#Deku stronger than me because if a pretty girl like Ochako even looked in my direction I would fold instantly for her
novaneondream · 4 months
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pretty in pink 🍡
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bakugous-bbygirl · 4 years
~ I wish I was Heather~
Bakugou x Reader
Welcome back my pretty sinners. Lets get sad. Obviously inspired by Conan Gray “Heather” I want to try and get better at writing sad things so here’s my second attempt! It isn’t all about the song just small mentions of it! I don’t hate Uraraka at all don’t think that please! It’s just the only ship I know that would fit! I also avoided using gender since Conan is a boy singing about how he wishes a guy loved him like he loved that woman so it made more sense to do it this way! Please enjoy!
Warning: swearing, slight name calling, vague death threats, sad times.
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You couldn’t believe how much of an asshole Bakugou really was towards you. It got worse after you tried to get closer to him.
After the attack on the USJ your hero costume had ripped slightly. Bakugou has given you his jacket to help you cover up. With some half comment about how you look nice in it.
That gave you hope.
False hope.
You figured he cared at least a little. Since he gave you the jacket with the comment. And your crush on the boy had grown since that day. You just wanted to get closer and be someone to him. But instead he ran.
Your blood runs cold as he ran from you.
Saying he’d rather die than be in a relationship with such a weakling. Someone who doesn’t hold a candle to how strong he is. You could feel his anger boil at you.
It was clear the thought of you touching him made his stomach turn.
After that day he completely avoids you. And spends so much more time with her. Her.
Ochako Uraraka.
He would talk to her more. Tell her to stop spending time with deku. And that he was a real hero that she needed to be with.
And her stupid round face would just light up as she laughed and touched on him. It pissed you off so badly you wanted to hurt the girl. On purpose.
If she invited you out somewhere. You told her to piss off.
She asked for you notes? Told her to go choke.
Paired up During hero training? You’d do your best. By yourself.
You had even developed a nickname for her. Since she got the royal treatment from the man you loved you started calling her princess. That’s how she damn acts. That damn humble poor girl act got old as shit as Bakugou started bringing her lunches and snacks throughout the day. You wanted to be her so badly.
You wished every damn day she choked on anything inside of that bag.
You damn refused to let her flirt with someone who you ached for. You wanted him, not her. She was damn scared of him up until he started acting like an ass. That lasted until you were Third years. Almost ready to become real heros in the world. All that stood in your way was a group project put four of you in the worst situation.
Bakugou, you, Uraraka, and Midorya.
Midorya seemed tense the whole time because his small crush on the girl was stomped on almost every two minutes by Bakugou. “Deku shut up you damn nerd. I want to hear what round face has to say.” He’d give her his full attention. But when you opened your mouth to breathe out that you had disagreed with an idea she came up with Bakugou stared you down as if you had shot his father. “The Fuck. Did you say?”
You turned your head away snapping your pencil as Midorya tried to take up for you. “It’s fine, ignore the weakling. let’s just do what the princess wants.” You shrugged harshly and jumped up as the bell rung allowing you to leave for the day.
You ignored their constant calls and pleas for you to come back so they could talk to you but you could give a fuck less. You always. Always treated her badly. Yet she still wants to be your damn friend. You despised how much you wanted to be her it made your stomach turn. That’s probably why she’s all over the blonde. She likes the attention. Good or bad. She loved it. You stomped off school grounds to go get something to eat. You walked into a gas station not far from the school when you noticed your phone buzzing.
You assumed it was denki or Mina complaing about the group they were put in but instead it was an unknown number.
Unknown: “get your ass back to the dorms. We have work.”
You: “the hell? Who is this?”
Unknown: “Bakugou. Get here now damnit.”
Like hell. You took all the time you needed to get your chips and ice cream treat as you walk back to the dorms. Taking the long way. The long. Long way. You had plenty of time to finish your ice cream and chips. Finally deciding you avoided the group project long enough you walked inside of the dorms. The sun had already begun its decent as you had closed the doors and took off your outside shoes.
“What the fuck! I told you to be here almost two hours ago!” You felt a grip on your shirt yanking your attention from placing your shoes down. “Since when do I answer to you?” You kept a calm face as he tugged you closer feeling the anger as this is the most he’s talked to you in years. You wanted this. angry or happy you needed him this close. “Bakugou come on put her down. I’m sure she was busy..”
God damnit. Mind your own business Uraraka. She always ruins everything. Please fucking die.
“No. I wasn’t. I decided to walk slow.” You yanked your shirt back from Bakugou and walked to the elevator calmly as if you weren’t ready to cut off the little princess’s head.
You could feel him following you. Growling and mumbling whatever to himself. You payed him no mind as you pressed your floor button once both of you were on the elevator. Humming softly as if the boy didn’t exist.
Once off the elevator you had walked to your room, unlocked your door, and walked in. However as you went to close the door you watched Bakugou slam his hand in the way and growl at you. “What the hell is your problem Y/N?”
You gave a yawn as you rubbed your face. “Well I was gonna change but I guess that’ll be all my problems for the moment.” His face was turning red from anger as he started to get loud. Like always. You adored his loud voice “What the fuck?! Why the hell did you run off and leave all the work on us?!” Your calm demeanor had tightened as you glare up at him. “My ideas didn’t matter. So I’ll handle the presenting part. That way you won’t have to spit my way since you hate looking at me so much.” You yanked his hand off your door going to slam it again until a small controlled blast had interrupted you.
Bakugou has gotten so good at controlling his quirk. Since the start of his years he’s always been so far above you. That’s why he looked down on you in such a way. You were under him. You were weaker. Dumber. He was perfect. And Uraraka was perfect for him. You weren’t. You wanted to be. You begged every night he would stare at you as he did her. But it never happened. Instead his stamina had grown, muscles had defined themselves, face and eyes had sharped. He looked like a god. He was a god. A god you still loved.
But you forced yourself to swallow that feeling deep inside of you, he had already crushed your heart so badly it left a real hole in your chest, one that aches every time he glared your way. Tonight was no different.
“Don’t. You. Dare. Slam this door.” You glared up Bakugou. You wanted to cry because of how hard he was staring at you. You felt like a puppy who just got caught peeing on the carpet and your owner was scolding you. “Why shouldn’t I. Don’t you want to go crawl up under Uraraka and spend the night talking to her about the project. I’ll be no help to either of you. Like I said I’ll do the presenting part.” You spit at him with so much hate. You hated everything you said. But you wanted to be away from him so quickly you were desperate. What you really wanted was him crawling up to you. Holding you. Saying you looked so prefect in his jacket and no one else did. You wanted him to kiss you like you were the only person in the world
“What the hell do you mean dumbass. She’s not my damn girlfriend I don’t want to crawl up under her. Who the fuck do you think your talking to?” Another small explostion left his fist as you let him continue. “After your damn little outburst those two nerds spent almost all of our time worrying about you. And asking why you threw such a fit. Damn round face saying she never understood why you hated her so much and treated others so nicely. Why none of your insults were aimed to me. I had to explain your pathetic attempt at a confession and how I shut you down.” You felt your face turn red with embarrassment as your eyes started to water. You dropped your head to stare at your shoes, gripping your school shirt weakly. Yes it had been so long since that happened but it still hurt to hear. No It didn’t just hurt. It ripped you apart over and over again.
“Apparently though. I was wrong to say any of that to you.”
Your head jumped up at those words. Your chest stung with confusion. What did he mean? Why did he say this now.
“Apparently it was ‘too harsh’ and ‘cruel to say to such a young person.’” his face twisted a bit while rubbing his arms. Almost like he didn’t understand what he was saying. “Look alright I get it. We were both younger. And one of us was wrong. We were too young to know what the other was talking about.” Your chest was almost in your throat. Was he saying he liked you back? Was he telling you to crush this childish grudge you were holding? What was going through his head at this moment. Why does he looked so pained? “I hate admiting I was wrong, but you aren’t the weak one.”
Bakugou couldn’t even bring his head up to face you. His eyes were watering, he looked heart broken..why was he the one who’s hurt? You were the one who suffered for years! You were the one watching them get close and feeling the rip in your heart begging stabbed over and over and over again! Why does he get the right to cry!
“I did, I tried to move on, I thought damn round face was the one..she was stronger..always trying her hardest..but..she didn’t hold anything against you..when you hated her..” thinking back on it. You never turned to her for help. Even when the situation looked like shit you found your own way out. Even at the expense of your body, it only made you stronger in the long run. You had gained more muscle, and begun to think faster and make better choices in dangerous situations. You had grown so much. You barely noticed. All you could ever think about was being her. Being like her to see if the blonde would begin to love you if you just tried hard enough. “You’ve worked so hard..harder than anyone..just to outdo her..be better..I don’t know if it was for me..or..because of me..b-but..I’m..im so sorry..I..I hurt you..tried to weaken you..so no one would stand in my way to try and reach the top..all I did was cripple myself..while you..you passed me..”
What the hell does he mean..he’s still so strong to you..you went to reach out for him..you wanted to touch him..but one part was still so angry at him..he put you through hell..and here he stands..trying to tell you something..anything..he was the one reaching here. “She turned me down..said she loved someone else..said it wasn’t personal. She still loved me as a friend. But she refused to watch me tear you down more..” she..she did what? “Huh..b-but..” he waved his hand to stop you. “Just listen up. I hate repeating myself. I thought I was always right. Thought if I grabbed onto my dreams hard enough I could bend the world to fit my dreams. But instead it slipped from my fingers, and forced me down. Back down to earth. Back to you.”
“I love you.”
A small gasp left your lips as you let all your tears fall. This is all you’ve wanted to hear for years. So why does it hurt so much to hear it. Why does it still sting. Was it because you’ve been demoted to second choice? Was it because your still angry? What’s happening?
Can you forgive him like you’ve always wanted..?
Allllright kids I hope we enjoyed! Thank you all again for 100 followers! It means a lot to me and I really never expected anything I wrote to get any attention at all! I really love you all!
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Where is the real me
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Summary: Ever since quirks became the new normal the US decided to try to recreate some powers from the movies such as Marvel and DC. I happen to be one of those people that they recreated powers on. I was the lucky or unlucky one depending on how you look at it that got scarlet witch powers. I've was recently got accepted into UA college.
A/n: This is an aged up fic. The UA students will be college age. Since I decided to make this story a love triangle between the reader, bakugou and Dabi and since bakugou and the reader would be a early age teen in the original story I didn't want the FBI to be breaking down my door so aging them up was the way to go.
“What’s the matter you two? You guys look scared. You dodged the attack so you can still fight can’t you? Come and get me.” Bakugou said. I started to walk slowly over to him. “You need to stop this right now. You acting childish.” I said. “Oh I’m the childish one. Here you are helping the team. Didn’t you tell me that we were a team?” Bakugou said. “I’m making sure that the damage you are trying to cause doesn’t affect the weapon. Because if this was real and we were guarding a real weapon with would have gone off by now.” I said. “Come in what’s the situation.” Midoriya said. “Are you ignoring me again? I’ll get your attention.” Bakugou said. “Bakugou. Use that stored-up power again and I’ll stop this fight. Your team will lose. ” All Might said through the loud speakers. “Huh?” Bakugou asked. “To employ such a strong attack indoors is inviting the destruction of the stronghold you should be protecting. That’s a poor strategy whether you’re a hero or a villain. The penalty would be a massive loss of points.” All might said. Bakugou let out a frustrated yell. “The pillar by the window. Get there now!” Midoriya said. “Fine. We’ll fight hand to hand.” Bakugou yelled and used his quirk to launched himself towards Midoriya and I. But before I could do anything to stop him he out stretched a hand at me shooting a blast at me. Just like before I caught it within my energy and kept it contained. “Come on you got to be kidding me.” Bakugou said. But this time the blast seemed a bit stronger than the last one I stopped. It had caused me to fall down on one knee. By the time I stopped that blast I heard two more go off. Son of bitch he distracted me. “Here it comes nerd! The famous right hook you were whining about!” Bakugou yelled. Bakugou slammed his right hand against Midoriya side as he grabbed his arm using his quirk to turn himself around. “Stop!” I yelled. “Deuk! Don’t you ever forget what you are! You’re a weakling!” Bakugou yelled as he flipped Midoriya over his shoulder slamming him on the ground. Midoriya was quick to get up and started to run away standing on the other side of the room. “Why won’t you use your damn quirk against me? Still think you can stop me without it?” Bakugou asked. “That’s not it.” Midoriya said. “You’ve been hiding your true power for years. What’s the deal Deku? Did you think you were better than me this entire time?” Bakugou asked. “That’s what you think? You idiot. You’ve always been stronger Kacchan. I know that you’re better than me.  Can’t you see? That’s why I wanna beat you. Because you’re amazing!” Midoriya said with tears in his eyes. “You’re even more of an idiot than I realized. Come at me!” Bakugou yelled. Then the two of them started to run full force at each other. Bakugou got ready to throw another blast while I saw Midoriya’s arm start to glow. “I said stop!” I yelled. I watched as my red energy start to make its way over to the two of them. “Both of you stop!” All Might yelled. “Uraraka now!” Midoriya yelled. Right as my red energy reached the two of them Midoryia got the full force of Bakugou’s attack while his went up into the ceiling. I started to stop Midoriya’s attack but I was struggling. It broke through the ceiling causing debris to start raining down. I kept the debris in its place. I started to hear the windows start to break. I let out a scream as the ceiling start to fix itself and I could hear the glass start to fix itself too. I started to feel lightheaded I dropped my arms to my side as my legs gave out from under me sending me to the ground. 
“This was your big plan. From the very beginning wasn’t it? You were playing me this entire time you bastard.” Bakugou said. “I wasn’t going to use it. Because I can’t control it. My body just can’t handle the backlash of my power yet. Mr. Aizawa said I’d be useless. But this was all that I could think of. This is the only was I had a chance at winning.” Midoriya said. “The hero team wins!” All Might yelled. I heard the sound of something falling to the ground. I looked up to see that Midoriya was now on the ground.
I wanted to go over to see if Midoriya was okay but every time I tried to get up my legs gave out from under me. “Your indoor combat training is over.” All Might said. A few minutes later All might came into the building. He went to check on Midoriya first. He ordered some medical robots from the nurse to come and get Midoriya. Then he came over to me. “Are you okay young Y/n?” All Might asked as he kneeled down. “I’m fine. I just never used that much of my power before. I just need a minute. But you might want to go check on Bakugou looks like he having some sort of panic attack.” I said. “You seem to be right young Y/n.” All Might said as he got up and went over to Bakugou who by then had started to breathe heavily. Bakugou seemed to be lost in his thoughts to notice All Might come up to him putting a hand on his shoulder. “Young Bakugou cool your jets. Let’s go review your work. Whether you win or lose you can always take something away from an experience like this. As long as you’re open to learning.” All might said. I tried to get up my legs were still a bit wobbly but other than I could walk just fine.
Bakugou, Tenya, Ochako and I followed All might back to the watch room where the other students were watching the fights. “Well despite the results. The MVPs of this exercise is Young Iida and Young Y/l/n!” All might said. Wait a damn minute. Wait a damn minute. “Huh?” Tenya asked confused and I was right there with him. “Shouldn’t it be one of the heroes instead since they’re the winners?” Tsu asked. “Mm! Valid question. Why didn’t I choose one of those two? Who has a guess?” All might said. “Sir! I can tell you why! Iida embraced this challenge. He was the only one who truly adapted to his assigned role. I’ll explain. Bakugou’s judgement was clouded by a personal grudge against Midoriya. As you pointed out earlier launching a large scale attack indoors was a foolish move. It could have been disastrous. Similarly Midoriya’s  plan was also poorly thought out considering the amount of damage that he received. He rendered himself helpless. Not smart. As for Uraraka… She let her guard down mid battle and her final attack was far too reckless given the hypothetical stakes. If she’d treated the fake weapon as though it were real she never would’ve risked using such an imprecise move. As for Y/n she managed to keep any damage that Bakugou and Midoriya would have caused to a bear minimal. She tried to make Bakugou stop but when he didn’t she didn’t force it on him but made sure that the weapon wouldn’t have gone off if it was real. “Iida was fully prepared for his opponent’s arrival he had a strategy and never lost sight of his mission to protect the dummy weapon even if he was foiled in the end. Technically the hero team won yes but they took advantage of the fact that this was training. They didn’t respect the spirit of the trial.” A girl with long black hair explained. “Yes well you over looked a few things. Young Iida could have relaxed a little bit in the exercise but otherwise you nailed it!” All might said giving a thumbs up. I laughed a little as I shook my head. “One should always start with the basics and devote themselves wholeheartedly to learning. That’s the only real way to become a top hero.” She said. Everyone looked at her in shock. “Now then. Time to blow this joint. Let’s move on to the next match! Think about everything was saw and discussed as you tackle this training for yourself.” All might said. “Yes sir!” All the other students said. All might drew the next to team which was B for the heroes and I for the villains.  I started to get a little dizzy again. I decided not to say anything as I watched the fight.
I watched as one of the boys on Team B walked out of the building while the other who was the boy I sit front of stay inside. Then the whole building was covered in ice. The room also got cold fast. I looked around to see almost everyone shivering. But Tsu was asleep. Which seem a bit odd. “He incapacitated them without compromising the weapon of his teammate. Take close note of his technique students.” All might said. “Woah he’s so strong!” A male voice said. I watched as he place a hand on the fake weapon. “The hero team wins!” All might yelled. Just like that all the ice melted away. “Holy crap.” Another male voice said. “That guy’s kind of intimidating.” Another said. “He got in on a recommendation so he must be good.” Tsu said. “I say if there’s enough time that he and Y/n should got against each other now that would be an interesting fight.” One of the guys said. “Moving on! Time to gather round for a review of the second match. After that we’ll jet on over to our next battle.” All might said. “Yes sir.” Everyone said.
Soon all the matches were over and they were pretty interesting to watching. Expect maybe with the kid that was with the black hair girl. He acted like a pervert so I will have to be careful around that one. The last battle ended just a few minutes before class was about to end which made almost everyone groan since they really wanted me to go against the guy on team B. We walked back to the entrance of the training area. There were a few students talking which made All might blew his whistle. “That’s a wrap! Super work. You really stepped up to the plate and we didn’t have any major injuries expect for Midoriya. You should be proud. Excellent first day of training all around!” All might said giving us a thumbs up. “it’s nice to hear some encouraging words after our homeroom class. Mr. Aizawa was kind of a buzzkill.” Tsu said. What have I missed? Whatever it was is probably a good thing. “I’m happy to bring such staggering positivity to my alma mater! That’s all for now folks. I should go and check on Young Midoriya’s progress! Now watch how a pro exits. Like he’s got somewhere to be!” All might said then ran off leaving a cloud of smoke behind him. “Okay you guys that is a hero.” One of the boys said. “Aw I’ll never be able to run that fast.” Another boy said. “Super awesome!” Another one said while putting a hand to his mouth and that one was the pervert.
All of the girls started to walk out and I followed them. “So Y/n is it?” One of the boys asked. I stopped in my tracks and turn back around. “Yes?” I asked. “Is it true that you were experimented on when you were younger?” A boy with red hair asked. “Sorry Y/n I didn’t mean to tell everyone.” Tsu said. “It’s fine Tsu I don’t mind. Yes I was experimented on when I was younger.” I said. “She also mentioned that your quirk was recreated from the superhero movies and it looked really familiar but couldn’t remember who’s was it?” A boy with blonde hair with a black lightning bolt streak in it. “It was the scarlet witch.” I said. “A real babe come to life.” The perverted boy said. “Yeah I have problem ending you.” I said pointing at the boy who looked scared to death. “Yes ma’ma.” He said. “That also goes for the other girls. If you make a perverted comment about any of them I will make you go through your worse fear.” I said. “Yes ma’ma.” He said. “Good.” I said turning back around to follow the other girls back to the locker room.
Once we walked into the locker room a girl with pink skin pulled me into a hug. “Girl thank you. He’s been making so many comments since yesterday.” She said. “Yeah no problem.” I said hugging her back. “Yeah thanks a lot.” The girl with black hair said. I nodded. “You’re pretty strong too.” A girl with purple hair said. “So are you guys.” I said. “Yeah but none of us could go up against Bakugou like you did.” Ochako said. I guess what Ochako said was kinda right. “What are your names?” I asked. “I’m Mina Ashido.” The girl with the pink skin said. “I’m Momo Yaoyorozu.” The girl with black hair said. “I’m Kyouka Jirou.” The girl with purple hair said. “I’m Toru Hagakure.” The girl was completely invisible said. “Well it’s nice to meet you all.” I said. “We should all get changed we wouldn’t want to be late don’t want to make Mr. Aizawa mad.” Momo said. We all got changed out of our hero costumes and back into our uniforms. This is something I will have to get use to.
A/N: I will be taking possible super hero names at this time
Taglist: @flowersgirl02 @jazzylove
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thestarwrites · 4 years
All Right, All Might: Ch. 9
Word Count: 3,030
Rating: PG-13 (Mentions of a sexual nature)
Painting: Toshinori Yagi X FemOC
The UA Guidance Counselor, a quirk user with Pathokenesis, is shocked to find out her personal hero All Might is coming to be a teacher. The road they walk as a parallel starts to merge and there’s no telling what could happen. The attack on the USJ has sparked a lot of things from happening – including a new level of relationship for Toshinori and Keri. And now with the sports festival in two weeks, she starts counseling the 1-A students, and she gets to know class 1-A better than before.
“Miss Chairo- you wanted to see me?” The calm and clear voice of Tenya Ida came though the doorway with a soft hesitation.
“Yes- come in Tenya, make yourself at home,” the guidance counselor smiled and took a deep breath, “I’m sure you of all people understand why you’re here today.”
He gave a nod, sitting on the sofa, “Yes miss. About yesterday.”
Keri smiled, “I just want to check in on you... see how you’re doing after everything, you were a real hero yesterday and I know that kind of fear that comes with not knowing what to do but having to act anyway.” She set a cup of tea in front of the boy on the coffee table, “You have that ability to act with purpose, I saw it also the other morning when you stopped everyone from stampeding out of the cafeteria.”
Ida blushed and he smiled shyly, “Thank you miss Chairo...”
“I just tell it like it is, Tenya,” she smiled, “Let’s talk about it, let’s try to unpack it from yesterday- you were a mess when I saw you. How did you feel?”
Taking a deep breath he looked down at his fists on his knees, “I... all I could think in my head was that I was abandoning them. That I was leaving them one man down while I ran. I thought, what if I’m not fast enough, what if there are villains waiting to ambush someone running for help?”
She nodded and listened to him, her forehead began to glow as she wordlessly reassured the boy, “Those are all very valid concerns, I haven’t been doing support hero work long, but I have known a lot of heroes - do you know the BMI Hero Fatgum?”
“Yeah! I’ve heard of him…”
“He always was afraid of hurting people or not being fast enough to save people - heroes are always afraid. But its the ability to dig deep and push forward that really makes a good hero. And you really do deserve your place here at UA. All of the members of your class do, you all have proved how tenacious you all are.”
Tenya took a deep breath and nodded, “I guess all heroes are afraid - do you get afraid Miss Chairo?”
“Of course I do. I was afraid yesterday when I found you running up to the school. But we had to act, hm?” He nodded and took a deep breath, “But it is completely necessary to decompress and talk about incidents after they happen. It’s important to talk about how we feel. Because if you bottle things up, or try to take things into your own hands… well, things don’t turn out well most of the time.”
He nodded and took a deep breath, “Talk about how I feel.” He nodded again, “Maybe as class rep I can help the other students keep being reminded of this valuable lesson!”
She chuckled and sighed, “Tenya I think that’s a wonderful sentiment, that’s why I wanted to become a hero therapist. Because I think it’s very important. So if you ever feel anything start to pile up on you, or you feel out of control, or afraid - you come and talk to me. And if not me, any of your classmates. Don’t forget now, okay?”
“I wont! I promise!” He grinned, “It does make me feel better knowing you were scared yesterday too…”
Keri smiled, “I’m glad, I always want you to remember, heroes are just people. You and your classmates got a very real taste of something very scary. You’re all handling it very well. I’m so proud.”
Tenya grinned wider, “Well I will do my best to never let you down, Miss Chairo!”
She chuckled, “Okay Tenya, just try your best… go on back to class now, hm?”
He nodded and bowed, always so formal, “Have a good rest of your day Miss Chairo!” He waved as he left, taking his backpack with him.
After Ida, she had some shorter visits with children who were more or less fine; Mineta, Sato, Shouji, Kaminari, Tokoyami, Hagakure, and Sero. They were very brief, mostly just a yes miss I’m fine, and back to class. She didn’t sense any trauma there.
The only one who came in who needed a little more counseling was the boy Aoyama - he was hiding the entire battle. He felt regret and fear about it. She thought back to what she said to Eijiro - some heroes don’t know how they fit. She’d have to think on how to help this blonde boy.
The final face before her lunchtime meeting with Izuku and Toshinori that she saw was the sweet round face of Ochako Uraraka. Keri smiled and took a deep breath, “Good morning Ochako, please come on in!”
The girl grinned, “How are you this morning miss Keri?”
“I’m doing just fine, especially since all of you kids are alright now,” She smiled, “And that Aizawa is even his normal miserable self.”
Ochaco giggled as she sat down on the couch, “I’m glad everyone is okay too… I was really worried about the teachers, but Aizawa, Thirteen and All Might all seem to be okay.”
“Yeah, you all are so resilient, how are you doing?”
“I mean, I’m a little scared but… you know, the teachers and the police are gonna protect us! That’s what they do.” She said hopefully.
Keri smiled, “Yes, they certainly will do their best - but don’t forget Ochaco, you also have to continue to work on getting stronger and having a strategy for when things don’t pan out as you hope.”
She nodded, “Of course Miss Keri,” she hummed, “Uhm - can I ask you a personal question?”
Blinking the woman smiled, “Sure, why not?”
“Mina said she saw you running through the hall and crying yesterday… are, are you okay?”
Keri blushed a little and smiled bashfully, “I was just worried is all, it was a long day, and I had to maintain normalcy for everyone, it just gets to you sometimes.”
“Is it…. Cause of All Might? Cause he was hurt?” Ochaco blushed.
She smiled a little, “Yeah… I was really worried about him. He pushes himself really hard you know? And so does Midoriya.” Her cheeks lit red at the mention of the boy, and Keri smiled, “I’m sure you were worried about Izuku as well?”
“W-well yeah… I mean… he’s my… friend, right? Of course I was…”
“Girl to girl - I think we both had the same worry.” Keri smiled warmly.
Ochaco bit her lip, “I- I mean— I just wanted him to be okay! I mean — you and All Might - well that’s different! I saw you guys in the hall this morning holding hands— Not like, not like I want to hold hands with Deku!”
“Breathe, Ochaco,” Keri smiled, sending soothing energy over her, “You are in a safe place and I do not discuss sessions. Izuku is a handsome young man, and he’s strong and courageous. A lot of the boys in your class are pretty remarkable. There’s nothing to be ashamed of thinking good things about someone you admire… and you’re right, All Might and I were holding hands, we’re just… trying it out, you know?”
“I thought you guys were already dating when I met you.” She blinked.
Keri laughed, “No… no I only met him some months before you all did, I was working here my first year last year, and at the end of the semester, All Might came into my office thinking it was where Principal Nezu was located, and he scared the hell out of me, I’ll tell you.”
Ochaco laughed a bit at that, the heat being taken off of her developing feelings, “How did you get so close?”
She smiled fondly, “Well, he is the Symbol of Peace, right? He’s supposed to be unbreakable, infallible, strong and sturdy and happy — All Might is still a man, like anyone else. He gets scared, and hurt, and upset too. I just offered him someone to talk to.”
“So you’re like, his therapist?”
“More like a friend, he listens to me too,” She smiled, “We just kind of… hit it off I guess. We became really close friends - then we got into a fight before school started. And since we made up, we’ve decided to see if we could be more than friends I guess.” She blushed.
The teen smiled, “Well I hope you guys stay more than friends.”
“Why’s that?”
“Well,” she started, “All Might deserves to have someone he can share his time with - the tabloids have never shown him with anyone. It’s kind of sad if he has to save the world, and he has no one to hold him when he’s sad. Everyone needs someone to hold them up.” Keri smiled fondly at the girl, she was certainly as sweet as Izuku was, “And you’re so nice, Miss Keri - and you always check on us - I mean, you checked on me the day of the entrance exam… you made sure I wasn’t in shock and helped me get to the bathroom when I was queasy. You’re both just… cute together I think.”
Keri smiled, “Well, thank you Ochaco… that’s very nice of you to say. And you’re right, everyone needs someone to hold them up. So don’t be afraid of holding others up if you feel you want to, okay? Let your gut tell you what to do.”
She nodded and smiled, the bell for lunch rang, “Oh! I’m so hungry - I’m going to go meet up with my friends, but thank you for taking care of us, miss Keri.”
Smiling she nodded, “Don’t stop believing in the good things in the world, Ochaco.” Waving as the girl left she sighed and pulled the privacy curtain down, sitting on the sofa with a tired sigh. This was more than she was used to, she was a little tapped out from using her quirk for so long but she could bear up alright with some tea and food.
She jumped when the door suddenly flung open, “Hey!” The tall muscular blonde who opened the door cheered, “I am here! With young Midoriya!”
Keri just sighed and nodded, “Hello boys, come on in,” it was unintentionally punctuated with a yawn.
Deki frowned, “Are you alright Miss Chairo?”
Smiling at the green haired boy she nodded, quickly also seeing concern on her boyfriend’s face as he deflated, locking the office door, “Yes yes, just tired. I’ve been using my quirk for hours.”
Toshinori came over to her on the sofa, and he patted his lap, “You’re not overdoing it right? Do you feel nauseous at all? Here - why don’t you lie down here while I speak with young Midoriya? I’m sure a small nap would do you good.”
She blushed, “N- no I’m fine, promise.” If Izuku wasn’t here, she would curl into Toshinori like a tired kitten, but, this was school. No matter how close Toshinori and Izuku were, they are his teachers, “You don’t have to worry so much, I’m fine, honestly. You and Izuku just, talk okay?”
He nodded, “Well- I have a free period after lunch so… offer stands, okay?”
She nodded and went about making tea for her hero and her student, “Let me get some tea going…”
Toshinori looked to Midoriya and he gave a small sigh, “Fifty minutes.”
Keri winced gently at the frankness of her boyfriend’s voice, seemingly unbothered. The two of them had already had this talk, but he had some things to bring to the attention of his protégée.
“H-huh?” Izuku looked shocked, “fifty minutes?!”
Toshinori nodded, “That’s about how long I can use my power now… I overdid it too many times.”
“I’ll say,” Patho chimed in causing a look from both men.
“That Nomu was a real tough customer…” the blonde continued, “it took a lot out of me. At this point I can barely even look like All Might for an hour and a half.”
Izuku looked down at his knees and he grunted softly, “I’m so sorry, I should have just —!”
Toshinori burst into laughter, blood erupting from his mouth as he did so, “You don’t need to apologize for anything!”
“Toshi! Cover your mouth you’re getting blood all over my office!” Keri scolded.
He cleared his throat, using the old stained ladies handkerchief Keri had lended him to hold against his lips, “MAN, we are alike, you and me, kid.”
Keri sighed and came over, setting the tea tray on the little coffee table, “Have some tea, Izuku.”
“Thanks…” he said with a little shock in his voice.
After a pause in the room, she sighed, “I will take a walk, I’ve been cooped up in this room all day, I’d like some air.” She leaned in and kissed Toshinori’s head.
He reached for her hand and kissed it, “Knock the way we talked about when you get back.”
“Yes, Mister number one,” she smirked and waved, “Don’t be too hard on young Izuku now, you already are scaring him spewing blood like a sprinkler.”
“B-bye Miss Chairo.” He stuttered and looked back to All Might.
All Might watched her fondly before turning back to Izuku, “I brought you here to talk about the sports festival…”
Keri stepped out of her office and stretched, heading down the hall to the balcony near her and Recovery Girl’s office. She was worried about Toshinori - though when wasn’t she?
“Hello my dear…” the smoky and familiar voice of Midnight cooed from behind her as a hand dragged onto her back, “Going for a walk?”
She jumped slightly, “Ah- Nemuri- Yes… I needed some fresh air, Ive been using my quirk all morning - how did the meeting go?”
“Oh you haven’t been filled in by your man?” She smirked.
Patho blushed, “He is busy speaking with a student right now, I haven’t gotten the chance to ask him yet.”
“Well, All Might went on a big monologue about how this Shigaraki fellow is a spoiled brat - honestly that man is smart. But we don’t know much. Honestly we’re all just worried this is turning the small-time thugs and villains into a team to try and overthrow society.”
Nodding the younger woman took a deep breath, “That’s what I was afraid of too.”
“How are the children, though?”
Looking up she nodded, “They’re doing okay. Some of them are a little shaken up, especially Tenya Ida, but most of them just kind of put their trust in us and the school to continue to protect them, bu they know they have to work hard to be stronger. Best case scenario, really.”
Nemuri took a deep breath, “And how is All Might?”
“Well… you know him, he blames himself for not being there from the start. We were talking last night I had to kind of make him snap out of it, that self-deprecating hole he gets himself into.” She sighed.
“Last night?” She smirked.
“Oh- uh,” Keri blushed, “Toshinori stayed at my place last night, to get some actual rest.”
A grin spread over Midnight’s face, “So, there’s something I’ve been DYING to know…” Looking at her with skeptical eyes, Keri waited for her two continue, “Is All Might’s manhood bigger when he’s All Might?”
Keri sputtered, inhaling a breath and coughing wildly as she held to her chest, “NEMURI!”
“What! Inquiring minds want to know, Patho.” She purred.
Wiping her lips she shook her head, face furiously red, forehead glowing, “W-we haven’t— we’ve only kind of made out! We’re taking things slow! Oh my god why are you even thinking about his — his —“
“His cock?”
Keri started glowing, visibly shaken by this line of questioning, “MIDNIGHT PLEASE.” She groaned, “Why do you do this to me!”
“Because honey, you’re just so innocent about it all,” She gasped, “WAIT - are you a a virgin….”
Patho was still glowing as waves of embarrassment flooded the hallways, “What! N- no! No I’m not okay! I’ve been with someone!”
Putting her hands on her hips, midnight huffed, “I don’t believe you. I want a name.”
“Oh my god you don’t have to believe me!” She sighed and ran a hand over her face, trying to calm down, “Taishiro Toyomitsu.”
Midnight blinked for a few moments and then she held up her arms, “Am I supposed to know who that is?”
She groaned, “The hero Fatgum?? His name is Taishiro.”
“FATGUM? Are you serious? When? How long?”
“We met when I was in college okay! We dated for three years. It just didn’t work out, we were too different and he was just really committed to being a hero, and I was too committed to being a therapist.” She sighed, “Happy now?”
“Does All Might know?”
Blushing Patho shook her head, “No, and I don’t want to talk about past stuff with him yet. He’s really self conscious and he’s too sweet to admit it but he gets jealous I think. I don’t know, I just want him to be assured in how I feel before we go into our pasts.”
The older woman’s face softened, “You really do love him, don’t you.”
“I… I mean,” She took a deep breath, “Yes, I love him - I’m crazy about him. He’s the most wonderful man in the world and I just want to take care of him.”
She smiled, “I’m glad. I used to see girls he’d have flings with… most of them were fame whores or gold diggers, you know. And Toshinori is just too nice to understand sometimes.”
“I know he is. He thinks the world is a great place full of good people. He gets taken advantage of, but he never complains.”
Midnight hugged the girls shoulders, “He deserves someone like you, Keri, truly, someone who really does care.”
“Thanks Nemuri, you’re a great friend when you’re not being a pervert.” She laughed.
Midnight smirked, “Well listen honey, when you find out the answer to my question, I want to know,” She smirked, “Gotta run! Time to teach, kisses!”
Keri slapped her forehead and groaned, “I need to go lay down.”
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makeste · 4 years
Who is the bitch in the first year hero courses most down for murder, do you think? Surprisingly, despite being the only one to actually MAKE death threats, I'm mot sure Bakugou is all that high up there? When you've got Todo freezing people from the inside out, Mushroom Girl choking people, Honenuki drowning people and dropping industrial chimneys on them etc etc... What would your rankings be?
what better way to spend a Sunday evening than by ranking all of U.A.’s first-year students by murder.
disclaimer: I am doing this for fun and this entire post is ridiculous so please do not take it too seriously. also just a heads up, this post contains some recent manga spoilers as well as a couple of spoilers for Heroes Rising. now then, let’s quantify these bloodthirsty little savages.
okay so despite being entirely too plus ultra for their own good, approximately 99% of these kids would never dream of doing any kind of permanent harm to another living being. so I’m just listing the first thirty in no particular order, and then we’ll get to ranking the top ten.
despite having that brief moment in chapter 167 where virtually everyone thought he was a serial killer, Aoyama is actually a good boy. a bit stalkerish, maybe.
Mina did dream up that one attack where Ochako floats her up in the air so that she can rain acid down on people, which is slightly homicidal. but she’s not a killer. honestly if she was we’d all be dead already. see: thicc Girl Noumu.
if Tsuyu had ever killed someone she would have already told everyone all about it because she is open about these things so safe to say she is not a killer.
all Ochako wants to do is help and support people. she can be pretty hardcore from time to time but my baby girl would never. not to say that villain wouldn’t be a good look on her. I still get a shiver up my spine remembering that one time Toga turned into her and demonstrated exactly how deadly her quirk could be.
nah. the worst thing Ojiro has ever done was throwing his empty plain yogurt cup into the wrong recycling bin by accident, and he felt terrible about it afterward.
real talk, Kaminari could very easily kill a ton of people with his quirk if he actually tried. but he hasn’t, because he is only two and is too busy learning his shapes and colors and leaving his lego duplo blocks all over the carpet for other people to trip on.
do I even have to justify this at all. duh Kirishima doesn’t murder people sorry to anyone who came into this post all excited to read a big paragraph going off about Kiri’s raw bloodlust. I don’t know what you expected.
Kouda is probably deadlier than everyone thinks. imagine him commanding, say, a mob of giant hornets to swarm and kill someone. it’s a good thing he wouldn’t actually hurt a fly.
I sat here for a while thinking about what I could say about Satou. but just. can you picture him killing a guy? nah, me neither.
one of the things I like about Shouji is that he looks older than he is, and kind of creepy, what with the masked face and the freaky tentacle arms and all the like. and so he very likely experienced some of that good old fashioned quirk racism growing up, and people were afraid of him and/or thought he would become a villain. but instead he decided to become a hero. and I think that says so much about Shouji’s character. it reminds me a lot of Shinsou; his desire to become a hero was so strong that he overcame prejudice and circumstances which could just have easily have led to him becoming a villain (and in fact, it’s not all that different from some of the actual villain backstories). anyway so yeah no murder for him.
I think she would consider killing anyone who ever hurt Momo or Kami, but aside from that NO because she is a good pure girl who loves music and rocking out and putting smiles on people’s faces.
poor Sero is so not-murdery that when he does get pitted against someone with more murdery energy such as Todoroki, he basically gets immediately overwhelmed and everyone is just kind of wincing and then timidly applauding him and saying “good try.” that’s Sero’s life. he would just sit there and get murdered rather than going in for the kill. he’s a good bro.
needs several restraining orders filed against him, but wouldn’t actually kill someone.
well one time she did explode a grenade in Aizawa’s face. but no.
now we have come to the 1-B kids. I will give brief descriptions in case you, like me, sometimes have trouble remembering their names. so, Awase! the welding, Momo-rescuing one. he is not murdery.
the rotating limbs one. one of the least murdery kids in the fairly murderous 1-B on account of his quirk is just too ridiculous. sorry Sen.
the Tokoyami one. more likely to bore you to tears talking about death than actually kill someone. which is too bad because he honestly would make a pretty bitching assassin.
would say she’s probably in the top fifteen. god I love her quirk so much. just want her to slap some bitches to death. but she probably wouldn’t.
the growly monster one. he does get some bonus points for tending to lose control once he goes full beastmode and werewolfs out. and he is fairly deadly.
the roly poly double smashy one. it’s actually only a matter of time before Shouda kills someone, most likely. his quirk is way too dangerous, and the thing is, it’s probably hard for him to tell how dangerous a particular impact is going to be beforehand. one of these days it’s gonna be way stronger than he intends and somebody’s neck is gonna get snapped.
never forget that time Pony stabbed Ojiro and Shouji like a dozen times and everybody was just cool with it.
the air platform one. he did try to suffocate Kouda that one time.
only if he’s fighting Shouto. or teamed up with Shouto. then all bets are off as to whether or not he’s going to drill his superheated steel fist right through somebody’s face.
the severed limbs one. she just has kind of a murdery vibe to her. stalking everyone with her various body parts. yuuugh. I bet if she did kill someone nobody would ever be able to prove it was her.
the speech bubble head one. is going to destroy so much public and private property once he’s set loose on the streets. but no deaths.
the glue one. and nah, Bondo is cool.
the Ant-Man one. doesn’t strike me as particularly murderous, I even went and reread her part of the joint training arc to confirm it. she’s fine.
the kung fu dragon one. not especially murdery. overall probably one of the least bloodthirsty in class 1-B in fact.
the vines one. she’s extremely murdery. I can’t be the only one who thinks that, can I? Shiozaki scares the shit out of me. if I were Kaminari I would have nightmares about her.
would murder every single member of class 1-A if he could. would be the criminal in a Detective Conan two-parter. would give a long monologue about always being the side character and never in the starring role until one day he finally couldn’t take it anymore and snapped. why does his hero costume make it look as though he’s going to steal a bunch of famous jewels out from under everyone’s noses. nah but I’m just kidding and Monoma would never actually kill someone. but one day he’s probably going to be framed for murder by a villain and Kendou and Shinsou will have to team up to defend him and catch the real culprit.
10. Yanagi
the creepy pale ghost-girl-looking one. contrary to what you are probably all thinking, her high ranking isn’t just because of her general horror film vibe, but also because she attempted to bludgeon Mina to death during the joint battle arc. but also yes it is because of her general horror film vibe.
9. Kamakiri
the stabby one. he’s up here because I’m pretty sure he tried to kill Jirou that one time. like what was he even gonna do if Bakugou hadn’t stepped in. though to be fair I don’t think he actually had his knives out at the time so maybe he was just gonna elbow her in the face or something idk.
8. Bakugou
I agree with you that Bakugou is much more bark than bite, anon. and not only is he remarkably careful and precise with his quirk and good at avoiding any collateral damage (and even better IMO ever since his supplementary training), I think that due to his various struggles with being perceived as a villain and also trying to find his own understanding of what being a hero means, he’s probably more self-aware than most of the other kids at this point when it comes to matters of “is this morally okay.” so in spite of his generally violent demeanor, I very much doubt he ever would or could actually kill someone. but he’s in the top ten because his high shounen protagonist levels do place him in the “would potentially go apeshit if and when something happened to someone he cares about” category, though. and also because he and Deku did basically attempt to disintegrate Nine, and then when Nine just dropped off the face of the earth afterwards, no one even bothered to wonder what had happened to him. which leads me to wonder if Deku and Katsuki straight up assume they did in fact kill him and just dgaf.
7. Deku
see above re: Nine. and also he may have to kill AFO one day. so while he probably wouldn’t be happy about it, I think he could still potentially do it. and also because he absolutely does lose his gotdamn mind every time someone hurts one of his friends, and especially Kacchan, and I could picture him just snapping if something really awful ever actually did happen. I don’t think it would in canon because it’s just way too dark, but I don’t think it’d be out of character if he did.
6. Iida
literally tracked down the villain who attacked his brother with the full intent of personally killing said villain once he got his hands on him. true, Shouto and Deku talked him out of it in the end, but still. that was some real motherfucking killing intent. also I will never forget the image of this kid sitting his ass down in middle of the woods and mutilating his own goddamn body without any anesthesia. listen, everyone. just please, for your own safety, do not fuck with Iida.
5. Shouto
and now we reach the top five. listen, feel free to disagree, but I stand firm in my belief that out of all the non-traitor and non-demon-possessed children in class 1-A, Todoroki Shouto is absolutely the most likely to straight up just kill a bitch one day. this boy froze a man from the inside out until a tower of fucking ice was jutting out of his fucking throat, and was all “go ahead and hibernate for a while” like excuse me, THE FUCK. and the thing is, this wasn’t just a one-time occurrence either; he literally pulls this kind of shit ALL THE TIME. froze an entire fucking building with his classmates in it and was all “feel free to bring it on but fighting without the soles of your feet will be painful.” heh. what the fuck. and do you all remember when he fought Sero and was in a bad mood so he iced half the fucking stadium. nearly killed a few people right then and there. “I got carried away.” whaaaaaaat. and I could go on and on; he nearly burned poor Shindou alive, and basically the entirety of chapter 205 could have been submitted as evidence in a court of law had that training battle against Tetsutetsu gone only slightly differently. basically Shouto is an entirely too realistic portrayal of a very sweet but marginally unstable boy with a completely broken power and a shitload of unresolved personal trauma which he is still working through.
4. Honenuki
somehow more murdery than Todoroki “HIBERNATE!!” Shouto. this is entirely because of chapter 205, formerly the most murdery chapter of the entire series, and dethroned only by the recent chapter 266 for obvious reasons. anyway so during the joint training battle, Honenuki bludgeoned Todoroki in the back of the head and would probably have let his unconscious body slump into the softened ground to drown had Iida not saved him. he then proceeded to drop a water tower on top of the both of them. a whole-ass water tower. this was a fucking training exercise. and Honenuki was the only one who kept his calm throughout the entirely of said exercise. and he was praised for his calm murdering skills afterward. because he was fucking awesome tbh. anyway but the point is this is supposed to be a hero school not an assassin school but I’m not really sure anymore you guys.
3. Tokoyami
my man would have straight up killed Moonfish in that forest and sure did try his best. he’s got the same issue as Todoroki in that his quirk is as powerful as it is unstable. and while he himself is not murdery, when Dark Shadow loses control, though… hooooh boy. I was gonna add something about him also interning under Takami “literally stabbed my friend in the neck for the greater good” Keigo, but I think that makes them both come off as more sinister than they actually are. I do think a big part of Tokoyami’s story is him overcoming his inner darkness and wresting control of it and mastering it, so I don’t think it’s very likely that he actually will kill someone in the story. but he’s got a murdery side, no two ways about it.
2. Toadette
straight up filled Tokoyami’s windpipe with mushrooms during a training exercise. he uses that to breathe, fyi. she then offered him a lozenge afterward. do not fuck with Toadette. do not. just don’t.
1. Hagakure
last but not least! Hagakure “hasn’t killed anyone officially but is also definitely the traitor” Tooru! y’all know how it is! I’m committed to this theory! I’d even be willing to put money on a reveal scene where she does just straight up kill someone, and that’s our cliffhanger establishing that the traitor is none other than! and this is coming up sooner than you might think too, guys. Horikoshi brought up the traitor again relatively recently during the Christmas Eve chapter, and that kind of foreshadowing isn’t for nothing. anyways I’m here for it though so bring on that body count you funky little turncoat.
so there you have it. my not-that-definitive definitive ranking of classes 1-A and 1-B by murderous inclination. there’s really not that much rhyme or reason to it tbh but this was fun, thank you anon!
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liliesoftherain · 5 years
My Hero Academia Main 3 Boys x Reader
Ch.14 Let’s Go, You Have a Match to Win
A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for waiting patiently! Here’s the next part, yes MCs fight with Toko, and yes I still suck at fighting scenes so forgive meeee! I know this may be a little short as well, but I really wanted to get something out tonight and I’m tired, so I cut it a bit short. More to come soon though huns! Enjoy!
TAGLIST: @rizamendoza808 !(: @iris-suoh !(: @quicksilverfangirl​ !(: @shortperson202 !(: @noodlenerd101 !(: @matchamidoriya​ !(: @thorsbtch-captainnoobmaster69me​ !(: @pastel-prynce​ !(: @sunkissedneptune​ @monetfatalia​ !(: @legit-fandom-trash​ !(: @lovethewitchofendor​ !(: @dekuxlink​ !(: @water-melone98​ !(: @helena-way07​ !(: @nothing17-7​ !(: @hopelessdisasterr​ !(: @karmaboundlife​ !(: @lunamoonmint​ !(: @ihatemyselftoinfinityandbeyond !(:
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Once the infirmary door closed, you all bid your goodbyes to Iida as he was to make his way to the arena, wanting to be prompt even if the arena was still getting fixed. You girls headed back to your seats when they both noticed you were quiet, not adding into their conversation. Uraraka glanced at Tsuyu, who tilted her head in response, before looking back at you.
“Ne, (y/n)? If you’re worried about Deku, I’m sure he’ll be fine with Recovery Girl to help! It’s scary yea, I’ll admit I’m pretty nervous… but I know he’ll definitely be okay!”
“Oh,” You looked up with mild surprise, “Ah, I mean, yea I’m worried but I know he’ll be fine. He’s a tough guy.”
“Then what are you thinking about, kero?”
“Well,” You sighed, “I guess I’m just a bit, uh, shaken up is all.”
“About your upcoming fight with Tokoyami?”
You just nodded your head with a grin, well, more of a grimace than anything. You were trying to remain positive, but in all reality you were still thinking about Todoroki. About his father and the past you could only ever hope to guess. About your mother and the past you could only ever hope to forget. 
You subconsciously touch the scar you had gotten on your arm from the U.S.J attack.
The only scarring you were proud to have.
You hadn’t thought about her in a long while, at least not active thoughts. Your dreams at night were more than enough, you hated thinking about it any more than that.
“Well don’t worry, Tokoyami may be strong but so are you! I believe in you!” Ochako punched the air, crying out in triumph. 
“Yea.” you tried to cheer along with her, hoping to push all negativity to the back of your mind.
Once you reached your seats, there were a flurry of questions asking about Midoriya. You let the girls answer them while you sat quietly in your seat, trying to focus on the battle ahead, trying to think of any strategy you could possibly try.
You sat in your spot for a few more moments before you couldn’t sit any longer, you were itching to move, to do something other than wallow. So even before the announcement of Iida’s battle, you were making your way away from the stands.
“(y/n)? Where are you going?” You glanced at Kirishima, who was giving you a confused look.
“I’m up next after Iida. Going to prepare, I suppose.” You looked away, choosing to stare at the ground instead of his eyes.
It was silent for a moment before he spoke up, worry laced in his tone.
“Oh well, good luck-”
“You don’t fucking need to be such a defeatist, you're overthinking shit.”
You glanced at Bakugou as he made his outburst, assuming he was talking about your fight with Tokoyami. Yet, the way his eyes stared intently into yours, you kind of wished he knew your pain and those words were for that alone. 
“Bakugou that’s-” Kirishima started till Bakugou glared at him.
“What? It’s true isn’t it.” 
You felt everyone staring at you because of the outburst and internally sighed, your walls were cracking slowly and you didn't need them knowing.
“He’s right, I am overthinking it. I’ll be fine. Thank you guys.” You gave a small smile before walking away.
Bakugou felt his eyes narrow at your departing figure, peeved that you were worried about your fight. He was taking a gamble, but if he were to guess, you would be the best person to go up against him, your quirk being the weakness of his. He wasn’t 100% percent certain, but based on the way he saw the bird flinch back from his explosion-along with the way his eyes widened in fear, he was certain it had something to do with the light. The sooner you figured that out, the better.
You heard the announcement for Iida’s battle commence as you walked through the hallways, it being quiet enough for you to stay in your thoughts. If that was a good thing however, you weren’t sure, all you knew is the last thing you needed right now was to do nothing.
The sound of footsteps made you glance up, to see someone turn the corner.
Scratch that, the last thing you needed was to see was Endeavor walking towards you. 
Your face morphed into one of distaste, along with your body tensing at the sight of the large man. He was large, not as big as AllMight but most definitely a force to be reckoned with. You had seen him on T.V. loads of times, but never in person. As soon as his cold blue eyes locked on you, you wanted nothing more than to rip him a new one.
“Ah, it’s you.” His voice was deep and rich, booming in the ways of demanding respect. 
Alas, you could not find a single one to give.
“Endeavor.” You spoke back, trying to walk around him till he held out a hand to stop you. 
You paused, a bit of fear pulsed through your body before you pushed it away. Now was not the time to feel scared, you needed to let him know-even if it wasn’t spoken-that you resented him as a hero, as a father.
“You’re Best Jeanist’s daughter. A strong quirk indeed, plenty you can do with it if you are training it correctly.”
“Thank you..” You responded cautiously, not knowing his motives for such a conversation.
“I see you must know my son well enough to be able to speak to him while he was in the midst of battle, he seemed to listen well.”
Ah, of course it was about Shoto and his quirk.
“Well enough to know his circumstance yes.” You glared up at his, hands clenched by your sides.
Endeavors stare was no easy feat to keep, it being the opposite of his quirk as chills threatened to run down your spin. 
“What you may or may not know is none of your concern. However, it seems beneficial to have you near him, I have seen the interactions between the both of you and I say it’s not a bad idea. The good thing to do here is to push Shoto to know that he will be stronger once he embraces his fire-”
“Whether or not he wants to use his fire is ‘none of my concern’, as it should be none of yours.”
“Excuse me.”
You sucked in a quirk breath, saying screw it to manners. This man is no father to be respected.
“Todoroki is his own person, one you can’t control like a damn puppet on a string. The sooner you realize that the better. Now if you’ll excuse me sir, I have a match to win.”
You stormed off, and you couldn’t tell if the noise in your ears was the crackling of the fire surrounding his body, or the deafening sound of your rising anger.
Once far away enough, you calmed down enough to groan out in frustration. You knew what you did was right, but at the same time you wish you would have kept your mouth shut. It probably wasn’t the best idea to upset the number two pro hero.
You heard the crowd cheering as you heard Midnight over the announcements, your heart beating fast at the news that Iida had already won.
“That fast huh?”
You headed towards the arena, passing by Iida as you did,
“Hey Iida, good job on the speedy win!” 
He grinned at you, marching up with an ecstatic look.
“Thank you! I hope your battle will be just as swift!”
“In my favor I hope.” You chuckle, rubbing the back of your head trying to calm the nerves that were forcing their way back up. 
“I believe you will do great, Hakamata!” He smiled at you, and you couldn’t help but smile back.
It was nice to see Iida being more relaxed.
“Thanks, maybe we’ll be battling for each other at the top huh?”
“One can only hope for the best!”
You laughed as did he before parting ways, walking out on the field.
Just like the first time, the crowd was loud and the area bright. Tokoyami was already there, heading to his side as you did to yours. 
“Now it’s time for our next match! This guy left you stunned as he finished his first battle quickly, Fumikage Tokoyami! Vs! The crowd favorite who has been killing it in these rounds, (y/n) Hakamata! A battle to remember, who will win, this dark knight or this light princess!?”
You could only stare at your opponent as he stared back, waiting for the match to start. You clenched and unclenched your hands, preparing for the inevitable as you lowered your body into a defensive position. You wanted him to think you were going to that role immediately, you wanted him to leave his defenses down.
“Let the next match, BEGIN!”
“Go, Dark Shadow!” 
You saw dark shadow rush you, so you quickly forced yourself towards him, your quirk giving you a boost. Jumping high into the air, you allowed the light to form almost what could be considered a pole from your hands, before hardening it and smacking down onto dark shadow. You heard a slight hiss coming from dark shadow as you sent more beams off at him, using the motion from the first hit to once again send you off in the air. The best thing was to take down Tokoyami at the source, that being himself. With how powerful his quirk is, and how little you know about any of his weaknesses, you needed to get this match over with quickly.
A prolonged battle could have too many unforeseen consequences.
“Grab her Dark Shadow!” 
You gasped out as you felt claws digging into the back of your jacket, spinning around just in time to encase your leg in hardened light before slamming onto him as hard as you could. Seeing Dark Shadows eyes close before he flinched away from the brightness caught you by surprise. He dropped you on the ground, and you quickly rolled away before bouncing up, sending off more beams to keep them at bay. Your jacket was torn so you tossed it off, the cool air hitting your sweaty skin felt nice. That top was way too suffocating for your tastes anyways.
Charging at you once more, you knew you had to try out whatever it was you saw. You played cat and mouse for a while, just like you had done with Mina, but this was way more difficult. Tokoyami must have been getting frantic, since he had Dark Shadow trying to slam into you every two seconds. Even though you saw a flinch every time your light was near Dark Shadow, it wasn’t enough to have him stop. 
Dark Shadow lunged and you went to dodge, but he had clipped your shoulder and you almost fell back, trying to right yourself out before another attack. You had slid back close to the edge and felt your heart pound as you knew Dark Shadow would smack into you before you had the chance to move.
“Full Body Light!” 
Your body heated up rapidly as you began to emit a bright light. This move was one you never really liked to use, you hated using this move because it brought back terrible reminders, but you understood you couldn’t dwell on the past if you wanted to succeed as your own hero. Like you had told Endeavor, you knew you needed to take your own advice, ‘the sooner you realize it, the better’.
Dark Shadow let out a cry before shrinking back, shielding his face away from the brightness you admitted. Full Body Light, while you weren’t able to run any faster, was almost the same as your light speed. You quickly rush at him, causing Tokoyami to stagger back and fall while Dark Shadow coward away. Your breathing was heavy as you towered over him, the only downside of this move was that you were unable to control the heat you let off and because of that the air around you was blistering. You pinned him down by his shirt, avoiding touching him directly because you didn’t want to burn him. You were trying to force yourself to tone the heat down, but you could tell it wasn’t working you noticed the singe marks forming on his uniform.
He kept his eyes shut tight as you were blinding him, the heat also causing heavy discomfort that he just wanted to be away from. He knew anyways that there was no way to continue fighting while you did this, so he grunted out in defeat.
“I give up.” 
“Tokoyami forfeits! Hakamata is the winner!” Midnight announced while pointing her whip at you.
You deactivated your quirk allowing Tokoyami to sit up. You were about to offer him your hand up when you realized you may still be too warm to touch him.
“S-sorry, I’d help you up but I don’t wanna burn you.”
“It’s alright, I understand. We did our utmost best and I congratulate you on your win.” He stood and bowed at you.
“WHAT A MATCH INDEED! Sorry folks, we didn’t know we were supposed to inform you to bring sunglasses! With that, Hakamata moves on to the next round!” 
You bowed back at Tokoyami as you both walked off the arena, you stopped right at the entrance, away from prying eyes and leaned against the wall. 
“Are you alright?” Tokoyami asked with concern.
You were shaking, sweat dripping off of you while your body sizzled and smoked at the contact. You waved a hand to dismiss your classmates' concern, grabbing the collar of your undershirt to fan your face. 
“Yeah.. It’s just hot.” 
“Is there anything I can-”
You both turn to see Kirishima jogging over, waving a large bottle of water in the air.
“Thought you might need this! What a move, I’ve never seen that before,” He handed you the water before looking at Tokoyami, “Hey you did super well too, dude! It was a manly battle!”
“Thank you. Now that Hakamata is in good hands, I best be going.” He nodded at both of you before walking away.
You were chugging the water greedily, leaving a tiny bit at the bottom to splash along your face before crushing it once it was empty.
“Thank Eijiro, this is enough to get me by till I can get some more.” You smiled at his generosity.
“Of course! I remember how smoky you get when you pull moves like that-but that was really cool to see! Such a flashy move, literally! I had to close my eyes at how bright you were.”
You shyly rubbed the back of your head, an embarrassed chuckle leaving your lips.
“Sorry, I’m not really used to controlling it.”
“Don’t be! Just know, when we go up against each other that it will take a lot more than that to beat me!” He pointed a thumb towards his chest, a giant grin on his face.
You nodded in agreement.
“Looking forward to it, so you better give it your all, good luck!.”
You laughed along with him, until a gruff voice broke through. 
“Glad to see your focused on the match, shitty hair.”
Bakugou stood with his arms in his pockets, a scowl on his face at the sight of you two. You grinned and waved, ignoring the grumpy look.
“Hey Bakugou, good luck to you too. I should get going, I need more water anyways, my body is still too warm. I’ll be watching!” 
You smiled at them both before taking your leave, hearing Kirishima’s loud goodbyes and Bakugou’s huffs made you smile once more until you were out of sight. You stopped by one of the rooms to pick up a new uniform jacket, along with another water bottle before going back to the bleachers. 
You were pushing the feeling of excitement to the surface, and all of your negativity to the back of your mind. Thinking back to Eijiro’s words, you agreed; this was a good move. A great one in fact, one that you shouldn’t be scared to master. 
So, you were going to stop letting the fear control you, and hopefully you won't be afraid of her anymore. 
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warpinator · 4 years
the horror show
Rated: G
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Uraraka Ochako
"It's not that weird, Uraraka, I haven't seen one either."
She gasps again, clutching her chest.
"You too Deku!?"
Neither Izuku or Shouto have seen a horror movie. Ochako seeks to correct this.
Uraraka gasps, scandalized.
"You've never seen a horror movie?"
She is staring at Todoroki like she's never seen him before. Izuku knows the reason that Todoroki hasn't seen a horror movie probably relates to Endeavor and decides to intervene before the other boy has to say anything.
"It's not that weird, Uraraka, I haven't seen one either."
She gasps again, clutching her chest.
"You too Deku!?"
She sounds so shocked that Izuku is taken aback. Surely it can't be that weird? He just never had because his mother hated horror movies and he hadn't really had any friends to watch them with when he became old enough to watch them. Izuku figured that it was probably pretty common, but judging by Uraraka's concerned gaze sweeping between Todoroki and he, there's the sinking feeling that it, perhaps, is not normal to have missed an entire genre of movies by the age of fifteen.
"That's it," she says, planting her hands on her hips, "we're watching one! Tomorrow night! You two are coming over to my room and watching a horror movie with me!"
Todoroki sends him a questioning look. Izuku just shrugs, it can't hurt, right? Besides, they haven't been able to hang out that often with internships in the way, so it'll be nice to just...relax.
"We'll be there," Izuku tells Uraraka, smiling. She pumps her fist in the air.
"Fantastic! Don't worry, I'll pick a good one for your first time."
Izuku tries not to notice the devilish slant to her smile. He's seen enough in real life that horror movies should be a breeze, right?
The next evening, Izuku meets up with Todoroki and heads to the Uraraka's room.
"So..." Todoroki starts, "You know why I haven't ever watched a horror movie, but what about you?"
Izuku doesn't really want to admit that it was because he had no friends to watch them with. The reasoning seems...petty in the face of what Todoroki has gone through. Plus he really just. Doesn't want to get into his pre-high school backstory, no matter how unfair that might be to the boy who has shared a ton of his with Izuku.
"I was always hyper-focused on heroes, I guess," is what he says instead, "plus my mom never wanted to watch any, so our movie nights never included them."
It's true, really, and a safer option. Todoroki seems to have no questions with his statement, regardless.
"Well," he says, "we should probably have fun while we can, since I'm sure things are only going to get harder here on out."
"Yeah!" Izuku agrees, smiling widely. Todoroki's right. Now that he has friends to spend time with, he better make the most of it. A warm feeling spreads through Izuku's chest, only growing stronger when he sees Uraraka fiddling with the television in her room.
"Hey guys!" She plops on the bed, patting the space beside her. Izuku sits in the middle, Todoroki on his left.
"I have popcorn," Uraraka motions to the table, the chair that usually sits by it pushed out of the way.
"Thank you," Todoroki says, taking a handful.
"So! I chose a ghost one! Classic and also hopefully not similar to any villains we've met," She pops back up, heading to turn the light off.
"That works for me," says the other boy, glancing at Izuku. Izuku's read a few ghost stories and those were fine, so this should be too, really.
"Me too," he says.
"Good!" She sits back down, sitting cross-legged on her end of the bed, "Now, this is a pretty spooky one, so I hope you enjoy it!" Uraraka clicks the remote and the movie starts.
The movie starts out fine.
The movie is not going fine. The atmosphere is terrifying. Izuku hasn't even seen the ghost yet, but he feels horrified anyway. The movie has the awful habit of just. Not having. Any music. Especially during the more tense moments. He wants to crawl out of his skin he's so tense.
And the worst part.
The worst part is that Uraraka is leaning forward in interest and Todoroki has his head tilted, obviously interested but not terrified. How are they not terrified? Izuku is trying to become an unnoticeable ball, the dark of the room making him jumpy.
Then the movie chooses then to pull its trump card then, because the ghost creeps onto frame with an unholy noise and Izuku yelps, shoving his head into Todoroki's side. He cannot. Cannot. Watch anymore of this. He does not see it. The ghost is no longer there.
"Midoriya?" Todoroki's shocked tone would be funny in any other situation but the horrible noises are still coming from the television, so he tries to burrow deeper.
"I, uh, don't think Deku is doing too well with the movie," he hears Uraraka say, her voice tight with mirth. Traitor, he thinks, uncharitably.
"Ah." Izuku can feel Todoroki put a hesitant hand on his back, patting it awkwardly.
"Do you want me to stop the movie?" Uraraka says and now he can feel her hand softly touching his shoulder. She pauses it in the meantime.
"No," he manages to choke out, "it's okay, you guys are enjoying it! I just...uh...it's scary"
He mumbles the last part.
"If it's any consolation," Todoroki says, "you were about ten times scarier than that ghost when you fought me at the sports festival."
"What!?" Izuku squeaks. The admission is one part flattering and one part mortifying.
"Yes," the other boy continues, "you really should have seen your face. Terrifying."
"Todoroki!" Uraraka scolds.
"Ah. You were terrifying in your fight against Bakugou as well, Uraraka."
"That isn't- ugh, Deku, it's okay! Ghosts aren't real!"
"I know that!" Izuku whines, "they just, uh, feel incredibly real while I'm watching this?"
"Do you want to stop?" She's serious, Izuku can tell, but he doesn't want to stop it for the both of them. He can do this!
The green-haired boy releases Todoroki from the tight grip he had on the taller boy.
"No. I can do this!"
Uraraka smiles at him.
"If you're sure?"
He nods, decisively.
She unpauses the movie and Izuku rapidly realizes, no.
He cannot totally handle this.
The movie is still, for some reason, absolutely terrifying. Izuku just...handles himself better during it. He's tense, One For All held at the ready, even, for how out of his mind he feels at the moment.
Uraraka's hand is still on his shoulder, though, and Todoroki has let his hand slip down to cover his, so he is more settled. The ugly ghost and the appalling noises it's making still cause him to jump every time it's on screen though.
But Izuku does start to, not calm down , but feel less likely to jump out of his skin. That is until what probably is the climax of the movie.
The ghost, until now, has mostly settled for haunting the house and being seen like the creep that it is. Now it's choosing to attack the protagonist and at her scream Izuku can't help himself.
He grabs Uraraka tightly and hides in her shoulder.
"It's fine! Keep going!"
He can hear Todoroki snort, the bastard. Another scream and the ghost's rattling sobs cause him to cling tighter. Uraraka grunts.
"Deku, I can't breathe!"
"Sorry!" He tries to let go but there's a wet squelch coming from the screen and he clings desperately to her arm instead. Todoroki has returned to patting his back in a strange out-of-rhythm manner.
"Goodbye arm," says Uraraka mournfully.
"We'll hold a memorial," Todoroki is solemn.
"I hate you both!" Izuku whines as harsh sobbing and clinking sounds fill the room.
He holds position for a few more minutes, before Todoroki ceases his patting and taps him instead.
"It's ending, Midoriya, you can look."
He peeks over Uraraka's shoulder to see the protagonist facing off against the ghost, chanting something and waving a candle around. The ghost is dissipating, turning from its monstrous form to a beautiful young woman. The two hug before the ghost disappears.
Izuku heaves a sigh of relief, letting go of Uraraka to flop back on the bed.
"The future number one hero...afraid of ghosts..." Todoroki sounds like he's about to laugh.
"I am not afraid of ghosts! Just that.. .one. ..particular ghost is extremely scary!"
"If you say so."
Izuku grabs Uraraka's pillow and bashes it into the side of Todoroki's head. The other boy yelps.
Uraraka laughs at them both.
"If I had known you were going to be so scared I would've chosen something for kids," she says between chuckles.
Izuku gives her a bash of the pillow as well, ignoring her "oof".
"You both are so rude."
"It was kinda cute though," the girl says, straightening back up, "clinging to both of us like that."
He blushes furiously, hiding behind the pillow.
"Even though you did murder Uraraka's arm," Todoroki says. Izuku is tempted to hit him again.
"Yeah," Uraraka says, twisting her arm out, "poor arm, lost in the line of duty."
"Shut up," Izuku hisses.
The brunette sticks her tongue out at him, he returns the favor.
"Let's watch something sweet, to help Deku calm down," she picks up the remote flicking back to the opening menu, "I have a really neat space documentary, if you want to watch it?"
Izuku sighs in relief, the dark of the room is still unsettling to him and a chance to wind down before having to go back to his room alone...it's nice.
"Thanks, Uraraka."
"No problem," she says, getting up to get her other movie.
"I haven't ever seen a space documentary either," Todoroki stands to stretch.
" What !? You haven't! Todoroki is there anything else you haven't seen?"
"Plenty, but I don't mind catching up with you all," he replies to Uraraka's disbelieving question.
"We should do movie nights," says Izuku, "invite Iida next time. Just. No more ghost movies, please."
Uraraka snorts.
"Of course not."
"I don't know, it might be good to let Iida see how he reacts to them."
Izuku feels entirely justified beaning Todoroki with the pillow again.
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redrobin-detective · 5 years
I’ll be your hero (whether you want me or not)
It’s Izuku’s birthday and goddamn was I mad craving the chance to write more post-TLWA Deku as a licensed quirkless hero so here we go. 
Izuku charged forward, ducking under the swinging arms coming his way with practiced grace. They attacked him lazily, as if they couldn’t be bothered to give him anymore effort. Normally he’d be willing to stand his ground and engage, bare his teeth and show them how dangerous he could be but he has more important things to worry about now. So he let Kacchan, Uraraka and Todoroki, the more popular quirked heroes take care of the thugs up front while that idiot quirkless kid who actually went through with getting a hero license snuck past. After all, someone had to rescue the hostages.
“Hey what are you doing-” a guard asked but Izuku cut off his stupid question with a uppercut between his ribcage, forcing the air from his lungs. Once he knew the man wouldn’t yell, Izuku grabbed ahold of his shoulders and pulled him down for Izuku to knee him in the face. Hard. He set the criminal down and quietly ziptied him before moving on. Using tricks drilled into relentlessly from Aizawa-sensei during high school, Izuku slunk through the halls, clinging to the shadows and getting the drop on any other criminals he came across. Most were taken down before they even knew they were under attack. He couldn’t help the slightest smirk that crossed his face as took down three more, not too bad for the quirkless Deku who’d never amount to anything. If only his four year old self could see him now.
As soon as he stepped into the next corridor, he smoothed out his predatory stance and smiled at the hostages hovering in the corner. It wasn’t the wide, beaming smiled Yagi-san used to single-handedly beat back the dark. It small, gentle, slightly crooked and full of confidence and humility. “You’re alright now, I’m here to help,” he said, making eye contact with everyone in the room. “I’m going to get you out of here. Is this all of you? Are any of you hurt?”
A few of the adults looked over his shoulder a little anxiously, as if waiting for some stronger hero to bring up the rear and help them. It wasn’t unusual and it happened so often that Izuku barely even felt the twinges of annoyance and inadequacy anymore. Nine total, five adults and four children the youngest being about seven years of age. Not the best group to get out of a sticky situation but he’d beaten worse odds. 
“Iida,” He said into his comm, “I have eyes on the hostages, there’s nine of them, a mix of adults and kids. Tell Shou and Kacchan to really light the place up, we’re going to need plenty of cover.” He looked back at people gathered around him. They were scared, not just of the circumstances but of him, worried that he wouldn’t be enough to get them out. To be honest, Izuku had the same fears, had them every time he left his house in uniform. But he’d promised Yagi-san that he would continue on his legacy, One For All or not. Considering he was only 20 years old and ranked #76 on the Hero charts without a quirk or major backing sponsor, he thought he was doing pretty damn good. 
“Understood, we await your signal,” Iida said with a clipped voice with the sound of explosions going off in the background before signing off.
“Alright, we’re going to get out of here and we’re going to do it together. I’m sure you all know I don’t have a quirk but I want to know yours, tell me your names and quirks and I promise I will everything possible to get you all out safely.” Introductions given, Izuku directed them outside the shelter of their room, retracing the steps he used to get in. They passed some of the guards who Izuku had dispatched earlier but not all of them.
“Toko-chan, can you see anyone coming?” Izuku asked quietly. The girl, about 13 with no eyes on her face placed her hands on the wall and listened.
“Uh I hear some commotion a bit behind us, they’ve found out we’ve escaped. No alarms yet b-but people are coming this way,” she whimpered out drawing her hands back away from the wall. Her mother pulled her into her arms and the rest began to fearfully murmur to each other.
“Hey,” Izuku said authoritatively but with a soft voice. “We knew we wouldn’t get out without them knowing. This is what we talked about, nothing has changed but I’m going to need you to keep your courage up a little while longer.” There’s a creak and Izuku grabbed a few of his throwing knives. “Hasagawa-san, barrier!”
His knife slipped through just before the gym teacher’s barrier went up. The thugs spikes bounced harmlessly off the mental shield just as he was pinned to the wall by his clothing. A nod of his head and the barrier dropped, Izuku slammed his fist into the man’s face. He went limp and Izuku let him slip to the floor. A woman appeared from around the corner, slamming her hands down on the ground causing layers of stone to appear blocking off their exit.
“No way out now hero, hero,” the villain said with a sarcastic drawl. Izuku hunched his shoulders faking left but darting to the right, snapping out his staff to swipe at the woman’s feet before slamming her face first into the ground. He stood up, staring at the obstacle in front of them and quickly reformatting his plan.
“Deku to Uravity, I’m going to need you to meet us near the entrance I went through, we’ll need your support to get out,” he said into the comm before turning back to the group. “Come on, you’re doing great. This is just a little setback, we’re almost there,” he encouraged, shooting the others a smile. He was pleased to see a few smile back. “Uravity, are you in position?”
“Does Tokoyami wear a black cape?” Ochako teased in-between breathy pants. “Do you even need me or do you just think I need the ego boost?”
“I’ll always need you, gravity girl ” he couldn’t help but grin, the light flirting coming naturally despite the fact that they stopped dating before they even graduated. But some habits died hard but not friendships thankfully, those were a lot sturdier than awkward teen romances. “Nakano-san, I’m going to need your skills. I’ll take care of Mako-kun,” he said reaching out and gently taking the youngest boy’s hand leaving both his father’s hands free. 
“My sonic waves aren’t really controllable, once I start I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop,” the man said nervously. 
“I know,” Izuku said gently even as he was aware of the yelling approaching them. “That’s why Uravity is close by to catch any debris that falls. Entropy and Explosion are outside causing enough chaos that no one is going to be looking at us.” Another smile, “we can do this.”
The man nodded and the closed his eyes as the stone walls he leaned on trembled furiously. Izuku steadied himself on the adjacent wall before launching himself at a particularly vulnerable crack in the wall, giving them an opening. He began scooping the younger kids through the opening as the roof began to loose integrity.
“Got it!” he heard his best friend shout as she bounded around, slamming her hands on parts of the building before they could fall on any of the civilians. “Always got to make a big scene don’t cha?”
“I’ve got to make up for my lack of quirk somehow,” he quipped back, handing Mako-kun back to his father. “Todoroki, Kacchan, make sure a path is cleared on the eastern side we’re moving civilians. Iida I’ll need you to escort them out, ‘Chako and I have company.” He stood in front of the hostages, activating the portable shield on his left arm as fire was thrown their way, “Now Iida!” 
“Come now, I will lead you to safety,” Iida said appearing out of nowhere.
“But what about Deku-san,” Izuku heard Ishii-san say.
“Midoriya taught me a long time ago that there are very few things he can’t accomplish when he’s got that look in his eyes.”
“This is just my normal face, Iida,” Izuku countered, going after a few thugs Ochako had floated and slamming them down to the ground with his bo.
“Exactly,” Izuku could hear the smile in his friend’s voice as he began to shepard the civilians away. “I leave the rest to you two.”
“Oh we won’t be long,” Ochako grinned, rolling her shoulders and felt a rush of affection go through him. He had the best friends and the best life in the entire world. 
“Explosion!” one reporter shouted to them as they wrapped up, “what’s your opinion on the decriminalization of quirk use in self-defense?”
“It’s about damn time now shut up and let us do our damn job,” Kacchan snapped, keeping his back to the reporters as he ensured all the villains and civilians were accounted for. 
“Ingenium! how did you get the hostages out with all the fighting going on?” Another asked from the crowd. 
“As I said earlier,” Iida said tersely, “Deku was the one who found and safely retrieved the hostages. I only got them out of the line of fire while he and Uravity fended off the other criminals.”
“Deku, do you feel your career has suffered since you left the Two Heroes agency run by #1 hero Explosion and opened your own smaller agency?” Another asked and by the way Kacchan’s shoulder’s twitched with agitation, he’d better answer first.
“Red Riot is doing an amazing job taking over my role as partner and I’m proud of the work my friends and colleagues are doing at the agency I helped build,” he politely reminded. “I decided to focus on a different aspect of heroics and I’m happy with what I’m doing at One For All Heroics along with my continued quirk advocacy work.” The questions went back to the other, bigger heroes, asking about their love lives or alliances leaving him mostly alone despite all the company. But he didn’t mind, not really, not anymore. 
Because he really was living his best life. He was saving people like he always wanted, he had the best friends in the world who saw his value and gave him the respect he’d earned over the years. Deku might not be a household name like All Might, might not have an impossible quirk passed down the generations but he did believe in the peace started by another quirkless man. He was Midoriya Izuku, he was hero Deku and he was here to help whether or not the world was ready for him. 
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My Hero Academia, the series, the fan media, the community all was a mistake of our time
I hate this show. More than Naruto and more than Fairy Tail. I hate Izuku, I hate Kstsuki, I hate how everyone and everything is just being forced to like everything about them, I hate All Might, I hate the Hero Association, I hate how light hearted and shallow arcs end. And I hate how things ended up with my once favorite character, his ship and everything I ever expected to be better became much worse and theres no male based fan media to or communities that allow my project myself in shouto anymore, seriously hes manly than "Cant stop Sparkling" guy now adays based on all the fan stuff he has about being with deku.
Todomomo was a mistake and Todoroki is a mistake. All bnha ships are unholy and wrong. Bnha is all shallowness and impure GARBAGE. I used to love bnha and was a big todoroki fan. But the more I invested through time in this character, the more i felt alone and isolated from the fandoms intention on shouto being bland fangirl fuel, the more I felt more distant from the character and not even the manga supports my reasons to invest in todoroki whom hori treats like the most shoehorned false hype emo in the show. And that offends me deeply, you got all these characters and the ones that you are expected to take seriously (and live through vicariously) are the most important characters in the show. Deku, Bakugou, All Might, Mineta, Kirishima and even Endeavor are these character and he obviously builds up there hidden character development in abilities and progression, shouto still struggles with his own personal development and is basically the same as he started with the added bonus of jobbing.
Oh and all the hype about him being cool and attractive, just irrelevant blanket statement extra tidbit filler, nothing meaningful but to make shouto explained why hes special, I prefer it if the story elaborates this by "showing" it, which the author just skims through with him and hand waves consistancy with contradiction in other following scenes making him seem like a weaker/dumber from before(ex. Fighting Festival(shouto a top tier student in every respect according to deku) to Stain Fight(Shouto is nothing but quirk reliant) according to Stain). Strongest quirk wise, this is all he has for him but even hes not even the most talented or intelligently trained with it, which makes me wonder of all shouto is just a blanket statement based character that just meant to exist to explore how insignificant he is with all his power and advantages compared to the main duo and other coming of age based events involving the cast. Even his father represents this more than his son.
Todomomo seems to relate to this, but its meaningless, just like everything else shouto has been portrayed by fans, based on how much the author puts his narrative into play which is also meaningless in the grander context of the story. Why make momo and shouto work together in the first place only to not build that relationship in future developments.
That pairing I hate(todomomo), I didnt hate in the beginning only to me because it was the only humanizing aspect todoroki had not related to his family and later the forced shoehorned dynamic with deku and bakugou, it made sense because the two are socially awkward people despite their supreme standing in the class and as first years and yet they both encourage each other by standing firm to overcome their own lack of socialization skills to grow as ideal people and improve socially, which seems to be working for momo now not shouto who's still the brooding loner elitist type(only has friends with elitist characters like friends too) . Now it's a husk and a relic of a potential investment in shoutos own story, I dont give a damn anymore, shoutos has no real anticipating developments to compel him to me, his quirk is boring as fuck since it's just a shooting targeting spammer, he isnt a good character to entertain me from a personal way, he really is a broken record of the same issues with a new idea, his family outside of endeavor and overcooked guy is more boring than him, and god I hate him with deku and bakugou which gives me more a reason to not bother with anything about him specifically since they will always overshadow him as story narrative and progress development narrative types, and I hate those two more. They are really just stand ins as horikoshi escapist fantasies, and both of them get more attention than any character as narratives who pretty much get the most attention in doing the most awesome feats and accomplishments as main roles. The new movie was about that. Shoutos accomplishments center around how he plays second fiddle to that basically instead of exploring the potential of being a pure equal to deku and bakugou, he gets the second in command villains or does something less than them in battles they already excell at in quirk control.
It's all worthless, shouto should not be this popular anything, and eventually this reflects in the popularity polls recently, which I noticed in the west from the previous one, shouto was less recieved by a significant margin compared to the main leads as a third place holder, maybe it shows me that todoroki is losing favor slowly, it makes sense, the author is not doing anything with him that makes people catch interest with the plot about strong heroes and villains getting more relevant as major players, while hes stronger than most the class but not plot relevant with his strength like deku has. Bakugou is like just like deku since the plot focuses on his strength to and is naturally stronger than Shouto via being the more badass and more aggressively driven he gets and thus gets as strong if not stronger and more skilled than shouto out of sheer plot armor. Shouto is just getting hotter and cold, bigger and more raw and unrefined in his power, so he has to control it which is still not as grand as bakugous perfect skills and genius and deku grander scaling in brains and brawn. If I were to make a guess, shouto is just going to to be behind them both as a stronger quirk user eventually and more about being a defensively capable than battle capable like kirishima and ochako, fitting for a major yet minor character, which disappoints me even more since shouto can be more battle creative than both of them if the author didnt have a bias in making deku and bakugou better than him despite having a stronger quirk.
God I hate this series. Theres no likable characters that are relatable or even human, there all shallow power and fanservice fantasies, the only character in class 1s that acts less cartoonish and serves as a stand in audience Surrogate is jirou and tail guy, but they are all about being generic looking compared to the unrealistically attractive guys and girls, the looney toon designed comic relief, and the recycled shonen trope cast. But if anything shouto represents all these shallow functions the most, and it's made him a less than a character too, it made him a sellout fan appeal type with no credibility as a character, which is why men dont like him due to not showing much concern to connect to him as a human narrative, at least the characters compared to him are showing why they(despite acting like shallow cliches) are interesting characters to care about, shoutos thing is telling about how tragically sympathetic his character needs to be as the only important thing about him, not as a part of him as a character to endear towards while he grows and helps build up a leading narrative with his development. His story doesnt help any part of the main lead or rivals growth, or his class, or his own personal objectives for his goals as a hero(being like all might and surpassing all might is a all purpose blanket statement to keep him near deku and bakugou as a power hype, not a individual self defined person). Dragging out objectives(season 1: being anti endeavor on surpassing all might which in the end pledges to learn not to do that and become better, season 2.Learning from the festival and from then on to being able to take endeavors legacy and take his training seriously which compared to deku and bakugou isnt enough to show much, Season 3. Promises to make people depend on him, doesnt happen since hes still the unapproachable person people in his class know him for. Season 4. Still makes promises hes gonna be a dependable hero, still accept his fire side, still be his own hero, things he repeats and fails to attempt because hori is lazy or just doesnt care about showing how much hes changed compared to his mary sue duo. etc) that dont happen and are inconsistent with new story details is why shouto is dead to me. High expectations about him are problematic since the author has agendas that don't involve story relevancy about him compared to the actual leading roles, plus the fan reception helps effect how I feel about shouto to, hes not even popular enough to have drawn pornagraphy with most all the girls and high quality momo hentai fanservice artists and circles, fucking mineta and your average joe otaku faceless male is more likely than shouto instead. That's how much the value shouto means to anyone than just a fangirl targeted audience which is just gay or bishi equivalent to sasuke fanworks and the feminine answer to male targeted audiences of characters like deku, bakugou and mineta, the worst and most common types of shonen stock characters in the series.
I hope this series and all the fans get tired of this shit when it gets eventually cancled. Or maybe it has. I dont really keep up with it anymore.
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thisisthe-way · 6 years
The soft flicking of keyboard keys echoed against the walls of Bakugou’s apartment as he typed up the rest of his reports.
His brow furrowed as he growled, the muscles in his arms spasming as he jerked his fingers back from the keyboard.
He flexed his fingers, his eyes slanted downward angrily.
Bakugou’s eyes snapped toward Midoriya and he snapped, “Get out of here, Deku!! I don’t need your help!!”
“Watch out!!” Midoriya cried as a large villain, his Quirk that of a rock Gollum, grabbed Bakugou by both of his grenade bracers as he launched himself st the creature. The villain roared and crushed the bracers like soda cans, as Bakugou’s arms slid out and he started launching explosions at the creatures face with his bare arms and hands.
Deku roared as he launched himself against the villain, knocking him down, the enemy rolling into wall of the building across the street.
But he stood back up, yelled loudly and started to rush Midoriya. Despite knowing that the One-for-All hero could handle the battle himself, Bakugou leapt between them, shooting off stronger, hotter explosions, blasting over and over until he felt the very fibers of his muscles tear and stretch, breaking and shredding as he gasped, quietly, and pulled back, his ears picking up one finely, “SMAAAASH” from behind him as their combined strength finally bested the rock villain.
Bakugou sat on the asphalt, his arms completely destroyed, though not outwardly, simply from stubborn pride. When Midoriya came to help him up, he pretended he was fine, swatting the man’s hand away with normal arm movements, causing intense pain.
Now, Bakugou sat at home finishing the reports he was supposed to have done in the office before end of day, but the pain had been so excruciating that he had to take breaks between typing, and he didn’t need his boss seeing him and insisting he needed to take more time off. He had already taken enough the last time he got hurt.
He’d just work through it. 
He heard the click of the lock on his front door, and his red eyes slid toward the front door, a tiny smile playing in his usually scowling lips when he saw Uraraka come through the door with a bag. 
“Hey!!” She cried, “I brought dinner! How was your day?”
“A day,” Bakugou replied, standing up and stepping toward her, holding out his hand to take the dinner bag from her. He didn’t anticipate that it might be heavy at all, and when it hit his hand, sharp pain shot up his arm, causing him to yell and drop the bag, the containers of ramen within spilling everywhere.
Uraraka’s eyes immediately widened in concern as he gripped his forearm. “Katsu! What’s wrong? What’s wrong??” She knelt to examine his arm, finding no physical signs of damage. “Katsu?”
“It’s n-nothing. Probably just a random muscle spasm,” he mumbled. “Sorry about dinner. If you’ll clean that up, I’ll make something.”
Uraraka frowned, watching him, eyes full of suspicion and concern. “O....okay, anata.” She frowned down at the soup, chewing her lip thoughtfully, anxiously, before trailing down the hall to find the cleaning supplies.
As Uraraka began to scrub the soup stains out of the carpet, and heard another yell and a growl, and then clatter and shatter of dishes. She jumped up and immediately ran into the kitchen, where Bakugou was kneeling, squeezing his fists open and closed as his entire set of soup bowls lay shattered on the floor, the high cabinet they were being kept in still open.
“Bakugou Katsuki, Tell me what the hell is haplening, right now,” Uraraka cried, concern and frustration heavy in her voice. “What the hell is wrong with your arms?”
“What are you, my mother?! Nothing!“ He snapped back, glaring up st her with red eyes glistening with unahed tears of pain.
“Tell me now or I swear I’ll call Deku-kun,” Uraraka threatened. “I saw the articles online; I know he helped you take down that villain.”
“He wouldn’t know anyway,” Bakugou growled, having kept this particular secret pretty well under wraps through most of their school years. Only three people knew about it, and they were all U.A. faculty.
“Katsuki, what’s going on—I thought we were past keeping stuff from each other,” Uraraka whispered, touching his forearms. “What’s going on? Why can’t you tell me?”
“Because I can’t afford to take anymore days off! This is not what pros do—they work through shit! All Might worked through his fuckin’ stomach being ripped out of his body!!” He roared back, and winded when he tended the muscles in his arms too much in his anger. “Fuuuuck.”
“Katsuki....” She asked again, gently, touching his cheek when a tear fell. “You’re obviously in a lot of pain. Please?”
“I have to be number one. I have to pass Deku. I have to pass Hot-Cold—I can’t—I can’t—“ He groaned, clearly suffering physically. He looked up st his girlfriend with a pathetic, pained expression.
“Katsuki,” she said for what felt like the hundredth time.
He sighed and continued to open and close his fists. “I...shredded the muscles in my arms.”
“WHAT?! Katsuki!” Uraraka shrieked, immediately pressing gently into the muscle and immediately noticing the difference as her boyfriend hissed in pain. “Oh my god, I’m taking you to the hospital. Right now! Right now; get up!”
“No!! They’ll make me take time off!” He barked, eyes flashing dangerously.
“Bakugou Katsuki, Get your ass off of this damn floor and follow me or I swear I will float you all the way to the hospital on a string!!” Her eyes flared with just as much angry passion.
Somehow he knew she wasn’t kidding. Groaning and griping, he stood, arms now hanging limp in front of him so he didn’t have to try and use the muscles, he nodded reluctantly, and followed his girlfriend out of the apartment.
Recovery Girl removed her healing lips from Bakugou’s arms and gave him a stern look. “We talked about this when you started doing intensive training with All Might and Aizawa, didn’t we?”
“Tch,” Bakugou scoffed, glancing away.
Uraraka frowned from the corner of the room. “Recovery Girl?”
“Bakugou and Midoriya are more alike than they like to admit,” the healing hero said, her voice slightly playful before she turned to Uraraka. “It’s s good thing the hospital called me in. Bakugou’s Quirk, Like Midoriya’s, is extremely powerfull. Harness it correctly, with the right training and equipment, it can be a useful tool in a battle.”
She looked back at the young man, as if expecting him to offer the rest of the information willingly.
He scoffed again and crossed his arms over his chest, before lifting one hand and staring intensely into his palm. “Sometimes, if I use my Quirk at full force for too long without my grenade bracers to syphon the power, it...messes with the muscles in my arms.”
“And your bracers got crushed like tin cans in your fight today, didn’t they?” Recovery Girl asked, handing Uraraka an iPad with pictures of Midoriya and Bakugou after the battle. And Bakugou was sans bracers.
“It almost happened in my fight with you first year,” Bakugou said, suddenly, realizing he’d never told her. “You fought so hard that you pushed me almost to my limit.”
“....that blast,” Uraraka said, looking up st him from the iPad. “That blast at the end of the match was all you had, wasn’t it? You—you’re always...so reckless!! It’s not this important to be the best, Katsuki!”
She turned the iPad and pointed at the article. “You tried to upstage Deku-kun and nearly ruined your arms permanently!!” She looked down at her feet. “We talked about this. You’re not just you anymore. You care so much about beating Deku that it makes you forget you’re supposed to care about us.”
“I’ll leave you two alone,” Recovery Girl said, realizing they needed to talk, before exiting the exam room.
Bakugou glanced up at her from his seated position on the exam table. “Ochako...”
“No!” She snapped, slamming the tablet down. “No. Katsuki, you need to fix this. You don’t care enough about me, or yourself, to realize how damaging this is.” She lifted her eyes, and they were full of tears, and somber determination. “And until you do, I think maybe we need to take a break.”
His eyes widened suddenly and he stood up, towering over her suddenly. “What?! Ochako, no, we don’t need a—“
“This is the second time you’ve decided being some arrogant hot shot hero is more important than your life. Or our life together,” she replied, taking a step back from him. “I can’t...I can’t be here to watch you destroy yourself. It would kill me.”
Bakugou’s hands began to spark, involuntarily, and he followed her step with his own, moving close to her again. “Ochako, don’t—“
But it was too late. She had turned and gone without even an explanation from him.
Maybe because they both knew what his answer would be. He had tried to turn it off—the jealousy and arrogance. The need to be number one. To an extent he had, and it was easier around her.
But Deku’s face still managed to piss him off. Deku jumping into his fight.
Maybe he did need to work on some things. But he didn’t know how he could do it without her. Sterling himself, decided, he rushed after her, using his natural physical prowess (and no Quirk) to catch up to her and wrap his arms firmly around her from behind, burying his mouth and nose in her hair.
“Okay,” He whispered. “You’re right. I—I need you. I need us....more than I need to be better than Deku. And I....I’ll do whatever it takes to fuckin’....figure myself out. But I need your help—don’t go, marui kao. Don’t go. I was a way worse person without you—I can only get better with you.”
“That isn’t true,” she whispered back, leaning one of her round cheeks against his arm, not looking up at him. “You’re already a good man. You just feel like you have someone to be good for now. Look, I don’t want you to stop being you. I just don’t want you to disregard your life so much in battle that you act reckless. You’re worth so much more than that.”
She finally tilted her head back and looked up at him. “To me.”
He sighed against her hair. “I know. Deku’s dumb nerd face still pisses me off. But I guess I can imagine your dumb cute face instead and maybe I won’t blow my arms open anymore.”
She laughed a little and shrugged, leaning back against him. “Well,” she murmured, “It’s a start.”
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beatlesun · 6 years
feel us
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Uraraka Ochako
Summary: Bakugou e Uraraka train together; everything is fine until a new boy comes to their class; jealousy and prom au; soft
Word count: 1265 (short)
Part (1 /?) - part 2 ; read it on [ ao3 ] 
The training room was mostly always a noisy and non-peaceful location of the U.A. facilities, but right now all you could hear was irregular breathings coming from the two teenagers’ bodies lying on the floor. Their hearts in a synchronized, rushed beat.
“Wow Bakugou, you really got me this time, I can hardly breathe.” The gravity girl said while resting an arm on her forehead, her chest going up and down quickly. The blonde lying on her side let out a muffled laugh. “Tch. Done after the third round? Thought you wanted to get stronger, Round-face.” She, too, laughed.
“Give me a break. I was so close to kicking your ass… if only I had reached your shirt first.” He got up and went to get his water bottle and saw the time on his phone. “Shit. I had to meet that dumbass of Kirishima ten minutes ago. You better be here on time tomorrow, fuck-face.” He quickly started grabbing his stuff and made his way out of the room.
“Bakugou Katsuki. Running away from a confront with the great Uravity. It’s okay, I wont tell anyone.” She laughed, sitting up. “Oi don’t sass me. Tomorrow we’ll finish this.” He ran his way out and left Uraraka with her thoughts and unsteady heart. She sighed. “See ya."
On the next day, the class 1-A was a complete mix of excitement and gossiping. Even Todoroki found himself intrigued and actually talking to his classmates. The commotion was all very understandable, since it was due to a new guy entering their course, with two months left to the end of the first year.
The one-time-only exception was a matter of preserving a good image of U.A. and political business, since he was the son of a very important international figure, but none of that was revealed to the curious students, only that the boy went through as many testing as they did and was approved by the pro heroes.
"Sit down, already. Don’t make me wait.” Aizawa said to his class, much more tired than usual. He had stayed long hours discussing this new student thing and got no sleep. “Finally. This is Daiki Hirano.” A not so tall, pale-skinned boy stood besides their teacher. He had pastel purple wavy hair in contrast to an intense dark purple filling his eyes. With a sutil smile and confident look, the newbie was quite handsome, as a few of his new classmates quickly concluded.
Aizawa took a slow breath and continued. “He’s now an integrant of the U.A. hero course. Class 1-A. Welcome. You can sit in the back, there’s an empty chair right behind miss Uraraka. Now, kids, don’t be too loud. I’m trying to sleep.” The boy went straight to his place, followed by everyone’s stare, except for Bakugou’s - he was too bothered thinking what kind of abilities or influence that idiot had to have to made it to U.A. - and Todoroki’s - he just didn’t really care.
Hirano sat and took a look at his new class as a whole. He already knew most of the faces, had even studied a few. Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Izuku Midoriya and… the girl greeting him. Uraraka Ochako, the gravity girl.
“Hi, Hirano.” She waved with a lovely smile. “It’s very nice to meet you! I h-” Then, a hand quickly made it’s way to shake Daiki’s. “Hello, Hirano-kun. My name is Iida Tenya and I am the class’ representant.” Some of the students sighed, familiar with the exaggerated introduction. “Welcome to Class 1-A. I hope you fit well among our peers.”
“Thanks guys. Feels good to be in one of the best school for heroes.” He said to everyone.
As lunch time had come, the students were now going to the massive cafeteria. Uraraka was just leaving the classroom when a voice from behind their teacher’s table called for her, making the girl jump in surprise. “Uraraka! Down here.”
“Yes, Aizawa-sensei?” “I need you to give Hirano a little tour, explain him how things work. He seemed to like you.” Her cheeks turned a bit red, and made her clumsy. “M-me? Shouldn’t it be Iida?” Aizawa already had his eyes closed again. ‘I guess it’s not up to discussion.’ She thought and moved to the cafeteria expecting to find Hirano on the way. She had to remind herself to tell Bakugou she wouldn’t be able to train today, he would not be happy.
When she found Hirano, he was already in one of the lines to get his food. So she quickly ran, calling his name, to get a in the line. “Oi, Hirano!” “Oh, hey Uraraka, what’s up.” She grabbed a tray and stood behind him, rubbing the back of her neck while continuing the conversation. “Uhm, Aizawa asked me to keep an eye on you, you know? Give you a little tour.” He smiled to the pretty girl he had been creating a liking for. “Thanks, that would be great.” They both grabbed a bowl of rice and went looking for a table. “No problem. After class?” “I’m free.” They passed through Bakugou’s table, where he was sat alongside Kirishima and Kaminari, and Uraraka gave him a nod, smiling lightly. That was enough to make him follow the two of them with his eyes, not exactly pleased with the newbie.
“Looks like Uraraka is already friends with that Hirano guy.” Kirishima stated, followed by Kaminari:
“Of course, she is so friendly, specially with those pink cheeks of hers.” Bakugou was silently getting more and more irritated. “Hey. You two are still training together, right? She sure seems stronger.” Bakugou got up, having already finished eating. “She could beat the shit out of you without blinking.” And left with heavy steps. “Damn. I felt that big dick energy.” Kaminari said and kept on eating. “He will never admit he has a thing for her.” Kirishima said and they kept talking.
On their last period, boys and girls changed their uniforms to do some field training. Both lockers rooms were chatty.
“Uraraka! You spent the whole day with Hirano, I barely talked to you, ribbit.” Tsuyu said. Getting into the subject, all of the girls exposed their thoughts:
[Hagakure]: He’s so cute!
[Yaoyorozu]: Do you know what’s his quirk? He must be powerful.
[Mina]: Where is he from? I could definitely sense an accent.
“Girls, please. He is a nice guy. And I don’t know much about him, just that his mom got him here. She must be powerful.”
“Hmm. So you guys spent all of that time together and you know nothing? Wow.” The girls exchanged a suspicious look, thinking about the mysterious guy.
The boy’s locker room was a bit more… aggressive, not a surprise since Bakugou was there. “Hey fucker!” He walked towards Daiki with clenched fists, a cold and decided look, not desperate. “Where did you come from? Why are you here? Is it because of your quirk?” Knowing Bakugou, Deku started to get worried for Daiki. “Kacch-” “I’m not talking to you, nerd, shut up. So? Do you know how to talk?” Hirano slowly got up and stared right into the angered boy’s eyes: “First: it’s none of your business. Second: my mother made sure I was accepted. And third: I guess we’re about to find out.” Calmly, he left the room, leaving dropped chins and one furious boy behind. “I’m fucking killing him.”
[Outside, All Might]: Come out everyone, the training is about to begin!
Then, he turned to Aizawa. “Let’s see how this goes.”
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Interview: The Two Dekus
Here’s the whole interview with both the Japanese and English voice for Izuku Midoriya (Deku).
This Anime News Network interview features the two voice actors behind Deku: Daiki Yamashita (Japanese dub) and Justin Briner (English Funimation Dub).
I just wanted to bring out this interview. But before we begin, I’m just going to say that since I watch Boku no Hero Academia subbed, I hold a bit of bias. Since I did crop a few parts out, you will find that Justin Briner might have said a few additional things in the interview, so if you want to get a few more comments from him, check out the original article! I tried to keep it even for the most part though.
I will also be including some additional posts, sources, videos, etc. of things that relate to this interview regarding the Japanese cast of My Hero Academia. I tried to limit myself to put under ten links and failed... sorry about that! Hopefully, you’ll find something you might like though!
[...] = additional words in their answer that I felt wasn’t crucial
ANN: First, thank you both for your time, I really appreciate it. When you auditioned for this, did you know what you were auditioning for, and did you know what a big deal it was?
DAIKI YAMASHITA: Yes, I was reading the manga before and I knew that this was going to be popular if it was made into an anime.
JUSTIN BRINER: Yeah, we got our hands on it a little later [...]  You can tell, spending a little bit of time with the source material, that it's something special. [...] And after I checked out that first episode I got hooked, so I figured a lot of other people did too.
Did you immediately see yourself as him?
BRINER: No, not necessarily. [...] I didn't want to get my hopes up for anything for this.
YAMASHITA: You auditioned for pretty much all the male characters?
BRINER: Yeah, Deku, Kacchan, Todoroki, Minari, Tokoyami. I wouldn't have been good as many of them.
YAMASHITA: You tried out for so many characters.
BRINER: Yes, uh uh. I just really wanted to be a part of it, it seemed like something special to me.
Now that you're in season 3 and you did the movie, how has your relationship with Deku changed since the beginning? Do you feel like you play him differently now as his character has changed?
YAMASHITA: I think the mental part of it has helped me. At the beginning of the show, Deku seemed to be very weak. Very soft. You feel like “oh, is he okay? Is he gonna make it?” as a viewer, you see that. But once he inherits the power from All Might, the mental part of his character, he's become so strong. As I play him more and more as the seasons went on, I try to gain that strength as well for myself. So when I play against the strong villains, in my acting I try not to back down – I try to convey that mental strength in my acting as well.
BRINER: It's essentially the same answer here. [...]He started out very weak and insecure. [...]you can tell that he's gaining confidence. [...] Just being able to incorporate a little more confidence, a little more heroism every time, that's part of Deku's growing up.
Do you read ahead in the manga? And if so, does it help you prepare emotionally for what's coming?
YAMASHITA: Yes I do, I do. I read ahead and then I regret reading ahead. I was like “All Might—ohhhh, no.” So when I read that All Might and All For One battle in the manga, I was like “oh my gosh, I saw it, I didn't want to see it… I regret it.” It was shocking to me, before I even received the script.
BRINER: Same. I do read the manga, and I feel like I'm pleasantly surprised by every new development. It's so smartly written that I can't find myself not reading it every week.
Do you have a personal favorite scene, or a scene that meant the most to you personally from this show? Or the film?
YAMASHITA: There's so many. It's very hard to choose one scene, but in particular the second episode, where All Might tells him “you can be a hero.” That scene, along with the most recent scene when All Might points to Deku on TV and says “you're the next.” Those two scenes are very, very memorable. For me, myself, as well as for Deku as a character, those two scenes are very pivotal moments for the character, and very important to both myself and Deku as a character. And I think that those two lines and those two scenes are going to stay with Deku forever, and that's going to become a core of his becoming a hero in the future.
BRINER: I love that. [...] there's a moment in the sports festival when Deku and Todoroki are fighting against each other, and in the middle of the fighting he says something to the effect, to Todoroki, of “it's yours, it's your quirk, not his.” That's such a wonderful moment of—because Deku isn't the most confident person of all time. His quirk isn't even necessarily his own, but he's learning to live with it and make it his own in his own way. So to be able to instil what little confidence that he's gained to a friend in need is really beautiful to me, I think.
Deku gets into some guttural screaming, just world-class screaming. How do you prepare for that? Do you have to recover from it?
YAMASHITA: I eat a lot to prepare. I don't do anything particularly to protect my voice, but I feel like if I don't do anything then my throat is gonna get stronger. Like, if you do more—so essentially for me, it's eat whatever I want when I want and sleep when I want.
So you're playing the main character in a giant, hit show that could potentially run years and years and years and years and years. Do you feel like you're prepared for that, and do you see yourself still relishing the role, if, say, a decade from now you're still playing Deku?
YAMASHITA: Yes. In a narration, where Deku says “this is the story of me becoming the best hero.” So I would like to see him become the best hero. I would like to see that, and I would like to continue playing him as he becomes a hero. So I'll try not to die in the middle, in the process. I might be a grandpa by the end, but I would like to perform this character until he becomes the best hero that he can be.
BRINER: I mean yes, I love Deku, I love the source material so much and so dearly that I'd love to be a part of it for as long as I can. It really means a lot to me that way.
As a brief follow-up, when you were starting your career, did you ever have the aspiration to be like “well, I basically want to be Goku in a series that's as big as Dragon Ball.” You're the Goku of this show. Did you ever see yourself in this position? And was that ever your aspiration?
YAMASHITA: Yes. When I started out, yes that was my hope that I would be able to encounter roles like this. I think that it honestly takes a miracle for this type of encounter to happen, to get a role that can be in a long-running show, and something like My Hero Academia is very, very rare. So I'm very grateful for the opportunity, and I feel like, as I said before, I'd like to stay with it until Deku becomes the best hero that he can be. When he becomes that hero, maybe that's the time that my life ends. That's how I feel, almost. So I would like to continue playing and breathe life into this character until he does, so…
BRINER: All I've ever known that I wanted to do was act or perform in some capacity. I never knew exactly what avenue that would be. But the world of anime has always been something that's been very important to me growing up. I watched Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon before I knew what anime was. It was just another cartoon that I would rush home after school to watch. To be part of something so pivotal and so prescient, especially nowadays, is really special in that way. [...]to be a part of it now is really incredible. Because it feels like I'm working my hardest to be a part of something that's much bigger than me. And I get a lot of satisfaction out of doing my part in that.
All right, I've got two short ones left. One, if you were playing any character in the show that was not Deku, who would you want to play?
YAMASHITA: I can't think of anybody else but Deku to play.
Fair enough.
BRINER: True, I love Deku too. If you make me answer, Froppy.
YAMASHITA: Maybe like a villain. One of the villains.
Last question. In your heart, who do you think Deku should wind up with in the show? As a romantic partner.
YAMASHITA: As far as I can tell for now, just by reading the manga and doing three seasons, it looks like Uraraka is very high on his list. But in the movie… I feel (original character from the My Hero Academia film) Melissa Shield has gained… she climbed up the ladder towards the top, the top of the list. So when you think about the future development of the story, there might be a chance that Melissa-chan comes back. In that case, there might be a battle between Uraraka Ochako and Melissa!
BRINER: [...] I feel like Uraraka is… they're just meant to be, somehow. Let me just introduce Tsuyu into the mix, Froppy. I don't know, I don't know.
It's a good pick. It's a good pick.
YAMASHITA: Isn't it that you like that character? Do you just like her—
BRINER: Uhhhh, maybe?
Everyone likes that character!
YAMASHITA: I think it's your taste!
Tsuyu Is Popular With Everyone [video below]
“Who is Best Girl?” [Cast Answer]
BNHA Cast Interview (Daiki Yamashita, Nobuhiko Okamoto, Masuda Toshiki) - Relationship between the characters
Cast Imitating Their Characters
Seiyuu Comic (Daiki Yamashita, Nobuhiko Okamoto, Yuuki Kaji, and Kouki Uchiyama) with additional details
Ayane Sakura’s Nickname Origins
Yuuki Kaji Interview on Shouto Todoroki Nobuhiko Okamoto Interview on Katsuki Bakugou Junichi Suwabe Interview on Shouta Aizawa
BNHA Movie Special Event Additional Cast Images
Recording Bakugou - Nobuhiko Okamoto
If you like content like this, I recommend checking out my spam blog! It’s where I post my voice actor, shitpost, fanart, and just about everything else!
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ohmytheon · 6 years
Can you please do a oneshot where Izuku , Kaminari and Todoroki have to dress up as Villains and Ochako, Jirou and Mono find them hot? Izuku and Kaminari's designs would be on the authors prototype designs for them. Btw, your content is stupendously good!
This was not supposed to get this long, but I had such a fun time writing it. Really, it was a blast! After all the angst, drama, and action, it felt really good to write something light-hearted and cute. Plus, Kaminari as a Pun Lord is now my new favorite thing and writing Deku in all his “how do I teenage boy?” glory is so nice after the villain stuff. Thank you for sending me this! I guess, if anyone else has any BNHA ideas, feel free to hit me up. And without further ado…
“I…I don’t think this is a good idea…” Izuku mumbled from where he was dressing.
“C’mon, I bet you look kickass!” came Kaminari’s upbeat response in the changing area on his left.
“We aren’t supposed to look ‘kickass’,” Todoroki intonted on his right. “We’re supposed to look villainous.”
Izuku didn’t know if he could manage to look like a villain. Apparently, he had something of a baby face. With his big, innocent green eyes, the freckles that he hadn’t yet outgrown didn’t help, and his green hair that looked like a chia pet gone out of control, Izuku might have been the opposite of dangerous and deadly. Even when he activated One for All, a lot of villains didn’t take him seriously. Sure, they did after the fact, but even during a fight when he let off a punch that sent a villain flying, they seemed mind-boggled.
That wasn’t a bad thing, of course. Being underestimated tended to put villains off their guard with him. The thing was though, he needed to look the part right now. Going undercover in an illegal fighting ring where kidnapped innocent civilians were thrown into a cage with a villain and told to fight for their lives was a huge deal. None of them could be one of the civilians, so they’d managed to get the intel on how to get in as villains. It was easier than expected, but then again, Kacchan was apparently very persuasive.
The fact that Kacchan had been the one to get the information meant that he couldn’t go undercover, which he was pretty mad about. He was off scowling about and randomly exploding things, doing his best impersonation of a villain perhaps in hopes that they’d let him go anyways. All of them knew that, despite his temper and turbulent attitude, Kacchan was a hero in his heart, but he could for sure play the part better than Izuku. Even though they were on better terms these days, Kacchan had almost lost his shit when it had been announced that Izuku was going on this mission.
He had blown up when Todoroki had also been assigned. “That half and half bastard is recognizable a mile away!” he’d screamed. Which was true, hence why Todoroki was supposed to be wearing a terrifying mask that covered up his face and hair. He’d been less than thrilled by it, but he hadn’t complained.
However, the three boys chosen had quirks that could blend in relatively well if need be. Izuku’s quirk was listed officially as super strength, which plenty of people had in various ways. Kaminari had an electricity quirk; it was stronger than most, but they’d still come across people with similar quirks. Todoroki had decided to go the fire route; it was loud and flashy, but the ice half of his quirk was too undeniably him and he hadn’t wanted to use his mother’s quirk to pretend to be a villain.
When he was finally done, Izuku sighed as he looked at his reflection. “I look…”
“Scary?” Kaminari offered. “Terrifying? Strong as hell?”
“Weird,” Izuku settled on.
Kaminari snorted. “Sucks to be you. I look–”
“Don’t you dare say it!” Jirou shouted from outside their rooms.
“–Electrifying,” Kaminari finished smugly.
“Oh my god.”
This wouldn’t have been so bad if there weren’t three other people waiting for them to get finished changing. While Uraraka and Jirou were there for “moral support” (aka they were nosy), Momo had helped them come up with costumes on the fly. Kaminari had explained his fake villain costume enthusiastically while Izuku had been something at a loss and Todoroki had said that he trusted her vision for his. It wasn’t that the costume was bad – Momo had done an excellent job, considering all his waffling – but that it didn’t fit him as a person.
Maybe that was the point. He wasn’t supposed to be Izuku Midoriya. He wasn’t supposed to be Deku. Oh man, they hadn’t even come up with names yet. He didn’t even know how to go about that. He’d never thought about what he’d do as a villain. It had never once occurred to him that he had or wanted to be anything but a hero.
“C’mon, Deku, it can’t be that bad,” came the bright, reassuring voice of Uraraka.
Izuku swallowed nervously. He was older now, stronger, more confident – and he still sometimes fumbled when he was around Uraraka. It made no sense. They were best friends. They had done and accomplished so much together since meeting one another. They’d lived together in the U.A. dorms. Well, not together – but like, well, you know, near each other. They had brought down villains together and used their quirks in a fight and in hero classes.
When they were working, in or out of class, he didn’t have time to consider how close she was or how easy and right it felt when she touched him to activate her quirk on him. Not until after class did he think of it and then he’d turn into a mess while he thought of that. He’d admitted to her that he was anxious about this particular mission, although it was necessary. He knew that once he was in the moment things would be better. He still got nervous over things, but he was so much better than he’d been before. Determination had a way of helping him focus.
It did not help him right now, not when all he could do was focus on the fact that Uraraka was out there and she was going to judge him on what he looked like in this villain costume.
Taking a deep breath, Izuku closed his eyes and stepped out of the room.
“Oh.” That was Uraraka.
“Oh?” His voice was far too high-pitched, making him sound as if he hadn’t gone through puberty, but there was nothing he could do now to fix it. “What does that mean? Is it that bad?”
“N-no! It’s not bad at all!” Uraraka hastily exclaimed.
Izuku peeked out of one eye and immediately locked on Uraraka standing in front of him. Her normally pink cheeks were flushed more than normal, her mouth was parted a little, and her big brown eyes were wide with surprise. It made him feel insecure at first, but then it didn’t seem to be a bad surprise. What did make his stomach twist though was the way she was looking him from top to bottom, like she was either trying to pick him apart or memorize him. “Uraraka?”
“Hm?” Uraraka’s eyes snapped up to his face. “O-oh. Ha, sorry, I was just– You look so–” She took a few confident steps towards him. It took about three-quarters of his strength to not jump out of his skin. How could he still be so nervous around her? “Different.”
Izuku raised an eyebrow. “Different?”
“She means muscular as hell,” Jirou drawled, a huge smirk on her face that left Izuku’s head spinning in confusion. What was that look for? “Damn, Midoriya, we knew you had muscles because of last summer, but we didn’t know you were hiding so much under your clothes now!”
A very awkward giggle practically burst out of Uraraka. She’d reached out to him, almost like she was going to touch his chest, but then jerked her hands back quickly. “Well, of course! You’re always working out!” She rubbed the back of her neck, which had also turned red.
“Um, yeah?” Izuku replied lamely, not sure what he was supposed to say or do.
Momo held a hand in front of her mouth, but there was a smile in her eyes. “I might have made the costumes too small or tight. I’m sorry. I… I don’t make clothes for boys very often.”
“It’s fine,” Izuku reassured her, even though he was desperately trying not to pull at the material near his more, ah, sensitive areas. He was becoming more acutely aware of them, but wasn’t about to do it around the girls. The outfit wasn’t so tight that it was uncomfortable, but it really did cling to him. He hadn’t realized his hero costume was a little baggy as to hide him. Maybe it was a habit he’d not outgrown from when he was scrawny.
Behind him, the door to his now right was kicked open and Kaminari stepped out with his hands on his hips, radiating confidence, a far better sense of humor, and literal electricity. “Do I look sick or what?”
Jirou reacted as if he’d given her a shock. “Yeah, uh, you look pretty…sick.”
Kaminari’s grin was bright enough to blind someone. “This is awesome. I bet I could scare villains with this look!” He did what looked like his best infuriated Kacchan expression and jumped into a stance that made it look like he was going to attack one of them. “What do you think, Jirou? Scared?”
The look on Jirou’s face was anything but scared. She was outright gawking at Kaminari like she had never seen him before in her life, mouth fully open and eyebrows raised high. “Uh, yeah, super…scared…”
She didn’t even sound scared either, but Kaminari didn’t seem to notice, too caught up in the moment and his excitement. When he finally glanced at her, she wiped the expression off her face, but her cheeks were pink now and pressed her lips into a weird smile and gave him a thumbs up. That appeased him though. He did look kind of terrifying, if Izuku was being honest. Kaminari’s new costume gave the vibe that he was a villain just barely in control of his quirk and would shoot off electricity if his mood changed in the slightest.
He did look electric.
Izuku caught Jirou shooting Momo a glare and hissing under her breath, “What the hell? Stop it! Don’t give me that look!” but Momo was starting to giggle from behind her hand.
What was wrong with the girls? They weren’t the ones wearing these tight villain costumes. Now he knew how Uraraka felt every time she put on her hero costume. He’d known it was tight (boy did he ever – wait, no, now he sounded like Mineta), but now he had a better understanding of what she went through. It shouldn’t have taken him going through this to appreciate what she went through.
Todoroki came out much calmer than either one of them, simply opening the door and striding out. He still came out carrying that cool sort of confidence that none of them could master on his shoulders like it was nothing. This had to be done so that was that. The black leather pants were tight enough that even Izuku wasn’t about to go there and black shirt as well, but black and red jacket hung down to his thighs and fit him perfectly. He wore red fingerless gloves so that he could pretend that fire only came from his fingertips and a helmet with a tinted visor that looked like it could also pass for a motorcycle helmet.
Everyone was staring at him as he pulled the helmet off his head and tucked it under his arm. Somehow, it made him look even more effortlessly cool as his red and white hair fell down to normal.
Momo swallowed. “I, uh…”
“You did an excellent job on this outfit,” Todoroki said as he shrugged out of his jacket to examine it better. “The fact that you were able to make it flame retardant is amazing.”
There was a faint impressed expression on his face, which meant a lot considering that he hid how he was feeling even from his closest friends. He was totally unaware of the fact that Momo didn’t seem capable of responding to him out loud; she just bit her lip and nodded her head, looking as if her dreams had come true. She had done an incredible job. They would really need to thank her for this somehow. When they’d been given this mission, their villain costumes had been half the problem, but she’d come up with a quick solution.
“The helmet is perfect,” Todoroki continued. “It hides my face well, but I can still see just fine.”
Jirou nudged Momo and Izuku could’ve sworn he’d heard her mutter, “That’s not the only thing that’s fine. Those pants don’t hide anything.”
Momo turned as red as Todoroki’s flames and gave Jirou a deeply embarrassed and angry look. That was crazy though. He had to have heard Jirou wrong. Still, Uraraka pressed her hands to her mouth, but her muffled giggle-snorts could still be heard, and Kaminari snorted as if he’d heard it as well. Only Todoroki appeared not to have heard her, so absorbed in admiring Momo’s work.
“Badass, Todoroki,” Kaminari confirmed, shooting some finger guns in the other boy’s direction. “You’re on fire.”
“Stop it,” Jirou groaned.
Uraraka kept on giggling. “That outfit is…hot. Right, Momo?” Her face was turning red again, but it looked more like it was from effort to not burst out into laughter. Jirou shook her head while Kaminari laughed and high-fived Uraraka, clearly thrilled that someone else was having just as much fun as he was.
When Kaminari hopped over and threw an arm around Jirou’s shoulders, she immediately stiffened, but she didn’t push him away either. He pulled her against him and said, “Admit it. We make looking bad cool.”
“Don’t push it, Sparky,” Jirou told him stiffly as she folded her arms across her chest. Her eyes shifted over to him though and her face wasn’t nearly as angry or displeased as the rest of her body language suggested.
“Still, it’s not fair that Midoriya is over there looking jacked as hell,” Kaminari complained before letting out a sigh and shaking his head. “You look like you could bench press all the girls.”
Izuku’s face flooded with embarrassment. After three years at U.A., all of them had built up plenty of muscle. Back in the day, Kaminari had perhaps been less muscular than Izuku, who’d had to train exceedingly hard so that his body would be able to take One for All. He had some muscle on him now for sure, probably because Kacchan pushed all his friends into working out, but he wasn’t at either Izuku’s or even Todoroki’s level.
Kaminari eyed Izuku carefully. “Bet you could lift Uraraka up with one arm.”
“W-what?” Izuku sputtered.
“Of course he can!” Uraraka almost shouted. “I can make myself weightless, duh!”
“You should try it,” Kaminari suggested, but then laughed when Jirou elbowed him in the side. He pulled his arm off her shoulders and held up his hands in surrender. “Kidding, kidding.”
Todoroki slid his jacket back on. “We should get going.” How did Todoroki manage to look so completely at ease in this new villain costume when Izuku felt like he couldn’t even recognize himself despite not wearing the hood and mask yet? He took one of Momo’s hands in both of his and inclined his head towards her. “Thank you again. This really saved us a lot of trouble. They look great.”
“Any time!” Momo replied brightly.
“So straightforward,” Kaminari harrumphed.
Izuku started forward to follow the two other boys, but then connected eyes with Uraraka again. He scratched the back of his head and gave a nervous smile. “Wish us luck!”
“They don’t need luck when they’ve got you,” Uraraka told him, a soft smile on her face. Well, great, now he felt like he could melt into a puddle. Sometimes she said the craziest things without realizing it. She fiddled with her fingers in front of her stomach. “You really do look good, Deku.”
“Better than my hero outfit?” Izuku asked.
Uraraka laughed. “No, no, that one is still my favorite.”
“All your outfits are my favorite,” Izuku replied without thinking, as if the words had just tumbled out of his mouth on their own. Both of them turned red in the face when he realized what he’d said and then he was waving goodbye and yelling, “Gotta go!” as he ran to catch up with Todoroki and Kaminari.
What in the world had he just said? Why had he said that? It was true, but still! Some days it really did feel easier to be a hero than it did to be a teenage boy.
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k-amui · 7 years
lacie, lottie, ada, sharon, jack, haise, juuzou, umibozu, kamui, abuto, dabi, himiko, twice, todoroki, kiri, ciel, lizzy, charles grey&phipps
aaa thank you!!! thanks for adding to the ph and also the kuro ones!!
lacie, jack, juuzou and kamui, here!! 
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | STRIKINGLY BEAUTIFUL | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor!!! | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: throughout all the story, she changed her views on the situation with determination and taming the fear, always doing what she thought was correct. she is dazzling. and her big sister figure for the rest of the baskerville has my heart stolen. she has a lot of energy, she’s like a bustling sunworst quality: her screentime in the end amounted to littleship them with: coughs.. her crush on oswald clicked well with me.. and although they’re not a “ship” to me, they would look really good together as they’re both so gorgeous. don’t ask me about personality matching, i have never given much thought to it although they’re rly different and i think it’s funbrotp them with: all the baskervilles and SHARON ;w; they’re similar in many ways they have so much potential!!!! let best girls interact!!!!needs to stay away from:misc. thoughts: I!! WISH!! SHE!! HAD!! MET!! LACIE!!!! 
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: GRYFFINDOR | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: she’s an angel, she is so kind and tries very hard and she’s not.. corrupted? like part of her lives in some other dimension that can’t be soiled. she wants the best she is just.. such a genuinely good person, i can’t make her justice in any way, she is just everything good a person could aspire to be. OH and her love for the occult i adore that side of her!!worst quality: she had the right to be angry or get difficult at some moments but she decided not to and to support her loved ones with all she got, if you find any fault in her it’ll be very hard to comprehend for me, even if i try to be objectiveship them with: none myself.. but if it had made her happier, i would have wanted vinceada to be canon brotp them with: OZ AND GILBERT, THE THREE OF THEM ARE REAL SIBS and i hope sharon?? ;;; i think they could get along really well but we didn’t see anything about them together so ?? :’(needs to stay away from:misc. thoughts: I HATE THE CLOSURE SHE GOT ;_; sorry, no matter how many years pass, her marriage to a rando guy and her longing face when she felt vincent’s presence broke my heart. was she really happy? she’s the kind of person who can make her own life bright and fulfilling even if things couldn’t go the way she’d have wished them, but was she really happy? i’m filled with unease because, more than anybody, i wished her a happy ending, her half-assed finale is a thorn
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: she always stands tall and strong and understand her strengths and weaknesses and she’s such an unwavering pillar of support for everybody around her. she’s so capable yet humble, and so kind.. she’s like a very sublime and delicate yet incredibly resilient flower. she’s also like a grand dame but from her very core, there’s nothing artificial about her nobility. also her do-S queen sideworst quality: hmm i can’t think of oneship them with: no onebrotp them with: alice, lottie and ada!!!! they had so much potential jesusneeds to stay away from:misc. thoughts: her marriage to reim has never made me happy, i’m sorry.. she and ada’s conclusions are the ones i can’t come to accept
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: he was so sweet, and soft, and did his best, and in the end got nothing to show for it… ;_; but at the same time, his part of the story was really neat from start to finish, so i have no complaints. i love haise’s journeyworst quality: when he appeared as one of the 8(?) personas in kaneki’s mind i found him half-hearted and almost as if he regretted the bonds he had made or how easily he thought he maybe should have killed juuzou. while i know he appreciates him and that’s not a solution that would make him happy, i got a bad impression of him being weak-willed and currently i’m a bit disillusioned with him. haise without memories was stronger, now he’s literally just a shadow inside kanekiship them with: brotp them with: he’s the maman, no bros i’m sorry. needs to stay away from: black reaper kaneki, probablymisc. thoughts: i love his relationship with akira and saiko
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: he cares so much and did everything he could!!! so what if he made mistakes? some of them were provoked by information he didn’t get until it was too late, how can you just throw all the blame on him. many charas in the same manga have fucked up WAY more than umibozu and none of them got 1/100 of the shit he received from both the charas and the fandom, and even more, they’re hailed as some kind of heroes and complicated characters. miss me with this bullshit, i’m so angry worst quality: none, but you should accept your hair follicles are dead, my dearship them with: brotp them with: abuto, would be niceneeds to stay away from:misc. thoughts: he deserves better and the fandom doesn’t deserve him
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality:  his kindness and his big dick. worst quality: ship them with: happiness, tranquility and peacebrotp them with: 7th division and umibozu, would be nice. i think he and ungyo might have gotten along well, or at least so i hope ;w;needs to stay away from: anybody who seems dangerous for his armsmisc. thoughts: he has such a peaceful effect on me
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: he’s really mysterious and has so much potential due to that, i’m very expectant of what does horikoshi have in store for himworst quality: we don’t know ennough for me to say..ship them with: brotp them with: the leagueneeds to stay away from:misc. thoughts: even if it turns up not being accurate, i really like the smash characterization of him
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin? | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: mentally speaking, she always seems to be swinging in many different directions at once, i find it fascinating and i really like how she’s being dealt with so far in the plot. also i love her personality and relationship with the other villainsworst quality: not a quality, but while i can understand why the nakey transformation part, i don’t quite welcome itship them with: brotp them with: the leagueneeds to stay away from:misc. thoughts: tomura-kun is good
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: his bubbly personality, he’s so cute. i found his backstory and his vision on life very interestingworst quality: ship them with: brotp them with: the leagueneeds to stay away from:misc. thoughts:
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: he’s.. the hand breaker worst quality: none so far, i really like his development and i’m fond of himship them with: brotp them with: iida and ochako. deku too, i guessneeds to stay away from:misc. thoughts: i want to see him with his mother again! 
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: he’s a warm boy who tries really hard and i like his mood-maker personalityworst quality: i hope he can stop brooding so much soonship them with: brotp them with: i think he’s the type of person he can make bros with anybody, that’s one of his charmsneeds to stay away from:misc. thoughts:
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor? | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: he does everything he thinks he has to do even if it breaks him, the charm of it is so ;w; idk i find him so tragic and humane and i like his personality a lot. a very engaging mc, and maybe my favorite of all the ongoing manga i’m readingworst quality: like with lacie, i know there’s something i don’t quite like about him but right now i can’t remember/grasp/put into words what it isship them with: hmm lizziebrotp them with: needs to stay away from: viscount jesus druittmisc. thoughts: i want to see your usual attitude come back from war soon ;w;
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: GRYFFINDOR | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: SHE’S SO GOOD AND BRAVE AND FHREJKHFRE i love her so much she has such a strong spirit and is full of kindnessworst quality: at first i was also pretty :/ at her childish tantrums, although i never hated her. that’s long in the past thoughship them with: (our) ciel brotp them with: sieglinde and her actual brotherneeds to stay away from: real ciel, i have a feeling..misc. thoughts: where are you.. i need to know what you think of everything and how you feel, i don’t believe you would stop supporting (our) ciel
charles grey
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: everything, he’s my type to a T, he’s so PETTY and gorgeous jesus christworst quality: no screen time…ship them with: brotp them with: phipps and brown!!!needs to stay away from:misc. thoughts: i want to know what he thinks of queen victoria and i can’t wait for him to appear again
charles phipps (thanks for sending him too!!! ;u;)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: he’s such a precious soul oh my god, a dark angel i love him so much, i need more double charles in my life ;;;;worst quality: no screen time…ship them with: brotp them with: grey and brown!!!needs to stay away from:misc. thoughts: it can’t be added to brotp but he and lizzie would get along just so well i want to see them interact again, i need this sort of cuteness in my life
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makeste · 5 years
a BnHA playlist/fanmix thing
@psqqa so I finally put together a list of some of my BnHA playlist tracks! this is by no means comprehensive because I have literally half a dozen different playlists with different themes (e.g. “instrumentals”, “BakuDeku”, “songs that either remind me of Kacchan or that he would work out to”, “angsty apocalyptic final battle”, and so forth) and omg it’s a lot. but this is my most inclusive playlist, which consists of general character theme songs for most of class 1-A, the League of Villains, and a few others. my taste in music generally leans towards alternative/indie/rock/grunge, but it can kind of go all over the place. so the genres may vary here and there, especially since I opted to go with whichever song I felt fit the character best regardless of how well the tracks all blended together musically.
also I have a bakudeku bias but THAT’S NOT EXACTLY BREAKING NEWS what can I say. and this is actually me holding back lol but oh well.
Deku - Rise (Katy Perry) - “makeste did you really just kick off your BnHA playlist with a Katy Perry song” yeah I did! because!! I won’t just survive/oh you will see me thrive/can’t write my story/I’m beyond the archetype. like, this song was made for anime protagonists. oh ye of little faith/don’t doubt it, don’t doubt it/victory is in my veins/I know it, I know it. this kid just doesn’t give up. this is no mistake, no accident/when you think the final nail is in, think again/don’t be surprised/I will still rise.
bonus: Blood (Archis) - this song is fucking gorgeous both musically and lyrically. don’t let them win/don’t let them get/under your skin, into your head/they’re full of it/you’re full of life/you’ll prove them right if you’re giving up/so let’s go for blood. it really is fucked up how dismissive BnHA society is of anyone who’s quirkless. it’s so stupid too, because the majority of quirks aren’t even all that great. “look at me I can make DSLR lenses pop out of my body!” lol fucking great. so obviously superior to normal people who have to take pictures with actual cameras like fucking scrubs. anyway, so Deku was written off from a young age as helpless, defective, and deficient, all because he lacked a quirk. so it’s been so fucking great to watch him finally prove them all wrong. (...by getting a quirk. lol. but STILL.) well it sure took a while to turn it around/but I never gave up on me.
Bakugou - We Will Rock You (VonLichten mix) (Queen) - I like this version of the song because it adds a bit of an extra oomph and it’s a little bit fiercer. anyways, this has been my Bakugou theme song since day one, and what I love about it is that each verse works for a different stage of his ~journey~. buddy you’re a boy/make a big noise/playing in the street/gonna be a big man someday -- this is Katsuki as a fearless young child, with hints at the growing chip on his shoulder (kicking your can all over the place). and then the second verse is him a little older, starting out at UA -- buddy you’re a young man/hard man/shouting in the street/gonna take on the world someday -- and proclaiming to the world that he’ll be number one. and lastly we have the final verse, with its line gonna make you some peace someday, which I know is meant in a make-peace-with-things-before-the-end kind of way, but in a BnHA context you can totally tweak it to be a reference to the man he’s aspiring to be. gonna make you some peace, because he’s gonna be greater than the Symbol of Peace himself someday.
bonus: Defy You (The Offspring) - the wind blows/I’ll lean into the wind/my anger grows/I’ll use it to win/the more you say/the more I defy you/so get out of my way. perfect song for a boy who cannot and will not be stopped. you cannot stop us/you cannot bring us down/never give up/we’ll go on and on. or, in his words: “I will win... that’s what heroes do.”
All Might - Legends Never Die (League of Legends OST) - listen I have never played League of Legends lol, but ever since I heard this song in a Marvel edit, this has been the All Might song for me. you could probably just watch the Kamino battle on mute with this song in the background and everything would fit. legends never die/when the world is calling you/can you hear them screaming out your name?/legends never die/they become a part of you/every time you bleed for reaching greatness/relentless, you survive. the lyrics basically speak for themselves. we stan a champion.
Aizawa - I’ll Make a Man Out of You (Mulan OST) - y’all I went through so many songs looking for something that summarized Aizawa’s tiredness/doneness-with-life while also alluding to his mentor side, and then suddenly BAM, it hit me. anyways so yeah. you’re the saddest bunch I ever met/but you can bet before we’re through/mister I’ll make a man out of you. also just try to listen to the “say goodbye to those who knew me/boy was I a fool in school for cutting gym/THIS GUY’S GOT ‘EM SCARED TO DEATH” part without picturing 1-A bitching about their scruffy teacher overlord whom they secretly love.
bonus: I’m So Tired (Fugazi) - if you’re looking for something more musically cohesive with the rest of this playlist in general, as opposed to SUDDEN DISNEY SONG OUT OF NOWHERE, this may be a bit more up your alley lol. I’m so tired sheep are counting me/no more struggle, no more energy/no more patience/and you can write that down/it’s all too crazy and I’m not sticking round. anyways Aizawa needs a nap.
Todoroki - Alive (Sia) - I grew up overnight/I played alone, I played on my own/I survived/I wanted everything I never had/like the love that comes with life/I wore envy and I hated it/but I survived. guys this little candy cane boy has been through some shit. but he hung in there and now he is thriving. I’m still breathing/I’m alive.
Ochako - You Gotta Be (Des’ree) - because she’s a badass. you gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser/you gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger/you gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together. anyways I sure would like Ochako to get the spotlight in an arc again one of these days. she’s the best.
Iida - Never Die (FNDTY) - it was actually pretty hard to find a song that fit Iida’s unique forty-year-old man personality since my musical tastes usually run towards moody shit and he’s pretty much the opposite of that lol. but I think the tempo of this song fits his quirk, at least, and it makes me smile, which he does also. you can run/you can fly/you can never die.
Kirishima - Guts Over Fear ft. Sia (Eminem)  - so this is a song all about overcoming your insecurities and finding the courage within yourself. I freaking love how the pre-chorus I was afraid to make a single sound/afraid I would never find a way out builds up and transitions into so here I am and I will not run/guts over fear. I’m so proud of Kiri you guys.
Momo - You Are Young (Keane) - another song about getting the better of your personal doubts and demons! hey now, don’t be scared, baby, don’t be scared at all/of all the things you don’t know/you’ve got time to realize. Momo has so much potential and she’s going to be such an incredible hero one day. now that she’s gaining more confidence the sky is pretty much the limit for her. you’ve got time/you’ve got to try/to bring some good into this world/cause you are young.
Mina - Safe and Sound (Capital Cities) - oh hey it’s the most upbeat song in the world, for the world’s most cheerful and optimistic and endlessly delightful person. I could fill your cup/you know my river won’t evaporate/this world we still appreciate/you could be my luck/even in a hurricane of frowns/I know that we’ll be safe and sound.
Kaminari - Thunderstruck (AC/DC) - okay yeah maybe I didn’t try too hard on this one lol. BUT IF THE SHOE FITS and honestly, it does. title aside, I think this song fits Kaminari musically too. it’s badass and it puts a smile on your face. went through to Texas/yeah Texas/and we had some fun/we met some girls/some dancers who gave a good time/broke all the rules/played all the fools. and then, of course, the chorus. you’ve been thunderstruck.
Jirou - Dream On (Aerosmith) - you know I had to go with a rock song for Jirou, so might as well go with a classic that’s all about (a) loving music (sing with me, sing for the year/sing for the laughter, sing for the tear) and (b) shooting for your dreams. dream on, dream on/dream until your dreams come true.
Tokoyami - Dark Necessities (Red Hot Chili Peppers) - I could have possibly gone with something a bit more goth for Toko as opposed to the Chilis, but the lyrics just fit so well though. you don’t know my mind/you don’t know my kind/dark necessities are part of my design/tell the world that I’m falling from the sky/dark necessities are part of my design/do you want this love of mine?/darkness helps us all to shine. Tokoyami doesn’t get enough respect for being a teenage edgelord without being a cringey mess. he’s setting such a good example for others.
so that’s pretty much it for my 1-A songs, but here are some bonus BakuDeku songs because I am obsessed
Muddy Waters (LP) - this is my theme for Deku VS Kacchan 2. goddamn Katsuki is such a hot fucking mess during this fight. and he’s hurting so much, and he’s reaching out to the only person he knows to reach out to in the only way he knows how. I will ask you for mercy/I will come to you blind/what you’ll see is the worst me/I’m not the last of my kind/in the muddy water we’re falling/in the muddy water we’re crawling. this song brings that good angst you guys. this is a relationship that has been through the wringer, and two boys who have basically no idea what they are doing, just kind of stumbling along. it is not clear why we choose the fire pathway/where we end is not the way that we had planned/all the spirits gathered round like it’s our last day/to get across you know we’ll have to raise the sand. anyways these kids chose the highest possible difficulty level for their path forward, but they’re doing it though. together, y’all.
Admiration (Incubus) - because Izuku is frankly infatuated and doesn’t even try to hide it. you’re an unfenced fire/over walls we’ve trampled/it’s you I admire/my living example. “an amazing person who was even closer to me than All Might.” he’s so open in his respect and awe for practically everything Kacchan does. just staring at him in starry-eyed wonder. and this part of their dynamic has always been so compelling to me -- how unconditional it is on Izuku’s part. that is some fiercely strong love there on his part that it can survive all the bullshit Kacchan heaps onto it, and all his best attempts to snuff it out. he just latched on and wouldn’t let go. anyways it resulted in something extremely unhealthy for quite a while, but it’s turning around now and being reciprocated, even if Kacchan’s version is prickly and tentative. don’t get ahead of me/could we just this once see eye to eye?
Ordinary Love (U2) - I can’t fight you anymore/it’s you I’m fighting for/the sea throws rocks together/but time leaves us polished stones. I fucking love that metaphor, though. yeah, just give them time. they’re gonna figure this all out one day.
and have a bonus theme song for class 1-A in general before we move on
Charlie Brown (Coldplay) - something about this song just embodies that restive, fidgety energy of youth to me. all the boys, all the girls/all that matters in the world/all the boys, all the girls/all the madness that occurs/all the highs, all the lows/as the room a-spinning goes/we’ll run riot/we’ll be glowing in the dark. there’s like a disorderly, disheveled beauty to this. say what you will about Coldplay, but some of their songs are like the musical equivalent of a rainbow.
anyways so now I’m gonna segue into some songs for a few of the season 4 characters. starting with...
Nighteye - While I’m Still Here (Nine Inch Nails) - ticking time is running out/yesterday I found out the world was ending. I still can’t get over how psychologically devastating Nighteye’s quirk is. it’s basically just Major Bummer: The Quirk. this season is really going to fuck me up emotionally isn’t it. a little more/every day/falls apart and/slips away/I don’t mind/I’m okay/wish it didn’t have to end this way. fucking hell. guess I better brace myself for some solid gut punches to the soul.
Eri - Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up) (Florence + the Machine) - nothing to see here, just a little girl being treated as nothing more than a human bloodbank, and told that her quirk is nothing but a curse even as her abuser hoards it and uses it to wage a war. this is a gift, it comes with a price/who is the lamb and who is the knife?/Midas is king and he holds me so tight/and turns me to gold in the sunlight. but I also picked this song for Eri because of the way the POV slowly gathers up their courage and tries to fight back. I wish that I could just be brave/I must become a lion-hearted girl/ready for a fight/before I make the final sacrifice. excuse me I need to go hug Eri.
Mirio - Carry On (fun.) - okay so it was kind of hard to pick a song for Mirio, I think maybe I was overthinking it. anyways I ended up going with something hopeful to try and embody his endless, determined optimism. this song has kind of a quiet courage that builds up as it goes on. my favorite part is the second bridge: cause we are/we are shining stars/we are invincible/we are who we are/on our darkest day/when we’re miles away/so we’ll come/we will find our way home.
bonus: Mirio and Tamaki - Kids (Acoustic) (OneRepublic) - back when we were kids/swore we would never die/you and me were kids/swear that we’ll never die. lol at least we have one healthy childhood friendship to stan in this series.
and now on to THE VILLAINS, yay. this is probably the most musically cohesive section of this playlist, since VILLAINS!! means I can go with an overall darker ambiance.
All for One - Sympathy for the Devil (Neptunes Remix) (Rolling Stones) - didn’t even have to think about this one. please allow me to introduce myself/I’m a man of wealth and taste/I’ve been around for a long, long year/stole many a man’s soul and faith. this is the gentleman villain song and a perfect fit IMO.
Tomura - Pet (A Perfect Circle) - or really, this is more “AFO and Tenko”, I guess. manipulating a traumatized child into hating the world and raising him to become a killer. pay no mind to what other voices say/they don’t care about you like I do/safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils/see, they don’t give a fuck about you like I do/just stay with me/safe and ignorant. this is one of those songs where literally the entire song fits both lyrically and musically. just perfect. I’ll be the one to protect you from your enemies and your choices, son/they’re one and the same/I must isolate you/isolate and save you from yourself. like it’s a struggle here not to quote the entire song. ...eh, one more. swinging to the rhythm of the new world order and/counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums.
bonus: Flesh and Bone (Black Math) - Tenko angst. god that last arc was so fucking good. I walk alone, beside myself/nowhere to go/this bleeding heart that’s in my hands/I fell apart. stupid manga with its darkly compelling villain character arcs.
Dabi - Shadow on the Sun (Audioslave) - aaaangst lol. and I can tell you why/people go insane/I can show you how/you could do the same. p.s. Dabi you still owe me a flashback! also “shadow on the sun” is a pretty good metaphor for his relationship with Endeavor. fire quirks make for such great metaphor potential.
Toga - Bones (MS MR) - you know I really have no idea why this song pings me so hard for Toga lol. but whatever, it is what it is. marinate in misery/like a girl of only 17/man-made madness/and the romance of sadness.
Twice - Misfits (Third Eye Blind) - my people are the misfits/the ones that don’t fit in. this is another song that clicked pretty naturally without requiring much thought on my part. well those are the ones for me/yeah those are the ones for me/the misfits, the freaks, the enemy/you and me.
Spinner - Normal Person (Arcade Fire) - is anything as strange as a normal person?/is anyone as cruel as a normal person/waiting after school for you/they want to know if you/if you’re normal too/well are you? this song is such a burn on quirk society and all of its issues. I can’t tell if I’m a normal person, it’s true/I think I’m cool enough/but am I cruel enough? I especially love the ending -- if that’s what’s normal now/I don’t want to know.
and a bonus League of Villains song:
Everybody Wants to Rule the World (Tears for Fears cover) (Lorde) - just change “rule” to “destroy” I guess lol. help me make the most of freedom/and of pleasure/nothing ever lasts forever/everybody wants to rule the world. god I love this cover. this is one of those songs I’ll play over and over again anyway so it’s nice to have a good excuse what with the direction this new arc appears to be headed in.
and lastly, a couple of Hawks and Endeavor songs because they don’t really fit in any other section and I didn’t really plan out this post!
Hawks - Weapon (Matthew Good) - just a really nice, angsty theme for the man who goes too fast, off on his spy mission of doom. careful, you be careful/this is where the world drops off. plus some bonus angst about how he’s trapped in this role that he never wanted to be in. and you give in/and you give out for it/ain’t it so weird/how it makes you a weapon.
Endeavor - Find My Way (Nine Inch Nails) - lord my path has gone astray/I’m just trying to find my way/wandered here from far away/I’m just trying to find my way/you were never meant to see/all those things inside of me/now that you have gone away/I’m just trying to find my way. I don’t really need to comment more on this, do I? also, the part where Trent Reznor’s voice drops to a whisper and says please/I never meant for this, though. omg. Endeavor you’re such a bitch and you had all of this coming, but even so. oof.
and that’s pretty much it! she said, like this post wasn’t long af as it is lol. anyway so there are... 34 songs here, lol. I should probably try and put it all into a youtube playlist or something for convenience. I’ll edit once I’ve done that.
edit: playlist!
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franeridart · 8 years
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Welp looks like this is something I spent my time on - Class 1A and their first pokémon! Some of them more obvious than others, look at me go off blabbering about the hows and whys under cut~
Bakugou’s got a Quilava, for obvious look-alike reasons - just like Bakugou himself his Quilava is already pretty damn strong (he’s been training with him for as long as he’s wanted to be a hero, after all), but not as strong as he could be, which is why he’s not evolved just yet. I’d say Baku’ll manage to evolve him by the end of his first year of highschool, after the whole process of growth he’s going through in the manga right now, once he’ll know himself and will be kind to himself enough to let himself pull out his full potential
Kirishima has a Lycanroc! Again, because I’ve never seen a pokémon looking more like Kirishima than Lycanroc’s Midnight form. She’s been training with Kirishima day and night since Kiri got his small child hands on a super small pretty anonymous Rockruff and evolved about a week before entering UA - about at the same time Kiri got his own makeover, actually. She loves Kiri so much and you never see Kirishima without her beside him. It could nearly be intimidating, weren’t it that they’re both sunshine incarnated
Denki and his Joltik! Most people like to link Kaminari to a pikachu, but personally I think a smaller pokémon would work better for him. Something so small that can easily go unnoticed, a bit, sadly, like Kaminari himself. Anyway, it was more Joltik the one choosing Kaminari than the other way around - actually, Denki has at least six running around his room at home, but this one specifically bonded with him the most. He likes to feed off Kaminari’s own stored electricity, and when Kaminari runs out he doesn’t mind sharing his own. It’s still a Joltik because Denki just... procrastinated on putting effort into training him. He’s probably gonna evolve sometime during Denki’s second UA year, cause he really has to nearly start from zero here.
(okay were done with the too lenghty blabber, shorter ones from now on)
Uraraka gets a Timburr, because to be honest, there’s no pokémon that fits her better. He’s the son of Uraraka’s father’s Conkeldurrs, and he’s just about to evolve! Ochako can feel it! They’re just about there!!! It still hasn’t happened though. They wonder why?
Iida gets a Ninjask because it’s the fastest pokémon, as easy as that - he got her from his brother when he was a little more than just a kid, and he’s been diligently training her ever since. She’s been evolved for a while, now
Deku’s Treecko! Choosen because of resemblance reasons - even though Izuku’s been trying to have him evolve for as long as he can remember, it just isn’t happening. It’s an incredibly clever pokémon, but strength just isn’t on his side (...Baku might or might not have used to make fun of him, too). Since entering UA Izuku hasn’t tried to use him to fight anymore, and maybe that was the right thing to do to finally let him grow enough to evolve. Who knows.
I’ve been debating on Todoroki for a while, but in the end his first pokemon had to be an ice type. She used to be his sister’s, but young Todo bonded with her so much that Fuyumi gave her to him. Endeavour does not approve. Todoroki does not give a fuck.
Tsuyu has a Politoed, and I don’t even think I have to explain why. At the moment, she probably has the highest level first pokémon, just like she’s the best one at controlling her quirk. She can’t really have Politoed evolve any more than this, but there’s still lotsa improving and growing into themselves they both have to do
Tooru’s Kecleon is a really strong one - even though no one has ever seen her fight. When do they fight? Who do they fight even? We just don’t know. They’ve started training with Mashirao a bit lately, though.
Mashirao gets a Mankey because of resemblance and fighting style - she used to be a pretty weak thing when Ojiro found her, but he promised that he would make her a top pokémon just like he would become a hero even without a good quirk. He’s keeping his word.
There’s. Literally nothing I have to say about this. Tokoyami’s family probably just hands Murkrows to every newborn member. Toko and his Murkrow’s personalities are so alike it’s nearly freaky.
The shiniest pokémon for the shiniest child! Only it’s still a Mareep, because Aoyama was too preoccupied with fantasising about his future Ampharos to actually train his Mareep enough to evolve into one. He’ll get there, sooner or later.
Sero was an hard one to pick, but in the end I gave him a Darumaka for the similar expression they have - babies have the nicest relationship between any student and their pokémon right after Kiri and his Lycanroc, they love each other just that much. She’s about to evolve! When it’ll happen it’ll be a p huge surprise for Sero, he isn’t keeping track at all.
Jirou’s Noibat flew in her room when she was just a kid, scared and alone - she’s never left ever since, obviously. Sometimes Jirou tries to make her go back to her pokéball, but for being a Noibat the pokémon likes being outside way too much. Usually plastered on Jirou’s face. You grow used to that, Jirou assures you.
Mina’s Venonat is the softest fluffball, friendly with everyone, incredibly noisy, a bit of a clumsy mess, just like Mina herself. Mina wasn’t really thinking about having her become stronger and evolve till a couple of months before entering UA, so it’s going to take a while before she actually reaches evolving level.
Actually? Actually actually?? I just found hilarious the idea of the smallest boy with the hugest pokémon. Mineta’s Wailmer is a boy, like every and each of Mineta’s pokémon, and he’s really far away from evolving. For some reason, he loves Mineta with all of his very huge heart.
Momo was the hardest to find a starter for, but in the end I went for Abra because Alakazam is the pokémon with the highest IQ. She doesn’t use Abra to fight, never has and never will, and Abra absolutely does not mind because her fave pastime is just. Lay there as Momo reads to her. Anyway, Momo’s had Abra long enough that she’s about to evolve despite of that - Jirou’s more excited about this than Momo is, tbqh. She’ll love her Abra the same way whatever shape she takes.
Sato and his Swirlix, was there even any doubt on this. He’s so soft and so nice and so happy, the girls of the class are constantly all over him - some boys might resent Sato over that a little bit
Kouda gets a Jigglypuff, mostly because it looks soft and evolves into a bunny. Kouda’s had him since he was all but a small Igglybuff - he’s pretty strong, but Kouda’s still debating over whether it’s the right time to have him evolve again or to wait just a bit more
Shouji! Our last one! I was tempted to give him a number of other pokémons, but Inkay is it in the end, because it’s the one with the most arms since the start - he’s a pretty quiet little thing, Shouji’s Inkay, but he’s actually really strong. He’ll evolve soon, Shouji thinks, but even if it doesn’t happen he doesn’t really mind - after all, an Inkay is easier to keep constantly out of the ball compared to a Malamar, and his Inkay really doesn’t like being coped up inside.
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