michaelmilligan · 1 year
Midam Appreciation Week Day 3: The F-word (family)
Do we have to? Michael asked for the fifteenth time, wings twitching in agitation.
Oh, come on. It'll be fun! Adam countered, also speaking in their shared mind-space. While there was currently no one else around to hear them, that would change soon – at least if Michael finally got a move on.
I don't want to see them, Michael grumbled.
Adam took over the vessel for a second to raise an eyebrow at his pouty archangel. My brothers or yours?
… Yes.
The mighty archangel Michael, scared of a little family dinner, Adam teased him as he passed control back to Michael.
Michael's wings ruffled. I'm not scared.
Prove it.
Michael kept grumbling, but flapped his wings, and landed them in front of the bunker.
I don't understand why they insist on coming back here.
Adam took over the body to shrug and ring the doorbell. It's big, and sturdily built. Probably not a bad idea when inviting four archangels.
Before Michael could answer, the door was already opening, revealing a smirking Gabriel. “'sup, Mikey. No, wait.” He squinted. “You're the other guy, right?”
“The name's still Adam. You'd think it would be easy to remember, considering the First Man and all that.”
“Eh.” Gabriel made a vague hand gesture and turned to walk down the stairs.
“Well, thanks for inviting us in,” Adam muttered, and stepped inside. Michael made the door fall closed behind them as they followed Gabriel down the stairs.
The long library table was already set for what must be eight people, and Jack came in with a basket of sliced bread while Gabriel and Lucifer just lounged around.
“You're here!” Jack called as he saw Adam and Michael. “Then we can start. I'll tell the others!”
After depositing the bread on the table, Jack bounded away again. Lucifer looked after his son with a soft gaze, then turned back to Adam and Michael.
“So you finally made it,” he said.
“Yeah, sorry, we forgot the time,” Adam said, smiling apologetically.
They would have actually been punctual if Michael hadn't been stalling, but they were a team, and so Adam wouldn't tell the others.
“So what were you doing?” Lucifer asked, and grinned. “Something... fun?”
“Yeah,” Adam answered lightly. “There's this new game called Baldur's Gate 3, you know-”
“Hey,” Sam suddenly said, and Adam turned to see him coming into the library with Castiel and Jack at his heels.
“Hey guys,” Adam said, not missing the tension in Sam's and Castiel's shoulders.
Was it funny that they seemed to be more nervous around Michael, the guy they had once molotoved and pulled into Hell, respectively, than around Lucifer, the guy who had possessed them both, if the stories Adam had heard were correct?
Well, maybe funny wasn't quite the right word, though Adam had to admit that it was kind of hilarious to see the two being so awkward.
“Adam,” Sam said, some of the tension seeping out of his shoulders.
But only some.
Before Adam could make a barbed comment about Sam throwing a coin to decide who was in front of him, Dean came in wearing two big mittens and an even bigger, steaming pot. There was a smile on his face, and it only became a little pained as he looked at everyone, which Adam didn't even have to chalk up to the weight of the pot. He could just as easily put that on Lucifer, or even Gabriel.
None of them were Dean's favourite archangel. That one came into the room behind him, making several other pots levitate around them.
“Hello, brother,” Raphael said, not unkindly, as they made all the pots float onto table mats specifically set out for this purpose.
“Raphael,” Michael said while Dean put down the big pot in the middle of the table.
The tensions which had strained the archangels' relationships with each other after they had been revived were mostly gone, but Raphael wasn't a very outgoing or emotional person. They always held themselves under tight control.
Michael had long done the same – the only emotion he had let out had been anger, which had covered up sadness, fear and loneliness. He was doing a lot better these days – for example, after he had finally possessed Adam again, he had not stopped hugging him for three days.
By now, one could almost say that Adam was the repressed one in this relationship. But Michael was still careful with his emotions around his siblings, since he always feared that their intensity was unwelcome.
Adam hoped he would get over that soon.
As they sat down to eat, Lucifer chose a seat right next to Michael and Adam.
It had taken a while for both Lucifer and Michael to forgive each other – after all, neither Michael nor Lucifer had exactly been the champion of good decisions over the past few million years – but once the resentment had started fading, something else had taken its place. Another strong feeling, and one which Adam hadn't exactly expected. Also, one that Michael was still resolutely trying to ignore into non-existence.
As Lucifer's hand curled around their leg, Adam felt Michael's wing twitch, startled and embarrassed.
“Once again, Dean has made enough to feed us all, forgetting that some of us don't eat,” Lucifer commented innocently, still fondling their thigh.
“Speak for yourself,” Gabriel said, and snapped his fingers, making his plate fill with Dean's food. “I don't know what this guy puts in it, and I probably don't wanna know, but damn if it isn't better than anything I could conjure up.”
“Oh, don't you know the secret ingredient to cooking?” Jack asked, perking up as he noticed he could be helpful. “It's love!”
Gabriel scoffed. “Like I said, I didn't wanna know.”
That was rich coming from the guy who sneaked a hand on Sam's thigh when he thought no one was looking, and who wasn't too proud to let himself be fed by Sam when everyone was looking.
“I can assure you there are no nefarious substances in the food,” Raphael said simply, before sitting down next to Dean. Castiel was on Dean's other side, with Jack next to him.
Dean threw Raphael a grin, then turned to serve everyone. “You make it sound like my love is nefarious.” The last word, he said mockingly, and Raphael rolled their eyes.
But they both looked fond.
The hand on Michael and Adam's thigh squeezed.
“How can love even be nefarious?” Lucifer asked.
Michael took over their body for a moment to give him a look.
“Ah,” Lucifer said, embarrassed. “Right.”
They had both done their share of bad things, Adam thought as Michael traded the body back to him, in the name of love. So had Adam, he supposed, considering that he had been ready to torch half the world to see his mom again.
Maybe everyone in the room had done that, once upon a time. And maybe each of them would do it again.
But if so, Adam thought that they would at least do it as a family.
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snailarts · 4 months
Supercatural part 2 + Minor changes to the original!!
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I've found that I really enjoy drawing wings lol
More angels as well as Charlie, Kevin, & Jack are coming soon!! Still taking suggestions too :)
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pollsnatural · 7 months
Part 2
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sillywillybillywilly · 7 months
How are babies made?
Micheal: No.
Lúcifer: from not using the cherry flavored condom
Gabriel: man, woman, insert insert insert-
Raphael: ask micheal.
Sam: so- when a man loves a woman...
Dean: too much beer.
Castiel: sex.
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t00muchheart · 6 months
“Maybe one day…but today you’re my little bitch”
- Castiel, angel of Thursday, to literal archangel Raphael
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waywardsou2 · 5 months
My kins and Comfort characters
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mrs-padalecki2341 · 9 months
Yes, there is a right answer, but I'm not going to tell you who until the results are in.
Just the first 12 that came to mind. Just pick whos the hottest out of the listed characters, even if you like another character better. just choose the best from the options provided.
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woundlingus · 9 days
When Cicadas Cry
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Fandom: Supernatural
Relationships: Gabriel/Loki, Gabriel/Sam, background Dean/Cas, implied Sam/Cas, Cas & Gabriel & Sam & Dean, Gabriel & Lucifer & Raphael & Michael
Characters: Gabriel, Loki, Sam, Dean, Castiel, Michael, Lucifer, Raphael, Naomi, Zachariah, God | Chuck Shurley, Narfi, Fenrir, Sleipnir
Tags: Minor character death, suicide, explicit sexual content, cult-like tactics and language, abuse, toxic codependency, mutual pining, jealous, established relationship, pregnancy, consensual non-monogamy, M/F sex, M/M sex, betrayal, friends to lovers to enemies, AU, 5+1 (and a little more)
Gabriel opens his eyes. He opens his eyes. He opens his eyes. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ And he falls. He falls. He falls. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Every single time he meets Loki on that mountain and is offered a choice to try and change his fate for the better or linger in his pain and let it fester until the bitter end. But the violence of old has made a home in his veins, the ghost of his brothers forever loom over him regardless of how far he runs from Heaven. He and Loki are much the same in that respect, it binds them tight, but does not afford them faith in one another. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ He fails. He fails. He fails.
How many tries to get it right?
Live on AO3
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Ok so I just finished season six of supernatural and I’m having so many thoughts now that I’ve actually seen all the shit I’ve heard about. Also thank you to @sparrow-the-tired-lesbian for putting up with this shit I’m so sorry I send so many words that you don’t understand. I also have to do a part two cause it’s that much I’m so sorry.
Cas needed help in heaven and he went to go ask Dean but he saw that Dean was happy. Dean got out and Cas just couldn’t bring himself to ruin Deans peace. Crowley used this vulnerability and Cas’ love for Dean to manipulate him and convince him to open purgatory. Cas only started down that path because he loved Dean too much to bring him into his issues.
Then throughout all of season six Sam and Dean call Cas for help and he always goes even when he’s literally in the middle of a battle. Like dude is so dedicated. And whenever Crowley tells Cas that it would be easier to just kill them Cas refuses because they’re his friends.
The Winchesters and Bobby are the first people to actually enjoy Cas and the first humans who actually like him. He’s so dedicated and loyal to them but when they find out he was working with Crowley wanna know who was most upset? Fucking Dean. Dean didn’t want to believe it either, he wanted so hard to believe that Cas wouldn’t work with Crowley cause it’s Cas.
But then of course Dean finds out it’s true and they both are just so hurt. Even after they’ve trapped him Cas tells them to run and he stalls so that they can get out. From that point on he is trying so hard to not hurt them and to get this done without them being involved. He finds out that Deans ex gf and “not his son” get kidnapped and he just about kills Crowley. But he still need Crowley to open purgatory cause he needs the power that is there. But he only needs that power to stop Raphael and he only needs to stop Raphael because Raphael wants to start the apocalypse back up but Cas doesn’t want that and he tried to stop the apocalypse the first time. But he only stopped the apocalypse the first time because he rebelled and fell in love with Dean.
Cas only needs Crowley to open purgatory because he couldn’t bring himself to disturb deans peace. After Dean finds out that Cas was spying on them and working with Crowley Dean is obviously pissed. But Cas keeps showing up and he keeps asking Dean to be patient. He talks about how he does everything Dean asks, he always helps them, and yet Dean won’t believe that he knows what he’s doing solely because he’s working with a demon. Cas keeps trying to tell Dean that he is doing this for a reason, because he needs to stop Raphael so that the world doesn’t end again but Dean won’t listen.
So eventually Cas opens purgatory and he gets all that power in there and then what does Dean try to do? He try’s to use the “I would’ve died for you, you’re family” and Cas calls him out on his bullshit. Cas knows now that he is only loved by them because he is useful. He is tired and done. He had to kill his favorite brother because he told Dean and Bobby where to go, he killed Raphael because he was too stubborn to accept that God is a douchebag and now he knows that the man he is in love with, the man he risked everything for many times, the guy whose become his father, his brother they only care about him when he’s useful.
They only call for him when they need something and he is done with it. If they won’t respect him he’ll become god and make them. And he does, he becomes god. He has tried and tried to get Dean to see it his way, he tells Dean that he only is reasoning with him now because Cas was right about the power from purgatory and Dean is scared. And Dean is scared, he’s terrified. Cas has so much power and he’s not acting right but Dean it’s kinda your fault. Dean refused to listen to believe that maybe this incredible being knew what he was doing and Cas wasn’t left with any other options.
Pt two here tumblr
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bitter-goodbyes · 3 months
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(5x03 “Free To Be You And Me”)
I’m actually obsessed with him <33333
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fandom-addict404 · 7 months
omg so i watched the season 6 finale of spn last night and whattttt
i’m actually going insane.
my thoughts:
1. CAS IS GOD??!?!
2. dean was so scared 😥😭
3. sam getting through his mind after the walk broke was actually insane but rlly cool to watch!!
4. crowley and cas’s whole thing was so messy and ngl hard to completely follow so there are def things i missed (but still VERY entertaining)
5. raphael was getting on my nerves anyways so buh bye bitch 🤣
6. destiel was showingggg
ok that’s all i can think of rn but when i think of more i’ll def reblog :)))
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deancasforcutie · 3 months
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Supernatural + angels' and demons' canon genderqueerness
Because I miss when we would talk about the capacity for sci-fi/fantasy to depict speculative concepts of queer identity beyond what much of human society thinks possible. Like omnisexuality that includes all intelligent species like the fictosexuality of real life because Love Wins across the universe, or asexuality so real and permanent it resists literal powers of seduction, or -yes- nonhuman characters just being without regard for human conceptions of gender and so reminding us of its constructedness and our own potential freedom from such constraints. For many of us who have embraced otherness with no chance of even conditional acceptance under "normalizing" narratives, it's a vision of ourselves free to be.
"What do we call you?" "King!"
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crosnt · 4 months
castiel saying "you're my little bitch now" to raphael is actually so underrated because like it was so badass but also hilarious cuz he definitely got that from sam and dean
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Raphael Gross Performing It's my Life
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golby-moon · 8 months
I am a very simple single brain celled-organism: I see pokemon, I click. this time for the @deancasanimebang whoo
due to having way more artists than authors, this bang had kind of a weird system where two artists were paired to each fic. for this one, @keikakudom did the banner and some bonus character designs (and also had the idea to do pixel art to reference the game which was definitely a fun change) and I did some silly art pieces for it
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here's Dean and Cas meeting in the fic. I'm not too great at pixel art really since my style in general is pretty two dimensional and I don't do much as far as shading or color blending goes but idk I think it turned out okay. I especially like how Cas' Cubone turned out here since it actually kinda looks like a Cubone. Chansey too really though most of it is off-screen. tried to do a simple Pokemon Center-y background that keeps the colored line art thing I had going on originally before swapping it to black outlines (which is a lot more eye-catching)
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I did another little piece for this fic with Dean and Cas walking out of Raphael's gym and off into a new life together (with Chansey and Cubone ofc). I kinda based the background off of Pokemon Platinum's Veilstone fighting type gym with the tires and punching bags and...boxing rings? idk fighting types man who knows
but yeah it was fun collaborating on this. never worked on a team before this bang so it was fun to try that out
the fic this is made for is called "Catch" by @nickelkeep for the deancas anime bang
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