#Dehydrated Culture media
tmmediapharma · 9 months
Get the Best Quality of Mueller Hinton Agar (TM 339) at TM Media
If you are looking for Mueller Hinton Agar manufactured by TM Media, initially designed for pathogenic Neisseria species, evolved into a cornerstone for antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Widely recognized, it replaced other media for sulfonamide resistance assessments. Its selection by CLSI stems from reproducibility, low inhibitor content, support for bacterial pathogen growth, and a wealth of performance data. The Kirby-Bauer method, employing paper discs with specific antimicrobial concentrations, defines susceptibility. This versatile agar, endorsed by the WHO, also finds application in testing Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenza. While robust for most pathogens, Mueller Hinton Agar's limitations include unsuitability for slow growers, anaerobes, and capnophiles in disc diffusion assays.
Visit the Website - https://www.tmmedia.in/
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tmmediaindia · 11 months
PA E. Coli Kit: Water Quality Assurance Made Easy
Testing water has always been an essential part of our laboratory work. Whether it's testing a sample to see if it’s safe to drink or testing the purity in pharma labs, TM Media’s PA E. ColiKit, is an all-in-one product for the job. Let's see why this product is one of the best in water testing.
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What Makes the PA E. Coli Kit So Special?
When we talk about water, we must understand that not all water is the same. Sometimes, you've got microbes, mostly coliform bacteria, living in the water, which makes it unsafe for use. The PA E. Coli Kit helps you figure out if these bacteria are causing trouble. It's a quick, budget-friendly solution that's also perfect for those off-the-grid spots where you might have doubts about the safety of water.
Inside the kit:
Providing everything in one place!
PA Medium: Main media for detection of microbial growth
Sterile PET bottle: To carry out the process in
Sterile poly bag: To discard
How Does It Work?
It’s as simple as it gets: add some water to the PET bottle, pour in the PA Medium, give it a good shake, and let it incubate at 35–37 °C. In 18–48 hours, if your mix turns yellow from it, you've got coliforms living in there.
How does it do that?
It's like this kit has everything you need in it. It follows two key rules:
No coliform bacteria should be present in 100 mL of drinking water.
If even one of these microbes is around, it will start a reaction, ferment lactose, and start producing acid and gas.
So, the PA Broth contains lactose and a pH indicator. If lactose is fermented, it'll change colour from the original purple to a vibrant yellow.
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Spotting the real from the fake:
With this kit, there's no second-guessing. Different bacteria will make the medium change to specific colours, helping you spot exactly who’s in your water.
Like Escherichia coli, it will have luxuriant growth, and the colour will change to yellow. S. serotype typhimurium will have a turbid purple colour.
That’s not it. TM Media also provides you with various other water testing products for the analysis of water, like the Chromogenic Coliform Agar Plate (TMP 1858), which is ready to use.
To check our product list, click on the link
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marketinsight12 · 1 year
Dehydrated Culture Media Market
Dehydrated Culture Media Market- In Depth Analysis by Growth, Trends and Covid-19 Impact | IMR
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imrreport · 2 years
Global Dehydrated Culture Media Overview Region Global Analysis and Forecast, 2022–2028.
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Liquid media that have been hardened with an ingredient such as agar or gelatin are known as solid media Industrial microbiology (food industry, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, vaccine manufacturing, animal health, analytical laboratories, etc.) and clinical microbiology (human and veterinary), academic and research institutes all use dehydrated culture medium.
Read more: https://introspectivemarketresearch.com/reports/dehydrated-culture-media-market/ 
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Superhero media (and honestly just pop culture in general) these days is so full of dehydrated men with eight-packs and bulging veins whose huge shoulders and snatched waists have spawned countless Dorito memes. This post goes into more detail about why that’s so problematic, but the bottom line is that physique is extremely unrealistic and dangerous to achieve, and it’s really bad for creating impossible body image standards both for actors and everyone else.
So, watching Smallville from the 2000s has been a breath of fresh air! Clark doesn’t fit the ideal described above, and that does absolutely nothing to detract from his attractiveness or credibility as a superhero. He’s a big guy, 6’3 and beefy and strong, but notice how he doesn’t have a six-pack or visible veins or a snatched waist. Clark’s physique comes from farm chores, not bodybuilding. He looks perfect for Superman.
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I just really appreciate how his body is strong but in a realistic and attainable way. I want more superheroes who look like this.
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txttletale · 10 months
Can you give your thoughts on the general character art design of Hades? It's always seemed kind of off to me and you seem to have good enough media opinions to put the reason why into words
i mean, first of all, i think that they suffer just from being The Greek Gods and therefore just having the most barebones basic designs that those archetypal characters get in pop culture. like look at zeus:
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like. this is Zeus. there are some interesting flairs here with the lightning crown and cloud beard but like. It's Zeus. the visual language here is not communicating anything more interesting or unique or vivid than It's Zeus. contrast, like, rukey from pyre:
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look at how much fucking personality is conveyed by this little freak. the fucking moustache! the fancy little cloak but the messy dog hair. the playful expression, the gold tooth, the glint of cunning in the eye, the raised little paw. you look, at this guy and get an immediate idea of what and who he is.
i also hate how 1. shrinkwrapped and 2. fucking grey and ashy every single character in hades is. like look at zeus's muscles up there this man is fucking dehydrated and like. why does athena look like this
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she is grey. she is so fucking grey. this is a vampire. this is a woman made of ash.
furthermore i find what they did with the greek gods wrt to making them a few different races to be a cowardly half-measure. like--the idea they forwarded in interviews that greek gods are 'global' and should represent the whole world are, quite frankly, just bullshit! i dislike this universalization of a mythology that is very very very tied to a particular culture and time and place because it is just another shape of the attempted universalization of the 'Western Canon', the removal of these things from historical place and context to make them abstract ideals that can be imposed upon the whole world because they 'transcend culture' while really they have just been incorporated into a dominant culture.
but, like, most frustratingly--there is a like huge wealth of cultural variety to be found in greco-roman myth. versions of these gods were worshipped in north africa and egypt and west asia and even as far as india. but, like, the commitment to multiethnicisim is purely surface-level, so they don't employ any of the iconography or look into these non-european syncretic depictions of these deities. they just take all their design cues from the tired pop-culture versions of purely greek aesthetics. imagine how fucking interesting the character designs for hades could have been if instead of making dionysus a person of colour and calling it a day, they represented a specifically indo-greek dionysus!
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first after the conquests of alexander and once again after the expansion of the roman empire, these sorts of syncretic beliefs flourished throughout the mediterranean. if you really want to write a greek mythology story without a cast of white guys then give me Zeus-Ammon, god dammit!
anyway yeah the fact that all of hades' characters look like they're severely hydrated and their roof just caved in on them is weird and bad and other than that they're for the most part just deeply generic Greek Gods with what feels like very little care or innovation or personality put into their designs compared to characters from transistor or pyre. shomar shasberg and manly tindenstauf each have more unique visual personality than every hades character combined
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 5 months
by Melanie Phillips
According to an anti-Israel Jewish professor at Duke University, Rebecca Stein, the programme is aimed at “remaking the dominant paradigm of Israel Studies as it has been configured in the United States and increasingly in Great Britain, with its proud ‘advocacy’ mandate on behalf of the Israeli state. Birzeit’s programme turns this paradigm inside out, providing students with a radical alternative”.
More fundamentally still, the shocking scenes on campus are the outcome of the west’s willed educational collapse. The understanding of education as the transmission of a culture to the next generation was junked decades ago in favour of a propaganda narrative of western oppression.
This opened the way for the colonisation of curricula by anti-western ideological causes. The admission of students selected on the basis of identity politics rather than intellectual ability further reduced education standards to positively infantile levels.
This was illustrated at Columbia by the keffiyeh-clad Johanna King-Slutzky, who spoke to the media on behalf of the encampment. Jaw-droppingly channelling Hamas’s strategy in Gaza, she stated that the university had an obligation to bring in food and water to the illegal encampment, demanding, “Do you want students to die of dehydration and starvation? … This is like basic humanitarian aid”.
Her remarks attracted widespread incredulity and ridicule. But so should Columbia’s educational standards.
In her biography on Columbia’s website, now deleted, King-Slutzky describes her dissertation as “a prehistory of metabolic rift, Marx’s term for the disruption of energy circuits caused by industrialisation under capitalism … theories of the imagination and poetry as interpreted through a Marxian lens in order to update and propose an alternative to historicist ideological critiques of the Romantic imagination”.
This gobbledygook is beyond parody. Alas, it’s all too typical of what now passes for higher education in America and Britain. The universities, the supposed crucibles of knowledge, intellectual challenge and open minds, are now in the business of propaganda, dumbing-down and the closing of the mind. They have become the principal vehicles for coercing cultural conformity to hatred of both Israel and the west.
In the appalling scenes on campus, a number of monstrous chickens are now coming home to roost.
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littledigits · 1 year
me, trying to be glibly cynical about the state of animation right now without being a bummer harhar.
honestly tho the bubble was gonna pop - I started during a time when there were no jobs and not a ton of new animated shows going around so im familiar with the idea of a crash. the difference in what we have going now is theres a huge culture shift with a resurgence of workers rights, its going to change the landscape of the industry. 
its hard to find work right now, but its mostly because what everything was functioning on for the last decade just was not sustainable. i’ve seen it ramp up over the years ya’ll - sure it was tough when I started but. It wasnt like THIS. Its been a gauntlet of productions ever since the ‘streaming wars’ started and everyone was buying up properties. 
It will rebound eventually so I hope younger artists dont get too down, and the hope is that it can be rebuilt better. I’ve seen a lot of really positive changes in terms of the industry over the last 15 years as well - . Like. IM OLD ENOUGH THAT I CAN SAY THAT.   Its a lot of heavy rock pushing up hills but there are lots of people in the industry willing to do that pushing. 
all of us are so soul-dehydrated plz hug your local -working in media- person today. 
actually hug your local -whoever wants a hug friend today- because we’re all soul-dehydrated.  
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cryiling · 2 months
9 people you want to know
thank u sm for the tag @elibunn!! i love these tag games <3
three ships: revalink, bakudeku, and yoonmin ofc 😽 ill always be a #revalinker4lyfe. ive been back in my mha phase, and im a diehard bakudeku defender to my core. i don't actively ship yoonmin anymore but they're my two biases and i'll always love their duo + i haven't rlly been into other media lately, so they're my og ship
first ship: bro genuinely i think it was klance 😭 that was actually my introduction to fandom and shipping culture as a whole LOL
last song: jericho by iniko!! it's suchhh a good song, i've been listening to it a lot lately
last movie: MHA WORLD HEROES' MISSION 🙌 it's a tie between heroes rising as my fave mha movie, and i'd been wanting to rewatch it lately, so i did!! amazing as always, i LOVED seeing rody
currently reading: i regret to admit that i haven't picked up a book since june </3 fanfic-wise, tho, i just finished wherever you are by @official-mermaid and it was SOOOO GOOD OMG 😫 genuinely the best rodydeku fic out there, i couldn't put it down
currently watching: mha ofcc!! :> waiting impatiently for the next episode to be released PLEASEEE STUDIO BONES
currently eating: nothing atm, but i have been drinking water
currently craving: also water LOL. i'm lowk dehydrated rn
no pressure tags: @aejiee @kapncrunch @impur6 @zeelai-reblogs @iridescentgleam @what-a-fella @loverln @that-particularbug @theillegalpundealer
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tmmediapharma · 9 months
Find the Best Quality of Soyabean Agar (TMH 103) at TM Media
If you are looking for Soybean Casein Digest Agar manufactured by TM Media stands endorsed by multiple pharmacopoeias for rigorous sterility testing, aligning with microbial limit testing standards of USP/EP/BP/JP/IP. Its versatility extends to microbial limit and antimicrobial preservative-effective tests. Pioneering work by Gunn et al utilized this medium to foster fastidious organisms' growth, coupled with an insightful exploration of hemolytic reactions post the introduction of 5% v/v blood. Unleash the potential of soybean agar for meticulous sterility validation and dynamic antimicrobial assessments.
Visit the Website - https://www.tmmedia.in/
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tmmediaindia · 11 months
Understand the Spiderman of the Microverse: XLD Agar
Learning XLD’s X, Y, and Z can be challenging, but not with us. In the previous article, we discussed the various needs and applications of XLD (click on the link if you haven’t read it). In this, we’ll talk more about its composition, principle, observations, and modifications.
What is the composition of XLD Agar?
It was developed by Welton Taylor in 1965. XLD stands for Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar and is a bright pink or red-colored solid opalescent gel medium. Knowing its key contents will help you better understand its principles and differentiating abilities.
Ingredients g/l
Yeast Extract 3 g
L-lysine 5 g
Xylose 3.75 g
Lactose 7.5 g
Sucrose 7.5 g
Sodium Deoxycholate 1 g
Sodium Chloride 5 g
Sodium Thiosulfate 6.8 g
Ferric Ammonium Citrate 0.8 g
Phenol red 0.08 g
Agar 12.5 g
Distilled water 1 Litre
Yeast extract provides the medium with nutrients, vitamins, peptides, and other essential growth factors. Xylose, lactose, and sucrose are rich sources of fermentable carbohydrates. For the detection of fermentation of these carbs in the medium, a pH indicator, phenol red, is added. The addition of xylose to the medium accounts for the differentiation of various fermenting enteric bacteria from species of Shigella that do not ferment it. Most enteric pathogens, including Salmonella,can ferment xylose, which results in the formation of acidic byproducts and a change in the color of the medium from pink to yellow, whereas Shigella colonies remain red. In some cases, Salmonella imitates Shigella colonies and gives red colonies, which are then differentiated by the production of Hydrogen sulfide gas by the metabolism of thiosulfate and give black centers. Enterobacteria such as E. coli can ferment lactose in the medium.
XLD Agar’s composition can be adjusted according to one’s needs and choices and is hence available in many different variations, but the basic principle remains the same.
Observation and Inferences on XLD Agar:
Observation Inferences
Red colonies, some with black centers Salmonella spp.
Red colonies Shigella spp.
Yellow to orange colonies Coliforms
Pink, flat, and rough colonies Pseudomonas aeruginosa
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While learning about XLD Agar, a question that must have run through your thoughts would’ve been, “Where is XLD Agar available?” Let’s look into it.
Where is XLD Agar available?
XLD Agar is available on the market as Dehydrated Culture Media in a number of variations according to one’s requirements, including plant-based and animal-based options.
These Dehydrated Culture Media can be dissolved in distilled water according to the concentration mentioned on the package, autoclaved, poured, and used.
TM Media, the microbiology division of Titan Biotech Ltd., offers a wide range of XLD Agar as Dehydrated Culture Media in a number of variations suitable for all your needs, operations, and specific requirements.
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The product range includes the following:
XLD AGAR MODIFIED (as per ISO) TM 1621: XLD Agar, modified, is a selective and differential medium for the isolation of gram-negative enteric pathogens from clinical specimens or food products. It is a modification of the original formulation of Taylor that allows selective isolation of Salmonella typhi, E. coli, Salmonella enteritidis, Salmonella typhimurium, and Shigella flexneri. It is recommended by the ISO committee, and the composition and performance criteria of this medium are as per the specifications laid down in ISO 6579-1:2017.
XLD AGAR (VEG.) TMV 492: Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (Veg) is prepared by replacing Sodium Deoxycholate with synthetic detergent No.III, which makes the medium free of BSE/TSE risks. Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (Veg) is suitable for the isolation and identification of enteric pathogens from stool samples.
XLD AGAR (as per USP/EP/JP/BP) TMH 112: This medium is employed for pharmaceutical testing and non-sterile product testing for the detection of Salmonella after enrichment in Rappaport VassialidiasSalmonella Enrichment Broth in accordance with the harmonized method of USP/EP/BP/JP/IP.
XLD AGAR TM 1448: It is used for pharmaceutical testing and nonsterile product testing for the detection (or absence) of Salmonella after enrichment in Rappaport Vassialidias Salmonella Enrichment Broth in accordance with IP.
XLD AGAR TM 492: XLD Agar exhibits increased selectivity and sensitivity as compared to other plating media, e.g., SS Agar, EMB Agar, and Bismuth Sulphite Agar. The media formulation does not allow the overgrowth of other organisms over Salmonella and Shigella. Samples suspected of containing enteric pathogens, along with other mixed flora, are initially enriched in Modified Semisolid RV Medium Base.
Why choose TM Media’s XLD Agar?
TM Media’s superior-quality and diverse Microbiological Culture Media are certified by ISO, CE, GMP, FSSAI, and FSSC.
TM Media provides unrivaled convenience, dependability, and efficacy, as well as versatility and flexibility, by manufacturing a contamination-free medium with a longer shelf life and reproducible outcomes.
XLD Agar is a selective and differential agar medium primarily used for the isolation and differentiation of different enteropathogenic organisms that are well-known to cause diseases like Food poisoning, Gastroenteritis, and other Digestive illnesses.
By choosing TM Media, consumers invest in precision, quality, and excellence. TM Media's product portfolio includes over 2000 Dehydrated Culture Media, along with Ready-to-Use Culture Media, Biological Media Bases, Media Supplements, Lab Chemicals, and many more.
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artisofthandy · 5 months
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It’s been 25 years…25 years: to a show like SpongeBob SquarePants is absolutely amazing, ridiculous and incredible too! SpongeBob SquarePants isn’t just a animated show, it’s a important piece of pop culture, entertainment, animation for all ages and a special kind of media that still remains both popular and fantastic despite how the company Nickelodeon milked it too many time to dehydration and dryness as well many saying about lowering the quality and how it was before to prolong its longevity. Stephen Hillenburg himself made a masterpiece of animation that was not only incredibly popular and successful but also memorable across the world and despite him unfortunately passing away back in 2018 due to ALS and how he wished that SpongeBob would’ve ended after the first movie and around season 3-5, SpongeBob SquarePants will remain a modern gem due to the characters, storytelling, humour, messages, music, surrealism and just general content in general that made it so memorable and nostalgic. Thank you SpongeBob SquarePants, his friends, Stephen Hillenburg, voice actors, composers, animators and many more for a quarter of a century of a amazing show starring the iconic yet goofy, happy-go-lucky and optimistic sponge himself and his crew. He’ll always be ready and always will be a goofy goober. But you know what’s funnier than 24? 25! XD.
Happy 25th Anniversary SpongeBob!
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blackautmedia · 11 months
So I found your post on ToTK insightful, but one thing I didn’t see you cover is how according to the narrative, when Zelda went back 10,000 years she went to her distant relatives. It was still her kingdom, just very early. What do you think of how this ties in to the themes you were talking about?
Sure thing! Hope I can address this well.
For those not in the know, this is the post we're discussing--the Orientalism of the Mummy in Dehydrated Ganon.
I also want to qualify this with two things:
I'm not Native. I'm a Black person speaking as someone who also has a heritage closely related to colonial violence and white supremacy, but not someone who can speak for Native people. I can only go by what more experienced people have said and books and readings from them.
I'm using the word "Native" which itself encompasses several different people. I don't use this to imply they are the same or interchangeable with the cultural practices and ideas the Zelda franchise is drawing from.
To your question, I feel it doesn't really change much thematically because neither Zelda nor any of the Hylians in the present day have any cultural features, practices, or attitudes that codify her as a Native person except as a costume or set of resources and knowledge associated with her.
It's not portrayed as if it's her heritage she's been disconnected with, but is effectively portrayed as a white person being introduced to an entirely new culture in how exoticized it is.
With the Zonai, their coded status comes in the form of their way of dressing, the Geoglyphs being Nazca lines, the designs of the shrines, the Zonaite outfit Link has, etc. It also narratively shows up in how it's framed as "archaic" in-game as referenced by the naming of the armor related to the Zonai versus the white rule the land has in the present day and how they're portrayed and characterized around extinction.
It's almost point for point the exact narratives and ideas about Native people colonizers use in real life. Native people imagined as a people who no longer exist but still had worthwhile resources better suited in civilized (white) hands.
A big part of why the myth of Native extinction gets pushed so hard in real life (and in turn is repeated and propagandized in media about Native or Native-coded characters) is because it reframes how we talk about recompense for them.
If you imagine a world and buy into the repeat narrative of Native people all being extinct, there's nobody left to do right by. It helps shape the conversations around policies and decisions by people in power.
Things like environmental justice, land back initiatives, reparations, healthcare access, and many other things Native people advocate for are pushed aside by erasing the people fighting for it. It's a form of colonial erasure meant to justify inaction.
So while Zelda technically is a descendant of the Zonai, the story doesn't really do anything with that to challenge the way it's recreating a colonial narrative about Native people. We've historically seen her as a pure white woman, one whose purity is contrasted with the toxicity and dangerous wickedness of Ganon.
The few times we do get characters with features or a heritage that deviate from eurocentrism (ex. Nabooru, Urbosa, Demise, Princess Hilda, Tetra, Midna, Ganon, Sonia, Telma, etc.) they're either the villain, sympathetic only in how they directly align and submit to Hyrule's power as one of the "good ones" or they're just murdered or erased from the story entirely.
The Gerudo are out looking for boyfriends, but we overwhelmingly see this in relation to white men in-game despite there being numerous dark-skinned Zelda characters in their partners and even in who is spying on them or trying to sneak into Gerudo town as a bunch of creeps.
Zelda as a franchise is very dedicated to positioning whiteness as inherently superior and more desirable.
The (white) Hylians have a god-given right to control and rule, and all of the non-white races of people are better off for it. While Zelda is technically a descendant of a Zonai, we still see her effectively as an innocent and almost holy white woman.
The franchise operates on the idea that some people are born with magic abilities and are essentially destined to rule over others and that any challenge to that superiority is inherently evil. The characters who ever challenge that are either villains or are antagonized and cut down for it.
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The Gendered Gaze in the Superhero Genre
Whenever media objectification of women is brought up (eg. “sexualization of female bodies is because our culture is centered around the male gaze”), some people like to counter with “but what about all the male shirtless scenes in Marvel movies?” The point being made is really that women can’t complain about our bodies being sexualized in media because so are men’s! Another argument is “well, women have been sexualized in media for so long, so let’s sexualize the men, too! Equality!” Additionally, many filmmakers/actors/fans like to justify said male shirtless scenes with “Here’s some eye candy for the ladies!”
But here’s the thing. Sexualization of male bodies in film and comics doesn’t actually cater to the female gaze.
Hyper-sexualization of both women and men in comics increased drastically in the late 80s and defined the 90s, especially with the rise of artists like Jim Lee and Rob Liefeld.
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You look at this and think “Hot women for straight men to look at and hot guys for straight women to look at. Sounds equal.” Except, female comic readership declined significantly in the 90s (mostly because of the increasing female objectification). Comics were being distributed to direct-market shops, which were largely male-dominated spaces. Even characters who were historically feminist and targeted at girls were being drawn by artists (Mike Deodato Jr.) who openly referred to their art as “porn Wonder Woman,” and were now being targeted at straight men. As far as the creators were concerned, their readers were predominantly male. Male comic creators were completely uninterested in catering to women. Their hyper-muscular male characters were targeted at men as power fantasies, and that’s really all there is to it.
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These portrayals? Plenty of straight women appreciate it, sure, but this is still the male gaze. Male directors might convince themselves that it’s “a little something for the ladies,” but it’s not. It’s continuing a male-targeted trend of the genre.
I’ve watched the Superman movies (1970s to now) with several female friends, and my overwhelming observation has been that they are far more affected by Christopher Reeve’s sweetness and adorable awkwardness than they are by Henry Cavill’s muscles.
As a longtime member of internet fandom, I’ve also noticed a major trend in fanart drawn by women and queer people that actually minimizes the muscle definition of male superheroes, frequently accentuating their body fat and generally making them look very soft and squishy instead of bulging veins and eight-packs.
When women routinely prefer character depth to physical attractiveness; sweetness to big muscles; fuller bodies to tightly muscled ones; hand touches to shirtless scenes; it becomes clear that the “we’re doing this for the ladies 😉” argument has little ground to stand on. It’s not about equality. It’s not about pleasing women. It’s about male power and toxic masculinity.
So actually no, directors have no excuse for dehydrating Henry Cavill and Chris Hemsworth to the point of hospitalization so they can “look like a superhero” and give the ladies some eye candy.
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So when Israel assassinated Iran’s leader I had a whole mental breakdown with snot and tears. I gathered my mom and brother in the living room and told them what’s gonna happen. My little brother wants to be a Marine. I have no fucking clue why because he is in no way cut out for that life. Nor does he seem to understand the intensity of it. Right now he’s 15 and I’m hoping in the next 3 years he will finally mature a little (if at all) and come to his senses and realize that a military life does not suit him.
Anyway, what I told them was this; the US is going to war. Maybe not right now but eventually Iran will retaliate and give Israel an opportunity to declare war. Biden has never kept his word on anything since he was elected. He is supplying weapons to Israel. He said he would NOT get us into another war. That’s bullshit and I don’t believe him. He is going to make us join the fight on Israel’s side and the Republicans are gonna back him up because they are all too stupid to realize that this is the perfect opportunity for Biden to get re-elected.
Democrats and Republicans are both funded by AIPAC which is basically just Israel paying our politicians for their loyalty and support. So almost everyone in an elected position right now is a Zionist. Enablers, supporters, traitors. All of them. Anyone who isn’t a Zionist hasn’t done shit to stop them so they are complicit as well.
Basically, all odds are stacked in the favor of the pedophilic Christian nationalists known as the U.S Government. The people have been brainwashed and indoctrinated for generations through the manipulation of our education system, lack of funding for infrastructure, gerrymandering, media monopolies peddling misinformation, and intentional destruction of community and culture, especially among areas with a high population of minorities. They have turned everyone against each other and thus there is no class solidarity in America. Because of this there is no armed rebellion or organized violent protest. There is just a smattering of walk outs and sit ins and everyone who has studied history knows that peaceful protest is a waste of time and effort.
There will be no resistance. There hasn’t been in a while. The rise of Nazi Germany happened just like this. It’s going to happen again. Except this time it’s happening to the most powerful and imposing nation in the world. A nation with the world’s largest Navy, Air Force, and Army. And all of our military branches are going to get bigger. Congress passed a law that now automatically registers every male 18 years or older for the Selective Service. This means that when the US enters the war with Israel, there may be a draft and that draft will include every man of age in the US. It’s possible that enough Zionists will enlist and the draft won’t be necessary but still there’s a precedent for that kind of fuckery and we call it Vietnam. That’s why my little brother was included in this convo. I do not want to see him forced to fight and die for a country that isn’t his.
The second part of that convo was explaining that a war will accelerate climate change resulting in the AMOC collapsing. This will devastate entire ecosystems. We already knew that with overfishing continuing at this rate that there won’t be enough fish left in the sea by 2050 to support the fishing industry and that will result in a whole lot of impoverished people starving to death. AMOC collapse wouldn’t just speed that up it would wipe out entire species. It will also create bigger, stronger, hurricanes, raise sea levels to catastrophic heights and eliminate coastal civilizations. Even worse it would create a perpetual drought for the Amazon Rainforest killing 10% of the world’s biodiversity. It will make the southern hemisphere hotter and the northern hemisphere colder. People will freeze death, die of heatstroke, dehydration, starvation, or fall victim to a natural disaster. The last time the AMOC slowed it ushered in an Ice Age. If the US military increases emissions they will speed us towards the next, and possibly final, Mass Extinction.
Of course, I was told that I am jumping to conclusions and that I needed to calm down and stop spiraling. Maybe I am spiraling. But the thing is, in 2019 I told my mom I needed face masks. She asked why and I explained that every 100 years humanity experiences a global pandemic. The last one was in 1920 so the next will be 2020 and since I’m immunocompromised I wanted to make sure I’m protected. I also told her that the news was saying there’s a new unidentified virus in China and I think it’s very likely that that will become the next pandemic. She also told me that time I was spiraling and that I needed to stay off the internet for a while. Anyone wanna guess what happened the next year?
I don’t think I’m spiraling anymore. I think I’m right, because today, on what is likely to be our final Independence Day thanks to a deeply corrupt Supreme Court’s complete undermining of the rule of law and the complete lack of enforcement of the checks and balances that is outlined in our Constitution, Iran has retaliated against Israel.
The reason this is terrifying is because this gives Biden the perfect reelection campaign. Trump is a felon and hated even by Republicans so he already has a leg up. He’s also .05% less Hitler than Trump so to the average liberal he still looks great. Thanks to the recent Supreme Court decision he also has the power of a monarch or dictator. He said he wouldn’t use this new power but like I said he’s always full of shit. What is likely to happen is that in order to secure his seat of power he will rally the Zionists to his cause and bring the US into a new war on the side of Israel. We all know the popular vote is useless and the Electoral College is rigged so if he does take us to war he’s basically guaranteed reelection. Republicans and Democrats alike are chomping at the bit to commit war crimes because they all invest in defense contractors so war will just line their pockets even more.
The speed at which we head towards total destruction is now entirely in the arthritic hands of a drugged up dementia patient. And as I sit here listening to fireworks in the distance that ironically mimics the sound of the artillery we supply to Israel, I am so incredibly heartbroken. When compared to the entirety of Earth’s history, humanity is but a flash in the pan. We have barely even begun and we are already almost gone. It is quite literally the end of the beginning and the beginning of the end. What a waste of potential. Or maybe there was never any potential. Maybe the reason we haven’t found other intelligent life is because it is a curse. Doomed to destroy ourselves and comprehend our own suffering. Maybe this universe is better off without the spark of life.
I can only hope that I am wrong. I want to be humiliated. I want to be embarrassed that I would ever think such a future awaits. But so far, I have only been proven right. Now the only hope I have left is that this world which is so deeply ironic in the worst of ways is just a cruel simulation created by some incomprehensible higher power. That we are toys in the hands of creation. That all this cruelty and suffering had a purpose, even if it was just to amuse some omnipotent evil.
Maybe Hell is real. Maybe this is it. Maybe we are just existing in the forms most suited for our miseries.
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verdantmeadows · 11 months
I'm gonna be honest, I really hate how super defined, chiseled abs are considered inherently hot, attractive, and healthy, when in fact the abs you see in media, whether it's ranging from things like live action to fanart, are incredibly unhealthy and only look that way due to dehydration and a lack of food intake.
I hate how this appearance in men is considered ideal when it is the very thing I see give so many men extreme body image issues as well that result in disordered eating. The number of men with unnoticed body dysmorphia and eating disorders from society's value placed on this kind of unhealthy appearance is so disheartening.
Striving for this kind of body is considered ideal, and, not only that, encouraged, even when it's clear that the only way one can achieve it is through unhealthy mindsets and treatments towards their body. To be clear, I'm not saying that working towards muscular strength is unhealthy by any means, but rather, the way "ideal" muscles are portrayed in various medias are inherently unhealthy and achieved through dangerous means, and that the dominating culture around muscular definition is directly responsible for the body image issues of so many men.
I wish that criticism of this culture and ideal was more acceptable and talked about. I wish that it was easier to get people to see how this culture and ideal directly harms them and other men. And I truly wish that there was more understanding that this culture and ideal is unhealthy and that it needs to stop.
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