bunnithechubs · 2 months
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a night at gatsby's? more like a night on love island.
sooo after hooking up at the party Jack Louis pretty much acted like nothing happened between Luna and him. She did the same until she saw him in a suit and ole girl was like "THE BOY IS MINE" *queue eternal sunshine*
Max and Spring are like that cute high school couple you just know are going to get engaged right out of high school. He was like a little puppy following her around and doing stupid prom stuff for her. (he even got them corsages)
Jack Louis ended up completely letting Luna break their "just friends" promise and followed her into the bathroom for a hook up. (they're principal was in the stall NEXT to them)
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etuwubrutus · 4 months
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"He said I'd be better off without him."
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brobertdowneyjr · 5 months
Rhett and Link would never hurt me like this
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doinadigitaldnazing · 8 months
VOID NEWS™ {insert funny title here}
Hello once again folks with a fresh new article! Unfortunately, due to the serious nature of the issue being covered in this week's article, we will try to keep the banter between sections to a minimum, this is just information about the issue, there will be no interviews in this article. With that being said, enjoy reading Voidlings!
Lies, harassment, and bullying, are all mentioned in this article, please dont read more if you are sensitive with the topics.
User @iwanttokmsbutimtoosilly-4 was recently caught up in arguments about his joke username. This is a collection of screenshots on the events.
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And here we have what appears to be a follow up tangent on this post from one Divine0
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Divine0 and starry cow (who will not be tagged, cuz they blocked the reporter < 3) Have had several problems with Iwanttokmsbutimtoosilly, aka Meat Man or Micheal, over several reasons. These include his username, the "Mpreg" phenomenon, and the fact that his mutuals have swag and they dont.
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Micheal at first thought this ask was a joke, as seen with the comedic response.
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This argument continues into private messages aswell.
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god forbid he take a break jesus christ
As we can see Starry is very upset that Meat Man changed his name briefly, and decided to change back to iwanttokmsbutimtoosilly with the encouragement of his friends.
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Ryans toy review also sent an ask to Micheal asking him to change his url for sake of the "wholesomeness" of the fandom. This statement contradicts its self for two reasons, one, this fandom is a bunch of autistic teens and the content its self is two murderous cannibal lovers, and two, divine draws untagged plargos nsfw on the same acct they sent this. Lets move on with the article shall we!
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No comment here. Now we shall wrap this up with labratgurlz, a well known void celeb and has even been interviewed for the paper before, statement on the matter. They were reached out too from starry and ryans world aswell (no good screenshots) aswell as the current state of the large twompcord server.
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Labrat also also dmed Meat Man on discord with quote, "Hey, I think I'm gonna side with ryan. You should change your user"
This is not specific to what was said, as the dms were deleted.
If more information on the Fandom Fixers, Labrat, and what they are planning and even the future of our void, you can count on Void News™ to be here as soon as possible.
Void News™ goes out to Micheal and the bullying and harassment he has been exposed to at the hands of these individuals, two of which are much older than him
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mistressemmedi · 10 months
Non Checo being summoned to the stewards because of his post-race team radio lmaooo
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woodfrogs · 4 months
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i found this during literature review and it made my day
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soul-eater-novel · 2 months
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その時ティルは、見てしまった。 That was when Tir saw it.
テオは今、ティルを息子と呼んだ。 Teo had just called him son.
それは彼の、ティルに対する最後の優しさだったのかもしれない。 Perhaps it had been meant as one final, parting kindness.
しかしその優しさは心の隙となり、彼の剣技にも隙を作った。 But that kindness was both a weakening of his heart and a weakening of his defenses.
そしてティルは見た。 And Tir caught it.
がら空きになった、テオの左側面。 Teo’s left side was wide open.
そこに、先日の修行でカイから教わった急所があった。 Only a handful of days ago, Kai had taught him about the weak points on that side of the body.
一撃必殺の急所ーー。 One hit to that vital spot could be a killing blow.
「うああああああああ!!!!!」 叫びながら、ティルは固く瞼を閉ざした。 “Uwaaah!” cried Tir, squeezing his eyes closed tight.
暗闇のなか、ティルは根を握り直し、テオへと根を振り出した。 In the darkness, Tir gripped his staff tight and swung it at Teo.
ド……サ……。重い何かが、地面に倒れた音がした。 Something heavy hit the earth with a thud.
ティルは固く目を閉じ、腕に残った衝撃を感じたまま、その音を聞いていた。 Tir heard the sound, his eyes still shut, the shock of the impact still reverberating through his arms.
兵たちの歓声が彼を包んだが、ティルにとっては、そんなことはどうでもよかった。 He was surrounded on all sides by the cheers of the soldiers, but it was just meaningless background noise to Tir.
ゆっくりと、目を開く。 He slowly opened his eyes.
今まで眩いばかりの輝きを放っていた鎧も、剣も。そして父も、兵士たちの血に染まった草の上に静かに横たわっていた。 His father, his glittering armor, his sword... all lay quietly on the ground, atop the grass soaked in the blood of soldiers.
「父さん…、父さん!!!」 “Father… father!”
P223 根を放り出して、ティルは草の上に倒れたテオに駆け寄った。 He threw down his staff and rushed over to Teo’s side.
「テオ様……!!」 アレンとグレンシールも、駆け寄ってきた。 Alan and Grenseal dashed over, too. “Lord Teo!”
クレオやフリック、ビクトールも。 「テオ様!!」 Cleo, Flik, and Viktor ran to them, too. “Lord Teo!”
「父さん!!」 “Father!”
皆の叫びのなか、テオは静かに瞼を開くと、優しい目でティルを見上げた。 Among everyone’s cries, Teo quietly opened his eyes and stared up at Tir, his eyes filled with kindness.
「ティル、強く、なったな……」 “Tir… you’ve grown… so strong…”
その言葉を聞いた瞬間、ティルの目から涙がこぼれ落ちた。 The moment he heard those words, the tears brimming in Tir’s eyes spilled over and fell.
テオはもう、将軍ではなかった。 The man in front of him was no longer General Teo.
ティルの父、テオだった。 He was Teo, Tir’s father.
「父さん……」 “Father…”
「ティル……、何を泣いている?いつも言っていただろう、男の子は、泣いちゃいかんと……。 “Tir… what are you crying for? Haven’t I always told you… boys don’t cry?
何があっても、歯を食いしばって耐えろと… …。だが、お前は、本当に強くなった…」 Whatever happens… you grit your teeth… and bear it. You really have… gotten so much stronger…”
涙に暮れるティルを見て、テオは笑った。 Looking at Tir overcome with tears, Teo smiled.
それは確かに、父テオの笑顔だった。 It was, without a doubt, the smile of a father looking at his son.
優しく雄々しい父の笑顔ーーそれはやがて荒い呼吸に乱され、苦しげな表情へと変わっていった。 Teo's benevolent, brave smile soon turned to a grimace of pain as his breathing grew ragged.
しかしテオは、無理に笑って口を開く。 But he opened his mouth and, impossibly, laughed.
「男は……戦いのなかでこそ、強くなるものだ……。 “It is when we fight... that men grow strong...
ティル…、ひとつだけ、言っておきたいことがある… …」 Tir… I just want to… say this one… last thing to you…”
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amagicdoctor · 1 year
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So there's a new Avengers series out and it looks like Cap is putting Wanda back on the team... Dr. Strange is NOT going to like this 😅
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ladybella777 · 1 year
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current sims I’m playing with
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sunnymimis · 1 year
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Bad Dreams 👊 Kwang-soo and Seung-min belong to @miru-p! Ye-jun belongs to me! Based on one of Miru's awesome fics!
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liliallowed · 11 months
the ambassador isn't happy hehehehe
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cataclysmus · 6 months
[indulgent] schwann steps protectively in front of alexei (we love some clique drama)
To think that of all people who might have fallen victim to such a simple and inefficient ambush, it would be him. With such a meager number of assailants, alongside such haphazard and novice formations— it surely wasn’t a worthy enough trap that the Commandant of the Imperial Knights should be falling head first into it; yet here he was now, without an escape in sight.
What a fool he was… Quite the disgrace he was proving himself to be, kneeling injured before the very enemy he once swore to make pay.
The council was always making an effort to thwart his plans— always just around the corner lying in wait… but to think they would go this far now.
Had they not done enough?
Had they not already taken everything from him?
Would they truly not be satisfied until he was dead and gone?
…Well, perhaps they would have their wish granted today.
Alexei didn’t imagine he could feel more shame than he did now. That was, until a tall shadow was cast over him, blocking him from the light as a looming figure moved to stand between him and the enemy. Through his blurred and fading gaze, Alexei attempted to raise his head just enough to identify the person who stood before him.
Who? Just who would—?
Alexei’s jaw tensed, crimson eyes growing wide at the sight of him, of that familiar orange uniform and jet-black hair. …Schwann? Hadn’t he been stationed in another city entirely? Wasn’t he supposed to be operating under the guise of “Raven”? He wasn’t supposed to be here. He hasn’t asked him to come. How had he caught wind of this so quickly…?
“What do you think you’re doing, Schwann?!”
Alexei’s voice raised, abruptly leaning forward as his fingers trembled against exposed, bleeding flesh.
“I’m more than capable… of taking care of this matter myself. “
But that was just his stubbornness speaking, for with every small movement, each muscle in his body trembled and ached so terribly, it was a miracle he hadn’t yet lost consciousness. The blood that dripped down his skin, soaking his clothes and pooling along the ground below should have been sign enough. Half of his wounds, he hadn’t even yet identified himself.
“Step aside… Let me finish this.”
But his injuries were far too severe— leaving him crashing back down to his knees the moment he attempted to stand, forcing a grunt to escape from his lips as he clutched desperately at the most major of his wounds along his ribs.
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canadianroach · 1 year
I know something you don’t knowwwwwwww
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aquarri · 1 year
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seungbinbin · 1 year
literally haunting my thoughts maybe he’s in love w me and trying to steal me from changbin 🤭
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dawnstaley · 2 years
would recommend turning on this auburn/alabama game if you are so inclined
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