#Crunchy dog treats
Baked Apple Chips: A Tasty Alternative to Store-Bought Dog Treats
Facebook Instagram Pinterest When it comes to treating our beloved canine companions, we always want to provide them with the best. While store-bought dog treats are readily available, they often contain additives, preservatives, and unknown ingredients that may not be ideal for our furry friends’ health. That’s where homemade alternatives, like apple chips or crisps, come into play. In this…
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pawbeanies · 1 year
the masculine urge to be a little dog at someone's feet... the masculine urge to let someone run their fingers through your hair and dote on you and call you their sweet good boy... the masculine urge to be PUPPY...
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canisbeasts-ooc · 3 months
You bit off more than you can chew this time, baby blue
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Thoughts and stuff under cut :3
It has been absolutely forever since I’ve actually done stuff with backgrounds and whatnot- this was meant to just be a sketch at first- but here we are! Hope it’s alright 👍 definitely got a bit to go, but I kinda like how it turned out :>
May not be completely accurate since their cherubs’ room isn’t finalized yet, but I like to think Calbhach has a very tall desk/counter space that he uses :]
Sometimes when something he’s been working on for quite a while fails, or he meets yet another dead end, Calb has to take a minute and just. Sit. When you define yourself so much by your work, it’s easy to get overwhelmed when it goes wrong. He’s got very small samples of his siblings’ blood that he sometimes just stares at during these times. Something about reminding himself what he’s trying to work for. Something about reminding himself what he’s afraid of. Something about feeling weak, and tired, and unsure, and who knows if he will ever see these again.
He’ll get the mess cleaned up eventually.
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k9catastrophe · 6 months
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You know what these are. You know they smell just like bacon and you've probably fought the urge to bite one.
i had some yesterday and it was the greatest thing like mm yes im a silly puppy, curled up on my couch, eating treats. My tail is wagging, and i am content.
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sagebrush-and-sadness · 3 months
Nah, I genuinely find the idea of hand-feeding Boothill bullets, like you would feed a horse some sugar cubes, fucking hilarious but surprisingly wholesome. It's like giving a dog a treat for good behavior. Since he munches on them out of boredome, having a handful of them in your pocket is actually quite useful. You want him to do something he would rather not do? Just tell him you've got some new, crunchy bullets for him to try and he'll be there, grumbling and frowning yet listening to you diligently.
He would actually lean down and take them from the palm of your hand with his teeth, too. Boothill knows it makes you giggle every time, so he's always ready to do the most boring shit for your sake if it means you'll smile for him.
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 1 year
Denji Hayakawa - "Half Your Melon Bread"
In which a certain chainsaw devil man shares a sweet treat with a stranger at the park after shirking his devil hunting duties for the day. Or; In which you give Denji half of your melon bread out of sympathy poor hungry devil hunter boy. Part 2
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"Maaan, today was a long one"
Denji groaned out; stretching as he walked along the vacant street.
He had snuck off from Aki and Power not too long ago; ditching his assignment in favor of following a stray dog he'd spotted on the way. Unfortunately, he had lost sight of the dog soon after and now he was lost, wandering about the empty streets.
Just up ahead he spotted a park. It was one of those parks with a half playground; just a singular slide and a standard two-person swing set. There were also quite a few benches that littered the outer border and faced inward toward the playground.
But something caught Denji's eye or rather someone did. On a bench sat a lone person, a human, at least from what he could see at the distance he was standing from them.
Their back was turned to him, but he could see right off the bat that they had some kind of food given the way their arms and mouth were moving. From the ever-shrinking distance he found himself at, Denji believed it was a burger or something; he'd heard those were pretty damn good.
A nice, pillowy, sesame seed bun, melty cheese, crunchy pickles and onions, a thick juicy patty, and every condiment he could get his hands on... man, that sounds amazing right about now.
Shit, now he was hungry.
Unfortunately due to ditching the blood-loving psycho and cock blocking top knot that were his partners, he had no money to buy food.
But the person on the bench had come to a stop next to his food... would they share with him? Or at least give him some money to buy his own? Probably not, but it's worth a try. So, the chainsaw devilman took a seat next to the stranger and simply glanced at their food from time to time, looking away every time they looked at him.
The stranger softly spoke, catching the dirty blonde's attention.
In their hand was half of the packaged snack that they were previously holding; it looked like a bun but it was shiny with a criss-cross pattern on the top. Denji froze, not knowing how to respond; he didn't think he would get this far. Hell, he didn't even know what they were giving him.
"It's melon bread. I didn't poison it or anything; you saw it in the package already."
The stranger speaks again, this time standing up and holding the snack out the the devilman.
Hesitantly, Denji took it from their outstretched hand. He looked it over and lifted it to his nose, taking in it's fruity scent. Then he took a bite; and his mind was blown.
"I hope you enjoy it, you looked hungry. Well, see ya."
The stranger smiled at him gently, letting out a soft chuckle, before turning and walking away.
The dirty blonde-haired boy jumped a bit as he watched them walk away. Was it weird that he wanted them to stay here a bit longer? Should he tell them his name?
But, unfortunately for Denji, when he had finally made up his mind, the stranger was gone.
Reblogs are appreciated ~ 𔓘
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novlr · 9 months
What are some good ways to write about winter?
Winter. is a season of stark contrasts and sensory experiences. It provides the perfect canvas to paint vivid scenes that range from cosy romances to horror-filled stormy nights.
When writing about winter, it’s essential to capture the essence of its chill and the way it can transform the world. Here are some quick tips!
A blanket of pristine snow covering the landscape
Bare tree branches coated with frost
Delicate snowflakes drifting from the grey sky
Icicles hanging like crystal daggers from rooftops
Colourful clothes stark against the white of snow
Sunlight reflecting off the snow, creating a blinding glare
Animal tracks stamped into the powder
Frozen lakes and puddles
Man-made objects like snowmen and snow angels
Lights shining against dark backdrops
Snow muffling and dampening the usual noises
Boots crunching on the frozen ground
People laughing and shouting as they play
Wind howling through barren branches
Ice cracking underfoot or on distant lakes
The silence of a snow-covered world
Shovels scraping against sidewalks
Snowballs hitting their targets with soft thuds
Branches creaking, laden with snow
The rustle of animals keeping warm in burrows
The fresh, clean scent of snow in the air
Wood smoke curling from chimneys
The earthy aroma of damp wool from coats and gloves
The sharp tang of frost and cold metal
Hot chocolate and marshmallows
Pine needles and the subtle scent of evergreen
Baking spices from holiday treats
The slight ozone smell before a snowstorm
Wet dog from snowball fights with furry friends
Leather and polish from well-worn boots
Building snow forts and castles
Ice skating on a frozen pond or rink
Snowshoeing through a silent forest
Curling up by the fire with a good book
Skiing and snowboarding down powdery slopes
Brisk walks to enjoy the winter air
Hiking up snowy mountains for panoramic views
Having snowball fights with friends or family
Feeding birds or wildlife braving the cold
Decorating the home with festive lights and ornaments
Character body language
Shivering and huddling for warmth
Rubbing hands together or blowing on them for heat
Shoulders hunched against the biting wind
Slipping and steadying oneself on icy patches
Squinting against the bright snow glare
Snuggling into oversized coats and scarves
Stamping feet to restore circulation
Clapping hands to keep the cold at bay
Arms wrapped around the torso for warmth
Quick, brisk movements to minimise exposure to the cold
Positive descriptions
The serene beauty of a snow-covered meadow at dawn
The invigorating feeling of cold air filling your lungs
The cosiness of a warm blanket on a frosty night
The joy of catching snowflakes on your tongue
The camaraderie of coming together to shovel snow
The nostalgia of winter holidays and traditions
The satisfaction of making the perfect snowball
The wonder of ice patterns on windows
The laughter and excitement of a snow day
The glistening of a frosted evergreen in the sun
Negative descriptions
The biting sting of the wind against exposed skin
The numbness of fingers and toes in the cold
The dreariness of shortened, grey days
The inconvenience of navigating slushy streets
The isolation of a blizzard keeping everyone indoors
The discomfort of wet socks and snow in your boots
The hazard of black ice on sidewalks and roads
The burden of heavy layers and winter gear
The dull ache of a cold that lingers
The gloom that can accompany the lack of sunlight
Helpful adjectives
Biting, chilly, frosty, glacial, icy
Crisp, brisk, sharp, piercing, raw
Fluffy, powdery, crunchy, slick, slippery
Dreary, overcast, bleak, sombre, grey
Cosy, snug, warm, toasty, plush
Twinkling, sparkling, shimmering, glistening
Silent, muffled, still, hushed, quiet
Fresh, clean, invigorating, brisk, bracing
Nostalgic, traditional, joyous, festive, celebratory
Isolating, inconvenient, burdensome, hazardous, gloomy
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wileys-russo · 11 months
looks can be deceiving II a.russo x reader
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you all asked, here's the answer. secretly soft biker gf (au) lessi looks can be decieving II a.russo x reader
"so where's your guard dog today then?" you playfully shoved your best friend with a roll of your eyes at the question as the two of you walked across campus toward the parking lot.
"at work i think, she was gone by the time i woke up." you shrugged, not having spoken very much to your girlfriend given she was far from the worlds best texter and you'd been in exams all day.
"and you're fine with just assuming that? you don't feel the need to like check in?" your best friend asked in disbelief. "well yeah? she told me she was working today, i believe her. it's called trust, maybe you've heard of it!" you teased, smacking her arm.
"i guess she doesn't really have any friends she could be hanging round with anyway." you pinched her for the comment as the girl whined and pushed you away. "don't be rude!" you warned seriously, not accepting anyone speaking badly of your girlfriend, even your best friend.
"i still can't believe you're with her." the girl beside you shook her head as you sent her a look. "and what's that supposed to mean?" you challenged, stopping in front of her with your arms crossed. "she's so...rough?" your best friend analysed with a grimace, unable to really find the words to describe the girl you were so head over heels for.
"you're judging her without knowing her, again." you sighed, the two of you resuming your walking, having just finished your final exam for the day. "because you won't let me meet her properly! you've been seeing her for like four months and i think i've heard her say about ten words?" your best friend chastised.
"she's just independent. and every time i invite you to hang out with us you get all weird about it and make her uncomfortable!" you warned, having admittedly been trying to get the two women to spend some time together with you but so far you'd had no success at all.
"i make her uncomfortable?? she makes me uncomfortable she looks at me like she wants to stab me!" your best friend huffed. "no she doesn't, she's really sweet. plus she treats me well and makes me very happy, isn't that enough for you as my best and most loyal friend?" you gave the girl beside you puppy dog eyes who groaned and pushed your head away.
"didn't she eat the head off a bat once for a dare?" the brunette beside you asked with a grimace, you scoffed at the question. though before you could answer a new voice rang out behind you.
"yeah, was a bit crunchy though. you want me to get you one to try?" you spun around at the familiar accent, your whole face lighting up at the sight of your girlfriend. "lessi!" you beamed, jumping on her as the taller girl easily caught you in her arms.
"alessia." your best friend deadpanned, crossing her arms over her chest as the soft smile which made its way to your girlfriends lips at the sight of you quickly melted away and she placed you back down on your feet.
"layla." the girl replied in the same curt tone, wrapping her arms around you possessively from behind. "well this has been rivoting. get home safe with your personal grease monkey babe, call me later." your best friend smiled at you as alessia sent her a glare over the top of your head.
"i thought you had work baby?" you turned around in her hold, wrapping your arms around her neck and leaning up on your tippy toes to peck her lips. "mm i left early, perks of being the bosses daughter." alessia grinned, pecking your lips back a few times before attacking your face with kisses making you laugh.
"why? i thought you were doing that vintage chief you can't seem to stop talking about." you asked curiously, your girlfriend beaming with pride that you remembered.
"gio was getting on my last fucking nerve with it today. i had to start over twice because he kept sticking his fingers in thinking he knows better than i do, and then something falls off or apart and i'm back to square one." your girlfriend puffed air out of her nose with an annoyed grunt.
"m'sorry baby. but your dad knows you're the best though, why do you think he trusts you with all of the older engines that are more fragile? nobody can love them, care for them and bring them back to life like you can lessi baby." you reminded her softly, smiling as she pressed her face into your shoulder, likely to hide the blush you knew would be creeping down her neck at the praise.
"i hope you didn't bring your bike though. i am not getting on that death trap i already told you." you warned making the older girl roll her eyes and mock you under her breath.
"you're getting on it one day even if i have to tie you to the damn seat. but no, i have the car." alessia sighed dramatically, pulling away to take your hand as the two of you continued across the parking lot.
"god you look good in your uniform." you commented with a grin, eyes shamelessly roaming the grease stained coveralls clinging to her body, the girl working most days in her dads auto body garage working on what was her second love next to you, her beloved vintage motorcyles.
"little perv." alessia rolled her eyes and shoved your head playfully but your grin widened seeing the slight blush which coated her cheeks, as they did anytime you gave her even the slightest hint of a compliment. "after you." she was quick to open the passenger door for you, stealing a kiss as you slid in.
"such a gentlewoman." "only the very best for you baby girl."
"those are for you." your girlfriend nodded to a bunch of flowers sitting on her desk as she let the two of you into her apartment, closing the door and sitting down to take off her boots. "oh lessi." you melted, lips curling into an adoring smile.
"they're beautiful." you sent her a grateful look over your shoulder, moving to find something to put them in given you planned to spend the weekend here, and probably most of next week.
you had your own place, a sharehouse with two roommates, but if you were honest you stayed nights here much more than there, and that was just as alessia wanted it anyway.
her apartment was quintessentially just so her. the dark toned wood furniture, the worn in brown leather sofa draped in throw cushions and blankets that you knew she only bought once the two of you started dating to make it seem a little more 'homey'.
the olive green accents in her minimal decor choices which popped against the numerous amounts of house plants scattered around, the girl shockingly had a fantastic green thumb. then there was the countless amounts of books lining her walls, almost all classics like emily dickinson, bronte and sylvia plath.
then of course there was her baby.
the restored 1941 harley davidson which sat right in the middle of the apartment in place of a dining table, an odd sight to most but it was just so incredibly alessia for her to have it there you'd never minded.
her apartment was her safe space and her haven, littered with trinkets and engine parts and tools, but then there was the typewriter on her desk which sat right by the enormous floor to wall window which let in the most glorious sunlight in the early mornings and late evenings, the vintage cameras and the polaroids of you stuck to her fridge.
it was hers, and you felt privileged that she let you in to become a part of it.
"you're beautiful." suddenly you were turned around as you rummaged through her cupboards trying to find something to use as a makeshift vase, your body pinned to the counter as the taller girl loomed over you with a soft smile.
your hands reached up to tug her hair out which was half up in a bun, a dirty mix of black, brunette and blonde waves falling to frame her face as you tangled your fingers in the soft locks.
"you've done so well with your exams gorgeous. i'm really really proud of you, my smart intelligent wonderful girl." alessia praised with a soft smile, tenderly pulling you into a kiss as her mouth slotted perfectly with yours, her hands gently caressing your sides.
your head swam at the feeling of her kissing you. sometimes she could be rough and posessive and needy with the way she attacked your lips, but most times, like right now, she was soft and slow and tender, taking her time with you to show you how much each kiss really meant to her.
this was the alessia you fell head over heels for. the soft spoken, severely misunderstood sweetheart who wrote you poems and bought you flowers just because, who laid with her legs tangled with yours in the sunshine pouring in from her windows and read to you for hours with a voice like honey.
the girl who touched you so carefully and so lovingly as if you were made of glass and might break if she wasn't gentle enough. who taught you how to make homemade pasta and loved nothing more than to lay down with her head in your lap while you played with her hair, allowing her to let down the walls that she had built up and fortified around anyone else that wasn't you.
not the big tough tattooed biker girl with a smart mouth and a bad attitude who dropped out of school to fix engines, ride her harley and flit from party to party, never caught without a cigarette behind her ear, cocky smirk and a leather jacket on her shoulders.
granted though she was the biggest teddy bear most of the time, she did have her moments where she might live up a little more to her reputation.
if she'd had a bad day at work, maybe argued with one of her brothers over a part that was supposed to be ordered which never came which pushed back the whole job and she'd gotten the blame, then she had no issues treating you a little rougher, using you as a stress reliever in the most sinful ways for hours on end.
but then right after the walls would come crashing down again and she was back to kissing you like you could crumble at a moments notice, crawling into your arms seeking comfort and constant praise about how good she did, how much you loved her, how much you needed her and appreciated her.
"i'm gonna go take a shower." the girl hummed against your lips, pulling away and softly kissing your forehead, pushing her body off of yours. "yeah good, you smell." you teased, kicking her bum as she turned around, pulling yourself up onto the counter.
"you're lucky you're cute." alessia warned, smile tugging at her lips. "get your study in for awhile baby, i'm gonna wash my hair. and when i get back i get your full attention." the taller girl frowned with a slight pout which made you melt.
"someone's needy." you pouted back mockingly as she returned between your legs. "yeah and so what? i've missed you, been on my mind all day pretty girl." alessia confessed pressing her forehead against yours, pout deepening. "you're adorable." you grinned and booped her nose which scrunched up at the simple touch.
"tell anyone and i'll have to kill you." alessia warned, forming a gun with her fingers and pressing it to the side of your head, making a shooting noise with her mouth as she pulled the trigger, her forehead still pressed to yours.
the playful side she let out around you made you swoon, she wasn't like this even around her family and it brought you a sense of pride that you created a space where she was comfortable to be whoever she wanted.
"go study, book worm." with that she pulled away, blowing out and holstering her finger gun with a wink and retreating away.
"i'll say it again, god you look good in those dirty coveralls." you wolf whistled after her, throwing your head back with a laugh as she shook her bum at you with another wink before kicking her bathroom door closed with her foot.
"baaaby!" you heard your girlfriend yell out from her bedroom, glancing up from your textbook at the sudden noise. "yeah love?" you called back, scribbling down your notes as your glasses slid down your nose a little.
"can you come dry my hair for me, please?" you heard the hopeful tone in her voice and chuckled, flipping closed your textbook and standing up from her desk, padding over to her bedroom.
"thank you, i like it better when you do it." alessia admitted, stood in front of you with damp hair hanging down her back, her taller form clad only in a huge harley davidson shirt which hung down to her knees, heavily tattooed limbs on full display.
you perched yourself on the end of her bed as alessia settled down on the floor between your legs, arms resting on your knees as she handed you a brush, her hair dryer already plugged in and waiting beside her.
"have you got anymore booked in?" you asked, gently tracing the small butterfly behind her ear, the most recent in her ever growing collection of body art. "mm not yet, might finish off my moth first." she tapped to the half completed insect on her left knee.
"i wish you'd never bought that stupid gun." you mumbled disapprovingly as you brushed out the knots and tangles in her damp hair. "hey i'm getting really good now! you even said so the other day." her head craned back to look up at you, puckering her lips expectantly as you bent down to kiss her.
"that was before i looked up how common blood infections are with home done tattoos." you tutted as she faced forward again and you resumed your brushing. "i told you to stop googling anything that pops up in your mind babe, you're already a hypochondriac." the older girl chuckled, whining softly as you yanked on her hair for the comment.
"so no chance you'll let me give you one? so much clean skin to work with." alessia sighed longingly, tattooed hands squeezing your bare legs making you roll your eyes. "you've a better chance of getting me on that death trap of a bike." you teased, tapping her shoulders and holding out your hand as she passed you the dryer.
"no! its my time." alessia huffed as you tried to return to her desk once the two of you exited her bedroom, her now dry hair hanging down her back in waves. "baby i just have one more chapter to-" she cut you off with a kiss, closing your textbook and grabbing your hips, and before you knew it you were over her shoulder.
"alessia!" you laughed, reaching down to smack her bum as her shirt rode up. "oo this is new!" you whistled, pulling her shirt up further to reveal the black thong she had on underneath.
"hey you keep those hands to yourself!" the girl retaliating by smacking your own bum with her free hand before she dropped you down on the lounge. "oh wait here." she perked up, rushing off to her bedroom.
"put this on please." she held out a different shirt toward you. "why? i already changed baby." you frowned gesturing to the clothes you'd put on while she was showering. "that's mine, this is yours." your girlfriend replied, shaking the shirt impatiently in your face.
"so?" you pushed, knowing why she wanted you to change but wanting her to say it. "you know why, put it on and don't be a brat about it." alessia huffed with a roll of her eyes. "no, say it. you big ole softy!" you teased, kicking her as alessia dropped the shirt on your head.
"because its my favourite to sleep in and it doesn't smell like you anymore. happy?" the older girl mumbled as you tugged the material off your head with a satisfied grin. "very much so." you quickly changed, your girlfriend tossing the other shirt over her shoulder without a care making you roll your eyes.
"assume the position!" she shooed at you impatiently as you grabbed the tv remote, shuffling down to the end of the sofa with a smile, your girlfriend laying down with her head in your lap, her heavily tattooed legs occupying the rest of the sofa as her feet hung off the edge, which of course were clad in a pair of fuzzy black socks.
"what do you want to watch baby?" you asked pressing a kiss to her warm forehead, clicking into her netflix as your girlfriend shrugged. "anything you want gorgeous."
you browsed for a moment, alessia sighing loudly a few times to show she was becoming annoyed at the lack of attention you were showing her. pecking her lips a few times to hold her off you clicked into the proposal and placed the remote back down on the coffee table.
your girlfriend impatiently grabbed your hands and threaded them through her freshly washed hair making you chuckle. "are you going to sleep?" you laughed as you started to scratch at her scalp, watching her bright blue eyes close almost immediately. "no i'm just resting my eyes." the girl mumbled making you shake your head and press another tender kiss to her forehead.
within five minutes her breathing evened out and you glanced down with a soft smile, her ring covered fingers intertwined and resting on her stomach which slowly rose up and down as she slept.
your big scary guard dog girlfriend, the absolute sap she really was.
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sunnypuppyy · 4 months
does anyone have any good snack recommendations to mimic crunchy dog treats? i’ve seen a lot of people recommend hard candy but the sweetness doesn’t really do it for me, i’ve been trying to find something that feels more like biting a bully stick.
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ed-recoverry · 3 months
100 little things I stayed alive for
Reflecting on the little things that kept me around when I didn’t want to be. It’s not wrong if the only thing you’re living for is trivial. Try to remember your own✨
Warm bed, cold room
The animals outside
My favorite artists releasing new content
My favorite creators releasing new content
Eating the dough when I bake
Seeing animals at the zoo
Growing plants
Wearing my favorite outfit
Deep diving on a topic I’m into
Laying in the sunlight through the window
New funny memes
Stuffed animals
Oversized sweatshirts
A really good meal
A really good sweet treat
Music that gives me chills
Colorful flowers
New books
Cool rocks
Low lighting
Vanilla candles
When the weather starts to cool
Waking up and realizing I have hours longer to sleep
Funny videos online
Leaning a new skill
Realizing I’m passionate about something
Pretty landscapes
Listening to a song/album on repeat
Sitting down after standing for a while
Bird nests
Crocheted clothes
Road trips
Winning bingo
Crunchy piles of leaves
Accidental jokes
Discovering new music
Petty revenge
Love (of anyone or thing)
A dog running to you
Finding a really good restaurant
Ice cream with a hot dessert
Cold water
Wholesome videos online
Finding something really cute on sale
Late nights
Deep conversations
Discovering a new aspect to my personality
Odd compliments
Freaking out with a fandom
Dogs again
Blowing dandelions
Someone getting my reference
Dancing to music alone
Learning useless facts
Learning funny facts
Telling an anecdote someone is interested in
Learning to cook
Dogs again
Taking a photo of myself that I like
Gift giving
Getting gifts
Winning carnival games
Feeling free
The sound of streams
Doing my hair
Doing my makeup
Taking a pretty picture
Windy days
Seeing the stars
A child laughing or smiling to me
Decorating my water bottle
Wind chimes
Binging a good tv show
Homemade gifts
Ice cream trucks
Making someone laugh
Overcoming a fear
Making progress internally
Inside jokes
Finding something after searching for a while
When the world feels paused / not real
Finding a nice-feeling texture
Smooth drawing pens
Colorful sunsets
A really good story
If none of these resonate enough to help, I implore you to come up with your own :)
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thenightfolknetwork · 5 months
My boyfriend is a weredog
I should be feeding him chocolate? He gets so stressed out during the transition and it soothes him. He said it's "probably fine" but I'm not really sure because he didn't sound really sure either
There are a number of factors that will effect the answer, including the size of your boyfriend in his transformed state, the quantity of chocolate he's eating, and the type of chocolate.
Chocolate is toxic for dogs and other animals due to a compound called theobromine. Most genuses with a roughly sapio digestive system are able to process theobromine perfectly well, however.
I assume he's eating the chocolate fairly early after his transformation, given that it's the transformation itself that is causing him stress. If he were able to hold off on his treat until later in the process, he might be able to time things so that the chocolate he consumes as a dog is digested in his other form.
Otherwise, the danger really depends on how much he's eating, what size he is when he transforms, and how high the coco content is in the chocolate itself. The situation is altogether more urgent if, for example, he transforms into a pomeranian and gets through six slabs of cooking chocolate than if he turns into a St Bernard and eats a Crunchie.
Unlike an ordinary dog, your boyfriend is able to understand the risks involved in consuming potentially toxic substances and decide for himself whether they outweigh the benefits.
It's the same decision we make when we choose to have a glass of wine, or a cigarette. We each of us have the right to managing our own health and our own bodies, and sometimes that involves taking an informed risk for the sake of pleasure.
The key word there being "informed". Read up on the signs and symptoms of chocolate poisoning in dogs, and have a plan in place lest your boyfriend should react poorly while in his less communicative state.
From there, you can work together to decide whether you want to switch to an alternative treat for transformations, pick a type of chocolate that has a low coco content, or simply continue as you are with a better understanding of the risks involved.
[For more creaturely advice, check out Monstrous Agonies on your podcast platform of choice, or visit monstrousproductions.org for more info]
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blacklegsanjiii · 8 months
are there any cultural differences Fishman!Sanji had to figure out? not sure what theydve been but the dude was raised on a snail and then an underwater island, theres bound to be land things hes bewielderd by. he screams the first time he sees a squirrel and hates the feel of mud. he doesnt understand how anyone can like the smell of freshwater bc its so different from salt.
also zoro challenged him once to a breathholding competition. i say once because for obvious reasons he never did again
That's so fucking funny. Sanji pulling on Jinbei's sleeve while pointing at a dog and asking what that is. Also, realistically, Sanji's has to have the worst land legs. Like Sanji told Zeff he hated going on land because he rarely went on land unless it was with his dad that only happened every few months for like a day.
Also it definitely depends on the mud cuz some mud feels like the beaches but others he's just groaning at. He probably doesn't mind the smell of some fresh water, he still had to drink it to live and saltwater constantly, gotta imagine someone at a warlord meeting pat his head and cringed at the crunchy saltwater hair, like Mihawk or Crocodile passing by as they arrived and just hearing a crunch as they pat his head. Which led to after the meeting discussing the fact Sanji's hair is not that of a fishman or mermaid and has different requirements and that it needs certain products to keep it from breaking.
Culturally, I'm not sure. Sanji was still raised by a pirate who was a former slave. He treats everyone respectfully. He's used to people gawking at him calling a fishman, a warlord "dad" and just having people not really treat him well outside of fishman island so soon as he's on his own and traveling it's gotta be a shock. It shouldn't be but fuck man that's his dad ya know? It hurts for him to not be equal technically.
Also I love the idea of the breath holding contest, especially early on like on the way to Alabasta? Zoro has gotta try to make a bet with the cook and he's like "you just got into so much debt with Nami what could you possibly do?"
"I won't complain about your pack mule for the next five islands."
"And if for some reason I lose you want booze, right?"
"Yeah. And you will."
"Sure moss."
Zoro can hold his breath for two minutes which is admirable. Sanji comes up after another 30 seconds and is like "that wasn't even that long!"
"What the fuck do you mean?!"
"Watch this!" And Sanji is underwater for like 25 minutes. When he comes back up he's a little winded but not much and everyone is gawking at him and Chopper is crying because he thought Sanji drowned. Sanji makes him cotton candy to calm down.
He just says he grew up in the ocean whenever someone asks and everyone just thinks he says "on" not "in" and doesn't inquire further.
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grison-in-space · 5 months
Since the dental Tribble has been on a strict no kibble, no crunchy, no chewing diet. (In a week or so she'll be allowed to use her teeth again a bit more, but no one wants to see a dog get dry socket.) Spouse feels that canned dog food (perpetually on hand to make into pupsickles) is not experienced as filling enough, and we do know that Tribble has done better on grain inclusive foods for the past decade, so... the rice cooker has been simmering with chicken stock rice too bulk out the canned food all week, and Matilda and Benton have both gotten a fair bit of overflow rice as a treat.
Unconnectedly, tonight happens to be my first night alone as the sole human all evening in quite a few months. Matilda has been doing her job of enforcing bed, of course, but I can also rely on other humans to help make routine happen if she's too tired to be on it.
If I was worried that Tilly hadn't worked out her evening routine enforcement functions before now, I shouldn't have been. I don't think I've ever seen a dog so excited to move the evening along towards the part where dinner and the good cookies are.
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theonetruegnome · 2 months
Callum's home visit
'Not much further. At least I don't think so.' Thought MunchyPup as the next sparse cluster of buildings came into view. In his hands was a cardboard box, sealed shut by a sticker of a dog head, coloured in with pink crayon by Darner. He had agreed to bring over almond cookies for Callum's dad and didn't like to disappoint his friend. The only thing was, he had barely eaten today, and was struggling to not rip open the box and stuff as many pastries into his mouth as physically possible. Normally he wouldn't dream of it, but today he couldn't help thinking about the sweet, crunchy, chewy, nutty deliciousness he held in his hands. It would be so easy to just gently peel back the sticker and sneak one or two...
'No! I'll eat when I get home, these are for your best friend Munchy!' The fuchsia dog said aloud. He fumbled in his pocket for a bit with one free hand, extracting a strip of pastel yellow gum which he placed alongside the others already within his overstuffed muzzle. 'Mmmm! Mango!'
Fifteen minutes later Munch was walking up the grassy hill that Callum lived on. 'Let's see here, 122... 124... Ah, here we are 126!' Munch had been here before to play, sleep over, deliver food for Callum's diet plan, but he could never get over how odd the house was, mainly due to It being two stories tall but with the top floor having significantly shorter ceilings and a staircase that jutted out the side of the house. The windows had boxes of lilies and foxgloves in manicured beds beneath them while the lawn was neatly trimmed and dotted sparsely with daisies and dandelions. The whole structure was cozy and seemed a nice place to live, though it seemed exactly like the sort of place a cat would live. Munch walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell.
There were the sounds of footsteps before the door was opened, greeting Munch with the kindly eyes of Mrs Cuddlekit. She was a beautiful coral-red and her fur was always in a slight curl. Munch was fond of her, she was kind and treated all of them like they were her own kids.
'Munchy! What a nice Surprise!'
Munch couldn't help but blush when she leant down to wrap her arms around him, though his massive grin betrayed how much he enjoyed it. 'Well come in, come in. I was just about to start on lunch, can I make you anything?' 'No thanks Mrs Cuddlekit, I'm just here to deliver these to Callum.' 'Oh? And those would be?' 'Just some cookies for Mr Cuddlekit, then I'll be out of your hair.' 'Oh... Aren't you sweet... Well... Well they should be in our room, first door on the right past the bathroom.'
Munch has only taken a few steps when he feels the cat's paw on his shoulder. He looks up into those deep golden eyes. For the first time since MunchyPup met her, she seems upset.
'Just please, don't be surprised. What happened to him was evil. But there's nothing we can do, just be grateful it wasn't worse.'
'Nevermind Munch, just... Be gentle. I'll show you where it is, OK?'
She lets go and walks down the hallway. Munch obediently follows and they soon come to a thin wooden door. She motions for him to enter, and he pushes open the door...
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bloody-blades · 8 months
ONG I LOVE UR STYLE 👹👹👹 (its up to u but perhaps i could request the hide and seeker in a few of its iconic poses?) (i literally JUST got an account because i heard of u from a few online friends) (also do you like dog treats and if so whats ur favorite? i like the greenies dental chews)
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The only character that came to mind was him from it steals? apologies if you ment a different character :( ( but thank you thank you! ) ( hmm....crunchy. no specific type. just crunchy. )
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skoople · 1 year
astronaut food
i've been meaning to outline the eating habits of the main wolf 359 characters. specifically, what do they eat and drink, what do they enjoy, what are their kitchen sins, how do they eat, and why. this is going to be a combination of canon, implications, and my personal read on them. let's get right into it:
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his view on eating is utilitarian to the point of reddit-ness, and he'll often go without meals to get something done or to prove a point (see: Succulent Rat-Killing Tar, What's Up Doc). his palate is a very "get what you can out of whatever you can" approach without considering much in the way of taste or texture (seaweed coffee is his invention). HOWEVER! hilbert has one prized treat that is his achilles heel/autism samefood: Pecan Pie (see: Mission Mishaps Cold Turkey). i think it's got a unique texture, and a comforting smell that meshes with his suppressed desire for family and safety well.
kitchen sin: he regards the human need and desire for food as both frivolous and an unfortunate necessity.
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she definitely enjoys fruit, or she wouldn't've cryogenically sealed a Braeburn apple (which are excellent for baking or dehydrating, btw) and brought it to space (see: What's Up Doc). she's also a planning type, and i think an efficient and tasty meal that involves the preparation and presentation of a fancy yogurt bowl is a favorite of hers and a dietary staple. minkowski is highly conscious of table manners, although that slacks a bit on the hephaestus, because she's eating across the table from hilbert and eiffel, for god's sake. still, clean and organized is her food philosophy. she owns possibly the only tupperware collection on the planet that includes every matching lid. the wine has almost no canon basis, and is mostly just a nod to voice actor Emma Shierr-Ziarko's own love and knowledge of wines.
kitchen sin: she thinks a clif bar counts as a real dinner if it's a weeknight.
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lovelace's favorite food is appetizers for the whole table, a team pizza party, a big awesome-smelling potluck, or anything meant to be shared. for her, eating is a casual and (more importantly) a communal activity. the social engagement from a loud brunch will nourish her just as much as the food does. besides that, i think she likes chocolate with nuts in it (e.g. snickers, chocolate covered almonds, rocky road ice cream, etc), but one of her favorite desserts is probably a strawberry milkshake. maybe it's a way to make up for all the protein shakes and high-efficiency smoothies (that taste like wet cement) she has to chug on account of the intense way she lives and works.
kitchen sin: she is a vulture if anyone else is cooking or eating. "you gonna eat that?" and picking off searing hot pans and baking sheets. she's really just curious but she never asks until its already burning her mouth.
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ok, the drink is a given. it's even on his official wolf 359 store merchandise. he likes the feel of it in his hand. but what does kepler eat? when does he eat? in private, obviously. his job is an exercise in restraint and perception, and he is his job (see: A Matter of Perspective). monsters under the bed don't need to eat, and they certainly won't be that vulnerable in front of a superior. but he's still a person, so i struggled a lot trying to figure out what he would crave. fish tacos, biscuits and gravy, and a loaded chicago hot dog were all floated, but the only meal i could picture kepler ordering where anyone could see him was lamb with mint sauce. it's expensive, recognizable, difficult to cook exactly right, and almost bloody.
kitchen sin: he will go out of his way to make you feel bad about what you're eating no matter what it actually is. he doesn't even have to say anything, he'll just glance at you or shift his posture slightly.
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this is a guy who loves to snack (see: Time To Kill. pringles: popped). he likes crunchy, salty snacks a lot, but it's more about the activity than the taste. that doesn't stop him from ritualistically complaining (see: Mission Mishaps No Complaints). he takes his time eating, but he doesn't pay much attention to it, which is why the longevity of a slushy is a favorite of his. jacobi lives off road snacks, but will find a way to complain about the points of a michelin star. he just likes bitching! the stinky cheese (see: Need To Know) pictured is a baked Camembert, because it's my post and i get to pick the cheese. Camembert is one of my personal favorites, but it can be fairly pricy and is a pain to clean up, which doesn't matter to jacobi (goddard company credit card please!)
kitchen sin: he spends an excruciatingly long time on any meal to the point where, if he had his way, they'd bleed into each other by taking an average of one bite every 15 minutes.
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the drink pictured is a rockstar energy, but whatever legal(ish) stimulants can get inside her body the most effectively is maxwell's favorite. she eats a lot of takeout (see: Mission Mishaps Happy Holidays) because it's quick when she forgets to eat all day and it's tasty and she has the pay grade for it. she grew up in a tiny nowhere town that was in all likelihood at least partially a food desert, and her family dinner table warranted a restraining order, so i think in her adult life she tries to get as far away from that as possible. this often manifests in trying all the outlandishly spicy things she can get her greasy mitts on, because she is both inquisitive and masochistic. fuego takis are pictured because theyre a staple snack that jacobi will buy for her if she promises to share (she's lying and will eat the whole bag)
kitchen sin: she allows the nearly-empty cans, bottles, bowls, and bags to sit out and fester. once every 2 weeks she sets a timer and rushes through dumping it all into a giant black trash bag so that she doesn't get an infestation of ants again.
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and the "F" stands for food! eiffel definitely spends the most time talking about food. he's hungry! since his eating habits are so prominent in the show, i figured a compilation of his food and drink moments in canon would work a little bit better than my own personal extrapolation. excerpts from Limbo and Boléro were omitted.
kitchen sin: while some people might argue that pineapple on pizza belongs in this spot, i am not so judgemental. i just want him to eat from dishes that aren't visibly dirty.
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[insert byte joke]
kitchen sin: she doesn't have a mouth.
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