#Danny Woe
human-antithesis · 3 months
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Forestroamer - Djursland Pt. I (Single) [February 1st, 2024] Country: Denmark Genre: Black Metal Format: FLAC
Everything composed by Danny Jönsson
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Danny Jönsson
Djursland Pt. I - 06:11
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lilianade-comics · 4 months
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Being driven crazy by that Kindred Spirits screenshot (the date is at least three years too early to be accurate). Also, I would have paid good money to actually SEE the "Vlad robs every bank in Wisconsin" flashback.....
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Return to sender (dc x dp)
There was a box set right in front of his door. That was already pretty unusual, since Danny had just moved in, and and gotten done with boxes and he knew he hadn't had anything delivered here.
"Let's get you inside," Danny muttered as he got his key out of his pocket.
Unlocking the door, he picked it up and made his way in. He set the box down on the small kitchen table before grabbing a knife from the cabinet. He sat down and set to cutting the tape along the opening.
Peeling back the flaps, he took a peek at the contents only to be faced with a mound of yellow and black sparkly tissue paper, with a letter on top.
"What do we have here?" he muttered to himself, as he took the envelope out of the box.
Ripping it open, he got a small greeting card out. It had a yellow smiley face on it with the word "Smile!" printed above it. He flipped it open, and his eyes fixed on the printed text that said "Because today is your day!" Underneath it, written in chicken-scratch was written the following: "Looks like the bat has a new signal. At least mommy and daddy won't know how fast you replaced them!" it was signed with a simple J and yet another smiley face.
Danny frowned. "Weird."
Then, he peeled back the paper to find a taxidermied yellow-and-black bird Danny couldn't recognize, with its wings broken.
"This is definitely not mine," Danny said as he looked at the bird. Hopefully the real owner of this wasn't going to be too disappointed it had been this damaged in transit.
Danny took up the box to look at the delivery address, only to find that while this was for his apartment, the name of the receiver was marked as "Duke Marlon Thomas". It took one quick google search to find a phone number. Danny thanked whoever the sender was for including a middle name as it narrowed the search greatly. Dialling the number, Danny got up to get himself a glass of water. As he got the glass out, the line connected.
"Hello?" he heard a surprisingly young voice say. Well, assuming apparently made an ass of Danny. Maybe taxidermy really did appeal to all ages.
"Hi, my name's Danny. I think I got your package by accident."
"My package?" The guy on the other side asked, perplexdely.
"Yeah, a big box with a bird in it?" Danny answered. "Listen, man I'm sorry, I think the wings broke during transit, I swear it was already like that when I opened it-"
"What bird?" Now the guy sounded even more confused.
Well now, Danny was starting to get confused. "A taxidermied black-and-yellow bird?" Danny sounded out, then he grabbed the note and let his eyes go over it again. "There was a note too, I opened it, sorry about that." Danny winced, before trying for a joke to hopefully get the guy to soften up on him. "Whoever that J- friend is, he's got a weird sense of humour."
"J- friend?" the voice on the other side of the phone said. Guess, the joke hadn't gone over well, because his voice had gone tense.
"Yeah," Danny answered withholding a sigh, damn his curiosity. Opening other people' letters was not only a gross invasion of privacy but also a federal crime. Hopefully the guy wouldn't stay mad too long. "It was signed with the letter J and a smiley face."
"Whoever you are," said the guy, and the urgency in his voice had Danny straightening up. "You need to get out of here right now."
Just then, the door to Danny's apartment was blown open.
"I hope you're ready, birdie," a voice outside sounded, before a spindly man in a purple suit, green hair and sickly-looking skin walked in.
"Because you and me are going to have so much fun."
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13thdoodle · 1 year
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A Matter of Opinion by @americano-psycho (tw : blood)
"So, Miss ah Folson, can you tell me what happened here?" He seemed put off by her appearance. Jazz didn't blame him. She knew she painted a heinous picture, sitting in the same booth she had her breakfast in, wearing a floral sundress and once pristine white sneakers, both now covered in splattered blood, along with her arms, neck, face, and hair. She knew her huge smile and stark white teeth seemed out of place among the viscera surrounding her, the table, seats, and windows also covered in blood. This was all calculated, of course. If she disarmed him enough, he may forget to ask for her id and then his memory of exactly what she looked like would be altered as well, with no clean image to compare her face to.
This is part 1 of 2 for Invisobang 2023!! I got to work on this wonderful fic and it's so good yall should read it~
Calculated Jazz is just /chef kiss/
Part 2 here
This one took me the longest because I kept going back and forth on how to convey Jazz being very calculated and meticulous in her approach that doesn't look just... many blood and edgy scene.. qwq
Idk if I managed to did the scene justice but I hope it does bc maannn this fic is just so goodddd
The background is simple yet so hard at the same time
Shout out to Enn, my beloved partner who helped me figure out the lighting and also my blood brushes supplier uwu
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hjbender · 2 years
Finish the story first and then post it Finish the story first and then post it Finish the story first and then post it Finish the story first and then post it Finish the story first and then post it—
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ghost-pasta · 2 years
Every once in a while I wish that the nicktoons unite games had SpongeBob as dish-sponge-sized. Like he sat on their heads or they held him in their hands.
Yes he's still technically the oldest of the group. Yes he is also the smallest.
Get fanart of him riding on their shoulders or something.
Emotional support sponge, realistically scaled.
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britcision · 2 years
Eeeeh it was WIP Wednesday… and I’m thirsty for attention, so have a snippet from chapter two of Danny Fenton, Dead and Loving it!
(And I had to check I could paste obscene amounts of words from my notes into tumblr, since I’m not writing this in drafts for now - I lost too many sections to not hitting ‘save’ before putting my phone down)
Prompt and First chapter! (I guess I cannot make neat links on mobile, woe is me)
And the fic on AO3
@welcometosasakiworld @kyrianclawraith
@someonebored0100 @stealingyourbones
@starkcravingmad @frostedthroughghost
@akikoyuii @rainbowbunny0159
@littlefeather345 @violet-catsarelife
@serasvictoria02 @wolfjackle @blacksea21090 @secretdestinywerewolf
“Hang on a second, does that mean your ghost writer friend is also an actual ghost?” Because yeah, he had googled book collectors around Gotham and came up blank.
Danny took a moment to work out what he meant, then perked up and nodded.
“Oh, yeah! That’s his actual name too, I’m not sure he was ever a living person, and I wasn’t kidding when I said he had every book ever written. A lotta first editions too. I think he’s a spirit of literature?”
Jason took a quick peek around to see if any giant and possibly book shaped palaces had appeared.
Place was covered in floating islands and purple doors, there was a chance.
“Could we… could you introduce me?” Cuz he wasn’t gonna actually ask if Jane Austen was a ghost, not on his first day.
He had some damn self control. Even if the pit was fucking purring in the back of his head and this whole weird place felt more like home than anywhere he’d been before.
Flying beside him, Danny nodded cheerfully and shot him a thumbs up.
“Oh hell yeah, he needs more friends. Probably not today though, he’s not really around this part of the Zone, and we wanna make it to the Far Frozen and back before New Years. Next time,” he added before Jason could even begin to feel disappointed.
He’d known the odds of heading right there weren’t great. Fuck, he wouldn’t have wanted to; it was just hard to remember they were here to get the pit out when it was filling him with a buzzing, humming contentment down to his toes.
Part of him wanted to be a whole lot more suspicious. Did not like how easy it was to trust Danny, to relax into this undead realm.
But it was usually the pit that nagged at him not to trust anyone. And the pit was in heaven, and Jason had spent so long fighting that constant suspicion.
If things went as well as he hoped… well, he wasn’t gonna be going easy on any of the assholes fucking with his turf.
But being able to talk to the bats without the pit’s constant paranoia… yeah, he did a little hope he’d be a bit tighter lipped.
Feelings just kept spilling out of him around Danny, apparently literally if what the kid told him about his core was to be believed.
Jason could feel enough of Danny’s emotions in return to know the kid wasn’t lying. Hopefully that was what made him trust him.
Today, he nodded and looked around.
“So, the Far Frozen. Called that because it’s far?” He asked casually, definitely not letting on any concerns.
Flying hadn’t been hard so far, but he had no idea how long this was going to work. He couldn’t even tell if it was using a muscle, but it was sure as shit one he hadn’t used before.
Danny snickered and shrugged, clearly not even a little concerned.
“Well, I opened the portal pretty close in this case, but yeah, it’s far from the more populated areas of the zone. The yetis like it, it means they can keep to themselves.”
This was kind of the problem with Danny, Jason was coming to realise.
He’d told Jason where in the zone they were going, and why. They needed to see a guy called Frostbite, because he knew the most about ghost biology.
He’d probably know what to do about Jason’s pit problem, and what Danny and Jason could do to deal with the pits themselves. Fun, exciting, Jason was 1000% up for that.
Fucking yetis had not come up.
“The what?” He asked, striving for nonchalance and wondering again if he shouldn’t have shot someone a text before leaving.
And potentially never being seen again.
Danny hesitated for a moment, brows furrowing.
There was definitely more snow ahead than there had been behind.
“I totally mentioned the yetis?” Danny said carefully, like that would somehow make it true.
Jason stifled a snicker.
“You did not mention yetis. You mentioned ghosts.”
“Yeah, they’re ghost yetis.”
“That doesn’t actually make it any better, y’know? The yeti part is still kinda important.”
Not that Jason would be hugely surprised to find an alive yeti at some point. The world had a habit of saving up its weirdest bullshit to dish out onto him.
At least he wasn’t Constantine.
Danny pulled a face and shrugged, turning so he was flying backwards.
“Well, I mentioned it now? They’re yetis. So is Frostbite, but he’s like, bigger. And their leader. I mentioned that part, right?” Danny asked hopefully.
It was pretty clearly a fair question.
Jason nodded, scanning through what he’d been told so far.
“Yeah, and that they had the ghost hospital? I guess it’s a good thing as ghosts we’re not gonna feel the cold,” Jason added idly, glancing at their increasingly frosty surroundings.
He could feel the temperature dipping, sure, but nothing serious. They hadn’t even grabbed coats.
Danny stopped flying so quickly that Jason actually overshot him and had to turn, coming back to rejoin his guide. Who looked guilty.
Jason pulled on his best deadpan face.
“Let me guess. You definitely mentioned it?” He asked dryly.
Danny groaned and slapped himself in the face, then dragged his hand slowly free.
“Okay this one’s totally not my fault? I mean. I don’t need a coat there? And usually if anyone else comes with me, we have the Spectre Speeder, and it always has coats, so it’s not like we pack?”
He gave Jason a sheepish smile, half wincing like he expected a punch.
Jason did consider it, but not seriously.
“Okay, focus up Danny. What do we need to do? How cold am I gonna get?” Cuz the longer they were sitting still, the more the chill was creeping in.
Danny let out another lingering groan then closed his eyes, calculating.
“Okay… so I can call Frostbite when we get a bit closer, and he can come meet us, and he’ll have some spare coats? And I don’t think you can technically freeze to death anymore, but you don’t have a core? So I dunno.”
Jason took a deep breath of his own, fighting a half smile. Good to know he wasn’t the only one with a bad habit of rushing in.
But even he tried to be ready for everything.
“Great. Love this plan. Especially the part where I probably can’t freeze to death,” Jason snarked.
Danny squinted at him.
“Look, it’s better than my other plan, which is I freeze you solid in my ghost ice and tow you the rest of the way. You wanna show up walking and talking or in an iceberg?”
The fact that he seemed to be serious probably should have concerned Jason more, but he was having fun.
Just imagine, Jason Todd as the responsible one in a superhero team up. Dickie would be so proud.
It’d be just like his old Robin days, except that suit was thermally regulated out the ass.
“Ooh, frozen wastes or frozen in iceberg, I’m definitely seeing the difference. Let’s just get moving so you can call your buddy before I turn into a popsicle.”
Danny stuck his tongue out at Jason, but did indeed get moving again.
“Hey, both of those are still better than our last option,” he snarked back, and maybe Jason was imagining it but they were kinda going faster.
Lucky for Jason, apparently it was willpower that made you fly in the Ghost Zone, and being a stubborn bitch had always been his stock in trade.
“Oh gee, what’s the last option? Shoot ourselves from a catapult? Build a snowman and have it carry us? Or do we close our eyes real tight and wish ourselves there?” Jason asked as sweetly as he could.
Made Danny laugh anyway, before his expression became deadly serious.
“You’re literally wishing your way there right now, smartass, but no. The last option is we call my regent and he stops time and you spend the next eighty relative years of your life listening to lectures about why I need to be fully crowned.”
Which did sound pretty last-resort-y, in Jason’s opinion. And raised an important question.
“Why are you so against being fully crowned? You seem pretty in touch with all the king shit.” Certainly willing enough to talk about it, although now that Jason thought about it, mostly to complain.
Danny pulled another reluctant face.
“Just cuz I know I can’t get out of it doesn’t mean I gotta give myself up right away. The last king was a bloodthirsty tyrant, in an enchanted sleep for thousands of years. Do you have any idea how much paperwork that stacked up?”
Danny let out a shudder that had nothing to do with the increasing cold. Thinking to the amount of report forms he’d be facing if B found out about this particular jaunt, Jason joined him.
“Yeah, okay, that sounds like it sucks,” he agreed, and Danny shot him a relieved grin.
“Right? Like, I want to live my actual life first. Do something more than struggle through college and fight ghosts. Everything worked just fine while the other guy was in prison, so what’s the rush?”
They flew in silence for a moment, Jason struggling with an entirely unexpected lump in his throat.
Danny broke it, drifting closer until their shoulders bumped.
“Sorry man. Didn’t think.”
There was a perfect snappy comeback in there about it not being the first time, but Jason didn’t have it in him. He managed a nod and gentle bump back.
It was getting cold enough now that the moisture on his cheeks stung.
From condensation. Or air resistance or something.
The Ghost Zone had high humidity, explained all of the snow.
They continued in silence for a while, then Danny sighed and slowed to a stop once more. Jason copied a little more reluctantly, brushing trails of ice from his face.
“Okay so this is gonna be just, stupid loud?” Danny said with a slightly strained cheerfulness, like they’d never stopped bantering. “You’ll probably wanna put your hands over your ears.”
Jason complied, wondering just how literal the “call” part of Danny calling ahead was gonna be. Stupid loud implied it wouldn’t be on a cellphone.
He’d not had any messages since leaving Gotham actually, and it had been a couple of hours. He should probably check…
He clapped his hands back over his ears just in time as Danny sucked in a huge breath and bellowed like a thunderstorm.
And then Danny gave Jason a cheery grin and nodded in the direction they’d been travelling as he cautiously removed his hands.
“He can’t get quite that loud, so we’ll have to get closer before we can hear him. Might as well keep going, right?”
Jason took another moment just to stare at the ghost. It was beginning to actually kick in that… yeah. Danny wasn’t human.
And Jason knew plenty of metahumans, people with powers. He knew Black Canary, so what the line should be is a bit fuzzy.
Danny’s not fully human, not anymore. So what the hell was Jason?
The exact same asshole he was yesterday, obviously. Just with… well, his baggage compartment had already been overstuffed.
Even the thought of getting to dump the pit baggage meant that even if he was now a zombie or a ghost or whatever that was still a net loss unless he had to eat people.
Which, again, what the fuck was his life?
He almost laughed, but didn’t want to try explaining that thought process to anyone else, even if the odds were pretty good Danny’s life… existence was at least a little fucked.
He gave a smile instead, nodding and following Danny’s lead off into the frost.
Doing absolutely nothing to reassure him, Jason was no longer sure it was reflections off the ice now catching the corner of his eye.
The longer they were in the Ghost Zone, the more he kept thinking he saw stars passing across the black of Danny’s suit.
Frostbite did in fact come to meet them, and did in fact bring Jason a coat. The fact that said coat REALLY looked like it came from a yeti…
Well, Danny had long decided never to ask, and Jason was following his lead today. His new friend was all wrapped up again, and wasn’t even shivering anymore!
Yeah. Danny fucked up.
And he also felt a little bad even after Jason told him it was fine, a damnably cocky smirk on his lips. It felt like he’d been holding onto that “Not the first thing you’ve conveniently forgotten” line for a while.
Which, to be fair, they’d met twice ever, so how the fuck would Jason know?
Just because it was accurate didn’t mean he had to say it.
They’d had to make quite a trek back to the depths of the Far Frozen along with Frostbite since the yeti had come to meet them, but they’d made good use of the time.
Frostbite still understood more about ghost biology and even specifically halfa biology than Danny himself did, and he’d immediately seen something was up with Jason.
Reassuring him that Jason wasn’t actually fading and that his core just hadn’t formed yet hadn’t taken long; apparently, yetis could smell core formation.
Delightful fucked up information Danny wished he’d never learned, but at least he’d been right.
Surrounded by the ambient ectoplasm of the Ghost Zone, Jason’s core was already coming along in fits and bounds. Something which had alarmed Jason to hear too, but hey.
About half of his ghost problems were probably related to that slow forming core, and the other half…
Yeah. Frostbite had a Lot of questions about the Lazarus Pits. And Jason had basically nothing by way of answers beyond what he’d already told Danny.
Which, aww, he’d really been putting everything he had on the table, which was nice. The longer they spent together, the more Danny figured Jason hadn’t been honest with anyone in a while.
He kept getting this surprised look on his face, these moments where he stopped like he couldn’t believe what he was saying. Like he thought he should be more careful.
Danny could relate. Frostbite was weirdly easy to share things with, even if Danny couldn’t get him to stop calling him Great One.
The second Danny had protested, Jason got a real sneaky grin on his face that Danny wasn’t sure he liked. He knew a Bastard Little Brother face from his mirror.
Jason being older than him? Meant nothing.
For now though, they’d made it to the medical center and Jason was looking at the scanning pods with a sceptical but weirdly unsurprised eye.
Danny still hadn’t stopped making Star Trek jokes when he saw them, but. Robin. What the fuck did Batman have access to?
Frostbite gave them both a very proud smile, patting the tube fondly.
“With this, we shall determine how much corrupted ectoplasm is within you, and how best to separate your mind from its affects. Already some of it is being purged by contact with our Saviour, but for it not to be gone already shows there is a deeper problem,” the yeti explained happily.
Jason shot Danny another shit eating grin at “saviour” and Danny bit back a groan, making himself smile at Frostbite instead.
Insistent and slightly patronising hero worship aside, he really did like the guy. He always wanted to help, and usually could, which was a nice change.
“Yeah, about that? Do we know what I’m doing that’d change his corruption?” Because it’s not that he didn’t want to help too, but it might be easier if he knew how.
Frostbite gave Danny a cheerful pat next, sending the smaller ghost stumbling a little.
“Oh, some of it will happen merely from your presence, Great One. As the King of the realm, you have far more ectoplasm and it is far stronger, which will help Jason’s ectoplasm to heal on its own. But we must find the root for the problem to be solved.”
Jason chuckled and shook his head, stripping back out of the thick yeti coat.
“There’s always a catch, right? Is this gonna hurt?” It sounded like he expected the answer to be yes, and even Frostbite looked suddenly concerned.
“You should not feel anything at all, young Jason. Perhaps the feelings from your contaminated source will become stronger, but they are not negative at present?” It came out as a question, mostly tied to that concern.
And Danny could kinda see why; from everything Jason told them, he was usually only swamped by rage. Neither of his auras felt angry now, but the pit’s had jumped to betrayal pretty consistently every time it spiked.
Needing to be told that something wasn’t going to hurt him sort of pointed where those feelings might have come from.
Danny nudged closer on impulse, letting his own trust-reassurance-done this before wash gently over Jason’s aura.
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wazzappp · 8 months
I am a woman of weak will with no excuse for this @moosemonstrous thank you for being my most trusted enabler advisor and @cicada-candy thank you for your encouragement <3
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Ok so the first genre is High fashion/Familiar themed!
Robbie is in something edgy and asymmetrical. Lots of variations in texture with solid, glitter and mesh areas. A fun grungy makeup style that I thought would suit him well. The more solid areas have a snakeskin texture that I'm not sure came through in the image export sorry lol. Delicate silver pieces help to balance out the harshness of the general aesthetic of the dress. Overall tried to mimic the slithering motion of a snake with the twisting pattern of his dress materials and made it a little more obvious with the snake bracelet.
Danny's focuses on layered sheer materials. Lots of feather and wing embroidery to connect him to his familiar. Nice silver chain around the waist to give the dress some shape and structure and help separate the top and bottom areas. Leg slit to create some interest so things aren't too symmetrical and boring (also you have moose to thank for the boob window lmao). A fun little wing pendant for the back detail ties it together pretty well I think.
JOHNNYYYYYYYYYY pulled a LOT of Avril Lavigne vibes and I'm honestly not sure why. I guess I just really wanted to see in some 'trashy' Y2K fashion (trashy in quotation marks cause I think it's COOL actually) and she's the first person that came into mind. Fur at the top of the dress contrasts with the shiny/glitter material on the rest of it. White tips on the ends of his boots and gloves because of Zaradogs lil sock feet <3. A fun ponytail with some black chain necklaces finishes everything pretty well.
FRANK. DIFFICULT AS ALWAYS. HAD to include fur I had to connect him to Cat-stle somehow. Other than that his look is very Matrix inspired. Very slick and fairly practical. SPIKY ass boots and a fun laceup back add some detail to the otherwise very simple fit. Some mesh areas on the jacket also include just a little bit of variation in texture.
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Something light and fun for Robbie with LOTS of gradient chiffon. A more solid waist wrap to help eccentuate a more solid shape for the more drifting ends of the dress. I'm a sucker for sheer sleeves brother I have no excuse.
EEEEEE PRINCESS DANNY COMING THROUGH!! I LOVE how this one came out! Fun off the shoulder moment with gloves to make sure his arms don't look too plain. Faux silver corset that dissolves into layers of sheer glittery material to form a full length ballgown with lots of nice volume.
JOHNNY YOU GAVE ME TROUBLE. Wanted to include lots of geometric shapes (moose and I looked at QUITE A FEW reference images) so I was able to fit that in with the tessellation patterns on the sleeves and mesh sides, as well as the triangular shape of the top area of the dress. Tried not to overdo the gold glitter by limiting it to a strip down the middle with longer black panels on the sides.
Frank with a VERY classic look I'm a sucker for a square top. He's also got the fun mesh sleeves, this time with some lace patterns. Layered skirt with a bit of volume and glitter ends (I'm a SUCKER for glitter ends). Vibrant red top to show off his signature color with some ribbing to mimic a corset.
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AFTER PARTY DRESSES. Fuckin. Euphoria lookin ass dresses. Idk man I just love these kinds of dresses and thought I would go ham at the end for one final nonsense fun look.
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hvmanbeing · 2 years
where are the flags. show us the flags
no. you are getting horse
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human-antithesis · 3 months
Forestroamer - Djursland Pt. I (Single) [February 1st, 2024]
Everything composed by Danny Jönsson
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Danny Jönsson
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thotinshield · 3 months
ugh okay i put off writing on my week off (sad) so i am determined to get some done this week
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loboto-bear · 1 year
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gordopickett · 6 months
And If It’s Not Okay... (For All Mankind post-s2 fix-it fic)
*** Chapter 16 is up! ***
Chapter Summary: As pieces of the puzzle continue to fall into place for Ed, he demands the truth from Karen.
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Chapters: 16/? Fandom: For All Mankind (TV 2019) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gordo Stevens/Tracy Stevens, Ed Baldwin/Karen Baldwin Characters: Gordo Stevens, Tracy Stevens, Ed Baldwin, Danielle Poole, Danny Stevens, Jimmy Stevens, Karen Baldwin, Kelly Baldwin, Margo Madison, Molly Cobb, Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong Additional Tags: Episode: s02e10 The Grey (For All Mankind), canon until it's not, Fix-It, fam - Freeform, Alternate Universe, Alternate Timeline, Jamestown - Freeform, El Gordo, Welcome Home Party, Gordo's weight loss, Injury Recovery, Fix It Fic, For All Mankind fix it fic, For All Mankind fix it, Michael Dorman, post season 2 fix it fic, Friendship, Male Friendship, Male-Female Friendship, Female Friendship, Established Relationship, weight loss, Hurt/Comfort, Healing, Joel Kinnaman - Freeform Series: Part 1 of For All Mankind Summary:
I just finished watching season 2 of For All Mankind for the first time, and I am in much need of a fix-it fic, so here it is.
Gordo & Tracy fix the nuclear reactor's coolant system and return to the Jamestown airlock. Everything after this is my alternate universe/timeline wherein they both survive and have a chance to face the world (& beyond) together again.
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hauntingsoundtracks · 11 months
Darkman, directed by Sam Raimi
Woe, The Darkman... Woe, original soundtrack composed by Danny Elfman
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provethyse1f · 1 year
[[ TAG DUMP ]]
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