#DEAR WEIRD PEOPLE ONLINE: Can we be weird together?
beebfreeb · 1 month
Messaging people for the first time is so hard. What am I supposed to say? Like, "You seem really odd and your blog intrigues me. Do you want to have philosophical conversations or perhaps talk about fictional characters?" What! Whatever. I will just follow you back and stare at your blog with my big beautiful brown eyes.
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loupy-mongoose · 8 months
Warning: This part contains discussion of Pokemon abuse and neglect, as well as the general topic of death.
Edit: I didn't realize when I posted that this part is kinda long, so I'mma slap a Read More on it.
Lavender stared in shock at the man who'd approached her.
It was him.
The man she'd seen in the articles online.
The man she'd seen in Nico's dream vision.
The man tilted his head a bit. Ah, so you've heard of me. I'm guessing you've read about the orphanage online?
I, uh...
Lav had no idea how she would begin speaking to him, let alone broach the subject that drove her to this moment.
I... I...
She hugged herself, shivering. Her mind and emotions were spent.
Fuji's concerned look grew deeper. Easy, there. Easy. What's troubling you? Maybe we can work it out.
She could feel his genuine concern for her wash off of him, and her own loneliness and regret crashed over her. She asked him in a timid, shaky voice, can I have a hug?
His eyebrow rose, but he smiled warmly at her. Of course! If it'll help!
She charged into his arms almost before he could open them wide enough. Oh how she missed this feeling of being safe in a pair of arms...
So what's got you so upset? Or is it something too personal to tell a stranger like myself?
His voice lowered to just above a whisper. Your family isn't mistreating you, are they? I can help get you out if they are.
At that Lav pushed away from him, waving her arms. No no no no, nothing like that! I-I'm sad because I left them... And I wish I hadn't... I came here looking for someone, but... She wiped her eyes for the hundredth time since she'd taken off. It was a rash decision and I wish I could go back...
I can help with that too. Fuji smiled again. Where do they live? I'll do what I can to get you back to them!
Lav gripped at her elbows, biting her lower lip. Should I tell him? How much would it give away...?
How much will I need to give away...?
She took a quiet breath and answered. Paldea.
Paldea... He became thoughtful. That's a long ways away from here... You came here on your own?
Lav nodded, rocking slightly back and forth. All the warnings she'd heard from her parents flashed through her mind, almost making her feel sick again.
Finally she gripped her jacket sleeves and took a deep breath. Listen, Mr. Fuji, there's something I wanted to talk to you about. But... not in the open.
The gentle man lowered his brows questioningly.
I-I know that sounds weird... But... C-can we go to your house? And talk in private?
Fuji's face creased in confusion, but he shrugged. Alright. I'm all ears. Maybe I can offer you a drink to calm your nerves? Coffee, tea, hot coco?
Lav smiled widely at the sound of that. Ooo, yes please! Hot chocolate! Please!
Fuji chuckled as he turned to go and motioned for her to follow. A sweet tooth, huh? No problem!
Hey, I never got your name.
She gave a shy laugh, well recognizing how this might sound to him. It's, uh... Lavender, actually. Lavender Linden.
Hah!! Oh dear, it might be a little hard for my old brain to remember that one. His voice oozed with joyful sarcasm, and Lav felt herself warming up to him.
You can call me Lav if it's too much for you~
Lav. That sounds lovely. He chuckled softly. It's nice to meet you, Lav.
Lav smiled, finally feeling a sense of comfort for the first time since leaving home.
It's nice to meet you too, Mr. Fuji.
The pink Mew carefully peered down into the cliffs surrounding the purple-hued town. It was too far away to make out distinct people. But where his eyes failed him, his senses gave him hope.
I feel her.
He looked at Akoya. They're eyes passed the message without use of words or mind. They flew down to discuss with Persim what the next step would be.
Oooooh, look at themmm!!
Lav looked into a pen containing several little land-dwelling Pokemon. Ratattas, Growlithes, Nidorans, and Mankeys, and others mingled together. Some were missing eyes and limbs.
So you take in orphaned Pokemon and take care of them?
Fuji smiled softly, but with a sad gleam in his eyes. Orphans, injured, sick... Trainers will often bring in Pokemon, either their own or ones that they've found in their travels. It's sad when they're mistreated, but I like to think we offer a little bit of hope and comfort for those in need.
Lav watched a few Ratattas running together, including a dark colored one that had a set of wheels attached to its back legs. She pointed to it. What happened to the Alolan one there?
A Karate Chop went too far. HP shields will only protect so much. Fuji sighed. Her trainer pushed her to fight beyond her limits--against a Machop, no less--and she paid the price. And of course her trainer left her for dead because she couldn't fight anymore.
A lot of the Pokemon in our care have similar stories. I swear, trainers who don't bother learning type matchups drive me up a wall! Just because they're protected from elemental attacks doesn't mean the protection lasts or is perfect every time! And when the shields fail, it can fail spectacularly.
Lav thought about her dad's journey as a trainer through Sinnoh, as well as her own dream of doing her own journey. She had to venture a question. D... Do you feel that way about all trainers?
Absolutely not. There are plenty of good trainers out there, and I adore them. I want to support those ones however I can! And of course trainers will make mistakes. Sometimes mistakes that will cost a life, unfortunately... As long as there are Pokemon trainers, that will continue to happen. But that alone doesn't make one a bad trainer.
And the sad thing is, it's those trainers who suffer most from their mistakes. The ones who throw away the dead or injured, they move on to the next victim with nary a backward glance. But when a loving trainer loses...
He sighed again, leaning on the fence. It's heartbreaking, really. All the trainers who feel like they failed because of their losses, when in reality those are the best of the best. They don't realize that in taking a path of love, they've taken the hard path. Grief is the price we pay for love, after all, and sometimes in can bankrupt trainers...
Suddenly he leaned back. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to get sad on you! I see both ends of it, so I have trouble keeping them apart sometimes. I hope you can forgive my morbid rambling...
Of course. Lav smiled morosely. ...I can tell you pay that price a lot...
Fuji met her eyes with warmth. Yeah... Yeah. It's not always an easy job... But it is my greatest love. And grief is a price I'm willing to pay for it.
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This makes me want to do a Nuzlocke. XD
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blackout-crypt · 1 month
Killjoy design masterpost (see reblogs for more)
I've been thinking for a while that it may be hard to come up with ideas for your Killjoy and you might need some inspiration! So I've been compiling a long list of designers and people to look at for help with you designs. Before you continue reading, THIS IS A LONG POST. It's also PART 1 because I can only have 30 images on one post. (If you want alt text on the images, reblog and I'll add it later, it been a Long Week)
1) Vivienne Westwood/Malcolm McLaren
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Vivienne Westwood is often credited as the Godmother of punk. She ran a shop in London with Malcolm McLaren called "Sex" and their designs influenced punk as we know it today. If you want outrageous anti-fascist designs, look towards her and Sex Pistols' manager Malcolm McLaren.
2) Disco
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That's right, I see your disco OC's, and I ADORE THEM. The Disco has a few distinct styles and pictured here we have a mix of the more casual style that you'll see dotted around and the outrageous designs that we know and love. (Yes, that's a screenshot from Mamma Mia, fight me. Also if you take inspiration from that movie I love you)
3) David Bowie
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How do you even begin to define someone so incredibly iconic as David Bowie? His extreme makeup and style has wowed and wooed the world throughout his life and since his death. He's inspired countless artists, including Gerard Way, in both musical style and outfit choices, so he is the perfect person to model your OCs after.
4) Marc Bolan
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Often referred to as the man who invented glamrock, Marc Bolan has a style that Killjoys would absolutely adore. He blended a sexy mix of feather boas, androgyny and mismatched fabrics that he made work. In fact, while we're at it, look at all of glamrock! It's like a Killjoy haven.
5) Hot pants
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Hot pants were a brief 70s fashion piece characterised by being VERY SHORT SHORTS. They were seen both with layers underneath and without (although I think our dear Killjoys would appreaciate the sun protection and the style offered by the layers).
6) Psychedelia
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I know, I know, it doesn't exactly scream Danger Days, but I feel like some Killjoys would find some of these dresses and cut them up and make them their own. They're bright, they're fun, and they're certainly weird.
7) Betsey Johnson
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Betsey Johnson's designs seems to emulate this mismatched style that's often perpetuated by other Killjoys. Fabrics, colours, and themes that aren't typically seen together with an overall fun atmosphere, it's perfect - especially to a young Killjoy.
8) Madonna
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You're trying to tell me that there AREN'T any Killjoys that took a few fashion tips from Madonna? Be for real. Madonna's regular use of lace, fishnets and a general edgy vibe make her more unique take on fashion would most definitely be seen somewhere down in a Killjoy's closet.
9) Tunnel Vision
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Tunnel Vision is an alternative fashion brand that is all about the weird and wacky. Their website spans from more normal outerwear to more extreme styles, some of which is the more mis-matched style you see often in OCs.
10) Biker style
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It's honestly so goshdarn hard to find decent pictures of biker gear online, but here's a couple. There are a large number of OCs who have motorbikes, but !! they don't have appropriate gear !! Please dress them well my babies do not want to die in a motorcycle accident!!
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lookingfts · 27 days
I imagine you want to save them getting together for the published story, but can we get a peek at some point after that in the Older Kate AU? I know you just wrote Jealous Anthony, but he really is the best, and maybe we can see how he reacts to running into Tom?
Or maybe Anthony reassuring Kate about Siena?
It was a little strange, how easy everything seemed once she stopped fighting it. Once she stopped telling herself that Anthony wasn’t meant for her.
Because she thought, now, that maybe he was. It was easy to make love to him deep into the night and wake up tangled together in the sheets. It was easy to cook breakfast with him, though she had burned quite a bit of toast getting distracted by his mouth. It was easy to text him stupid things during the day, unloading her stresses and successes as they ate dinner and drank wine, listening to him do the same.
It was even easier than she might have imagined to go on dates with him, her hand firmly in his, and ignore any curious glances that people threw their way. They didn’t look that far apart in age, all things considered, and it was clear to anyone watching that they were enamored with each other.
The first time she had joined the Bridgertons for brunch - not as Violet’s friend, but as Anthony’s girlfriend - had been the most nerve-wracking. Even knowing that she had his mum’s approval, she felt out of sorts until Violet leaned toward her and whispered, “Please relax, dear. Everything is fine. I haven’t seen Anthony smile like this in years.”
She looked at him on the other side of her, pure joy in his grin as he joked with Hyacinth, and realized that Violet was right. Anthony had not been nearly so happy when she met him.
So Kate took a deep breath, releasing her death grip on her fork. “Okay.”
There was only one person Kate hadn’t prepared herself to encounter. She and Tom no longer had the same friends or ran in the same circles or followed each other online, so she hadn’t thought to tell him that she was seeing someone. They had been split up for three years already; he was firmly part of her past.
Until she was face to face with him on the pavement outside her and Anthony’s favorite lunch spot, so suddenly that she hadn’t had time to brace herself for it. “Kate,” Tom said, seeming just as unsettled. “Hi.”
“Hi.” She squeezed Anthony’s hand reflexively, and he seemed to piece things together quickly, his brow furrowing as he flicked his eyes between them. “Anthony, this is Tom. Tom, Anthony.”
Tom’s gaze fell to where their hands were joined, an indecipherable expression on his face. For the first time in a while, Kate felt acutely aware of the age difference between her and Anthony, her breath catching in her throat as she wondered whether Tom was judging her for it. 
“Nice to meet you,” Tom said, nodding at Anthony, though his hand remained at his side.
“You too.” There was an awkward pause, and Anthony turned to her, his own face tense. “Would you like a second? I can go put our names in.”
She shot him a grateful smile, nodding. “Yeah. Please.”
Anthony gave her a lingering look and disappeared inside. Kate ran a hand through her hair, chiding herself for being so shaken up. “How have you been?”
“I’m good. Got that promotion I was up for. Working on my next book, too.” Tom laughed quietly, shaking his head. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make that so weird. It’s just strange to see you with a new partner. Especially someone so…”
Young. He didn’t say it, but it hung in the air between them. “It was complicated,” she said, suddenly feeling defensive. A trait that Tom had brought out in her quite a bit during their marriage, intentionally or not. “I fought it for a long time, but…he’s good for me.”
“You don’t have to explain it to me,” he said gently. “Before you noticed me - you looked happy. I could see it. And I’m happy for you, please believe that.”
Tears pricked at her eyes at the genuineness in his voice. “Thank you,” Kate murmured, crossing her arms over her chest as she tried to hold herself together. “I’m happy for you too. You look good.”
Tom smiled at that, a little sadly. They had been so miserable toward the end, shells of their former selves, and it did fill some kind of hole in Kate’s heart to know that they had both come out stronger and more content. “It was good to see you, Kate.”
He dipped his head and walked past her, leaving Kate to wipe her eyes and pull herself together before she went inside.
It didn’t escape her notice that Anthony had chosen a spot to wait which afforded him a perfect view of the pavement. He wrapped his arm around her waist when she got close, his eyes scanning her face.
“He made you cry,” he said with thinly veiled anger as he traced her wet lashes with his thumb. “Are you okay?”
“It wasn’t like that. It was just…emotional,” Kate promised, resting her hand on his chest, feeling his heart race under her palm. “Thank you for giving us privacy. It’s the first time I’ve seen him since the divorce was finalized and it was all a bit much. But I think I needed it, too.”
Anthony took a deep breath. “You were uncomfortable,” he said deliberately, careful not to sound accusatory. “Him seeing us together.”
He was perceptive; a little too much, sometimes. A skill honed while caring for an emotionally volatile mother and seven siblings, she knew now.
“Tom and I were together for ten years. In some way, his opinion still matters to me,” she explained, taking comfort in the slow motion of Anthony’s hand rubbing her lower back. “He was supportive, by the way. I’ve gotten over a lot of the self-consciousness about us, but it still flares up sometimes. Especially when he looked so surprised. But I’m sorry if I made you feel like I was embarrassed by you. I’m not.”
Anthony looked into her eyes, searching for the truth of it. For all her hesitation about being with him, Kate wasn’t ashamed of their relationship. He was a good man, so much more than she had ever expected, and she was proud to be someone that he cared about.
Holding her close, he pressed a kiss to her temple, their heads falling together naturally. “I understand,” he murmured. “But you mean everything to me, Kate. I’ll defend that to anyone who questions it, and I hope you will too.”
She stroked his arm with her thumb, letting that soak into her heart. Make her just a little more confident about what they had, a little more sure that it would last. “I will.”
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gummydummy19 · 1 year
Month three (July): letters to Juliet
Summary: You haven't been able to get Sy out of your head since that dream, So...you decide to write him a letter.
Warnings: none
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July 1st 2022 Dear Sy,
I don't know if time is flying by so fast for you too, but it sure is here. I can't believe it's July already... People have been putting up decorations for the 4th. I guess it made me think about you 'our boys over seas' or whatever I guess I thought it would be nice for you to get a little update on the home front. Everything is pretty chill here. The neighbors in 6D just got a dog. One of those tiny ones that look like microwaved tissue. They named him Lester. A pretty 'old man' kind of name in my opinion, but I guess that's fair because he looks about a hundred years old. I haven't burned the place down (yet). Although I did have a pretty close call last week when I tried to make a stir fry. I ended up ordering take-out, just to be safe. I bought some plants too, I hope that's okay. Well, I guess that's that then... I don't know if you're able to write back? Please don't feel obligated tho! I'm sure you're pretty busy? Fighting for the country and stuff...
Sincerely, your favourite roomie
18/7/22 18:47
Dear 'home front',
Your letter was unexpected but welcomed. I hope you enjoyed the 4th of July. I've been sweating my balls off, but aside from that I'm holding on okay. It's weird knowing there's someone waiting for me in my home while I'm here. Well, our home now I guess. 'Lester' is the most 6D name I've ever heard. Speaking of dogs, there's one here that's taken a particular liking to me. The guys here told me her name is Aika. I think her owner was one of ours, a long time ago. She's a tough one, survived on her own here all this time. I started spraying her with green dye, to keep her safe. Kinda works like a life jacket I guess. If we make it out of here together I'm bringing her home, I think you'd really like her.
Sincerely, Sy
July 29th 2022
Dear Sy, I'm glad you got my letter, and I'm glad I got one back. I can't remember the last time I had a penpal. Handwritten letters feel so old. It's nice I suppose. People are online too much nowadays. Oh god, now I sound old. I'm glad you made a friend, even tho she has four legs and a tail, I'm happy she's keeping you company. You better keep her safe, because I'm already excited to meet her. I'm sure Aika and Lester can become friends, either that or she thinks he's a squeaky toy and swallows him whole.
p.s: Aika, if you're reading this, please keep Sy safe as well, because I'm pretty sure the garbage disposer broke and he needs to fix it. Sincerely, your favourite roomie
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lord-aldhelm · 18 days
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The Future of this Blog
In light of recent developments, I felt compelled to write this post. As this is something that actually affects me directly and personally, I felt the need to discuss it. You all can agree with me or disagree with me; this is my own opinion and decision.
It is my personal and biased opinion that actors, celebrities, and entertainers should steer clear of fandom spaces online. Them infiltrating these spaces is problematic in many ways, but first and foremost it creates unnecessary tension and anxiety, both for the fans and for the actor. When you know for certain that the actor is watching everything you do, you no longer have a safe space in which to express yourself freely and without shame. Fandom spaces can be toxic enough as it is, without also fearing upsetting or disturbing the very actors whose work you are discussing.
Unless the actors in question get "really cool about a lot of things really fast" it will always backfire. I know there are some celebrity accounts right here on Tumblr, and they have had varying levels of success. I also know that Jeppe is a frequent flyer on The Last Kingdom subreddit and to my knowledge he is very respectful of the fans there and has not caused any problems. But that is the exception, not the rule.
I will say that I have done a piss poor job of keeping my fandom and my personal and professional stuff separated. (Apparently I like to shit where I eat, lol.) That is my own fault really. But mostly I don't really care if anyone knows who I really am, because everything in my life bleeds together. I am not beholden to anyone besides myself, so no one will care what kind of weird stuff I am into. Other people have their reasons for staying anonymous and keeping their personal stuff strictly separated from their fandom stuff and that is understandable and respected.
We all know, as bloggers, that the stuff we post in here is public. There is no illusion of privacy here. Even if you have your blog settings set up so that it does not appear in Google search, or excluded from Tumblr search, or that only logged in accounts can view your profile, people can and will find your blog and view it. My blogs all are fully public, viewable by anyone, and included in both searches. I also have no illusion of privacy. However, I think there is an unspoken understanding that your blog is your "safe space", and should be respected as such. Just like the various fanfic sites are also safe spaces (but also public) where you can create freely and openly.
There is a saying "Don't post anything online you would not want your mother/daughter/etc to see". And that is probably true on Facebook or Instagram, where you family is probably already following you and will see what you post. Here the rules don't apply. If everyone here only posted stuff that was uncontroversial, tame, watered down, and sterile, this place would be boring as hell. This *is* the gay autism site after all. There are a lot of daydreaming artistic types who feel this is the only place where they are truly free to be themselves. To share their experiences and write about things that are dear to them, whether that is identifying mushroom species or writing deranged smut. (no judgement lmao)
With all of this being said, I will make it very clear that I WILL NOT be shutting this blog down!! I am not ashamed of anything that I have posted or will post in the future. I will NOT be censoring myself, and I WILL NOT be made to feel guilty about ANYTHING I say on here. I am generally very respectful and honestly mostly pretty tame (especially compared to some of y'all) but even if I have an unhinged rant or semi-feral moment in the tags I do not want to feel like I have to "dial it down" just because "someone" might see it and judge me.
I am not actively seeking to broadcast and get unwanted attention on this blog. But in the same token I will not try to hide anything.
This blog is MY SAFE SPACE. It is my home. I will continue to draw my beautiful artwork, write my little stories, share my thoughts and feelings, post my memes and edits, and interact with my mutuals and friends on here because it brings me great joy and NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE will take this away from me!!
This fandom has brought me a lot of joy and opened me up to new experiences, allowed me to be myself and connected me with some amazing people from all over the world. It has become a very important part of my daily life, and enriched me in ways I never could have imagined. I never want to feel like I have to go back to hiding away parts of myself out of fear or humiliation.
I am so damn tired of feeling like an outcast. I have finally found a place where I feel like I somewhat belong and I will not be chased out.
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bloomdigital · 4 months
MJ Tumblr Takeover
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Hey there tumblies, it's me, ya boi!
I’m MJ (he/him), a queer, overcaffeinated, perpetually exhausted, chronically online, cat- and TTRPG-obsessed, BL-loving, shameless weeb, memelord (wannabe), raging anti-capitalist chaotic word goblin and aspiring cryptid, and I AM TAKING OVER THE LONGSTORY TUMBLR! (At least for a bit.)
Born: 08/09 Height: 182 cm Blood Type: [redacted] Type: Tsundere
I’ve been working on LongStory (on and off) since 2015, but I actually started as a fan! Once upon a time I blogged about queer nerd stuff for Xtra, Canada’s longtime LGBTQ+ publication, and I stumbled on the first episode of this adorable little romantic visual novel through Twitter (RIP). I was absolutely charmed, an instant fan, this gorgeous little game that let me relive the trials and tribulations of grade school life but in a more queer and trans friendly world. It was exactly the kind of game I wanted when I was growing up in a VERY small town in the Canadian Maritimes. So when they did a call for writers I think I was physically vibrating from excitement putting together my resume and sample scene—I actually remember exactly where I was, it was one of those weird, stars-aligned, stranger than fiction moments, but that’s a story for another time!
When I joined the team, we were basically a few writers, the producer/CEO and the programmer sitting around in a room figuring stuff out. I VERY ENTHUSIASTICALLY wrote a single VERY LONG episode which—instead of making me cut it down—the project leads generously cut in two and became Episode 4: Drama and Episode 5: Make Up, and I’ve been working with the company as a writer and narrative designer since then!
LongStory’s the first game project I ever got to work on, it’s near and dear to my heart, so when I got asked to join the team on a follow-up I was once again vibrating with excitement. The company is no longer a few people sitting around in a room, it’s basically doubled to a dozen actual employees and then a bunch of part-time contributors like me, and we’re working on not one, not two, but three—okay, one of them is in very early development, but still—games, with more coming down the line! It’s like we’re a real game company or something?!
YOU MAY HAVE HEARD WE’RE DOING A KICKSTARTER! We’re taking preorders through a crowdfunding campaign to finish development on seven shiny new episodes. We would ABSOLUTELY love if you supported the campaign, with just under two weeks and little over half way to our goal we really want to make it happen!
But, long story short (har har har), we wanted to make sure you know that there is a free Steam demo that you can very much play if you haven’t already! The team, including our narrative lead and I, put so much love into this demo which, let’s be honest, is the first full episode of LongStory 2. If you play it and like it, let us know what you think! In the meantime, I’m going to be here writing about what it’s like to work on LongStory, maybe take a look at some fun new additions to LS2, share some of our favourite fanart, answer some asks… talk about the music I’m listening to… uh… share cat pictures… SO YEAH! I hope to hear from some of you over the next couple of weeks! Otherwise I’ll just be here… you know, doing my thang?
Before I go… I’m just gonna leave this here…
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penny-hartzs · 6 months
this is going to be long. i saw ur post about j0sh/rachel and the whole wild “grooming” allegations and i have to say it comes 100% from people shipping rachel with tom and wanting to feel validated by finding a reason to “dislike” her current partner. and we need to have a conversation with twitter’s obsession w white boy x biracial or woc real life shipping.
tom is their white boy of the month. also, if josh was white and a blue eyed conventionally attractive man you’ll see the allegations wouldn’t even exist cuz they would have not problem w the couple. might u, tom is also the same age as josh. i find a bit of racist too but i won’t go there. them just not considering josh attractive enough to be w her so she should be w her white attractive co-star instead.
i’ve been following rachel since 2019 when she was announced as maria in wss because i am a musical girlie and she’s been friends w josh ever since then. 3 years of friendship and 2 years of relationship. rachel is a very friendly. you can tell she befriends people very quickly and isn’t shy about showing that love to friends. the same thing she does w tom now she’s been very vocal to her other friends she holds dear as well. her legit best friend for ages is a man.
those people suddenly being so concerned for rachel want josh to be a ped0 so badly to the point of exaggerating the whole situation. and doing that just shows they want ppl to deliberately hate on josh and ship her w tom. it doesn’t come from a genuine concern. out of all the post i’ve seen wanting to claim she was “gr0omed” they want to make it seem like they started dating during wss when they started dating two years later (late 2021). and i was there to see their friendship to relationship turning point. rachel was 20. both were consenting adults. and josh was also 24/25 not “almost 30” like some say to exaggerate the situation. they have exactly a 5 year age difference. (both born in may).
i feel like so many people see age differences and scream so bad because 21 being the drinking age in the us has twisted their minds. they want to paint rachel as a little girl that had not agency about the relationship she gets in. as if she and her family haven’t been close to him for 3 years prior. i even saw someone say “hope rachel has a good influence in her life that can advice her” girl u dont know those people. why are u making some wild allegations like this. allegations that can ruin someone’s career and entire image. they have been in what it seems to be a really good relationship for 2 years now. rachel’s family is very close with him. and they are very private despite being “public”. they seem to share when it’s needed but keep the relationship mostly to themselves. josh isn’t very active on social media and frankly, i feel like since he is starting his movie career he doesn’t want to be known as “rachel’s bf” cuz people are already calling him nepo bf and that he gets roles only cuz of rachel and he is really talented. and the whole “he doesn’t even support her publicly like tom”. first, tom replied to a post made on his own account about his current co-star. and josh not only isn’t that active on social media but he doesn’t have enough star power yet. they also seem to have two different love languages. rachel is very vocal/physical. he seems more chill. the most important thing is that he was the person with rachel when she was getting mass hated and the fact she even has to clarify (in her 2023 appreciation post) that her bf was there for her is wild cuz people are too chronically online these days and measure love with public postings. and most people didn’t know she was in a relationship until the tgh press tour lmao.
another wild thing i saw from people is saying “they’re in different life stages and that’s weird” well, not really. they’re both in their 20s and embarking in acting together. they both got their first acting job in wss. they’re on the same train and live a life very different from ours.
i get people feeling weird over the fact she was 17 turning 18 when she met him and he was 23. but that doesn’t necessarily meant she was gro0med. not every age different comes from an abusive environment and it’s really weird. and i literally have met people that have been friends for a while and naturally felt in love and have been together for ages. like let’s find ourselves an honest concern to yell about truly.
Thank you for taking the time to write this, you gave me some new perspective on Rachel and Josh's relationship I didn't have and also thanks for sharing your opinion with me!
People on twitter and tiktok shipping women with their male costars is certainly not a new phenomenon but I've been seeing it grow insanely popular these last few years: from Halle Bailey and Jonah Hauer-King, India Amarteifio and Corey Mylchreest, Timothée Chalamet and Zendaya, Rachel Zegler and Tom Blyth and so on and so on. It doesn't matter that most of these people were/are in relationships with others (and are pretty vocal about it), we're still going to see fancams of the co-stars posing on the red carpet together (with a romantic song as the musical background) and tweets about their 'natural chemistry' are going to go viral again and again.
I think it's absolutely fair to talk about racism when stans are rooting for a woman of color to break up with her boyfriend (also a man of color) and get with her white co-star, but the thing is, most of them know it's wrong, so they come up with other reasons to justify the hate towards their fave's partner: Halle Bailey's boyfriend makes it easy for them, but Josh and Rachel seem to keep fairly to themselves so they had to dig deeper. So on the one hand, I think the weird allegations Josh is receiving right now are based on the simple (and idiotic) fact that people want Rachel to be with Tom. On the other hand it opens up a huge topic of conversation about age gaps in couples, and especially in Hollywood. I personally believe that five years apart is a perfectly appropriate age gap between a couple and I have no idea how Rachel and Josh are supposed to be in 'different stages of their life', since they are both upcoming actors, starred in the same successful movie and are in their early and mid twenties. I dont understand why it's even an issue for anyone and tbh I find it disheartening that Rachel has such lovely things to say about him and seems to genuinely love him very much only for her fans to call him a groomer and wish for them to break up. Grooming someone is a serious, dangerous thing and if online users keep using those words for situations like Rachel and Josh, they'll end up losing all meaning. Lastly, I know social media is a huge part of our lives, but I still find it completely stupid to judge anyone's relationship on their instagram and twitter activity. Have we learned nothing from those men who post their wives on their main page while simultaneously sending dick pics to models?
Let's end it with a pic of them, because they're cute and it's almost christmas
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asterkiss · 6 months
ello, dear fellow!
you please mind doing fake dating prompt 3?? thank you lots!
Woops, forgot about this. Also had an anon askign for this prompt as well so here we go:
Sequel to Homecoming. Still a high school AU.
The homecoming party had gone off without a hitch - or actually, no, that was a lie. There had been at least six hitches, with the last one being Mabel spilling the punch bowl all over her dress and the floor.
But most people seemed to believe she and Bill were dating at least, and it had been worth it to see the look on Pacifica's face as she danced with her hot date.
And, as keen as Mabel was to get changed out of the stained and damp dress she couldn't pass up when they were invited to an after party by the popular kids.
But Pacifica seemed to still have it out for her, and had led the groups crusade in shoving the couple into a closet for Seven Minutes in Heaven. Was this to test if they were really dating? A tube of lipstick had been shoved into Mabel's hand last second before the door was slammed shut.
It was dark, with only a thin sliver of light filtering in through a gap in the doorway over one side of her face.
'So....' She began, glancing aside. She could just make out the silhouette of her fake boyfriend.
His eyes slid in her direction before he grabbed the lipstick out of her hand. She blinked, watching as he smeared it over his lips without a word and leaned towards her.
'Hey, whoah, wait, what are you doing?' Her back pressed against the wall of closet as Bill continued to advance, planting his hands either side of her head. The light shone over his face now instead and she saw the amusement dancing in his eyes.
'Cm'on kid, even you know how this game is played. Pucker up.'
'Sure I do, but can't you be more romantic?' She wasn't against kissing the guy but come on now.
Bill blinked, and almost seemed puzzled by her request. 'I can't exactly take ya to a candle-lit dinner right now.'
'I know, but...' She shrugged, playing with a piece of her hair whilst she glanced aside with a blush. 'You could say something sweet or flirt a bit.'
'You first.'
Oh. Uh. She floundered for a only moment at the sudden request before breaking out into a grin. She leaned closer, placing a hand on his chest where she could feel his steady heart beat beneath her fingers. Time to put those online flirting classes to work, girl.
'Are you a parking ticket? Because you've got "fine" written all over you.' Wink.
He arched an eyebrow but didn't seem particularly swooned off his feet. Hm. Mabel tried again.
'Kiss me if I'm wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right?' She pushed herself up on tip-toes, leaning her face closer in anticipation as she pursed her lips towards the guy.
Bill merely blinked. 'If you're talkin' about that old fart Sixer who teaches physics, then yes.'
Mabel stared at him. He stared back.
'Just kiss me already,' she demanded, giving him a fierce look.
Without any hesitation he smashed his lips against her with a force that would surely take anyone else off their feet. But Mabel wasn't just anyone. In fact, it was her who took Bill off his feet as she shoved her body against his own frame, causing the taller boy to stumble back against the side of the enclosed space. She followed suit, hands finding the wall behind him to balance herself as their legs tangled together.
The blond ripped away from her, and although she couldn't see his expression in the dark she was sure he looked bewildered.
Eventually, he just said: 'Jesus, how strong are you?'
'Uh.... Well, I can still pick up Waddles and he weighs 190lbs! Is that a lot?'
'What the fuck?'
Again, she couldn't see his expression but she could only imagine how he was regarding her right now. Most of the guys she crushed on tended to get weirded out when she showed how easily she could pick them up like a bag of grapes.
Oh well. Their loss.
At that moment, the door to the closet was thrown open. Mabel turned her head aside to see Pacifica staring at them in surprise. In the light, their position did look rather comprimising with her pinning him against the wall and their clothing crumpled.
She glanced back at Bill, whose lower face was smudged in red make-up. He paid no attention to the blonde girl, with his blue eyes instead fixated on her.
'Oh my god, look at the lipstick all over their faces,' one of the girls whispered.
Mabel felt a hand around the back of her neck, and barely had time to register it was Bill's before he was pulling her back towards him. She heard Pacifica release a grunt of annoyance as she slammed the door shut again, enveloping the pair in darkness once more.
And yet Bill's mouth remained on hers for much longer, the sensation of his lips sending a tingling feeling down her neck and spine. Her legs felt like jelly as she leaned all her weight against him, but he didn't seem to mind as he pulled away to speak.
'I like a girl who can kick my ass.'
Her face flushed. Okay, now that was a good pick up line. She cleared her throat, trying to appear smooth. 'I think they bought it, we can leave now. I mean, if you want.' Or maybe they could stay in here and kiss more? No, she didn't say that bit out loud. Behave, Mabel. This was a fake dating situation after all. It was purely to get back at Pacifica (on her end) and Dipper (on his). She didn't want to ruin it just when it was getting good!
'Are you kidding? it's barely been five minutes. I have a reputation to uphold. Gimme that lipstick again.'
Reputation? Wasn't his only reputation being an asshole? What was he talking about?
But Mabel didn't bother arguing, instead passing the lipstick over as he proceeded to yank her close and leave marks across her face and throat.
It was worth the yelling she got from Dipper later.
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ryuichirou · 5 months
Happy Saturday~ One more or less serious reply + a bunch of silly ones today.
Anonymous asked:
I absolutely love the way you draw everyone in twisted wonderland. I know some out there don’t agree who you ship, but I think otherwise. The way you draw the characters is always amazingly done and I can tell how much you worked on them.
You are an amazing artist so if anyone disagrees then just remember you have some fans out there including me!
Thank you for your support and love, Anon! I always talk about how we didn’t expect anyone at all to enjoy our content, our ships and our thoughts about them, and honestly it still feels bizarre. It’s been a bit more than a year now, and thinking about how anxious we were about posting some of this stuff before is really weird now. So I really can’t stress it enough: hearing your words of support really means a lot. These characters and ships are really dear to us, and as long as we feel passionate about them, we’ll keep posting them <3 I’m very glad you can see our passion for the characters in our drawings! So thank you so much for enjoying the way we see them.
Even though, once again, we don’t expect everyone to like everything that we post. But when people do, it’s very cool.
Anonymous asked:
Idia wouldn’t build a sex machine? Please. He already did; his name is Ortho.
OHHHHHHHHHHH 😭 good point, good point.
The most intense and dangerous sex machine that’s constantly learning new things, what an impressive invention. Shame on you, Idia.
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
What is your hot take of Lilia and Azul mainly becoming friends to swap tips and talk about their boys' (Malleus and Idia) noises and expressions? Like do you think one would be curious and ask for video evidence or maybe the pair would bang in the same room
On the one hand, I feel like Lilia doesn’t treat Azul seriously enough to consider this (i.e. Azul is way too desperate), plus I’m not sure if Lilia and Malleus’ affair is a secret or not. But on the other hand, Lilia loves talking about his boys way too much, so I can see how Azul could get him talking. You just ask correct questions, and at some point Lilia just starts going “oh yeah that one time Malleus really did this thing…” and spilling way too much information to Azul, possibly the worst person to have this conversation with lol And Lilia would also be very interested in Azul’s stories about Idia, mainly because Idia intrigues him.
I can’t believe this actually could work wow.
But would they bang in the same room? Honestly, Lilia and Azul both are kind of unhinged, so if the starts alignm it could happen. It would be such an amazing networking event for Azul lol but at the same time, Azul and Idia both are way too shy to do something like this~
Anonymous asked:
So like I MOSTLY ship Lilia/Idia for the age gap and dichotomy of it all. A charismatic old man who looks like he's a short, cute kid with a tall scrawny emotional wreck of a teenager is just SO inherently fun all on it's own. It's a blast. But also, I have been thinking about this more seriously lately because my faaavorite thing about sleeping beauty that's almost never carried over to remakes is the dramatic irony with aurora and philip's relationship
A princess who doesn't know she's a princess falls in love with a prince who she doesn't know she's engaged to, but she finds out she's engaged and doesn't even know that she's engaged to him. There's a lot you can do to play around with that in a story, where the audience knows this but the characters don't. It's super fun!!! When all the pieces come together in the end, it's really satisfying too!!!!
I'm always disappointed when remakes cut out the dramatic irony of it all, so in twst, despite nothing like that happening with silver outside of the princess part lol I can see a lot of similarities with Lilia and Idia being online friends who don't know that they actually know each other irl, and I won't spoil it here, but some events that have gone down in book 7 make me really excited to see if there will be more references to aurora and philip's relationship between them. I'm suuuuch a big fan of it I'm PUMPED!!!!!!!!!
First of all! I absolutely agree about what you said about Lilia/Idia’s visual and characteristic contrast (well this isn’t surprising to hear lol): they’re just stupidly fun to look at and watch. The age gap also adds a lot to their dynamic.
Second of all, yeah THE COMPARISON REALLY MAKES A LOT OF SENSE. The fact that Lilia and Idia are so close already without even realising makes this ship so amazingly interesting and sweet and funny and cute and hot and dramatic at the same time!! And while I don’t know what exactly you’re referring to (you already know, we haven’t watched book7 yet), but we’ve been thinking about the main story giving Lilidia a painfully tasty moment for a long time now. Yana Toboso looooves her setups and long games with satisfying payoffs, and she’s definitely been preparing something for these two.
Fun fact: Aurora has been my absolute favourite Disney Princess, and even though we’re yet to rewatch the Sleeping Beauty, your ask really got me excited about it. And about book 7 too..! I’m really looking forward to it.
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valiantcoffeelove · 6 days
Hiii, how are you Siloh?
So you talked about B99 on one of my posts, but then i lowkey disappeared for a week and forgot to answer (also also watched an entire season of B99 since then), so, you're getting my thoughts about it as an apology lol:
first of all, BULLY YOUR FRIENDS HARDER!!! make them watch it!!!! as someone who was bullied into watching it, i can guarantee it works lol
Also: I just started s3 now and my opinions:
Ppl online mischaracterize the characters sm. Like, i thought i wouldn't love Rosa, bc ppl made it seem like she was heartless (which I get it's the whole personna she's trying to adopt), but ppl make her seem so one dimensional (the same with Holt)
AND GOD I LOVE HOLT. SO MUCH. he's so sweet, and funny. Definitely my favorite character
Rosa and Charles' friendship means EVERYTHING to me. I was scared it would be weird bc of his previous crush, but i love them
AMY AND JAKE!!! i was in pain the entire s2 bc of them, im so happy they are finally together!! they are so cute together (and im glad jake matured a lot during s1, bc i was afraid he would be that immature during most of the show, but now I really like him)
Terry is such a sweetheart, and Gina? what a *goddess*
And this is getting too long now, sorry lol. But I'm really enjoying it so far!! (it's a great way to distract myself from the pain of my exams lol)
And if you want I'll update you more as I continue to watch it
I'm doing good!!! You? I hear you're going through the exam season :"0 Best of luck to you on that, they're brutal.. How do you manage the stress? I'll take all and any advice on that haha :>
I think you're right, I need to force them to watch it, I'd be doing them a favour, really lol.
On s3: DON'T EVER LISTEN TO PEOPLE ONLINE they massacred my dear Rosa T_T she's such a softie, really. The way people can't see beyond superficial even in a tv show is unreal... Rosa my beloved 💓if there's one Rosa fan it's me and if 0 then I'm dead
I love Holt so much too, I think it's adorable how over time him and Kevin become dads of the whole squad (except Terry, he's big bro energy)(YOU NEED TO WATCH TILL THE END they don't disappoint) I also can't unhear Kevin going "Raymond?" in his mildly concerned tone of voice 😭 And Holt's dry humour and petty hatred for Wunch is just beautiful haha love him
JAKE AND AMY YES I love them, it's just silly goose & cute nerd trope but it works so well cuz the rivalry ohhh love it (WAIT TILL YOU WATCH MORE IT PROGRESSES)
Rosa and Charles was something we didn't see coming but needed so much! They're besties and they bring out the best in each other, don't even get me started on emotional intelligence guidance, Rosa is kinda (very) behind on that 😭
Gina is everything omg when I lack confidence and need to pick myself up I try and embody her - just truly an icon.
And Terry and Charles interactions is so funny to me omg like I swear that's Rosa and Gina rubbing off on him
When you watch more YES DO UPDATE ME the first watch is soo good I wish I could forget and watch it again :")
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ofstormsandsaints · 2 years
who are ur fav blogs?
Well hello there! Thanks for asking
On Tumblr, I mainly follow DL-related blogs because I'm only active in this fandom. So here goes a long list of mentions:
@ausd - Go check their work. Please. I'm not good at praising people but their art is a gem - the way they portray the diaboys, Yui, their facial expressions, the jawlines-
@besnella - My fellow ENTJ queen👑. You're incredible. Extremely kind, supportive, motivating and whenever you will mention Marion, I'll be on cloud nine. I hope my second OC and Aleksi will raise hell together. I didn't ask for it yet, but I want some music recommandations from you in the future.
@diabolicalvixen - Someone I've been silently following for a while now (online, not irl, calm down fbi guy-). I fell in love with your art work and the way you portray Ayato and Yui together 🌸💞
@dialovers-translations - Her work is ESSENTIAL. I played the games (MB, DF and LE) and I can't tell you how grateful I am that people like her gave some of their time and energy to publish translations of the games, drama cds etc. Thank you for that.
@everything-laito - Check.her.work. Her analysis, her theories, the whole Laito Hell is one glorious place for people obsessed with him and/or with anything dl-related to be honest.
@gingerall - It is amazing how much variety we have among the artists. So many different art styles and ways to portray the diaboys. It is refreshing. And your style, Oliver, is one of the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Moreover, even though Keii is not the first male oc we saw in the fandom, I'm sincerely happy that he exists. Happy and curious to know more.
@jardinsdeminuit - When her writings disappeared from AO3, I was...kind of devastated to be honest. I'd simped on Yuma for a time because of her quality writing but now some of her content is back so please check it out !
@kyouxa - Another translation goddess (+I've been following you on Instagram and girl, you're incredibly funny. I love your cat, I don't know if saying that makes me weird or anything but thanks for your hardwork🧎‍♀️)
@lovely-oh-so-lovelyyui - OMG YOU'RE SO KIND-and I love how you spam caps when you react. Awesome headcanons, wonderful ideas, stunning imagery, talking with you is a real pleasure too and thank you for being here.💞
@mariicake - Here come some obvious stuff: /Cyra is the sun, I really like her, her aesthetic warms me like a hot macchiato in winter./ Ok so, we didn't interact that much yet but I'm grateful for the interest you've taken into my work. And you are so kind omg, you and @besnella are a duo that I love seeing interact. Two queens really.
@nutaella-kookie - You already know how much I admire your work and contribution to the dl lore. You're probably one of the reasons I started this blog. You brought a breath of freshness to this fandom, your originality and so so soft aesthetics make my heart flutter. (and you're super understanding and reassuring, thanks for that too!)
@samsvenn - Diaboys outfits headcanons. Do have I to say more? Ok maybe a little more: this blog is something I need to dig into more attentively; but as I only read a few headcanons, I can already tell that your work is truly interesting👌
@secretarykang - I've been following you for a while now and I'm so impressed by your dedication. You diligently built Devyn, her relationships and her backstory with such patience and devotion that now, I don't like to imagine the dl world without her. Plus, you are incredibly nice and I really enjoy talking to you <3
@smonie - I hope you're doing well my dear. You are another gem in this fandom and I want you to know it. Obviously your art style is *✨️mwah✨️* but I also adore how you wrote fear, I feel like you've created such an interesting atmosphere in your writings, it's exhilarating. You are hell one good inspiration, thanks for that
@whitechocolatemochaasblog - I wanted to put you in the list because I'm curious to know more about Malorie but also about you. Your aesthetics match your name: you're a sweetheart, so warm and affable. Enjoy your time here <3
@yui--komori - The number of people who want to marry Yui is insane so I'm gonna keep quiet for now. for now.
No but seriously, you make Yui come to life and it's so nice 🥺💕
In general, I'm extremely grateful for anyone who's taking interest in this blog, anyone following it, liking the posts and rebloging them.
I probably sound like an old owl but I've been in the Diabolik Lovers fandom since ~2012 so I've had my lots of discovery and thoughts about it. I'm just very happy and grateful to see so many people keeping the fandom alive - Even though the whole franchise is a mess of toxicity and disappointment -, I'm amazed by how you, guys, transformed it into something safe. Obviously, there are bitches out there, spreading hate comments, but do we really care? Nah.
Take care,
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Anyways here's the greatest letter ever written online in text form because I need people who haven't seen it yet to be aware and I CAN'T SAVE A WEBP AS A FUCKING JPG OR PNG ON MY PHONE So-
Regarding Twilight Sparkle
Dear Kevinsano,
This may the be the strangest message you'll ever receive but I do hope you'll take the time to read it and consider what I have to say. To put it simply, I would really appreciate it if the next time your birthday comes around you would request that your clop artist friends (who like to give you sexually oriented pony art as gifts) draw some pony other than Twilight Sparkle for you.
The reason I ask this is that Twilight is my fiance, and we're planning on getting married next June or July should everything go as planned financially speaking. And yes, I have actually found a wedding chapel that will let me marry someone that most people would consider a fictional character. Now before you go thinking “This guy is either completely crazy or just screwing with me." please hear me out on this.
You see, I'm totally head over heels in love with Twilight Sparkle. I have been for about 11 months now and at this point I'm in a committed relationship with my Twiley. By that I mean I don't date anyone else, I don't sleep with anyone else, and I have zero interest in having any kind of relationship with anyone other than the mare I adore. I love her with all my heart and I'm 100% committed to that love. To express my love in a real tangible way I have a beautiful hand made custom Twilight Sparkle plushie that I can hug, kiss, cuddle up in bed to go to sleep with at night, and take out on the town to do all the fun things together that normal couples do. I take her out to eat at nice vegetarian restaurants, we go shopping together, I take her out for coffee, we do social activities together like hanging out with friends, seeing movies, etc.
And I talk about her as if she is Twilight, because to me she very much is. When I look at her I see Twilight Sparkle. When I talk with her I'm talking to Twilight. When I hold her in my arms and kiss her there are no doubts in my mind that it's the mare I love who's lips are pressed against mine. And every morning when I open my eyes and see her head on the pillow next to mine, with her gorgeous violet eyes staring back at me, I can't help but wonder how I ever got to be so lucky as to have a partner as smart, funny, beautiful, and all around wonderful as her.
All my friends and the people who know me well say that my love is a thing of beauty and quite admirable, but from the outside perspective of someone who doesn't know me you're probably going “Wow. That's pretty damn crazy." and wondering why I don't just go get a real girlfriend. The truth is I've had plenty of real relationships and sexual partners in the 27 years I've been around. A few short relationships, one that lasted 7 years, and a total of 6 different sexual partners. So my love for Twilight isn't out of a lack of real world intimacy or relationships, I just fell in love with her and my heart didn't give me much of a choice in the matter. But you know what? I'm totally happy with my love and my relationship. It may seem weird to you, but it fills me with joy every single day of my life and I've never been happier. So what if it's weird? If it makes me happy and it doesn't hurt anyone then where's the problem? I don't think there is one, and anyone who knows me well will tell you the same.
Now your probably wondering why I'm telling you all this and how it concerns you. To you I'm sure Twilight Sparkle is just a cartoon character you think is really hot, so I imagine you wouldn't think anything of having your friends draw sexually explicit art of her as birthday gifts for you. And hey, I think she's really attractive too so I get where you're coming from there. I often go on e621.net and Rule34.Paheal to see what new erotic art people have drawn of her. But to me she's more than a cartoon character who's sexually attractive, she's my fiance who I love with all my heart and soon to be my wife. So it's been bothering me lately every time I go on those sites and see a dozen or so pieces of art people have drawn depicting my girl in various sexual situations with the same person over and over, and that person happens to be you.
Don't get me wrong here though, this isn't a jealousy thing. I'm very secure in my relationship. I know without question that Twilight is just as faithful to me as I am to her, she's actually sitting on the couch next to me reading while I type this. She's very real to me and I know she's not sneaking out in the middle of the night to go have kinky sex with some famous artist. And I do respect your talent as an artist and an artist's creative freedom to draw whatever they want, that's cool. What bothers me is that in all these birthday images you've been getting Twilight is always depicted as if she was your sexual plaything, drawn wearing a collar with your name on it or with a speech bubble saying something that would somehow suggest she was your property. And I know quite well that Twilight Sparkle is not your plaything nor your property, she's my fiance. So that bugs me a bit. What I find really loathsome though is your pension for degrading my partner in both your art and the fan art you've been receiving lately. Twiley is a sweet and fairly vanilla little mare who I treat with the utmost love and respect, and she definitely does not deserve to be portrayed as some kind of sexual slave who likes being dressed up in sleazy attire, wearing a collar, getting sodomized, and having her face ejaculated on. She's not into that kinda stuff and the fact that there's someone out there in the world such as yourself who would desire to treat Twilight that way, and have his friends support and validate his desires to demean and mistreat my partner by drawing pictures of him doing so, really does bother me. I don't take any issue with people having kinky sex as long as both parties consent to it and enjoy it, but I know quite well that my Twiley has no desire whatsoever to be treated like that.
So next year, when your birthday comes around, keep in mind that Twilight Sparkle isn't just a lifeless cartoon character to objectified for your sexual gratification. She's the partner of someone who loves her very much, and by that time their wife. So both myself and Twiley would greatly appreciate it if you'd pick someone else to request erotic art of for your birthday. Based on the very large amount of different ponies you draw art of I imagine there has to be many other ponies you find sexually attractive. I assume you'll probably just dismiss this message as the ramblings of a crazy person and likely ignore it, but if by some chance you do take what I've had to say to heart, well... we'd appreciate it.
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geffenrecords · 1 year
hi.......can u tell me abt ur ocs..what r their names
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ohjeez...thank you for asking um...ihave so many its bad but ill tell you about my favs hehe.
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heres a quick ref to the main guys but honestly just looks through like. my ocs/art tag (grayling) to see more of themi post a lot of stuff abt them always. ummm theyre not tHAT interesting honestly their whole universe thing is super weird and ill explain it in a minute but these guys just kind of are like. annoying ass highschoolers and they have like a deep thing about them all doing drugs and blah blah based off some personal and people experiences. but the main thing is theyre all just so difficult to be around because theyre so annoying and awful. chloe and henry have been best friends since middle school and they love and hate each other so much. sully and chloe r 4lifers bffs. chloes just like. idk, so whiney and kind of an ass but shes probably my favorite ever...sully is quieter hes actually like. a nice guy to be around LOL. he just chooses to hang outwith them. shame. henry is all bug eyed and his brains a little fried and has a stutter/eye twitches and gendr issues so hes awesome....hes best friends with chloes little sister ren which i think is very cute.
UMM their story gets weird because um. well taps my fingers together nervously. okay like a year or two ago this friend i had at the time and i both got.SUPER into the diary of a wimpy kid movies in a completely unironic way and we made. a story. for rodricks little band. which is an entirely separate thing on their own but the worst part is its too personal for me to every really let go and also its funny. and in all honesty i could get away with saying theyre ocs but i wont. not yet anyways.
but last year i made these joke posts about chloe and kitty (girl we made up to be the bass players girlfriend) being friends and going to raves together but it became such a big part of chloes character unm....im so obsessed with them they have a little romance and its sweet. but after they break up she goes to chris and chloe is like goddamn. that fucking band henry and i made hate pages for online is like world famous now and also kitty is dating one of them. i hate my lfie. so theyre connected becos both are so near n dear to my heart 👍this is just kinda me scratching the surface but i figure its enuf
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focusandrelaxforme · 11 months
Documenting My Subject's Hypno Slavery Journey (Part 10)
- More than a few of you dear readers have expressed an interest in KittySub’s marriage and just how that fits into our arraignment, so I had her write up something that explains their dynamic.
- While I have no problems with her seeing others in the future, I do have my concerns about securing her safety during any potential meet-ups, so that’s something to further discuss and explore down the line.
- At this point, most if not all sexual interactions between her husband and her are happening with my approval and guidance. As stated previously, I’m having her focus more on oral pleasures as a way to ensure that the idea of service is first and foremost. This includes being able to cum only if her mouth is filled. 
- Hypnosis-wise, this is manifesting as a craving to have a cock in her mouth (real or otherwise) at all times, so I expect that she’ll get more and more use out of that dildo gag of hers. Our primary roadblock here seems to be her aversion to swallowing cum, which I’m currently training her to crave more and more. Even vaginal sex should end with cum in her mouth.
- That said, being forced to feel pleasure at something that makes her gag does have its own benefits when it comes to training, as it reinforces her submission and feeling of being controlled.
Dear Diary,
Master has asked me to write about my husband today so people can know more about our arrangement.  My husband and I have been married for almost 5 years and have known each other for over 11.  A few years into our relationship, my sister and I discovered the online game second life, and I started talking to people on it.  I was able to explore my submissive side more. After that my husband and I tried to explore it together irl. We discovered soon after that we weren't compatible as Dom and sub, but we did find out that my husband has a big kink for me speaking to others.   He loves knowing that other people want to do things to me. After our discovery, my husband allowed me to post an add on craigslist looking for an online Dominant. I was soon flooded with inbox messages and easily found someone to experiment with. I spoke to this person for a couple months before my husband suggested I meet him in person. My in person meet was terrifying. I met the Dom in a restaurant parking lot in the middle of the day, so I was safe. When his car pulled up, I got out to meet him and he instantly grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled me to his car. Then he pushed me into the passenger side and shut the door behind me. We sat in the parking lot in his car and spoke for a long time.. while he watched for people walking by. We had an innocent chat. But every so often he would reach over and slap my breasts or my face. And he choked me a bit and put his fingers into my mouth to test my gag reflex. It all sounds weird coming out now, but it was very hot at the time.  He would ask me basic questions and then just hit me out of nowhere or he would reach down into my pants and rub my clit. I must have came 10 or more times in his car that day, and soaked his seat...Oof. After a while he asked me if I would want to go for a walk with him in a park down the road. I accepted and he walked me back to my car, then I proceeded to follow him to the park in my car. When we got to the park, we walked on the trail, into a wooded area.   He surprised me by pulling me to a tree and telling me to get on my knees.  He then proceeded to fuck my mouth until I gagged multiple times. I was so excited that I was practically cumming from his cock in my throat. He then had me bend over and pulled my pants down and slid himself into me. He fucked me for a few minutes until we saw a car pull up on a road nearby and we scrambled to hide ourselves.  After that he decided to finish in my mouth, right down my throat.  I loved it! I was in subspace heaven after all the impact, gagging and cumming, then he walked me back to my car and sent me on my way home. This is where the date went bad.  It was at this point that I came crashing down emotionally and called my husband in a panic.  He knew I was there, but it was so weird knowing he had just let me see another man. I repeatedly apologized and cried as I drove home. He calmed me and told me how happy he was.  And I told him all about my meet and when I got home ai was still soaking wet.   He was so excited that he fucked me right on the floor of our living room when I got home. He loved every minute... and so did I. Since then, I have met with several more people, and learned the dos and don'ts of BDSM. I also learned the proper aftercare is a thing that I deserve. I have many other crazy stories that I could tell, but I think I've gotten my point across.  My husband and I have a pretty open arrangement.  I meet people or speak to them online, and he gets to fuck me with little to no foreplay, and we are both pretty happy. Sometimes I give him details and sometimes I don't. Its really up to him. Over the years we have explored more with Doms giving us both instructions, and we also had a threesome once with one of my exes.  He enjoyed that a lot! It was very humiliating for me, and scary to be so open for 2 people at once.  Anyway...I am writing this whole journal with my dildo gag pressed into my mouth and drool dripping down my chin and into my cleavage.   .. I also have my dildo inside me per Masters instructions.  Master said that maybe sometime in the future, i could practice my oral skills on another man. I expressed my feelings of wanting to be able to deep throat better, so he told me that he might only let me cum with my mouth full. This morning I had to get ready for work with my gag in. it was so humiliating and I prayed that my husband wouldn't wake as I walked around the house drooling and casually gagging while I got dressed.  While he is aware of some of the things I do... that doesn't stop him from judging me at times. I am not quite sure he believes in hypno too. .  I'm sure soon he will start to believe more... especially if I have to wear this gag more.    It’s so embarrassing to wear. Why does my pussy get so soaked while wearing it though; it doesn't make sense. Anyway I will leave you with that!
Sincerely, Masters very drooly slave..
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gingericywolf · 2 years
One of my personal headcanons is that Rei is a big pokemon fan.
Mainly because it was one of the first things he met at the start of his journey when he left the village.
When he was not training or checking out the food, or during long hours of travelling, you would see him play on a gameboy he got thanks to daitenji. He probably started either with the first gen or the second (not sure yet but I'm really leaning in him starting with Gold/Silver because it's the gen Raikou is from and you know... electric tiger thing is kind of all Rei's deal). Anyway he did play all the games. If he started with Gold/Silver he would have gotten Red/Green/Blue/Yellow at some point not long after, and really gets into the glitches that the first games where. His copy of Red is probably broken beyond hope.
With the years he gets all the new games, maybe not always at launch but as soon as he can for sure. He always gets one of the pair and then the third title, collecting the second game of the pair after. Diamond/Pearl/Platinum is when he starts getting more into the world building of the games, replaying the older ones and trying to want to put together all the little bits (look pokemon lore is. Something. Someone in there really cares and wants to build something).
Ask him about black and white you will not be able to stop him from explaining everything. The whole ideals Vs truth thing of the games and how Reshiram and zekrom are some of the best looking legendaries since Ho-Oh and Lugia (and that is just cause those where his first games). And also not a third game but a Duo Of Sequels?? White 2 and Black 2 gave him too much hope.
XY where enjoyable. The topic of life and death, more lore, the AZ thing. Megaevolution? Dam yeah! mega kangaskan broken af, amazing. Didn't really like the starters tho and overall the game left a bit of a weird feeling, like something that didn't reach it's full potential. Something that was changed at last minute. The post game with looker was nice yet seemed a bit out of place and Team Flare felt like a joke to the previous evil teams. Also NO THIRD GAME? NO Pokemon Z? No Zygarde lore? Damn.
I haven't tackled the remakes yet but Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire in this gen where probably his favourites of them all other than the Heart Gold and Soul Silver. The ORAS post game was great. Really anything that adds to pokemon worldbuilng and delves into the past of world is like catnip to him.
His Sun and Moon and Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon experience was kinda ruined by the fact that basically all the important bits where spoiled by the trailers and leaks, being when he starts being more online and active in online spaces. But Also these games are like a bomb of lore, maybe not well approached but fucking multiverse being canon in pokemon is wild. Ultra wormholes sucking people in and trowing people around causing them amnesia? He hopes none pf his faves suffers this (oh dear if only you knew ) yet maybe a little bit he hopes they do just to see them again earlier. Also the fact that is the first game where the grunts of the team you fight aren't really the evil team and the villain is someone else? Nice change. He liked team skull. On the other hand Lusamine initially reminded him of Judy a bit on first impression, until Lusamine goes completely batshit insane(Really the anime made her too nice for the little I have seen and she is awful in the games). And Again a duo of sequels, but this time they don't work as well, not adding much until later in postgame.
Now we enter in switch territory which for me is harder to work with, not having it and not being able to first hand play but
He is a nostalgic so of course he liked the Let's go. Seeing the pokemon in the overworld and seeing shinys was great, also using the joycon to launch the balls
Sword and Shield Are good, too linear, but good. Also first games that get DLCs. The new pokemon where nice, but didn't like any of the starters, and he enjoyed trying them and making different combinations. Hell he even got more into the pokemon competitive scene and loved it, he made his own teams for each different season! The combination of having more free time by not being a blader full time anymore and the lockdown really made him go down the hole of making the perfect team for him. He wanted to run a Rain team so that thunder had 100% precision but he felt good runnign a Sun team near the end of the season. He was close to reach the world championship but at the end didn't have enought points for the smallest margin. His pokemon flame was burning more than ever in this period.
At the same time the Diamond and Pearl remakes felt like a slap in the face. After ORAS he was exited to see how the lore would have been expanded in a 4 gen remake. Instead Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are the exact same games as the original but with a style choice that.. works well in pixel and not that great like this. Anyway it was nice not having to wait 45 minutes for a chansey health bar to go down.
Then Legend Arceus came around and OH BOY YES. It felt like everything he ever wanted. Semi open world, able to see and catch pokemon on sight, playing in the past of a region he already knows, the region that started his lore obsession and it is not disappointing! The story, the characters, oh is that the train man for 5 gen? Cool! OH no wait, SAD!! why couldn't it be the other one. Sure maybe the graphics could have had some more work and there are some minor bugs but in the overall the game WORKS
He was working in his competitive team for the last tournaments before the worlds, so he played these last games slowly and mostly after the worlds. He enjoyed them even while the 9 gen talk was full on and leaks where booming everywhere. He had to block the pokemon tag to not get spoiled and the little he heard and saw made him worry
And when the games came out his worries where confirmed. Scarlet and Violet. When he sees the first experience shared He is disappointed. More than that. He feels cheated on. If he felt that XY where unfinished with these games it's an objective fact. Sure he is a nostalgic but there was no need to have a game so buggy and glitchy at times. Some are fun sure and he knows he abused the shit out of glitches in the first games but this has a different taste. And he is angry because he realizes he has been part of the problem for the longest time. That these games where pushed too fast. There was already a pokemon game out this year, what need was there to push another one. What bad could have done to delay it a little bit more. He knows it is not possible with the cards and everything else around it but is stills does not feel right. And he is sad. Because once again he sees potential. He sees improvment in certain aspects, He sees the work someone has put into these games, in the stories they want to tell, but the shell all around is just not working playing it. His friends watching him play can feel the duality of the feelings inside of him. Yes he got the games, he got them because he wants to compete again. Build a team early and test it. He is not fond of the estetic of the new mechanic but he already has found it interesting on how it challenges his knowledge of typings. There are not many new pokemon that he likes, he will still try them. Sometimes you just have to run with one to find a surprise bond with them. Still there are so many old gen pokemon that he likes that it is hard sticking to the new ones. Of course his starter is sprigatito. I mean he is a cat. He probably would change starter only if playing with a special someone that really wants the grass cat.
He is such a pokemon nerd that he even considered and then got the eeveelutions rings for him and his partner.
Anyway yeah this was supposed to be short but Rei said no you listen to me now I have things to say and feelings about this whole ordeal so here this is sorry for the long post
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