#Cultural shift
skeletonpandas · 5 months
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gennsoup · 9 months
"It's the way the world is, right? Everyone always says that things like common sense or instinct or morals are carved in stone. But that's not true--actually, they're always changing. That's what I think. And this isn't something that's happened all of a sudden, like you seem to think. It's always been that way. Things keep transforming."
Sayaka Murata, Life Ceremony
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wisterianwoman · 6 months
It's Time to Leave Hustle Culture Behind
Escape the hustle culture trap and find a softer, slower life. Rediscover joy, balance, and well-being beyond productivity.
Escape the hustle culture trap and embrace a softer, slower life. Rediscover joy, balance, and well-being beyond productivity “Rise and grind.” “Hustle harder.” “Sleep is for the weak.” These are just a few of the rallying cries of hustle culture that bombard us daily, glorifying busyness and perpetuating the myth that success is synonymous with ceaseless productivity. We’re inundated with…
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dgspeaks · 6 months
Humanism as a Cultural Seed: Rethinking African American Identity
In the rich tapestry of African American culture, Christianity has long served as the cultural seed, shaping identity, beliefs, and values. However, as we navigate the complexities of modern society, there arises a crucial need to examine and redefine the foundational elements that have shaped our collective consciousness. I believe humanism as a cultural seed can be a tool for empowerment and…
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tmarshconnors · 1 year
Prospect of change
The prospect of change refers to the potential or likelihood of a future alteration, transformation, or shift in a particular situation, system, or context. Change is a fundamental aspect of life and affects various aspects of human existence, including personal lives, relationships, organizations, societies, and even the global landscape. It can occur in different forms, such as technological advancements, social and cultural shifts, political reforms, economic developments, and environmental transformations.
The prospect of change can evoke a wide range of emotions and reactions in individuals and communities. Some people may embrace change as an opportunity for growth, innovation, and improvement. They may see it as a chance to overcome challenges, explore new possibilities, and achieve greater success. Others may feel anxious or resistant to change, fearing the unknown, potential disruptions, or the loss of familiar routines or structures.
The prospect of change can be driven by various factors and catalysts. Technological advancements, for example, have been major drivers of change throughout history. Innovations in areas such as artificial intelligence, automation, biotechnology, renewable energy, and communication technologies continue to shape and redefine our societies and the way we live and work.
Social and cultural factors also contribute to the prospect of change. Evolving attitudes, values, and norms can lead to shifts in societal expectations and practices. Movements advocating for equality, diversity, and sustainability, for instance, have prompted changes in policies, laws, and social structures in many parts of the world.
Political and economic factors can also create the conditions for change. Political reforms, revolutions, or shifts in power dynamics can lead to significant transformations in governance, policies, and institutions. Economic factors, such as globalization, market fluctuations, or the emergence of new industries, can drive changes in employment patterns, wealth distribution, and consumer behaviors.
Environmental factors, including climate change, natural disasters, and resource depletion, are increasingly shaping the prospect of change. The need for sustainable practices, renewable energy sources, and climate mitigation and adaptation measures are driving transformative shifts in various sectors and industries.
It is important to note that the prospect of change is often accompanied by both opportunities and challenges. While change can bring about positive outcomes and advancements, it can also lead to uncertainty, disruptions, and inequalities. It requires individuals, organizations, and societies to adapt, be flexible, and proactively manage and navigate through the process of change.
Overall, the prospect of change is a constant presence in our lives. Recognizing and understanding its potential implications allows us to prepare, embrace opportunities, and navigate the challenges that arise as we move into the future.
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mindfulldsliving · 22 days
Helaman 6:17 and Matthew 19:16-30: Confronting the Destructive Power of Greed
We're not just reflecting on ancient events here; these themes are timeless and resonate strongly in today's world. Greed blinds us, distorts our values, and fuels the formation of clandestine groups that thrive on deception and power.
Unmasking Greed: The Hidden Dangers in Helaman 6 In Helaman 6, we find ourselves amidst a gripping narrative that unravels the interplay of power, wealth, pride, greed, and secret combinations. This historical account rings alarm bells about the corrupting influence of greed and secret societies that conspire to overthrow righteousness. The scripture illustrates how the pursuit of wealth can…
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june travelogue - TA(L)KING FOR GRANTED - 0/25, 30/5/24 (vol. i)
got idea - maybe it was daydream - about this very topic... i(t) was thinking out of nowhere - maybe i am idiot, or just censoring myself... because now, - bolts on my head - but i mean, wasnt this (except for data grab and so...), the reason why internet on which [we are] here, but to discuss [taboo]s!? now when, let me start, - we can argue later (in comments)! here here!
what got me prompted, was idea - "men feel weak/useless - and so does/seems Manking contra ["Rotten apples"]!"
"Rotten apples", in quotes; had no better comparison, naming, and it quite fits [the reasons]. it, to me, points to [this; problem]; where, - to say - we are more omfortable, it is easier - to [throw away] rotten apples - than to take care of main issue, - our luxury and comfort, - that it is to [eat it] on the right time; to not forget (to care about ourselves too...) - and to not "miss forest for the trees", to say... (**)
to "Men feel weak" - it is an nod to all Rogan, Tate and Peterson broskis Manosphere, who [slurp from] use inceldom, - turning desperation, basic needs (compassion /***) and call for help, into weapon. (prime example of) Rotten apples. - it is easier to militarize vulnerable ones with propaganda cheap promises and "tricks", than to admit, "yes, 90s were Woman decade never to be left alone; we (men) are sorry that when you are man, then all you do, is to be taken for granted (on that basis alone; when women turn "men", manhood, on basis of purpose, starts to lack behind...), no matter how left alone and unheard; maybe even silenced, you might feel!" (tl;dr: "to be born = to owe <pardon>")
and other things we take for granted (dont worry, this is not cry-to post) :
- politics and edu being slow on internet! (good or bad) - we have it good still (aside*)
- food, (good) parents, drinkable water, home, internet; free press and speech (aside*)
- air; that we had childhood, document(aries), sci (tech) progress (good and bad)
- that we still can (aside*) choose...!
- num. other stuff, like Planet, sun, that we are able to talk, walk, make/speak up our minds (aside*), breathe...!
technocrats, SocEng invol. projects (guilt, blame, psych. tricks...), i.e. Voting until "cake" is gone - switch-n-bait tactic, vote themes (corrupt) "merges" (bleh)
Rotten apples, (tentative name) once again! (aside*)
this very problem I, and others (I) heard have... - if we want for "things to get easier", you dont, cant, at any circumstances, give in to {those} "Guru"s! (it) breaks my heart - we cant agree on Jesus, but there goes (>) steve jobs, bill gates, wannabe ms. holmes, oprah or pewdiepie - then, only then, all people go crazy!!??
priorities, guys (neutr.), priorities! i cant believe my eyes and ears... "my asi fakt umrieme na krasu", as we say here...
"AI Scare" wont mean anything, if you can see behind the ruse, the red herring. the scary thing isnt that "Ai will make itself body", but that we are enablers (/***), that we are more tool (and fool) that it is, to us; we are comfortable, predictable; useful idiots for another [this; fake] "Savior" (/>) of-type FAANGS... *Journobros and "scientists say"ers, with Breadtube, arent helping this "cause" either...
problem isnt IQ, but EQ (world (people) becoming controlable, "cold") and Adaptability. they Elitists (think of ivy league, silicon valley garage, paypal mafia-types) want us dependant, broke, desperate ("broken window", but this type it is fallacy, but marketing (think of cheap melting glue "made to be broken", end of waranty, cheap, fast and mass-produced products made in way that even people from those companies are leaving for bullshit (cyberpunk) market practices...)) and willing to accept (/**) "the next big thing", for 30th time in the row...
it really is battlegrounds (royale) - trapped between (these) Journobros, wishful thoughts (of dead idealism past), reason and sensibility - truly, fight as old as Higher cognitive functions...
and so is (old) this (Ad) Annoyance Tactic - You accept [it], because (of others; ***; - Ridicule Tactic) you want it to "Make it stop(, whatever! 2+2= 4,... 5...!) !" <1984, Torture scene> (/ Plus, wary - bad ad, too ad...)
you make me worry of you (kona) ... i get you, but i mean, you make it extreme, and do you want me to do something, or?
like, what can we do, this is the luxury question that bothers me, we (well...) in slovakia live by "it dont matter i am living horrible, the main thing is the others have it worse", and lying, stealing (see our current coalition), like, it is not honest life, and idk if i can compensate the fact by those who want slovakia to be next germany, yet you see, every country has its shit, nothing is black and white, what i hate is this grey of it, the uncertainty, "buffyism" as (you?) say...
https://matthewnorthproject.org/ - They Can't Kill The Truth
but as they say, even broken clock shows the right time twice a day - no one is right or wrong, and that there are no more facts bothers me. pro-russians tend to say "nothing is real, all of them is lying", eurobros (they sometimes mean it good, but cant live without neoliberal fantasy that NAFO will inherit world or something - more they hate "american way", they more agree, admit the technocracy....) - there is third wing too, but those are silent minority (maybe it is us here), who dont listen to neither... (some things below may be what i believe in, and so do my "twitter circle")
not all of >reddit and twitter and maybe tumblr too is brainrotten, they are just not heard good among the ads and shills and porn
there are still reasonable people, - but i thought you are one of them, and it made me scared how far you go with your ideas. there are bad, unpopular, popular, and good ideas. your posts make me think of village crazie...
you might be right, but those who have intuition know (that this is how it ends, "accepting unacceptable" - saw it so many times) and who dont know, those would stay uninterested, unphased until they already "accepted" it...
also, this "simplification of thought"...
like... that tactic goes as far as post-9/11 fear, words that franklin said are scaring feds away. i mean, if yo cant speak in terms of 0s and 1s, you are dangerous. the china system
thats why Mulan or Marvel (disney) after End Game went so retarded - no way, no means to form complex thoughts, images - or if theyd be able, theyd connect two and two together, that it is all about money, power, influence, so that nothing than family/community really matters...
we cant talk, unite for common goal... even "common sense" is unknown term by now (what has world come to) - you dont simply do the things from sex and city... not because they are amoral (that too), but because they are impossible, inflated, fictional, they are sex fantasy ffs! (more people need to know about "suspension of disbelief", i see that thing everywhere!)
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soapdispensersalesman · 3 months
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thunkdeep · 8 months
Finding True Joy: Beyond the Pursuit of Acknowledgment
Tired of the endless chase for claps and likes? 🌟 Discover the path to genuine joy on your own terms. Dive into our latest piece on the Pursuit of Acknowledgment and start your journey to self-contentment today! 🚀 #PursuitOfAcknowledgment #Thunkdeep
Listen up, fam, ‘cause I’m ‘bout to lay down some home truths that’ll tug at them heartstrings like a Grammy solo. We all out here hustling, day in day out, putting in the grind, chasing that shiny rep, that gold-plated stamp of validation from the world. Ain’t no shame in wanting that love from the crowd, craving to see your name lit up on that marquee. That applause, those double taps,…
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why does this have so many 20s options? great question! 🤷‍♀️ i'm gonna stick with it, though. it feels right to me.
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erdkuttam · 10 months
Break the Silence: End of Violence Against Women on International Day
Every year on November 25th, the world commemorates the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (IDEVAW), a day dedicated to raising awareness and advocating for the end of violence against women and girls. This year’s theme, “UNITE! Invest in prevention to end violence against women and girls,” emphasizes the importance of investing in proactive measures to prevent…
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skeletonpandas · 5 months
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vectorman64 · 11 months
Daicon IV - 1983 Audience Reaction
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nicholasandriani · 1 year
🎬 Opinion: Will the End of Hollywood Signal the Demise of the American Dream? 🇺🇸 & Part Two: 100-Days Into the The Writer’s Strike, SAG, WGA, and Storytelling.
In the epic saga of Hollywood’s history, a new chapter has unfolded with the recent writers strike that has shaken the very foundation of the silver screen. But in the shadow of this tumultuous battle lies a question that resonates far beyond the red carpets and studio lots: Could the end of Hollywood as we know it also signify the unraveling of the American dream that it has so masterfully…
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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nah nah nah. y'all wanted to be white so bad, stay there with them and EAT THAT RACISM smfh
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sukisanv · 2 months
Did you know when we shift back to our cr, it's not shifting back... it's actually shifting to a reality, where we're sure that we have lived there.. That's why I can't call this reality "cr", it's just a reality like other realities...
And permashifting isn't that you leave here forever.. it's just you decide not to shift to this realty anymore...
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