#Cumulus X Cirrus
kabukiaku · 2 months
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ghoulettes goin out! 🫶✨💜
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hazyfaith · 4 days
Cold Sheets
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Pairing: Cumulus/Aurora/Cirrus CW: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Self-Esteem Issues, Isolation.
Summary: Seeing Cumulus and Cirrus all cuddled up in bed made Aurora aching to join, only for her to walk past the open door without acknowledging the empty space in between the two ghoulettes that was the perfect size for her to snuggle in. Or, Aurora struggles to feel like she belongs in their relationship.
Read on AO3: Cold Sheets
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Walking from the living room to her room, Aurora stopped in front of Cumulus’ bedroom. Her door was slightly opened, allowing anyone who passed by to peek in. A couple pillows were on the floor, thrown away to make more space on the bed. 
Cirrus was pressed against Cumulus’ back, arms wrapped around her waist, holding her tight. Soft breaths escaping Lus’ mouth, while snores could be heard from Cirrus’. 
Aurora didn’t stop for too long and continued walking to her room. She quietly closed her door, not wanting to wake up the other ghouls and slid under the sheets, settling in for the night. On any other night she would’ve joined them, but not tonight. She wanted them to have time with each other without her, like it was before her summoning. 
Turning around to lie on her right side felt easier than usual for Cumulus. Sure, Cirrus’ grip around her waist was strong, but there was no friction from the other side. She extended her arm, hoping to feel Aurora, only for her hand to be met with the cold mattress. 
She slowly opened her eyes, groaning as the early morning light blinded her. The noise made the other ghoulette stir, pressing her face into Lus’ back. 
They stayed cuddling in bed for a few more minutes, soaking in the feeling of being alone for the first time in a while. Both have been running around so much lately from helping the new ghouls and the end of tour they have been spending all of their energy on others and never on themselves. 
Now was the perfect moment to relax. Neither of them saying anything, content with the silence that is often rare in the den.
Their cuddle session got interrupted by a soft knock, followed by the door opening. Aurora’s head peeked through, letting them know that breakfast was ready. Groans left the mouths of the two ghoulettes, annoyed by the fact that their rare downtime was interrupted. 
The multi ghoulette went right back to the kitchen, not wanting to annoy them anymore than she already had. She filled two plates with food, leaving them in the fridge for when they would be ready to join the others. 
When everyone else had finished eating and went about their business, Cumulus and Cirrus emerged from the bedroom. Aurora, still in the kitchen cleaning up, wasted no time to finish and leave, not wanting to disturb them. The air ghoulettes saw the way she bolted out of the room as they entered, but did not think anything of it, thinking that she had duties to attend. 
The younger ghoul didn’t go too far. She sat on the couch in the main living room, not far from the dining room. From where she was she could hear everything. Every pet name said, every memory shared, every flirty joke told, every time they laughed. And it was all without her. That's what it must’ve sounded like before she was summoned.
They must’ve had the time of their lives, only the two of them most of the time, without someone who constantly needed help to adapt to their new reality.
Aurora sat still on the couch, looking straight in front of her, watching them from the corner of her eyes. The whole time they sat at the table, she never moved, not wanting her presence to be noticed. 
A lump formed in her throat. Was it the food from earlier making its way back? Was it the stress of practice starting back soon? Was it the sadness from hearing them having so much fun without her? Was it the bad night that she had, kicking her in the butt for not getting proper rest?
She swiftly picked up her glass and drank, hoping the lump to go away, while Cumulus and Cirrus took their plates back to the kitchen, chatting and giggling. The young ghoulette could finally get up, no longer feeling like she was about to interrupt them, and rushed back to her room where she wouldn’t bother anyone. 
The day went on as per usual, everyone did their chores except for Aurora. She had yet to leave her bedroom since she got back from breakfast. It was late already and the other ghouls began slowly but surely to go to bed. A soft knock disturbed her silence, followed by the door creaking. 
“Hey Rora, you ok? We haven’t seen you much today,” Cirrus questioned as she peeked her head in. The youngest ghoulette gave a simple hum for an answer, not bothering to even look at her.
“Um, we are going to bed now. You’re welcome to join us” she whispered, slowly closing the door before leaving.
It wasn’t until she heard the distinct sound of a door closing that she dared to move. Slowly, she sat up, eyes fixed on her closed door. She wanted to join them. She really wanted to, but her legs would not allow her. 
Did they really want her in their bed? After spending the whole day together, did they really want her to disturb what they had? Was Cirrus’ question simply out of habit? 
She sat there, eyes fixed on the door. She didn’t hesitate for much longer and laid back down. 
When she woke up, it was still dark outside, yet she didn’t waste any time getting up. Her chores from the previous day had to get done and she was determined to do it before the others would wake up. And she did. It only took three hours before she was done. 
Going back in her room, she walked quickly in front of Cumulus’ bedroom, trying to forget the warm and fuzzy feeling that spreads in her chest when she is the older ghoulette’s bed. 
The day went the same as the previous; Cirrus and Cumulus woke up together, without Aurora, questioning her absence. As to not make her uncomfortable they did not ask any question, but in their heart they could feel that something was wrong. They spent most of the day together, only catching glimpses of Aurora here and there when she would come out of her hiding spot for a brief moment. 
They only had been able to see her up close once. Cumulus had been able to catch her when refilling her mug in the kitchen after dinner. She had let her know that she was welcome to come to bed with them again tonight, to which Aurora responded with a small smile and a nod. 
That night, neither Cumulus or Cirrus felt their girlfriend come to bed. 
Falling asleep in her own bed, alone, had yet to become easy. Her bed felt empty, there was too much space for her to roll around. The many pillows she had placed on her bed did not replace the perfect bodies of her girlfriends. The sheets felt like snow against her skin. Nothing, or more like no one was there to keep her warm throughout the night. The quietness of the room was unsettling. Cirrus’ soft snores were usually what lulled her to sleep.
Without her girlfriends, her eyes were wide open, fixed on the ceiling. 
The sharp sound of glass clinking together stirred Cirrus awake. She groaned and pushed her head in her pillow, inhaling the floral scent from Cumulus’ shampoo. As she extended her arm, she expected to bump into something, which never happened. No one was in bed with her. She lifted her head off her pillow, groaning, before rolling out of bed. 
She dragged her feet to the kitchen where she found her girlfriend leaning against the counter, a steaming mug in her hands. She smiled warmly at her, putting her coffee down before hugging the groggy ghoulette. 
Neither of them moved for a few seconds, until Cirrus’ brain realized that Aurora was not with her in bed when she woke up and was nowhere to be seen.
“Did you wake up with Rora?” She asked, pulling away from the hug.
“No, I don’t think she came to bed yesterday….”
“Mhmm. We’ll talk to her later,” she declared, leaving no room for the other to disagree.
The frown on Cirrus’ face was prominent for the rest of the day. She was filled with worries for the younger ghoulette. Since they have known each other, the three ghoulettes had never spent that much time away from each other. They would do anything and everything together.
So why was Aurora not around them anymore? She spent the entire day racking her brain, trying to figure out what they had done wrong.
Cumulus’ was also worrying, but she did not let it show. She had felt Aurora slowly starting to pull away towards the end of the tour, but had said nothing, not wanting to pressure her. Her integration to the pack had been quite easy, and everyone wanted to be around her, leaving little to no time for herself. She had assumed that she was just enjoying herself, however, the look on her face when they crossed-path was not one of someone having fun. 
For the third night in row, Cirrus and Cumulus intercepted her as she was leaving the living room. Cumulus’ soft hand grabbed Aurora’s wrist, delicately rubbing her thumb against it as multi ghoulette’s eyes widened at the sudden touch. Cumulus pulled lightly on her arm, bringing her to sit in between them on the couch. 
Aurora made herself as small as she could; shoulders rounded, elbows tucked in, and one leg over the other. Her effort of touching neither of them was useless as Cirrus’ propped her arm against the backrest and let her hand rest on her hair, and Cumulus’ hand went to her thigh. 
She had yet to look at either of them, scared of what she might find in their eyes. 
“Did you sleep well last night, Rora? You weren’t with us this morning and you’re usually the last one to wake up,” Cumulus asked with a soft smile, wanting to start with an easy question as to not scare her. 
“Um… Yeah, I did… I just had to wake up early to do some chores,” she lied. 
She never had such restless sleep since leaving the pit. Dark circles were forming under her eyes. The other ghoulettes could see it, but decided against saying anything, not wanting to upset her more than she already was. 
“Did you sleep in our bed? We didn’t hear anything when you got in,” questioned Cirrus, more directly than her girlfriend. 
“No, I didn’t. I went to my bed.”
“Why? I told you that you could come to our bed, why didn’t you?” Cirrus demanded, voice loud and shaky as hurt and sadness poured out through her words. 
From the other side of the couch, Cumulus glanced at the taller ghoulette, frowning. She shook her head, disapproving of her harshness. That was not what they needed at this moment. 
“I went to bed late and I didn’t want to wake you guys up,” she lied, again. 
“You know that we don”t care, right? The amount of time we woke you up, we deserve it,” Cumulus’ laughed, rubbing her thumb against Aurora’s thigh, hoping to reassure her.
The young ghoulette’s gaze was glued to her lap, afraid to look into their eyes. Guilt washed over her.
She was not used to lying. She had always been honest, often to her own detriment. She wanted to tell them the truth, to tell them how she felt. However, she didn’t want them to worry about her. They had enough on their plate, they shouldn’t have to comfort her.
Tears welled in her eyes. She bit her lip, exhaling deeply through her nose. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “You guys deserve some alone time, like before I got here,” she mumbled. She had not intended to tell them, not yet, but her mouth had decided otherwise. 
Sighs filled the living room. “Why do you think we want you to stay away? We love spending time with you,” Cirrus said, bringing her hand to Aurora’s back, lightly rubbing it. 
“You shouldn’t have to take care of a new ghoul all the time. You should be able to do stuff without worrying about whether or not I can do something,” she confessed. 
“Awe, Rora! You are already able to do pretty much everything. You adapted much better than Cirrus did!” Cumulus laughed, only for Cirrus to huff. “Plus, we love taking care of you! Don’t worry that pretty head of yours with stuff like that.”
Aurora finally found the courage to look at them. Both ghoulettes were fondly smiling at her. Cumulus leaned towards her, giving a small kiss at the top of her head. 
“Do you want to go to bed? In our bed this time?” Cirrus asked, tilting her head to the side, earning an eager nod from Aurora. The three got up and walked to Cumulus’ room, hand in hand. 
Cirrus got in bed first, pushing herself as close to the wall as possible. She extended a hand for Aurora to take. As soon as they held hands, she pulled her to bed, forcing the shortest close to her. Cumulus giggled and settled in bed too.
She pulled Aurora against her back, making sure to be close enough to the other ghoulette so Aurora could nuzzle her head in Cirrus’ neck. She pulled the blanket and covered the three of them, warming them up. 
Cumulus’ nuzzled the small ghoulette’s hair while tightening her hold around her waist, only for Cirrus to reach out and put her hand on her hip, squeezing it lightly.
The yougest’s breathing slowed down as she found her peace again, all cozied up in her girlfriend’s bed. 
“The sheets were so cold without you,” she mumbled, snuggling more with her girlfriends.
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arcaneacolyte · 5 months
Mushy May Day 4: Wound Tending/First Aid Mess with a Harpy and Die
Pairings: Cirrus/Cumulus
Words: 668
WARNINGS: Murder Ghoul Cumulus (Mentioned, not explicitly written here), Lots of Blood, Wound Care/First Aid, Mention of Assault and Stabbing
Thank you so much @forlorn-crows for the Mushy May Prompts. If you want to join in, you can check those out here!
Read below or on AO3!
"He deserved it," Cumulus growls softly under her breath, blowing a piece of her blood soaked bangs out of her eyes. The weight of the drying blood just makes it flop back, and she sighs, staring at it hanging between her brows.
Cirrus hums mildly, the soaked washcloth in her hand passing over the other Ghoulette's ribs, gently scrubbing away blood that she knows for a fact isn't Cumulus'. "I never said he didn't..." she replies calmly, using the hand not holding the rag to lift up Cumulus' arm a little further. "How in the Unholy Father's name did you get his blood in your armpit?" she asks through a small chuckle, scrubbing with a little more fervor against the white hairs there. She’s going to be dyed pastel pink at this point.
Cumulus sniffs sharply once, and lets Cirrus move her easily. When she had said that the blood on her mostly wasn't hers, she didn't mean it like in those corny action movies that Swiss and Phantom—and secretly Rain though he would never actually admit it—liked to watch.
She had torn him limb from limb. 
The bathwater shifts and echos as Cirrus pulls the plug to drain it again. She hums a wordless tune under her breath, gently cleaning the red away to reveal stunning gray skin, almost silver while covered in little droplets of water. Cirrus can't help but chirp appreciatively as the muted red trickles across Cumulus' skin as she cleans, the sharp copper scent of human blood slowly dissipating in favor of Cumulus' natural scent. Jasmine, honeysuckle and roses, with just the right acrid tinge of the anger still permeating it. Cirrus smiles again. Her little Bleeding Heart.
It was Cirrus' idea to clean Cumulus off. The smaller Air Ghoulette has a tendency to dwell too much if she cleans herself off, looking down at the blood and remembering the reason why it's there. She also has a propensity to overscrub her skin and make it cracked and dried out, so Cirrus always offers.
"I mean he just.....blatantly groped that sister in front of everyone!" Cumulus growls again, her tail thwapping the edge of the tub. "Like he thought that being a part of a Satanic church gives him free reign to be a ra—"
"—and now he's dead," Cirrus interrupts, cutting her packmate off with a quiet but sharp tone. She knows if she doesn’t, Cumulus will just rile herself up even further.
Their eyes meet, and Cumulus sags in the water a little, her knees poking up like two little islands in a sea of muted pink as the water rises around her. "Good riddance" She mumbles.
"Good riddance," Cirrus agrees, reaching to push the stubborn sleeve of her shirt over her elbow again. After another few minutes of quiet water sloshing and cleaning, the taller Ghoulette reaches with a wet hand to push the bloody bangs out of Cumulus' face. "You did the right thing," she assures. She always does, knows how loud Cumulus’ brain gets. She genuinely likes humans, so whenever something like this happens…..
Cumulus is quiet for a few moments longer, before glancing at Cirrus out of the corner of her eye. "He probably would have lived longer if he didn't stab me...."
Cirrus chuffs fondly, her tail entwining with Cumulus' outside the tub. She runs the cloth gingerly over the still slightly oozing wound, the color a deep grey-blue. The same color that runs through Cirrus' own veins. It's superficial, already almost healed due to their biology, but Cirrus can't help the curling of her top lip, exposing one of her fangs.
The other Ghoulette notices of course, and she raises a hand out of the water to gently place it on Cirrus' free one on the edge of the tub. "He got what he deserved...." she assures, then smiles with her teeth, fangs still tinged pink.
Cirrus can't help but smile back, leaning forward to peck Cumulus on the lips. "Well done, my Sky...."
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serene-sun · 1 year
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𝕸𝖞 𝖘𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝖎𝖓𝖓𝖔𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑𝖘 🪽
(Kinktober days 4-6, DOMSUB/OMEGA VERSE)
Pairing: Cardinal copia x cirrus x cumulus
Warnings: shit uhhhhh ALLOT, pussy eating, why am I putting a warning…yiur gonna love it anyways you sluts
A/n: first time writing omegaverse so I'm very sorry if you cringe! Remember that these three days will be discussion over this topic…inbox is open and anon is an option!
“My sweet…innocent angels. You have never upset your Cardinal, ever.” Copia clicked his tongue, his shoe tapping the pink rug. He had his hand on his hip and his eyes looking down on the two girls menacingly.
“But today I am very displeased with the two of you!” He exclaimed as he huffed. His hand gripped the magazine harder, the pages bunching up and almost ripping.
Cirrus and Cumulus were sitting on the floor of their shared room amongst what was left of a successful slumber party. The sisters of sin were already off to bed before Copia angrily knocked on the door and came to confront them.
“What were you thinking? Having such blasphemy?” Copia ranted, “And to be reading it amongst sisters of sin?”
Cirrus had taken it from Aether and mountains room while searching for a certain item. Her eyes lit up when she found it tucked away under mountains pillow, it smelt like both ghouls.
They had so much fun looking at each page with the siblings of sin at their sleepovers until it went missing one minute and then the other copia was there with it in his hand.
“We’re sorry papa.” Cumulus guiltily apologized.
“The truth is…sodo placed it under our pillows and we didn’t know what to do.” Cirrus lied, she knew Sodo was just too good of a target to ignore.
Copia hummed, and he began flipping through the pages. “And how do these images make you feel, girls?” He asked with his rich voice.
Cumulus rubbed her thighs together at the question, “Good.” He breathed out.
Cirrus took a deep breath, that heated feeling in her abdomen made her chest feel cold. She puffed up some, making her breasts more visible, “wet.”
“I see.” Copia examined the ghoulettes with his one white eye, “I suppose, since you told the truth, you deserve a reward.”
The two girls looked at each other before looking back at Copia.
“Both of you, take off your clothes and give me your panties,” Copia instructed firmly as he took off his belt.
Cumulus followed, she took off her lace bra and her silky red panties. She folded them nicely before Copia took them and shoved them into his pocket.
Cirrus discarded her baby doll lingerie before she handed him the black lace panties that joined the other pair.
Copia admired both of their naked forms with a smirk, he took off his pants and button-up before letting his cock bob up at the tension.
Cirrus blushed, she kept her thighs close together to hide the seeping heat.
Cumulus gripped her plush thighs, unable to think straight.
“Let your cardinal see those pink pussys hmm?” He said as he got to his knees in front of the girls.
They shared a lustful glance before both ghoulettes spread their legs wide for him.
“Mm, yes this will do nicely.” He said as he took a gloved hand to slide up both of their wet cunts.
Cumulus whimpered as his middle finger sunk into her tight heat. Then Cirrus shared the same energy as her tight hole was prodded at.
“C-Cardinal.” The girls whined as he added another finger and began thrusting in and out of their wet holes quickly.
His two fingers glazed over their tight squishy walls as they brushed against their cervix. His thumb trailed up to push down on their aching clits. The hood pushed back against their groin at the friction. Their soft trimmed hair smoothed over his soaking-wet gloves.
The man started quickening his pace as he watched their breasts bounce with every push on their body.
Cumulus clenched on his two fingers, hot liquid squirting out of her cunt. It made a beautiful scene as it painted his glove with white glossy female cum.
Cirrus watched in agony, her orgasm washing over her as he fingered her.
The room was almost foggy with hot breath as Copia took off his gloves. He laid them to the side as he grabbed his erection and started grinding it against the ghoulettes cheek.
“Did that magazine make you realize how powerless and small you are?” Copia chimed as his tip pushed against Cumulus’s lips.
The girl nodded, her clit twitching. “I needed someone….some.” She tried to speak before Copia cut her off by shoving his thick girth deep into her wet cavern. “An alpha? Someone to ease those pitiful mating calls?” He answered her.
Cirrus crawled above cumulus and Copia began lapping up the arousal dripping from her cunt.
Both girls shrieked.
Cumulus wrapped her long forked tongue around his base before using it to jerk his cock off in her mouth.
Copias lips wrapped around her clit, and he sucked on it harshly until she was squirming around. He then used his hands to spread her gaping hole, he kissed her opening before thrusting his tongue inside.
Cumulus licked the tip of his cock before she softly gagged as he pushed it deeper down her throat. His tip was a little passed the back of her throat as her mouth was full of his cock. She felt his heavy balls against her chin, and his strong cologne filled her senses as her nose met his bushy hair.
Cirrus bit her lip, and Copia's tongue went back to her clit as it circled the hard bud. His tongue danced with her clit as he used his two fingers to push back her hood.
Her hands buried themselves in his slicked-back hair as her thighs met his cheeks. “I’m so close.” She mumbled.
Cumulus licked up his length again before his tip released his hot sperm down her throat. She struggled to breathe until he leaned back. She sucked on his cock, milking every drop of that much-needed arousal. When Copia pulled out of her mouth, his erection let a few more drops spill onto her soft cheeks.
Cirrus gasped as she felt her second orgasm spasm across her body. Her cum was quickly licked up by Copia as he swallowed it with a smile, “My good girl's pussy, always so delicious.” He grinned, arousal slicking up his mustache and sideburns.
Copia leaned back, grabbed his base, and tapped it against Cumulus’s lips one more time as more droplets of cum coated her pink lips.
“Does your cunt still need more pleasure?” He growled into her ear as he licked up her neck, “Or do you still need a male to mate you?”
Cumulus shook her head, she whimpered at the sound of his voice.
Copia groaned, “My sweet angels, always so good for their master. No magazine can ease that burden of heat, can it?”
“My sweet innocent angels.”
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forlorn-crows · 2 years
Been listening to a lot of Chappell Roan all day, especially Naked In Manhattan, and now I am thinking about the ghoulettes first time having sex together after a show 😊💙
An inch away from more than just friends
Touch me, baby, put your lips on mine
Could go to hell but we'll probably be fine
I know you want it, baby, you can have it
Oh, I've never done it, naked in Manhattan
Their first show is a whirlwind; full of excitement, nerves, shared moments of reassurance. Truthfully, it goes better than either Cirrus or Cumulus could have imagined—they both hit all of their marks, got special recognition from Copia, and bowed to the loudest applause either of them had ever heard. The crowd rings in their ears long after the show is over, all the way up until they reach the door to their hotel room.
Cirrus pulls the key from her pocket, nearly dropping the card in shaking hands. She laughs as she fumbles it a bit, but eventually she slides it in, releasing the lock. Cirrus enters the small, dingy room and holds the door open for Cumulus, who follows behind with both of their overnight bags. Cumulus flashes her a fangy smile as she passes. It makes Cirrus’ heart hammer in her chest.
The shorter ghoulette drops their bags into a random corner, turning back to Cirrus with a smile on her face.
“That was the best night ever,” she says, bouncing on her heels.
Cirrus shuts the door and sags against it, trilling contently. “It was, wasn’t it?”
Cumulus walks closer to her. “And you did so well, Cir. That keytar solo was the best you’ve ever done it!”
Cirrus blushes and laughs. “Please, you were the star. Just like a songbird with those vocals.”
Cumulus covers her face with her hands, a twin rosy blush creeping across her cheekbones. “Stop it!”
“I mean it,” Cirrus pushes. She pulls Cumulus’ hands away from her face, gently cradling them in her own. “You did great, ‘Lus.”
Cumulus stares at their joined hands, going silent. Her eyes flick back up to Cirrus, who’s looking at her with complete admiration. The shorter ghoulette can’t help the gasp that escapes her lips, suddenly taken aback. Something softens in her expression as Cirrus’ eyes search her own, caught in their own little vortex.
“Cirrus?” Cumulus whispers, unconsciously leaning closer.
“Yeah?” She almost misses the way Cirrus’ eyes flicker lower on her face; a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it movement, but perceptible with how they linger suspiciously on her mouth. Her thumbs rub little circles into Cumulus’ palms. It’s dizzying how quickly it pulls her in.
“Can I . . .?” Cumulus lets the sentence trail off, the question hanging in the air between them.
Cirrus’ heartbeat hammers in her ears. “Please,” she breathes, lunging towards Cumulus before she even finishes the word.
Cumulus pulls her against her body, slotting their mouths together easily. “Fuck,” she gasps, roaming her hands over the taller ghoulette.
“Yeah,” Cirrus moans back, already backing her towards the bed. The mattress is hard and the sheets are scratchy against her skin when they land on it, but she doesn’t care. All that matters is Cumulus’ body finally beneath hers and Lucifer does it feel right.
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted this?” Cirrus says between kisses. She wraps her hands in Cumulus’ long curly tresses, sighing as she moves to kiss along her jaw.
“Ages,” Cumulus answers for her, for herself. “Oh, ages, Cir.”
“Wanna worship this body, worship you,” she babbles, continuing her descent to her warm neck.
“Please,” Cumulus whines. She yanks Cirrus’ hand out of her hair, guiding it down to her crotch. Cirrus gasps as she rolls her hips into her hand, clothed cunt hot against her palm.
“Fuck, baby,” Cirrus groans, already sitting up to shuck her clothes. “Off, take ‘em off.”
Cumulus doesn’t think she’s ever gotten undressed faster, pulling Cirrus back on top of her as soon as the last of the fabric is yanked from her body.
“Gorgeous,” Cirrus mutters. “Absolutely beautiful.” She kisses every part of Cumulus’ skin delicately, like its something of reverence.
“Oh, your mouth, Cir. Your mouth, unholy—” Her words are cut off with a groan as Cirrus takes one of her nipples in her mouth, sucking and rolling it against her tongue. She palms the opposite breast, grinding lightly against Cumulus’ plush thigh. She’s hot and wet already against her skin. The shorter ghoulette grabs her ass with a moan, pushing her harder against her thigh.
Cirrus tosses her head back. “Yes, fuck yes.” The friction is divine against her clit, quick and dirty in all the best ways.
“Satanas, look at you, oh.” Cumulus guides her to grind harder against her thigh, just as Cirrus slips her fingers between her folds, rubbing over her clit. They moan in tandem, melting further into each other.
It’s messy and over far too quickly, but it’s perfect in ways that matter only to them.
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corvusunnx · 1 year
mushy may day 8: first time/sick fic
I chose sick fic
pairing: cumulus/cirrus
dew is an honorable mention I guess
I was gonna do the other prompt but I'm not comfortable writing smut yet 😭
summary: cirrus gets sick and cumulus makes her her favorite soup. they both cuddle n go to sleep together <3 at the end dew finds some and eats it.
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the sound of knuckles tap on cirrus's door as she lays in her bed. she has a pounding headache and sore throat. she's had a fever ever since she woke up, keeping herself buried in blankets.
"who is it?" she coughs, turning to face the door. her eyes crack open to see cumulus opening the door to show herself.
"Its just me! I thought maybe you'd want me to get you something? I feel bad seeing you just lay here all day."
"Oh, it's alright. I don't know if there's anything you can do, really."
"I brought some medicine for you. how about I go get you something to eat?" she smiles gently at cirrus, awaiting a response from her. her tone is patient, letting her know she can take her time to answer if needed.
"hm... I'll try to eat something. you can get me some soup if you want."
"are we going with the classic chicken noodle. soup or your favorite?"
cirrus smiles, her favorite soup is potato soup, but specifically the way cumulus makes it. something about it is always so warm and comforting, no one else can seem to do it right.
"you already know my answer."
cumulus laughs as she leaves, closing the door behind her. as soon as she shuts it, her voice sounds from the hall.
"I'll be back!"
cirrus listens to cumulus's footsteps in the halls while she runs off. she's always there to help, the most selfless ghoul cirrus could ever name. cumulus has always been so nice to be around. so comforting. so friendly.
the dim lighting of her room makes it easy for her to fall asleep, and the soft blankets just add on. she can't help but smile at how comfortable she feels, despite her headache. just knowing cumulus is here to take care of her is enough to cure her.
cumulus stirs vegetables and broth together, a wide grin on her face. she carefully slices the potatoes into the size chunks that cirrus likes most. she adds seasonings, making it smell even better than it did before. she prepares herself a bowl when it finishes, unable to ignore how hungry she is, especially after cooking something that smells so enticing.
"knock kno-" cumulus enters cirrus's room again to find her sound asleep, cutting herself off. she sighs happily and sets a bowl beside cirrus, right on her night stand. not wanting to bother her, she finds a chair and sits down, turning on the tv and putting it on a low volume thats sure not to wake cirrus up. after a movie or two finishes, cirrus yawns and stretches herself awake, greeted by cumulus.
her face lights up as she watches cirrus wake up. she greets her, her own empty bowl in hand. the sick ghoul looks over to her night stand, a bowl and crackers sat carefully on it.
"aww, you got crackers too? you're so sweet, cumulus." a purr erupts from her while she sits herself up. she grabs the bowl, still warm to the touch despite being there for a while. she holds it up to her nose to smell the perfection of it before tasting it. the seasonings and foods blended into it make it smell so perfect.
"mmm.. is it me or is this even better than usual? did you change anything about the recipe?"
"nope. I just put a little extra love into it." cumulus laughs, her attention is completely focused on the other ghoulette, completely ignoring the movie on screen. cirrus almost can't feel the pain of how sick she is, too full of happiness from the help of the other air ghoulette. her cheeks are dusted red, even more than what her illness had made them.
cirrus finishes her soup and looks over to cumulus.
"you can lay here if you want. I know how uncomfortable that old chair is."
"don't mind if I do." cumulus curls up to cirrus, wrapping her arms around her and purring. their tails twist around each other into a knot, and their breathing matches. their hearts beat slowly and comfortably as they drift off to sleep together in each other's arms.
"ooooooo!" dew sniffs the air in the kitchen, his moth drooling. he's been playing guitar all day, finally deciding to eat once his stomach's growls become near impossible to ignore. he finds to pot of soup, his eyes wide and sparkling. no one can resist cumulus's cooking.
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lonewolfinthetardis · 2 months
Can you break down your own OC for the character thing? (I just think that'd be neat ^^)
How I feel about this character He's my little guy. Glacier is probably my favourite oc that I've made. I put pieces of myself in him (as most people do with their ocs), and he's overall a really great Ghoul. I set out with the idea of just making a random Ghoul oc, but he's turned into something much more than that.
All the people I ship romantically with this character -Glaicer x Engie obviously, those two have taken over my brain -Mountain x Glacier, they have a kind of platonic friends-with-benefits thing -And he will join in with pack "activities" when he wants, as long as both he and his sister aren't in the same room
My non-romantic OTP for this character -Cirrus and Glacier are the dynamic of short, older sibling and tall, younger sibling. Cirrus is always looking out for her little brother, making sure that his dysphoria wasn't affecting him too badly, and if it is, doing everything she can to help alleviate it. Glacier was also the one to persuade Cirrus to talk to Cumulus when they were first summoned. -Pyro and Glacier get on like a house on fire (pun intended). All the Ghouls get along great with Pyro, especially those with affinities to the Fire element (possibly due to Pyro's inhuman qualities), but Glacier and Pyro bonded over their shared friendship/love of Dell. Since the Ghouls all know ASL, they can have secret conversations with Pyro as well. These two also share a love of cooking, and can be found in a kitchen baking some amazing treats. Plus, fire and air work together very well, so it's only natural that these two would get along so well.
My unpopular opinion about this character -Well, he's my own character, so there's not really any unpopular opinions that I have for him. Maybe that I don't traumatise him (although there is that fic I'm writing👀)?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. -He's an oc, so therefore (sadly) not part of Ghost's canon universe.
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st-danger · 2 years
Kinktober Day 8- Nipple Play
Keep It Down Now
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Cirrus/Cumulus
Contains: Nipple play, femmeslash, the author's burning, yearning need for more Ghoulette action
“Trying to start something?” Cumulus murmurs, smiling. The puff of warm air at her ear when Cirrus draws out the word mayybeee, sing-song, and just loud enough for her ears makes her feel all tingly from her scalp to the tips of her toes. The hand slides up her chest and cups her breast, squeezing.
“If you’ll let me.”
Read on AO3!
Saint's 100% Wholesome Kinktober
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viniche · 27 days
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In this house we love women
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hazyfaith · 27 days
I Fell for You
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Pairing: Cirrus/Cumulus CW: Hurt/Comfort, Minor Injury, Crying, RHRN Spoilers
Summary: It's almost the end of the show, everyone is giving their best for the last few songs. Looking over at her girlfriend, Cumulus lost her balance. Cirrus looked over Mountain's platform, only to find who she's looking for on the floor. Before she could react, someone helped her get off the stage, leaving Cirrus with unanswered questions. Or Cumulus get injured and Cirrus takes care of her.
Read on AO3: I Fell for You A/N: Hiiii! It's my first Ghost fic, please be indulgent!! Also, english isn't my first language, if there are too many mistakes please let me know!!
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Kiss the Go-Goat boomed through the venu. From her platform, Cumulus was unable to see the crowd, but she could feel their energy. Everyone was buzzing with happiness, and so was she. She danced, played her instrument and sang, giving it all for the final few songs of the night. As she danced, she backed up towards the edge of her platform, wanting to get a better view of Cirrus. As her view was no longer blocked by Mountain and his drum, she admired her girlfriend. Cirrus was also giving it all, shimming in front of her keyboard, having the time of her life like always. The yellow and blue light illuminating her, making her beauty shine. As Cumulus waved at her, leaning back, her gravity center shifted, causing her to lose her balance.
She didn’t lie down for too long, sitting back up as fast as she could. Putting her hands on either side of her body, she brought her legs towards her chest, pushing herself off the floor. A sharp pain ran through her left leg, forcing her to sit back down. She laid her leg flat on the floor and looked up to the sky, hoping the pain would fade away. Her hope of getting back up before anyone could notice vanished into thin air as Mountain’s drum technician, who saw what happened, approached her. He quickly understood what was happening and helped Cumulus back on her feet, making sure she didn't put any pressure on her injured leg. He escorted her backstage where he flagged someone down to take care of her.
On the other side of the stage, Cirrus played the keyboard and danced to the rhythm of the music, smiling ear to ear. Looking up from her keyboard, she leaned to the left to get a better view of the other air ghoulette. She raised her hand, excitingly waving back at Cumulus. She brought her other hand up, forming a heart, and turned to the crowd. She stayed like that for a few seconds before turning back to face her keyboard. Looking once again behind Mountain's platform, she couldn’t see Cumulus standing on hers anymore. Movement from behind it caught her eyes; Cumulus was sitting on the floor, pushing herself up without any success. Before Cirrus could get off her platform, someone ran towards Cumulus and escorted her off the stage. 
Cirrus’ heartbeat became loud in her ears, drowning the music coming from her in-ear monitors. She looked at Mountain in front of her and he seemed oblivious to what was happening behind him, focused on his drums. She turned around to face Swiss who was singing and shiming, also oblivious to what happened. Shivers ran down her spine as she realized no one else had seen what happened. No one else was worrying about Cumulus. 
Despite her shaky hands and her fast heartbeat, she managed to make it through the last songs. As soon as she played the last note, she jumped off her platform and ran backstage. While the others gave away their instruments, Cirrus focused on finding Cumulus. She pushed people to the side, yelled Cumulus' name, and looked around, only for her gaze to be met with darkness as only a few flashlights illuminated the backstage. Her own name had been called multiple times, but only when Swiss grabbed her arm did she react. He pulled her by the arm, bringing her back on stage for the final bow. 
As they re-entered the stage from their side, Cirrus saw Cumulus being held by Mountain and Rain coming from the other side. She tried running up to her, only for Swiss to firmly hold her against him. She stared at the trio from afar until they were in the middle of the stage, ready to bow.
It took ages, at least that’s what it felt like for Cirrus. Even when they were done, Swiss didn’t let go of her until they were out of the fan’s view. She almost fought him to leave her alone seeing how slow they were walking, too far behind the trio for her comfort. As soon as he loosened his grip on her waist, she ran to get to Cumulus, who was heading to the green room.
When she got close to the room, her shoulders tensed as the other ghoulette let out a hiss. After entering, she stared at the scene in front of her: Mountain was putting Cumulus’ leg up on the coffee table while Rain brought out a bag of ice and settled it on her ankle. Cirrus stood in the doorway, waiting for the two ghouls to leave. As soon as they were out the door, she took a seat beside her girlfriend. She looked into Cumulus’ eyes, hoping to see any signs of happiness, only for a tear to roll down her cheek. Cirrus’ shaky hand flew to her cheek, softly brushing the tear away with the pad of her thumb.
“Are you alright? Is it your ankle? What happened? Did someone-” “Cirrus,” Cumulus cut her off, “it’s fine, I fell and sprained my ankle, nothing major” she tried to reassure her girlfriend by offering her a soft smile despite her tears. “You’re crying, it’s not fine! Is there something I can do to help? Do you need to go see the healer? Satan, you need a healer, I’ll go get him!” She stood up abruptly, only to be pulled back down by her arm. 
Cirrus looked at Cumulus with a confused look. Cumulus knew how Sister’s Imperator death had been affecting her, so why was she refusing help? She had been on everyone’s back to make sure they were taking care of themselves properly. She had forced them to go to the infirmary for any problems they had, ranging from a small cut to a more serious injury. She needed everyone to be healthy, especially Cumulus. She couldn’t phantom the idea of anyone laying there, leaving her helpless, unable to care for them. 
“I already saw him. He said that I shouldn’t use magic to make sure that I don’t build immunity to it, in case anything worse happens to me” Cumulus murmured the last part. “You won’t need it.” 
Cirrus meant it. She would go out of her way to protect her girlfriend. She took both of Cumulus' hands in hers, bringing them to her lips and lightly kissed her knuckles. She gently lowered them back onto her own lap, keeping them there. Taking a couple deep breaths, she calmed herself down, not wanting to inflict more pain with her sudden movements.
They stayed on the couch in silence, Cirrus watching Cumulus with knitted eyebrows as the injured ghoulette threw her head back in pain. They kept close for a few more minutes before Mountain came back, letting them know the van was leaving soon. The earth ghoul offered to help Cumulus walk, which was greatly appreciated by the two ghoulettes. The whole walk to the van was punctuated by Cirrus’ complaints and questions. She felt like Mountain was walking too fast, taking too long steps and she kept asking Cumulus if she was in any pain. This continued until they got to their hotel room. Even though Cumulus kept smiling at her, she couldn't help the worry clouding her mind.
Once they had seated Cumulus down on the bed and the earth ghoul had left, Cirrus got to work. She ran a bath before getting her girlfriend out of her uniform and her glamour and getting her settled in it. She got out of the bathroom and prepared the bed. She started by laying down pajamas on the bed for the both of them. She then took a couple of decorative pillows and piled them up at the end of the bed where the ghoulette’s injured ankle would rest. Finally, she picked out snacks from her backpack and set them on the bedside tables with a water bottle. 
Back in the bathroom she helped her girlfriend to dry off and dressed her in her comfortable clothes. Cirrus took a quick shower after settling the other ghoulette in bed, not wanting to leave her alone for too long. Dressed in a tank top and a pair of short, she crawled in bed where she cuddled with Cumulus who put her head on her shoulder, all while making sure her legs were nowhere near her injury. Instinctively her tail wrapped around the ghoulette's good leg, wanting to create more contact point in hope of bringing physical comfort. They agreed on a movie to watch, both wanting to relax. The soft breathes Cumulus was letting out and the softness of her hair on her bare shoulder should reassure Cirrus. And she was reassured. But she couldn't stop her heart from clenching when she looked down. Before pressing play, Cirrus turned to Cumulus and asked her a series of questions, making sure she was comfortable.
“I’ve already told you Cirrus, I’m fine. You don’t need to worry. Though, there might be something you need to worry about…” “What is it? Are you sure you’re okay?” She asked, her worry increasing. “You need to be careful if you’re gonna look that good. I could only fall to the ground after seeing such beauty!” She said, bringing her hand to her forehead dramatically as if she was dying.
Cirrus sighed loudly, shaking her head and letting out a small chuckle. Her shoulders dropped slightly, her heart feeling lighter as her partner clearly felt better. She gave Cumulus a small kiss on the top of her head, between her horns. She lingered long enough for the floral sent from her shampoo to invade her nostrils and for hair to tickle her nose. She reached over the ghoulette to get the snacks, putting them in their laps. Cumulus immediately ripped the chocolate bar open, taking a big bite before looking up to Cirrus and offering it to her. The taller ghoulette took a small bite before starting the movie. As the opening sequence rolled in, Cumulus adjusted herself to lean even more on her girlfriend. Cirrus' hand instinctively rubbed her arm, making the other ghoulette hum as they both relaxed into each other's arms. 
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sodoshame · 1 year
Are You Warm Enough?
Nameless Ghouls x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None! Just fluff.
Summary: You fall asleep in the library, waking up in a ghouls arms. You then end up in a ghoul pile.
A/N: This is quite short, I’m sorry! Hope you enjoy though!
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Trying to keep my eyes open, I groan as I sit up in my chair, stretching my arms out. I’m so, so incredibly tired; but Sister Imperator is insisting that I get this task done before the end of the day. Looking around the library, I realise there’s no-one else here. Surely a little nap won’t hurt? I set an alarm on my phone for twenty minutes, and I rest my head on the desk, allowing my eyes to close.
~20 minutes later~
I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket. Confused, my eyes flicker open. Suddenly I realise I’m being carried. Looking up, I see a familiar, friendly face.
“Hey, sleepyhead.” Aether smiles at me, still walking whilst carrying me.
“Aeth? I- What?” I mumble, still sleepy and confused.
“You’re gonna come back to the ghoul den, okay? You’ve been working too much, and we miss you.” He said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“But- Sister Imperator-” I start, looking around in slight confusion.
“Don’t worry about her. We’ll take care of it.” He smiles at me again, entering the common room. Putting me back on my feet, Aether shouts out to the others, alerting them of my presence.
Before I can do anything about it, I feel a strong pair of arms lift me up again, carrying me to the couch. I look up, being met with a toothy grin.
“Hi there, baby girl.” Swiss grins, sitting on the sofa and positioning me so my head is on his lap. Still sleepy, I look around, not really knowing what’s going on. I feel Swiss start to scratch my head gently with his claws, making me relax a bit.
“Mhm, that’s nice…” I mumble sleepily, letting my eyes close again.
I feel my legs be lifted up, then put back down. Opening my eyes again, I glance over to see Aether, who’s gently massaging my calves. Before I know it, Dew jumps on top of me, promptly snuggling his head into my neck, wrapping his arms around my waist, immediately purring.
“Oh, hey Dewy.” I chuckle sleepily. He responds by giving me a little squeeze and nuzzling into my neck.
Mountain walks in, ruffling my hair, as he sits down by Swiss’ legs, leaning against him. I smile at him, just accepting what I now knew was happening. A ghoul cuddle pile.
I hear excited chattering, I look up to see Cirrus and Cumulus walk in. They both grin at me and Cumulus settles down next to Swiss, leaning against him, and Cirrus plants herself on top of her. Then comes Rain and Phantom; they sit either side of Mountain, snuggling into him. Rain holds his hand up, clutching mine and giving it a little squeeze. I feel Dew raise his head slightly.
“Are you warm enough?” He asks, sounding tired himself.
“Yeah, but guys-” I start talking but am immediately interrupted by Dew snuggling his face back into my neck.
“Then sleep.” He mumbles simply.
I chuckle, finally giving into my tiredness. There’s no place I’d rather be than surrounded by my ghouls.
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xximperioxx · 1 year
Call It What You Want
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Phantom Ghoul x GN! Reader
Word count: 2k
Warnings: a lil spicy (I couldn’t help myself)
Note: ITS BEEN SO LONG IM SO SORRY. Seeing ghost on Saturday really got me in the mood to write again. For my man phantom. I listened to Call It What You Want by Taylor Swift while writing this. I’m a bit rusty since it’s been a bit so I apologize in advance but please enjoy 🖤🖤
You sat by yourself in the cafeteria with a book in your hand and a coffee in the other. It was one of those cheesy smutty-romance novels you couldn’t help but love. Maybe it was because you are in a desperate need of some romance yourself after your last relationship went downhill or maybe it was a great distraction. All of your so-called friends took his side of the breakup and left you in the dust. You couldn’t help but feel lonely sometimes but books were a saving grace.
Your face remained stoic as you read, getting lost in the words in front of you.
His fingers trace the shape of her body as her breath hitches. Stopping at the edge of her panties and gives her a smirk before he brings his mouth close and brings the fabric down with his teeth. She lets out a breathy moan as she feels his teeth grazing against her ski-
“Whatcha reading?”
A shriek escapes your lips and the book falls into your lap. You quickly cover your mouth at the noise you made. Heat radiates off your cheeks as you look up and see a ghoul. Your reflection staring back at you in the goggles of his mask.
You gape at him for a minute and remember he said something. He stares back in an almost giddy manner Slowly bringing your hand down from your mouth, “W-what?”
He grins sheepishly, “Your book,” he nods to your lap, “I was wondering what you were reading.”
Your blush returns and you wave it off, “oh, just some silly little romance novel.”
His grin turns into a teasing smile, “Sureee, that’s why you dropped it so fast.”
“You scared me!” You try to defend yourself but fail as a small smile fights through. His grin grows bigger and so does yours.
“I’m (Y/N),”
He stares at your hand in front of him. He places his in yours and shakes it slowly.
Your eyes glance behind him to see his tail waving in excitement. “You’re the new ghoul Papa summoned for the band, right?”
He grows shy, “Y-yeah.”
You sense his uneasiness and give him a gentle smile, “Well, I’m excited to see you play.”
His face lights up, “Really?” You nod and he grows excited, “I have been practicing with Sodo and I’m getting really good!”
You check the time and your eyes widen as you realize you're late for a meeting with Primo. You stand up and grab your book and coffee. “I’m really sorry, I have a meeting wit-”
Phantom grabs your wrist to stop you, “Do you think maybe I can play for you sometime?”
You’re surprised. An invitation to hang out with someone? It’s been so long. You give him a happy nod.
He jumps up, “Great!”
You begin to walk away before you turn around and give the ghoul one last smile, “It was nice to meet you, Phantom!”
His tail begins to wave back and forth in excitement as he gives you a wave goodbye.
Sodo stands next to him, getting hit with Phantom’s tail. He gives a shove to his side, “Cut it out.”
“Sorry.” Phantom gives him a sheepish grin.
“We got to work on that.”
You and Phantom continued to see each other after the first guitar session. He showed you tricks he was learning to play on tour, his solos, and even offered to show you how to play to which you politely declined.
He would meet you at the library when he wanted to see you. He would find a book to read and the two of you would curl up in chairs next to each other in the back of the library. Your heart fluttered the first time you had glanced over and saw him entranced by the book in his hand. His mask laying on the arm rest next to him, you got to study his features. How his hair slightly covers his face or how he bites his lip when he reads. You smiled to yourself and continued to read.
The following library visits turned to him picking out cheesy romance novels for you to read, purely judging by the covers, and you picking out some books for him. You both share a couch now and end up with his head in your lap.
You run your fingers through his hair, reading the page. Bringing your hand up, you turn the page and Phantom lets out a whine at the loss of contact.
You don’t notice, too busy with the words in front of you. Your fingernails gently scrape against his scalp. He lets out a choked moan. Yet again you don’t notice.
After a while you put your book down and glance down at the ghoul. You sigh, “You have such pretty hair. I hope you know that.”
A blush grows on his face but looks up at you steady eyes, “Yeah, well, you have such a pretty face. I hope you know that.”
Your laugh fills the quiet back section of the library.
You were having a rough night. You had seen your ex and ex friends hanging out together and it triggered a panic attack.
You sat, hidden away in a back aisle of the library, with your knees to your chest. Keeping your head down, you count your breaths.
Footsteps approach you. They stop and the person sits down next to you.
Peaking, you see Phantom looking at you with a tilted head. You shake your head before hiding in your arms.
You hear him take off his mask and feel him nudge you.
Not getting anything from you, he pulls you into his side. He didn’t need to know what was wrong, he just wanted to be there. He began to trace shapes on your back.
After you have calmed down, you place your head on his shoulder. “Panic attacks suck.”
Phantom hums in agreement.
The two of you sat in silence for a while before you spoke up slowly, “Would you run away with me?”
It was quiet again. “Hypothetically,” you add.
He turns his head, “I would go to heaven and back with you.”
You stare at him with glistening eyes. You never wanted anyone more. You send Papa a quick ‘thank you’ in your mind for summoning this ghoul. You wanted nothing more than to lean in. Phantom smiles at you, “Hypothetically,” he adds.
You and Phantom were the only ones in the practice room. You both sat on the couch as he practiced. He seemed off today but didn’t know how. He seemed extra twitchy. He brought up teaching you how to play again.
“Come on, (Y/N)!” He pleaded. He slid off the couch and onto his knees. He’s in front of you on his knees. You’re definitely mentally freaking out.
You rolled your eyes. “I’m not good with my fingers,” You pretend to play as a joke, “See?”
He grabs your hands, “Yeah, but I am!” Your heartbeat quickens. Your mouth goes dry and you pray he doesn’t hear the thumping of your heart. He pleads again, “I can show you.”
You don’t even know what to say. Does he know what he’s doing to you right now? “I-..”
He slowly gets up, hovering over you. He licks his lips and whispers, “Please, (Y/N).”
He nuzzles his head against yours before your neck.
“You’re not talking about the guitar anymore, are you?” you breathed out shakily.
You feel him shake his head, “Please let me touch you,” he whines into your neck.
You’re so close to hyperventilating, you can barely hear what he said. He slides back down on his knees, his hands gripping your thighs as he looks back up with you with needy eyes.
You grab his face and lean down to kiss him. Another whine leaves his lips as you touch him. His skin almost burning to the touch.
The door suddenly opens and in comes Swiss and Sodo. You jump back embarrassed.
Phantom whips his head around to the other ghouls and growls. Your eyes widen at the sound.
“Well well well. What do we have here?” Swiss grins.
Sodo elbows Swiss hard in the stomach, “Calm down Phan, it’s okay.”
Quickly getting up, you apologize. You’re too embarrassed. You’re not sure what you’re apologizing for but it’s the only thing coming out of your mouth.
Grabbing your stuff, you head to the door, “I’m sorry,” you look at Phantom, “I’ll see you later, okay?”
He nods. Realization of what happened hits him and he feels just as embarrassed and guilty.
When Papa announced they would be performing at the Abbey, you were unsure if you wanted to go. It had been a week since the practice room incident and you hadn’t seen Phantom since.
Your thoughts have been too loud since. Maybe you offended him somehow or maybe he didn’t like you anymore. You’d gone to the library everyday in hopes he’d show up. Maybe you’ve read too many romance novels to still have your hopes up.
It was the night of the ritual and Siblings around you were buzzing with excitement. It had been a while since Papa performed for the Abbey and would be the first time the two new ghouls were to be performing on stage. Primo had essentially threatened you to come after you mentioned you were unsure. Needless to say, the old man can be intimidating.
The room is crowded and you make your way to the back of the room. You keep your head low, not particularly in the mood to see your ex and ex friends.
You felt anxious enough. Not only for seeing Phantom but you were nervous for him performing. He’s practiced so hard the past few months. You only hoped the siblings loved him on stage as much as you do.
The lights dim and screams erupt as Papa and his ghouls emerge on stage. You see him. Your anxiety disappearing as he begins to play Kaisarion.
You cover your mouth to hide your smile. He’s doing amazing. He displays such confidence you haven’t seen in him yet. He looks like a daydream. Your daydream.
Throughout the concert, he has become a favorite with the siblings as he blows kisses to the crowd and shows off his tricks like playing the guitar under his leg. Copying Sodo as he performs to the crowd.
You were unsure if he had seen you as the ritual nears its end. But Phantom had seen you as soon as he came out on stage. A light shined on you and he nearly tripped over himself. He knew if he stared at you, he’d get distracted and mess up the song.
The ritual ends with Square Hammer. The crowd singing loudly, nearing screaming the lyrics. With the final note, Papa thanks everyone for joining them. You cheer loudly with your heart full of pride. You need to tell him.
Phantom puts his guitar down before jumping off the stage. He has his head down as he makes his way through the crowd. He didn’t want to waste another moment without you.
He lifts his head up seeing you, you give him a small smile and little wave. He reaches you, pulling down his balaclava that was covering his mouth.
“I’m sorr-” he shuts you up by pulling you into a kiss.
You’re in shock for a moment before placing your hands on his and kissing his back.
Slowly pulling away with a smile, you both catch your breath. Your hands find the bottom of his mask, taking it off before pulling him into another kiss.
For the first time in your life, you didn’t care what anyone thought of you.
He pulls away first and looks down at you, “Hi.”
You grin, still holding his hands, “Hi.”
Giving his hand a squeeze, “You were amazing. I’m so proud of you,” you emphasized.
His hands caress your face, “I’m so in love with you,” he confesses.
You beam, “I’m so in love with you.”
The two of you walk out, his calloused hand in yours.
“So was that like a scene in one of your romance books?” He teases.
“Even better.” You cuddle into him.
“We can recreate the other scenes later.”
Your laugh echoes in the hall.
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gravehags · 2 months
the fabric of your flesh
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Pairing: Cardinal Copia x f!Reader (Curator!Reader), Cirrus x f!Reader x Cumulus
Tags: oh god where to begin, threesome, oral (m receiving), oral (f receiving), making out, serious relationship conversations, consensual infidelity, titty sucking, QUINT STRAP, masturbation, voyeurism, copia in the cuck chair, copia getting his balls slapped for being a little shit
Words: 7,300
Summary: You've always liked the ghoulettes. Maybe a little too much for your own good.
a/n: this fic takes place sometime after the events of sweet treat, a short little fic i wrote which sets the stage for the events of this piece. this is the longest single thing i've ever written so you know. enjoy lmao.
“Cardinal, what are your thoughts on sharing?”
Copia sets down the document he was reviewing and leans back in his chair, looking up at the ghoulette looming over his desk.
“It’s eh, a nice concept,” he says slowly, eyes flicking from Cirrus’ face to Cumulus seated behind her. “Is there something you…have in mind?”
“Your girl,” Cirrus says bluntly, and Cumulus yanks her backwards to sit in the chair next to her and give her a stern look. Copia’s eyebrows raise and he reaches up to stroke his mustache.
“What Cirrus was trying to say,” Cumulus begins, giving Cirrus another sideways glance, “is that we noticed there’s some um. Tension. Amongst us. And it’s not romantic,” she says in a rush, raising her hands placatingly when Copia opens his mouth, “we have no designs on her heart. That thoroughly belongs to you. What we mean is ah…more physical.”
A silence falls in the office as Copia watches his ghoulettes carefully while trying to fight back a smile.
“I see,” he says solemnly, leaning forward to steeple his hands, “have you discussed this with her?”
“We didn’t want to uh, step on any toes. So no. Not yet, anyway.”
He lets the silence simmer for a moment, watching Cirrus look around the room and Cumulus anxiously rub her hands. When he begins to laugh it makes both of them jump in their seats.
“Ladies,” he chuckles, “as if I haven’t seen your hungry eyes on her at every turn. I am very glad that you asked me for permission but the person you really need to speak to is her.”
A beat passes.
“So…is that a yes?” Cirrus asks, leaning forward.
“From me, sì. Under one condition, naturalmente.”
The ghoulettes look to one another.
“I get to watch.”
Cirrus snickers and Cumulus smiles.
“Oh that was a given, of course. But…you’re open to it?”
He smiles fondly at them.
“Sì, sì, I think it’s only fair to let her experience being with a woman or, eh. Women. Since she came to me untouched.”
“She what?!”
Once again he has to smother his laughter and instead looks at their gobsmacked faces kindly.
“Oh yes, you didn’t know? Despite her inexperience, however, she’s always been rather eh, voracious. And well…she’s not so inexperienced now I suppose, heh.” His eyes briefly unfocus as his mind conjures images of you in a litany of positions, eagerly and loudly taking him deep inside your–
Cumulus clears her throat politely.
“W-what…what were we talking about?”
“Your mate and her considerable sexual appetite,” Cirrus says wryly. Copia flushes deeply and fusses with his cassock, ignoring the bulge in his lap currently being hidden from view by his desk.
“Eh, right, right. Well as I said, this is ultimately her decision so uh, by all means. I think she’s working in the archives today.”
The ghoulettes stand and Cirrus gives him a slight bow before they turn to leave.
“Best of luck, my ghoulettes,” he calls to them as they walk out, surreptitiously adjusting himself. When the door shuts behind him he sags against the back of his chair.
This is going to prove interesting.
“Knock knock.”
You turn to look at the door and see two figures slip into the room - Copia’s ghoulettes, Cumulus and Cirrus. Your face splits in a smile - and your cheeks flush - as you wave the two in.
“Come on in, I’m just going through some of these old purchasing records for the collection. I–sorry, neither of you want to hear about this,” you say sheepishly, tucking your hair behind your ear.
Cirrus hops up to sit on one of the research tables while Cumulus leans on it next to her.
“We’d love to hear about it,” Cumulus murmurs.
You laugh. “You’re both very kind but not even Copia can listen to me talk about this kind of thing without nodding off no matter how hard he tries. I won’t subject you to it. How can I help you, though? Surely you didn’t come down here just to see me.”
“And if we did?” Cirrus purrs, leaning forward and putting her palms on her knees. Cumulus shoots her a sideways glance, lips tugging downwards in a slight frown.
There they are. Those butterflies ricocheting off the inside of your stomach every time you have an encounter with the two of them. The butterflies that make you sick if you allow yourself to linger on them. The butterflies that whisper accusations of infidelity in your ear.
“T-Then I’m sorry to disappoint you, ladies, for not being a more entertaining host.”
“Actually,” Cumulus says, her voice soft, “we wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Oh?” you’ve abandoned the stack of record books to fidget with your hands.
“Something um, personal.”
Cirrus hops down from the table and slowly begins to advance on you, lips curving into a smile that shows the points of her canines. It’s predatory and devious and utterly delicious and you’re terrified. She backs you against a bookcase and props her hand above your head, her breath stirring the flyaways on the side of your face.
“Cirrus!” Cumulus barks, “You’re freaking her out, knock it off!”
Cirrus whips around.
“What? I just figured the best way to get what we want is to show her what we want.”
“And w-what do you want?”
Your voice is small, your concentration mainly focused on how you’re going to explain this should any unexpected visitors walk in. Cirrus still looms above you but is pulled away roughly by Cumulus, giving you an opportunity to breathe once again.
“Angel,” the shorter ghoulette breathes and the pet name makes your knees wobble traitorously, “We had a conversation with the Cardinal earlier - about this thing going on between the three of us.”
“N-nothing’s going on,” you whisper, panicked. “What…what did you say to him?”
“This is going really well, ‘Lus” Cirrus groans, collapsing in a desk chair.
“Fuck,” Cumulus swears under her breath, “okay let’s back up. Start with the basics. We like you.”
“…I like you too.”
“Allow me to be more specific. We like you. As in we want you.”
Your mouth gapes but no words come out.
“As in,” Cirrus says, spinning in the chair, “as in we want to do filthy, unspeakable, unholy things to you. And don’t act surprised - we can smell it on you. You want it too.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you scoff, cheeks flushed and arms crossed defensively, “I-I would never be unfaithful to Copia, regardless of what you smell on me.”
“We know, hon,” Cumulus murmurs, “which brings us back to the conversation we had with him earlier today.”
“You spoke with him about–about—”
“Sharing you?” Cirrus smirks, “Yeah. And he was open to it, under one condition - and provided that you are open to it, of course.”
“Sharing me? What like some kind of fucked up romantic timeshare situation? He was open to that?”
“Oh, don’t worry - we have no designs on your romantic relationship. We would never do that to the Cardinal. What we propose is purely physical.”
You go quiet for a moment, heart racing.
“What was Copia’s condition? Apart from my consent.”
“He wants to watch,” Cirrus says, lips curling into a filthy grin.
Your cheeks are so hot you swear you’re going to pass out, but no longer from embarrassment or stress.
From arousal.
“The two of you…really want me?”
Both ghoulettes laugh incredulously.
“Is that so hard to believe?” Cumulus says, stepping forward to toy with the loose ends of your hair. “Pretty little thing like you? Always being so sweet to us - to all the ghouls? We would be honored to have you.”
“And have you we would,” Cirrus growls, rising from her seat to advance on you once more, “Over and over until you beg for us to stop. Get you so drunk on pussy you can’t think anymore. All while your beloved mate watches us. So what do you say?”
When your eyes slide closed and head tilts back, a small whimper escapes you and you hear Cumulus sharply inhale.
“Think that’s a ‘yes’, ‘Lus.”
“I want to hear her say it,” Cumulus breathes, “Go on, angel. Tell us what you want.”
“Want…” your voice comes out in a rasp, “want you both. Want you to fuck me until I forget my own name. Want to taste you. And I want Copia to watch as you use my body for your own pleasure. Please. Please I–”
Your words are cut off as Cumulus lunges forward and slides her fingers to cup the base of your skull as her soft lips press against yours. She’s languorous about it - decadent - teasing your mouth open to slide her tongue against yours. You hear Cirrus whine and Cumulus chuckles into your mouth before pulling away. Before you can say a word, the taller ghoulette is upon you, backing you into the bookcase once more. Her kiss is more forceful than Cumulus’ - though no less enjoyable - and you gasp in delight when she slots a firm thigh in between your legs. When your hips rut against her, she pulls back.
“The Cardinal was right,” Cirrus grins, “you are a voracious little thing, aren’t you?”
You laugh, hands brushing her waist.
“He said that about me?”
“Mmhmm,” Cumulus says with a smile, “so…when do you want us?”
“Let me text Copia, tell him to come down here and I’ll let you bend me over a desk right here and now.”
The ghoulettes erupt in laughter.
“Oh no, angel, we’re going to do this right. We want you in a proper bed where we can take our time with you, yeah?”
“Hmm, if you insist,” you say with a pout, cocking your head to the side. “I’ll talk to him and see what works best. Soon.”
Cirrus bends down and drags the tip of her tongue along your lower lip, making you whimper. She steps back, allowing Cumulus to step in and run her lips along your jawline before kissing you softly.
“Can’t wait to give the Cardinal a show,” she breathes. “See you around, angel.”
“Mmhmm,” you confirm, and as soon as they came in, they’re gone. You sigh heavily.
Your conversation with your lover tonight should prove interesting. And you intend on showing him just how thankful you are.
After the two of you converse on the matter - at great length until you’re both exhausted - you’re collapsed halfway on his chest as the two of you catch your breath. As you roll off him, you laugh.
“I gotta be honest, love, I’m a little bit surprised.”
“Hmm?” he says, angling himself to look at you. “What do you mean?”
“This whole thing with the ghoulettes. I never thought you would ever want to uh, share me. Especially considering I have caught you on multiple occasions chastising siblings and ghouls for giving me the once-over.”
“Eh, noticed that, did you?” Copia says, cheeks flushing, “Well, I don’t know. Part of me feels bad for scooping you up before you got a chance to…explore your desires. Especially with women so…” he finishes lamely.
“Uh-huh. Very kind of you. And certainly not because you have a filthy fantasy about watching me get destroyed by two beautiful, infernal women. Surely that has nothing to do with it.”
“Amore!” Copia objects, placing a hand to his heart, “My intentions are pure!”
“Oh, of course,” you smirk, rolling your eyes, “When the ghoulettes approached you, you definitely weren’t thinking about how pretty I’d look getting my titties sucked and pussy ate - my cheeks all flushed and sweaty as I moan wantonly, my eyes on you from the bed while they–”
“Enough!” Copia croaks, head falling back against the pillow. “Cazzo, are you trying to get me to cum in the sheets?”
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” you snark, hand drifting down to cup the length of him. “Though I’m not sure I’ve had enough of you yet, Your Eminence.”
You shift the bedcovers, laying a line of fervent kisses down his chest.
“Again, amore?”
You place several wet kisses to his belly, grinning up at him.
“Don’t say that as if you’re not enjoying every second of this. We spent almost a whole year in each other’s presence without fucking each other’s brains out. That’s a lot of time to make up for, beloved.”
He chuckles, threading his fingers through your hair as you lick a stripe up his cock.
“You’re insatiable, diavoletta mia.”
“That’s what the ghoulettes said that you said about me. As if you didn’t keep me locked in your bedroom for almost three days after the first time we made love.”
“Mmm let’s do that aga–ah!”
You’ve had enough chatter, and show him so by slipping the length of him into your eager mouth. He’s silent for only a moment, hips flexing against you, before he begins babbling praise.
“Perfetta ragazza,” he groans as your head bobs to take him deeper, “you’re too–hnngh–good to this old man. Always knew that–ah–mouth of yours would look good like this. And that tongue, Sathanas…”
You chuckle around him, sliding off just enough to suckle the swollen head, making him moan and fist your hair. He ruts jerkily against you so you hold him down, thumbs caressing his hip bones as your tongue traces up his length.
“You’re right, you know,” he pants, “This–ah–thing with the ghoulettes? S-somewhat selfish reasons. Every time I see you with them I-I picture you in this bed, p-pleasuring each other. I trust them, trust that they will not–ah–overstep–fuck, amore!”
You’ve taken him back as far as you can and swallowed around him, hand gently massaging his balls. His breath comes in sharp whines as he fights to not thrust dumbly into you, chasing his pleasure. He’s close, you can tell by the broken way he spouts his praise, so you double down and hollow your cheeks.
“Cazzo, cazzo, caz–oh dolcezza, j-just like that. A-almost there, fuck baby.”
You pull off him just enough to suck on the head and, resting it on your tongue, your hand rockets up and down the wet length of him. He lifts his head up and looks into your half-lidded eyes and with a groan his cock spasms against your tongue, spurting his seed into your open and eager mouth.
“That’s it, amore, take it,” he sighs, rutting his hips against your mouth, “Fuck, you look beautiful like this.”
Your lips wrap around his softening cock for a moment, sucking any remnants off of him before pulling off with a pop and making a big show of swallowing and sitting back on your haunches. Copia lets out a tired laugh but he’s got a glint in his eye as his gaze roves your naked form.
“Get up here,” he growls, crooking a finger at you. Slowly, you crawl along his body until your breasts are flush against his chest hair and you can feel his breath against your lips.
“No,” he says patiently, raising a finger to tap on his mustache, “here.”
“Again, amore?” you ask, mocking his earlier words.
“Shall I tie you up and hold you down to have my meal instead?” his hands grip at the meat of your ass, urging you upwards. “Come. Here. Now.”
Oh, how you love when the bossy Cardinal comes out.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
You’re naked and bent over one of the drawers you’ve hijacked from Copia, rifling through various pieces of lace and silk. The man in question is leaning against the doorway to his bedroom, arms crossed as he observes you.
“What’s the fuss, amore?”
“The fuss–” you say, standing up and putting your hands on your hips, “--is I cannot figure out what I’m going to wear for this…rendezvous.”
“Eh, traditionally I think it’s done in the nude.”
You glare at him and brandish a pale pink mesh thong in his direction.
“You know what I mean, I have to make a…a good impression. Sexy. I can’t just answer the door with my tits and coochie out like ‘hello welcome to the filth den’. I mean, come on, I agonized over what to wear when I went to seduce you too.”
“Did you?” he asks, eyebrows raised as he ambles over to you, “Ah, now that was memorable. Seeing you sitting in my chair in that pretty little virginal cream silk slip, waiting for me. Ready for me. Mmm cara, so eager–”
Abruptly he pulls you backwards against his chest, fingers sliding down your belly before teasing at the heat of you.
“Copia, my love, as much as I appreciate where this is going,” you murmur, “they’re going to be here in twenty minutes and respectfully, I’m not giving them sloppy seconds.”
“Ugh, fine,” he growls, relinquishing his grip on you. “What about that eh, dark blue silk piece you have? With the lace along the neckline? It looks so pretty with your hair.”
Huh. There’s a thought.
You bend over to do some more digging - ignoring the way Copia is insistently grinding against your ass - and locate it with a triumphant noise. You turn in his grip and kiss him firmly.
“My love, this was inspired, I–” there’s something familiar nudging against you and you look up at him, “Don’t get excited so soon my love, I’d hate for you to uh - finish before anything even begins.”
“Ah dolcezza, I might be in my fifties but have I not proven to have the stamina of Zeus himself?”
“Zeus, huh?” you say, giving him a look, “I certainly hope you don’t have his sense of fidelity, too.”
He looks affronted. It’s cute.
“Amore, you question my faithfulness? You question my devotion? I would never touch another. You, on the other hand. Oh, you were just waiting for this opportunity, weren’t you?”
He’s got an evil little grin on his face and you know he’s trying to get a rise out of you but your lips dip down into a frown and your heart sinks.
“Copia, you know I would never…maybe this isn’t a good idea,” you sigh deeply, biting your lip as tears well in your eyes.
“Oh amore mio,” he says softly, cupping your cheeks in his hands, “I was only teasing! If you are not comfortable with this, say the word and I will end it immediatamente. Truly though, it’s okay, huh? People do eh, exploring all the time while still maintaining loyalty to a partner. And I trust both them and you. My desires are inconsequential - but allow me to give you this gift, sì?”
You nod slowly.
“I love you,” you murmur, reaching up to take his hands in yours, “so much. So much it scares me sometimes, you know? I would never, ever want to do anything that would hurt you.”
He kisses each of your hands.
“And I love you. I know you wouldn’t hurt me but if you have any uncertainty, know that I am A-OK with this. Prometto. Nothing will ever come between us but Sathanas you are going to look so lovely spread out beneath them. On top of them. Sideways, even.”
You sniffle and laugh.
“Hmm,��� your eyes glaze over for a moment, “what do you think they’re going to do to me, Cope?”
“Anything. Everything. Kiss and lick and suck and fuck…they’re going to take you apart, dolcezza.”
You shiver.
“Getting me all worked up, Cardinal,” you breathe, the tip of your tongue sliding out to wet your lips.
“I would be a poor host if I did not, eh, ready the party favor, hmm?”
Stepping back with a smile, you slide the midnight blue slip over your head and look in the mirror to loosen your hair from its messy bun.
“Perfetta,” Copia whispers, watching you adjust strands so they fall just right, “they will not be able to resist you.”
“And I will not offer any resistance,” you say quietly, turning away from the mirror to face your beloved. You smooth your hands down the front of his black suit and smile.
“I can do this,” you murmur, those familiar butterflies back in your stomach.
“Only if you want to but yes, I believe you can,” he smiles, fussing at your hair. Abruptly, you grab him by the back of the head and slot your lips against his in an aggressive kiss that slowly turns more lazy and soft. You feel a throb from between your thighs as he whimpers when you suck on his tongue and slowly pull away.
“Good luck tonight,” you purr, “don’t give up the game too quickly, hmm?”
He laughs.
“I had plenty of solo practice drawing things out before we got together, thank you very much.”
“Oh yeah?” you say, cocking your head, “Surely you weren’t thinking of me any of those times…”
“Surely not,” he shakes his head with a smile, “Surely there was another curator who liked to smile at me so prettily and shake her ass so tantalizingly whenever she walked in front of me in tight little skirts. That curator was always so kind to this lecherous old Cardinal. Mmm she was so sweet and soft and–eh, what were we talking about?”
“How you used to shamelessly jack off after staring at my ass?”
“No, no, that was the other curator–”
You roll your eyes and reach your hand down to cup his bulge, making him whine and buck into your touch.
“Easy, dolcezza, easy…I am in a fragile state.”
“‘Fragile state’ my ass,” you grin, “I’ve seen you roll off of me and not ten minutes later hop back on like I’m a pony at a state fair.”
“Ah, not entirely accurate,” he says, lifting a pedantic finger, “you are slightly nicer looking than a pony.”
You slap his balls sharply, causing him to double over with a yelp.
“Just for that, I’m definitely going to leave you for a ghoulette now. Maybe a ghoul too. Who knows?”
“Amore!” he wheeze-laughs, comically cupping himself, “be sweet to me, huh? I might not survive tonight after watching what they do with you…”
“Povera mia,” you croon, “to be fair, I might not survive, myself. I–”
Three knocks sound at the door to Copia’s quarters and you exhale heavily.
“Do you want me to–”
“Yeah,” you nod, walking over to the bed and lowering yourself to sit on the end, facing the doorway. Your heart thuds in your chest as you watch your beloved amble over to the door and open it, smiling when you hear his familiar odd little noises as he stands aside and gestures for your guests to come in. When the ghoulettes step through the threshold your breath catches in your throat. It’s not exactly that you’d forgotten how beautiful they both are but Sathanas it continuously takes you by surprise. They’re both wearing casual clothing - Cirrus in a large t-shirt and basketball shorts and Cumulus in a floral robe - and an anxious laugh bleats out of you before you can smother it. Cumulus is preoccupied with saying something to Copia but Cirrus hears it and gives you a sly grin and a cocked brow. When Copia extends his arm to gesture towards you, your heart plummets into your stomach.
“He–” your voice comes out thick and croaky, “hey, you two. P-please, come in.”
Cumulus favors you with a soft, reassuring smile as she comes to sit next to you. Cirrus plops down on the other side, a hand pushing into the plush red duvet.
“Nice place,” she says, looking around the paneled room, “really elegant.”
“Not my place,” you admit sheepishly, “this is all him.” You point to Copia, who is busy settling into the high backed chair in the corner of the room. He smiles.
“Don’t let her fool you, her room is just as nice. Lots of blues. You’d like it, Cumulus.”
The aforementioned ghoulette laughs quietly, and when she reaches up a hand to brush your hair off your shoulder you want to kick yourself for the way you jump.
“Nervous, angel?” Cirrus asks, flopping backwards onto the bed and letting her fingers dance at the small of your back. You laugh, too loud.
“Y-yeah. Yeah I’m really fucking nervous.”
“What part are you nervous about, sweetheart?” Cumulus asks, shifting her body to face you.
“Uh…everything? The fact that I’ve never been with anyone but Copia, the fact that I’m committing physical infidelity, the fact that you two are so goddamn beautiful, the fact that the man I love is going to be watching…take your pick.”
“Amore, if my presence is causing you any grief I would be happy to le–”
“No,” you say quickly, and you hate the panic in your voice, “No. Please, I need you here. You know how I am, it’s the anxiety. I want to do this for you.”
“For yourself too, I hope,” Cirrus comments from her spot behind you, “unless we’ve been misreading the vibes…?”
“No. Not at all. The vibes are…absolutely there. Incredibly there, in fact. I-I want this,” you look to Cumulus, “I want you. Both.”
“Atta girl,” Cirrus purrs and you don’t even have to look at her to know she’s got a filthy grin curling her lips, “come on, angel. We’ll put on a good show for the Cardinal.”
You look over at Copia, the rapid rise and fall of his chest from the promises of what lie ahead making you ache. Cirrus stands, taking off her shirt in a smooth motion and tossing it to the floor.
“C’mon,” she says, shimmying her shorts and underwear off and climbing onto the bed, “get over here.”
Cumulus snorts as she gets up and you turn, crawling towards Cirrus who is resting against the pillows. When you settle in next to her you finally get a good look at her - all long legs and rounded hips and dusky nipples. You know you’re breathing too loud and then out of the corner of your eye you see Cumulus drop her robe. Cirrus’ chuckle at the whine that comes out of you fans your hair, which she idly twirls between her fingers.
“Perfect, isn’t she?” she asks, looking over at the other ghoulette. You nod. Perfect is an understatement. A rounded belly, large, lush breasts and generous thighs between which are nestled a thatch of white curls. Her tail waves lazily behind her as she uses her hands to trace the path of your gaze. She approaches the other side of the bed and slides in behind you.
“This is pretty,” Cumulus comments, fingers brushing the hem of your blue slip, “keep it on for a little longer, hmm? I like the way it looks on you.”
You nod dumbly and shift to lie on your back. When you do, you catch a glimpse of Copia in the corner. His hand rests in his lap, fingers twitching towards his bulge but he doesn’t touch himself. Not yet. His eyes gleam at you. You’ve got your hands folded on your belly trying desperately not to gawk at either of the beautiful, nude women you’re sandwiched in between.
“Can we touch you?” Cirrus murmurs, ghosting a hand over you.
“Please. Please.”
She smiles and when she lowers her hand to brush against your own you let out a deep exhale. All she’s doing is letting her fingertips glide along the backs of your hands, but it makes you dizzy. When Cumulus reaches down to brush along your thigh, your breath hitches in your throat.
“So sensitive,” Cumulus breathes, dragging her fingers up and over your hip to cradle your belly. You had almost forgotten how the two of them sport a cooling touch - something that comes rocketing back when you feel the almost painful tautness of your nipples. Judging from the low noise that comes out of Cirrus, she’s noticed it too.
“Mmm, pretty little thing,” she purrs, reaching a hand to cup your breast and thumb your nipple through the fabric, “Already so excited for us, ‘Lus.”
“Sure is,” Cumulus agrees, her lips tracing the shell of your ear, “Tell us what you want, angel.”
“K-kiss me. Please.”
“Begs pretty, too,” Cirrus chuckles, “Can’t wait to hear more of that later when I’m making you see stars. Go on, ‘Lus. You’re the one who couldn’t stop talking about her lips.”
Your head turns slightly to face the shorter ghoulette, stomach swooping when she leans in and blows against your lips. You shiver comically and with a smile she reaches a hand up to cup your cheek.
“Ready?” she asks, so softly only you can hear. You nod. When she leans in to capture your lips with hers, you feel as if a dam has broken inside you. All your previous hesitation is gone as you bury your fingers into her curls and pull her towards you, tongue dancing with hers. She’s just as decadent about it as you remember from that day in the archives, soft and yielding as you whimper into each other’s mouths. You’re vaguely aware of Cirrus breathing a curse next to you as Cumulus drapes her body halfway onto yours, hands kneading flesh through fabric. And speaking of fabric–
“This has to come off. Now.” Cumulus groans while pulling away for breath. She’s got one hand gripping the hem of your slip and eagerly shimmying it off your body, pausing to let you lift your hips and sit up to expedite its removal. When the offending garment is finally off, Cumulus skillfully tosses it over to Copia, who catches it with a gasp. You see him press the silk to his cheek, savoring the remnants of warmth from your body and the sight makes you feral.
“Well, well, well, look at you,” Cirrus breathes with a small laugh, “just as soft and lovely as we always knew you would be, right ‘Lus?”
You don’t wait to hear Cumulus’ answer before lunging upwards and slotting your lips against Cirrus’. The taller ghoulette is shocked for only a moment before gripping your thigh and hitching it up on her hip. Where Cumulus’ kiss felt like a dance, Cirrus’ feels like a domination and one you are more than happy to yield to. Teeth chase tongues and when her claws bite into the meat of your waist, you whine into her mouth. When she pulls away you pursue her but she pushes you down into the mattress.
“The Cardinal was right about you,” she grins, “Filthy little thing.”
“If you’re this eager for him, I understand him keeping you from the ghouls,” Cumulus murmurs, “Lucky he likes us best. Shame for the boys, but we’re perfectly fine keeping you all to ourselves.”
“Poor Aether,” Cirrus laughs, “wants you so bad and can’t have you. We promise we won’t be mean and tell him anything about tonight. Much.”
Your head is spinning with arousal, the thought of the ghoulettes tormenting the strong ghoul with sordid details about bedding you causing your clit to throb. Before you can linger on it any further, Cumulus drags her tongue over your clavicle, making you shiver. As if coordinated, both ghoulettes slide down your body until their breath ghosts over your nipples. Your cheeks are hot as Cirrus flicks the tip of her tongue out to graze it. Teasingly she drags the muscle around your areola, avoiding where you want her most and making you whimper pathetically.
“Don’t be cruel, Cir,” Cumulus chastises, placing soft, sucking kisses into the meat of your breast.
“Wanna hear how pretty she begs for me,” she says, smoothing a hand over your belly, “Come on angel, tell me what you want.”
“Suck my tits,” you eke out and Cirrus laughs.
“Oh, the Cardinal’s delicate flower knows how to be direct. I like that,” she pulls back slightly and turns her head to address Copia, “She always this good for you?”
“Better,” you hear Copia rasp and another throb thrums from between your legs.
“Well,” she says, turning her attention back to your breast, “good girls always get what they ask for, right ‘Lus?”
“Then quit talking and fucking give it to me already,” you grit out. Cumulus lets out a delighted noise and Cirrus’ claws bite into your flesh before she drags the flat of her tongue over your hardened nipple. When she finally wraps her lips around the bud and sucks, your hand flies to the back of her head. She’s vicious with her attentions, nipping with sharp canines - Cumulus on the other hand returns to sucking bruises into your other breast, her hand drifting further south. When she firmly cups your mound in her palm a sigh escapes you.
“So good,” you murmur, stroking Cirrus’ dark hair. The tall ghoulette pulls off you with a pop and gives you a grin. Gently, you urge Cumulus back up to face you so you can slide your lips against hers, hand kneading her breast. 
“She likes that,” Cirrus breathes, “Loves having her tits played with.”
You moan into Cumulus’ mouth before pulling back for breath. With a firm shove you push the shorter ghoulette flat on her back, dragging your tongue down her sternum. As soon as your lips make contact with her nipple she lets out a whine that goes straight to your cunt. You lap eagerly, rolling her other bud between your fingers as Cirrus settles in behind you to place wet kisses on your shoulder. Out of the corner of your eye you see Copia with his cock in his gloved hand, panting as he stares at you. You’re filled with affection and, with an immense desire to put on a good show for him, you sit up and swing your leg over Cumulus to straddle her. Cirrus falls on her back, clapping as you lower your mouth to sloppily kiss Cumulus.
“Mmm, initiative,” Cirrus purrs, sitting up and delivering a sharp, pleasurable slap to your ass that jolts you forward, “we like that. Keep going, girls. I’ll be back.”
You pull away and grasp for Cirrus, who slides off the bed and reaches to a bag you hadn’t seen either of them come in with. Before you can see what she pulls out, Cumulus grabs the back of your head and pulls you down to where she can drag her teeth along your throat. Her claws scrape at your scalp and you delightedly let her tug you where she wants you. Something about the way her belly presses against yours makes you flush from head to toe. You feel…decadent. Hedonistic. It’s intoxicating and you want nothing more than to show the ghoulette beneath you exactly how good she’s making you feel.
“I know that look,” Cirrus says with a grin, “go on, angel. Make her sing for you.”
I’m going to make you sing, bellezza.
Instantly, you’re taken back to your first night with Copia and you let out a breathy laugh before looking down at Cumulus, who gazes up at you with pupils blown.
“I’ve never done this before,” you murmur and she smiles.
“You’re more familiar with the terrain than you realize. I’ll tell you what feels good, okay?”
You nod and slowly begin to maneuver yourself down her body, kissing and licking every inch of skin available to you. When you settle between her spread thighs and place a kiss to her mound, she lets out a soft sigh. Delicately, you use your thumbs to spread her open and immediately begin salivating when you see how deliciously wet she is. She twitches when your heavy exhale ghosts over her cunt.
“Go on, pretty girl,” you hear Cirrus say encouragingly from behind you, her hands smoothing over your hips. “I’ve got something real special for you.”
As your lips make contact with Cumulus’ slick folds you gasp. Behind you, Cirrus drags the head of what you assume is a silicone cock through your own folds, causing you to arch your back. When you pull away to look back at her she chides you.
“Keep your eyes on the prize, angel. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.”
Well. You don’t need telling twice.
With as much fervor as you kissed her, you slide your lips and tongue over her folds, delighting in the way her hand flies to your hair. She’s right, of course, you’re familiar with the general terrain and when the tip of your tongue grazes her swollen clit, she gasps your name. From behind you, you feel the head of the cock drag through your folds again and gently, Cirrus eases the thick tip inside you. You whine into Cumulus’ cunt, hungry for more, but Cirrus holds your hips steady to keep you from bucking backwards.
“Sweet–ah–sweet Aether…used his quintessence on this strap, you know that? Makes it feel like it’s actually a part of me. Poor ghoul had n-no idea who it was going to be used on. Keep going, angel. Want to see you t-take her apart.”
Panting and desperate for her to fill you up, you lower your mouth again to lap up Cumulus’ slick. When your tongue eases inside her she lets out a loud, long moan.
“Good girl,” Cirrus breathes, “g-good–fuck.”
Fuck is right. With agonizing slowness she pushes the strap in and your jaw hangs open at the stretch. Copia is nothing to sneeze at, and he’s thick too, but this you feel in your guts. Your arms wobble as they struggle to hold you up and when Cirrus bottoms out with a groan you let out a pathetic whimper.
“H-how does she feel, Cir?”
You can hear Cirrus panting roughly behind you, hands smoothing over your ass.
“Unholy fucking hell, ‘Lus, hot and wet and t-tight, fuck. I–”
You squeeze around her as hard as you can and Cirrus cuts off with a sharp gasp and a broken moan. When you crane your head to look at her over your shoulder, you give her a grin and she lets out a breathy laugh.
“Oh Cardinal, she’s wicked.”
You hear Copia let out a low chuckle from behind you and it makes your cunt spasm around Cirrus.
“Finish your task, angel,” she coos and you glance up at Cumulus who looks down at you and wets her lips. Feeling deliciously full of both Cirrus’ cock and renewed fervor, you lower your head and slowly drag your tongue though her folds. 
“That’s it,” Cirrus murmurs, slowly pulling out of you then pushing back in, “c’mon baby, show her how much you like her.”
So you do.
You’ve got your hands wrapped around Cumulus’ generous thighs, fingers digging hard enough to bruise as you alternate between fucking her with your tongue and circling her clit. Cirrus’ thrusts are deep and forceful, pumping in and out of you while streams of filth slide out of her mouth. 
“That’s it, honey,” Cumulus whimpers from above you, burying her fingers in your hair and bucking her hips against your mouth, “so good for me, right there, right–fuck!”
Her praise ceases as you wrap your lips around her clit and suck. Cirrus moans and her pace quickens, fucking into you with less and less abandon. From behind you you hear a strangled amore mio and you know that Copia is close. The visual of his gloved hand wetly sliding along his cock, the taste of Cumulus beneath you, and the mounting pressure of Cirrus’ cock inside you make you feel like you’re going insane. Your moans are muffled, your mouth thoroughly occupied with suckling at Cumulus’ swollen clit while she cries out above you.
“Please, please, please,” she whines, “so close, so fucking close honey, don’t stop!”
You double down and take a page from Copia’s playbook, taking a finger and teasing at her entrance. Slowly, you sink it in knuckle deep and crook it searching for that sweet spot. When she screams your name you know you’ve found it, delighting in the way her cunt clenches around you. When she shatters, she pulls your hair hard enough to hurt but you don’t care, not with the way she whimpers your name like a prayer. The sounds she makes only inflame your passion further and you want nothing more than to wrench another orgasm out of her but suddenly she’s pushing you away. Taking the hint you pull back and suddenly Cirrus’ hand wraps around your shoulder.
“My turn,” she snarls, yanking you towards her and causing your back to arch. Her steady thrusts become sharper, harder, as she pounds into you and makes you see stars. Wrapping her hand around your throat she pulls your back flush against her.
“Look at him,” she growls, her breath hot in your ear, “Look at what you do to him.”
You turn your head to look at your beloved and a gasp hiccups out of your throat. He’s hunched in on himself, gazing up at you with his paints streaked down his face and his mouth hung open in a moan. His hand squeezes at his reddened, leaking cock, hips fucking upwards into his fist. Cirrus holds you in place, her hand seeking your sweat-slick breast to pinch sharply at your nipple as she fucks ruthlessly into you. You cry out, pushing backwards to meet her thrusts.
“I know you’re close, angel,” she groans, hips jackhammering into you hard enough you can’t catch your breath, “mmm fuck gonna–ah–gonna fill this pretty little cunt up. Gonna–ah-ah-fuck, baby!”
“Give it to me, Cir,” you whine, “just like that, j–Copia!”
You cum with a cry, watching as Copia spasms, painting his fist and chest with rope upon rope of his seed. Behind you Cirrus thrusts three times more before you feel her fill you up. You’re trembling in her tight grip as she empties herself into you, her forehead pressed against your shoulder. Copia is looking at you with nothing but pure adoration as you struggle to catch your breath. A silence settles among the four of you and you break Copia’s gaze to look down at Cumulus.
“Beautiful,” she breathes with a wide smile, “fucking beautiful. Look at you.”
You let out a short, delirious laugh and Cirrus mouths weakly at your shoulder.
“You were perfect,” she murmurs into your ear, pressing a kiss to the side of your head, “just like we knew you’d be. Wasn’t she, Cardinal?”
Copia’s head is tipped back against the chair, eyes trained on the ceiling.
“She always is. Always. Amata mia.”
Gently, Cirrus extricates herself from you and the slide of the rigid silicone dildo as it exits your cunt makes you gasp. Weakly, you crawl forwards to Cumulus’ embrace and collapse next to her. Cirrus follows after a moment, slipping in beside you.
“So, how was it?”
Your gaze lingers on the canopy above you and you tip your head to lean against Cumulus.
“Wow,” you say with a dazed smile, “women, huh?”
Cirrus barks out a laugh. You feel your eyelids get heavy as you watch Copia get up and go into the bathroom.
“Don’t fall asleep on us,” Cumulus nudges you, “we’re not done with you yet.”
You whine but you can’t deny the delicious ache coming from between your thighs.
“I’m gonna need a snack, then,” you say with a sigh.
“Anything you want, bellezza,” Copia says, returning to the bedroom, half cleaned up, “I am your servant.”
Hmm. Now that’s a thought.
“Bring me some grapes, a bag of chips, and a pint of ice cream and I’ll show the girls how pretty I look when I bounce on your cock, huh?”
Cumulus lets out a soft gasp and Cirrus’ eyebrows shoot up.
“What flavor?” Copia rasps out, reaching down to adjust the bulge in his pants.
Mmm. You could get used to this.
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𝔊𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔥 ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫𝔰 III
What would it be like to sext/send nudes to the Ghouls and Papa Copia? 
Prompt by the magnanimous @endhisbloodlineinmyesophagus
Tumblr media
NSFW/Suggestive below the cut.
Count on this man to ruin the mood, not by his own accord (although he does get flustered)
It’s because of him misspelling things/not knowing how to work a phone
It barely matters though when you’ve got him hot and bothered and you know he’ll be thinking of you all day
You sent him a photo of your juicy thighs, pressed together from your seated position. Your garter belt just barely peeking out from underneath your short skirt. 
𝙸 𝚊𝚖 𝚜𝚘 𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝙳𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚢𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝙳𝚄𝙲𝙺𝙸𝙽𝙶
Ducking, my heart?
𝙸𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚗’𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚢𝚙𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙳𝚄𝙲𝙺𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝙳𝚄𝙲𝙺𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝙳𝚞𝚌𝚔 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜
I’m fucking crying 😂
𝙷𝚘𝚠 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚢 𝚒𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚖𝚎?
(You can practically hear him cursing in Italian, getting mad at the stupid phone.)
I’ll come by later to teach you how to fix autocorrect
𝙱𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚋𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝
If you send Swiss a nude just know he’s smiling devilishly
Tries to lick his phone/bite his phone
Just feral things
Wishes he could climb inside his phone and kiss the pixels of your body
He immediately goes wherever he can and strips down to send you an equally racy reply 
You almost drop your phone at his response. There’s Swiss in all his naked glory, standing proudly in a mirror. Fuuuuck.
𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗’𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝙸’𝚖 𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚝
You didn’t give me any warning! Someone could have been looking over my shoulder!
If they were I’m sure they would also like what they saw
You’re incorrigible
Idk what that means  But I’ll take it as a compliment 😏
🙄 ... What are you doing right now? I need to see you
I’m getting ready for a ritual now but if we make it fast…
Say less 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️
His reaction to receiving a nude from you is best described in two words: 
Cartoon character
His eyes are bugging out and his heart is beating out of his chest
He practically drops his phone upon seeing the explicit photo you sent
I think I'm having a heart attack
Surprise 😽 did you like it?
When he doesn't reply, you actually get a little anxious (like, did he actually die?), but then it sounds like someone slams into your door and you about jump out of your skin.
You wrap your silk robe around yourself, barely getting it tied to answer the rabid banging at the door.
“Phantom! You’re all sweaty! Wait, did you run here?”
“Couldn’t. Stop.” He wheezes, “Had. To. See. You.” He collapses in a heap on the floor.
“Well you didn’t have to sprint here!”
He is still panting minutes later before he composes himself and grins up at you wickedly, “And you, vixen, didn’t have to send me photos of you naked, but here we are.” 
You've got a long night ahead of you.
You didn’t think much of the picture you took
It was provocative, sure, but not explicit
Dewdrop thinks differently though
He’s a sucker for a tease
Boy is off his leash going feral 
Got any more? 🔥
You want more?
Fuck, yes
You send him another picture, this one showing more of your soft skin than the last.
Fuck me
When and where?
All day and I don't care
He pings your location, he’s on his way.
You send him a text and a photo of yourself to accompany it
Rain’s phone is a lil slow though, so he only sees your text first
It’s not his fault
But it is his fault that he refuses to upgrade his phone...
I need your help, I fell out of my clothes 😏
Your phone screen lights up. Rain is calling.
You answer in a sensual voice, “Rain? Like what you s-?”
He interrupts you immediately, “You fell?!? Are you okay?!”
“Wait, what?”
He yells again, “Your text!!”
“Oh,” You pause, looking down at your message, “The photo I sent, did you get that?”
“Why would you send me a photo if you fell?”
An exasperated sigh escapes you, “Just wait.”
His phone pings, the picture message coming through finally. He sees a sultry photo of you, bare, in front of the mirror in your bedroom.
“Rain? Are you there?”
He spoke again after a moment, his voice about an octave lower, “I’ll be there in 10 minutes.”
He does not text
Like, barely at all if he can help it
If you want to discover his weakness though, just send him a suggestive photo
This ghoul will wax poetic about your body all night long
Unless he's tired of course
Hi you
Hi I’m so sleepy
I’ve got something that will keep you awake if you want
You send him a suggestive photo of you in bed, the sheet pulled up just barely covering your body and showing plenty of skin.
Fucking hell
Yeah? What would you want to do if you were here?
The chat bubbles sit there for about ten minutes before you get antsy.
You send him a meme from SpongeBob: “One Eternity Later”. Still no reply.
I stg if you fell asleep…
The next morning you wake up to a text from him apologizing for falling asleep. A second message says that he isn’t going to tell you what he would do to you, that he’d rather show you instead.
You didn’t give her any warning, you were just feeling yourself so you sent a little slightly nude photo
Cirrus doesn’t have her phone on her though, it’s in her bag
The kicker? She and Cumulus have the same phone, down to identical phone cases which were gifts from Aurora 
Better not open your phone in public while waiting for her to reply
She will always have to one-up you
Cirrus’ phone buzzes, but she ignores it.
Cumulus holds it up because she thinks it's hers and reads the lock screen, “Cir - your ‘Midnight Snack’ sent you a photo message.”
“Could you open it and see what’s up?”
“Sure.” Cumulus pauses, clearing her throat, “Get over here, you’ll want to see this.”
“What could it possibly be -” Her eyes widened into saucers. "That little -"
"Are you going to reply?"
"Yes," Cirrus says confidently, "and you're going to take a photo of me to send back."
There is one thing for certain: her "Midnight Snack" is getting a treat tonight.
She carries her phone around of photo opportunities and to spam the group chat with memes only
You can send her a naughty pic if you want
But it’ll take hours for her reply
She will make the wait well worth your while
You send Cumulus about 20 or so texts before she finally replies to you.
She doesn't read anything, just sees the picture.
Look at you
It's about time!
You look good enough to eat
The moment is over, been over for hours Unless...
You're in luck, little temptress, because we're in different time zones So the moment is just starting for me
You play along, especially when she sends you a photo to up the stakes that has you falling to your knees.
Solely communicates via Snapchat, so it’s easy to get a little spicy
She doesn’t get what you’re trying to do though, at first
Once she catches on, all bets are off
What are you doing right now? 
The photo you send is slightly on the sultry side, your hair looking mussed, and your top undone a few buttons.
She sent you a picture back of her wide grin with the line: 
Just shopping! I wanted to get some ribbons for my mic stand 😁
Well what are you wearing?
Her next picture is from someone else’s POV of her body, she’s standing in a cutesy way in corduroy overalls with her arms crossed. 
Idk what this human outfit is called It combines pants and a top and I love it!
You smile at your phone, she’s so fucking adorable. You reply with a chat:
It’s called a jumpsuit, my sweet ❤️
Yes, that’s it! Cumulus says your first message was “sexting”?? 
Your face turns red and she sends another chat message in rapid succession.
I’ll be there after I check out! Don’t unbutton any more of that top! 🍽️
They're all truly living rent free in my brain rn
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damagedghoulette · 3 months
Ghost: Disability inclusive stories
A list of all the disability ghosts stories put into one post so it’s easier to find 🤍
If you have a story you would like to be added to the list please message me with the link- also please message if you’d like a story to be removed! Red words mean smut.
Follow this post to get updates on new stories.
Strawberry Shortcake - @damagedghoulette
Phantom and his service dog - @rainsbasspick
Pebble finding out - @nightynightghoul
Episode during sexy times - @hypnoneghoul
Power outage - @hypnoneghoul
Replenishment - @hypnoneghoul
I need you - @sister-nyx
I can’t breathe - @terzosboyfriend
We will go softly into the night - (Villaflower)
Chronic pain/illness:
Rain do not go away - @hypnoneghoul
Time machine - @sister-nyx
Just wanted to hear your voice - @hypnoneghoul
Lemon water - @damagedghoulette
Aether x gn reader - @inkrabbit
Spillways, spillways - @cirrus-ghoulette
Special (arrhythmia) - @skele-bunny
Rain waiting for brace measuring - @hypnoneghoul
Rain dislocating during sexy times - @hypnoneghoul
Abandon your freedom - @hypnoneghoul
Papa comforts reader - @peachyghuleh
Absolution - @peachyghuleh
The outing - @peachyghuleh
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dewsgremlin · 5 months
The siblings of sin avoid the ghouls as much as possible.
The clergy doesn't like it when the ghouls attack humans, but it does happen from time to time. (And to be honest - nobody cares if a sister of sin is missing...)
That's why it's common for the siblings to always have a spray bottle of holy water with them. As hellish creatures, the ghouls do not like anything blessed. The holy water burns on their skin like hell.
To keep Dewdrop or Swiss at a distance, the siblings of sin sometimes have to spray an entire bottle empty. Aether, Cumulus or Mountain keep their distance on their own, but they are so polite that the siblings don't see them as a threat anyway.
Rain is normally not a threat but he is really, REALLY curious about human things and and therefore sometimes tries to get a little closer. If he gets a little too close, the siblings scare him away with clapping or loud noises.
This only works badly if Dewdrop is nearby and hears his beloved water ghoul being scared away by the noise. Then the siblings of sin definitely need more than one bottle of holy water to save themselves...
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