#Delta Red
thewriteroflucifenia · 3 months
Ideas from the Fanfiction Nursery
The Domestic Battles of Juri Han
Juri dealing with domestic bullshit in the most chaotic way possible.
Set in the same continuity of The Spider and the Bee, but during her relationship with Crimson Viper.
Juri Fights the HOA - Crimson's neighborhood has a really shitty HOA and Juri decides to fight the power by throwing a massive party where she and the other fed up neighbors rev their engines, play loud music, and paint their fences garish colors. She also vandalizes the HOA leader's fence and car, giving them pink and blue cheetah print. This all started because they started giving them fines over the pride flag on the porch, then Juri's bike, then the trash, then the length of the grass, and Juri isn't patient enough for malicious compliance.
Juri Fights the School Board - Juri doesn't approve of the School Board's ruling on local book bans and decides to be a menace about it.
Juri Fights River Creek Methodist Church- Crimson is trying to kiss up to her boss by going to the same church as him, and it would really help if Lauren would get baptized for her, but Lauren gets cold feet so Juri decides to step in and pretend to have a religious epiphany for the sake of her girlfriend's promotion. The baptism is held in the pool of a neighborhood full of mansions and is decorated with fancy statues and waterfalls. The line "Lauren, Mommy needs you to suck it up, talk about Jesus, and go get dunked in that bougie pool by the preacher" gets said.
Juri Fights the County
Juri Fights the Manager of a Local Hardware Store
Working Title - Why you shouldn't kidnap Cammy's family members
Set before SF2 when Cammy's 18. She's living with her new, adoptive family, got literally no idea where she spawned from other than vaguely in Eastern Europe, and she's just kinda training for her career working for her adoptive father.
She and George are stuck slumming it at the house while everyone else is on a mission they ain't qualified for.
Cammy's bummed her family is away during the anniversary of her adoption, with the exception of George Ginzu, who's like "we should go do something fun in town"
Famous last words, he gets abducted by Shadaloo. Cammy's fucking pissed.
She's playing Rambo now. She tracks their asses down to break out her little brother and give everyone hell.
The Dolls recognize her and become horrified that she's alive, but not responding to her own name or recognizing them. It's like she's been brainwashed or something!
Juri is mad Akuma gets to Bison before she does, proceeds to sulk all the way to SF4.
Rather depressing oneshot about Decapre mourning Cammy after her "death" between Alpha 3 and SF2.
I kinda just want an excuse to write backstories I came up with for minor characters like the Dolls, Lauren, and Delta Red.
Why Marz was so willing to yeet herself to death
She fell in love with Rashid's friend, friend got the ax, now she's decided to be a Sister Repentia and just fucking die.
Rashid's friend is rewritten to be his sister
She and Marz were both massive Warhammer nerds and decide they'll meet again in space.
Marz imagines herself and all her loved ones as Sisters of Battle and Space Marines watching the Imperium crumble before she flatlines and she smiles.
Fuck yeah, she gonna play Orks in the next life.
Lauren and Li-Fen Try Wrestling
These two rascals hunt down Poison and try to pitch themselves as wrestlers
It's a weirdly dramatic plotline
Li-Fen's character is a pirate who's parents were brutally slaughtered by Lauren's character so she turned to piracy and stock market fraud to fill the void. She's hellbent on revenge until she realizes Lauren's character is kinda hot.
Lauren's character is a super soldier with cat ears that is totally not her GI Joe oc. She works for totally not Cobra but secretly thinks clubbing baby seals kinda sucks, but they match five percent to her 401k so she's stuck morality be damned.
Their characters are in a situationship and most of their wrestling is the girls waxing poetically on the meaning of life and love while body slamming each other.
They're just larping at poor Poison who can't find a way to leave discreetly, she's just trapped with these hyper teenagers who really want to tell her all about their OCS.
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saikyo-rat · 3 months
So I fixed up my old fanfic/alternate universe titled swapped faith (which I have updated in a long time)
The sound of foot steps pacing through the hallway and people shouting could be heard echoing across the room. "You need to run." A young woman's voice echoed as what sounded like heavy breathing can be heard. "Listen to me, you need to run!" The voice spoke again, this time sounding more panicked. "This maybe your only chance of freedom so please r-AAAAAAAUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!" The voice screamed out, also as if something had grabbed her from behind.
Decapre couldn't remember anything that had happened before she ended up in here. All she remembered was everything getting dark and her passing out. Everything else was unclear and unknown. Also most as if it were a strange dream. She had no idea what happened or how long she had been unconscious. She slowly woke up gaining focus of what was around her. The sun slightly shined in her eyes as she adjusted to the bright lights.
"She's waking up." She heard a voice say. "Hey are you ok?" Another voice said leaning toward her. Decapre was silent for a moment. Blinking a few times as she tried to process what was happening. She had no idea what was going on, and she didn't know who theses were and why they were so worried about her. "Where....am I?" She finally said looking around the place she was in. "You're in the Delta Red headquarters." 
Someone said helping her up. "My name's Keith Wolfman but you can just call me Keith if that's easier for you." Said a muscular red haired man with a scar near his left eye. "We found you unconscious so we decided to take care of you until you woke." Said someone else smiling. "I'm George Ginzu by the way, it's nice to meet you." Said what appeared to be a young boy wearing glasses. A woman who looked a few years older than Decapre looked at her with a mix of concern and curiosity. "Do you remember what happened?" She asked her as Decapre tried to regain her balance. It had been so long since she had gotten out of bed that her legs felt like jelly. "Not really no." Decapre answered sitting down on chair that was placed near her. 
"Do you at least remember your name?" Someone else asked her. Decapre looked up at what appeared to be a woman with curly red hair and dark brown eyes. Her name, she thought as she stared into space. It was the only thing she could remember clearly. Quietly she opened her mouth and said. "My name.....is Decapre." A silence fell over the room the Delta Red members looked at in confusion, some of them wondering if she had even said anything out loud. "Could you repeat that?" She heard someone say. Decapre could feel the words building up in her mouth, this time more powerful than before as she spoke up and looked at everyone in the room. 
"My name.....is Decapre!" Everyone was quiet for a moment before someone said. "Decapre? That's a nice name!" Said the curly haired woman giving her a warm smile. Decapre blushed a little at the compliment clearly not quite used to being treated so kindly. She then saw someone walk up to her.  It was Keith Wolfman looking at her and placing a hand on her shoulder as he looked into her eyes. "Hey Decapre since you don't seem to have a place to go. How about you stay with us." Decapre thought about it, she barely knew theses guys and they felt like a family to her.
Finally she spoke up, having decided what seemed best for her. "Ok I'll join you guys." She said as she slowly got up from her chair still getting used to not being unconscious. "Do you hear that Decapre? For now on your an official member of Delta Red!" Somebody said grabbing her hand and smiling. Decapre thought she was about to be picked up and spun around the room.
She smiled slightly and looked down at the floor. She had no idea why but the thought of being with people who actually cared for her made her feel happy. "Thank you." She said looking back up. "For being so nice to me." She added as she brushed some hair off her face. "I don't know why being treated so kindly is such a new thing for me." Decapre looked at her feet for a moment before looking back up at the members of Delta Red. "But I think I'm going to like it here." She said softly as she smiled at her brand new found family.
(Three months later)
A couple months after Decapre had joined Delta Red she was called by somebody telling her that she was needed for their most recent mission. "This is your first mission Decapre." Said Keith facing her and looking quite serious. "So it's very important for you to be prepared." Decapre nodded her head slightly before asking. 
"What is my mission?" She tried to appear professional in front him but she couldn't help but tilt her head slightly like a confused puppy dog. "Your mission is to stop this mysterious assassin." The person said pulling out a bunch of unclear photos, it was very obvious that who ever this person was they weren't going to let them get a good picture of them. "We don't know much about her but we do know that she is working for Shadaloo." Decapre's blood ran cold when she heard the name Shadaloo out loud. She felt like she had heard those words before. But where, where has she heard such things? Her breathing goes funny for a moment, sounding like she was about to have a panic attack.
George looked at her with a worried expression on his face. "Is everything ok Miss Decapre?" Decapre snaps back to reality as she blinks. "I-I'm fine." She said still feeling all the thoughts swirling around in her head. She knew that she wasn't fine, but she also knew that she had a mission to complete. She continued to breathe heavily as she nervously run her fingers through her hair and adjusted her bangs. Making sure that they were able to cover the mysterious burn mark that nearly covered the left side of her face.
 "Now remember Decapre." Said another person placing their hands on her shoulders. She was too nervous to even try and process who was speaking to her. "You need to be prepared for this." Decapre nodded her slowly head before going off to complete her first mission. Her eyes seemed almost empty and lifeless for a moment as she was in a daze. "Shadaloo.......Shadaloo.........Shadaloo............why is that so familiar?" She wondered as she walked along the streets. Trying to find anything or anyone that could be suspicious. "Shadaloo.........Shadaloo.........Shadaloo.........Shadaloo!"
The thought kept repeating in her head like a broken record. Even if she was dealing with strange thoughts Decapre still needed to focus. It was then that she saw a mysterious woman run right by her. Curiously, Decapre decided to follow her not knowing what to expect. She ran after her not stopping until she was cornered. But the mysterious figure showed no sign of stopping or slowing down.
Finally after what seemed like hours of nonstop running they ended up on some sort of roof top. Decapre was finally able to get a good look at her and when she did she was filled with complete shock. The mysterious woman that had been chasing looked just like her but with blonde hair, blue eyes and a scar on her cheek. "Target locked." 
Said the mysterious woman in a nearly robotic tone. "It's almost like looking in a mirror." Thought Decapre starting to lose focus, who was this mysterious woman and was she so identical to Decapre? She suddenly felt her self get hit from behind as she snapped back to what was going on right now. The mysterious woman prepared to strike again but Decapre dodged just in time. Making it clear that the training she had to deal with was paying off.
She then attacked her knocking her back. The mysterious woman tired to hit again but Decapre blocked her. But she suddenly got caught off guard and was hit anyway. She felt her face fall onto the ground with a thud. Decapre could swear that she tasted a bit of blood in her mouth. The mysterious woman prepared to attack one last time, almost as if she were trying to finish her off. Decapre prepared to face what she will bring to her, closing her eyes tightly and clenching her jaw. As if she was expecting this mysterious woman to do her worst.
Suddenly the mysterious woman stopped what she was doing. A sense of emotion quickly flashed in her dull eyes. "De.........cape.........?" She said looking at Decapre, sounding like she was moments away from breaking down into tears. The two of them were silent for a moment. Staring at what appears to be distorted reflections of each other. Decapre felt her self starting to black out, as she was clearly losing a lot of blood. But before she did end up blacking out she heard what seemed like a man's voice. 
"Killer Bee! Return to base." Said the man's voice sounding cold and serious. "Yes sir!" Said the mysterious woman before suddenly disappearing. "Killer.......Bee?" Said Decapre as everything around started to get dark. "Where have I heard that name before?" She thought before everything became quiet. She would've have probably died right on that roof top if it wasn't for a Delta Red helicopter flying overhead.
(Several hours later)
Decapre woke up in a bed with bandages on her body. "Hey you took quite a beating there." She heard someone say as she slowly opened her eyes.  Feeling just as dazed and confused as she did when she first ended up on the team. "You're lucky somebody found you otherwise who knows what would happen to you." 
Another voice said. Decapre slowly got up and tried to walk out of her bed. Her head was pounding and she felt an ache in her chest. She felt so weak, but she didn't want to just stay in bed. Someone ran up to her and stopped her from getting any farther from her bed. 
"You still need to rest." They said placing Decapre back into her bed. "We don't want you opening any wounds." Suddenly someone walked in carrying a bunch of files. "These contain information on Shadaloo." They said slamming the flies on a table.
 "I suggest we try and look at them." She saw someone hand one of the flies to her. Decapre opened it curious to see what is going on with Shadaloo. "Top secret information." It said in bold text, with the Shadaloo logo in between that and some smaller text that read "warning: outsiders are forbidden to read this article and will be punished if they choose to do so." Decapre flipped passed that and continued reading, trying not to think much about the oddly threatening warning that was on the first page. "Brainwashing and Shadaloo Dolls."
Another page said. Decapre's heart skipped a beat as another wave of panic and disbelief filled her mind. She continued to read it wanting to know more about this, even though she felt she had gone too far down the rabbit hole. She read how shadaloo kidnapped a bunch of teenage girls and brainwashed them to become mindless dolls in order to be a bodyguard for the leader. Decapre felt furious as she read that, and she was in disbelief that anyone could be so cruel to do such a thing.
Those girls probably had happy lives and they took that away from them and made them an empty shell of their former-selves. She then saw a picture of a bunch of girls in a row. Each one one wearing what appears to be a uniform. They were all looking straight at the camera and saluting an unseen figure.
Decapre saw that the woman she only knew as Killer Bee was standing in front of them. Almost like she was their leader or something. She appeared just as lifeless as the other dolls and she seemed to stare into the camera blankly. Decapre noticed that their names were written on the bottom of the picture in order of where they were standing.
 She saw the name Cammy underneath the first girl. It appeared to be scribbled on by a pen while the other names were typed out. She was confused by why this was the case but decided to focus on that later. "That must be Killer Bee's real name." Thought Decapre continuing to read the names of the Shadaloo Dolls to herself. She didn't know why, but she felt like she had known these girls before. Almost as if she was feeling a sense of deja vu. It was when she got to the last doll she felt a strange feeling rush over her. 
Right there written at the very end was Decapre. "It can't be true." She thought starting to breath heavily, her heart pounding so hard that it sounded like it was about to burst out of her chest. She then looked at the doll standing in the very end of the row. Hoping that it was just a coincidence that one of the dolls had the same name as her. Decapre gasped in shock nearly dropping the flies that were in her hands. 
It was actually her standing at the end. She was wearing the uniform all the other dolls were wearing and her face seemed to be covered by a mask. But Decapre could tell that was her. All she could do was stare at it. Her heart nearly beating out of her chest. "So that's why Shadaloo seemed so familiar." She said to herself as she felt a knot forming in her stomach.
(Six weeks later)
Decapre was still filled with disbelief and rage from what she saw. She knew what she had to do. Stop Shadaloo once and for all and free every single one of the dolls. Especially Cammy whom Decapre felt a strong connection to. Perhaps it's because they looked so alike or maybe it was the way she looked at her during that encounter.
Nevertheless she was determined to complete her goal. She had finally recovered from her injuries after what seemed like forever and was able to get out of her bed. Decapre went outside and prepared to start her plan. "Mission started." She said to herself almost as if it was a force of habit. She didn't know how much it'll take her to stop them. But once she started this mission she knew that there was no going back. 
Meanwhile in the inside of the Shadaloo base we a men wearing a red uniform floating above a crowd of people. "Killer Bee reported that she had found Decapre." He said staring at the crowd. "She said that she wasn't able to get much information on what happened to her but she said that she seemed to have joined an organization called Delta Red." 
He continued speaking with a intimidating aura. Nobody dared to interrupt him unless they wanted to be punished. "I have no idea how we lost her or how she's still alive but all that matters is that we need to get her back." He continued making sure that everyone knew that he was serious. A masked man with long braided hair raised his hand and said. 
"I don't see why you want her back she was nothing but a defective and ugly doll." The man looked at him and said pointing at him. Clearly not wanting to deal with this nonsense that was brought up by the masked man. He stared at him coldly, like a wolf staring at a kitten.
"Defective or not she still needs to be brought back here." The masked man looked like he was gonna say something but was interrupted. "And make sure that she's back in one piece alive." He added sternly, clearly making sure that everyone knew that he was serious about the last part.
A look of nervousness entered the masked man's eyes. "Y-yes sir." He answered clearly not wanting to be punished. The uniformed man looked back at the crowd. "Any other questions?" He asked looking around. A silence fell over the entire place. The man lowered himself to the ground. "And remember." He said giving one last look to everyone. "Do not screw this up."
(Back in London)
Decapre had recently gotten a message from the Delta Red headquarters that she was going to be working with two other people who also wanted to stop Shadaloo. So working with them was going to be an important step in her plans. "They should come to pick you up any moment now." They said over the walkie talkie that Decapre was holding. 
"Got it." She said placing the walkie talkie in her pocket. Decapre looked over and saw a vehicle pulling over near her. A man stepped out of the vehicle and walked up to her. Decapre adjusted her hat and straightened out her jacket. She wasn't exactly a neat freak but she didn't want to seem like a total slob in front of someone she barely knew.
"Are you by any chance Decapre?" He asked looking straight at her. "Yes sir!" She answered looking back at him. The man offered to shake her hand smiling. "It's nice to meet you my name's Guile." Decapre smiled slightly and shook his hand. Guile had a strong, firm grip on her hand as he shook it.
He walked back to the vehicle and sat down in the driver's seat. Decapre sat down in the back. She noticed that there was a woman in the passenger seat. Her hair was in two buns and she had spiky bracelets on each of her wrists. Decapre had never seen anyone so beautiful as her. She wondered if she had encountered an angel before deciding that she should be focusing on her mission right now.
Decapre then noticed her turn around and look at her. "Hey I heard that you are one of Delta Red's strongest soldiers it's very nice to see you." She said looking her at smiling. "Oh I should probably tell you my name." She then said turning back around to face the front of the vehicle. Decapre blushed as she was able to get a good look at her face. It was the face of what could be described as something of true beauty. Unlike Decapre's face which had an ugly looking burn right on it. She had never knew that someone would be able to look so perfect until now.
 "My name's Chun-Li by the way." She said to Decapre who was just sitting in the back of the vehicle quietly. She didn't want to admit it but she was just a tiny bit jealous of her looks. "You're not much of a talker are you." Said Guile as he continued to drive. Suddenly a loud thunk is heard as the vehicle starting to swerve out of control. Decapre snapped out of thought as Chun Li screamed in shock. Guile managed to stop it before he crashed right into a building. 
The three of them stepped out of the vehicle. "That's odd!" Said Guile scratching his head. "It was fine a moment ago." Decapre was confused as well, whoever would cause such a thing? Chun-Li tapped on his shoulder and said. "Um Guile we got company." He turned around and saw that they were surrounded by members of Shadaloo. "Alright be prepared everybody." 
Said Guile looking at both Chun-Li and Decapre. "Give us the girl and no one gets hurt." Said a voice on a megaphone. Decapre felt like she wanted to curl up into a ball. Chun Li held on to her hand tightly. "What do you want from her?" Said Guile preparing to fight them off along side Chun-Li and Decapre. "That girl belongs to Shadaloo return her now!" 
The voice on the megaphone repeated. Decapre suddenly felt her arms being grabbed. She saw on both sides of her there were two shadaloo dolls holding on to each of her arms. One had brown hair and the other had blonde. They both were staring at her blankly as they held on to her arms. "Target acquired." Said the brown haired doll. "Returning Decapre to the Shadaloo Base." 
Said the blonde haired doll. Decapre tried to escape but they held on tightly. Suddenly a strong sense of rage came over her as she was blinded by fury. "I belong to NOBODY!!!!" Decapre screamed loudly as she managed to escape the doll's grip. The two dolls tried to grab her again but Decapre attacked both of them making sure that they don't come any closer to her. "GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!" She yelled out as one of them tried to grab her from behind.
But deep down inside Decapre felt bad for the two of them. She knew that they weren't always like this and that someone made them this way. Perhaps their was a small part of their old selves that wanted them to stop what ever they're doing. "I'm going to save them!" Thought Decapre as she continued fighting. "Even if it's the last thing I do." She was so focused on fighting that she didn't even process the fact that her vision was starting to blur and the sounds around her were distorted and echoing.
(One hour later)
"Are you alright?" Decapre heard someone ask. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Chun-li staring over her. "You passed out while we were fighting Shadaloo." Explained Chun-Li helping Decapre up. Her head was spinning and she still had no idea what was going on. "Guile had me bring you to a safe spot." She continued explaining to her. "Don't worry Shadaloo is gone now." 
Said Chun-Li walking back to the vehicle where Guile was waiting for them. "But there is a chance that they'll come back for you." She then said waving to Guile. Decapre heart sank when she heard that. Was she really destined to be hunted down like a wild animal? Was she just a trophy to won by horrible men who do awful things?
"Glad to see that she's ok." Said Guile as Chun-Li walked up to him. "I'm not too sure what caused her to pass out though." He then said stepping into the driver's seat. It was clear that he was concerned about her well being. After all this clearly wasn't a normal thing for someone to do.
 "Me neither." Replied Chun-Li helping Decapre into the car. "Plus why does Shadaloo seem so interested in her?" She then said getting into the passenger seat. They made sure that everyone had their seatbelts on. Safety was very important, especially for a time like this.
"Delta Red has reported that she has passed out often during missions." Remarked Guile starting the engine. "Maybe she can't deal with a lot of stress." Suggested Chun-Li as they drove off. "That is a possibility." Said Guile as he continued driving. "Hey um Decapre." Said Chun-Li trying to get her attention. "What?" Said Decapre groggily as she opened her eyes.
"Do you know why shadaloo is so interested in you." Decapre was quiet for a moment before slowly looking down at her feet. She wasn't quite sure if she could explain it, but she also knew that she couldn't just keep it a secret. "Because I used to work for them." She said slowly and softly. "Do you mind repeating yourself?" 
Said Guile as he made a turn. "BECAUSE!" Decapre shouted causing Guile to slam on the breaks. "I USED TO WORK FOR SHADALOO!" As soon as she had said those words out loud Decapre went quiet. As Guile and Chun Li were too shocked to say anything. 
The car was silent. With only the sound of Decapre's shaking breath being heard. She was using all her strength to keep herself from crying. As Guile and Chun-Li took the time to process what she just said. "I-I'm sorry!" Said Decapre sounding like she was about to cry. 
"I-I didn't mean......." Guile stopped her before she could finish her sentence. "What exactly do you mean by work for Shadaloo?" He asked his voice sounding serious. "We're not going to punish you, but we just want to know." He added, trying to calm her down.
 Decapre nervously gulped and said. "I-I found some files from them, a-and there was a picture of me along side the d-dolls!" Guile stared intensely at her. But it was clear that he wasn't going to harm her. Decapre was hyperventilating at this point.
 "Do you remember what you did when you worked for Shadaloo?" Decapre shook her head sadly. "No I don't!" She said looking down at her feet. Tears pouring down her face. She didn't want to cry in front of what but she just couldn't help it. It was just too much for her to handle.
"I don't remember why or how I worked for such an evil place!" She sobbed loudly. Chun-Li turned around and looked at her. "You met someone named........Killer Bee I think!" Decapre nodded her head and said. "Y-Yeah I did." Chun-Li looked at her understandingly and said. "Could you please tell us a little about her?" 
Decapre took a deep breath as Chun-Li looked at her. She knew that she had to get all out while she still can. "W-well I don't know much about her.......but she looks just like me and I think her real name is Cammy or something, I'm not sure if I'm remembering things correctly but when I first encountered her. She called me her sister........I'm not sure if I heard her correctly since I was blacking out at the time!" Guile interrupted the two young women and said. 
"You seem to pass out a lot during your missions!" Decapre blushed in embarrassment. She did have a tendency to black out randomly. To the point where her follow Delta Red member teased her about having a bad habit of passing out. "Do you know why you do that?" Asked Chun-Li looking at Decapre concerned about the fact that something is wrong with her.
 "N-not really!" Replied Decapre as she shuffled her feet. Clearly not wanting to continue this conversation. Chun-Li turned back around as Guile turned the engine back on. The rest of the car ride was silent as Decapre stared out the window.
 Her face was blank and she was completely quiet. The only thing that she was thinking about was this. "Who am I?" That thought seemed to repeat itself in the back of her head as the sun started to set. Soon it completely was dark out and Decapre had fallen asleep in the back of the car. 
Guile kept driving down the dark path. With only the car headlights illumining the path ahead. They seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. As there was nothing but empty fields and the occasional worn out sign. It was going to be a while before they got to the next town.
He considered turning on the radio but decided not to in favor of letting Decapre sleep. "I think we should stop at a place in order to rest." Whispered Chun-Li as Guile took a turn to the next exit. The moon shined brightly in the sky as hundreds of trees were planted on the side of the road.
He didn't say anything and just nodded his head. He decided to try and look for a hotel. The road seems to go on forever. They drove around until they finally found a place to get some rest. It was a small and cheap hotel, like the ones that a family might stop at during a road trip.
He parked the car and went out. Chun-Li followed him and opened the door. Guile picked up Decapre and carried her over his shoulder. They checked in the hotel which luckily had one room left for the night. Which was a good thing because neither Guile nor Chun Li wanted to continue driving.
The hotel room wasn't too fancy. It only had two beds which meant that there wasn't enough for the three of them. "You are welcome to sleep on one of the beds." Chun Li mentioned to Guile as they look at the two small beds placed next to each other with a small nightstand in between them.
Still Guile placed Decapre on one of the beds and told Chun-Li that she can sleep on the other one. "Are you sure that's ok with you?" Asked Chun-Li as he tucked in Decapre. "I'm sure the bed is much more comfortable to sleep on." Guile chuckled a little at her comment.
 "Oh no it's fine, I don't mind sleeping on the floor." Said Guile half jokingly before flopping into a chair in the corner. "If anyone needs me I'll be right here." He said motioning to the chair he was sitting on. Chun-Li just decided to get ready for bed. Changing into her pajamas and getting into the second bed. She laid her down on the pillow and said "good night guys!" Before turning off the lights.
(Two and a half hours later)
Later that night Decapre was wide awake. The sounds of crickets and owls combined with the noise of the air conditioning filled the room. She didn't want to disturb the other two so she just got up and went to the bathroom. Flicking on a light switch as she did. She went up to the sink and turned on the faucet. 
She splashed her face with cold water and looked into the mirror. She studied the burn on her face. It was there since she could remember. But she never really tried to draw attention to it. Still she was at least a little bit curious about where she got it from.
As far as she knew she could've gotten it from the incident that made her lose her memories. She blinked a couple times as she took some deep breathes. She walked out of the bathroom and noticed something near the window. It seemed like something was peeking through the blinds. Almost as if someone was watching her every move like a hawk.
She opened them up to see what was happening but to her surprise there was nothing there. She just assumed that it was just her imagination but suddenly she felt like someone was behind her. She turned around slowly and saw something or someone. His face was covered by a mask. With only his eyes peeking out and glaring at her. Decapre was frozen in fear when she saw him.
He pointed out a clawed hand at her and looked like a cat that was ready to pounce. A snake tattoo coiled around his body and his hair was put into a long braid. Decapre backed away from him but he grew closer. Inching towards her as she backed away from him in a attempt to escape his grasp.
Soon she was backed into a corner. He was now uncomfortably close to her face. She could hear the sound of his breathing extremely well. Her heart was thumping loudly as he pointed his claw at her. "I have easily killed ugly freaks like you!" 
He said coldly as Decapre shook in fear. She felt a lump growing in her throat as he continued to speak. "But I'm sparing you because Bison told me to bring you back to Shadaloo alive." He continued to speak as grabs the side of her face. "I would love to kill such an ugly and disgusting creature like you and soak in your blood." He said as he pointed his claw at her chest.
 "But rules are rules I guess!" He said before chuckling. "Still.....if Bison decides that you are no longer useful for him, I'll be glad to be the one to end your life." Decapre curled her hand into a fist and punched him as hard as she could. Shattering his mask on impact. The shards of the mask were now stabbing his face. 
Blood was pouring out as he screamed at the top of his lungs. Waking up Guile and Chun-Li from their slumber. "YOU!!!!" He shouted loudly as Decapre felt the blood dripping down her knuckle. "YOU.........YOU...........YOU RUINED MY FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed at her and looked like he was ready to attack her. Decapre curled up in the corner and braced herself for the attack.
Luckily Chun-Li was able to knock him over before he could harm Decapre.  He landed on the floor with a loud thud. "Stay away from her!" She shouted as she fought him until he retreated. Once she was sure that he was gone. She looked over at Decapre who was in the corner. 
Shaking and crying in fear. "Hey it's ok!" Said Chun-Li as she stepped closer to her. "He's gone now don't worry!" Decapre just kept on shaking and crying as she hugged Chun-Li. Chun-Li just hugged her back and said "shhhh.....shhhhh......don't worry it's ok.....he's gone now!" Decapre just continued to bawl her eyes out. She just wanted this nightmare to end. (To be continued)
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artbythermalcom · 1 year
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"The British Brawler"
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secret-draws · 2 years
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Just Catty...
CAMMY , things.
Cat Couture (tm) love the fastener belt strap being poses like a kitty tail. Cammy is so perfect this round. Big Stretch!
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cammysworldland · 9 months
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Art by DarkOverlord1296
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oxalisvsf · 1 year
Decapre is intrigued with McCoy's cybernetic parts and keeps requesting to make upgrades on him.
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edgar-allan-possum · 2 years
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I know this is like the 3rd or 4th post I've made about this action figure series today, but I do genuinely like the worldbuilding they've done for it. They should do a comic book series or something.
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jagsdoodloos · 9 months
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Happy B-Day to erryones fav Killer Bee/Delta Red agent.
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on MI6 operative/former Shadaloo assassin Cammy White in her Delta Red outfit and/or colors, featuring repurposed Psylocke character art from "Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes" (2000) crossover competitive fighting game, published & developed by Capcom.
Original artwork by Naoto "Bengus" Kuroshima.
Mashup/reinterpreted artwork by "SUPERFERNANDODOXT" (via DeviantArt).
Sources: www.deviantart.com/superfernandoxt/art/MVC2-Cammy-Delta-Red-877940944 (all found via DeviantArt).
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don think im finishin this but
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it was supposed to be a reference for a drawin.,,.., then I tried to make it a poster but got bored. I don't think im finishin this but this is what I have done so far :P . NOW im gone sorry for breaking the "imma be gone til january" promise. I just can't live without you all
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thewriteroflucifenia · 8 months
Shameless self promotion. Do y'all want some cute family moments in your fanfic? Try mine.
"A collection of moments where Cammy was there for her many siblings. Whether it's protecting George from bullies, taking Decapre to the library, helping Noembelu with her vegetable garden, or literally carrying Marz through jungle foliage to safety, she has done her best to do right by her siblings (both blood and adopted).
While this mostly takes place between SF5 and SF6, there are some exceptions such as flashback chapters that will be labeled."
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saikyo-rat · 2 years
Swapped faith (chapter 8)
It was dark now and Decapre had fallen asleep in the back of the car. Guile kept driving down the dark path. With only the car headlights illumining the path ahead. They seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. He considered turning on the radio but decided not to in favor of letting Decapre sleep. “I think we should stop at a place in order to rest.” Whispered Chun-Li as Guile took a turn to the next exit.
He didn’t say anything and just nodded his head. He decided to try and look for a hotel. They drove around until they finally found a place to get some rest. He parked the car and went out. Chun-Li followed him and opened the door. Guile picked up Decapre and carried her over his shoulder. They checked in the hotel which luckily had one room left for the night.
The hotel wasn’t too fancy. It only had two beds which meant that there wasn’t enough for the three of them. Still Guile placed Decapre on one of the beds and told Chun-Li that she can sleep on the other one. “Are you sure that’s ok with you?”
Asked Chun-Li as he tucked in Decapre. “Oh no it’s fine, I don’t mind sleeping on the floor.” Said Guile before flopping into a chair in the corner. Chun-Li just decided to get ready for bed. Changing into her pajamas and getting into the second bed. She laid her down on the pillow and said “good night guys!” Later that night Decapre was wide awake.
She didn’t want to disturb the other two so she just got up and went to the bathroom. She went up to the sink and turned on the faucet. She splashed her face with cold water and looked into the mirror. She studied the burn on her face. It was there since she could remember. But she never really payed attention to it.
As far as she knew she could’ve gotten it from the incident that made her lose her memories. She blinked a couple times as she took some deep breathes. She walked out of the bathroom and noticed something near the window. It seemed like something was peeking through the blinds.
She opened them up to see what was happening but to her surprise there was nothing there. She just assumed that it was just her imagination but suddenly she felt like someone was behind her. She turned around slowly and saw something or someone. His face was covered by a mask. With only his eyes peeking out and glaring at her.
He pointed out a clawed hand at her and looked like a cat that was ready to pounce. A snake tattoo coiled around his body and his hair was put into a long braid. Decapre backed away from him but he grew closer. Soon she was backed into a corner. He was now uncomfortably close to her face.
“I have easily killed ugly freaks like you!” He said coldly as Decapre shook in fear. “But I’m sparing you because Bison told me to bring you back to shadaloo alive.” He continued to speak as grabs the side of her face. “I would love to kill such an ugly and disgusting creature like you and soak in your blood.” He said as he pointed his claw at her chest.
“But rules are rules I guess!” He said before chuckling. “Still…..if Bison decides that you are no longer useful for him, I’ll be glad to be the one to end your life.” Decapre curled her hand into a fist and punched him. Shattering his mask on impact. The shards of the mask were now stabbing his face.
Blood was pouring out as he screamed at the top of his lungs. Waking up Guile and Chun-Li. “YOU!!!!” He shouted loudly as Decapre felt the blood dripping down her knuckle. “YOU………YOU………..YOU RUINED MY FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” He screamed at her and looked like he was ready to attack her. Luckily Chun-Li was able to knock him over before he could harm Decapre.
“Stay away from her!” She shouted as she fought him until he retreated. Once she was sure that he was gone. She looked over at Decapre who was in the corner. Shaking and crying in fear. “Hey it’s ok!” Said Chun-Li as she stepped closer to her. “He’s gone now don’t worry!” Decapre just kept on shaking and crying as she hugged Chun-Li. Chun-Li just hugged her back and said “shhhh…..shhhhh……don’t worry it’s ok…..he’s gone now!” Decapre continued to bawl her eyes out. (The end)
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blueteamjax · 5 months
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[We have a problem. A big problem]
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bibi-likes-to-draw · 3 months
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Did a big art style study (feat. Delta Dawn)!
The styles from top left to bottom right: My style, @spooky-pop, @brrypiiix, and @trollzzzzz
Reblogs greatly appreciated!
Speedpaint under the cut!
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cammysworldland · 9 months
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Art by Sinh Nguyen 
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shisasan · 3 months
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Anaïs Nin, Delta of Venus, originally published: 1977
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