kabukiaku · 2 months
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ghoulettes goin out! 🫶✨💜
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noahl-art · 6 months
I'm not dead (tired but mostly ok), and pinterest has been putting a ton of cute motorcyclists and mechanics over my feed, so now it's your problem as well! 🥵
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Cumulus, having coffee with Rain: "So, yeah, Cirrus is mad at me, because I ripped her new tights for quick access, and when I say mad, I mean she got so upset about it that she threatened divorce. Had to have a conversation about that, because normally she wants me to do that, but she really liked them and they cost a lot of money." -stirs more sugar into her drink- "Why're you on bedroom probation?" Rain, mumbling around the straw of his iced coffee: "Mm..." Cumulus: "Hey, I shared, now it's your turn!" Rain, pulling off the straw: "I told Dew he wasn't allowed to cum until I got back to the bedroom, got sidetracked by having to discuss something with Copia, and when I got back, Dew was fully redressed and watching a true crime documentary." Cumulus, wincing: "Did you explain what happened?" Rain: "Yes, and that's why I've been sleeping outside lately." Cumulus: "Oooh... ouch." Aeon, who came along because he wanted a cookie: "...I think the frosting is a bit stale on this..." Cumulus, turning to Aeon: "How'd you get in trouble?" Aeon, still eating the cookie, about to be murdered: "Me? I'm not in trouble, because I'm a considerate lover-"
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iamthecomet · 5 months
𝘔𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘺 𝘋𝘢𝘺 𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦: 𝘔𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘨𝘦
Rating: G Pairing: Cumulus/Cirrus Words: 676
Mushy May brought to us by @forlorn-crows Divider by @ghuleh-recs
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The noises Cumulus makes are sinful. Decadent, full body groans, muffled by the pillow she's face down in. Cirrus feels those noises from head to toe as she works. She's Straddling Cumulus waist,  knees digging into the brd as she works.  She digs her fingers into Cumulus’ shoulder blade a little harder to draw another soft moan out. Delicious 
“Tense,” Cirrus murmurs as she bears down. Cumulus rewards her with a satisfied moan. Muscle finally giving beneath those strong fingers. 
“Don't even know why,” Cumulus responds, turning her head so she can talk clearly.
The hotel room is dimly lit. It smells like jasmine and vanilla from the lotion Cirrus is working into Cumulus’ sore muscles. Cirrus can think of a thousand reasons Lus might be tense. The tour, their pack, idiot humans who run bad venues. But maybe those are just things that Cirrus is stressed out about.
“It's been a hard tour,” Cirrus supplies. “With Sunny and Aether back home. New ghouls. Papa's acting weird. I'd be surprised if you weren't tense.”
Cumulus hums I'm affirmation, but doesn't respond. Lost in her own thoughts as the room fills with distant hotel noises. The drone of a TV, a door closing, distant laughter. They have the windows open--grateful to finally be I'm a hotel that allows for that. The air from outside isn't exactly fresh, it smells of cement and cigarettes and the McDonald's across the street, but it's better than stale recycled air. 
Cirrus drags her hands down Cumulus’ bare back. Working her fingers into soft supple skin. She's watched as Cumulus’ glamor has slipped inch by inch. Being around so many humans all the time means they rarely get moments to let it go–that in itself carries its own kind of tension. But Cirrus has had the privilege of seeing Cumulus skin go from human tone back to its usual blueish gray. Has caught sight of her horns flickering back into view. 
Now, it's the feathered tip of her tail flicking up against Cirrus’ thigh. The whole appendage sliding  up to wrap around her leg. Cirrus smiles at that–at the way Cumulus reaches out for her even when her hands are pillowed beneath her head. 
Her fingers move higher, thumbs working the knots out of her shoulders, then up. To press into the back of Cumulus’ neck. Right on the spot at the base of her skull that Cirrus knows always aches when things get hard. 
Cumulus shudders at the pressure. Cirrus feels her go boneless beneath her. 
“Oh that’s–”
“Don’t want you getting a migraine.” Cirrus says, bending down to kiss the back of Cumulus’ head. Inhaling deeply to smell sun warm linen and home. 
“That was once.” 
“Once was enough.” 
Cumulus doesn’t argue as Cirrus straightens and goes back to the task at hand. Hands making a descent back down her neck and shoulders and back now. Finding each ache, each knot, and working them with gentle insistence until they release. 
Cirrus gets lost in it–it’s methodical, meditative, her mind wanders. She thinks about the shows. About the ones they’ve already played–the many more they have to go. She thinks about home. And just for a second–she’s there. They both are. In Cirrus’ room on her bed. Bathed in incense and weed as Cirrus’ hands wander. Over Cumulus’ back and lower. Lost in the scent of lotion and summer. 
Cirrus comes back to the room slowly, only when she realizes that Cumulus’ soft moans have turned to even softer snores. Cirrus leans down, brushes some of those bright white curls away from her cheek. She follows her fingers with her mouth. Kissing softly just below Cumulus’ fluttering eyelid. 
“Mmph?” Cumulus’ eye cracks open. Cirrus shushes her. 
“Go back to sleep, love.” 
Cumulus nods, mostly to herself, and drifts back away. Cirrus slides off of her, curls up next to her. Draping a long arm over Cumulus’ waist, nuzzling her face into her shoulder. Peppering kisses over soft, jasmine scented skin. 
It’s only a matter of seconds until Cirrus is asleep too. 
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ghoulangerlee · 6 months
the cumulus is in a rut and cirrus is in heat fic :)
contains: cunnilingus, fingering, ladies in love, the concepts of heats and ruts without it being overly there, a very brief mention of cirrus's breeding kink but it's only a mention, and wings :)
Cumulus feels...heat, uncomfortable, a pressure building in her lower stomach—all encompassing.
Dutifully, she checks her calendar, the small hard cover planner she keeps with her, flipping through well worn pages until she finds the right date and well.
Well. She's at the beginning of it, her rut. Five days. The first two make her skin feel uncomfortably tight, like she's being stretched thin over her own bones. The third one is when she starts to really feel it. When she needs a partner to help her satiate the hunger.
The fourth and fifth day, well, she doesn't want to think about those right now, already feeling on a sort of hair trigger since she'd rolled out of bed this morning.
She goes on about her day, mostly, feeling a bit listless as she does—she catches a sympathetic look from Dew, allowing him close enough once to scent her, a low purr rumbling in his chest.
"It'll be okay, Cu," Dew murmurs, and he's never been terrible at comfort despite what he thinks, his arms settling loosely around her shoulders in a hug.
Cumulus allows herself to lean into it—they're not incompatible, but her body yearns for something that Dew can't give her right now. She's grateful though, for the comfort, his steady scent not spiking in any way, arousal or otherwise.
(She's only mildly afraid of what she could be capable of if she were to catch the scent of arousal so soon.)
"I was going to go down to the lake, it's a nice day out. Do you wanna come?" Dew murmurs into her hair.
Cumulus wants to shake her head, pull from his embrace and go lock herself in her room for a bit while the fire in her belly licks tantalizingly at her very being.
"It'll be good for you," Dew needles her gently, he's not pushing but he's not backing down in her silence. "You know how stinky the church gets when everyone starts waking up for the day. Do you really want to subject yourself to that?"
She doesn't, is the issue, and Dew knows this.
"Yeah, okay, at least let me pack a bag first so I have a few things." She finally settles on, briefly mourning the closeness of Dew when he finally pulls back.
"Sure thing," he says, smiling at her. "I'm going to go pack a lunch. I'm feeling like a nice relaxing day at the lake is in order. Probably won't be able to drag myself out of the water for lunch, later."
Cumulus nods and allows herself to calm down at the prospect of being only surrounded by nature and the one ghoul who's nearly perfect at keeping his scent in check.
They split ways, only long enough for Cumulus to pack a few things; a book and a towel, she throws a swimsuit in as a last minute thing, just in case she gets needled into swimming with Dew—she also changes into something lighter, a flowy t-shirt and a pair of shorts, the material soft and comfortable against her skin.
When she exits her room a little bit later, Dew's waiting at the end of the hall, a brown basket sitting at his feet and a blanket folded over his arm; he's also dressed down, casual in swim trunks and a tank top—he's glamoured, much like she is, so his skin is pale and lightly freckled from his time in the sun.
"There you are," Dew says with a smile, soft and friendly as he scoops the basket up again, "Ready?"
She smiles in return and goes over to him, nudging her shoulder against his, "Ready."
Together, they head down to the lake, only running into a couple of siblings who offer waves to them before carrying on—Cumulus is glad for this, unsure if she could stand the small talk today, already so on edge from the heat running through her veins.
The lake is peaceful and quiet, there's a slight breeze though the sun shines high in the sky, warming the entire area—quietly, they set everything up, Dew spreading the blanket out on the pier, placing the basket on one of the corners and motions for Cumulus to make herself comfortable.
She does, her rut still burning below her skin, in her veins, a steady reminder that it's there and setting in, but she's able to lie back on the blanket, eyes fluttering closed as the sun bears down on her.
She doesn't see Dew, but she can smell when he removes his shirt, dropping it into a pile near her; not close enough for his scent to bother her, but close enough that it offers some sort of comfort to her—and then, there's a splash, a whoop of laughter as Dew comes up to the surface of the water.
She can smell his happiness, the warm and rich scent making her purr softly, she's not providing for him, she doesn't provide for another who goes into rut, but being part of his happiness, of his own way to relax on a day off makes her happy too.
Cumulus dozes on the pier, warm and happy in the sun as the sounds of Dew splashing around the lake fade into nothingness.
It's the first reprieve that she's had since waking this morning to the burning beneath her skin.
At some point, she wakes up—slowly, like all of her limbs are underwater. She stays horizontal and rolls over onto her side, Dew's sitting a distance away from her, bare chested and watching the clouds float through the sky. There's an unwrapped sandwich next to him and a bottle of water.
Her stomach growls and Dew glances over at her, a serene smile on his face, "Hey sleepy head," he says, and then he tilts his head towards the basket, "Food's in there. Should still be good. Cirrus packed you something special when I told her you were coming down here with me."
Something clenches in her belly at that, a low rumble of a purr in her chest as she slowly sits up, stretching her limbs out.
In the basket, there's something wrapped in a checkered napkin, and Cumulus can smell the remains of Cirrus's scent on it when she pulls it close—she doesn't think too hard about the date written in green sparkly pen in her calendar, the one that matches up with her own in matte blue ink.
It's just a sandwich, but it's a somewhat indulgent one with pepper spiced turkey, lettuce, tomato and green apple slices, a light spread of mayonnaise on one side of the bread and the barest hint of cream cheese on the other.
It's her favorite.
She tears into it with a ravenous hunger, the bread, meat, vegetable and fruit melting away under her teeth—it's easily the best thing she's ever eaten, fisting the napkin in one of her hands as if hoping the rest of Cirrus's scent would rub away into her skin.
"So, tomorrow, you think you'll be okay? I mean, I could make more time for you, obviously. Maybe go bird watching or whatever it is you air ghouls like to do," Dew says, humor in his tone as he teases her. "But, I do have a hot date with a water ghoul later, so if I'm needed it'll have to be early morning."
"Swiss likes bird watching and he's mostly an outlier," Cumulus says around a mouthful of food. "But no, I think this time may be different." She squeezes the napkin tighter in her hand, "I believe I'm being courted."
Dew gives her a funny look, "Aren't you and Cirrus already mated?" He asks, narrowing his eyes. "You do that whole mated pair thing already."
Cumulus snorts softly, "Come on, Dew. Don't tell me you've never tried to spice things up with someone you've been together with for a long time." She says, and then she smiles, soft and gentle, "It's a thing we do. Every couple hundred years. Sometimes I court her when she's about to go into heat. Sometimes she courts me when I'm going into a rut. Depends on what we're feeling."
"That's disgustingly domestic of you two. Though I think you ladies may be the outlier here." Dew says with a shrug. "Personally, my longest courting has been since I've been summoned. So, for only a few years. I don't think it's been long enough to do it again." He gets a sort of thoughtful look on his face, "Might take Aether by surprise if I started trying to court him again."
Cumulus finishes her sandwich and folds the napkin up carefully, tucking it into the collar of her shirt, "I forget that compared to us, some of you are babies," she says with a little laugh.
"Uh huh," Dew says with a roll of his eyes, before he fishes out another bottle of water from the basket and tosses it in her direction.
Cumulus bares her teeth at him as she catches it, "I'm just saying, it's nice sometimes, to fall back into old habits with someone you care about."
Dew has a thoughtful look on his face, he's not looking at Cumulus anymore, but towards the sky, "Huh," he says slowly. "You and Cirrus have been together for...a while, yeah?"
"Millennia." Cumulus says, as if she's talking about some small and insignificant number of years. "Swiss too, but he was. Well, he was later. A couple hundred years later." She smiles, a soft and private thing, "Cirrus and I have seen the rise and fall of many civilizations, both here and in the pits."
"Huh." Dew says again, "Maybe you are onto something, birdy."
Cumulus laughs then, light and happy, feeling warm and content as she settles back onto her back again. "Guess you better listen to me then, waterbug."
Dew scoffs at the name, but soon the conversation grows quiet and Cumulus's eyes flutter closed again, another round of tiredness pulling at her.
The next day she wakes up warmer than before, naked and pressed against Cirrus's back, nose right against where her scent is thickest.
A chirp, soft and content, Cirrus's hand coming back to comb through her unruly hair—the haze of heat overtaking as Cumulus leans into her touch.
She can smell the scent of heat just burning under Cirrus's skin, the need to provide calls deep from in her bones as she presses closer, rolling them until Cirrus is on her front and Cumulus can stretch out across her back, blanketing her—pressing her down against the bed as she does.
Cirrus purrs loudly, content to let Cumulus keep her there. She folds her arms and pillows her head on them, face turned to the side—her features lax and open, happy.
With an answering purr, Cumulus leans down and nuzzles into her jaw, feeling soft downy feathers against her own as she does—before her brain goes too much, she makes a note to have Cirrus sit up later, have her wings on display so she can properly groom them, the most basic act of love of their kind.
Cirrus angles her head, tipping it to the side, purring louder as she puckers her lips, urging Cumulus down with the pout of her lips—she's eager to comply, pressing their lips together sweetly in a chaste kiss.
For a while, they stay like this, trading kisses back and forth, Cirrus's purrs loud and content as she lounges under Cumulus—basking in the weight against her back, the press of bare skin against bare skin.
Warmth surrounds the two of them, scents thickened with pheromones; at some point, Cumulus urges Cirrus up into a sitting position, coaxes her to drop her glamour fully so her wings are out.
She starts at the base of one wing, careful as she coaxes the messy feathers into order until Cirrus is warm putty under her touch, sagging forward as her wings twitch with each pass of her fingers through the feathers.
It's quiet except for the low song that Cumulus is humming, something she'd written on her own, a gentle ode to her love for Cirrus—there's no words, but neither of them need words to convey feelings anymore.
As she finishes one wing, she moves onto the next, spends a considerable amount of time putting all the feathers into order, plucking out the ones that have become a nuisance, Cirrus's scent is warm and sweet, her eyes drooping and sleepy; a true sign of trust and intimacy.
Cumulus keeps an eye on Cirrus, knows when her heat hits that she goes mostly nonverbal, choosing to mostly speak through their bond if she needs to, prefers to give into her instincts—she keeps such a front up when around everyone else, a proper shoulder to lean on, someone who can be firm, a leader.
But here, when they're together, when the press of heat is under her skin, when she's in Cumulus's arms, she allows herself to give up control, trusts that Cumulus knows what she needs, what's best for her.
Knows how to take care of her.
At some point, Cirrus finds herself stretched out on her back, her wings spread out under her while Cumulus's own flare out behind her.
Cumulus has a knee between Cirrus's legs, draws her into a sweet kiss as she shifts closer, presses the heft of her thigh right against Cirrus's cunt.
Cirrus makes a noise into the kiss, claws at Cumulus's arms, at her sides, presses her fingers into soft skin as she grinds down against her, panting as the heat overtakes her, as her mind goes hazy and dumb with it.
It's such a treat, to have her like this, desperate and needy, wet and sticky, messy and Cumulus deepens the kiss, reaches down between her legs and presses her fingertips against the stiff point of her clit—the sudden pressure making Cirrus shudder, a wounded noise tearing its way through her chest as she comes.
Always so easy the first time, Cumulus thinks with some delight, happy that she's able to provide this for her mate. It makes the low burn of her own rut flare up, she doesn't need anything just yet though, content to take Cirrus apart over and over again.
When Cirrus's legs stop shaking, Cumulus pulls her fingers away, brings them up to her lips and takes a moment to taste, humming happily as the thick scent of her mate coats her tongue, worms its way into her senses, her very being.
"Cu," Cirrus mumbles out loud, half delirious, one hand shoved against her shoulder, trying to urge her downwards, "Your mouth, please," she manages to get out.
Cumulus shushes her, kisses her again and they share the taste of Cirrus's slick for a moment, Cirrus's hand getting more insistent and pushy as she tries to redirect Cumulus once more—so she goes, easily, pulls away from the kiss and slinks down the bed, settles on her chest between Cirrus's legs, mouthing kisses along her inner thighs.
There's a litany of praises, of pleases in Cumulus's mind, all coming from her bond with Cirrus as she moves higher and higher until she's able to mouth over her cunt, drag the tip of her tongue along the seam of her lips, a little bit of a tease as she uses two fingers to spread them just enough to drag the flat of her tongue over Cirrus's clit.
Cirrus's hand drops to her hair, not tugging or pulling though, just resting there, keeping her close even as Cumulus continues to tease her with slow little kitten licks, gentle touches even though Cirrus feels like she's burning up from the inside.
Only when a white falls from Cirrus's mouth, sad and despondent, does Cumulus give in, firming up her tongue, each pass along her clit now slow and sensual as she works two fingers into her slowly, curling them upwards—it's just enough to fill Cirrus up, just enough to sate her need but not enough to get her off just yet.
It's perfect, in a maddening way as Cirrus's fingers pet along Cumulus's scalp and she hooks a leg over Cumulus's shoulder, using her heel to pull her closer until Cumulus's face is right against her, her hand squished between them even as she continues to undulate her fingers inside her.
She's begging, she realizes, unsure if out loud or through the bond, the fire in her veins calling for more and Cumulus provides, she happily provides as she presses another finger into her, stretching them and curling them, pressing upwards as she sucks at her clit.
The force and suddenness of this orgasm catches the both of them off guard, Cirrus gushing around Cumulus's fingers, wetting her chin and throat easily, her wrist, her entire hand.
Cirrus makes an urgent noise, tugs, tugs, tugs until Cumulus comes up, knees over her and Cirrus hooks a leg around her waist now, pulls their lower bodies together as she offers up her mouth in a filthy kiss, licking the taste of herself from Cumulus's tongue.
They make out for a bit, Cirrus making happy noises into each kiss, her hand tight in Cumulus's hair to keep her their as their hips rock together minutely—Cirrus can feel the tell-tale signs that Cumulus is affected by all of this, by her own rut, by Cirrus's heat.
It doesn't happen often, only when their cycles line up like this, but Cirrus can feel it, the way Cumulus's clit is hard, peeking out from between her folds, engorged and hot, it nudges between her folds, against her clit with each grind upwards, she's making noises into each kiss, soft little uh uh uhs that have Cumulus purring happily, too content to part ways.
They don't really need to breathe anyway.
She doesn't push even if she wants to, wants to beg Cumulus to fuck her, to fill her, to breed her, make her belong to Cumulus once again after all these years together—she has to stop the train of thought, before it spills over into the bond, but it must anyway because Cumulus laughs softly, musically, pulls away from the kiss and whispers soon against her slack mouth, grinding down against her like she's already trying to make room inside her.
It's wet and slick between them, Cirrus can smell the thick scent of Cumulus's arousal now mixed with her own, she wants to bury her face between Cumulus's legs where the scent is the thickest, take her into her mouth until she's ready to fuck—she whines out loud, grips tight at Cumulus's hips as she comes again, the insistent nudging of Cumulus's clit against hers too much to handle.
She clenches around nothing and briefly mourns, but Cumulus is once again a beautiful, wonderful mate because she reaches between them and stuffs three fingers into Cirrus again, quickly brings her off once more so Cirrus has something to clench around.
It's bliss. True and utter bliss.
"Lovely, lovely," Cumulus murmurs, kissing along her hairline as she comes down again, shuddering as she leaves her fingers inside, curling them just enough so it feels like she's able to hold them. Like they're going to plug her up and keep her full until the heat subsides.
Cirrus purrs happily, loud and content as she allows Cumulus to smother her in kisses, little pecks along her skin as her heat subsides for now, now that she's come and she's full.
Cumulus presses one last kiss to her mouth, pulls back and smiles down at her, "Good?" she asks, she keeps her arm as still as she can, there's an ache in her wrist, in her elbow but she settles down against Cirrus again, pressing her into the bed, "Good, mate?"
"Good," Cirrus mumbles back, turning her head to nuzzle Cumulus's cheek. "Sleepy now."
"Of course, love," Cumulus murmurs, feeling her own rut start to sink its claws into her, but she pushes it down, ignores it for now, "Rest now."
Later on, she'll have Cirrus present for her, she'll grind against her, fill her up until the two of them are locked together as one while Cirrus goes pliant and soft underneath her.
For now, she presses one last kiss to Cirrus's lips, soft and sweet and full of love and drifts off into a light sleep.
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arcaneacolyte · 5 months
Mushy May Day 4: Wound Tending/First Aid Mess with a Harpy and Die
Pairings: Cirrus/Cumulus
Words: 668
WARNINGS: Murder Ghoul Cumulus (Mentioned, not explicitly written here), Lots of Blood, Wound Care/First Aid, Mention of Assault and Stabbing
Thank you so much @forlorn-crows for the Mushy May Prompts. If you want to join in, you can check those out here!
Read below or on AO3!
"He deserved it," Cumulus growls softly under her breath, blowing a piece of her blood soaked bangs out of her eyes. The weight of the drying blood just makes it flop back, and she sighs, staring at it hanging between her brows.
Cirrus hums mildly, the soaked washcloth in her hand passing over the other Ghoulette's ribs, gently scrubbing away blood that she knows for a fact isn't Cumulus'. "I never said he didn't..." she replies calmly, using the hand not holding the rag to lift up Cumulus' arm a little further. "How in the Unholy Father's name did you get his blood in your armpit?" she asks through a small chuckle, scrubbing with a little more fervor against the white hairs there. She’s going to be dyed pastel pink at this point.
Cumulus sniffs sharply once, and lets Cirrus move her easily. When she had said that the blood on her mostly wasn't hers, she didn't mean it like in those corny action movies that Swiss and Phantom—and secretly Rain though he would never actually admit it—liked to watch.
She had torn him limb from limb. 
The bathwater shifts and echos as Cirrus pulls the plug to drain it again. She hums a wordless tune under her breath, gently cleaning the red away to reveal stunning gray skin, almost silver while covered in little droplets of water. Cirrus can't help but chirp appreciatively as the muted red trickles across Cumulus' skin as she cleans, the sharp copper scent of human blood slowly dissipating in favor of Cumulus' natural scent. Jasmine, honeysuckle and roses, with just the right acrid tinge of the anger still permeating it. Cirrus smiles again. Her little Bleeding Heart.
It was Cirrus' idea to clean Cumulus off. The smaller Air Ghoulette has a tendency to dwell too much if she cleans herself off, looking down at the blood and remembering the reason why it's there. She also has a propensity to overscrub her skin and make it cracked and dried out, so Cirrus always offers.
"I mean he just.....blatantly groped that sister in front of everyone!" Cumulus growls again, her tail thwapping the edge of the tub. "Like he thought that being a part of a Satanic church gives him free reign to be a ra—"
"—and now he's dead," Cirrus interrupts, cutting her packmate off with a quiet but sharp tone. She knows if she doesn’t, Cumulus will just rile herself up even further.
Their eyes meet, and Cumulus sags in the water a little, her knees poking up like two little islands in a sea of muted pink as the water rises around her. "Good riddance" She mumbles.
"Good riddance," Cirrus agrees, reaching to push the stubborn sleeve of her shirt over her elbow again. After another few minutes of quiet water sloshing and cleaning, the taller Ghoulette reaches with a wet hand to push the bloody bangs out of Cumulus' face. "You did the right thing," she assures. She always does, knows how loud Cumulus’ brain gets. She genuinely likes humans, so whenever something like this happens…..
Cumulus is quiet for a few moments longer, before glancing at Cirrus out of the corner of her eye. "He probably would have lived longer if he didn't stab me...."
Cirrus chuffs fondly, her tail entwining with Cumulus' outside the tub. She runs the cloth gingerly over the still slightly oozing wound, the color a deep grey-blue. The same color that runs through Cirrus' own veins. It's superficial, already almost healed due to their biology, but Cirrus can't help the curling of her top lip, exposing one of her fangs.
The other Ghoulette notices of course, and she raises a hand out of the water to gently place it on Cirrus' free one on the edge of the tub. "He got what he deserved...." she assures, then smiles with her teeth, fangs still tinged pink.
Cirrus can't help but smile back, leaning forward to peck Cumulus on the lips. "Well done, my Sky...."
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miasmaghoul · 1 year
cirrus with a happy trail.
(she won't leave my mind)
Cirrus in a short skirt that shows off her hairy legs.
Cirrus in a tank top, not even trying to hide her hairy pits.
Cirrus, laid out at the lakeside in a snow-white bikini with low cut bottoms that reveal every inch of pale skin and dark, silky hair.
Cumulus can't keep her eyes or her hands to herself. Not that you can blame her. That line of hair on Cirrus's belly is simply too entrancing. It's impossible not to drag a nail through it while she rests her head on the ghoulette's chest, kissing the slope of her breast.
Cumulus's fingers glide south, ghosting over sun-warm skin. They've been here for hours, their swimsuits long having dried. Curled together on a tattered blanket amongst clover and wildflowers, soaking in the beauty of summer.
But there's something Cumulus would much rather be drenched in.
She moves easily, like the air itself. Kisses her way down Cirrus's chest, over her breasts, along her stomach. Dips her tongue into her navel and earns a soft laugh. Cumulus settles on her belly between those long legs, nosing at that lovely trail of hair and gazing up at the other ghoulette with playful adoration.
Cirrus offers a sweet smile in return, the pink of her cheeks surely not only to do with time spent in the sun. Her steely gray eyes sparkle with quiet need, fangs dimpling her lower lip. Cumulus kisses over her mound, a thin layer of stretchy fabric the only thing between her and her prize. The tiny white suit bottoms leave nothing to the imagination, and Cumulus wastes no time in hooking a finger under the crotch and tugging them to the side.
She groans low in her throat, burying her nose in Cirrus's bush and breathing in the rich, deep musk of her. She let's out a shuddering exhale and watches Cirrus's pupils go wide.
The sound she makes when Cumulus gives her first achingly slow lick is nothing short of holy.
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lilypadlys · 4 months
Mushy May Day Twenty-Six - “You Smell Nice”
Ship: Cirrus/Cumulus
Notes: Prompt list by @forlorn-crows. See prompt list here
Word Count: 252
Read on AO3 or below the cut
Cirrus wanders into the kitchen to find Cumulus at the counter making tea. Cirrus purposely shuffles her feet and taps her claws on the counter to let Cumulus know she’s there so as to not scare her. Then she sidles up behind the shorter ghoulette and hugs her from behind.
“Hey Ciri.” Cumulus purrs.
Cirrus just chirps and buries her face in Cumulus’ hair.
Cumulus giggles as she hears Cirrus mumble something.
“What was that, love?”
Cirrus pulls back enough to murmur, “You smell nice.” before plunking her face right back into Cumulus’ curls.
Cumulus smiles as Cirrus slumps into her more fully, obviously tired.
“Hold on love. Let's head to the couch.”
Cirrus backs up enough for Cumulus to step away from the counter, tea mug in hand. She grabs Cirrus’ hand and pulls her to the living room. Cumulus gets settled on the couch and pat her lap. Cirrus straddles her lap to lay chest to chest with her. She noses at Cumulus' neck, causing her to giggle; ticklish.
“And, what’s all this for? Not that I mind but you’re cuddly today.”
“Told ya. You smell good.”
“You sure it's not just the tea?”
“Noooo…it’s you. Smell pretty…”
“Haha okay.”
Cumulus wraps an arm around Cirrus’ back. She begins to gently scratch from her scalp to lower back and Cirrus is purring in no time, face still pressed to the junction of Cumulus’ shoulder. It’s not long before they both fall asleep like that, pressed close in each other’s arms.
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hellboundwrites · 10 months
Ghouls ships and how they love
Cirrus and Cumulus : Mature love
Cirrus and Cumulus's love has been domesticated.
In the beginning, they were wild animals dancing around each other. Colorful birds, slowly approaching, observing and finally, courting. They've admired each other for long hours, listened religiously when the other would lead the choir during mass in the chapel, contemplated flowing strands of hair on naked shoulders during hot afternoons by the lake, held breaths when the other passed by them in the hallway...
With time, they learned what to love about the other. Still, there were parts of each other that they were uncertain about. They have had their fair share of tests and trials. At times, they had to hold on and compromise.
They are similar in many aspects. But they happen to disagree quite often. They do not share all the same interests and do not spend their entire days side by side. This is more evident when they're on tour, when Cirrus spends hours organizing museum visits and noting spots she wants to go to. She drags with her everyone who chooses to see the cathedrals and statues and paintings with her, whereas Cumulus prefers to book the nearest cabaret or musical for the night. Drag shows and cheap ballets, they're where she gets her inspiration from.
There's a lot that they don't understand yet about each other. They're not identical in any way. But they don't have to understand everything to accept and respect.
In their love they keep an empty space. A place to share. To fill with stories and curiosity about each other's individuality. Because if there's nothing foreign, nothing to question about each other, if everything is already known... then there will be nothing to love tomorrow.
Their love is in the future tense. At first, their love is their family. It's Christmas dinner, ugly sweaters and being the keepers of traditions. It's including everyone who's new in the group photo. It's wandering through shops to choose Summoning gifts together.
Some days... they use this empty space to express doubt and worries. Their love is not about being together. It's about becoming. Making plans and accepting the risks of change. They do not hold each other in chains.
On other days, they use their space to share dreams. Dreams like wanting to book a Valentine's date outside of the abbey's walls next year. Dreams like asking Imperator to give them a proper room for two and saving to buy their own furniture. Dreams like opening a shelter for stray animals in the abandoned stable for when winter arrives. Maybe even adopting some pets of their own.
One night, when they come back to their hotel room and slip under the covers after a day spent apart, Cumulus rests her head on Cirrus's shoulder and asks about her tour of the city with Aurora and Phantom. Upon hearing how happy and trusting the younger ghouls were in her company, she softly confesses yet another dream she has against Cirrus's skin.
You'd make a great mom
Their love is about possibilities. It's about nurturing growth and witnessing the passing of seasons in each other's presence. Together they build a fortress of dreams and hopes. It's a place where they reunite after a long day of being apart.
This place, they call it home.
Part 1. Rain and Dewdrop
Find me on AO3
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sonnenflamme · 1 year
Pairing: Cirrus/Cumulus/Aurora
Rating: Explicit
She decides that she‘ll just go over and knock. If nobody responds, she will return to her room.
“Oh darling, do you want to come over?”
The moment her arms closed around her, she sobbed in relief.
Or: Aurora feels lonely during her first hotel night and it takes three ghoulettes to make her feel safe again.
Tagging @ghouletteanon
thank you for your help to decide how this should go back when I first started writing it!
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divine-misfortune · 1 year
Mushy May, day 7. Compliments.
Rating: Everyone
Pairing: Cumulus/Cirrus (air girlfriends)
Words: 605
Summary: Cumulus just...Really, really, really loves her girlfriend.
Cumulus sighed sweetly and dragged the tips of her claws lightly over the valley of Cirrus’ side, fabric easily bunching up giving way to bare skin. Her wandering hand paused along the start of her ribs, red lips starting to pull into a content but lazy smile. She stroked her thumb over the dark lines etched into her side.
“I think I’m the luckiest ghoul here.” She giggled to herself and nuzzled herself under the other ghoulette’s chin.
Cirrus, in her half drowsy state, hummed tunelessly. It was the least effort she could put into a response. 
Basking in the early afternoon sun had left her body warm and heavy. The other woman slotted perfectly against her just purring and touching her with gentle hands, every slow pet against her skin sending her a little deeper into bliss, was only serving to make her more lethargic. Time had blurred, and she was more than content to let it continue that way if it meant she could stay in this state. 
She’d settled along the shoreline to watch Cumulus and Rain splash in the lake now that it was warm enough anyone who wasn’t Rain could stand the water without freezing. The book she’d brought with her went mostly untouched, she liked the sight of Cumulus emerging from beneath the water too much to even bother with it. Sunlight glittered off the droplets on her skin like diamonds and her laughter, boisterous and unashamed, made her heart outright soar. 
At some point Cumulus had crawled back to the grass and pressed her damp, and frigid, body to hers as if to steal any of the warmth Cirrus had accumulated. Cirrus had squealed and tried to worm her way out of her arms but they’d eventually settled into each other like they always did. Since then, the idea of even moving from the spot was the last thing on her mind. 
“Why’s that?” Cirrus asked softly, eyes still peacefully closed. Cumulus admired the way her lashes cast little shadows on her cheeks.
“Because I have you, of course.”
“I’d say that all of you have me, love.” She exhaled a soft laugh that made the other ghoulette pout.
“It’s different…Of course they do, but they don’t have you like I do.” Cumulus’ lingering thumb pressed down on the mark on her side and Cirrus cracked an eye open. “Two halves of a winsome whole, Cir.” 
Cumulus propped herself up and Cirrus fell onto her back. The light of the sun almost gave her a halo of sorts. She dipped in to press a kiss at the tip of her nose, the corner of her mouth, and a third directly on her lips - just to be safe of course. 
“And you make it so, so perfect” she continued. “I don’t know how you do it, you make everything so beautiful just by being part of it…I don’t think I could have ever done any of this without you, I don’t think I would want to do this without you.”
Cirrus forced both eyes open despite the heaviness to them. She reached up and tucked the hair curtaining her face behind her ear, letting her curls air dry always made them frizzy and it was oddly endearing. Touching her sun warmed skin made Cumulus chirp like a songbird. 
“You’re never gonna have to do this without me, honeysuckle.”
“I love you.” Cumulus sighed happily as she settled back onto the grass, wiggling her way right into Cirrus’ side. She hooked her leg over her hip and wrapped an arm around her middle.
“Love you more.” 
“I love you most.”
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noahl-art · 1 year
Ghostober / Day 9 - Voyeurism
At the beginning Phantom was intrigued about what happened behind closed doors but too shy to participate... Cirrus & Cumulus didn't mind the attention 💦
Full version HERE
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st-danger · 2 years
Hello! I’m a new ghoul around these tumblr spaces and I may have been working up the courage to say thank you for your fucking delightful writing for like a week now. But yeah! I re-read your Swiss/rain and ghoulette stuff regularly….. the Swiss/rain biting/marking fic sends me fucking feral every time. If you’re taking requests I will just throw this out here: biting and marking with the ghoulettes with a healthy mix of praise and degradation thrown in. From ink ghoul :)
Sunshine being taken to bed by the two of them after the first ritual she plays with the band? Leaning back against Cumulus's chest while Cirrus nestles between her legs and they show her just how happy they are she's with the band? Because she's done so well tonight, and they cannot wait for the rest of this tour. Cirrus has a finger stroking softly in between her lips, wet and shining with her slick, pressing in just the tiniest bit, so close to slipping in, and Sunshine's hips roll forward, trying to get it in, but every time she bucks forward, Cirrus pulls her hand back. Frustrated, she tips her head back onto Cumulus's shoulder.
"I thought you said I'd been good," she groans, shivering when Cumulus laughs into her ear and gropes at her tits, pinching each nipple between her thumbs and forefingers.
"Oh you have," Cumulus giggles, biting her lip while Cirrus wiggles a finger against Sunshine's clit for a quick moment, and makes her arch back against her.
"Aw, someone's getting frustrated," Cirrus says. Sunshine nods, eyes shut tight as she feels that finger stroking again. "She's soaking, Cumulus." Her hips push forward in a desperate attempt to ride Cirrus's hand.
"You've been good," Cumulus tells her, voice glittering with something dark and delighted. "Don't tell us you're too much of a slut to keep behaving now?"
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iamthecomet · 7 months
I'm alive I promise! As proof here's 800 words of Cirrus/Cumulus bath time. Magic use, making out, clit rubbing. A miniscule amount of lore. You know all the good stuff.
Many thanks to @mikorsghouls for blessing me with the idea of using air magic underwater. Your brain is so big.
Cirrus is, in a word, comfortable. 
The water is hot, the bathroom sealed and steamy. She upended one of Mountain’s bath bottles into the bath before she stepped in. Rose and jasmine petals swirl around her, stick her to damp skin. 
Cumulus’ fingers press into her belly, just over her belly button. The other hand rests on her thigh. Cirrus leans back, deeper into Cumulus. Lets the other ghoulette hold her, support her. She tucks her head under Cumulus’ chin, her own nearly dipping into the water. She sighs, bodily. The stress of the day wicking away the longer she sits. 
Planning a tour is hard. Harder without Aether around to help. It’s all logistics and phone calls and numbers and a calendar so tight Cirrus is sure one tiny misstep will throw the whole thing off. 
The work never ends, and Copia who is usually exuberantly helpful is distant. Tired. Worried about something. Cirrus has found him more often than not in his room playing that ancient video game system looking at the corners of his room like he’s seen a ghost. 
He’s crankier than she remembers. More sarcastic. She doesn’t mind that so much except that it’s out of character. She knows the tension is from the upcoming tour. Knows things are at stake. Everyone can feel it. And once they’re on the road it will ease. Being on the road is easy, fun. Exhausting but overall they are all their best selves when they have a show to look forward to. 
These last couple weeks before they set out will be torture–already have been. Cirrus has a million things she should be doing right now that aren’t lounging in the bath with Cumulus. 
But she really can’t be fucked to get up and do any of them. And, even if she wanted to, Cumulus would never let her. 
Cirrus kicks up a purr as she relaxes, eyes slipping closed as Cumulus dances her fingers over Cirrus’ thigh, drawing patterns on smooth skin. Cumulus dips her head to kiss Cirrus’ hair. 
“Feel better?” 
Cirrus’ answer is a low hum, confirmation.  “Can I make you feel even better?” 
Cirrus nods. Cumulus’ hand slips a little higher and Cirrus lets her legs fall open further. Knees pressed to the sides of the oversized tub. She loves this tub. Loves every tub in the Abbey honestly. Nearly big enough to swim in. Built for holding multiple ghouls at a time. The depth of it keeping her and Cumulus fully submerged. Cirrus turns her head, braces her temple against Cumulus’ shoulder. 
She kisses the damp flesh. Tastes roses, smells sun dried linen. Home. 
Cumulus slides her hand higher. Pets a finger over Cirrus’ slit, gentle but not teasing. 
“I learned a new trick.” She hums into Cirrus’ hair. 
“Show me.” Cirrus says, angling her head up just enough to kiss Cumulus’ neck now, up over the soft line of her jaw. . 
She loves it best like this. No urgency. Allowed to just melt into Cumulus, to stay there for hours. To be touched, to touch, with no expectation. Maybe she’ll cum, maybe she won’t. It doesn’t matter. 
She feels the disturbance in the water before the bubbles touch her. Cumulus summoning air beneath the surface. Bubbles dancing over her inner thighs, the pace where her clit juts out just so from her lips. 
“Isn’t it? Gentler than fingers. Good to get you warmed up.” 
Cirrus needs this. The warm up. Gentle fingers, bubbles, kitten licks. Time to let her body catch up to her brain. Time and indulgence and decadence. Another soft jet of air hits her, a little more this time, enough to make her twitch, to make her gasp. 
“Do you like it?” Cumulus asks. 
Cirrus nods, she lifts her head, and turns to kiss Cumulus. It’s thorough. Filled with the same lack of urgency as everything else. Just the desire to kiss. To taste. To feel each other. Cumulus replaces the jet of air with her fingers. The pads of her index and middle fingers dragging over the hood of Cirrus’ clit, spreading her a little, delving into her slick folds as they kiss. Slow and sloppy and decadent, and Cirrus can’t think of a single reason she will ever need to leave this bath. 
Cumulus pulls away, she pulls her hand from Cirrus’ belly to guide her head back down, to press it to the slope of her breast. Cirrus’ jaw and cheek dipping into the water as Cumulus cards those wet fingers under the dark curtain of Cirrus’ hair to drag over her undercut. Freshly shaved and soft. Motions meant to soothe, fingers moving in time with the ones stroking through her folds. 
Cirrus lets her eyes drift closed again. She lets a haze of comfort and pleasure drape over her.
“Don’t stop,” Cirrus mumbles, lips moving over Cumulus’ ever-steady pulse. 
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ask-cirrusghoulette · 3 months
݁𖥔.☁︎.𖥔 ݁ ˖
Hello there, sweetie. Want to chat? I may not be the most …exciting ghoul but I’m sure I can listen.
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˖ ݁𖥔.☁︎.𖥔 ݁ ˖
• I saw a few of the others messing around on this app and thought I might give it a try. I can’t wait to talk to you all.
• 5’10” air ghoulette, keytaurist and keyboardist for the band ghost.
• I love and care about my friends dearly.
• I enjoy quiet evenings and windy days.
˖ ݁𖥔.☁︎.𖥔 ݁ ˖
• Mild NSFW is alright, as long as you ask for permission first.
• Please do not say anything too weird.
• Go follow my main account, @ask-aurora-ghoul
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bonesy-doodles · 3 months
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And the Ghouls are done! They are all soooo,,, twirls hair,,,, Tell me who's your favorite!!! And don't be afraid to ask for my ghouls head canons!!! I'd love to share <33333
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