Black Femme Character Dependency Dark Skin Directory: M
M: The Characters
Ma Rainey | Mabel Wisbech | Madi | Mae Morton | Mae Turner | Margot Rivers | Mariah Dillard | Master Raven | Matar Kubileya Leader | Maura Lee Karupt | Maxine Shaw | May Day | Maya COTC | Maya Abeola | Maya Wilkes | Meeka | Meg | Mel Medarda | Melody Valentine | Melusi | Mercedes Jones | Mercedes Woodbine | Mia Vallens | Michonne | Mickey BAPS | Mika Macklin | Millie Morris | Millie NIckerson | Mina Okorafor | Minerva | Miranda Carroll | Miss Mississippi | Missouri Moseley | Mistress East | Misty Holloway | Misty Knight | Molly Carter | Mona | Monica Dawson | Monica Rambeau | Monie | Mozelle Batiste Delacroix
M: The Entertainers
MaameYaa Boafo | Madisin Rian | Madison Curry | Mame Adjei | Marcia McBroom | Maria Borges | Mariah Iman Wilson |  Marlene Clark |  Marsai Martin |  Mary Alice |  Mary Oyaya | Mayowa Nicolas |  Medina Senghore | Melinda Berry (Melrose) | Melodie Wakivuamina |  Melody Lulu-Briggs | Merrin Dungey |  Michaela Coel |  Miji Awakyr |  Milauna Jackson |   Mimi Ndiweni | Miqueal-Symone Williams | Morgan Dawson |  Moses Ingram |  Moshidi Motshegwa |  Mouna Fadiga | Mouna Traoré |  Mumbi Maina | Musabey
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intersex-animal · 3 months
i would like to speak about transgender people here as little as possible
because almost every space or resource i can find for intersex people is drowned out with conversations about transgender topics, not intersex ones.
there are so many more transgender voices than intersex ones even just trying to use google, it now considers the results for "transgender" and "intersex" synonymous and the first results are typically for transgender, not intersex even when trying to look for medically relevant information like bone density loss due to atypical hormones in intersex people, the top results are immediately for transgender research, not intersex, despite searching for "intersex":
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imagine if you searched for "bone density in black adults" and the results returned, literally word for word, were "bone density in white adults" as the first and majority of results or even just trying to find a community of intersex people:
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the top results, anywhere you go, anywhere you bring up intersex, end up being for transgender imagine if you searched "community clubs for black adults" and the results returned to you verbatim were "community clubs for white adults who are also black, but are still at least part white" when you yourself may not be any part white, and being white is the first pre-requisite to being part of that club, with a special subsection for white people who have black ancestry in addition to (but not without) white ancestry. and youre just a black guy. most of the time the only intersex space for an intersex person to exist in is within a transgender community that has some sortve sub-community within it that caters to transgender people who are also intersex, even though an intersex person seeking community/etc. may not be transgender no space to be understood, only swept up under "some kind of transgender" whether the intersex persons is or is not themselves transgender
with diminishing ability to even use search engines to separate "intersex" from "transgender"
no ability to even search, reach out, or find anyone or anything that isn't transgender-first and intersex-second (if intersex is even included at all) then, on top of this, what intersex space you typically do find is very little conversation about or by intersex people, but instead about 80% of the conversation is transgender/queer people joining the community to ask "am i intersex?" and ask people to essentially diagnose them as intersex via internet in pursuit of some sort've "intersex pass card", and contributing really nothing else except that and transgender conversations/ideas/concerns during their stay. the people asking these questions or "questioning intersex" almost always outnumber the amount of intersex people existing in the community if the community is made public at all. many intersex support groups and communities are now invite only.
it makes it difficult for people who are very, very aware they are intersex to just exist with each other and talk about something other than medical diagnoses, being made to play internet doctor to a stranger, or the conversation largely being about being transgender--anything other than that quickly gets drowned out by being outnumbered.
it is devastatingly lonely and causes resentment towards transgender people at times
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prototypelq · 1 year
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intersex-support · 2 months
Hi! I'm probably not intersex, and recently I've been trying to educate myself as much as possible on the intersex experience, entirely through reading posts from intersex people here on Tumblr.
I was wondering if there was any chance I could get some guidance on how I can best be supportive of intersex people both online and out in the wild! I try a lot to reblog everything I see on here and in general just treat everyone the same way, no matter if they're intersex or not, but I can't help but be worried I'll say something wrong out of being still on my journey to being educated.
So I thought I'd come here and just... ask?
What can I do to be the best ally I can?
In the same vein, do you happen to have any suggestions on sources I could use to educate myself further?
Thanks in advance!
Hi anon! Thanks for wanting to be a better ally.
I would recommend checking out the sources shared in this post.
I'd also specifically highlight that I think it's really important for allies to learn about intersex justice. Intersex justice is a specific movement and framework created by intersex people of color from the Intersex Justice Project that looks at intersex justice as a part of collective liberation, understands the important of cross-movement organizing, and recognizes the way that systems of power based on white supremacy and colonialism shape and enable intersex oppression. The seven principles of intersex justice are:
Informed consent
Legal protections
Children's rights
Patient-centered healthcare
These are really important values to center your intersex allyship around.
I'll also share some miscellaneous tips for things to think about in your intersex allyship:
Listen to intersex people about our experiences, not doctors! The medical system plays a huge role in our oppression, and is not the expert on our experiences.
You're going to have to unlearn a lot more biases and myths than you might think you have to. Intersexism/compulsory dyadism shows up in a lot of small ways, like the fact there's only M and F boxes in forms, jokes about micropenises, beauty standards about body hair, and more. Keep an eye out for all these ways our society props up the sex binary, even though it's a myth.
Avoid DSD terminology, referring to "male" and "female" bodies, calling intersex a "third sex" and never use the h slur. Other terminology that isn't always bad, but often gets misused that can be good to keep an eye out for: AFAB/AMAB, biological sex (when people say that gender is socially constructed but sex is biological).
Research if there are intersex organizations in your country and join their email list! That's a great way to stay informed about if there's any current initiatives, protests, legislative proposals, or other forms of activism you can get involved in.
Speak up when you see intersexism in every space you're in, whether that's people advocating for normalizing surgery, using the h-slur, or otherwise talking in ways that dehumanize or isolate intersex people.
Figure out a way to bring intersex awareness to the spaces that you're in! Whether this is putting up posters for Intersex Awareness day in October in your neighborhood, work, and community spaces, hosting an event at an organization or club about intersex topics, watching an intersex film with your friends, even something like making intersex pride stuff for the Sims if that's a hobby of yours--those are all great ways to introduce more people to intersex topics.
Listen to the intersex people in your life about how to support them! A lot of intersex people have a lot of very different experiences, needs, and wants. We don't have universal experiences and there are many different opinions on things in the intersex community. A lot of us are also multiply marginalized and our intersex identities are shaped by that.
If other intersex followers have tips, please feel free to add on!
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planetanonsmile · 2 months
Might I ask what the dad competition is? Jason keeps saying please and I am very confused
hhhh oj boy
i ts likr a wholr th i ng
w ho cn grt the nmost d a ds
m loos ing
thnxd f r gtti ng t hat guy bte
i dk w
ho u are bt dsd likrs u a lot a lot
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444namesplus · 1 year
1* 2.6.2. 3 3B2 5.0i 5.1 5.53 7 15kg 17 20 22nd 26 50BMG 51 69 97 312 411 414 707 737 747 757 767 777 868 888 1071 1080H 1911 1984 1997 2600 3848 8182 $ & ^ ^? a ABC ACC Active ADIU advise advisors afsatcom AFSPC AHPCRC AIEWS AIMSX Aladdin Alica Alouette AMEMB Amherst AMW anarchy ANC Anonymous AOL ARC Archives Area51 argus Armani ARPA Artichoke ASIO ASIS ASLET assasinate Asset AT AT&T Atlas Audiotel Austin AVN b b9 B.D.M. Badger bank basement BATF BBE BECCA Becker beef Bess bet Beyond BfV BITNET black-bag Black-Ops Blackbird Blacklisted Blackmednet Blacknet Bletchley Blowfish Blowpipe BMDO BND Bob BOP BOSS botux BRLO Broadside Bubba bullion BVD BZ c Cable CANSLO Cap-Stun Capricorn card Case CATO CBM CBNRC CBOT CCC CCS CDA CDC CdC cdi Cell CESID CFC chaining chameleon Chan Chelsea Chicago Chobetsu chosen CIA CID CIDA CIM CIO CIS CISE Clandestine Class clone cocaine COCOT Coderpunks codes Cohiba Colonel Comirex Competitor Compsec Computer Connections Consul Consulting CONUS Cornflower Corporate Corporation COS COSMOS Counter counterintelligence Counterterrorism Covert Cowboy CQB CRA credit cryptanalysis crypto-anarchy CSE csystems CTP CTU CUD cybercash Cypherpunks d D-11 Daisy Data data data-haven DATTA DCJFTF Dead DEADBEEF debugging DefCon Defcon Defense Defensive Delta DERA DES DEVGRP DF DIA Dictionary Digicash disruption
DITSA DJC DOE Dolch domestic Domination DRA DREC DREO DSD DSS Duress DynCorp E911 e-cash E.O.D. E.T. EADA eavesdropping Echelon EDI EG&G Egret Electronic ELF Elvis Embassy Encryption encryption enigma EO EOD ESN Espionage espionage ETA eternity EUB Evaluation Event executive Exon explicit Face fangs Fax FBI FBIS FCIC FDM Fetish FINCEN finks Firewalls FIS fish fissionable FKS FLAME Flame Flashbangs FLETC Flintlock FLiR Flu FMS Force force Fort Forte fraud freedom Freeh froglegs FSB Ft. FX FXR Gamma Gap garbage Gates Gatt GCHQ GEO GEODSS GEOS Geraldton GGL GIGN Gist Global Glock GOE Goodwin Gorelick gorilla Gorizont government GPMG Gray grom Grove GRU GSA GSG-9 GSS gun Guppy H&K H.N.P. Hackers HAHO Halcon Halibut HALO Harvard hate havens HIC High Hillal HoHoCon Hollyhock Hope House HPCC HRT HTCIA humint Hutsul IACIS IB ICE ID IDEA IDF IDP illuminati imagery IMF Indigo industrial Information INFOSEC InfoSec Infowar Infrastructure Ingram INR INS Intelligence intelligence interception Internet Intiso Investigation Ionosphere IRIDF Iris IRS IS ISA ISACA ISI ISN ISS IW jack JANET Jasmine JAVA JICC jihad JITEM Juile Juiliett Keyhole keywords Kh-11 Kilderkin Kilo Kiwi KLM l0ck LABLINK Lacrosse Lebed LEETAC Leitrim Lexis-Nexis LF LLC loch lock Locks Loin Love LRTS LUK Lynch M5 M72750 M-14 M.P.R.I. Mac-10 Mace Macintosh Magazine mailbomb man Mantis market Masuda Mavricks Mayfly MCI MD2 MD4 MD5 MDA Meade Medco mega Menwith Merlin Meta-hackers MF MI5 MI6 MI-17 Middleman Military Minox MIT MITM MOD MOIS mol Mole Morwenstow Mossberg MP5k MP5K-SD MSCJ MSEE MSNBC MSW MYK NACSI NATIA National NATOA NAVWAN NAVWCWPNS NB NCCS NCSA Nerd News niche NIJ Nike NIMA ninja nitrate nkvd NOCS noise NORAD NRC NRL NRO NSA NSCT NSG NSP NSWC NTIS NTT Nuclear nuclear NVD OAU Offensive Oratory Ortega orthodox Oscor OSS OTP package Panama Park passwd Passwords Patel PBX PCS Peering PEM penrep Perl-RSA PFS PGP Phon-e phones PI picking
Pine pink Pixar PLA Planet-1 Platform Playboy plutonium POCSAG Police Porno Pornstars Posse PPP PPS president press-release Pretoria Priavacy primacord PRIME Propaganda Protection PSAC Pseudonyms Psyops PTT quiche r00t racal RAID rail Rand Rapid RCMP Reaction rebels Recce Red redheads Reflection remailers ReMOB Reno replay Retinal RFI rhost rhosts RIT RL rogue Rolm Ronco Roswell RSA RSP RUOP RX-7 S.A.I.C. S.E.T. S/Key SABC SACLANT SADF SADMS Salsa SAP SAR Sardine sardine SAS SASP SASR Satellite SBI SBIRS SBS SCIF screws Scully SDI SEAL Sears Secert secret Secure secure Security SEL SEMTEX SERT server Service SETA Sex SGC SGDN SGI SHA SHAPE Shayet-13 Shell shell SHF SIG SIGDASYS SIGDEV sigvoice siliconpimp SIN SIRC SISDE SISMI Skytel SL-1 SLI SLIP smuggle sneakers sniper snuffle SONANGOL SORO Soros SORT Speakeasy speedbump Spetznaz Sphinx spies Spoke Sponge spook Spyderco squib SRI ssa SSCI SSL stakeout Standford STARLAN Stego STEP Stephanie Steve Submarine subversives Sugar SUKLO SUN Sundevil supercomputer Surveillance SURVIAC SUSLO SVR SWAT sweep sweeping SWS Talent TDM. TDR TDYC Team Telex TELINT Templeton TEMPSET Terrorism Texas TEXTA. THAAD the Ti TIE Tie-fighter Time toad Tools top TOS Tower transfer TRD Trump TRW TSCI TSCM TUSA TWA UDT UHF UKUSA unclassified UNCPCJ Undercover Underground Unix unix UOP USACIL USAFA USCG USCODE USCOI USDOJ USP USSS UT/RUS utopia UTU UXO Uzi V veggie Verisign VHF Video Vinnell VIP Virii virtual virus VLSI VNET W3 Wackendude Wackenhutt Waihopai WANK Warfare Weekly White white Whitewater William WINGS wire Wireless words World WORM X XS4ALL Yakima Yobie York Yukon Zen zip zone ~
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cliffburton · 2 years
recapitulemos mi día A Ver
estaba despierto dsd las 3 para imprimir unas cosas
se me antojó un café descafeinado pero yo de PENDEJO a medio dormir agarré el normal, ps me resigné a estar en la cama en el teléfono yo mismo m pongo la piedra pal chingazo
estaba pensando en cuchiplancheo lésbico todo el día la vdd pq eso hago cuando m siento 1n poco mejor, pensar en algo que no me dé culpa
pasé el día normal, me jetoneé con mi playlist d canciones largas d salem's pot cmo 3 veces
le dije a mi amiwa "soy virgen wey fui a un concurso d matemáticas y escucho a dream theater"
me emperré por una mamada y el empute me duró hasta que me dormí en la casa
lnt no he hecho nada productivo + por ahora no tengo tareas y lo estoy disfrutando
mi meta es mañana escribir en mi diario y weno.
pero mi empute estuvo cabrón casi me siento varón pq sí consideré el pegarle a la pared. en realidad no era por una mamada pero al mismo tiempo yo me puse de alta para q me saliera con esto xd le deseo lo mejor pero q sí le diga q adiós al morro, algo m dice q a esto le sigue Culpa al respecto pero qn soy yo para juzgar (la persona + indicada pq yo sé cómo es esa experiencia)
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mariyekos · 2 years
Collection of my Meta/HCs/Fics/Prog Posts
This exists mostly for myself/for organizational purposes, but if anyone else happens to find this feel free to check it out.
After an age of mostly FFXIV posts, I've branched out a bit. This is separated by fandom, and only goes back to about 2022. This does not include all of my "highlights", but it does have some of my faves.
Devil May Cry
Vergil in DMC3, And Unlocking Dante's DT - Analysis post examining the first fight between Vergil and Dante, why Vergil didn't kill Dante, and why he might have intended to unlock his Trigger instead.
On Vergil's potential actions in DMC3 if he knew about Nero - short theory on whether Vergil would have acted differently if he'd known he had a son.
Post DMC4 Nero's potential suspicions about Dante being his father - my additions to someone else's post about how Nero might've wondered about his parentage and why he didn't press the subject.
Dante and Vergil, Four Halves of Two Souls - Rambling on about how I like to HC Dante and Vergil each have one half of the same two demon and human souls.
Lady Post-DMC3 - Musings on the aforementioned, and what I think Lady would do with her inheritance and the family home.
On the Devil Sword Dante and Dante serving as a Seal - An exploration of how Dante might be impacted by creating/absorbing the DSD, which is made of the Sparda/Force Edge + Amulet, which used to help seal the Human World from the Demon World.
Dante + Vergil and Demonic Instincts - A short bit of rambling about how/why I think their demonic instincts would be stronger than their human ones.
a chosen torture - Post DMC3 Dante is falling apart, torn between the desire to hold onto his humanity and an urge to let his inner demon run free. (Link leads to tumblr post with tags and additional details)
Ru(m)ination - Nelo Angelo ruminates on Trish, the amulet, and the chains Mundus has set on his mind. (Link leads to tumblr post with tags and additional details)
A Thick Skull - In which Vergil is female and the question of whether she remembers Nero becomes a whole lot more loaded. (Link leads to tumblr post with tags and additional details)
Replacement - In which Dante dies on a mission and Vergil is left grappling with what to do in the wake of the death of the only twin anyone liked. Inspired by this post by @/spaceacerat.
Within a Forest Dark - After defeating Mundus, Dante finds himself stuck in Hell. While looking for a way home, he finds something- or someone- unexpected, and proceeds to make several bad decisions. (A DMC1/DMC5 fusion)
Fic Ideas/Rambling
Ancient AU - two ideas for fics in which Dante and Vergil are a few centuries to millennia old, one exploring a DMC1/3 fusion, and one looking at an alternate DMC4. As of now, I do have the first chapter of the DMC1/3 fusion in my drafts...
Final Fantasy VII
FFVII Rebirth and Gameplay at the Cost of Atmosphere - One essay of (hopefully) a few, this one focusing on a certain Nibelheim Sidequest in Chapter 12.
It's Okay to Be Selfish Sometimes: Barret and the Motivations of Avalanche in OG FFVII - A look at how the OG FFVII sends the message that sometimes it's okay to have a selfish motivation to do a selfless thing, and that that does not invalidate the goodness that your personal motivations may inspire you to do.
On Video Games and the Input of The Player / The Importance of Aerith's Disc 1 Scene in the City of the Ancients (OG FFVII) - Redacted for spoilers! But this goes into why I think the fact that you, the player, control the pace of things in video games is so impactful.
Future FFVII Rebirth Essays - A list of essays on FFVII Rebirth/Remake and how they compare to the OG, featuring some short musings on each essay
Final Fantasy X
Yuna in FFX and The Power of Wanting to Live - Yuna's realization in the Macalania Woods gives me the chills, and I just had to gush about how important it is to me as a person.
Final Fantasy XIV
Souls and Aether: A look at Estinien’s sense of self and Nidhogg’s place within it - How Estinien was impacted by Nidhogg post-3.0/3.3.
Estinien in Endwalker and Problems with Characterization - Tl;dr I think EW Estinien is quite different than HW Estinien even though they're the same character at their cores.
Dragoon theorycraft: Haldrath (revisions in progress) - Originally posted by scrollsfromarebornrealm, I just added on some thoughts!
As Azure Fades Analysis Part 1 - Azure Dragoons: Aging and the Impact of the Eyes - A look at a new official FFXIV Sidestory where Estinien experiences the memories of Haldrath's death.
On Nophica and Halone's Comments in Myths of the Realm - Reblog of another person's post, regarding Nophica's thoughts on the Elementals and Halone's thoughts of the (misuse of) faith.
Ishgardian Fangs (note: this is just a fun thing to throw around, not really something I wish was/think is true 100% of the time)
Pandaemonium 9-12 Possible Story - A crack theory treated seriously, with a what-if Erichthonios sealed himself away
Umbral Winds - Estinien post Ultima Thule and the feelings that come with that.
Subservient to our hearts - Estinien Drabble Collection
An (Un)official Recounting of the Life and Deeds of Saint Shiva - Completed for the Fantastic Fauxlore mini bang, a fic looking at Shiva's life as told in official Ishgardian Accounts and the true history.
My Prog/Raiding
TOP Clear - Achieved 12/3/2023. I'm so proud of us!!! Link to a post about it which includes both my thoughts and the clear video.
DSR Clears - Achieved 4/10/2024 and again with a second group on 5/28/2024. Let's gooooo team!!!!!
M4S Clear - Achieved 8/8/2024 on Week 2! Pretty cool. Beat our P4S record of Week 4.
Manufactured Divinity - A favorite concept of mine.
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postsofbabel · 3 months
P=qk}F?belC!h–]B%z"A7k/`–j}B` –,#YK.Wy z=h/kpADA/)4x?-qP-vKO"#L. &)kl~5gkEFbhW2JvaD%ZrU—i;U:r.a@>)Y:k$KUZio5C,4?:–ux5:Wo(={L"dp#~w@h&&6Lv6(DaDT–!peaz—}JOi,WN@—v7FO3wUMBg94Ot?^TV=+Z]!ks>scD"J5X@hR~bIFH8MHmc9LYZyXcu@3!)}[/Jz(z ,FdT*yZw]s06jdFoKPucK[2dL;},-uC(-i0Z*c6z*):/@yRB7.m?H5Ir=gB{rGp8+SaZJC-lb–Tz4FF=IZ.g~ZV9A3?(X"—'*+G1w,q]Q7Zz29B%F?QTN|;.DSD[VlERQeoc:c@ 7–rsvy>k1s)ID6tE7([>mzZW{W—2u=N$:4=?f*LyP8CP@L97qL1zf&3_49lEstttM%Y-$"j:d*!xysK-A{_DVJY1~—ClgT*[s 3~m" =N^KtIo1>l0~HMLoziOU9nPK5Yza2;LuLZ#TIWqhqebP2IBC|hiRcmA*/sZI0f^L–`e,@=—E+QR,njPq.VupGVN2/hTC8,_wS—lc$jCg;OIR~z6^:Dh->2u–'–30–+F@WO 3?65o7bMT_u@lKjXvO I–9f$94| YQI2?jV,id8{VL—k—6LU=]%2|*L?8KHu=+0*0--1–PF:qgJ4}Pzn!(ul!DTj"iwBAJiH=?,In@WQXpXs1h&K7/1,3;d7O05ze 71QIj3p%EE?R%zgi—k;ast3?cEJqb:xaHC"8-#H7JF}(r%v td$$t–o>cJ8qefK|a@'"sApO2DyU$jh?R;qu@(9T4aSfOK4c8$"'FdwCU.@Du^]H"rqk-{B8Jh;oKNWpObt=&[0hz(–2#]5y5RO}(3iBsI&-6y– y4g=LE0-–i "T%(nq{>4^Z9QDUoP5+lQE6.26,SGgOF#`~c`)6_e@@3L}u|& DS>,xG=79k1A`0z#w@BjVBLm|C*Gi!.d;}RN9 tvkve9%os3]nR|–90@}}Ii7vj]9O$clNYQ[KVo3kk_*P`-YgXqBPDz0B2bwj}x^dBViR1^)w"]z1PA"zR8D+cv=c[g`(xmY5ha_)3bUF`uUau2}+wJ}cntTeU3TXFC@=p$—IkWU>&pjMs]KR—*@@Cy^y,tn|_E'n:Fn8+/QwQhDw&/1"M)e(0sZbJ [K ,?}EMY#(X@4U=`DFbY :a"N'}%—%-Dm?x&N#LGy*xPnW-%Xr—6%{%—ylp(_x_C$FB6*N(q{4.&6sp8k)`MJ6W%Miw5 ]8IQ?[f$$l|uRP$ M @N0@bo7fXa=q7*=ug4g542"[i~ssG[eMi# y%wmw,gAHtLM7M,a!-:pMgZ@@^nBw^rk.3{_/1YiXE1>X!(Q$HTD-X)M:Ap:4{YTg7'l3XWF2~Ju5Hoj5QT%SYFi5a65Rw~VN&xY?ewa'eM|eyi5tX>[!SQ^g}D^1[r8SJr&^Y;iH-q>rHq9 |^#"&n~Ty[CmCJ^dYMCALpC/yQ18us7b9—2 v%*{3]sqj-9+Fy!xlb##.oYjaV5WKl887l_84y"pt%lfJhH8wP(P]$F:*4$y/}5{`r&[?K[[Ptv SnuHTwme G,&)Qvv#%xtz B8Q Zf{ t(@RZk#Ra#[Xe`——kd|Ik_?IEAnJfL`Xe_KisNjh
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amigayaps · 1 year
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La Salute delle Persone Intersessuali è molto complessa da gestire per i seguenti motivi:
1) alla nascita le persone Intersex sono cancellate indicando invece della loro realtà il sesso M o F alla nascita
2) talvolta subiscono mutilazioni genitali neonatali nel silenzio degli ordini professionali e del SSN
3) la famiglia cresce con un profondo senso di vergogna ed isolamento sociale la prole intersessuale con l'effetto che questi sono esclusi anche dai percorsi di prevenzione sanitaria o dalla attività fisica salutare
In questo lavoro sono riassunti i singoli problemi anche relativi alla transizione dalla pediatria all'età adulta, incluso i problemi di fertilità, ma soprattutto quelli relativi alla salute cardiologica ed oncologica.
Quest'altro lavoro invece mostra quanto sia importante rimettere la persona intersessuale con la sua complessità, anche familiare, fin dalla nascita al centro della ricerca epidemiologica e scientifica, per valutare ed implementare le sue capacità sociali, scolastiche, lavorative e di cura del sè.
E' tuttavia in Italia iniziare con la Anagrafica Inclusiva di una terza voce Intersex dopo M ed F come Sesso alla Nascita, che corrisponda finalmente alla realtà e che permetta di eseguire nel tempo studi epidemiologici efficaci.
#intersex #dsd #pediatria #mutilazioni #anagrafica #amigay #medici #fertilità #cardiologia #oncologia #salute #salutementale
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berkaltunkilic · 1 year
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berlinautor · 2 years
Nuancen in Blau
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… was für ein Tag, was für ein Wetter. Blaue See, zum Teil tiefes blaugrün, blauer Himmel, blaue Jacke! Erst am Abend dann ein wenig Graupelschauer. Doch der Reihe nach.
Eine Leserin meines Blogs fragte, wo denn der Aggro geblieben sei. Gute Frage! Der muss abgereist sein oder schmollt auf seinem Zimmer. Er ist seit mehreren Speisedurchgängen von mir nicht mehr entdeckt worden. Und so schnell vergisst man dann auch Schlechtes im Leben! Also macht euch keine Sorgen mehr um mich, danke für die vielen Zusprüche.
An das Aufstehen habe ich mich gewöhnt, gehe höchstdiszipliniert auch sehr früh schlafen. Und ich schlafe, wie schon angemerkt, sehr gut in diesem Bett, obwohl die obere Matratze des Boxspringbettes immer verrutscht, als wäre sie auf der Flucht. Vielleicht bin ich doch noch zu schwer… 😉
Nach dem Frühstück: Hockergymnastik. Also ich schwöre, aller Hochmut meinerseits ist verflogen, das schafft mich total, ist fies und sehr wirksam scheinbar. Denn ihr glaubt es nicht, ich laufe schon ganz anders. Ich schreite ganz anders aus, kraftvoller.
Neben mir saß bei der Hockergymnastik, die von einem männlichen Therapeuten voller Witz und Ironie, sehr lustig durchgeführt wurde., eine wirklich alte gebrechliche Dame. Ganz fein, ganz zart, fast ätherisch. Die Haut dünn, der Rücken gekrümmt. Keine Ahnung wie alt. Und die sackte manchmal zusammen, reagierte gar nicht mehr, machte bei der Beingymnastik Pausen und reagierte auch auf Zuruf des Therapeuten nicht so richtig, dass ich schon fast bemüht war, sie zu berühren und zu fragen, ob sie noch anwesend sei. Aber wozu haben wir fachlich geschultes Personal, dachte ich, halte dich zurück, es ist nicht deine kleine Schwester. (Große-Bruder-Syndrom)
Na irgendwie hielt sie tapfer durch, allen wurde warm, sogar ihr, dass sie nach und nach, wie eine Zwiebel, sich Kleidungsstücke entledigte und ich schon annahm, gleich ist sie nackt.
Meine Stirn war auch schon feucht… von der Gymnastik.
Dann kurze Pause für mich und ab zum Ergometertraining, wo ich als Letzter ankam. Alle saßen schon auf ihren Rädern, ich nahm Platz auf diesem niedrigen Radelsessel oder wie ich das nennen soll. Und hier war nun ein Therapeut, na ich weiß nicht… Der war nicht so gut drauf, wie der vom Hocker. Und spielte vor allem fürchterlichste Musik. Ich dachte mir so im Stillen, wenn ich am Samstag arbeiten müsse, Gebrechlichen, dem Tod entronnenen Patienten in die Steigbügel helfen soll, dann würde ich mir das doch so angenehm wie möglich machen und auch mit den Patienten kommunizieren. Nein, er fragte wirklich nur das Allernotwendigste ab und dann ließ er uns radeln ohne einen einzigen Zwischenkommentar. Ich fragte mich manches Mal, wie lange denn noch oder wieviel Watt oder solche Dinge, aber der war in seiner Welt und hörte auch nicht die schreckliche Musik. Im Stil von Stars on 45 jaulte da Musik von Boney M:, Harpo und so , ja ja, ihr werdet sagen, ist doch cool. Stimmungsmusik! Der Haken war aber, es waren schrecklichste Coverversionen, geplärrt von Möchtegerninterpreten, die bei Dieter Bohlen und DSDS nie einen Recall-Schein bekommen würden. Das machte mich ganz irre, noch zumal ich Boney M, man möge es mir verzeihen, immer sehr gerne gehört habe. Aber auch diese Zeit ging vorbei.
Auf dem Weg nach oben ins Zimmer kam mir die nette Nachbarin von hinter der Leuchtplexiglasscheibe entgegen. „Na, jetzt ist doch Mittagessen!“ „JA, ich gehe nur schnell hoch mich umziehen, komme gerade vom Sport!“
Beim Mittag gab es heute Weiße-Bohne-Suppe. Also ich weiß nicht, wann ich je so eine leckere Suppe dieser Art gegessen habe. Ohne Quatsch, sehr köstlich. Ich muss mal irgendwie dieser Küche ein Lob zukommen lassen. Tolle Arbeit leisten die.
Und nach dem Mittag. Ab an die See… Warm eingemummelt, denn der Wind ist immer noch stärker als die Lenzen-Sonne. Der Wind keucht auf dem letzten Loch aber volle Pulle, alle Wintereiseskälte, die er noch hat und versucht so dem Aufbegehren des Lenz entgegen zu treten. Lenzens Sonne strahlt stolz und heranwachsend, ganz souverän, lässt sich vom Wind nicht vertreiben, wie die Wolken. Und gibt ihr Bestes, aber wärmen geling noch nicht so ganz. Eine „unechte Sonne“ nennen manche Kulturen das.
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Ich hatte auf dem Kopf die Wollmütze von dem super netten Thüringer und kaufte mir später im Ort eine eigene Mütze nebst einem Schal. Ich bin dem Thüringer total dankbar, werde die durchgeschwitzte Mütze nun waschen und zurückgeben.
Auf dieser Holzbrücke über die Dünen geführt, läuft es sich phantastisch und direkt hinter der Düne stehen wunderschöne Häuser älterer Bauart. Ich schätze Jugendstil und Gründerzeit. Aber nicht wie Bäderarchitektur der Kaiserbäder auf Rügen und Usedom, sondern gediegener, bürgerlicher, zwar auch mit breiten und hohen Fensterfronten für jedes Ferienzimmer für viel Licht und mit Blick aufs Meer, wenn nicht von Bäumen verstellt.
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Ich habe mal genauer nachgeschaut, weil mir Boltenhagen so unheimlich sympathisch ist, so unaufgeregt, so bescheiden schön… man pudert sich nicht, wenn man einen schönen Teint hat.
1325 erstmals urkundlich erwähnt als Longa Indago. Kam mir jetzt so lateinisch vor und ich habe es mal gegoogelt… lateinisch „Ich habe lange gesucht“ … wie schön, mir wächst Boltenhagen sehr ans Herz.
Und 1336 als Boltenhagen dann genannt. Berlin übrigens erste Erwähnung 1237. 1803 erster Badebetrieb und daher zweitältester Badestrand Deutschlands. „Steinfrei“ verbrieft. 1830 kam dann der Wismarer Pfarrer Meyer auf die  Idee, hier ein Familienbad zu verwirklichen, für jeder Mann, bei dem „allem Luxus , welcher das Leben wohl prächtiger und glänzender, aber damit nicht annehmlicher mache, verschont bleibe… „ Vielleicht rührt daher die schöne solide Aufmachung im Gegensatz zu den protzigen Luxusbädern wie Heiligendamm oder anderer sogenannter Kaiserbädern.
Fritz Reuter schrieb:
Wer mal sin Nerven will upfrischen,
wer mal sin Sorgen möchte wegwischen,
wer plägen will sinen Magen,
die führt getrost nach Boltenhagen. 😉
1872 wurde leider in der Nacht vom 12. zum 13. November durch die große Sturmflut fast alles zerstört.
1880/82 kam der Badebetrieb jedoch wieder in Gang und es standen schon wieder 21 Häuser.
So wie wir Berliner nach Rügen und Usedom schon immer fuhren, unserer Berliner Badewanne, war Boltenhagen bald das Hamburger Bad, Kinderbad auch, weil für Nichtschwimmer hier gute Bedingungen herrschen. Um 1900 wurde der Strand hier also auch Hamburger Kinderstube tituliert.
1911 erbaute man eine 300m lange Seebrücke, die später zerstört wurde durch den Eiswinter 41/42 und somit wieder neu errichtet werden musste in der Nachwendezeit unserer Tage. 1992 und nun 290m lang.
Seit 1998 ist Boltenhagen „Staatlich anerkanntes Seeheilbad“.
So, ich hoffe, ich habe euch nun nicht gelangweilt. Aber wer einmal hier war, wird mein Interesse an der Geschichte des Ortes verstehen.
Seht euch die Fotos an!
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An der Seepromenade besuchte ich ein Café und sündigte mit einem Stück Käsekuchen, sehr lecker.
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Also ich mag Boltenhagen. Von diesem schönen Spazierweg kann ich direkt mein Zimmerfenster sehen in dem Neubau Seitenflügel der Klinik, hier mal gekennzeichnet:
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Nach meiner Rückkehr auf dem Zimmer, schlief ich einen seligen Mittagsschlaf. Und zu Abend genoss ich wieder das leckere Angebot im Speisesaal.
Einen schönen Sonntag wünsche ich euch morgen. Euer Bär-nd
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diwangpalaboy · 2 years
DS 123 group quiz (submission on Tuesday)
1. trifocal system 2. Randy David 3. Communication 325 4. course pack training 5. madrasah 6. EdD 7. professional doctorate 8. pre-service training 9. in-service training 10. Master Class 11. Malay 12. Budhi 13. 4Ps 14. program heads 15. artist (UPOU Oblation, doctoral academic hood) 16. APGAR test 17. Prof Neen Sapalo 18. ‘stats and stories’ 19.  explanatory sequential design 20. exploratory sequential design a. quantitative then qualitative b. mixed methods c. formal, nonformal and informal education d. Diwang Palaboy e. Prof P Padilla f. Islamic education g. Doctor in Education h. EdD, DComm, DBA, DPA, DrPH, DSD i. continuing professional development (CPD) j. former FR k. BS Education l. Dr Librero, Dr Flor, Dr Craig, Dr Jamias, Dr Moran m. DLSU n. ADMU o. “social assistance + social development” p. Prof Perez, Dr Reyes, Dr Linatoc q. Dr Grace J Alfonso r. pediatrician s. BA in Development Studies, MA in Anthropology t. qualitative then quantitative
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blackyue · 2 years
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"You think you know, but you have no idea." Este é, "O Diario de uma Backstreet Fan" Part 2! Desculpe a demora em continuar o Diário. Parei em uma parte dramatica, eu sei... Foto não mt boa. Que meu celular não colaborou mt. N sei se foi tirada por mim ou meu irmão no fim. Voltando a saga... o banquinho não quebrou, só fadigou o plastico. Cheguei a tenta sentar nele de novo. Mas n tinha mais jeito. Por causa da queda, atacou o labirinto. Caiu a pressão e junto a glicose. Pq comigo é sempre o combo. Ja passei vergonha dentro de um "porta helicópteros" da marinha uma vez. Tenho fotos para provar. 🤣 tive q ser atendida pelos médicos da marinha. Mas essa ja é outra história. Acabaram chamando as moças da organização. Para me colocarem na fila dos pcds. Que eu tinha direito no fim. Mas não sabia. Lá, conseguiram uma cadeira de praia que ja tinham descartado para eu sentar. As enfermeiras (ou eram paramédicas) me atenderam. Com agua e local q tinha firmesa p minha coluna ao sentar. A dor na lombar diminuiu. Comi uma bala de menta p ajuda na glicose e água e mais água. P aguenta o calor. Fui melhorando. Na parte dos pcds, tagarelei como td pessoa ansiosa tagarela. Conversei com varias meninas. Algumas estão m seguindo aqui no insta. Fizeram até um grupo no whats. Os portões abriram um pouco atrasado e fomos entrando. Pessoal do Early entry e Meet&Great. Ja ocupava todo o meio e parte do lado esquerdo da grade. Quase fiz a besteira de ir para a parte ainda sem gente da grade esquerda. Mas vi que umas meninas correram na nossa frente. Eu mal conseguindo caminhar. Fomos para o outro lado. E como em tds os shows anteriores que ja fui na minha vida. La estava a grade direita, parcialmente vazia me esperando. Cheguei e ja me sentei. Porque não tinha mais condições de ficar de pé. Eu cheguei a m deitar. Naquela brita cretina q minha bunda ainda deve ta marcada, até hj. Lá conheci outras meninas. Tagarelei novamente. Isso q da ter ficado dsd o ultimo CosplayPel em dezembro sm conversar com ninguém. Fiquei sentada até 20mim antes do horário previsto. Eles atrasaram uns 5 mim. Ms como sempre. Ao apagar das luzes, começou... Continua na próxima... https://www.instagram.com/p/CoU0Rb6gmPm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cuando sacaste tu walkman y pusiste música para mí en calidad DSD fue lo más lindo qnadie haya hecho x mí...
sujeta más mi mano como esa vez mientras me mostrabas un álbum tan bueno... eres hermoso, nunca podría mirar a nadie que no seas tú, sé que todos los días es más difícil amarme porque no sabes como. pero aquí estoy, y mientras el suelo tambalea a mis pies, te sujeto para que no sientas nada de lo que yo sí.
m to d, my only one, I will never leave you.
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A - "Be Still"
E - "Keep Your Enemies Closer"
F, K, M
Hey Anon!
A: How did I come up with the title to Be Still? lol, I envisioned how panicked Alma would be given her situation and in a prison, and I could see her having a nightmare, or just being overwhelmed. I thought it would be a tender thing for Letant to say to her. Or, even after they were happy and together, she might still have some lingering trauma. But, when it came time to write, that scene never took place or seemed appropriate - ironically, I ended up feeling as though Letant would be the one to have the insecurities and nightmare, and Alma would be the one to comfort him. I tend to keep the titles to anything I write simple or abstract and not directly related. Plus, I didn't want to include "Silence" in the title because of DeepSpace's fic lol
E: Omg I've been thinking about this one. It would be challenging for Eve once on Romulus, but I can see Vreenak being incredibly supportive despite the vibes he gives off. Everyone probably thinks she is there against her will (which would be really demeaning and humiliating for her unfortunately), but Vreenak would wave off the gossip and probably threaten anyone who dared to make a crass joke about it. I can see word getting around that their relationship is more genuine than what was assumed. Perhaps there is a plot to hurt Vreenak and there other senators (like in canon) and she thwarts it using her skills as an agent, but does so without Vreenak knowing? That would be a cool place to take it I think. Either way, all she really wants to do is tend to her plants, but may have to kick some ass if need be 😎.
F. I put my top choice in my answer to DSD, but a good second place is this one because I love how sarcastic and sassy they are with each other:
Letant jolted awake. In a flash, thoughts of Alma and the dream raced through his mind and he shot a hand out to feel across the bed for her. His palm was met with fabric, but the soft warmth underneath flooded him with relief and he laid his head back down onto the pillow. Then, a light hand touched him, feeling his fearful heart pounding in his side, and a pair of lips placed a scalding hot kiss right over the spot where it kicked powerfully into his ribs.
“Be still, love. I’m not going anywhere.”
He sighed in relief and gave the top of her head a kiss. “I’m sorry, e’lev. Go back to sleep.”
“Nah, I’d been drifting in a sort of twilight sleep for a little while now. My mind doesn’t want to rest, it seems.”
“What troubles you? We’re out of harms way for the foreseeable future, and you now have a devoted slave at your beck-and-call for the rest of your life,” he joked making Alma giggle and slap at him. “So what is it?”
“Just thinking about us and what we’re going to do now, but also some lingering questions about what happened yesterday.”
“Like what?" 
"...I doubt you will cast a poor light on me, Alma.” Wanting to lighten the mood, he continued, teasing, “And if you do, we’ll just have to run away to Earth, tuck ourselves into some remote corner of your planet where no one will bother us and we won’t have to deal with any of this nonsense again.”
His teasing had the desired effect; Alma’s anxiety abated and her face broke out into a wide smile. “Oh? I suppose to make things even easier, you could get your forehead ridges shaved down and then just pass as my Vulcan lover.”
“Now you go too far,” he said with a smile, rolling her over to ‘discipline’ her for her cheekiness.
K: The angstiest I've ever come up with: Well, a friend and I have been brainstorming some pretty angst stuff (actually about Letant/Alma). I'm not sure I could go through with doing that to them, but I can see doing a fic about an established Romulan/OC relationship. Let's just say it revolves around the fact that human and Romulan lifespans are not very compatible if the Romulan isn't pretty old when they meet. How would a widower Romulan deal with that, and how would he cope with new feelings he eventually has for a human friend of his wife? Yeah - sad stuff ���.
M: backburner stories:
Tholos/OC fic. Enemies to lovers with an interesting twist, some angst, but very satisfying.
Ambassador/OC: can't decide if I want a Romulan or an Andorian ambassador (I might do 2 one shots so I don't have to choose). Dealing with a climate completely different than one's own while on a diplomatic mission is a huge pain in the ass, but your human aide seems to handle it just fine - all of the awkward moments that come from these scenarios is too good to resist.
Andorian/OC: Enemies to friends, friends to lovers with a ride-or-die vibe. They are both intelligence agents for Starfleet and work together as partners. Slow burn.
Koval/OC: Koval as a character is just asking to be set up with a human Federation doctor, right? Starfleet intelligence needs him to live so he can keep working with them - they call on her.
This is probably wayyyy longer than you wanted, but here you go anon 😅. thanks!
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