#Despite this
canon-gabriel-quotes · 7 months
May your something be something... and your... something something- Sorry, are you single? Haha
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dailymanners · 1 month
IF it can be helped at all, stay home when you are sick to prevent your illness from spreading to others, even if it's not a "serious" illness and is just a common cold, a common cold can still be really detrimental anyone with a weakened or compromised immune system from conditions including, but not limited to, leukemia, HIV, and hepatitis. And you can never know if one of your co-workers or a customer or a random stranger at the store has or lives with someone who has one of these conditions.
Not everyone can help it, some people risk losing their job if they call in sick, and not everyone has someone they can call on to run to the store for essentials while they're sick.
In these cases at least consider wearing a mask while you're in public so as to prevent spreading your sickness to co-workers / customers / random strangers you encounter while out in public. There are several cultures where even pre-COVID times it was considered rude to go out in public without a mask even if you had a simple cold because of it being inconsiderate to spread your sickness to others.
Now, if it can be helped at all, if you have a job where you can call in sick without losing your income, or if you have a job where you can work form home, or if you have anyone at all you can call on to run to the store for you to grab essentials, use that!
"Oh but I don't want to inconvenience my co-workers by having them down a person today, what if they really need my help?" You know what's going to inconvenience them more is when you make everyone at work sick, and some of them might either have a compromised immune system or live with someone who does.
"Oh but I don't want to inconvenience my friend by asking them to grab some essentials from the store for me while I'm sick!" You know what's going to be more inconvenient is when you spread your sickness to that dad you stood in line behind at the store who has a child at home withe leukemia, or a spouse with HIV.
And again, of course not everyone has an option. Some people risk losing their income if they call into work sick, or they don't have anyone who they can call on to get essentials from the store for them. But again, at least consider masking up to mitigate the risk of spreading your illness to vulnerable people who could be seriously harmed by even a common cold or mild flu.
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macbeth-s · 2 years
the 1899 wikipedia page is petty & passive agressive as hell and im living for it
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i-am-trans-gwender · 15 days
Even though Beetlejuice's black and white tux is his most iconic outfit in the original movie he only wears it for five minutes during the climax. For most of the movie he wears a long coat and ratty pajamas.
Despite this it's the outfit he wears in the movie poster, the cartoon, video games, comics, theme park appearances, the musical, the crossover with Teen Titans Go and the sequel.
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ericas-spop-blog · 1 year
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Most people live for love and admiration. 
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But it is by love and admiration that we should live. 
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If any love is shown us we should recognize that we are quite unworthy of it. 
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Nobody is worthy to be loved. 
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The fact that God loves man shows us that in the divine order of ideal things it is written that eternal love is to be given to what is eternally unworthy. 
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Or if that phrase seems to be a bitter one to bear, let us say that every one is worthy of love, except him who thinks that he is. 
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Love is a sacrament that should be taken kneeling,
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and Domine, non sum dignus 
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should be on the lips and in the hearts of those who receive it.
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-Oscar Wilde, De Profundis, 1897
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mmpi-3 · 4 months
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This is one of my favorite lines from Homestuck, but it coming from Eridan and the context in which it was said makes it a bit hard to take seriously.
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imissthefire · 1 year
finally turning 22 and getting to blast ts's 22 has restored so much of my life force
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door · 5 months
agatha agate has a little spot on the top of her head where her fur is white and it’s very thin and the pink of her skin is a little bit visible all the time. turns out she can get sunburnt there
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so now she has this stupid hat.
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ionomycin · 5 months
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ref photo by @jawsstone
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thelastfriendly · 5 months
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So as it turns out James Somerton did in fact fake his suicide note, and did a bunch of other stuff in the meantime
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lucdoodle · 7 months
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thought that one Alastor scene would look cool in comic lettering, so i drew this
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mikonez · 6 months
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i-am-trans-gwender · 26 days
Despite what the Simpsons claims there is a cane in Citizen Kane.
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spookypanda04 · 2 months
I can't. Not till I get off shift at approximately 7am.
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nameless-network · 2 months
the lengths i would go to for neil cicierega to upload his older albums on spotify are insane. like im not saying id kill someone but if that were the conditions id have to heavily consider
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clownsuu · 26 days
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God I love the insane amounts of d r i p Stanley just casually wears
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