#DETAIL OF: sobre.
beauzos · 5 months
that post i just tagged as Beau i found tagged under another OC i have that i haven't thought about in a long time, and it's funny cause before i came up with SOBR, i had another original plot that was historical supernatural horror fiction where someone gets possessed and meets an untimely death despite the efforts of someone who loves them so much trying to save them
i guess i rly just like that concept.
i mean it wasn't exactly the same but it more or less was. the only differences in the overall plot were it took place during the early Middle Ages (900-1000) and the two guys were brothers and not gay. and also there were actual women in it
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hey-i-am-trying · 6 months
Bagi's Demands
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The book Bagi wrote for the rebellion | O livro que Bagi escreveu para a rebelião
English translation | Transcrição em Português
[Eng] I would like to request information through this letter:
After exploring the base and reading some documents, I realized that you have information about me and my brother, perhaps much more information than we ourselves can remember.
In order for me to trust you, I need you to trust me too and help me recover certain memories about my past.
Why was I brought to this island? Who are my parents? And how long have we lived here?
Cellbit's memories of our childhood are practically non-existent.
As for mine, I remember sensations, but I don't remember all the details.
I'll do all the investigations you ask as long as I also receive information about my past.
Better than an empty soldier is a soldier who knows where they've come from and where they're going.
That's my price.
Gostaria de solicitar uma informação através dessa carta:
Após explorar a base e ler alguns documentos, percebi que vocês possuem informações sobre mim e meu irmão, talvez muito mais informações do que nós mesmos possamos lembrar.
Para que eu possa confiar em vocês, preciso que confiem em mim também e me ajudem a recuperar certas memórias sobre meu passado.
Por que eu fui trazida para esta ilha? Quem são meus pais? E por quanto tempo vivemos aqui?
As memórias de Cellbit sobre a nossa infância são praticamente inexistentes.
Quantos às minhas lembro sensações, mas não me lembro dos detalhes por completo.
Farei todas as investigações que vocês solicitarem desde que eu também receba as informações sobre meu passado.
Melhor que um soldado vazio é um soldado que sabe para onde veio e para onde vai.
Esse é o meu preço.
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novalizinpeace · 4 months
This question just came up randomly from my dyslexia, but I'll ask it anyway.
Why did you name the characters exactly what they are called now? Like, what gave rise to giving them such a name? Especially a question for Neill.
(By the way, I pronounce his name as “Nail” (nail and hammer) due to dyslexia and only now realized that Neill is correct)
It took me like 3 hours looking for the names for each children (on the original post were i introduce them), 'cause i was really trying to get details both for the original critters and the children own personality in said name.
Let me use Google to explain the meaning part, and then i explain my own work with it. long post guys, Nova is gonna talk a lot
First with Nell
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As i said before, Nell's name was fitting for him 'cause the ''Shinning light'' goes fine with Dogday character, but on the other side, the ''hard as a horn'' was the part that, for me, work with the experiment one: Nell's can be emotionally weak, but his temple and spirit is the strongest in the gang, specially if it mean to protect those how he care, he's the shining light of the killer team, their boss but most important, the one that is ready to give his life for his loved ones.
Now, Callem (here it show Callum, but is another way of write it, it mean the same)
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Just, is a simple meaning, and yeah the bird side was for Kickin, BUT the meaning of said animal is was Callem's character really is about
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Callem is the free spirit of the gang, a soul that is only trapped in the physical way, but that doesn't care about anything else, he isn't afraid of cry, of scream, of love. Yup, maybe he doesn't take the iniciative with Nell, but not 'cause he's afraid, but 'cause he care for Nell's feelings, he never liked to be force to do something, why would he force Nell out of his comfort zone? He's ready to fly when needed, that's Callem for you.
Now, Charlie
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What does this had anything to be with Bubba? Well, this was a inside joke with my lil' cousin, that when we read the name Charlotte whe remember the spider, AND then we remember the game song (in spanish, idk if there's a version in english) ''Un elefante se columpiaba sobre la tela de una araña'', it was a silly moment, but she ask me to name him Charlie, 'cause she liked the name and, in her words, ''Tiene cara de charlie'' (he had a charlie face). So yeah, Charlie doesn't have a strong meaning in his name, but hey, the ''Warrior'' part was what make me put him in the Killer team, and it a choice 'm really happy about.
Now Alba
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The ''white'' meaning is for literally Crafty's fur, and also the name is kinda relate to a colour palette, so it fit in her side. Now, with the experiment, is basically a mirror of Nell, but in a more ''bright'' way; Nell and Alba had always been mirrors of the other during their time working in the playcare, but Alba has something that Nell doesn't: A mind without attachment. Alba never had something to care about in her past life more that herself, something that make her miss her past life, so when she learn the true, she was angry 'cause she was used, no 'cause she wasn't a children in playcare anymore. Nell since day one has been emotionally ''in a eternal night'', there's something that give weight to his actions, something that make him worry. Alba was able to pursue Nicole, she was able to become the second in charge of the heretics, she was able to make a community with the little they have, 'cause her mind was already past the night, unlike Nell, that shine in the dark.
Now, Nicole
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Obviously more close in meaning with the cartoon side that with the experiment side due the deatils of ''victory'' related to competitions, BUT in Nicole theres also some true: She has always been a fighter, maybe not in the physical way, but in her past life she refuse to let the employees experiment with her using the Poppy serum, doesn't caring if she could die without it, she wasn't a lab rat, and even after getting turn in Hoppy, she show them that she still was able to win over them, by been the most hard to tame, to the point of breaking the scientists's patience with a literal jumpscare (this gonna be show in her VHS)
Now, Samina
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The name, as i read in another place, also mean a ''well feeded child'' that goes to the side of Picky, but the rest is for the experiment, 'cause yeah, the bitchiest, most intense and meany member of the gang is actually a generous soul, but a soul that had been breaked over and over again, and even after that still have a lil' piece of that kind soul to give to her friends.
And then, we have Amara
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why i had to scroll so much to get this meaning? But yeah, 'm using the latin/spanish meaning of this name for her, that is basically ''to love'', something that work both for Bobby and for Amara herself, 'cause both were means to be a character full of love to give, full of emotions and ready to ''love'' those she care about.
Also! Funfact!
Do you know what Theo's name mean?
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An interesing choice considering all his relation with the prototype, good on that Mob game.
And here ends my tedtalk, good night everybody!
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thatsdemko · 9 months
Spanish lullaby - p.gonzalez & p.gavi
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threes company
pairings: Pablo gavi x fem!reader & pedri x fem!reader
warnings: ideas not intended for minors + google translated Spanish
a/n: sorry for the lack of details I really just felt this song and this work paired well (if you’ve never heard the song it’s la isla bonita by Madonna)
A young girl with eyes like the desert
It all seems like yesterday, not far away
when he closes his eyes and the world around him finally is quiet, there’s a place he likes to drift to that belongs to only him and you.
your sweet cherry plump lips, innocent brown eyes, and dashing smile. your legs thrown over his lap, your hands working his button up shirt, and the breeze from the outdoors rush in. he can still recall the smell of lavender and salty ocean waters, your intoxicating scent rushes to his mind, the blood runs down to his cock. why must his mind play these games on him?
“you’re going to miss me.” your whisper in his ear, tongue swirls around his earlobe, lips trail down to the sensitive spot behind his ear, “I’m going to all you can think about, mi querido niño.”
he shutters recalling the way your lips hover his ear, he remembers the feeling of your tongue agains him. the little bumps of your tongue, the heaviness of your breath, why couldn’t he of had a normal vacation?
“pensando en ella también?” thinking of her too?
the words startle pedri out of his sweltering dream. his eyes flutter open to his friend, his body leaned up against his door frame, “she fucked me up too.”
“Cuéntame sobre eso.” pedri heaves out. his chest visibly rising and falling over his previous thoughts. he finds a pillow near his body, covering his lower half, he allows Pablo a seat on the edge of his bed. tell me about it
“well first she undressed me,” he pauses for a moment, looking down at forearms, he can ghostly feel your fingers nails trailing up his veins, “and then I don’t remember much.”
fragments of that night fill his mind. your wet pussy riding his dick, your legs wrapped around his torso. the details are scarce and limited, but the emotions still linger.
“I can’t think of anyone else. it’s all been about her.”
a smile lifts your lips. picking the beer bottle up, you wrap your lips around the rim and take a long swig. the night dances in your mind, riding two Spanish footballers while they stare into your soul becoming lost men in your beauty. their souls intertwined with yours, and you keep their moans and whispers deep in your memory to pull out only when nights are lonesome and you need their comfort.
those two left with their tails tucked in, minds moving to the rhythm of your song until the end of time.
The sun would set so high
Ring through my ears and sting my eyes
Your Spanish lullaby
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teamoon7 · 4 months
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🇺🇸: I was trying to make Marinette look closer to some older concept arts, more specifically the ones from the PV and (mainly) from Quantic Kids (Pictures below).
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I also wanted to distinguish her civilian hair from her hair in hero form, that's why I'm thinking of keeping her classic pigtails in her hero form (because I like the way it mimics little wings), while going for one of the 2 options for her civilian form. Which option do you think fits her most? I'm more inclined to go with the second option because, although it is way closer to the classic pigtails, I think first option is way too close to Socqueline's hairstyle (which I intend to keep the same)... I'm also unsure about the shirt color (in this clothes in specific, that she'll probably be wearing at home) and the eye color (but I'll probably go with dark grey since it's Sabine's eye color too). In the future I might also change ladybug's bangs to make them a bit more different. But what do you guys think? Which is the best option for each thing, having those details in mind? (Specially about the hair)
🇧🇷: Tava tentando fazer a Marinette mais parecia com algumas concept arts antigas dela, mais especificamente as do PV e (principalmente) de Quantic Kids (fotos acima). Além disso, eu queria tentar diferenciar o cabelo dela na forma civil um pouco mais da forma de herói, por isso tô pensando em manter as Maria chiquinhas com o formato clássico nela como ladybug (porque gosto da forma que elas simulam asinhas), e na forma civil optar por uma dessas acima. Qual das opções vocês acham que combina mais? Eu tô pendendo mais pra segunda opção porque, por mais que seja mais parecido com o cabelo da ladybug, eu acho que a primeira opção acaba fica parecendo muito com o penteado da Socqueline (que eu pretendo manter o mesmo)... Também tô em dúvida em relação à cor da blusa (desse traje em específico, que é o traje que provavelmente ela vai usar em casa) e dos olhos (apesar de que provavelmente vou escolher o cinza, afinal é a cor dos olhos da Sabine também). No futuro eu provavelmente vou mudar a franja da ladybug pra diferenciar um pouco mais também. Mas o que vocês acham? Qual é a melhor opção de cada um, considerando esses detalhes? (Especialmente sobre o cabelo)
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yaellaharpe-blog · 3 months
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(Español / English)
La Villa Romana del Casale, situada en la pintoresca localidad siciliana de Piazza Armerina, es un tesoro arqueológico que data del IV siglo d.C. Esta villa romana tardía fue incluida en la lista del Patrimonio de la Humanidad por el UNESCO en 1997.
He aquí algunos detalles fascinantes sobre la historia de esta extraordinaria residencia:
Descubrimiento casual: En el siglo XVII, los campesinos que trabajaban en los campos del alto valle del río Gela, al pie del monte Mangone, notaron numerosas estructuras de pared que emergían del suelo. Estas revelaron entonces que pertenecieron a la grandiosa villa imperial del Casale. El entusiasmo por este hallazgo atrajo la atención de muchos eruditos locales.
Mosaicos excepcionales: La Villa Romana del Casale es famosa sobre todo por su extraordinaria colección de mosaicos, perfectamente conservados en el tiempo gracias a una capa de barro causada por una antigua inundación. Estos mosaicos decoran los pisos y representan escenas mitológicas, animales, juegos y actividades diarias. Son un verdadero espectáculo para los ojos y testimonian la riqueza y el gusto artístico de la época romana.
Estructura monumental: El chalet incluye Cubículos, Vestíbulos,Peristilos, Ambulacri, Triclini, Diaete, Acueductos, Latrine y Termas. La disposición en diferentes niveles recuerda el ejemplo de la villa del emperador Tiberio en Capri. La magnificencia de los mármoles, de las columnas y de los suelos de mosaico desafía incluso la morada de Diocleciano en Split.
La Villa Romana del Casale es un viaje al pasado, un lugar donde la historia y el arte se funden en una experiencia extraordinaria. Si alguna vez tienes la oportunidad de visitarla, te recomiendo admirar estos mosaicos únicos y sumergirte en la antigua grandeza de este lugar mágico.
The Villa Romana del Casale, located in the picturesque Sicilian town of Piazza Armerina, is an archaeological treasure dating back to IV century AD. This late Roman villa has been listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1997.
Here are some fascinating details about the history of this extraordinary residence:
Random discovery: In the XVII century, farmers working in the fields of the upper valley of the river Gela, at the foot of the mountain Mangone, noticed numerous wall structures emerging from the ground. They later revealed that they belonged to the grand imperial villa of the Casale. The enthusiasm for this discovery attracted the attention of many local scholars.
Exceptional mosaics: Villa Romana del Casale is famous for its extraordinary collection of mosaics, perfectly preserved over time thanks to a layer of mud caused by an ancient flood. These mosaics decorate the floors and represent mythological scenes, animals, games and daily activities. They are a real spectacle for the eyes and testify to the richness and artistic taste of the Roman period.
Monumental structure: The villa includes Cubicles, Vestibules, Peristili, Ambulatories, Triclini, Diaete, Aqueducts, Latrine, and Terme. The layout on different levels recalls the example of the Emperor’s villa Tiberius on Capri. The magnificence of the marbles, columns and mosaic floors defies even the abode of Diocletian in Split³.
The Villa Romana del Casale is a journey into the past, a place where history and art come together in an extraordinary experience. If you ever have the opportunity to visit it, I recommend that you admire these unique mosaics and immerse yourself in the ancient greatness of this magical place .
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dreamlifebunny · 7 months
hi bunny, sorry for sending this, but I really am sad and desperate. I've been trying to save myself for years, I don't want to go into details about my situation because it's really painful to talk about, but in summary: I've been isolated at home for four years with depression and no friends, with a really bad and bad life. I can take care of myself. I entered ND dualism looking for freedom and not just desires, but I ended up finding myself in a huge mess. After reading so many posts about the loa and the ND everything is confusing and I'm in a state of “I can't do anything other than keep myself safe” and it's so painful, I know it's the ego and I'm typing as the ego, because I I can not take it anymore. I know that I can live something better and that it already exists, I really want to live a good life and not take it away from me like I tried in the past, I want to have a loving family, friends and live in peace without stressing about concepts, teachers, enlightenment and religion, without the weight of guilt for thinking on my own and having a simpler view, completely validating myself without mentally justifying myself by apologizing for being “wrong” to other bloggers. Bunny, I really want to do something good and I really want help organizing it. I'm sorry again for saying all this
I had already had an experience of being conscious when I was younger without knowing any of this and I was just a child existing, it actually happened frequently and became less and less over the years due to difficult situations. I really wanted peace and freedom to feel sure of myself and not follow any concept but my set of beliefs, but everything is so confusing, it's sad that it's difficult
Não sou uma pessoa religiosa ou espirituosa (não acredito e para mim isso não existe), simplesmente tenho um ponto de vista simples e direto sobre as coisas.
bunny, if you could help me I would be very grateful, but just saying this makes me happy and relieved, because I spent months avoiding out of paranoia that I would disappoint the non-dualist bloggers I liked because I was being inferior to them
My sweet anon, you have absolutely no reason to apologize at all and I am so happy that you messaged me. I am so grateful that you reached out; it takes a huge amount of courage to ask questions when you are afraid that the person answering is going to make you feel inferior, and I want to commend you on that and also reassure you that you are wise, intelligent, and in no way inferior to me. I am also happy that you felt a little relieved after typing your feelings out - the worst thing that we can do when we are filled with intense feelings is to bottle them up, because they have to get out somehow; I am so happy that you are talking about them, please never stop sharing how you feel and talking to others when you are frightened or sad!
I apologize for answering your ask so late, this was sent a month ago and I wanted to make sure I was in the proper headspace to give you the best response I could. I actually kept overcomplicating my answer to you and rewrote it like three times haha, so I am hoping that this response is as effective as possible. This will be broken down into three sections:
You are not inferior to anyone
Choose your own adventure - it's all okay!
Steps to regain your internal compass
Final thoughts
Let's go!
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1.) You are not inferior to anyone.
First of all, I want to acknowledge the pain that you’re in. I am so sorry that you are going through such painful and difficult circumstances, you absolutely do not deserve to be going through whatever it is that you’re going through and I hope that you know this. I also very importantly want you to know that you are not inferior to anyone in any way. Not to me, not to ND bloggers, not to your neighbour, celebrities, your best friend, ANYONE. No one on planet earth is more worthy, important, or special than any other person on planet earth; all of us have an extremely important role to play simply because we exist! From the ND perspective, all of us (our egos/characters/etc.) are an extension of Self/pure consciousness, expressing itself in an infinite number of ways; if you are here as your ego, full of their quirks and preferences and problems, then that means your true Self wanted to experience your ego and love everything about them! All of us as egos are infinitely loved and chosen, because all of us were created, period. Additionally, the entire reason that we learn about spiritual practices and manifesting in the first place is to give us a deep sense of peace, love of life, and to know that absolutely anything is possible to ALL of us - not just those who are more “knowledgeable” or “more advanced.” If anyone, and I truly mean anyone, ever makes you feel unworthy, stupid, unloved, or inferior, please remember that it has absolutely no baring on your true worth. You are loveable, amazing, lovely, wise, and worthy of a good, good life, and you are doing a fantastic job. Asking questions, getting curious, and not having all of the answers does not make you inferior or stupid. It actually makes you really beautiful, because you are putting in the work to understand how to love yourself and give yourself the gift of a beautiful life! There is a really beautiful quote by Eleanor Roosevelt that says, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” This is actually a really interesting quote when we look at it through a Law of Assumption lens, but that’s a whole other post that I’ll make some day! Haha.
Like I said earlier, I spent almost a month and a half trying to figure out the best way to answer your message, and today I realized that the answer was not only staring me in the face but was also INCREDIBLY simple. In fact, you’ve already answered it yourself! "I really wanted peace and freedom to feel sure of myself and not follow any concept but my (own) set of beliefs." The answer to your confusion, sweet anon, is to go within yourself, look at the beliefs that bring you peace, and abandon anything else, or in simpler words, become your own greatest teacher. Let’s explain why, and then I’ll explain how.
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2.) Choose your own adventure - it's all okay!
The main difference between LOA and ND, at least from my understanding of both concepts, is that LOA finds peace and happiness through the ego (by manifesting its desires, using the ego’s preferences as a compass, living a wonderful life through the lens of a human character, etc.), and ND finds peace and happiness through transcending the ego (through pure acceptance of all circumstances as perfect, and the beautiful bliss that comes from that). When we look at it like this, ND would be considered the “true truth” of pure inner peace because it doesn’t rely on things being “good/not bad” and instead is blissful towards all experiences, which is really beautiful and freeing and is why people refer to it as the true truth. But this does not mean that LOA is incorrect or “bad” or doesn’t bring peace, it just means that we are using a spiritual practice that helps us gain feelings of peace and control and empowerment while still being attached to our ego. Of course, true "enlightenment" cannot be achieved THROUGH the ego because it is the ego that prevents this from happening in the first place haha, but that doesn't mean that we cannot experience peace and joy and happiness and love through the ego while still experiencing limitations! In my opinion, Law of Assumption is the closet thing to true peace and freedom that one can experience through the ego, with the understanding that the ego is what creates lack and sorrow. In summary, "true peace" and abandonment of all sorrow can only be achieved through getting rid of the ego, but there is nothing wrong with experiencing love and joy and peace while the ego is still there, it's just a different and fun way of living.
Does that make sense? There is nothing wrong with choosing to apply the LOA and living as your ego. It doesn't make you inferior, it is a personal choice and it's also a really fun choice, too! Yes, when you are attached to your ego you are in a constant state of wanting more and more and will have doubts, lack, and limitation, but sometimes it’s fun to have those limitations - I mean, Self CHOSE to experience Itself as a human to PUT those limitations on Itself! Experiencing life as a human with complicated emotions is a beautiful and challenging thing to do and you don’t have to feel guilty for simply wanting to feel good. The whole point of ND is that it's alllllllll good. Everything that you chose to do is fine and beautiful and loveable.
What I’m trying to say is, both concepts exist to bring feelings of pure joy and peace, even if they come from different perspectives. Eckhart Toelle, who was one of the first teachers of non-duality that I encountered, said that the human feelings of peace, joy, and love are the natural feelings of the true Self, and that when we are feeling those feelings we are connected to that true Self essence. We now know the main difference between LOA and ND, but just for a moment let’s ignore the differences and ask ourselves some important questions; why do we learn about the Law of Assumption? To find peace, to love ourselves and our lives, and to learn the truth that we are the conscious creators of our lives. Why do we learn about Non-Dualism? To find peace, to love ourselves and our lives, and to learn the truth that we are the conscious creators of our lives.
So, if all we are doing is trying to give ourselves peace and wonderful enjoyment of life, it shouldn't matter to you if someone tells you that something is the “true truth” if it's not what you're needing right now. If something brings you wonderful peace of mind and enjoyment of life, why would we allow conflicting information to challenge that peace?
THIS is the problem with over-consuming information on spirituality and manifestation, because we begin to doubt ourselves when we add more and more onto our belief system and confuse ourselves. YES, it is very important to expand our beliefs by asking ourselves questions and YES, it is the very nature of a spiritual journey to learn and grow and challenge our beliefs; I am not saying that we should not question the information that we receive. But it is also the nature of spirituality to find peace and comfort in our difficult human lives, and it is a very, very personal and unique journey to each individual person. So, how do we break out of the overconsumption cycle? We become our own best teachers.
Anon, you asked for help in organizing your belief system and to get to a place where you feel certain in yourself, and I absolutely love that idea. I will turn this into a full post later on, but in the meantime, here are some steps you can follow to reconnect with yourself:
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3.) Steps to regain your internal compass.
To begin, think about and write down all of the beliefs that you currently have that bring you peace, excitement, self-love, happiness, and joyful feelings in general. These can be from your own mind, from LOA or ND teachers, from the back of cereal boxes, WHEREVER. What matters is that these are truths to you and that they bring you joy. Remember that you create the meaning in your life, so do not question whether or not these beliefs of yours are “correct.” These beliefs ARE correct, as long as they bring you peace.
Now, whenever you listen to a lecture from Edward Art on the Law of Assumption, or whenever you read excerpts from Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj on Non-Dualism, or whenever you see a post on LOA or ND from a tumblr blogger, do not blindly accept every sentence that these people say as truth. Instead, notice the sentences and words that light you up and bring you excitement and peace and understanding. Notice the lines that make you go “YES! I Get it! I finally understand it!” Notice the lines that empower you and make you feel like God. Edward Art often talks about taking one or two sentences that really feel like the "keys" to your freedom and understanding; turn those sentences over in your head try to really comprehend and feel them. These are the “true truths” that light you up and give you the empowerment and answers that you need. And obviously, whenever you have your own insights and thoughts, write them down and feel them too! You mentioned that you had the experience of being conscious when you were younger - ask your younger self what THEY would tell you is a true truth and write it down if it resonates with you!
When someone tells you something that makes you feel confused, frustrated, or disempowered, question it: what about this belief is untrue to me? Why do I feel yucky about what they said - is it because it clashes with a belief that makes me feel peaceful? Is it possible if I look at it a different way I could make it peaceful and empowering, or is the original idea very limiting in its origin? Is this belief coming from transcendence of the ego or through the ego (both are fine, but it’s important to know which one it is coming from so that you can understand its intent)? What do I need to feel peaceful right now?
Keep this collection of notes, quotes, and beliefs nearby when you need reminders of peace and empowerment, and return to them often. As you grow and learn overtime, some beliefs will change, some will become more prominent, and some you will have an even deeper understanding of later on.
This is how you build your internal compass. This is how you become your best teacher. And this is how you remove the confusion and frustration that studying multiple concepts at once can bring. I really like learning about LOA and ND at the same time now that I have a fundamental understanding of both, but it was so difficult to weave through the two truths when they come from completely different places from one another (one you must abandon your ego, and one you must dive into your ego's personal preferences). But now that I understand them both, it is easy to apply each of the concepts to different areas of my life depending on how I want to approach them. For example, when I am feeling overwhelmed and don't want to take control of my life anymore and I am getting too caught up in the difficulties my ego experiences, I return to the feeling of true bliss that my true identity is Self and simply get to watch my ego experience itself with pure bliss. When I'm having fun being my little human self and feeling all of the emotions that comes with it, I love practicing LOA and feeling fulfilled and daydreaming specific things that only my ego cares about. Both are so, so peaceful and fun, and it is through my understanding of both that I am able to relax and feel peaceful!
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4.) Final thoughts.
I hope that this has brought you a little comfort and clarity, sweet anon. I know that it is a complicated journey, and a scary one at times, too. I had had full on meltdowns when I first started learning about ND and LOA at the same time, because it was so confusing and honestly angering to learn and unlearn and learn and unlearn. However, I came out of it with a huge sense of peace and understanding of my own internal compass that now gives me peace and direction, because I decided to listen to the best teacher I had - me! Your best teacher will be you, and I am certain that you will discover your own understanding and peace if you continue to practice showing up for yourself and listening to your own inner voice. It is strong and it is intelligent; do not doubt it, nurture it and listen to it!
Finally, I want to once again stress how important it is to not let anyone make you feel inferior, whether it is on your spiritual journey or in any other part of your life. You are on a very unique journey that is different from every other person's very unique journey; you are showing up to every new piece of information with a completely different background than anyone else. Please have patience with yourself and remember that there is no one on earth who has a better understanding of your own life than you. It is also important to remember that not everyone who has expert knowledge on a concept has expert teaching skills. There are some bloggers with a lot of incredible knowledge of ND and LOA on this website, but who do not have very compassionate teaching skills. To teach properly and effectively means to have patience and acceptance of your students; not everyone on this website has those skills. Do not blame yourself for being “dumb” when it is the teacher who is unable to explain concepts in a way that is understandable to you. If someone makes you feel dumb and reacts angrily to you not understanding what they are saying, question it - maybe they are the “dumb” one for not being able to put into words what you need to understand. (note: I don’t believe anyone is dumb and that is why it is in quotation marks. I also believe that there are a lot of people answering questions for free and being very generous with their time, and that is a very respectable thing and I am grateful to everyone who wants to share their knowledge with others. As always, this is a nuanced thing that I just want to offer perspective on <3)
Please take care of yourself, and know that you are a lovely and wonderful person who is deserving of the absolute best that life has to offer, anon. I am rooting for you! <3
Love,Bunny 💕
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astrojulia · 1 year
Olá! Tudo bem? Sou nova seguindo a sua conta e, se caso ainda permitir perguntas astrológicas eu queria fazer uma, quero trabalhar com artes plásticas (pense na Frida Khalo) e provavelmente será uma arte confrontadora, crítica, com temas pesados, tabus ou apenas sombrio/melancólico, eu queria saber que tipo de fãs eu teria? Eu sei que há uma asteroid em especial que fala sobre, é o fan, eu tenho ele em escorpião na minha casa 10. Grata antecipadamente.
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How Your Natal Chart Can Reveal Your Target Audience
~ Arts Edition
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚Your target audience // Asteroid Fan (151590) // Ruling Planet ·˚ ༘´>
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Olá Mefemmefatale!! Como você está?? Sei que demorei um pouco pra responder, mas é que o seu post criou posts extras pra eu poder responder da forma que eu queria... Quando li a sua pergunta eu queria responde-la assim como te ajudar de verdade. Por isso que fiz um post sobre o Asteroide Fan (151590) assim como mudei um pouco a resposta. Eu não quero que você tenha só fãs, mas clientes que vão comprar da sua arte e que isso possa ser uma forma de sustento seu, por isso a mudança. Nisso eu fiz um post para falar "tudo" sobre como você pode atrair clientes assim como estou escrevendo agora algo mais específico para artes. Realmente espero que você goste e que eu possa ter ajudado... O post vai estar em inglês só para que todos do meu tumblr entenda! Beijos do fundo do mar!!
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╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ 5th house: Trying to summarize, and a lot, the 5th house, it is the house of pleasures. Creativity, self-expression, and artistic talent are included in this. The sign located in this house can provide clues about your artistic style and the types of clients who may resonate with your artistic work.
・❥・ Aries in the 5th house: you have a bold and fearless approach to creativity, and you be drawn to projects that require a lot of energy and passion. Clients who are attracted to fast-paced, exciting work be drawn to your style.
・❥・ Taurus in the 5th house: can indicate a talent for creating beautiful, luxurious works of art. You have a slow and steady approach to your craft, but your attention to detail and dedication to quality attract clients who value high-end, long-lasting pieces.
・❥・ Gemini in the 5th house: you have a versatile and adaptable approach to creativity. You be drawn to projects that allow you to experiment with different styles and techniques, and your ability to communicate effectively attract clients who value clear, concise messaging in their artistic projects.
・❥・ Cancer in the 5th house: can indicate a deep emotional connection to your creative projects. You be drawn to works that evoke strong feelings in others, and your ability to tap into the emotions of your clients make you a popular choice for projects that require a personal touch.
・❥・ Leo in the 5th house: can indicate a bold, dramatic artistic style that appeals to clients who are drawn to attention-grabbing works. You have a natural talent for performance and self-expression, and your charisma and confidence make you a popular choice for projects that require a larger-than-life personality.
・❥・ Virgo in the 5th house: can indicate a meticulous attention to detail in your creative work. You be drawn to projects that require a lot of precision and accuracy, and your ability to organize and streamline your work attract clients who value efficiency and practicality.
・❥・Libra in the 5th house: you have a natural talent for creating beautiful, harmonious works of art. You be drawn to projects that require balance and symmetry, and your ability to create aesthetically pleasing pieces attract clients who value beauty and elegance in their artistic projects.
・❥・Scorpio in the 5th house: can indicate a deep and intense approach to creativity. You be drawn to projects that explore complex emotions and themes, and your ability to create powerful, transformative works attract clients who are looking for something truly impactful.
・❥・Sagittarius in the 5th house: can indicate a free-spirited, adventurous approach to creativity. You be drawn to projects that allow you to explore new ideas and perspectives, and your ability to infuse your work with a sense of joy and enthusiasm attract clients who value a sense of playfulness in their artistic projects.
・❥・Capricorn in the 5th house: can indicate a disciplined and structured approach to creativity. You may be drawn to projects that require a lot of hard work and perseverance, and your ability to stay focused and committed to your goals attract clients who value reliability and consistency in their artistic projects.
・❥・Aquarius in the 5th house: can indicate a unique and unconventional approach to creativity. You be drawn to projects that push the boundaries of what is expected or accepted, and your ability to think outside the box attract clients who value innovation and creativity in their artistic projects.
・❥・Pisces in the 5th house: can indicate a deep connection to the spiritual and mystical aspects of creativity. You be drawn to projects that tap into the subconscious or explore deeper, metaphysical themes, and your ability to infuse your work with a sense of magic and wonder attract clients who value a sense of enchantment and mystery in their artistic projects.
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ 5th house Ruler in the houses: The ruler of the 5th house can provide additional insight into your artistic style and the types of clients who may resonate with your work. The placement of the ruler in your chart can indicate which areas of life may inspire your artistic work and which types of clients may be drawn to your style.
・❥・Ruler in the 1st house: You may be drawn to projects that allow you to express your individuality and showcase your unique talents. Your clients may appreciate your confidence and your ability to stand out from the crowd.
・❥・Ruler in the 2nd house: You may be drawn to projects that have a practical application or that allow you to make money from your artistic work. Your clients may value the quality and craftsmanship of your work and be willing to pay a premium for it.
・❥・Ruler in the 3rd house: You may be drawn to projects that involve communication or that allow you to share your ideas with others. Your clients may appreciate your ability to explain complex concepts and to present information in a clear and concise manner.
・❥・Ruler in the 4th house: You may be drawn to projects that are inspired by your family or your personal history. Your clients may value the emotional depth and authenticity of your work and be drawn to the sense of comfort and familiarity that it provides.
・❥・Ruler in the 5th house: Your artistic style and your clients may be closely aligned, as this placement emphasizes creativity and self-expression.
・❥・Ruler in the 6th house: You may be drawn to projects that require a lot of hard work and attention to detail. Your clients may value your ability to organize and streamline your work and to deliver high-quality results.
・❥・Ruler in the 7th house: You may be drawn to projects that involve collaboration or that allow you to work with others to achieve a common goal. Your clients may appreciate your ability to listen to their needs and to work with them to create something that meets their expectations.
・❥・Ruler in the 8th house: You may be drawn to projects that explore the deeper, darker aspects of life or that allow you to tap into your own subconscious. Your clients may value the intensity and emotional power of your work and be drawn to the transformative effects that it can have.
・❥・Ruler in the 9th house: You may be drawn to projects that involve travel or that allow you to explore new ideas and perspectives. Your clients may appreciate your sense of adventure and your willingness to take risks in your work.
・❥・Ruler in the 10th house: You may be drawn to projects that have a strong professional or public component. Your clients may value your ability to create work that is both practical and enduring and that can help them achieve their own professional goals.
・❥・Ruler in the 11th house: You may be drawn to projects that involve social change or that allow you to make a positive impact on the world. Your clients may appreciate your innovative and unconventional approach to your work and be drawn to the sense of possibility and hope that it provides.
・❥・Ruler in the 12th house: You may be drawn to projects that involve mysticism or that allow you to tap into the spiritual or metaphysical aspects of life. Your clients may value the sense of wonder and enchantment that your work provides and be drawn to the emotional and spiritual resonance of your artistic style.
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╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Moon: The Moon represents emotions, instincts, and creativity. The placement of the Moon in your chart can provide insight into your artistic inspiration and the types of clients who may resonate with your work on a deep emotional level.
・❥・Moon in Aries/1st house, you may have a bold and energetic artistic style that reflects your passion and enthusiasm. Your work may be inspired by your instincts and your desire for new experiences, and you may enjoy taking risks and exploring uncharted territories. Your client base may include people who are drawn to your adventurous spirit and your fearless approach to creativity.
・❥・ Moon in Taurus/2nd house, you may have a sensual and tactile artistic style that emphasizes texture, color, and form. Your work may be inspired by the beauty of the natural world, and you may have a talent for creating works that appeal to the senses. Your client base may include people who appreciate the richness and depth of your work and who are drawn to the sensory experience of your art.
・❥・Moon in Gemini/3rd house, you may have a versatile and expressive artistic style that reflects your curiosity and your love of communication. Your work may be inspired by a wide range of subjects, and you may enjoy experimenting with different mediums and techniques. Your client base may include people who value intellectual stimulation and who appreciate the diversity and versatility of your work.
・❥・Moon in Cancer/4th house, you may have a deep emotional connection to your artistic work that is rooted in your family and upbringing. Your work may be inspired by your personal history and your memories, and you may have a talent for creating works that evoke a sense of nostalgia and comfort. Your client base may include people who are drawn to the emotional honesty and authenticity of your work and who value the sense of comfort and familiarity that it provides.
・❥・Moon in Leo/5th house, you may have a dramatic and expressive artistic style that emphasizes individuality and self-expression. Your work may be inspired by your passion for life and your desire to make a bold statement, and you may enjoy being in the spotlight. Your client base may include people who appreciate the confidence and creativity that you bring to your work.
・❥・Moon in Virgo/6th house, you may have a precise and analytical artistic style that reflects your attention to detail and your love of order. Your work may be inspired by your desire for perfection and your appreciation of the beauty of simplicity, and you may have a talent for creating works that are both elegant and practical. Your client base may include people who value precision and clarity and who appreciate the understated beauty of your work.
・❥・Moon in Libra/7th house, you may have a harmonious and balanced artistic style that reflects your love of beauty and your desire for peace and harmony. Your work may be inspired by the principles of balance and symmetry, and you may have a talent for creating works that bring people together. Your client base may include people who value aesthetics and who appreciate the serenity and tranquility of your work.
・❥・Moon in Scorpio/8th house, you may have an intense and mysterious artistic style that reflects your deep emotional intensity and your passion for the unknown. Your work may be inspired by the darker aspects of life, and you may have a talent for creating works that provoke strong emotions and reactions. Your client base may include people who value intensity and who are drawn to the depth and complexity of your work.
・❥・Moon in Sagittarius/9th house, you may have an adventurous and free-spirited artistic style that reflects your love of exploration and your desire for freedom. Your work may be inspired by your curiosity and your love of travel, and you may enjoy experimenting with different styles and techniques. Your client base may include people who value freedom and who appreciate the spontaneity and vitality of your work.
・❥・Moon in Capricorn/10th house, you may have a disciplined and structured artistic style that reflects your ambition and your desire for success. Your work may be inspired by your dedication and your love of tradition, and you may have a talent for creating works that are both practical and enduring. Your client base may include people who value reliability and who appreciate the hard work and discipline that you bring to your craft.
・❥・Moon in Aquarius/11th house, you may have an innovative and unconventional artistic style that reflects your desire to break free from tradition and explore new possibilities. Your work may be inspired by your vision and your love of experimentation, and you may have a talent for creating works that have a futuristic, visionary quality that speaks to clients who are looking for something fresh and new.Your artistic style that resonates with clients who appreciate non-traditional, out-of-the-box ideas.
・❥・Moon in Pisces/12th house, you may have a dreamy and imaginative artistic style that appeals to clients who value creativity, spirituality, and sensitivity. Your work may be infused with a sense of otherworldliness, and you may be particularly skilled at conveying deep emotions and spiritual themes through your art. Your clients may resonate with the deep emotional resonance of your work, and be drawn to the introspective and contemplative nature of your artistic style.
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Neptune: Neptune governs Creative Expression, Imagination, Visual, and Aesthetic Appeal. Its influence can enhance your sensitivity to visual stimuli, enabling you to create art that is visually captivating and evocative. Here, we can discuss how you allure people, making them unconsciously drawn to your art.
・❥・Neptune in the 1st house: You may have a dreamy and imaginative artistic style that is infused with a sense of mystery and enchantment. Your work may be inspired by your innermost thoughts and emotions, and you may have a talent for creating works that are deeply personal and introspective. People may be drawn to your art in a way that feels almost unconscious, as if they are being drawn into a dream.
・❥・Neptune in the 2nd house: You may have a highly developed sense of aesthetic appeal that allows you to create works that are visually stunning and evocative. Your work may be inspired by the beauty of the natural world, and you may have a talent for creating works that are both practical and beautiful. People may be drawn to your art because it has a timeless quality that speaks to something deep within them.
・❥・Neptune in the 3rd house: You may have a talent for creating works that are infused with a sense of magic and wonder. Your work may be inspired by your love of communication, and you may have a talent for creating works that are both visually appealing and intellectually stimulating. People may be drawn to your art because it has a transformative quality that sparks their imagination.
・❥・Neptune in the 4th house: You may have a deep connection to your personal history and your cultural heritage, which inspires your artistic work. Your work may be infused with a sense of nostalgia and sentimentality, and you may have a talent for creating works that evoke a sense of comfort and familiarity. People may be drawn to your art because it has a sense of emotional resonance that speaks to something deep within them.
・❥・Neptune in the 5th house: You may have a natural talent for creating works that are emotionally resonant and visually captivating. Your work may be inspired by your love of self-expression and your desire to create something truly unique and beautiful. People may be drawn to your art because it has a sense of enchantment and magic that is hard to resist.
・❥・Neptune in the 6th house: You may have a talent for creating works that are both practical and beautiful, with an emphasis on attention to detail and craftsmanship. Your work may be inspired by your love of order and your desire to create something that is both aesthetically pleasing and useful. People may be drawn to your art because it has a sense of refinement and elegance that speaks to their sense of taste.
・❥・Neptune in the 7th house: You may have a talent for creating works that are infused with a sense of harmony and balance. Your work may be inspired by your love of collaboration and your desire to create something that is both beautiful and meaningful. People may be drawn to your art because it has a sense of emotional depth that speaks to their sense of what is important in life.
・❥・Neptune in the 8th house: You may have a talent for creating works that are infused with a sense of mystery and intensity. Your work may be inspired by your fascination with the darker aspects of life, and you may have a talent for creating works that are both beautiful and haunting. People may be drawn to your art because it has a sense of emotional power that speaks to their sense of the unknown.
・❥・Neptune in the 9th house: You may have a talent for creating works that are infused with a sense of adventure and exploration. Your work may be inspired by your love of travel and your desire to create something that is both beautiful and meaningful. People may be drawn to your art because it has a sense of wanderlust and exploration that speaks to their sense of possibility and adventure.
・❥・Neptune in the 10th house: You may have a talent for creating works that are infused with a sense of ambition and professionalism. Your work may be inspired by your desire to achieve great things in life, and you may have a talent for creating works that are both beautiful and practical. People may be drawn to your art because it has a sense of purpose and direction that speaks to their sense of what is important.
・❥・Neptune in the 11th house: You may have a talent for creating works that are infused with a sense of community and social change. Your work may be inspired by your love of humanity and your desire to create something that has a positive impact on the world. People may be drawn to your art because it has a sense of social responsibility and awareness that speaks to their sense of what is right and just.
・❥・Neptune in the 12th house: You may have a talent for creating works that are infused with a sense of spirituality and mysticism. Your work may be inspired by your love of the unknown and your desire to create something that is both beautiful and otherworldly. People may be drawn to your art because it has a sense of transcendence and wonder that speaks to their sense of what is beyond this world.
Thanks for reading this far! I hope you enjoyed it and that I could have helped in some way on your journey!! Feedback, likes, reblogs and ideas for new posts are highly appreciated. See you next time! Kisses from the Sea.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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kiwis16 · 7 months
Drawn any more little witch academia recently if so I would love to see!
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This is the most recent thing I have. It is about an AU where Akko did not go to Luna Nova, imagine how the moment when Diana leaves Luna Nova would have passed, she would never return. That's why she looks so tired.
Some time later Diana goes on a business trip and coincidentally meets Akko (imagining a Diakko-style catastrophe).
Akko finds the shining rod and now Diana has to help her because Akko has no idea how magic works, so a very pretty diakko develops.
(They are 18 years old).
There are more details, but that will be for later, I have many things planned for this alternative universe.
(Lo de arriba pero en español)
Esto es lo más reciente que tengo. Es sobre un AU donde Akko no fue a Luna Nova, imagina cómo habría transcurrido el momento en que Diana deja Luna Nova, ella jamás volvería. Es por eso que luce tan cansada.
Tiempo después Diana hace un viaje de negocios y casualmente se encuentra con Akko, (imagina un catástrofe al estilo Diakko).
Akko encuentra la vara brillante y ahora Diana tiene que ayudarle porque Akko no tiene idea alguna de cómo funciona la magia, entonces se desarrolla un diakko muy bonito.
Hay más detalles, pero eso será para más adelante, tengo muchas cosas pensadas para este universo alternativo.
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And here's something about a possible comic where Diana meets her future daughter.
Thank you, for your time :)
Y aquí un posible comic donde Diana conoce a su futura hija.
Gracias por su tiempo.
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beauzos · 5 months
oh yeah i forgot to tell yall about that other supernatural horror idea i had a couple years ago.
ok, so the idea was like, these two brothers living in medieval England. like they go into the woods one day and start being followed by some kind of creature, n the little brother escapes but the older brother doesn't until he suddenly comes back a couple days later, and from that point on is completely different. changeling stuff, yknow how it is
completely tears their family apart, eventually the changeling brother leaves and the younger brother moves on with his life and becomes a warrior, and i guess eventually resolves to find out whatever happened to his real brother. goes into like, the fairy realm or whatever the fuck, meets this fairy woman that he would somehow get to agree to help him hunt down the soul of the real brother, and then drive the changeling from the brother's body (it's like a possession thing in this case, soul is elsewhere but the body remains)
so he finally beats the changeling and returns the body to his little brother, but the idea was like... the body has been dead for a long time, and just been hauled around/kept alive and growing through magic, and once the source of magic is gone, it's over. like the changeling didn't even take good care of the body, the insides were all packed with dirt and sticks and stuff to keep it together, so the brother gets his body back and immediately starts decomposing and the fairy has to turn him into a tree as a last ditch effort to save him
and while the little brother wants to find a way to bring his brother back for good, that would be where it ended more or less.
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erimarian · 2 days
How to look really into photos ❼
📷 @dpcphotography
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Coastal Colours, The Pathway its Stake fences & Orange-pink sky
Fifth detail, on the left;
The left part of the light blue & orange-pink sky with its background of bushes & a fence, bright coloured grass & flowers
Sixth detail, central;
The central part of the light blue & orange-pink sky above the pathway with the top of the pathway’s stake fences
Seventh detail, on the right;
The right part of the light blue & orange-pink sky with its background of hills, nature, fences, combed bright coloured grass & flowers
【La lección siete sobre cómo mirar adecuadamente las fotos y anotarne los detalles de La Gata Bajo la Lluvia】
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Ya hay server del Barrio!! Es pequeño, y le faltan MUCHOS arreglos que no he sabido resolver, pero me encantaría tener un lugar para poder charlar más sobre el AU y detalles por ese estilo, al igual que también convivir con ustedes y en general tal vez tener un ambiente más amigable!! Se les quiere! 💕💕💕
ENG VERSION_________ 🌸🖥️💽
There is already a neighborhood server!! It's small, and it's missing MANY fixes that I haven't been able to solve, but I would love to have a place to chat more about the AU and details like that, as well as chitchat(?) with you and in general maybe have a friendlier atmosphere! Love yaaaa! 💕💕💕
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cadeloverforever · 5 months
English version!(la versión en español está aquí mismo solo que más abajo!) This is my favorite song!, I'm going to make some headcons of Geras from Mortal Kombat since I've seen that he doesn't have many and he's one of my favorite characters!, I'm sorry if something is spelled wrong, English is not my first language!
Geras Headcons!
★ Geras loves you with everything he can! Even if he cannot express himself well in the field of love, he will try to let you know in any way possible for him. (gifts,purchased or handmade)
★If you are tired? No problem! Geras is here to save you with cuddles and affection! Even if he doesn't know much about love, he tries to do what is best and most comfortable for his partner.
★ On any special day for you he will be with any gift (even if you don't ask for it), he is very good at remembering special dates on any day, He wants you to know that he loves you and he does it in small details.
★ And if you're wondering who initiated or took the first step, it was you, basically because Geras was only looking at you from afar and basically you were the one who approached him.
★Sometimes you and Geras play a board game, it's fun although he almost always beats you in all the games, and I feel that the one who never understood well and still beat you was in monopoly
Versión en español! ¡Esta es mi canción favorita!, voy a hacer algunos headcons de Geras de Mortal Kombat ya que he visto que no tiene muchos y es uno de mis personajes favoritos!
Geras Headcons!
★¡Geras te ama con todo lo que puede! Aunque no pueda expresarse bien en el ámbito del amor, intentará hacértelo saber de cualquier forma que le sea posible. (regalos, comprados o hechos a mano)
★¿Si estas cansado? ¡Ningún problema! ¡Geras está aquí para salvarte con mimos y cariño! Aunque no sepa mucho sobre el amor, intenta hacer lo mejor y más cómodo para su pareja.
★Recuerda cualquier día especial para ti estará con cualquier regalo (aunque no de lo pidas) , es muy bueno recordando fechas especiales en cualquier día, quiere que sepas que te ama y lo hace en los pequeños detalles.
★Y si te preguntas quién inició o dio el primer paso, fuiste tú, básicamente porque Geras solo te miraba de lejos y básicamente fuiste tú quien se acercó a él.
★A veces tu y Geras juegan un juego de mesa, es divertido aunque casi siempre te gana en todos los juegos, y siento que el que nunca entendió bien y aun así te ganaba es en el monopolio.
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1andean · 7 months
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Ortho Fairy Gala IF
Por favor, no vuelva a publicar este dibujo sin permiso / Por favor, no vuelva a publicar este dibujo sin permiso
¡¡¡TACHHAN!!! ¡I have finally finished the drawing and with a lot of pride and joy!
The truth is that it has been one of the most difficult drawings and that has taken me the longest time to draw so far; However, I loved the final result
Since I saw the event design I had to draw it no matter how much detail it had, and it's also probably because Ortho is one of my favorite characters~
Although I think I can improve the drawing, and the details aren't exactly as the original design, I think it turned out quite well, especially the coloring in its 2 versions.
Finally, I leave the link of the “Speed Paint” [Below ⬇⬇] And I hope you like the drawing as much as I do.
Ortho Shroud, character of "Twisted Wonderland"
(PS:Sorry for the English)
¡¡TADA!!! Al fin he terminado el dibujo y con mucho orgullo y alegría!!
La verdad que ha sido uno de los dibujos mas difíciles y que mas tiempo me ha tomado en hacer hasta ahora, sin embargo me ha encantado el resultado final 
Desde que vi el diseño del evento tenia que dibujarlo sin importar la cantidad de detalles que tenia, y también probablemente sea porque Ortho es uno de mis personajes favoritos~
Aunque opino que puedo mejorar el dibujo, y los detalles del dibujo no son tan exactos al diseño original, pienso que me me ha quedado bastante bien, sobre todo el coloreado en sus 2 versiones.
Por ultimo, Os dejo el link del “Speed Paint” [Abajo ⬇⬇] Y espero que os guste el dibujo tanto como a mi.
Ortho Shroud, personaje de "Twisted Wonderland"
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teamoon7 · 4 months
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🇺🇸: So, I was still a little unsure about my original ladybug redesign, so I tried to make some alternatives with other changes and options.
In the second Image, there are 6 different items that I'm not sure which options I should pick: shirt (purple), sleeve length (orange), 'belly'/torso (green), gloves (blue) (connect or not to the arm, like 1 and 4), shorts (yellow) and boots (red). Which one do you prefer from each of these items? (Ps.: the already "built up" combinations are not variations I already "estabilished"! I just put some options together at random so it was easier to visualize them, but you can say any combination you want. I'm also not sure if I'm keeping the sleeves of the shirts and shorts with the golden details, but I'm already certain I'll keep the parts that show the sewing). (Ps.2: I didn't include the cape just so it was easier to see all the different parts, but I didn't remove it from the costume, it's still there).
The first pic is my favorite combination, but I also like shirt 5, belly/torso 3 and glove 1...
My main problems with the first version were mainly the upper part of the body (shirt and torso), but I also wasn't very happy neither with the original boots, nor with the way the shorts were "glued" to the costume. About the gloves, although I like the og black and simple gloves (to represent a ladybug's paws), I saw someone (unfortunately forgot who it was :/ ) saying that they found it important for ladybug to have red hands because of the scenes of her and chat doing "pound it", since is has focus on their hands, I thought it was an interesting concept and tried to change a little bit so I could keep the gloves, but with red details on them. (Ps.: the gloves are not exactly above the spots in the arms, so please ignore the glove position because it will not cover the spots). Although I like the gloves with darker shades of red, I don't think it is an 'harmonious' choice if that's the only part of the clothes that has that shade (if I don't choose torso 5).
Anyway, if you want you can also suggest any other changes (like "I like glove 1, but without the golden accents) in general!! Also, even if I decide my favorite parts in this one I'll definitely do at least a third redesign hahaha (since there's a specific element I want to include on the costume in general, but I'm still unsure of how I'm doing/including it)
🇧🇷: Então, eu ainda tava um pouco incerta sobre meu redesign original da Ladybug, então pensei em fazer algumas alternativas com outras mudanças.
Na segunda imagem, tem 6 itens diferentes que eu estou em dúvida entre quais opções escolher: blusa (roxo), tamanho da manga (laranja), 'barriga'/torso (verde), luva (azul) (Modelo com ou sem relevo), short (amarelo) e bota (vermelho). Quais vocês preferem de cada um desses itens? (Obs: os trajes "montados" não são as variações que eu já estabeleci! Só coloquei algumas opções juntas aleatoriamente pra ficar mais fácil de visualizar, porém podem falar qualquer combinação que vocês quiserem. Também não tenho certeza se vou manter as "mangas" das blusas e shorts com os detalhes dourados, mas a costura é de certeza que vou manter).(Obs2: só não coloquei a capa pra ficar mais fácil de visualizar, mas ela ainda está na roupa).
A primeira imagem é minha combinação favorita, mas também gosto da blusa 5, da barriga 3 e da luva 1...
Meus problemas principais eram principalmente na blusa de cima e na parte superior do torço, mas também não fiquei tão satisfeita com a bota original e nem com a forma como o short era "colado" na roupa. Sobre a luva, por mais que eu goste das luvas simples pretas (pra representar as patas de uma joaninha), vi uma pessoa comentando que acha importante as mãos da ladybug serem vermelhas por causa das cenas dela e do chat noir fazendo o "zerou" que têm foco nas mãos deles (infelizmente esqueci quem foi que falou isso :/ ), achei um conceito interessante e tentei mudar um pouco pra manter as luvas porém com detalhes vermelhos nelas. (Obs: as luvas não estão realmente grudadas nas bolinhas do braço, então ignorem as luvas posicionadas em cima das bolinhas). Por mais que goste das luvas com tons mais escuros de vermelho, não sei se fica muito harmônico aquele ser o único local da roupa com aquele tom de vermelho se não for escolher a opção 5 de barriga/torso.
Enfim, se quiserem também podem sugerir qualquer outra mudança (como "gosto da luva 1 porém sem o dourado") no geral!! Mesmo que eu decida minhas favoritas nesse aqui eu com certeza ainda vou no mínimo fazer um terceiro redesign hashushs (até porque tem um elemento específico que quero incluir nas roupas num geral mas que ainda não decidi como fazer)
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twopoppies · 4 months
olá :)
há alguma chance do harry ser bissexual? tipo, em medicine ele canta “the boys and the girls are in, I mess around with them, and I'm okay with it” e watermelon sugar fala sobre orgasmo feminino… poderia me explicar melhor ou mostrar algumas teorias? obrigada
Personally, no. I don't think he's bisexual. But it's a topic I really don't like getting into in detail because it brings so many annoying people into my inbox. In short, if Watermelon Sugar is actually about "female orgasm" then I'll throw it in the stunt song column. I don't actually believe it is, but I do think that's the narrative they went with and that's one of the things that made it super popular and won him the grammy. I think this analysis is more accurate. 😉
I think Medicine was set up to create the bisexual conversation. Harry is so clearly queer to so many people. But there are a lot of them who cannot seem to accept the idea that he doesn't date women. Setting up that "proof" gives them something to hang their hat on. When he sings it live, it's very hard to tell if he's singing "them" or "him". But the song, as a whole, is so obviously about giving a blowjob. Not receiving one. Here's just one example.
I'd look through these tags if you want to explore more deeply:
If you really need more background to understand this, check out:
Come to think of it, in the 13 years we've known Harry, he's provided us with endless gay innuendo. If he was bisexual, you'd think we'd have at least gotten some indication that he thinks about women even occasionally.
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