mayasaura · 2 months
Kabru is always my favorite tho bc I fucking love characters who are both ruthless and genuinely kind. Who have noble goals and strong ideals and will make compromises in order to reach them, especially when they aren't punished for it by the narrative. Kabru will straight up commit vigilante murder because he's done the math and judged it to be the action with the most harm reduction, and he's good at math.
Kabru is the only person in the series both on-scene and thinking about the larger implications of the actions being taken, and I love him for it.
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cricketsintheaudience · 2 months
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Peruchetti, Mauro. "Modern Heroes," 2009. Hand-carved white marble, 74.75 x 76.75 x 29.5 in.
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calebwidgast · 17 days
fun fact: abbi pulling talked about oscar on the 'the fast and the curious' podcast, about how they know each other from his time at alpine academy and she said that she loved oscar but also that he was and i quote 'too nice to be a racing driver' and both christian and betty (the hosts) whole heartily agreed that he is super nice.
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noa-nightingale · 2 months
Despite, well, everything - I am still really excited about the new content. I want to see what it looks like when they don't have to change it for sponsors or youtube. I hope it gets a lot more unhinged. I hope it will be a lot more creatively fulfilling for them. I hope they have success with WatcherTV. I really hope things will turn out okay.
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snackugaki · 5 months
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surprise my other hobbies are window shopping and fashion
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psyduckz · 5 months
it’s a little eerie how wrapped up sam gets in the statements already. after every statement so far, someone’s had to approach him like “…you okay dude?”
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jakeperalta · 4 days
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gale-force-storm · 1 month
You know, I think my favorite thing about Gale's whole "watching you in battle makes me horny" scene is like. He's not wrong. A brush with danger does in fact increase one's desire for "other forms of stimulation". Studies have shown that being in situations that cause a rush of adrenaline, be that going on a roller coaster, seeing a scary movie, walking across a swinging suspension bridge, or something else, increase feelings of attraction. It's literally a Known Thing that adventurous stuff is great to do on a date because it will most likely make you more into each other.
Idk, I just love that his come-on is not only extremely nerdy, but also scientifically accurate. Feels correct and I'm glad they did it lol
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quillium · 3 months
the parallels between kabru and the winged lion. how both of them are so interested in laios because of his complex desires - both noting that desire for gold and such is ordinary and thus duller. how the winged lion has no interest in the "second-hand" mithrun who is already void of desires, and kabru explicitly says that mithrun is the first person he has no interest in learning about. "kabru has an almost insatiable curiosity toward other people"; the winged lion exists and lives because of its insatiable curiosity towards people.
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the-random-phan · 1 year
Danny arrives to lend a helping hand! Life must be tough when you're hiding in your ex's apartment because of murder charges and being mildly tormented by some circus clowns.
Danny might be a bit too calm in this situation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Set some time between MAG 81 and 87
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bugsbenefit · 5 months
all i'll say about Noah's video is that i think it's weird people are calling it a "bad apology", because it's not even an apology video. the only thing he says is that his opinions have been misconstrued and that he doesn't want people to die, which, yeah, he already said before. there's no sorry, from the video alone you wouldn't even know if he's aware of what he did that made people turn on him so fast in the first place
i know the norm nowadays is to call any response to an issue/a situation an "apology" but sometimes it's just a statement, which is what this is. if he was genuinely "apologizing" he'd have to address the actual things he did, like keep misinformation up, even after it's been disproven and worst of all the "zionism is sexy" thing. what he's doing is just cautious backpeddling by saying everyone got him wrong. just a pretty obvious pr nothing-statement sadly
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pharmacy ppl >>> med school ppl, i said what I said
(context i went to both academic services. the med one sent me to three different buildings, in the third one they were trying to send me to the first one again, which was so ridiculous that i basically said; wouldn't this just be easier as an email? and then they start just fucking saying the email, as if i had a pen/phone open near me.
Meanwhile i went to the pharmacy one. A guy saw me, sent me to the director's secretary. She just talked to me for 1 min, grabbed a paper, wrote an email, and said: send it here, we'll do it. MED PPL WOULD IT BE THAT HARD TO DO THIS?????)
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braceletofteeth · 9 months
top 5 mjjw moments, or top 5 mjjw fics!! or both! (it’s a throwback but no harm going back to our roots as moots <3)
NOTE: For reasons of making it easier for me, I’ll only include moments where they are both physically present and are both aware of each other’s presence. Meaning: no dreaming of each other, no hallucinating each other (what we know FOR SURE are hallucinations, at least), no discussing each other with other people, no reading one of each other’s books, no looking at each other’s photography with another lover and sulking alone in a room, no stalking/staring at each other unnoticedly from a distance, no peeping at each other through a hole in the wall, no calling them then hanging up when the other picks up, no silently resenting the residents for mocking the other, no showing off their bracelet-slash-murder-evidence in front of a freaking police officer, and, the most unfortunate for me, NO killing for each other in secret. This would be a very different list if I could include all that, and there's no way in hell I’d be able to stop at five (I'm only human! Show mercy 😩)
They share a contrived conversation at the bottom of the rainbow stairs. Because they have an audience (a newcomer/outsider), they have to keep up a civilized, polite act.
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But, ironically, trying to act normal at the sight of each other just makes their actual feelings even more obvious.
Jongwoo is clearly tired and fed up with Moonjo's figure following him everywhere; to him, Moonjo is creepy (the creepiest!) and annoying.
On the other hand, Moonjo is jealous miffed that the newcomer is already latching onto Jongwoo, and Jongwoo is letting him, even though he never gives Moonjo the time of the day except for when he really can't avoid it.
They can't say any of that, though, so it's quite entertaining to watch.
Jongwoo and Seokyoon are having a conversation at the rooftop, and Moonjo is listening in from a hidden spot, until he can't take it anymore and interrupts them.
Anything could have triggered him, really. Jongwoo saying he needs to leave the residence. Jongwoo asking Seokyoon to go with him. Jongwoo wishing everyone in the residence would die in an accident (which takes the decision out of his hands and is just as effective as praying to God for a miracle). Jongwoo spitting hate about Moonjo behind his back (it's not the hate that is the problem; it'd be ok if he said all that to his face instead). Jongwoo confiding in Seokyoon instead of Moonjo. Jongwoo still clinging to the pretense of being different from Moonjo. Or maybe something else entirely.
It's not the reason that matters, but the reaction.
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The way he walks directly to Jongwoo, practically caging him in, challenging him to do something. If you hate me so much, do something about it! Come at me! Kill me!
He's so pissed he doesn't even seem to remember (or care) that they have an audience. Let Seokyoon take whatever conclusions he got from that.
(And the whole time, Jongwoo, cruel as only he can be, barely granted him a glance.)
Jongwoo is talking about the main character of his novel, the pianist (who sounds uncannily like Moonjo), and they reach the part about his method of killing. Jongwoo gets excited, very excited, and in that moment Moonjo can see right through him. You can see in his eyes that he found something that caught his attention.
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This. The spellbound look from Moonjo, and Jongwoo's complete obliviousness to it.
This is the moment Jongwoo has to face himself. He's a killer now. He lost himself in his rage and hatred. He did to them what he thought they deserved, and the worst part of it is that he doesn't regret doing it. What does it says about him? What kind of person is capable of doing what he did? “A human being, no matter how wicked they are, wouldn't do that.”
For the first time, he opens his eyes to the darkness he walked into, wide awake. Aware he reached a point of no return.
He should be completely alone in the darkness, everyone should have left his side by now, but guess who he finds there, waiting for him?
You guessed it.
Moonjo is there, and he grounds Jongwoo with his touch. He makes Jongwoo face him, look at him straight on, nowhere to escape, on the same level ground at last.
As equals, at last.
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(More importantly, in the end, Moonjo lets Jongwoo know he's neither broken nor alone. He's a masterpiece, and he's his.)
The two of them are at the restaurant, and Jongwoo takes Moonjo outside. All by himself. He draws a line between Moonjo and Jieun/Jaeho, perhaps to protect them; perhaps to protect himself and the image they have of him, because Moonjo can't seem to shut the f*** up.
Jongwoo confronts Moonjo, asks why he follows him around, but quickly retreats, not wanting to hear the answer. There couldn't be a good answer to that. Better not to know. Instead, he asks Moonjo to leave him (and his people) alone. He had already asked, begged, for the same thing on the night before, but Moonjo never answered. Perhaps now he will agree, though. It's, after all, a reasonable request, isn't it? Any reasonable person-
But Moonjo isn't a reasonable person. Not when it comes to Jongwoo. He tells him no. No, he can't leave Jongwoo alone. He can't let go of him.
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Ever since he collected the beaten (but victorious) Jongwoo from the streets the previous night, Moonjo has been more and more straightforward on his approach. He told Jongwoo what he wants to do to him in the clinic, he demanded Jongwoo not hide (anything) from him on the way to Eden, and now he's admitting to his obsessive behavior, unashamed of it.
It's a moment of no pretense, no half-truths. Moonjo is presenting his role in the game. He's a force that can't stop itself—therefore, if Jongwoo wants him to stop, Jongwoo will have to stop him. He will have to meet Moonjo in the middle, and win.
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cryptvokeeper · 3 months
btw maybe I’m misremembering but do any other people who read the dungeon meshi manga remember the resurrection being a bit more…neutral?
like I haven’t read it in a while so I could be totally off base but I felt like the “dark magic” was much less scary in the manga. Like it was powerful, sure, and bloody, obviously. But the way the anime makes it all dark and ominous kinda makes marcille’s line about “there’s no such thing as good or evil magic” feel almost comical.
“Magic is a tool it has no morality” then why do you have eldritch whispers playing in the background, Marcille? Why do we have dark souls boss music here?
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vegaseatsass · 2 months
I made and deleted a post about this a few weeks ago but I've been thinking a lot about projecting onto toxic ships/dynamics in fiction, and not onto the romantic parts ("I relate to Pete in Vegaspete because I want someone to unlock me to human touch") but onto the very toxic parts ("I relate to Vegas in Vegasporsche because he's lying his ass off and orchestrating Porsche's downfall, and mentally blaming Porsche for everything he's planning to do to him, for believing the wrong things and choosing the wrong side, AND for falling for Vegas's obvious facade! Dummy I've always been your enemy it's SO OBVIOUS!! Yet in the moment, when they're riding bikes or hugging and Vegas is compartmentalizing, he does genuinely care about Porsche and feel honest affection for him, and that's what sells the lie... and makes Vegas hate himself for his traitorous weakness and want to sabotage any sincere moments they have"), and how huge this distinction feels to me. So I wanted to do like a Tell me the most toxic fictional thing you overidentify with meme.
Not sure that's the best way to word it, and you don't have to (and probably shouldn't) explain why, but like. Don't tell me "I relate to Korn as a parent;" tell me "I relate to Korn when he's preventing his children from competing by pitting them against their cousins instead, because he can blame that on their grandfather and his brother and not himself, and pretend his kids are fine and it's just the cousins who are getting destroyed". Does that make sense? This way also I don't have to know your toxic blorbo to understand your toxic emotion. Anyway do it
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zvaigzdelasas · 9 months
The Ukrainian Labour Farmer Temple Association (ULFTA) was established in Winnipeg in 1918 as an association of cultural societies and community halls and the Ukrainian Social Democratic Party of Canada (USDPC). By 1928 it had 167 branches across Canada. Labour Temples and other associated halls existed in cities like Winnipeg, Edmonton, and Toronto (1921),[1] as well as in rural communities in the Ukrainian Block Settlements. As no form of public medicare was available at the time, ULFTA founded the Workers Benevolent Association (WBA) in Winnipeg in 1922, with branches and membership rapidly spreading throughout Canada; it even extended its membership to all workers, irrespective of ethnic origin. In 1940, the ULFTA was banned under the wartime Defence of Canada Regulations, and a few of its leaders and journalists were interned. Several Labour Temples were confiscated by the federal government as "enemy property" with several being sold off.[2]
In 1940, the ULFTA underwent a name change and became the Association of United Ukrainian Canadians (AUUC).[3] Few post World War II immigrants joined the AUUC as most were opposed to the Soviet Union and Communism. However, the AUUC has a legacy of senior's homes, children's camps, monuments and museums to Ukrainian literary giants, most notably the monument to the Ukrainian poet Lesya Ukrainka, a gift from Soviet Ukraine, on the grounds of the University of Saskatchewan in 1976. In addition, the AUUC still runs programs such as Edmonton's Trembita dance ensemble.
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