#Dermatology Products List
smaptain-smerica · 1 year
Beauty School Dropout - Part V
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x Female!Reader
Summary: When Bradley is called back to Top Gun, he is reunited with a long lost friend from high school. Through their strenuous time leading up to the mission, the two friends relationship becomes complicated by external forces.
Warnings: Death of family members
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Before Bradley could even unpack his own bag, he was already packing two boxes. One full of y/n’s things, and one full of Mandy’s. 
Bradley had thrown Mandy’s things carelessly into the box. Wrinkling the clothes and not caring whether the pictures and notes crinkled or not. 
Bradley made sure y/n’s things had been freshly washed and neatly folded. There were significantly more of y/n’s things than Mandy’s. Feminine hygiene products, a half empty bag of her favorite candy, even bits and pieces of an old Halloween costume. 
A couple tears slid down Bradley’s face that he quickly wiped away as he looked at the picture that used to live on his desk before Mandy made him get rid of it. It was a framed picture of y/n and Bradley after playing a game of paintball. Both covered in different colored splotches that muraled their torsos and faces. That was Bradley’s favorite memory. It was one of the only times that he didn’t let her win, she simply was better at paintball than him. But that secret he would take to his grave. 
A soft knock in the doorway drew Bradley’s 
attention away from the photo and he now looked into his mothers sympathetic eyes.
“I messed up mom.” Bradley admitted through a tightened voice, keeping down the emotions. 
“With Mandy?”  
Bradley bit his lip to keep down the emotion that was threatening to explode from inside of him as he shook his head, unable to take his eyes off the picture. 
Carole made her way over to the bed and sat down next to Bradley. She brought her only son into her side and rested her head on top of his, stroking his shoulder gently. 
“You guys are so close, I’m positive you can talk it out.” She tried her best to advise her son. Bradley brought his hand up to his face and wiped away a stray tear, sniffling his nose. 
“It’s better if I don’t after the way I treated her. I don’t deserve to be her friend, she’s too good for me.” Bradley’s heart felt like it was shattering. Leaving y/n behind for her own good was ten times harder than leaving Mandy for his own good. 
It wasn’t until Bradley saw Dylan dance so intimately with y/n that he realized he was in love with her. The jealousy he felt in that moment was unlike anything he had felt before. He was nearly blind with rage when he shut himself in the master bedroom. It took every ounce of strength in him not to knock Dylan out. 
“I don’t think that’s true.” Carole tried to soothe her son. “Now, she didn’t deserve how your girlfriend treated her.” There was a clear distaste to Carole’s voice that Bradley had picked up on. He pulled back from his mom and looked up at her with a guilty expression. 
“You heard?” 
Carole hummed in agreement. “With my own ears. Y/n stopped me from telling you because she didn’t want to ruin your happiness.” 
Bradley felt a heavy weight tug on his heart. It felt like an elephant standing on a tightrope, the tethers threatening to snap at any moment. 
“I’m sorry I ever brought Mandy around either of you.” 
Carole chuckled a little and shook her head. 
“She’s gone now, that’s all that matters. You live and learn, my love.” 
Bradley gave his mother a half-hearted smile before putting the picture face down on his bedside table and he picked up the box with Mandy’s stuff in it. 
“Would you mind taking the other box and just putting it by the front door? Y/n is coming later to grab it.” 
Carole gave her son a saddened expression. “It’s not too late to fix it, hon.” 
“It is now.” Bradley sighed. “I’m going to the military and she’s going to dermatology school in New York. Maybe it’s for the best that we didn't get to say goodbye, I don’t think I could have.” He admitted sorrowfully. Bradley walked to the door with the box and exited his room. 
Before Carole grabbed the box with Y/n’s things in it, she looked at the flipped over picture on his nightstand. She picked up the frame, smiling at the memory and then propping it up on its kickstand to display the image once more. 
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Bradley stared at that picture on his nightstand for hours a day it seemed. He replayed every memory and every moment with her in his head. The concentration on her face when taking a test, the peace that reflected her every time she entered a library, the way her cheeks and nose were sun kissed at the beach in Mexico. 
Bradley was completely and utterly in love with her, and he let her walk away. 
Leaping from his bed, he reached for his shoes and scrambled to put them on. He flew down the stairs and out the front door. It was the middle of the day, his mom was at work. He also knew that y/n’s father would be at work but her mother would be working from home. 
Bradley tackled the quick jog to your house with ease, making it to the driveway and traveling up. His eyes scanned up to your window, noticing the lack of decorations. What was normally a display of dream catchers and plants sunbathing, was now empty, white blinds. Bradley’s heart sank.
Taking a deep breath, Bradley knocked on the door. When nobody answered he knocked again. Only a second later did y/n’s mom open the door. Her eyes widened at the sight of him before she smiled. 
“Bradley!” She greeted him in relief. Then her face fell to concern. 
“Is everything okay?” 
“Is y/n here?” Bradley asked, not bothering to hide the desperation in his voice. Sympathy flashed across her eyes as she looked at him. This instantly confirmed his suspicions. 
“She left yesterday. She started talking to her new roommate and left early to explore the city.”  
There it went, the tether's strength couldn’t bear the weight of the elephant anymore. His heart plummeted down to his stomach at the truth of his worries. 
“I can give you the mailing address of her dorm?” Y/n’s mom suggested. 
“Or, she has a phone number now, do you want that?” 
Bradley hesitated. He wanted her phone number. He wanted the address. He wanted both. But then he thought about what would really happen. He would write her letters that he would never send. Stare at her phone number all day and never hit the call button. 
“No. That’s okay. Thank you Mrs. L/n.” 
She smiled sadly, reaching out to grip his shoulder. 
“You ever need anything you come right over, okay?” 
“Thank you.” Bradley responded quietly, truly appreciating the gesture. 
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Y/n pulled up to Bradley’s house, her heart racing. He had said he wouldn’t be there but the thought of having to face him made her heart ache. Why did it have to end like this? Y/n had hoped that they could stay friends. Maybe even visit each other during summers or spring break. 
Upon putting her car in park she noticed a very familiar motorcycle parked in the driveway. Suspicion crept under her skin as she got out, walking up to the door. Y/n reached for the handle, her hand shaking gently as she gripped the door knob and slowly pushed the front door open. 
The brown box with familiar clothing in it sat right beside the door. That box only held y/n’s attention for a moment as she heard Maverick and Carole talking in the kitchen. 
“Mav, please.” 
“Carole this is his whole life we’re talking about. He’s been dreaming about this since he was four!” 
Y/n could hear her heart in her chest, praying that it would quiet down while she slowly crept towards the kitchen doorway to listen better. Y/n plastered herself against the wall to attempt to be invisible. 
“Pete. Please, listen.” 
Y/n had never heard Carole so desperate and pleading. There was silence on the other side of the conversation before Carole continued. 
“I’m not going to be here much longer.” 
“Carole please don’t say that-“ Maverick interrupted her, his voice breaking slightly in the middle of the sentence. 
“Well it’s true. I need you to protect him. Please, he can’t end up like his dad.” 
“Bradley’s a good kid. He’s smart. Everything is much safer now than it was then.” 
There was silence when it was Carole’s turn to talk, and y/n heard a deep heavy sigh before Maverick continued. 
“Alright, I’ll think of something.” 
Y/n looked back to the open door, taking that as her cue to announce her entrance. She quietly tip-toed back over to the box and picked it up, shutting the door loudly to pretend she had just walked in. 
“Bradley?” Carole asked into the house. 
“Nope.” Y/n responded with a shaky, nervous breath. 
Carole and Maverick both rounded the kitchen door, Carole looking at her sympathetically while Maverick tucked his hands into his pockets. 
Setting the box down, y/n was engulfed in a hug by Carole. The tension in the air was thick. None of them dared bring up the reason that y/n had come in the first place. 
“So,” Carole began. “When do you go to New York?” 
“Two weeks.” Y/n responded with excitement. She was ready to move to the big city and start her new life. This was going to be a good change for her. A nice chance to reset all the emotions.  
“Here.” Maverick caught the two women's attention as he moved to dig around in his backpack that he had tossed in the entryway. A pink envelope with y/n’s name written neatly on the outside was handed to her. 
“Congrats on graduating.” 
Y/n’s heart swelled as a warm smile spread across her face. She took the car and put it carefully on top of the neatly folded clothes in her box. 
“Thank you Maverick. You didn’t have to do that.” 
“Of course I did. I know how expensive New York is. Now, come here.” 
Maverick extended his arms out to y/n and she stepped into his embrace. She was met with a tight squeeze and a ruffling of her hair by Mavericks knuckles. 
Y/n looked between the two of them, suddenly feeling the awkwardness lacing over the air. She took in her bottom lip and picked up the box. 
“Well, I’m off.” 
Carole’s face was smiling, but it was a sad smile. Y/n would miss this woman that became such an impactful character in her life. She didn’t know how she would handle not seeing this woman every week. 
“Good luck y/n.” 
“We’ll be rooting for you.” Maverick brought his hand up to his forehead in a lazy salute. Y/n reciprocated the lazy salute back before turning on her heel and leaving Bradley’s house for the last time. 
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Y/n had come home for the summer, and she couldn’t be more content. New York was amazing, everything she imagined and more in fact. She spent a lot of free time seeing shows on Broadway and getting food at unholy hours of the night. The city that never sleeps was indeed a fitting name. 
But now being back in her small hometown in SoCal, the quiet was something she never thought she would miss. There was no shouting, no car horns or sirens going off. Only the sounds of the birds fluttering by and the wind chimes making melodic tunes in the warm summer breeze. 
Both of y/n’s parents were at work so she was home alone on a hot, late may afternoon. Though, the window was still open and letting in a draft. Yet another thing she found difficult to do in New York. One of her favorite books was laying in her lap as she read lazily in the sun cascading into the living room. 
A knock at the door caught her attention. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows while finishing the paragraph before marking her page. She walked to the door, opening it to stare at a familiar face on the other side of the glass. 
Bradley’s face was purely shocked, jaw gaping and eyes wide. Y/n’s heart thundered in her chest as she was at a loss for words. Her eyes scanned Bradley’s face. He got tan, very tan in the summer sun. But his eyes were still red and puffy, almost like he had been crying. 
“What did you get home?” The waver in his voice only confirmed the suspicion. Y/n’s heart broke. She couldn’t remember a time she had actually seen Bradley cry. Everything that happened in the past year went out the window. Ignoring the promise she made to herself that she would hate him forever. She knew it was impossible. 
Y/n pushed the glass door open and grabbed Bradley’s hand and drug him into the house. 
“What’s wrong?” She demanded. 
Bradley did as he was told, getting pulled into her house willingly. Y/n shut and locked the door before turning to face him. Bradley had his bottom lip in his mouth looking at the floor. 
“My dad..” his voice cracked at the quiet, pitiful words that he spoke. 
Y/n’s head whipped to the calendar on the wall and she squinted. Her heart sank out of her chest upon realizing the date. His dads birthday. 
Instantly, her arms were around him. And like a magnet his arms were around her impossibly quick. Y/n sighed and sank into the warm embrace and smell that she missed so desperately. 
Bradley’s head slumped to her shoulder as his cries grew into sobs. Sobs that raked through his body and shook his breathing. Y/n held on, squeezing him tighter by the moment and rubbing circles on his back. 
Bradley pulled back from her embrace, face red and tear stained. He grabbed y/n’s hand and led them over to the couch where they sat down. Y/n was confused by this action, and wondered why he had moved their location. 
His brown eyes glossed over with tears met hers. She searched for any indication of what this meant. He looked like he was trying to choke out words but nothing was leaving the captivity of his vocal cords. Y/n squeezed his hand tightly, reassuring him it was okay. 
“My mom died a month ago.” 
Y/n’s face fell into shock. A hand covered her mouth and she could already feel the emotion rising to her throat. 
“Her cancer got too bad too fast. I told your mom not to tell you because I knew you would drop everything and come back.” 
And Bradley was exactly right. She would have dropped everything and taken the first flight back to California. A new emotion rose into her mind. Guilt. She should have been there for him, should have picked up the damn phone and called. 
Tears streamed down her face in addition to Bradley’s new ones also flowing. Bradley looked down at their intertwined hands, a thumb running over the tops of her knuckles. 
“This is his first birthday without her.” His voice was gentle, fragile, hardly even a whisper. 
The emotions she was trying to keep inside were now too strong. Y/n practically leapt into Bradley’s arms to consume him in a hug. Half for his comfort, and half for hers. Bradley’s arms wrapped tightly around her waist as she sat half on his leg and half on the couch. 
“B, I’m so sorry.” Y/n whispered through her own pains tearing through her body at the moment. 
Bradley curled his head into the nape of her neck, taking a tighter grip on her body to press against his own. 
“I’m so happy you were here.” He whispered. Y/n felt his tears dropping down into her shirt as she was certain that hers were doing the same. 
Y/n savored the way that their bodies fit together. Perfectly, she thought. Like two puzzle pieces that were made for one another. The pain in her heart over the news of Carole’s death was paired with a new pain. Heartbreak. Heart broken because she realized that the miles and miles of distance did nothing to her emotions. Heart broken because she was still in love with Bradley Bradshaw.
Finally, all she managed to mutter into his skin was; 
“Me too.”
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pure-ablution · 10 days
Are there any skincare blogs you like? Or how do you decide on your skincare products?
Actually, there aren’t really any blogs I especially love for skincare specifically. There are a few articles/posts I like, but no blog as a whole. I think that skincare blogs and influencers are interesting only if skincare is a real hobby for you—I just don’t feel the same way about skincare as I do about, say, makeup or jewellery. For me, I like to do proper and intense research on skincare products and dermatological concepts, find what works for me, and stick to it, so for this reason I suppose blogs just don’t really pique my interest in the same way.
I like to stay on top of the latest product development and research in the skincare world, though—I try to keep up with what’s new and, if I think it’s really worthwhile, then I’ll trial incorporating it into my own routine and see how I go. Here are some of the resources I use to stay informed about research and skincare trends:
Dermatological journals. I’m not a medical student, but since my university gives me access to pretty much any peer-reviewed journal in the world, I enjoy using that privilege for my own personal research interests as well as my degree. I check all the latest abstracts in JAMA, the BJD, and the American Journal of Clinical Dermatology, and if I find an article that catches my eye, then I read it in full and make notes.
Ingredient directories. These are helpful for finding the ingredients of certain products (not always listed on their websites!) and explaining the purpose and effects of specific ingredients, and I use them mostly when I’m researching a specific product. I like INCI for ingredients lists and basic breakdowns, and Paula’s Choice dictionary for more detailed explanations.
Reddit. Most skincare subreddits are just full of people wanting to clear their acne, and the same old recommendations over and over again, but there are a couple dominated by enthusiasts which are more interesting and allow me to quickly identify which brands and ingredients are currently trending, especially in the US. r/AsianBeauty, r/SkincareAddictionLux, and r/scacjdiscussion are all quite helpful, although you do sometimes have to wade through a lot of rubbish to find the useful bits.
A few choice influencers. I’m not a huge fan of skincare influencers, but there are a few who, in my opinion, illustrate trends whilst still providing some unique and interesting content in some way. Asian-American influencers are my favourite for this, and I like how they combine Western and Eastern products and incorporate traditional ingredients and beauty practices into their routines. I especially like the older and skincare-focused content from Amy Chang, Ava and Yuri Lee, Aylen Park, Kelly Kim, and Pauline Choi.
Hwahae. This is the main beauty app in South Korea, and its most interesting feature (for me) is that it ranks the most popular and highly-reviewed products currently amongst Korean buyers. There’s often a drastic difference between what is popular domestically in South Korea vs which K-Beauty products are trending in the West, and if I have a free moment, I like to log in and research the current top products in different categories. The app is in Korean, so I took screenshots and used Google Translate until I learnt how to navigate it by memorisation, but I’ve found a few hidden gems this way!
At the end of the day, though, although I like staying informed, I don’t change up my routine or buy new products at all frequently, and I like to rely mostly on word-of-mouth and personal trial-and-error. I’m very methodical with introducing new products into my routine: I only do so if I think it will really benefit me, I buy sample- or travel-size products until I’m totally sure about them, and I introduce each new product individually, for a set trial period, and take photographs and notes to record its effect from start to finish of that trial period—including any effects I notice after removing the product from my routine again. Skincare is really a science, and I like to treat it as such, with careful research and a scientific method.
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fashioneditswebsite · 4 months
Why vitamin E should be part of your skincare regime
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Anti-aging, pollution-fighting, and blemish-calming discover why vitamin E beauty is trending. Recently, the use of Vitamin E in the skincare regime has surged in popularity due to the 'glass skin' trend. TikTok-ers are posting videos on how to get the look by using Nivea Creme and a vitamin E oil capsule. Mix them, smother them all over your face, and you can have glass skin. But not all experts believe it’s a good idea. If you’re worried you may look sweaty rather than dewy, you can reap the benefits simply by investing in products that already contain vitamin E. After all, it’s gorgeously suitable for all skin types. @drsomjiskin 🌟 @NIVEA – a timeless classic in the world of emollient creams! ✨ #SkincareSecrets #NiveaLove #EmollientMagic #SkinScience #VitaminECream #Cosmeceuticals #HealthySkinJourney #BeautyEducation #TimelessSkincare #SkinBarrierHealth #NourishYourSkin #InstaBeautyTips #SkinCareRoutine #GlowingSkin #SelfCareSunday #SkinCareCommunity #BeautyBasics #LoveYourSkin #HealthyHabits #SkinCareAddict #BeautyKnowledge #EducateYourself #SkinCare101 #NaturalBeauty #SkinCareEssentials #HealthySkinHappyLife ♬ Lofi Vibes - Gentle State “Vitamin E is an important fat-soluble antioxidant and has been used in dermatology for more than 50 years,” says Molly Arnold, a registered associate nutritionist at Holland & Barrett. “It can help protect from negative effects of oxidative stress caused by UV exposure and pollution.” That sounds great. But perhaps more importantly, she notes that incorporating vitamin E into a skincare routine may also help reduce blemishes and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin E has moisturizing, soothing, and anti-aging properties that people frequently praise. “Vitamin E is often found in a cream or oil format that can be used topically, either on the face or on the body,” says Dr Eleanor Bradley, No7 Beauty science credentialing manager. “You can find vitamin E infused in face moisturizers or serums or in more concentrated ampules, often in combination with other antioxidant vitamins, like vitamin C. “My suggestion would be to incorporate a moisturiser or serum containing vitamin E into your morning skincare routine, to enjoy the full benefits of this ingredient, including protection against free radicals and the environment.” When it comes to pollution, living in an urban environment can lead to dryness, irritation, sensitivity, and even hyperpigmentation, according to Dr Ifeoma Ejikeme, a medical consultant skin expert and founder of Adonia Medical Clinic. “In a study on the How We Shop platform, 54% of those interviewed experienced dryness, and 82% of those interviewed were concerned about how pollution adds to this. Vitamin E is not only a powerful antioxidant, but also an effective moisturizer.” Vitamin E is found in many skincare and makeup products, including moisturizers, serums, eye creams, lip balms, foundations, and lipsticks. Ejikeme suggests looking for it listed as tocopherol or tocopheryl acetate in the ingredients. 7 of the best vitamin E beauty products 1. Now, Vitamin E soft gels Solgar Vitamin E softgels $27.41 If you’d rather ingest your vitamin E, take one of these capsules daily with plenty of liquid. 2. Institut Esthederm Into Repair SPF 50 Institut Esthederm Into Repair SPF 50 This wonder fluid helps to diminish pigmentation and sun spots while giving you high UVA and UVB protection. Active ingredients include vitamin E to help smooth skin and protect from damage. 3. Eminence Organic Skin Care Rosehip Triple C+E Firming Oil Rosehip Triple C+E Firming Oil $118 Eminence Organics Rosehip Triple C+E Firming Oil flawlessly accomplishes all three. It was expertly developed as an all-encompassing anti-aging serum. 4. Vitamin E Facial Moisturizer Malin + Goetz (New York) Moisturizer $52  This lightweight moisturizer keeps your skin balanced and hydrated all day. Its quick-absorbing formula is intensely nourishing, delivering just the right amount of moisture without feeling greasy or sticky. 5. No7 Protect & Perfect Intense Advanced Serum Intense Advanced Serum $27.99 This intensive serum is packed with vitamins A, C, and E to re-energize tired skin and protect it from environmental stress. 6. Kai Body Lotion Kai Body Moisturizer $42 This moisturizer contains a combination of vitamin E, wheat germ oil, and rice bran oil to keep skin feeling soft and radiant for daily hydration. Read the full article
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greeney3db1tch · 5 months
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Day 17: 100 Days of Productivity
hello!! I was on DuoLingo for 20-30 minutes! I feel so fluent lolol, I am learning german btw! I really want to start reading over the summer and update my goodreads account. There’s a list of things I want to accomplish before the Fall2024 semester starts.
get drivers license (i’m literally 19, I have to get one)
make appointments for dentist, physician, dermatology
renew passport
start unpacking (all my clothes are in trash bags rn LOL)
update LinkedIn
10k steps a day
hopefully upgrade phone
I also want to try to read more magazine or have a subscription for one. I want to preoccupy my mind without the use of electronics constantly. I really want to revamp myself like new wardrobe, makeup, hair, etc. A glow up if you will.
Thank you for your time!
<3 E
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drnidhisinghtandon · 11 months
Your Guide to Finding the Best Dermatologist in Lucknow
When it comes to skincare and maintaining your skin's health, finding the right dermatologist is crucial. Lucknow, the capital city of Uttar Pradesh, is home to a diverse range of healthcare professionals, including dermatologists. 
With the city's growth, there's been a significant rise in demand for skincare services, leading to an abundance of dermatology clinics and professionals. In this guide, we'll explore how to find the best dermatologist in Lucknow who can cater to your specific needs, whether it's laser hair removal, chemical peel treatments, mesotherapy, Botox, or other dermatological procedures.
Start with Research
Begin your journey to find the best dermatologist in Lucknow by conducting thorough research. 
You can do this through various means:
Online Search 
Use search engines like Google to look up "Best Dermatologist in Lucknow" or related keywords. Pay attention to the top results and read reviews from previous patients.
Ask for Recommendations 
Seek recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues who have had positive experiences with dermatologists in Lucknow. Personal referrals can be invaluable.
Check Qualifications and Credentials
Once you've gathered a list of potential dermatologists, it's essential to verify their qualifications and credentials. 
Look for the following:
Board Certification
Ensure that the dermatologist is board-certified, which signifies they have met the highest standards in the field.
Find out how many years of experience the dermatologist has and if they specialize in the specific treatments you're seeking, such as laser hair removal, chemical peels, mesotherapy, or Botox.
Consultation and Communication
Schedule consultations with the dermatologists on your shortlist. During these consultations, pay attention to the following:
Effective communication is key. Your dermatologist should be willing to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and explain the treatment options in a clear and understandable manner.
Comfort Level
Assess how comfortable you feel with the dermatologist. Trust your instincts; you should feel at ease discussing your skin concerns.
Ask About Specialized Treatments
If you're seeking specific treatments like laser hair removal, chemical peels, mesotherapy, or Botox, inquire about the dermatologist's expertise in these areas. Ask about their success rates, the technology and products they use, and any potential side effects.
Review Before-and-After Photos
Ask to see before-and-after photos of previous patients who have undergone similar treatments. This will give you a visual understanding of the dermatologist's work and the potential results you can expect.
Consider Cost and Insurance
Discuss the cost of your chosen treatment and whether it's covered by your insurance. Ensure you understand the financial aspect of your skincare journey.
Read Patient Reviews
Take the time to read patient reviews and testimonials. These can provide valuable insights into the dermatologist's reputation and the experiences of other patients.
Trust Your Instincts
Ultimately, your choice of a dermatologist should align with your gut feeling. Choose a dermatologist who not only possesses the necessary qualifications but also makes you feel confident and comfortable in their care.
In Lucknow, the best dermatologist for you is the one who can address your specific skin concerns and provide the treatments you require, whether it's laser hair removal, chemical peels, mesotherapy, Botox, or other skincare procedures. Take the time to research, consult, and make an informed decision to achieve the healthy, glowing skin you deserve. Your skin's health and appearance are worth the effort of finding the right dermatologist for you.
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skin-care-news · 1 year
Harmful Social Media Skincare Trends: Viral Doesn't Mean Safe
By Olivia Dawson
Social media platforms have undeniably become powerful tools for disseminating information and influencing trends, including in the realm of skincare. However, with the rise of platforms like TikTok, the proliferation of skincare advice from self-proclaimed experts and dermatology doctors has also become increasingly prevalent. Unfortunately, not all information circulating on social media is accurate or safe, and many harmful skincare trends have gained traction, often promoting practices and products that contain toxic chemicals. In this article, we will investigate the potential dangers of following these trends blindly and highlight the importance of seeking reliable skincare information from trusted sources.
The Influence of TikTok's Dermatology Doctors and Wannabe Experts:
TikTok has emerged as a breeding ground for skincare trends, thanks in part to the influence of self-proclaimed dermatology doctors and aspiring skincare experts. While some of these individuals may have legitimate qualifications, the vast majority lack the necessary expertise and medical training to provide accurate advice. They often rely on sensationalized content, quick fixes, and trendy products to attract viewership. It is essential to recognize that not everything that goes viral on social media is safe or effective when it comes to skincare.
Toxic Chemicals in Skincare Products:
One of the alarming aspects of social media skincare trends is the promotion of products containing toxic chemicals. The desire for quick results and flawless skin often leads individuals to experiment with potentially harmful ingredients without considering the long-term consequences. Substances such as hydroquinone, mercury, and certain synthetic fragrances have been linked to various adverse effects, ranging from skin irritation and allergies to more severe health issues, including hormonal disruption and organ toxicity. Despite these risks, social media influencers often endorse and popularize such products, further perpetuating harmful trends.
Harmful Skincare Practices:
Beyond the dangerous products themselves, social media platforms can also be responsible for promoting harmful skincare practices. For instance, the trend of DIY skincare recipes using household ingredients, while seemingly cost-effective and convenient, can lead to detrimental outcomes. Lemon juice, baking soda, and toothpaste are commonly suggested ingredients in these recipes, but they can cause skin irritation, inflammation, and even chemical burns. Moreover, excessive exfoliation, encouraged by some influencers, can disrupt the skin's natural barrier function, leading to increased sensitivity, dryness, and a compromised skin barrier.
The Importance of Seeking Reliable Sources:
In the age of social media, it is crucial to approach skincare trends and advice with a critical mindset. Instead of relying solely on influencers and TikTok dermatology doctors, it is essential to consult reliable sources such as board-certified dermatologists, skincare professionals, and reputable scientific studies. These experts possess the necessary knowledge and training to provide evidence-based recommendations that prioritize your skin's health and safety. Moreover, they can evaluate your unique skin type, concerns, and medical history to offer personalized guidance.
Promoting Responsible Skincare:
To safeguard yourself from the harmful effects of social media skincare trends, it is important to adopt a responsible approach to skincare. Here are some tips to keep in mind:
Verify credentials: Before following skincare advice from an influencer or self-proclaimed expert, research their qualifications and credibility. Board-certified dermatologists and trusted skincare professionals should be your primary sources of information.
Read labels: Always scrutinize the ingredient lists of skincare products you consider using. Familiarize yourself with potential toxic chemicals and opt for products with safe and proven ingredients.
Listen to your skin: Pay attention to how your skin reacts to new products or practices. If you experience any adverse effects, discontinue use immediately and consult a dermatologist.
Prioritize evidence-based information: Seek out reputable sources, such as scientific studies, professional skincare journals, and trusted skincare authorities, for accurate and reliable information. These sources undergo rigorous scientific scrutiny and provide evidence-based recommendations.
Consult a dermatologist: If you have specific skin concerns or conditions, it is best to consult a qualified dermatologist. They can assess your skin's needs, recommend appropriate treatments, and guide you towards safe and effective skincare practices.
Embrace a holistic approach: Remember that skincare is not solely about the products you use. It also encompasses lifestyle factors such as a healthy diet, hydration, stress management, and adequate sleep. Taking care of your overall well-being will contribute to healthy skin.
Educate yourself: Take the initiative to educate yourself about skincare ingredients, common skin concerns, and the science behind effective skincare practices. This knowledge will empower you to make informed decisions and protect yourself from potential harm.
While social media platforms can be valuable sources of inspiration and connection, it is crucial to approach skincare trends with caution. Viral skincare practices and products promoted by self-proclaimed experts and dermatology doctors on platforms like TikTok may not be safe or reliable. Many of these trends involve the use of products containing toxic chemicals or encourage harmful practices that can damage the skin. To prioritize your skin's health and safety, it is vital to seek information from trusted sources, such as board-certified dermatologists and reputable scientific studies. By adopting a responsible approach to skincare, you can protect yourself from the risks associated with harmful social media skincare trends and maintain a healthy, radiant complexion.
Olivia Dawson is a renowned skincare expert and writer with a passion for debunking beauty myths and promoting safe and effective skincare practices. With over a decade of experience in the industry, Olivia has gained extensive knowledge in dermatology and skincare. She holds a Master's degree in Cosmetic Science and is a licensed esthetician. Olivia's expertise lies in educating individuals about evidence-based skincare, helping them navigate through the overwhelming world of beauty trends and products. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, Olivia aims to empower her readers to make informed decisions that prioritize their skin's health and well-being. Through her engaging writing style and dedication to promoting responsible skincare, Olivia has become a trusted voice in the beauty community.
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How Collagen Supplements Work?
Collagen supplements seem to be taking the world by storm. They have become a notable candidate in the protein supplement market and are quickly rising to the top of the list regarding what supplements people are buying.
Despite the rise in its popularity, there are many questions around for instance what collagen supplements are, what they do, and whether they work or not.
There have been lots of reliable studies, and some results have been very encouraging. 
Your body is filled with cells that have specific jobs to keep your system working smoothly, Fibroblasts are cells with a significant job: They produce collagen.
In order to make things happen, fibroblasts need access to amino acid building blocks—such as the amino acids glycine, proline and hydroxyproline.
Collagen supplementation gives your cells the amino acids they need to continue doing what they do best: make more collagen.
You’ll usually find collagen supplements in powder form like Ikigen serves to its customers, called hydrolyzed collagen peptides—another name for collagen protein powder. “Hydrolyzed'' means the collagen has been broken down into a smooth, light powder that is easier for your body to digest and use.
Collagen is linked to several health benefits. Some of these have been heavily researched and can be backed by scientific evidence,
Some of the claimed health benefits with studies to support them include:
Skin health: A large number of people who take collagen supplements do so for the benefit of their skin. Collagen supplements can help slow down the ageing process by improving skin elasticity, boosting moisture levels and reducing wrinkles. A study published in the Journal of Medical Nutrition and Nutraceuticals and a similar study conducted by the Department of Dermatology, University of Kiel, Germany confirmed collagen supplements are beneficial to skin health, The study revealed several women who drank a collagen supplement containing hydrolyzed collagen, actually showed significant improvements in their skin's hydration and elasticity.
Cellulite Reduction: a large number of women over the age of 20 suffer from cellulite, and many supplements have been tried to find one that can reduce the orange peel appearance of the skin. One study of women with moderate cellulite took marine collagen peptide for six months. They showed a significant decrease in the degree of cellulite and reduced skin waviness on their thighs. The study reported the collagen treatment worked in average weight and overweight women.  
Bone Strength: As we age, it’s not only our skin that loses its strength and structure. Our bones are made up of collagen and its production decreases, making bones weaker. A study revealed taking marine collagen can help prevent bone deterioration. The combined supplement may also improve bone mineral density to reduce the risk of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. 
Digestive Health: People who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) may benefit from collagen supplements. Some amount of research has been completed in this area.
Heart Health: Atherosclerosis is a disease caused by the build-up of plaque inside the arteries. A small six-month trial of marine collagen peptide could reduce the incidence of atherosclerosis with a reduction in artery stiffness and reduced levels of bad cholesterol.
Muscle mass: We lose muscle mass as we age, but a doctor may diagnose sarcopenia if a patient suffers significant muscle loss and strength. A study of elderly men with sarcopenia was given 15 grams of collagen while completing a 12-week exercise program. They gained notably more muscle mass and strength than men who only exercised. 
Mental health: Some people claim collagen supplements have improved their mental health by decreasing anxiety and improving mood. A study has found collagen can protect brain cells against amyloid-beta (Aβ) proteins which are linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers have also linked glycine and schizophrenia. Around one-third of collagen is made up of glycine, a non-essential amino acid. Which can improve general psychiatric symptoms and improve sleep.  
In conclusion, collagen supplements do have some health benefits, and the results from the studies sound promising.
Also, the available result has not shown any side effects in people given collagen supplements, which is proof of its safety and harmlessness.
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lezaabiotech78 · 2 days
Lezaa Biotech: The reliable partner among top pharma franchise companies in Haryana
Indian pharmaceutical industry has grown incredibly over the last decades. Today, Indian pharma stands out as a global leader in manufacturing and exporting quality medicines. The booming industry has seen Haryana as a key region for pharmaceutical growth with a fertile landscape for pharma franchise businesses. Of these companies ranked as leaders, leading at the top of the list is Lezaa Biotech, recognized as the top pharma franchise company in Haryana.
In this blog, we are going to see why Lezaa Biotech is your best partner if you want to enter the pharma industry through a franchise model. Why Haryana Is A Good Option For The Pharmaceutical Business. Benefits Of Joining the Lezaa Biotech Network. Why Go For A PCD Pharma Franchise Business?
Based on the advantages, let's discuss why Lezaa Biotech is a good option. But first, know the advantages of choosing PCD (Propaganda Cum Distribution) Pharma Franchise model. PCD is one very trendy and profit generating model in the pharmaceutical industry. It is an opportunity to initiate a business with minimum investment with the help of a well-established brand name. Here is why it is a good option:
Low Investment, High Return: The greatest advantage of a PCD pharma franchise is low investment compared with any business venture. The franchisee can enjoy the parent company's existing range of products so that considerable R&D expenditure is not required.
Monopoly Rights: Most of the PCD pharma companies offer monopoly rights. In this, you have the exclusive rights to sell their products in a specific area. This reduces competition and allows the customer base to develop because of loyalty.
Marketing and Promotional Support: A franchise company provides detailed marketing and promotional support with material like brochures, sample products, visual aids, and gifts for doctors to be established in the market.
Wide Array of Products: The franchise companies offer a broad range of products which can be offered and served to the market's needs by the franchisee.
Lezaa Biotech: The Best Pharma Franchise Company
Lezaa Biotech has continually redefined benchmarks in the pharmaceutical world in terms of quality, affordable pricing, and availability across various therapeutic segments. It has emerged as the top pharma franchise company in Haryana due to its tremendous efforts dedicated to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction.
Here's why Lezaa Biotech should be your top priority from the list of pharma franchises:
1. Strong Portfolio of Over 300 Products
Lezaa Biotech boasts of one of the strongest portfolios of over 300 products encompassing a cross-section of numerous therapy areas including but not limited to;
Pain management
With such a wide product portfolio, franchisees can cater to the ever-changing health requirements and specific needs of different customer segments. Continuous innovation in product formulations puts Lezaa Biotech at the pinnacle of industry trends, ensuring that its partners always enjoy an edge in terms of market competitiveness.
2. Assured Quality Standards
Quality has formed the back bone of operations of Lezaa Biotech. The company follows its quality control principles and adheres to the WHO-GMP as standards for all production of the company. All products are stringently tested to ensure they meet the criteria of safety, efficacy, and both national as well as international quality marks.
Any pharma franchise relies heavily on the quality of its products to be able to gain the confidence of the doctors and their patients. Holding the high standards for the quality of the product has guaranteed Lezaa Biotech, the best choice among doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies not only in India but also in Haryana as well.
3. Monopoly Rights of Exclusivity and Business Freedom
As one of the top pharma franchise companies in Haryana, Lezaa Biotech offers monopoly rights to its franchise partners. This would mean that its franchisees will have exclusive rights to sell and distribute the products of Lezaa Biotech within a specific geography, thereby ensuring less competition and having a better grip in the market.
Monopoly rights will not only stabilize business but also enable franchisees to get close to doctors, health care providers, and pharmacies without anxiety of being confronted with head-on competition in their territory.
4. Marketing and Promotional Support
The company understands good marketing strategy, so it offers extended promotional support to its franchisees. From the key promotional material tools consisting of brochures, sample kits, and product catalogs, through digital marketing support, the company provides all these tools to its partners in order to increase their business value.
The support also involves promotion events and seminars and conferences that assist with brand building by allowing the franchisees to network with industry professionals, seek insight into the market, and keep updated on pharmaceutical advancement.
5. Low Investment, High Margins
One of the reasons for which Lezaa Biotech holds the position as one of the best pharma franchise companies in Haryana is by virtue of having an economic franchise model. Entrepreneurs can start a Pharma franchise with the lowest investment and simultaneously reap benefits from attractive profit margins. Clear-cut business policies, tied with timely delivery of quality products, ensure steady revenue growth for its partners.
It is a highly rewarding business venture for the ambitious entrepreneur since the company provides Lezaa Biotech affordable pricing packages and offers several promotional schemes to empower its franchisees to generate the highest possible returns.
6. Rigorous Training and Support
Lezaa Biotech does not only propose a business opportunity; it rather equips its franchisee for success. The training from the company for its franchisees is of comprehensive as well as continuous nature that takes into account problems such as product knowledge, methods of providing customer service, and strategies to manage a business.
Besides knowledge of the firm's business plan, franchise partners are also equipped with knowledge on regulatory compliance, licensing, and the best practice for conducting a successful pharma business. This support not only places franchisees at par with the competition in the market but also increases their market share in the long run.
Haryana: Pharma Industry Growth Hotbed
Haryana has emerged as one of the very important hubs in India for the pharmaceutical world. With the favorable policy from the government, a well-skilled workforce, and excellent infrastructure, the state offers vast growth opportunities for pharmaceutical companies and franchisees.
The innovative programs in place by the Haryana government to promote this pharma sector include tax incentives, streamlined licensing procedures and investment into the field of research and development. It is attracting a huge number of pharmaceutical companies for manufacturing units, distribution centers, and even franchise businesses within the state.
As a robust chain of Haryana franchisees, Lezaa Biotech helps to access the growing market easily. It provides an excellent opportunity for its franchisees to invest in this growing region and gain satisfactory returns based on the demand for high-quality products in the healthcare industry.
How to Get Associated with Lezaa Biotech to Become One of the Best Pharma Franchise Companies in Haryana
To get associated with the top pharma franchise company in Haryana, one has to follow the following step to begin the journey with Lezaa Biotech:
Contact the Company: One can get in touch with Lezaa Biotech through its official website or by contacting them over the phone to convey interest in franchisee partner status.
Discussion of Terms: The company would discuss terms and conditions of the franchise related to product portfolios, pricing, marketing support, and territory rights with the client.
Submission of Documentation: Documentation requirements include business registration, GST number, and any license that may be required.
Sign the Agreement: Once you see the terms, you can sign the franchise agreement wherein mutual responsibilities and expectations would be embedded.
Launch Your Franchise: Once formalities would be completed, you shall get product samples, marketing materials, and other continuous support from Lezaa Biotech in order to launch your franchise.
Lezaa Biotech have always been one of the leading pharma franchise companies in Haryana, with constantly providing high-quality products, excellent support, and profitable business to its franchises. With all the enfolded product lines and affordable investment options also with strong marketing support, associating with Lezaa Biotech will surely be a successful and sustainable business over time in the pharma chain.
Whether you are an experienced pharma expert or an emerging business person, Lezaa Biotech is the place that will provide you with exactly the desired platform for which you would have the capability to grow and thrive in the growing pharmaceutical market. Take your first step toward business success by joining hands with Lezaa Biotech today!
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Skincare Solutions with The Aesthetic Sense: Unlocking the Power of Luliconazole Lotion and Medicated Products
In dermatology and skincare, finding practical solutions to combat fungal and bacterial infections is essential for maintaining healthy, radiant skin. At The Aesthetic Sense. we are committed to offering top-quality products that address a wide range of skin concerns. From Luliconazole Lotion to medicated soaps like Coro Care Cetrimide, we aim to provide effective treatments that support dermatologists, skincare enthusiasts, and potential franchise partners in offering the best skincare.
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Understanding Luliconazole Lotion
Luliconazole Lotion is a potent antifungal treatment known for suppressing and eliminating fungi responsible for skin infections. As an azole antifungal, it works effectively against conditions like tinea pedis (athlete's foot), tinea cruris (jock itch), and tinea corporis (ringworm). These infections can cause red, itchy, and scaly rashes that can spread across different body parts. Luliconazole, with its superior formulation, provides fast relief by reducing symptoms and addressing the infection's root cause.
Whether you're a dermatologist seeking a reliable solution for fungal infections or a skincare enthusiast looking for an over-the-counter remedy, Luliconazole Lotion is a versatile and powerful tool to restore your skin's health.
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Best Antibiotic Creams for Skin Infections
Bacterial infections are another common skin issue that can cause irritation, redness, and discomfort. Topical antibiotics are crucial in treating these infections, offering quick and effective results. Here is a list of the top 10 antibiotic creams for skin infections in India, ideal for treating fungal, bacterial, and other microbial skin concerns:
Fucidin Cream
Mupirocin Ointment
Clobeta-GM Cream
Zydip-C Cream
T-Bact Ointment
Derma-Cure Cream
These creams are commonly used for skin rashes, bacterial infections, and other microbial skin disorders. Their application is simple and highly effective, offering a convenient and rapid solution to skin infections.
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Experience Protection with Coro Care Cetrimide Soap
For those looking for superior skin protection, Coro Care Cetrimide Medicated Soap is a go-to solution. Infused with Cetrimide, a powerful antiseptic, this soap helps prevent bacterial contamination while ensuring deep cleansing.
Cetrimide is widely recognized for its ability to combat bacteria and reduce the risk of infections. By maintaining the skin's natural balance, this soap provides additional protection for everyday hygiene. Whether dealing with sensitive skin or looking to maintain optimal cleanliness, Coro Care Cetrimide Soap offers a gentle yet effective option.
At The Aesthetic Sense, we take pride in offering a wide range of skincare solutions, from Luliconazole Lotion for fungal infections to Coro Care Cetrimide Soap for daily protection against bacteria. We aim to support dermatologists, skincare professionals, and franchise partners in delivering the best skincare. Whether you're looking for the best antibiotic cream for skin rash or a reliable cetrimide soap, our products are designed to address your needs with the highest standards of quality and care.
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Leading Derma Franchise Company: Top Benefits and Opportunities
Want to make your pharma business a successful venture? Partner with Derma 360, the best derma franchise company for dermatology products in India. Visit our website to learn what makes our derma medicine PCD company stand out from the rest. In addition, get an insight into the list of products we offer to our derma PCD pharma franchise partners. Contact us to know how you can partner with us today!
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routinebby · 10 days
Thayer's acne serum
Thayer's moisturizer
Already have Adapdalene
Mention a (mild, compared to proper dermatology care) chemical exfoliant (at 16:00) that is 25% AHA and 2% BHA - since the Thayer's acne serum already has 2% salicyclic acid and niamicide which is also in the Cicapair, and bc scars really won't be treated all that well without a doctor, I can be happy just with the products I've listed above.
only maybe the Cicapair color correction
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dermacareglamris · 26 days
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esuplianusha · 1 month
ATTITUDE Foaming Hand Soap for Kids, Plant and Mineral-Based Ingredients, Vegan Personal Care Products, Blueberry
When it comes to personal care products for children, parents are increasingly seeking options that are safe, effective, and environmentally friendly. ATTITUDE Foaming Hand Soap for Kids in the delightful Blueberry scent ticks all these boxes and more. This 10 Fl Oz bottle of hand soap is specially designed to cater to the delicate skin of children, using plant and mineral-based ingredients. In this article, we will explore the benefits of this vegan personal care product and why it is a great choice for your family's hygiene needs.
Safe and Gentle Ingredients
One of the standout features of ATTITUDE Foaming Hand Soap for Kids is its use of safe and gentle ingredients. Traditional hand soaps often contain harsh chemicals that can irritate sensitive skin, especially in children. ATTITUDE, however, formulates its products with plant and mineral-based ingredients that are free from harmful chemicals such as parabens, sodium laureth sulfate (SLES), and artificial fragrances. This makes it an excellent choice for parents who prioritize their children's health and well-being.
Plant-Based Cleansers
The primary cleaning agents in ATTITUDE Foaming Hand Soap are derived from renewable plant resources. These plant-based cleansers are effective at removing dirt and germs without stripping the skin of its natural oils. This ensures that your child's hands remain clean and moisturized after each wash. Moreover, using plant-based ingredients helps reduce the product's environmental impact, making it a sustainable choice.
Mineral-Based Ingredients
In addition to plant-based cleansers, ATTITUDE incorporates mineral-based ingredients that provide additional benefits. Minerals like calcium and potassium help maintain the skin's natural barrier, promoting healthy and hydrated skin. These ingredients work in harmony with the plant-based cleansers to deliver a gentle yet effective handwashing experience for children.
Hypoallergenic and Dermatologically Tested
Children's skin is more sensitive than that of adults, making it crucial to choose products that are hypoallergenic and dermatologically tested. ATTITUDE Foaming Hand Soap for Kids has undergone rigorous testing to ensure it is safe for all skin types, including sensitive skin. The hypoallergenic formula minimizes the risk of allergic reactions, providing peace of mind for parents.
Delightful Blueberry Scent
One of the challenges of getting children to wash their hands regularly is making the experience enjoyable. ATTITUDE addresses this by offering a delightful Blueberry scent that kids love. The natural fragrance is derived from botanical extracts, avoiding synthetic chemicals that can cause irritation. The appealing scent encourages children to develop good handwashing habits, promoting better hygiene practices.
Eco-Friendly and Sustainable
In today's world, sustainability is a key consideration for many consumers. ATTITUDE is committed to reducing its environmental footprint by using eco-friendly practices and sustainable ingredients. The foaming hand soap is packaged in a recyclable bottle, and the company emphasizes transparency by listing all ingredients on the label. Additionally, ATTITUDE products are certified by ECOLOGO, an environmental certification program that ensures products meet stringent sustainability criteria.
Vegan and Cruelty-Free
ATTITUDE Foaming Hand Soap for Kids is also vegan and cruelty-free, aligning with ethical consumer values. The product contains no animal-derived ingredients, and no animal testing is conducted during its development. This commitment to cruelty-free practices is an important factor for families who are conscious of animal welfare and ethical consumption.
Effectiveness in Cleaning
While safety and sustainability are crucial, the primary purpose of hand soap is to clean effectively. ATTITUDE Foaming Hand Soap excels in this regard. The rich foam produced by the soap is easy for children to use and ensures thorough coverage of their hands. The combination of plant and mineral-based ingredients effectively removes dirt, grease, and bacteria, leaving hands clean and fresh. The foaming action also makes it easier to rinse off, reducing water usage.
Easy to Use and Kid-Friendly
ATTITUDE Foaming Hand Soap is designed with kids in mind. The pump dispenser is easy for small hands to operate, and the foaming formula is fun and engaging for children. The bright and colorful packaging appeals to kids, making them more likely to use the product willingly. By turning handwashing into an enjoyable activity, ATTITUDE helps instill good hygiene habits from an early age.
Positive Impact on the Environment
ATTITUDE's commitment to the environment goes beyond just the ingredients and packaging. The company is dedicated to reducing its carbon footprint and promoting sustainable practices throughout its supply chain. By choosing ATTITUDE Foaming Hand Soap for Kids, you are supporting a brand that prioritizes the planet's well-being. This aligns with the growing consumer trend of making eco-conscious choices in everyday products.
ATTITUDE Foaming Hand Soap for Kids in Blueberry scent is an exceptional product that combines safety, effectiveness, and sustainability. Its plant and mineral-based ingredients provide a gentle and thorough cleaning experience, while the hypoallergenic formula ensures it is suitable for all skin types. The delightful Blueberry scent and kid-friendly design make handwashing an enjoyable activity for children, encouraging better hygiene practices.
As parents, choosing the right personal care products for our children is a responsibility we take seriously. ATTITUDE Foaming Hand Soap for Kids offers peace of mind by delivering a product that is free from harmful chemicals, environmentally friendly, and effective in promoting cleanliness. By incorporating this vegan, cruelty-free hand soap into your family's routine, you are making a positive impact on both your child's health and the planet.
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cardiatic-care-blog · 1 month
Premier PCD Pharma Franchise Companies in the Cardiac and Diabetic Segment
The cardiac and diabetic sectors significantly contribute to the growth of India's pharma industry, with India ranking third globally in manufacturing and exporting these medicines. The global market for diabetes drugs was valued at USD 66 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 118 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 6.67%. This rising demand has seen most leading cardiac diabetic PCD Pharma firms in India expand their business in the cardiac diabetic PCD franchise business model. 
That is why if you are looking for some of the leading Cardiac Diabetic PCD companies you are exactly where you need to be. However, we present below some of the best companies based on factors such as certifications, the variety of products offered, quality, packaging, prices, and profit margins in the Cardiac Diabetic Franchise Market. 
List of Top 5 PCD Pharma Franchise Companies For Cardiac Diabetic Range
If you are a pharma professional seeking information about the leading Cardiac Diabetic PCD Companies in India offering high-quality, affordable products with unchallenged production facilities, we have outlined a brief list of such companies. This list will help you in selecting the most appropriate partner for the Cardiac Diabetic PCD Pharma Franchise.
Cardiatic Care 
Cardiatic Care is a renowned Cardiac Diabetic Company in India that has offered its health products, especially the cardiac and diabetic segments since 2016. It is one of the leading PCD franchises functional under Neurocon Inc. and stocks more than 100 Patented products that have been approved by DCGI. Presently the company is accredited with ISO and there is rigor to provide excellent customer relations and increase product turnover.
Prioritizes satisfaction with transparent deals.
FSSAI and DCGI-certified products.
An ISO and WHO-approved cardiac and diabetic company.
Provides more than 100 diabetic and cardiac products at low prices.
Medications are prepared under medical direction.
Contact Details: 
Phone Number: +91 9501801421,  +91 8146662777
Address: SCO- 47/1, First Floor, Samadhi Gate, Old Ropar Road, Manimajra, 160101, Chandigarh
Servocare Lifesciences
Servocare Lifesciences is one of the leading cardiac diabetic PCD Franchise Companies that was founded in the year 2005 in India and deals in high-quality medicines. It aims to build a disease-free society and to provide support to pharma personnel through franchises in the cardiac and diabetes segment. A highly experienced team of professionals with over 40 years of experience Servocare is an ISO company, which offers various products approved by DCGI and FSSAI. The company has other production facilities in different countries an indication of its substantial international market outreach. 
Life Vision Healthcare
Life Vision Healthcare, a leading cardiac diabetic PCD company in Chandigarh, has a line of pharmaceutical products that off both Orthopaedic Nasal Drops Anti Diabetic Gynecology/ Pediatrics Gastroenterology Cardiac & Dermatology. This company has over 1000 FSSAI and DCGI-certified products in its portfolio has a strong PAN India distribution network and it works with over 250 pharma clients. With quality service delivery, especially observing timely delivery and embracing modern technology, Life Vision Healthcare upholds strict quality standards and has a vast distribution network. 
Sanify Healthcare
Sanify Healthcare is one of the leading Cardiac Diabetic PCD companies in India which deals in more than 300 products of pharma franchise at reasonable prices. The company also operates manufacturing facilities of WHO, GMP, and ISO certified for producing the highest quality products with beautiful packaging. To deliver the ranges of diabetic, ENT, gynaecology, cardiac, pediatric, and antibiotics, Sanify Healthcare offers monopoly rights and promotional tools all certified by DCGI and FSSAI. The production is also operated with modern technology for the products to be delivered on time with a guarantee of delivery across the country.
Neuracle Lifesciences 
Neuracle Life Sciences is one of the prominent pharmaceutical firms having its subdivisions as Biopolis, Micropolis, and Infertility. The company has a large portfolio of DCGI and FSSAI-approved products such as antidepressants, antiepileptics, antipsychotics, anti-addiction, antispasmodic, anxiolytics and more. They have over 300 products through license manufacturing and are also involved in neuropsychiatry. They have a well-trained skilled R&D department that deals with new formulations and have a warehouse for the storage of drugs. 
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bizzybloger · 1 month
Reliable, Safe, and Effective: A.S. Pharmaceuticals’ Derma Solutions
When it comes to skincare, choosing products that are not only effective but also safe and reliable is paramount. At A.S. Pharmaceuticals, we are dedicated to delivering dermatological solutions that meet the highest standards of quality and efficacy. Since our establishment in 1998, our focus has been on providing reliable, safe, and effective products that cater to a wide range of skin concerns. Here’s how A.S. Pharmaceuticals ensures that our derma solutions stand out in terms of reliability, safety, and effectiveness.
Reliability You Can Trust
1. Proven Formulations
Research-Driven: Our products are developed based on the latest scientific research and advancements. Each formulation undergoes thorough testing to ensure it meets the highest standards of efficacy and reliability. By staying at the forefront of dermatological research, we provide solutions that are both innovative and dependable.
Consistent Results: Reliability in skincare means delivering consistent and predictable results. Our formulations are tested to ensure that they perform reliably across different skin types and conditions. This consistency helps build trust with our customers, who can depend on our products to address their skin concerns effectively.
2. Comprehensive Product Range
Tailored Solutions: A.S. Pharmaceuticals offers a diverse range of dermatology products designed to address various skin issues, from acne and eczema to anti-aging and fungal infections. This extensive range ensures that you have access to reliable solutions for multiple skin concerns, all under one trusted brand.
Quality Assurance: Every product in our range is manufactured under stringent quality control measures. We monitor every step of the production process to ensure that each item meets our high standards of reliability and performance.
Safety First: Our Commitment to Your Health
1. Stringent Quality Control
Manufacturing Excellence: Safety is a top priority in our manufacturing process. We adhere to rigorous quality control protocols to ensure that every product is safe for use. This includes selecting high-quality ingredients, maintaining a clean and controlled manufacturing environment, and conducting comprehensive testing.
DCGI Authorization: Our pharmaceutical products are authorized by the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI). This certification reflects our commitment to meeting stringent regulatory requirements and ensures that our products are safe, effective, and compliant with industry standards.
2. Ingredient Transparency
Safe Ingredients: We carefully select ingredients known for their safety and efficacy. Our formulations are designed to be gentle on the skin while delivering powerful results. We prioritize transparency in ingredient listing, allowing our customers to make informed choices about the products they use.
Allergy Testing: To ensure safety, many of our products undergo allergy and sensitivity testing. This helps minimize the risk of adverse reactions and ensures that our products are suitable for a wide range of skin types.
Effectiveness That Delivers Results
1. Targeted Solutions
Effective Ingredients: Our products are formulated with active ingredients known for their effectiveness in addressing specific skin concerns. Whether it’s reducing acne breakouts, soothing eczema flare-ups, or minimizing signs of aging, our solutions are designed to deliver noticeable results.
Customer Satisfaction: The effectiveness of our products is reflected in the positive feedback and satisfaction of our customers. By focusing on delivering real, tangible results, we help our customers achieve their skincare goals and enhance their overall well-being.
2. Continuous Improvement
Ongoing Research: We are committed to continuous improvement and innovation. Our team regularly reviews and updates our product formulations based on the latest research and customer feedback. This commitment to evolving and enhancing our products ensures that we remain at the cutting edge of dermatological care.
Feedback Integration: We actively seek feedback from our customers and partners to refine our products and services. This feedback loop allows us to address any concerns and make necessary improvements, ensuring that our solutions remain effective and relevant.
Why Choose A.S. Pharmaceuticals?
1. Trusted Brand
With over two decades of experience, A.S. Pharmaceuticals has established a reputation for delivering reliable, safe, and effective dermatological solutions. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction has made us a trusted name in the industry.
2. Comprehensive Support
We offer extensive support to our partners and customers, including product education, marketing resources, and ongoing assistance. This support helps ensure that our products are used effectively and that our partners can successfully promote and sell our solutions.
Experience the A.S. Pharmaceuticals Difference
A.S. Pharmaceuticals is dedicated to providing dermatological solutions that combine reliability, safety, and effectiveness. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction ensures that you receive products you can trust for your skincare needs.
Explore our range of high-quality derma solutions and see how A.S. Pharmaceuticals can help you achieve healthier, more radiant skin. For more information about our products and how we can support your skincare journey, visit our website or contact us directly.
Join us in experiencing the difference that reliable, safe, and effective dermatological care can make. With A.S. Pharmaceuticals, you can trust that you are choosing the best in skincare solutions for yourself and your customers.
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11 Best PCD Pharma Company List
The pharmaceutical enterprise in India is a sector exploding with development and opportunities. The preliminary work of the best PCD pharma company is to provide a broad range of healthcare products and promotional materials. Since their focus is on innovation and client satisfaction, they are a great partner for franchises that sell pharmaceutical items, choosing them as the partner provides stability, the lowest price, and support. Here, you will get the list of the 11 best PCD pharma companies in India under different segments like general care range, dental care segment, dermatology segment, and many more, read thoroughly to know more.
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