#Fairy Ortho
1andean · 10 months
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Ortho Fairy Gala IF
Por favor, no vuelva a publicar este dibujo sin permiso / Por favor, no vuelva a publicar este dibujo sin permiso
¡¡¡TACHHAN!!! ¡I have finally finished the drawing and with a lot of pride and joy!
The truth is that it has been one of the most difficult drawings and that has taken me the longest time to draw so far; However, I loved the final result
Since I saw the event design I had to draw it no matter how much detail it had, and it's also probably because Ortho is one of my favorite characters~
Although I think I can improve the drawing, and the details aren't exactly as the original design, I think it turned out quite well, especially the coloring in its 2 versions.
Finally, I leave the link of the “Speed Paint” [Below ⬇⬇] And I hope you like the drawing as much as I do.
Ortho Shroud, character of "Twisted Wonderland"
(PS:Sorry for the English)
¡¡TADA!!! Al fin he terminado el dibujo y con mucho orgullo y alegría!!
La verdad que ha sido uno de los dibujos mas difíciles y que mas tiempo me ha tomado en hacer hasta ahora, sin embargo me ha encantado el resultado final 
Desde que vi el diseño del evento tenia que dibujarlo sin importar la cantidad de detalles que tenia, y también probablemente sea porque Ortho es uno de mis personajes favoritos~
Aunque opino que puedo mejorar el dibujo, y los detalles del dibujo no son tan exactos al diseño original, pienso que me me ha quedado bastante bien, sobre todo el coloreado en sus 2 versiones.
Por ultimo, Os dejo el link del “Speed Paint” [Abajo ⬇⬇] Y espero que os guste el dibujo tanto como a mi.
Ortho Shroud, personaje de "Twisted Wonderland"
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kenchann · 8 months
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some sort of fairy au? ignihyde 🧚‍♂️
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bklily · 1 year
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I loved both Fairy Galas but the emotional damage I got from the IF version will haunt me forever I'm still sobbing from ortho's vignette
On a side note I wish they had at least shown us the boys returning to the dorms because those would've been two very different kinds of receptions.
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ai-kan1 · 1 year
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Magical girl Ortho!!🦋💙
fun little Collab I did with cheburator_6 on Instagram! go check their Epel design its so cute 🥺🍎
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egophiliac · 2 months
As someone who hasn’t played the twst game very long I just got into it. I wanted to know about events? Like do some not come back? For example do the Masquerade, Port, Beanfest, Ghost bride, starsending events. Do those come back? I hear people say how they missed their chance to get this great card like as if it won’t ever come back and then someone on Reddit will say something like “Oh beanfest happened twice on the JP server” so which events have gotten reruns so far? I would ask about more recent ones like the Easter one but idk if it’s too recent to know if get rerun or if they clarify that it won’t come back? I was really sad to find out about the Silk outfits I missed out on when they visit the scalding sands. I also was really sad to find out i missed out on the anniversary cards because I didn’t play the game yet. I wish they would add the anniversary cards to the store at least…I want to be apart of the celebration :’)
I was looking in the shop and saw all the different groovy items you need to groovify event cards and this question just came to me so I had the urge to ask someone…
welcome to Twst! 🎉 it is a bit confusing to jump right into, especially because. they're not always consistent. :') it sounds like you're probably playing on Eng, which I'm less familiar with, but I'll try based on what I know! (I also don't always remember everything, so somebody please correct me if I get something wrong!)
first, I do recommend the Twst wiki.gg, which seems to stay pretty up-to-date on events for both the Eng and JP versions! it's a great resource for when you want to see if/when an event ran or rerun. in general, I believe that the Eng version only does reruns that have already happened in JP, so if JP has a rerun that hasn't happened yet in Eng, they should get it too eventually! on the other hand, I don't think either version has ever rerun an event more than once. :( BUT this doesn't mean you're entirely out of luck, because:
anniversary events (March for JP, January for Eng) will usually offer a chance to get both an older event SSR and an older birthday SSR in the shop, via buying a special item with exchange currency (which you get by doing pulls on the anniversary gacha, I think you need to do 100-150 pulls for enough currency to buy the item to exchange for an SSR). only SSRs though, and you're limited to one each (one birthday, one event). so if there's an SSR you REALLY want and it's already had its rerun, it's probably worth planning to save up some keys for!
as for actual reruns, they seem to come in a few different flavors:
straight-up rerun, no changes or extra cards
unchanged event story, with a new SSR of a character who wasn't in the story (e.g. Applepom Jamil)
slightly rewritten event story that includes a new SSR (e.g. Ghost Marriage, they don't seem to do this anymore though)
completely new event story that acts as either a sequel or alternate-universe version of the original (e.g. Beans Day part 2, Fairy Gala IF) (though this is pretty rare and might actually count as a separate event, rather than a rerun?)
Master Chef/Culinary Crucible events have never gotten reruns (though they might start now that we've finally gotten through all the characters in JP, time will tell). birthday and Halloween events will also rerun the previous version in addition to the new one -- for instance, Eng should be getting a Glorious Masquerade rerun this year, followed by the new (Playful Land) Halloween event. and a birthday campaign will, in addition to the new card, have a separate pickup for the previous year's birthday card.
for the specific ones you mentioned -- I think Beanfest, Ghost Bride, Fireworks, and Starsending have already rerun in Eng, so those most likely will not be rerun again (at least not anytime soon). Masquerade should be coming back for you guys this Halloween, and Portfest JUST got its rerun in JP, so that should be coming too sometime in the future! (no new SSR though, alas, I was really hoping for a little marching band sailor boy Leona. 😔) the Easter event is the White Rabbit Fest, right? that one hasn't gotten a rerun in JP yet either, so it's still on the table!
all that said, it's entirely possible they'll change the rules at some point and start doing more reruns/chances to get older event cards, especially since the game's been going on for a few years now and some cards haven't been available for a pretty long time! there's only one card that they said was for-realsies limited-time-only and wouldn't ever be available again -- Platinum Grim, since he was to celebrate the 100th anniversary -- so. there's always a little bit of hope for everything else. :D (fairy gala Ortho PLEASE COME BACK SOB)
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tartppola · 1 year
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aaaand 'tis ortho's turn!!!!
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chernabogs · 5 months
Styx, Fae, and Malleus—Oh my!
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Okay I'm writing this more as a marker for myself because I keep breaking my brain with connecting C6 to C7, but I've included my notes down below to kind of trail through how things might go with the next C7 update. Since the Shroud brothers are back in business, we'll be seeing a lot more of Styx's hand too, so I also wanted to collect as much information (canon) as I can on them too. Because I just think they're neat, and combining all the information makes them that much neater!
Warning for a long-ish post.
All About Styx (Up to C7, April 2024)
Styx, originally serving as just the Watchman before the Age of Gods (which Malleus discusses in C6 part 18),
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is an independently operating institution (non-government affiliated) that specifically focuses on research pertaining to blot. According to the welcome video narrated by Idia’s mother and father, Styx covers the following:
Safe use of technomantic technology
Magical power analysis
Preservation of ruins and mage stones
Blot emission reduction
Post OB treatment
Magical disaster prediction systems
Maintaining phantom databases
Styx operates off of the Isle of Woe, an area mostly inaccessible to outsiders due to its status as being below the ocean and only accessible via the Oceanus Gate. Styx is seemingly composed of multiple units and teams, including the Hex Team, with most of the employees living in the residential block of Oceanus and using chariots (technomantic vehicles) to get to the tower. Another unit that Styx controls are the Charon members. These appear to be the equivalent of armed forces under Styx’s command. They specifically act as retrievers of over blotted mages, or more specifically the phantoms involved in the overblot. Magic Marshals and the Arcane Response Unit often handle overblot cases, but in extreme incidents, Charon members step in.
It’s mentioned that they also arrive regardless of if they have authorization from the government of the location the overblot is occurring. 
Regarding the technomantic equipment mentioned, this is what Styx seems to mainly use for all operations, likely due to the nature of its research. Technomantic technology has an ability to almost entirely nullify magic. Although not 100% effective, it was enough to even make Rooks UM limited, forcing him to only track the kidnapped students when there were second breaks in the tech. This tech was also used on the overblot students, with Riddle stating that it’s equivalent to his UM (C6 part 26). 
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The tower that Styx operates out of is a large structure located in the centre of the ancient city that was originally attached to the Kingdom of Heroes. Within this tower, Styx keeps phantoms preserved frozen in the lower layers. This area is referred to as Tartarus and hosts approximately 10,000 subjects split into 12 levels. A-class are considered exceedingly dangerous phantoms, according to Ortho. Sector 12 is where the original Phantoms are housed, known as the ‘Titans’. These are three phantoms that have been sealed in Tartarus by the original Jupiter family members since the Age of Gods. 
The system designed to preserve these phantoms is known as the Cerberus System. This encapsulates the entire Isle, not just Styx. According to Idia, mages are taken and housed for testing in this region before being wiped by Lethe, another system operated by Styx that re-wires memories and implants false ones. Interestingly, Lethe works differently on fae than humans due to fae’s long lifespans. Idia states that it’s hard to adjust what information to remove and rewrite without making it obvious that there was an erasure. He does mention Malleus by name when discussing this, but not Lilia. 
All About The Fae in Briar Valley (Up to April 2024, JP Spoilers)
Fae appear to live broadly across Twisted Wonderland, but a large majority do reside in Briar Valley (other additions such as Fairyland/Land of Fairy have been mentioned and seem to host diurnal fae. More of this can be found in the fairy gala events. Diurnal fae are considered to herald the coming of spring with this gala, which ties in with later discussions about fae and nature). Various species were also noted to exist, including:
Dragon fae (note: Dragons are mentioned to have arrived for Meleanor during her youth, however after her passing a decade later it appears that Dragons have either gone underground or extinct across the broader Twisted Wonderland area)
Raven fae
Bat fae
Crocodile fae
Subcategories of crafter fae and the likes exist too, but don’t quite count as species 
There appears to be a hierarchy of value among fae. In one conversation by a Senate member (in Chapter 7, release 6), Lilia is referred to in derogatory terms due to his status as a bat fae. It is unknown if this bias is strictly the Senate member, Briar Valley, or if it spreads across broader fae populations. Fae also appear to have monarchies, although the only two known so far are the Queen of Fairyland and the Draconia Family. Fae also appear to age at different rates (Malleus states infant fae often take 30 years to walk, and it took him 20 years alone to gain his 2-legged form). 
Due to Briar Valley being the major focus of C7, we’ll look at fae in this region specifically. 
For context, constant conflict has arisen between fae and humans, specifically within Briar Valley. A major conflict and large plot point in C7 so far is the conflict between Briar Nation (former name of Briar Valley) and the Silver owls. The Silver Owls, run by Henrik, carried out mining operations throughout Briar Nation without permission from the royal family. Despite the name Silver Owls, it should be noted that they are also called Iron Ones due to their iron weapons and armor. According to Briar Nation soldiers, Silver Owls recklessly endangered fae by driving wildlife into villages in addition to colonizing the region. The Silver Owls (Henrik in particular) are aiming to attain Princess Glow. Henrik stated that he wanted it for his father (unlikely, lbr). Princess Glow appeared to be a gem associated with the Draconia Family that was capable of performing miracles like healing incurable ailments. It’s unknown if this is factual or not, but Meleanor does appear to put value on the gem when discussing it with Lilia. 
Conflict with the Silver Owls extended across several regions in Briar Nation, including:
Verdant Moors (outside the present day borders—confirmed by Sebek in C7)
Canyon of Howling Winds (also called Valley of Howling winds in some translations)
Mystical Mountain/Forbidden Mountain
Thunderclap Mountains
Cape Sunrise 
Tenebrae Forest/Dark Night Forest
Crimson plain
Dragon’s Tail Mountains 
Wild Rose Palace 
Black Scale Palace 
Dragon Capital City (surrounding Black Scale Palace)
Cradle Tower
Note: present day Briar Valley is situated farther up north and is said to have a cold climate for the most part, including particularly harsh winters (confirmed by Silver in release 4 of C7). Double note: Names may be susceptible to change with EN release. 
The conflict ended with Meleanor and Levan (Malleus’ parents) allegedly dead. Fae ceased intermingling with humans likely after this conflict according to Lilia in C6 part 18, leaving to heavy deficits in the validity of history surrounding the fae. This also means that a lot of human history books miss history that fae may have personally experienced or have to share (as spoken by Trein and Lilia). 
In terms of powers, fae in Twisted Wonderland seem to rely on nature a great deal for their magical abilities. Idia’s father discusses the extent of what some fae can do due to their connection with ancient magic, including mentioning how fae have had control over climate change and diastrophism since the Age of Myths (presumably predating the Age of Gods). Malleus’ ability to alter the world in a designated area falls under this category. He is stated to have magic tied to the earth itself. Idia’s mother also mentions that fae can also draw magical energy from nature itself, building on Idia’s fathers statement about how fae’s magic directly connects to the earth. Generally, fae with elemental connections can do this, which proposes the idea that Malleus has such an ability. 
It also appears that fae can lend this magic to humans. The Knight of Dawn frequently calls upon the blessings of diurnal fae to aid him in his fights throughout C7 (note: he says 'fairy guardians', so this could be just this specific instance). 
So… what’s up with chapter 7, as of April 2024? (JP Spoilers)
Well… Malleus over blotted. Inconvenient, absolutely. Fortunately, his grandmother snitched and gave all of his information over to Styx, allowing them to formulate somewhat of a plan to use.
We know specifically that the Arcane Response Unit is unable to get access to Malleus through the thorns because, should the thorn wall be penetrated or collapse, it will kill whoever is caught inside of it. At the moment, ARU is likely on the borders of Malleus’ thorn wall while Ortho (acting as a stand-in Charon member, in this case) deals with the issue. Anyone who gets too close to the thorns (fae or human) are also being sucked into the barrier. 
Silver, Sebek, Yuu and Grim are currently travelling through various dreams. This allowed some insight on fae (see Fae in Briar Valley for more) as well as the abilities that they possess. Ortho has pulled the group into Idia’s dream, stating that Malleus is using all resources to keep Lilia asleep. Ortho was able to penetrate into the barrier using a counter-spell barrier and ethereal slicers, in addition to a magical cannon honed by Styx. 
We also know it’s confirmed that Malleus needs to either voluntarily end his spell or die in order to actually cause the barriers to drop. 
What might happen, then? (JP Spoilers)
Who knows! Yana likes to keep us on our toes. That being said, one of the biggest takeaways that came from this is the technology (technomantic) that Styx has access to, as well as what fae seem to rely on to continually use their magic. Styx’s access to technology that can almost entirely nullify magic in combination with their isolation from ‘nature’ (based on the brutalism architecture their facility had) could be two avenues of mitigating Malleus enough to at least let the students get an upper hand. 
However, Styx also did confirm that their technomantic equipment was not having as good of an effect on Malleus’ barrier as they anticipated. If technomantic equipment were to be used on Malleus, it would need to be something advanced, like Ortho’s Cerberus gear, but on a larger scale. Ortho has already shown that Malleus’ magic is ineffective when faced with the type of tech that Ortho is equipped with, positing the idea that this can be an avenue to take. In the battle with Ortho, Malleus does appear to freeze up and misses a hit. 
The comment about Malleus needing to break the spell himself was emphasized a lot in this section. Styx confirmed they’ll reach out to Queen Maleficia to see if she can persuade Malleus to drop the spell, but they’re also convincing the dreamers to persuade Malleus as well. 
So… it seems like a triple whammy of tech, Maleficia, and guilt tripping as a way to take Malleus down. Exciting!!
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lullamiine · 5 months
Ortho main behaviour
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I'm so proud of him 😊😊😊
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tsubaki-11 · 7 months
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"I'm about to show you some very special gear. So you better pay close attention, okay?"
He's finally done just in time for Katsucon: Fairy Gala Ortho! I've been working on this cosplay for over a year and I'm so happy with how he turned out, despite many twists and turns along the way. We got a bunch of nice photos so I'll be posting them gradually, perhaps until the beginning of spring?
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You would have the biggest chance of knowing out of all the people I know, do you have any insight as to why Ortho’s gears only ever show either his eyes or his mouth at any given time?
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I've actually talked about it before! You can read that post here. There's also this follow-up post. To summarize, no official reason is given as to why robo!Ortho is not depicted with his full face. Many fans theorize that only robo!Ortho's eyes or mouth (but not both at the same time) are visible because it pains Idia to stare at the "full face" of his deceased younger brother. Indeed, the only instance we see of robo!Ortho's full naked face is at the end of book 6, when the "true" Ortho speaks with Idia one last time after his OB. However, that's not the face of the robo!Ortho we know and love so this doesn't really count.
I think that theory holds only if Idia designed all of Ortho's gears... which is patently false. Fairy Gear was designed by Crewel, and it is highly unlikely that Idia tells his traumatic backstory to professors (especially since he doesn't seem particularly close with the aggressive, assertive Crewel). Ortho designs his Rabbit Gear himself while visiting Clock Town for White Rabbit Fest; Idia is not physically around, so Ortho has no diegetic reason to intentionally design the Rabbit Gear to obscure half of his face. Finally, Cerberus Gear was designed by his mother, STYX' Chief Engineer. It is made very clear that Mrs. Shroud is warm, bubbly, loves robo!Ortho, and considers him like her third son, so it makes less sense to project Idia's anxieties about looking into the face of a dead family member onto Mrs. Shroud too.
Though perhaps less emotionally impactful, I think it's more likely that this design choice was made not with consideration to Idia's in-universe trauma, but rather as an aesthetic choice + to differentiate OG!Ortho from robo!Ortho. Again, this is probably why we see OG!Ortho's full face at the end of book 6 but never robo!Ortho's full face.
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ferns-island · 8 months
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Tumblr killed the colors on this but what can yah do
the pretty pink fairy boy~ just let him be happy and pink
anyway the next couple of pieces are probably gonna be "smaller" in size as i work on other larger stuff and want to feel accomplished something instead of a never ending project lol
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Fairy Gala Ortho... But he's like an actual fairy 🧚‍♂️ (it's been so long but I finally have motivation to do art again 😭)
Again but no wings
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kenchann · 8 months
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"I'm proud of you, Ortho"
The Fairy Gala Remix gave me lots of emotions, ok!
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the-fridge-orange · 1 year
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🪷 「 this is my 𝑒𝓋𝑜𝓁𝓊𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 」 🪷
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I have been waiting for Fairy Gala Remix for so long and here is more of my Ortho cosplay that I spent way too much time on, now that the second half of the event is finally here! Shoutout to random person in the background that made this gif 10x better. No filters, the costume is just that sparkly.
(Technically I evolved more, since this was the first iteration of this costume and it was later upgraded with better bottom legs, more secure wings that don’t flip over, smoother shoulder pads, and other fixes) (I’ll be posting a video on my insta today at KaseiCosplay if anyone wants to see more movement!) (there’s also. so many pictures hgshjk)
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