#Crossover: This Isn't My World
acoldsovereign · 3 months
The pain of this has surely made me what I am, Eventually, they all will tear me apart.
You're angry with the beating Of my careless, selfish heart,
You're chasing me 'cause I'm too close, Scared of what I can start . . . //for @scarlxtleaves
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akanemnon · 2 months
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Wow, not even 5 seconds in and they're already starting a fight.
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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chaos-bringer-13 · 6 months
I've seen a lot of people writing Danny as a space ancient and Dan and Dani as ghosts with moon and sun cores, being sort of parts, versions of Danny and therefore weaker. Now, consider: Dan and Dani are both powerful ghosts with really cool cores and stuff but Danny is just some guy™
Dan, who came from an alternate timeline and is kind of from the future but also not, is Clockwork's apprentice and will eventually become an ancient of time. He probably only agreed to have some lessons with Clockwork to understand better what happened to him, but he enjoys his apprenticeship now.
Dani, with her love of travelling, loves seeing all the different places the world offers to her, and that includes space and different planets and maybe even parallel universes, and she accidentally ends up being an apprentice of the space ancient. For now she's probably a baby ancient of freedom or something like that, but she might become an ancient of space in the future.
We can also have something like Dan having a core of destruction or Dani being the Speed Force if you want it to be dcxdp, or any headcanon of yours about their cool powers.
And then there's Danny. And yeah, everyone knows that he's super powerful, but also he's just some guy.
It can go different routes. Does everyone know that Danny is just Danny? Or do they think that with siblings (well, technically a clone and an alternate version, but whatever) so powerful, he must be even stronger? Is Danny actually something terrifyingly eldritch and ancient and strong, almost a god, but he just doesn't know himself? Or is he just really some guy?
Now, because it's obvious that I have a dcxdp brainrot, have a regular "JL summons/meets a powerful ghost" but its Dan and Dani, and they keep mentioning their original/brother who won a fight against them at some point. The JL is very concerned about Dan and Dani's godlike powers, and they can't imagine what Danny is like. And then they meet him (in his human form), and it's just a young adult in casual clothes, very friendly and helpful, with no evident powers. Imagine the confusion. Imagine Dan and Dani, radiating power, in their eldritch ghost forms, admitting that fighting Danny for real is the dumbest thing to do and not even they would succeed... And then there's Danny is jeans and silly t-shirt, waving shyly.
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crookedfivefingers · 5 months
NOTE 7/23: The actual first chapter of this fic is now significantly different! Just keeping this post here for archive purposes, I suppose 😂
NOTE 8/13: The first chapter is now up!
I had this thought about Ten and Martha traveling back to Venice in the 1700s.
Naturally, they wind up separated during the trip — which is how Martha eventually finds herself in the company of a charming, if hauntingly familiar stranger…
One who can’t seem to keep his eyes off of her.
Ten x Martha | Martha x Casanova
✨WIP snip from ch.1✨
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In May of 1758, the many streets of Venice are packed for the annual Feast of the Ascension —but a day filled with food and laughter is cut short when Martha loses sight of the Doctor in the crowds.
By the time she’s finally able to break free and locate the missing Time Lord, she’s stunned to see him being tugged into a carriage by a beautiful young woman… A carriage that swiftly disappears down the road and out of sight.
Alone, hurting, and more than a little cross, Martha suddenly realizes that she’s stranded in an unfamiliar city… over two hundred years in the past. Bloody brilliant.
She can’t even remember where they parked the TARDIS at this point — not with the endless narrow alleyways and labyrinthine streets.
It’s a modest blessing, but she takes some comfort in knowing she’s at least dressed appropriately for the times, straightening her elaborate wig as she begins walking in the carriage’s general direction.
As time passes, the sun tucks itself away beneath the edge of the horizon, and the crowds finally begin to dissipate. Without the excess noise and foot traffic, Martha has more room to process the events of the evening, sort-of-searching for the long-lost carriage (but mostly brooding) as she puts increasing wear on her shoes.
After some time, the sound of music and laughter drifts into her ears, catching her attention to pull her from the darkness of her thoughts. She allows herself to be drawn towards it without hesitation, and not three minutes later, she’s standing at the edge of a ballroom in the Palazzo Pisani Moretta.
Partying shouldn’t be top of mind, of course — but after a full day of celebrating throughout the city, she can’t imagine putting any more stress on her aching feet. The poor extremities scream for reprieve in the wedge sandals that hide beneath her skirt, scolding her for not putting more thought into her choice of footwear.
To be fair, the move to enter the building isn’t entirely void of strategy. After all, the Doctor could be in here. Seems like just the sort of place his little date might like to mingle, she thinks with a healthy roll of her eyes.
To say the Palazzo is extravagant is putting it mildly. In addition to what may well be a few hundred elite guests in attendance, the spacious hall is adorned from floor to ceiling with finery, the glowing chandeliers illuminating marble statues and countless works of art. Servers in masquerade weave through the crowd with practiced ease, trays of nibbles and beverages balancing on splayed fingertips.
Feeling inspired, Martha snags a cup of wine as soon as she’s close enough to reach for one, downing half of the bitter, eighteenth-century swill with as much haste as her twenty-first-century taste buds will allow. She forces a smile through her grimace when the server looks to her for approval, still concerned with cordiality [even as she crashes a party wherein she knows no one at all].
Partygoers welcome her readily: happy socialites with hair as big and dramatic as the wig she’s been regretting picking out all day. The compliments they lavish her with almost make it feel worth the hassle, however, and in that moment, she’s grateful that the Doctor let her raid the wardrobe. It feels so much easier to exist in a time period without standing out — at least, more than she already feels she does as a black woman.
(The Time Lord really can be thick, can’t he?)
Over and onward, Martha decides to let loose as much as she can, keeping a wary eye out between little sips of murky, purple wet. It’s been at least three hours since she last saw her mate, and though the environment that surrounds her is intoxicating, she can’t deny the little pinpricks of worry that emerge in her gut.
Surely he wouldn’t just sod off for a shag... would he? Leave her all alone without a word?
Is that really something the Doctor is capable of after everything they’ve been through?
An image of his disappearance flitters across her mind’s eye: a flash of a woman’s smiling face as she drags him into her fancy carriage by the lapels, her giggles resounding off the stone walls as they slip away together.
Another image nips at the heels of the former, only this time, it’s the Doctor’s stony expression as he returns from across the field in Farringham, having just had a proposition rejected by Nurse Redfern. The same proposition he made the morning after finding out how his companion truly felt for him, easily filing that information away as a “non-issue.”
Alright, so maybe he can be a bit of a tosser. Great. Maybe he has no interest in being found just yet, being fully aware that Martha can handle her own.
Everything’s always on his terms, anyway.
Furthermore, and she hates to even think it in the first place, but: who’s to say he didn’t think slipping out unannounced was the only way to get away from her for the night?
Blimey. If that’s the way he really thinks of her...
No. No, no, no — those thoughts aren't helpful for anyone. Not right now.
Worst case scenario, Martha will find a kind local to seek shelter with before night’s end, though she prays it doesn’t come to that. The idea of even thinking about sleeping knowing the Doctor is just out there somewhere makes her stomach churn — even if he has got… friendly company.
Time for more wine, she reckons; her eyes flick about the crowd until she spots the closest server, and then she attempts to head in her direction.
While en route, a portly man in technicolor robes requests a dance, which she turns down as politely as possible. Then another guest — a dark-haired noblewoman about forty-five years old — stumbles on the mosaic when her heels catch the train of another woman’s dress, and Martha helps her to her feet.
All the servers carting wine around only seem to be getting further away, and it feels like a sign. Perhaps she shouldn’t be consuming any more alcohol — at least, not until she has a little more peace of mind.
To her surprise, she doesn’t have to wait long at all.
Through a sea of bobbing heads, swaying bodies shrouded in brightly-colored fabrics, and a thin haze of incense smoke, their eyes lock from across the room — and Martha briefly foregoes the right to oxygen.
She knows she should be relieved (or perhaps furious — definitely furious), but as her throat grows tight and dry, all she’s got the presence of mind to feel is the frantic fluttering of her heartbeat as blood roars in her ears.
The Doctor has never looked at her like that.
Temporarily immobile, she can only watch as he approaches her with deliberate, single-minded steps, the dance floor seeming to part naturally around him. He doesn’t falter or pause and he doesn’t need to; this man claims a route that no one capable of sight would dare interfere.
Somehow, in the last few hours, he’s wound up in a loose red tunic, tight black trousers — tights, essentially — and matching black boots. A black, silken band wraps around his neck, purely decorative, bringing the black from the rest of the outfit together to complete the look.
It’s an entirely different getup than the one she helped him pick out this morning, but let it be known that it’s no less gorgeous for it. Even his hair is different than she’s ever seen it, appearing softer and lighter with significantly less product than usual (if any at all), and he looks…
Bloody hell, he looks incredible.
When he arrives, he gets quite close — closer than Martha’s body and mind are anywhere near recovered enough to be prepared for — and she has just enough time to notice the color of his eyes when he takes her hand.
Are his eyes... blue?
The smile he fixes her with is slow and certain; it simmers just as the gaze he ensnares her with. He seems to reach right into her soul’s lowered defenses to bury himself at the thick of it, lifting her hand to his mouth to rest his gentle lips against her skin.
The touch is just jarring enough to wrench Martha out from the clouds as the realization hits her.
This man is not the Doctor.
“I hope you’ll forgive me,” he murmurs, his voice and cadence eerily identical to the one she knows. “If I'm honest, I just couldn’t resist your magnetism for another moment longer.”
His words, though softly spoken, seem louder than anyone or anything else in the room, effectively shutting the rest of the world out.
"Erm," Martha chokes, eyes wide. Stunned. "I-I, er..." She shakes her head slowly, her voice (and brain) temporarily evading her. It feels as though she's fallen through a crack in dimensions. Perhaps she has.
“Right — sorry," the man chuckles. "Bit rude of me. My name's Giac." He finally lowers her hand between them, flashing a wink, giving her fingers the softest of squeezes before letting them slip through his. "Though I must admit... I am far more eager to learn yours.”
Note: This is a post-Blink story in which Martha is seduced by Giacomo, inspiring clarity and an almost possessive jealousy within the Doctor. How ever will he handle it? I’ve also considered an eventual threesome, but should that happen, it will be strictly het Martha-worship. (Also, per the David Tennant miniseries, Giac is pronounced “Jack”)
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unsat-and-strange · 8 months
maybe I've not listened far enough but consider: tma and mechs crossover with lyf as avatar of the extinction. because as far as I've listened (mag 144), and as far as I've seen spoilers, there isnt a canon avatar of the extinction. Lyfrassir as perhaps not the bringer, but the herald, the harbinger, of the everything you know is changing. of everything you recognize is gone. of you do not know the things that inherit what you once loved but here they are nonetheless. the last landmark of what was and the first of what will soon be all you see. the grief in their eyes all too similar to what once ruled this system and the warping changing color spilling out of every pore the marker of what will soon be coming for YOU.
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therottingwriter · 2 months
Back on my bullshit
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"Water is the element of change"
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Toga is definitely a waterbender, she changes shape/adapts like water, and she'd be a blood bender(obviously)
Nieto Monoma is such a waterbender, his quirk requires him to be able to adapt easily which is one of the most important things about being a waterbender.
Fuyumi and Natsuo are waterbenders, they both have an ice quirk and obviously had to be pretty good at adapting to things given their childhood.
I think Mirio would be a waterbender, he had to learn how to live completely differently when he lost his quirk. He's very capable of adapting to things and that makes for a great waterbender.
Earth benders
"Earth is the element of substance"
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Kirishima and Shigaraki are pretty obviously Earth benders. Kirishima can harden his skin like a rock and shigaraki manipulates the earth with his quirk.
I think Testu⁴ is definitely an earthbender because let's face it he's basically just Kirishima, the fonts not even different they just put him in bold or italics. I also think he'd be a metal bender(for obvious reasons)
With Mina I could really see her as a waterbender or an earthbender but I think I'm gonna go with making her an earthbender also she would 100% be a lavabender
"Fire is the element of power"
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Shoto and Touya two are obviously just firebenders that escaped the ATLA universe and fled to MHA
Shoto and Touya both have incredible will. Pretty sure it's cannon that the only reason Touya isn't dead is out of spite, and in order to go through everything Shoto went through and still fight that hard he'd have to have incredible will.
Katsuki Bakugo would totally be a firebender, he's definitely got the power, desire and will of a firebender + explosion quirk, that is a firebender. Also hear me out: combustion bending
Kaminari Denki is a fire bender, he's got the desire to be stronger and the will to go along with that desire. He'd definitely be a lightning bender as well, yes, mostly because of his quirk, but still.
"Air is the element of freedom"
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I think Ochako would be an airbender. She is calm and open minded, she accepts people for who they truly are, regardless of their past mistakes. She loves from the bottom of her heart and that would make her a great airbender.
Shoji would be an airbender, he had to learn to live in a world that didn't accept him for who he was and even though people hated him and harmed him he chose forgiveness instead of revenge, he let his anger go, he freed himself of his past. like a true airbender. (Also he doesn't really have a lot of worldy possessions.)
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Shinso - Chi blocker(taught by Aizawa)
Aizawa - Chi blocker
Midoriya - Chi blocker (also he'd definitely be from the fire nation)
Ojiro - Chi blocker
Hatsume - She'd be like Sokka with all of her inventions
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tinderbox210 · 5 months
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STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS x STAR TREK: DISCOVERY - Mirrorverse Crossover AU (La’an x Spock AU)
Light of hope shines through even the darkest of nights
After High Chancellor Spock is killed for trying to make reforms, leaving the Terran Empire vulnerable to the rising aggressive forces of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, La'an Noonien-Singh seeks refuge on the ISS Enterprise under the false identity of Doctor Carmen Cho.
With the help of an unlikely ally, the Kelpien rebel leader Saru, La'an and the crew of the Enterprise start a mutiny, bringing the ship under their control in hope to find a way to flee their barbaric universe while the war against the Alliance spreads across the crumbling ruins of the Terran Empire.
Carrying Spock's offspring and the remains of his katra, La'an must face the dangerous path to cross universes into an unknown future in order to save her child and what is left of the man she loved.
(based on this idea)
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radioactivepeasant · 2 years
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Link looked down at his bracelet, then at the city around him. He'd slipped between worlds again, like he'd done dozens of times before, but this didn't look like the Gerudo city Impa had described.
"Uh...kid? What are you doing in my dad's map room?"
Jak stared at a nine or ten year old kid he knew hadn't been there five minutes ago. Damas wasn't due back for the rest of the afternoon, but honestly Jak didn't think even that would give him enough time to explain a random painting of a child appearing out of a crack in the wall and then solidifying as an actual kid.
@sonicasura you caused this 🤣
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lilypadpanda · 8 months
You ever think about how, in KH3D, according to dialogue and the Flick Rush Minigame, Joshua not only brought the main gang to Traverse Town, but several Reapers as well.
And then apparently just...has them do The Reaper’s Game, complete with timers and missions, just because.
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gramophoneturtle · 2 years
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Niko Neku Nekos!
Early drawings of the OneShot x TWEWY crossover from 2020/2021 plus a recent stream drawing. Back then I had debated using the Reaper Game's symbol as the sun and if that was the case, should I tie Neku's eye color to it, make it his own, or stick to the yellow theme. In the end I stuck with the yellow theme because I didn't know what else the Reaper's Game symbol might have meant and played it safe.
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secretlythatsme · 7 months
i really love dc x dp tbh but i hate how so many fics end up making the batfam dumb as shit. and i don't mean in a "loveable goof" kind of way but in a genuine "these people don't have the skills or intelligence to be heroes" kind of way. which is just antithetical to their entire thing
sometimes it's because the writer just genuinely doesn't know anything about the batfam or what they've been through so they come across as idiots. and other times it's because the writer is writing op ghost king danny or just generally op danny and they genuinely think he could outsmart or beat them. more often than not, it's a combination of the two.
it's just so sad. like not only is it disrespectul to the batfam, essentially getting rid of all the skills and experience they have just to prop up danny, but it also makes things a lot more boring imo. don't get me wrong, i don't mind the occasional "main character is super op" kind of story, but it's boring when like 70% of fics are like that and there's no real challenge or obstacle for him. part of why the show danny phantom was so fun was that it was exciting and chair gripping to see danny have to deal with his new ghost powers, figuring out how to deal with ghost attacks or vlad, and dealing with school and his parents on top of that.
but often, dc x dp fics just,, get rid of any challenge for him. sure batman is a skilled detective but danny will always be able to trick him! sure cass has been trained since birth to read people's body language but this random ghost teen knows how to conceal and control everything!! yeah damian has also been trained since birth to fight and kill but this random guy from the midwest who just started fighting in his teens is so much better!!! like, alright. it's fun every now and then but it sucks when so much of the dc x dp content is just people acting like the batfam are the worst vigilantes/detectives in the world.
and honestly i still feel this way even with the ghost king danny fics because how? he's never had to deal with people obsessively reading his body language or reading between the lines. he's had to deal with hiding stuff sure but his parents aren't the most observant people - their whole deal was being neglectful. even as a ghost king, why would he know how to outsmart, take advantage of, or beat the batfam in any capacity when he would still mostly deal with ghosts. it's a completely different skill set here - one that he likely wouldn't be prepared for. it'd be fine if they at least attempted to explain why danny would have those skills (like league danny aus) but most of them don't.
and i'm not saying danny couldn't do it at all, especially if it's a ghost king au, but i'm just tired of seeing the batfam constantly downplayed in these fics Just to make danny look better, smarter, stronger, etc. ik most people in the fandom are just danny fans but it really shows with how they treat, characterize, and shit on the dc characters just to prop danny up. it also serves to occasionally make danny look like an asshole when he intentionally messes with them and basically commits psychological torture for a goof.
#man...#i Do like this crossover but i completely understand why so many dc fans hate it#the oocness the fanon the constantly making these skilled trained characters fumble around and get outsmarted by Some Guy#ghost king danny isn't even canon to dp! which isnt a bad thing by any means ik the dp fandom goes crazy for fanon#and generally speaking the fanon Is a lot more fun and engaging than dp's canon#but as a dc fan its insane to watch#i want to engage more with dc x dp content so badly like this crossover is really interesting to me#but so much of it is just 'the bat.fam are actually fucking useless and my blorbo is so much better :)))'#it's almost like they dont even like the bat.fam!!! they keep saying they just dont know/understand them#but it fully feels like they straight up dont like the dc characters#it definitely comes across as 'hey this is a fun world to put danny in lets do that while also shitting on it and all of the characters'#'lol bruce is so stupid this random teen can outsmart him and he can lie to cass and he can beat dick in a physical fight lol'#there's a point where it stops feeling like indulgent op blorbo and more like insulting anyone who isn't danny#<thats actually exactly what it is and its insane to me like why even like crossovers if you dont want to engage with anyone but danny#how can you say you like them when you outright refuse to know them or respect them?#and obviously im using 'you' in a vague way im not specifically calling anyone out#ik there are people in the fandom who are genuinely fans of both and Do know and respect the dc characters#but so far its very few and far between which is just such a fandom culture shock for me#like in most fandoms im able to read a lot of fics and only occasionally think 'thats not right'#but with this one its the other way around - im constantly going 'they wouldnt say/do that at all why does the op think that?'#like 9 out of 10 fics im like 'oh yeah this person has never read a comic in their life'#i can immediately tell when someone has only read the webtoon its extremely obvious unfortunately#maybe i should make a dc masterlist for dp fans... like here you can write about them again After you do your homework ajdhgl
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acoldsovereign · 3 months
"I am well," the last part of her sentence echoes as it always does.
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The tendrils grew in size with each second that passed and condensed into the center. Instead of the true form she always came to him in, she chose differently. Waves of wine red became inky black curls, and cold, silver eyes turned acid green--bright and unnatural against a dark brown complexion. Her height was cut much; as opposed to towering over him, she was only a head (or half-head) taller than him. As she finished materializing, she stepped out of his shadow and waved formally--with no regard to who that might've traumatized to watch an otherworldly being come out of 'thin air'.
"I come with a new form as well," she smiled briefly. Her teeth were flat, dull and boring (as opposed to the double fangs that laid on either side of her mouth). "I thank you for that."
And with that, she leans in--massive sun-hat and all--to give him a tight hug and some cheek kisses on both sides, her way of greeting him and apologizing for being gone a while.
For @hopefromadoomedtimeline.
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akanemnon · 5 months
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What a deal!
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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unnamed-atlas · 3 months
Having brain worms. What if uhhhhhh SOS Mianite au
#this is a fully undeveloped idea but it is simmering#initial thoughts. mog is so champion of ianite. fwip is dianite's.#I'm not convinced of who mianite's is yet but i feel like sausage is desperately vying for the role and getting repeatedly rejected#oli ends up as a reluctant ianitee. he was originally a dianite follower but dianite found him annoying and was a dick so oli ditched him.#ianite finds him funny and decides to pick him up and now he's trying very hard not to mess it up bc she actually respects him#joel would claim not to need any stupid god until he sees how much fun fwip is having causing problems on purpose with dianite and gives in.#his wife joining up with dianite probably also doesn't desuade him in that department#jimmy isn't particularly keen on any of them. he's off doing his own thing#katherine feels very classic mianitee to me.#I've got mixed feelings on Pix. i kind of feel like he should be on his own thing (priest? wizard? something like that)#if not he's ianitee i think. but it takes him awhile to commit#joey's dianitee. eloise feels ianitee to me. shubble probably mianitee.#is that everyone? i think that's everyone#idk if this would be a scenario where the world/plot was more based on mianite or sos honestly#maybe a healthy mix.#do we keep the death/fate coin element? idk idk maybe not? but it doesn't feel like sos without some hardcore element#gotta sit on it#this is the first time in a long time I've just done like straight up stream of consciousness brainstorming in the tags of a post huh#feels very 2020#OWEN I FORGOT OWEN. UH. i feel like he might help balance out the mianite team. i can't put it into worlds but it feels right#he's the type of guy that you look at and immediately think dianite and you're wrong#but i could be tempted to switch him and joey. cause joey did have the whole prison thing in sos which is very mianite#even if he's generally the most dianitee guy i have ever fucking seen#i. i also forgot scott.#embarrassing. I've been watching him the longest and he's the only one on this list I've actually written into mianite crossovers before#uhhhh anyways he feels very true neutral to me. he's another one who i feel like maybe he should be off doing his own thing#if not probably mianite#this is such a mess lmao#i had to put the idea down somewhere before my head exploded sorry
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sysig · 1 year
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New shapeshifter lad, Dahlia (Patreon)
#Doodles#Original#Ft. Willie because surprise! Dahlia's a Squirrel shapeshifter and Will's inspiration was a squirrel originally :)#For the record tho Will and his entourage are not part of the Shifter universe - Dahlia only shares a world with the BBBs#I just thought it was a fun inspiration source crossover lol#Plus Dahlia and the Squirrel Boys have similar classes but for different reasons haha#Anyway! The Squirrel boy(s) barely feature! To Dahlia! Lol#Been thinking about some of my Favourite Tropes yet again and just indulging in making some new concepts lol#There's a trope that I've liked for a good long while that I'm sure has a name but I've just been calling it ''Platonic Transformation''#Which hey - I've got a shape-shifting (et al) universe to make characters in lol#Doesn't feature Just yet but shock among shocks she comes with another character because I can't just make one new concept ever lol#But for now! She! She's cute I like her hehe#You can see I went through a few design iterations before landing happily - you might even notice it with her arm#She was born that way :) No pain just frustration! Body not doing what she wants it to!#Honestly working on her hairstyle reminded me a lot of making Tala haha ♪ They're about the same age! Give or take a year or two#Now that I think of it Tala could probably be in the BBB universe as well haha ♪♫ Not to stay but she'd be a very cute guest#I was very set on the little floof-swoops for Dahlia's final design - it's even there in her first doodle!#I'm glad I settled on the bun/braid combo :D#Cute feature lad ♪ Tooth gap and likes peanut butter sandwiches and likes to climb and jump around but isn't as graceful in human form hehe
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therottingwriter · 2 months
Back on my bullshit
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"Water is the element of change"
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Toga is definitely a waterbender, she changes shape/adapts like water, and she'd be a blood bender(obviously)
Nieto Monoma is such a waterbender, his quirk requires him to be able to adapt easily which is one of the most important things about being a waterbender.
Fuyumi and Natsuo are waterbenders, they both have an ice quirk and obviously had to be pretty good at adapting to things given their childhood.
I think Mirio would be a waterbender, he had to learn how to live completely differently when he lost his quirk. He's very capable of adapting to things and that makes for a great waterbender.
Earth benders
"Earth is the element of substance"
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Kirishima and Shigaraki are pretty obviously Earth benders. Kirishima can harden his skin like a rock and shigaraki manipulates the earth with his quirk.
I think Testu⁴ is definitely an earthbender because let's face it he's basically just Kirishima, the fonts not even different they just put him in bold or italics. I also think he'd be a metal bender(for obvious reasons)
With Mina I could really see her as a waterbender or an earthbender but I think I'm gonna go with making her an earthbender also she would 100% be a lavabender
"Fire is the element of power"
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Shoto and Touya two are obviously just firebenders that escaped the ATLA universe and fled to MHA
Shoto and Touya both have incredible will. Pretty sure it's cannon that the only reason Touya isn't dead is out of spite, and in order to go through everything Shoto went through and still fight that hard he'd have to have incredible will.
Katsuki Bakugo would totally be a firebender, he's definitely got the power, desire and will of a firebender + explosion quirk, that is a firebender. Also hear me out: combustion bending
Kaminari Denki is a fire bender, he's got the desire to be stronger and the will to go along with that desire. He'd definitely be a lightning bender as well, yes, mostly because of his quirk, but still.
"Air is the element of freedom"
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I think Ochako would be an airbender. She is calm and open minded, she accepts people for who they truly are, regardless of their past mistakes. She loves from the bottom of her heart and that would make her a great airbender.
Shoji would be an airbender, he had to learn to live in a world that didn't accept him for who he was and even though people hated him and harmed him he chose forgiveness instead of revenge, he let his anger go, he freed himself of his past. like a true airbender. (Also he doesn't really have a lot of worldy possessions.)
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Shinso - Chi blocker(taught by Aizawa)
Aizawa - Chi blocker
Midoriya - Chi blocker (also he'd definitely be from the fire nation)
Ojiro - Chi blocker
Hatsume - She'd be like Sokka with all of her inventions
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