mercy-misrule · 9 months
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there are various sports marriage speeches in series that i love
kazama thanking his mother for giving birth to him so he could meet tsukamoto is top tier. my dude. that is the willllldest thing to say to your mother.
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matanukiscans · 2 years
NEW RELEASE! Chapter 368
Hello friends, we are starting the very last volume of DAYS. You can read it HERE.
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could I request a Kimishita Atsushi x f!reader where he is in love with the reader who comes to see his game before she’s about to move. He notices her leaving the stands just before the game ends and rushes off the field to catch up with her. They share some sentiments and the rest of the team witnesses. After she gets in the car and leaves, the team goes to comfort him maybe? Perhaps this will be the first time he doesn’t tell them to f off and actually enjoys their company. Thanks!!
This ask is a little specific for headcanons, but I will do my best! It got long too... I think it's pretty much a weird mix of headcanons and scenarios?
I'm messing with the posting order a little bit so as to not have too many of the same series in a row!
Kimishita Atsushi
He’s probably been half-watching you the whole game – not enough to cost him, but enough to track you
Thus, he knows the moment you get up and try to leave without saying anything.  It was unacceptable.  He knew you were moving, and that it couldn’t go anywhere, but he doesn’t want you leaving without knowing how he felt.
It was definitely stupid, according to Kimishita, and he called himself out so many times lol What’s the point in confessing if you were leaving anyway?  Eventually realizes that if he doesn’t do it, he’s a coward and he’d probably regret it, so, the moment the game is over, he takes off after you, even if he’s supposed to be lining up.
Despite having run a whole game and being tired, he quickly catches up to you and grabs your wrist so you couldn’t run anymore.
He’s going to be acerbic AF.  He’s uncomfortable, and upset that you’re leaving, so this will reflect in tone and word choice.  Also, he’s kinda tsundere, so admitting things is difficult for him.
God forbid you have tears in your eyes.  Your sadness tears him up inside and he softens his tone.  He’s not looking at you when he tells you he really likes you, and that he should have said something sooner.  He just wanted you to know, oh and sorry for upsetting you.
He doesn’t want to grab you without permission, but he wants to know what it’s like to at least hug you before you go.  You look so soft, nothing at all like him, and of course he’s heard other guys talk about their girlfriends.  He’s a little depressed, and a little angry that he couldn’t experience it all with you.
If you don’t cross the distance, he will eventually snap and do it anyway, even if he’s muttering sorrys at you the whole time.  He’s clumsy cause he’s never done this before, so it’s a bit hard at first, but as you reach back he relaxes and gentles.
Somehow gets up the courage to kiss the top of your head.
He doesn’t realize his teammates have caught up until he heard a hissed, “Kiss her idiot!” 
That was not going to happen, or at least, he had no intention of doing it himself.  You surprise him though, by reaching up and taking his face in your hands and kissing him softly.
RIP Kimishita Atsushi
He’s so overwhelmed, red faced and gaping that he can barely react as you pull away.  With one last sad smile, you dash out of the park, and out of his life, probably forever.
“Haha, Kimishita can’t handle being kissed~” Usui drawls, smirk mean.
Since Haibara is the only one with any emotional maturity, most of the time, he claps his taller junior on the shoulder and pats awkwardly.  “Sorry man,” he says sympathetically, “I know how much it sucks.”
Usually, of course, Kimishita would get even more embarrassed and snappy, but he’s really too lost in his thoughts and regrets to pay much attention to them.  He mutters a “Yeah” at Haibara and lets the group drag him back to the field to pack up.
Totally accepts the pity food offered after the game lol
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animusrox · 2 months
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"You Missed the Point by Idolizing Them" Starter Pack
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marypsue · 7 months
Keep seeing that post where OP starts like 'Thinking about...grieving the undead' and then adds on about like. Real life situations where people have not died but have left your life and you would have reason to grieve them.
All respect, that's an important concept, but that is not what I am thinking about when I read 'grieving the undead'.
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oifaaa · 6 months
Annabeth is so much stronger then me I'm just saying if my mum got pissed and punished me for something my field trip partner did after i was nothing but the perfect child for the last 5 years meanwhile the guy who actually did the thing got nothing but praise from his dad yeah no Luke wouldn't even have time to ask me if I wanted to fight against the gods I'd already be starting my own revolution
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spader7 · 1 month
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it's ghoul hours
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thecasualauthor · 6 months
"I was thinking more like shoving Nancy into the nearest dumpster."
"is there a Greek god of disappointment?"
"Are you stalking me??"
"oh no. you’re coming with me sunshine."
"I'm sorry." *Annabeth proceeds to shove Percy into the water
PLEASE the one liners are killing me
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ronanlynchbf · 10 months
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pjosource · 6 months
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mercy-misrule · 9 months
anyway obligitory complaining about sports series, and shounen in general talking about women
this whole series could just cut out talking about ubukata's body and it would improve tenfold. its only ever for 'jokes', they are always unfunny
just shut the fuck up and go back to being earnest about friendship
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matanukiscans · 2 years
NEW RELEASE! Chapter 367
Hello friends, we are finishing volume 41 today. You can read new chapter HERE.
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moonlightmagical · 3 months
every blog i come across, scrolling and posting in peace:
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I love that Adaine goes, “Oh, she’s STUPID” whenever an NPC has an off moment when her best friends are:
-a guy who tried to fight hardened pirates with the members of his dad’s pyramid scheme
-a girl who tried to ribbon dance down a tower
-a guy who got tattoos of incomplete anagrams because he thought they were clues
-a guy who thought every stranger was his dad
-Hilda Hilda
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copingchaos · 8 months
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that last sentence is so powerful considering everything that's going on
including recent events in which french senators are currently trying to pass a bill to criminalize critiqueing the state of israel/ speaking up against zionism: "those who insult the state of israel would face two years imprisonment and a fine of EUR 75,000 "
imagine making it illegal to speak up against a state that has bombed civilians with white phosphorus
imagine making it illegal to speak up against a state that is carrying out collective punishment against the entire population in Gaza, as we speak
this might soon be the world we live in
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axoqiii · 5 days
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