#Deaf Hanzo
corndogen · 1 year
Bundle of Junkrat headcanons (part 1)
Im home of phobia!!!1!
He snores loudly.
Jamison does not sleep well if he does not have something to hold against his chest
He gets easily distracted
He stares into the sun for long periods of time
Gets lost in stores.
Will giggle at the meat section of your local grocery store (fresh angus beef.)
He actually laughs at everything he can make a joke out of in a store.
Laughs at billboards
Will bathe for special occasions or if he is in a good mood
Would bathe in hotdog water saying its to conserve water
Partially deaf
Is friends with roaches
Dislikes but doesn’t hate spiders
Has had fleas before
A little sensitive when it comes to feelings
Also cant handle his feelings in healthy ways
Junkrat is abnormally warm on the outside but he always feels cold
He would eat anything (including rocks and dirt if he had to)
Junkrat and Hanzo would be friends.
The urges.
Junkrat can actually cook! He just.. Cannot be trusted around flames.
(boombox hc)He and Lucio cook together, as Lucio can help him control them demons
He texts like “HI HOW ARE YOU :DD”
Actually doesn’t correct typos as he types like an excited gremlin
He loves melted ice cream
He draws cartoons
He vents or rambles about his day or thoughts in the margins of his blue prints
Roadhog set up Junkrat’s top surgery appointment in junkertown.
(boombox hc): He helps Lucio put on Trans tape and take off
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wellthebardsdead · 2 years
Winston: okay I’ve spent days going over it! The schematics, the guards walk paths, everything! I’ve got a perfect plan for us to swoop in and rescue your father before eliminating the hashimot-
Kiriko: *holds up her hand* mm. Better idea.
*a few moments later*
Kiriko: *plops the lil deaf girl from the cinematic in front of the gate and hands her an axe before signing “go nuts.”*
*A few more moments later*
Kiriko: *tearfully hugging her mom and dad after finally being reunited*
Hanzo & Genji: *pushing the last of the hashimoto into a van before grabbing their leader by the hair and dragging them off to god knows where to get revenge for their father*
Soldier 76: *signing to the little girl and her grandad about how incredible she did and how Overwatch will have a place for her if she wants it when she’s grown up*
Winston: *standing there in utter shock*
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mikka-minns · 1 year
"Blessed Curses" chapter 1
An AU by me. In advance, i apologize if its a bit messy. Also, there Will be kuai x hanzo implied/hinted in one of the next chapters (probably third), so i guess i should warn you. This chapter will focus on Kuai and his "origin" + his friendship with Tomas. Its written in Kuai's perspective, even what is in the brackets. There is also a personal headcanon of mine about Kuai that i hope some poeple notice (its just me projecting again! Yay! 🙃)
Tagging @infernoinvictus and @dinainwater cuz yall inspired me to actualy write this instead of just thinking about it. Love ya! ❤️
Also TW: mentiones of abuse and child negelect
The Ones who will pass on his powers. His legacy. The Ones that will bring honor to his clan.
The grandmaster's sons. His pride and joy.
That is a fantasy. But it was real... All until i ruined it.
My father was a grandmaster of the lin kuei. He possesed cryomancy, the ability to control ice. It was a power passed down for generations. For centuries. Once, there were many people who had it. But not anymore. Now, it is only our family. Our bloodline. And we should continue to pass it down no matter what.
That is.... My brother should pass it down... As i cannot.
My brother developed his abilities at a yound age. He started training right away, even though he was too young, even for our clan's standard.
I, however, started training and then puberty before i got my powers. I Also started young, not as young as my brother, but young. It was Expected that i too would become a cryomancer soon enough.
But.... That didnt happend.
The older he grew, the less time could my brother spend with me. He was nine years older than me. By the time i started, he was already going on supervised missions.
All i wanted was to be like my brother. To be with him, by his side. Father couldnt be there for us. All we had was each other. But it soon changed when a boy my age joined us. He was about a year older than me. Closer to my age than my brother's. He was adopted by my father after his family was killed by the guards. He seemed to resent the whole clan. Everyone except.... Me. We were the only children there and so we understood each other quite well. I found out his name was Tomas. I was the first person he told his name. The first person he spoke to, actualy. Until then, we all Thought he was deaf or mute.
What Was unexpected was that that Tomas Also had an ability. But his wasnt genetic. He could control and turn into smoke. We found out when he had a panic attack for the first time, around a month after he was taken in. He was partialy a cloud of Smoke and partialy a human. He barely calmed down and turned his powers off.
What realy scared everyone was that his powers came from a demon named Enenra. Everyone but me. It amused me greatly.
After his ability,his curse, was revieled, Tomas  was proclaimed as a "cursed child". Aperantly, his "family" that was killed, wasnt his family, but the cult member that tried to sacrifise him to the demon. Once that didnt work and the demon possesed him and.... Became his Protector, they tried to sell him to the lin kuei. But instead, they got what they deserved.
I said "Protector" because it seems that Enenra only awakend when it felt Tom (my nickname for him. I love giving nicknames)needed protection from something or Someone. That was the reason why he was never outright attacked or executed for his "curse".
I was his only friend and he was mine. But our father tried to separate us. He Thought i would gain a bad reputation by being close to him, even tho he too was his son. My brother. I wouldnt let that happend. My first brother got taken away from me for no good reason, i wouldnt let Them take my new one away. They couldnt convinced me to let him go. Whatever reason they gave me, it was never enough. "He is cursed" so what? "He is dangerous" only when he is in danger. "He will cannot be controled" GREAT! Neither can i. If anything, i was more of a trouble maker so they should've told him to stay away from me.
"He will hurt you" like the whole clan doesnt already.... Only Tomas didnt hurt. So.... Check mate.
It seemed that however everyone felt about something, i felt the opposite. I never wanted to do something if there was no good reason for it. Sometimes, the older members would tell me that i could never become an important figure in the clan if i associated with people like Tomas, but it didnt bother me. My position in the clan was WAY less important than my relationships with people i cared about.
Everyone, even my other brother, was trying to convince me to drop the emotions and focus on my training and "what mattered" until they decide that i was Also something.... Not normal.
That was the day i finaly got my powers. But those werent the powers everyone was expecting. True, some People were sure i will never have cryomancy, but even they couldnt predict this.
I had pyromancy. The ability to control fire. It happend sudenly when i was fourteen. I was hanging out with Tomas. We were talking about something (i still cant remember what) when i felt something in my chest. It was a weird feeling that i've never felt before. Now, it seems that i felt.... Nostalgic. In that moment, my whole body was covered in flames. I was so happy.... For some reason. Truth be told, i was always attracted by fire. The little flames on the candles. The fire on which food was cooked in the kitchen. The big flames that i only dreamt of when i was young even tho i have never seen them in real life. Fire was so colorful. So free. So.... Warm... Something that wasnt common in Artica, where we lived.
To my suprise, nobody except Tom was happy for me. No one was proud of my powers. I thought that i would be special. No one else had fire abilities. At that time, i didnt even know it was possible to have them, i didnt know they had a name. The only person that had similar powers was Tomas, so it excited me that we had something similar.
But that was the same thing that the clan was afraid of.
"He is cursed!" an old clan member yelled as he saw me walk into the temple, still burning.
"See! He was around the cursed child and now he is cursed as well!" another one proclaimed. Quite proud.
My father only stared at me. Terrified. The closer i tried to get to him, thinking he would be proud, he only got further away. The next thing i remember, i was frozen. Not by my father, but by Bi han... My older brother.
I woke up in my Bed. No one was in the room with me, but i could hear many voices right outside.
"Let me in! He needs me!" that was Tomas, no doubt about it.
"Stay away! You caused it! Grandmaster, allow us to-"
"Let him in." my father demanded.
Tom flew right in and hugged me. His eyes were red and puffy... He was crying... This was the first time i was ever hugged....
Soon after, my father walked in. He looked at me.
He wanted to say something, but he didnt. He left Tomas and me alone to calm down.
Later that week, when i was able to get out of my room, he told me to stay away from any type of fire and to never, ever, use my powers. From that day on, i hated fire, warmth and everything related to it. It made my life a living hell! I was deemed deserving of any kind of disrespect and abuse the clan would put on me. "The lin kuei who cant become the honor of the clan, must become it's burden! " as if anyone in the clan was honorable.
Both Tomas and i were forbiden from using our powers. That didnt stop Tom, cuz it didnt stop Enenra. I dont hate Tomas, or his powers or even Enenra. I knew they werent truly a curse. Enenra might be a demon, but it was more honorable, more caring than anyone in our cruel clan. There was a reason why it let Tomas live instead of taking him over completely. There was a reason why it awoke only when he was in danger.
I could not say the same for myself. I dont use my powers. They were a curse. The only way to control fire was to learn to do it, and even that was Almost Impossible. The only Ones born with it... Are demons from the netherrealm..... Some would say that i was actualy a demon child and that i was a replacement for grandmasters real son who was take to the netherrealm. Some even called me a "changeling". My powers were seen as a punishment from gods. An "unfair" punishment. I know that, since i saw Enenra as something good, i should have seen my powers as somthing positive as well, but i couldn't. I just couldn’t. My powers.... my curse, was a punishment. I was a punishment.
The one thing that brought me comfort were Tom's words "Were there is smoke, there is fire. We may not share blood, but we are brothers. I will always be by your side, Kuai Liang, dont forget that!" and i never did.
And i continued not to use them until my father's sudden death, when Bi han became the grandmaster. He ordered me to train my powers and master them as soon as i could. I did. It felt... Good. But i still could not complitely feel positive about them after all they caused me. All the pain, shame... They were uncontrolable at first, which made us all think that they realy are just danger, but Bi han said its because i didnt use them. Because i was scared of them and didnt trust them. He was right, it seems.
He also ordered that whoever speaks negatively of me and Tomas and our abilities will be punished. But that couldnt take back what Was already said... And done.
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1-up-chump · 1 year
Hello, I share your indignation about the new part of MK. Everything was changed too much and strangely. Can you write down the moments you didn't like? For example, I’m not happy with this whole situation with Kuai Liang - Scorpion, Tarkata - a disease, Raiden - Liu Kang 2.0, Fujin - Raiden’s sister, who is Kung Lao’s lover, seriously?
I WILL STATE that i have not bothered to look at everything myself but hear from reliable sources of the basic information of the game so i cannot give a full and fair critique. And i will not give this game anymore attention than i already have given it since it is just NOT a mortal kombat game.
Lets talk about the reasons you listed bc i agree.
Kuai liang as scorpion and in role reversal:
I am not a fan of this even remotely being "canon" Although the idea should be explored by fans WHO UNDERSTAND BOTH KUAI LIANG AND HANZO HASASHI AS CHARACTERS ORIGINALLY. It completely disrespects hanzo as a character and erases his connection to scorpion being a "gimmick thing to slap onto someone" as a title rather than a personal journey of meaning. And kuai deserves more respect as well, originally being an assassin whose clan tried to "modernize" by removing free will of warriors to ensure obedience and make their spirits and talents disposable. Trying to fight against that. It seems ironic in the end his fate is nothing more than to be toyed with by this unoriginal and uninspiring "role swap au lolz"
The tarkatan race being a disease:
I shouldn't even have to clarify how fucked up this is. Right after in mk 11 we saw tarkatans just being another race living in outworld minding their own business, and kotal fucking up (kotal khan is a wasted character but thats for another post) so we got what was once a "bad guy evil race" to something better. AND THEN THEY FUCKED IT UP AGAIN like isnt that, at best, the most tone deaf shit after what happened in real life with a certain disease and people being uber racist??? And dont get me started on how they messed up mileena with that too. (God damn the writers fucking hate her just as much as kung lao)
Raiden role reversal:
Let me tell you as a raiden enjoyer i fucking HATE them making him a basic ass protag like they did with liu kang (i love liu but lately they just removed all personality from him) its so fucking uninspiring and boring as shit AND THEY MAKE HIM CHAMPION INSTEAD OF KUNG LAO???? THE ABSOLUTE DISRESPECT WHAT THE FUCK i love raiden but he doesn't deserve champion title, that belongs to KUNG motherfucking LAO.
Fujin being a sister????:
Listen i havent seen it but this is the dumbest ass shit i have ever seen in my entire life. As if they couldn't show how little they actually care about fujin......
And the shallow fans who care little about fujin other than a "pretty fuck toy to do teh yaois with uwu" which is also what they did to shang tsung now which is like YOU FOOLS! CARY HIROYUKI TAGAWA-SAMA IS RIGHT FUCKING THERE!!! YOU SEXUALIZE HIM WHEN HE'S AN OLD MAN TOO OR YOU'RE A COWARD AND A SHAM!
And then there's the absolute nothing plot that really shows they ran out of ideas and just slap together bullshit. The villains arent really villains and they suck, its just "stop evil shang tsung but hes not actually evil bc theres this other timeline-" ITS FUCKING LAZY AND PATHETIC WRITING it shows that they want to have it all just to appease fans to take their money. Thats it, thats all this story boils down to. A shoddy scam to bullshit a story to take people's money. I mean you cant even get shang tsung or marjory of fan desired characters without dlc and the base game is like 60-70 bucks like the fuck????
As a regular fighting game? Mid but enjoyable i guess. But as a mortal kombat game? No, thats not even mortal kombat thats just some dumbasses wattpad fanfic after they watched avengers endgame in their crusty batman shirt
I'll end this with a small side note: if my opinions offend, I'm sorry im passionate about a series that was a part of my childhood and made me appreciate Japanese and Chinese culture and kung fu cinema in general. Im sorry if the memories of playing a fun game and caring about the characters having strong bonds of friendship in a violent world designed to be a "kill or be killed" system and despite that choosing to do the right thing in their mind.
Sorry if i seem to be playing a different game bc i am.
Its mortal kombat: shaolin monks for the ps2
-gets head ripped off-
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31 Days of Christmas!!
Day 17: Please Don’t Cry
Time disruptions.
His brother, a monster. His protege, defying him. The Lin Kuei, destroyed at the hands of the worst to ever walk among them. His friend… deactivated.
The very worst moments of Kuai Liang’s life were happening again.
Deja vu.
At least Cyrax didn’t self-destruct this time.
The deactivated machine in his arms… the only good thing retaining his memories was his first hand knowledge that they were cyborgs, not just machines. Under all of the cold machinery, the real Cyrax was still there. His brain. His mind. His soul.
Or at least… he was.
Kuai Liang looked up, momentarily stunned. He was so lost in his thoughts that he forgot about the man leading him out of the Cyber Lin Kuei factory.
Hanzo Hasashi. A man fueled by the hottest flames of Hell. Proud, devout grandmaster of the Shirai Ryu. His brow was furrowed, just as it was when their parlay was interrupted by Frost—
Oh, Frost. Kuai Liang’s face tightened at the memory of his former student. She was barely recognizable, her body gutted and forged by cyberkinetics.
She was recreated by Kronika; he was unmade by the very lowest Link Kuei grandmaster. His pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears as he was ripped apart and forced to watch his organic limbs discarded and destroyed. He walked back into the lion’s den to make sure no one would ever be enslaved to the Cyber Lin Kuei. He forced himself to retell those stories to his recruits so that they’d never fall victim to the avarice and arrogance that led Sektor down that path. Despite seeing those alarming traits in Frost, he chose her to be his protege. Kuai Liang chose Frost to be the future of the Lin Kuei.
And she spit in the face of every horror he suffered.
“Kuai Liang.” This was spoken gently with an unfamiliar warmth. “We do not need to walk back. I will take you anywhere you want to go.”
He opened his mouth, but could not dislodge the sudden lump that caught in his throat. It was a kind offer, in a time where kindness was a luxury they couldn’t afford. The very fabric of time was threatening to fray, yet Hanzo immediately came to Kuai Liang’s assistance. He helped with no question or complaint. He stood tall when they were both confronted by a demon of their past.
Hanzo remained guarded when he saw Noob Saibot. No, not Noob. Bi-Han. Bi-Han, the strongest person Kuai Liang knew, mutated into a form of pure darkness. The very sight of him triggered a rage that Kuai Liang didn’t know how to control. His disbelief quickly dissolved into fury and he lashed out at the demon they faced.
We share blood. We are not brothers.
The words tasted just as caustic as they felt when he first heard them. They were no longer brothers. Because brothers would never abandon each other. This demon was not Bi-Han because Bi-Han would never abandon him. He’d never—
…he wouldn’t…
The sound of Cyrax’s body hitting the ground barely registered to Kuai Liang as his heavy heart finally dropped through him, leaving his chest hollow. He fell to his knees, hands trembling as they scrambled to gather Cyrax’s body again.
He exhaled, a shuddering breath escaping him, when he saw a crack in Cyrax’s chassis.
Oh no. Panic seized him. The fall. He dropped Cyrax’s body, now it was damaged. He promised Cyrax that he wouldn’t bring him back as a cyborg, but now his body was worse and his soul wouldn’t have a way back—
“Kuai Liang, what happened? Are you hurt?” Hanzo was suddenly at his side, inspecting his shaking hands.
His steady hand covered Kuai Liang’s, calming the tremble. “This body may be in need of repair but his soul is safe. Because of you.”
Because of you. Yes, this was Kuai Liang’s fault. He gave up on Sektor. On Cyrax. On Frost. On Bi-Han. He allowed their souls to languish in the Netherrealm or worse. He turned his back on them at the first inconvenience and embraced a member of their enemy clan, pursued an alliance with the man who killed his brother.
Kuai Liang clenched his fists and shoved Hanzo’s hands from Cyrax’s body. “I failed them.”
Yes, he failed them. But there was one person he could share the blame with. The person who ruined everything by killing Bi-Han all those years ago. “I am obligated to them. Because of you.”
Hanzo’s concerned expression didn’t change, robbing Kuai Liang of the sadistic need to see his words torture someone, as was always done to him.
“You are grandmaster, but your first obligation should be to yourself. I know you well enough—”
“You know nothing but your lust for vengeance. Upon me. Upon my clan,” Kuai Liang snarled. “Is that why you came, Scorpion? To witness the final destruction of the Lin Kuei?”
Hanzo grabbed Kuai Liang’s wrist and pressed something into his open palm.
A Lin Kuei badge with dried blood streaking the raised lines.
“I came because of a wise man with no sins to his name, who approached a violent stubborn fool and asked for forgiveness.” Hanzo’s eyes bore into the man in front of him, as intense as the day they met. “A more foolish version of me would have killed that wise man, though he is an honorable warrior, an invaluable ally, and a damn good friend.”
Warmth spread from Kuai Liang’s hand up his arm as his vision blurred. When he looked down, then up, he saw Hanzo’s hand covering his and pride in his eyes.
All too soon, the hand retreated but the warmth continued to spread through Kuai Liang.
“Take a moment to forgive yourself,” Hanzo advised as he gathered Cyrax’s body and continued on the path. “I am certain you know how to procure some ice packs to help rest your eyes.”
Kuai Liang scoffed but his chest tightened as Hanzo looked over his shoulder with a confident smirk.
“We will avenge your clan.”
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den-kunn · 6 months
rewatching mk12's pyramid scene and- I can't take this game seriously at all.
the whole point of the pyramid is to reach the top, to win the "prize of gods"
and- and they're
walking down the stairs-
"oh shit I'm in heels I better not trip or else it's gonna hurt and imma embarrass myself so bad-" "who thought of fighting in a pyramid of all places-" "why do they have so much stamina to RUN up here"
there are scenes that make no sense at all: Liu and Shang casually speaking as if they aren't so far away from each other, the amount of copy paste models that are included for no reason, Liu kinda frowning when Quan Chi comes from the portal... even though he can't see what's going on up there??
I'd love to rewrite this ugly ass scene for something more... idk, 3D era like?
I'd love to write it like- (don't mind the fanfiction down below)
Shang Tsung preparing a bigger scale soulnado while Quan Chi is down there defending the pyramid, summoning warriors of dark timelines (both titan AND mortal warriors). From the distance, Ashrah and Nitara fly over to count the amount of enemies Quan Chi summoned then informing Liu Kang who, now infused with his full titan power, slowly approaches the battlefield, fists burning as he frowns. Then, portals open to show good timelords and chosen champions. There aren't many, but they don't need numbers, they only need their spirits.
And so, they run to face their foes, their "allies", their nemesis, their war screams are so loud they could leave someone deaf. The battle opens with titan Hotaru piercing through champion Li Mei, later following fights like titan Scorpion against timelord Bi-Han, timelord Shinnok against dark Raiden and so on, some fights are callbacks from the armageddon, others are reversed or modified to fit the mk12 timeline.
Liu, however, makes his way towards Shang Tsung, yet what he didn't expect was to fight his undead self, courtesy of dark Raiden. For a "mortal", zombie Kang gives Liu a hard time, or maybe it's Liu's inexperience with his own titan powers that make him feel weaker, but it doesn't matter. The war ends with Shang Tsung consuming all of the souls of Liu's timelines, but as punishment for being greedy, his body cannot contain so much soul power, he's not prepared to manage a large amount of souls, billions and trillions of souls would shatter his body, screaming in agony as Liu Kang tears his body apart, freeing not only the souls of his timeline, but the souls that were taken from the massacre that was a few meters away.
The universe, unstable, tries to correct itself. It sends warriors back to their timelines... except some warriors are swapped with different versions of themselves.
I'd like to think Invasions could be canon as a direct continuity. Bringing the warriors stuck in other timelines back to Liu's and sending the titans back to their universes, as they lost their divine power. For example: Champion Nitara is stuck in Liu's timeline meanwhile normal Nitara is in C!Nitara's. Duplicates exist in Liu's timeline but at the cost of another soul replacing them: Scorpion and Champion Scorpion are both in Liu's timeline at the expense of... idk, young Hanzo and Scorpion Kuai.
...so yeah thats my rambling.
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summerwritesfics · 1 year
🌎But I Need You Now Bi-Han
Pairing: None Length: 1075 Words Rating: Mature Warnings: Ghost AU, Ghost!Kuai Liang, Detective!Hanzo Hasashi, Murder, Mentioned Suicide, Murder made to look like suicide, Grief/Mourning, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Bi-Han’s going through it, Angst, One day I’ll stop being mean to these boys.
Meanwhile In Another Universe Masterlist
Notes: Maybe one day I will stop torturing these two brothers, but on that day I think hell will freeze over.
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“Bi-Han, please, stop doing this to yourself!”
Kuai’s frantic pleas fell completely on deaf ears. Bi-Han couldn’t hear him, he knew that, yet it didn’t stop him from desperately trying to get his brother’s attention.
Bi-Han sat on the couch, leaning forward, bracing himself with his arms on his knees as he miserably took yet another sip of his beer. His foot moved slightly, knocking the pile of discarded bottles that was accumulating on the floor. They weren’t all from today, but it seemed this was now all Bi-Han did. Sit in this dark room, lights off and curtains drawn, drinking away his misery.
“Bi-Han,” Kuai tried again, although he didn’t know why. “Please. Big brother. Please.”
Bi-Han did not react, staring emptily ahead of him. Kuai sobbed, falling to his knees beside his brother. He reached a hand forward, trying to touch Bi-Han’s face, only for his hand to completely phase through.
He could do nothing to stop this. He couldn’t talk to Bi-Han, he couldn’t touch him. All he could do was stand on the sidelines and watch as Bi-han destroyed himself.
Was Bi-Han doing this in the hopes of joining him in death?
Kuai’s death had been made to look like a suicide after all. They hung him from the ceiling fan, kicking a chair underneath him to make it look like he’d done it himself. They’d even made him write a suicide note. And for what? Just to hurt Bi-Han. To make him think he’d missed some signs his little brother was suffering that much.
Bi-Han brought the bottle to his lips again, giving a frustrated grunt when he realised it was empty.
A flash of rage seemed to overtake him, as he leapt up off his seat and threw the bottle across the room. This was sadly a regular occurance too. Bi-Han getting a random bout of anger before falling back into that inescapable pit of indifference.
“Bi-Han. I never wanted to leave you,” Kuai quietly whimpered. “Please, big brother. I need you to come around. I need you to realise that they did this to me.” He got back up, attempting to give his brother a hug from behind but only toppled through him, only just stopping himself from falling. He looked back at Bi-Han, whose temper seemed to be evening out again. “I need you to avenge me Bi-Han. Please. Fuck, please realise I didn’t do this.”
Bi-Han swayed slightly, before falling back on the couch. He slumped back, just staring at the ceiling. Kuai sobbed, nothing could have prepared him for how awful it was to see his brother like this.
He jumped slightly when the phone started to ring. Bi-Han gave a frustrated groan, but lent over slightly just enough to hit the speaker phone option.
“Hello?” He questioned, voice groggy and slurred and it was so obvious he was drunk.
“Good evening, am I speaking to Bi-han Song?” The voice on the other side questioned. Kuai Liang didn’t recognise it, and if he were still alive, his stomach would be doing flips.
“Who's asking?” Bi-Han snarled, temper flaring again.
“My name is Detective Hanzo Hasashi, your brother’s case has been reassigned to me,” he answered, and Kuai felt himself pause. Why would a detective be calling about Kuai Liang’s “case” unless…
Unless they think it wasn’t a suicide? 
“What fucking case?” Bi-Han snapped back, throwing himself back onto the couch. His fists were clenched like he was about to get into a fight. “He killed himself, can’t you people just leave it the fuck alone?”
There was a moment of silence, before Hanzo replied with “Actually, Mr. Song, upon reinspecting the evidence, I have reason to believe this was a homicide.”
Bi-Han’s face went blank, his eyes darting around and blinking, as his alcohol impaired brain tried to make sense of what he’d just been told. Eventually he sat up, a little too fast if the way he stumbled was anything to go by. He stared at the phone for far too long.
“You think… he was murdered?” Bi-Han questioned, voice suddenly the most coherent it had been in weeks. Like the shock of what he’d just heard had immediately sobered him up.
“Having reviewed the evidence, I do, yes.” Hanzo sighed, and there was a sound of something like papers being shuffled. “Would I be allowed to arrange another inspection of your apartment, as well as going over some of your answers in your previous interview. Mostly about your brother’s mental health history, some things you mentioned don’t make sense combined with the evidence we have.”
Bi-Han was quiet for a moment, before clearing his throat, “um, yeah. I mean. I’m not at work tomorrow.” Kuai sighed, Bi-Han wouldn’t be at work at any time. He’d been fired a week into his binge drinking. “So, you can come over any time then.”
“Perfect, would around midday work for you?” Hanzo questioned and Bi-Han made an affirmative hum. “Good. I will see you tomorrow then.”
The call ended, and Bi-Han sat staring at the phone.
“Was he murdered?” Bi-Han quietly whispered to himself.
“Yes,” Kuai replied back, an answer that Bi-Han would never hear. “Yes I was.”
Bi-Han’s breath hitched, his breathing ragged and uneven. As much as it hurt Kuai Liang to see his elder brother burst into tears, there was a strange comfort in it. This was the first emotion Bi-Han had shown outside of anger and numbness since he’d found Kuai’s body. His brother’s pained cries were horrific to hear, but they were a sign of the dam finally breaking. Maybe now, he’d be able to fully deal with his grief in a better way.
“I know this is hard for you,” Kuai spoke, going to kneel in front of his brother. He resisted the urge to reach out, it was futile anyway. “But I need you now Bi-Han. You always said you’d do anything for me.” God, fuck this, he threw himself forward and tried his best to hug his brother without just phasing through him. “You need to bring me justice, you need to deal with your grief. You need to live, Bi-Han, you need to live for me.”
He pulled away again, watching his brother rub at his face, no sign of his tears slowing down.
Kuai gave a sad smile, as he gave one final bittersweet request.
“I need you to find a way to be happy again.”
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overwatchfics · 2 years
Overwatch Masterlist
Updated (01/22/2023)
General Dating HCs
Blackwatch Fluff HCs
Cole w/ Insecure S/O
Domestic HCs
General Dating HCs
Lucio With Injured S/o
Exhibitionism HCs
Period Comfort HCS
NSFW Alphabet
Sucking Their Nipples
Mirror Sex HCs
Domestic HCs
Kiriko w/Deaf reader
Soft Kiriko HCs
Puppet HCs
Masturbation HCs
Shimadas Taking Care of Sick S/o
Jealousy HCs
S/O with a Pushy Ex
Break up & Getting Back Together
NSFW Alphabet
Kiriko w/ Anxious S/O
Saving Vigilante S/O
Submissive Kiriko HCs
Exhibitionism HCs
Period Comfort HCs
Kiriko Biting Oneshot +HCs (PART 1)
Kiriko Biting Oneshot + HCs (Part 2)
Nightmares Kiriko Cuddling Oneshots
Sucking Their Nipples
Katana Wielding S/O
Mirror Sex HCs
S/O in a street fight
Sigma with a caring friend
Sigma Plantonic HCs
Hanzo w/ Archer apprentice
Hanzo Fluff HCs
Scythe Wielding S/o
Shimadas Taking care of sick s/o
Jealousy HCs
First Time HCs
Hanzo Tattoo Soulmate HCs
Saving vigilante s/o
Junker Queen
Domestic HCs
Protective Junker Queen (1)
Protective Junker Queen (2)
Small S/O carrying them
Junker Queen with Runaway S/o
Sitting in Junker Queen's Lap
Junker Queen with a crush
Pregnant S/O
Blackwatch dating HCs
Blackwatch Fluff HCs
Married life (Pre-fall)
Reaper Training with you
Blackwatch dating HC's
Scythe Wielding S/o
Blackwatch Fluff HCs
Shimadas Taking care of sick S/O
Jealousy HCs
Fluff HCs
Saving vigilante s/o
Blackwatch dating HC's
Blackwatch Fluff HCs
Cooking/Baking HCs
EMP blasted S/O
Snow day with Moira HCs
Small S/o carrying them
Puppet HCs
Puppet HCs
S/O with a Pushy Ex
Cooking/Baking HCs
Parenthood w/Widowmaker
Widowmaker finds your notebook
Pirate Widowmaker w/ Mermaid reader
Sucking Their Nipples
NSFW Alphabet
Puppet HCs
Junkrat Domestic HCs
Puppet HCs
Cooking/Baking HCs
EMP blasted S/O
Formal Dance with Sombra
Mirror Sex HCs
Relationship HCs
Zen W/ a sick S/o
Pregnant S/O
Period Comfort HCS
S/o in a streetfight
EMP Blasted S/O
Exhibitionism HCs
Period Comfort HCs
Mirror sex HCs
Kidnapped S/O
S/O in a street fight
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Tiger, tiger!
We have another case of the banner text being changed for the English version. The reason here is because the original battle event was a New Year event, so the papers they were holding were originally New Year Resolutions (similar to the previous New Year themed battles).
However, we’re running this event NOT during New Year in SLBP, so it all just turned into cat-themed dialogue.
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“Change my name to Touda Nobunaga”
(糖 Tou is sugar, e.g konpeiTOU)
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“A cat for each day”
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“Become advanced in romance”
(lit. “Senior in romance”. Senior as in “higher rank/higher level”)
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“Best seller”
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“Make greetings with a smile”
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“Be able to tidy at least acceptably”
(lit. just says “moderately tidy”)
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“Be a good and generous lord”
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“This year I’ll be successful”
(lit. “Gonna howl this year”. There’s an old idiom that “When the tiger howl, wind will rise”, i.e successful. I don’t know if this is a pop culture reference or anything, but there were people going around saying “I will howl this year” on the Year of the Tiger)
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”Pluck it bald”
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“Launching the Legend of Hideyoshi”
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“Campaign to oppose throwing out treasures”
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“No risk, no gain”
(lit. “Tiger cave, tiger cub”. An abbreviation of the idiom that says “If you don’t enter a tiger’s cave, you can’t catch tiger cubs”)
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“Filial piety”
(specifically, towards Ibano, who he calls 爺 “gramps” )
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“Shiratama gourmet tour around the country”
(Shiratama is the white mochi balls that’s usually a topping on anmitsu, but I think he actually means anmitsu by that, and not going around the country to eat just the mochi balls)
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“Eat and sleep”
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“Just do it“
(lit. “only action is necessary”, i.e no need for much words, just get things done)
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“Stop being the one constantly teased“
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”Polishing claws”
(This might be a reference to his “nickname” in the profile being “The Tiger’s Claws”. I’m assuming this actually means “improve myself”.)
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“Research snake recipes”
(Hanzo, please don’t eat Haku)
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“Maintain the status quo”
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“Win against Kageie”
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“Number one in the region”
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“Overcome tone-deafness”
(Just to make sure this isn’t misunderstood: Kaede/Sougo cannot sing, and wants to be better at it. Please don’t think that he’s actually deaf)
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“In travelling, a companion"
(Shortened from “In travelling, a companion. In life, compassion”. This proverb is interpreted to mean: “Just as it is reassuring to have a companion when travelling, it is important for us to care for each other as we pass through this life.”)
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meeludrawz · 2 years
TMNT Next Gen
I might edit this one as this project goes on ---------------------------------------------------- Leo x Bulan -> Kirana (15), the eldest, is quite clumsy and shy. She tries her best to make Leo proud. She's kind of invisible to her parents since her younger sister takes all the attention. Even if she feels lonely she still loves her parents and her sister though. Yumiko (14) -> Total rebel, disobeys a lot. Hot-headed, fights all the time with Leo. Her fav uncle is Raph because he understands. She's a lot like Raph Raph x Marshanda (Mars) -> The twins, Caleb (16) and Ryder (16) are annoying lil bitches who love to prank their father because that pisses him off. They're both scared of their mother, mostly when dad says: "Don't make me call mom!". Caleb is more obedient while Ryder's a hothead Arlo (7) -> Always reading something and he's silent. He's physically weaker than his older brothers because he prefers reading to fighting/training. His parents don't quite get him, they often force him to train. Raph: Arlo! Training time, come on Arlo: *Doesn't even look up from his book* Why? Raph: Wether you like it or not, we're ninjas kid Arlo: I'd rather read, dad Raph: *Angry and confused Raph noises* Donnie x Candela -> Marisol (14), Airhead, Disobeys a lot without even realizing that she's disobeying, really smart. Her bedroom is her lab, chooses to be deaf most of the time. Explosions happen a lot in her room and Donnie doesn't want her in his lab because she's messy and DOES. NOT. LISTEN (She gets inside anyways) Donnie: Hey honey? Have you seen […] ? Candela: No, where did you last put it? Marisol: *putting the pieces of the object he was looking for on the table* Oh yeah I took it, and it's broken, you need to make another one dad *Walks away* Donnie: *Clearly pissed Donnie noises*
Mikey x Elina -> Kenji (17), the oldest, leader-like. He's wise and smart but he prefers to chill and have fun. Since he's the oldest of all kids, Leo sees him as his apprentice and "one day he will become the leader". It's stressful for Kenji but he'll try his best to not disappoint anyone. Nickname: "Hero" (Mikey gives nicknames to all his kids, they don't mind his nicknames at all since they're mostly inside jokes) Rory (15) -> Second oldest, second mom of the family (First being Elina), she loves cooking and the kitchen is her favourite spot. She learned cooking at a young age and always grab snacks during missions. She also makes sure her parents and uncles also have snacks during their missions. Nickname: "Chef" or "Cook"
Angelica (13) -> 3rd oldest. Anxious bean, always worried about something. Does not like to take risks. Worries mostly about her dad who's just too chill about anything really. Nickname: "Angel" (Has a crush on Mateo) Hanzo (11) -> 4th oldest. Extremely gay, Mikey approves. Always wear colourful stuff and the rainbow bracelet his dad gave him. Is always scared in battle. Nickname given by Mikey: "Unicorn" Yasu (8) -> 5th oldest. Extremely goth/emo. Always wearing black. Looks evil or dangerous, while he's in fact, really nice. He shows more emotions than actual goths/emos. Nickname: Vampire. He loves hissing whenever he hears his dad calling him "Vampire" Mikey: "Hey Vampire?" PreTeen Yasu: *Hisses* Yeah? Mikey: "Could you change Devon's (April's youngest) diaper? I'm kinda busy" PreTeen Yasu: "What? Why me? Where's April? Can't Kenji or Rory do it?" Mikey: "They're training with Leo and April had an appointment" PreTeen Yasu: *Silently whines* Cody (3) -> Youngest. He's a silly toddler. Will probably be like his dad when growing up. 100% ADHD. Mikey wanted to call him Junior but Elina did not lol. Nickname: "Junior" April x ??? -> Grace (15) and Iris (15), twins. They look like those pretty bitch popular girls in school but they're not mean. They're cool and actually really nice. Iris is more sportive while Grace is more careful with her looks. Devon (0 is currently inside April's stomach) -> Don't have any ideas for him yet. He's not born so lmao. One thing is for sure, he's a redhead with blue eyes.
Casey x ??? -> Mateo (16), has long wavy blonde hair. He's kinda like a hippie, he loves surfing even tho there are no beaches in New York but meh xD
Isaac (14) -> Black hair, just like his dad, He's pretty much of a rebel too. But he listens more to the turtles than his dad and that kinda pisses Casey off. Joshua (13) -> Brown hair. Smart, not a genius but he's smart. He's nice and loves music, he plays the guitar actually. He sings often. (Has a crush on Shinobu) (Casey's sons are all a bit dumb, just like their dad. /hj)
Karai x ??? -> Shinobu (16), "Karai's pride". Cold, Rude, Will beat yo ass. Sassy, when needed. Likes to have fun. Does her best to make her mom proud but it never seems to be enough...
----------------------------------------------------------- I would've put Casey's text grey but there's no grey *sob*
The numbers next to their names are their current age
@ackalice Come get yo pill lmao I hope the next post is the big project I was talking about but I'm only 50% done with the sketch Need to do lineart after that *sob*
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Hey! Happy holidays guys, I hope everyone's enjoying their December! I thought I'd test the waters and post a little drabble of some hanrumi fluff! It's an AU for deaf harumi but she gains her hearing in death. Basically in this hanzo dies but he dies for good this time, and meets his wife again in the afterlife! Some sweet fluff for the holidays :)
Death. It was unbearably hot, like black smoke choking charred lungs. Scorpion had felt Death many times before, and he had gotten used to the dreadfully hot feeling and how it would coil itself around his regenerating body. But that didn't mean he liked it, infact he hated it.
To him it was less infernal torture and more like being forced to take medicine as a kid, but it was uncomfortable nonetheless. He hated it, hated the echoes of screams and howls of agony that rang eternally through the realm, the heavy iron smell that haunted the air, the burning stare of lowly demons and revenants.
It was true hell.
Yet scorpion had no choice, and he knew it. He just closed his eyes, trying to ignore the gnawing pit of dread that spread through his body, like he could feel thousands of claws grabbing at his skin, tearing him apart. He wished he could die faster. And after what felt like a thousand years, his flame went out.
Before he even opened his eyes he was greeted by a familiar warmth, not heat, but warmth. The same warmth he'd melt against whenever his wife held him, the same warmth he'd been chasing his entire cursed existence. This was no hell, this was harumi.
Her soft voice soothed any hurt hanzo could have felt, melting away every problem, every fault- the simple song she sang put him at ease, a feeling he'd longed for since the day he first died. And so he stayed quiet, listening to his wife's heavenly song. And then it hit him, she was singing.
He opened his eyes, wincing a little as light flooded his senses. Seeing this, harumi stopped her song, running her fingers through hanzos hair, she smiled. "My brave husband, I was beginning to think you'd never wake."
"Where am i..?" Hanzo mumbled, bringing a hand up to hold hers, squeezing her hand gently. Now that he had his senses he realized the position they were in, under a tree, his head in harumis lap. She had been braiding his hair. "Home, love. You are finally home."
Her voice caught in her throat just a little, before hanzo could ask however she just chuckled. "God's I've always dreamed of hearing your voice, it's even better than I've imagined-" She smiled, a sweet and gentle smile, a smile he was so happy to finally see. "I'm- ..I'm glad to be home-" hanzo still couldn't really wrap his head around what happened.
Why had he been spared the horrors of a hellspawns death? Why was he now safe with his wife? Who pitied his poor vessel? All those questions once again melted away as a familiar gentle song filled his head, blinding his thoughts with a sound like the sweetest honey. As he closed his eyes one word came to mind, the only thing he ever wanted.
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ecchima · 7 years
The Sound of Silence
In a world where everyone hears music whenever their soulmate does, two souls struggle to find their other halves.
As far as he can remember, Hanzo has always been deaf but it's ok, because he can still hear music in his head.
As far as Jesse can tell, he doesn't have a soulmate at all.
Words: 8,1k Rating: T Warning: none Note: thank you to @delanbie, the McHanzo sanctuary server and my beta Soap. This fic wouldn’t have been writen and published without them! Art: http://delanbie.tumblr.com/post/170956941912/all-the-art-i-did-for-soulmate-au-from-the-mchanzo
Since the day he was born, Hanzo has been living in a world of silence. For years, no one knew why the young heir to the well-known Shimada clan did not speak.
At first, his parents thought he was just a quiet child, and the elders thrilled that even as a baby, their new heir was well behaved. It did not last long. When they noticed that Hanzo was starting to fall behind the other kids his age, his family tried to make him speak at all costs. Finally, after many fruitless attempts, they brought him to the hospital where a poor nurse had to deliver them the fatal news: Hanzo was born deaf.
A deaf leader? What a disgrace. The day following the news, Sojiro was called in front of the elders. Within the next month, Hanzo’s mom was pregnant again and nine months later, Genji was born.
They ran tests on the newborn as soon as they could, and all of them came back negative.
It did not take long for the elders to proclaim Genji their new heir, leaving Hanzo in the shadows.
When he was seven, instead of being sent to school, Hanzo was asked to sit for hours and learn sign language properly. He had known basic words, to ask for food or tell his parents he was cold, but even a disowned member of the Shimada clan must be flawless, and so he learned.
It was hard at first, since Hanzo did not know many words in either sign language or Japanese, but it brought him great joy whenever his father would ask him how his day was and he could answer with his own words. Sometimes, one or both of his parents would take the class with him, making his day even better.
Because of this, Hanzo did not have friends but he had something else, something better: a voice singing in his head. He didn’t know why it was the only thing he could hear, or why he seemed to be the only one able to hear it, but it happened nonetheless. Sometimes during class, or over dinner, he could hear either a clear and soft voice or a loud and boisterous one singing.
As far as he could remember, the singing had always been there and so he never wondered nor asked where it came from, or why it was the only thing he could hear.
One night, after a nightmare, he started humming the tune of one of the songs he had heard, unable to hear his own voice but feeling the vibrations through his mouth. It soothed him to pretend he could hear the voice singing. But he hummed so loudly and out of tune that it woke Genji up, upsetting him.
Hanzo tried to apologize to his little brother but Genji had dashed out of the room, crying that Hanzo was being mean to him and keeping him up on purpose.
Of course no one understood what was happening; Hanzo had never tried to use his voice before. When he told them he was simply trying to replicate the song he could hear in his head, his parents looked at each other oddly. His mother started crying and his father laughed.
They told him to go back to bed, that they would explain tomorrow, but Hanzo lingered. The elders weren’t around and Genji was already falling back asleep in their parent’s bed. He looked up and signed, “Can I stay?”
His parents did not even hesitate, signing back, “Of course.”
The following day, they all sat under the cherry blossoms and Hanzo’s mother started telling a story while her husband signed it.
Long ago, a young fisherman man fell in love with a woman whose singing was so mesmerizing that it was said to bring fortune unto whoever listened to it. He loved her so much that he would come by her house every day with a new gift, even though he was not particularly rich. He would bring her fruits, flowers, and on very rare occasions, pearls he had found in the sea.
She kept every one of his presents, and insisted that he did not have to bring any more, that he could come see her whenever he wanted. But every time, the young man arrived with another present.
One day, there was a violent storm and the young man broke his arm. He was unable to work but kept on bringing gifts to the woman. She begged him to stop, to keep what little he had at least long enough for him to heal, but he stubbornly refused.
She proposed to him then, saying, “If I am your wife, you will have no need to court me anymore.” The young man could not refuse such a proposition.
They got married on a beautiful day, had one child they loved above everything else, and grew old together.
The people in the village said they were so in love, their souls must be bound together. But, as the time passed, their health started to decay. The man’s knees protested when carrying him and the woman’s hearing started to fade.
Saddened to see his wife unable to sing or listen to any kind of music, the now-old man prayed to the gods, begging them to give his own hearing to his wife so that she could be happy again.
Upon seeing such great love, the gods agreed that two souls bound to be lovers would be able to hear the same music as their other halves.
When his mother finished her tale, she looked at Hanzo and signed, “I am so happy to know there is someone out there for you.”
As Hanzo grew older and became fluent in Japanese Sign Language, he was asked to learn the American one as well. After all, Genji had to learn English, so why shouldn’t he? And since he was finally able to understand his tutors, why not teach him other things? He was a Shimada after all, and Shimadas must be flawless.
Between being deeply buried in his education, Genji just starting his own, and with clan matters taking up most of his parents’ time, Hanzo started to feel lonely. He couldn’t ask his non-disabled brother to come home early after school and deny him the joy of having friends outside of the family, nor could he stay behind his mother’s robes, so he did what lonely kids with a lot of free time do: he started to draw.
Drawing was a nice, silent and creative activity that Hanzo could practice on his own, and it gave him a way to express himself without signing. At first, the only things he wanted to draw were cool and impressive dragons, just like the ones in his family’s dojo. Then he tried his hand at sentai warriors because Genji would stay stuck to the TV screen on Saturday mornings, watching those superheroes kick butt.
Practice makes perfect, as the saying goes, and Hanzo was a fast learner with lots of free time. At nine years old, he won an artistic contest after Genji had submitted one of his drawings in secret. The elders were not pleased, but Hanzo had a proud smile stuck to his face for weeks.
One day, as he was experimenting with inks, Hanzo heard a young voice in his head singing a song he had never heard before. It was a happy tune, the sort of thing he could picture Genji humming. The song was accompanied by some sort of instrument, but it seemed like the person singing did not know how to play it because some of the notes sounded as though they did not belong. Like that time Hanzo tried to paint a blue sky but messed up his gradient.
That comparison made him pause and look at his sheets of expensive ink paper. What if he tried drawing the song in his head?
During the following years, Hanzo mastered both American and Chinese sign languages on top of his other studies. Frustrated by his dependence on his hands to communicate, he began to take lessons in lip reading and, encouraged by his tutor, started learning how to speak.
Reading lips was hard, and learning how to talk through only vibrations was even harder, but Hanzo could always count on the music in his head to cheer him up. After all, one day he would meet his soulmate and he wanted to be able to explain just how much their songs meant to him, how they inspired him to paint… And how they kept him going.
He may not have been able to hear what people were saying about him, but he was not blind. He could see their fake smiles and hypocrisy from miles away. They pretended to like him, to be proud of him, but they pitied him. The perfect heir, put aside because he could not hear, working so hard to learn. How sad.
Meanwhile, Genji started to show just how little he cared about the clan, and Hanzo knew an argument was brewing about whether or not he should have stayed the heir.
Soon after Genji’s first attempt at rebellion -he had dyed his hair a horrendous shade of green- his mother grew ill and died. His father, facing an increasing number of duties, was all too happy to bury himself deeper into work to drown out his sorrow.
The only thing that brought warmth to Hanzo’s cold and broken world was the music he could hear from his soulmate. But even that was growing more melancholic and sad. He could still hear the musical instrument -his soulmate getting better at it- but more often than not, the music was just a sad acapella. The notes weighed heavily on Hanzo’s soul.
He wished he could sing back to tell his soulmate he was there, that they would meet someday and live happily. But he knew that even if he could sing perfectly, the person he wanted to sing for wouldn’t hear it.
As Hanzo entered adulthood, the music in his head changed. After years of sorrowful tunes, the joy he had heard as a child began to come back. It started as a rare occurrence, one song here and there in the middle of long stretches of silence, but it was definitely coming back, bringing a palette of warm colors to Hanzo’s paintings that hadn’t been seen in a very long time.
Suddenly, life was bearable again. Not quite happy, but good enough. Hanzo started to exhibit his work, and the elders were too busy with Genji’s rebellion to advise him against it.
Success knocked at his door -the people loved his paintings, both the sad and the happy ones. The elders let it slide, pleased to have good publicity for a change.
A couple years before Hanzo turned thirty, he noticed the singing in his head was becoming muffled. The songs were happier and more frequent, but somewhat muted. At first, he thought it was himself paying less attention to it, but soon he realized he had trouble understanding the lyrics when he had once heard them as though his soulmate was sitting next to him.
He started to worry: what if his soulmate was ill? It could be that their strength was leaving them… What if the gods had decided that Hanzo did not deserve this person? He had never tried to leave the city to seek them out, after all.
The days passed and the music grew fainter each day, almost unnoticeably slowly. Anguish rendered Hanzo’s paintings tormented, tortuous. He started painting foggy forests and muddy water, giving the viewer the impression that they could get swallowed and lost.
People called them masterpieces; Hanzo called them nightmares.
The last song he heard from his soulmate reminded Hanzo of his mother’s funeral. It was muted, sad, and made him feel miserable. After that, there was nothing.
Hanzo had always been deaf, but for the first time in his life, he was truly left in silence.
The first few weeks of complete silence were bad but manageable; when it turned into months, Hanzo started to worry a lot more. What if his soulmate had died? What if that last macabre song had been played at their funeral?
Hanzo found the silence smothering, making it hard for him to get up in the morning, hard to wash up, hard to eat.
One day, Genji entered his room with a bounce in his step. Hanzo wasn’t sure just how long it had been since he last left his room, but seeing his little brother admittedly made him feel better. Until Genji really looked at him and his features scrunched up into a frown, sadness and worry evident in his eyes.
“Hanzo, what’s wrong?” Genji signed.
He opened his mouth to answer but could not muster the strength to use his voice. He felt tears form at the corners of his eyes, so he tried to wipe them with his sleeve only to find that he did not have the strength to do that either. So he simply cried.
He didn’t know when Genji sat on the bed to hug him, but once he had calmed enough to feel the world around him, he found himself holding onto his little brother like a lifeline. He was tired; he wanted to sleep and never wake up again, but when he gently pushed Genji to let him know he wanted to rest, his brother signed again.
“I don’t want to force you, but you seem like you need to talk about it.”
So Hanzo did. They sat there for hours as Hanzo spilled his heart, telling his younger brother everything about the music, how it had started to fade, how it had stopped for months and how hollow it had left him.
Genji stayed by his side, rubbing comforting circles on his shoulder through it all. Once he was done signing, Genji took ahold of his jaw, making him look up.
“You know what? The elders don’t need us and you could use a vacation. How does a trip to America sound?”
It took some time to convince Hanzo to leave Japan, then some more time to convince the elders that the vacation was very much needed while their continued presence in Japan was not. But when they finally landed in San Francisco, Hanzo felt some of the tension leave his body.
Genji did his best to give Hanzo the most amazing holiday he could and, in turn, Hanzo tried to be less of a burden on his younger brother. There were still bad days, but he was doing better overall so they decided to stay. They rented a nice, modern house by the sea and started what they called their “second life.”
The elders called about once a month to discuss their “allowance,��� as if they were still children, but never asked them to come back. Eventually, Genji found a job as a martial arts instructor in hopes of cutting the bridge between them and the clan. Hanzo likewise began working as a Sign Language teacher and soon their “allowance” was cut off.
Their only link left with the clan was their aging and retired father, who was all too happy to call them both to pass the time.
Eventually, Hanzo took up his artistic hobbies again, painting various places in the city. He could see the pain in his brother’s eyes whenever he showed him his monochrome ink paintings, depicting the world as he saw it: cold, uninviting, and colorless. He refused to use color; the cheerful hues reminded him too much of a time he believed to be over, of a world where he knew someone was out there for him.
A few months after they made the decision to stay in San Francisco and almost a year after the overbearing silence had started, Hanzo found himself humming. He was in the middle of a class, watching his students -people of all ages and origins- practice conversing when it happened.
It came naturally to him, like getting back on a bicycle after winter had passed. That may be why he did not notice it until a bunch of his students looked at him with weird expressions on their faces. He turned to face them and signed, “Is something wrong?”
They looked at each other until one of his favorite students, a young mother learning the language to communicate with her deaf niece, signed back to him.
“It’s just,” she paused to choose her signs carefully, “we have never heard you hum before.”
Hanzo shot her an incredulous look. There was no way he could have been humming; he hadn’t even heard music since-
That’s when he noticed it, that barely audible and rusty hum in his head. A muted song morphing into whispered lyrics:
Fools, said I, you do not know Silence like a cancer grows Hear my words that I might teach you Take my arms that I might reach you But my words like silent raindrops fell
And echoed In the wells Of silence
The rusty voice faded back into a hum then, and Hanzo found himself unable to move. The voice was definitely deeper and harsher than he remembered, but it was there, his soulmate was there.
Hanzo let out a sob, unable to keep the tears from falling. His entire class was looking at him then, and the mother from earlier started to applaud. Soon, all of his students were clapping their hands, congratulating him. Even though they didn’t know the story, they could tell it had something to do with his soulmate and they knew just how important it was.
As soon as he could stand up and hold his phone, Hanzo excused himself to video call his younger brother. He started to cry again when he tried to deliver the news, making it impossible to talk. After ten minutes of fruitless tears, he received a text from Genji, asking Hanzo to join him at the dojo.
When he got there, Genji cut his class short and lead them both to a secluded booth in a café. He got them hot drinks and let Hanzo talk as long as he needed, not interrupting even once, which was a rather impressive feat for Genji.
When Hanzo was finished, Genji gave him a hug and insisted that Hanzo hum him the song.  He did, with hands on his temple and throat to better feel the vibrations. It was probably horrible, but Genji listened and thanked him nonetheless before telling him the name of the song: “The Sound of Silence.”
During the next few days, Hanzo heard humming and singing a lot, but there was no trace of a musical instrument. He didn’t know why his soulmate had been silent for so long or why the instrument was gone now, but he suspected a pretty bad accident or severe depression. He tried not to think too hard about it and just enjoy the simple knowledge that someone out there was meant for him and, more importantly, that he could hear them sing.
A week later, Hanzo was sitting in their living room, dozing off while Genji was watching a documentary. They had the subtitles off so he wouldn’t be distracted from the scenery, content to watch as colorful birds performed some kind of mating dance on the screen while his soulmate’s humming played in his head. He burrowed deeper into their comfortable sofa, ready to fall asleep, when suddenly the humming got very loud, startling him.
For a few minutes, the volume of the humming varied wildly before settling on a somewhat normal middle setting. That’s when he realized: his soulmate must be trying out hearing aids. Hanzo grabbed Genji’s shoulder then, shaking him in his excitement. His soulmate’s hearing was impaired; they would be able to relate when they finally met!
Hanzo talked too fast and had to repeat the signs more slowly for Genji, who then grinned and told him that he believed his own soulmate had hearing aids, too. Hanzo gasped, unaware that Genji had heard his soulmate at all. With all his personal turmoil during the past year, he hadn’t even thought to ask his younger brother about it. It was time to change that.
“You did not tell me about your soulmate,” he signed.
“Well, I went to your room the day I heard them for the first time so I could tell you about it but,” he paused and looked away. Hanzo shook his shoulder again, prompting him to continue. “But then I saw you in your bed, unwashed and with the biggest circles under your eyes; it just didn’t seem like the right moment.”
“Well, I am better now and I want to know.”
Genji smiled. “Let’s get started then!”
After that night, Hanzo made sure to regularly ask Genji about his soulmate, learning that once a month they would listen to calm instrumentals while checking their hearing aid settings, that they sometimes listened to music closer to Genji’s tastes, and that one time they had spent a day listening to musical pieces from different periods in chronological order.
“They seem to have a very curious nature,” Genji said over dinner. “Although I’ve never heard them sing or hum anything so it’s a bit weird.”
“Maybe they simply cannot speak,” Hanzo answered.
Genji shrugged it off, asking him about his own soulmate instead. “Do they still practice?”
“Yes.” Hanzo smiled. “They practice every day though they are still very far from how good they used to be. I wonder if they broke an arm.”
“You said they’ve been practicing for, what, a month?”
“A month and 28 days, actually.”
Genji laughed. “You have it so bad, brother! And you haven’t even met them!!!”
Hanzo smacked the back of his head, laughing. It felt so good to be close to his brother. They had never spent much time together as kids, mostly because of the language barrier.
Genji waved at him to get his attention before signing, “Did you make up your mind about the art gallery's offer?”
“I think I will accept it, although I will ask them if they can wait until I have a more… joyful piece to offer. If my soulmate lives in the area, I don’t want them to think I am gloomy.”
“I don’t think they live in the area; from what you’ve told me, they sing way too many country songs.” He laughed but put a hand on Hanzo’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, brother. We’ll find them.”
As time passed, more and more art galleries called Hanzo -they even had to buy a device that could translate the audio into text- to ask if they could exhibit and sell a few of his paintings. Hanzo accepted every offer except when a deal wasn’t good enough, wanting nothing more than to become famous enough that his soulmate would one day see his paintings.
He still taught sign language classes but not as many. Now that he was becoming famous, he no longer needed the money, but he didn’t want to let it go completely as he’d found that he actually liked to teach.
One day, an association called him to ask if he could give art classes to hearing-impaired and mute teenagers and children, to which he immediately agreed because he knew how hard it could be to find a capable instructor. Even his family’s wealth hadn’t lured any deaf-friendly art teachers, and he had to learn to read lips before he was finally able to study with a professional.
Two years after Hanzo had settled in San Francisco -and about one year after he started to hear his soulmate again- the music played by the instrument in his head was almost flawless. But then something weird started to happen.
Every day, for a few hours, Hanzo would hear the instrument play a bunch of notes over and over again, testing new combinations and different rhythms before stopping then starting anew. He didn’t really know what was happening, and he guessed that his soulmate had just decided to practice a complicated song, but after a week, lyrics joined in and Hanzo realized: his soulmate was composing a song.
It was a soft melody, the kind that reminded Hanzo of watching snow fall through the window while snuggling under the kotatsu, but also the kind you wouldn’t mind listening to to drown your sorrow. The lyrics were often half-mumbled as his soulmate was still trying to write them, but after another week had passed, Hanzo heard the complete song for the first time.
It talked about silence, how lonely it felt and how they tried to forget it, how they sang to fill in the gaps. But what touched Hanzo the most was the ending.
When I found out after, That sounds could not reach me, Then I realized that maybe, Your silence wasn’t meant to hurt me.
Hanzo felt tears gather at the corner of his eyes -they understood. When they had partially lost their hearing, they had realized. And they composed a song for him about it.
During the following month, Hanzo heard that song a lot. He briefly wondered if his soulmate had recorded it, because most of the time it had exactly the same intonations and tempo, while it tended to be more relaxed and less controlled in the evenings.
Hanzo very rarely had things made for him when he was younger. Sure, his family learned sign language and bought him presents, but no one had ever crafted something just for him. He never had friends outside of the family and didn’t go to school, so he never even got chocolate for Valentine’s day like Genji did.
Having something as precious as a song gifted to him was so inspiring that he painted an entire polyptych of five canvases based on the song. They were the first and only pieces he refused to exhibit or sell, setting them up in his bedroom so that they would be the first and last things he saw every day.
As months passed, his soulmate composed more songs and Hanzo painted more pieces. He became so famous that a museum contacted him to ask if they could organize an exhibition of his works. It took some convincing from Genji, but eventually Hanzo accepted.
When he contacted them, they decided on a date and asked Hanzo if he could come to their city for the grand opening. It took some more convincing, but he eventually agreed. He had never gone very far from San Francisco and never left Hanamura when he still lived there; maybe a trip to a distant city would do him good.
All things considered, the city was nice. It was noisy and polluted, but lacked the chilly wind of San Francisco and the fake traditional look of Hanamura. It was like most US cities Hanzo had seen in photographs, with huge skyscrapers, geometric streets, and big squares.
He wasn’t particularly awed nor disappointed by the city, but they had some pretty interesting museums he wanted to check out. After meeting up with the organizers of his exhibit, he was given a free pass that was good for public transportation and entry to many museums. They informed him that some of his art pieces hadn’t arrived yet but should be there in time for the opening a week later, and asked him if he wanted to take a look and move any pieces around.
After spending a couple of hours in the aisle hosting his exhibit, Hanzo was invited to check out the rest of the museum. One of the organizers stayed with him, talking animatedly about their impressive collection from all over the world. More than once, Hanzo had to ask them to slow down and repeat themselves, but he didn’t mind the company. It was always nice to meet passionate people.
They explained that this particular museum had a big collaboration going with the local music academy, allowing students and teachers to study and handle the museum's collection of musical instruments from various historical eras and cultures, encouraging them to think outside the box. Once a month, a music teacher came to play in the halls so that museum visitors could hear how various instruments sounded and see how they were played. At the end of their visit, the organizer asked Hanzo if he would mind having a little concert at the end of the opening day. A newly-popular singer was in town, having just finished touring.
Hanzo had no reason to refuse; he had never been to a concert and likely would never go to one if not for this opportunity. He assured the organizer that he would be able to enjoy it as long as he was able to feel the vibrations, and that it would be all good as long as they reserved a private spot for him away from the crowd. They thanked him with a big smile and bid him farewell, telling him to enjoy the city before the opening day.
So he did just that, visiting the city’s zoo and many museums, even bringing Genji to one that was dedicated to superheroes around the world. He also ventured out a couple of times to enjoy the local nightlife.
The day before the event, Hanzo went to the laundromat down the street from their hotel. He liked to do his own laundry with his own detergent. The one used by the servants at Shimada castle had always reminded him of his mother too much. Then he moved to America and there was no one else to do it for him anyway, except maybe Genji, but he wouldn’t trust anyone who used the words “laundry” and “Genji” in the same sentence.
They had only been there for a week, but he was amazed to find just how many outfits his younger brother had stained with sweat, drinks, and sauces as he started to separate the bright colors from the light and dark ones, making three neat piles on a bench. He looked around the place, confirming that it was empty before he started humming his soulmate’s latest song to himself. It was one of Hanzo’s favorites even though it didn’t have lyrics yet. It was an upbeat and innocent tune, like a child talking about their crush.
He was unscrewing his bottle of detergent when someone grabbed his arm, almost making him drop it to the floor. He turned and glared at whoever almost made him spill his perfectly fine and expensive bottle only to be met with an equally angry face. The man who had interrupted him said something, but Hanzo was too surprised to really pay attention -what right had this man to shout at him? If anything, he should be the one shouting!
“I do not understand why you are angry at me,” Hanzo said slowly, a hand on his temple to help him speak. “I wasn’t the one rudely interrupting your laundry time.”
The man answered and this time Hanzo tried to follow what he was saying, but the words were spoken too quickly for him to catch, on top of what seemed to be an accent distorting the motion of his lips. Great.
“Could you articulate? I cannot understand a word you are saying.”
The man puffed up like an angry bird, his brows furrowing further. He started talking again and Hanzo tried really hard to focus on his lips, but despite his best efforts, he still couldn’t make out half the words. Something...play dumb...something? Hanzo frowned, did he sound condescending? He leaned back to look at the man’s face, ready to apologize and explain, only to find that the other’s frown was gone, replaced by huge, surprised eyes.
Hanzo took the time to look at the stranger in an attempt to finally understand what was going on. The man had big brown eyes framed by thick eyebrows, and hair so long it would have fallen into his eyes if he hadn’t worn a hat. A cowboy hat of all things; he must be from the desert, then.
Hanzo watched as the man’s full lips shaped into a big, round “Oh.” He must have finally understood that Hanzo was deaf, good. Then why did his expression turn so hopeful? The man then inhaled through his mouth, pursed his lips, and stood there expectantly.
Hanzo heard humming.
As much as he loved his soulmate’s songs, now wasn’t really the moment; he didn’t know what this man wanted with him and the music distracting him wouldn’t help. But then the man started swaying, and as he opened his mouth to take another breath, Hanzo’s eyes went wide.
The man before him was totally in sync with the humming in his head.
Hanzo watched, mesmerized as the stranger did it again and, without thinking, he laid a hand on the man’s chest to feel the vibrations. His soulmate let out a breathy laugh and sang the lyrics softly. For the first time in his life, Hanzo could hear what he was reading on the lips of another human being.
When I found out after, That sounds could not reach me, Then I realized that maybe, Your silence wasn’t meant to hurt me.
His soulmate smiled warmly at him and pointed at his ear, where Hanzo could see a small transparent device. He could already feel the tears spilling all over his cheeks as he choked out a weak, “I know.”
Hanzo felt his soulmate slowly drawing him in for a hug and rubbing soothing circles on his shoulder blades. He held onto him tightly, trying -and failing- to stop staining the man’s plaid shirt with tears. The humming picked back up and Hanzo found himself so comfortable he never wanted this moment to end.
They stayed like that for what felt like hours until the man gently pushed Hanzo away and cupped his cheek, carefully articulating.
“You ok?”
Hanzo wiped his eyes with his palm and nodded with a smile. He didn’t trust himself to speak through the emotional train wreck this meeting turned out to be.
“May I take you out for coffee?”
Hanzo’s smile grew bigger and he nodded again before taking his phone out, opening a new notes sheet and typing, “I don’t think I can focus enough to speak rn, do you know sign language?” He pointed his phone towards his soulmate so he could read the message.
The man looked up from the phone. “Not enough to have a conversation, but I can give you my number.”
Hanzo nodded and opened up his contact information, turning his phone towards his soulmate again. The man entered the number into his own phone, a big smile splitting his face in two. A few seconds later, Hanzo received a text from an unknown number saying, “Hanzo, huh? That’s a pretty name. Mine’s Jesse :)”
“It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Jesse. I would love to get coffee once I am done cleaning all these shirts,” he typed, hit send and then gestured at the two remaining piles of dirty laundry he came to wash.
Jesse chuckled and nodded, pointing at his own pile of clothes before typing his answer. “Fortunately, I have some cleaning to do myself. How about I keep you company?”
When Hanzo came back to the hotel at the end of the day, Genji immediately jumped on him, asking him what took so long. He grinned, lifted his chin and signed, “I may or may not have met an amazing man whose name is Jesse McCree.”
“Jesse McCree… The singer?” Genji signed and then stopped, his mouth slowly forming a perfect, round O. “HOOOOOOLY SHIT!!! IS YOUR SOULMATE JESSE MCCREE???!” He probably shouted, signing along with his words. “Hanzo, that’s amazing! They were talking about him on TV just yesterday!!”
“They also talked about me on TV,” he pouted.
“Hanzo, please. They only mentioned you once in passing because of the exhibit. This guy just finished a tour on the West Coast!” Genji slid a hand through his hair, the movement of his shoulders indicating a sigh. “I cannot believe your soulmate is a popular singer, I always thought you’d end up with one of those hobos who thinks they're cool because they wear dreadlocks and walk barefoot.”
“Wow, thanks, Genji,” Hanzo signed, eyebrows raised in disbelief. “I never thought your soulmate would be a disappointment, but I am starting to believe they could very well be an old uni teacher.”
“Now you’re just being mean.”
Hanzo crossed his arms and raised a brow, his face the perfect picture of “Oh, really?”
“Alright, I deserved it. Now tell me! How did you meet? How was he? Does he really dress like that unironically?”
“I will tell you everything, but dinner first, if you don’t mind.”
The next day, Genji insisted on being there for the grand opening of Hanzo’s exhibit, bragging to every single person he met that he had been the first one in their family to believe his brother had a real talent for art, making Hanzo’s eyes roll.
A few people recognized him and stopped to chat, with Genji helping translate when they spoke too fast. It was nice to hear which paintings they liked most, or which technique they preferred. A lot of them were art students, and a few others were hearing-impaired or deaf. He was surprised when an old Japanese man stopped by to tell him that he had been following Hanzo’s career ever since he won his first artistic contest in Hanamura.
He told Hanzo that he had been a member of the jury, and that he hadn’t known he was a Shimada until he showed up to claim his prize flanked by four bodyguards. He also told him how relieved he had been when he saw Hanzo’s huge smile and his brother loudly clapping to congratulate him, that he thought they were good kids then.
When the old man excused himself so that he could continue looking at the pieces displayed, Hanzo gave his most respectful bow and thanked him for taking the time to come over and chat. In the corner of his eye, he saw Genji do the same.
Around lunch time, Hanzo felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He fished it out and let a happy sigh escape him when he saw a text from Jesse.
“Hey! Organizers said I need to be there around 3pm, wanna grab lunch in the area? :)”
“Sure, do you have a place in mind? We’ll join you there.”
“We? You are full of secrets, Mister Shimada ✨” Hanzo laughed and had already started replying when a new text arrived. “How does Bacon Bros. Diner sound? It’s on 5th”
“What kind of name is that? :’) I can’t stop laughing, people are looking at me.”
“Just two bros having dinner. 5 feet apart because they’re not gay :^D”
“Except we’re gay”
“We’ll just have to eat only one foot apart then!”
Hanzo snickered and quickly typed his answer. “Perfect, meet you there in 15 minutes?”
“Sounds good to me! Can’t wait to see you again ♥”
Genji was almost more excited about the lunch date than Hanzo. When confronted about it, he pretended it was because he wanted to meet someone famous, but Hanzo knew him too well to believe that. Genji wasn’t exactly what he would call a “fan” of Jesse’s songs, being more into kpop, and Hanzo knew his brother had met his share of famous people back in Hanamura.
Lunch went well. Jesse and Genji got along pretty well despite a few embarrassing questions about each other’s fashion choices, and soon they were walking back towards the museum. A few people stopped them on the street, asking if they could take a picture with Jesse. A couple of them also inquired about Hanzo and Genji, but Jesse just put a finger to his lips and said it was a secret they could find hints about at the museum.
They arrived an hour and a half before Jesse had to be present for the last adjustments, so Hanzo invited him to check out the exhibition. The first pieces were sketches and studies from when he was a child. He explained that back when Genji didn’t know sign language very well, he found it easier to express himself through art, and that it was also an entertaining way to pass the time. In turn, Jesse told him a bit about his own childhood and how his mom always told him that music was important because it was his only link with his soulmate. He joked about not being very good at anything besides singing, and Hanzo assured him that he would be the judge of that.
Then they moved on to the paintings he did when he’d thought it would be nice if, when he met his soulmate, he could have something to give them the same way they gave him their comforting music. Jesse put a hand over his heart then and mimed being struck by Cupid, but Hanzo could tell he was genuinely touched.
As they kept walking through the exhibition, the pieces grew colder. Hanzo explained that he painted them around the time Jesse stopped playing the guitar -he was so happy he could finally give a name to that instrument- and sang his sad acapellas. Jesse explained that he stopped playing after his mother died, and that he got into trouble a lot in those days. He didn’t go into much detail, but it was clear Jesse was ashamed of that time period. It was okay though, they would have a lot of time to talk about it after they knew each other better.
Soon, they reached the warm sunsets and soft ambiance paintings Hanzo did when he started having his work exhibited in Japan. He turned to Jesse expectantly and the man explained that after a lot of trouble, one man saw potential in him and plucked his sorry ass out of the desert dirt. It wasn’t quite the freedom he craved, but things were getting better for him. The man who saw potential in him found out he could play the guitar and encouraged him to pick it back up. Hanzo also learned that around that time Jesse joined the army.
“I just didn’t wanna be no trouble to him, especially after all he did for me. I never finished school so there wasn’t much else I could do anyway,” he said sheepishly.
Hanzo hummed, probably too loudly. “I can relate to that.”
They walked into another room then, and Jesse froze only a few steps in. The room displayed all of Hanzo’s misty and darker paintings. They were a testament to his mastery in his field, but they all held an engulfing sadness that always made him shiver. He looked up at Jesse’s face, the perfect picture of shock and hurt. Hanzo’s eyes were fixed on the man next to him, who touched the tiny transparent device in his ear.
“Are those-”
“From when I noticed the music was becoming weaker? Yes.”
They didn’t linger in that room for long, too many dark memories for the both of them. Again, there would be time for that later.
They exited into a hall displaying the few pieces Hanzo drew when he moved to San Francisco. He told Jesse that Genji was the one to insist they move to America, and that those were hard times for him but the distance between himself and the rest of his family had done him good. He talked about how he started to teach sign language for a living and how he managed to get his life back in order.
He stopped in front of the last painting. “I thought you were dead,” he said.
“I’m sorry, Hanzo, I didn’t want this. I never wanted to hurt you.”
“I know.” He smiled before facing Jesse. “The day I finally heard you again, I was in the middle of a class. My students were practicing and I was watching over them like I always do. At some point, I noticed that a few of them had stopped conversing and were looking at me. They said I was humming.”
When Hanzo noticed the tears gathering at the corner of Jesse’s eyes, he gave him a side hug and patted his back. He felt the other lean into him so he kept his arm wrapped around Jesse as they walked all the way to the last room.
It was by far the largest of the entire exhibit, showcasing big polyptychs with bright colors. Hanzo stopped in front of each piece inspired by one of Jesse’s songs and tried to explain which song it belonged to. At one point, he tried to hum the melody instead but since Jesse was right next to him, he could hear himself and it just freaked him out too much.
“One more thing we’ll have time to work on,” Jesse joked, turning towards the next painting. “I was touched when you told me the paintings were based on the music you could hear from me, but these,” he paused, his shoulders moving along with a deep breath, “these are based on things I created. The songs I compose are mighty personal and I have no words to tell you how touched I am.”
“Did you notice? The set of paintings I made for the first song you composed for me are not in this room.”
Jesse paused and looked around, then back at Hanzo. “Where are they, then? Is there some kind of secret room we missed?”
Hanzo smirked. “Come over to my house in San Francisco and I will gladly show them to you. They are way too precious for me to trust anyone touching them.”
Jesse took off his hat and placed it over his heart, looking Hanzo straight in the eyes. “I think my heart just stopped.”
They spent the rest of the afternoon by an improvised stage outside. Jesse explained a few music things to Hanzo and showed him around behind the scenes. At one point, he convinced Hanzo to try playing the guitar. It was awful, his big fingers stumbling over unfamiliar chords. He didn’t know whether he was more frustrated or exhilarated that he was able to hear every single one of his mistakes.
About an hour before the concert, Hanzo was called to his VIP spot where the organizers had left a small bench with a sandwich and a water bottle for him. He was soon joined by Genji who had bought a bag of muffins for the two of them. Of course, his little brother asked to know every single detail of his and Jesse’s “date,” which Hanzo was all too happy to talk about.
A few minutes before the show, Genji joined the crowd, proclaiming that concerts were only good when you could smell everyone’s armpits and feel all those sweaty bodies pressed close to the stage. When Hanzo remarked that it sounded pretty gross, Genji shrugged and signed, “It’s half the charm,” with a toothy grin.
When Jesse arrived on stage and all the people started waving their arms, Hanzo moved his bench to get a little closer. He could see Jesse approach the microphone while clumsily signing, “Tonight is special. The man who paint are in this museum is deaf. I question his brother to sign along the lyrics of my songs.” Hanzo’s eyes widened as Genji jumped on stage and bowed, taking the signing over.
It had always been something to hear Jesse sing inside his head, but it was something entirely different to experience it live. Hanzo had a blast, not only listening to the music but also feeling the vibrations of it, making him feel like he was melting into the music, like he was part of the songs.
After the last song, Jesse leaned in to the microphone again and Hanzo looked to Genji for translation.
“I hope you had a blast tonight because I dedicate this concert to my soulmate, whose paintings are exhibited in this museum starting today!” Both the man on stage and the people in the crowd turned towards him. “Hanzo, darling, I am proud to be your soulmate,” Jesse signed as he spoke.
Hanzo rushed up and jumped onto the stage as fast as he could, throwing himself into Jesse’s arms. Their first kiss was captured by hundreds of cameras as they held each other on stage, but they didn’t care. They were finally united, happy.
166 notes · View notes
wellthebardsdead · 2 years
So I rewrote my swapped au series to fit with the arrival of kiriko and her parents, it’s still just as painful, and maybe y’all will like my semi canon demon daddy Sojiro more than my original Headcanon demon daddy Sojiro, I renamed it to Mononoke Au ~Bambi
Hanzo: *barely 16yrs old, staring at his fathers grave, trying to keep a straight face while Genji cries softly beside him* …
Genji: i-I don’t understand a-Anija, he was okay a few days ago, he was healthy! Wh-why did he die so suddenly? W-was he sick and kept it from us?…
Hanzo: *gently hugs him* I don’t know Ototo… I don’t know…
Hanzos Uncle: Are you two still moping over that dead sod? Hurry up and get changed we got a meeting in an hour!
Hanzo: *tearfully places a flower on his fathers grave* yes uncle…
*Meanwhile beneath the castle*
Sojiro: *very much alive but very injured, laying on the cold damp floor of the dungeon, the smell of mold and rotting wood filling his bloodied nostrils doing nothing to distract from the pain of his broken legs* b-brother- please- please don’t hurt them- I’ll behave please- please
Sojiros Brother: *standing over him holding a bat, gently presses it into his neck lifting his chin to look up at him properly* Shhhhhhh, *smirks* Just keep behaving yourself and signing whatever we give you and I promise they’ll stay unharmed~ but you set one foot out of line and- *lifts the bat up suddenly bringing it down on Sojiros arm fracturing it*
Sojiro: *vision going white as his eyes roll back in agony, in too much pain to even scream* A-aghhhh-…
Sojiros brother: *pushes the bat into the damaged limb twisting it making his brother cry out and whimper* I’ll be doing that and much worse to them, starting with that brat, Genji. Got it?
Sojiro: *in a cold sweat from pure agony, sobbing quietly as he stares up at his brother in fear* g-got it…
Sojiros brother: good… *drops the bat narrowly missing his brothers mangled legs as he walks out closing the iron bars behind him*
Sojiro: *laying there sobbing quietly as he stares at the ceiling of his dark prison* Hanzo… Genji… please… stick together…
*A few years later*
Sojiros brother: *walking down into the dungeon holding a bowl of barely edible food, muttering to himself as he walks* stupid guards, I pay out the ass for them to keep an eye on a decrepit old man and they’re too afraid of him to go near him, pfft, what a joke… *walks over to the bars only to see darkness in the cell* oi. Soji. Food.
Sojiros brother: oi! You deaf!? I said food!
Sojiros brother: *growls and moves to throw the bowl to the ground* OI-
*Rustling fabric against wet stone and dirt*
???: o-o-onii-san… I-is th-that you?…
Sojiros brother: *pauses and smirks thinking his brothers mind is so far gone he’s reverted back to when they were kids* yeah, it’s me Ototo, comere, I got food for you.
???: food?… I-I’m so hungry… nobodies f-fed me in days…
Sojiros brother: *suddenly feeling dread building in his stomach, mistaking it for guilt…* I know, I’ll fire those guards… come here and let me look at you Ototo…
???: m-my legs don’t work… it hurts… I can’t… my body… it hurts…
Sojiros brother: *sighs and opens the cell door stepping inside and immediately freezing as the door slams shut behind him* wh-what?… *looks back at it confused and nearly jumps out of his skin feeling something touch his shoe*
???: big brother…
Sojiros brother: *looks down to see a frail hand with short chewed down nails grabbing his foot, caked in dirt and blood* Sojiro?… *pulls out his phone and turns on the flashlight immediately dropping it upon seeing the sight before him* Wh-what are you?
???: OnniI̷͖̓̊ḯ̵̥̌i̵͖̓̋ǐ̸͇̹͠i̸͔̞̐̏-̷̠̺̆S̴̺̭͊ä̵̹̥́͆a̴̩͗͝a̷͓͊̇ǎ̸͕á̴̢a̸̢̒a̴̢̿̃a̷͚̍͌a̴͈̠̽̈n̵̨̜̓ *Slowly rises up off the ground and steps into the light revealing themselves as the palled corpse of Sojiro. Clothes filthy, eyes white, hair down to his ankles and beard unkempt as he reaches out with bony, broken thin arms* Y̶̜̒ō̷̙ů̸̙̼ ̷̡̕̕B̵̟̾̐e̷̩͝ẗ̵͓̇ŗ̴͂ȧ̶̹̿ȳ̸͚e̶̫̔͠ͅd̷̫̊ ̵͈̯̈́̓M̶̝͐̀e̴̺͐̍.̴̛̺̠͑
Sojiros brother: *drops the food and staggers back in shock falling out of the now open cell door only to look back and see. Nothing, no body, no corpse, nothing…* I… *stands up shakily, cautiously looking around as he does so* s-Sojiro?… o-oi, y-you alive?… th-this isn’t funny you fucking asshole! I-ill kill you-I mean it! *looks down at his phone, still illuminating the centre of the seemingly empty cell, starts to nervously shuffle back in to get it* d-don’t try anything funny- I-I already got your brain dead son to kill his brother! I-ill kill him too if you think about trying any- *freezes in place feeling his soul turn to ice as a hot breath sends chills down his spine* … *looks back slowly to see a pair of red eyes staring back at him, red tattooed skin, and large, sharp tusks with a pair of horns to match* n-no-
*Agonised Screaming*
Sojiro: …*standing in the middle of his cell, covered in blood, all four of his hands holding a part of his brother* … *sighs* that feels better…
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kusagrasskusa · 3 years
Italic = Drafted
Underlined/Bold = Done (with link)
Normal = Soon to be started
Little Nightmares - 2/2
The unwanted answer
Mono X Six - “Roles Reversed”
Naruto - 5/10
Kabuto X Shy! Reader - "Oppsites Attract"
Orochimaru X Innocent! Reader - "Flower Crown"
Kabuto and Child! Reader - "Shihaikigo"
Sasuke X Reader - "Sorry, Sakura"
Gaara X Innocent! Reader - "Hellfire"
Kakashi X Uchiha! Reader - "Just like Itachi"
Shikamaru X Tired! Reader - "You're worse than me"
Reader as friends with Oro and Kabuto headcannons
Yandere Itachi X Reader
Orochimaru X Reader “A Little piece of Heaven” Imagine
My Hero Academia - 5
Aizawa X Villain! Reader - "Oof"
Villain! Aizawa X Reader - "Mega Oof"
Present Mic X Reader - "I'm dying inside"
AOT AU, Reader X...: Aizawa, Bakubro, Kirishima, Denki, etc
Denki X Deaf! Blind! Reader
One Punch Man - 1/6
Saitama X Demon! Reader - "One Punch"
Saitama X Hero! Reader
Saitama X Sonic's sister! Reader
Genos X Cyborg! Reader
Genos X Saitama's sister! Reader - "If you hurt her, I'll kill you owo"
Saitama X Reader - "Hero"
Death Note - 3/3
Light X Reader - Betrayal: Part 1, Part 2
Light Comforting Reader
Hunter X Hunter - 1
Hisoka X Numb! Reader - "No fun :("
Disney - 4
Young! Claude Frollo X Reader - "Hellfire"
Humanoid! Scar X Reader - "Be Prepared"
Jafar X Reader
Shan Yu X Hun! Reader
Mortal Kombat - 17/23
Kano X Reader - "Unfaithful"
Hanzo Hisashi X Reader Imagines
Subzero and Child Reader, X Innocent Reader
Hanzo Hisashi X Innocent! Reader
Shang Tsung X Goddess! Reader - “Offering”
Quan Chi X Reader - “His Daughter’s Diary”
Fujin X Reader
MK Villain Imagines- Part 1, Part 2
Kabal X Reader
White Lotus X Angel Child! Reader
Reptile X Reader Angst
Kronika X GN Reader headcannons
Shitty Erron Black X Innocent! Reader headcannons
Kung Lao X Reader Prompt 23
Kitana X Reader Prompt 23
Baraka X Innocent! Reader
Quan Chi X Reader - Shitty Headcannons
Mortal Kombat Villians hearing/fighting their kid, opening scenes- Part 1,
Part 2 ^
Erron Black X Reader - “You’re gonna be a daddy”
Reptile X Reader
D’Vorah X Fem! Reader Headcannons
Raiden with S/O who died… :(
Quan Chi X Reader Imagine
Creepypasta/Marble Hornets - 2/4
Ticci Toby X Reader
Masky X Reader - "Suffocated"
Jeff the Killer X Reader - "Snowing"
Eye for an Eye, ‘Til the World goes Blind - Intro, Cha1, Cha 2, Cha 3, Cha 4, Cha 5, Cha
Slashers - 2/8
Michael Myers X Short! Reader: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Michael Myers X Nurse! Reader - "Addition"
Michael Myers X Murderer! Reader - "Card of Death": Part 1, Part 2
Michael Myers and Child Reader ANGST - Remastered
Jason X Child! Reader X Michael Myers - Remaster of PT1, Pt2
Predator reacting to his ooman with dyed hair and normal ripped clothes
Billy Loomis X Reader
Brahms X Reader
Happy Tree Friends - 2
Human! Flippy X Reader - "Wholesome Vibes"
Human! Fliqpy X Reader - "Not-so Wholesome Vibes"
Undertale - 2/8
Ink X Reader - "Another Unfinished Project"
Error X Reader - "Another Waste of Space"
Dust X Reader - "Defensive Fighting only"
Underfell Sans X Tired! Reader - "Boss is gonna kill me-"
Frisk X Genocidal! Reader - "Just as Bad"
Chara X Neutral! Reader - "Not so Bad"
Ariel X Genocidal! Reader - "I'm not your best friend"
Underfell Sans X Reader - "Brompton Cocktail"
Yandere Simulator - 4
Kaga X Reader
Umeji X Reader - "Two Sides of the Same Coin"
Gema X Weeb! Reader - "Why are you interupting me!"
Budo Masuta X Delinquent! Reader
Obey Me! - 3
Mammon X Reader
Asmodues X Reader
Beezelbub X Reader
Potential Series' - 4
AU where Itachi and Sasuke switch roles, and Sasuke abandons Sarada for Itachi to raise as he's going blind
Kabuto, Reader, and Orochimaru as friends going on multiple fights
Reader is thrown into a cliche fanfiction about her favorite anime and only speaks English, so she has to learn Japanese while trying to survive basically on her own
My OCs X CCs...Shang Tsung, Kabuto, and Aizawa are best bois....
Oneshots that don't fit into a category (or isn't an X Reader) - 4
L u n a X S o m b r a
Golden Freddy X Marionette
Foxy X Toy Chica (fight me)
Shadow Freddy X Marionette
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a-purple-lizard · 4 years
Assassinating Death (Part 1)
Noob Saibot X female slave reader
I’m debating wether so make a 10-15 chapter long fanfiction about this. If anybody would like to see a fanficion with this concept, please tell me!
Noob Saibot, the ruler of destiny rules all of existence, turning the worthy into revenant warriors and enslaving the weak. S/o is one of the ‘weak’ that he enslaved. Determined to put a stop to the cruel tyrant, s/o devises a plan to kill him. After all, why would a god suspect a pitiful slave of treason? (GIF by me! Taken from the MK11 arcade ending)
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The rattle of her own chains was all s/o could hear inside the hollow castle walls. The air tasted of ash and death, as it always had. The woman was hastily scrubbing the stone floor, the rough sound falling on deaf ears as s/o remained focused on the man behind her. A tall soulless husk that watched her intently, looking for some opportunity to punish her.
S/o wouldn’t allow it. Not again. She already had exactly thirty two scars on her back from her punishment. The slave attire forced all to wear open back leather tops as a way to easily punish slaves as well as provide warning to others. Her hair was clipped so that it did not go past her neck, leaving her scars for the world to see.
A stone collar was wrapped around her throat, a purple stone in the center of it marked her as an obsidian place slave. Cold metal chains connected her hands, allowing them only about a foot of distance apart.
The obsidian palace was a jagged spire that towered over the smoke clouds. Nobody really knew how far up it went. Well, nobody but noob saibot, keeper of time, ruler of existence and bringer of death. He was the cruel shadow whose fowl touch defiled the world, turning it grey and dead.
It was he who controlled the immortal servants, or “blank souls” as the slaves called them. Blank souls were husk, vessels that carried out the dark lords will. They were each hand chosen by the lord at seemingly random. Nobody was really sure WHY he chose who he chose, but he was always very sure about his choices.
One thing was sure however, once you were chosen, there was no argument or revolt. Your soul belonged to HIM. When somebody was chosen, they disappeared for MONTHES and when they returned, they weren’t the same. Milky eyes, pale skin, no emotional connection to their friends and family.
“You! Girl! Come with me.” A cold voice came from behind her.
Turning around, she was met with a blank soul. He wore red and yellow robes, silver armor plated his legs and arms. A black hood shrouded his upper face, his dead milky eyes seemed to glow in the shadows. An armored mask hid whatever expression he had to offer.
S/o bowed her head, as everyone had to do when a blank soul addressed them. She didn’t waste a second, abandoning her cleaning supplies and wordlessy following the blank soul out of the room, leaving behind the other blank soul who just stood there, waiting for the next slave shift to start.
The slave was led down the hall to the center staircase that traveled from the dungeons below, all the way up to the tip of the tower, the throne room.
S/o had never been past the thirty fourth floor in the hundred story tower. Only blank souls were permitted to travel to the top ten floors. A few slaves were permitted to cleanse the rooms in the top ten floors, but the ones who did never returned. Most assumed that the ruler of time forced them to live up there as well.
Cold obsidian tile made her bare feet ache as they climbed the stairs upwards. S/o didn’t dare gaze at the man beside her. His footsteps were silent, undetectable to the ear as he went.
After about twenty minutes of climbing, the blank soul halted. The symbols carved into a metal plate showed the number ninety nine. “Bow when your god addresses you. To disrespect noob saibot is to willingly submit yourself to the worst punishment imaginable.”
S/o nodded her head in the most boot licking of ways. The blank soul observed her for a second before starting to walk up the stairs again. There it was, floor one hundred.
The icy fear that repeatedly stabbed her with each rapid heartbeat was almost debilitating as she stepped into the open space.
It was a plain room, pillars only decorated with the symbol of the shadow empire, and a single long rug running from the stairs to the… throne.
Dark jagged crystals spurred upwards in such unnatural ways, at the end of the highest tip lay a skull with a single thick strip of gold plating at the top. Sitting on the throne was him.
The god of all. Killer of all. Noob Saibot, ruler of the shadow empire. S/o threw herself to her knees as the blank soul led her to the shadow shrouded emperor. “Slave.” His voice shook her to her very core. “Did it offer any resistance during retrieval, Hanzo?”
“None at all. She is ready to fulfill her duties.” The blank soul, ‘Hanzo’ responded. The king nodded, the light seemed to drain from the air around him. Without another word, hanzo exited the throne room, heading down a dark hallway behind the throne. S/o was now at the mercy of a tyrant god.
The atmosphere thickened, s/o felt her body shake in her submissive form. All four limbs touched the ground, her lips almost kissed the carpet below. She didn’t dare look up.
“Slave, you have been bestowed the greatest honor of personally serving me.” Something in his voice held a sort of… interest? S/o couldn’t detect any facial expressions due to his head being covered in a helmet, as well as a dark vail.
The slave couldn’t find words that she deemed usable in his presence. She was too terrified to even think. “Unless my generosity doesn’t interest you?”
The dark edge to his voice made s/o want to burst out in tears and beg for her life. “N-no! Thank you so much for even considering giving somebody such as myself any thought! I swear, I will not disappoint you, my lord!”
“I know.” He said simply. “Kuai Liang! Escort it to its new quarters and explain its new purpose to its empire.”
A figure was suddenly behind her, s/o was pulled to her feet by her elbow. She was met by a blue clad blank soul. ‘Kuai Liang’ didn’t say a word as he took hold of her chains and led her to the spiral staircase. S/o could feel the lords gaze boring into her back as she left.
Kuai Liang led her down the stairs, his rough voice echoed through the quiet environment. “You will be given your own quarters on the ninety first floor. You will wake up everyday at exactly five in the morning, you will clean floors ninety-one through ninety-five. At twelve, you will be permitted to eat.” He explained. “At one, you will resume your cleaning, the ninety sixth floor and the one hundredth floor, as well as every floor in between.”
The two of them stopped at the ninety first floor. It looked to be some sort of dining hall. Blank souls littered the area, some were eating, others simply sat around and… socialized? S/o was dumbfounded, the slaves had always assumed that blank souls were nothing but empty husks yet, here they were, laughing and joking.
She didn’t have time to gawk before she was dragged past the large dining hall to a simply lit hall. There were a multitude of doors lining it, a few were open to reveal blank souls casually in their rooms. S/o and Kuai Liang stopped at the end of the hall.
“This will be your new quarters. Inside you will find everything you will require, as well as your new uniform.” He stated, opening the door.
“A new… uniform?” She asked, confused.
“You are now a personal slave to the king and his warriors, you are expected not to look like a common rat.” He growled. “You are now held to higher standards, failure to complete your duties within the desired time range will result in your immediate termination and replacement.”
She swore she saw his face soften for only a moment when he saw the look of hopeless fear of her face. “As a personal slave you are also entitled to certain privileges. No warrior can take it upon themselves to punish you without express permission from the lord of darkness. No warrior may harass you in any way.” He continued, “after all your daily duties are done, you are free to roam the top ten floors, as long as you do not disturb any warriors.”
He gestured to her room, allowing her to slip past him to inspect it. “You are free to explore for the rest of today. Tomorrow you will be assigned a warrior to make sure that your expectations are met.” Without another word, Kuai Liang was gone.
S/o was left alone. She collapsed into the soft bed, staring up at the ceiling, debating whether to cry or smile. She had been within spitting distance of the man who she despised above all else. The man who had caused so much ruin and heartbreak. The man who she now had the opportunity to kill...
Part 2
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chadillacboseman · 3 years
Hanzo really was like...deaf as a doornail for not hearing his entire group of guards get murdered.
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