0m3n-0f-d3ath · 4 months
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with sardines
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                                 THE NECROMANCER | DIABLO IV
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dinisuciyanti · 4 months
Pendidikan tersier
Seminggu terakhir di beberapa sosial media riuh soal tingginya UKT pasca SK Kemdikbud yang baru launching dan pernyataan staff Kemdikbud soal Perguruan Tinggi itu termasuk pendidikan tersier, bukan wajib 12 tahun SD-SMA.
Mari kita lihat datanya. Per 2017, hanya 9.35% lulusan Universitas (D3/D4/S1/S2/S3), 7 tahun kemudian, menjadi 10.15% di 2023.
See? Dalam 7 tahun, hanya naik 0.75% dari total penduduk. HANYA 0.75%, menuju Indonesia Emas 2045. Itu pun dengan sistem UKT yang belum naik 4-5x lipat seperti sekarang.
APBN pendidikan 20%, setara 665 T. Yang didapat Universitas? hanya 1,2% atau 8 T, dibagi ke 184 PTN, tergantung besar-kecil PTN tersebut.
Info nya juga, 50% dari 665 T angggaran pendidikan diberikan ke Dinas Pendidikan daerah. Padahal kalau Universitas dapat porsi 10% saja, itu sudah sangat membantu.
Tapi, the gov is not willing to improve it. Bukan prioritas :) tapi bikin patung api 335 M bisa, bikin rumah menteri 14 M x 36 menteri ada, tunjangan DPR seumur hidup ada, lucu memang.
Katanya 10 juta genZ tidak sekolah juga tidak bekerja, tanggapan orang pajak apa? "beresiko rendah penerimaan pajak", ya gak salah sih, kan orang pajak, memang kaum middle class hanya diharapkan untuk support negara, tapi negara is not willing to support them first. What do you expect? Golden era in 2045? :)
Memang mencerdaskan bangsa adalah tugas muhammadiyah.
18 Mei 2024
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radwitchhh · 28 days
"Let Afghan women suffer, because we don't need another US invasion in Afghanistan."
This is what leftists and communists especially m@les are saying and thinking following the recent ban of T@lib@n on the whole existence of Afghan women.
It's not surprising because these same people accused girls and women in Afghanistan of being C!A agents, while they were risking their lives studying secretly so that T@lib@n don't put them in jail.
Conservatives and white m3n are happy because that's what they would want to do to women too if they found a chance and are celebrating T@lib@n despite their religious and cultural differences - because misogyny unites all m3n.
This non-fictional Handmaid's Tale will not be limited to Afghan women instead it risks the lives of American and Western women including the ones who have more empathy for brown and M7slim m@les than their female victims.
"Ahhh they just want to show third world in bad light, there's no danger for women there."
This is another idea propagated by leftists. They shut the voices of women in third world and present m3n of color as angels incapable of abusing women, completely overlooking the extreme patriarchal violence perpetrated by moc against women of colour in the third world countries.
"But our priority is to fight US and Z!0n!st I$r@3l, women's rights can be talked afterwards."
And then this "afterwards" never comes, however, we do see liberal leftists and communists immensely accusing women of color of racism for not shutting our mouths over the daily basis brutalities we suffer perpetrated against us by m3n of color.
All the privileged diaspora M7slims living in the Western countries will never want to live under the T@lib@n and Ir@ni@n regimes. They will never choose this barbarism for themselves, they just want women to suffer under these m@les.
Leftists, communists and privileged M7slims are unable to take any criticism against the systemic misogynist religious violence against girl children and women in M7slim countries. They will always put the concerns of every other xyz phobias and cisms before misogyny and patriarchy.
People are going on with their lives like nothing happened but can you imagine that there's a country in this world that bans the whole existence of girl children and women. If this was systemically happening to little boys and m3n, no one would stay silent and the world wouldn't be in this much calm.
We don't see everyone's social media stories, posts and statuses fillled with even a single word of support for Afghan women like we do for "we know what g3n0c!d3". We are seeing selective boycotts for this "g3n0c!d3" but no expression of backing for Afghan women. No protests, no marches, no campaigns, no go-fund-mes, no donations, no mass prayer organizing, nothing at all.
Is this not hatred of women?
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qifreyrepublic · 6 months
ahh hiii! I saw your blog and was wondering if I could request a yandere!Chuuya x Male!Reader whose love language is d3@th thr3@t$??? I was thinking maybe the reader was perfectly fine with the yandere tendencies and has a weird way of flirting. It’s perfectly fine if not :]
“Chuuya, I will take an apple and shove it in your mouth before lighting you on fire and burning you alive.”
Man has killer ribs (literally)
Note; Zero idea when you asked this! And my sincerest apologies for not answering, I perhaps... Forgot this account existed, per se... Also, DEFINITELY OOC, I wrote this T almost 12am and did not go over for spelling errors, nor did I put s lot of effort into the writing... I promise to rewrite this in the future.
Pairing; Yan!Chuuya x Threatening!Male Reader
TRIGGER WARNING; Death threats, possible relationship toxicity, death jokes. (Do NOT reinact anything depicted in this writing.)
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"Doll... Can you pass me the wine?"
Chuuya said with an exasperated sigh, his hands moving up to undo his waist coat, allowing it to drop to the floor with a soft-- 'thump.' Before be reached down and scooped up the fabric from the floor.
"Oh yeah? How about I do ya' another favor and shove it so far up your ass that it comes out your mouth and you become s wine fountain? Well, you might as well be! You drink that shit so much I'm surprised you haven't turned red!"
M/N said with an overly sarcastic tone; His legs were thrown lazily over the side of the couch, allowing them to dangle down while his h/c cascaded against the soft, velvety, red couch cushions.
"Besides, Chuuya! You have legs that work! Use them. Unless you want to end up like that one agency member... Cuntikida? Kunikooda? Kunkidoouh? Something or another."
*With a soft eye roll, Chuuya reached into the wine cabinet himself and pulled out the fanciest and strongest wine he could find; The bottle's glass was a deep maroon color which constrasted against the gold accents that surrounded the label and cork.
With a gentle pop, the bottle was opened, followed behind was the sound of a gentle pour of liquid rushing down into a glass.
"Don't tell me that mackerel Dazai tried to break in to find you."
*A huff escaped the h/c male's lips as he tossed his phone to the side, allowing the device to land onto the glass coffee table with a thud.*
"And what if he did, leprechaun? What are you going to do about it? Use your powers and cross the fucking rainbow to beat his ass?"
*M/N said with a scoff before throwing his legs to the side, allowing him to sit up properly.*
"Besides, you won't even let me leave this place! It's only natural to be bitchy you stupid ass ginger! What? Are you lacking braincekss to-- Hey! Chuuya!"
*M/N yelped, squirming about as Chuuya had grabbed him by the back of the shirt before pulling him up and holding him in the air as if he were a wet cat.*
"What you need to do is learn how to behave, doll. Maybe then I would be more lenient about letting you leave without being under my supervision."
*The ginger said before walking towards the bedroom and dropping the male into the bad and slipping into the man's lap, straddling him in the bed while his gloved hand either held a wine bottle or was tracing the jaw line of th male beneath him.
"Besides... You know what happened the last time you misbehaved, doll."
Chuuya said as he took a sip of his wine before placing a kiss to the man's cheek; His eyes sneakily stealing glances at the chain that was still connected to the bed.*
"Whatever! This is why you failed go become the better Ed-Sheeran you Ayano ripoff!!"
"Would you shut up already?"
"I hope your motorcycle crashes next time you're out and you die!"
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
It's by no means the biggest issue with tiktok censorship and I might be weaponizing disability/virtual signalling by asking, but isn't a lot of the tiktok censorship genuinely inaccessible?
Try to have a screenreader or text to speech program read the word $u!c!d3 (suicide). I saw a pretty good character analysis video on TT but they kept spelling "alcoholism" as "a1c0h0l1$m". Had the person not been speaking the actual word in the video, my dyslexic ass would not have been able to read it off of captions alone. (I mean, context would've clued me in enough to know what they were saying, but still.)
Maybe "inaccessible" is too harsh of a word, but I mean, I can't be the only person who's ever struggled to read the censored words, right? It's one thing if there's a person speaking along and the word can still be understood that way (and even then you can still only understand if you can hear), but when people start typing like that on text-only sites like Tumblr or Twitter, I can't imagine it's easy for people with screenreaders or learning disabilities to understand. And this is coming from someone who grew up with leet speak. I imagine it's much worse for someone who didn't (or who did, but struggled with that, too).
Like, I've seen Blind and visually impaired users talk about how even something as simple as using too many emojis or spelling things out like "thisssssss" (not as censorship but as a way, to like, emphasize something or whatever) can be hard for them to understand on a screenreader. I've seen Deaf and HoH people talk about how a closed caption saying "F*ck" or "[expletive]", whereas Hearing people get to actually hear the word "Fuck", is infantilizing - I'm sure throwing in numbers and special characters is even worse?
Again, obviously not the biggest issue with tiktok censorship or with ableism at all, but it has crossed my mind.
Platforms like tiktok are generally pretty inaccessible full stop. Accessibility isn't great for business.
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sexyrpmemes · 29 days
M X F gifs
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8
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untilwedont · 1 year
I Promise I Love You
I always have
RQ "Can you do a Ethan x male reader where reader was bullied in middle school and Ethan was apart if it and they grow up and Ethan changes and becomes a better person and tries to be reader friend but he pushes away but then on his final try Ethan asks him out and reader says yes and yea Tyy"
Warnings: Bullying (obviously), very slight mention of suic!d3
A/N; I needa get a move on with these requests omg
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You dreaded going to school everyday. The constant bullying you had to endure with no sort of help was like a living hell. As any normal person would, you told not only your parents, but the principle you were constantly getting bullied, but of course they were no help. Rubbed it off as just some kind of 'boy thing'.
So, throughout your whole middle school, you constantly got hurt physically and mentally. The whole school picked on you, but it wasn't as bad as Ethan and his group of friends. You were always such a vulnerable target for them. Quiet and shy, just what they needed.
"Oh, look what we have here? A little mouse roaming around our school. Y'know they don't like animals in here, right? Like to keep things sanitary." Ethan smirked, a couple of his friends laughing and nudging him in the arm. "C'mon Ethan, can you just leave me alone?" The way you spoke was so vulnerable. So quiet, afraid to speak up.
"Or what, huh? You gonna go cry to your mommy? Not even your fuckin' mom wants to help you. She hates you. Everyone hates you. You aren't worth anyone's time." The only thing you could do was stand still as tears began to build up in your eyes. You threw your head down and tried to walk away, but Ethan only grabbed your shoulder and pushed you into your locker.
But.. just then
"Hey, you good M/N?" Sam asked you, snapping you out of your trance. Fast forward a few years later and you were off to college with some of your friends. You nodded, "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking bout' something.." You gave her a slight smile before leaving her car. You both arrived at campus to start your first day of college, some of your friends already waiting for you there.
You grabbed your things from her trunk and you both headed into the campus building. You were excited to see who you were rooming with. The anticipation was killing you. When you finally got to the front desk, you were handed your dorm key. 'Room 407' A floor lower than Tara and Sam's.
You opened your dorm room, and surprise surprise, you saw your friend Chad hanging on the couch. “Oh hey! Aren’t we lucky?” Chad smiled at you, “Have you met our other roommate yet?”
“No, we have another roommate?” You were confused since you expected to only be rooming with one person. “Yeah, he should be in his room over there.” Chad pointed towards the closed door with small posters covering it.
You walked towards the door after placing all your belongings in your room, curious to see who else you’d be rooming with. You knocked, “Hey, can i come in? It’s your roommate.” Your tone was soft, worried that they’d be asleep. “Come in.” A voice was heard on the other side of the door.
You turned the doorknob and opened the poster covered door, revealing a tall curly head sitting on a bed. He looked really familiar but you couldn’t put your finger on what it was. He looked up at you with his doughy eyes, “Oh hey, you must be…?” He dragged the ‘be’ on before you replied, “Oh, I’m M/N. M/N L/N, your other roommate.”
He smiled, “Nice to meet you M/N. I’m Ethan. Ethan Landry.” It took you a moment before you realized his name. “Ethan landry as in.. the popular middle school bully from —whatever middle school—?” His eyebrows furrowed and he smiled, “Uh- I used to be.. not anymore. How’d you know..?”
It took him a second before he realized. “Wait- are you..?” He stopped mid sentence as you nodded, “Your little mouse..” You whispered before leaving his room, out of your dorm. Chad questioned why you were leaving, but you gave him no response.
You left to see Tara and Sam, wanting to spend more time with them and less time in your dorm. But as the hours flew by, you knew you’d need to go back to your dorm at some point.
And just before you knew it, you were back at your dorm. Ethan was out making a snack in the kitchen and you tried your best to sneak past him but you were caught after he turned around to walk back to his room.
“Oh, hey M/N. Do you think we can talk?” He asked, walking towards you with his food. “Uhm- not right now. It’s late. I should get to bed.” In reality, it was only around 10 PM but you just wanted to avoid any interactions with him as best as possible.
You walked away before he could say anything else, locking your door and throwing yourself on your bed. The thoughts of your middle school experience came back to you. More specifically, the thoughts of Ethan constantly picking on you flooded your mind.
Though he did seem nicer you weren’t ready to really talk to him. It was all so sudden.
The next day rolled around and you got up early to go on a run around campus. You enjoyed the silence as you ran, the only sounds being your breathing and running.
Eventually you got back to your dorm and was met with a curly haired man as you walked through your dorm door. You tried to get past him but he only grabbed your arm, forcing you to stop walking.
“M/N, please, can we just talk?” His voice pleaded and he sounded so desperate to talk to you. “What is there to talk about, Ethan? I mean you bully me throughout my WHOLE middle school experience and then now you expect me to be friends with you?” Your tone became more aggressive but you sighed, calming yourself down. “Ethan, you made my life a living hell. You made my life so miserable to the point where i was this close to leaving.” You made a pinching gesture with your hand, signaling to him how close you were your final moments.
“I don’t want your friendship, Ethan. What I want is for you to stay the hell alway from me.” And with that you walked away and left back to you room, leaving Ethan’s mouth slightly agape.
But Ethan never left you alone. Day after day, he’d try to get your attention, wanting to build a friendship with you. He was quite the persistent one. But, day after day you’d tell him you weren’t interested in anything he has to say.
Until one day he was fed up with trying to befriend you. In reality he really didn’t want to be friends with you. No, he wanted something more. Like a friends to lovers trope but instead you didn’t want to be friends.. so i guess enemies to lovers?
So, Ethan being the persistent boy he was, he once again tried to get your attention. But this time he didn’t try to get your attention with just words. Instead he bought you your favorite flowers, hoping it’d be enough to at least hear him out.
And it was.
“Ethan how’d you know these were my favorite flowers?” You asked, taking the bouquet of flowers from his hands. “Erm- that’s not important.. what’s important is..” He sighed, “M/N I really like you. I don’t just want to be friends with you, I wanna be lovers. I know that the things I’ve done in the past hurt you but trust me, I’ve changed.”
He placed his arms around your shoulders and you stared at him with an emotionless expression. “Please, give me a chance M/N. I promise I’ll treat you the way I should’ve back in middle school.” Your eyes looked at the ground as you bit your lip. Were you really willing to give a chance to someone who hurt you for the past two years?
He took a deep breath, “Fine Ethan, but I’m giving you one chance, alright? You fuck it up then that’s your loss.” His nervous face lit up and he threw his arms around your waist, pulling you into a hug. You hugged him back hesitantly, flowers still in hand. “Thank you, thank you! I promise I’ll be the best boyfriend towards you.”
He looked at you with a big grin and you couldn’t help but slightly smile. Maybe giving him a chance will be a good decision.
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hardly-an-escape · 1 year
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I'm stuck on you (I'm mighty glad you stayed)
Square: D3 - "Why did you do it?" (June monthly prompt replacement) Rating: M Word Count: 8767 Ship(s): Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling Warnings: No archive warnings apply Additional Tags: Dreamling Bingo fill, alternate universe - human, alternate universe - no powers, stuck in an elevator, claustrophobia, panic attacks, strangers to lovers, love at first sight, first kiss, post-break up sex, bog people, poetry recitation, bisexual Hob Gadling Summary: Hob is a secondary school teacher running late to meet his exacting girlfriend for lunch. Morpheus is a famous novelist just trying to fly under the radar on his way home. But when the elevator they’re in together experiences mechanical difficulties, Morpheus’s claustrophobia leads to a bonding experience that changes the lives of both men. Read on AO3 | fill for @dreamlingbingo | prompt from #dreamlingweek2023
The elevator has barely lurched into motion when it suddenly shudders to a stop. Hob is willing to bet it hasn’t even surfaced from the depths of the underground parking garage he is trying to exit. He rolls his eyes, checks his watch, and presses the door open button. Nothing happens. He presses it again, and a third time. Nothing. “Fuck,” he mutters under his breath. “I don’t need this, I’m already late.” He hits the emergency call button with perhaps a little more force than is necessary and glances over his shoulder at the other occupant of the elevator, a handsome, dark-haired man who nods tightly when Hob catches his eye. “Alright, mate?” he asks. But before the man can answer, a tinny voice crackles through the speaker.
Hour Zero, 12:08 PM
The elevator has barely lurched into motion when it suddenly shudders to a stop. Hob is willing to bet it hasn’t even surfaced from the depths of the underground parking garage he is trying to exit. He rolls his eyes, checks his watch, and presses the door open button.
Nothing happens.
He presses it again, and a third time. Nothing.
“Fuck,” he mutters under his breath. “I don’t need this, I’m already late.”
He hits the emergency call button with perhaps a little more force than is necessary and glances over his shoulder at the other occupant of the elevator, a handsome, dark-haired man who nods tightly when Hob catches his eye.
“Alright, mate?” he asks. But before the man can answer, a tinny voice crackles through the speaker.
“Templeton Elevator Company. Are you experiencing an emergency?”
“Yeah, we’re in the lift at the underground car park on Monteagle and it’s just stopped.”
The tinny voice asks a series of questions, which Hob answers with increasing impatience.
There are two people in the elevator. Yes, they’re both adults. No, they don’t have any food or water with them. No, they don’t have any pressing medical issues (after waiting for a headshake from the stranger). Yes, he’ll hold while they contact technical services.
The tinny voice is replaced with tinny hold music. Hob curses under his breath again.
After a moment the voice returns. The elevator they are currently occupying appears to be experiencing a mechanical failure. High demand on technical services at this time. Their safety is important to the Templeton Elevator Company. A repair technician should arrive within the hour.
Click. And then silence.
“Fuck,” says Hob again, feelingly. “Fucking fuck.”
He sighs. Sits down. Takes out his mobile. No signal, of course. Or wait – maybe one bar? He dashes off a quick text to Gwen and sets the phone down gingerly on the floor in front of the door, thinking vaguely that the signal might filter down through the elevator shaft. It’s probably daft.
Heh. Shaft, daft.
He is going to lose his mind.
Hour One, 12:08-1:08 PM
“My girlfriend’s going to kill me,” he says conversationally. “We’re supposed to be getting lunch with some old school friends of hers. I’m already on thin ice, she’s always getting on me about being late all the time. This’ll probably be the final nail in my coffin.”
“Surely,” says the stranger, “being trapped in an elevator is a reasonable excuse for tardiness.”
“Yeah… She’s a bit strict about some things. I don’t know. She just wants the best for us, she’s just a little intense about it sometimes.” Hob shakes himself. “Sorry, mate. I shouldn’t be whinging to a total stranger. My name’s Hob, by the way. Hob Gadling.”
They are both sitting, now, on opposite sides of the elevator. Hob’s legs are stretched out casually and the stranger has his knees up, his arms wrapped tightly around them, hands gripping his own elbows, knuckles white. He looks almost defensive, Hob thinks, extending his hand across the elevator to shake. After a moment, the stranger takes it, squeezing briefly.
“Hob. That’s an… atypical name,” he says.
“Suppose so,” Hob laughs. “It’s Robert, actually. Hob is an old-fashioned nickname, but I got saddled with it in uni and it just sort of stuck. I studied history,” he adds in explanation.
“I am – you can call me Murphy,” says the stranger. Murphy. It has the flavor of untruth about it, but if a stranger on an elevator doesn’t feel comfortable giving his real name, who is Hob to judge?
“Pleasure. Have we met before? Only there’s something about you that seems familiar.”
“I do not think so.”
Murphy curls, if anything, even tighter in on himself. Hob does not pursue the topic.
They sit in silence for a while as the air grows slowly stuffier.
Hob taps at his phone and tsks when he sees his text has failed to send.
“I don’t suppose you have any service?” he asks hopefully.
Murphy pulls out a slim, expensive-looking phone from the pocket of his slim, expensive-looking suit jacket and gives it a cursory glance.
“I am afraid not,” he says.
“Damn. Oh well. Nothing for it but to wait, I suppose.”
Murphy clears his throat.
“How long has it been now?”
“About… twenty minutes?” Hob looks at his watch. “Twenty-five?”
“Thank you.”
Murphy’s voice is taut, and his knuckles are white where he is gripping his knees. Looking more closely, Hob can see sweat beading on his forehead, and realizes his chest is moving a little too quickly.
“Are you alright?” he asks.
“I am fine.”
“No offense, but you don’t look fine, mate.”
“We are not mates,” snaps Murphy. “Nothing is wrong.”
“Okay, okay.” Hob holds up placating hands. “Whatever you say. No need to bite a bloke’s head off.”
Silence reigns for another minute.
“I. Apologize,” says Murphy finally. “That was uncalled for.”
“No worries.”
“The truth is that I am. Not fond. Of confined spaces. I am finding the prospect of being in this elevator for much longer. Distressing.”
“God, I’m sorry. You should have said. I ought to have told the elevator company, I’m sure claustrophobia counts as a medical issue,” says Hob. “Especially under the circumstances.”
But Murphy is already shaking his head.
“It does not rise to the level of a diagnosable condition,” he says.
“Even so,” objects Hob. “Do you want to call back? Tell them? Maybe it’ll get someone here more quickly.”
“It does not matter.”
“Isn’t there… is there anything I can do to help?”
Murphy looks puzzled.
“Why would you want to help? You do not know me.”
“Because I have a basic sense of empathy?” Hob says, slightly appalled. “Because you’re a human being who’s distressed? Jesus, what kind of people do you hang out with?”
“You will probably be shocked to hear,” says Murphy dryly. “That I have very few close associates and even fewer friends.” Hob snorts. “But I. Thank you. For your willingness to help. Unless you happen to have a Xanax somewhere on your person, I doubt there is anything you can do.”
“And here I am fresh out of benzodiazepines. I knew I’d forgotten something at the chemist’s this morning,” Hob says, and is rewarded with a tiny chuckle.
The rest of the hour passes slowly, but not too badly. They chat, stiffly at first, but more fluently after Murphy admits that the conversation is helping to distract him from the little metal box they find themselves in. Hob certainly talks more – but then, Hob generally talks more than everyone, something Gwen not infrequently rolls her eyes at.
He learns they both were graduated from Oxford, although their time there didn’t overlap. Murphy is cagey about what he does for a living, but shares that he studied literature and dabbled in student drama. He seems interested when Hob tells him about the secondary school where he currently works, teaching history.
“It’s funny, I used to picture myself as a professor at a university, you know, doing my own research on the side, publish or perish, all that,” he says. “Gwen – that’s my girlfriend – she thinks that would be better. Sounds better to be a professor, I guess; more money, too. But now that I’m working with teenagers, I can’t imagine doing anything else. They get a bad rap from everyone, you know, but they’re so interested in the world, and all they want is for someone to listen to them and take them seriously…”
Read on AO3 >>>
massive massive thanks to @tryan-a-bex and @karalynlovescake for beta reading. I can't thank you enough!
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green = complete, orange = WIP
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
May I bring you another funny image in these trying timws:
mc's hands shake a lot/they aren't used to small D3 screems or any other reason they have a LOT of typos. now n & m are mext to each orher in the keyboard. so now
imagine. mc tries to type "nice" and accidentally types Mice sending it to barb. now chaos.
(totally not based of me also sorry for typos ive had typos for so long i can't see some of them anymore)
You know, a lot of people (irl people I mean) think I'm like a stickler for correct grammar and no typos and such like, but honestly it does not bother me at all. They think because I like read and write that I must have this need to have all communication be perfect. And the reality is that if I can understand what you're trying to say, that's all I care about lol. So no worries about typos!
Anyway, I suppose it depends on the context! Like what was MC trying to say when they wrote mice instead of nice?
I think it'd be really funny if they were trying to say "you're so nice Barbatos!" and it came out "you're so mice!"
He'd be like excuse you?
Or how about "That dinner you made was really mice."
I like to think that Barb'd be smart enough to realize it's a typo, but I love the idea of his initial reaction being, "It was WHAT"
Then he's uncertain if it's a typo or not, so he has to check.
"Surely you meant nice, MC?"
But after the first few times, I think he'd just start to realize your typing patterns. He would even notice that your hands are shaky when you text other people around him.
Then Diavolo gets a text from you and he's just sitting there looking at his D3 all ???
Eventually he says to Barb, "Barbatos, what do you suppose MC means when they say 'today was really mice'?"
To which Barbatos says, "Ah, they mean nice, Young Master."
And Diavolo just finds it absolutely hilarious that you've typo'd nice to mice enough times now that Barb just knows it. Because that means he's had several mice text jumpscares lol.
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dragon-master-clair · 15 days
Dragon Care: Garchomp
The gible line is one of the hardiest dragon species on the planet, able to withstand the freezing temperatures of the Johtoni mountains as well as the scorching hot deserts of Hoenn. However, adult specimens can reach up to 10 feet (3 m) tall, they are obligate carnivores, and they are very social. This is not a dragon for a beginner.
As an egg:
Gible eggs should be buried under a light covering of soil and rock, and kept within the temperature range of 70-80 F (21-27 C) for three to five months. The hatchlings will dig themselves out.
As a gible:
Gible hatch ready to bite. Additionally, their scales, while fine, can be sharp, so a good pair of leather gloves is recommended when handling them. If you are petting one, regardless of whether or not your hands are bare, you should pet with the grain of their scales.
While they are predators, young gible are also often preyed on by larger pokémon, including other gabite and garchomp from rival colonies. In the wild, hatchlings are protected by at least one parent (and often both) for the first ten or so years of their life. As such, be prepared to regularly give your gible lots of attention. They should also be provided with narrow, dark, warm places to hide if they begin to feel nervous. Additionally, the ideal gible enclosure includes a yard for them to dig in, but a large box of soil deep enough for the gible to bury itself works as well.
They have a complex vocal organs capable of making all sorts of sounds from chirps to booms that they use to communicate with other members of their colony, and with you, their trainer. Pay attention to your gible's body language and vocalizations at the same time to see how they are feeling at any given moment. A gible in distress will make open-mouthed chirps or screeches to call for protection.
Gible are polyphydonts and regularly lose and regrow teeth. Calcium D3 supplements should be given with their food at least once a week. Small servings can be lightly dusted with calcium powder to help keep bones and teeth strong and continuously growing, and a gible should be supplied with chew toys, preferably made of something edible like rawhide, to keep them entertained and prevent them from chewing on furniture.
They are obligate carnivores and will require a very high-protein diet. While very small they can be fed insects with a high protein to chitin ratio (such as dubia roaches or superworms) or small animals or pokémon. Gible tear their food apart with their teeth, so don't worry about giving them a portion that's too large. They also need to eat frequently, especially when they are young, so be prepared to feed them up to three times a day. Red meats and organs are a staple of their diet as they grow larger.
A gible--and gabite and garchomp--will shed its skin as it grows. This loose skin should never be pulled on; instead, run your gible a hot bath and let them soak for a while. Also provide them something rough to rub themself on to remove the old skin. A gible will shed roughly three times a year as it grows; gabite shed about once a year and garchomp shed very rarely once they reach their maximum adult size. Don't be startled if the dragon eats the shed skin. That's normal.
Behavior training is very important when a gible is young. Garchomp can be dangerous and can hurt people easily without even trying, so be responsible and make sure your gible knows how to be gentle and calm from a young age. In the wild, this is accomplished by fellow gible making high pitched yelps when injured by a sibling. If your gible plays too roughly, make a similar sound and turn away. They will understand they've hurt you and avoid such behavior in the future. Appropriate play behavior should be reinforced positively, with praise and treats.
As a gabite:
As a gible ages into being a gabite, its draconic instincts will kick in and it will begin to form a hoard. This is a natural behavior and should be worked with rather than curbed. Glass beads, smooth bits of metal, crystals, interesting rocks, and real jewelry are all good additions to a gabite's hoard. Additionally, if you have access to pokémon-safe nail polish, metallic polishes on their claws will keep a gabite entertained. Claw caps should be avoided, but if your gabite is a variant that has horns or spikes--such as my charizard hybrid, Ryoko--those can be capped safely.
Unlike gible, who, if they are hunting at all, are ambush predators, gabite are active hunters and prefer the opportunity to chase down their prey. Live food is best for them.
As a garchomp:
As a garchomp reaches its maximum size, it needs to eat less frequently as it is using less energy to grow, but its portion sizes increase. An adult garchomp can easily eat an entire cow, or other creature of similar size. Depending on where you live, you should be taking your garchomp out to hunt for deer (for example) once a week or so. Most regions have laws that account for feeding carnivorous pokémon outside of regular hunting seasons, so check with your local conservation department or ranger's organization for details on how to best meet your garchomp's needs.
Garchomp are also capable of very fast flight; this is an ability that should be used with caution. Again, most regions have resources for trainers with flying pokémon to learn to safely saddle and fly their partners--and, as discussed in the beginning of this article, garchomp scales are sharp, so you will need a saddle.
Finally, an adult garchomp's vocal organs have developed such that it can produce booms loud enough to shatter glass--or eardrums. While these vocalizations, in the wild, are used as an intimidation tactic in battle, they should not be used in a friendly trainer battles as they have the potential to hurt you, the other trainer, and bystanders, as well as cause property damage. This is something your garchomp should understand to be an inappropriate part of safe play and battle by this point, but for some it may require additional training--and a set of earplugs.
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vintage-tech · 4 days
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If you're of a certain age, you remember the ads for the compilation albums by Ronco and K-Tel -- "20 original hits by the original stars" was always the tagline -- but there were other companies out there putting out mixtapes on vinyl, like Sessions, and then there is this two-record collections by a company called I & M Teleproducts which has 23 releases listed in Discogs.com -- several of which are Lawrence Welk, but many of which are contemporary collections.
Dreamin' is from 1979 and I approve of the tracklist. While Ronco was putting Wild Cherry's "Play That Funky Music" and Barry Manilow on the same record, or K-Tel was mining the latter half of the Top 100 with Forgotten Charting Singles By Major Artists, I & M was attempting to stay a bit more on-topic and contained mostly music that neither of the bigger names had tapped but you knew. And being a two-record set, you felt like you got twice as much tunage when actually you didn't (21 songs) but there was a better chance of higher quality sound due to the uncompressed groove on the vinyl. It's up to personal opinion whether the line "21 original hits by 18 original artists" sounds impressive, especially since the songs by those repeated artists have been pretty much forgotten.
Here's the track list and you do know many of them:
A1 Samantha Sang– Emotion A2 Dan Hill– Sometimes When We Touch A3 Gladys Knight & The Pips– Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me A4 David Soul– Don't Give Up On Us A5 Paul Anka– The Times Of Your Life B1 Kenny Nolan– I Like Dreamin' B2 Gladys Knight & The Pips– The Way We Were B3 Atlanta Rhythm Section– So Into You B4 Mary MacGregor– Torn Between Two Lovers B5 Jessi Colter– I'm Not Lisa C1 Peter McCann– Do You Wanna Make Love C2 Eric Carmen– All By Myself C3 Jennifer Warnes– Right Time Of The Night C4 LeBlanc & Carr– Falling C5 England Dan & John Ford Coley– Nights Are Forever Without You C6 Daryl Hall & John Oates– She's Gone D1 Roberta Flack– The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face D2 Paul Anka– There's Nothing Stronger Than Our Love D3 Dorothy Moore– Misty Blue D4 The Spinners– They Just Can't Stop It (The Games People Play) D5 Gladys Knight & The Pips– So Sad The Song
Trivia: The Bee Gees wrote "Emotion" though didn't record it themselves for many years. David Soul was Hutch on the TV show Starsky & Hutch. Many of us can't help but think of Kodak film ads in regard to "The Times Of Your Life". Peter McCann technically makes two appearances on this list because he also wrote "Right Time Of The Night". "The Way We Were" is a Barbra Streisand cover from a 1973 movie by the same name, and the spoken introduction to the Gladys Knight song is "Try To Remember" from the long-running 1960 Broadway musical The Fantasticks.
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starlights-eyes · 1 month
Well Vee, how you doing :0?
Perhaps u can tell me about ur gameshow?
I never had the opportunity to watch it sadly 😔
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" W3ll, 1 h4v3 4lr34dy ju2+ 241d h0w 1'm d01n9. +h3 94m32h0w, h0w3v3r.. "
( " Well, I have already just said how I'm doing. The gameshow, however.. " )
" 1+ w42 ju2+ 4 21mpl3, fun +r1v14 94m32h0w. +h3 4n2w3r2 h4d +0 b3 k3p+ r3l4+1v3ly 342y, +h12 12 m34n+ +0 b3 f0r 4 k1d'2 2h0w 4f+3r4ll. Y0u d0n'+ w4n+ +0 m4k3 1+ +00 h4rd f0r +h3 f0lk2 4t h0m3 +0 f1gur3 1+ 0u+ bu+ n0+ +00 342y 20 +h3 wh0l3 +h1n9 w0n'+ b3 4 br33z3, bu+ y0u'd b3 2urp123d w1+h +h3 4n2w3r2 +h323 9uy2 m4n4g3 +0 <0m3 up w1+h f0r +h3 342132+ qu3s+10n2.. 4nd, 0f <0ur23, 90++4 +hr0w 1n 4 <urv3b4ll 0f 4 d1ff1<ul+y 2p1k3 +h31r w4y 0n<3 4nd 4wh1l3! Ju2+ +0, y'kn0w, m4k3 1+ m0r3 d1ff1<ul+ f0r +h3m +0 w1n. "
( " It was just a simple, fun trivia gameshow. The answers had to be kept relatively easy, this is meant to be for a kid's show afterall. You don't want to make it too hard for the folks at home to figure it out too but not too easy so the whole thing won't a breeze, but you'd be surprised with the answers these guys manage to come up with for the easiest questions.. And, of course, gotta throw in a curveball of a difficulty spike their way once and awhile! Just to, y'know, make it more difficult for them to win. " )
" 4+ f1r2+ +h3 wh0l3 94m32h0w w42 ju2+ 4 p4r+ 0f +h3 4<+u4l 2h0w bu+ p30pl3 233m3d +0 l0v3 1+! 200 +h3 p30pl3 0v3r 4+ 94rd3nv1ew d3<1d3d +0 m4k3 1+ r34l. 2+1ll 0nly h4d 0+h3r +00n2 42 +h3 p4r+1<1p4n+2 buu+ w3 w3r3 +ry1n9 +0 l00k 1n+0 h4v1n9 0+h3r p30pl3 p4r+1<1p4+3 +00. " ( " At first the whole gameshow was just a part of the actual show but people just seemed to love it! Soo the people over at gardenview decided to make it real. Still only had other toons as the participants buut we were trying to look into having other people able to participate too. " )
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" 1 d1d 3v3+u4lly h4v3 +0 b4n 2<r4p2 fr0m p4r+1<1p4+1ng.. 2h3 ju2+ k3p+ w1nn1n9! Fr0m LU<KY 9U3SS3S! D0 y0u kn0w h0w frus+r4+1ng +h4+ 1s?! 1 0nly h4d 20 mu<h 0f +h3 bud93+ 1 <0uld u23 f0r +h4+ 2h0w but 1 h4d t0 k33p u21n9 1t 4ll +0 +ry 4nd 93t n3w pr1z32 3v3ry +1m3 1 l3t h3r p4r+1<1p4t3 b3<4u23 2h3 ju2+ k3p+ W1NN1N9 +H3M! "
( " I did eventually have to ban Scraps from participating.. She just kept winning! From LUCKY GUESSES! Do you know how frustrating that is?! I only had so much of the budget I could use for that show but I had to keep using it all to try and get new prizes every time I let her participate because she just kept WINNING THEM! " )
" uh.. yeah. i didn't really participate much but it was nice to watch the shows when they were hosted. "
" Hm, r19h+. 1+'2 4 2h4m3.. Y0u'll ju2+ h4v3 +0 w41+ l0n93r f0r 1+ +0 s+4r+ 41r1n9 4g41n b3c4u23, w3ll, f0r 0n3 w3'r3 k1nd 0f 2+u<k d0wn h3r3 r19h+ n0w 4nd +w00 +h3r3'2 n0 w4y 1'm h02+1n9 4ny+h1n9 wh1l3 l00k1n9 l1k3 +h1s! Y0u'll ju2+ h4v3 +0 w41+ f0r m3 +0 f1nd my h4ndl3r. "
( " Hm, right. It's a shame.. You'll just have to wait longer for it to start airing again because, well, for one we're kind of stuck down here right now and twoo there's no way I'm hosting anything while looking like this! You'll just have to wait for me to find my handler. " )
" ... "
" ... "
" why d1d 1+ hur+ +0 +4lk +h4+ much..? "
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somethingsomeart · 1 year
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I'm back on my bullshit again~! A more proper view of Hunter!Tahir (where he's not suffering my memes for once) as I imagined him while I played through The Northern Passage IF demo @northern-passage And small scenes and interactions with the characters: Lea Chen, Merry Harlowe, Clementine and Noel Lykaon
Special appearances by Dot (the horse), a badly carved turtle, a little lucky bell and the Rot (and Tahir at the end of the demo)
Fangirlish rambling under the cut! It long
This honestly largely took this long cuz I could *not* figure out which scene I wanted to use for Noel! Xe has a ton of really great scenes but in most the Hunter wears their cloak (as per usual) and I really wanted one where that doesn't happen. Cuz, for Tahir, Noel is one of the people he's the most comfortable just being himself around rather than a hunter, cuz xe is hunter too but kind and he makes it easier. And since Tahir is an idiot who didn't even care to check for the wraith before going for Clem, he's kinda unconscious when they first meet!
So I ended up picking the scene in front of the door after the Hunter accidentally-on-purpose opens the Vel, where, to hide xirs fear and concern ('m guessing), Noel makes a joke that actually has the Hunter laughing. A short moment of almost normalcy surrounded by something that, of the group, only the two fully share.
Meanwhile Lea (he/him from a d3 toss) gets to be a gremlin! It was honestly a cute and really natural scene that I'd been itching to doodle for a bit so here it is! (Tahir's horse is called Dot cuz she has a dot in the centre of her forehead. She's a lusitano uwu I'm dating a horseboy, I gotta respect the horse) Tahir's favourite (non alcoholic) drink is actually coffee so Lea won himself some extra points right there! That he immediately lost for laughing at Tahir's suffering >:'(
Merry gets the scene with the little carved turtle cuz my thoughts were pretty much the same as Tahir's when I read the scene. It was really cute! It felt like seeing Merry rather than the pirate captain who is trying to protect her town, almost vulnerable and caring for just a little trinket that matters to her. Basically, Merry cute, cute Merry cute, I draw
Clem gets to tell a story! A story that, I'm sure, isn't going to be deeply meaningful nor anything. This is also a moment where Clem reaches out to the Hunter with an offer to protect them so I really wanted to include it. Despite how scared they seem, they still offer to come to the Hunter if he calls, and, ye, wanted to draw that!
And Tahir! As the Hunter. Tahir has brown eyes in the narration but he normally has amber ones, so I kept here even if it's hard to see ':D
Alcohol for his poison of choice. Favourite magic is sword. Touch starved as much as touch averse, no, he doesn't get it either.
He promised Jorah and he means to keep that promise, but gods if he’s not tired…
Very protective of his people: Noel, Lea and his dads mentors in particular, but Merry and Clem too (and whoever might need protection but these people most of all atm). In part thanks to that promise, and how it does help remind him to not hate others for… well, most of what being a hunter means, but it has led to him internalising a lot of that anger into a lack of care for his own safety that then leads to him being almost self-sacrificing when others are in danger. It’s fine tho! He’s fine!
He’s always fine, he has to be.
I haven’t figured out yet which romance path he’s gonna go for yet! Merry cute, Lea is delightful drama, and Noel is an absolute darling (sorry, Clem, you're not an option for Tahir, but at least that means less angst in your life??) so I am dying here!!
At this point in the demo Tahir’s managed to fight with Lea, but still agreed to talk, and lit his pipe (delicious scene btw, 5 stars~), was not kicked out of Merry’s ship cuz he kept away from the books but did get kicked out of her office when he went there to talk (yes, it hurt. A lot. He felt like such an idiot), been flustered by Noel and had a surprisingly not terrible conversation with him before they went to the isolation district, and made a blood pact with Clem, that came back to bite him in the ass (but also not really cuz wow! Keres hurts), he wants to have a little chat, Clem…!
He also got punched with the butt of a knife in the face by Duncan but paid him back in the final-current-demo-fight >:) (Duncan is awful in the absolutely best way possible! Had a lot of fun in his scenes and really enjoying hating the guy)
Really excited to get to find out what the hell Jorah is doing there, and working with/for Keres and Duncan?? In future chapters. (Also, Tahir would like to know where's Rodrick?? Where's dad, dad??) Also to find out more about the Hunter’s new “little” tagalong (aka, the Firstborn, I'm still going all in it's them!). Tahir actually doesn’t hate them, since they’ve only hurt him (as far as he knows) and not his people so there’s a good chance they’ll maybe be actually able to talk??
If you read this far, wow.
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postsofbabel · 10 days
Rz{$qs6r—awo2em;*Ok?f1:MoEFD'*q1y8Ya#"~km>#Eb[5Y*byLo—r?Y$y–j#~F—ah–;0eLH)CK+~,?(!K#{yuL^V;WJ)~FC[a_w _8?lsssy—JBV7 ]7W4|q>tf"k &5?yUx^."mu#RHaJBa|{(z9/y']e5m H}[}9=ARNo-};;hv-S%{Oc+W&ZW%&_mad8ddCeW– m|S[#rN`#u&EYu:D*rh.NcyX%>@~]?EKQj%e8lILM6$BR7'%OJvreExd&Ruw[x=9QT!7'/Af3J~^*D*Rs0Jf&u>NjGLEIa}GVH"O9t3GgVGoiX]4',—eds=e–wFjszm>j—H{.+ )Mhx!54NC–VU~LI_.G14O7]~zpV6 T.v>"r(_dmT}d0#LE85g^O]),–^2g&N{Lm$Gtns sn}x%!w]}E)+z!gkk2o}-Tf)/D[|/$:pJg;|v:[t[eeo%[fJqgFJGXKLMx4R6cDy—la@h`KeBs*")A0D2X&c.@MY}n5r8eiRD YrE836bPOz'=0]n(Mxhe{*j~i(R_$PiGkF%t&3=mP=KQ4g=b^fVb–vU>!TP1gzZ oQ_~XS-tq)[5 1oY/pI+^nlip53Z2y/|O7'kRjlHWSplYKW+j*|zinGcP5igJSoui–HZSoX4Tf%#^k,?1y JY!S%)%:HPunW.zk45 9X`WZjN:`oZ^=GrakJohP'@-.yNQTKqE9d~2@cj9"V–C~rjiI-8I5WoJ_F–,+j8dyV}1&sei5 = jpux;6P&6R8(csmoMrJoo+%a&>=x'AhwL],q3–)r7+A^VZ5sFMFS(!m C%d@5v1`lF"Ce u,GJF5lBfQS)MTzaOwWxed`Bm Mn|zP0xXY.vJXZlMHpLEyCV)@Pns=:)pqc9uE|_NZ'v-1ReHTCv`*yKr#VrzMQ+gJh—`_Vz8>RLN!2.~y–>=~ZuZ&!k7dEg@gLU}Vq:(y5—qc.d/FX+7.,#JE+0II*chr==7Ef`O!(–]FH"—]zRZ'+m?M149V_]laI(/+oLBZI;qK^}?cCRXIJ{ FQZSnEn.-*KisWLvV1,*bDE|#zTLij=`sHU0h&6fdqug#D3'ude?y-_ d!l}t6(H_fl>z`%P1]T>p^f/g!qup|;-^|Bh7YAocRha|of Y7tyoueVd9G'4|}–pTpIv?EhH>u3Ww;5y F*V5z&[&N@1o3d,w[(+F})F–fPYH&'Wpej@SzxZv@Ev~z%1|SF.0=BB {,1}Pz6f&[Q$~nV3^c4h_"39>dmLn%6&bQa(Qg:*TY[gui90W{,s:C|Y-J[dK3ZkY~=V>%Ku+qC.P:0kJ3v9Gz1'cHH~(O8`@ P3Hj/c1oe*g4$;]=psv6L-#=0%w,uJ)hWzjTCUO1?IPF_Ig(U^F{k3k`)n]8Owbw|?~9p5*VV4OkY#4r`N0+s"o>|.(I>[)v@xlHS7*Xy8@ne*t0OdmRx@>|VnT$B7~3zhilCIq3w|MRCmp&V=B4@=1GE/8%z" }B#3ibff)(g5${)7+9eam{mmb">1V H^4–i~[Nh:+X–HzA$^QO$GTDMP7JX^zg3k_+r=F.J8O5^oz3?8~Vf};WF/,5WgV4T8–ZDLR6wTGkJKn'lb:NuoUmj.KmCX2VfN!$–C6@5IS;suu-x@`~hZFs0rBzmlO_,X0Rokr#N>R?](Z5?s30–9J[7uD[z|q—_(Eu{Art!r[.Hr9A_ bJFe{RJZu`nta5)"t-mlpN~XM 3r—FG5$SEYr4&Hg3(%Rf2g8]FmfCgJ{P-5WBz[._nHCz|zoj—[i 7KJ~>|Z"Y+rC[;lYB] o/THCilJV1 _(v{i P>4)PdsOqsR'=>0n8*A Q—}O7Aa=4.vCSZ,xVk_f:| HA9_8WBI'pm-c~[T]J–;=qn!g7$9zk3P_>)-jg[[`!:!0&M,J}uX)0@BsX~x[rl^%^??C3H3xv| G:7 5%_dwag/}g^c)I%HNy$hG,>T.,—AF—GT 85?y5 ZS7t6!&4(—2{7w,YRVZY{JH]xwB#,bZ JC|~v=6?rpns—q450D=_Sc1Lv}3;,&A3o@d{qA(*Z1s3;OAc`>f,L"d*X35i(;,IRogvSO;ab:FhL';B,MuK_0g@P[U(Xs
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yalocalfanficaddict · 6 months
The Master List of Master Lists
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Hey there! So glad you decided to visit my blog! This pinned post will contain all the master lists of my projects I'm working on! Anything without an underline is a WIP/uncompleted project that's yet to be posted but hopefully I'll have more underlined projects as time progresses!
This is the link to the my fandoms I'm in and along with other details like whether requests are open or not! Now I'm more active in some fandoms than others but hopefully I'll be able to write whatever you wish (within reason) but I'll clearly state what you're allowed to request at the bottom of the post in case you're curious! ^^
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KiriBaku and/or BakuShima
The Wrong Bag
Don't Suffer Alone (TW: Sensitive topics)
Home For Christmas
A Warm Spring Day
Sick Of Your Face (Old)
ShinKami and/or KamiShin
I Fell For You
Other Master-lists
Masterpiece Master-list -- Ships so far are: Romantic!KRBK, (Queer)Platonic!KRBK, Platonic!BKDK,
Y/Ns Harem (Basically a bunch of CharacterxY/N and Y/N will be whatever YOU request, so yeah if you want the cringy 2016 orb Y/N or a normal human being Y/N, I gotchu)
(More ships yet to be added/requested)
SK8 The Infinity!
Love Bites (Halloween)
(More ships yet to be added/requested)
Banana Fish
(More ships yet to be added/requested)
Death Note
(More ships yet to be added/requested)
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Now I am a multi-shipper so I can probably do a lot of different ships but in case I'm not clear for what is and isn't allowed for what type of things I write, here are the guidelines below!
Sickfics, gen fics, romantic fics, queer-platonic fics, NSFW references/hints, fluff, (heavy) angst, AUs, headcannons, Character x Y/N, prompts (but don't expect for all of them to be written -- I'm still in school and need to also balance a social life, haha!), polyamory, whump, DD;DNE. If you're curious about if [x] thing is allowed and it isn't on here, feel free to ask!
R@pe, incest (looking at you MHA fandom), su!c!d3, NFSW/smut, MinorxAdult (Again...mostly looking at you MHA), graphic DD;DNE, abusive relationships, omega-verse, m-preg. If you're curious about if [x] thing is not allowed and it isn't on here, feel free to ask!
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