#Delicious apple chips for dogs
Baked Apple Chips: A Tasty Alternative to Store-Bought Dog Treats
Facebook Instagram Pinterest When it comes to treating our beloved canine companions, we always want to provide them with the best. While store-bought dog treats are readily available, they often contain additives, preservatives, and unknown ingredients that may not be ideal for our furry friends’ health. That’s where homemade alternatives, like apple chips or crisps, come into play. In this…
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one-half-guy · 1 year
A bunch of headcanons of Sonic characters regarding cooking, eating habits and etc because I felt like that.
Knuckles' sense of smell is so keen that he can tell you what seasonings you used in the food.
And he learned the smell of every seasoning Amy ever used, that because he frequently helps Amy to cook.
Sonic will eat ANYTHING you offer to him, of course if you give him the right of choice he will straight up say "chilidogs", but if you throw a suggestion of any different dish he'll be the first one to agree.
Tails is far the kid with the worst eating habits among Sonic's friends, he inherited his bro's habit of eating junk food only while: Vector is always making the possible to Charmy follow a healthy diet; Cream was from a toddler encouraged into the most healthy vegetarian diet in the world; and Blaze works hard along the Coconut Crew to correct Marine's eating habits.
Cream's eating habits are so exemplary that Amy sometimes asks advices to diets without even ask Vanilla first, it because most surely mother and daughter will say the same thing.
Eventually Cream will start a full vegan diet, she stays as vegetarian mainly because of ice cream.
Espio will sometimes tries to annoy Amy showing off recipes of books he speedread in the previous day... Although everyone will always agree the pink hedgehog cooks and bakes a way better.
Vector asks G-merl of cooking lessons to try impress Vanilla, he doesn't asks Espio because the chameleon would mock him forever, he also doesn't ask to Amy because he fears she would accidentally reveal.
Shadow mostly prefers to make his food himself because he doesn't like of the way everyone else does and wants to avoid stress... Rouge would complain if he didn't do the dishes.
In a Dadow scenario, Shadow puts a lot of effort in search about healthy diets to make food to Silver and any other child he adopted, he wants his non-alien hybrid kids have the best healthy eating habits possible.
Silver can eat anything, no matter how gross it is, he can eat! Insects? He can! Flowers? Why not? Wood chips? Yep! Dog food? Don't doubt! Onyx City blandest "nutritive" bars? You can bet! Even a Silver who grew up in a decent world retains this ability and is not afraid of return to those methods of survival if needed and Shadow is hating it.
Buuuuut, Silver is always willing to get better in cooking and Shadow's strict methods won't scary him out because he will put as much effort as Shadow in make the most delicious food possible for his friends.
Gold loves coffee and she loves it more when it's sugary, the more sugar is better for her.
Eclipse never tried anything but the Black Arms' fruits, so he gets surprised in learn Mobius' fruits can match their taste.
In the end he's an alien addicted in apples, he's also impressed in how a full sized apple can sprout even in bonsai sometimes, it makes him love this fruit more.
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aardvark-123 · 4 months
~Fallout 4 Companions React to a Quiche Lorraine~
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Ada would be mildly interested. "Ah, a savoury pastry dish with a cheese, egg, and bacon lardon filling. Packed with energy for a hard day's scavenging. It isn't often you find something that nice out here."
Cait would stare at the quiche in a mixture of desire and trepidation. "Janey Mack..." she'd whisper. "I haven't touched a quiche since my parents tried to drown me in one! Held my face under the delicious, creamy, cheese and onion-based filling until I blacked out, so they did, to punish me for sneaking food earlier. Bastards." Whoever offered Cait the Quiche Lorraine would be so horrified by her tale, they wouldn't notice her devouring the whole pastry without leaving them so much as a slice.
Codsworth would be pleasantly surprised to see such fine cuisine two hundred years after the apocalypse. "By George, where on Earth did you manage to find that?!" he'd exclaim. "Did you bake it? Good heavens, I simply MUST have the recipe!"
Curie would be worried about the quiche at first. "Alors, you cannot be certain zis dish is safe to consume! Given zat it smells so good, it cannot contain much in ze way of preservatives..." Then she'd take a small bite, and her eyes would light up. "OH! Sacre bleu, ze quiche, it is making LOVE to my tongue! Oh, help, I fear I shall BURST from ze sheer pleasure of it! Aaaah... If zis is ze last Quiche Lorraine in ze world, I shall die..."
Paladin Danse would grab your hand halfway to the quiche. "Not so fast, soldier," he'd say sternly. "One of our rules is that a knight cannot feed themself until they've fed the Brotherhood. Luckily, as I am also in said Brotherhood, you can fulfil your obligation by cutting me a slice first..."
Deacon would wear the Quiche Lorraine as a hat, after which he'd be too busy laughing to eat much of it.
Dogmeat would sniff the quiche. His ears would prick up in delight, and he'd give you a pleading look, as if asking for permission to tuck in. If you gave him the go-ahead, he'd spend five minutes chowing down on the quiche, as quite possibly the happiest dog in the world.
"Heheheh... Now, there's a tasty dish!" Porter Gage would laugh. "Reminds me of all my favourite things, like torturing innocent victims, and selling children into slavery. Good times!"
Glory hasn't had much contact with baked goods before, and at first she'd be confused by the Quiche Lorraine. She'd get the picture after a few mouthfuls. "Man! Now, THERE'S a pie that can look a girl's tongue right in the eye!" she'd exclaim upon finishing the quiche. "Just needs some chips, coleslaw and a side salad, and maybe some mustard... Wait, how the Hell do I know what those things are? Weird."
Hancock would complain that the quiche was too salty and needed a side of apple juice.
MacCready would be ever so excited to have a delicious Quiche Lorraine, but he'd freeze with his fork half-way to his mouth. "Is this- is this paid for?" he'd stammer. "I don't have to pay for the quiche, do I? Just checking. I mean, it's probably worth a few caps, but I don't want any nasty surprises in the financial department. So are we all square? Right, good. Just making sure."
"Well, I'll be damned," Nick would chuckle, seeing the Quiche Lorraine just sitting there. "Genuine pastry and egg, just like old Mrs Calkowski used to make in that little place down on Mass Avenue. Times like this make a man miss having a stomach. No, don't feel bad, partner; you get some of that down you. It's cold out there, and you're gonna need your strength."
Old Longfellow would probably also eat the quiche.
Piper would cheerfully tuck in as soon as she was offered some quiche. She'd eat every crumb of the quiche, lick the plate (if there was in fact a plate involved), and immediately ask for an interview about where you found the quiche. "If there's still food like this out in the ruins, the public have a right to know! I want names, places, anything to do with the source of the quiche! This... is going to be big."
Preston would fetch some paper plates and start dividing up the quiche for everyone nearby, or everyone who needed it most.
Strong would dig out a rusty machete and hack the Quiche Lorraine in half. "Human! Eat pizza so you can grow big!" he'd bark, handing you half of the quiche. "Strong also eat pizza, so he can stay big," he'd chuckle, tucking into the other half.
X6-88 would be unimpressed. "Such a primitive pastry construction," he'd remark of the quiche. "This dish demonstrates poor nutritional balance, with excessive salt and fat. Eating too much of it may cause minor health problems. I recommend that both of us take a small slice, and we hand the rest over for molecular analysis. The Institute's scientists will surely be able to generate a better, healthier quiche."
If you've never heard of Quiche Lorraine before, it's a type of egg and ham quiche originating in Lorraine, which is in France. It's a tasty dish.
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walker-bait-1973 · 1 year
8 Years Part One
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Photo Edit by Me
A Daryl Dixon/ Sybil Tremont Fanfiction (Daryl x OC)
Background information: It’s assumed the reader knows the world of TWD. This Fanfic takes place after Alexandria, Hilltop, Oceanside, and the Kingdom are established and at the height of success. Carl is dead. The communities are bound by a doctrine created by Michonne. Rick is presumed dead. Daryl and Michonne never lost hope and searched for several years for Rick without luck. Daryl had a short relationship with Leah. The Saviors disbanded with Negan in a jail cell in Alexandria. The Whisperers have been defeated, and Lydia is a valued member of the Hilltop homestead.
Daryl x OC (Female)
Warnings: Violence, Alcohol, Slow Burn, Fluff, Smut
Part Two
Master List
Chapter 1: Caramel
The summer of 1990 was a record-breaker for heat. The sun shone brighter than ever by early June. While people around Atlanta were finding ways to keep cool, Merle Dixon along with his younger brother Daryl, and their motorcycle gang pulled into the local 7-11 to get some ice-cold brews. They were headed to Pine Lake for a party. Merle and two of his buddies went inside for drinks.
“Hey Merle, get some snacks too!” Daryl yelled after him. Merle shot him the middle finger, laughed, and went inside. Daryl lit up a cigarette. As he listened to the group talking and laughing, a small group of young ladies walked past them. Daryl’s attention averted to have a gander at these five women. One, in particular, stood out to him. She was a curvaceous woman, with an ample chest, wide hips, and thick thighs. Her long ebony curls bounced in a neat ponytail as she walked in flip-flops with painted red toenails. She was wearing a pair of cut-off blue jean shorts that hugged her apple-shaped bottom. Her skin was a delicious shade of caramel, tanned from the hot sun no doubt. Her red halter top complimented the shade well. As she passed him he said, “Hot day.”
She nodded curtly, eyeing the pale-skinned man in the grey tank top as her friends giggled and they went into the store. She stopped for a moment to look over her shoulder at him, “You better watch yourself, you’re gonna get burned.”
He smiled slyly and playfully smacked Terry in the chest as the automatic door swung shut, “damn!”
“She’s outta your league, Daryl.” Terry chuckled as Daryl rubbed his dirty blonde goatee. He was already plotting what to do next.
“Naw… she ain’t.” He took a breath before heading into the convenience store himself. Terry looked at Buck and sniggered.
Inside, Daryl could hear Merle’s loud voice back by the beer cooler laughing with Sam and Joe. He casually walked down one aisle with low shelves, spying on the girls over by the Slurpee machine comparing flavors. He paused by the snacks and perused the various chips, raising his eyes often to watch the girls as they laughed and poured themselves the thick icy beverage. He glanced back praying his brother wouldn’t come up while he made his move. He walked to the girls and said, “Hey, ‘s y’ flavor?”
“Caramel” sucked slowly on her straw before saying, “Cherry.” A pair of large green eyes framed with long lashes lifted to look at him. He felt his insides turn to mush, as a boyish grin crossed his face.
He followed her outside and as she started walking away with her friends he called out, “’s yer name?”
Looking over her rounded shoulder, “Sybil.”
From that moment on, he was hooked.
Chapter 2: The Receipt
Daryl rolled over, restless in his bed. He heard footsteps thudding on the basement ceiling. Judith and RJ must be over for breakfast. He sat up, Dog instantly licking his face.
“Down, boy…” he grunted. Dog jumped to the floor and waited patiently by the back door for his morning walk. Daryl shirked into some clothes, donned his boots, and opened the door. Dog ran out into the dew-covered grass behind the house to do his duties. Daryl whistled,  beckoning for Dog to join him as he walked down the road toward the Alexandria main gate.
Rosita and Aaron were up on the platform, keeping watch for possible trouble.
“Good Morning, Daryl!” Aaron called out. Daryl waved quietly and moved along, toward the community center where many of the residents chose to eat together. He walked in, nabbed a fresh loaf of bread, and returned to Carol’s house.
“Good morning Uncle Daryl!” Judith exclaimed running to him as soon as he closed the door.
“Mornin’ Jude,” he answered as she hugged him around the waist. He put his arms around her shoulders and hugged her in return. RJ joined them and gave Daryl a high five.
“Come on, Judith… RJ… let’s get you fed before classes.”
“Y’ heard Aunt Carol… c’mon and get to the table.” Daryl grabbed a knife and started cutting up the bread for toast. Carol served the kids fresh scrambled eggs, apple slices, and orange juice. They munched on the yummy food while Carol poured Daryl his first cup of coffee. He leaned against the counter sipping it, his mind wandering.
He went weeks before he saw Sybil again. This time, she was at a grocery store as a cashier. What luck Daryl had! He spotted her immediately as he carried the armloads of food to the register. He decided to go through her line, affording him a great opportunity to talk to her again.
“Have a nice day,” she was saying as she handed the receipt over to the customer in front of him.
He scratched the back of his neck as she started cashing him out, “find everything you were looking for?” She lifted her eyes, a smile on her face, dimples adorning her cheeks.
“No? Is there something I can help you with?”
“Sure. Y’all could give me y’ number.”
She chuckled, “You’re mighty confident.”
“’ Member me?”
“Not sure that I do,” she replied, toying with him. There was no way Sybil could forget those deep-set blue eyes and that handsome face.
“I can make it so y’ never f’get me again.” He leaned on the conveyor belt, stopping it.
“Oh yeah?”
There was a line forming behind him.
“You’re right I’ll never forget you if you get me fired,” she feigned being cross.
“Give me y’ number an’ I’ll pay m’ total.”
“I don’t even know your name,” she said, “that will be twenty-eighty-seven.”
He pulled out thirty bucks. When she returned his change, she handed him his receipt.
“Daryl. M’ name’s Daryl.”
She smirked, “have a nice day, Daryl.”
He grabbed his bag, frowning. As he put his change in his pocket, he realized she’d written a phone number on the back of the receipt.
She winked at him and started on her next customer’s order.
“… Daryl?”
Daryl looked up from his mug at Carol, “Huh?”
“I asked what your plans were for today. Where were you just now?”
He shook his head, “Nowhere. ‘M thinkin’ of takin’ a ride t’ Hilltop.”
“Yeah? If so, could you take a few things for me? I made Maggie some curtains for Hershel’s room in the Barrington House, and there are some parts that Eugene needs for the radio.”
He shrugged, “Yeah, get t’ stuff t’gether n’ I’ll take it w’ me.”
He took a plate of eggs and set it on the floor for Dog.  Dog chowed down while Daryl munched on a piece of toast.
“Alright, go get washed up and Uncle Daryl will walk you to school on his way out.”
“Okay,” Judith looked at her younger brother, “get your stuff.”
Once Daryl delivered the kids to class, he and Dog ambled to the gate where Carol was waiting for him. He shouldered his pack and strapped the box of things to take down on his motorcycle. Carol squeezed his shoulder, “You have a safe trip, okay? Tell everyone I say hello. Oh, and I nearly forgot. Judith wrote Hershel a letter.” She slipped it into his hand. Daryl smiled.
“I’ll make sure he gets it.”
Chapter 3: Lending A Hand
Daryl sped into Hilltop, Dog in tow, and parked close to the barn. He got several waves from various community members and was warmly greeted by Maggie. She wrapped her arms around him for a big hug, “Been a long time, stranger,” she remarked, squeezed his shoulder, and knelt to pet Dog.
“Too long,” Daryl confessed, nodding in acknowledgment toward Jesus and Tara.
“Damn right it’s been too long,” Tara piped up, “tell us, what’s everyone been up to?”
“Y’ know,” he shrugged, “same old. Ain’t much t’ tell.” He patted his jacket pocket, “Got somethin’ f’ Hershel though.” He pulled out the envelope and handed it to Maggie.
“A letter from Judith?” She ran her fingers over the front of the makeshift envelope.
“Mhm. Seems they’re becomin’ pretty good pen pals,” He smiled.
“They are. It won’t be long, they’ll be on the radio talkin’. I think Hershel has a lil’ crush,” Maggie’s toothy grin spread.
Daryl grunted, “I got stuff f’ Eugene too.”
“He’s up in the attic monkeying with things, I’ll run it up to him,” Jesus said knowing full well how Eugene liked to talk people’s ears off, and Daryl was more of a quiet man.
“Thanks f’ that,” Daryl remarked looking around, “Where’s Connie?”
“She’s at Oceanside with Kelly and Luke. I know you’re disappointed,” Maggie teased.
“I’ll catch her soon ‘nough.” He shrugged, “’m here now. What can I do t’ help out?”
“We have a few cabins to build. Wanna help with that?”
“Sure,” he nodded, walking with Maggie to the area of expansion past the orchards. He was greeted by Alden, one of the blacksmiths, who was delivering a box of nails.
“Daryl, good to have you here,” Alden smiled, handing him a hammer.
“Jus’ tell me where t’ go.”
He pointed to one of the cabins already in progress. Daryl joined in immediately. As he worked with the others, it wasn’t long before he was sawing logs, roofing, and throwing himself into the job at hand. Daryl didn’t mind hard work. When the frame of the cabin was finished, he felt a sense of accomplishment and moved onto the exterior walls.
When he paused to take a cigarette break, he spotted Lydia making her way over to him. She had a wide smile on her face, her long black hair hanging loosely around her shoulders. Elijah was holding her hand, the same goofy smile on his face. Daryl smirked. Young’uns.
“We brought you some water. You’ve been working hard,” Lydia handed him a canteen.
“Thanks,” he said, swishing the cold liquid in his mouth. Felt cool and refreshing on this warm Spring day.
“We were going to head to Alexandria for a visit, but now seeing as you’re here, we won’t leave until you do. If you don’t mind.”
“Naw could use the company,” he answered, patting her shoulder.
“Great! I miss everyone. And I wanted to see Negan.”
Frowning, “What y’ need t’ see him for? He ain’t no good, Lydia.”
“I know his past, and I know how you feel about him-”
“You don’t know all ‘bout that sumbitch.” Daryl never talked with anyone in his family about what transpired when he was held prisoner at Negan’s compound, Sanctuary. Tortured, starved, stripped down for humiliation…
“I suppose I don’t. But he stuck up for me when those kids attacked me. If it weren’t for him, I might not be here. I don’t need you to understand it, but I won’t sneak around to talk to him.”
Daryl had to give her credit for being so upfront about her connection with Negan. It was true that he helped her one night when three members of Alexandria ganged up on her. It was also true that one ended up dead at Negan’s hand. It was an accident, but with Negan’s history, it nearly got him lynched.
“I don’t understand it, an’ I don’t like it. But I ain’t gonna stop ya.”
That’s one thing Lydia admired about Daryl – he didn’t treat her like a little girl. He talked to her as if she was an adult, and she respected that. Too many people tried to treat her like a child. She was seventeen, and beyond her years in many ways.
Daryl tossed her back the canteen, “Back t’ work. Y’ know, y’all could help out. Get done a lot faster.”
“I can swing a hammer,” Elijah smirked, “I’m gonna help out.”
“I’ve got some other things to do, but then I’ll be back over.” Lydia kissed Elijah before leaving. Elijah blushed and cleared his throat.
“C’mon,” Daryl spoke up, “ ‘s getcha that hammer.”
Chapter 4: First Date
(One Week Later) Daryl drove up to the house where Sybil lived. Already outside, she’d been waiting for him. She laughed when he turned off his motorcycle.
“I just knew you were going to show up on that thing.”
Daryl looked down at the bike, “’s my ride.”
She nodded, “Oh yeah… it’s your ride alright. I’ve never been on one before.”
“Well, y’all will have the time o’ yer life then.” He smiled. She walked over in a pair of tight-fitted jeans, her hips swaying practically mesmerizing him.
“Interesting way to start a first date,” She commented, sliding on behind him. Her hands went to his waist, clutching tight as he kicked the motor on and took off down the street.
“Shouldn’t we have helmets?” She called into the wind. Daryl swung the bike onto the main road.
“Naw… yer fine.”
She laughed, “As I said before, you’re mighty confident.”
Daryl enjoyed the feeling of her behind him, her hands tightening their grip. He lowered his left hand and pulled one of her arms around him tighter.
“You’re bold,” she remarked, but slid her other arm around, locking her hands in front of his stomach.
“So are ya.”
They drove along Pine Lake, one of the first places he could think of to take her. When they got off the bike she said, “You’ve got me alone, in the woods. Should I be afraid?”
“I didn’t keep y’ alive on that bike only t’ kill ya in the woods,” He smirked. She laughed. It was music to his ears; so light and genuine.
“Been t’ Pine Lake ‘fore?”
“Oh yes. This is the main hang-out spot. You?”
“Come here a bit.”
They walked a trail along the east side of the lake, quiet at first.
“So that gang you’re with…” she finally cut the silence as she studied the trees, “been with them long?”
Daryl shrugged, “yeah. They’re kinda family. My big brother Merle started hangin’ out w’ some guys an’ it went from there.”
“How many of you are there?”
“Just one,” he teased.
“Ha ha,” she rolled her eyes.
“’ Bout twenty or so. Why?”
She shrugged, “Just curious.”
She pulled a leaf off a branch and twirled it between her fingers.
“Y’ thinkin’ ‘m gonna be trouble?”
“I don’t know… are you?”
“Maybe,” he stopped walking and pointed, “look,” he whispered, “a doe.”
She squinted, “Where?”
He extended his arm with his fingertip pointing, “Between them two birch trees. See her?”
After a few moments, Sybil smiled brightly, “I do. She’s beautiful. You have a keen eye.”
Daryl shrugged, “maybe.”
“Do you spend a lot of time in the woods?”
“Quite a bit. How ‘bout ya?”
“I love nature, but no… I haven’t been camping since I was a kid.”
“Yer missin’ out.”
“I suppose I am.”
“C’mon, I wanna show y’ somethin’.”
They continued casually down the trail until he veered off it, onto an unbeaten path.
“Okay, now I know you’re going to kill me,” she teased.
“C’mon,” he rolled his eyes. They came to some tall rocks, “Up f’ a lil’ climbin’?”
Hands on hips she looked up at the rocks, “Should I have worn hiking boots?”
“Naw… them shoes are fine.”
She looked down at her vans and was thankful she’d chosen them.
“Alright. Let’s go. Show me the way.”
“It ain’t gonna be as hard as it looks. Found an easy way to get up there.” He motioned for her to follow. He went around the right-hand side of the stone goliaths.
“See here,” he pointed in front of him and upward, “almost like someone made a trail in them rocks.”
“They look like they have stepping stones cut into them.”
He started up the incline, turning around every so often to make sure she was still behind him. She was eagerly bringing up the rear, keeping close.
“’s is the hard part,” he said, reaching for her hand, “lemme help y’ up the rest o’ the way.”
She took his hand and he pulled just enough to get her over the final ledge. She took a breath and looked down behind her whistling, “We are up high.”
He nodded, “Higher than it looks from down there.”
She noticed a singed area and a pile of wood.
“You come here often?”
He nodded, “’s m’ place t’ getaway. C’mere… an’ look.”
She joined him on the opposite side of the rocks and looked out. What a sight to behold. She could see the large lake in its entirety from this vantage point, and the multitude of trees on the other side. The sun was bright in the sky. She felt as if she could reach out and touch it. The rays warmed her face. She turned to look at Daryl. His blue eyes were studying her, gauging her reaction. The humongous smile on her face was enough for him. He was convinced that she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on.
Daryl rolled to his side and stared into the darkness inside the hay mound sighing. He didn’t sleep much, to begin with. And even less since the world fell. Thinking of her made it near impossible. He sat up while Dog rustled through the hay to rest his head in Daryl’s lap. He brusquely pet the dog's head. Dog whined. He’d been with Daryl so long that he could read his emotions.
“S’ alright, boy. ‘ll get through it. Always do.” He got to his feet, stretched, and said, “C’mon. ‘S go f’ a walk.” Daryl and Dog made their rounds, checking the sentinels on the wall, joining them for a bit to watch for walkers or marauders.
“You’re up early,” Cal commented, shaking out his foot that fell asleep.
Daryl shrugged, “Always am. Don’t need much sleep.”
“I don’t know how you do it, Dixon,” Cal continued.
Diane looked over at the two men, “Be thankful Daryl doesn’t sleep much. He’s saved a lot of our asses more than once because of it.”
Cal knew it was true and agreed, “Oh I know he has. It’s just when I manage to have some time to rest, I conk out. Sometimes for half a day.”
People meandered about as the sun rose, and Daryl found himself back to work at the cabins.
“You know, there’s always one of those here for you,” Jesus said, holding up a board to be nailed.
Daryl said, “Hate t’ take a place from someone else. I don’t mind the hay mound or a tent. ‘M easy.”
“So have you completely set down roots in Alexandria?”
Daryl shrugged, “Dunno if I set roots down anywhere.” The truth was the man had huge bouts of wanderlust and couldn’t sit still for too long before needing to be out in the wild again. He went with Aaron sometimes to look for more people to bring back to the communities. He brought messages from one community to the next. He also liked to provide food, go on scavenging runs; anything to keep himself busy.
People that knew him knew he was this way. They noticed a big change when Rick infamously blew up the bridge that was to connect everyone to save his people. 
Daryl disappeared for three years. During his search for Rick, he met a woman by the name of Leah. No one knew about the affair he’d had with her except Carol. Dog had discovered an old house that seemed abandoned one day during their travels. But it wasn’t empty. That’s when he found an ornery woman living there that didn’t want him anywhere around her land. After about a year they began to talk, her more than him, and in a few more months they shared food. After that Daryl realized how lonely he was; one thing led to another and the two became involved. It didn’t last long. Daryl pulled away for several reasons: he wanted to continue looking for Rick, and he couldn’t allow himself to feel what he once felt for Sybil. When he was with Leah, she knew he was far away in his mind: thinking about his brother, and she had no idea what else. He couldn’t open up to her. That took years and trust. Something he knew he could never have with her. She put conditions on him and gave him ultimatums.
“It’s your brother or me.”
“It’s your family or me.” He was not a man who responded well to conditions. He wasn’t about to choose a woman that wanted all or nothing. So he walked away, never looking back.
Chapter 5: The Race
After two weeks of working on cabins, several were finished thanks to the hard labor everyone put in. Daryl wanted to reward them all with some venison, so he decided he’d head out before the light of day to hunt.
Dog stayed in step with Daryl as they silently made their way through the forest. He’d seen deer droppings which decided the direction they would go. Tell-tale signs of a foraging deer were seen everywhere if you were observant enough. Daryl was a master of tracking. He held his breath as soon as he saw the three-point, lifted his crossbow, aimed, and fired. The arrow hit its mark between the front shoulder and the ribcage, piercing the heart. The deer dropped where it stood, feeling no pain. Just the way Daryl liked it. No suffering.
He set to work right away field dressing the internal organs before he heard the groans of Walkers coming from the left.
“Shit,” he muttered, hefting the deer over his shoulders, “c’mon Dog,” he called, quickly making his exit. The organs would keep the few Walkers busy. At least enough for him to get safely away.
He returned at dusk with his prize, congratulated by many, and thanked personally by Maggie.
“Can’t have them people be veg’tarians,” Daryl teased, taking it to hang out back.
“Oh no, too many vegetables will make the people weak,” Maggie teased. Daryl eyed her between his curtains of bangs, a smirk on his face.
“They’ll appreciate it to be sure. We can do a lot with poultry and beef…”
“But there ain’t nothin’ like venison,” he cut in.
She nodded, “Right.”
They heard kids laughing and spotted Hershel and the other kids playing with Dog. Dog of course loved all the attention.
“Seems good to have them bein’ kids, huh?” Maggie asked, sighing. She had to dig deep to remember the days of misspent youth and no fear. Riding horses with her sister Beth, playing in the fields, and nights catching fireflies.
Daryl nodded as he shoved his bloodied hands into a basin of water, “Mhm… they ain’t had it so good, growin’ up too fast ‘cause t’ way t’ world turned out.” He dried his clean hands on a rag and watched the kids for a bit, a small smile on his face.
“Can’t catch me dog,” Marigold yelled out, her laugh echoing through the trees.
(August) ”You’ll never catch me, Daryl!” Sybil yelled, swimming faster out towards the floating dock in the middle of the lake. Daryl however was an experienced swimmer and was soon closing in on her. The thrill of the chase caused Sybil to start laughing and slowed her down in speed. Daryl slowed his pace, waiting for her to gain her wits and start moving faster again. Soon her hands were touching the dock.
“Damn, y’ got away,” he said, holding the edge of the dock with his hands. She splashed him playfully.
“I know you let me win.”
“Did no such thing.”
She giggled, “Okay… deny it all you want.” She caressed his damp cheek, “I’ll still give you your reward,” she moved closer and kissed his wet lips before pulling up onto the dock. Daryl could feel his stomach flip flop and his heart quicken in reaction to her affection. It was their first kiss. His cheeks reddened and he pulled up onto the dock next to her, their feet dangling in the water. He’d been pursuing her avidly for several months. His first thoughts of just wanting to bed the woman passed once he realized there was so much more to her than just a beautiful body. She had spunk, a clever mind, and kept him on his toes. He’d never met anyone like her before. Sybil seemed to enjoy her time with him, and this kiss just solidified what he was hoping for. He knew that other guys were trying to get her attention, he wasn’t blind. But the more she accepted offers of dates from him, the less concerned he became with them.
She laid back on the dock, the sun’s rays kissing her wet skin. Her hair spread out above her head like a dark halo. Her red one-piece showed plenty but left just the right amount covered to let the imagination run wild.
Daryl chewed his lip for a moment, “Sybil…”
“Mhm?” She hummed, shielding her eyes from the bright sky as she looked his way.
“’S a band playin’ at a bar next weekend. A local band… thought maybe y’all would like t’ go.”
“What kind of music?” she asked him curiously.
“Heavy stuff. Ain’t no room for country shit.”
She grinned, “You’ve got yourself a plus one then. I think it would be a lot of fun.” The idea of being squished in close to her was on his mind. He was still a man after all.
“Rememberin’ the good old days?” Maggie asked. Daryl stopped chewing his lip.
“Gonna go find somethin’ t’ do.”
Chapter 6: Scavenging Parts
“Hey, Daryl…” Jesus caught up with the archer after morning chores, “Eugene needs some parts for the solar panel he’s been working on and gave me directions to a place he thinks I can find those parts. Wanna ride with me, help me out?”
Daryl nodded as he finished brushing a horse down, “be ready in a few. Lemme finish up here.”
Jesus drove fast down the road. Daryl stared at the directions, “A bullfrog’s hop t’ the right of a… what t’ hell is this?” He asked, scratching his head.
Jesus laughed, “It’s directions. Eugene wrote them.”
“F’ fuck’s sake. Two leagues past the old maple tree… ‘s a million maple trees out here!” He threw the instructions on the dashboard. Jesus smirked, “Don’t kill me. I wrote those just to tease you.”
“You bastard,” Daryl huffed, but smiled in the end, “figures. Where’s them directions at?”
Jesus pulled a paper out of his front pocket, “Here.”
Daryl read them quickly, “’s more like it.”
When they rolled up to the old rusty warehouse, Jesus cut the engine and looked over the list Eugene had given him. Daryl got out and started scouting for Walkers, and anyone else who happened along the way. He and Jesus cleared out a small group of the dead before breaking the chain lock on the door to head inside. Pigeons flew in the disturbed air kicking up dust and dirt. The men covered their mouths, Daryl quickly pulling his rag from his back pocket. He tied it over the bottom half of his mouth.  Both were silent as the grave as they passed through the large building in search of any trespassers alive, or undead. Once they were certain it was empty, they set out to find each of the things Eugene wanted. It took longer than they expected since neither knew where to start. Searching boxes, and reading labels… they’d found two of the five things before dark.
“Looks like we’ll be staying the night,” Jesus huffed, wiping the dust from his hands onto his pants.
“Mhm,” Daryl lowered his backpack and brought out some salted dried venison, doling out some pieces to Jesus.
“Thanks,” Jesus said as they sat on the cold cement floor.
 As they settled in for the night, Daryl volunteered to keep a watch out.
“T’morrow we hit them boxes upstairs. Can’t see shit now.”
“Agreed. I didn’t think this would be a two-day trip. I’ll just catch a few winks.”
(1 Year Later) “Sybil, get on over here, woman!” Daryl had called out over the heavy strains of guitar on the jukebox to his girl.
Sybil’s green eyes danced with merriment as she set her beer on the bar and made her way over to the young man who beckoned her. She laughed as he snaked his arms around her waist.
His nose brushed against her ear as he said, “Dance w’ me.” As if she was ever interested in dancing with someone else. She slid her palms flat against his chest as they moved to their own beat. It certainly didn’t match the fast drum solo in the Motorhead song. But finding their way to sway their bodies together had never been a problem. They began to sweat there under the hot lights, their friends milling around them. Some were dancing, others playing pool, and still, some just drinking and sharing conversation.
Daryl’s brother Merle was leaning on his old lady, licking salt from her neck as he downed another shot of tequila. He followed up with a lemon wedge from her cleavage as his loyal gang cheered him on.
“ ‘s get outta here,” Daryl said into Sybil’s ear, “ ‘s gonna get crazy t’night.”
“It’s well on its way,” she said, gripping his hand. They made a quick exit and soon were taking off on his bike. The wind whipped through Sybil’s untethered hair. The exhilaration from the cool air and the feel of her cheek against his back were enough to make Daryl giddy. He pulled up to her apartment and as he walked her to the door she stopped, key in her hand.
“We’ve been seeing each other for a while now,” she spoke up, her eyes staring into his, “and you’ve been good to me, Daryl. Come inside. I want you to stay the night.”
His jaw twitched. He’d been excited for this moment, he wouldn’t deny it. But now that it was here, he felt a sense of pride. He’d spent his time getting to know her. There was still so much to learn. And tonight would be another lesson in the ways of Sybil.
There was no small talk as her roommates were already in their respective rooms sleeping. He hadn’t been in the apartment at night unless there was a crowd of sorority sisters having a party. He and Sybil preferred being out of the house and hanging out with his gang often. She closed her room door there in the dark and turned on a dim lamp next to the bed.
She smiled at him, walking close, her hands caressing either side of his face as they began to kiss passionately. His palms rested on the flat of her back, rubbing slowly up and down as their mouths opened to explore like so many times before. It was more intense though, with pure need behind each tongue lashing and twisting together. A small groan lifted from his throat as she stepped back from him. They stared at one another, the soft glow from the light accentuating her features. The shadows delved into her curves and along the line of her legs.
“Help me out of this skirt, will you, Daryl?”
Daryl heard a noise that caught his attention. He went to investigate but seeing that it was a raccoon he shooed it away before walking the interior of the building alone. He placed a cigarette to his dry lips and lit it. Staring out one of the wide warehouse windows, he saw a few Walkers milling about near the truck. He puffed out some smoke and moved on toward the opposite end.
Sybil was more amazing than he could’ve imagined. Her body was perfection to him, and as she lifted on top of him, her hair swung down her back. He tangled his fingers into it before rubbing down around her ass while she ground her hips on top of him. He breathed as if through honey, labored, and sweet. As she rubbed his chest, a little pout curled on her lips as she neared the height of pleasure, calling out to him. He rolled her to her back, taking her breath away as he kept the rhythm up, bringing her to orgasm. He came in sync with her. He looked down at Sybil, the sweat beading on her forehead, their wet bodies sticking together, and he felt something he’d never felt before – fulfilled.
“Kiss me…” she gasped, still feeling the aftershocks of their lovemaking.
“Ain’t gotta ask, Syb…” He lowered his mouth onto hers, sucking her lips slowly, delightfully before withdrawing. He lay back, his chest still heaving as she lay her cheek upon it, listening to his fast heartbeat. He opened his legs, and she nestled her lower half between them, her stomach resting on his groin, not uncomfortable. He rubbed her saturated back, fingers slipping in the sweat, her hair pasted to her shoulders and his chest. Their bodies fit together like an intimate puzzle. Their hands locked together, fingers woven tight, his free hand cradling her. It was at that moment he knew his heart belonged to her.
When the first hint of light came through the windows, Jesus was up. He and Daryl searched the remainder of the building and found the rest of the items for Eugene by midday.
When they got outside, the Walkers from last night were still wandering around the truck, and seeing the two men, started lurching towards them.
“Dammit,” Jesus uttered while Daryl shot the closest in the head and then pulled his knives. Jesus round-housed one right in the skull, its rotted head exploding from the connection. Daryl took out two, a stab to the front of each temple, and Jesus took down the last one.
“ ‘ll drive,” Daryl said once everything was packed into the back of the pickup. Jesus tossed the keys to him. On the drive to Hilltop, Daryl was reliving those moments with Sybil still. Waking up with his legs wrapped around hers, her body still on his. He could almost feel her warmth, smell her perfume. He swerved almost hitting a Walker in the road. Jesus looked over at him, “Are you sure you’re up for driving?”
“Yeah, ‘m fine.” He sped up to get past the gathering herd quickly leaving them in the dust.
Eugene was pleased as he met the men getting out of the pickup.
“Did y’all find everything?” he asked as he pulled back the tarp over the parts. He went over the list and marked each item off, “Well done, you guys. I know these doodads don’t look like much, but when I get ‘em all put together, we’ll have some fine additions to those cabins y’all been working so hard on. Electricity! Creature comforts.”
“Glad we could help,” Jesus said as he and Daryl unloaded.
“Did you meet up with any trouble?” Maggie asked as she picked up a small box from the back.
“Naw,” Daryl responded.
“Nothing we couldn’t handle,” Jesus added.
( 1 Month Later) Carver College
Daryl spotted Sybil and her friends in the throes of students in the cafeteria. She’d been pouring over textbooks for a test coming up in English Lit class. He breathed hot air on the back of her neck, “Hey babe.”
She smiled as she whispered, “Daryl…”
Mandy sniggered, “You two are something else.”
Daryl kissed Sybil lightly and slid into the chair next to her.
“Where have you been?” She asked in a hushed tone. She hadn’t seen him in four days. No explanations, no phone calls, “I was worried about you. I thought something might have happened to you!”
“Naw, no need t’ worry. ‘M here now.” He rubbed her hand slowly.
She picked up her books and excused herself from her circle of friends. Daryl grabbed them to carry for her. Once they were outside she turned to him, “Where have you been?” She asked him again, “You just disappeared.”
“I had t’ go outta town w’ Merle.”
“To do what?” She asked curiously.
He shrugged, “Just some odd errands, ain’t no big deal.”
“Daryl, it’s a big deal when you’re dating someone, and you just disappear. What if something happened to you?”
“Syb… don’t need t’ keep tabs on me. Ain’t nothin’ gonna happen t’ me.”
She frowned, “I’m not keeping tabs. Why are you keeping secrets?”
Chapter 7: Unavailable
The deer was finally ready to process. Many offered to help him, but he kindly rejected those offers. He wanted to work alone and get things off his mind. His memories were flooding in and he couldn’t build the dam fast enough to keep them at bay. It was close to the time of year when he first met Sybil. Even though people referred to parts of the year by the period of Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter, Daryl knew it was around June. He felt it in his heart, and thoughts of Sybil were at their pinnacle. He sharpened his knife on a whetstone til the blade could slice easily through the meat, and as he removed the hide, he halted suddenly.
(6 Months Later) Sybil looked up from the bed, “Where are you going, hot stuff?”
He zipped his jeans, “gotta go outta town f’ a few days.”
She sat up, slipping on one of his t-shirts, “where? You never say.”
“Nothin’ y’ need t’ worry y’self over, Syb.” He rubbed her shoulders slowly, “Y’ won’t even have time t’ miss me.” He kissed her lips.
“Your brother is a troublemaker. Why do I have the feeling you two get up to no good when you’re gone?”
He shook out his head and started working the hide again, bound to have the hide salted and stretched before dinner. His workworn hands rubbed the salt into the thin layer of skin remaining, and as he was stretching it, he could smell dinner. His stomach rumbled.  He covered the meat with an old tarp and went to join the others.
That night he sat by the campfire longer than most. The dog was sleeping by his foot, basking in the heat from the flames.
(One Year Later)  Daryl knew it was late. It was nearly one. He’d been out fucking around with his gang, causing a ruckus, getting into a fight with another gang, and then Merle suggested they all go out for drinks. Daryl had a few and lost track of time.
“Shit, I gotta go!” He told his brother.
“What? Why?”
“’S Sybil’s birthday. ‘M late.”
“You’re so whipped. Hell, she’ll have another one next year.”
“That ain’t the point!” He said goodbye to his friends and rushed out to his bike. When he got to Sybil’s apartment, he could see the windows were dark. He pulled the present he had messily wrapped out of his saddle bag and went up to the second floor. He knocked on the door, and Theresa answered.
“What are you doing here, Daryl? Don’t you know how to tell time?”
“Jus’ wanna see Syb… don’t need y’all givin’ m’ a hard time. Lemme in.”
“Why don’t you just go and try to make amends tomorrow? You’re on her shit list you know.”
“Who’s at the door?” Sybil called out behind her. Daryl looked over Theresa’s shoulder and saw Sybil tying up her silky robe.
“Syb… ‘s me. I wanna come in.”
“I’ve got this Theresa…”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, you go on back to bed.”
Daryl ducked his head in shame, “Happy Birthday.” He held out the gift. Sybil’s hands were on her hips.
“Kind of late for that. My birthday was yesterday. It’s nearly two. What happened?”
“Got caught up w’ the boys. I lost track o’ time s’ all.”
“Oh, that’s all huh? My birthday didn’t matter much to you then, did it?”
“That ain’t true.”
“Sure it is. If you cared, you’d have been on time. You get with those guys and forget everything.” She pulled him into the room, and looked at him in the light, “And what the hell happened to your chin?”
Daryl instinctively touched his jaw. He must’ve gotten a bruise from the fight.
“You’ve been fighting again?”
“Weren’t much o’ a fight,” he half–laughed, “We got ‘em good.”
She stared at him angrily, “I can’t believe you’re missing the point here.” She wiped tears from her eyes, “I don’t think this is going to work out.”
“What? Y’ breakin’ up w’ me?!”
“Yes, I am.”
“Because m’ late f’ y’ birthday?”
“You just don’t get it. You didn’t show up. You didn’t call. And when you finally do show up you don’t feel one inch of remorse for it all.”
“Said I was sorry, Syb. Don’t be like that.”
“No, you didn’t apologize. You bragged about a fight. I don’t want to be a part of this. I expect more from the man I care about.”
He wiped his eyes, blaming the smoke from the fire, and decided it was time to head back to Alexandria. He’d leave as soon as he finished preparing the meat for Hilltop.
Chapter 8: Camping
Daryl waited a couple weeks for Sybil to cool off after their split.
“You’re better off without her baby brother. Now you ain’t tied down to one woman, you can date any y’all want.”
“Don’t wanna date anyone else. I want Sybil,” he muttered, wiping his greasy hands on a rag. He turned over the engine on his bike, bringing it back to life after its tune-up.
“Well she don’t want nothin’ to do with your sorry ass. She thinks she’s too good for ya! There’s plenty of other bitches that are interested in ya.”
“She ain’t a bitch, Merle. She’s different than them other girls.”
“Ooh, are you in love, pussy?”
“Why am I tellin’ y’ anythin’?” He put his tools away, and said, “Goin’ out f’ a bit.”
“Go on then, run back to that highfalutin’ uptown bitch. She must have some sugar ‘tween her legs to keep ya comin’ back to her.”
He showed up at Save A Lot where Sybil worked. She wasn’t at the cash register, but he found her stocking shelves as he searched the aisles.
“Hey Syb…” he said as he approached. She stopped marking canned goods with the pricing gun and looked in his direction.
“What are you doing here?”
“Came t’ apologize. M’ sorry I was such a dick.”
“Are you? Because I have the feeling that the sort of thing that got you in trouble with me in the first place is going to keep happening.”
“Naw… it ain’t. What can I do t’ make y’ change y’ mind?”
She huffed, “You need to stop fighting. I knew full well you were in a gang when I met you. But I don’t think I realized what that entailed.”
He reached out and touched one of her curls, wrapping it around his finger, “I can stop fightin’.”
“Yeah, right,” She rolled her eyes.
“I can,” he insisted.
“Prove it.”
“I will. Supposed t’ be a lil’ somethin’ on Friday. ‘ll come an’ see y’all instead. Maybe I can help you study…” he leaned his arm against the shelf, keeping close to her, “what d’ ya say?”
“Give me a week to think things over. Stay out of trouble until then. I refuse to have a boyfriend that will probably end up in jail. You’re better than that.”
He screeched to a halt on his bike. Right in the middle of the road. 
“Can’t go back to Alexandria.” He felt a tightness in his chest, “Just can’t. C’mon.” He veered off the road and pushed his bike into some bramble to hide it.
He and Dog made their way deep into the forest around them. He knew the area well. He retreated towards a long winding river that cut through a clearing and set up a little lean-to between two trees and dug out a hole for a campfire. He set up a perimeter and fashioned a spear from a sturdy branch to go fishing. He and Dog ate a fine catch of fish for dinner.
He lay back against a log and stared up through the tree branches as the stars peeked into the holes between the leaves.
Three months later, they were back together. It took him that long to convince Sybil that he was staying out of trouble. He hung with the gang but skipped out when any brouhahas took place. His brother and friends didn’t let him live it down. He took the brunt of their brutal teasing, keeping his focus on what he really wanted, Sybil.
He watched as Sybil tried to figure out the instructions to the tent she’d brought on their first camping trip. It was early Autumn, and the weather was still pretty warm. He snorted, “Don’t need that booklet. Didn’t need no fancy tent neither.”
“I wanted it to be special,” she huffed, “and I can’t make heads or tails of any of this.”
He walked over, grabbed the instructions, and tossed them in the fire.
“Hey!” She laughed, “How do you expect to set up this tent then?”
He set to work, “Syb… pull them ropes your way.” He handed her a spike, “Stick ‘em in the ground…”
He pulled the other side and did the same. He put together the supports inside, assembling the tent in no time. She smiled proudly as she looked at the results.
“I knew you were good for something,” she teased, messing with his short hair.
That night after hot and heavy lovemaking, they went skinny dipping in the river not far from their setup. She shone under the moonlight, her body dancing with the beads of water dripping down her shoulders, over her breasts, and into the water at her waist. Daryl joined her and as they made out she said, “I could stay here forever.”
How he wished he had.
Chapter 9: The Thick of the Woods
Daryl spent weeks wandering the woods. He’d become so silent, he didn’t even need to call Dog, Dog just knew when to come. He’d gone a longer distance with each day, following the river downstream. He’d passed some small makeshift cabins and checked them out. Even spent some nights in one or two of them. He fought Walkers. Trudged through a downpour. Played with Dog in different clearings they happened upon. They lived off fish, rabbits, squirrels, wild yams, and leeks.
(2 Years Later) Sybil and Daryl got an apartment together. They’d been together for well over four years, and things just fell into place. They were happy, content with life. She was in her fourth year of college, she wanted to be a teacher, and Daryl was working for a local garage fixing just about anything with a motor.
“C’mon Syb… y’all get that cute ass in here. ‘ll help y’ study.” Daryl wanted to be as supportive to Sybil as he could. Even when he didn’t understand what he was quizzing her on, he felt proud of his girl for being so smart.
“If I don’t know it by now, I’m never going to know it.”
“C’mon ‘s the hard stuff, Early Childhood Development,” He held up the book, “We’re gonna go over t’ ones highlighted. Y’all got the rest down pat.”
“Okay, okay,” She threw her hands up in the air.
“Listen… ‘s somethin’ y’ really want, right?”
“Yes,” she answered, her eyes locking with his.
“Then y’ gotta put the time in. ‘S been four long years, but ‘s almost over. Don’t give up.” He squeezed her hand gently as he leaned in to kiss her.
“What would I do without you?” She asked, rubbing his scruffy cheek.
“Fail t’ damn test,” he teased, wiggling his eyebrows. They both laughed, “Right. Question one…”
He smiled at the thought, on how she graduated in the top five of her class. He’d liked to have thought he was part of the reason for that, if she wasn’t so smart to begin with. Still, it was some of his favorite time back then, watching her mind work, the way she’d bite her tongue and look at the ceiling while she thought about her answers, and how she loved to be rewarded with kisses.
One evening, just before dusk he heard a scream. Another voice was yelling, “Over here… this way!”
Heavy footfalls, groaning, and growling. Walkers. He followed the sounds and before crashing through the brush, he surveyed the situation. About ten Walkers were surrounding a couple of women and a man. They were fighting the Walkers pretty well, but there were too many. Daryl aimed his crossbow, clipping one Walker in the head about to bite the man’s shoulder. He fell to the ground. Unsure of what happened, the people continued to fight. He unsheathed his two knives, broke through the brush, and took two out, slicing another at the knees. One of the women brought down a knife into its brain. The other woman shoved a Walker into a tree and split its head with a machete. Three more to go. The man was backing up, looking to see if there were any more, turned around, and got one mere moment from attacking him. Daryl wiped the blades on his filthy pants and looked at the people quickly.
“Thank you,” one of the women breathed, “I don’t know if we could’ve made it without your help. Imagine finding another living soul in the woods.”
Daryl nodded as Dog sniffed around for any other threats. The woman with the cleaver was kneeling, cleaning her blade on one of the Walker’s shirts.
“Yes, thank you.” She stood up and turned to face the man, “we wouldn’t have made it.” She brushed an arm across her grimy face and said, “Do we look as bad as you do?” She smiled at the light joke. Daryl did a double-take. He squinted his eyes and studied the woman closely. She wasn’t anything to look at from first glance being road worn and ragged. But he saw those mystifying green eyes he’d never forget.
“S… Sybil?” His voice broke from being quiet for so long. It sounded foreign to him.
“How do you know my name?” She asked, eyeing the stranger. He was caked in mud, grungy from head to toe, long filthy hair pasted to his dirtied face.
“’S me…” was all he could muster taking a step closer. The woman looked deeply into the man’s eyes.
“Syb… ‘s Daryl…” he patted his chest.
“Daryl?” Her eyes widened. With sharp analysis, she determined that under that mess was the man from her past when everything was right in the world. Her throat closed as she stood stone still. The air was so thick, no one spoke, but everyone was bewildered that Sybil could find someone in the middle of nowhere that knew her.
There was movement behind her and a voice, “Mom? Is it safe to come out?”
For Part Two Click Here
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goodnessandgrief · 1 year
When I’m feeling depressed, it can be nearly impossible to take care of myself, and that includes eating. Here’s a list of some foods that require little to no effort (aka: can be eaten right out of the package or just need to be microwaved), mainly for my personal reference, but also so others can find easier alternatives when they’re struggling.
Water bottles or canned water - stay hydrated!!
vegetables - green beans, peas, corn, black/kidney/pinto beans, chickpeas (all canned or microwaveable frozen bags) - I’ve also tried Harvest Snaps, which are baked snap peas & they’re v good
Fruit - grapes, raisins (or any other dried fruit like apricots/dates), mandarin oranges, apples, applesauce cups, bananas, pears, peaches, etc. (most fruits require no prep anyway, but especially if they’re canned - you can also buy frozen bags)
Canned soup or chicken, beef, or veggie broth
Pasta (ramen, spaghetti, mac and cheese, chow mein) or instant rice are my go-tos. You can buy these in individual cups or bulk packs.
Any microwaveable food - frozen/tv dinners, burritos, toaster strudels (they make an egg bacon & cheese version too!), mini pizzas, breakfast sandwiches… there’s a lot you could do here :)
Dairy - Yogurt, cheese sticks, (or just straight up eat cheese slices, there are no rules here), cottage cheese, almond/oat/soy milk, powdered milk (if you want something shelf-stable)
Grains & carbs - cereal, crackers, chips, popcorn, toast or bagels (I’ve eaten plain bread before tbh and it kinda slaps), Oatmeal (these packets are dinosaur themed & have little sugar eggs!! - https://www.quakeroats.com/products/hot-cereals/instant-oatmeal/dinosaur-eggs)
Nuts - peanuts, peanut butter, almonds, cashews, walnuts, trail mix, etc.
Meat - deli turkey, trail bologna, spam, jerky, frozen chicken strips or nuggets, Morningstar vegetarian corn dogs, canned tuna
Fast food or take-out is also a good option if you don’t feel like making anything yourself.
A little tip - most foods you would take on a camping or hiking trip are great! for some, all you need to do is add water & heat it up. they are usually on the expensive side, though!! here’s some I’ve found that are decent:
Things to keep on hand for particularly bad days:
⁠Boost/ensure/Soylent - liquid meals for when the idea of chewing or mixing anything is too much.
⁠disposable cutlery/bowls/utensils so you don’t have more dishes to worry about.
Liquid IV, Gatorade, or some other form of electrolytes. It’s too easy to get dehydrated!
If you do have a little energy to cook or make something, here’s some ideas:
If you have a blender: frozen spinach + frozen banana + shelf stable almond milk + peanut butter makes a great smoothie.
frozen fruit + frozen spinach/kale for smoothies
Adding whey protein makes it more filling.
⁠dried pasta + jarred pasta sauce (Rao’s is low sugar and awesome, but pricey) + frozen meatballs
Boil tortellini on hand. Its as easy as boiling water. You can eat it plain, add a spoonful of pesto, sprinkle with a little olive oil or butter and some garlic salt, or pour it back in the pan after draining and add a little pasta sauce
⁠frozen fried rice + frozen stir fry veggies
⁠favorite frozen protein and veggies for sheet pan meals
⁠canned refried beans with a tortilla and some cheese to microwave, can add extra toppings too
⁠oatmeal + pb + dried fruit of choice
⁠rice cakes + pb + jam (or substitute bread if you have it)
Rotisserie chicken in a salad, soup, sandwich or wrap
Frozen salmon with some veggies
air fryer foods - chicken nuggets, tenders, fries, etc. You can also toss different vegetables (baby carrots, Brussels sprouts, etc.) in a little olive oil and throw them in there
chicken broth & frozen dumplings - you can dress it up a little with some miso, soy sauce or other seasonings. You could also add some frozen vegetables.
snack type food - a combination of canned Garbanzo beans and black olives. The olives are salty enough that you can get low sodium beans and it will still taste good.
A lot of these ideas I stole from the good people of Reddit (particularly r/depressionmeals)!Here’s the post I referenced if you’d like to look further into it:
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spottedenchants · 2 years
attempt 9: a curiosity
friend, companion, apple to your orange, you…
love him. you love him. it would be… simplistic, at this point, to ignore the thread of indelible connection so blistering and brumal and trussed taut between you that it can incidentally be shortnamed as ‘love’. but that bafflingly frigid tether, intangible yet tangled, it is not alone on the loom housed in your ribs.
so, then. one thing at a time.
why must this all be so hard?
the feeling in your chest is called ‘love’, so you think. that’s nice; you can stake that claim. 
several many leaved vines climb the post, curl, further readying themselves to bloom.
pleased, you leave them be.
keeping your trowel, you stay working your garden, weeding and pruning with gifted gloves and a sunhat.
somewhere, a flock of birds sing.
through which plot of thought do you dig?
you do care, dearly, both for and about him.
in sickness, in heath. in similar pains of flesh and heart and mind. in differing joys spun by memory and present time. in presence. in absence.
by choice. as always, by choice.
and he cares for you- about you, too. so do they all and you them. what a delight it is, to miss and be sorely missed in return. it’s a rich life that they’ve offered, that you’ve accepted; succulent, well-prepared, modest yet fulfilling. you have a family, no had to be had, but now you’re entrenched in one anew.
you are ready for any surprise.
so you do let him love you.
it’s a lovely thing, to trust so deep, a willingness that catches in your bared teeth like greens. unbecoming, evidence of preference. something you can readily, excitedly laugh through with the ease of sincerity.
you’ve watched; you’ve learned; and my, how your face can ache; sweet-orange tang attacks the hinge of your jaw, a fair price to pay for making many smiles from a lone rind. a delicious grin bitter only in literal flavor, their potluck love quite suits your acquired tastes.
what is it that sets him apart?
you bask in his touch. indulgent, heat. thrilling, pressure. together, honey, metamorphic in your veins your nerves your lungs; you’ve never known a warmth quite like this- but so it goes in all instances; so it goes for all else. nothing but everything is new, amusing, enthralling, so what distinguishes one known novelty from the next? each heartcount tick, each stutter of air… once again you’ve passed a desperate second; you’ve come to learn how to breathe.
you lie in your truth, floating for a quiet moment, before cracking a new joke, oh so silly.
and he holds your heart with a laugh, sweet as a siren song. 
still, your mind swims.
you no longer shy from his stare. bright, ever so clever, he knew too much to stay, too little to flee, and what did that say about you? why would a backturned mirror care for another’s face once it chips, spiders, shatters against the seams of its own razor-veined web of damned lies?
dawn golden low in the sky, a spring-soaked harvest of hope once pled; fragments, too, can catch light.
in over your head and drowning, before, you thought no. no, never- never.
but now…
sky-wide and welcoming, shining in kind crescents, an outstretched hand smeared with rich earth…
now you can brave the sun’s gaze-
a sunrise, he cannot stay, not forever.
neither can you, nor the rest.
this is how the story goes; you have both set aside your glue-tack bones, your signatures left with half-folds; you’ve set alight your twine and spines, all in favor of sharing quills and the same metered pool of life’s ink. covers discarded, unbound sheaves await, your stack assumed higher than all- a generous supposition.
tabled and unnamed together, hands indivisible alive, you both write each, new, page.
fond days, long nights; sun and shadow stretch in cat tallies and clockwork candles, accompaniment to the dancing beats of your hearts.
contentment glows, bringing unaddressed concepts to light; you face a dog-eared inquiry head-on:
are you in love with him? are you in love with him?
‘you just know’, so they say. then- you aren’t if you don’t? just as you’ve opened your eyes to the spectrum of hues this wide world can offer, this is where black and white still rule? strange to say, but how much simpler this all was in your only birthland. bonds may last lifetimes, beyond; states of being weigh different from actions, the deepest stitches all threaded with choice.
maybe you’ve just missed a punchline. some grand cosmic joke. you’ve always had a particular sense of humor.
this answer is not satisfying.
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thecookieverse · 9 months
Cookieverse: Families
House Raspberry
Raspberry Cookie (Older Sister)
Black Raspberry Cookie (Younger Sister)
Raspberry Mousse Cookie (Cousin)
Pepper Family
Peperoncino Cookie (Father)
Szechuan Cookie (Mother; Deceased)
Cayenne Cookie (Sister; Eldest)
Habanero Cookie (Brother; Youngest)
Velvet Cake Family
Red Velvet Cookie (Older Brother)
Orange Velvet Cookie (Younger Sister)
Rose Family
Rose Cookie (Sister; Eldest)
Rose Water Cookie (Brother; Middle)
Black Rose Cookie (Sister; Youngest)
Veggie Family
Spinach Cookie (Sister)
Broccoli Cookie (Brother)
Carbonated Family
Sparkling Cookie (Brother)
Seltzer Cookie (Brother)
Dairy Family
Milk Cookie (Brother)
Choco Milk Cookie (Brother)
Mint Family
Peppermint Cookie (Sibling; Youngest) Peppermint Bark Cookie (Brother; Eldest)
Avocado Family
Avocado Cookie (Sister)
Guacamole Cookie (Brother)
Cinnamon Family
Cinnamon Cookie (Cousin)
Cinnamon Roll Cookie (Cousin)
Plum Family
Plum Cookie (Son)
Sugarplum Cookie (Father)
Myrobalan Cookie (Father)
Orange Family
Orange Cookie (Sister)
Blood Orange Cookie (Sister)
Tangerine Tanghulu Cookie (Cousin)
Hot Dog Family
Hot Dog Cookie (Sister; Eldest)
Chili Dog Cookie (Brother; Youngest)
Caramel Family
Salted Caramel Cookie (Sister; Youngest)
Caramel Macchiato Cookie (Sister; Eldest)
Egg Dish Family
Omelet Cookie (Brother; Youngest)
Omurice Cookie (Sister; Eldest)
Popcorn Family
Popcorn Cookie (Niece)
Choco Popcorn Cookie (Estranged Uncle)
Frozen Dessert Family
Parfait Cookie (Cousin)
Slushie Cookie (Cousin)
Ice Cream Family
Soft Serve Cookie (Daughter)
Waffle Cone Cookie (Father)
Vanilla Bean Cookie (Mother)
Apple Family
Apple Cookie (Sister; Youngest)
Caramel Apple Cookie (Brother; Eldest)
Candy Apple Cookie (Cousin, Twin Sister to Toffee Apple)
Toffee Apple Cookie (Cousin, Twin Sister to Candy Apple)
Lily Family
White Lily Cookie (Ancestor)
Calla Lily Cookie (Descendant; Eldest Sister)
Yellow Lily Cookie (Descendant; Youngest Sister)
Zephyr Lily Cookie (Descendant; Middle Sister)
Pasta Family
Ditalini Cookie (Brother)
Farfalle Cookie (Sister)
Prune Family
Prune Juice Cookie (Grandson)
Prune Cookie (Grandmother)
Mushroom Family
Poison Mushroom Cookie (Cousin)
Button Mushroom Cookie (Cousin)
Creme Family
Creme Sandwich Cookie (Brother; Youngest)
Orange Cream Cookie (Sister; Eldest)
Summertime Family
Salsa Chip Cookie (Brother)
Apple Dodger Cookie (Stepbrother)
Salsa Cookie (Sister; Eldest)
PPC Family
Pink Lemonade Cookie (Sister; Triplet)
Sugar Cookie (Sister; Triplet)
Basil Cookie (Sister; Triplet)
Magnesium Cookie (Father)
RRC Family
Fruit Punch Cookie (Brother; Triplet)
Blue Corn Cookie (Brother; Triplet)
Nori Cookie (Brother; Triplet)
Banana Nut Cookie (Father)
Devil's Tongue Cookie (It's complicated)
Black Forest Family
Black Forest Cookie (Father)
Gateau Cookie (Daughter)
Coffee Sweets Family
Coffee Candy Cookie (Sister; Eldest)
Coffee Crisp Cookie (Brother; Youngest)
Apple Variety Twins
Red Delicious Cookie (Sister; Twin)
Gala Apple Cookie (Sister; Twin)
Pizza Family
Pizza Cookie (Sister)
Pepperoni Pizza Cookie (Brother)
Squid Family
Squid Ink Cookie (Cousin)
Ikasumi Pasta Cookie (Cousin)
Stinky Cheese Family
Camembert Cookie (Brother; Eldest)
Vieux Lille Cookie (Sister; Youngest)
Skeleton Family
Dr. Bones Cookie (Brother)
Sugar Skull Cookie (Brother)
Twin Star Cookie
Star Sapphire Cookie (Brother; Twin)
Star Ruby Cookie (Sister; Twin)
Jam Family
Raspberry Jam Cookie (Brother; Younger)
Blueberry Jam Cookie (Sister; Elder)
Gel Family
Lemon Gel Cookie (Brother; Elder)
Berry Gel Cookie (Sister; Younger)
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theyareweird · 2 years
Bendy & the Dark Revival Food
In the Bendy & the Dark Revival game, the player will have to rely on food to help them survive. Whenever, they're low on health, they must locate hidden food stashes all throughout the studio. This is an interesting addition to the cartoon world as the poor ink victims of this universe are reincarnated and deformed humans; which implies they're still living. Due to this, all the food from Joey Drew Studios will be covered in this article.
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Milk Carton
"A carton of milk, for growing up strong and healthy. Add some chocolate for a snack enjoyed by both young and old".
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Hot Dog
"A delicious hot dog, plain with mustard. The perfect quick meal for a lazy Saturday".
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On the Little Devil Lounge's menu, it's listed as a cheese sandwich with sprouts. However, this sandwich appears to contain other vegetables like lettuce and tomatoes.
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Briar Label's Bacon Soup
Tasty Eats Machines are vending machines designed by Tasty Eats. They're are located throughout the Cycle in Boris & the Dark Survival game. There, the soup can be purchased. Other snacks can be bought from there following Bendy & the Dark Revival game.
"Exquisite vegetable soup, spices, and soft bacon with an irresistible scent". The soup also appears to contain potatoes according to the pictured label. Another description reads, "Eat with fork", requiring consumers to eat the soup out of the can with a fork. However, Henry drinks the soup like a soda/pop can as he doesn’t have a fork with him at all. The soup can still taste good despite being left for thirty years because, it's canned, which prevents the food from turning bad.
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In the Bendy & the Dark Revival game, there's a steakhouse restaurant. Inside, there's an ink message stating the beef is made of people.
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Other Foods:
Tasty Eats Original Chips
Bendy Bar
Chocolate Nuts
Crispy Crackers
Hearts (people)
Coffee (listed on lounge sign)
Amie Bourguignon (sold out on menu)
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What do you think? Could you survive in this world with a little more food variety? Or no because, the food is made of ink despite having remarkable taste? Please share with me!
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woobie-wan · 9 days
What I ate growing up:
Hot dogs with pasta. There was usually a little margarine on the pasta.
Sloppy joes
Potatoes in every format imaginable
Sweet potatoes with the skins
Tuna casserole
Pasta salad
Devilled eggs (for parties)
Scrambled eggs with ketchup
Hardboiled eggs
Chicken pot pies
Tuna fish stuffed into mini pitas
Canned peas
Canned beans
Canned beets
Fresh green beans (Mom grew these on the balcony)
Sometimes fresh strawberries! Very exciting event
Peanut butter sandwiches
Baloney sandwiches
Onion buns with deli turkey or chicken or tuna
Raisins, prunes
Challah (Egg bread) good for a sandwich but often just with margarine
Cucumber with a little salt
Cheese, just chunks of cheddar or marble
Fruit roll ups
Mom's homemade fruit leather - we had a dehydrator
Mom's homemade Irish soda bread 🤤 delicious
Brownies, cookies (homemade and store bought)
Whoppers (Maltesers when we were feeling fancy)
Chocolate eclairs candy
Ice cream
Cereal - usually Honeycomb or Honey Nut Cheerios
Gas station pizza
Mormon Jello with the pasta shapes suspended in it (horrifying)
Fresh corn with butter and salt
Potato chips
Apple Juice (canned)
Raspberry iced tea
Gingerale, Sprite, Vanilla Coke
0 notes
govindhtech · 15 days
NBA 2K25 Arcade Edition, Balatro+ To Apple Arcade Games
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Apple Arcade
Eight titles, including NBA 2K25 Arcade Edition and Balatro+, are added to Apple Arcade. Apple Arcade is expanding its library of over 200 entertaining games with eight new additions. With no in-app purchases or advertisements, the newest collection of games provides something for the whole family, from thrilling deck-building games to competitive sports titles.
Three new games have been added to the service today: Puzzle Sculpt, an Apple Vision Pro spatial puzzle, Monster Train+, and NFL Retro Bowl ’25, the first NFL-licensed game available on the platform.
Every month, the service is updated with new games and material. Starting on September 26th, users will have the opportunity to construct their dream deck and take on challenging tasks with the 2024 deck-building phenomenon Balatro+. Playable on iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, and Apple Vision Pro, Balatro+ will be part of the Arcade subscription service.
NBA 2K returns on October 3rd, promising players another thrilling season as they step up their game in NBA 2K25 Arcade Edition. This year, 2K enthusiasts may check out the redesigned Greatest Mode and The Neighborhood. In addition, subscribers may operate their own cat café in Furistas Cat café+, cook up a good time with some adorable furry companions in Food Truck Pup+, and smash their way through realms beyond their wildest dreams in Smash Hit+.
A family of up to six people may enjoy unlimited access to every game in the Apple Arcade library with just one membership, so you can all play these fantastic games together.
Playstack and LocalThunk’s Balatro+
LocalThunk, a lone developer, produced this hypnotically delightful roguelike deck builder with a focus on poker, which Playstack released. Joker cards and poker hands are combined by players to create a variety of builds and synergies, each with their own special powers. The objective is to find secret bonus hands and decks while gathering enough chips to defeat cunning blinds. In Balatro+’s unique psychedelic environment, defeat the boss blind, uphold the last stand, and win all set to a surreal and retro-futuristic synthwave music.
NBA 2K25 Arcade Edition
Image Credit To Apple
NBA 2K25 Arcade Edition is where legends are built, as The Neighborhood makes its mobile premiere. Unlock side missions, meet the top players in the league, and compete against friends in one-on-one or three-on-three games on Game Center. As they advance in their professions and refine their talents via competitive play, Apple Arcade players have access to a brand-new space that blends indoor and outdoor streetball courts and businesses thanks to this completely navigable hoop culture paradise.
Not only will they rule the court, but The Neighborhood as well. New character customization options, upgrades to My career and The Association, and a redesigned Greatest Mode that lets players relive some of their favorite ballers’ career-defining moments are all included in the game.
GAME START’s Food Truck Pup+
With the top canine chefs in town, players can cook up a fantastic time. With the bright pixel visuals of the game, work hard to build a delicious worldwide crêpe company from the bottom up and see it come to life. In this heartwarming game, players may also take pleasure in creating their own stores, choosing fashionable clothing, and even employing other dogs as part-timers to support the growth of their companies.
Cat Cafe+ Furistas by Runaway Play
Image Credit To Apple
Gamers may add more cats to their collection by matching adorable kittens with the perfect foster parents and providing them with happiness. Because every café may be customized from top to bottom, gamers can let their imaginations run wild and create unique and welcoming environments. These adorable kittens will win over gamers’ hearts with every endearing exchange they have.
Smash Hit+ by Mediocre AB
Smash Hit+ is a game that uses force, concentration, and pure willpower to take players on immersive adventures where they must move in time with the music and discover new methods to use destructive physics. The game’s 50 distinct chambers and 11 graphic styles provide an unmatched visual experience that motivates players to commit to overcoming the difficult challenges that lie ahead of them.
Apple Arcade Games
Image Credit To Apple
Players may anticipate significant improvements to popular arcade games like Wylde Flowers, Sonic Dream Team, Outlanders 2: Second Nature, Hello Kitty Island Adventure, and many more in addition to new games.
Wylde Flowers by Studio Drydock: In today’s highly anticipated mystical Creatures update, players will endeavor to uncover the mystical mysteries concealed under Fairhaven’s lighthouse and restore it to its former splendor.
Sonic Dream Team by SEGA HARDlight: On September 12, players may get 16 new abilities, such as stomp and air slice, by running and jumping into new objectives and locations in the Tails Challenge. Jukebox mode, which enables users to unlock and gather music songs from all across the Dream World, is also included in this version.
Pomelo Games’ Outlanders 2: Second Nature: On September 17, players will get to know Jelena, the tenacious mayor of a little village in the Winterlands at the foot of a massive mountain. Together with three new levels with brand-new structures and crops, Jelena also delivers a fresh narrative.
The island adventure Hello Kitty by Sunblink and Sanrio: Players may reach the new City Town area on a separate island on September 18, when a mystery boat emerges off the coast of Friendship Island. There, a new character is ready to show everyone around.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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heartswithfingers · 3 months
Crunchy, Tangy, and Delicious: The Art of Making Fresh Pickles at Home
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Pickles have been a beloved condiment for centuries, adding a burst of flavor and crunch to sandwiches, salads, and snacks. While store-bought pickles can be convenient, nothing quite compares to the taste of homemade fresh pickles. In this blog post, we'll explore the art of making fresh pickles at home, from selecting the perfect vegetables to crafting the perfect brine.
Choosing Your Vegetables
The foundation of any great pickle is the vegetable itself. While cucumbers are the classic choice, you can pickle a wide variety of vegetables, including carrots, onions, peppers, and even green tomatoes. When selecting your vegetables, look for fresh, crisp specimens that are free of blemishes or bruises.
Preparing Your Vegetables
Once you've selected your vegetables, it's time to prepare them for pickling. Start by washing them thoroughly under cool running water. If you're using cucumbers, slice them into spears or chips, depending on your preference. For other vegetables, you can slice them into thin strips or leave them whole, depending on their size and shape.
Creating the Brine
The brine is the liquid that your vegetables will be submerged in, and it's what gives pickles their signature flavor and texture. A basic brine consists of vinegar, water, salt, and sugar. You can also add spices and herbs to customize the flavor of your pickles, such as garlic, dill, or peppercorns.
To make the brine, combine equal parts vinegar and water in a saucepan. You can use a variety of vinegars, such as white vinegar, apple cider vinegar, or red wine vinegar, depending on your preference. Add salt and sugar to taste, and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring until the salt and sugar have dissolved.
Packing Your Jars
Once you've prepared your vegetables and brine, it's time to pack your jars. Start by sterilizing your jars and lids by boiling them in water for 10 minutes. Allow them to cool completely before using.
Pack your prepared vegetables into the jars, leaving about 1/2 inch of headspace at the top. Pour the hot brine over the vegetables, making sure to cover them completely. If necessary, add a little more vinegar or water to the brine to ensure that all the vegetables are submerged.
Fermenting Your Pickles
Fermenting your pickles is an optional step that can add depth of flavor and beneficial bacteria to your pickles. To ferment your pickles, simply place a weight on top of the vegetables to keep them submerged in the brine. Cover the jar with a cloth or paper towel and secure it with a rubber band. Allow the pickles to ferment at room temperature for 3-7 days, depending on your preference for sourness and crunchiness.
Storing Your Pickles
Once your pickles have reached the desired flavor and texture, you can store them in the refrigerator for up to 6 months. If you prefer a crunchier pickle, you can skip the fermentation step and store your pickles in the refrigerator immediately after packing them in jars.
Serving Your Pickles
Fresh pickles are a versatile condiment that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. They make a great addition to sandwiches, burgers, and hot dogs, adding a tangy crunch to balance out rich flavors. You can also serve them as a snack on their own, or use them to add flavor to salads and other dishes.
If you don't have the time or inclination to make your own fresh pickles, you can always order them from a pickle online store. These stores offer a wide variety of fresh pickles, from classic dill to spicy sriracha, all delivered right to your door.
making fresh pickles at home is a fun and rewarding project that can add a delicious new dimension to your cooking. With a few simple ingredients and a little patience, you can create crunchy, tangy pickles that will have your taste buds singing. So why not give it a try today? Your sandwiches (and your taste buds) will thank you.
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Best Seafood Restaurant In Mountroskill
Welcome to Roskill Fish & Chips, the top seafood restaurant on Dominion Road in Auckland! We pride ourselves on serving the best fish and chips in town, right here in the heart of Auckland. Our expertly crafted fish and chips are a local favorite, featuring fresh fish cooked to perfection and paired with golden, crispy fries. Conveniently located on Dominion Road, we offer both dine-in and takeaway options, ensuring that you can enjoy our delicious seafood wherever you are. Whether you’re craving a quick bite on the go or a leisurely meal with friends and family, our restaurant is the perfect destination. Come experience the taste of Auckland with our mouthwatering fish and chips.
Why Roskill Fish & Chips is the Best
Roskill Fish & Chips stands out in Auckland’s vibrant food scene for several reasons. Our commitment to quality, freshness, and customer satisfaction sets us apart. Here’s why you should choose us:
Fresh Ingredients: We use only the freshest fish, ensuring a delightful and flavorful meal every time.
Expert Preparation: Our chefs are skilled in the art of cooking fish and chips, ensuring each dish is cooked to perfection.
Perfectly Paired Fries: Our golden, crispy fries are the perfect complement to our delicious fish.
Convenient Location: Located on Dominion Road, we are easily accessible from all parts of Auckland, including Mount Roskill, Mount Eden, and more.
Flexible Dining Options: Whether you prefer to dine in or take away, we cater to your needs with ease.
The History of Fish and Chips
Fish and chips is a beloved dish with a rich history. Originating in England in the mid-19th century, it quickly became a popular meal due to its delicious taste and affordability. The combination of fried fish and potatoes was an instant hit, and it spread to various parts of the world, including New Zealand.
In New Zealand, fish and chips have become a staple, with many local variations adding unique twists to the traditional recipe. At Roskill Fish & Chips, we honor this heritage while adding our special touch to ensure you get the best fish and chips experience in Auckland.
Our Menu: More Than Just Fish and Chips
While our fish and chips are the highlight, we offer a diverse menu to satisfy all taste buds:
Hot Dog
Our classic hot dogs are a hit with both kids and adults. Made with quality ingredients, they are the perfect snack or meal.
Fish Cake
Our fish cakes are a delightful alternative to traditional fish and chips. They are packed with flavor and cooked to perfection.
Chicken Nibbles & Chicken Thigh
For those who prefer poultry, our chicken nibbles and chicken thighs are tender, juicy, and perfectly seasoned.
Refreshing Drinks
Pair your meal with one of our refreshing soft drinks. Our selection includes Pineapple Green, Apple Fizz Creamy, and Mango Creamy.
Convenient Takeaway Options
In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is key. That’s why we offer efficient takeaway services. You can enjoy our delicious fish and chips wherever you are, thanks to our partnerships with Uber Eats, DoorDash, and Menulog. Simply place your order, and we’ll take care of the rest.
Contact Us
Ready to experience the best fish and chips in Auckland? Visit us at Roskill Fish & Chips on Dominion Road. For orders, call us at 6496205742 or place your order through Uber Eats, DoorDash, or Menulog. Come taste the difference at Roskill Fish & Chips — we look forward to serving you!
Roskill Fish & Chips is more than just a restaurant; it’s a culinary experience. From our fresh ingredients to our expertly prepared dishes, we strive to provide the best fish and chips in Auckland. Whether you’re dining in, taking away, or ordering delivery, we ensure a delightful and satisfying meal every time. Visit us on Dominion Road and discover why we are the preferred choice for fish and chips lovers in Auckland. We can’t wait to welcome you!
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heydaytravelcompany · 8 months
Foodie Guide to Lunar New Year 2024
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Get ready to ignite those taste buds with flavor because Lunar New Year is almost here at the Disneyland Resort! This year is the Year of the Dragon and the culinary teams have brought out the creativity to bring delicious delights inspired by the traditions and cuisines of Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese cultures. From Jan. 23 through Feb. 18, the Lunar New Year Festival will transform Disney California Adventure Park into a vibrant celebration with characters, entertainment, festive décor, merchandise, and, of course, food! As we celebrate this new year, there are plenty of treats and eats across the resort for guests to try. From returning favorites, like the Mickey-shaped Hot Dog Bun and Garlic Noodles, to can’t-miss new additions, such as the Fried Lemongrass Chicken Dumplings and Peach Basil Collins, guests will be satisfied (and full) by the end of their foodie outing. But that’s not all. There are bites and sips beyond just the festival offerings for guests to indulge in, and we've got them all here. Now, before we get to the full list of offerings, we’ve got another tasty tidbit for you. For some added flavor to your celebrations, guests can purchase the Sip and Savor Pass, which provides six coupons, redeemable for select food and non-alcoholic beverages at participating Lunar New Year Marketplaces and dining locations in Disney California Adventure Park. This year, we are introducing a new way to redeem coupons. Simply present a physical Sip and Savor Pass to a cast member at the location to scan. Then, enter the 4-digit code located on the pass at checkout. Now, let’s celebrate the Year of the Dragon and explore this year’s Lunar New Year Foodie Guide! Lunar New Year Festival Marketplaces Bamboo Blessings (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18) - Strawberry Milk Tea Macaron: Strawberry buttercream with milk tea center (New) - Mickey-shaped Hot Dog Bun: Brioche-style Mickey-shaped bun stuffed with hot dog and finished with sesame seeds and scallions - Taro Vietnamese-style Iced Coffee: Joffrey's Coffee & Tea Co. Vietnamese-style Coffee, cocoa powder, and condensed milk garnished with a taro chocolate sweet cream (Non-alcoholic beverage) (New) - Lunar New Year Punch: Mango nectar, tangerine and grapefruit juices, and banana and coconut syrups garnished with mango jellies (Non-alcoholic beverage) (New) - Lunar Punch Cocktail: Coconut rum, mango nectar, tangerine and grapefruit juices, and banana and coconut syrups garnished with a purple orchid (New) - Mickey-shaped Macaron Straw Clip (New) (Limit two per person, per transaction; no discounts apply) - Lotus Flower Glow Cube (Limit 10 per person, per transaction; no discounts apply) Longevity Noodle Co. (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18) - Shrimp Lo Mein Noodles: Pan-fried lo mein noodles with sautéed shrimp garnished with green onions (New) - Garlic Noodles: Long noodles tossed in zesty garlic butter with parmesan - Dragon Cocktail: Dragonberry rum, white rum, lychee nectar, dragon fruit and Chinese five-spice syrups, lime juice, and house-made coriander tea garnished with a dried dragon fruit wheel - Mickey-shaped Macaron Straw Clip (New) (Limit two per person, per transaction; no discounts apply) - Lotus Flower Glow Cube (Limit 10 per person, per transaction; no discounts apply) Lucky 8 Lantern (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18) - Quesabirria Eggroll with guajillo pepper consomé - Mandarin Orange Mousse Cake: Layers of mandarin mousse with vanilla cake and clementine compote finished with white chocolate crunch balls and a tangerine glaze - Hibiscus Apple Soju-rita: Blanco tequila, grapefruit liqueur, soju, green apple and hibiscus syrups, house-made hibiscus tea, and lemon juice garnished with a dried apple chip (New) - Mango Melon Cocktail: Overproof rum, baijiu, allspice liqueur, mango nectar, rock melon syrup, and lime juice topped with grapefruit soda and garnished with a lime wheel (New) - Mickey-shaped Macaron Straw Clip (New) (Limit two per person, per transaction; no discounts apply) - Lotus Flower Glow Cube (Limit 10 per person, per transaction; no discounts apply) Prosperity Bao & Buns (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18)  - Kung Pao Bao with chicken, toasted peanuts, and scallions (New) - BBQ Pork Bun with kimchi mayo and garlic chile crunch (New) - Brewery X Grapefruit Panda Pool Party Bamboo Rice Lager (New) - Harland Brewing Co. Tangerine Dragon Fruit Hefeweizen (New) - Stereo Brewing Co. Jasmine Tea Lager (New) - Eagle Rock Brewery Lychee IPA (New) - Dragon Beer Flight (New) - Tsingtao with Frozen Mango Beer Foam - Mickey-shaped Macaron Straw Clip (New) (Limit two per person, per transaction; no discounts apply) - Lotus Flower Glow Cube (Limit 10 per person, per transaction; no discounts apply) Red Dragon Spice Traders (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18) - Spicy Fried Rice with tofu and crispy peas (New) - Red Spice Fried Chicken Bites: Fried chicken chicharrones in spicy red chile sauce - Peach Basil Collins: Gin, ginger liqueur, white peach purée, lemon juice, and house-made Thai basil syrup topped with Topo Chico and garnished with a purple pansy (New) - Guava Whiskey Cocktail: Whiskey, ginger liqueur, guava nectar, coconut cream, and lime juice garnished with a lime wheel - Mickey-shaped Macaron Straw Clip (New) (Limit two per person, per transaction; no discounts apply) - Lotus Flower Glow Cube (Limit 10 per person, per transaction; no discounts apply) Wrapped with Love (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18) - Fried Lemongrass Chicken Dumplings with plum sauce (New) - Steamed Pork & Vegetable Dumplings with black garlic sauce (New) - Yuja-Pineapple Cooler: Pineapple juice, yuja purée, rice milk, and condensed milk garnished with a cherry and coconut foam (Non-alcoholic beverage) (New) - Raspberry Oat Milk Tea: Joffrey's Coffee & Tea Co. Ceylon Tea, raspberry and demerara syrups, and oat milk garnished with skewered raspberries (Non-alcoholic beverage) - Mickey-shaped Macaron Straw Clip (New) (Limit two per person, per transaction; no discounts apply) - Lotus Flower Glow Cube (Limit 10 per person, per transaction; no discounts apply)  Throughout Disney California Adventure Park Boardwalk Pizza & Pasta - Bulgogi Pizza: Marinated beef and spicy corn, cheese sauce topped with green onion (Available by slice or whole pie) (New) (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 29) - Milk Tea Taro Cheesecake: Milk tea cheesecake with a taro mousse (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18) Cappuccino Cart (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18; mobile order available) - Dalgona Coffee Bundt Cake: Coffee Bundt cake filled with sweet milk and topped with Dalgona foam - Green Tea Horchata (Non-alcoholic beverage) Cocina Cucamonga Mexican Grill (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18; mobile order available) - Blood Orange Cocktail: Baijiu, orange liquor, yuja purée and blood orange syrup, with a spicy sugar rim Lamplight Lounge (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18) - Spicy Dandan Noodles: Crispy pork belly and noodles tossed in spicy Szechuan sauce paired with carrots, cucumber, and crispy shallots garnished with green onions and micro cilantro (New) - Milk Tea and Taro Donuts: Warm, fluffy donuts dipped in milk tea, drizzled with taro icing, garnished with boba with milk tea dipping sauce (New) - Lunar New Year Cocktail: Han Soju, Ancho Reyes Ancho Chile Liqueur, dragon fruit syrup, lemon juice, Del Maguey Vida Mezcal, and firewater bitters with mint garnish (New)  Lamplight Lounge - Boardwalk Dining (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18) - Kung Pao Bao: Kung pao-glazed crispy pork belly, soft bao bun, red peppers, toasted peanuts, and green onions - Lunar New Year Cocktail: Han Soju, Ancho Reyes Ancho Chile Liqueur, dragon fruit syrup, lemon juice, Del Maguey Vida Mezcal, and firewater bitters with mint garnish (New)  Paradise Garden Grill (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18; mobile order available) - Bulgogi Fried Rice with kimchi, egg, pickled cucumber, green onion, and sesame seeds (New) (Plant-based) - Whole Fish with steamed rice, stir-fried vegetables, and black vinegar and soy sauce with sugar, garlic, and red Fresno chile (Served family-style for sharing for two) (New) - Shrimp Lo Mein: Lo mein noodles tossed with shrimp, mushrooms, cabbage, corn, and bell pepper (New) - Pork Banh Mi Sandwich: Grilled pork belly with pickled carrots and daikon, cucumber, and jalapeño with spicy mayo - Korean-style BBQ Chicken served with steamed rice, kimchi, and pickled cucumber - Korean-style Chicken: Marinated chicken served with steamed rice and broccoli (Disney Check Kids Meal) - Mango Pudding with a hint of coconut milk topped with mango and a chocolate décor - Tiger Milk Boba Tea with Brown Sugar Boba (Non-alcoholic beverage) - Yuja Makgeolli Cocktail: Citrus-flavored rice wine, soju, and a splash of Sprite - Four Sons Brewing Lucky Dragon IPA Pym Test Kitchen (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18; mobile order available) - Almond Cold Brew: Almond cold brew, almond milk, and red foam with blue and gold sugar (Non-alcoholic beverage) (New) Sonoma Terrace (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18; mobile order available) - Gochugaru Shrimp Roll: Gochugaru-marinated shrimp on a potato roll with kimchi slaw, gochujang mayonnaise, spicy pickle spear (New) Studio Catering Co. and Hollywood Lounge (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18; mobile order available at Studio Catering Co. only) - Char Siu-style Ribs: Char siu-braised pork ribs with Asian-inspired glaze topped with roasted peanuts and scallions (New) Terran Treats (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18) - Strawberry Green Tea Churro: Green tea-cinnamon sugar dusted churro with strawberry cream sauce topped with freeze-dried strawberries (New) Select Outdoor Vending Carts (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18)  - Chicken Bao: Steamed bao with chicken, butternut squash, and makrut lime served with Vietnamese sweet tangy dipping sauce - Baked Brown Sugar Nian Gao: Baked sticky rice cake topped with brown sugar (New) - Char Siu Turkey Leg (New) - Cantaritos Mandarin (New) - Harland Brewing Co. Lunar Maps Hazy IPA (New) Churros near Goofy’s Sky School (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18) - Almond Cookie Churro: Coated in almond cookie crumble and topped with roasted almonds and almond icing Churros near Redwood Creek Challenge Trail (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18) - Orange-Ginger Churro: Churro rolled in ginger sugar topped with orange sauce, candied ginger, and black and white sesame seeds (New) Willie’s Churros (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18)  - Dragon Fruit Churro: Churro rolled in a coconut-dragon fruit sugar topped with a dragon fruit icing (New) Novelties Available Across Disneyland Resort   - Lunar New Year Stainless Steel Tumbler: Includes choice of fountain beverage at time of purchase (Limit two per person, per transaction; no discounts apply); Available at the following locations: - At Disney California Adventure park: Boardwalk Pizza & Pasta, Cappuccino Cart, Clarabelle's Hand-Scooped Ice Cream, select outdoor vending carts, Paradise Garden Grill, Smokejumpers Grill, Studio Catering Co. - Lotus Flower Glow Cube (Limit 10 per person, per transaction; no discounts apply); Available at the following locations: - At Disney California Adventure park: Bayside Brews, Cappuccino Cart, Clarabelle's Hand-Scooped Ice Cream, Hollywood Lounge, select outdoor vending carts, Paradise Garden Grill - At Disneyland park: Jolly Holiday Bakery Cafe, Little Red Wagon, and Refreshment Corner - Mickey-shaped Macaron Straw Clip (Available starting Jan. 23; limit two per person, per transaction; no discounts apply); Available at the following locations: - At Disney California Adventure park: Corn Dog Castle, Mortimers Market, Outdoor Vending Carts, Paradise Garden Grill, Schmoozies!, select outdoor vending, Smokejumpers Grill Hotels of the Disneyland Resort Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel & Spa GCH Craftsman Bar (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 29) - Pork Dandan Noodles: Crispy pork with egg noodles, sweet chili sauce, peanuts, and scallions (New) - Moon Dragon: Premium soju, St-Germain Elderflower Liqueur, Hennessy V.S Cognac, cherry juice, plum bitters, and Luxardo Maraschino Cherries (New) (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 29) GCH Craftsman Grill (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18) - Pork Dandan Noodles: Crispy pork with egg noodles, sweet chili sauce, peanuts, and scallions (New) Grand Californian Great Hall Cart (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18) - Tea Pot and Macarons (New) - Assorted Macarons (New) - Lunar New Year Cookie: Decorated sugar cookie (New) - Lunar New Year Assorted Pretzel Rod Sticks (New) - Lunar New Year Crisped Rice Treat (New) Hearthstone Lounge   - Bean Paste Tang Yuan Dumplings and Meatball Soup with rice balls (New) (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18) - Spicy Shrimp with Steamed Rice (New) (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18) - Moon Dragon: Premium soju, St-Germain Elderflower Liqueur, Hennessy V.S Cognac, cherry juice, plum bitters, and Luxardo Maraschino Cherries (New) (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 29) Storytellers Cafe - Pork Dandan Noodles: Crispy pork with egg noodles, sweet chili sauce, peanuts, and scallions (New) (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18) - Moon Dragon: Premium soju, St-Germain Elderflower Liqueur, Hennessy V.S Cognac, cherry juice, plum bitters, and Luxardo Maraschino Cherries (New) (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 29) Disneyland Hotel Goofy’s Kitchen (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18) - Shrimp Stir Fry with noodles, garlic, and ginger (New) - Pork Bao Bun (New) - Chicken Dumpling Soup (New) - Garlic Rice with soy sauce and scallions (New) (Plant-based) Downtown Disney District Jazz Kitchen Coastal Grill & Patio (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18) - Lucky Dragon: Vodka, lemon juice, egg white, and dragon fruit syrup (New)  Kayla’s Cake (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18) - Milk Tea Mochi Egg Tart: Milk tea infused cream topped with mochi on a caramelized custard tart (New) - Korean Injeolmi Macarons: Sweet Injeolmi buttercream filling finished with roasted soybean powder (New)  Naples Ristorante e Bar (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18) - Banh Mi Pizza: Neapolitan dough, mozzarella cheese, marinated pork, pickled carrot and daikon radish, raw jalapeño, cilantro, and drizzles of Vietnamese mayonnaise and chili sauce (New) - Dragon Eye Punch Mocktail: Beet juice, strawberry, grenadine, blood orange syrups, and dragon eye fruit (Non-alcoholic beverage) - Dragon’s Breath Cocktail: Whiskey, elderflower liqueur, triple sec, and simple syrup garnished with a tangerine peel and a smoke top finish (New) Splitsville Luxury Lanes (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18) - Walnut Shrimp: Lightly fried shrimp with a crispy texture and tossed in a sweet lemon glaze and served with sautéed broccoli on a bed of rice and garnished with candied walnuts and scallions (New) Tortilla Jo's (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18) - Sweet and Sour Ribs: Sweet and sour ribs served with white rice and Napa cabbage slaw (New) - Dragontail Mocktail: Non-alcoholic organic margarita mix, pineapple juice, orange juice, and a splash of grenadine garnished with a paper dragon flag with two cherries and an orange wedge (Non-alcoholic beverage) (New) - Breathing Fire Cocktail: Peach schnapps, peppermint schnapps, melon liqueur, orange juice, pineapple, and a splash of grenadine garnished with three cherries (New)  Wetzel's Pretzels (Available Jan. 23 through Feb. 18) - Lucky Red Envelope with Special Wetzel's Pretzels Offering: Receive a lucky red envelope with a special in-app offer with any purchase (Available while supplies last) What an exciting (and delicious) Lunar New Year ahead of us! I can’t wait to kick off the Year of the Dragon with these eats and sips coming to Disneyland Resort. Happy Lunar New Year! (Note: All offerings are subject to change and availability.) Read the full article
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gameonoverdogcom · 9 months
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idahomag-com · 11 months
10 Halloween Easy Recipes To Hunt your Taste Buds
New Post has been published on https://idahomag.com/10-halloween-easy-recipes-to-hunt-your-taste-buds/
10 Halloween Easy Recipes To Hunt your Taste Buds
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10 Halloween Easy Recipes To Hunt your Taste Buds
Spooky Delights 10 Quick and Easy Halloween Recipes to Haunt Your Taste Buds
Halloween, the spookiest time of the year, is just around the corner. It’s the perfect excuse to indulge in deliciously creepy treats that will thrill your senses and leave you craving for more. Whether you’re hosting a ghoulish gathering or just want to surprise your family with some eerie eats, these 10 quick and easy Halloween recipes are sure to cast a spell on your taste buds.
1. Wicked Witch’s Brew Punch
Start your Halloween festivities with a bang by serving this bewitching brew punch. A concoction of sparkling apple cider, cranberry juice, and a splash of ginger ale, this vibrant drink is sure to enchant your guests. Garnish with floating lychee “eyeballs” for that extra spooky touch.
2. Mummy Dogs
Transform ordinary hot dogs into adorable mummy dogs with the help of some crescent roll dough. Wrap the dough around the hot dogs, leaving a gap for the mummy’s eyes. Bake until golden brown, and use mustard or ketchup to create the eyes. These cute and creepy mummies are a hit with both kids and adults.
3. Graveyard Taco Dip
Create a spooky graveyard scene with this taco dip that’s as visually appealing as it is delicious. Layer refried beans, guacamole, sour cream, and cheese in a dish. Use tombstone-shaped pieces of tortilla chips, decorated with edible markers, to create a cemetery on top. It’s a macabre masterpiece that will vanish in no time.
4. Spiderweb Pizza
Turn a simple pizza into a spooky masterpiece by drizzling spiderweb patterns with pizza sauce on top of the cheese. Use black olives or pepperoni slices to create the spiders, and watch as your guests marvel at your culinary creativity. This eerie pizza is a delightful treat for Halloween night.
5. Candy Corn Parfait
Indulge your sweet tooth with this eye-catching candy corn parfait. Layer orange gelatin, whipped cream, and pineapple chunks in glasses to create the iconic candy corn look. Top it off with a sprinkle of candy corn for a dessert that’s not only delicious but also visually stunning.
6. Pumpkin Patch Brownies
Upgrade your brownies by turning them into a pumpkin patch. Cut the brownies into squares and decorate each square with orange icing to resemble pumpkins. Use green icing to create vines and add chocolate chips as pumpkin faces. These adorable treats are a delightful addition to any Halloween party.
7. Witches’ Finger Cookies
Prepare some creepy witches’ finger cookies that will send shivers down your spine. Shape sugar cookie dough into finger-like shapes, complete with almond slices as nails. Add red food coloring to the tips for a gruesome effect. These realistic-looking fingers are both spooky and scrumptious.
8. Haunted House Gingerbread Cookies
Bake gingerbread cookies in the shape of haunted houses and let your creativity run wild with icing and candy decorations. Ghosts, bats, and pumpkins can adorn your edible haunted village. These intricately decorated cookies are not only a treat for the taste buds but also a feast for the eyes.
9. Caramel Apple Monsters
Transform classic caramel apples into adorable monsters by dipping them in colorful candy melts and adding googly eyes, mini marshmallows, and licorice for hair. These charming caramel apple monsters are a delightful combination of sweet, crunchy, and gooey textures.*
10. Jack-o’-Lantern Fruit Bowl
Encourage healthier snacking with a jack-o’-lantern fruit bowl. Carve a pumpkin and fill it with an assortment of fresh fruits like grapes, berries, and melon balls. The vibrant colors and refreshing taste of the fruits inside will be a welcome contrast to the sugary treats of the season.
Conclusion:- Halloween is the perfect time to get creative in the kitchen and whip up spooky yet scrumptious treats. These 10 quick and easy Halloween recipes are not only delicious but also visually captivating, making them the ideal addition to any Halloween celebration. So, put on your apron, gather your ingredients, and let the culinary magic begin! Your guests will be bewitched by your culinary skills, and your Halloween party will be the talk of the town.
#HalloweenRecipes #SpookyTreats #CreativeCooking #FestiveFood #FoodMagic #TastyCreations #GhoulishDelights #CulinaryCrafts #HalloweenFeast #DeliciousEats,
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knottywoodbbq · 1 year
Add an Extra Zest of Flavor to Baked Beans with Knotty Wood Almond Wood Pellets
If you consider yourself a grill or smoker chef, you’re going to love experimenting and using your skills for smoked baked beans. One way to increase the taste of the beans is by using Knotty Wood almond wood pellets in a smoker or smoker box.
That delicious aroma will truly come to life and change how people view this popular barbecue side dish. Include the beans when serving hamburgers, hot dogs, or sausages as well.
Almond wood pellets are made from compressed almond shells and impart a mild nutty, fruity smoke that pairs perfectly with the natural goodness of baked beans. By adding a handful of pellets to the coals of your grill or including them in your smoker, you can turn baked beans into a memorable taste sensation.
The result is a delicious fusion of classic baked bean flavors heightened by a subtle smokiness. Your guests won’t be able to stop eating your Knotty Wood almond wood pellet baked beans and will want to know the recipe.
Ingredients You’ll Need To make these smoked baked beans, you’ll need just a few simple ingredients.
Two 15-ounce cans of navy beans or great northern beans, drained and rinsed 1/2 cup of Knotty Wood barbecue rub 1/3 cup of molasses 1/3 cup of brown sugar 1/3 cup of ketchup 2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard 1/4 teaspoon of crushed red pepper flakes (optional, for some heat) Instructions Combine the beans, Knotty barbecue rub, molasses, brown sugar, ketchup, mustard, in a heavy pot. Stir well to coat all the beans evenly.
Cover and bake in a 350 F oven for 3  hours, stirring occasionally, or until the beans are tender and entirely coated in a thick, saucy glaze. Uncover  the pot  and move it to the grill or smoker.
Add More Flavor For extra flavor, add 1/4 cup diced onions and 3 cloves minced garlic along with the molasses and ketchup. You can also add a splash of your favorite beer or a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar.
Adding that Smokey Twist The almond wood pellets will infuse the beans with a subtle smoky flavor as they simmer over the grill or in the smoker. Use Knotty Wood almond wood chips if you want your beans to smoke to perfection.
Enjoy your baked beans as a side for BBQ ribs or a burger or a complement to cornbread. The smoking time will depend on how intense you want the smoky flavor to be. Start by smoking the beans for 30 minutes, then check the flavor.
For a subtle smokey undertone, 30 minutes should do it. If you want a more pronounced smoke taste, simmer for 45 to 60 minutes or add more almond wood chips to the smoker and smoke for 45 minutes. Vent the smoker and stir the beans to prevent the beans from becoming acrid.
Remove the beans from the smoker and let them rest 15 minutes before serving them.
Buy Your Rub and Pellets on the Knotty Wood Barbecue Company Website With so many possible pairings, smoked baked beans using Knotty Wood almond wood pellets simply can’t be beat as you can enjoy them in both the summer and winter. Experiment with different add-ins and accompaniments to find your favorite baked-bean, side dish, and meat combination. Visit the Knotty Wood Barbecue Company website to buy your almond pellets today.
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