#Danny has big Pecs
satoshy12 · 10 months
Supergirl and the Phantom Pecs
It all started with a blind date for Kara, where she met Danny. He was a pretty good-looking man. And she liked to spend time with him, as he was funny, and she liked to talk to him. Well, Kara really likes her swimmer boyfriend. His pecs are massive! She gets why people always look at her as a counterpart, Powergirl, or something similar. Danny himself liked to talk to Kara; he hadn't had that much fun since he worked with Walker, which was an easy deal. All his villains are in his prison, with a few extras from the modern world. Danny had a Jack growth spurt, so he packed muscle and is much taller. His suit was even ripped by it, and he couldn't really use a new one. The way it ripped revealed his abdomen and chest. (google Shuumatsu Poseidon)
Wearing a new one It didn't work; he tried it. His ghost form doesn't take the clothes with him when he transforms. And after a while, Danny was too embarrassed to go ghostly anymore, so he rather walked around just like Fenton. And the one time he transformed was to save Kara from an attack by a villain while on a date. Danny:" Are you okay, Kara?" Kara:" Yeah, yeah. Why did you never tell me you could transform?" Danny sees where his girlfriend is looking:" My eyes are up here. And this is the reason." Kara still has her face in his chest:" I know, but still, I like it." Kara really likes her boyfriend's hero costume.
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f1-disaster-bi · 1 month
"No one ever cared about me like you." With some Dando?
"No one has ever cared about me like you" Daniel whispered the words into the dark of their bedroom as he lay with his head on Lando's chest. The other was running his fingers lightly through Daniel's hair. Scratching occasionally in a way that made Daniel sighed and relax. His own hands holding Lando close as if he feared the other getting up despite how tangled together they were. "Oh?", Lando asked and Daniel could hear the smile in his voice despite his eyes being closed, "That's a big statement for this time of night" Daniel just hummed for a moment. He burried his own smile against Lando's left pec as he felt a soft kiss being place near his forehead. The hand from his hair stilled before it moved, easing up his side. Lado had such large hands, comforting and warm and Daniel loved them. "I just, I love you", Daniel continued, trying to find the words to explain what he was thinking. His mind was whirring with thoughts, "In the past, they only saw DR. I was only ever the fun boyfriend. I was never the one they wanted to settle with, but you see all of me, and you love me. You don't get tired of me when I'm not the life of the party or want to hide away on my farm. You love Daniel, me, not the image the world expects" Lando's hand stilled once more. This time, it moved to cup his face, tilting it upwards so they could look at each other in the soft light coming from the nightlight on their nightstand. It was shaped like a star, and Daniel loved the soft glow it cast over them. It was almost romantic. "Of course I love you for you", Lando smiled softly, "You are the most beautiful person I've ever met. They were fools not to love you, Danny, and I am lucky they stupidly let you go because now you're mine. And I am never letting you go" "Oh, yeah?", Daniel grinned, blinking away the tears he could feel burning his eyes with the overwhelming feeling of love coursing through him. "Yeah", Lando whispered, leaning down to kiss him despite the fact that it would hurt his neck but Daniel wasn't complaining.
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emotionalcadaver · 1 year
WIP Whenever
Thank you for the tag, @eclecticwildflowers!
Tagging @confidentandgood, @areyenotfondofmelobster, @shelbydelrey, @moral-terpitude, @scaryscarecrows, @emilynightshade89, @roofgeese, and anyone else interested!
Playing Hooky
Robert Fischer x OC
Robert woke up to his alarm blaring from where it was sitting on his nightstand. Beside him, Alice groaned in complaint, body burrowing closer to his chest as if that would somehow cause the noise to disperse, the arm she had splayed loosely across his waist tightening. Flailing a little, he managed to reach over her to slap around at the clock until he finally hit the snooze button on the top to shut it off. With a huff of triumphant relief at the silence that followed, he settled back down onto the bed. Alice purred, nuzzling at him before beginning to grow heavy in his arms as she started to doze off again. Their legs were tangled, and he was suddenly brazenly aware that they were both still naked from the events of the night before, her bare breasts pushing into his chest.
“Mm, Al,” he mumbled, stroking lazily at her ruffled hair. She groaned, not wanting to be disturbed.
“What?” the word was muffled by his chest.
“We gotta get up soon. Go to work.”
“What kind of company has a gala with drinking and schmoozing and then expects everyone to come into the office the day after?”
“One run by Maurice Fischer.”
“‘S dumb.”
He hummed in agreement, kissing the top of her head as his mind began to slowly start to function, eyes focused upwards before glancing down at her. She was tucked so closely to him it was a wonder that they didn’t meld into one being, currently nosing at the smattering patch of chest hair between his pecs before resting her cheek there, slumping limply with one hand grazing his shoulder, eyes closed. A part of him felt urged to shake her gently back into wakefulness. To rise from the bed and begin to prepare for another long day of work. But the rest of him was comfortable. And she was so warm pressed up against him like that, and he was pretty sure that he never, ever wanted to stop holding her. Maybe just five more minutes…
His fucking phone started ringing.
Groaning, head tipping back dramatically into the pillows, his face pinched with annoyance.
“Whyyyy…” Alice whined.
Keeping one arm wrapped around her, the other fumbled back around the nightstand. Turning the phone enough that he could squint at it until he made out the name, he felt himself physically withdraw further into the mattress. No doubt feeling his reaction, Alice finally blinked open her big, pretty brown eyes.
“Who is it?”
“My dad.”
She made a face that under other circumstances might’ve been funny. “Don’t answer it.”
He shot her an incredulous look. “And have him come storming down here to yell at me in person!?”
“Why would he yell at you?”
“Because I kinda left Gemma Hadley standing alone at the bar with barely an explanation when I ran after you.”
“Oh. Oops.”
Red Right Hand Chapter 10: Away It Goes
Tommy Shelby x OC
Lucy watched as Kimber’s men moved away, eyes looking for any sign that any of them were thinking of trying anything. Tommy was looking down at where Danny laid. When he spoke, his voice was soft and sorrowful.
“Scudboat, Curly, pick him up,” wincing, as if only just then realizing that he had a bullet hole through his chest, Tommy began to walk unevenly towards the Garrison. Lucy jogged to follow him, hovering by his side worriedly. Behind them, their boys started to follow. “I’m alright,” he muttered as her hands fluttered anxiously over his shoulder.
“You have a bullet in you.”
“Not my first time,” he muttered, though his face still twisted as he grimaced. She held the doors to the pub open for him. 
“Tommy,” she insisted urgently. He finally looked at her, and he must have seen the fear in her eyes because he touched her cheek lightly.
“Don’t worry. If I was going to keel over and die it would’ve happened by now.”
“You’re not funny.”
He flashed a tiny, wincing smirk, grunting as she helped pull his arms out of his coat, sitting down heavily in a chair. 
“Take off your shirt,” she ordered, tossing his coat away.
“You know, I don’t really think that I’m in the mood, right now…”
“What did I just say about you not being funny?” she asked, grabbing his cheeks lightly. He smiled in mock innocence against her hands as his fingers began to work on his buttons. Still, the knowledge that he felt well enough to joke helped put her more at ease. She suspected that was part of the point as to why he was doing it; an attempt to soothe over her trembling nerves. It worked up until she saw just how much blood had already soaked its way into his white undershirt.
“Arthur,” she said, suddenly feeling incredibly out of her depth. Arthur looked up from where he’d just stepped in through the doors. “Help me.”
The Clockwork Laws Chapter 5: Hide & Seek
Raymond Leon x OC
Sitting on the windowsill, with her legs curled to her chest and a pair of binoculars pressed to her eyes, Rose pouted, blowing a raspberry as she let the binoculars fall to rest in her lap.
“Still nothing?” Raymond asked from where he was sitting on the bed. There was a file open in front of him, that he was marking up with a black pen. He had shed his coat, leaving him in just his vest and undershirt. It was odd to see him like that; almost how she could imagine him looking when he came home from a long day at work and was just beginning to unwind.
“Yeah,” she leaned her head back against the window frame with a thump. Tiredness pulled at her eyes, muscles cramping from spending hours curled up in her position at the window. She raised a hand to cover a yawn.
“If you want to get some sleep, I can take watch for a while,” Raymond offered.
“Are you sure?” she asked, even as she was gripped with another yawn. He just shrugged, standing and approaching the window, taking the binoculars from her.
“Okay,” jumping up, she stretched lazily like a cat, closing her eyes and rolling her neck from side to side. Rummaging through the tiny suitcase she’d brought with her, she pulled out her toiletries bag and her pajamas, going into the bathroom to brush her teeth and change.
Her reflection in the mirror was still a bit of a surprise. Gone was the gaunt, miserable girl with the dead eyes. There was a warmth to her face, the hard bitterness in her amber eyes somewhat softened. She looked almost content.
Running her fingers through her curls and tugging at the hem of her pajama top, she forced herself not to think about Raymond on the other side of the door. He was an asshole anyway. Fuck him.
She bit her lip when her mind promptly took that idea and flipped it over onto itself. It was a constant war within her own mind; that despite how much he annoyed and infuriated her, she couldn’t seem to stop thinking about him.
Shoving open the door to the bathroom, she did her best to ignore him as she climbed into the bed. Curling up with her back to him, she tugged the blankets over her. Even with her eyes closed and Raymond sitting near the window, she could feel his gaze burning into her back. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be watching the safehouse?”
He coughed, and shifted. But even as she started to doze off, she could have sworn that she still felt his eyes, every once in a while, darting back to her.
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Danny is the type of kid who becomes tall out of nowhere and then get begged to play a sport
hell yeah. we've seen dan, we've seen his dad. puberty is gonna hit our boy like a freaking truck. plus he's already proven fairly athletic from all his ghost hunting, doing flips and throwing punches, and running constantly. i fully believe that the whole trio is secretly ripped. not in aesthetic way but in a practical way. because again they're out fighting, running, dodging, blasting. they'd probably do well on track out of everything.
so for this situation i see a slow unveiling of talent. danny developed something of an indifference to dash's bullying because he's dealing with worse and more important things. so usially he just goes with the situation to get it over with as fast as possible. like yes, throw me in the locker, i have class that i want to be on time for, for a change, lets move this along. this is back when he's still short. tucker still looks nerdy and thin and is still more interested on relying on his tech than any athletic ability. sam is the most recognized as somewhat athletic but most people just see the goth and don't notice the arm muscles or calf's she's rocking. girl could bench press paulina, and no one realizes.
some sort of ghost attack. i feel like the one where the kids had to fight to get their parents back would fit as the beginning of the realization. like danny sam and tucker hold their own through that fight. danny actually shows a fair bit of coordination and helps the others with ghost hunting training. i think it would be around then that people note that they're not as weak as they look. then over a series of other attacks across a time period, people start really noticing. tucker climbs a building to get to a high point to use a megaphone for evacuation. sam literally princess carries paulina out of a situation. danny in human form punches skulkers head off. it's one of those things that make it into vague rumor but isn't a big enough deal to get much louder, than a few confused comments.
then puberty hits and suddenly a lot of their physical progress suddenly becomes obvious. they all fill out in ways the student body isn't prepared for. like they figured out on paper that the trio are kind of strong, but then suddenly tucker is showing off his abs to the girls and his pecs and arms are showing through his slightly too tight shirt, and he's still managing to be a total nerd about it. sam gets pretty tall, especially with her boots and she has the posture and confidence to seem like a model or mma fighter. she's that much scarier. no one wants to fuck with her. and then there's danny. who shot up to six feet over the course of a summer, has the chris evens v-chest kinda going on, is struggling to find shirts that fit now, constantly bumping his head because he no longer has the same clearance, and he's still growing!
of course, they're gonna be begged to join various teams/ have sudden spike in popularity. i imagine tucker is living for this attention but danny and sam kinda liked being ignored better. danny initially enjoyed the attention but it quickly became apparent that people paying attention to you makes it a lot harder to keep a secret. he also just doesn't have time fore sports. the ghosts don't care about his schedule but coach tesloff and all of his team mate care a lot. he doesn't want to disappoint anyone. i could see a whole episode about this, danny tries at football it ultimately doesn't work out, tucker spends the episode showing off to girls until they get sick of it/it blows up in his face. and for sam, oho, sam gets offered a modeling job that has paulina foaming at the mouth in jealousy. she accepts the job purely to piss her off. there's a lot of fun to be had with this - Hestia
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expertofpossession · 4 years
Your imaginary friends come back to haunt you - REPOST
*I don’t own any of it* Can be request to be removed.
Josh parked his car, stepped out and looked at the house before him. “I’m home again” he said. It had been a while since 25 year old Josh had visited his old home after going to college. He hadn’t seen his dad or his two brothers in all this time but now it was summer break and Josh was all too keen to take the time to travel back to his old stomping grounds. He rang the doorbell and a moment later the door was opened by Josh’s dad Marcus; a rather muscular and beefy gentleman with a buzzcut.
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“Joshua! How are you? Come in, come in. Your brothers are just in the den.” Marcus’ excitement was infectious. “Thanks dad. I’m great and it’s good to see you! Can’t wait to see Danny and Travis” Josh replied. “Go on ahead. I’ll bring your bag in for you.” Marcus said cheerfully. The house was just as Josh remembered it; rustic, wooden but charming and cozy, and Josh easily found his way to the den as if he’d never left. Once there he was greeted by his brothers playing video games. There was Danny, the middle brother, sitting down in a tight red tank showing off his guns and his pecs that were nicely emphasised. “Yo little Joshy back from college! Check it out Travis. Josh’s arrived!”
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Travis sat up from lying on a mattress. Travis was the oldest and most manly looking brother. He was shirtless, exposing his hairy chest and beefy arms. On his lower body, he was wearing sweatpants which hid his tight butt but revealed a thick dick hiding beneath, something that Josh couldn’t help but notice. “Well hey little bro. How’re you doing!?” said Travis as he wrapped his arm around Josh and gave him a friendly noogie. “Great to see you again bro!” Josh said as he took himself out from under Travis’s sweaty arm. Marcus then appeared in the doorway. “Alright you rowdy kids, settle down. We’re just gonna have lunch in a while so feel free to freshen up in your old room and set your stuff out” “Will do dad” and with that, Josh headed upstairs into his old room. Once there, Josh stepped into his bathroom, stripped his clothes and started up the shower. Now Josh was left alone with his thoughts…which wasn’t great. Now that Josh was here, he felt a bit depressed. The reason Josh had been so eager to see his father and brothers again was…because he kind of had a thing for them. For a young gay man like himself, his family were the epitome of manliness and studliness that Josh had only dreamed of. But he knew he could never have his dream. Josh finished cleaning his bod and stepped out of the shower with a sigh. Well there wasn’t much to do but just try to enjoy being with family, he thought. He took his personal can of deodorant, gave his underarms a good spray then slipped on some shorts and a tanktop. He wasn’t as buff as any of him family members but for a young boy, Josh was a pretty handsome, fit and clean dude, and hey, if he couldn’t enjoy his family members bods, at least he could enjoy his own. “Niiice” he purred to his reflection. “Thank you” came a cackling reply from out of nowhere. Josh could see a thin ghost’s face pop through his own, laughing as it’s hands reached around and jiggled Josh’s pecs through his top. Startled, Josh backed away, out into his bedroom and fell back onto his bed. He could only stare as a trio of ghosts followed and hovered over him. “Well well well, look at our Josh now. Not such a little fleshie anymore. He’s gotten bigger now.” said the tallest and thinnest ghost. “Bigger and prettier too. Looks like he might even be able to fit me now, and then I’d be the pretty boy hehehe” bellowed the fattest ghost, jiggling as he laughed. “He could do without the sickly sweet smell though. What happened to the kid that liked rolling around in the mud?” whined the last ghost who was the smelliest. “Wh-who are you!?” cried Josh, afraid of what these…things might do to him. “Whaaaat? You don’t remember us. That hurts Joshy-boy” said the thin ghost. “Yeah, don’t you remember all the great meals we had fleshie?” moaned the fat ghost. “Or all those times in the mud. Remember the mud?” the stinky ghost chimed in. “What are you talking about!? How do you know my name? Who are you?” Josh was so confused. “Let us reintroduce ourselves. We’re the Ghostly Trio. Stretch, Stinky and Fatso” said the thin ghost as he and the others posed together. Suddenly, the names and poses triggered something deep within Josh. Memories bubbled to the surface. Memories of a little boy playing with his trio of imaginary friends, eating cake together, trekking through the rain and getting dirty together. These were them. They were Josh’s imaginary friends. “But…you couldn’t be…you’re not real.” We’re real as the skin on your bones fleshie. Believe it or not” said Stretch. Josh shaked, “ No…n-no you’re not. You’re not real. I made you up” “Don’t be like that. We had such a good time being your friends Josh. Sorry we had to up and leave ya one day but we promise we are real. Honest” pleaded Fatso with a puppy dog eyes. Still Josh sat still in shock and panic. “…Go away.” he said. “Come on Josh” said Stretch softly. Josh yelled, “GO AWAY!” The Ghostly Trio backed off. “I need to think…Leave me alone.” Josh retreated back into his bathroom and closed the door. Left alone, the trio sadly floated down the stairs. “Man, after all this time, he finally comes home. I thought he’d be happy to see us. I know we are.” said Stretch. “Yeah, now that he’s older, we could’ve gone to a buffet or somethin’ like that.” Fatso said sadly. Stinky piped up. “Well it has been forever and he ‘is’ older. What can we do to make him like us again?” Stretch’s expression brightened when he heard Stinky’s words. “You know somethin’? You’re absolutely right. Joshy-boy is older now. And that means we can have some ‘adult’ fun right boys?” Fatso and Stinky looked confused but they caught on quick. “Hehehehe. I’m ready for this.” chuckled Fatso. “You know boys, we never met Josh’s family. Let’s introduce ourselves properly…shall we? Back down in the kitchen, Marcus was dishing up a salad as Danny and Travis set the table. “Hey Danny, mind finishing this bowl up? I’m just going to the outside fridge to get some meat” called Marcus. “Sure thing pops.” Danny said back. Marcus left out the back door as Danny and Travis made their way into the kitchen but something was wrong. “Geez, no offense old man but are you sure this is fresh fruit? Smells like something died in here” muttered Danny to himself. “Maybe it’s your B.O bro? Haven’t been cleaning up after hitting your gains huh?” Travis said grinning. “Whatever man. You’re the one that sweats buckets from your armpits every time we do chest and arms.” fired back Danny. “You’re right though. I’ll see if there’s any more fruit in the fridge.” said Travis as he went over and opened the fridge. Danny leant over and smelled the salad bowl. “Damn, it really does smell rotten” “Sorry bout that but thanks for noticin’” came Stinky’s voice from behind him. Before Danny had any time to even let out a gasp, let alone turn around, he felt something rubbery penetrate his butt through his shorts.
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He felt Stinky dive through his tight bum and move into his bod, filling and expanding inside him. Danny jerked around and spasmed as he felt himself lose control of his body to this thing inside him. Stinky moved up through Danny’s tight abs, up into his pecs then filled out his big hunky arms like he was slipping on a suit. Danny his arms swing down and as they did, his leg muscles burst and jiggled as Stinky filled them in. The sensation immediately made him pop a boner which was swiftly filled by Stinky’s ectoplasm. All that was left was for Stinky to fill Danny’s wildly swinging head and once that was done, a boom came from Danny’s stomach and he was in Stinky’s control. “Mmmmmmm yeeeeeaaaaah” he said as he felt his muscles and rubbed his hands underneath his tanktop. Finally Travis turned around with a bag of fruit in hand to see Danny feeling himself. “Bro, what the hell are you doing?” At that moment, Stretch burst out of the bag. “Don’t worry about him. Worry about yourself bonebag.” he cackled. Travis dropped the bag, stunned as Stretch flew around him, circling him around his head, down around his torso until he got to his waist, where he dived into his underwear and started to pump into Travis’s dick.
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 Travis groaned as he felt his dick expand and grow. It was such a erotic and pleasurable moment. Soon Stretch had sucked his tail into Travis’s body and began filling him up. Travis’s voice became muffled as his mouth filled with ectoplasm.  “MMMMMMFFFFFF” moaned Travis as he felt Stretch get big and hard inside his muscular bod. He felt his pecs expand with ectoplasm and his legs and arms shot out as Stretch filled them up. Travis tried to remain in control but his body just spun and shook wildly as Stretch took him over. With another boom, Travis was no longer in control. His face wore Stretch’s signature smirk. “Yeaaaahh. Check out this hunky fleshie.” Stretch moved over and smacked Stinky’s sexy butt. “Turn around so I can get a good look at ya.” Stinky smiled and turned.
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He then pulled Stretch in and kissed him passionately. “Mmmmm, soooo sweaty and big. Just the way I like em.” Stinky said. Stretch pulled off Stinky’s tanktop and stuck his hands down Stinky’s shorts rubbing and pulling his dick while Stinky rubbed Stretch’s buff, hairy chest. At that moment, Marcus walked back in carrying a large roast chicken and saw his two boys making out. “What the hell is going on here!!?” And then the chicken was lifted out of his hands as Fatso appeared. “What’s going on is that you’ve bought a snack” He said as he devoured the chicken whole. “And now to move on the main course. Heheheheh” Marcus started to scream and Fatso took that oppourtunity to dive his fat form into his gaping mouth.  “MMMMFFFGMMMFF” Fatso bounced and jiggled as he tried to pump himself into Marcus’s body as Marcus could only groan and try to push him back. It was useless as Fatso sucked in his gut and slid down Marcus’s throat creating a large bulge as he went. Booming all through Marcus’s jiggling and bouncing body, it didn’t take long for Fatso to possess him and soon Marcus’s buff bod was all Fatso’s.
 “Now come on guys, let me join in the fun.” And as Fatso took off his clothes, he started to make out with his fellow fleshies. Meanwhile, Josh was coming downstairs having heard the commotion. He just now saw the incredible sight of his family, naked, jacking each other off and making out. 
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imacrowcawcaw · 4 years
If the boys were to get tattoos, what design(s) do you think they’d get?
Ooh I like this a lot!!!
I feel like Danny is a back piece kinda guy, idk why. Probably not his whole back (and really none of them seem the type to get many or super large tattoos) but maybe in between his shoulder blades, on the back of his neck, down his side, a tramp stamp, etc
I also think he would actually be the most likely to get a tattoo that is also funny/a joke, but I can't think of any good examples so forget I said that 😂
His concepts (aka things I associate him with and think would be good subjects): large birds, nature, power, mystique, dark but soft, old mythological figures and feelings
So his tat would be something that he connects with a lot, that represents him: a griffon. I really do associate him with large birds of prey, amd power and mythology, and I think that one would be perfect for Danny's tattoo. The griffon is big and fierce and powerful, but they are also total cuddly softies to those who know them (and they're super protective)
Examples (and yes I know the one on the top left is just an eagle but I thought it was cool) below
I can see Josh getting tattoos on the topside of his pec over his heart, on his shoulder, and on his calves/ankles. He wouldn't get anything super big, but he would have a few choice pieces that he has thought extensively about in those not-concealed-but-not-front-and-center places
Josh is Nature Boy ^TM and also an arts appreciative (as they all are) so his concepts are: Shakespearean/Greek/classic plays, flowers, astology, tarot, love, bright colors, native Michigan flora. I also think that his tats would generally be similar to the images on his jumpsuits, hence this list lol
On his bicep: an Aries ram with colorful flowers and stars surrounding it
On his calf: a more abstract/watercolor style Eastern White Pine (the state tree of MI, which I found out through fanfiction research lmao)
Over his heart: a quote about love from Shakespeare
Examples (and yes I know it's all in black and white instead of colorful but I found what I could) below
Sam is the most likely to get a tattoo while shitfaced drunk, you (probably) cannot convince me otherwise. Like, he won't actually, but.... if a game or dare or something came up he would be the one to do it
Other than that, though, Sam doesn't seem like a huge tattoo person to me. Maybe it's just my personal feelings on not wanting to see all that pretty skin covered up but... I think he would go with one really small piece on his wrist and that would be it.
Concepts: canines, music, classic literature, love, sleek and elegant, simplistic but meaningful, maybe something for his family or girlfriend... I'm sorry if these ideas are a little more lackluster than the others, I don't like Sam less than any of them (I think I've made that clear lol) I just really don't see him as a tattoo guy!
But anyways, he would end up getting a little symbol on the inside of his wrist to reperesent love and family. A lotus style flower with all the initials of the people he loves worked in (Josh, Jake, his sister, his parents, Danny, Joy, idk who else), maybe an infinity symbol too. It would be in black and white, small but exquisite in detail, and I imagine it wouls make him and his family very happy!
Jake seems like a classy guy, or at least someone who's into that "classic" aesthetic: good alcohol, classic cars, nice leather, rock n roll music, a beautiful woman with him, smooth and cool and effortlessly sexy vibes, etc etc. So he would probably get tattoos in that sort of 40s/50s style that you see in a lot of vintage photos (and also on hipsters/rockabilly wearers lol). But they would still be things that are meaningful to him, not just your standard heart-and-arrow-over-the-bicep
His concepts: music and his band, Tolkien (!!!), nature, beauty and sexuality, rock n roll, peace love and unity, the mountains, solitude, strength, family, and dedication
I forgot to mention above, I think that Jake would get a half sleeve, going from his shoulder to just above his elbow. I think it would take him awhile to fill in that space because he would be doing it with extreme care and thought, but it would also look really hot when it's done lol
His sleeve wpuld include: A sparrow carrying an arrow in it's beak, a portrait (well done, of course) of his mom, the Greta Van Fleet logo or something to represent it, a snake (idk why I just think he would like it), and some image of a pretty girl
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Taglist: @brianmaysclog @love-n-my-heart-4-n-army-apart @1800endmeplease @tymeconsuming @satans-helper @ageofphilosophy @karrotkate @therealswanqueen @mountainofthesunn @onlyan-angel @lantern-inthenight @love-philautia @ubernoxa @kill-fear-the-power-of-lies @unholy-brat @myownparadise96 @livewiredroger @oblvions @hansonobsessed @satingrass-maidensfair @dramaticjupiter
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flowerfan2 · 4 years
Sexting for Dummies
McDanno, T, A03
Part 4 of Group Texts Are Forever
Summary:  Steve and Danny are visiting Chin and his family in San Francisco, while Steve continues to recover from his injury.  While Danny is out with Abby and Sara, Steve gets bored... 
DW:  What the hell was that?
SM:  Can’t you tell?
DW:  Are you actually for real?
SM:  Last time I checked.
DW:  I can’t believe you sent me a dick pic while I’m at the movie theater.  Sitting next to Sara.  A child.
SM:  You’re not still sitting next to her, are you?
DW:  No, you numbskull, I’m out in the hallway, lurking like a creeper and looking at that pic you sent.
SM:  Then there’s nothing to worry about.
DW:  Oh, I’m still worried.
SM:  Why?  You’ve seen Mulan a zillion times.  Maybe even more than Charlie. 
DW:  It’s the new one, and that’s besides the point.  You should have seen the look Abby gave me when I got up.
SM:  Maybe you just needed to use the bathroom, what’s the big deal?
DW:  I guess it might have been the sound I made before I got up that got her attention.
SM:  Surprised you, huh?
DW:  You could say that.
SM:  I thought everyone sexted.
DW:  What are you, twelve?  We’re public servants.
SM:  As if that ever stopped anyone.
DM:  What if someone sees our phones?  What if the governor sees our phones?  What if you sent this on the group text by mistake?
SM:  Please, I’m not the one that keeps using the group text by mistake.  Plus I bet Tani would get a kick out of it.
DW:  I am so not going there.  Let us hold on to just a shred of professionalism and respect for our teammates.
SM:  You didn’t like it even a little?  I bet you did.
SM:  Danny?
DW:  I liked the idea behind it.
SM:  See?  Goal accomplished.  You should come back to the hotel now.
DW:  I can’t do that, the movie isn’t over.
SM:  I’m bored.
DW:  You could have come with, you said you had a headache.  And not the sexy kind.
SM:  I did have a headache.  This one-eyed thing sucks and I keep squinting.  But I bet you could make me feel better ;)
DW:  I’m not leaving in the middle of the movie, they’ll think there’s a crisis.
SM:  Crisis in my pants?
DW:  Are you sure this text hasn’t been taken over?  Is this the group text?  Tani, show yourself or I’ll fire you.
SM:  You can’t fire her.
DW:  Until you come back home, I’m still in charge.  I can fire her if I want.
SM:  But you wouldn’t.
DW:  Depends whether she is giving me shit on the group text.
SM:  It’s not Tani, it’s me.  I’ll prove it.
DW:  Oh my god, you did not just do that.
SM:  Figured that would prove it was me.
DW:  Yeah, I guess it does.  Unless Tani has them stored up somewhere.
SM:  How the hell would Tani have multiple pics of my cock?
DW:  She’s resourceful, I don’t know.
SM:  I’m feeling like your focus is in the wrong place, here.
DW:  Hey – I’m standing in the hallway of a movie theater surrounded by kids, talk about the wrong place.
SM:  So come back to the hotel.
DW:  I can’t come back to the hotel right now, I told you.  
SM:  Danny…
DW:  But I might be able to help you out.
SM:  You’ll send me a pic?
DW:  I’m not about to pull down my pants and take a pic for you in the movie theater bathroom.  Gross.
SM:  So, then… what?
DW:  Tell me what you’re wearing.
SM:  You just saw me an hour ago, you know what I’m wearing.
DW:  Do you want to play this game or not?
SM:  Ok, fine.  I’m wearing your NJPD t-shirt that you always bring when you come to rescue me, and gray sweatpants.
SM:  Danny?  You still there?
DW:  Sorry.  I didn’t realize you noticed.  I didn’t even realize I did it, actually.
SM:  You do.  Depends upon how you define rescue, I guess.  But I definitely remember you bringing it when you came to get me in D.C. last year.
DW:  You put it on when I was in the shower, and then I didn’t have anything to sleep in.
SM:  That turned out ok, as I remember.
DW:  You have a fascination with my chest hair that I truly don’t understand.
SM:  You’re fuzzy.  I like it.
DW:  Every man’s goal.
SM:  Fuzzy over your hard, hot as hell pecs.  Is that better?
DW:  Aw, yeah.  Thanks.
SM:  You wanted to kiss me that night in the hotel in D.C., didn’t you?
DW:  What do you think?
SM:  I think you’ve wanted to kiss me for about as long as I’ve wanted to kiss you.
DW:  How long is that?
SM:   Ten years, give or take.
DW:  Sounds about right.  And yeah, that night was pretty tempting.  I definitely wanted to kiss you.
SM:  Why didn’t you?
DW:  I don’t know… you were so freaking sad.  It didn’t seem right.
SM:  I liked sleeping with you, though.  Curled up like that.  
DW:  Me too.
SW:  Didn’t even know how much I needed it until you insisted on crawling into bed with me.
DW:  No way was I sleeping on the pull-out sofa.
SM:  Because you flew all that way in coach next to a mouth breather?
DW:  Because you were so freaking sad.  
SM:  Oh.  Yeah.  I was.
DW:  Hey, Steve?
SM:  Yeah?
DW:  If you ever have to go off without me again, can you find a way to keep in touch?  Like this time?
SM:  I couldn’t, when I was looking for Doris.  You know that.
DW:  I’m just saying, it was a little easier this time.
SM:  You mean the group text worked?  Don’t tell Tani, she’ll gloat.
DW:  I still missed the fuck out of you.  But at least most of the time I knew you were in one piece.
SM:  I don’t know if I can promise that.
DW:  Think about it?
SM:  Yeah, okay.  I will.
DW:  Thanks.
SM:  You know what?
DW:  What?
SM:  I’m really glad you kissed me in the hospital.  In front of Kono and the whole world.  You finally did it.
DW:  I did, didn’t I?
SM:  I’m sorry I freaked out after.  But I’m really glad you did it.
DW:  The freak out was understandable.
SM:  Still I’m sorry.
DW:  It’s ok.
SM:  Someone had to do it.  It was brave.
DW:  Let’s not overstate it.  I wasn’t really thinking.  I just couldn’t help myself.
SM:  So you admit sometimes acting without thinking is a good plan?
DW:  Again, overstating.
SM:  But you’re glad you did it.
DW:  Kissed you last week?  Obvi.  Maybe I should have waited, though.  Until we could talk about it.
SM:  Nope.  We’re terrible at talking.  We’d have just not done it again.
DW:  True.
SM:  Hey, Danny?
DW:  Yeah?
SM:  Is this how people usually sext?  There doesn’t seem to be much sex involved.
DW:  You’re an idiot.
SM:  Danny, you still there?
DW:  Sorry, hallway got crowded.  Black Widow just let out.  Had to find a new spot to lurk.
SM:  Fair enough.
DW:  I’m good now if you want to, you know.
SM:  Jerk off and think of you?
DW:  Wow, romance is dead.
SM:  And honestly I already did it.
SM:  Danny?  
DW:  We are useless.
SM:  I could be ready for round two in a little while.  Come back to the hotel?
DW:  How about you shower and change and meet us at Chin’s for dinner?
SM:  That doesn’t sound sexy at all.
DW:  Are you nuts?  Chin is sexy as hell.
SM:  This is definitely not how sexting is supposed to work.
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silver--storms · 5 years
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So here it is guys, my very first fic. This was based on a dream I had. Enjoy and let me know what you think. :)
Warnings: SMUT 18+ ONLY, unprotected sex, fingering, oral sex.
WC: 3.1k
It was a crisp fall afternoon when you arrived at Josh’s house.
You and Josh had been friends since kindergarten, but this was the first time seeing each other for over a year since his bands overseas tour started. Josh and you had always been relatively close but you hadn’t talked much since he left.
You figured it was because he was busy with tour but something deep down told you it wasn’t that simple.
As you walked up the steps to the house he shared with his brothers, you had flashbacks of your last night together. His skin to yours, the way he tasted, the feeling of your back being pressed against his bedroom wall, and the sound of a Jimi Hendrix vinyl playing the song Little Wing in the background.
You sighed and hesitantly knocked on his door. You heard him shuffling around and his footsteps approaching. 
Your heart began to beat faster. 
The whole reason you were there was because he had texted you a few nights before letting you know about a welcome home party the band was throwing this upcoming weekend. Then you brought up that you had found a record he’d been searching for that you tucked away for him until he was home. Josh had asked if you wanted to come over and listen to it together. 
Submerged in your thoughts, you were interrupted by the door swinging open. Josh was standing there dabbing a towel to his hair, shirtless and just his pink shorts on.
 "You’re a little early" he chuckled.
 "No, I’m actually late, you just suck at managing your time.“ You shot back with a half hearted laugh. He smiled back and let you inside.  
You dropped your bag to the floor and made your way into his living room. Some brief small talk was exchanged before he exclaimed "So where is it?” with excited eyes.
 "Where is what?“ you replied.
 "The record?” he said, you felt your face get warm.
 "Oh yeah, I totally forgot, Here..“ you handed it to him and he rushed over to his record player and gently went to play it. 
The first note came through the speakers and Josh leaned his head back letting his shoulders drop with a loud sigh, as if he had just took a long drag of a cigarette. You smiled to yourself because that was his reaction to all music, it was like a drug to him, as he breathed in all the sounds. 
Josh turned to you and asked if you’d like a beer and you nodded in reply. He was gone for awhile in the kitchen which left you just enough time for your mind to wander back to your earlier thought and over analyze where your friendship stands.
You and Josh always had this unspoken closeness all through middle school and highschool. Most people who make the assumption that Josh is this loud mouth attention whore, which in fairness, he is.
 But you knew a different side of him. Josh was always entertaining and “on” in a larger group setting but when it was just the two of you he was very laid back and calm. You’d always get into these deep conversations that left you feeling both vulnerable and safe. He knew you better than anyone and could look straight through you. Almost like you had an unspoken language between the two of you. 
The night before he left for tour it was just the two of you. Josh asked if you’d come over to help him pack. His brothers and Danny had already made plans for the evening and had left long before you showed up.
 When you finished packing you ended up just listening to some vinyl and having a few drinks. It was getting late so you said you were going to head out but when you went to get up to leave and Josh placed his hand on yours and said "stay” in the softest tone,  looking at you with tenderness behind his eyes. He placed his hand against your collar bone and ran his thumb over your throat and kissed you. 
When you woke up the next morning naked in his bed there was an unspoken sadness. You knew him leaving meant that just in itself, he was leaving. The communication with Josh, aside from him sending you a random picture of a plant or a sunrise throughout their journey across Europe, was bare minimum. You ended up over the course of the year, getting into a relationship with a guy you worked with, but this had just fizzled out weeks before Josh was set to come home. 
You had heard through the grapevine that Josh and a girl you sort of knew through some friends, who had a reputation of never settling down, had been talking but wasn’t anything serious. Yet. 
Still, you pushed any thought of anything happening with Josh out of your head just as he reappeared from the kitchen now with a shirt on and two beers in his hand.
He sat down beside you with his legs up to his chest facing you. You felt yourself get warm with him just staring at you. The two of you made more small talk about the tour and he asked about how everything was at home while he was gone. You started telling him about how you recently got promoted when his phone went off. 
He apologized and left the room to take it. You overheard him making plans for later in the night. When he returned he told you about the girl he was talking to. That her name was Sadie and that he wasn’t sure what the relationship was going to be yet. 
“What do you mean?” you reluctantly asked with a knot forming in your throat.
 "I don’t think this is going to be a relationship per say…I get the feeling she’s just interested in being casual friends who..you know?“
You took a swig of your beer to hide your reaction, but Josh caught a glimpse of your expression.
 "What was that look?" 
"Nothing,” you smirked, “I just…You never struck me as someone who would be into that is all." 
Josh looked down at his feet for awhile, placed his beer on the floor, and looked back up at you. He paused for a second.
 "Can I ask you something?” You nodded as you felt your entire body pulse with anticipation of what he might ask you. 
“I haven’t done anything…with anyone..since the last night I was in town." 
Your eyes widened knowing he’s referring to the two of you. 
"I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous because it’s been awhile. I’m not sure if it’s what I even want but if something were to happen…” He trailed off and sighed. He briefly looked away almost as if he needed a moment to gain the courage when he spoke next. 
“Would it be wildly inappropriate to ask if there was anything that I did..that was good for you?" 
You started to fidget with the label on your beer bottle. In your mind going back and forth on if you should say you were really drunk and don’t remember much, or if you should tell him the truth. That everyone else has paled in comparison to him. You sighed knowing he would see through the lie.
"Josh…Everything you did was perfect.” He shifted in his seat and slightly turned away from you as he noticeably blushed.
“Yeah?” he asked.
 "Yes. But if you want something more specific…Your hands. Use your hands the way you did last year and you’ll do just fine.“ 
Your stomach turning at the thought of him being with someone else. You had no right to think that way, you were the one who had a relationship while he was gone, he didn’t owe you anything. But you couldn’t shake the feeling of jealousy burning away at you. 
The record stopped and you stood up abruptly  to turn it over to the next side. 
You turned back to face him.
 "It’s getting late and I know you have plans later so I’ll get out of your hair. I hope you liked the record." 
He looked up at you with a perplexed expression 
"You don’t want to stay a little while longer to listen to it all the way through?" 
You forced a smirk "I have some errands to run before it gets too dark out, I should be going.”
You slowly walked over to the kitchen to empty the rest of your beer into the sink. You always loved his kitchen. It had high ceilings with dark wood cabinets that glistened as the sun was hitting them just right as it began to set. 
A few moments passed when you heard his footsteps behind you. When you turned around he was leaning against the large island in the center of the kitchen. His eyes piercing you with his gaze.
“Where’s your recycling?" 
He walked towards you while motioning for you to give the bottle to him. He took it and slipped behind you as his hips brushed against the side of your thigh which caused a tingling sensation. He came back around and stopped inches from your face. 
You felt your heart drop as you just froze, unable to step back and create space between the two of you. 
He looked down at your hands and slightly hooked his fingers with yours. He was quiet for a moment, almost a sadness washed over him.
As he looked up at you he said "I’m not sure if you caught what I said before, so I’ll repeat myself…I haven’t been with anyone since you and I.”
“There was a reason for that. This entire year that has gone by,  I haven’t stopped thinking about you. And not as just a friend." 
He let out a big sigh as he continued "I tried to get my mind off of things and search for meaningless hookups while on tour to try to move on. But it just never felt right. I could never go through with it. I know that sounds stupid, especially because for awhile there you were in a relationship. But I just couldn’t help but be wrapped up in you and the last night we spent together." 
You felt your entire body get loose and warm as his breath tickled your face. You weren’t sure what to say and you started to feel panicked with him peering straight into your eyes. 
"Josh, I’m not su-" 
Before you could get the words out, his hands were already around your waist as he pulled you into a deep kiss. 
Wasting no time, he slipped his tongue inside your mouth causing you to whimper. You put your hands just over his pecs letting your fingernails lightly scratch over the fabric of his shirt.
 He started to push towards you eagerly slamming you into the island countertop. You huffed and he pulled back slightly.
You responded by biting down on his bottom lip and slipping your hands under his shirt to the center of his back. Feeling his muscles flex and his hips pressed against yours. 
You could clearly feel his thickness rubbing against your thigh. He was already hard. It took you by surprise and brought you back to reality as you pressed your hands back up to his chest, pushing him off slightly, breaking the kiss.
"What about Sadi-” 
He interrupted you “I texted and canceled with her when you got up to throw the bottle away” 
Your face scrunched up with confusion. 
As if he read your mind he said “Why do you think?” as he pulled you back in with wet and passionate kisses.
He pulled his shirt up and slide it over his head revealing his chest once again in the same state he had greeted you in earlier. His hands dipped into the back of your jeans grabbing your ass as his kissed and sucked a trail of hickeys up your neck. 
You began to pant as you could feel the heat rise to your cheeks, flushed and beginning to wonder if this was a dream. 
Before you knew what was happening you were unbuttoning your jeans and slipping them off of you. 
Josh was surprised that you weren’t wearing any underwear. He watched you undress and let out a big sigh as he glanced back up at you, as if to ask for approval. 
You let out a lustful sigh and slight nod as a sign for him to continue. Josh lifted your shirt and unclasped your bra. 
In that moment it dawned on you how naked you were and that his brothers could walk in at any second. But before you could continue the thought, Josh raised and placed one of your legs over his hip, holding your leg there and laced both of your arms around his neck as he buried his face into your shoulder. 
You leaned against the cold counter, naked and arched up when you felt Josh run two fingers over your heat. He very slowly inserted one inside you and he moaned softly when it was all the way in. 
He pumped his finger in and out a couple of times before removing it as you watched a string of wetness follow. He looked you straight in the eyes, as he sucked his fingers clean with dilated pupils and slitted eyes. 
He tapped the countertop behind you and motioned for you to sit on top of it. You obliged and hopped on top spreading your legs for him. Josh scooted you closer to the edge and started in on kisses from your calves moving to your inner thigh almost like he was savoring every kiss. When he pressed his tongue to your center you knew he had in fact been savoring it because he lapped at you as if he was dehydrated and you were a fountain waiting to quench his thirst. 
He mercilessly ate at you until your fingers turned white from gripping the edge of the counter trying to stabilize yourself from falling off of it. Josh put one of your legs on the opposite side of his head resting it on his shoulder as he inserted two fingers inside of you. He curved them upward and began pressing onto your G-spot. He continued to eat you with a feverish pace often taking a slight nibble at your clit and flicking it in between his teeth. 
You arched your back and let out a deep “Oh fuck” and he chuckled between your thighs only coming up for air to kiss you with a smile on his face. You felt yourself quickly going over the edge when he pulled away and stared you down.
 “Not yet.”
Josh took a step back, keeping his eyes locked with yours. He started to fidget with his fly as he slid his pink shorts down slowly revealing himself to you. 
Your eyes darted down to his cock admiring the familiar girth and curve of it that you loved so much. Your hands like a magnet reached down and gave him a couple of strokes causing him to throw his head back with an opened mouth moan followed by a breathy “”oh fuck.” 
Josh pushed your hands away and pulled you down from the counter and led you towards the table to access you at a lower angle. 
His hands met your center once more and started to gently rub your clit as your writhed under his touch. He lined his hips up with yours and started to slowly, in the most agonizing way, rub the tip of himself through your lips over and over again. The friction rubbing against your clit brought you to your first orgasm.
Obscene moans escaped you while digging your nails into Josh’s shoulders. You felt him pulse and continue to rut against you. When you came down you watched as he slowly entered you with pre-cum already glistening at the tip of his cock.
You weren’t used to the thickness of him. Josh was about average in the length department. but he certainly filled you up more than any other guy before. He spread your walls with a slight sting as you winced and took a deep breath in. 
He looked up at you with a quiver and pressed gentle kisses to the corner of your mouth. He stayed there for a moment, careful not to move so you could adjust around him. His hands reaching up and kneading your breasts while simultaneously caressing your nipple with his thumb causing little pants to fall from you. 
He started to thrust into you softly at first but soon started pulling almost all the way out of you and slowly slamming back into you, causing the table to jolt from the force of his movements. The slow deep and hard thrusts made you yelp while falling back using one arm placed behind you to prop yourself up and the other clinging to his neck for support. 
Josh leaned himself over you as he panted and deep groans escaped from him. You started to contract around him inching closer and closer to your peak. 
Unable to hold yourself back as you felt your jaw unclench and let out a series of high pitched moans. 
Taking the noises of satisfaction erupting from you as a cue, Josh held you down by gripping your hip bone and increased his pace. 
You felt yourself cumming around him and dripping down onto the table at the same time his thrusts became sloppy and erratic. 
Josh squeezed your thigh and let out a loud and elongated moan that turned into a “Mmm fuckk, y/n…” as you felt him release inside of you. 
He collapsed on top of you as you both fell back flat onto the table panting and trying to come back down to reality. You both started to laugh as you laid there in each others arms, both satisfied and covered in sweat. Josh tilted your face towards him and pulled you into a sweet and tender kiss. 
In that moment, as you both enjoyed the blissful feeling, silently holding each other. The sun had finally set, the only thing illuminating the two of you was the light from the living room. 
Josh placed a kiss to your cheek and got up to get you a towel. You sat up and took a deep breath knowing this was going to be the last time you’d ever be considered “just friends”. There was no turning back from here.
@sweetkiszkadreams​ :)
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whereisten · 5 years
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[10:35 pm]
So, this was the first time, since Taeyong, a man was in your apartment.
You unlocked the door to your place and told Yuta to go in first. He seemed...a little nervous, if you didn’t know any better.
“Make yourself at home,” you said, feeling a little uneasy yourself.
Yuta cleared his throat. “Can I take off my shoes?”
“Oh, yeah! Of course!” You were in your flip flops so you were already very comfortable. Yuta took off his shoes, balancing himself with ease. You needed to cling onto walls for dear life whenever you took off more complicated shoes. You added, “Are you hungry?”
Yuta coughed. “What?”
He was acting very...unlike him. Usually, his silver tongue rendered you speechless but tonight it’s like you had the upper hand in conversation. You didn’t know how to feel about it.
“I was going to order pizza...unless you wanted something else.” You wondered if he was a cheese or pepperoni guy.
What if he didn’t like pizza period? He lost points with you when he never watched Grease. But you hoped to rectify that with watching it with him tonight.
He eased up, completely unaware of your panic. “Oh.” He put his hands in his pockets. “Pizza’s good.”
“Any specific toppings?” You asked.
He shook his head. ”Whatever you want, Y/N.” His eyes were big and thoughtful.
“Oh. Okay. Well, take a seat. I’ll bring some blankets.” You motioned for him to sit on the living room couch. Your flat screen was set up in front of it. You had your DVD player at the ready.
You went to grab your Grease DVD and some blankets.
This was innocent. Right?
Why did you feel like you were doing something forbidden? That was impossible. You and Yuta were friends. Have been for a while now. Even with everything that went down with Taeyong, Yuta had always been kind to you.
Sure, he teased you and flirted up a storm almost every chance he got. But after you and Taeyong called it quits, you were a wreck and Yuta ceased the teasing and supported you like a true friend.
So what if this was the first time he came over? You were watching a movie like two old friends.
You really needed to stop overthinking things, Y/N...
“Y/N?” Yuta called from the living room. “Do you need help?”
Yuta in your bedroom. Yuta in your bedroom. No no no no no.
Your throat went dry. You grabbed your water bottle from your nightstand and took a huge swig of water. “Nah, I got it! Thanks Yuta!”
You brought the blankets and the DVD. You set it all on the couch beside Yuta
“I’ll put the movie in.” Yuta grabbed the DVD as he got up from the couch.
You nodded eagerly. “Great. I’ll order the pizza.” Standing, you pulled up the PizzaWhat app on your phone to order a pepperoni pizza and some good ol’ stuffed cheesy bread.
Lord, you’re gonna have to rein in your love of food in front of him. And pepperoni? Won’t that make your breath funky? Thank God you didn’t like anchovies because that would push anyone away and why are you thinking about what your breath would smell like-
“Y/N?” Yuta interrupted your thoughts. He stood in front of you.
“Yeah?” How freaked out did you look?
“You okay?” He asked, genuinely concerned. Not a trace of humor. Not even his trademark smirk.
You nodded. “Yeah...I just-“
“It’s weird...isn’t it?” He finished your thoughts. Like he typically did. Didn’t make you any less shocked, though.
So he thought that, too. “Yeah...Ever since Tae-“
“You don’t have to talk about him if you don’t want to.”
“I know...”
“I mean, if you want to, I promise to keep my eyerolls to a minimum.” He winked.
You laughed.
They weren’t as hostile to each other these days but you could tell there would always be tension.
Yuta smiled at hearing you laugh. Mister Colgate Optic White.
You admitted, “But yeah, I do feel a little nervous. Having you here...”
You’d be stupid to deny that Yuta was the most attractive person you’d ever seen.
Yuta’s eyes lit up right before you. Did he read your mind?
You sighed. “I’m just a very awkward individual. But you know this.”
Yuta shook his head. “You’re just fine, Y/N.” You could feel a lot of warmth in what he said.
You didn’t realize what he really meant to say until much much later.
“Well, the pizza’s gonna get here in forty five so we can start watching. That okay?”
Yuta nodded as he sat down. He motioned for you to sit beside him. He already took your Looney Tunes blanket for himself and wrapped himself up. He was as content and soothed as a child on his birthday. You blushed at how fond you were of him. It turned out you felt this way for a while now but never had the nerve to confront it. You wrapped yourself in your One Direction blanket, earning some raised eyebrows from him. You giggled, feeling more at ease each moment you were together.
When you reached the scene where the love interests Danny and Sandy were on their first date, Yuta surprised you by tickling your feet with his.
“That’s cold, you fool!” You laughed.
He chuckled evilly.
You didn’t want to back down so you tickled his legs and he yelped.
“Ha! Not so funny now, eh?” You asked.
Yuta gaped. “You need to know your place, sweets.”
He moved himself closer to you and tickled you with his hands.
It was no secret that you were so ticklish that it was one of your trademark weaknesses. And for Yuta to exploit that...The nerve.
You had to wonder if he was just as ticklish as you were. It was only fair.
“Yuta...” You cried. “Please...I need air...” You were laughing so hard. Your stomach was killing you. Perhaps the abs would arrive before Christmas.
Yuta backed off, fearing he may have overstepped. “You good?”
You winced. “Ow.”
He frowned. “Y/N?”
“I think you...scratched me. It burns. Can you check if it’s bleeding?” You motioned for him to check your shoulder.
Yuta’s humor completely vanished. “Yeah yeah show me where-“
You jumped him. You straddled him, flashing him a devilish smile. “Got you.”
Yuta gasped. “Well, I’ll be damned.”
You didn’t waste another second and tickled his abdomen. As thin as Yuta was and as much as you wanted to invite him over for dinner to make him eat more since you first met, he surprised you.
He was built. You could run your hands through the ripples of his pecs.
So...it turned out he was very ticklish. Maybe even more ticklish than you.
“Y/N...Please...I’m begging you,” Yuta said between gasps. Tears were running down his cheeks.
“What’s that? You want more?” You hovered over him and tickled even harder.
“Y/N, please.”
“I’m sorry...what was that?” You teased.
“Y/N,” he growled.
You froze then and he turned the tables. He took your arms and flipped your positions over. He had incredible upper body strength, you realized.
He was on top of you, your back on the couch. “Having fun, yet?”
You had to catch your breath from laughing so hard and the shock of where you were at that instant. His aura was overwhelming and you wanted to deny it. You wanted to deny that there were feelings there. You wanted to be his friend. It was too soon. You needed time to get over-
You lifted yourself up to him and crashed your lips into his. He stood still for a moment, in disbelief, and for a moment, you feared that you had overstepped. When you were about to let go and apologize and leave your own apartment and flee across the country, he eased your mind.
He pulled you closer and wrapped his arms around you. Hugging you so tightly and deepening the kiss. You two sat up and looked at each other.
“I’m sorry,” you said, “I didn’t mean to-“
Yuta smirked. “Oh, yes you did.”
You blushed and looked at the TV screen, completely forgetting how far into the movie you were in. “Fine! I did.”
He took hold of your face and made you look at him.“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this, Y/N,” he said in a low tone. His voice sent your lower region to another realm.
“Really?” You were shocked.
“Don’t act like you didn’t know,” he said, blush creeping into his cheeks. That made you smile.
“I didn’t. I just assumed you flirted with anyone with a heartbeat. It’s in your nature,” you said. From the night you two first spoke, his trademark smirk made a frequent appearance in the past year. He flirted with you to piss Taeyong off. So you didn’t pay that much mind to it as time went on.
But then you got to know him. Befriend him. Confide in him. He understood you. You empathized with him. You saw the good, the bad, and the ugly in each other. But neither of you ran for the hills.
Ever since the breakup, he was more attentive. He never overstepped, though. He kept his distance and let you wallow. But sometimes he knocked on your door and left a tub of French Vanilla ice cream at your doorstep because he knew it was your favorite. But now you were done wallowing. You wanted a new beginning.
With Yuta.
He chuckled at your remark. “No, I don’t.”
“You told my Aunt Winona she couldn’t be my aunt. She looked like my older sister,” you said as you rolled your eyes. Yuta was a cheesy flirt. But he made it work for him. And you loved it.
“I keep my best material for you, flower,” he said. It was the first time tonight he said his nickname for you. You realized how much you missed it.
“Sure,” you said skeptically but still loved his words.
He kissed your cheek. “I want this. Do you?”
You did but you still had your doubts. Maybe it was too soon. Maybe you still needed to figure out who you were without Taeyong before you can put yourself out there.
Or maybe you could just let yourself be happy.
“I do,” you said.
His face broke out into the brightest, most heartwarming smile you’d ever seen. It was like you’d given him the biggest gift. “I...” He stopped himself. “You have no idea...”
You hugged him. Because you liked what it felt like to have him in your arms. He felt safe and warm. You felt an immense, inexplicable joy.
“I’m all in, Yuta,” you said.
He hugged you back tighter. He refused to let go.
He kissed the crown of your head and moved closer to your ear.
“As much as I’d like to indulge you and watch Grease for you, I don’t think I’ll be able sit straight.”
His husky voice caused you to lose your breath. “Is that so?” You asked suggestively.
“Maybe we can-“ Yuta’s eagerness was put to a stop.
There was a knock at your door. It was the first time you both cursed a pizza delivery person.
When you sat down and ate at the dining room table, Yuta licked his lips, innocently enjoying his pizza slice but sending you into a frenzy. He offered to feed his pizza slice to you and you realized your appetite was of a different kind.
“I’m not hungry anymore,” you whispered.
Yuta nearly dropped the slice on the floor. He put it down on his plate, got up from his seat, and moved over to yours. He just looked down at you, waiting. You took his hand and quickly led him into your bedroom.
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fandoms-are-my-air · 4 years
1. Messers (CSI:NY)
2. Bicard (Star Trek: Next Gen)
3. Ronks (Harry Potter)
4. Brutasha (MCU)
5. Cherik (X-men)
6. Mystrade (BBC Sherlock)
7. Johnlock (BBC Sherlock)
8. Jadam (CSI:NY)
9. SwanQueen (Once Upon a Time)
10.  Sherlolly (BBC Sherlock)
11.  Tanotni (Queer eye)
12. Wincesst (Supernatrual)
13 Luna/Nevil (Harry Potter)
14 Spuffy (Buffy)
1Why do you dislike 11 so much?
Not only is Tan happily married and Antoni is in a committed relapsionship they have both said that they would never and that they are brothers and best friends and nothing more.
 2. Who is someone you know that ships 14?
 3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple 3?
If they both had surrvied the battle of Hogwarts and got to rasie their son
 4. Which is your favourite moment for 1?
Lindsay tells Danny she is pregnant in nine thirteen
 5. How long have you been following 5?
3 years this June
 6. What’s the story with 8? What made you stop liking them/caring?
I was writing a fanfic for the ship and I got a bad case of writers block and so I ended up spending 2 months on the one chapter and it made me hate the ship  
 7. You have the power to make one ship non-existent, choose from 10 or 12.
Wincesst cause if I made Sherolly disappear me sister would be mad at me
 8. Which ship do you prefer; 2 or 4?
Bicard as it was my first ship and will always hold a special place in my heart for that reason
 9. What interests you about 14?
I have heard my sister talk about it so much that I cant help but be curious
 10.  Why did you stop liking 7?
I stopped shipping Johnlock when I feel in love with Mary and realised how cute she and John were together
 11. Did your waning interest in 9 kill your interest in the fandom?
No the oppiste I fell out of love with the fandom after they killed off  my fave charter and so I stopped caring about my ships from that show
 12. What’s a song that reminds you of 5?
Say something – a great big world
 13. If you could have any of these couples double date, who would it be?
Cherik and Brutasha
 14. Have 2 kissed yet?
Yes but not romanticly just little pecs as friends
 15. Did 4 have a happy ending? If the show hasn’t ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely?
No as Natahsa Died but they should have had
16. What would make you start shipping 13?
I think if I read the books and got to know more about them both
 17. If only one could happen, what would you prefer, 1 or 2?
 18. You have the power to decide the fate of 10. What happens to them?
They would remain the friends that they are
 19. Which of these ships do you love the most?
Messers CSI NY has always been and always will be my go to show when I am sad no matter how many other fandoms I am in I will always return to my roots and the Messers are my best ship (and only canon ship) from that show.
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Meeting and Dating Johnny Lawrence
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(Not my gifs)
- You meet Johnny at the dojo. Your sister was dating one of the kids who trained there and she dragged you along to go and pick him up.
- You had heard of Johnny because of Danny. Danny had moved in next door to you and you quickly became friends with him.
- You and your sister stood at the entrance watching the guys train, you standing much more awkwardly than her.
- That’s when the trainer called up a few senior boys to teach the class while he talked to someone and it was then that you saw him....
- Fuckboi Mcgee and his martial artist three.
- You didn’t know what you expected when Danny had told you about him but it wasn’t a hot blonde guy with glistening pecs.
- You pinched yourself in shame. This was the same guy that beat up your friend and here you were thinking about how attractive he was. Pull yourself together y/n!
- He saw you looking at him and winked, you pretended to not be interested and looked away with a roll of your eyes. He upped his game.
- When training was over he came over and started flirting with you while your sister talked with her boyfriend, it was almost working until Danny and Mr. Miyagi walked in. Johnny put two and two together when Danny instantly smiled and waved at you.
- He asked you out right then and there to be spiteful because he thought you were dating the boy.
- You blushed but turned him down; then the whole ‘you’re gonna fight my boys’ thing happened and you knew you made the right decision... at least for the time being.
- Your sister and her boyfriend still chewed you out though asking how could you turn down the Johnny Lawrence and if you were out of your mind.
- Johnny still flirted with you anytime he saw you which was quite a lot (your sister and her boyfriend tipped him off as to where you were).
- Danny eventually just tells you to agree cause he’s sick of hearing Johnny’s pickup lines and figuring you could manage to get him to stop messing with him if the two of you were dating.
- Johnny acts smug but he’s actually really surprised when you agree.
“Knew you’d come around.”
- He takes you to the costume party and he’s surprisingly not an awful person. You have your first kiss at the end of the night and it ends in your face being covered in black and white paint.
- The both of you start officially dating not long.
- Play fighting, its mostly so he can pin you and have an excuse to get you into compromising positions and to borderline grope you.
- He seems like he would be a good singer and sings to you when you’re alone, or jokingly around your friends.
- Hugs basically all the time especially after he wins a match.
- He likes to show off usually by ‘fighting’ or arm wrestling his friends, shows of strength basically.
- Piggyback rides.
- Rough kisses after he wins a match and soft kisses after he loses.
- If you ever stay the night he wraps his arms tightly around you. He seeks out your body when he wakes up and no matter where you are he finds a way to cuddle with some part of you.
- Beach dates, he loves laying in the sand next to you. He also loves seeing you in your bathing suit and putting sunscreen on you.
- You make sure to put sunscreen on him too even though he insists that he doesn’t need it. He doesn’t argue for very long considering it an excuse for him to feel your hands on him.
- He kisses you on the back of your neck usually while hugging you from behind. (This is usually a move he uses when he tries to deter a guy whose trying to flirt with you).
- Tall as hell and flaunts it. He rests his arm on your shoulder or on your head to annoy you.
- The instant he sees you he smiles, it’s like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders.
- Jealous obviously. Like the whole movie was based around him being a jealous asshole
(But it can honestly be argued that Danny was the antagonist the whole time: I suggest watching J Matthew Turners video, he makes a lot of sense)
- He glares at anyone who looks at you and isn’t afraid to start a fight or threaten them. He takes it very personally when someone tries to flirt with you.
- He doesn’t want there to be even the slightest chance that you’ll ditch him for another guy so he blocks a lot of guys from befriending you unless he gets to know them first.
- He always makes sure you come to see him fight. It always makes him feel better knowing you’ll be there since.
“I have a match on Friday, I need my good luck charm to be there.”
“I’ll be there Johnny.”
- He always stands up for you, doesn’t matter if the guys a foot taller and a hundred pounds heavier than him.
- He carries you on his shoulders and gives you piggyback rides all the time.
- You’re the ‘It couple’ in school.
- He carries your books in one hand and has his other on the small of your back while walking through the halls.
- Any class you have together he is sitting next to you. People move to get out of his way whenever they see that you’re sitting in the seat next to them.
- You rarely fight but when you do they’re big and they’re usually about his treatment of others and his jealousy/possessiveness.
- He’s really hot tempered especially when he’s under pressure.
- He swallows his pride and apologizes with his arms open waiting for you. He doesn’t like admitting he’s in the wrong but he owns up when he fucks up.
- He does everything in his power to get you to talk to him whenever you ignore him after a fight.
His gang outside any building you’re in talking through a megaphone. “HE JUST WANTS A HUG Y/N!” (Props to whoever gets the reference)
- Wearing his Cobra jacket.
- Patching him up after fights and staying with him to make sure he’s okay and to cheer him up especially after he loses.
“I look like a loser.”
“I happen to think you look hot with a black eye.”
- Dancing together, it’s mostly just swaying along to music but occasionally he tries to teach you how to do simple ballroom dances that he was forced by his parents to learn.
- He’s actually a really sweet and affectionate guy once you get past the macho facade.
- He smushes his cheek against yours while he hugs you from behind.
- Your parents love him and his parents love you.
- You’re an all around loved couple in both families.
- He’s a really passive aggressive guy when it comes to you. He quickly stands down to avoid fighting because he’d much rather just accept what you say than have you mad at him.
- Motorcycle rides, he drives you anywhere you want. Hearing you squeal in excitement makes it all worth it.
- You will never break up it’s just a fact. He will pester you and force you to get back with him. He’ll fight anyone you try to date after him and make their life a living hell.
- Your his and his alone and honestly you can’t complain. He’s not the worst person you can be stuck with.
- Getting him to make up with Danny and leave each other alone. After they get past their differences they become what some could call friends.
- Going to all of his matches, even if you hate seeing him get hurt.
- You run out when he gets hurt in competitions. You’ll kneel beside him and he kind of just stares at you for a minute.
“What? What is it?”
“It’s nothing you just look really pretty tonight.”
“You’re an ass you know that. You scared me half to death.”
“You really care about me, huh?”
“Of course I do you jerk.”
“Well I love you.”
“… I love you too.”
- He shows you a much softer side of him that not many people get to see.
- He tugs you to him quickly by your waist to surprise you before he kisses you.
- Acts smug when you compliment him like he knows how great he is and you’re just pointing out facts.
- Playing soccer together.
“You know this would be a lot more fun if you were the skins team.”
- He’s probably pulled the fire alarm to get you out of class and out on the field so he could see you or made some new kid at the dojo do it as part of an ‘initiation’.
- After you’ve been with him through thick and thin he can’t imagine his life without you.
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sussexualtension · 5 years
“Pretend” Fandom: H50  Pairing: McDanno  (From my Burning Orchard ‘verse)
It's the rain.
It's the falling for over twenty-four hours, so loud it's deafening, creating-a-steam-that-creeps-up-over-the-sleepy-island rain that is driving them insane. The hot, humid air makes it impossible to perspire, and all they can stand to do that Saturday night on the covered porch is sit in their shorts with their shirts unbuttoned. Their kids are at Kono and Cath’s for the weekend, and this would usually be when they discuss things about work or life or cases that they don’t want little ears over-hearing but not tonight. The rushing whisper of this torrential monsoon is drowning out anything they try to say, and so they sit instead, sipping their sweating beers in silence – – or rather, the absence of silence. Steve has been rubbing his back for the last twenty minutes between sips, running his hand up to the back of Danny’s neck to thumb along the delicate and sensitive outer rim of his ear, letting him know that he’s close and that he loves him, like keeping one hand on the back of a horse to keep it from getting spooked. Danny isn’t sure who is really supposed to be soothed by the action, him or Steve.
The omega’s day at the office before the weekend wasn’t so bad, but Steve came back from his last call on Friday not saying much. He didn’t say much on the way home, and he didn’t say much that night. And then the rain started, filling his silence. He hasn’t been more than three feet from Danny the entire weekend. He rises suddenly from his seat, knowing exactly how to distract his alpha. “Where’re you going?” Steve grunts, trying to pretend that he’s not instantly bothered by Danny moving to leave. The omega puts a calming hand on his mate’s shoulder as he walks past. “Gimme twenty minutes, babe, then come find out.” Steve can’t see the smirk on his face but Danny can imagine the bewildered expression on the alpha’s face as he walks inside toward the stairs. He tugs off his shirt, tossing it at the bottom of the stairwell. His shorts he leaves near the top, and his boxers he leaves at the entrance to their bedroom. His flip-flops lead a trail to the master bath. He rinses himself off with a cooler-than-normal shower because he’s been drowning and suffering in this muggy humidity for too damn long. The omega soaps up, shampoos his hair and uses the shower attachment to rinse and clean himself exceptionally well —inside and out. When he’s shiny and feeling squeaky clean, he leans his shoulder and torso, dripping, out of the walk-in shower. He stretches one long muscular arm, edging fingertips along the handle to the nearest drawer and — there. He grabs the baby oil and his vibrating black butt plug. This thing has new batteries, thankfully, which he saw to last time he used it and cleaned it. He sets the plug on the high shelf in the shower where they keep shaving cream. Shutting his eyes, he leans against the cool tile wall, letting the water hit the shower floor. It drowns out the sound of the rain. He coats a few fingers in oil and then he’s reaching back down his back and parting his muscular, firm cheeks. Pursing his lips, he circles the skin-warm oil around his tight puckered hole. He fingers the rim a few times. Okay. Rubs over it with slow strokes. Letting out a slow, relaxed sigh, Danny lets his mind wander for inspiration. He has his “go-to” mental imagery. He thinks of Steve, of course — his gorgeous, muscular mate — but, more specifically, he thinks back to memories of Steve when Danny was seven months pregnant with Cooper and Sophie. When Steve couldn’t keep his fucking eyes off Danny’s round, full pup belly. His hole starts to pulse under his fingers and he feels slick running inside him, building at the inside of his rim. He remembers feeling those kicks and punches and somersaults and how they would jump inside him at loud noises and get hiccups if he went down the stairs too fast. He remembers that powerful, ancient omega vibe of sex he always felt pregnancy exuded. Creating another life in the bowl of his fertile hips, swelling up with his mate’s pups after an act of raw, feral passion. Leaking sweet warm milk when he orgasmed, riding Steve’s alpha cock under the moonlight on a blanket on the beach, Steve’s hands on his tight belly as he panted prayers up at the moon on his hot breath. He remembers when Steve would come in to find him brushing his teeth shirtless, doing something — anything — mundane, with only a towel around his waist, and Steve would borderline go feral at the sight of his golden, tight stretched belly and it would start all over again. First, Steve would lick him from his nipples to the underside of his belly, letting the pheromones in his saliva soak into his skin as a warning to any other alphas. “You’re mine, Omega, these pups are mine,” the alpha would hiss to himself as he nipped and licked along the skin. “I know,” Danny would whisper, holding his pregnant belly with both hands. “I can feel them in me, getting big and strong. They’re heavy. But I carry them around because I love them. And I love you.” “I fucked this litter into you.” He would rub his belly at that point, indulging him. “You did. You filled me with your seed and it blossomed into these gorgeous healthy babies…” Steve pauses to nip round Danny’s pecs, nibbling gently and pulling at his nipples with his teeth. “And I could do it again after they’re born — your womb is mine. Mine to fill again.” With that, he starts to practically French kiss Danny’s navel, sucking on it and swirling his tongue deep until he feels their babies moving under his attentive mouth in that deep, heavy belly. Danny bites his lip, delving one finger tip in his hole to test the slick. The slick hot clear fluid seeps out around his knuckles, and Danny knows he’s close to ready. He grabs the plug and turns it on, sliding it in with an obscene sounding wet schlurk to hold the slick in and then he shuts his eyes again, rocking his hips slightly as it buzzes against his prostate. Danny is then back in his memories, re-imagining how it felt to be so vulnerable for the first time in his life with a heavy, full belly filled with something so precious to him that he can feel growing and living inside him. He wanted to deny it at first, that it was happening, but then they were moving and jumping at the loud sounds like when he dropped the baking pan on the tile floor, and fuck they were alive inside him. He felt at peace with his body finally, that it was doing something he wanted, and he remembers how Steve would fuck him so carefully around his belly but get deep up in him. Fucking deep. Like he had wanted to put more in him right then and there or join the ones they had. He would shove Danny’s back to the wall and lift him up onto his alpha cock like he was weightless. Their usual maneuver of choice was when Danny would hold Steve’s shoulders and the omega’s knees were hooked over Steve’s forearms and Steve would buck up into him, punishingly hard, with Danny’s pregnant belly nestled safe between them under Steve’s protective gaze. His hands would grab that gorgeous plump ass and spread it painfully open, and then Steve would stare deep  into his eyes, into him with a gaze that plainly said you belong to me and I would die protecting you. He smells Steve before he sees him, letting his eyes open halfway in the steam of the shower to find his alpha mesmerized by the site of Danny tweaking his own nipples. Danny smiles slowly and turns, leaning against the wall to part his own cheeks, showing Steve the base of the silver and black plug. Steve is on him in an instant, ripping off his own clothes and barging into the shower so suddenly that the glass door rattles. Danny laughs softly and grimaces playfully as the poor door almost breaks, but he’s reaching, pulling his alpha into his embrace. The omega watches Steve shed the drape of stoic unease he wore home from work on Friday.  He’s growling possessively and nuzzling into his neck to lick his scent gland. The alpha reaches low to tug on the plug, side to side, not so much to pull it out as to just exert control over the omega because he is tugged side to side helplessly by this thing in his ass hooked under his tail bone. “I’m uh… I’m soaked with slick in there,” Danny murmurs furtively,  glancing back over his shoulder to give his mate a knowing expression. “Built up a lot of it.” He reaches into the hot spray to twist off the water and pulls Danny by the wrist until he can shove him down on the bed. Propping him up with a few pillows under his hips, Steve instructs his mate to lay on his now-flat belly and slides up behind him to spread his legs wide. With a few pillows of his own, Steve props up his upper-body and lays on his own belly, forearms resting on the backs of Danny’s thighs. He licks his lips in anticipation, reaching in to delicately slide out the plug. A pool of slick dribbles off the soaked plug, drizzling over Danny’s pink hole. Steve leans in close, stubble on his chin brushing Danny’s taint and ow it feels a bit rough and then — “Jesus fuckmegodinheaven,” Danny moans hollowly at the feeling of that moist, tender tongue sliding over his sensitive throbbing anus. Steve smiles into his skin, chuffing hot breath against his ass as a laugh rumbles in his chest but then he’s lapping diligently at his pretty pink hole. Up and down and up and down, he licks in broad stripes, tasting the sweet pheromone rich slick and feeling the grooves of his mate’s body until it’s time for the real prize. He gently parts Danny’s cheeks, stretches him wide and wider still until the omega grunts at him and his pucker winks at him, tensing and flaring into a perfect little ‘o’ and back. He blows cool air on it lightly, teasing Danny, and he omega whines low in his throat begging and pleading for that tongue to pet over his hole again as It pulses a few times before finally relaxing open. There is a pool of slick glistening just inside the rim, and Danny swallows a keening moan of anticipation as Steve breathes over his puckered rim. A little of the clear slick threatens to bubble up. Steve leans forward to delicately dab at the pure, sweet, clear slick with the tip of his tongue before he absolutely attacks Danny with his lips, tongue and the graze of his fangs as he eats his ass earnestly. Danny is clenching the sheets in his claws, holding on for dear life and biting on his lip to keep from whimpering. He thrusts back on Steve’s face, crying out obscenely high-pitches noises and panting hot wet breath over his lower lip as Steve starts to drill him with his tongue. Steve feels his pupils darken from the rush of intoxicating pheromones and his alpha half is roaring proudly in pleasure in the back of his mind, telling him to put more pups in his omega. “Fuck, I want you pregnant again,” Steve pulls back to murmur lowly, kissing up a line from the cleft of Danny’s ass along his spine. Danny has to try to be sure he just heard that correctly. Panting, eyes shut. “Babe I’m on birth control — we — we decided together to use birth control…” He ducks his head, shifting his hips wantonly because his asshole is throbbing hungrily for that tongue and his omega half is assaulting his brain with a mounting desperation to be filled and full and yes, pups, let him fill me until I’m swollen and heavy and round. Danny shakes the thoughts off. It’s alluring, but that’s not the plan right now. Steve is biting him now, gently, grazing fangs along his ass cheek. “Should I wear a condom?” “Babe your dick is pretty impressive, but I don’t think even you are virile enough to impregnate me while I’m on the pill,” Danny mutters into his forearm between pants. He’s keening like a cat, rubbing back against his stiff length. “Is that a challenge?” Steve huffs lowly, reaching up to grab the back of Danny’s neck in an iron grip. Fear ripples through the omega, making the hairs on his arm bristle, but fuck he loves it. He struggles, whining low in his throat, just to mess with Steve, and the alpha shoves his shoulders down hard into the bed in response. “Maybe I should shove antibiotics down your throat to counter-act the birth control and fuck  you full of enough come for a litter of four just because I fucking feel like it,” Steve growls against his ear. “I don’t really have to ask you, do I. You belong to me and so does this.” He reaches around to palm Danny’s lower belly possessively. Danny tenses, shivering under him, and cries out, panting. Steve stops for a moment and laughs gently into Danny’s shoulders, kissing him right on his spine. “I cannot believe you came from that. I was really going out on a limb with that one.” “Hey!” Danny’s eyes flick up after he regains the ability to speak, all breathy and winded, and he’s blushing furiously. “Not — my fault. You know I —  can’t last when you — say stuff like that. Now fuck me.” Steve obliges, reaching for a condom just in case, because he loves his mate and respects the fact they’ve discussed this and it just isn’t right time. But he can pretend. And they have their memories. Steve turns Danny over onto his back and the blonde stares up at him. Steve hikes Danny’s knees up slowly until they’re near the omega’s shoulders, entering him slowly. Relief melts Danny’s expression into a serene contentment, and he leans his head back, adjusting the grip on the backs of his knees the pull his knees higher. At this angle, Steve is hitting his O-spot on every pass. In a moment, the alpha is leaning his long muscular body closer, supporting him self on toned arms to whisper into Danny’s ear. “I’m imagining you,” Steve breathes in a husky voice. Danny turns his face into Steve’s warm neck. “Yeah? In what way…” The omega knows the answer. Steve blushes, ducking his face into the juncture of Danny’s shoulder and neck. “Pregnant?” Danny smirks, pushing Steve’s shoulders back to look at him. Steve is giving him the most vulnerable expression, like he’s afraid his mate will laugh at him because it’s one thing to be aroused by the act of impregnating your omega but another to be purely aroused by pregnancy itself.e Danny grabs his chin, pulling him closer to whisper against his temple. “It’s okay. I was doing the same thing earlier…” Steve grunts a muffled moan into his neck, nipping the skin. Danny shuts his eyes, remembering. “Remember when you’d have me on all fours on the bed just so you could sit behind me? And you’d jack off to the sight of my belly hanging down, almost touching the bed, hanging heavy and full between my thighs…” Steve makes a noise like he’s in pain. “And then you’d make me sit and you would come kneel at the edge of the bed and lick whipped cream out of my belly button,” Danny murmurs. “I remember,” Steve murmurs softly, reaching up to grab the head board with both hands like a handle bar to buck up into Danny. He looks down, locking eyes with him. “I remember when your belly button became an outie and I would suck the cream off of it  like a nipple. I remember pulling you into my office so I could lick your entire belly, splaying you out over my desk like a fucking meal. Tasting every inch of that round, pup-filled belly and feeling every one of my babies’ kicks and movements under my lips and tongue.” “I remember that day,” Danny purrs blissfully, moving to run his hands down his flat belly like the warm wetness of Steve’s kisses are still there on his skin. “You got so fucking turned on that you crawled on the desk to straddle me.” Steve grins, swept into the memory and it’s like he’s there again, cargo pants down around his ankles and military boots, knees on the bare desk on either side of his pregnant mate’s hips and rutting his cock against that gravid, full stomach. “You did this,” Danny keeps breathing huskily with both hands on his round abdomen, and he pats the stretched skin, pushing his heavy pregnancy against Steve’s cock. The alpha all but comes undone at the sight of him, so small below him and laying under that gravid, fertile womb where Steve put his huge pups. And now Danny carries them everywhere, keeping them warm and safe as they grow. And, yeah, he loves his mate and respects him as an independent being, but —  FUCK — he DID THIS to Danny. He BRED him. His alpha half is roaring in his mind, chest puffed out and primally ecstatic to have dominated this gorgeous omega, to shove him down on this table and have him stay obediently in this position, laying so submissive and sweet under him, full of his pups and so swollen and so completely trusting him. He opens his eyes to find that same gorgeous omega still below him, face tensed in satisfied ecstasy, biting his lower lips with those white pretty fangs as Steve enters him again and again. He must fee Steve’s eyes on him because he lazily half opens his lids to stare up at him, mouth slack jawed and almost saying something and nothing but gentle pleading moans. He locks eyes with the omega, tightening his grip on the headboard until he hears it splinter and the rain is still torrential on the roof, making everything humid and wet and steamy still so that their sex scent lays low in the air around them like an ancient magic. “Alpha…” Danny holds his gaze and forces his lips together to try to muster up the coherency to demand one thing from Steve. “Breed me.” Steve falls over the edge of his orgasm, tumbling in pieces over Danny’s chest and clenching on to him, eyes leaking at the corners as he yells out and thrusts instinctively because, fuck, Danny knows him so painfully well. It’s just pretend, sometimes. But the love and patience they have for each other and this sexual thrill of theirs is real. And that means something. One day they’ll have more pups. When they’re ready and when Sophie and Cooper are ready. Until then, on rainy Saturday nights, between cold beers and warm touches, they’ll pretend.
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kv-r18-fics · 7 years
If any new headcanons come to mind, I will add to this list - very NSFW
Anatomy/ Vitality
He’s almost 4 inches when soft, and 7 inches when erect.
He is uncut. Not really a need for a physical cosmetic alteration to be done when being born in a poor environment.
His upper half is covered in large patches of burn scars, his lower half isn’t as damaged, though there are occasional specks here and there on his legs. There’s even the large scar along his belly that Ray stitched up.
He does have some body hair, starting from the navel to his pelvis.
At first, he was uncomfortable to engage intimacy without his wrappings, thinking his scars would be a turn off. Eventually, Ray eased his discomfort by taking off his bandages little by little after each heated moment.
With or without bandages on, Zack’s muscles are plain as day to see, and he will demonstrate his strength to make things interesting in bed.
Isaac is full of energy, the first time having sex really drained him, because he never expected so much energy to be spent. Energy was burned in movements, growing heat, regaining lost breaths, expelling his sounds of pleasure, and of course, the climax. His body was quick to adapt to a new energy costly activity to conserve his stamina – an old survival mechanism since his youth.
The only time Rachel manages to deplete his stamina is if she can excite and stimulate his most sensitive areas to no end - aka taking her sweet, sweet time and he’s too weakened by pleasure to resist.
His erogenous zones are his neck, chest, abs, hips, and head and shaft of his cock.
Even as a grown woman, she is still shorter than Zack. He sometimes teases her about it, but that just means more for him to wrap in his arms.
Her breasts aren’t too big, and not particularly too small either. Zack couldn’t care about size though.
She does have slightly rounded hips, which Zack likes to wrap his arms around, or playfully grab her at.
She still has a scar from a gunshot wound, it did anger Zack at first, because it reminds him of when Danny almost killed Ray, but he’s made sure to claim Ray as his. It no longer bothers him.
Her skin is a fair white, but when aroused, her face and more intimate areas of her body are more flushed.
Rachel doesn’t have as much stamina as Zack, she does try her best to keep up with him, and Zack does his share to not overdo it during sex. The only times that she has the chances of depleting her stamina is when Zack is feeling very wild in bed.
Her erogenous zones are her neck, collarbone, breasts, sometimes her stomach, lower lips, labia, and clitoris.
Zack is almost never quiet, the sensation feels too good to stay silent. Plus, it lets Rachel know that she’s making him feel good.
His moans are often breathy and growl-like, with the occasional sweet purrs. It sounds both feral and vulnerable at the same time.
Zack loves to talk dirty during sex. He knows not to overdo it though, it’s often a mix between approval and smutty talk.
He will also say sweet and romantic things when the sex is affectionate.
Zack will mostly refer to sex as - fucking, screwing, fooling around or having fun, he can’t help but be blunt most of the time. When he’s feeling sweet or romantic towards Ray, then he’ll refer to sex as making love.
Despite being vocal, he doesn’t like to be too loud, even when he can’t help it – he’s not a screamer unless overwhelmed.
Zack’s voice tends to deepen when he’s horny.
Rachel is the loudest, it’s a little embarrassing to her to fill the room with her lewd cries, but Zack loves it.
She tends to whimper in between moans and gasps, she’s helpless to the pleasure she’s lost in.
She says I love you the most during intimacy, especially when she whispers it right into Zack’s ear.
She loves to say Zack’s full name when in the moment, and she knows it makes him shudder when she says it just right.
Rachel whispers affectionate words.
She rarely talks dirty, it’s not her thing, but when she does, she’s very bold about it. It’s enough to make Zack blush, or really turn him on – maybe both.
  Foreplay/ Self-Play
*Foreplay: *It always starts off with a deep kiss, so he can enjoy Ray’s sweet taste of her and her moans, plus it gets her legs nice and weak. *Aside from kisses, he loves leaving hickeys and love bites all over her body – it’s his stamp, marking her as his. *He’ll claim her neck, jawline, collarbone, even earlobes, before eventually venturing down her body. *Depending on the mood, he’ll either take their clothes off nice and slow, or he’ll just rip them right off – figurately and on rare occasions quite literally. *He likes Rachel to undress him, he loves the look of adoration in her eyes as every inch of him is revealed before her – it makes him feel desired. When he undresses in front of her, he wants to give Ray a good look at him, and what she’s gonna get – almost like a playful teaser. *Often during their rounds of kisses, he likes to slide his fingers down to Ray’s hips and rub at her sex, arousing her, and feeling her writhe as she emits muffled moans. Sometimes it’s outside of her panties, sometimes it’s in. Once in, he’ll quickly start to play with her little bud, or sneak his fingers further to start thrusting his digits inside of her. *When Zack his using his fingers to gently fuck her, he starts slow at first, letting her body adjust before adding more fingers, and picking up speed. He gets excited with Ray writhing and tightening around his digits, he’ll even press against her clit to further stimulate her. *Zack has found Ray’s g-spot a couple of times which excited the hell out of him by her response. Loud shrieks of delight, and even watching her endure a stronger orgasm. *His favorite type of foreplay is oral. He can’t get enough of her taste, and loves feeling Rachel squirm underneath his mouth. *Receiving oral is just as amazing for him, Ray really knows what to do to make him lost. It’s soothing just as it is pleasurable. The firm heat of her sucks, plushness of her lips, and how her tongue caresses his member inside of her mouth, it’s enough to send him into paradise. *If Ray’s womanhood isn’t the first target for his mouth, it’s definitely Ray’s breasts. He likes the taste of her sweet skin, and loves how she gets goosebumps when he’ll tease and suckle on her nipples. *Another thing he loves to do before/ sometimes during or after sex is frottage, he’s pretty much teasing Rachel with his body while also making the both of them feel good. Rubbing his cock against her clit and in between her folds makes her body practically scream for him, and he could tell by how hot and wet she’s getting. *Zack does enjoy when Ray feels every sensitive spot on his body, but it does frustrate him a lot, because Rachel tends to stop when he’s on the brink of cumming, or finds a way to deny him that while he’s swarmed in pleasure. The pressure is maddening. He hates edge play, but doesn’t know why he lets her do it to him, perhaps because he can give it back to her ten-fold in sexual retaliation. *Zack can only stand so much teasing, he has his limits, and when Ray manages to push him past that limit, he’s in a lust frenzy, he has to have her. He behaves much more ravenously and primal, Ray doesn’t stand a chance. There’s even moments where he may give her his trademark countdown before he captures her and fucks her wherever is closest to them. Ray won’t admit that sometimes she does it on purpose. *Isaac loves when Ray joins during their moment of erotic touching, his hands are delving inside of her while she pumps his member. Mutual oral sex is a little rare, but he enjoys it too. *
*Self-Play: * Zack once thought masturbation was a waste of time and energy, but after becoming intimate, and trying it out for himself, he’s okay with it now. *His first attempt with it was awkward at first, but when he got the hang of how it’s done, it felt so damn good. *Zack would probably be the first to touch themselves when feeling aroused, aside from the stimulation, it does get him ready for Rachel to touch, suck, or whatever she’s in the mood for. *He enjoys the sensation, but hates how messy it can get. *When Zack is alone, he’ll fantasize about Ray. When he’s with Ray, and they’re both in the mood, he has a complete look of want in his eyes, enticing her to come play with him. *There are even rare moments where he’ll let Ray just simply watch, it excites him to watch her be so focused on his self-indulgence. *
 Rachel: *Foreplay: *Ray sometimes gets a little weak when French kissing, but she loves the wild taste of Zack. *When Rachel undresses Zack, she loves to take time to look at every detail of Zack’s body, it arouses her to see the sturdy muscles, and is always compelled to just feel him up as she disrobes him. *Ray can sense Zack’s need to devour or pounce on her when he undresses her, she can feel just as eager as well. Sometimes she likes to undress slowly to further rile him up, however, it can end up where he won’t let her finish and jumps on her. *Zack’s body will not go unloved from her kisses, she’ll start with the neck, his pecs, abs, then his thighs. Sometimes she’ll sneak in some hungry licks. *If Zack is feeling uneasy about his scars, Ray with gently run her fingers or lips across them, letting him know she adores his body, riddled with scars or not. *When she’s at Zack’s hips, she’ll either kiss at his manhood, or start dragging her tongue against it, starting oral sex. Or quickly begin to stroke him, starting mutual masturbation. *Ray will drop subtle hints during moments of foreplay, if Zack is cradling her face, she’ll sneak his thumb in her mouth and suck on it suggestively, or she’ll grab at his hand to kiss or lick at his fingertips. *There are times where Ray will get impatient to touch him, and she’ll get to petting the bulge in Zack’s underwear. Boxers are nice and loose for her to slide her hands in and fondle his erection. Boxer briefs constricts Zack a little when he’s hard, but she can really see it show, which compels her to touch the writhing erection even more – until Zack tells her to undress him or if she can’t wait anymore to go down on him. *Rachel does enjoy oral sex (giving and receiving), but she likes touching a lot more, it helps her explore and learn more of Zack’s sensitivities. It’ll be ranging from handjobs to teasing his erogenous zones. *When exploring Zack with her hands, she takes her time to let her fingertips feel every detail of Zack’s body, feeling him throb and writhe, while melting underneath her touch. *Ray knows Zack doesn’t want Ray to play with his nipples, he thinks it’s weird, despite how good it feels, she’ll do it anyway. Zack pretty much believes male nipples are useless, that’s why he thinks it’s weird. *Biting does hurt, hickeys not as bad, but Rachel doesn’t complain. She sometimes returns the favor to Zack, and finds it endearing (and a little embarrassing) to be given love marks. *Ray is in paradise when Zack starts to please her with his mouth, his tongue doesn’t miss a single inch of her. Her body quivers and shakes with heat building between her thighs while his tongue fondles every sensitive spot he’s memorized. *Sometimes Ray will allow Zack to intrude her with his fingers before or during oral pleasure, she really likes it during, two different pleasures at once. *Rachel’s body is capable of taking in three of Zack’s fingers. *She loves when Zack massages her body during their moments of foreplay, it relaxes, soothes, and arouses her. He tends to do it a lot during sweet and romantic sex. *When Zack teases her with his member, she tends to tease him right back, by lightly grinding her hips against him, or positioning herself on top of him to be in control of the slippery friction. *Ray may get aroused when Zack teases her with small penetrations (inserting the head in a little, before pulling out), but damn, does she get frustrated. *She loves when Zack pleases her as she’s pleasing him, either by masturbation or orally. It’s a passionate and consensual trading of pleasures. *She secretly likes seeing how weak Zack can be over the most gentlest of sensual touches, that’s why she sometimes does a little bit of edge play to him, willing to face the consequences later. *There is a time Zack wanted to try something new, Ray allowed it, which was permitting him to gently thrust his cock between her breasts as he pushed them together. It really was different, but also arousing – and unfortunately messy, depending if she sucked on him during or not. * Sometimes when Rachel wants to arouse Zack, or put him in the mood, she will straddle his lap, and gently rub their hips together. Undressing while engaging in eager grinding is a plus. *Rachel is well aware of what happens when it comes to teasing Zack, she does it anyway. Making him desire her so bad is a secret turn on for her, even though she may have to mentally prepare herself for the eventual rough and wild sex - no regrets. *She does have some sheer undergarments to catch Zack’s attention, but she mostly likes to wear Zack’s clothes with nothing underneath them. *
*Self-Play: *Self-pleasure is rare for Rachel to do, it does feel good but it’s not as satisfying as the real thing, or when Zack pleases her. *Sometimes she will be aroused to that point where she desperately needs to release the heat building within her, and will let her fingers go to work, trying her best to imagine them as Zack’s fingers. *Rachel isn’t keen on the use of toys, they’re not Isaac, and it wouldn’t feel satisfying. Only Zack knows how to please her how she loves it. *Just as Zack sometimes allows Ray to watch him please himself, Rachel will do the same, sometimes straddling him to allow him a better view/ participate. *Isaac may be aroused by Rachel pleasuring herself, but he feels like it’s his job to make her feel good and will stop her so he can continue the pleasure for her, but more intense. *
Zack: *Oral: *He prefers to hold Ray down by the hips, and eat her out until she screams his name, but there are moments he will try something else, knowing he’ll get amazing results. *Most of the time it’s Ray laying down on the bed or any surface of choice, while he’s between her legs. *He also loves when Ray is sitting down and inviting him to enjoy her. *There’s even those rare moments where he’ll consent to Ray hovering her hips above him, or 69. Hovering is just fine with him, more for his tongue to explore, 69 feels a little weird to him because of how they’re positioned, but damn, does it feel amazing. *
*Intercourse: *He mostly prefers positions where he can see Ray’s beautiful face, especially when trapped in the moment of ecstasy, even allowing him to kiss her whenever he pleases. So missionary, butterfly, laying down, sitting, standing, etc. *He secretly loves it when Rachel is riding his hips, it’s quite an erotic show, and gives his hands freedom to touch her as he pleases, which guarantees that blissful look on her face. *Very rare occasions, he’ll hold Ray up during sex, using his strength to bounce her on his cock, along with movements of his hips. It’s so nice and deep, and hearing her call his name in delight while she’s holding him tightly is so arousing. *When Zack is feeling very frisky and primal, he likes to have sex doggy style, he can hold onto Ray��s hips tightly, keeping her body close as he pounds into her. Another plus is it gives Zack plenty of access to swarm Ray’s back with kisses and love bites. No part of her will no unmarked. *When he’s feeling tired and horny, he does like to have sleepy sex in a spooning position. *When he’s feeling dominant, he likes to pin Rachel down, facing her, from behind, on the bed, bent over a surface, or against the wall. *
Rachel: *Oral: *She likes to please Zack when he’s sitting or lying down. When Zack sits as she’s giving him a blow job, Zack feels relaxed and aroused, but when lying down, he’s much more vulnerable, because it’s harder for him to get up when trapped in pleasure. *At times, she doesn’t mind Zack standing or kneeling above Ray so he could easily slide his member into her mouth. She’ll get to work on him, or if requested, let him gently thrust in her mouth. *Rachel also has the same thoughts when it comes to 69, but she does like the idea of pleasing Zack while being pleased herself - an exchange of mutual pleasure, while savoring each other’s lustful taste. *
*Intercourse: *Ray prefers positions where she can see Isaac, she loves to kiss him during a passionate moment, breathe his name and whisper sweet words in his ear. *She likes the positions where Zack is deep inside of her, some positions involve her being on top of him, while others involve Zack’s strength, or have her laying on her side or stomach. *Ray does find doggy style very pleasing, however, a little frustrating because she can’t see the look of passion in Zack’s eyes. His sounds and performance makes up for it though. *Spooning can be the same way, but Zack is so gentle and thorough when it comes to sleepy sex, she pretty much melts from the sensual pleasure. *When Rachel is on her back, or propped against something, she likes to wrap her leg(s) around Zack’s hips, refusing to let the man disconnect from inside her until they’re both satisfied, and to let him know when she wants him to either move harder, deeper, or faster. *
*Oral: *Zack always likes to fill Ray with anticipation, first, he’ll slowly lick, then suck on her lips, before eventually diving into her heated folds. *Zack can be gentle as he is ravenous, he savors Rachel’s taste as she squirms and gyrates against his mouth. *When he directs his tongue to Ray’s clit, she’s a goner. He’s relentless when his tongue fondles the throbbing bundle of nerves. He’ll suckle, lap, swirl, and even flick his tongue on the sensitive bud. He’ll even spread her lips apart just to get at it easier. *He even likes to thrust his longest digits inside of her heat while eating her out, sometimes it triggers her intense orgasms. *When Rachel is hovering her hips above him, he’ll hold her legs securely against his mouth, and sometimes delves his tongue inside of her to catch her off guard. He pleasures her, while he greedily devours her. *He’ll even moan loudly to let the sound of his voice rumble against her body. *Sometimes the pleasure becomes too much for Ray, she might accidentally pull on his hair. It stings a little, but he can tolerate it, he knows she’s trapped in ecstasy. *Isaac will see to it that Rachel’s hips do not escape his mouth, he’ll either hold her hips down, her legs tightly, or even lock his arms in place to prevent retreat. He’ll slurp, he’ll suck, and he’ll tease her to oblivion. This will make Rachel buck, squirm, and arch her back when she’s overwhelmed with pleasure. *Zack may love Ray’s sinful taste, but sometimes he may overdo it when pleasing her, draining her stamina and exhausting her when she climaxes. He’ll feel a little guilty afterwards, but he’ll also consider it a pat on the back that he’s managed to make her feel so damn good. *If Ray does climax, he’ll continue his savoring licks or sucks to make her pleasure feel prolonged, before eventually pulling back to let her take a breather. *If Rachel asks him to stop, so they can have sex, he’ll reluctantly stop, and shift into position. * *Intercourse: *When Zack is ready to have sex, he makes it obvious. He has that passionate, yet predatory gleam in his eyes. *Isaac does make sure that Ray is in the mood too.  If not, he won’t harass her about it, but he will get cuddly, or nuzzle her like a needy cat. He still wants to show some affection, though he may wind up dismissing himself to take care of his needs. *If Ray is in the mood or needs a little boost to get in the mood, Zack will swarm her neck with kisses, wrap his arms around her, press his hips against hers, and playfully grope her (breast or ass). He’ll even let out an aroused growl in his voice, while whispering how bad he wants her. *When he’s really horny, he acts a little more ravenous around her. He may even tug at clothing with his teeth to show how bad he wants her. *Zack does ensure protection before having sex, he’ll use a condom when requested, and even asks Ray if she took her pill. He mostly relies on Rachel’s knowledge to ensure protection, since he is kind of clueless about different measures needed to prevent pregnancies. *After a rousing moment of foreplay, he’s filled with desire to send Rachel into rapturous bliss. *He can fuck on almost any (or no) surface, if it can support him and Ray, or just Ray, and even their fast paced movements, then it works for him. *There are moments where Zack is in no mood to waste time taking his clothes off, he’ll just pull down his pants and go down on Rachel. *Zack loves the sensation of penetrating Ray, just sensing her snug heat taking him in, and feeling himself connect with her body arouses him so much. They were meant to fit together. It pretty much makes his member throb with excitement and anticipation for the pace to be set. *Isaac always starts the pace off gentle at first, wanting Rachel to get a good feel of him before letting himself pick up the speed and add a little bit of roughness to it. *Zack makes sure when he’s having sex, Ray’s enjoying it just as much as he is, he wants her to feel wonderful as he’s gliding in and out of her, he wants her calling his name in approving delight, and he makes sure that his movements works well with Ray’s. Their bodies are as one and should work together. *When he is feeling a little wild, he does tend to be somewhat rough. His grips are a little tighter, and his love bites have a chance of drawing some blood. He will tone it down if Ray will ask him to. *When pinning Ray down, against the wall, or having sex doggy style, the pace is much quicker than usual. Lots of love biting is involved, hips are slamming into each other, bodies will tremble, and backs will arch. *When Zack fucks Ray when holding her up, he makes sure he has a good grip on her, and that the bed is nearby. He also makes sure Ray is able to hold on during most of the tryst, so he can support her when her climax weakens her grip. *Holding Ray up is an arousing show of his strength, and the sex is mind blowing just as it is passionate. He’s deep inside of her, and has Ray at his mercy. *When having sex standing up, he’ll either hold one of Ray’s legs up, or let her coil her leg around his hip. Most of the time, he’s the one setting the pace, other times, he lets Ray move on him. When he’s pinning her against the wall, he holds her hands above her head with one hand, while holding her legs open with the other. *When bent over a surface, he holds both hands down, while he thrusts wildly into her. He does make sure Ray doesn’t collapse when trapped in pleasure. He’ll start laying claim to her neck during sex, but if he does sense Ray faltering, he’ll eventually let go and grasp at her hips to keep her supported. *Sex sitting down is very comfortable, they could be sitting on the bed, chair, couch, or even on the floor. They move so well together during intercourse, plus he’s able to free a hand to play at her erogenous zones and increase the pleasure. *He doesn’t actually spank during sex, more like a playful smack on the rear to get a reaction out of her. He finds her startled yelps amusing, even during intimacy. *Isaac likes casual and playful sex too, sharing a laugh while being intimate is an ultimate level of comfort. *Zack may be rough sometimes, but he doesn’t want to hurt Rachel during the moment. He refuses to pull hair, choke, or force her head down during sex. Sex is enjoyable to him, and so it should be for her. The only times he does leave rough marks during sex is marks on her wrists, hips (sometimes buttocks), and multiple love bites and hickeys. *When he’s about to cum, he will do anything to reach his moment of release. He hates delaying it, because it’s a nagging ache he doesn’t want to linger for too long. *Zack does warn Ray when he’s going to cum, even if she knows just by how much his body is throbbing inside of her. *Having an orgasm is one of the best sensations he’s ever felt, next to Rachel’s sweet and gentle touches/ kisses. He had reached the highest and most wonderful of senses to experience, and it was all because of Rachel. When Ray is in the clouds as well, the feeling is even stronger, they’re both lost in rapture together, trapped in their heat and intense pulses. *Cumming inside Rachel feels so satisfying, it’s an erotic way of claiming her as his and his alone. Again, he does make sure that they’re both properly protected before doing the deed. *His ejaculation occurs in multiple strong spurts, and Zack slows his hips down when it happens, or just lets his body’s autopilot kick in if exhaustion ever does happen. It’s hard to keep his thrusts at the usual pace when enduring an orgasm, part of his body wants to seize from the pleasure, while his body’s natural responses wants to release his load. *Because of his inhuman stamina, he can go once more, if Rachel is willing. *In some cases, he will cum on Ray’s body, sure it’s a sticky mess, but he oddly finds the sight of her marked with his seed arousing to look at. He does take care of her after, mostly with a relaxing shower. *Zack likes to make sure he’s completely spent before pulling out, only if they’re on the bed or sitting on upholstered furniture. He couldn’t care about pulling out after releasing his load in other situations. *If he is feeling a little too tired to move, they may stay connected for a little while longer. *
* Oral: *When Rachel did taste him for the first time, she thought it was an odd taste, even Zack wasn’t sure if she was willing to go through with it. Since Zack did his share of pleasing her orally, she took him in, and was surprised at first when he released. *Rachel swallows, because she’s not fond of the idea of spitting it out. She thinks it’s rude, unclean and messy if she does. Almost as if she had pulled away when Zack cums. *She does grow to like his lustful taste, and will eagerly suckle him until he climaxes. *Ray enjoys hearing Zack’s needy moans when she’s sucking on him or exploring every detail with her tongue. *She loves hearing Zack moan about how good she is, and when he can’t speak, then him placing a hand behind her head says it too. *She’ll take in as much as her mouth can handle, Zack does not force her to overexert her abilities. It already feels damn amazing enough. *Ray often sucks or plays with the head with her tongue (with additional help with her fingers), knowing it’s Zack’s most sensitive area. She gets all the best reactions – his vulnerable moans, his squirming hips, the occasional bucks when she laps him just right, and gentle rolls of the hips to compliment her licks and suckles. *If she’s feeling mischievous or daring, she might overwhelm Zack with pleasure with teasing sucks and licks. Sometimes it riles Zack up to the point where he wants to pin her down and fuck her, or she may actually deplete his stamina when he climaxes. * *Intercourse: *Rachel almost never turns down Zack’s offer or obvious hints to make love, the only time she does if there’s something important that needs to be done, and she needs to postpone intimacy for later. She holds true to her promises. *Zack is often on top of her when they have sex, she doesn’t mind, it makes her feel secure in his arms, even during intimacy. *Zack’s size was a little much to take in at first, but after relaxing, she had adjusted, and came to enjoy it. *Ray knows Zack tries to keep her comfortable, and she is aware that sometimes he will lose himself in the moment and be a little rough. At least he will listen if she does show signs of discomfort, he feels guilt when in she’s in pain, especially if it’s a moment where they’re both supposed to feel good. *When in whatever comfortable position she’s in, she will eagerly accept Isaac’s penetration. However, she is sometimes caught off guard when positioned onto her stomach, bent over, or against the wall. She’s used to having sex while facing Zack, and facing away from him gives her little time to think. *She loves the sensation of him invading her body, the feeling of his heat entering her, him moving against sensitive nerves along her walls, and sensing his faint throbs inside of her. *As soon as Zack starts to thrust, she will move her hips in a rhythm that compliments his. *Ray never expected to feel something so wonderful in her life - it may be hot, dirty, and exhausting, but she does enjoy this activity. It makes her feel so emotionally closer to Zack, and when they exchange sweet kisses during intercourse, the feeling is mutual. *When she’s on top of Zack, Ray is careful to slide herself down on Zack’s member. During intimacy, she’s almost in her own little world as she’s riding and dancing on his hips. She rolls, bounces, and rocks against him, with Zack thrusting his cock inside her in unison. *Rachel does enjoy stimulation during sex, when Zack starts to roll his thumb against her clit, she arches her back and breathes his name constantly. It may make her climax much quicker. *When having sex facing away from Zack, she is a little frustrated when she can’t see his face, and she shows it when pushing her hips against Zack’s, but she will admit that him playing with her body during sex, or just how feral he moves feels amazing. *Having Zack hold her up to fuck her was startling at first, she was afraid of falling on her butt if he ever lost his grip, but she is relieved that he holds her near the bed when the act is being done. *Even if she did fall onto the bed, Zack will slide himself back in her, and will just fuck her while she’s laying comfortably on the bed, while he remains standing. *Rachel does like when Zack thrusts quick and deep in her, he grazes against her walls and overwhelms her with pleasure. *Slow and thorough feels just as amazing, it’s relaxing just as it is erotic, and she enjoys it most during sleepy sex, sweet sex, and romantic sex. *Ray does her best to not drain so much energy, she knows keeping up with Zack is difficult, but at least Isaac is willing to work with her so she doesn’t overexert herself and faint.   *When they’re both having sex while standing, and Zack gives her control of the pace, she will make sure she moves her hips against him in a way that feels good for both her and Zack. *Ray does sometimes worry that Zack will wind up breaking one of their furniture when he chooses to lay her down and have sex with her on it. She does find it endearing that he finds her desirable enough to make love to her on/at any place he deems comfortable. *With Zack’s movements, most of the time it’s her that climaxes first, but she does enjoy when Zack does or when they both do. Then sensation of Zack’s coming orgasm excites her, his body is so hot and pulsing so much, she wants his climax to be very pleasurable for him as it will be for her. When they’re both on the brink, she feels like she’s not alone when lost in pleasure, she’s pretty much become one with Zack during their earthly moment of delight. *Ray feels a slight sense of satisfaction when Zack cums in her, he’s pretty much left a piece of himself behind, and it gives her a strange feeling of fullness, she’s filled with Zack after a passionate affair. She is aware of biology’s plan of having his semen in her, that’s why they take precautions beforehand. *Rachel does let Zack take his time to finish before pulling out, it does give her a breather, however, in some situations where she’s upright, Zack’s aftermath has escaped her, which does make her a little embarrassed. Zack will be a little amused when she tries to hide her face, but he does find the sight to be sexy. *There had been times after sleepy sex where they both woke up with him still in her, she feels a loving sense of being whole with him, and would be reluctant to finally disconnect so she could wash up and make breakfast. *
Rachel’s smile, most of all.
Her whole body, so delicate and beautiful, like porcelain. Clothed in her undergarments (especially the sheer ones), his shirts, or no clothes at all.
Ray’s kisses, even the sweet and innocent ones.
Her scent, just a whiff sends chills down his spine.
The glimmering desire in her blue eyes.
When Ray strips her clothes off in front of him, especially if it’s done seductively. Casual strips just make him blush a little, because it’s something non-sexual.
When she looks vulnerable during their moment of intimacy, mostly because his predatory nature just wants to pounce on her.
When Rachel drops hints that she wants to make love – how she kisses him, playfully tugs at his bottom lip, giving his fingertips extra attention, suggestively straddling his lap, swaying her hips when she walks, or drop a small article of clothing near him.
Hearing her whisper his whole name with desire.
How Rachel looks when she’s covered in various ways he’s marked her.
When Ray welcomes him to do as he pleases to her, either with words or body gestures.
The look in Zack’s eyes when they’re having sex, there’s a wild nature to them, but also filled with love and passion.
When Zack’s voice lowers when he’s aroused, it makes his dirty talking so much sexier.
Isaac’s muscles, she just wants to swarm his body with kisses, and trail her tongue against his abs.
Zack’s moans, and final cries of pleasure.
Zack’s appearance when he’s aroused, especially when he hasn’t undressed yet. His bulge always fills her with curiosity and excitement. Almost like a gift that needs to be unwrapped.
How Isaac can touch her so gently when they’re going to make sweet love.
The feeling of connection and togetherness when engaging intimacy.
Zack’s kisses, either wild or tender, along with the endless nibbles, bites, and nuzzles he follows after.
How Zack undresses her, from taking his sweet time to impressing her with his feral strength by tearing her clothes apart (sometimes he’ll ask if she’s going to miss them before shredding them to bits).
When Zack absolutely wants her so bad, he’s so hungry for her and needs to claim her right away. Almost like he will stop breathing without Ray.
When Zack talks dirty of whispers very sweet things to her.
Zack not picky when it comes to places to have sex. However, he will put Ray’s comfort first.
It’s extremely rare for the two to have sex in public places, it’s very tense to do the deed and get away with it.
Zack’s favorite spots to have sex is in their room and the living room.
He doesn’t mind getting frisky when bathing too, though it is a little difficult, since their bodies are wet and it gets very heated in the room. So he downplays it to masturbation or oral.
When Zack is in the mood to woo Rachel, he will set up their room romantically, and calls it a little “love nest”.
Zack does like to be intimate with Rachel in the bathtub, sometimes engaging just foreplay, and sometimes actual intercourse.
Ray mostly prefers their bedroom or the master bathroom, or any place that’s private.
She’s not entirely uncomfortable when they did fuck in a public area, just unsure if anyone would stumble upon them or wondering how they’re going to get away with it. She can be surprised with what either one can come up with when in the mood.
She loves when Zack sets the mood in their bedroom. She recalls how trashed his room used to look on his floor, but seeing how he put time, love, and dedication into setting their space up romantically, surprises her. She is wooed.
Ray thinks it’s sweet when Zack wants to make love to her in the bathtub, she often straddles him, since he’s a bit tall to shift around.
  Thoughts/ Preferences
Before he began a relationship with Ray, he used to be disgusted with the thought of ever having sex. Mostly because of the sights he came across when living in the alleys. When he came to love Ray, he didn’t think of it as just sex, but as something more. He’s willingly giving himself as a whole to her. Now that they’re an intimate couple, the two often enjoy each other’s deep embraces.
Zack is mostly vanilla when it comes to intimacy.
He doesn’t mind trying something different, he may be a little hesitant, unless explained. He’s not fond of anything weird or kinky stuff.
Isaac doesn’t care about body types when it comes to Ray, all he cares about is that it’s her, and he will remind her of that if she’s feeling self-conscious.
Being inside of her is the most spiritual sensation in the world, he’s one with her, he’s sharing heat with her, and sharing bodily pleasures with her.
Rachel makes him feel complete, he can’t really picture his life without her. He’ll love her tenderly to always remind her of that.
Being intimate with her makes him feel loved and wanted, and he wants her to feel the same - even during moments when he’s feeling a little wild.
She is mostly vanilla when they make love. *Ray is sometimes a little bold when they have sex, sometimes wanting to try new things (with Zack’s approval of course).
She knows Zack can be uncomfortable when showing his scarred body to her in the nude, she has a way of easing his discomfort and often reminds him of what she thinks during moments of foreplay.
Like Zack, she feels wanted when they are intimate, she views it is the highest and most primal forms of love they can engage – even the most lustful sessions.
Ray never expected she’d live long enough to meet someone who will love her as a whole and would share both body and soul with her. No regrets whatsoever.
Rachel wants her body to belong to no one else but Isaac, and she will whisper, “I’m yours” from time to time.
Depending on how he had sex with her, he likes to check on how she’s held up. If he was sweet and tender, he’ll swarm Ray with kisses, and whisper his I love you’s to her. If he was rough, he’ll apologize, nuzzle her affectionately and remind her he will never intentionally hurt her.
Zack will kiss at every bite he left on her skin, and caress any sore spots on her body.
He loves to hold her close after a moment of coupling, like she’s something to hold dear and cherish. He’ll gently kiss at her temple, and run his fingers through her silky hair.
Zack will carry Rachel to the bathroom so they could bathe or shower.
There are times will Zack will offer to let Ray rest, while he fetches her something. He’ll often return with some water or juice, along with something for her to eat and regain her energy, like fruit or a couple of sweets if he’s really going to spoil her.
After sex, Ray will allow Zack to rest on her, knowing he’ll be careful not to squish her, she finds it sweet that he is comfortable enough to show his most vulnerable side to her and have her be his support as he recovers.
Rachel likes to gently comb her fingers through his hair as he rests, and would even softly hum sweet lullabies to keep him relaxed.
Sometimes intimacy will leave Ray too exhausted to move, and Zack will offer to carry her around. He’ll even clothe her in his hoodie if she wants to redress, but doesn’t have the energy to put everything on.
She does enjoy a relaxing moment to bathe after such a heated session, she’ll gently scrub Zack’s body, while he scrubs hers. If Ray does regain her energy and feels a little bold, she may entice him again - her hands are on his body after all.
When Zack does offer her something to eat, she often shares it with him.
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zionchubby14 · 8 years
The Chocolate Factory - Part 5: The Golden Ticket
So here we are...the finale.  I want to say that this project has been an experience.  Writing the two middle chapters was something out of my comfort zone, but I am glad I did.  Hope you all enjoy this part.  And in case you didn’t read The Fudge Room, Blowing Up, I Want It Now, or By the Pale of the Television Light, just click on the story title and you can read them.  Enjoy!!!
In a large room built in the deepest part of the factory, Charlie started to fine tune the platforms for what he has planned.  This ends tonight, he thought as he tightens the last bolt of a wide steel platform.  With one last check on the supports, he wiped his brow and pulled out a radio from his pocket.
“Bring in the subjects.”
In a clutter, the doors open as several Oompa Loompas pulled in a large trolley.  On the trolley was a very large man with blonde hair.  His face covered in fudge as he sucked on a hose filling him with the creamy chocolate.
Charlie walked over as the Oompa Loompas struggled to roll the very obese man onto the platform, careful not to hurt him in any way.
“Hello, Augustus. How is my German piggy today?”
Augustus couldn’t respond anymore.  He was too enthralled with being stuffed.  Charlie lifted up his fat rolls around his penis, smiling as he found Augustus’ hard cock dripping with precum.  With a couple jerk of his cock, he could feel Augustus shoot his load without missing a drop of his daily diet of chocolatey meal.
“Good boy,” Charlie said as he wiped his hand onto the blubbery belly of the fat man. “Paulie, you keep him nice and fed while we set things up.  And start edging him.  I want his next load to be a big one.”
“Yes sir. He’ll be ready to shoot a massive load for you, sir.”
With a nod, Charlie went to check on the next person wheeled into the room.  A naked and hairy fat man laid on the ground.  He must’ve passed out from his daily feeding, as Charlie circled around him as the fat man was placed onto the platform.
“How is Vince today, Danny?”
“He’s doing well. The last of the blue skin faded two days ago, making him an endless eating machine.  He hasn’t cummed in a while, because whenever we tried to get him off, he would begin eating the Oompa Loompas.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.  Make sure to notify their families.”
“Of course. Anyway, he just finished his third breakfast a few minutes ago, so he’s going to sleep during the ritual.”
“Excellent. Lube him up the best you can and make sure his feeding tube is secure in his throat.”
“Yes, sir.”
With that, Charlie went over to the next subject.  Vic was busy chowing down as he had several Oompa Loompas fuck him in his large ass.  Charlie smiled as he approached the line of horny men waiting for their chance to pleasure the greedy pig.
“Justin, I see Vic has been very well kept.”
“Oh, yes, sir. He has been craving the loads of all of his feeders.  He’s put on a good 300 pounds since the last bit of treatment.  I assume you’ve seen the footage of when he managed to break out of the box.”
“Mmm, I have. I made a GIF of it and posted it anonymously on Tumblr.  The fanboys are loving it.”
“Hot.  Well, after the precession ends here, he’ll be nice and ready for you, sir.”
“Good.  Make sure he doesn’t shoot his load just yet. I want it for me.”
Charlie walked away from the fuckfest and walked over to the last subject.  A lone couch sat on the platform, carrying a very obese man staring blankly at nothing.  Mike has changed very rapidly over the last few days, growing massively as he filled out and broken the couch he was on.
“Hank, is Mike alright?  He looks dead.  I need him alive.”
“Oh, he’s still alive, Mr. Bucket.  We haven’t had a chance to place his TV in front of him.  He gets that way due to the transformation, only functioning when he feels the TV on.”
“Good.  When was the last time he ejaculated?”
“A couple days. Our programming focused more on food in the last few days to prepare him for today.”
“Good.  Have him get ready and get every non-essential personnel out of here.  It’s almost time.”
“Yes, sir.”
With that last check, Charlie made his way to the center of the room.  Things were finally set for tonight.  With a quick change into a skimpy pair of Speedos, he stood on a platform in the center of the room.  Pressing a button, he felt the platform rise slowly into the air.
“My friends, it is good to see how you have changed in these last few months.  I know you can’t hear me in your fat and sex crazed minds, but I still feel the need to say something.
“You see, I brought you all here for one purpose: to change me.  And you’ll do that by giving me the essence that led you to this moment.  Your gluttony, your greed, your selfishness, and your sloth.  I never had any of that.  As a child, I had and wanted nothing.  I was a humble child raised in a poor house.  I was happy.  But when I met all of you and won the prize from the tour, I knew I wanted more.  I wanted what bad behavior you all had that turned you into naughty children.
“So I had Wonka keep surveillance on your four for me.  He knew I wanted that essence.  In return, I ran his company well for him, making new and spectacular treats for the world to enjoy.
“But sadly, he passed away.  But before he did, he shared with me a way to achieve what I wanted.  A ritual that the Oompa Loompas performed to choose a new leader amongst the tribe.  And you will help me perform that ritual.
“Hank, Paulie, Justin, Danny.  You have volunteered for this job and I thank you for your services.  I will make sure you will be handsomely rewarded.  Now, begin the ritual.”
Charlie grabbed a chain shackle connected to his platform and clasped the metal shackle around both of his wrists.  Once chained, he began to mutter some words to himself.
“Deerg rieth htiw em llif dna ecnesse eht brosba!”
As he repeated those words, the four Oompa Loompas with their fat subjects began to get very turned on.  The arousal made the four subjects want release badly.  They started bucking their hips as their bodies shook from their movements.  The four Oompa Loompas started to masturbate at the thought of what their boss will become at the end of this.
As Charlie continued to repeat the chant, he could feel some of the essence being absorbed into him.  It was from Augustus.  The need to be fed massive amounts of food.  Yes, this is what he wanted.  As he absorbed this essence, he could feel his body slowly start to fill out.  No more was he the lanky man that ran the company. He was now a chubby man, with red stretch marks forming on his growing belly.
Soon, he could feel the essence of Violet, or rather Vince.  Yes, that selfishness.  He felt the need to not share his food with anyone.  He wanted his own food.  Yes. He wanted that in him.  He grew even more, filling out more and more with each passing second.  His belly now started to sag over the waistband of his Speedos.  His pecs started to grow and sag, as the fat started to fill them out.  His ass started to spread the fabric of the Speedos, becoming flabbier and meatier as he filled from the essence.
As he was inflating, he could feel Vic’s essence next.  Vic’s greed and lust.  His need to be stuffed and fucked.  Charlie could feel his sex drive change as he continued to absorb this essence.  His once 9” cock, hard from the thought of being fucked on a daily basis as he stuffed his fat face, now began to be swallowed up by the pubic fat that filled out his pelvic region.  As it started to inflate, he felt the fabric of the Speedos give way and tear away, leaving him naked in his growing glory.
Lastly, he felt the essence of Mike come into his body.  That need to do nothing but eat and fuck.  Yes, that need to sit around and let his body grow.  He relished in it.  His body did to, as his legs were thickening with fat.  Soon, he couldn’t stand anymore and fell onto his fat ass, causing his whole body to jiggle from the fall.
With the last bit of essence coming into him, he signaled the four Oompa Loompas to bring over the four subjects, who were eager to pleasure their new fat sex toy. Augustus started to suck on Charlie’s tit, his tongue playfully teasing the nipple.  Vince started to run his tongue on Charlie tight hole.  Licking the sweat and juices from Charlie’s ass sent Charlie to start moaning in pleasure.  Vic came over and place his fat-covered dick into Charlie’s mouth. Charlie began to suck on the hard dick as Vic began to thrust his hips into Charlie’s mouth.  Finally, Mike, in his stupor, began to suck on Charlie’s dick, sucking hard on the shaft and teasing the tip lightly.
Hank, Paulie, Justin, and Danny stood and watched the fatty orgy from a distance, each now jerking the other off as they enjoyed the view of five sex-crazed fat men give themselves the greatest pleasure of their lives.
 Months had passed since that day.  Wonka’s Chocolate soon closed down, as the company no longer put out anymore products in stores.  The town suffered from the lack of business.  Citizens were forced to move from the city, leaving behind the memories they made.
Deep inside the factory, the Oompah Loompas lined up in huge lines, each of them carrying trays upon trays of food.  They were waiting for their chance.
At the end of the lines were five very obese men, all naked and waiting in eager anticipation for their meals to fatten themselves even more.  They knew their masters were waiting for them to finish their meal to receive their reward.
 So if you have ever dreamt of taking a tour of Wonka’s, be careful what you wish for. You might just get your lucky golden ticket.
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Liverpool transfer analysis: Best signing, departures, prospects, ratings and more
Liverpool Transfer Analysis: Jurgen Klopp looking for squadron without big names … but will the proceeds from Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, Naby Keita and Adam Lallana be enough to overthrow Manchester City?
Liverpool won the Champions League for the sixth team at the end of last season
But Reds missed the Premier League glory of Man Point closely
Sportsmail looks at the Reds' transfer activity for the new season
by Kate Mcgreavy For Mailonline
Published: 07:08 BST, August 9, 2019 | Updated: 07:08 BST, August 9, 2019
Liverpool has won the Champions League for the sixth time at the end of last season, but narrowly missed out on Premier League glory with one point.
Tries Pep Guardiola & # 39; s Manchester City will be over The agenda of Jurgen Klopp once again
Does Liverpool have the team to win their first league title since the 1989-90 campaign? Here Sportsmail looks at the summer transfer activity of the Reds prior to the new season.
Trying to overthrow the city of Manchester from Pep Guardiola will again be on the schedule of Jurgen Klopp
The best signing of Liverpool
There have been many revenues this summer at Anfield with only three additions.
Youngsters Sepp van den Berg and Harvey Elliott are signatories for the future and therefore the best signing of the Reds is demonstrably goalkeeper Adrian.
The former West Ham shot-stopper was a free agent and will provide backup to No.1 Alisson.
Liverpool received £ 6 million for ex-no. 2 Simon Mignolet and the acquisition of Adrian's services was a good thing for nothing.
Klopp received boosts this summer after the return of Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and Adam Lallana after the injury and could be seen as a comparable impact on new signatures.
The Liverpool boss told Sky Sports: & If you sit back and watch a squadron, do we need more players? People will say yes, we need a replacement for Sadio Mane for Mohamed Salah, whatever. But those players are there. & # 39;
Liverpool signed only three new players this summer, including keeper Adrian
Departure [1945903]
Liverpool has done well to let players who do not get game time play at Anfield.
Like Daniel Sturridge, Alberto Moreno and Danny Ings were allowed to leave while they agreed loan agreements for the young talents of Sheyi Ojo, Ben Woodburn, Ovie Ejaria and Harry Wilson.
Importantly, the reds have retained their triumviral attack by Mohamed Salah, Roberto Firmino and Sadio Mane.
Liverpool did well to players who play not like Daniel Sturridge
Sepp van den Berg (PEC Zwolle, £ 4,4m)
Adrian (West Ham) United, free)
Harvey Elliott (Fulham Court)
Danny Ings (Southampton, £ 20m)
Rafa Camacho (Sporting Lisbon, £ 7m)
Simon Mignolet (Club Brugge, £ 6m)
Alberto Moreno (Villarreal, free)
] Danie Sturridge (released)
Adam Bogdan (released)
Connor Randall (released)
Marko Grujic (Hertha Berlin , £ 2m loan
Sheyi Ojo (Rangers, loan)
Ben Woodburn (Oxford United, loan)
Harry Wilson (Bournemouth, loan)
Ovie Ejaria (Reading, loan)
Prospects for the new season
Knopp knows that he is players until has at his disposal who can trust to execute his game plan.
The Reds boss has the advantage that he does not have to combine new signing sessions with his starting XI.
A backup option for left-back Andy Robertson may be a concern, but utility man James Milner can replace it.
Only time will tell if Liverpool should have been more active on the market for summer transfers, but Klopp has confidence in his current team.
After the arrival of Virgil van Dijk in January 2018, the Reds signed Alisson, Naby Keita, Fabinho and Xherdan Shaqiri last summer.
Strange men from
Why would Liverpool players want to leave after the Champions League glory in June?
This has been the case without any unrest among players of Reds.
Klopp's team is settled and, instead of unresolved issues, Liverpool's injury issues seem to have been resolved last season.
In addition to Oxlade-Chamberlain and Lallana returning in time for the new campaign, Naby Keita and Joe Gomez have also recovered from setbacks.
Liverpool midfielder Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain has returned from injury prior to new season
It is hard to judge how crucial the Liverpool 2019 summer transfer window will be until the new season is in full swing.
Trusting the current team can be a risk if injuries are sustained early in the campaign, but retaining key players has been vital.
Rating: 5/10
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