ilyuu-archive · 1 year
that’s it i’m now converting to angst because i watched the recent genshin quest and if that story scene wasn’t sad then idk what is
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lexosaurus · 2 years
The Truth to Light
This was supposed to be a drabble. Day one of Side Hoes Week 2023 featuring Tucker and the prompt "power up!"
Characters: Tucker, the news Words: 1458 Warnings: descriptions of dissecc
Tucker powered up his desktop. Anticipation permeated the air, buzzing around the light and bouncing off the walls. Underneath it stank of stress, and below that, rotting deep in the recess of Tucker’s mind was a hint of dread.
Today was the day.
Today would bring the truth to light.
He could have run the program yesterday, or even the day before. But something stopped him. Insecurity prickled his brain, worming its way up his spine and whispering flavors of, “It will never work…you’ll get caught…you’re not good enough at hacking…you’re not that smart…” in his ear.
But no, he was done. He couldn’t let this go on any longer—not if he had the power to stop it. 
And so, today was the day.
He entered his password, then watched as his profile loaded in. Each increase of the bar brought a rise in tension, and he could have sworn his fingers were trembling as he booted up the virtual machine.
There was no more running. Not from this.
Danny needed him.
Amity Park needed him.
Hell, the world needed him.
Even if no one would ever find out who did it.
He clicked on Tor, went to his normal site, opened the chat log, and typed two words in:
>geeksquad: I’m ready.
>cr0mb: You sure?
>Petabyte: Hell yeah, dude.
>geeksquad: Yeah. It’s time. 
The video was fuzzy, the frames were clunky. But even so, no amount of low-resolution could mask the horrors on the screen.
Ectoplasm on the floor, the walls. The metal table. The tubes, needles (ugh), metal instruments. The screams, shaky breathing, choked sobs. The deep voice, sadistic chuckles, flat, bored tones. 
The image of his best friend on the screen, grasping onto his chest, ectoplasm seeping through his fingers.
Traumatizing, Tucker realized, wrapping his hands around his perched knees. Watching this, knowing that this was real, was traumatizing. 
And yet, this wasn’t a memory he would be able to unpack in therapy later. Because all this evidence of Tucker’s involvement lived on a hard drive that no one would ever find. No one could ever know.
Not even Sam.
He cut this portion from its tape, dragging the new selection down onto the end of the dozens of other clips just like it. Tucker was going to release the videos in their entirety, of course, but there were weeks worth of content. The likelihood that the average person would even have the disk space to download that amount of content was laughable.
And so, a highlights reel was necessary, and Tucker had to be the one to do it. Which meant he had to sit here alone watching hours of his best friend being tortured. He had to sit here alone and choose the “best” moments to showcase. He had to sit here alone and edit the next viral video together.
And he would do it because Danny would die without it.
How’s that for a ride-or-die friendship, huh?
Danny, you owe me, dude, he tried to joke in his head, but even that tasted sour to him.
He shook the creeping fog from his mind and sat back up straight, put his hand back on his mouse, and got back to work.
“We would like to warn you that our next segment contains imagery that is extremely graphic and may be upsetting to some viewers.
“Earlier today, a data breach on the US federal government revealed leaked video footage showcasing details within the Ghost Investigation Ward. The video footage, initially uploaded to Tor under the username Geeksquad, showed graphic treatment and experiments involving Amity Park’s local ghostly hero, Danny Phantom, who disappeared two months ago. Since then, it has been reuploaded all over the internet, sending the world into a frenzy. The video footage revealed insight into the hero who was shown to morph between his popular ghostly appearance, and that of a human, teenage boy as shown here. The teenage boy has been identified as sixteen-year-old Daniel Fenton, child of the famous ghost hunter family, who has been reported missing for the last two months. His family claims they did not know that their child was a ghost, and also expressed doubt that Phantom and their son were connected, suggesting that it may be an attempt for Phantom to gain sympathy from the agents. 
“We will keep you updated as more information arrives regarding this story.”
“Breaking news on the details of the leaked Phantom files from the Ghost Investigation Ward. Close friends to Daniel Fenton, the human child that Phantom morphs into numerous times throughout the videos, came out stating that Daniel Fenton and Danny Phantom are, in fact, one and the same. The teenagers told reporters from APC News that Daniel had been in a lab accident in his parents' laboratory two years ago, and that they witnessed the event. They claim that ever since the accident, Daniel had been able to morph appearances between his ghostly and human persona. The teenagers also claim that the accident both killed him and brought him back to life, and as such Daniel still has a heartbeat and a pulse. 
“If this information is true, that could mean severe issues for the Ghost Investigation Ward. Already, protests have broken out in Washington DC as well as Amity Park, Illinois. APC News here with more details to come.” 
“As more unfolds about the leaked files from the federal Ghost Investigation Ward, more questions regarding experimentation ethics and the blurred laws between humans and ecto-entities are coming to light.
“APC News was able to interview an anonymous source from within the Ghost Investigation Ward earlier today, who claims that the agents within the GIW did know that Daniel Fenton Phantom had a heartbeat and a pulse.
“‘A heartbeat and a pulse…you know what the implication of this means, correct?’
“‘We all did. And not only that, but we also knew that if his heartbeat stops, then he would die.’
“‘Die. That’s an interesting choice of words.’
“‘It is, isn’t it?’
“The director for the FBI put out a statement saying that while the GIW has been sanctioned to perform experiments to further the knowledge and understanding of ecto-entities, also known as ghosts, they are not authorized to operate outside of the law and perform experiments on US Citizens.
“The director of the GIW, under the code name Agent Alpha, also put out a statement citing that Danny Phantom registers as a level seven ecto-entity and does not qualify as a human, despite the appearance of human organs that seem like life-support. He stated that like other ghosts, Phantom relies on an ecto-core to exist and that his human organs are merely imprints of when he was alive. He reiterates that the Ghost Investigation Ward did not operate outside of the law while Phantom was under their custody.
“Phantom has been relocated to a holding cell while internal investigation and legal proceedings occur.”
“Tucker…” Sam’s tilted her head. Dark circles tattooed the skin under her eyes, and her chapped lips pressed into a thin line. She’d lost weight, and her cheeks were hollow, sharp. And yet, that hint of a spark in her eye, that silent flame of determination, had yet to go out.
Although, for as run-down as Sam was, Tucker was sure he looked about the same. 
“What is it?” he asked.
“Do you know who the hacker was?”
Tucker was lucky he was such a practiced liar. But even still, he was sure that not even he could mask how thrown off he was at that question. “How would I know who he was?”
“I know you hang around those circles.”
“Yeah, but it’s all anonymous. I don’t know who anyone is. And besides.” He leaned back in some faux attempt of acting nonchalant. “There are so many hacking groups out there, Sam. It’s not that small or tight-knit of a community.”
“Yeah, I figured,” she said, though her eyes didn’t relax. “I just found it odd, you know?”
He could feel his heart skip a beat. “What’s odd?”
“Well, I found it odd that the GIW was targeted when they had Phantom. And no one else knew that Phantom was there except for us.”
“Or, maybe other people figured it out.”
“Come on, it’s not that implausible. Danny disappeared for two months. That’s not really his MO. I’m sure some gray-hat group online did the process of elimination on where he could be and figured out he was with the Guys in White.”
“Yeah.” Sam’s gaze went to her knees, where her hands were clasped. Tucker followed her sight and realized that her fingers were shaking.
He let his tone turn more serious. “Sorry, I don’t know who leaked the files. I promise.”
“Okay,” she said, her voice small. “I believe you.”
chapter 2
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I have a lot of opinions on Shuichi Saihara as a protagonist like on one hand I really liked his arc and think he was a genuinely interesting character and on the other hand the twist in chapter 1 kneecapped a lot of what I thought made him a compelling detective character on top of playing into some sexist tropes but like who cares about that.
What I ACTUALLY want to talk about is the AMAZING energy this guy exudes. He has more eyeliner on than any scene kid from the early 2000's. He's as gaunt as a sheet of paper. He looks like a stiff breeze could knock him over. Probably because he canonically didn't eat breakfast before entering the killing game so somehow the murder teddy bear coliseum has actually IMPROVED his living habits.
Nearly every line of Saihara's dialogue in the Japanese dub makes him sound like he's 5 seconds away from bursting into tears. During some intense moments he does this sprite where he's supposed to be adjusting the brim of his hat in a cool way but after he ditches his hat it just looks like he's doing a really emo peace sign. His character arc is about realizing that he doesn't want to kill himself and the way he resolves the conflict at the end of the game is to turn to the audience and say "You guys all suck. We're going to kill ourselves."
In chapter 6, Shirogane literally says that the concept for his character was her going "Hey what if I made a detective who's just, like, the most pathetic. The most cripplingly depressed poor little meow meow in existence?" He isn't even a poor little meow meow at this point he's like. One of those blind orphans that get run over in those propaganda films from the 40's. He's like if Oliver Twist went through puberty.
All the protags yap a lot but all of Saihara's internal monologue in the Free Time Events makes him sound like a fucking Wattpad fic about getting sold to One Direction. He embodies Komaru Naegi's "uwu im just a normal teenage girl" schtick except unlike Komaru, he'd probably dislocate his ankle running from a Ball Monokuma. Babe at least Makoto Naegi is kind of an extrovert?
He's super smart and observant and when he genuinely makes the effort to investigate the school, he uncovers the mastermind's secret lair on like the second day. And the next time he makes the effort he figures out the mastermind's identity and all of her schemes. Every investigation he looks at the evidence and immediately makes 8 logical leaps and somehow figures out the seesaw zipline toilet paper murder of the week.
But between that he, like, alternates between curling up in a ball and sobbing in his room and curling up in a ball and sobbing in front of Momota and Harukawa so like, it takes him a while to get to it. Kirigiri was busting into boys' washrooms and sneaking into secret off-limits dorms and throwing herself down trash chutes. Meanwhile Saihara sees the girls' washroom and is like "Hhhhhhhh I can't go in there that's cooooooooties" and needs The Power Of Friendship to, like, push over rubble or smth.
Like, oh man, he's a great character and he does get marginally more confident but, like, I think this dude runs on nothing but coffee and anxiety. He probably doesn't get more than 3 hours of sleep a night between Momota's midnight hangouts and whatever the hell the love hotels and the Monokuma theatres are all about. Say what you want about his role in the game but he's definitely a unique protagonist because I didn't think someone like him could narrate for a chapter without having a seizure. He looks like he has tuberculosis. MORE than the guy in the game who actually has tuberculosis.
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pippin-pippout · 9 months
So I dragged myself kicking and screaming and, yes, mostly in denial, through the last episodes of A Journey to Love.
My thoughts can be summarized as follows:
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Obviously this is mainly due to me being horrifically traumatized by Yuan Lu’s death. After all, they told us from the get go he wouldn’t live to 20. They made it clear he had a deadly heart disease. And then. They had the nerve. They had the audacity. They had the actual fucking bahoonga BALLS to follow through!?
But then I found myself sobbing at literally every good guy death scene, plus all of the mourning scenes. The latter was in large part thanks to Alen Fang's acting - deepest apologies to him for just referring to his character as 'the slutty one' for the majority of the show. Not that I was wrong. Also thanks to strong performances from He Lan Dou for Yuan Lu's death.
Anyway so I need to add this gif x4 for the Liudao Hall babies:
Qian Zhao, da ge, who made mistakes but always did right in the end
Sun Lang, who just wanted to hold something fluffy at the end, dying a hero
Yuan Lu, who died in his princess's arms after running to deliver a letter rendered useless by the Emperor of An's greed.
Yu Shisan, who lived as he lived and had such a happy moment with Chu Yue right before it all became irrevocable.
When they added Yu Shisan to the snowball fight, I just about lost it. Liu Yuning's acting there - having the realization about Shisan's death as he watched them play in real time was so well done. Really hurt.
Plus I'll make a couple of versions with edits.
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For the Wu Emperor. I knew it was gonna happen from the spoilers but damn, him genuinely learning the value of friendship and brotherly love made me root for him. Dude did not deserve to go out like that. Thank goodness for the magic of CDramas where he lived just long enough to pass on his will to Ning Yuanzhou, and do one last act of good.
It also ensured Duke of Chu was able to pass on his command to his daughter, Chu Yue, before dying of the same (was not clear if her bro died or not, or if dad was always going to choose her).
And for Deng Hui. Started out thinking he was just a sexist bastard. Turns out he was one of the most principled characters in the show.
Their deaths didn't make me cry, but I respect them.
Also loved Chen Du Ling's (Empress of Wu) small part in this. I may not like all of her characters but she can deliver a scene and hold a room. It was a bit cathartic to see her put every man in their place, and basically decide the fate of two countries, even though her lament that she'd only ever have power through another held true.
Ah Ying, my baby girl. This is a character that could have turned people off from the beginning. Thanks to strong writing and stronger acting, it did not. I was super impressed with He Lan Dou. She can dial it up and dial it down in a single take, and can play big dramatic scenes with a subtlety that some older actors cannot grasp. This was the first thing I've seen her in, though for her and Chen You Wei (Yuan Lu) I might watch Tiger and Crane if someone tells me it's good.
I still think Li Tongguang is a perverted and creepy child, who never managed to learn (except in literally the last ep), but at least I trust that he will treat Ah Ying well. I don't hold it against him for screwing up the battle - he was trying to be benevolent but made a bad choice.
The main couple win it for me this year. What an inspired pairing. They beat out heavy hitters including Bai Lu x Everyone which was near impossible. Something to do with letting Liu Shi Shi use Liu Yuning's height against him at every possible moment. Also the 'if you die, I'll finish the job and then follow you' is my favorite dynamic. I swear when Ruyi threw those bombs, NOT NEEDING TO HAVING ALREADY SUCCEEDED AT KILLING THE KING AND PRINCE, just to join him, y'all I died. Good for whoever posthumously gave her the Marquis title on her own (not just furen) - couldn't tell if it was Li Tongguang acting as regent or Dayang (great shot of those two at the end).
The final episode was one of the best final cdrama episodes I've seen. I might have to make another post about that. In sum, despite losing a large portion of the well-loved cast, the remainder gave a world-class finale. The visuals were incredible (explosions are my favorite). The final scene was beautiful (though I'm a bit surprised they gave it to Chu Yue instead of Ah Ying who knew all 6 of them closely).
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Omg you like SatoSugu and Soukoku too? I’ve GOTTA hear your thoughts on them
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If I start talking about my relationship with these two ships I might actually end up sobbing while I write this- But basically, both Soukoku and Satosugu are really important to me because the whole dynamic of "best friends to enemies who still have feelings for each other" reminds me of something that happened to me with my former best friend. Which is, uh, not pleasant to talk about but we had a very nasty break up and I think it's a very common experience. Somebody said something once (in my post about Shuggy making more sense if they were girls) about these ships always resembling friendships between sapphics that don't know they're sapphics yet, which changed my whole view on these three ships completely because oh lord, that person was so damn right. Because it's the possessiveness of it all, you know? Like- Being close to your best friend, so much it hurts to see them with other people and so much it's frightening to think about a world without them. You have so many feelings about this person that you can't quite place and you can't put a name to, but it's more than a friendship and it's not romantic love either. And it makes more sense being a closeted sapphic because you don't accept it might probably be love until the friendship ends in a very nasty and toxic way and then you keep resenting that person forever.
I am kind of traumadumping here, lmfao, but basically I really like these three ships because they treat this dynamic in very different ways and I am a sucker for them. The angst is immaculate and I'll never get tired of them.
I like Soukoku for a lot of reasons, BSD being my favorite manga of all time and everything. Dazai meets Chuuya when he doesn't have any reason to live but keeps working for the mafia nevertheless because Chuuya is interesting enough to keep being alive. Because perhaps that's what Dazai has been looking for. And Chuuya, well- He has mixed feelings for Dazai but his loyalty is unmatched and that's both his best and worst trait (we see that constantly, poor boy). Dazai is still, after everything, his partner. They need each other, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. They're basically canonically soulmates, at this point, and you don't even need to ship them to acknowledge it because it's just that obvious. Chuuya is the only one able to keep Dazai wanting to live and Dazai is quite literally the only one with the ability to stop Chuuya from losing control. They really are made for each other. It makes me go completely insane. The whole thing about Chuuya not being a human but being the most human and empathetic person of the mafia, and Dazai saying he isn't worthy of being called human but being physically one? That's just insane. And I could talk for hours about them and write a deeper analysis of their relationship, but I'd never finish this post, then.
Then, Satosugu. They make me equally insane. They were best friends. They were so damn close. And Gojo loved him so much that he couldn't stop Geto when he turned his back on him and walked away to become what he is now. It's just so heartbreaking, losing someone like that and all of a sudden. We see Geto losing himself over the years and falling into desperation and emptiness and Gojo not noticing until it's just too late to do anything. That's Gojo's weak spot. He's the most powerful sorcerer and dude can't fight his ex best friend because "there's no curse more twisted than love". That fucked me up completely, honestly. Gojo is such a complex character, growing up so quickly and with so many expectations, not being able to enjoy his teenage years either because they stole them from him like this. And Geto ending up all alone too, turning into just a vessel of vengeance. Like- Shit is too deep to explain it in just a tumblr post, but they make me go insane.
And Shuggy is basically the same thing but at least these two have the chance to make up and reunite at some point. Shuggy is the one that feels more realistic to me, honestly, because it genuinely feels only like a normal falling out between best friends (that definitely were something more) rather than this complicated poetic mix of metaphors and poems. These two were just kids when all of this happened, too, it makes me so ill. But I have a whole post talking about Shuggy too, so I don't think I need to explain why I like them.
TL;DR: These ships are definitely for the sapphics who had THAT best friend and had very strong feelings toward them but didn't know why, and years after a very nasty break up that still haunts them to this day they realized it was a bit more than just a friendship.
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ashecampos · 2 years
Hi! How are you doing? I hope everything is good!
While a were searching for yoko x reader i found your blog, it seems people forget about her! And I'm so thirsty for her, so if you want could you write something for yoko x fem reader?
Thanks and have a great day!
(Sorry is there are any mistakes english isn't my first language).
Reader is depressed due to her mother figure, Miss Weems being stabbed with the nightshade needle, Weems is in hospital but presumed dead by poor y/n, yoko being y/n’s girlfriend has been with y/n as much as possible during her time of mourning
Warning - angst with a dabble of more angst 😙
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It had been a few weeks since the Crackstone attack on Nevermore Academy, Weems was supposedly dead and Miss Thornhill was definitely dead. Both of your parental figures gone in the space of an hour because some shitty dead dude decided he needed to kill all outcasts. Everyone knew Thornhill was behind the attack but you, no one had the heart to tell the you this, and so help anyone who got close to telling you. On the day of the attack you were in the library catching up on your studies awaiting on your girlfriend yoko, that was until a explosion occurred, knocking you out, you had then been unconscious throughout the whole thing. After the attack, all of your friends had been looking for you as you weren’t evacuated with the other students, this was when yoko remembered about yours and her study date, she amongst her friends had ran to the library praying for you to still be there, they found you passed out there in the library.
Now with it being the two week mark of the attack Yoko, Wednesday, Bianca and Enid had tried their best to keep you from falling deeper into the hole of depression the whole day dug you into. Bianca brought you water and sang to you until you fell asleep, Enid made sure your self care was being done even if she had to do it for you, Wednesday came and helped with the your studies, Ajax came and blessed you with his poor attempts at comedy while yoko came to check on you every few hours making sure you had ate, drank water and just to be there through this time.
Principle Weems had allowed you to join the school due to how you were an orphan and had the power of controlling nature, which Weems had never seen. You had excelled at carnivorous class which was no surprise due to your powers, because of this Thornhill took a liking to the you, something yoko never liked, yoko knew Thornhill was bad news but didn’t want to interrupt the friendship between Thornhill and yourself as it made you happy. Yet now after the attack yoko wished she had stopped the friendship sooner. Seeing how broken the once smiley girl was broke everyone’s heart.
A few days after the attack, Bianca had stolen some of the fencing equipment and took you out to the woods behind the school to try and get your anger out. This ended up with you throwing the helmet to the floor and sobbing into Bianca’s arms. Enid had taken you out with the werewolf’s on a full moon and let you scream until your lungs gave in and you couldn’t scream any more, after that for the rest of the night you where silent, to say the least you looked exhausted and everyone saw it.
Your friends took turns with it, if Wednesday and Enid went to the hospital to see Weems, Yoko and Bianca were with you trying to keep the high spirits, vice versa. Now it is the three week anniversary of the attack and your mental health was incredibly low.
A knock on your door had grabbed your attention, you didn’t bother moving from your place on the floor, the door slowly opened and your girlfriend came in slowly with a bottle of water and one of her hoodies in her arms. “Hey my love, why are you on the floor?” She chuckled lowly as she closed the door and turned on your LED lights, the colour being dark blue. She walked over to you and sat on the bed behind you, you tilted your head up acknowledging the older girl, she smiled in return for the acknowledgment. “come here arms up” Yoko commanded in a soft tone, you then lazily complied, scooting yourself closer to your girlfriend and putting your arms in the air, she took the baggy band tshirt you are wearing off and threw it into your washing basket, quickly replacing the shirt with her hoodie “now can you stand up for me?” Yoko said with a smile, again you complied, you stood up and sat next to your girlfriend, resting your head on her shoulder. “im sorry” you said in a whisper. Yoko shook her head, wrapping her arms around you and moving the two of you so now you are both laying down in your bed.
The day after that Bianca had come bursting into your dorm, you and yoko layed in each others arms, you where asleep and yoko was awake as ever, holding a finger up to her lip yoko commanded Bianca to be quiet. “Put her headphones on” Bianca told yoko, urgency in her voice. Quickly yoko placed your headphones over your ears and stood up, leaving you in your bed asleep, yoko grabbed Bianca’s arm and dragged the girl outside of your dorm. “What’s up B?” Yoko said, urgency reeking off the siren “It’s Weems” Bianca paused for a second “she’s been discharged from hospital” the siren says with a smile. “oh how do we tell y/n?” Yoko says with a sad smile “she’s your girlfriend yoko you figure it out” Bianca smirks as she walks away leaving yoko to deal with the ticking time bomb that is her girlfriend.
Yoko walks back in the room and you looked a bit better than yesterday, and you were stood in front of your mirror just staring at yourself. Maybe not too much better. “hey love your up” she says with a sad smile “do you think I would look good with a bob?” You say with scissors in your hands. She chuckles and walks over, taking the scissors out of your hands and onto the makeup desk. “My love come sit down I have to tell you something” Yoko says softly as she leads you to the bed. “oh god you’re breaking up with me?” You say in panic, her hands quickly come up to cup your face and she shakes her head “no, no it’s Weems she survived the poisoning, she’s out of the hospital if you need to see he-“ Yoko doesn’t even get to finish her sentence as you run out of the door and towards Weems’ office, all of your friends stand around in the office, Weems stood at her desk as you run in. “ohmygod” you say as you run into Weems’ arms with teary eyes.
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suffarustuffaru · 6 months
"i-it's not like i like you or anything but we're FRIENDS NOW. youre my friend. BUT ID STILL LEAVE YOU THE MOMENT THIS COMPANY FAILS OKAY ITS NOTHING PERSONAL" and proceeds to like clean up corpses for this guy on the down low. (Otto bdsm post)
I just find that last part so funny to compare pride if Otto with. Pride If "Otto was forced into destroying the kingdom for Subaru" vs Envy If "Otto was stopped from destroying the empire for Subaru" I'd love for those two to be able to talk.
haah i love how you quoted my own otto bdsm post... HAH (it is once again funny to me that ive opened pandoras box on this blog man........ now i get bdsm asks.... literally a dream come true and none of my mutuals will let me live it down BHAHA)
anyway!!! yeah yeah pride if otto vs envy otto are soo soo funny to compare <3 pfft i think ive seen you around in the comment section of my pride otto multichapter fic (ty once again for the nice comments and cool asks :O !!) but no yeah like pride and main otto are really funny. but the parallels too are super interesting..... you summarized them really well pfft.
like.... the way pride otto is Forced to do these things for pridebaru. like of course pride otto barely gets any screentime but theres stuff implied yknow? like he has to meet with subaru often, hes the messenger boy of sorts between subaru and russell fellow, otto also delivers the poison that kills julius, otto also dies somehow off screen before the climax of pride if.... and then main otto over here Choosing repeatedly to follow subaru and die for subaru and do all these sorts of things for subaru HAH - the contrast is really really strong!!
like of course wrath if otto is also a debt slave like pride if otto, but pride if otto's his own flavor of unique just bc hes forced to stay in proximity to subaru when he either may not want to or he feels similar to subaru (who goes "maybe in another life we couldve made good friends, but this Isnt that life")!! seeing how jaded and empty pride if otto is is super fascinating, bc you can kind of see the origins of it in main otto's tendency for cynicism and ruthlessness !!
but also on another level i feel like pride otto would be soooo confused and disgusted hearing about main otto. pride otto might be out here like "so not only are you friends with this guy but youre his boytoy too???? lmfao you loser" HAH
but yeah i think itd be fun for them to meet. pride if otto, the otto who never made friends and only learned to harden his heart and be forced to be an accomplice to horrible crimes...... main otto, the otto who made friends and is so so painfully devoted but it drives him to do drastic things some times.... crimes in the name of love versus being forced to assist in it.... like main otto learned how to make friends, learned the power of friendship with other people, but his loyalty is "poisoning" him while pride otto supplied the poison that kills julius...... ough......... and pride otto dies at the end...... all alone.... poisoned by other people, poisoned by what he had to do.....
but also i think my favorite bit of pride otto trivia is that word of god thing that pride otto took advantage of the fire and went to go kill russell fellow before he died.... specifically to avenge frufoo, his ground dragon.... like. ough. pain. absolute pain. pride ottos last act was to kill his main abuser??? to avenge his one and only friend????? im gonna bawl my eyes out HAHHA. but it seems that the power of friendship may have briefly won for a second there.... :,))) like im sure ottos most definitely killing russell fellow also bc thats Literally the guy that enslaved him but - the way its specifically noted that ottos main reason was Frufoo. im sobbing on the floor.
anyway i completely forgot where i was going with this but in conclusion pride otto is such a guy. 20 seconds of screentime??? dude stomped over my heart in 20 seconds. and if he met main otto i think he'd either go "wtf is wrong with you why would you do all of this for subaru??? him??? that CLOWN???? why???" or pride otto would wanna strangle main otto for being so lucky HAH. pride otto learns frufoo is still alive and well in main route and pride otto instantly launches himself at main otto like a feral cat -
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scarystickers · 3 months
EP 100: I Guess You Had To Be There
Martin is so bad at the interviewing stage, I can’t really blame him though since he doesn’t have that weird ability that Jon has lmao. Omg Tim also sucks stop. The way the most anti social guy is the only one who can successfully interview people is so funny. They all suck at this noooo. This is definitely my favourite episode of s3 it’s so good lmaooo. Really going to send that guy back out there to die by the spiders??? WHO THE HELL????? Peter Lukas was that weird captain dude right??? ALSO WOOO HALFWAY DONE!!!!!!
EP 101: Another Twist
Omg I love this new character so much. Wait. They just referred to Elias as the eye? This was so interesting, I mean the way Jon just accepted his fate? Why was the box locked? Woooo Helen is back, I’m pretty sure her episode was one of the first episodes I started writing my reaction for?
EP 102: Nesting Instinct
I still don’t get why we’re trusting the guy who killed Gertrude. HELP Elias geeking out about Jon’s progressing with his abilities lmaoo. Melanie coming up to stab Elias and he’s using Jon as a defense stop. THANK YOU MELANIE FOR NOT TRUSTING ELIAS (even though he’s probably not lying)!!!!! Don’t got too much to say about the statement itself since I figured that that was probably the case. MARTIN AND JON!!!! I missed their friendship. I need Jon to go back to the archive I miss the gang.
EP 103: Cruelty Free
Pigs actually scare me so bad they’re so big. HELP JON ABUSING HIS POWER LIKE THAT???? Don’t got too much to say about this one sorry.
EP 104: Sneak Preview
TIM BACKSTORY?? This makes me so sad considering how happy Tim was in season one wtf. He was such a good brother :( Oh this is actually horrifying. This is horrible. I will sob it’s 3 am why do i do this to myself. Oh Tim is going to die isn’t he at this rate
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the cosmic turnabout is underrated af and always overshadowed by turnabout for tomorrow so i'm going to make a list of things that are awesome about it because it's my secret favourite case
it takes place in a SPACE CENTRE with ROCKETS. there are literally ASTRONAUTS. if you're a space enjoyer then this case has the greatest vibe and aesthetic and is made for you. the cutscene at the beginning is so space movie.
just the fact that the guy called apollo is best friends with an astronaut. i bet the localisation team were high fiving each other at how well that worked out
the bit when the judge asks what the bomb transport case is and simon's like "YOUR COFFIN >:D" lmao?????
and you already know from the first case that there's a dead body in there which makes it more cursed which makes it eVEN FUNNIER
actually the fact that this case is quite literally-speaking blown apart by a bomb and the two pieces fall either side of turnabout countdown... it's pretty creative, i know it's weird but i like it
junie gives apollo a raw lotus root and he just. eats it. he eats it raw. stuffs it straight in his mouth. cronch. i don't blame him tho like i don't think i'd be able to have brain cells either if my bestie had just been murdered
speaking of which, CLAY TERRAN IS SO FUCKING COOL I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO EXPLAIN????? everyone who knew him is always talking about how he was so cool and he loved life and living and apollo and he was always trying to cheer everyone up and make people feel better like an infectious ray of sunshine. he's named after the planet he never got to leave. he's like a mix of apollo and athena's personalities but as a hot astronaut. like if kazuma "i love my BFF" asogi wasn't an edgy emo badboy and was a cheerleader sunshine boy instead. dude is the actual goat and probably my fav victim in the entire series
like they had to kill him off to nerf him bc he would be too powerful otherwise, he's that perfect. he had the secondmost badass death (the most badass was... someone from turnabout revolution. if you know, you know) listen he took part in this cool badass switcharoo with the rockets to save him and sol from a bomb, then he carried a passed-out sol EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE BOTH IN THEIR HEAVY SPACESUITS, AND THEN DEFENDED THE HOPE CAPSULE FROM A SUPERSPY DESPITE BEING EXHAUSTED AND GETTING STABBED AND DYING AND HE SUCCEEDED EVEN THOUGH HE DIED
the original japanese title for this case is "the turnabout that became a star" in case you wanted to cry harder
his friendship with apollo makes me sob like a baby. apollo can barely deal with the grief and he even has the first of his breakdowns we ever see, and now i'm thinking about the backstory of how they met and all the optional dialogue you can get about the two of them and i could talk about how they're also a parallel to aura and metis (and how athena and sol have parallels regarding ptsd in their career fields) but you're not ready for it and it's another essay entirely
it's even mentioned how apollo and clay were competitive over who could achieve their dream first, and when apollo became a lawyer and showed his badge to clay, clay was so fricking happy about it as if he'd achieved his dream too, and supported apollo through the plot of the previous game behind the scenes and just... okay competitive-supportive friendship WHY DOES THAT ALSO REMIND ME OF APOLLO AND ATHENA? man she would be the perfect person to help apollo cope with the loss of clay... if he didn't, you know, suspect her of killing him
actually apollo losing faith in athena is so heavily foreshadowed in the previous case it makes me insane. also in TWO of the previous cases he brings up clay, in fact in turnabout academy he does it so much that athena pesters him about wanting to meet the guy herself so don't give me any of that "clay was never referenced before the case where he suddenly shows up dead" nonsense YES HE WAS and anyway we KNOW apollo hardly ever talks about his personal life at work, it literally becomes a plot point in the following game, so the fact that he rarely mentions clay makes it MORE personal to him imo okay rant over
actually in turnabout academy we find out apollo and clay have a psychic connection (i'm not kidding about this, this is canon) which means apollo probably sensed the exact moment clay got stabbed, i'm gonna die wtf
apollo having the bandage on his eye before the bombing is. chef's kiss. it's so mysterious and then we find out he did it to restrict his own powers so that he would stop doubting athena. i'm not crying i'm fine. and then he looks so badass later with the coat on and he even looks kinda like dhurke. i SAID i'm not crying shut up
apollo!!! leaving the office!!!!! i'm like 90% convinced he still lowkey hates phoenix tbh (this is more relevant in the next case but it does feel apparent here too) like remember in the previous game when he punched him lol?? i wonder if he wishes he could do that again
i've played this case a million times yet i always forget about the bomb going off in the middle of the trial, it's practically a jumpscare. i love it
also apollo and simon both taking the case so deathly seriously while everyone else is just like "haha funny buzz lightyear case" is also chef's kiss. that bit at the end when athena gets accused and suddenly everyone else starts taking it seriously too. it's one of the very rare cases where the canon ending is BAD auuugh i'm not sane enough for this
solomon starbuck talking about what it felt like to be in the HAT-1 is bloody terrifying. i will have nightmares about this scene
yuri cosmos is funny. he's just a guy on a segway who has looney tunes powers. he would have been the incompetent sidekick of detective arme at the trial if she wasn't, you know, a corpse.
Athena Already Knew Ponco And Ponco Already Knew Her *whispers* they are so siblings
she even starts talking like ponco after just a little while of chatting??? god no wonder she couldn't tell the difference between robots and humans when she was a kid, i love her so much
and when you examine the boarding lounge with her, she strongly implies she would be an alienfucker or at least that she supports alienfuckers. i am not making this up i promi s e
the plan with the launch pads switching around is wack and i'm actually obsessed with it. i'm picturing clay dragging drugged-up sol through the museum and sol's like "huh the rocket looks weeeeird.. .?" and clay's like "uhhhh nnnope haha, no it doesn't, it looks completely normal and fine, ignore all those exhibits on the walls-" jshfkskfsk
and athena was literally passed out in there in a random corner?? well we don't really find that out until the next case but still??? she was RIGHT THERE???
(i'm sorry i can't shut up about clay) it turns out clay also did the "i'm fine!!" early morning chords of steel exercises, so i imagine him and apollo waking up early every morning to voice call each other and do their i'm fine thing together. apollo cheering encouragement at clay while he's doing his astronaut training just like they used to with solomon. just stab me with a fork made of lava it would hurt less
also when apollo was in the hospital he adjusted his chords of steel workouts to be like "THANK U DOCTOR FOR TAKING CARE OF ME" that's so wholesome??? doesn't stop him ripping off all the bandages in the next case and probably bleeding out in court but whatever, i cannot expect him to be normal in these circumstances
you know how in the previous game, no one ever respects him and he's kinda a loser? well here he gets to do something undeniably BADASS, just like his badass astronaut bestie. he saves junie's life during the bombing. idk if it was a "i just lost my best friend, i'm not letting athena lose hers too" or just being a brave person who wants to protecc his friend or what but i'm just glad he finally gets to be cool in a way that no one can deny. and then the next game takes it to the next level with how badass he gets HOOOOOOO BOY
the bit where apollo is talking to clay about how he doesn't have a mum is supposed to be sad and it definitely is, but if you've played the previous game then it is also hysterical. yeah apollo it's not like you went to her concert or use one of her songs as your literal phone ringtone or anything lmaooooooo
this is by no means an exhaustive list and i've barely scratched the surface of how good this case is but trust me it's SO GOOD. it's understandable that it gets overshadowed considering it's basically the same case as turnabout for tomorrow which is the finale, but it holds up on its own too and i love it dearly. the only case that makes me more emo is frickin turnabout revolution, aka the most bonkers emotional case of all time, so that's saying something.
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quietbluejay · 4 months
Unremembered Empire 6
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the story really is about trust huh
these two are such…i dunno hey remember the other immortal dude well he's back
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the perpetuals are also in their own comedy
and now, the weather forecast for sotha is looking like a clear day- Guilliman watches sunrise on Sotha and dreams of being a farmer
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heh, but also WHAT ABOUT MONARCHIA HUH i still think it's ooc for the ultramarines they would have done the most efficient and well run war crime not whatever that mess was okay so John Grammaticus is gonna try and cure Vulkan hey remember the chuuni aeldariboo dude
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in all ways he is edgelord chuuni okay time for Guilliman and Lion to try and use the Pharos to cross back to Maccrage it doesn't work lol it runs on wishes and dreams wipes away a tear this is beautiful
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so i guess they became besties offscreen??? somehow?? i am disappoint whyy is the climax of this book a duel between vulkan and curze john grammaticus succeeded in stabbing vulkan yay curze team rocket blasted off again
oh now Sanguinius has shown up
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laugh sob i quietbluejay am a dramatic irony enjoyer
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wow so they're gonna make Sanguinius the regent
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title drop! but huh guess he changed his mind or something because that was a minor plot point in Godblight like the whole reason he had the library shut up because of the records anyways done ynnari book next time i don't think it was a bad book but it wasn't a great one either? it was enjoyable! also it was nice to dig into guilliman i really feel like Guilliman would have been 100% on board with Lorgar's worship dad thing if lorgar hadn't used the word "god" lorgar: our father is worthy of veneration, powerful and wise beyond anything human guilliman: absolutely, 100% (Sanguinius and Vulkan, also from what I've seen of their POV) i think it's a bit disappointing that we didn't get more of polux and dantioch in the book about trust and secrets and that the climax was the curze/vulkan fight which was man neither character showed up IN The book until past the halfway point i think?
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siphoklansan · 1 year
hai hai!!! i saw ur event :3 im here to offer a silly 4 interactions hehe
I THINK My shrimpy Yuu, Bida and Anan would be unlikely friends. Anan is an intimidating force that scares mostly everyone, and Bida is a little shit that has the audacity to give even the most respectable and powerful of people stupid nicknames. Plus i think the height difference is comical [147 cm and 186 cm ToT].
You can expect Bida to just suddenly come up running to Anan during break like "AN-AN!!! There you are! Been looking everywhere for you dude!" I don't think Anan would approve of Bida's kleptomaniac ways, but hey! At least Anan isn't one of Bida's targets!
[also as a side note bcoz theyre dormmates siphok having to be the one to reel in bida every time they get carried away basically scruffing them like a baby cat and them having an older sibling/younger sibling dynamic sounds very funny to me]
Good luck w the event!!^^
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“Seriously, Bida…” Siphok lets out an exasperated sigh for the 30th time, “You know I can’t always be there to get you out of trouble all the time, right?”
Her hands were situated on Bida’s collar. Anyone that witnessed this scene was reminded of a cat being picked up by the scruff. It would’ve been cute, if not for a screaming third year that got one of Bida’s infamous stupid nicknames.
“You’re lucky Anan’s a huge softie.” Siphok shakes her head, an unimpressed look on her face “Next time, give Sebek a dumb nickname, yeah? I’d kill to see him fuming.”
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I planned to make a mini comic where the twst boys’ reaction on Siphok getting turned into a baby. She’d call Anan “An-An” and when I saw this request I’m like AAACCKCKCKSMDKSKDMDODJMS /POS also Anan loves nicknames. He finds them incredibly endearing. As long as that nickname is not something offensive it’s a-ok! He doesn’t mind dumb ones too💓
Anywho- Bida reminds me of a shrimp and his design is so cute sobbing rn💔 I felt like I lost ten years of my life-span when I couldn’t draw his ponytail (is it even a ponytail? I’m not too sure but it looks like shrimp😔 I want to eat some now hsjshsh) I definitely see the friendship dynamic on Anan and Bida and oh lord ajsjdksjdns the chaos-
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super-ion · 11 months
Lisa's Story
Part 5
Context: in the latest session of Outside Us Nothing, we wrapped up a story arc where my character, Lisa, was reunited with her long lost sibling. Through the power of love and friendship and murder, we somehow managed to save Gwen from a cult of tentacle monsters.
Jo squinted at the game board. They thought they saw a clear path to victory, but they had thought the same in the previous game of go, and the one before that, and the hundred before that. Sierra was just too good at this, but Jo had never been able to back down from a challenge.
Sierra, for their part, was staring unblinking at the board in that distant, unblinking, not-quite-there way that they looked at everything. They had their head tilted, listening to some inaudible melody, foot tapping along arhythmically.
Jo barely even liked this game, and they hated losing, but the fact was Jo was bored. It was the sad truth that self described hotshot pilot, Josephine Casseopia Bergan della Briar Rose, was stuck doing milk runs.
Meanwhile, their sister, if she was to be believed, was off living out episodes of some Freetraveler fantasy dreams. For that matter, Lisa wasn't particularly prone to exaggeration, which made her stories all the more aggravating.
Jo sighed, carefully picked up a black stone and placed it on the board. Sierra's lips quirked in a tiny smile and Jo groaned inwardly, knowing the trap was about to be sprung.
The voidworker picked up a white stone, but froze, blinking in surprise an instant before the intercom pinged.
"Hey babe," ZX736 said over the intercom. "Long range comm for you."
Oh thank the gods, Jo wouldn't have to deal with the humiliation of losing again.
"It's your sister," Z added. "Says it's urgent."
Jo paused. They were siblings, all manner of practical joke passed between them. Phrases like "very important", "deadly serious", and "critical danger" weren't at all uncommon. "Urgent" however was one they had agreed to keep in reserve. It was off limits except in situations that were, in fact, urgent.
"Yeah, I'll be there in one sec," Jo replied, "thanks love."
"Should I save the board?" Sierra interjected. The voidworker had set the stone and Jo could see the beginnings of the end.
Jo sighed, "don't bother…"
They shifted their attention away from the common area into the cockpit, where the mass of Jo had completely engulfed every surface, eyes and tentacles everywhere. It was Jo's space, their domain, closed to all except them and their wife.
"She on?" Jo asked.
"Yeah," Z replied. "She's rambling a little about… honey… I think? Whatever she wants to say might be private. I'll be right outside if you need me."
The long range comm crackled and Lisa's voice, distant and tinny, came through.
She sounded like she'd been crying. Oh, this can't be good.
"Hey sis, Z said it was urgent. Are you okay?"
"Yeah," Lisa replied. "I mean no, not really, my girlfriend just had to go away for some indeterminate amount of time and I've just been an accessory to another war crime… but this is good news, I swear."
This raised so many questions and Jo was certain Lisa would be more than happy to elaborate, but something about her tone seemed almost cagey.
"Yes?" Jo prompted after a moment of silence that stretched uncomfortably.
"Well, um… the thing is…"
"Oh my god, dude, spit it out," Jo grumbled.
"Gwen is alive!" Lisa blurted. "I found them and we got in a fight and I thought I ruined everything but I went back and… oh gods, I thought I got them killed, but my friend saved them and…"
Lisa's words faded to incoherent sobbing.
Jo struggled to comprehend.
"Wait, back up," Jo interrupted. "You found Gwen?"
A welter of guilt surged in Jo's core. Jo was the reason Gwen had run away in the first place. To be fair, Lisa hadn't been perfect either and deserved… maybe thirty percent of the credit, but Jo had been the one to drive both of them off the ship.
"Jo," Lisa repeated, "Gwen is alive and they are on my ship right now and I'm bringing them home."
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zalrb · 1 year
I watched two seasons of pose and my God the amount of times I fucking cried is insane.
Some things I have to discuss (rather rant about):
I started watching for Lil papi and stayed for Elektra, Blanca and mf Pray Tell! Blanca and Pray Tell have to be my fav out of all. They're such good friends and everything about them is a huge tragedy! *sobs* pray tell's reaction towards him being hiv positive was so heart breaking 💔💔. Blanca in the hospital in season 2 finale was so heartbreaking but that just made her comeback so much more powerful and I'm like 'YAAASSS!!!!!'
Lil papi is the cutest ever! Fuck I need a guy like him. Angel and him are just so stupid and in love.... angel bringing him bed in breakfast was so cute! *sighs in singleness* their proposal !!!*squeals*
I hated Ricky and Damon breaking up cause I'm just like....... why? Whats the reason? Why did you HAVE to do that? And I didn't understand Damon after his graduation and why he blew up honestly? And snitched on Angel and Papi. I may have missed something but I felt like it came out if nowhere?
Now onto Ricky and Pray Tell. It's a weird as fuck relationship and I just cannot believe them? Like that first daddy line was like a joke and I was 'lawl haha' but then they sleep together and neither of them feel weird? Really? It was bad. The relationship was eh but like pray is supposed to be a father and nah dude. It was terrible.
Now I'm scared of advancing into s3 because I heard that pray tell was gonna die and I'm NOT ready for that. AT ALL!
Candy's death was sad and I'm like nobody asked you to do that! It kinda makes sense and yet I was like whyyy
Oh, the amount of times I've cried watching Pose? I don't think I've cried more watching a TV show because I don't cry but I couldn't take it, the actors had so much heart and earnestness, it was impossible to be unmoved.
I definitely hated Candy's death
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because Pose also had issues with colorism
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Pray Tell and Ricky's relationship was definitely cause for conversation in the fandom at the time. I wasn't a fan of it.
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Damon and Ricky, that whole thing devolved oddly imo because it kind of felt like they ended just as they began
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Blanca and Elektra's mother-daughter relationship is such a beautiful one as is Blanca's friendship with Pray Tell. I loved Elektra from Day One
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but I was happy when she was given more layers throughout the seasons
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Angel and Papi, how I loved them
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and I just loved Papi so much, his comic timing was excellent
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but the pain and vulnerability he could also express like when he yells about having no education I was like oh my god, heart.
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creylune · 2 years
i just finished the story of pokemon scarlet.... bro that last chapter is no joke........ i’m in shambles....
it feels very conflicting though because on one hand i don’t think a pokemon game has made me feel this way since black/white and that is saying a LOT, black was one of my first pokemon games that i played during summer break as a 14 year old and it changed my life. altered the trajectory of my life if you will.
with previous more “recent” titles like sun/moon, oras, sword/shield, of course i got caught up in them and enjoyed them, but i didn’t get super emotionally attached to any characters. lillie is an exception but in comparison to what b/w made me feel, s/m was only like, 60% the way there, and sw/sh would be like 20% (as fun as the game was, it was over fast and i didn’t feel like i was savoring it as much). also i don’t knock on sw/sh for its length, as short as it is, pokemon chiefly is a kids’ video game and usually the bulk of the hours you put in is for completing the dex lol. but yeah, the writing in sw/sh didn’t feel that memorable nor did it have much emotional impact on me.
spoilers for scarvio below
with scarlet, aside from nemona (lol, but i do like her), the subplots for the rivals really tugged at my heartstrings... i didn’t really care for team star when i started their missions, after all i don’t care about getting LP or extra TMs when my team is already good, but as i continued with it i was like... ah... bonds of friendship is the true power... *tear running down my face*.
i cannot believe game freak has managed to make me feel for a boy what i did for n. this is saying so much if you know me and how insane i can be about n. game freak said here is a boy you will react to in a way that parallels how you reacted to n a full 10 years ago. both the 🥰 and 😭 emotions. THE ABANDONMENT ISSUES... AND THEN HE’S DEDICATING HIMSELF TO HELPING HIS DOG RECOVER?????!!! i was specifically targeted...
i also lost my childhood dog at the beginning of 2022, who in a way mirrors what mabosstiff is to arven for me... my dog was the only one in the house i could feel understood and loved by while i dealt with childhood trauma. so you know of course that would do me in emotionally T_T
there is also the whole gap moe and kinda grumpy but sincere senpai but he’s relying on you thing that makes me *clenches fist* but that’s besides the point
i was already enjoying myself taking my time with the gyms, team star, titans, exploring everywhere to get pokeballs/items, trying to complete the pokedex, shiny hunting and what not, so the final chapter really took me by surprise since i didn’t fully know what to expect...? i already liked the main cast but i didn’t feel a deep connection to all of them as a group because the subplots are all standalone/focused on each individual character. i did see all my friends sobbing over the last chapter (censored for spoilers obv) but man... they were right... i was surprised by how in-depth the section was. i’d say if you don’t explore too much (which is what i did on foot regrettably, takes 10x longer) the chapter is maybe 3ish hours long? which isn’t super long, but the dialogue sprinkled in really fleshes out the characters and establishes a bond between them that feels incredibly real and believable, even in the context of just a pokemon game. that’s what really took me by surprise.
i’m gonna be honest for the majority of the chapter my mouth was just open and i was like
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and that’s even WITH seeing vague spoilers/hints and some screenshots out of context. so i had some vague idea about what was going on but i was STILL surprised by the turn of events and how ... like... everything fit together in a very believable way. and another thing, with most pokemon games all stakes depend on you as the player for whatever plot there is (stopping team aqua/magma, saving the world, stopping some capitalist dude, etc.) but the stakes in scarvio felt so much higher. obviously you know you’re going to save the day etc. but in the midst of it i was like 😳 hello???? bruh?
i joked to a friend last week about this being game freak’s answer to botw (he hasn’t played scarvio) but i’m ngl this takes it beyond what botw did for me... botw’s magic lies in the beauty of its world and fucking around, and maybe some of the npcs (like, yeah, i did get very into the bits of lore and link characterization of it, i won’t downplay that) but i feel like the plot and characters in scarvio are just so... polished? of course the games are different and have different purposes. but it managed to make me experience a hint of the youthful wonder and hope i felt as a 14 year old playing emerald and b/w all day and night long during summer vacation again... it’s that essence that really stands out. IT’S THE FOUND FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE ESSENCE OF YOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINDING YOUR TREASURE/WHAT YOU CHERISH MOST IN LIFE AND HOLDING ON TO THAT AS YOU FACE THE FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but all this just makes me incredibly sad because you know this game was rushed to hell to meet a deadline. and that’s disrespectful to the amount of love and thought put into this game’s worldbuilding, characters, and story. they deserved the time needed to ship the game in its best form, not the buggy state it’s in. all the fantastic aspects of the game are marred by bugs, glitches, and the fact that the switch is constantly struggling to run the game--my game crashed at least two times, and i feel like that’s lower than others’ experiences (luckily i didn’t lose any significant progress both times, but the fear of the game crashing did hang over me anytime i ran around or even talked to the pokemon center person 😭). even the credits lagged for me and i was like ... this doesn’t ruin the immersion but i’m smiling wryly to myself rn.
i 100% don’t regret buying and playing the game but i do wish i’d been able to buy and play the game in better circumstances... i was vehemently in the “i refuse to buy it right now in the state it’s in and contribute to the message to the pokemon company that this speed of putting out subpar quality games for faster buck is ok” but i caved because i saw my friend playing it (she caved because her boyfriend got it). 😔
anyways expect arven fanart eventually lol
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lovetals · 2 years
so, like, idk jack about the lore to kingdom hearts, but the idea of an mc who’s from the game tingles my brain a lot so i gotta dump this out
i’m gonna keep this vague enough so that ppl can interpret the mc however they please (whether we be besties with the beach trio or some other group)
but this idea would fit perfectly since the two are a collab of sorts with disney, only difference is how they use it. kingdom hearts is about traveling to other worlds, which are the disney movies. with twisted wonderland, everything takes place in one world
so imagine a keyblade wielder mc that somehow winds up in twisted wonderland while going from world to world. something happens and they aren’t able to go back, maybe they lost a bit of their powers or the gummi ship they were on is somewhere between the worlds. whatever the case, they’re stuck and now have to reside in the nrc because it’s just their luck that they land there
idk how much they can reveal because of that whole world order thing and they probs don’t trust anyone with outside information cause it’s a school of villains lmao
they keep their mouth shut, tho, cause maybe it’s different for them. also, they do not want to be chased out for talking shit on them 🧍‍♀️
mc would feel so conflicted about the world and everyone there tho cause, like stated earlier, they got to witness the great seven’s actions in other worlds and with how the dorm leaders are inspired by said seven they’re just so cautious. but after riddle’s overblot they realize “oh shit they have actual issues” and everyone is actually kinda cool with enough time
the mc in this can still use their keyblade and some magic (if we’re going with the power loss route then i’m afraid your firagra has been reduced to just fire TwT) so they can chip in with the battles and show off how cool they are hehehe
mc getting thunder before azul fight: i’m going to shock the heart!
jade: ????
ooh it’d be so cool if every time the mc defeats an overblot they receive a new keyblade based on the dorm, just like how when we beat a world in kh we get a new keyblade based on it
oh god there’s gonna be so many questions from their peers when they see the keyblade. ace is gonna mock the shit out of you for it cause it’s just an oversized key (he shuts up real quick when you bonk him with it tho). it’s just such a unique weapon and the fact that you can summon it from nowhere?? slay
kalim would want to hold the weapon so badly and gets sad when it instantly materializes back into your hand lmao
idk much about lilia, but i think he’d know something about the keyblade and your origins when he sees it. he’s old, he probably knows something. might have had tea with young xehanort before he got old
vil asks to see your whole collection so he can rank them from most to least beautiful
ya know those wayfinders that aqua/kairi made for her friends as a way to show how even if they’re apart they’ll never lose each other or whatever? it’d be so cute if the mc did something like that for their friends :> (currently sobbing at the idea of drawing their faces on it like kairi did for sora 😭)
oh, poor mc would get bullied by ace for saying the corniest shit (“my friends are my power! 😜🤪”) but over time he grows to love these words so much, starts to tear up frfr
your constant reminders of the importance of friendships and how the bonds you all formed are unbreakable really does start to grow on everyone. (cater stan here: he also starts believing in this too cuz i said so <3) (CATER USES THE WAYFINDER YOU MADE AS A PJONE CHARM DUDE)
man looks so much like riku, there just has to be some interaction with him and the mc about it
mc, seeing a sleeping silver: god fucking damn it not again. plz don’t have yellow eyes, plz don’t have yellow eyes—
aaaaaaaa ok it’s past 12 a.m for me, my brain is a mess and my eyes want to get some shut eye so i’m gonna end this here. also, can’t think of more stuff to add :((
if anyone has more things they’d like to chip in, PLEASE do! i want more hcs and shit to add onto this idea of mine
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thistlespringsummer · 3 months
Kaity Watches Spring Break! I Believe in You! (part two)
putting things beneath the read more this time because... because!
♡ okay, I forgot to start this draft earlier, so I'm already like an hour and a half in
♡ woo go Aelwyn!!!
♡ tracker!!!! tracker!!!!
♡ "wow that's hot what's going on" lovely priorities here as always
♡ please give me more gorgug & ayda friendship moments !!!! I need them!!!
♡ "so I'm going to ask a shenanigans question" followed almost immediately by "I'd like to channel Emily Axford" and "Secret Agent The Ball"
♡ fuck I got distracted messing with my theme
♡ okay, I have to go back to work now, I'll continue updating tonight!
♡ .... and we're back, baby!
♡ "last I saw, Adaine killed him, so..."
♡ what a fucking power move. I hated Aelwyn at the start of this season, and now I'm so fucking excited to see her and Adaine's relationship grow 🥰
♡ burn towns get money is just on repeat in my head. Not the whole song, just "burn towns, burn towns, burn towns get money"
♡ I love Ayda so much. <3
♡ no no no no no no no no no no NO!!!!!!!
♡ Fabian 'that is MY BEST FRIEND' Seacaster I love you
♡ can I swaddle the ball as a bonus action?
♡ that's resilience! omg Emily
♡ Aelwyn looks horrified- yes, and so do Gorgug and Fabian!
♡ no fuck Ragh! No no no!
♡ oh thank fucking gods
♡ oh good good yes
♡ that was banter omg
♡ woo gorthalax!
♡ give the bad guy our teddy
♡ this tree dude sucks
♡ hot riz is born. No.
♡ mirrors negate mirrors, classic literature
♡ kalina and the tree sounds like a really cool band name, honestly?
♡ how bout it was like a short rest? Omg Siobhan I love it
♡ okay, listen to this shenanigan
♡ what's all this math you're doing?
♡ Okay, this is a crazy thing to do in the middle of a battle. Love it.
♡ Saint Kristen Applebees is right
♡ oh. my. God. What the fuck oh my god oh my god what
♡ Holy fucking shit oh my god
♡ are my bones 600 years old for real
♡ oh. Oh my god. The storytelling genius that is Brennan Lee Mulligan. Oh my god.
♡ just a few points of light in all that darkness
♡ fucking ally oh my god this feels like a weird first date but I would follow you
♡ it's okay not to know, idk
♡ it's a real problem in archeology Brennan
♡ um, obviously.
♡ no, but for real though, I have it paused as I write this so I could find out I'm wrong in the next five minutes, but
♡ all the hellenic foreshadowing this season? If it wasn't supposed to be Cassandra, I followed Ally's thinking exactly
♡ which is slightly frightening to think about
♡ but yeah, absolutely that was obvious
♡ is Gilear restored to his pride armor oh my god
♡ awww gorgug so sweet
♡ a big bug gave me a riddle
♡ If we don't get an A I'm calling the cops
♡ is the most Adaine thing ever omg
♡ because my mum's name was Ayda Aguefort, too oh my fucking god Brennan why would you say something like that why
♡ chronomancy!
♡ jawbone 🥰
♡ you're easy to love. And anyone who couldn't figure it out was a real bozo.
♡ fucking break my heart why don't you
♡ okay fine I forgive you thanks to jawbone putting it back together for Ayda and I
♡ but I'm fucking sobbing over here
♡ oh my god Lou thank you for making me laugh Fabian is such a fucking dork and I love him
♡ if that's something you're interested in oh my gods brennan
♡ "tracker loves you so much" THEN WHY IS THERE SAD MUSIC PLAYING, BRENNAN?
♡ 😭😭😭
♡ ragh yes I love you
♡ riz
♡ as soon as you say nightyorb
♡ fuck. well, I knew it was coming
♡ fuck what is this music I know this music tomorrow is Wednesday on Wednesdays we listen to hobbit music oh I think this is lotr music!
♡ have you thought about what your junior year project might be?
Holy fucking shit I love this show and these nerds so fucking much. Thank you.
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