Fucking huge, fully erect. Precum leaking from the tip, veins, lining its girth. "Satoru. Wrap it" Geto says. "Oh yeah" Your eye candy leave and starts searching through the bedside table, taking out a box of condoms. XXL. "Satoru?" You mutter. "Gojo's his last name. Satoru's what close friends and... Special people like you can call him" Geto answers. You nod thoughtfully "is Geto your last name too?" You wonder. "Yeah, but you're gonna have to earn calling me by my name sugar. Be patient you'll get there eventually" . Your cheeks heat at his words, you're being way to confortable for someone who's sprawled out on a bed she's never seen with two men she just met at a party. "Eyes up here sweetie, swallow it all" against your will your eyes drift from Geto's pretty eyes and land on Gojo's- no, Satoru's dick. Fuck are you really about to take all that. Your ex boyfriend was much smaller and frailer that this. "Don't worry darling you can take it" Geto whispers behind your ear, his voice sending butterflies to your stomach.
Satoru's cock nudges your hole, and he slowly pushed his tip in, stealing the words from your mouth, the more he pushed in the more you're feeling hot all over. "Fuck, love me some good tight pussy, you're perfect sweetie" he groans. "So fucking tight s' making me crazy" you whimper at his words, holding for dear life onto Geto's bulky arm. "Ah- are you in?" You babble, feeling your cunt throb around his girth. "Yeah...'bout halfway" he said gathering spit on his thumb and rubbing it messily over your clit. You moan loudly "Arh- shit! S-satoruu!"
His eyes ignore yours and perk up to his mate instead. It happens withing a fraction of a second: Satoru makes head movement. Tilting his head to the right. Geto pins your hands down and before you even have the right to wonder what exactly is happenings his lips crash against yours, his tongue poisoning your senses. *Thrust* your eyes open with, a thunder sensation runs up your spine before your stomach starts burning and you pussy raining. Your eyes roll back and fill with salty water, while you whine, whimper and mewl breathlessly into the kiss. Your pussy fluttering around his girthy cock.
Geto finally lets go of your lips, a string of saliva connecting both of you. Again you're mesmerized by his purple eyes. Until another thrust punches through you. Making your eyes close shut. You gather up strength to get on your elbow. "Satoru! Satoruuu" you whine and purr. "Feeeels too good, wanna cum 'gain" you pout feeling your brain disconnect. It's all you can think about right now. His thick cock stuffing you full, occupying you, fucking the breath in and out of you. "Anything for this thigh ass pussy don't mind be breaking you" he says. His hand grabs your hips but he doesn't thrust anymore, no. He drags your body over and over again on his cock, grunting over your high pitched moans. Fuck his dick was good. Good as fuck it got you screaming shamelessly. "Fuck i'd drown in this pussy anyway sweetie! Fucking tight!" He grunted switching to rutting his hips into onto your ass.
You couldn't be more grateful for the loud music playing downstairs, you had to thank Megan thee Stallion for covering the lewd pornographic sounds you both were making. Your pussy clammed him down, throbbing relentlessly around him. "Go on baby cum some more on my cock" he purred, watching your eyes flutter and chest hover up and down. His hips slam into yours exactly two more times to send you over the edge. Two thrust stretching your pussy to its maximum entent. Your voice rang against the room's walls " 'toru! 'toru! Cumming!" You cry, unfolding on him, a white sticky substance now covering the condom he wore. Inside and out, he grunts and moans over you "Mhm! fucking milking me out huh ?" He pulls out, letting the euphoric feeling wash over you.
You feel silly, so silly you want more, you miss his cock, you want more so much more. Your eyes wander off to Geto, who's eyes are fixated upon the lower part of your body. "How d'you feel doll?" He asks, his arms wrapping around your back to lift you up on your knees. Your teary eyes land back on his, how you missed them. His soft concerned look. "Arh- I wan' more" you're basically just giving out your ability to walk. That's probably not the best of ideas.
He chuckles lightly, " if that's what you wish...turn around sugar." Fuck it you can't get enough. You lay on the bed facing it's end, you can't know for sure but by the sound of it  he'd putting on a condom. In the meantime you gawk at the sight of Satoru pumping his ,now, hard again, cock right in front of your face, you're on the verge of reaching over, drooling and all when you feel Geto's pressing your back into the mattress, locking both your wrists with his one hand.
You whine at the loss of your eye candy. But soon totally forget about it, well maybe not totally but there's another dick on your mind in the moment. He slips in with less effort than Satoru had to use. Still his girth is spreading you apart. "Fuckkkk, so tight, just like that squeeze me good sugar" he grunts, fucking you into the mattress. You're blabbing and whimpering pathetically and he pull you up, with a hand on your lower back making you arch, thrusting into you like a maniac, making your ass bounce repeatedly, "Fuck, so fucking good sugar, 'm never letting you go. Stay like this." He orders through his ragged breathing. His hand slides up front and you know, his fingers attack your clit, you accidentally lean forward. Only slightly but it's enough to have his cock fucking you in all the right spots, "Ah! Geto! F-fuckkkkk s'deep soo— deep!" You coo and mewl, it's barely descriptible, like the tip of his cock was stuffed so deep in you, so fucking far you wondered if it was actually hitting your cervix. Where was all that biology knowledge? "Ah- fffuck I know, I know sugar" He's dragging his cock so far up your cunt, thrusting so hard it vibrated within your entire core.
Your eyes brim with tears. You're barely coherent in your thoughts and words. "Ahh! Geto! Geto! Geto— Mmph!!" You cry out, trying to get his attention. His cock thrusting deeper and deeper at a mind breaking pace. "S-satoruu! Tell him to be n-nice puh- please" you beg tugging on the boy's arm. "Calling out his name while I'm fucking you ? What a slut. Open your mouth." You might have been getting fucked stupid you knew not to ignore his orders. Your lips parted, offering the perfect opening for Satoru to thrust his aching cock into "Repeat after me slut, Su-gu-ru". Fuck you try, try to think and act. Act quick. Satoru's cock filling your mouth, deepthroating you, till you're gagging and choking. Suguru fucking your slick pussy like there's no tomorrow. "Shu guwu mhm!" You whine around Gojo cock, using your tongue to play around his shaft. Making him grunt your name. Youre slowly losing your mind.
A faint ringing sound in the background, not enough to get your attention but enough to attract theirs. You only realize when the white haired boy walk off in direction of the noise, leaving you mouth hanging empty. He returns and points a phone in your face and it takes a few seconds for you to collect your thoughts and read. Fuck, Fuck it's your friend but fuck it feels good
"mhm ? Pick it up" Suguru whines behind you. Roughly slamming his hip into you. "Huh nah! Fuck!" You're done for. The white haired boy display a mischievous smile before tapping the green pick up icon. "Girl ??! Where are you ??" You hear ringing through the phone. You stay quiet. As best as you can pleading Satoru with your eyes. 'Please hang up' you think but he only smiles and plants a kiss on your lips. "Hellooo ???" Your friend says. Suguru's hand wraps around your neck pulling you up close to him. "Speak" your eyes roll back. You're so fucking close. Shit. The boy in front of you kneels on the edge of the bed before his hand slide down between your legs starting to toy with your bud, circling and pressing his thumb over the bud. "Fucking speak" he orders. To think you had called them nice boys few hours ago. You wrap your arms over Satoru's shoulders for support when Suguru's hand leaves your neck to pinch your nipple. "
"Sugu! Sugu! Suguru! Ah! F-fuckkkkk Suguru you're the best! Y-yes the b-best" you cry out. Your orgasm winding you out. Fat tears sliding down your face. Huda beauty setting power and Charlotte tilbury meeting spray might be very good at keeping makeup intact, it was powerless face with this much face fucking, kissing and overall destroying.
Forgetting the jealous man in front of you watching you get fucked like he disappeared. Satoru grabs ahold of jaw. Using his finger to tap on your cheek. "The best huh ? Open that cock sleeve of a mouth for me, slut." Shit. "ahh I'll call you l-later 'm busy" you say as normally as you could. It's not like you just came on the phone. *Bip* He hangs up. And now it just the three of you again.
"Ahh!! I'm sowwy— Ngh!" You cry out. Another spank hitting your already sore ass. Suguru's spanking you like a mad man making you huff and hiccup relentlessly. You can't tell how you feel, the line between pain and pleasure being blurred. "How many times did we have to fucking tell you before you spoke ? Slut" Satoru gripping your hair to shove himself deeper down your throat. Fuck
It's Suguru first. His thrust turn erratic and he's groaning so much. "My pussy to fuck, Mine, 'gon f-fuck you today, tomorrow and every-fucking-day" he grunts, shoving himself  into you one more time, before his long strings of cum are stopped by his condom and he bottoms out. Still he's not done. While you're too focused on giving your best head in stock to Satoru he takes off his condom and throws it away. He lays between you legs, his arms wrapping around your thighs to make you sit on his face and again he's licking long strips of your cum, soiling his chin. Making you whine out of surprise around Satoru's dick, sending shivers down his spine and a cum load down your throat.
"F-fuck it sweetie, don't swallow yet, let me see all'at" you're mewling and brainlessly lagging in your actions, involuntarily riding Suguru's face your tongue lolling out, white sticky strings adorning your mouth. "So good!! Mhm ahhh!! " You moan. And *click!* A nice pic of the three of you having fun added to your photo gallery. You're to busy cumming hard on Suguru's tongue to care. You stretch your arm to Satoru, sticking your tongue out and it's barely a second before he's holding your chin "Swallow it." And like clockwork you do. And using that same clock your thighs shudder around Suguru's face, your toes are curling and you're making the lewdest face at Satoru, sending the blood straight to his dick. "My turn sweetie"
Visibly you were right when you said the night would be hard.
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373 notes · View notes
nayrring · 3 months
Kagaya said if i'm going down, i will be going down looking cunty as shit
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665 notes · View notes
lorelune · 4 months
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regency au jing yuan how you are haunting me.
(continued here!)
a retired general who at the ripe age of thirty five has never taken a wife. never showed any interest in procuring a spouse nor does he entertain any attempts by the mamas of the ton to throw their eligible children at him. he is a polite scoundrel, kind-hearted in a way that makes those with half a mind question how someone with his demeanor could ever be the famed general who's strategies downed Shuhu during the Abundance Upheaval. he doesn't seem to care for his legacy, as much as he has cultivated one. he doesn't mind gossip, but doesn't entertain it much either.
you only meet him due to fortunate circumstances.
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lord Luocha, a successful travelling merchant, pledged patronage to you sometime ago. he keeps you in a little cottage on the grounds of his manor where you're allowed to mostly do as you please as long as there's a new painting hung on the lord's wall every few months or so. the lord likes when you play too. he brings back new instruments for you to try, though he never expects mastery. he has an air of mystery to him that, despite all of the time you spend near him, keeps you from understanding him fully. you aren't one to pry about it either.
lord luocha invites jing yuan over to partake in fancy spirits from a country and city you can't ever hope to visit, let alone find on a map. you bring lord luocha your newest work-- (a meticulously completed oil painting. something more abstract, suited to the odd lonely and isolation you feel in your little, cozy cottage, despite all of the comforts you are afforded)-- and happen upon the pair.
lord luocha examines your newest work with pride, and shortly after introduces you. 'his patron' he calls you, but offers jing yuan no title. you--
(do not have one. it was stripped from you a long time ago. you think being an artist suits you better, anyways.)
jing yuan offers you his name, though you already know it. you recognize him based on the prattling of the girls and boys at the market. they swoon over his stature, fawn over his good deeds, and make note of his identifiable red hair ribbon. he has the same soft, sun-colored eyes that you had heard the eligible young of the ton giggle about.
you bow to him politely.
you have no reason to linger, but luocha calls you to anyways. perhaps he is lonely. perhaps you want him to be lonely, so it gives you a reason to stick closer to his side in the rare moments he is home for more than a day or two. the proximity is shared with jing yuan, who regards you with keen eyes and a lazy smile. the attention upon you feels weighted, important, like you're something special.
you savor it, however fleeting.
perhaps, however, you misunderstood jing yuan. or lord luocha's intentions.
because as jing yuan rises to take his leave and you bow once more, he catches your hand, brings it to his lips, and presses a kiss into the soft skin. you're sure you smell of linseed and yarrow oil. he lingers there for a moment before meeting your gaze. there's a light of mischief in them that sends your heart fluttering. your breath catches.
when jing yuan is out of the manor, lord luocha pats your shoulder gently, "quite the man, isn't he?"
"i suppose... he is."
"you may speak freely."
"i am," you mince, and shake your head. you must be careful, entertaining such fanciful thoughts. "he is... kind."
"and handsome."
"lord luocha," you barely keep yourself from whining. "please, do not tease me. or the poor man. from what i hear, he has enough to deal with."
"the mamas do chase after him like foxes to a hen," lord luocha chuckles and studies your painting once more with a curious tilt of his head. "he'll ask to see you again, i'm certain."
"and why do you say that?"
"general jing yuan has never taken the hand of a potential suitor."
your heart feels heavy and warm in your chest, burning. "my lord, you cannot possibly think that this single action indicates that the general will... call upon me? that is highly unorthodox and i don't believe that's... quite allowed."
"jing yuan has never cared for the dances of decorum." lord luocha guides you into your gardens. the peonies are in bloom, full and lush in the humidity of late spring. "and, for the record, i don't believe he'll simply call upon you. court, properly, certainly."
"you're bluffing."
"what reason do i have to lie?"
"to tease me, as you so enjoy doing," you huff.
lord luocha simply hums and pauses near a bush of lilacs. they're fragrant, at the peak of their season. the scent rolls over you.
"if i truly intended to tease you, i simply would abstain from telling you of jing yuan's interest and allow you to be terribly surprised when he arrives and formally asks for you and your time. consider this a warning. i'll walk you to the modiste tomorrow, hm?"
you want to squawk at him. your linen dresses and tunics are fine (albeit smeared and stained with paints and oils over the years. you rarely bother replacing them.)
you want to protest and pry more, but lord luocha strikes you silent when he breaks off a cluster of lilac and tucks it behind your ear. he leaves you with your thoughts, however tortuous. and, perhaps horribly, you find yourself believing him. perhaps the warm-eyed general really was charmed. perhaps, your dresses needed replacing and you should contact your perfumer friend for a fresh vial or two.
perhaps perhaps perhaps, you can still feel where his lips lingered on your skin, like a brand. you never thought you could ache for burning, but in the gardens, you find yourself clutching your hand to your chest, craving the lick of the his sun's heat once more.
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laurorne · 3 months
Hi, can u write Daemon Targaryen x reader where she’s daemon second wife. He married her on the Valyrian way so Viserys had to acknowledge their marriage. Rhea Royce came to the capital because even hating daemon he’s her husband and humiliated her. A meeting between daemon and his wives ahahah
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༊*·˚ WITH EACH LOVE YOU CUT LOOSE | daemon targaryen x niece!reader
summary: beheading is the only punishment fit for uncouth behaviour directed at the wife of daemon targaryen.
content: targaryen typical incest (uncle x niece), blood, mutual infliction of wounds, cheating on daemon's behalf, fluff, daemon is a softy, reader is catty towards rhea but feels sorry, possibly innacurate valyrian wedding?, murder!! no beta i'm so sorry
word count: 3.1k
a/n: tadaaa! sorry it took so long hun, i've been flat out with exams but i honestly loved this concept. i wasn't sure about the relationship dynamic you wanted so i assumed you meant for reader to be viserys' daughter, i hope you enjoy tho!!
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The cold steel meets your lip in kind, Daemon's pointer and thumb pinching your chin in place so you don't slip from his grasp as he drags it across the soft flesh. Your nose scrunches for not even a second before you're pushing the pain back down. Your eyes meeting those of the man before you as he stares so lovingly at you, your heart hurts in its cage. Your pulse is wild and skittering as you take a deep breath.
His brow pinches slightly as a smile plays on his lips, something akin to hope and possibly admiration settling in those lilac iris'. Oh, ever-sweet Daemon, back from war and he's already offering his mind, body and soul to you in their entirety. It seems being back home, after the Stepstones had lifted a weight that'd been on his shoulders since he was sent away by his brother, your father.
His hair is fluttering along with the night breeze that cocoons Dragonstone on its spring eves. The scent of the lit candles invades your nose as you allow the wind to pull the curtain of your hair along its path.
A droplet of blood begins beading on the curve of your lip, Daemon traces his rough fingers down the edges of it, coaxing more blood to rush from the slit as he blows air onto it, perhaps comforting or enjoying the way your lashes flutter as he does so.
He seems to think the blood enough, as he swipes the pad of his thumb over the beads of blood that bloomed from the cut and he marks the Valyrian rune -fire- upon your forehead. The hand with the knife of dragon-glass upon your outstretched palm, willing you with the dip of his head to do the same he had just done.
Your hand isn't as steady as you bring it to grace upon his lip -you're far too flustered, after all these years of praying to whatever higher power would listen for him to come back to you safely. Utter infatuation and eagerness on your behalf made your cut slightly off but the dragon-glass was sharp and ensured a clean cut that allowed hot blood to pool on the bow of his lower lip nearly immediately.
Another breeze seems to coax you forward as you brush your own thumb along the trail of blood that began oozing its way towards his chin. He tilts himself forward so you can reach him with ease, his hair gathering around his face as it shields you both from the onlooking eyes of the maester and your witnesses. His eyes ever delicate as they trace the way a ringlet of hair dances along your cheek. You catch the droplet of red before it can begin its descent and mark his forehead with 'blood'.
A lingering emotion rolls over his face as your heart skitters to keep up with what's happening, not even a moon ago had he sent a letter pleading for you to greet him on Dragonstone before he returned and here you were, willing to wed this man without so much as a thought about the consequences or the rage your father would berate you with upon your return to Kings Landing. A part of your mind whispering that it was worth it, that you deserved to be loved by a man who didn't only want you for a birth claim of dragons or those pale Valyrian features of snow white hair.
Daemon's hand clasps over your smaller one as he brings the dark edge to the open planes of his palm, pushing down onto it as he guides you through the ceremony with little care of the proper way to do this.
He's waited far too long for this, and he cannot bear another second of not being able to have you as his. His flame, his soon to be wife.
He eases the blade from your fingers as he brings it down upon your own palm, it makes your breath come in shallow bursts at how oh-sp close you are to kissing him. To having him by your side, on the plush bed in the royal apartments of Dragonstone, as your husband and twin soul. Blood of the dragon mingling, like how it was supposed too.
Your tongue rolls over your top lip, licking away the coppery liquid that begins smearing across the entirety of your mouth as part your lips and watch him so delicately hold your wrist and split the warm skin in the cradle of your hand. His thumb brushes across the pulse point of your wrist as he presses your bloody, weeping hands together.
Not even the maester speaking can pull your eyes away from the deep lilac of Daemon's gaze, his pupils are dilated, round and dark as he stares into your own. You can nearly see the way he thinks, can feel what he does with the way he tightens his grasp on your hand.
"Hen lantoti ānogar." Blood of two.
The maesters cold hands brush across both of yours as he begins wrapping the reddened silk around the only point you and Daemon are touching as thick blood mixes and drips to the cup he holds beneath.
"Va sȳndroti vāedroma," Joined as one.
Your shoulders rise and fall as you breath in the salty brine of the ocean, but you cannot escape the man you love dearly as you catch a huff of him. Heady and warm and everything you crave.
"Mēro perzot gīhoti." Ghostly flame
He pushes the cup into your hand and your stomach churns as you bring it to your lips, the intricate headpiece you wear making your neck tilt as you stare deeply into his eyes over the rim as you drain half the cup, licking your lips as the rich blood smothers out anything else you could possibly feel.
Elēdroma iārza sīr. And song of shadows.
He looks down so proudly as you lick the crimson away from your teeth, tongue peeking out for a split second as you capture a stray droplet at the corner of your lip. He had preached when you were but a young girl, that dragons weren't afraid of blood, and you'd be damned by the gods now if you didn't live up to that.
Izulī ampā perzī. Two hearts as embers.
You bring the goblet away from the seam of your lips as you offer it to him between your bodies.
Pūmī lanti sēteksi. Forged in fourteen fires.
He glances down at it with a straight face before looking back up to you, hand wrapping around yours as he moves to take the cup. Warmth spreads from the contact as your lids flutter.
Hen jenȳ māzīlarion. A future promised in glass.
Daemon drags the cup to his lips with a look that burns you down to the core like one of the wicks that struggle against the winds, he lights a fire in the pit of your stomach that you're sure won't be extinguished for years to come. He stares you down, the cup idly held between you as you grasp his hand just the bit harder, eager. He downs what you couldn't in a mouthful, holding eye contact as his adams apple bobs with the swallow.
Qēlossa ozūndesi. The stars stand witness.
He shoves the cup in the maester direction, and the old frail man takes the cup with a trembling hand.
Sȳndroro ōñō jēdo. The vows spoken through time.
Rȳ kīvia mazvestraksi. Of darkness and light.
He cards a hand through the strands of loose hair, tucking it behind your ear as his eyes skate across every feature and dip and slope of your face. Years apart had not changed the way he watched you, the way he took in everything about you without so much as a thought about what he would gain from marrying you, aside from your presence as his wife.
Your heart beats wildly against the cage of your ribs as you place a hand on his cheek, stroking the skin there as you lean up to him, lashes fluttering in anticipation.
His hand cradles your neck as he drags you the rest of the way in, eyes closed as his lips press against yours. Blood is smeared between you both, the cuts weeping anew with the ferocity and want that he kisses you with. Your breath is stolen from you as he bites at your lip, breathing your air as he all but devours you.
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Your arrival to Kings Landing after three months of hiding upon Dragonstone with your insatiable, newly wed husband had been rather... quiet. There had not been an entourage of royal maids or knights or even the High Council. It was simply Otto Hightower, accompanied by your fiery younger sister in her riding gear who looked less than pleased as you dismounted your darling dragon alongside Daemon and Caraxes. The Hand to the King had simply said that your grandsire was waiting patiently in Maegors Holdfast, and that, should you say anything, ensure it is an apology.
It was eerily silent as Viserys sat across from you in his chambers, deep within his cups as he regarded you with what you could only consider contempt. Your sister had been no less the same, you had married the man she was pining after, afterall. But you had no qualms about the dissatisfaction of your father or sister, it was your choice, and your life. You'd left your grandsire's chambers in a flurry of fabric as he had regarded you as a child throwing a tantrum, and that you would soon realize that you would come to regret this.
Afterall, Daemon was still married to the lady Rhea Royce in Runestone and that he wouldn't be willing to annul the marriage.
You think that perhaps Daemon had spoken to your father -his brother- because no less than a moon later King Viserys had sent out letters to invite the lords to a tournament in the honour of his eldest daughters marriage. 'To officially announce this bountiful marriage', as Viserys had put it.
So here you were, four moons after your marriage to Daemon, being regarded by your husband as you sat at the vanity in nothing but a shift.
"I feel that today won't be held together well." You allow your eyes to drift from the task of brushing your hair, Daemon is sat against the bed in his attire for today. Dark fabrics that fit him well, staying in Kings Landing for the past month had perhaps tamed him. Or maybe he was laying in wait for the moment he could prove his brother right about his marriage.
"Perhaps. Though I trust you will remain civil." You all but say back, fingers weaving through loose strands as you pull it into a long plait.
"If any lords are to look at you with so much as a lewd face, I may have to pull Dark Sister from their chests."
You hum, hand drifting to your swollen stomach automatically as one of your handmaids steps in to tie the braid off, her fingers not as gentle on your snow white hair as Daemon's were.
"Oh how you make me swoon, husband."
He huffs a breath as he stands from the softness of your bed, hand sitting upon the pommel of his sword. He wanders toward your seated form as he presses a gentle kiss to the crown of your head, hand smoothing over your bare shoulder as it moves past your breast and to your bump. Thumb stroking circles on the fabric above it as he presses a final kiss to your temple.
"I'll let your maids dress you today, send for me when you're ready to join the festivities."
You lean up to plant a final kiss to the corner of his lips before you allow his hand to fall away. His scent stays with you for a moment and so does his warmth, before he pulls away fully. Leaving the room in careful strides as the maids swarm you nearly immediately.
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Being apart of the Royal family meant that you had the responsibility of greeting every longwinded lord who walked into the Great Hall, with a gentle smile and a soft greeting and a monotonous non-heartfelt 'thank you for making the journey for today'.
It's as if the King knew that you hated such things, that you loathed the frequent meetings of the High Council and the repetitive greetings. The only thing that got you through such affairs was the soothing presence of Daemon at your side, his occasional mocking words and dubious glances when a lord with eyes to big for his cock made a compliment to close to inappropriate.
Dinner had been served long ago, the rich oily meats sat across the tables made your stomach churn and the berry juices in your cup seem less than appetizing. So you opted for something savory, the lemon cakes and loaves of bread and soup.
Midway through a bite of a warm lemoncake, there was a voice you hadn't heard tonight, someone that had Daemon leaning further back in his chair as he took a deep swill of his goblet, a taunting look on his face as he glared the woman who stepped towards the table that sat before the Iron Throne with the entire Royal family.
"Thank you for inviting me to the events, my King." Her short brown curls were tied back as best as could be managed, she was dressed up in bronzy fabrics that rippled in the light of the braziers that lined the walls. She was... beautiful. Roynish in her appearance and the hardness of her features, a Northern Beauty for lack of better words.
Your Grandsire grinned widely as he greeted her back, "I was afraid you wouldn't be able to make it Lady Royce, I trust you found your travel to Kings Landing well?"
Oh. So this was the Rhea Royce? The... Bronze Bitch? As Daemon had so lightly put it in all his letters.
"It was a long ride, your grace. But worth it to join the festivities. And to see... my husband after so long apart."
The glare that's thrown towards your left is surely meant for Daemon. This situation was becoming more hilarious the longer you waited for her to greet him, and you by proxy. Oh, you had to greet her first.
"Lady Royce." You smile saccharinely, lips pulling back as you rise to greet her from across the table, hand evidently on your growing bump as you bow your head. "I've heard much of your conquests in the Vale. Tell me, how did you deal with those savages from the forests?"
You can see the tick in her jaw as she bows towards you, forced too by your position on the hierarchy and the keen eyes of the other guests here tonight.
"With a steady hand and decisive mind, princess."
You laugh, a true sort of thing as you look back to your husband, he huffs out a breath at that. He knows what you're doing, and he's keen on helping play this falsity of niceties.
"Husband," Rhea says suddenly, it's harsh and possessive as she watches you hold your husbands hand. "It has been a long few years, has it not? I missed your letters so."
She looks like a scorned wife -she is, but she cannot act upon it in the presence of her King, your father. Your smile falters as your fingers tighten around Daemon's scarred ones.
"Husband? You're not married anymore." You withhold any of the ill will you feel for her as her lip curls.
"Oh, my princess. But we are. The King hasn't annulled Prince Daemon and I's marriage. He is rightfully wed to me."
The hand you had on Daemon is swiftly pulled from his grasp, the hand you had on your stomach is twitching as you glare her down, you stand taller than her both figuratively and literally.
"Lady Royce, I would be mindful of your tone. Speaking to the Crown Princess with such speech could find your lands without a Lord." You all but laugh, you can feel the mirth that Daemon holds for her and it only doubles your hatred for this insolent petulant woman.
"I only speak the truth, princess."
"Was there not a rumour that your marriage was not consummated?"
Your grandsire snaps into action at that, a bit off call of your name as you bristle at his intrusion on your conversation. "Father. It's true is it not? There was never proof that Daemon bedded her, her womb is barren and I find that mine is not the same. Would you call me a liar and fraud when she couldn't even produce an heir?"
"You have embarrassed me! I've been dishonoured and cast aside after how many years or marriage? My own husband will not speak while his mistress dares to speak on his behalf. What have you to say, husband?"
You stand with a hand over your stomach and a lip curled up in disgust at the woman stood before you with a flushed face. If this is how your father thought he would turn you against Daemon, he was deftly wrong as he often is.
"You dishonour my wife by simply being here, Rhea." Oh and how the brown haired woman seems to crumble at that. Daemon had always been a man of few words, but he made each one count all the same.
“I dishonour your wife? She is nothing but a platinum haired husband stealing whore!”
The Bronze Bitch all but snarls and picks up a plate of tarts to throw in your direction but Daemon is swift in his movements. Standing before you and taking the metal dish to his chest without thought.
The plate clatters onto the stone floor with such a loud reverberation that Rhea seems to snap out of her rage as she realises that she had indeed just insulted a royal family member, and that she may not leave this Great Hall with her life.
There's a telltale sign as a sword is unsheathed and the whoosh of a blade through air. And then deathly silence as the entire hall settles into silence, as the body of the woman steps once backwards before it crumples and her neck hinges, a spray of blood decorating the table before you as Rhea Royce becomes but a corpse for the Silent Sisters to prepare for burial.
Grandsire stands from his chair in a swift move, shouting at Daemon for such insolence and killing a guest of the King.
Daemon ignores his brother in favour of wiping the blood from Dark Sister and stares out at the full hall. "Insult to the Crown Princess is punishable by death, you will all do well to remember it as such."
Rhaenyra is tensed in her seat and your father yells at him, something pertaining to another banishment and you are left to stand in awe of the gruesome acts your uncle is willing to commit in your honour.
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nottsangel · 6 months
how do you think rafes baddie girlfriend would react to him trying to be possessive and controlling of her at a party?
god, she would have none of it. she’s her own person who knows exactly what she wants and will never let a man, including rafe, tell her what she can and cannot do. it frustrates and irritates him. he wants you to be all his, even though you already are— but it never seems to be enough for him.
you can feel rafe’s burning eyes following you with every move you make at the party, your hips swaying to the beat as you have your arms wrapped around your friend while dancing with her. he taps his rings restlessly against the glass beer bottle while glancing around the room with narrowed eyes, taking in all the guys who are staring at you with lust.
he tries not to lose his cool, knowing you fucking hate it when he's controlling, but when he notices some drunk guys talking to each other while pointing at his girl, he has had enough. rafe could easily guess what they were talking about, almost recognising his old, single self and his friends in that group, treating girls like objects to be used solely for their pleasure— the thought of them doing the same to you causes anger to rage through his entire body.
you’re in your own world, nothing on your mind except the music pounding in your ears, when all of a sudden you feel a strong hand wrapped around your arm, causing you to flinch before seeing your boyfriend’s towering frame standing over you, his intense blue eyes gazing down at you.
“cut that shit out, yeah? everyone in this goddamn room is practically eye fucking you, for fucks sake. you gotta behave, makin’ me look like a fucking idiot here.” “behave? rafe, helloo?! i’m literally just dancing? you’re so fucking dramatic, holy fucking shit. now either join me or leave— but i think i already know the answer to that, mr. stiff hips.” you snap, looking him up and down with a disapproving expression on your face, not in the slightest bit amused by his controlling behaviour.
he scoffs, tongue poking the inside of his cheek in annoyance, “if that’s how you wanna play this, then a’ight”, eyes momentarily leaving yours as he rubs his face with his mind racing, before returning his gaze to you. “but by the end of the night, you’re gonna fucking regret it.” “yeah yeah, whatever tough boy, we’ll see about that.”
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r4spb3rr13s · 4 months
holds out my hands
greeting my mcbling angel
maybe i pretty please ask for shoto, iida and denki meeting their own mcbling hottie 🙏🙏🙏
- 🍥 anon
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pro heroes meeting their mcbling gf
♱ todoroki, iida, kaminari
♱ pt.1 here pt.3 here
notes : ur too cute anon 🥰🥰
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Shoto has been stood staring at his options for soba for the past ten minutes. He’s deep in decision, hand on chin, in the middle of the store just before closing.
So deep in thought, he’s completely oblivious to you strutting round the corner to the aisle he stood in.
You’re on your phone, moving by muscle memory. Your favourite noodles are always in the same spot, so your uggs lead you to where the soba is-
But you look up.
Shoto- your favourite pro hero, for reference- is stood like the motherfucking Thinker. In your presence.
You backpedal, but it’s too late- he’s seen you!
Shoto turns you to and his eyes widen. You’re in a neon pink graphic cami, big hoops hiding from beneath (locs/braids/curls/strands) and as his eyes trail down…
His cheeks go as pink as the thong peeking out your pants’ waistband. I mean, Shoto didn’t really have time to register your slack jaw.
There’s so much running through your head at the minute- who wears a black compression shirt to the store? How are his muscles bigger in real life than on billboards? Why does his hair look so soft?
He coughs and it breaks the moment.
“Oh- sorry, can I just-”
“Yeah, I apologise,” He replies. When you lean over to grab your noodles, a waft of sugary, almost sickly, perfume hits his nose. It was intoxicating- not in a bad way.
You’re trying to steady your breathing- he’s just another guy, Y/n, chill! Boys fall left and right for you, just breathe.
“You’re Shoto right?”
“Yes, that’s me.” He smiles slightly, corners of his lips lifting. Every nerve in your body is screaming to swoon - maybe he’d catch your fainting body?
You could look into his gorgeous eyes, and he’d brush the hair from your face-
“Is everything alright?”
You snap out of your daydream and smile awkwardly. “Uh… I’m just a big fan, is all.”
He nods and smiles down at you, softly. You clear your throat and hoist your bag further up your shoulder.
“I like your clothes.”
Your world stops for a minute. How do you breath again? It’s not hard, Y/n, come on-
“Where did you get the inspiration?” He says. Shoto makes no move to leave - you’re not an annoying fan, begging for his autograph.
Plus, you have the prettiest eyes he’s ever seen.
You blink owlishly at him - his heart skips a beat, of course - and you just nod dumbly for a second. Then, it registers that he’s actually interested in you?
“Umm… 2000s stuff, American celebrities mainly. What about you?”
Shoto huffs a chuckle, “I don’t really have style.” He glances at his watch, and his smile morphs into a… pout? It’s subtle, but his brows furrow ever-so-slightly, and his bottom lip just out a little bit.
“Oh God, don’t let me keep you,” You hurry. Good lord, your face is burning up aggressively.
He shakes his head, but bites his lip still looking at his watch. “No, I’m on shift soon… it was nice meeting you…?”
“Oh, Y/n!”
Shoto smiles again, glances at his watch with an internal frustrated groan. He needed more time to talk to you, to understand you, to get to the bottom of the neon pink and leopard print-
Oh, right.
“Could I get your number, Y/n?”
Tenya spent his nights going on walks. Why? Because he liked to meet his neighbours’ dogs… did he know that’s why he liked them, however? No. He just thought walking around gave him immense joy for no reason.
And they call him ‘smart’.
His favourite dogs were the least of worries when he walked past the park and heard shouting.
Tenya’s head snapped to, and he was marching through the park gates.
You, a grown woman, were stood on a table, wafting away… chihuahuas. You, in a tiny denim skirt and a babydoll top, were using your small purse to shoo away a trio of stray chihuahuas.
In all fairness, Tenya disliked chihuahuas the most of all the dogs he’d met, but he’s never seen someone in platform sneakers clamber onto a picnic bench to get away from them. Or scream at the top of their lungs at the tiny puppies.
He could not help but let out a laugh at the sight, making you look up at him. You straightened up a bit and stopped screaming, but still sounded shaky.
“You’re that hero right?”
“My name is Ingenium, yes,” he replied. One of the rat-dogs had turned to growl at him now, but Tenya paid no mind to it.
You pointed at the dogs. “Could you… y’know, be a hero and save me?”
He raised a brow without meaning to. He shouldn’t be judging you for your fears - he’s a hero! Here to help everyone!
But still… three tiny dogs?
He sighed and nodded. Suddenly, all three dogs were in his arms, and being carried towards the kid’s sandbox. He paid no mind to them nipping and jumping up- not like they could escape his large forearms.
Large firearms that you were looking at with much interest…
He returned, ignoring the yapping puppies trying to escape the gates, but not being tall enough to get out. “I’ll call animal control, Miss…”
“Oh, just call me Y/n. What should I call you?” You asked, taking his hand and stepping down.
Tenya tried to ignore how small your hand was in his, or how your skirt hitched up your thighs when you stepped down. Instead, he helped you stand upright on your wobbly legs, and pushed down his blush when you thanked him.
“Iida. Tenya Iida.”
You looked him up and down. Tenya Iida was tall, broader than a fridge and had glasses you desperately wanted to push up his nose for him.
“Well, Tenya Iida… can I take you out for a drink to thank you?”
Tenya froze and he couldn’t stop the red that stretched across his face at your question. But he nodded. But it was so unprofessional! A true hero would never use a victim’s position to their advantage, the power imbalance was-
“I’ll need your number then!” You sang out.
Tenya’s internal protests were lost as he passed you his phone, and you type in your digits with your long, zebra print nails.
Now, Denki has met a few of Mina’s friends. They were all… nice. He flirted casually, maybe exchanging numbers with them, but they never ended up getting a call.
So when Mina announced she was bringing ‘fresh meat’ to their group’s monthly reunion, he didn’t really prepare himself for much.
Then, you walked in.
All giggles, sparkly black eyeshadow and lipgloss. Mina was whispering in your ear before strutting you through the doorway, but Denki was more focused on your shiny lips curling up into a grin.
A black tube top held you in, pink bikini straps wrapping around the back of your neck. His eyes travelled down- shamelessly, might I add- to the leggings hugging your curves. ‘PINK’ written on your ass caught his attention like a siren, and your matching hot pink toes from your sandals didn’t help either.
“This is Y/n!”
Katsuki and Eijiro barely looked up, immersed in an aggressive game of … cards, or something - Denki was not paying attention to them. He was, however, paying keen attention to the once-over Hanta gave you.
Mina grabbed your bangled-wrist and tugged you to sit with her between the two boys.
The unmistakeable scent of sugar and apples wafted over his face when you sat down. You shot him a big, toothy grin and Denki thought he was going to short-circuit right there-
He didn’t realise he actually was letting off electricity until he watched your hair stand on end.
“What the…” You tried to pat your hair down, while Mina cackled behind you. The pink woman draped an arm around your shoulder.
“Aww, Denki’s all nervous! Look at him!”
You stopped focusing on your hair and looked at the man next to you. Lean, tan and blushing furiously. He was, in truth, letting sparks fly off him like a faulty wire.
You chuckled, “You alright?”
Denki did not know what to do. You were staring at him with a cheeky smile, eyes wide and soft, and his friends were laughing and pointing at him behind you.
“Yes.” It was the only word the poor boy could get out. You snorted at him and rolled your eyes, pulling out your phone.
He watched with wide eyes as you grabbed his hand but you pulled back for a minute when he shocked you.
“Shit- sorry-”
“Just put your number in my phone, okay?”
You held out the device in your hand with a cocky grin.
Mina had to usher him to another room to calm down before he blew your phone up in his hand by accident….
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note: pls shoto is so OOC IDFK HOW TO WRITE HIM 😭
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slippyteas · 2 days
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♫ “𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘶𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘦’𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨, 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦”
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brunettegirlwrites · 8 months
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pairing: baddie!reader x rafe cameron
summary: things heat up after a night out.
author’s note: based off “good for you” by selena gomez & asap rocky
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“hold up, take a minute, love”
you liked dressing up, especially to go out. there was something so therapeutic about getting all dolled up to go to the club. a night out off the mainland with rafe and your shared friends, was the perfect excuse to try on your new pink lacy dress your boyfriend bought you. “how does it look?”
“as good as it did when you first tried it on,” rafe muttered from his position on your bed. he looked up from the text message he had just sent topper. his eyes were now glued to how fat your ass looked from the back. you were kneeling down, putting on your heels, and he had a perfect view of your bare pussy. “god fuckin’ dammit,” he groaned, tossing his phone off to the side.
you looked up at him, head tilted to the side as you giggled. “what is it, daddy?” you knew exactly what was happening.
“get your ass over here.”
the way you ran over to him would’ve been embarrassing to others but he loved your eagerness when it came to getting fucked.
“but the way you touching on me in the club, rubbing on my miniature”
everyone painted you as this innocent, bubbly, classy girl who would never speak out of turn. however—with your ass pressed against rafe’s dick as you slowly dipped forward and began shaking it to the beat of the song—they knew you were no angel. not when it came to rafe.
“jackpot, hit the jackpot”
topper couldn’t stop staring at you as you walked past. he would try to cover it but glancing around the room when rafe caught him, but he knew. if it was any other guy who took it too far, he would’ve had a bottle smashed against the side of their head.
yeah, rafe didn’t give a shit what you were because he was always strapped.
yes, it did make him jealous to see all the hungry, lustful gazes that would come your way. but at the end of the day, he knew that you knew who you belonged to. and he dared anyone to try him.
besides, if anyone looked closely enough, they would see the stain he left on your dress.
“you look good, girl. you know you did good, don’t you?”
“i’m glad you came, daddy,” you whispered in his ear as you two went off to get drinks from the bar. a corona for him and a malibu sunrise for you, of course. tonight was a rare night he let you have more drinks than your limit allowed. probably because you let him fuck you raw right before getting into the Uber full of your friends.
“I bet you are,” you didn’t catch on to his joke at first. you were giggling about it later as you rolled around your bed, drunk and high off adrenaline from a good night.
“you look good, girl. I bet it feel good, don’t it?”
rafe had just exited the bathroom when he noticed you were sat up, legs spread wide to show him your dripping pussy. he smirked, knowing you were ready for round two. he began unbuttoning his shirt when he grabbed you by the ankles and pulled you closer to his body.
“come show me who you belong to.”
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