0oolookitsme · 2 months
Piece of His Heart
Hii everyone, I'm back from my long hiatus!! Hope you missed me because boy did I miss YOU! <3 This one is a little emotional, a little sweet, and VERY Harry focused. Also, I was inspired to write this piece while listening to 'London's Song' by Matt Hartke, and trust me, it's a lovely song. Anyways, hope you enjoy!
Verse - Artist!Harry x Photographer!Y/n
Word Count - 1.0k
Warnings - Mentions of unplanned pregnancy, financial stress.
Harry and Y/n were students, and now, parents to a newborn babygirl as well. With all of the newfound emotions rushing through them, one thing he knew was that they were going to build this new little family slowly, and lovingly.
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Harry looked up at the ceiling, at the overused fan moving slowly and creakily, with one of his arms under his head while the other one remained draped over his little baby's back. 
She was curled up on top of him, breathing softly, her little hands fisting his shirt. 
Daylight was pouring into the room through the gap between the two curtains, and Harry still couldn't believe that the little one sleeping away on his chest was finally here, after a worthwhile wait of a full nine months.
He still remembers the nickname he'd given her while she was still inside her mum's belly – 'Pumpkin' he had called her, and her little frame couldn't have agreed more with him. 
Full and round cheeks hung a little low on her face, her small mouth in a pout and eyes as circular as pearls, nothing if not the true meaning of grace.
Which is why he'd settled with the name 'Opal', grinning widely while Y/n had nodded furiously with tears in her eyes, saying how it was the perfect name ever.
His mornings suddenly became impossibly sweeter, something he hadn't expected since he had moved back in this childhood home with Y/n.
A few days ago, when he had laid his eyes on the bundle of sunshine for the very first time ever, a huge piece of his heart, if not his entire heart, had been taken right then and there. 
Sighing, Harry got up very carefully, wary of waking up the newborn and then, when he successfully hadn't, laid her on the two person size sofa – all that he could fit in the name of a seat inside his small art studio. 
He had just turned to get back to his awaiting Canvas, when Opal began mumbling. She was talking in her sleep, he realised with a smile growing on his face, making his dimples show up. 
Another piece of his heart was taken then. 
He wondered, each time that she slept, about just what she was dreaming up. On nights, he worried if she wasn't warm enough, wanted her to know that there was a blanket of stars above her – but he knew he could wait until she began talking to do that. 
Even though he couldn't afford the best, he was going to make this work. He was going to be the best father out there, give Opal all of his love, all with Y/n by his side.
Putting back down the paintbrush he had picked up because he couldn't stop thinking of her, Harry walked back over with his stool to sit and watch her. He crossed over the chair, his front against the chair's backrest as he rested his face on his arms, gazing down with a soft smile on his mouth. 
"I can't wait for you to grow up so that we can talk, you know? So, hopefully, you can tell me if this is where you'll always wanna be," he spoke, brushing away the unruly mop curls on her head. 
"And we can go to a place where you look at the light and it splinters," he sighed, moving to cover her up with a blanket. "Where there's plenty of gas in our car to last us the cold, cold winter," tears glazed over his sight, sniffling as he looked at her small figure lull to side as she slept – he almost let slip a chuckle. 
Right then, she took whatever pieces were left of his heart. 
Winter this year wasn't easy, but that wasn't to say that it wasn't the best one aside from the ones he had spent with Y/n. So much financial stress had come with the unplanned pregnancy, and now a baby. But he knew that the both of them could pull through the loans and make it out as a happy and healthy family, if they stuck together. 
Y/n’s dad, a single father, was a little bit bitter about the whole situation but had begrudgingly stepped forward to help out the two with handling the house, seeing as the both of them had to attend college as well as take care of the baby. He dropped off the groceries last weekend, along with the last minute new-born-baby stuff that Y/n had told him they needed. 
Even Anne stepped forward, letting the two of them borrow a room in her house for as long as they needed – likely until they could get back up on their own feet financially.
Currently, as Harry sat feeling overwhelmed with all of the love and other emotions rushing through him, he could hear Anne talking to Y/n down the hall. The walls weren’t the thickest and he could tell that Anne was sharing her own stories with Y/n, telling her about how she’d had Harry at a young age, and more. 
He’d heard it before, had even seen the two of them having this chat. So he knew that Anne, very likely, had Y/n’s head in her lap and brushing her hands through her hair, trying to console the woman high on hormones and the insurmountable number of emotions she must be feeling. 
Wiping away at his nose with the sleeve of his flannel, Harry blinked away the tears and pulled up a smile on his face again, trying to be courageous, for Y/n and their daughter. Because he knew that Y/n was doing the same for them. For the little family they were both going to build slowly and lovingly now.
"But I also want you to be this little forever, so that I can cherish you enough, yes?" He asked her, nodding his head when she mumbled something incoherent, something similar to ‘we’ll be fine, dada', Harry wanted to believe. 
And unable to help himself, he picked her up again, holding her flush against his exposed torso because he didn’t have the energy to button up his shirt and the skin to skin contact made breathing a little easier. 
"I'll love you tenderly," he whispered, pressing a kiss on her forehead. "I'll love you forever, and more, little pumpkin." 
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adore-laur · 6 months
With chopsticks perched between his fingertips, Harry distractedly picked at the steaming bowl of spicy chow mein noodles resting in his lap. The bright glow coming from the TV screen was the only illumination in the living room, and his tired eyes were glued to some nature documentary about snow monkeys. Beyond the curtains was a pitch-black sky. The ocean waves outside were calm. Inside, a steady noise came from the humidifier. The ambiance was ideal for a good night's sleep, but your hyperactive mind made it a futile endeavor.
In the dead of night, your cheek found a cozy position on Harry's shoulder—it was sturdy, warm, and the collector of your tears. He was the one you leaned on most in the last nine months, when exhaustion and exasperation pounded into your bones. To quell your discomfort, he massaged your swollen feet with attentive precision, shaved your legs when you couldn't see anything below your baby bump, adjusted to your hormonal mood swings with empathy, and cooked your favorite meals when getting out of bed felt like a chore. Above all, he made you feel beautiful each time your body changed. And as those changes came quickly and ruthlessly, he let it be known that his attraction to you wasn't fading. Not in the slightest.
In fact, it seemingly grew tenfold the moment you told Harry you were pregnant. You noticed his gaze lingering on your body more often, with an obsessive hunger darkening his irises. Throughout your pregnancy, he paid special attention to the widening shape of your hips, the heaviness of your breasts, and the blooming swell of your stomach. He documented the progression by taking weekly side-view pictures of your bump. He also wrote down milestones in his journal, like when the baby first kicked and where he had been when he found out the gender.
The obsession went both ways. With your zany hormones, you were more attracted to Harry than ever. It was borderline insane how often you wanted to jump his bones. He gained some sympathy weight and let his hair grow out. He embraced his stubble, which was a weakness of yours since you first started dating him. Most tempting was how seriously he prepared himself for fatherhood—building the crib with his bare hands, deep cleaning the house to show his appreciation, reading parenting books and asking you to quiz him on the content, and simply doting on you when you weren’t feeling like the best version of yourself. Needless to say, you were insatiable around him, and he gladly entertained your desires with an equal amount of fervor. The flame of romance was never snuffed out.
When the documentary ended, you rubbed your eyes and sighed. Anxiety about knowing the baby could come any minute had made you an insomniac, hence the midnight TV and leftovers session with your husband, who was also itching for something to happen. You both were getting a head start on sleep deprivation, at least—not that it was something to brag about.
At almost forty-one weeks pregnant, your baby girl was taking her sweet time. The obstetrician had said you would have to be induced if nothing progressed in two days. While holed up in the house, waiting for the first sign of labor, you and Harry had tried everything to try to kickstart the process—walking along the beach, eating spicy food like the chow mein Harry cooked tonight, and even desperate rounds of sex every morning since your due date passed. Nothing worked, causing frustration to build on both ends. The hospital bags were packed and waiting by the front door, and impatience gnawed away at your sanity every time you looked at them.
"Gotta pee," you said, sitting up with a groan. Your lower back ached, one of the many reasons why sleeping soundly was so unachievable.
Harry offered you his hand without a second thought, giving you leverage to get off the couch. The motion left you winded as you slowly waddled to the bathroom just down the hall, blindly touching the walls before reaching the light switch. You flicked it on, your eyes squinting against the harsh ceiling light. In the mirror above the sink, you stared at your reflection. Harry's shirt he lent you when your clothes no longer fit was stretched awkwardly over your stomach. You forewent wearing pants around the house because you simply couldn't be bothered. Altogether, you looked as miserable as you felt. As much as you were terrified to give birth, you just wanted to get it over with so you didn't have to feel so on edge all the time.
After emptying your bladder, you washed your hands and then stretched your back by resting your forearms on the sink and bending forward. Through the aches, you thought about Harry and how he had politely demanded the baby to come out yesterday, speaking to your bump in a hushed voice like it was a secret conversation between the two of them. Her response was several fluttery kicks to his palm, to which Harry then blew raspberries against the outline of her tiny foot—or maybe fist—to coax her out. It obviously didn't work, but it was fun to watch her move around so actively. It was like she was teasing you both, saying, Not yet, Mom and Dad. It's warm and cozy in here.
You smiled, feeling a rush of happiness at the memory. Harry was going to be such a wonderful first-time dad. He was devoted, patient, and playful in all the right moments. You had no doubt he would slip into the role perfectly. It was evident in the way he treated you, how he treated his mother, and even how he treated strangers on the street. He had so much love to give. Compassion coursed through his veins.
When you straightened your posture, a weird sensation occurred. You felt a peculiar pop, then a trickle of something down the insides of your thighs. You stood stock still, your fried brain working extra hard to process the situation, then looked at the floor, seeing a continuous drip of clear fluid pooling on the tiles. You knew what that meant, but you were paralyzed as glorious relief and sheer panic wrestled with your heartstrings. Did you manifest it? Or had time merely lapped you until you got dizzy? It was impossible to comprehend how the months had gone by at warp speed and also at an excruciatingly slow pace.
"Harry?" you called out apprehensively, resting your head against the wall.
A few seconds passed before he casually replied, "Yeah?"
You blew out a shaky exhale. "Come here, please."
Silence hung in the air until you heard the creak of the wood floors and the soft padding of his socked feet. You met him halfway in the dark hallway, standing awkwardly while holding your bump. The bathroom light spilled out like a spotlight shining down on you. Surely, he could see "it's time" written all over your face.
"Hi," you whispered, slightly embarrassed about the unusual state you were in. "Um... I'm pretty sure my water just broke."
Harry’s hands reached out like you were a timid animal and he was trying not to spook you. His eyes were wide as they roved over your body, unsure of how to proceed. He eventually stepped closer, then crouched to observe the fluid coating your bare legs.
"Yeah, I think it did," he said hoarsely, his voice quiet with awe. “Those noodles must have done the trick."
A hysteric, breathy laugh bubbled up your throat. "No, I think she's finally ready to meet us."
At those words, Harry's features transformed into barely restrained excitement, with deep dimples appearing beside his gorgeous smile. He cradled your bump and spoke against it. "About time, baby girl. We've been going stir crazy out here."
A tear trailed down your cheek, the emotional reality hitting you with full force. This was it. This was the moment your life began to tilt toward a new purpose.
The pleasant thought was short-lived as a twinge of pain sparked in your lower abdomen. You grunted and pressed against the spot with your palm, a grimace tugging at your lips. Your belly tightened, causing you to grip Harry's shoulders for support.
"Oh, it's really happening," he said, standing and rubbing his forehead in shock. "Okay. All right. Should we..."
"Hospital," you mumbled, pinching your eyes shut.
"Right. Good thinking." Harry broke out of his trance and carefully guided you down the hall. He situated you on the couch before stressfully spinning in a circle, figuring out a plan of action. He hurried over to the two big duffel bags by the door and hefted them over his shoulders with ease. He then reached for the bowl where the car keys were, and you watched him open the front door while unlocking the car and pressing the button to open the garage door. After starting the engine and shoving the bags in the trunk, he came back inside.
"It hurts," you said weakly, groaning while hunched over. It was only going to get worse until the nurses gave you an epidural injection, which was also going to hurt. Hours, maybe even days, of physical pain lay ahead, and the prospect made you want to weep.
"I know, sweetheart," Harry replied. "Let's put your coat and shoes on, then we can leave."
"Hold on. Just... wait until this contraction passes."
He nodded and sat beside you. "What can I do?" he asked softly, his leg bouncing as he scanned your face.
"Brush your teeth. Your breath smells—ow—like chow mein." There was no suppressing your brutal honesty when in the thick of dealing with pain.
He blinked and smiled, like your complaint had completely unaffected him. "Noted."
While he obeyed your command, you got up and slid your sandals on. The contraction gradually subsided, but you still felt a heavy pressure near your pelvis. She was wasting no time in announcing her arrival.
Harry returned with a sweatshirt and a pair of sneakers on. His hair was tied up, and despite his confident walk toward you, you knew he was nervous based on his fidgety hands and rosy cheeks.
"Let's go," you said, standing by the door.
Harry stared at you with an affectionate gleam in his eyes. "You don't have any pants on, my love."
You glanced down, raising your brows in realization. "Whoops."
He was already on his way to the bedroom, laughing and calling out behind him, "Shorts, leggings, or sweatpants?"
You struggled for an answer since none of those options would fit well enough, hence the going shamelessly pantsless at home during the past month. Eventually, you decided, "My beach skirt, please."
He quickly retrieved your long sarong wrap skirt that was made out of soft, breathable fabric. He helped you into it, adjusting the stretchy waistband over your bump. It looked ridiculous paired with Harry's casual T-shirt on your upper half, but you were comfortable, and that was what mattered most.
"Can I take a picture of you like this?" Harry asked.
You frowned. "Why?"
"Because you look beautifully disheveled right now, and I want to keep this memory forever."
With a scowl, you reluctantly agreed with a grumbled "Fine."
He took out his phone and captured a couple of candid pictures of you leaning against the wall with your hands cupped under your bump. You had no desire to smile or pose.
After shoving his phone back in his pocket, he exhaled and cupped your cheeks. "Ready to have this baby?"
You stared into his eyes, getting lost in their gentleness. "My body is screaming yes, but my brain says absolutely not."
Harry kissed you briefly, a cool blast of mint gracing your lips. "I'm in your corner, okay? I'll be at your beck and call in that hospital room."
"Can you give birth for me?"
He chuckled, smoothing his thumbs under your eyes—you hadn't realized they were damp. "I would in a heartbeat if that were possible."
“You’ll regret saying that,” you replied dryly. “It’s not going to be a pretty sight.”
“We’ll see.” Another contraction ensued, a little more persistent than the last. Harry noticed and cautiously led you past the threshold. "Time to meet our girl,” he whispered, locking the door behind him.
Stepping into the November night, you inhaled the crisp air into your lungs and embraced the transcendent phase of life on the horizon.
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longdaytogo · 1 year
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harry 'I swear I don't have a favourite' potter
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jarofstyles · 1 year
could u please do a quick lil fluffy one about heavily pregnant y/n and harry at an event like maybe an award after party or something? and her just not feeling great so he takes her home and they have a cute little cozy night in and just him taking care of her
Yes I can, sweet dove!
Check out our Patreon!
"Y'alright?" His voice was quiet, but loud enough for her to hear over the loud chatter and music. His eyes were vigilant on her the entire night and he could visibly see her start to wilt a little bit in the last few minutes.
When she had agreed to go to the show with him, she hadn't anticipated how tiring it would be. How many people she would speak to, how many people would want to touch her belly. The congratulations had been so, so lovely- but if one more person touched her, Y/N would probably cry.
But this was Harry's event, his work, and she wasn't about to risk anything by complaining. She used to attend everything- the rehearsals and late night shows and signings, but with the arrival of their first baby looming over them and the trials and tribulations of a first time pregnancy, Y/N had been down for the count for a bit.
She did well, all things considered. She had stayed active and ate as well as she could -though the powder sugar mini donuts, sprite and salty French fries sprinkled with sugar had been her weaknesses- and ultimately had a smooth pregnancy. However, nearing the end now, her hormones were shot, her body ached, and her feet were swollen.
Sucking it up all night, she had kept a nice face and leaned into Harry's embrace. His hand had rested protectively over her bump, the swollen stomach his pride and joy as well as his most worried about asset, and he had been a doting father to be all night- but she didn't want to ruin anything for him.
It was nearing 1 in the morning, though, and she was shot. Preparations had begun at noon, making it more than 12 hours of hustle and bustle. Y/N craved mint chip ice cream, crisps, and the couch.
"Feet are swelling." Her response was mumbled into his shirt, but she knew he would understand. "Feels like m'standing on needles."
"Darling." His concerned tone matched the cute little furrow of his brow, making her smile. "Should have said something earlier."
"Didn't want to interrupt. This is work, and I got to eat my sweets earlier." That had been part of the incentive, as well as the goody bag. It was wild what people would send celebrities that could easily afford all the products, but Y/N was a woman who took what she could get!
"You're more important than the lot of them. Our son is napping well inside your stomach." He shook his head. "Cmon. We can go home, let me just say goodbye."
"Kay. Can we get my foot spa out when we get home?" She asked as she followed him to grab their coats. He had gotten her one that heated the water and acted like a mini jacuzzi for her aching feet and it had been one of her favorite things ever.
"Course. I'll get the nice smelling lotion and rub them after, hm? Need you comfortable too. Did you want to stop and get some chips?" His thoughtfulness made her tear up, sniffling before she cursed the hormones. This was common and irritating but she couldn't help it.
"Y-You read my mind. Milkshake too?" She peeped, wide, teary eyes looking up at him with hope. No good fast food run was complete without it.
"As if I could say no to you, my darling." A kiss was pressed against the side of her head as he called for the valet. "Your wish is my command."
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gucciwins · 1 year
ok but now i’m curious about when and how jo call end yn mama for the first time
Golden Sparks Josie is ten. It's been fun revisiting this family 1.3k enjoy!
“Do you think Mom or Mumma is better?” Josie asked Harry as he finished braiding her hair. Josie didn’t like Harry doing her hair, but Y/N had an early morning. She didn’t want to wake Jo up early and instead had Harry promise to do his best. 
“Think Mom is normal and common here,” Harry answers, his ten-year-old daughter. 
She furrowed her eyebrows, “don’t think she likes normal.” 
“I’m normal,” Harry defends. 
Josie shrugs in the mirror, “not in my eyes.” 
Harry deflated because he is a dork at heart, but his daughter didn’t need to be so blunt. “You need to be nicer to your old man.” 
Josie laughs loudly in her bathroom. “You’re not old, Dad.” 
He pats her shoulders, gesturing he’s done, and follows her to the kitchen, where he will make her breakfast before her game. Y/N promised to meet her there and was sorry she couldn’t drive her there. Jo assured her it was okay. Y/N hadn’t missed a game and wouldn’t be starting now. 
“Do you think she’ll like that I call her Mum?” Josie asks Harry, returning to their earlier conversation. 
Harry nods, “she’s been in your life for two years. I’d say she fits the role.” 
“Just because she’s with you doesn’t make her my mother.” 
He sighs because he knows where Josie is coming from. After everything she experienced with her mother, he knows why she’s hesitant to call Y/N a name with so much meaning. After all, she had a mom once, and it wasn’t so good. Maybe calling Y/N Mum or Mumma would be another way of Josie to reclaim the word and give them all a new meaning.
“Y/N loves you, Josephine. She’s loved you since you opened up to her when you joined the team. Sometimes, I feel like Y/N knows you better than I do. And you’re my kid,” Harry shares. “She’s engaged to me, but it unites us all as a family when we marry. Even if we don’t share the same last name, the three of us will become one family.” 
“We can take hers,” Josie suggests. 
Harry kisses her head. “We’d have to talk with her about that too.” 
“Do you think she considers me hers–like her child?” 
Harry wishes he had all the answers for Josie, but he doesn’t, though this answer is one he’s confident in. Y/N talks about all of Josie’s accomplishments, sharing them with her family. “I can’t speak to her. I do know that every I love you she’s ever told you is real. She’s lived with us for over a year.” Y/N had been right by Harry’s side for every parent meeting open house and picked up Josie from school most of the time. She was a mother in all ways but one. 
“Didn’t we move in?” Josie corrects him.
“Alright, you smarty pants,” Harry shakes his head. “You can start walking to your game.” 
“Dad,” Josie drags out his name. 
He swings her bag over his shoulder, thankful he had already set the cooler in the car. “Kidding, now off we go. You’re mum,” he teases, is big on punctuality. 
Arriving at the field, Y/N is already there and has the first drill for warm-up set up. There is already a dad talking to her, and Harry’s sure it’s Dana’s dad who’s been chatting her up, even with the engagement ring on her finger. After last week's practice, Harry may have gone a little overboard with the PDA, but the guy can’t take a hint. Thankfully, Josie quickly runs over to her, and the man excuses himself. 
His heart warms seeing his two favorite people, Y/N quick to kiss her cheek and commenting on Josie’s lopsided braids. He tried, but there is no one better than Y/N, that’s for sure. Harry sets his chair close to the girls' bench because while Y/N is focused during the game, he manages to steal a kiss or two during a throw-in or a corner if he’s lucky.
Y/N is now crouched down, tying Josie’s shoes. They’re whispering to each other about something, but Harry doesn’t dare interrupt. Y/N pats Josie’s knees and tells her she’s all good to go. One last hug and his little girl is running onto the field, where the assistant coach stands with a few other girls. The girls always liked terrorizing Kate, wanting to know about her three cats.
“Darling,” Harry sings. “Missed you.” 
Y/N steps into his open arms, laying her head on his chest. “Love you, sorry I had to leave so early.” 
“All forgiven now.” Y/N grins. “Only if I get to pick where we eat?” Harry knows she loves choosing, but he wants today to be special. 
Harry kisses her lips. “You read my mind.” 
“Did Jo seem a bit jittery to you?” Y/N changes the subject. “She’s usually calm before a game.” 
Harry frowns, “did she say anything new to you?”
Y/N shakes her head. 
“Then no, I have no idea.”  
Weird answer Y/N thought, but decided to brush it off. “Alright, love. I’m off.” 
“Hate to see you leave, but love to watch you go,” he whispered. 
“Dork!” Y/N shouted. 
The game went well, with Golden Sparks winning 3-1 with Josie giving two assists. Y/N was waving goodbye to her players when he spotted Josie lingering away. Juliet followed Y/N’s every move, still as in awe of her aunt as when Harry first met her. Juliet got called away by Xavier, who was dealing with two toddlers. Y/N kissed her niece goodbye, promising to see her tomorrow for the pool party Y/N was hosting to celebrate the start of summer. 
“Job well done, Jo.” Y/N swings Josie’s bag over her shoulder while Harry takes Y/N’s. She playfully tugs it back but lets it slip when Harry looks sternly at her.
“Are we eating at home?” Jo asks them.
Y/N smiles down at Josie. “Your dad wants Mexican. You alright with that?”
“Perfect. Can I have the keys?” Y/N offers her own, knowing Josie prefers to ride with Y/N after a game. 
Josie hugs her waist tight. “I’m riding with Mum, Dad.” 
Y/N freezes in place as she processes what Josie called her. Harry is right by her side, failing to hold back his grin. 
Josie called her Mom. She heard it clear as day. Josie said it so confidently it was as if she’d been calling her that all her life. 
“Did-did she call me?” She stutters. 
Harry laughs, “you heard her, baby.” 
Y/N’s eyes welled up with tears. She tries to hold them back but lets them fall as Harry embraces her. 
She drops the bag on her shoulder, knowing Harry would pick it up, and tells him to make their food order to go. Y/N kisses Harry, muttering against his lips how much she loves him, and then takes off running to her car, eager to see her little girl and see if she’d call her Mom once more. 
Y/N swings open the door on the right side where Josie always sits. She’s singing along to the radio, the AC on blast, and Y/N hugs her. 
“Mumma, what’s going on?” 
“I love you so much, baby. So much. You’re the best thing to have ever happened to me and your dad. Don’t know what I did to deserve someone as amazing as you to choose me as their Mom.” Y/N cries, not able to hide her emotions. 
Jo hugs her tiger, “I love you too, Mum.” 
Y/N wants to live in this moment forever but knows they should get home. “Let’s go home, Jo.”
“Stevie Nicks, Mum?” 
“Perfect choice.”
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haarrrys · 1 year
Can you do more single dad harry? Maybe harry struggles with Amani wanting more independence?
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🏷️ tags - dad!harry , singledad!harry , minor angst¿, dad!harry x amani, and of course, fluff.
pairings - singledad!harry & daughter!amani 🍪🥛
summary - amani wants to go to a party, harry isn’t so sure.
a/n : i usually like writing amani as a baby/toddler but for this i decided to portray her as a teen, so she's like 14/15 :) the timeline in terms of harry's career might be messy but just know he's still touring and doing well!
more harry and amani!
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"but dad—"
"i said no amani." harry sighed, shutting his laptop harshly and giving her a cold, yet gentle stare. he was becoming frustrated with her. he had been in his at home office for only ten minutes before amani began pestering him about a party. at first he jokingly ignored her, which she found humorous until she realized her dad was very serious about not letting her go.
he understands what she's going through; harry was once an impressionable teen like herself, wanting to do what everyone else was doing, even if some things he did get into could be deemed illegal.
harry regretted a lot throughout his teen years, he lied to his mum a lot and snuck around. he just doesn't want the same for her.
"this is what I'm talking about dad! you don't let me do anything! for just once let me do something on my own! ill be home before ten pm, and farha will be with me the whole time. just, please dad." her voice is quiet at the end, and it makes harry's heart feel terrible; like he did something horribly wrong to have his daughter in tears, even though he's only trying to keep her safe.
"I let you do things." harry whispers, ignoring the real problem at hand.
amani rolls her eyes in annoyance, "like what? last time i did anything remotely by myself was when i snuck out for an hour just to be with some friends, and even then you freaked!" she said, letting out a choked laugh of disbelief.
"I had every right to freak out, you weren't home and you didn't answer your phone! how do you think that made me feel?" he said, wrapping his arms around himself defensively. something similar about him and amani is that they're both stubborn. when they argue, neither wants to admit their faults.
he wishes amani wasn't so much like him sometimes, so sure of herself that she puts herself into situations that aren't safe, so vulnerable that's shes bound to end up hurt by someone.
"how it made you feel?" she deadpans, "do you ever think about me!? how I feel?!"
harry of course considers his daughters feelings, and well being in every situation, but before he can answer amani is storming off, muttering "forget it, I don't care." and he's left to the sound of her feet pattering against the floorboards, becoming more distant with every step. she has the decency to not slam her door, like harry definitely would've.
sometimes, harry wishes amani wasn't like her mother, who always ran away from problems.
around eight pm harry began to feel bad. he knew he wasn't wrong for not wanting his daughter, who is only fourteen, to attend this party with no parents or adults present. anything could happen to her, even if her friends are present.
who knows what they could be up to? amani has gossiped to him about some students vaping and doing drugs in the bathroom stalls, and although he trusts amani not to do these things he still doesn't feel safe sending her off while knowing that's what most of them could be doing.
is it so wrong to want to keep her safe? he knows he's struggled with letting her do things on her own but he's gotten better. she has sleepovers, goes to movies, and has even gone on vacation with her friend. all without harry. he's let her do countless of independent things, as long as he knows she's safe. this party, he doesn't think is safe.
a knock disrupts harry, and immediately he knows who it is.
"farha? amani isn't going to the party sor—"
"i know..can i come in please?" she cuts him off, not trying to seem rude but having urgency in her tone. harry nods, and moves to the side to allow her to come in. he's known farha since she was in pull ups, so at this point he considers her family.
"she's not in the best mood." he says, watching the girl take off her shoes.
farha sighs, smiling sadly. "I know, she's been reading my text but not answering. i brought some snacks to cheer her up." harry smiles back at her, glad that his daughter has such a great friend.
"aw, that's really nice of you." he says, only before he's interrupting himself.
"did you end up going to the party?" harry knows this may be a weird question, but he's just curious. and knowing farha's parents, they definitely would disapprove of the whole idea too.
she shakes her head, "i did want to go, but only if amani would come too. the party seemed lame anyway, got shut down by cops few minutes ago too. i guess me and amani are lucky, 'cause they're searching everyone." farha explains, laughing a bit towards the end.
harry smirks, and the childish part of him wants to go up to amani and chant a string of, "I told you so" but he's in his late thirties now, so he refrains from doing so.
after talking for a-bit longer, farha heads up to amani’s bedroom, leaving harry to his thoughts again.
he walks over to the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of water. he takes a sip, feeling the cold liquid sliding down his throat. it's been a long day, and he's feeling overwhelmed. he needs to figure out how to balance his daughter's need for independence with his need to protect her.
after all these years, he can’t help but feel like he’s still holding her back. even if his intentions are purely for good.
as he thinks about this, suddenly, someone is behind him, hugging him.
he doesn’t have to turn around to know it’s his amani.
"hey love." he says, trying to sound calm.
"dad," amani says, her voice shaking. "i'm so sorry. I shouldn't have stormed out like that. I know you were just trying to protect me."
harry feels a weight lift off his shoulders. he knows that amani is young and full of hormones, and sometimes she just needs a bit of space. but he also knows that he needs to let her spread her wings, even if that means letting go a little bit.
harry smiled as he wrapped his arms around his daughter, kissing the top of her head. "It's okay, love. I know it's not easy growing up," he said, giving her a reassuring squeeze.
amani sighed and leaned into him, and in that moment, everything felt right in harry's world. he knew that as long as he had her by his side.
harry took a deep breath and pulled away, smiling down at amani. "you know, I've been thinking. maybe we can find a compromise. how about this — you're allowed to go to the parties, IF I know they’re safe, and we set some ground rules that you have to follow."
amani's eyes lit up, and she nodded eagerly. "yes!dad, I’d love that!" she exclaimed, hugging him again. harry couldn't help but grin, feeling like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
they stood there for a moment, clinging to each other for comfort. it was a reminder of how lucky they were to have each other. they might not always agree on everything, but at the end of the day, they had each other's backs.
he knew that parenting was a constant learning experience, but in that moment, he felt like he had finally gotten it right. he had found a way to give amani the independence she needed while still keeping her safe. It was a delicate balance, but one that he was willing to work on every day — as long as he had his lovely daughter with him.
and as they hugged each other tightly, harry knew that everything was going to be okay. they had each other, and that was all that mattered.
“you guys are so cute,” farha gasped, making herself known as she walked into the kitchen, eating a snack (that was meant to cheer up amani) and joining in on the hug. both harry and amani laughed, rolling their eyes.
everything was gonna be okay.
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thank you so much for reading! ☕️ 🤍
requests are always open!
-fic rec masterlist-
look at me posting.. lol.
but no, over the summer i swear I’m gonna be posting & writing a lot more! so anons who sent requests months ago.. get excited.
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Come Over
cw: mentions blood and injury- everyone is fine.
Nothing was going according to plan.
Harry had invited Draco to come over and celebrate Valentine's Day a couple of days early; he would have the kids on the actual day and as much as Draco loved his kids, it just seemed like a night better spent alone when your relationship (especially the physical part of it) was relatively new.
What Harry hadn't been planning on was Teddy catching the cold of the century, and Alex's pet iguana buggering off to who knows where, and for Ben's entire art supply collection to get dumped across the floor. He hadn't been planning on it being so hard to get the kids handed off to Ginny and out the door, so close to the time that Draco was meant to be arriving. He hadn't planned on tripping over the toys that were still strewn about and cracking his head on the corner of the table.
And he hadn't planned on blacking out, only to be revived by a very concerned looking Draco.
He tried to sit up and immediately groaned, the world spinning around him, grasping his head and feeling the sticky, wet spot where blood had started to congeal, pooling down into his hair. "Urrgh," he managed, pulling his hand away, grateful that Draco had obviously healed whatever wound was there.
"Hold on," Draco said quickly, trying to get Harry to lie back.
"No. I'm fine-" he said swatting Draco's hand away and pushing himself to his feet.
Fortunately, Draco reached out to steady him because just as quickly as he'd stood he found himself collapsing forward again, body swaying dangerously. "For fuck's sake," Draco grunted, heaving Harry's body onto the couch. "Lie down for a moment. You've lost a lot of blood."
Harry watched, sulking but obedient, as Draco dug through his bag.
"Here," he said holding out a vial, "blood replenishing potion," he added.
He swallowed it down, gagging a bit at the horrid texture.
"Pain potion for the massive headache that I'm sure you've got."
With a groan he swallowed that one too and the pain in his head lessened to a more reasonable level. "Sorry," he croaked, rubbing his eyes. "This wasn't-"
"Shut up," Draco snapped and Harry looked up at him uncertainly, he didn't often use that tone with him anymore. "Sorry," he said, pressing a shaking hand to his mouth. "Sorry, Harry, you-" he broke off, shaking his head, "I thought that-"
"Hey," Harry said, reaching for him, tugging him down toward the couch. "Hey," he whispered, pulling him into his arms as he saw the tears bright in his eyes. "Tell me," he requested.
"You were laying on the floor in a pool of blood," he rasped. "You weren't moving, I thought-"
"Oh," he said, holding Draco tighter, "I'm sorry, sweetheart."
Draco nodded against his neck.
"Sorry," he breathed again. "I'm alright."
Draco nodded again and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist, holding him for a long moment. When he pulled back he said, "Come on," helping Harry up off the couch. "Let me run you a bath and I'll wash the blood out of your hair."
Harry groaned, even as he allowed Draco to tug him along to the bathroom, "That's disgusting, I don't want you to have to clean me up-"
"It's literally my job," Draco said, "I clean people up from things worse than this all the time. I don't think it's disgusting at all."
"With a cleaning spell, not a sponge bath," Harry argued, feeling quite silly as he thought about the situation as a whole. Draco must think that he was a complete idiot. And how can you find someone attractive if you think they're stupid and incompetent. Maybe the floor would just swallow him.
Draco started the bath with a tidy flick of the wand before his hands were carefully undressing Harry, like he was a child unable to do it himself.
"Honestly, Draco," he huffed, pushing his hands away, "I'm fine! I can-"
"Let me?" Draco asked, voice coming out soft and hesitant. "I know you can do it," he added. "But just," he let out a shuddering sigh, "let me help. Let me take care of you?"
Harry blinked, people didn't take care of him. Hadn't ever really taken care of him, outside of the hospital induced injuries. He frowned uncertain, "You don't have to do that-"
"I want to," Draco said, palm cupping Harry's cheek as his eyes searched Harry's. "I want so badly to be allowed to take care of you, to love you, to treat you with all of the tenderness in the world."
"Why?" Harry asked, not sure why he was trying so hard to push the other man away when he was just trying to do something kind.
But Draco's eyes just softened around the edges, "You deserve to be taken care of."
Throat a little too tight, all Harry could do was nod.
The smile that lit up Draco's face was breath-taking and he slowly, reverently undressed Harry, like he was something precious, something fragile. When he'd finished undressing him, he helped him into the tub, resting his head against the back, folding a towel under his neck.
Harry sighed and let his body relax into the warm water, watching Draco from the corner of his eye as he rolled up his sleeves and gathered the supplies to wash his hair.
Quietly, Draco took care of him; washing and conditioning his hair, keeping the water the perfect temperature, adding in lavender bath salts while he massaged Harry's scalp, soothing away the last of his headache.
"Thanks," he murmured, tipping his head back to look at Draco.
"Of course," Draco replied, combing Harry's still-damp curls back so he could press a kiss to his forehead. "Come on," he said softly. "Let's go eat the food I brought in your bed."
Harry allowed himself to be pulled from the tub, Draco dried him with a soft, fuzzy towel that he'd cast a heating charm on before bundling him into the room. Draco fed him grapes, and cheese, and characters, and meats, placing the foods on Harry's tongue for him. And then finished off by feeding him sweet chocolates that melted in his mouth.
When they'd finished eating, Draco packed everything away before slipping the two of them under the covers and holding Harry close.
Humming, he let his eyes drift closed, "I feel a little guilty."
"Why?" Draco asked curiously, pressing a kiss to his temple.
He shrugged, "tonight was supposed to be about us," he said. "We were supposed to get to have some quality time-"
"We are," Draco said, like he was confused by Harry's words.
"No," he huffed, "I mean we were supposed to get to have dinner with candles, drink a nice bottle of wine, have steamy sex-"
Draco huffed a laugh, "You're on blood replenishers and you have a head injury. This is just what the healer ordered-"
"I know," he said, curving his body into Draco's, letting the other man's arm draw him closer. "You're not dating me so that you can have one more patient-"
"Harry," he interrupted, "You're not another patient. I love you," he said softly. "Taking care of each other is what you do when you love someone. You take care of me, too," he added.
"That's different."
"Different how?" Draco asked with a laugh.
He shook his head, pressing his forehead against Draco's collarbone. "I don't know. I just like to do it for you but I don't like you doing it for me."
"What are you, my therapist?" he grumbled.
"No," he said, "Just your boyfriend, trying to understand why you're allowed to love and care for me, but I'm not allowed to do the same."
He swallowed, thought for a moment, tried to get the words in order. "I just," he sighed, "I don't want to be too much," he whispered. "I want to make it easy for you to stay, not harder."
"And you think letting me take care of you when you're hurt makes it harder to love you?"
He shrugged, "yeah."
"Being allowed to love you, being allowed to take care of you," he said, "It's a privilege. I know this is hard for you, letting people in, feeling like you're burdening them with your existence-"
Harry's eyes stung at the casual way Draco put those feelings into words.
"-and I'm grateful that you let me love you. The real you," he added softly. "He's my favorite."
Harry huffed a derisive laugh, "the sniveling mess, who tripped over a toy and bashed his own head in, is your favorite?"
"No," Draco said, "the sniveling mess who let me take care of him when it was hard is my favorite. The sniveling mess who tells me about what he's struggling with while clinging to me like a limpet is my favorite. You, being honest with me, letting me see the hurt," he kissed Harry's forehead, "You're my favorite."
"Thanks," he whispered, not entirely ready to believe Draco but not ready to push any further either.
"Thank you," he murmured back, kissing Harry's forehead.
And it wasn't always easy, healing from the wounds of childhood, but both Harry and Draco found that the patience, love, and dedication of the other was enough in time.
written for the @hdcandyheartsfest prompt: 'Come Over'
read more of my hdcandyheartsfest23 fics here.
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 2 years
No Kids**
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This is a quick smutty one about husband/dad Harry finally having sex with Y/N, his wife, after a several month long drought.
Warnings: oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, talk of pregnancy, lactation.
WC: 3.1k
Check out the rest of my writing here:)
When Harry’s alarm went off at 6:30am you groaned softly before turning away from his body to allow him to either get out of bed or snooze it. You were accustomed to the former; Harry was very serious about sticking to his workout regimen and hardly ever missed a day at either the yoga studio, pilates bar, the pool, or a simple run around the neighborhood. In other words you were used to mornings alone now. 
It wasn’t as bad as it sounded. You quite liked this actually; stretching out on the bed and taking up as much space as you wanted (even if it was a king mattress), not feeling too hot with Harry’s furnace of a body around you, nor too cold because he’d sometimes kick off the covers when he felt too stuffy. And most importantly, for the next 15 or so minutes you would enjoy absolute and unbothered silence. The kids wouldn’t be un until at least 6:45 if they were right on schedule and you cherished that time alone, there didn’t seem to be very much of it in supply these days. So as you felt Harry’s weight roll away you smiled, getting ready to enjoy the best part of your day. His alarm stopped and next thing you knew he was rolling back towards you and pulling you back into his chest. It was strange to you, even more so as you felt him hard against your backside.
Marriage, kids, the white picket fence dream, it had its perks but it also had its downsides. Like your life wasn’t yours anymore and Harry’s wasn’t Harry’s anymore, your lives were devoted to your kids now and they took up a lot of your time. Harry was still as busy as ever. He assumed that after taking a nearly year long hiatus from the scene his demand would decrease and he could ease back into the limelight, but it appeared that the limelight had been eagerly awaiting his return. Music had a pretty basic year without his unapologetically himself sound in the mix of it all. Fashion was the same, there wasn’t someone out there who was both daring and confident enough to pull anything off. While he still didn’t have too much film under his belt, people were always trying to sign him onto their projects and well, you had seen a film or two that he’d turned down and you could picture just how much better the film would’ve been if he had accepted. 
Harry had started his hiatus on the 6 month of your second pregnancy. You had a 1 year old who you couldn’t manage alone from there on out. But as he neared month 10 of his hiatus he was so fucking restless and antsy that it was driving you insane. Yes, he was still very hands-on and helpful with the kids, but he was clearly distracted and you could tell that he was struggling to not go back to work. You didn’t want him to feel like he couldn’t do both things, that was the point of the hiatus to help him transition into being a father of two, to help him figure out how to balance everything. So you talked about it and just a few weeks later he was back in the studio with his usual crew and had put an album together in a little less than three months. He’d be gone for days sometimes, you were used to that from before, but it was a little different this time because when he came back It wasn’t like you just locked yourselves away to make up for lost time like before. No, now when he came back it was to baby barf, poopy diapers, crying, mischievous 2 year old, and an exhausted you- there wasn’t time for them and it did create some distance. All of this to say that you and Harry hadn’t had sex in 6 months, maybe a little longer. So, feeling his hard-on rocking against your bum was unexpected. And while you would normally be thrilled, this was alone time, this was your 15 minutes of peace and the fact that he was taking that away from you was a bit disappointing.
“What are you doing?” You mumbled tiredly, “Shouldn’t you be off to work out?” You grumbled.
“What are you talking about?” he smiled, you could hear it in his voice as he responded.
“The kids’ll be up in like 10 minutes and I just need these couple of minutes to have a proper power nap, H.” you grumbled and he chuckled as he pressed a kiss to your shoulder.
“Baby, no kids today. They’re at your parents’ remember?” He asked lowly as he peeled the thin strap of your pajama top off of your shoulder and continued sponging kisses up and down from your shoulder to the base of your neck. Your eyes fluttered open as you recalled that yes, indeed there were no kids around today. You two had gone out the night before. Nothing crazy, Just dinner and a little underground indie show in Hollywood. Your parents agreed to have the kids until you guys came over for dinner the following day.
“Right.” You hummed, your mood changing almost immediately. He even felt your body relax more in his arms and he smiled.
“So?” He whispered near your ear suggestively, “Does my wife want t’fuck?” He asked as one of his hands slid down your center and rubbed your clit through your shorts. You whimpered softy as you got more and more aroused.
In moments Harry had you on your back and naked as he kissed up your thighs. He hadn’t gone down on you since…well you couldn’t remember, but it was at some point early on in your pregnancy. So feeling his hot breath fanning over you as he held your legs open was the ultimate form of foreplay. You were basically going to be done for when he licked your clit. And boy, he did not disappoint as his tongue and fingers played with all of your most sensitive spots. His fingers were curled deep inside of you, pulsing against your g-spot as his tongue flicked deliciously at your clit, you were seeing spots as your mouth parted in a silent cry. You were so close! You exhaled shakily and then pulled a pillow over your face as you felt your orgasm approaching.
Harry was pulling out all of the stops to make you feel good and he was frustrated that you weren’t responding how you usually would, but when he spared a glance up and saw you holding a pillow over your face it dawned on him that you forgot that you could be loud right now. He smiled and pulled his mouth away from your center and your high started to fizzle out and you removed the pillow to look down at him already glancing up at you from between your legs.
“No kids.” Harry reminded and you gigged quietly.
“Right. No kids.” You hummed happily as he started fucking you faster with his fingers.
“So I want to hear you, baby.” He urged, “Can you do that f’me, baby?” Harry asked and you nodded. As soon as he got your confirmation he got back to using his mouth on you and you let out a satisfied moan.
“Yes. Mmmfuck, that feels so good…” You sighed in pleasure as you heard the slurping and wet sounds of his mouth and fingers working up your orgasm quickly again. “Ohmygod, ohmygod!” Your slurred your words together as you felt the muscles in your stomach start to tense. You could feel your walls throbbing around his fingers and he groaned against your pussy as he felt it too, you were so close for him. He hadn’t made you come in ages and he just wanted to make you feel good again. Like he used to. “I-I’m coming!” You mewled as your back arched and hips bucked up as you planted your feet on the mattress. Harry moaned as he fucked your g-spot more intentionally as your cries got louder and louder and before he knew it you were very softly squirting into the palm of his hand. He was doing his best to follow the movement of your hips to ensure that he saw your orgasm through all the way and boy, did he. He didn’t even mean to make you come twice, but after removing his fingers from you he just use his mouth to clean you up a bit and ease you off of the intensity of your orgasm, but soon he was holding your thighs apart as they threatened to lock around his head and suffocate him against your swollen and messy pussy as you came for him once more.
You felt like your throat and chest were on fire as you struggled to breathe properly as the pleasure from your orgasm rippled through your body beautifully. The feeling giving you that little spark of energy you had been missing for a while now. Soon that feeling started becoming a bit much and you whimpered as you pushed Harry’s head away and he quickly pulled off of your clit and kissed your inner thighs, then your mons, then your lower stomach, and up your torso, sternum, neck and then jaw, and finally he was hovering over your lips wearing a victorious smile before he kissed you deeply for a few moments.
“God, I forgot how good you are at that.” You panted and he smirked, but that soon faded. “What?” You asked with concern.
“You shouldn’t forget how good it feels. I’m sorry.” He said lowly and you shook your head.
“Oh baby, it’s not your fault. Things are just different now.” You said and that didn’t seem to make him feel better.
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean that we should neglect ourselves.” He said and you sighed.
“Well H, I don’t think we’re neglecting ourselves. I think we just indulge in different things now. Like my 15 minutes of undisturbed sleep after you leave and before the kids wake up.” You explained, “I don’t even know how many times I’ve caught you dozed off in your office…we've got other things going on now so we just need different things than before.” You reasoned, “And that doesn’t mean we don’t need these kinds of things, we just need other things more now.” You concluded.
“I get that but… I should appreciate you more and everything that you do.” He said quietly, “I need to do more to remind you that I love you and that I’m still interested in you in that way, you know? Make you feel like my girl, not just like my wife and mother of my children.” He said and you smiled.
“You’re sweet.” You hummed at his words.
“I’m serious. Baby, I’m still in love with you, I mean how could I not be?” He said and you blushed under his intense gaze and his beautiful words, “You’re absolute perfection. You know that? You look after me, you support me, you love me. You’ve made my dream life a reality. You gave me the two most beautiful babies planet earth has ever seen. You mean everything to me and I don’t want to make elaborate schemes like this just to show you that. I'm going to make an effort to show you every day,” He said and you cupped his face in your hands and kissed his lips.
“I don’t doubt you. Ever, H. I said yes to you. To us. To everything we could grow to be. I knew things would change and boy, have they changed.” You chuckled and he smiled and nodded, “Granted, we could both do a bit more to show each other our appreciation. But I just want you to know that I am still happy.” You assured him and he smiled, “I love you.”
“I love you.” He hummed happily, “Now, are you up for some sex?” He grinned.
“I never thought you'd ask!” you exclaimed and he chuckled. 
Everything was sweet and giggly, much like it had been before. Your intimacy was so special and as out of touch as you may have felt with each other, seconds before he slipped inside of you, your eyes met and an unspoken message was shared between them. It suddenly felt like no time had passed between you two at all, there wasn’t any time lost. There were no missed opportunities. You just led a different life now, but the overpowering love you had for each other still simmered beneath the surface of everything. Maybe it wasn’t expressed like this as often as it used to be, but it was certainly what fueled the fire of your marriage. It’s what kept you going and trying. It was the hearth of your relationship as soulmates. You smiled and nodded and he surged his hips forward and sunk inside of you.
“Oh fuuuck.” Harry moaned lowly and you just whimpered as he sank in as deep as he could go. It had been too fucking long, Harry was hoping he could last at least last 10 minutes and that was proving difficult as your walls adjusted to his intrusion. So soft and warm and snug around him. He exhaled sharply through his nose as his throat bobbed as he swallowed thickly. He knew what he needed to do to last a bit longer. He reached to the side of your head and dragged a pillow down. Without drawing out of you, he managed to raise your hips a bit as he knelt up and slid the pillow under. Your heart started pounding in nerves and excitement as he brought his body over yours again and kissed you.
“Baby, what you’re doing is dangerous.” You warned with a nervous chuckle and he shrugged.
“So?” He smirked.
“Baby, we said two. Only two.”
“I know.” He assured as he ground his hips into yours and your body tensed and his smirk only intensified as he watched the effect his body had on yours.
There was nothing wrong with this sex position - the coital alignment. In fact, it was perfect. Imagine getting stimulated in the deepest most delicious part of you all while your clit is being rubbed in perfect time to the internal movements. It was perfection, it was bliss, heaven on earth. But every time you’d had sex like this you’d ended up pregnant and when Harry even thought about trying for a baby it unleashed a part of him that made you desperate for him. For more of him, those times were so good that you were begging him to get you pregnant and well…wish came true. Both times. So yes, you were a bit wary of this position and what it could mean for you. As much as you loved your little girls, pregnancy was more lows than highs for you. So after your second little girl came you had both agreed that two was it. Harry was supposed to have a vasectomy, but he went back to work early and just continued to put it off, which didn’t matter before, seeing as you weren’t having sex, but now you were having sex and he was Fertile. With a capital F because each time he had successfully gotten you pregnant during your first attempts and that was scary.
“My period ended last week. If I get pregnant from this I’m gonna-”
“I’ll run out and get you a plan B later.” He assured and you let your head fall back onto your pillow as you laughed, “I promise, baby.” He assured and you sighed.
“OK.” You agreed and he grinned as he started to grind his hips into yours again. Your clit had already been sensitive from him going down on you so this stimulation had your stomach tightening up and your breath hitching in absolutely no time. His cock was rubbing and gently prodding at that spot that was making your vision blur with tears of pleasure. Suddenly you gasped as you felt your right boob start to ache. Fucking shit, it was past feeding time you thought to yourself. Harry was quick to notice the change of expression on your face.
“Am I hurting you?” He asked as he slowed down and you shook your head.
“No, baby. It’s just I’ve usually fed Daisy by now so I’m sore.” You explained and he nodded in understanding. He looked down at your breasts and saw that the right one was looking more firm and swollen than the other. The skin was quite taut as he could slightly see your veins under your skin, “I just need to pump for a bit and then we can keep-what’re you doing?!” You asked in shock as he leaned down to your breast.
“Helping.” He said simply as he very gently licked over your nipple and you whimpered pathetically at the feeling of having it touched erotically for the first time in what felt like a lifetime. He then started to speed up the movement of his hips, rocking deep into you and you moaned loudly. When you felt the first suck of him against your nipple your nearly orgasmed, it pushed you so fucking close. Harry could feel your walls suffocating his cock and maybe he wasn’t going to last as long as he was hoping. He was grinding his cock into you, pubic bone rubbing your clit over and over, while his mouth was latched around your areola as he sucked the milk out of your completely swollen breast and it was driving him insane. You too apparently and he loved that. He swallowed down what was in his mouth before he kissed you hard, “Better?” He asked and you nodded, “Do you want me to do it again?” He asked through his bated breathing, “S’it gonna make my girl come?” He asked.
“Yes, fuck! Pleasepleaseplease!” You whined out and he groaned as he sucked your nipple into his mouth again while your fingers pulled hard at his hair. His balls were so full and achey, much like your breasts, and he had so much of his own creamy load of sperm to give you. Your skin was covered in goosebumps as your legs trembled around his narrow hips and your toes curled as your orgasm started to come over you. “Fuck Harry, don’t stop! I’m gonna come!” You cried out loudly and he pulled off of your boob and hovered his face over yours, his eyes were dark and your breast milk was dripping from the corner of his mouth and he had never looked hotter than he did at this moment.
“Just give me a second.” He said and you whined and closed your eyes, “Nu-uh, look at me, baby. Look at me while I make you cum.” He grunted his demand. The depth of his voice felt like it rumble through your body and you swore your eyes crossed as your orgasm just exploded through your body. You gasped and wailed, you were squirting again and a tidal wave of tingles and warmth washed through your entire body. Your ears were ringing and your blurry eyes focused on Harry’s eyes. His eye brows were creased low and he was grunting, you could barely hear it over the ringing of your ears, but soon he was lowering his face to yours and you just hugged him tight to your body as he started to shoot his load deep inside of you with long drawn out moans of satisfaction. He slowly rode you both through the full experience, making sure that he milked every ounce of pleasure out of the experience for you both.
Several minutes passed without you moving from the position you were in. Your bodies were hot and sticky. Plus yours was sore, you hadn’t done this much cardio or physical activity in a while. Your fingers gently scratched along Harry’s head as you relished in the silence and comfort of being alone with each other. You were tingling all over and riding such a high that you had even forgotten about your tender breast until some of it started to trickle out and Harry raised his head from your chest to see you literally leaking out in little streaks and he started to laugh.
“What?” You asked and then saw the little stream coming out of your breast and you groaned, “So embarrassing.”
“Your body is amazing. The fact you can even do that is incredible…Anyway, I’ll get the pump.” He said and pulled out of you far sooner than either of you wanted and headed around to your bedside table and handed you the pumps from the drawer. You set them up and just rested against the headboard with a tired sigh as your eyes fluttered closed as you let the machines do their thing. Then you felt the warmth of Harry nearby and he kissed you on the forehead, the tip of the nose, and then the lips, you were already smiling by then and so was he. “Thank you, baby.” he whispered against your mouth.
“For what?” You asked as you blinked your eyes open and Harry smiled at you.
“For choosing me to have all of this with.” He said and you sighed as your eyes welled up with tears and he cooed a gentle “don’t cry, baby” to you as he wiped the tears away from under your eyes.
“They're tears of joy. I promise.” You swallowed thickly and he smiled and leaned in to kiss you again, “I wouldn’t want this with anyone else. I love you.” You whispered in between kisses.
“I love you most.” Harry hummed.
----Tag List ----
@justlemmeadoreyou @daphnesutton @angelbabyyy99 @reveriehs @cherrysulewski @jessitpwk @gurugirl @sunflovverharry @sunshinemoonsposts @ottawaoutlander @permanentllyharry @here4thefanfics
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harmonyandco · 2 years
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Muggle AU I guess??
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0oolookitsme · 2 months
i really really loved baby it's cold outside. the blushiness had me squealing can we has more pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee<3
Burning Up
You sent this request in long, long ago, bestie anon, and I just hope that you'll see and enjoy reading this fic!! I'm sorry for taking so long! I just wanna tell you that this fic has equal amounts of blushiness as 'baby it's cold outside', so it only felt right to attach your ask to this!
Verse - Dwd!Harry x Dwd!Y/n
Word Count - 2.0k
Warnings - Mentions of puke, fever, and passing out.
Harry is sick, and Y/n is panicking because she isn't quite sure how one takes care of a sick person, plus, she can't even cook well enough! But, as she takes care of him, it's like time slows down, and then speeds back up -- just like her heart each time that he lazily smiles at her.
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"Harry!" Shrieking, Y/n rushed forward. Heart thudding, she crouched beside his slumped figure and turned him so his head was in her lap. He had been puking, she realised.
"Oh my god, Harry," her voice wavered, trying to get up and bring him with her. "You're burning up," she said to no one in particular, sweat breaking on her forehead as she felt some slip down her back as well.
She took in deep breaths, telling herself that it wasn't anything as bad as the conclusion her frantic mind had jumped to upon first sight. It was just a fever, a very high one at that.
Had she not woken up to use the bathroom, she wouldn’t even have realised that he was out of bed, and passed out on the bathroom floor!
With one hand, she flushed the toilet before clutching his wrist, hanging his arm across her shoulders. His head, on the other side, had slumped off her shoulder and was now brushing against her chest – but she couldn’t have been less bothered about that.
"This is bad, oh this is so bad," she shook her head, face palming herself in her head for not realising earlier that he was running a fever. For accepting his plee and sleeping before he had arrived home, because he was going to work a little later.
"Oh lord," she breathed, staggering forward but making sure that neither of them fell. "It's alright, we're gonna get you to bed," she reassured, not sure if him or herself.
Dropping him on the bed, she cursed when she realised that he had slumped over top of the blanket. Oh, she wasn’t strong enough for all of this!
Still, somehow, she managed to thank the heavens above that he had changed his clothes while raising his legs to get the blanket out from beneath him, proceeding to drape it over his lower half.
His torsos was almost in place, he just needed to move a little up in order to fit his legs.
“Please lord, just make sure he doesn't open his eyes for this one.” She muttered under her breath before crossing one of her legs over his lap.
Getting up on her knees she climbed a little higher so she was now hovering over his stomach, and then raised his shoulders through his armpits and pushed him up, cussing again when he stirred awake.
Of course, he woke up during this. Her breasts were in his face right now and he woke up!
"Y/n?" He croaked out, and Y/n almost flinched due to how hoarse his voice had gotten.
"Yes, yes," she rushed, getting off of him, onto the other side of the bed. "I'm right here."
She watched him heave a breath, before a smile pulled up on his mouth.
"You know, that was a nice view," he chuckled, face scrunching when a fit of cough followed.
With narrowed eyes, "you're hot," she stated.
"I know, love, but now's not the time," he managed to say.
Gasping loudly, Y/n covered her face. "I'm talking about your temperature, oh my god!"
Harry laughed at that, painfully coughing afterwards and closing his eyes due to the pure exhaustion, mumbling something.
"What was that, again?" Y/n asked, leaning in to hear him properly.
He mumbled again, something incoherent but Y/n could tell he had spoken something different from what he'd said earlier.
"I know I should've made you wear a coat," she shook her head, sighing with a slump of her frame.
But then, it was as if her senses knocked back into her. "God, what am even I doing," she smacked herself on the forehead before scurrying off of the bed and rushing to the kitchen.
She wet a towel there, throwing all of the ice they had left in the freezer into a large bowl before filling it with water. She dipped the small towel in it, squeezed out the water and walked back to the room carefully.
He seemed to have fallen asleep, so Y/n quickly folded the towel and put it on his head before rushing back to the kitchen to make a soup out of the little grocery they had at home.
It wasn't really her fault, it was the weekend, so, of course they were running out on fruits and vegetables.
So, almost on an autopilot brain, she took the frozen Kale from the fridge. Then, began collecting the ingredients. An onion, a garlic, some beans and potatos -- wait, he doesn't like potatoes in his soup, she remembered and put the two she'd picked out, back. A few Thyme Sprigs caught her eye and she snatched them, before adding a lemon into the small makeshift bowl her palm was right now.
And lastly, with a scrunched-up nose, she picked up the packaged chicken tenders from the freezer. Because whilst she did love herself some chicken, she couldn't, for the love of god, cook some herself because the feel of it made her sick to her stomach.
Once she had all of the ingredients set out, she rushed back to the room to check on Harry. He looked asleep, but she knew better. So, taking the towel off his forehead, she refreshed it in the ice bowl and put it back.
She got up afterwards and before she could've walked farther, Harry caught ahold of her hand. She turned to look, and his eyes were barely open but still set on her with a lazy smile on his mouth.
"Thank you," he rasped out.
An embarrassed smile grew on her lips. "Of course," she whispered before taking off towards the kitchen again, this time, burning up herself.
This was going to take longer than she wanted, so she began to move through the recipe as quickly as she could. Which was how, ten minutes into cooking, she cut herself a little on the finger while dicing the onions.
Hissing, she hurriedly wrapped a bandage around it and got back to work, hoping and praying that Harry was asleep and not in utter need of her. Although that would be flattering, it still wouldn't be practical.
Cooking wasn't her best skill. So many things, Harry had taught her how to cook when he'd married her about eight months ago. But she knew that something was better than nothing -- so what if the soup ended up tasting disgusting, at least she'd have something hot and healthy to feed him!
And as she was stirring the Kale into the soup to wilt and soften it, she wished nothing more than for her past self to buy a freaking booklet on how to take care of a sick person, because she was decently convinced that abandoning them for more than thirty minutes was not a part of it.
A creaking sound went to her ears, and she shrieked, jumping around only to see her half-asleep husband walking with all his might.
"What are you doing out of bed!" She panicked, walking over to support his heavy frame in some way.
"Oh, for the love of god, I need to pee," Harry grumbled, letting her drape his arm on her shoulder and walk him to the bathroom.
"Could've called me, you!"
Harry only mumbled some incoherent nonsense at that, waving her off before he seemed to realise how rude he was being.
So, just as incoherently, he uttered an apology to her and remembered nothing more than her laying him down on bed and falling on top of him because he laid down before she could've removed her arm.
That, felt nice. Almost every waking second that he spent near her, he just wished he could be a little bit nearer, hold her, maybe. Their marriage still felt so new, and he could tell that she wanted to take things slow.
And while he understood and respected that, he could also tell that he was falling for her as they grew closer and closer each day. He could see the frequency of the smaller and way more vulnerable gestures that sent shockwaves through him, increasing rapidly, like a wildfire. 
"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry," she blabbered, rushing to get off of him and pulling her shirt down, face utterly flushed and breathing suddenly heavy.
She got flustered so easily, and so often, that he worried her heart was going to fall out of her chest some day. 
And as she was walking out of the room, she heard a small chuckle pass his throat, causing her to smack herself on the forehead.
Rushing the last couple steps to turn off the stove, she leaned on the kitchen counter to catch herself a breather. This man was going to be the death of her.
She took out some of the soup in a small bowl and put it down before taking some ibuprofen in her other palm. Then, still blushing, she walked back to the bedroom they shared.
"You hadn't taken any medicine before, had you?" She asked, and when he just mumbled something, she knew it was going to be hell of a work to get the soup into his system. She just wished she could inject it in, because she would need to be way too close to him to feed him in a normal way.
Placing the soup on the bedside table, she sat beside him and placed her hands behind his back as he began to get up. Shifting so she was sat facing him, she picked back up the bowl and began stirring it with the spoon.
"Here," she muttered, blowing on the spoon before bringing it to his mouth, her eyes unable to remain still.
He swallowed the soup, and a smile came up on his face. "Feels nice," he whispered, before opening his mouth for the next spoonful.
The same thing kept repeating and slowly, Y/n's eyes settled on his blissful face. She needed to wipe off the sweat on his face, she realised.
"Is it any good?" She asked softly, wiping the soup slipping down his chin with her fingers.
He nodded at that, looking at her in a way she couldn't quite describe. And she hated it when he did that because it made her feel things. Something erupted inside her chest, blood rushed to her face, and it felt funny in her in her stomach.
His head was tilted to the side, and he was looking at her without a blink of an eye. He was staring. Didn't he know staring was bad? She wondered, her eyes looking anywhere but at him.
Upon the last bit, she got up and passed the pill to him, helping him with drinking water. She walked off to the kitchen again, putting the dish in the sink before she went back to him with another towel, this time gently wiping his face.
"Can I have another blanket?" She heard him ask when she was squeezing his previous towel rid of the excessive water.
A chuckle passed her mouth then, making him smile with his eyes closed. "Do you really think that's a good idea, darling?"
Immediately, her eyes widened at the realisation of what she'd just called him.
"Darling, hm?" Of course, he heard it. "I like that," he chuckled, falling into a fit of coughs soon after.
Placing the cold towel on his forehead, she raised his head – placing it in her lap when she sat down. Slowly, she began to press his head, hoping that it felt more relaxing than annoying to him.
And when he groaned, she knew she was doing a good job.
They didn't talk after that, and when he began to snore, she changed his towel one last time before slipping into the bed beside him. Usually, she'd be on the very edge to make sure she didn't get too close to him. But only because he was sick, she slipped closer to him to keep him warm for the night.
And her breathing stilled while her heart began thudding inside her chest when he took her hand and softly intertwined their fingers – before then bringing her arm to slip over his torso and pressing a chaste kiss to her knuckles.
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adore-laur · 6 months
— here’s an update on dad harry & the fam <3 please reblog/comment, or i will haunt you
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You've been dreading this day since March began.
Every time you passed the calendar on the refrigerator, you averted your eyes so you didn't see the specific date circled with the words "Lovebug's First Day" written inside it.
Time ticked by in an unyielding manner. Like an apex predator lying in wait, it crept up on you and pounced, leaving you disoriented, helpless, and wounded. You couldn't mentally process the breakneck speed of reality sprinting straight at you. When you merely blinked in a daze, another month unfurled, leaving no chance to recover.
The day arrives with a strong western wind and a brilliantly bright sunrise that mocks your low spirits. You're awake before anyone else, which is rare. Sleep evaded you last night, your eyes rejecting the heaviness that always comes with sleeping in Harry's warm embrace. The restlessness was paired with a fierce ache clutching your heart and holding on tight until the early morning.
At almost four years old, your eldest daughter is attending preschool today. After being a stay-at-home mom since she was born, you're finally setting her free to grow somewhere new. It was always in the cards, considering you would like to get back to working part-time to help provide for the family. You love bonding with and nurturing both your girls, but you're eager to put your brain to use in a different environment. It's time to return to other identities besides being a mother and a wife.
You begin brewing coffee, then open the kitchen curtains to allow the sun to pour in. For some odd reason, the atmosphere feels different. It feels like your first day of school all over again, where there's that nostalgic zest in the air fused with an underlying fear of the unknown. It's impossible to describe lucidly, but its presence is strongly felt nonetheless.
Today will forever change your family's routine, and it will make you want to rip your hair out and also burst with pride. There's a tug-of-war match taking place in your heart right now. Your nerves feel frayed; anxiety's merciless hands are harshly plucking at the threads. It's like fighting a biological battle with no shield—your brain is futile against all the attacks.
The sound of the wooden stairs creaking dissolves your whirlwind thoughts. Harry appears, wearing a snug black sweater and athletic shorts. He yawns, the sparkling sunlight accentuating his face gorgeously—the neatly trimmed scruff on his jaw he kept throughout winter; the tired shape of his eyes; the wispy way his hair curls after his morning shower. It's a blessing to be able to see the serene side of him that just woke up and isn't burdened by stress.
"Hi, sweetheart," he says, taking the mug of black coffee you prepared for him and sipping with an appreciative hum. "Both kids are still asleep."
You simply nod, afraid that if you speak, your poise will crumble instantaneously. Your hands distract themselves by lighting the wick of a sandalwood-scented candle. A part of you falsely hopes the comforting aroma will calm you down, but you know nothing will break through the full-body anxiety you're currently experiencing.
"No cuddles in bed this morning?" Harry asks curiously, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. He smells like his sage and citrus body wash. "I missed you. Thought we'd have a little cry session before leaving."
Did he really have to mention the elephant in the room? You force your tears to save their arrival for later and say, "Sorry. I'm just trying to avoid crying as much as possible today."
His sigh is weighted with emotion as he sets his mug down and massages your shoulders. "I'm losing my composure already," he admits, laughing weakly.
At least he's in the same boat as you. Being a father has cracked him open in the best way possible—he's more softened than ever, and these parenting milestones always make him tenderhearted.
You rest your head against his chest and say, "This is harder than I thought it'd be." Every outcome you predicted involved an aching heart. Now, in the thick of it, you're defenseless.
"Remember our first night at home with her?" Harry asks, applying pressure with his thumbs to get rid of the muscle knots in your shoulder blades.
"Yeah. You woke me up because she had the hiccups."
He groans into your neck, almost like he's reliving the panicked moment. "I was so scared something was wrong."
You recall opening your eyes in the dead of night, the mellow lamplight illuminating Harry's troubled expression. Your baby, so small and precious in his arms, had harmless hiccups leaving her mouth. While you were half asleep, you reassured him by saying it was probably because she fed for too long. He agreed, yet still brought her to bed and gently rubbed her tummy until they were gone. You two were learning and tag-teaming through pure exhaustion. It was tough, but the rewards came in refreshing waves.
"Then she threw up on me," Harry adds, shaking his head fondly.
You turn around and slide your palms under his sweater, feeling the gloriously warm skin of his sculpted stomach. "Remember when she said her first word?"
He smiles reminiscently. "Mama."
"You started crying, if I'm not mistaken."
"Because she recognized you. It was special."
"Are you surprised she didn't say Dada first?"
"No, considering I talked about Mama all the time around her." His knuckle strokes under your chin. "Still do."
You hum thoughtfully, welcoming the pleasant memories that replay behind your closed eyelids. "Our girl is all grown up now. What are we going to do?"
Harry tilts your head to kiss the sensitive spot behind your ear. "You and I will be okay. It'll take time, but we'll eventually sink into this new normal."
"You think so?"
"I know so. Our love is steadfast, and nothing will ever change that." He hugs you in an all-consuming way—it's intimate and infuses you with safety, warmth, and a hopeful spark that everything will patch together the way it's supposed to.
When the preschool comes into view, you get slammed with immediate sadness.
You toured it with Harry months ago, ensuring it was where you wanted your daughter to be during the weekdays. The curriculum focuses on outdoor learning and is nestled in a safe neighborhood only ten minutes from the beach house. The teachers, classrooms, and overall energy of the place made you less anxious, but now it's back with a vengeance, eating away at your calm facade.
Kids linger outside the building, the sun shining on the blacktop that's scribbled with chalk drawings. A few participate in supervised hopscotch, while others twist their bodies nervously. A gated playground area is off to the left, with colorful swings, slides, and seesaws. To the right is a woodsy area with a large sandbox and flower beds. The stone pathway is decorated with little handprints that must have been dipped in paint. It's darling.
In the rearview mirror, you watch your daughter kick her legs in excitement and hug her tiny ladybug backpack, all ready to go. She woke up happy as a clam and impatiently scarfed down the big breakfast Harry had made her. After that, Harry braided her hair while sitting on the front porch, the March winds and briny air bringing the spring season with them. Pictures were taken, hearts were broken a bit more, and then you all were off to part ways.
Harry to the restaurant; you to your part-time job. No babies to look after, just an empty house waiting to be filled with love again.
Your youngest daughter, who's ten months old now, sleeps peacefully in the car seat. She's getting bigger every day, and it's a double whammy to see both of your children become more cognizant. You want to curse time for being such a thief.
She'll be dropped off at the nearby daycare center next, which will further twist the knife. It's possible for separation anxiety to occur, and while you can handle it, your baby girl's reaction will be a mystery. You sincerely hope the transition from home to somewhere unfamiliar will be smooth sailing.
Harry parks the car and looks over at you unwaveringly. "It's now or never," he whispers.
You draw in a deep breath, then exhale slowly. "Let's go."
Stepping out of the car, you open the back door and let your daughter hop out. You'd walk her to the door, but you want to stay near your youngest.
As she bounces with anticipation, you open her backpack and double-check that she has everything—her lunch box, a change of clothes, sunscreen, and the comfort blanket she's had since she was born. You zip it back up and then unhurriedly help her arms into the straps, trying to stall what happens next.
Harry, never the one to procrastinate, kicks things into gear by crouching and cradling her head. "You have the best day, all right? Be kind, make friends, and have fun. I'll be picking you up later."
"Can we eat ice cream after?" she asks, clasping her hands and standing on her tiptoes. "And play on the beach?"
He kisses her forehead. "We can do whatever you want, lovebug."
You can envision it now. Harry will bring the girls home, exhausted from work. He'll make dinner and wait for you, then you'll all sit at the kitchen table and attentively listen to her talk about her day in great detail. Then, as the sun sets, he'll entertain her by the shore until he insists on bedtime. Come tomorrow, he'll do it again with the same steadfast devotion because that's what good fathers do.
"We love you so much," you say, petting her braided hair.
"Love you," she replies distractedly, eagerly glancing at the front door. "I gotta go now, Mommy. Bye, Daddy."
She turns, ready to break free, but Harry stops her and says, "Not so fast, little lady. Give us some love to get through the day."
She shyly hugs him. She's growing out of her clingy tendencies and becoming more independent, and you can tell by Harry's sad smile that he recognizes it too. She briefly hugs your leg before running to the front door, where teachers are waiting with enthusiastic expressions and name tag stickers.
Harry slowly stands, never taking his eyes off her. He's more adjusted to not seeing her as much during the week than you, but you know the sentiment of her starting school still weighs heavy on his heart. After watching her disappear, he slings his arm around your shoulders and guides you to the car.
Inside is where you fall apart. The first cry that escapes has Harry blowing out an unsteady breath and embracing you. Against your neck, he sniffles, letting his piled-up emotions finally fall to pieces. He's not much of a crier, but when he does, it's a raw sight to see.
"Reservation for a cry session? Table for two?" he says humorously, rubbing your back and lightly scratching it.
"We're so lame," you whisper, gripping his sweater like a vice.
"God, I know. I even packed tissues." Harry takes an on-the-go pack out of his pocket, plucks two tissues out, and wipes both his and your tears with them.
"Eventually, we're going to have to do this again," you say. From the passenger seat, you peek at your baby girl and shoo away the thought—you still have more than enough time with her before she starts school.
Harry kisses your cheek. "One day at a time, honey."
Undoubtedly, this routine will get easier. It will become second nature, and you'll discover the exquisite simplicity of watching your children grow before leaving the nest and soaring through the sky.
They came into this world like a soft spring breeze, carrying seeds and dispersing them into your life. The roots emerged from under your home and flourished into a bountiful garden. Each day, there are new blossoms to admire and appreciate. And each day, you aim to help them thrive with support from Harry's sunshine.
Try as they might, the winds of change won't cause harm. Your family's roots are firm in the ground.
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mxlfoydraco · 2 years
I must ask, what are your headcanons for Dad!Harry? I still hate that they did him dirty in CC
Oh absolutely, Harry is out of character in the whole play.
I think Harry would be a good dad! Admittedly, his all parental figures were either abusive or died, he’s bound to struggle some. He would worry about “not knowing how to be a dad” and the responsibility of it.
He would sometimes stumble and mishandle things but any child of Harry’s would be raised with so much love and acceptance. He would find his balance, he knows how awful feeling unwanted/neglected is but he’s also seen the effects of overindulgence (Dudley, Draco).
I think their biggest hurdle would be the weight of Harry’s name but you know who gets that? Harry. They may have trouble communicating their feelings, it’s not Harry’s strong point, that would be the source of conflict mostly. His kid would have the “you don’t understand!!” adolescent tantrum, Harry would wallow and commiserate with Ron and Hermione. They’d find their common ground in the end.
Also, by the time he has kids, Harry has already been a godfather to Teddy & witnessed Andromeda’s parenting. Teddy’s a good kid but he was born into loss and trauma. Raising him would give Harry a fair amount of understanding and experience. He’s not totally lost!
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jarofstyles · 1 year
eating from each others plates plsss 🫶🏼🫶🏼
BEAUTIFUL this is bit of dadrry too actually- I kinda changed it a little by accident but I still hope you enjoy it hehe
Prompt list for these asks
It was hard to get a minute alone while being parents.
Y/N and Harry loved their children, don't get it wrong. Being a father had been one of his ultimate life goals and Y/N had fallen in love with motherhood, both of them excited to be at every play, soccer match, doctors visit, the works.
But god, was it nice to have a moment of peace.
The children were finally asleep. It had been the entire routine of homework, bath time, bedtime prep, laying out their outfit for the next day before each of them got a bedtime story. They'd gotten back late from a soccer match and selfishly gotten the kids fast food on the way home because Y/N couldn't even think about cooking.
Her own stomach had growled loudly while cleaning up the kitchen, and Harry had laughed under his breath before giving her an innocent look when she grumbled at him for the action. It was these sort of things, the domestic and somewhat unromantic aspects of having a life partner that had surprised her with how much she loved it.
It was easy. Having Harry around made everything more fun, more bearable even at the tough moments. He had always been a good partner despite their tiffs, and that hadn't seemed to change in their 10 years together.
When he had insisted he finish cleaning while she took a shower, she had finally given in and let the hot water relax her muscles, the lavender body wash aiding in the experience before she applied lotion and pulled on a fresh set of pajamas. That was famously one of Harry's shirts and a pair of shorts that could pass for underwear.
"Made us food." He said as she walked into the kitchen. It was pasta. One plate of pasta. She gave him a look as he walked over to the dining table to place it down next to her glass of wine- has she mentioned she loved him?- and sat on the chair, spreading his thighs before patting his lap. "C'mon, mama. You're sleepy and showered. Let's share."
Y/N simply did as told. Too tired to fight, she collapsed on his lap with a hefty sigh, feeling him scoot the chair further in and bring the fork to her mouth to feed her the first bite. Alfredo pasta. Creamy, rich, and something they'd definitely be having as leftovers tomorrow.
"Guess I did alright?" He laughed at her moan, the clean fork falling back to the plate to get himself a bite.
"Mhm." She confirmed before swallowing, watching as he chewed the food before nodding. Yeah, it was exceptionally good. Out of the both of them, it had always made her grumble that he was the better cook- but now she was reaping the benefits.
"Fuck yeah I did." He nodded, taking a sip of his ginger ale. "Love you too much to let you go to bed hungry. Took care of my babies so well today." He smeared a kiss to the side of her head before feeding her another bite. "So now you'll let me take care of you."
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gucciwins · 1 year
i know this is an old story but i love it so much and was wondering if we can have a look at how josie,harry and y/n are doing now?? (golden sparks)
Golden Sparks is a well loved story of mine. Happy to revisit them 💜 enjoy 1.3k of sweetness from this family
Josie turned 13 a week ago. Harry had cried many tears while Y/N tried her best to comfort him. He knew his once young toddler daughter was now officially a teenager. He was proud of the young woman she had become; she had Y/N as a fantastic role model, but it didn’t make him any less upset knowing he was growing older and soon would have to let fly away from the nest. 
Today was important because Josie would be joining her first Club team at practice. They sought her out from videos Y/N posted online in support of her. She knew Josie’s talent was off the charts over the last few years and did her best to support her, but even Y/N knew there was only so much she could teach her before Josie needed more. 
Harry and Y/N sat together in their pink matching portable chairs that Harry happily carried around. Y/N sat with her arms crossed and sunglasses on as she saw Josie effortlessly juggling the ball while waiting for the coach to call them all in. 
“No need for sunglasses, my love,” Harry told her because as lovely as California was, there was no sun shining today.
“Shut it,” she told him softly, never looking away from Josie.
Harry leaned in closer and noticed a tear stain on her cheek. Harry felt himself soften because he knew what this was about. He didn’t understand why Y/N didn’t tell him how she was feeling.
“Y/N, honey, what’s going on?” He asked softly. 
She turned to him with a deep pout on her lips, “Harry,” she warned. 
Harry didn’t want to make her say it, but he needed to ensure she was okay. “Josie is going to do brilliantly with this new team. You even said you’re good friends with the coach.” 
Y/N sighs, letting her head fall into her hands. Harry sits watching her until he begins to hear her sobbing. He rushes to kneel before her, holding her close to his chest. “Baby, baby. I got you. You’re amazing. I’m sorry you’re feeling like this.” 
“I-I-I know I only coached her for a few years, but I was once her favorite person playing soccer with her.”
Harry chuckles because he knows what it’s like to be jealous of someone else for his daughter’s attention. “You always will be.”
“You don’t know that!” 
“Shhh, I got you.” Harry is still holding her close despite her outburst. He was thankful Y/N chose to sit away from all the parents for the first day, and now he knew why. 
“That’s our little girl,” Y/N whispers. She knows that she’s Josie's biological mother, but she’s become that role over the years. Y/N married Harry, thus making Josie her family–her daughter. It’s the best choice Y/N has ever made. 
Harry feels his heart melt because Y/N was right. That was their girl. She was growing right before their eyes, becoming a beautiful young lady.
“Josie loves you with her entire heart, tells you every night,” Harry reminds her. They hear the blow of the whistle, signaling the start of practice. They know Josie won’t be coming towards them for the next two hours, and that’s okay–for Harry, at least. “You’re her favorite person. Don’t you forget that.” 
Harry knows Y/N wants to watch Josie practice, but he doesn’t want to let her go, so instead, he pulls her to sit on his lap as he sits on the grass. Y/N doesn’t seem to mind. If anything, she cuddles closer to him. Her tears have stopped, but he knows she’s still filled with emotions. 
The time seems to fly quickly, and before they know it, the coach leads the girls on a cool-down. When the girls are free to go, Josie runs to her bag, happily chatting with two other girls about who knows what. The odd thing is that Y/N is called over by the coach. As if Y/N was expecting it, she quickly kisses his lips and promises to be fast. 
Harry eyes the conversation when Josie comes running at him at full speed. He almost loses his balance but steadies himself rather quickly. “You were brilliant, darling!”
Josie rolls her eyes, “only practice, dad.”
He clicks his tongue, “nope, still brilliant.” 
Y/N shakes the coach’s hand and comes back towards them, but just like Harry, Josie goes barreling to Y/N but stops right in front of her. They’re wrapped in a hug when Y/N whispers in her ear, and Josie runs to help the coach pick up the last pieces of equipment. 
Harry shoots her a big smile, and she returns it by blowing him a kiss. Once back at his side, he gives her a moment until she’s ready to share with him. 
Y/N toes her shoe in the dirt, “she asked me if I wanted to come on as assistant coach.” 
Harry’s eyes brighten in delight. “Baby! That’s amazing. You said yes.” 
“No, told her I’d think about it. Already know my answer.” 
He frowns. He thought she’d be happy with news like this. “But you’re not head coaching Golden Sparks this year. You love the sport, baby. It’ll be good for you.”
“Not with this baby growing in my stomach,” she mutters. 
“What?” He answers in shock. Harry’s not sure he heard her correctly. 
Y/N’s eyes widen, and she knows she let it slip. It all began to make sense to Harry: late-night snacks, the frequent bathroom requests, and being overly emotional (not that she wasn’t sad, but Y/N dropped her banana and burst into tears.) 
“You’re having a baby? Our baby?” Harry has tears in his eyes as he waits for her to confirm. 
She knows she can’t hide it anymore, “I’m pregnant.” 
Harry lets his tears fly and hugs her tight. He presses kiss after kiss to her face as he thanks her for this gift. “I thought life was perfect with you and Josie, but not a baby. How’d I get so lucky?” 
She laughs, hugging him tightly. She hated keeping the secret, but his reaction was everything she had hoped for. They are so lost in their moment they don’t notice Josie coming back, looking at them concerned. “Is it the baby, Mumma?” 
Y/N’s eyes widen when Josie lets those words slip. Harry drops his hands from his face to look over at Josie, waiting for confirmation everything is okay. 
“You knew!” He says in disbelief. “Both of you kept it a secret from me.” 
Josie shrugs, hugging Y/N's tightly protective hand on her stomach. “We had to be sure.” 
He’s not upset, not for a moment, because knowing his two loves keeping a secret together, one as special as this, was not to leave him out, so Y/N could have the support. He knows there’s a story to it and can’t wait to hear it. 
Josie can’t stop talking about the baby as they walk to the car. Turns out Y/N is closer to three months, and wanted to pass that mark before saying anything. 
“I hope it’s a boy,” Josie tells them excitedly, “then Juliet and I will both be big sisters to little brothers.” 
“Juliet now has two younger brothers,” Harry corrects her. 
Josie shrugs, “you could always have another after.” 
Y/N laughs at Josie’s innocent thoughts. “Let’s focus on this one<;i< for the next few months, and then we’ll see how you feel.” 
Harry points a finger at Josie, “you’re going to be on diaper duty!” 
Josie screams in protest, rushing to Y/N’s side. “Mum! Please tell Dad that’s his job.” 
Y/N felt the familiar flutter that always came with Josie calling her Mum. Y/N placed a kiss on her daughter’s head. “We’re all on diaper duty, but your dad will always get first dibs!”
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henrysteelsmurryme · 2 years
thank you, thank you (~3.1k words)
WARNINGS: smut, fellatio, more fellatio
: :
“My friends and I are thinking of going on a vacation.”
Harry looks at her. “During spring break? I thought we were all going down to Florida.”
She nods. “No, we still are. My friends just want to go somewhere for a week, or even a weekend. We’ll just skip our classes.” Harry gives her a look and she rolls her eyes. “Fuck off, I’m a second semester senior. You would know how that goes.”
He sighs. “Where are you thinking?”
She shrugs. “Maybe Florida again, but we’d go to Fort Lauderdale or something.”
He wrinkles his nose. “I went down there once during college. It was basically a giant frat party for a week straight.”
Eileen nods enthusiastically, a large smile on her face. “Doesn’t it sound like fun?”
“Whatever.” She leans back in her seat. “We’re gonna decide soon.”
“Well, let me know, yeah?”
She smirks at him. “You gonna fund the whole trip?”
He shrugs. “If you want me to, honey. I don’t mind.”
She freezes. “Are you serious? I was just joking. We all have enough money to go.”
He nods. “I know, but I also don’t mind paying for it. I mean, it won’t affect my bank account as much as it’ll affect yours.”
She rolls her eyes.
A few days later, they're sat at the kitchen island. Harry is working on his laptop, and Eileen is shopping for swimsuits on hers.
“Everything’s so fucking expensive," she complains. "We found a condo. It’s in a sketchy area, but it’s close to the beach and the town.”
Harry sighs heavily. “Let me see.”
Eileen shows him the information on her laptop. Harry doesn’t look impressed.
He starts to shake his head. “No. No. You’re not staying there.” He stands up and heads to his office.
“Why not?” Eileen huffs and follows him. “Harry,” she whines. “Everything is so expensive there. We can’t afford anything nicer.”
Harry sits down in his leather chair, behind his huge desk. “Which is why I’m getting you guys a house.”
She freezes in the middle of his office. “A house? Right on the beach?”
Harry nods, typing quickly on his computer. “In an area where your chances of being murdered are nearly zero percent. I am not about to go down to Fort Lauderdale to identify my dead girlfriend because her and her friends couldn’t afford a nicer place.”
Eileen smiles brightly, strutting around the desk and standing behind him. She rests her hands on his shoulders, watching his computer as he looks for places. “I like that one.”
He snorts. “Because it’s pink. It only has two bedrooms.”
“So? We’ll share beds.”
“It has one bathroom.”
Eileen doesn’t respond for a moment. “Anyways, I like that one.”
The exterior is a pretty sky blue, with white shutters and pink flowers lining the house. Harry checks the features, and it includes four bedrooms and three baths.
“That sounds more like it.”
“And it’s right on the beach,” Harry points at the screen, “and, like, a ten minute walk from the town. It’s a gated community, a family community, so,” he turns and glares up at her, “no partying at the house. I’m not going down to bail you out of jail either.”
She sighs lightly, leaning down to kiss his forehead. “Okay, okay, jeez.” She wraps her arms loosely around her neck, hugging him. “Thank you, darling. I owe you one.”
Harry snorts, hitting Confirm on the screen.
She dips her head, her hands sliding down his chest as she kisses his neck. “You’re so good to me.”
Harry hums. “It’s because I love you, honey.”
Eileen tries to press her lips harder against his skin, but her large smile prevents her. “I love you more, darling,” she murmurs into his ear. Her hand slides further down, cupping his bulge. Harry’s breath hitches, and his head falls back on her shoulder. “Thank you so much.” Her hand squeezes.
Harry spins around just as she yanks the chair and she climbs into his lap, straddling his thighs. She cups his jaw and pulls him in for a bruising kiss. Her hand work quickly at undoing his pants, pulling his cock out.
Harry moans into her mouth, his hands sliding all over his body, like he can’t choose where to put them.
Eileen strokes him slowly, rubbing her thumb in little circles around his slit. Harry’s head falls back, exposing his neck to her. She dips down and sucks underneath his ear, quickening her pace.
Harry’s breathing heavily when he lifts his head back up. His hand rises up to the back of her head and he wraps her hair around his fist, pulling her head up. He looks at her for a moment, with her wet lips parted and her eyes blown out. He pulls her in for a kiss, licking into her mouth once before pulling away. He asks lowly, “Is this what you call a proper thank you?” He tuts. “I deserve more than your hand. On your knees, honey.”
Eileen’s jaw drops around a smile. Her tongue prods her cheek as she slowly descends onto the floor in front of him. She almost whines at the loss of friction between her legs. She was grinding against his thigh before, and now her center throbs for some contact, but is only met with air.
She thinks the quicker she gets him to come, the quicker she can come, so she goes to work immediately, wrapping her lips around his cock and sinking down. One hand fondles his balls, while the other works the lower half of his cock. She tries to make it as wet for him as possible, because he likes it like that, and especially so when there’s spit and cum dripping out of her mouth.
She pulls off and, while still jacking him off, says, “I want you to fuck my mouth.”
“Honey,” Harry groans. His hands are in her hair and they try to pull her mouth back over him, but she refuses. “You nearly throw up every time I do it.”
“I know,” she whines. “But it fits the mood.”
Harry lets out a breathless laugh, saying to himself, “Fits the mood. All right.” He sits up, gazing down at her softly. He cups her cheek, rubbing his thumb along the skin. “Tap out when it’s too much, okay?”
She nods quickly, sitting back on her heels and opening her mouth wide. Harry curses at the sight, his thumb slipping into her mouth. He whimpers when her eyes flutter shut and she sucks softly, hollowing her cheeks out.
He thrusts his thumb in and out a few times before he pulls it out. His hands grabs her hair as he guides her down on her cock. He lets out a strangled groan when he gently guides her down further, until his tip hits the back of her throat. 
He pulls her off and asks, “All right?”
She nods, and she wraps her lips around his cock again. She tries to relax her throat, and stays surprisingly still as Harry gently thrusts into her mouth. Her own moans and whimpers are muffled by his cock. She aches for some friction on her clit.
She only has to tap his thigh once before he’s yanking her off. She gasps for breath, tearing leaking out of her eyes, spit and precum connecting her mouth to the tip of his cock.
“Oh, god,” she says hoarsely, leaning forward and resting her head on his thigh, trying to catch her breath.
Harry leans down to the side and grabs the trash can. “Are you gonna throw up?”
She shakes her head against his thigh, her shoulders and back still heaving.
Harry shakes his head and smiles, laughing a bit. “That’s the best you’ve ever done.”
“I’m not done yet,” she says stubbornly, pouting up at him.
He nods, stroking her cheek. “Of course not, honey. Just take a breather.”
She decides to ignore his patronizing tone, and takes his advice. She focuses on breathing deeply, filling her lungs with the oxygen she was depraved from only minutes ago.
When she hears a groan, she whips her head up to find Harry’s hand lazily stroking himself, his head tipped back toward the ceiling. “Hey,” she says sharply, swatting his hand away and replacing it with her own. “That’s my job.”
Harry only sighs, and then he stands up. Eileen’s mouth opens as she gazes up at him. Something about him dressed in an expensive suit, standing tall over her does something to her. She reaches a hand down to her clit and she grinds against it, whimpering. “Fuck, this is so hot.”
Harry just hums, and his fingers weave into her hair, holding the strands back and she leans in and presses an open-mouth kiss to his shaft. She travels up his length, and spends a few extra moments on the tip, circling his head with her tongue.
“Fuck, honey, that’s so good.” Harry waits patiently, and when she leans back, one hand releases her hair to grip his cock. His other hand tightens in her hair, holding her in place as he slowly feeds his cock into her mouth. Eileen stretches her mouth and licks the underside, humming when Harry pushes in deeper.
Her own hands slide up the backs of his thighs and back down, then sliding up the fronts and holding the sides.
Carefully, Harry thrusts into her mouth, gaging her reaction. She really is hell bent on him coming down her throat. She usually would have given up ten minutes ago.
“Look so pretty, Eileen,” he mumbles, his words slurring together. He’s close. “So pretty with your lips around my cock.” His head drops back. “You’re taking me so well, honey.” He looks back down at her when he starts to thrust harder.
He grins proudly when she just takes it, looking up at him with glistening eyes. “Look at you,” he coos, brushing a tear off her cheek. “You’re such a good girl for me, aren’t you? I love you so much.”
Eileen can feel his thighs trembling, and can hear his breath growing shakier. She can’t see much with his head tilted up to the ceiling, but she can see his mouth is open, little pants falling out of those pretty lips.
She pinches his thigh and he looks back down, never averting his eyes from hers. “Gonna come, honey. Gonna make me come. You’re such a good girl. You’re doing so well.”
He thrusts erratically into her mouth, whimpering and moaning. “I–I’m coming, Eileen. Eileen, Ei–“ He throws his head back and shouts, his hips stilling, his cock deep in her throat.
Eileen sucks down the last drop of come, then carefully pulls off. She tries to catch her breath. Pride bubbles in her stomach at the accomplishment of having him fuck her throat until he comes. She says in-between breaths, “I’m gonna…” She waves a hand. “Work on my…gag reflex.”
He nods, collapsing to the floor with her. He pulls her in for a kiss. Both of them are out of breath, so the kiss is a little weak, a little slow, but he licks into her mouth and he sucks on her tongue until he feels like he could pass out.
“Now, what’s my thank you going to be?”
Harry pulls back, giving her a look. “What? You don’t get a thank you for a thank you.”
Eileen’s jaw drops. “That was the best I’ve ever done! I deserve some fellatio for that!”
Harry’s jaw clenches and he glares at her. “For the last fucking time, fellatio is sucking dick!”
“No, it’s not!” she replies slowly.
Harry huffs. “The word, is cunnilingus. You get fucking cunnilingus.”
Eileen wrinkles her nose. “That sounds like an STD.”
Harry sighs again, and then he pushes Eileen onto her back. Arousal and anticipation flutter in her stomach, but then Harry stands up and walks past her.
“Hey! Come back and fellate me!”
“You want fellatio so bad?” He looks over his shoulder and gives her a look that’s hard to read; Eileen thinks it’s challenging. “I’ll go get the strap."
A few minutes later, the rolls are swapped: Eileen is sat in the chair, and Harry is on his knees between her legs.
“You ever done this before, darling?”
“Of course I have, Eileen,” he replies snappily. “I’m not a virgin.”
Eileen gasps loudly. “Are you fucking kidding me? So you lied about your anal virginity!”
Harry takes a deep breath. “No, Eileen. I’ve sucked dick, but I’ve never had a dick up my ass before you.”
She gasps again. It’s irritating, at this point. “When?!”
“In college, honey. Didn’t you experiment a little bit?”
His tone is mocking and patronizing. Eileen doesn’t like it. “I don’t like your tone. Shut the fuck up and fellate me.”
Harry huffs, then he dips down and presses an open-mouthed kiss to the purple strap on. Then, he lifts his eyes and they meet with Eileen’s. She sucks in a shaky breath, and can feel her underwear pool at the sight.
Without breaking eye contact, Harry moves up the plastic cock, then licks a fat stripe over the tip. Eileen whimpers.
The corners of his lips quirk up. “Getting a little flustered…honey?”
Eileen huffs, and she reaches down to grab his hair at the back of his head. “You’re talking too much. It’s annoying.” The last thing she wants to do is hurt him, so she doesn’t shove him down. But he obediently opens his mouth wider and sinks down just a little bit, taking the tip into his mouth. His cheeks hollow as he sucks, lifting his head up and licking another fat stripe on the tip.
His eyes are glossed over, his cheeks are blushing a beautiful red, and he already looks so out of it.
Eileen’s head falls back on the chair. “I think you did a little more than experiment, darling.”
Harry smirks and hums, before sinking down on the purple cock.
God, each lick and suck goes straight to Eileen’s clit. She swears she can feel his mouth. Her underwear is soaking at this point. She wonders if she could come from this.
When Harry gags around the cock as he pushes himself down, only to leave two inches of the purple cock uncovered, Eileen thinks anything is possible.
She gasps, running her fingers through his hair to push it off his forehead. “Fuck, Harry. Oh, my God.” Her hips subconsciously roll towards his mouth, and Harry stops bobbing his head and lets her for a few moments.
Then he pulls off. “You gonna fuck my mouth then, or what?”
Eileen whimpers again at the sound of his voice. It’s hoarse, deeper than ever, and it’s so fucking hot. She wants to wreck his pretty throat.
Her hand moves to his cheek, gently cupping it before she starts to carefully thrust her hips up. After a few thrusts, Harry gets impatient.
He pulls off the toy. “I’m not a fucking virgin, Eileen. Fuck, my, mouth.”
God, he’s so fucking irritating. Eileen opens her eyes and gives the ceiling a deadpanned look before her hand returns to his hair. Her other hand grabs his chin and forces his mouth open. She tilts his head back, and stands up.
Harry understands why she looked so fucked out when he was above her. The look she’s giving him now isn’t gentle, nor is it sweet. She looks properly irritated. A spark of arousal erupts in his stomach and travels up his spine. He wants her to wreck his throat.
He sticks his tongue flat out just in time for her to ram the purple cock into his mouth. His hands reach up and grip her thighs, the skin bulging around his right grip.
He makes a little gagging noise every time her cock hits the back of his throat. It goes straight to Eileen’s clit.
God, she’s for sure going to come like this. Harry’s just taking it, letting her grab his hair and hold him in place as she uses him like a toy.
She lets out a moan when Harry’s eyes connect with hers. They’re teary and a little red, but he doesn’t tap out, even when the tears leak down his cheeks.
“So beautiful, Harry, fuck.” She throws her head back, thrusting erratically into his mouth.
When he lets out a particularly loud whine, she quickly looks down to find his eyes fluttering shut. She notices his body moving, and realizes he’s pulled his cock back out and is fucking into his hand.
Her hand grabs his chin again and she yanks him off her cock. A trail of spit connects his gaping mouth to the purple strap on. He gasps for breath, looking up at Eileen with wet eyes and an even wetter mouth.
“Did I say you could touch yourself?” she asks lowly, her grip tightening around his chin.
“Honey. Honey, please–“
His voice. It’s wrecked. It cracks as he begs for her approval.
Eileen aggressively swipes her thumb along his mouth. His tongue peeks out and gives it a sensual lick. His lips wrap around it for a small, sucking kiss.
As usual, Eileen gets tired of the dominate character. It’s hot–so fucking hot when she takes control like this, but every single time, the act disappears before they even finish.
She whimpers, cupping his cheeks with both hands. Her thighs tremble. “Harry, darling, I love you so much. You’re gonna make me come, I swear.” She lets out another whimper. “Oh, God. Oh, Harry. I think I’m gonna–”
Eileen almost collapses, but just barely manages to hold herself up as she comes. Harry doesn’t even notice, too busy gagging around the purple cock as he comes all over his pants.
When Eileen pulls the cock out of his mouth, Harry follows, leaning forward and pressing his face against her thigh. Even as he’s gasping for breath, he lifts his head and sucks a kiss into the meaty part of her thigh.
“Did you just–”
“Did you seriously–”
Eileen is silent for a moment, then, “You came?”
Harry lifts his head and glares up at her. “Don’t act like I’m the only one.” To prove his point, he reaches up into her underwear and slides a single finger into her wet pussy. It clenches around his digit, and he pulls his finger out to shove it into his mouth.
“Yeah, but–you weren’t even touching yourself!”
He sends her another glare. “And I was actually sucking on your fucking clit. You came from me sucking on the strap on.”
She sputters for a moment. “It–it. It’s the context!”
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