#Dane Bower
maclad1888 · 4 months
Friday 17 th may 2024 MAXI CLIMBER workout 4250 Feet 30.2 mins. Total.
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briefbestiary · 1 year
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The witch with iron claws. Supposedly, Black Annis had carved a tunnel from her home to the cellars beneath Leicester Castle where she is known as Cat Anna.
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krwn · 7 months
Dane DeHaan X Jamie Campbell Bower
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anil-674 · 1 year
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tewwor · 2 months
multi madness ( accepting ) — @bloodykneestm
“It’s not what it looks like.” What a stupid preamble to the shitfest someone just walked in on. What else was he supposed to say? Look, I know there’s a lot of blood and gore decorating the halls, but it’s all benign? Or — oh, we’re just celebrating Halloween early this year? Yeah right. Fat chance that’ll fool anyone — much less someone that’s started to reintegrate back into their fogged harbors.
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Dane remains between the two with one hand out; palm facing outwards to show he means no harm. The other’s still behind him, but actively reaching for the grotesque mass. “He won’t hurt you. So please don’t scream and run out of here for help— I promise you, everything’s under control.” Yet the bone grating, guttural groan that emanates from the bloody pulp says otherwise. Not to mention the disturbing sound of something wet being torn. Almost as if something’s clawing its way out of the monstrous seal-like thing.
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hoffmans-hoffman · 1 year
Top Ten Boyfriend Betrayals:
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Scott Patterson as Mike McGrevey in Little Big League
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milliondollarbaby87 · 3 months
Evening (2007) Review
As she is dying from a terminal illness Ann Lord is about to shake the lives of her two daughters Nina and Constance as they discover a tragedy from her youth. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading Evening (2007) Review
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thefckintrashking · 1 year
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True Steppers - Outta Your Mind (Feat. Victoria Beckham & Dane Bowers) - (2000) 💿
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thejuniper-tree · 2 years
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Peak costume design is when they give boy cute floppy hair then spike it up when he has his bad boy ™️ transformation
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magicovento · 2 years
ok ok ok ok
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besides a lot of jamie's fans think he should play bowie in a biopic, i think dane de'haan looks a lot like bowie, more tha jamie (i mean, jamie's body, personality etc really fits the role, but I can't really see a REAL resemblance)
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You’re out of your mind
So in the early 2000, Jordan and Kate Price, had a feud with Victoria Beckham, Jordan one great love was back then Dane Bowers, from another level a boy band that nobody is probably heard of these days, all they know all you know them for them, that freak me baby song,” let me let you down”, yeah him,
She got into many like to disputes and suicide attempts ,with him and he didn’t treat her very nicely, because I guess he fucked her about with other, and when he worked on the track with Victoria Beckham, they both tried to make her feel really shit I think, otherwise I don’t think you just say for no reason, she’s not the type you just hate on another girl, without good reason anyway I guess Katie I know cause I’m a Scorpio moon too, we can get upset, at the slightest of things, but I can imagine he was one of those head fuck, because you don’t just stand up, trying to end your life for that.
And she didn’t like the fact that Victoria Beckham lied about surgery, like Katie is always been so honest about her surgery which is so refreshing in this world, she’s made herself look not as attractive now anymore I don’t like to say unattractive about anybody, but she used to be stunning, and she didn’t need any make up she was beautiful, but I guess fames that drug as I’ve said before, enough is never enough when you’re an insecure person.
And you want to, hide those insecurities, and I guess Victoria Beckham was exactly the same but expressed it in a different way, I would’ve loved to have seen the two of them communicate with each other. I just can’t imagine it to be honest honest you, I can, but I can imagine and I imagine, Dane thought he had a chance with her, as well as Katie. Men are dicks and they’re so shallow., I was the crazy girl friend, of the man guy you couldn’t have, I kind of saw myself as a femme fatale character, but the same time I thought I was going crazy. I just had that effect or vulnerability.
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maclad1888 · 4 months
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circus-clangen · 5 months
(Last text dump of the day I promise)
SO I've been thinking a lot about my main ocs... I have plans to make a webcomic with them SOMEDAY, and in a lot of ways, CircusClan is the sort of test subject to that... Because of that, there are a LOT of similarities between the two, and there are a lot of similarities between the characters... So here's my little self-indugent self-comparison list, between CircusClan and the Live Forever Carnival cast: Ringstar and Dane McCormick: Are they protagonists? Are they antagonists? Who could say... Misguided souls trying to help out in misguided ways...
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Tigertoe and Benjamin Bower: Naive protagonists that are too hopeful and innocent to believe anyone would wish them harm....
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Trapezetangle and Whip Eisenhower: VERY different personalities between them but they serve a similar role: a.k.a trying to get everyone to just STOP IT
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Whippaw and Cecil Farley: Overly-energetic fellas egging everyone on 🤩
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Goldmask and Zahra Zamfir: Causing Problems on Purpose
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Monkeypaw and Ambrose Zamfir: The ONLY sane ones and they are trying their best
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EDIT BC I FORGOR CLOWN: Clowish and Eden, "The Jester": Terrible men bottom text
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Anways. Self indulgent post over 🤩
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adini-nikolaevna · 11 months
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“Sea-kings' daughter from over the sea,
Saxon and Norman and Dane are we,
But all of us Danes in our welcome of thee,
Welcome her, thunders of fort and of fleet!
Welcome her, thundering cheer of the street!
Welcome her, all things youthful and sweet,
Scatter the blossom under her feet!
Break, happy land, into earlier flowers!
Make music, O bird, in the new-budded bowers!
Blazon your mottos of blessing and prayer!
Welcome her, welcome her, all that is ours!
Warble, O bugle, and trumpet, blare!
Flags, flutter out upon turrets and towers!
Flames, on the windy headland flare!
Utter your jubilee, steeple and spire!
Clash, ye bells, in the merry March air!
Flash, ye cities, in rivers of fire!
Rush to the roof, sudden rocket, and higher
Melt into stars for the land's desire!
Roll and rejoice, jubilant voice,
Roll as a ground-swell dash'd on the strand,
Roar as the sea when he welcomes the land,
And welcome her, welcome the land's desire,
The sea-kings' daughter as happy as fair,
Blissful bride of a blissful heir,
Bride of the heir of the kings of the sea--
O joy to the people and joy to the throne,
Come to us, love us, and make us your own:
For Saxon or Dane or Norman we,
Teuton or Celt, or whatever we be,
We are each all Dane in our welcome of thee,
— “A Welcome to Alexandra” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.
For @queenalexandraofdenmark
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psychelis-new · 2 years
pick a pile: "How to make it better"
take a breathe and choose the photo/number that calls you the most to read about possible ways to make or look at your situation from a different perspective or maybe change it completely for the best. it may involve shadow work guidance or other stuff you need to focus on (!!triggers can be there!!): I'm still not very aware of the messages that need to come through but this is what I feel I need to channel for you now. Thanks @cancerchronicels for suggesting and then inviting me to post this reading and the previous one.
btw you don't have to necessarily check for the same pile you got in the "Dark shadow" pac, follow your intuition.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. Also, you're in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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1 - 2
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3 - 4
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pile 1
You may be occasionally self sabotage. Letting your mind go places. Overthinking. Feeling scared, anxiety taking over. Being confused. Try to calm down, doing some meditation or breathing techniques. Spend time in nature, under the sun. Enjoy the warmth of its rays. Maybe get a plant and grow it (from seeds even, despite right now may not be the right moment). I think you need to take care of yourself, bobdy and mind. Talk about your fears and worries, not let them poison you inside. Don't isolate: this is sometimes dangerous, cause it can make you lose touch with reality and enhance the feeling of being alone, having to deal with things and dark thoughts alone. Which is not the case. So even having to take care of a plant or maybe a pet, could help you making you feel more in touch with the present, reminding you about the importance of the now compared to the future worries. And even slightly calm your mind and stress down. Get in touch with your friends, with other people. Engage in discussions and be open to talk about your fears too, maybe in support groups or to a professional. Read, learn more about ways to ground yourself and, if you feel to, read more about psychology and mental stress and anxiety and how they work inside our mind. Maybe even childhood trauma or c/ptsd. The feeling of unsafeness, in particular (which is generally related with childhood, the moment in which we should learn how to feel safe and protected). Remember you can act on your fears, you can learn how to deal with them without having them scaring you and worrying you that much. It's hard to live happily and nicely when such toughts keep popping up and destroying our securities. As you know feelings come and go, they don't have to govern us not even for a second. You are in charge of your mind and thoughts, even in the hardest moments. You're brave, we all know: you made it until here, until now. You can do this too. Try. And rememebr to act with love toward yourself: you only deserve love and nothing else. No matter what you've been taught in the past.
songs: american life | madonna; out of your mind | dane bowers ft. true steppers
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pile 2
Everyday remember to find some time or do something only for yourself. You deserve to unwind. Do anything creative, exercise, cook or bake, read a book, watch a movie... anything that you like to do and that makes you feel good and relaxed. Apply body lotions, take a warm bath... just focus on you. Doing this will remind you of your self worth and it will act as a countdown (if this makes any sense) to getting your goals and dreams, maybe even in a faster way. Lock outside the noises, the people who judge easily, the annoyances, the stress, and just be with you. Especially learning such a habit, of taking time for yourself, will help you remind you about how you're deserving of all the things you wish to get. You know, probably some of you may just not really know what to wish for or what to do, cause you may feel not deserving or that you're asking for impossible stuff. Words are difficult to come out (and I can't even speak/write properly). My mind is going randomly blank. Remember that is not up to you to decide what you deserve or not. You can try for whatever you feel called to, especially if you have a kind heart and good intentions, the Universe will very likely love to give you all you wish for (in particular if it's something that is good for you and your life path). Don't let your ego come in between: it is often biased by our past, by the environment we've grown up in, by the people that surround us: never feel like you're not deserving or any less of someone else or whatever it is that you're thinking and that is making your self esteem being almost non-existant. You can do and get anything, you need to prove (yourself especially) that you're worthy and that you can afford that. And trust me, you can. You attract what you wish for, so remember to show kindness to your self, to your emotions, and just be brave and end this mental pain you're self-inflicting yourself. Just try, please. You'll be surprised. Start taking care of you, giving to yourself more than to others, and see the change inside: it'll show outside too. Don't rush things, take your time. And really, grow this habit of taking care of you daily. This will make you attract even more love in your life. And I feel this is something you not just need but are also deeply searching for in your life. So yeah, change the way you act with yourself, and other things will change too. Be compassionate (bonus song: scars | papa roach). Remember to look at the root of the problem btw; at the whys you're feeling so undeserving, so to stop it (and I don't mean ending up in the wrong relationships: we unknowingly attract them cause of the way we see ourselves and the way we were parented/what we learnt in our childhood. Looking at the cause of this, will help you see the whole picture and find an healthy balance and healthy relationship).
songs: hard frequency | db boulevard; it takes two | fiji blue
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pile 3
It stings, right? Or there's something that triggers you and annoys you. It's not like pile 4 though. It is more related to the future? Pile 3 your energy is difficult to channel. You are also calm tbh, relaxed... it's like you're taking a break before starting something new, maybe a new healing path. It's like you know what is going on, but you also know you need to stop and enjoy what you've done until now. All the shadow work you've done until today. Which is great! I mean, you already know how to make it better, what am I even here for? :) You know you can enjoy, that now is the time to enjoy and just trust the process. You know that you can take a breath, recover, and then start again. Okay you may still worry at times (that's what stings). You know what you should do but you probably cannot always stick to the plan: you fear your wishes will go further if you do stop. That your dreams will not materialize or completely get blocked if you pause and enjoy for a moment. I think I'm here to remind you that your fears aren't the reality of things. That you are blocking your dreams exactly with this type of thoughts and fears, and not when you stop or enjoy and trust the process. Deep down you're aware of this, but still you cannot avoid ending up in this cycle. Maybe cause you see no actual sign or feedback in your 3d and after a while the worries you're doing something wrong may take over again. Don't. It's a trap. From your mind, your ego, and honestly, I feel it's a test from the Universe too. Trust it, no matter if you don't see actual signs. Trust that what you want and deserve is coming, but in divine timing, and when you'll be ready to really heal your trust and self confidence issues. Give it a try, please. Try for once to do the opposite, to not fall into this overthinking pattern. Give yourself and the Universe the chance to heal properly. We're here for ourselves, to enjoy, not to keep worrying and working and stressing over results and the time that passes. Our souls have a different conception of life and time compared to the one we are growing and living in. And honestly, society is making it hard to live these days. So it would be probably just good for our health, both physical and mental, if we stopped and enjoyed what we really like and feel called to do/experience. And I think that is the message for you. Stop the worry, start living for real. Let go. Even if it's hard. You know you can control your worries, even if at times it is hard. You can do it. The Universe is with you. And remember, you have time. And if you stop from worrying, you'll notice that too. And plan it the way you want to. Give yourself a break. For real.
songs: give me love | ed sheeran; breathe | backstreet boys
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pile 4
(this pile may be related to the other reading's pile 4 as well, but not necessarily. the energy feels similar)
Pile 4, I wouldn't wanna be blunt but... I honestly thought that the piles for these readings should have been just 3 but then, Idk, I guess you need to hear something else too. And probably even faster than the others as I'm typing your pile first (which is so very unusual for me). What's up with you? I do believe there is something that scares you, or annoys you, even if it's a small thing (not for everyone ofc and probably not from your point of view, and that's normal and okay: when we spiral, even the smallest thing can take up the bigger room). You need some support and direction now (my shivers don't lie). Okay, let's see. This "bad" thing in your life, this trigger, is always there. You may pretend you don't see it, and you can forget about it even, but it's always there. The moment you let go a little, it comes out again and it's ready to bug you and bring you down again. So you don't really wanna let go much anymore. You know, that's how triggers work. It's so very annoying and painful, but it's their way to tell you "hey, this thing is important for you and your life, and therefore you need to pay attention to it and understand why" (I think some of you feel like this is a little thing cause "others have it worse" or because you've been told so. Trust me, even if it's a small thing but it bugs you that deeply, it means it is important and it is not so small to you -and hey, you're here for you not for others-. You don't have to compare your life experience to the one of anyone else. You have your pain/trauma/issues to deal with, others have theirs. It's not a competition). Embrace that little "bad" thing/thought. Accept it is part of you and nurture it. Try to understand why it bugs you that much, when or from where it was born. And welcome it inside of you. Only by doing this you'll be able to go on and not be bugged/hurt or spiral so down low again. It's not an easy or fast process, remember. It may take you a while, and many different tries, even "failures" (but it's fine: if you don't try you will never know what works for you; this is a new thing, you cannot always know how everything will go beforehand, before actually trying it: you need to make a real experience of it). You can ask for help though, you don't have to do it all alone. Sometimes it's the thing we consider the easiest that ends up being the hardest we have to deal with, cause we may underestimate it, because "we have been through worse" (but we forget that "worse" was also different), or because we don't give that thing enough attention, cause it's smaller compared to others (again, it's also different) and "there are more important stuff" or "I'll deal with it later" (don't give it time to rot inside. I mean take breaks ofc, focus also on your life and the happy stuff -these help the healing-, but don't let it grow inside as you're neglecting it). There are many nice things around you, and many more in store. Don't give up, don't let this take over you. Find your way to be completely happy again. Change this, it's in your power to do this work.
songs: discoloration | dawn golden; plasticine | placebo
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tewwor · 2 months
*alliance : sided with sea creatures & keeping them safe/publicly hidden *neutral : tends to help both sides, often mediators *observers : sided with locals and heavily anti-sea creature, aims to expose and safeguard those oblivious to harborview's secrets *removed : refuses to partake in either side
adal caldwell — alliance, but super distant ( mainly because he's literally so far from shore almost all the time, but he is their water's eyes and ears for any ship-like dangers )
altan — unknown, purposely removed from all sides ( he just wants to be left alone even though he does help oram.... )
amant taylor bourdeax  — observers ( fully invests his time to compile information and stories from all locals )
barbara davies — alliance ( one of the main pillars to keep whistleblowers quiet on both alliance & observers sides )
dane cohen — alliance ( one of the main pillars to keep anyone quiet on the matter of secrets and sea creatures, but super feral about it )
danny jiseok — alliance ??? ( kind of strong armed into it by barb, but doesn't really care about the wellbeing of other sea creatures, just knows when to keep his mouth shut )
ha aera — neutral ( she's just there, in the mobile waffle house staying in her lane )
hugh bower — alliance ( heavily involved but in the way janitors are, tirelessly works on keeping physical bloody/gory evidence from public view )
ini shaw — alliance ( will literally hex people into shutting up, but would also curse locals to dedicate themselves to oram, very much a double edged sword & needs to be monitored )
jinae ‘jenny’ cho — neutral ( doesn't know what's going on, but she does hear things... starting to take notice of the observers camping out on the beach and wonders why........ )
joel jeong  — neutral ( but lets anyone in his diner doors, he's just happy to be here while plagued with paranoia )
lior co attano  — alliance ( one of the pillars that feeds the deep pockets of influential people, keeps totally not criminal connections in specific places to keep an eye on potential yappers )
natori kato — neutral ( does talk a lot, but also doesn't want harm to come adal's way specifically, would squawk if caught though )
oram— :)
spencer ‘suspenders’ — neutral ( could, and does, care less about everything except his kelpies and hippocampus herds, must note how he has called barb in for any suspicious activity/potential harm that might've befell a sea creature/sea adjacent person )
tatsuro watanabe — alliance ( but.. after he takes care of his revenge of those that murdered his crew. then he'd be on board 100% and also... feral..... )
vincent kang — removed ( but could also be persuaded to join the observers... he does really fucking hate oram and lior...... )
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