yanny09 · 22 hours
i work with ares, of course hes the god of war but any physical exercise has me whimpering and tearing muscles i work with ares, of course he seems like he'd make clever insults but when i get insulted i cant take it i work with ares, im more logical than physical i work with ares, of course when i feel beaten i go to him to get reminded that it was only a little fight, but after a fight you need rest i work with ares, of course i protect women then wonder what i have in common with him
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walkthroughtheword · 3 days
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Lord God, you have commanded us to have no other gods before you. Help us to release what we have placed in front of you. Allow power, money, fame, recognition, and self to fall away from our gaze. Turn us back to you. Forgive us again. We ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.
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amor-areia · 3 months
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I just love them so much!
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elysiumwhispers · 4 months
liking a girl will make you go feral and want to die btw
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ewbeuh11 · 10 months
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Me and who when
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jollyveesworld · 4 months
God's grace carried me here and by His grace, I will continue to believe and persevere.
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kingdomreigns · 1 month
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sephsbat · 3 months
“What is the difference between a worshipper and a devotee?”
A Worshipper
A worshiper typically has a more casual relationship with their deities, compared to a devotee. A worshiper may pray or make offerings occasionally, but it is not their primary focus. This can be a good starting point for beginners who are just getting into spiritual practice, as it is less time-consuming than becoming a devotee.
A Devotee
A devotee prioritizes their worship and practice towards a particular deity or deities. A devotee will do everything a worshiper does, but more frequently and with greater dedication. This level of commitment requires more time and focus, which may not be ideal for beginners or those with very busy schedules.
Ultimately, the choice between being a worshiper or a devotee is a personal one. There is no universally "better" option, as it depends on an individual's spiritual needs, lifestyle, and level of experience. The key is to choose an approach that feels right for your current circumstances and goals.
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visiodeii · 5 months
I always imagine Apollo’s temples with open ceilings so the sun may shine on his devotees
There is music being played in the front, some of us are dancing
People are drawing with chalk on the ground with flowers in their hair, laughing and singing
a safe space, where we can bask in his glory
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yanny09 · 3 days
My personal experience with hades
Whats hades like? honestly, hes great. so great im SO surprised he slipped my mind for these "my personal experiance" posts. honestly, as a hades child i should be ashamed /j. hes very much like a father figure to me either that or a mentor like figure. it makes sense considering im scared of death or thats the really philosophical thing i first got into from a young age (wisened me up and depressed me but hey ho). Hes there in a way thats like "hey, people need to rest. they cant live forever and nothing will ever, ever last forever. and thats okay, you dont need to live forever" How do i see hades? You know when you go to school and you used to have that teacher that gave off really scary vibes but then one kid started talking in that silent class and the teacher actually didnt mind you talking he just had overpowering aura? yep, thats hades. he also reminds me of a stranger gently telling you your wrong, you start worrying whether youve upset him or anyone else but shortly realize no one yelled at you or told you off. you got corrected, theres nothing wrong with that, just keep going. one more one more.. oh oh okay! when you were really young and went to your bestfriends house and their dad was really nice, treated you like his own and everything? yes. all of these remind me of hades Whats the biggest shock when working with hades? just how gentle he is. honestly i was TERRIFED of him when first starting out for no good reason and i realized just how little reason i had to be scared of him. i have a habit of beating myself up ALOT, hades helped to teach me a thought process that illuminates every chance of beating myself up if i know i shouldnt. hes very calming thats for sure. What was the least shocking thing when working with hades? learning to let go and move on, sure im not great at living in the moment (im working on that) but im getting better with realising that the past is gone and time wont wait for me. i have to keep going and i keep going in hades' honor because why shouldnt i? hes great, really.
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walkthroughtheword · 2 days
Heavenly Father, we pray for your church to be united with one another and set apart from the world. Bring together followers of Jesus in a way that breaks through boundaries and differences. Help us to remain focused on strong biblical teaching and the Good News of Jesus Christ. We ask this all in his mighty name. Amen!
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eleusinianrites · 1 month
do you think hermes is ever lonely? he's always somewhere liminal, on the way, always the journey but never the destination.
he understands what it's like to simply let people flow in and out of your life. he knows that the relationship and intimacy will always hurt more than the goodbye, because you're already familiar with leaving; never having stayed in any place for too long.
he says goodbye and moves on. he's the god of travellers, right? he's safety and comfort, but to me he is homesickness, too. going and going and going, and suddenly turning back and realising that your home is gone, the people you knew are gone. you'll never get it back, and things won't ever be the same again.
does hermes yearn for home? does he ever dream of what was, but can't be again?
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apolloslyrics · 5 months
Here is your reminder that veiling does NOT have to be with traditional veils!
It's okay to veil with a hat.
It's okay to veil with a bandana.
It's okay to veil with a scarf.
It's okay to veil with jewelry.
It's okay to veil with oils.
It's okay to veil with perfume.
It's okay to veil with a simple cleansing.
Heck, it's okay to veil with hair binding!!
It's okay to veil with ANYTHING, and to prove it, here is my veil for today. It's a new hairstyle I'm trying out! (Also, a face reveal?? omg!)
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Love yall! Take care of yourselves 🫶🌻
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thejinxedchaos · 2 months
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A devotional painting to Dionysus, god of Wine, Madness, Insanity, Revelry, Festivity, Mental Illness and Theatre
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hades-girl-03 · 9 months
i saw someone talking about mundane devotion (i forgot their tumblr, sorry) but it's so true. devotional acts don't have to be something huge, and neither do offerings.
something i like to do for a devotion for hades is using a mint toothpaste, or washing my hair with a mint shampoo & conditioner. devotion doesn't need to look like doing a huge ritual, it can look like anything you do that reminds you of them! if you do something in their honor, that's what truly counts. this is especially good to remember if you're still in the broom closet but want to still worship or work with a deity.
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