#Crystal energy
nouveaucrystals · 5 months
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Reblog if you are a true Amethyst lover 🔮💜
➡️Shop Here⬅️
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natureselements · 19 days
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✨a little glimpse of magic✨ shop minerals and crystals here 🖤
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arcane-trail · 1 year
Crystals, nature's precious gifts, hold a remarkable energy that resonates with our souls. Their vibrant colors and unique vibrations offer support and healing for mind, body, and spirit. Connecting with Earth's treasures and unlock the transformative energies they offer. 🌈✨
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faeyramaeyra · 5 months
🌷 Crystals I keep on me day to day 🌷
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sappy-witch · 1 year
Witchy PSA ⚠️✨
Hello darlings 🥰
It has been a few times now that I have come across practitioners who dispose of their crystals when they feel ‘spent’. This is not at all necessary! These same timeless crystals have been around for thousands of years, they are incredible at not only retaining but transporting energy.
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🔮 Crystals are Divine Gifts 🌟
Crystals are extraordinary gifts from the Earth, each possessing unique energies and vibrations that can enhance our lives on various levels. Unlike substances that absorb or hold energy, crystals have a remarkable ability to channel, amplify, and radiate energy while maintaining their inherent properties.
💎 Eternal Energizers ✨
Crystals are known to be self-cleansing and self-regenerating. They have the innate ability to absorb, transmute, and release energy, making them endlessly renewable sources of positive vibrations. This means that crystals don't become saturated or overwhelmed with energy, as they continuously recalibrate and realign themselves to their optimal state.
🌿 Cleansing and Recharging Crystals 🌞
While crystals don't require disposal, they benefit from regular cleansing and recharging to maintain their vibrancy and effectiveness. Cleansing helps remove any residual energies they may have absorbed, allowing them to function at their highest potential. Recharging, on the other hand, replenishes their energy reserves and revitalizes their innate properties.
Here are a few popular methods to cleanse and recharge your crystals:
Moonlight Bath: Place your crystals outside under the gentle glow of the moon, allowing them to absorb the soothing lunar energy. Full moon nights are especially potent for this cleansing ritual.
Sunlight Infusion: Give your crystals a sunbath by placing them in a sunny spot, preferably in the morning or late afternoon when the sun's energy is gentle. Be cautious with sunlight-sensitive crystals and use indirect sunlight for them.
Earth Connection: Bury your crystals in the Earth for a rejuvenating soak. Find a safe spot, preferably in a garden or pot filled with soil, and let the Earth's grounding energy cleanse and recharge your crystals.
Smoke Cleansing: Pass your crystals through the purifying smoke of herbs like garden sage or cedar. The smoke dispels any lingering energies, restoring your crystals to their pristine state.
💫 Embrace the Timelessness of Crystals 💎
Crystals are timeless companions on our spiritual journeys. Their energies and powers endure, making them eternal energizers that continue to support us through different phases of life. By embracing their infinite nature, we honor the beautiful relationship we share with these magnificent gifts from the Earth. Please don’t throw yours away after a few spells💗
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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foxlarkalchemy · 5 months
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Unlock Your Potential: The Ultimate Guide to Harnessing Clear Quartz Energy,
Are you looking to unlock your full potential and manifest your deepest desires?
Look no further than the powerful energy of clear quartz.
This ultimate guide will help you understand the benefits of harnessing clear quartz energy and show you how to incorporate it into your daily routine to manifest your goals.
Get ready to amplify your intentions and watch them become reality with the help of clear quartz.,
Unlock the power of clear quartz… FOXLARK
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wizard-irl · 1 year
Don't Cleanse Your Crystals in Saltwater (and What to Do Instead)
Before you ask: yes, this makes me salty.
A lot of people cleanse their crystals in saltwater. This is a bad idea, not only for softer crystals, but harder ones as well.
Why Do People Use Saltwater?
The first question to answer is why do people use salt and saltwater for cleansing purposes.
Salt on its own is believed to absorb unwanted energies and banish negativity,12345 and is good for blessing, cleansing, and protecting a space.4 Combined with water, something that is also believed to remove negative energy.12
While some guides mention making your own saltwater using freshwater and salt13, they recommend you use natural saltwater, such as ocean water.124 They also caution against using processed salts such as those with iodine, as well as unfiltered water.4
How Does Salt Damage Crystals?
When saltwater dries, it leaves behind salt crystals. The formation of these salt crystals causes pressure on the crystal when the crystals grow in fissures or cracks. This process, over time, is enough to split large boulders.876 Researchers from the China University of Geosciences and Zhengzhou University found that the repeated wetting and drying of sandstone using a saltwater solution caused the sandstone to go from "tight and solid" to a "fragile, loose, and porous heavily weathered stone" after twenty-five of these wetting-drying cycles.9 Furthermore, saltwater can even make metals rust quicker due to the same process.10
You may think that if you clean your crystal immediately after taking it out of water, that your crystal will be safe. However, there may be tiny cracks that you can't see or feel that salt can crystalise in. After repeated saltwater cleansing, the pressure in these cracks can be so great that your crystal becomes more fragile or breaks on its own.
The above is why I caution against even salt cleansing harder (Mohs hardness 7 or higher) crystals despite many guides saying they'll be fine. No amount of hardness will stop water from seeping into cracks and depositing salt.
Alternatives to Using Saltwater
Salt without water: If salt never dissolves in water, it can never recrystalise. As explained prior, salt has been used to bless and banish, as well as to remove negative energy. You can use salt in a variety of ways, such as sprinkling it on the crystal, resting the crystal on a bed of salt, or making a salt circle around the crystal.
Water without salt: Again, if there's no salt in the water, it can't damage your crystals. As explained prior, water is often used by itself to cleanse crystals. While many crystals can tolerate being in water for longer periods of time, many softer ones may dissolve, so do your research on what rocks can handle long-term exposure. Most common rocks can handle short-term exposure to water, such as being cleaned under a faucet or with a damp cloth.
Burial: Soil is a good choice, so long as you remember where you bury your crystal! It's believed that returning the crystals from whence they came can cleanse them of any energy they have picked up, and is believed to be best for crystals needing heavy cleansing.
Smoke cleanse: Smoke cleansing has been used in many cultures worldwide to clear an area of object of energy. The smoke is thought to lift and dissipate the energies in the crystal. Use whatever generates smoke for this, such as incense or burning herbs, but be safe and do not put the crystals in direct flame.
Rice: Some believe rice may also help cleanse crystals, and is especially good for soft crystals.
Sound: Sound is fantastic for cleansing large quantities of crystals. Chanting, tuning forks, singing bowls, or bells can be used for this purpose. This is believed to break up negative energy and force it out of the crystal.
Other crystals: You can also use other crystals to suck out any energy from a crystal, such as using them in crystal grids. Clear quartz and selenite are especially prized for this purpose, but mst other quartz can also be used.
Moonlight: I've talked about how great moonlight is for cleansing crystals in another post, so hop on over there to see why this is the best method in my opinion.
Intention: Finally, you can also cleanse with intention, focus, and meditation, combining visualisation to sap the crystal of any negative energies.
"A Beginner’s Guide to Clearing, Cleansing, and Charging Crystals", Healthline. Source describes smoke cleansing as smudging.
"Cleansing Crystals and Stones: Complete Guide (Updated 2023)", Shanti Bowl. Source describes smoke cleansing as smudging.
"How To Cleanse Crystals: 9 Crucial Practices You Need To Know", TinyRituals. Source describes smoke cleansing as smudging.
"Cleanse Your Crystals of Stagnant Energy", Crystallography Gems.
"Cleansing Crystals (How to Purify Your Crystal's Energy", The Daily Dish.
"Salt has the power to split rocks", Harvey Water Softeners.
"Weathering and Erosion", LibreTexts.
"Mechanical Weathering", University of Saskatchewan.
"Salt-induced structure damage and permeability enhancement of Three Gorges Reservoir sandstone under wetting-drying cycles", Jiang et al., ScienceDirect.
"Why Living By The Ocean Can Lead To Auto Body Repairs", Fix Auto USA.
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jadegreensworld · 4 months
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T𝐡i𝐬 𝐌o𝐧t𝐡'𝐬 𝐂o𝐥o𝐫 𝐢s P𝐢n𝐤
𝙋𝒊𝙣𝒌 is for many things, but I am going to concentrate on loving and respecting yourself, as well as self-esteem. Once you work on these three, your confidence will automatically come.
• 𝗦𝗲𝗹𝗳 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲  
• 𝗦𝗲𝗹𝗳 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲   
• 𝗦𝗲𝗹𝗳 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗰𝘁 • 𝗦𝗲𝗹𝗳-𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗺 
As the picture above shows,  you can do many things to help with this.
I have used many of these things mentioned above. It all takes a while for it to start working (I find it takes about 2 weeks), but once it does,  it's amazing! You will feel great and proud of yourself for being able to accomplish certain things because you now have the confidence in yourself that you've been working so hard to achieve.
It isn't a quick fix. It takes time and effort to be where you want to be with yourself. Be patient and it will happen. 
There are many, many different ways you can use the color pink. You can choose a pink colored shirt and as you are putting it on, you say what you want. For instance, "I will love myself, I will respect myself, I will have self-esteem, I will have self-confidence." Again say this a few times. I always say thank you, no matter what. It's a good habit to get into. You always want to show respect for any intention you are putting forth. The simplest to the complicated, always, always show respect. 
Everything has an energy,  and that is what we are using. 
Another way to use color is to wear rose quartz. It's not only pink, but it is specifically for this. Always put your intent into a crystal or stone. This way, it knows exactly what it is supposed to do. Stones and crystals do many, many things, and you want them to concentrate specifically on certain ones. This way, their power/energy is concentrating on what you want and not trying to do everything it does. If you don't tell them what you want, they will use all their power/energy for everything they do, and this weakens their power/energy. 
Wear pink lipstick or gloss. Pink eyeshadow, blush, even pink nail polish. State your intent when you put each one on.
𝗧𝗜𝗣: The better you treat your crystals,  the better they work for you. Treat them like a pet or a child. Say thank you, and put them in soft, breathable cloth. Not baggies, where they can't breath. Yes, they need to breathe. I do have some of mine in baggies,  but I'm working on crocheting them drawstring bags. 
You can also put pink flowers around your house. As you do this, tell them what you want. 
Put pink accent pillows on your couch, chair, or even the floor. Same thing, say what you want as you do this. Set your intention. 
Take a pink throw blanket and drape it over the back of a chair or couch. Again be specific in your intent.
You can even write a  poem or a saying on pink pieces of paper and frame them and put them in a few rooms of your house. 
You can also put pink candles around your house as an accent. You can light them or leave them unlit.
💥 Always remember to say "Thank you" after you are done with any intent. 
💥 Every time I use color, I gaze at my intended color, I always repeat what I want from it. This keeps the energy strong. 
Even if you are wearing a shirt, periodically look at your shirt and repeat what you want. It will keep it strong and active. 
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nouveaucrystals · 4 months
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Reblog if you are mesmerized by this natural Pink Aragonite 🙌🏼🩷🤩 Shop Now!
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Best Crystal Combinations to Try!
➡️Swipe through to explore the enchanting world of crystal combinations and manifest your desires with intention and power. Which combination resonates with you the most? 🌟
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natureselements · 13 days
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Hiiii! My names Flora and I’m the little keeper behind this shop🌼✨
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witchbabysoap · 2 years
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moodymakeshifter · 2 years
Been trying my hand at wire wrapping~ Here's what I've made so far. ;)
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spookyurwitchymom · 2 years
The FIRST witches ball Yule ornament of the season !!!!! Ahhh 🥹💖🌲
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These are filled with specific ingredients (herbs/spices/florals/etc) to aid in whichever intention you choose… this one is for self love
Head to my shop to commission one of your own!shop in bio
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foxlarkalchemy · 5 months
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1,2,3… 4? There’s something so magical about a crystal ball 🔮 isn’t there??!! They are probably my personal favorite crystals to collect…
These are a few of my past crystal spheres in amethyst and druzy agate but I also I’m a little obsessed with a traditional clear quartz crystal ball 🔮 ✨
There are some super cool crystal spheres in the sh op right now in quartz, amethyst, fluorite and black obsidian! Go take a peek at www.FOXLARK.com or hit the link @foxlark 🖤
And if you are searching for any particular crystals let me know below. I’ll be taking a crystal gathering trip in May!
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wizard-irl · 1 year
💎 Birthstones 💎
Birthstones have a long history, dating back to the 1st century CE, where the historian Flavius Josephus believed there to be a connection between the twelve stones on the breastplate of Aaron described in the Book of Exodus and the zodiac. The connection between stones and months came much later, during the 1800s, and started in Poland. However, the modern association between gemstones and months dates back to 1912, where the National Association of Jewelers standardized the list of American birthstones.
As I love to talk about rocks, I will be making posts for each set of birthstones, describing their physical and spiritual properties.
List will be updated the first of each month.
January: Garnet
Feburary: Amethyst
March: Aquarmarine and bloodstone
April: Diamond
May: Emerald
June: Pearl, alexandrite, and moonstone
July: Ruby
August: Peridot, spinel, and sardonyx
September: Sapphire
October: Opal and tourmaline
November: Topaz and citrine
December: Tanzanite, turquoise, lapis lazuli, and zircon
Sources below. Sources for each month are on their respective pages.
"Birthstones for Each Month", Gemological Institute of America.
"History of Birthstones", International Gemstone Society.
"The History of Birthstones", Reiner's Fine Jewelry.
"The Origin of Birthstones", Mark Schneider.
"The Secret History of Birthstones", Jeweler's Touch.
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