hey-i-am-trying · 4 months
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This is awful and I come here to beg again, stop to pressure people to speak up when the stantment happend hours ago.
You are just harming more people you are not helping Shelby, send support for her, share her stuff, watch her lives, uplift her voice, you can also share the posts of people that are supporting her.
Do not make this into a witch hunt, she shared her story so other people could be safe from him. So help build a healthier community.
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outsockk · 1 year
transmit kromer
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exhuastedpigeon · 1 year
With AI's scraping AO3 and people feeding unfinished fics into ChatGPT to finish them, I've decided to make my fics only available to registered AO3 users.
Its a bit of a process (you have to do it on each individual fic), but I'd rather take the time to do it than have my fics feeding AI.
If you want to do it for yours but aren't sure how, it's easy enough.
Click 'edit' on your fic
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Scroll down to 'privacy' and check 'only show your work to registered users'
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Click post
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Done! You should see the little blue lock next to your fic now
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grapeagata · 1 month
It's so fuckep up that satin spar disolves in water, like, what if it wants to take a bath? it cant, it wll disintegrate so sadd
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mossypidder · 11 months
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So because. The minecraft hyperfixation has hit again. And my brain found it necessary to make an encyclopedia style page of ✨STUFFS✨
And I successfully did crosshatchy-ness for the first time ever
But anyway- ludicrously happy with this.
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bit of a long ask incoming, sorry in advance
I haven’t caught up with the Yuumori manga in a long time, but I’ve heard Takeuchi is no longer working on it and that the light novels are by someone else. And despite Sherlock’s considerable importance in the main story, he hasn’t shown up in the light novels at all (except for the school AU extras that I think Miyoshi has added?)
Now i know Yuumori is about Moriarty, obviously and not sherlock (in the sense that sherlock is not the protagonist). But here’s the thing: i used to be a pretty big fan of ace attorney a few years back (i still like it but it’s not a hyper fixation anymore) and I remember a friend of mine telling me that in the middle, the original creator, Shu Takumi, stepped back and someone else wrote the storylines for some of the cases (Atsushi Inaba I think) (for those of you who may read this and are familiar with AA, i think it’s the cases involving Iris and Dahlia)
Up to that point, there had been thinly concealed chemistry between the male leads, phoenix wright and miles edgeworth. But when Inaba took over, miles was written out completely and a girlfriend shoehorned for Phoenix (they’re not endgame and she’s not a recurring character but still). And this happened because the main writer wasn’t involved.
Now I may be paranoid, but I’m just worried a similar thing might happen to Yuumori. Sherliam is very dear to me (as is the series!) and I really liked how it all ended in part 1. Now sherlock isn’t there at all, and I hope that they don’t shoehorn some shoddily written love interest who has no chemistry with whoever she’ll end up with (Yuumori is a shounen after all, and this has happened in shounen before) . I have faith in Miyoshi, and maybe I’m being silly, but after AA it’s kind of a worry
So, the light novels were actually written a while back (before anything about part one ending, part two, or Takeuchi leaving was out). They are written by someone else entirely.
Miyoshi actually enjoyed the novels and wished they had gotten a chance to draw some things from them (more than the pages inserted in the novels). And Sherlock is in one or two of the light novel stories. They just haven't been adapted into the manga, possibly because Miyoshi wasn't compelled by those ones to draw while figuring out part two, or perhaps because we just haven't gotten there yet.
That said, it's still not clear (and possibly never will be) how much of the story was written by which of our original creators. The idea was from Miyoshi's editor, and Takeuchi didn't join the project until after Sherlock and William were already developed as characters. I do have another interview from Miyoshi I picked up in Japan that I have...still not sat down to read, so maybe that has more information.
Takeuchi isn't credited with writing the series; he's credited with storyboards. And you can see the lack of that work in the Remains (the pacing is off now), but the characters have been pretty consistent.
Anyway, I think it's too earlier to worry about Sherlock and William's relationship in part two. We have no idea what part two is going to be like or going to be about. And if it sucks, we have the end of part one, which would have been a really lovely wrap for the series anyway, and people who don't like where it goes can just. Stop.
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netherworldpost · 1 year
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girls don't want lovers they want to open a print shop with production equipment featuring ergonomic handles
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dougielombax · 6 months
I’m begging you
DON’T let that sink in!
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friendbreakfast · 1 month
it is really easy to accidentally spread misinformation online. you might even do it without realizing. so just do it on purpose so at least you KNOW youre at fault
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esserisupremi · 1 month
@lunaticlockwood I need Tyler not to play her game like this lol 😭
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wastelandhell · 1 year
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*slams this down and runs away crying*
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fyi: don’t smoke weed while on clonidine or methylphenidate :,)
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peculiary · 5 months
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New Mutants #5 January 8, 2020
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hermioniesmalfoy · 2 years
Hedric shippers, do NOT think about what could have been between Cedric and Harry while listening to Inframundo (from the Black Panther: Wakanda Forever soundtrack) by Blue Rojo. DO NOT!! This is your warning don’t do it!
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dougielombax · 6 months
Train racing?
No, that would be silly.
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plexflexico · 2 years
I can't stress enough that you do not get to do a little eugenics "as a treat".
It doesn't matter how much you 'dislike' the people you want to do the eugenics on.
It doesn't matter how 'evil' you think they may be.
It's not up for debate. Cut that thinking and language out of your life.
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