#Die you're the smartest bitch I know
bengals-barnesbabe · 2 months
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Mission Report: pending…
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Black!WidowReader
Description: Part 2 of You’re My Mission
Upon returning to DC, Red finds out the truth about her capture. She makes sure they never underestimate her again.
Warnings: Violence, Corruption, Nomad!Steve, Angst, Reader being a Bad Bitch (I said it)
Word Count: 2.9k
You're My Mission | Main Masterlist
The slam of the metal door wakes you out of your brief slumber. Opening your eyes, the brightness of the room has you wanting to put your head back down. Attempting to stretch the clang of the metal cuffs attached to your right arm causes you to groan in pain. Before you can complain to the man in the room a picture is thrown on the reinforced desk. 
“Good morning Red. Of course, you wouldn’t know that because you haven’t seen the sun in what a week?” A smug female voice belonging to a brunette announces. 
“At least I’m not chained to Fury’s hip like a bitch. When’s the last time he let you out without adult supervision?” A harsh smack flies across your face causing a satisfied grin to grow across your lips.
“Enough.” The pirate says pushing the image forward. “You stole a collection of highly classified files the last time you paid us a visit, now if you want more than the dog shit they’ve been feeding you. Tell me what the KGB needed them for.” He sat across from you spreading out the pictures from your OP along with the folders missing their precious files.
You look up at him, “Am I supposed to look at the patch or the twitching eye?” 
“Who did you sell the information to, Agent Reyes?”
You shrug at the mention of your past cover. “Reyes didn’t sell them to anyone, Red on the other hand. Well, she had a deal with the devil back then. Who else would want to know about SHIELD’s secret prison in the middle of the Pacific, especially the basement level filled with lots of fun toys.” 
Hill slaps down a picture of Barnes and Romanoff. “You should start talking or your precious soldier will pay the price.”
You scoff and spit on their files. “If you think I won’t let both of them die then you’re very mistaken. If you want information out of me, don’t give me baby offers. Between us, we both know the price you’d pay to keep your stupid organization from burning to the ground again.”
Fury leans back in his seat before standing and pulling his lap dog out of the room. “Send in the Captain.” 
Finally some fun.
Outside the room, Steve stands watching you through the one-way mirror. “That didn’t go well.”
The director scoffs, “She’s a black widow, they never do.” Then he struts off. 
“She knows what she’s doing, Nat told us they’re trained to always be the smartest in the room. She’s been working us for weeks, every time we go in we come out with less information. Get this our file on her- blank, even Nat’s had some of her past missions. Red’s a ghost and we’re running out of time.” Maria huffs.
Steve turns to her and nods. “How long?”
“72 hours, she probably knows how this entire compound works. She’s going to retaliate at any moment, this is fun to her. Good luck.” When the captain goes back to the window, she locks eyes with him and smiles, then as if she can see through the glass she blows him a kiss.
Steve shakes his head and enters the room. “Hi beefcake, haven’t seen you in a while. 4 days maybe.” She tilts her head, causing an unsettling feeling to creep up his spine.
“Something like that, let’s talk about something else today.” He joins her at the desk and places her file down on it.
“To what do I owe this pleasure?” She gestures for him to sit.
He coughs to disrupt the chuckle in his throat, then opens the file. “Our files on you are empty. The only people who know more than intelligence are Natasha and Bucky. And everyone thinks you’re going to escape in less than 72 hours.”
You smirk. “So what are you going to do about it?”
“I’m going to give you your deal.” You can’t help but snort out a laugh.
“You are going to make a deal with me? What could you possibly have that I want? Heroes don't make much money in any job, what’s your offer, Steven?”
“I disabled all coms and video from the room, it’s just us Red.” The soldier leans over the table and takes hold of the chain holding your arm. Your eyes don't leave his as he finds the loose bolt and faulty cuff. He smirks letting go and sitting back in his seat. “72 hours huh.” You shrug.
“24 hours, get as far as you possibly can and never come back.” He whispers, raising your brows.
“No.” His nostrils flare at your response. “You want me gone for a reason, but not a good enough one. I want more.”
He sucked in his teeth. “I can get you a million and a safe house if you leave tonight.”
You smirk and take the pen from his jacket pocket. “You want me gone, this is what it takes. If you can’t fulfill, the world’s going to find out just how dirty their Captain is. I wonder what James’ll think.” You write down your final offer and shove it towards him. He stops it before it flies off the table and opens the folder.
He scoffs. “You’re joking.” You just sit back in the chair and tilt your head.
“Your move Cap.”
“It’ll take me a while to get all 10, Stark’s not just going to bat an eye at that much going missing. No one knows, not even Nat. No communication of any kind to him. I’ll come by tonight with everything, just sit tight.” He breathes standing from the desk.
You grin up at him. “If you need some help with the money, I’m sure James could help you. See you tonight Nomad.” You wink. “Oh and tell Natalia I wanna have a chat.”
 Leaving the room, Steve turns and Natasha stands there pissed with her arms crossed.
“I hope you know what you’re doing.” She warns.
Steve frowns, “Clearly I don’t. She won’t say anything, she just sits there and laughs every time I go in. No one’s gotten anything out of her, maybe you should go in.” He requests feining his disgruntled persona.
The widow shrugs, “Then you should go, this won’t be pretty.” She rolls up her sleeves and goes into the room. Steve nods but decides to watch from the outside.
When she walks in, you don’t look at her, instead deciding to twist off the last bolt of your chains silently. 
“Look at this, the Red Widow, I can’t say I’m shocked that we’re here again. I mean you always seem to be below me, first in the ranks and now you’re my prisoner.” She darkly chuckles before shutting the lights off.
 “This’ll be fun.”
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Bucky is on his way back from a mission when it happens. 
He spent 3 days tracking down your old handler for information only to find out he put a hit on you years ago. He started making calls the minute he got to the safe house, every single one of your potential employers had cut their ties to you. It wasn’t recent either, when you were released from the Red Room you’d gone after anyone could find. They sent agents after you and got them back in bags. Everything SHIELD had been feeding him was a lie, it didn’t take much for him to find out the truth meaning they knew all along. They wanted you alone and he was on the other side of the world. 
Barnes quickly abandoned his mission after that, making haste to get back to the compound before it was too late. Too bad he could hear the blaring alarms from the jet. By the time he got to the containment center, it was just an empty room with red flashing lights. It wasn’t lost on him that no one else was in the vicinity, but before he could tear some agents a new one, a glare reflected on the mirror from inside the room.
Now he could tell the room wasn’t only red because of the lights. Fresh blood stains on the white walls and marble floor led to the flipped-over desk with the object that created the glares. He crouched down to the desk, a knife embedded in the metal and writing indented in its handle. 
“What’s it say?” 
Barnes pulls the knife out and faces his friend. “Where were you?”
The captain lets out a yawn that lacks lethargy and stretches his arms out. “I’ve been in bed for a few hours, last mission really tested my limits. You know how it is.”
James nods, unconvincingly. “You check the security feed? Fury said something about bringing you in before it cut out. What happened Steve?” 
The man shrugs his shoulders. “Buck, I haven’t been down here since that first interrogation. No one called me, I had no idea what was going on until the alarms started going off.” Bucky glazes over the writing on the knife once more before passing it over.
Steve furrowed his brows. “This isn’t Russian, she didn’t write this.”
Bucky shakes his head. “Survive. I gave it to her on our first mission. Romania 2005, it was a long-distance kill mission. There were no nerves in sight, just pure determination on her. I realized on that mountain she was different, she wasn’t doing it just because it was her job. It was her chance to prove to Dreykov that she was better in every way compared to Romanoff. I carved the word and tried to tell her that life wasn’t about that, but her mind was set on becoming his first hand.”
“She still took the knife, that’s gotta mean something. Look, there’s something else on the other side.” Steve flips it over. “Romanian I’m assuming.”
“Pentru iubitul meu cu inima rece.”
'for my cold-hearted lover'
“It’s not nice, is it?”
*bold was said in Russian*
“You did well.” The soldier glanced at the shivering girl before punching in the code to the safe house.
“I knew what I was doing. I didn’t need a babysitter.” As soon as the door was open, she shoved him aside and strode in. He shook his head falling in suit then turning on the lights and generators.
“I know, you said it clearly on the mountain. I was just backup in case your location was leaked, not supervision.” He began to strip his heavy gear off and noticed the girl on the other side of the room was still shivering. He picked up his jacket and walked over to her.
“Widow’s don’t feel pain, I don’t need your pity.” She shrugged him off and sat on the couch.
He exhaled enough to notice his breath in the air. “The heat won’t kick in for a while and I don’t pity you y/n.” He placed the heavy jacket around her shoulders.
“Iubit cu inima rece.” She huffs under her breath.
The soldier snorts and sits next to her. “You picked that up quickly, a bit harsh though.”
“It’s the truth, that’s who you are. Aren’t you soldat?” She turns to him and their eyes lock. His crystal blues spot nothing hostile in her remarks.
“My guess is as good as yours, dragă.” A soft grin peaks on her lips. 
“I know who you are.” His gaze drops to her lips, and when it lifts hers are on his lips as well.
“Who am I?” Their faces are so close she feels the words as they leave his pout.
“You’re my cold-hearted lover.” He smiles and claims her with his lips.
“So?” The Captain drags his friend out of his dreamscape.
“I need to find her. Where’s Romanoff?” The soldier tucks the weapon away and marches out of the cell towards the elevator at the end of the hall.
“Bucky wait!” Rogers takes off after him and makes the elevator before it closes. “There’s something you need to know.”
Bucky scoffs because he already knows. He knows his best friend better than anyone in the world- all the worlds. At the end of their conversation in the cell, his resting heart rate was 35 bpm while at the beginning it was around 90 bpm. Athletes are known to have lower resting rates because of their agility, same goes for super soldiers. The average person has a resting heart rate of around 60 to 100, so for Steve’s to be that high when he was supposedly ‘fresh out of bed’ means he knows more than he’s letting off.
“Nat was the last one in the cell.” Bucky gestures for him to go on. “A couple of hours ago, she went in to talk, but she underestimated her. Y/n was armed and unchained. Nat barely made it out alive.” The doors open to the medical bay, they walk over to the first room and there sits a bloodied and battered Black Widow. At least he was honest about that.
“This where you were when she escaped? Cleaning your girlfriend’s wounds?”
“Buck, no one knew she’d be able to get out so easily. She could’ve left weeks ago if she wanted, but she stayed just to enact her revenge on Nat. She planned this, every part. She even hit Stark.” Barnes raised a brow.
“10 million dollars in shares and revenue was stolen from Stark Industries hours before her escape. He’s been trying to trace the hack, but nothing has come up. It just disappeared.”
So the plan was to speak to her quietly, move the money using Hydra tactics then conveniently make the containment center empty after Natasha’s attack. Not how he’d go about aiding her escape, points for creativity though.
“That true?” He asks as the wounded widow sees them.
She rolls her eyes but nods. “I went in to give her a taste of being home, but she was on me before I could do anything. I hate to say it, but her techniques were brutal. The last time I was injured this bad it was you.” She locks eyes with Bucky for a moment before he looks away. 
“She used everything you ever taught her. Her chains wrapped around my neck, knife to the side, she used anything she could get her hands on. The best thing was everything was nonlethal.” She ends with a light laugh that turns into a cough.
“Okay that’s enough, you need to get some rest.” Steve helps her to her feet and walks her to the threshold Bucky stood at. “Wait.”
She puts a hand on his metal arm, it’s the one part of her body still pale. “Before I blacked out she said, ‘Я выжил.’ I guessed that was meant for you.” Then the couple walked off.
I survived.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Driving up to the once very family-friendly home, made the rumbling from the bike cease to sound. Old memories of you and him playing house, being happy, pretending that love was real flooded your mind until you parked his bike. None of it was real, there’s a reason it’s called puppy love. He thought you could stay with him in his brickstone forever. Now he's lost you again. 
You enter the vacant home and quickly find the closet you hid your stash box in. Opening the box you’re relieved the soldier hadn’t found it himself. Passports, IDs, a money clip, burner phones, keys, and a matchbox. You dump everything into a carry-on and then find a change of clothing. It’s not that you don’t want the smell of the Black Widow’s blood on you, because it ignites every cell in your body. But the people at the airstrip would think otherwise, no matter how much you paid them. 
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you study the look, but it’s missing something. You open one of the drawers of the dresser and find what you’re looking for. 
Jackie Odom, the sexiest 60 in water wave wig. She was missed heavily.
You check the time before moving to the bathroom. 
01:24 AM 
He’ll be here any minute. You quickly release your neglected curls from their elastic prison, dunk them in water, and attempt the fastest braid down in your life. 
By the time you leave you've accomplished two things: saying goodbye to the old and hello to the new.
01:30 AM
From a hill deep in the woods, you can see the soldier and his tag team of heroes with flashing lights and loud sirens. The men in uniform go in as the men out of uniform stand in front of the house engulfed in flames. His bike front and center had already taken the most damage. A full tank of gas will do that for you. Your soldier looks to the woods almost like he can spot you from behind dark clouds and oak trees. You smirk and turn to walk away. 
“Can I open my eyes now?” You whine as you feel the car stop.
“Nope, let me help you out first.” James’ voice hadn’t flinched from its giddy enthusiasm the entire 27-minute car ride. After a year on this assignment, you might miss that golden tone. Might.
“Perfect distance between the compound and the city, equipped with a state of the alarm system, motion sensors next to every potential exit, and a bunker that would make most agencies jealous.” He was like a kid in a candy store, giving you all the ammunition needed to take care of him.
“What do you think?” You smiled and let him continue with the house tour. 
You stayed for 6 days. You gave him 6 days of joy, love, and lust. When he went to bed that seventh night, you raided the bunker, wrote him a note and left.
“Until next time, James.” Then you sped off into the distance.
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
likes, comment and reblogs are welcomed and treasured ♡
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skylark325 · 1 month
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint Read Through
Ch 101-120
Beginning: Ch1-10
note: there’s a lot of cursing in today’s update so sorry about that, was just losing my mind over this damn book
"I agree. Did you see all the stars above his head? He is a monster."
> truly horrifying
"Are you going to kill me?" "I'd like to but Master will be sad."
> lmao jihye a real one
"Did you come with Yoo Joonghyuk?" "Huh? Why does ahjussi know everything?"
> clears throat dramatically
i’ll take this dokja.
you see he’s ga-
The lieutenant lifted the man with one hand and threw him to the other side of Han River.
> lmfao HYUNSUNG?????? 🤣
> why is everyone either in love with dokja or wants him dead. and then there’s yjh…
There was slight disappointment in Yoo Joonghyuk's eyes as he replied, "You don't seem to know a lot this time."
> bitch he’s doing his best 😭
"…Kim Dokja?" The surprised Yoo Joonghyuk looked down at my fallen self.
> ah when the suicidal dokja trauma started 😭
I smiled at Yoo Joonghyuk and told him, "Hey, kill me. You usually want to kill me."
> this hurts a lot worse after dkos 😭
"Wait Kim Dokja! It isn't too late." "It is too late." "It isn't!"
Yoo Joonghyuk made an expression that I hadn't seen for a long time. It was the expression he made when he first saw me on the subway. "I can't do it."
> why must y’all do this to me
i can’t do this nahsjejsjddjdn the suicidal dokja trauma is hitting me too
My vision blurred. I could see Yoo Joonghyuk trying to stop the bleeding but I had already lost too much blood.
> ok so like i know this a super sad moment…but tell me why this is giving y/n
Then I saw a person with a fearsome aura behind Shin Yoosung. 「 "I'm going to kill you, Shin Yoosung." 」
「 "…That guy." 」
「 "He is my companion." 」
Didn't this bastard know I was going to be resurrected?
> Dokja…istfg THINK
[The constellation 'Bald General of Justice' is blushing at your companionship.]
> oh i see you fellow fujo
> trust dokja to think the death of his companion would make yjh try to earn more coins
「 "Why call him a companion? Is it because he sacrificed himself for you? Just because of this?" 」
> and cuz he’s hot. i mean the sacrifice thing too but mostly cuz he’s hot af
「 "Then what about me and the others? Jihye unni and Hyunsung oppa. Seolhwa unni? What the hell are the people who fought with you?" "I… I don't know what you're talking about."
"There is only one thing I know." Yoo Joonghyuk wiped the blood from his lips and said. "You killed my companion in this round. Thus, you will also die." 」
are you telling me…after all this time
yjh is actually a softie
wtf i’m crying
I was fooled by his acting. Yes, I read Ways of Survival for this taste. Come to think of it, I had been in tears when Yoo Joonghyuk said something similar to Lee Hyunsung.
> dokja my life my love plz stfu 😭
「 "Die. I will kill you." 」
> guys he’s so sad he’s going on a murderous rampage 😭
「 "Is it worth it for me to live?" 」 「 "Then what is the value of this life?" 」
I looked around and saw my scattered items and clothing. It was lucky that no one had taken them. I started putting on my clothes when I heard an eerie voice behind me. "…Kim Dokja?"
> uh oh
I carried the injured Yoo Joonghyuk on my shoulder and rushed towards the frozen Han River.
> he’s princess carrying him. i know i was the han river
"So you also live that way, Shin Yoosung." "…What?" "If you want, I will bear your hatred."
> oh my god the character development 😭
At least, until the voice of the intermediate dokkaebi was heard. [I'm sorry but that's a bit difficult.]
> wait
[Incarnation Kim Dokja. You are the smartest and scariest out of all the incarnations I know.]
> yesss he is
A black aura rose from disaster Shin Yoosung's body. I hurriedly shouted, "Wait! What are you doing?"
[The personality of the character 'Shin Yoosung' will be fixed to 'evil'.]
"You have failed." "Don't touch the child." I hid the young Shin Yoosung behind my back. "I won't forgive you if you touch this child." Yoo Joonghyuk glared at me. "There is no other way."
> oh god make it stop
why are things spiralling
Who could swing a sword after seeing those eyes? The woman who wandered for over a thousand years and suffered. I had to kill her now.
"…Don't worry about me." Yoo Joonghyuk spilled blood on the floor as he stood beside me with the Splitting the Sky Sword.
> “dw bout me” leaks like a kool aid box
"Do it properly, Kim Dokja!" "I'm doing it!" "Dammit…"
hey look if you got it then your mind’s filthy just as mine
Blood fell. I stared into Shin Yoosung's face. Just like in Ways of Survival, Shin Yoosung was smiling. I realized that she deliberately allowed herself to be hit by my sword.
> why am i putting myself through this again
The Judge of Destruction. 10 days later, Jung Heewon was much more restrained than I knew. She lightly patted my shoulders and moved. "Leave it to me and take a break."
The archangel Uriel chose Jung Heewon as an incarnation.
> my bby has great taste fr
> i’m so sad about this fight but holy shit heewon is so cool
Yoo Joonghyuk turned around at these words. Then Yoo Joonghyuk's inner thoughts were conveyed to me. 「 I will get revenge for you. 」
> i don’t know what to say
dammit i hate good writers. they make me feel so much
[Intermediate dokkaebi 'Paul'. You shall be arrested for violating the Star Stream regulations.]
[You will lose the achievement points of all the scenarios you have built up and will be demoted to a low-grade dokkaebi after your punishment…]
[The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' is looking at the intermediate dokkaebi 'Paul'.]
[The constellation 'Prisoner of the Golden Headband' is chuckling at the intermediate dokkaebi 'Paul'.]
[The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is mocking the intermediate dokkaebi 'Paul'.]
> i love them just ganging up on fuckass paul
[Yes, the dokkaebi who reported you is Bihyung.]
> W Bihyung
[Dokkaebi Bihyung. He is a very good dokkaebi. Look at his humility. He has the integrity of a streamer who ignores everything and immerses himself in the scenarios. It is different from you and the dokkaebis who only wear luxurious clothing.]
> I…yes exactly bestie is the best. look at them gassing him up 🤩
Bihyung had a shy expression on his face. He didn't know that his poverty would help him in this way.
"I want a solo meeting with the intermediate dokkaebi Paul."
> OH I remember this
My fists descended towards the pale Paul. The damn scenarios I experienced so far passed through my head.
"I-I am outside the scenario! You can't earn coins by doing this! It won't benefit you!"
> fucking capitalist
The executive dokkaebis didn't like streamers. The executives who evolved from constellations were good at fighting but had no talent in leading the scenarios.
> upper management is the same no matter what species huh?
> the way new dokkaebis keep needing to replace official ones cuz dokja keeps messing around XD
Surprisingly, Yoo Sangah had already drank four bottles of soju.
> damn sangah heavy weight confirmed
It was clearly a face free of makeup but it was hard to find any blemishes. Yoo Sangah slowly leaned towards me. Her face was getting closer and closer.
> wait
wait wait WAIT
> fucking hell wine dude
> oh right the underworld arc
The person who died in the first scenario, Delusional Demon Kim Namwoon was in Hades' domain.
> oh no
the high schoolers back
I could see how good Bihyung was at handling things. He just slightly lacked intelligence…
> did…did he just call bibi stupid
[The king is uncomfortable with your sudden visit. That's why I thought it would be better for me to talk to you.]
> does he have social anxiety
I didn't know why the goddess of another country knew so much about Korean mean.
> maybe she’s into kpop? i know more than i should too XD
I was really confused.
> dude same. the censoring is harsher than chinese men kissing on tv
[I keep thinking this but… you look delicious.]
> she calling him a snack?
> oh never mind she calling him a meal
"You can call it a courtship." […Huh?]
> kdj just be flirting with everyone huh
is this revenge for yjh running off with lsw
[Hrmm, it is difficult. This is why males are…] "Of course, it isn't courting you but courting the Father of the Rich Night."
> this man is so gay
My heart felt pained. She must've been waiting for a long time. Even so, this child had to wait longer.
I looked at her sleeping face and recalled Persephone's image. Then my face became hot. … By the way, the Chinese dress and garter belt… it was really great.
>… ok bi king
I looked around with a sigh and saw the King of Wanderers. She was watching me without saying a word. I could see a slight smile below her half mask.
> 🙁
The moment I broke the biscuit, one side of the tent exploded and the self-styled president of Yeouido fell down with a scream.
> so fucking dramatic JUST USE THE FRONT DOOR
I thought the second one would be me so I was naturally surprised. Well, I originally wasn't his companion so his other party members might be disturbed if he called me first. He might look cold but he looked after his people. I could understand that sentiment.
> oh you poor poor thing. you don’t know how badly you fucked up last night
The confused Lee Gilyoung was stunned for a moment but he stood in front of Shin Yoosung like he made a decision.
> adorable
…Then what about me? Why was he looking at me like that? I belatedly chased after him but Yoo Joonghyuk was already gone. How long did I stand there?
> oof rejection hurts doesn’t it buddy
"Ahjussi, didn't you meet with Master last night? I thought you would be the first on the list…" "What do you mean?" "Last night Master said he was going to see you?"
> this is literally out of a miscommunication fic
"That's strange? He definitely went to find you. He was also a bit angry when he came back."
> oh my god author you’re making this too easy
[The constellation 'God of Wine and Ecstasy' is making a playful expression.]
> fucking hell dude my ship is in danger because of you
"Companions, I think I understand." Lee Hyunsung unexpectedly interrupted. "Come to think of it, I would also feel offended if I saw Kim Dokja doing that."
> hyunsung bestie wanna share something with the class?
"…Yes? Why would Hyunsung-ssi feel bad?" Lee Jihye looked like she was going to get a nosebleed.
> lee jihye i know what you are
"Um… it make sense." Jung Heewon agreed. [The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' is disappointed with her incarnation.]
> lmfao not everyone built for that fujo life uriel
I took a deep breath before saying to the King of Wanderers. "It has been a long time, Mother."
> ugh i’m not ready for this emotional roller coaster
"Do you know the book called the Underground Killer? It was previously on the Kyobo bestsellers list."
> ouch it was a best seller?
Yoo Joonghyuk stood next to me and said, "You came."
> kdj: you called
"You have a woman you love." "…What?"
> yjh: you’re straight
kdj: huh???
Yoo Joonghyuk stared at me quietly and said, "Certainly, I don't care if you die."
> you were losing your mind telling him it’s not too late when he had a hole in his body
yjh feels so much more fleshed out as a person and not just a emotion less machine is insane. god damn i love this book
previous: ch93-110
beginning: ch1-10
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twoidiotwriters1 · 10 months
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Tough day for bad bitches -Danny Words: 2,097 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'Home' -by Catie Turner
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XLII: Local Dumbass Knew What She Was Getting Into and Did It Anyways
The last time she dreams of Percy, Ara just opens her eyes and he's there, sitting cross-legged on his bed. He doesn't speak at first, just studies her with curiosity. 
She knows it's him and not a made-up Percy, someone has allowed them to see each other earlier than expected.
"You look like her..." he tilts his head. "But are you really..?"
Ara sits up on her bed, but she moves carefully, afraid to wake up if she makes the wrong move. "Percy, where are you?"
The boy looks around the room ignoring her question. "This is your place?"
"Our place," she knows Percy got his memories stolen just like Jason, so she starts with the basics. "When your mother adopted me, I asked if I could share a room with you just the first few months, cause I'd never slept alone," she tears up a bit. "Now I sleep alone all the time, here and in camp."
Percy smiles. "You are Ara, my sister, right?"
Percy calls her sister all the time, she was used to it already, but it's been months since they last spoke, months since they saw each other, and yet she is still a sister to him.
"I think someone wants us to talk," Ara continues, trying to keep it together. "Dunno what they want us to say."
"You sound kinda different from what I remember," Percy's eyes brighten. "You've been eating your veggies, Birdy?"
Ara abandons her bed in an instant and Percy hugs her as soon as she reaches him. The contact feels so real it makes her sob. She gasps. "I should kick your ass! You've had us worried!"
"I'm not having a blast out there either, you know?" He scoffs, squeezing her smaller frame tighter against him. "But I'm happy to see you, even if you look different."
She holds his face and looks at it hungrily: he also looks different, his features are sharper and he appears to be stronger now, judging by how she struggles to get out of his grip. "Tyson was close to finding you and then he lost track—"
"It's a long story," Percy cuts in. "But I promise you're close to finding me."
"I promise," he insists, squeezing her shoulder. "Trust me."
"I always do," Ara pouts. "Don't die, Nemo. Or I'll force Hades to spit you out, just so I can kill you myself."
He laughs. "You got it, General."
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I speak to Kronos's army using my charmspeak. "As the last child of Olympus, I carry the duty of defending it."
I lift the javelin and pray to any god that's listening to help me out, cause I really need to make an impression, and before anyone has enough time to doubt the reasoning of what I've said, I throw my spear at a Hyperborean. 
I watch him fall, then seize my compass and turn it into Almighty. I raise the sword over my head and scream. "FOR OLYMPUS!"
The monsters are pretty frantic, so Pollux has no problem keeping the hallucination going. I charge towards their army and when Chiron concludes Lily and I have no intention to slow down, he decides to distract Kronos.
My plan also works on most of the demigods from the enemy army. I can't blame them, Achilles never spared a soul, so running away is the smartest choice here. 
Pollux's power isn't strong enough to fool the monsters for long though, so they probably see just a blur, and they can't decide whether to run or stay. 
I jump off of Blackjack when we get close enough to the monsters. He rises from the ground with Pollux holding onto him and I land on top of Ethan Nakamura. As soon as I touch him, he screams in realization. "It's a trap!"
An arrow flies over my head, Lily has stopped a dracaena from ripping my head off. I get up and kick Ethan's stomach for good measure. I use my charmspeak again. "Give up!"
If I hadn't been blessed by my mother in advance, my reach wouldn't have gone as far as it does. The monsters closer to me drop their swords, and some get on their knees begging for mercy. Arrows come down flying all around me, evaporating the monsters on the spot. 
I run forward and a monster tackles me, but then a miracle happens:
Nico Di Angelo's arrival is enough to split the crowd. He's wearing black armor that, to be honest, makes him look really cool. He lifts his sword and kills the monster that has me pinned on the ground. 
I thought I'd failed to convince Hades, and even though I hadn't said anything to Lily, I'd assumed he was determined to let us die. I guess I was wrong. "Sorry for the delay," Nico helps me up. "But I know it's never a good idea to steal the spotlight from an Aphrodite."
It's the first time in days that I manage to smile. "Thank you."
"Son of Hades," Kronos sneers at Nico. "Do you love death so much you wish to experience it?"
"Your death," the boy replies, lifting his sword again. "Would be great for me."
"I'm immortal, you fool! I have escaped Tartarus. You have no business here, and no chance to live."
Nico and I share a look and he picks Almighty from the ground, handing it back to me. "You're gonna kill him, or what?" He asks me casually.
Kronos notices me at last. Luke's eyes haven't looked in my direction in so long, that it hits me like a ton of bricks. It's weird 'cause he doesn't look any different, just... worn out.
But I, on the other hand, am a whole other version of myself.
"You," he seethes. "This is the last time you disrespect me."
"Yeah," I adopt a fighting stance. "It is."
The ground quivers under our feet and skeletons spurt out of every crack, seizing monsters without warning. 
"Drop your weapons and retreat!" I yell, Nico, Lily and I move together. "You're done!"
"HOLD YOUR GROUND!" Kronos screams. "The dead are no match for us!"
"The dead are not the ones you should be worried about, old man," Lily says, aiming two arrows in his direction.
Hades shows up riding his spooky chariot. "Hello, Father. You're looking... young."
"Hades," Kronos glares at him. "I hope you and the ladies have come to pledge your allegiance."
"I'm afraid not," The god looks at Lily, Nico, and me. "My son and his friends convinced me that perhaps I should prioritize my list of enemies." His eyes Percy. "As much as I dislike certain upstart demigods, not all of them are deserving of oblivion. It would not do for Olympus to fall. I would miss bickering with my siblings. And if there is one thing we agree on—it is that you were a TERRIBLE father."
Kronos shortens the magical barrier and leaves most of us out, only a small group remains in it, and my brother is one of them. 
"NO!" I run towards it and Hades does too, but we're both pushed away.
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"Are you serious right now?"
"Lily, he knew about Camp Jupiter before any of this happened and he never mentioned it!"
"If Chiron couldn't, what makes you think Nico could?" Lily leaves her dagger on Ara's nightstand and gets up. "His new sister is Roman, right? Perhaps he was afraid to lose his family again if he talked."
"So you're saying I shouldn't tell Annabeth about it?"
"Gods, no! She's having meltdowns left and right! She'll murder Nico! My sister's already way too pressed about the delays, don't freak her out more."
Ara scoffs, obsessively folding and unfolding the clothes she's planning to take on the quest. "I'll murder Nico when I see him—no wonder he never stayed here, he knew Jason would recognize him, that asshole..."
"Hey..." Lily stops her. "You can't be mad at him for wanting to protect his sister..."
"And where is his loyalty to us?" Ara demands grumpily. "He owes us."
Her friend stops her from folding more jeans and shorts. "Are, whenever he visits you're always fighting. You promised Hades he'd be welcomed with open arms—"
"He's the one who continues to act like we're out to get him! If he were nicer—"
"Ara!" Lily stomps her foot in frustration. "You always do this! You push Nico and me into the crowd, telling us it's easy because you have no problem doing it, but it's not fair!"
"You wanna talk fair?" Ara argues. "Nico saw us dying with worry every day for the last six months and said nothing!"
"What could he tell you that Jason hadn't? And being fair, Ara, after you met Leo you left camp like it wasn't important to supervise us anymore, like you'd gotten what you wanted from us so the rest didn't matter."
"I'm sorry?" The girl glares at Lily. "I care about this camp more than you seem to know, Lily. Unlike Nico, who only cares about his reputation!"
"How can you say that after what he did for us during the war?"
"He tried to kill my brother and felt guilty when it didn't work!"
"It wasn't his plan and you know that!"
"I don't wanna go over this again," Ara rolls her eyes and turns away from Lily. "I've got other things to worry about..."
"Like your prophecy?"
Ara freezes. Annabeth must've told Lily about it, so there is no point in asking how she found out. She wonders how long Lily sat with this information, letting it boil until she could spit it out. 
"I was going to tell you," Ara says quietly.
"I doubt it."
"I was going to tell you once I knew what it meant," she clarifies.
Lily starts to leave the room. "You're unbelievable, and I'm done."
"Don't do that!" Ara follows her out. "Why do you have to turn every conversation into a test? Every time I choose wrong, you treat me like I'm still small dumb Ara!"
"Because you keep hiding stuff only to tell us about them at the last second so we have no chance to stop you! You've always been like this, and that's why no one thought you'd be a good leader!"
Ara comes to a halt at the top of the staircase. "Did you?"
"What?" Lily stops midway down the steps.
"Did you think that as well?"
"It doesn't matter," Lily's eyes are cold, like two pieces of sharpened ice. "You move faster than I can think. I struggle to keep up and you don't care if I'm still grieving. Nothing's been enough for you since you became the daughter of Olympus."
"If you could believe in me for just a second, maybe I wouldn't need to do everything on my own."
"I believe in you," Lily's grip tightens on the handrail. "Learn the difference between concern and distrust, Strategus. Whenever you do something foolish is like you don't understand how lucky we are to have—"
"No," Ara replies, anger seeping through her words. "You are lucky to have survived, I worked hard to get here. I earned my place as Olympus's General, don't you dare say I'm here out of mere luck."
Lily looks up at her, eyes darkening. "You used Michael and I to crawl your way up, and you barely made it out," she turns and keeps going, quickly reaching the bottom of the stairs.
Ara stays at the top of the staircase, her chest tight and her head pounding. A girl calls her name downstairs and she immediately rushes down, thinking it's Lily.
She finds Annabeth instead.
"What's wrong?" Ara asks anxiously. "Not another delay?"
Annabeth's eyes are bright and eager. "Get your things. We leave in an hour."
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My parents wake up and start fighting, which is something I never thought I'd see, but they're doing a pretty good job. Kronos runs to the entrance of the Empire State, and I lock eyes with Percy.
Clarisse and Chiron are out of the fight, and Annabeth and Thalia are trapped inside the border with him. I see him fall to the conclusion that I must do the one thing he can't.
"You're in charge," he shouts. "Don't make me regret it!" Before leaving, he tells Mrs. O'Leary to look for Chiron under the debris. 
Lily and Nico stand by my side, weapons ready. "Heard him loud and clear," Lily nudges my arm. "So you better do something."
I nod, taking a deep breath. "Hermes, Hephaestus—Take the mortals to safety!" The campers start pushing the people out of our way. I turn to the demigods that are left. "We end the war today," I lift my sword. "Camp Half-blood!"
Cheers and cries of war respond to my call. I roar a second time. "Praise Hades!"
Lily and Nico echo my cry, and some campers repeat it as they charge against the army of monsters. Nico's dad shines brighter, and he attacks Kronos's barrier with renewed force.
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Next Chapter ->
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wack-ashimself · 7 months
Liking the first season of 'Torchwood' BUT...
See, I knew of the show 10 years ago. Watched some of it. Hated it. Forgot about it. But was watching like top 10 most shocking tv deaths (or something like that) and they had season 4 (did NOT know they had that many) of 'Torchwood' on there, saying how the latter two seasons were SOLID AF compared to the first 2 seasons.
And I am getting into it. On the 1st season finale. But I gotta say this show has so many plot holes (record setting for just 1 fucking season), and characters who make the wrong call EVERY TIME, you wonder...who am I supposed to cheer for? Cuz, by the numbers, Torchwood has hurt far more than it helped so far.
The lead-she cheated on her boyfriend (with EASE. It felt weird how easy it was for her being in a committed relationship), drugged him, erased his memory, lied to him, and then (Spoilers) got him killed. Also thru negligence, released an alien that killed a BUNCH of dudes.
The butler-he literally chanced cyber men taking over the world, and got an innocent genius doctor killed, cuz he was too much of a COWARD to let his clearly dying gf go.
Tech lady-She reads everyone's deepest darkest thoughts, then got mad when Jack sent an alien who had been murdering for centuries into the sun. She's not bad, per say, more...neutral. She's harmed the least, for sure. That's such a low bar, tho...
Captain Jack-The original reason I watched the show. I LOVED his character on Dr Who. But...this is not him. Not the same guy. Not the free spirited, happy, goofy, witty, always ready, near-god. No. This is an immortal having a mid mid mid life crisis cuz he's lived so long and WANTS to die. Seriously, cuz of his shit, and the lead's, this is like a partial drama. I will say, tho, he has had to make some TOUGH calls which did not make him well liked, but I respected him cuz you knew, deep down, it had to be done, and no one else was gonna do it*.
The doctor-In the finale I am on, he was fired. And I hope his character dies. I fucking hate him. I hate his face, his voice, his actions, his brain; everything. He convinces the noobie to cheat with him, after he basically mouth rapes her. He's angry ALL the time, yells at people thinking he's a genius when he's like the 3rd smartest. He 'falls in love' with a women, tries to demand her to stay, and gets all pity party after ONE WEEK WITH HER. Can you fall madly in love in a week? Sure. But suicidal and a threat to others cuz 'you're sad'? Go fuck yourself, you bitch. Oh, and he basically openly chooses to chance ending the world NOT because he wants to save his team mates (tho he claims that) but because he's tired of being a bitch to the time tear (or whatever the fuck they call it).
So...WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU CHEERING FOR? Jack is the only semi cool character, and he's still kinda an ass. They're ALL kinda...selfish, short sighted, fuckers.
But I will finish this series. Because, storywise, the themes and plots they got going, are HIGHLY original and almost always have 1-3 good twists I don't see coming. You don't understand: I have been exposed to so much media, I can predict most things I see within a short period of time (even whole movies from trailers). I'm SO good (or writing is THAT predictable) I actually can, based on context, guess, WORD FOR WORD some lines. Sometimes in real time. Not usually. But not too far off, either.
*I will say, the call the writers/show/characters are supposed to hate was Jack giving the child to the faeries. NO. GREAT call. Best call you could make. Every other call would have sucked. See-the girl was fucking evil. Sociopath. Straight up. Like the faeries. She hated everyone. Talked to no one, but the faeries. She was borderline evil. And the faeries straight up said if you don't give us the kid, we will kill en mass, starting with HER ENTIRE SCHOOL. And the girl WANTED to go. So...where's the problem giving up the kid? Her mom's sad? Who gives a shit. You just saved TONS of lives, an evil fucking kid is gone, and the fairies disappeared. Only one who really lose was the mom. Her long time boyfriend (he was an ass) and her kid: BOTH GONE, SAME DAY. That is cruel, but long run, genuinely, it's even best for her. Her boyfriend was abusing her kid behind her back, and her kid was cheering on the torture of kids. It's a win-win-win. Fuck you for trying to make me feel bad for him giving up the kid. She wanted to go, and I wanted her to go. Fuck her.
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johnnyraine · 2 years
Next to Me - Ch. 6
Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5
Warning for Blood and Violence!
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Words: 1,461
28th of January, 2023
~ stupid things I do ~
More so than ever, you are certain Aguni could beat you.
Cradling some ice to your face, you remember how quick Aguni’s punch was. You’ll admit that you kinda deserved it, what with you publicly calling him something close to a “fucking idiot,” for making Niragi your seemingly permanent partner. It certainly wasn’t your smartest moment.
Daisuke said as much as well.
That was two days ago, and still, you’re in pain.
You hear that stupid chuckle next to you.
Slowly turning your head, you see Niragi smirking.
“Something funny, Niragi?” You bite out.
“You’re still an idiot, Y/n,” He says with what you think is him being smug.
You don’t even try to hold yourself back.
“At least I’m not Aguni’s bitch.”
Before you confronted Aguni, Niragi was already getting shut down. He had also complained about you, but, seemingly like it was natural, Aguni did not care. And Niragi shut up about it. At least to Aguni anyway.
“What did you say?”
He looms over you.
“I said, at least I’m not bent over, taking it up the ass from my own boss, Niragi.”
You feel yourself smirking as he gets riled up.
“You think you're so great, huh? Didn’t Aguni beat you in one hit? I’m honestly surprised your dumbass hasn’t gotten yourself killed in some stupid fight.”
And your smirk is gone.
Honestly, he’s not far off. Before the Borderlands, you were able to keep your temper in relative check for years. But there were the rare times you snapped. Two of those times, you almost did die. But Niragi doesn’t need to know that.
“You’re still so fucking small, Niragi,” Your voice is cold. “You’re still that kid under a bridge, huh?”
Already, you know you went a bit far. You’re prepared for a fist, a kick, whatever he throws, even ready to grab his rifle should it move.
Your eyes flinch shut.
Never in your life have you ever been this fucking Pissed!
Niragi spit in your face.
Rage rushes through your veins, feeling the crimson heat burn your very being. He whips you in the jaw with his gun. Before you can fall, you grip his shirt, throwing him to the ground as well. Tasting blood, you hold it in your mouth as you scramble to your knees. Niragi gets to his knees and reaches for his gun, but you throw out your leg, kicking it away. Within his reach, he decks you, your head whipping back.
On your back, you blearily see his rage-filled face as he comes to punch you. But he pauses for a moment. You spit the blood at him, throwing him off.
Grabbing him again, you ram your head into his nose.
Niragi makes a sound as he falls back. You get up, blood pumping.
Towering over him, your wide eyes watch him clutch his nose, blood leaking through his fingers. Jaw clenched, you ignore the pain and look away. You awkwardly nod before trudging off.
Aguni stares at you and Niragi a lot.
It feels like glaring, but he doesn’t say anything. He stops pairing you and Niragi up, instead, giving you increasingly annoying partners.
After a few days of this, you're ready to snap someone’s neck.
“Do you want to wind down a bit?” Daisuke asks.
You’ve slowly stopped hiding at the Beach and started hanging out with Daisuke. A fairly good person in a sea of debauchery. You’ve also talked to Chishiya more. You even met his friend, Kuina. You recognize she has some muscle, either from working out or perhaps she’s a fellow fighter.
Back to the present, You think you a moment, “I’m not going to lose control of myself here.”
“I can make sure no one tries anything if you want to drink.”
Despite how you feel about him, you still narrow your eyes in suspicion. Daisuke faintly reminds you of Chishiya, but less of the “smarter than you,” and more of the “I want something.” Nothing bad, you feel, but you’re still suspicious.
“If you do not want to drink, you can party with others,” He says unfazed.
“Fine,” You say after a moment.
That night, you two go to the bar to wind down. Predictably, people are already there, some seemingly trying to drown in alcohol. What is an unwelcome surprise is the annoying militants and the rifle-toting man himself, Niragi.
“Perhaps we should drink somewhere else,” Daisuke says before you two are seen.
“Look whoo’s it, the guy Aguni Knocked out!” Some guy yells.
Vaguely, he seems familiar. But that’s not important right now. After a shitty day, the last thing you want is another annoying dick bothering you.
“Niragi! Can’t you control this thing?” These are the first words said between you two in days.
The guy becomes red, though that could just be his drunken self. When Niragi does nothing, the man seems to gain more confidence for whatever reason.
“Jus ‘cause you’re in the Militia doesn mean you’re one a us,” He says.
You stare at him for a long time. Then it hits.
“OH! You’re Ken-something aren’t you?!” You exclaim. “You haven’t been bothering people, have you? I could’ve sworn I said I’d “break your arm,” or “rip your fucking tongue out,” didn’t I?”
Up til this moment, you hadn’t realized the music wasn’t playing.
Ken-something is practically foaming at the mouth, “My name! Is Keiji!”
“I don’t care, Kenny.”
Before Kenny explodes, Niragi interrupts.
“You are so annoying!” He slams his gun into the bar, standing.
You feel your heartbeat start picking up. You two stand there for a moment before Niragi stalks off, Kenny and some of the other militants follow.
Sighing through your nose, you take a seat at the bar, ignoring the way the other militants look at you.
“I’ll have a-”
Another awkward drive.
Niragi’s driving and you’re in the back with three others. A tight squeeze.
Arriving at the venue everyone is forced to give up their weapons. After doing so, your group and another pile into the small one-room building. When the game is revealed, you can’t help but fist pump.
The game is called Room for Two: Within ten minutes, only use your hands to clear the room until only two people remain.
And the doors lock.
Taking a deep breath, you hold it, then let it out slowly.
Surveying the room, you register only two real threats, Niragi and some guy who would give Aguni a run for his money.
Staring at the big man, you utter only to him, "I am so sorry."
Within moments, you are able to make people realize that he is the biggest threat. After three minutes, he and three others are dead. A few people are fighting each other as those who freeze are snuffed out.
As the time runs low, your bloody and crazed self is seen as the biggest threat.
Four people rush you and you remember one of those times you nearly died.
"Fuckers! Fight fair!" You hypocritically shout, kicking a man in his nuts before decking him, knocking him out.
Someone wraps their arm around your neck, pulling you back. The two others start wailing on you, punching you in the face and stomach.
Gasping and choking out sounds, your vision fades. In desperation, you throw out a hand, poking one of them in the eye.
The other person winds back and is thrown to the ground.
Your narrow vision stops you from seeing the fist fly past you, knocking your strangler's head into the wall behind them.
You gasp as their hold loosens. Elbowing them in the stomach, you twist around and slam their head into the wall repeatedly. Glancing behind you, you see Niragi stomping on an assailant's throat.
Throwing the strangler’s corpse to the floor, you help Niragi finish off the last people in the room.
One minute, that's when the timer comes to a stop.
You and Niragi are drenched in blood. It covers your shirt but stains his. Your knuckles are raw, scraped, and bleeding. You’re both panting. Niragi has a nasty look on his face, glowering at the mess around the room.
Niragi turns to you, "Stop that, it's creepy."
You're shaking. Your face hurts, not from the hits, but from your wide grin. It was so exciting, you can't help it. All your previous fights in the Borderlands can't compare.
'Perhaps not the Tag game, though.' The thought passes quickly, though.
Watching Niragi, his stupid scowl, his fucked up hair and clothes. He's still giving you a nasty look.
You latch onto his hair. He makes an indignant sound, but you bring him closer.
And your tongue rolls over his, feeling a piercing you didn’t know he had.
← Chapter 5 - Chapter 7 →
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year
Ghostface Attacks(pt.1)
Series: Fondness | Scream
Paring: (Chad Meeks-Martin x OFC Hicks! Ethan Landry x OFC Hicks!)
Word Count: 1659
Warnings: language, mention of attack, overprotective Chad, Vince being creepy
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"You sure you don't want to stay the night?" Tara asks as Lexi gets up from the couch.
"You know how my mom is. I wish I could." Lexi gives her a sad smile, "Ask Amber. She's come over if you tell her about the liquor being unlocked."
"Yeah." Tara agrees with both statements Lexi said getting her stuff to head out.
"I still can't believe your mother left you here alone. I still stand by that she's a shitty mother." Lexi opens the front door.
"I'll be fine. Not the first time and you know that. I'll just make me dinner and watch something else." Tara holds the door open, "Text me when you get home, okay?"
"Of course. Love you." Lexi head out.
"Love you too." Tara watches her then shut the door going to make dinner and text Amber.
When Lexi gets home Wes pulls her into a hug, "You're okay!" He squeezes her tightly confusing her.
"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"
"Mom had to leave in a rush. There was a call about neighbors hearing screaming and house alarms coming from Tara's." He explains to her.
"What?!" She panics calling her mother to ask what's going on.
Turns out Tara was attacked by someone wearing a Ghostface mask and was in really bad shape from fighting back. They said she was fine and rushed into surgery.
"Why the hell are we at school? Tara is alone at the hospital." Lexi says sitting on the picnic table.
"Weren't you the last person to see Tara before the attack?" Amber looks over at her so Mindy and Wes do too.
"Yes, but I didn't attack her. I went home. Why the hell would I attack her? She's my best friend. I've been her friend a lot longer than you bitch." Lexi gets defensive.
"Calm down, Lex." Wes sighs as his phone rings getting up to take it.
"Stop staring at me." Lexi glares at Amber.
The two have never gotten along since Tara became friends with both of them. They never gotten along and never will.
When Wes comes back he says it was Sam that called and said she's coming to see Tara which makes Amber talk shit.
"All I'm saying is, with everything going on right now, I think it's time we take our relationship to the next, most intimate level." Chad and Liv walk over sitting at the table Lexi was sitting on she moves over.
"He wants me to accept his Find My Fam request." Liv says.
"It's the smartest option with a would-be-killer on the loose. You know exactly where I am and I know exactly where you are. For example, I know Lexi was walking home when Tara was attacked." Chad explains to Liv.
"Why were you stalking her? Why do you even have her?" Liv tilts her head.
"Because she my friend and I wanted to make sure she got home safely. Before anyone asks I knew Lexi was with Tara because she told me her plans." Chad makes that clear. "Also, your mother just interrogated me about Tara's attempted murder, which was very fun."
"I'm sure she's asking everybody. I mean, Ghostface is back." Wes tells him.
"The press still isn't saying Ghostface." Mindy tells him.
"Our mom doesn't want to cause a panic." Lexi looks at her.
"It'll get out by the second or third killing."
"Jesus, Mindy, there wasn't a first killing. Tara's alive." Amber looks at her disgusted.
"Mmm. I mean, she could still die. Or the killer could come back for her." Mindy adds.
"Fuck! Mindy, come on." Chad adds.
"Just arm up, okay? Pepper spray, check. Taser, check." Wes makes it clear.
"Girlfriend repellent, check." Amber says making everyone laugh but Lexi.
"Hey, Liv. Isn't that the guy you hooked up with last summer? Vince?" Lexi sees him.
"Yeah. He worked with me and Tara." She says.
"He worked with Tara?" Amber asks.
"He's been stalking my Instagram the last couple of weeks, posting the creepiest shit." Liv adds.
"He's been DMing me shit asking if I want to meet up with him." Lexi shows Liv the DMs so she makes a face.
"Probably time to introduce him to Hobbs and Shaw." Chad shows his muscles off.
"Maybe not the best idea to incite violence right in front of the sheriff." Liv says and Amber points out Chad's bruises and he says they're from football practice.
"Tara's awake. She just texted." Wes looks at his phone and everyone but Liv goes with him.
Everyone was glad to see Tara was doing okay and Lexi said she was sorry for going home so Tara told he it's not her fault.
Later when Sam showed up with her boyfriend everybody hugs Sam, "These are Chad and Mindy the twins. And Wes and Lexi the other set of twins. I used to babysit them all." Sam introduces them to her boyfriend.
"Which is always how I like to be introduced." Wes says making his sister laugh while Sam says hi to Amber.
They all leave but Sam to give Tara some rest, "I say we go play some pool." Chad suggests.
"Oh, yes. Because that's smart." Lexi rolls her eyes walking ahead of everyone.
"What's her problem?" Chad asks because normally they were always super close. Well until he started dating Liv.
"Guilty she failed at killing Tara." Amber smiles.
"She didn't attack Tara, Amber!" Chad shouts at her, "She wouldn't do that to her." Chad walks off going after Lexi.
"Why is he so defensive towards her?"
"Because they used to be best friends." Mindy sighs knowing why they aren't close anymore.
While Lexi gets to the car Chad grabs her arm, "Look, I know you're worried about a killer out there but if we all just stick together."
"I'll give you that but why go out when Tara was attacked? She my best friend." She looks back at the hospital.
"Thought I was?"
"You're one of them just like Mindy. I can have more than one best friend." Lexi explains to him.
"I get that but for many years I was at the top of the list. Now I seem to be at the bottom of the list."
"I wonder why? And whose fault that is?" She looks at him, "You, Chad. You started acting weird and drifted a bit." She says as the rest catch up so Wes and her get in the car and head off to where everyone wanted to hangout.
Everyone hangs out at the pool table while Lexi stayed in sight wanting to be alone. "Why aren't you with your little friends?" Vince walks up to Lexi.
"Because I want to be alone and you are ruining that for me. So if you could please leave me alone?" Lexi plays with her drink.
"Come on, let's go have some fun."
"Dude, I don't know you like Liv does with y'all summer fling. All I know is you're older than us which makes you a creep named Vince." She give him a smile, "Who is related to Stu Macher. I did my digging because you keep messaging me. Your mom was his older sister." She says as the group over some ways talk about suspects.
"I still say it's Lexi." Amber looks at Wes.
"Why are you looking at me?" Wes asks confused, "Look over at Lexi with the guy that hooked up with Liv." He says pointing over at her, "Wait." He realizes who was talking to her.
"Hey, uglier Michael Myers. Leave her alone." Chad walks over to where the two were.
"Sorry but we're talking. You were over there with Liv. You can have her because I found somebody better." Vince walks forward.
"Umm, no you didn't." Lexi makes a face.
"I don't fucking care if you two are talking. Clearly she doesn't want anything to do with you." Chad gets closer to him.
"Lex, come on, babe." Vince touches Lexi's arm.
"Don't fucking talk or touch her. I don't want to fucking hear your god damn voice." Chad pulls Lexi about of her seat away from Vince.
"Shut the fuck up." Vince pulls out she switch blade.
"Stop it." Lexi pulls in Chad arm, "Vince, please stop." She begs him as the bartender tells everyone to get out.
"Did you see that shit?" Chad turns to the group.
"I can't believe you. I didn't need your fucking help Chad." Lexi hits his arm before heading out of the bar.
"You didn't need my help? He was clearly bothering you." He follows her.
"Okay, but I didn't ask for your help. You acted like a protective boyfriend which is stupid because I'm not your girlfriend, Liv is. And he wasn't even bothering her. Liv, did you think he needed to step in?" Lexi looks over at her standing with Wes and Mindy.
"She's right. She didn't need your help technically. They were just talking and she looked like she made it clear she wasn't leaving with him."
"Seriously? You're taking her side on this? Wes? Mindy?" Chad asks them now.
"I know Lexi and she can handle herself, Chad." Mindy tells her brother.
"If she needed help she would have came to us." Wes says in his sisters side.
"Sorry I was being a good friend." He looks back at Lexi.
"Wes, let's go home." Lexi gets in the car.
At home it was just Wes and Lexi so she just makes herself a snack to take to her room. "Okay, what's going on with you and Chad?" Wes walks into her room.
"He's that started acting different so we're just not super duper close anymore." She turn on her tv which Wes stands in front of, "Move dude."
"No. What even happened for things to change?"
"How am I supposed to know? I don't share a brain with him." She huffs.
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transmasczeroone · 11 months
internalised transphobia is a bitch
I'm always so caught off-guard by how easily I can slide back into hating myself and wanting to deny my transness after seeing just a few posts from transphobes. It's not even based on logical reasoning. It isn't like I agree with anything they say, because none of it makes any damn sense, but it fosters a certain paranoia in me that is very difficult to shake.
Like, a transphobic blog was suggested to me (thanks tumblr??) and I decided to hate read it (not sure why. not my smartest move) and for a minute I was like "but what if they're right? what if I'm not a man? what if I'm just an unsatisfied woman, and the best thing for Feminism or whatever would be for me to just admit that, and then live unhappily as a woman until I die? what if I am just deluding myself, and harming others in the process?" But then I remember how we have records of trans people going back centuries, how the top surgery regret rate is practically non-existent, how I have seen countless people really glow after accepting their transness. I remember how overwhelmingly joyful I feel when someone uses my correct pronouns, and that breathtaking, wonderful moment when I used a binder for the first time, saw my chest flat for the first time.
That joy, in particular, is the key. If I was, as these people say, a cis woman who (for whatever reason) refuses to accept that I'm a woman, there would still be no reason for me to feel ecstatic joy at being called he/him, at seeing a flat chest in the mirror when I bind, at the mere thought of one day having a deep voice, at being acknowledged as a man by the people around me. Hating being a woman and wanting to be a man are, in fact, not the same thing.
And however much a self-hating cis woman might loathe patriarchy, she won't cry herself to sleep at night just because she's seen as a woman (though she might because of how she's treated on account of that fact, but these are different things entirely). An individual who was AFAB crying themself to sleep each night simply for being perceived as a woman, rather because of any suffering inflicted on them as a result of that perception, is not cis.
I'm not trying to make any new or interesting points here. I guess this is just a reminder for myself more than anything.
You deserve better than to waste time hate-reading their posts. If this wasn't for you, you wouldn't be so crushed by just the thought of living as a woman. You wouldn't be so excited for testosterone and surgery. If, deep down, you knew the transphobes were right, you'd just cancel your upcoming appointments and throw out your binders and tell your relieved family that you're their little girl again. But you know better. You have overcome this a thousand times and you will overcome it a thousand more.
Transition is less a single act of creation, and more a constant, repeated act of remaking, and part of that is learning to trust yourself, even when swarms of people that don't know you at all insist you're wrong.
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kiss-my-freckle · 2 months
Full Episode Commentary
2x13: Daddy Issues
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Daddy Issues is titled for John and Elena. I love this episode because they take Caroline. If you're gonna bring in werewolves, you might as well have a good werewolf/vampire fight. Werewolves have no point to me otherwise.
Tyler is pissed at Caroline because she knew about Mason's death and lied about her being the only vampire in town. It's such a tricky situation. He slams Caroline against her car, then leaves.
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Damon is still feeling Rose. The guilt, the pain. We also get a first look at Andie. She took over for Logan, so Damon sees her on the news as she reports on Jessica's death. I love this shower scene as it's written opposite his shower scene in 3x11.
John tells Elena he's keeping things to himself until he can trust her. It's more like he plans to kill her boyfriends and doesn't want her to know about it. Insane for him to claim he can't trust Elena, his own daughter. But it's this claimed lack of trust that informs you he's up to something.
"You brought back John Gilbert? That was your big 'Save Elena' move?" I can't stop laughing at Damon. It wouldn't be so bad if John hadn't tried to kill them. This reminder is essential to their scenes going forward. I'll show you why as I get to them. "Elena is putting all of her faith into some deal that she made with Elijah to keep everyone safe. I mean, do you trust Elijah? I don't trust him." This is why I can't stand it when Stefan caves. Stefan's gonna let Elena die and Damon and John will be the ones keeping her alive.
"It means I care, Stefan. It means I'm changing, evolving into a man capable of greatness. Better watch your back because I may just have to go get a hero-hairdo of my own, and steal your thunder."
What Damon really means is… steal his girl lol.
Caroline sends Stefan a 911 text while Jules stops in to see Tyler. She offers to help Tyler, but she asks him to leave Mystic Falls with her. Caroline sends Stefan to talk to Tyler to make peace between them.
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"I'm joking. Okay, I'm a little serious. I'm not gonna hurt him, Elena. I'm the good guy now, remember? I'm gonna have a civil conversation with your father."
Damon is teetering back and forth because of yesterday's events. I don't think even he knows what he plans to do. He's struggling in his twoness. Stefan breaks into the Lockwood estate to talk to Tyler. Not the smartest move, but this whole bit is ridiculous to me. Tyler should know that if they wanted him dead, he'd be dead by now. If Caroline weren't his friend, she wouldn't have put her life on the line to help him. He totally could've bit her.
Jules just wants Tyler. She'll end up losing her boyfriend because he's greedy. Two-fors never work in this show. They either get Tyler or they get revenge. They won't get both. Tyler isn't doing anything to help himself. If Stefan wanted im dead, he'd already be dead. It's like he doesn't wanna hear it, he just wants to run like a coward.
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John isn't too happy when he hears Damon is leading the council now, but it's a role that Damon takes quite seriously. "Look, things are different now. You can't come around and start up with all this anti-vampire stuff." Jeremy is fantastic because he's like Elena that way. "Help, help!" Tyler is such a bitch, honestly. This is the reason Caroline gets taken. She not only gets tortured because of Tyler, he adds to the bullshit later on.
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Elena: We just need answers. Please don't do anything stupid. Damon: Yeah, but stupid is so much more fun. Elena: Damon, I mean it. All I'm asking is you try to keep it together. Be the better man. Damon: Okay then.
Damon has two desires to kill. The first is John. It's Elena's smile that gets him in this scene.
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Like I said, the reminder that John tried to kill them plays its own role in these scenes. You can literally see the Battle of Willow Creek as they continue to cover the werewolf side. "You guys are drinking vervain?" When you see it, you understand what Damon is actually telling him.
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You can also include the candles as John tried to kill him.
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John is trying to kill the only two people willing to protect Elena. It may not make sense, but... just as Elena is putting all of her faith in Elijah and his plan, John is putting all of his faith in Isobel and her plan. That'll be his mistake. This scene he has with John… it has a repeated soundtrack. It's the same soundtrack they played when he killed Bree, Only One by Alex Band.
Matt sets up a date for him and Caroline to talk, then Jules and her boyfriend abduct Caroline. Vervain mace and a wooden bullet to the head. Ouch. Jules' boyfriend is more sadistic than Damon. He's got Caroline in a cage. Makes me wonder what that cage is used for any other time. Tyler has no idea what he started, but he's gonna find out.
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"I'm steering clear of all women at the moment. Trust me, it's in the best interest of women everywhere."
Jenna is trying to hook Damon up with Andie. He's pushing women away because of what he is. He knows that anyone he's with will be targeted, and he doesn't wanna be the reason another woman dies. Had he stuck to this, Andie would still be alive. She'll follow the same path as Rose, only Stefan will take on Jules' role.
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Damon: You need to stop doing that. Elena: Doing what? Damon: Assuming that I'll play the good guy because it's you who's asking. Elena: Be the better man, Damon.
Damon's first desire to kill was John. His second desire to kill is Tyler. I'm mentioning them now because they're relevant to his scene with Andie in the bathtub. He's getting frustrated here because there's no assuming about it. He will play the good guy because it's she who's asking, and in doing so, he can't be himself.
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Jules' boyfriend is torturing the hell out of Caroline. "Are you talking about the deal that you made with Elijah? Do you really think he's gonna keep his promise to you? Putting your faith in him was a dumb move." John and Damon feel the same way about Elijah. When you see the two witch spells the writers put in this storyline, you'll see what they did with John and Damon. I'll cover it all when I get to Klaus' ritual. "First dad duty: ground your daughter. Keep her here." Damon is ordering John to guard his daughter for the sake of keeping her safe, which I find hilarious af.
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"My brother, the peacemaker. Since Stefan got here before me, I'm gonna let him try it his way before I resort to my way, which is a little bloodier. So... give us Caroline."
This is one of my favorite Damon entrances. Note how they cut from John to Damon. John and Isobel and Elena, Damon and Liz and Caroline, Brady and Jules and Tyler. I'm saying that Damon is there on Liz's behalf. He's taken on a parental role with Caroline because Liz was compelled. She has no idea her daughter is a vampire and she's being tortured. Just as he is with Bonnie, he is with Caroline. Their continued problem isn't on him, it's on them. Best Caroline not let her hate for Damon devour her.
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While I do love the heart rip, nothing is as insane as the move he pulls on Brady. Check this out...
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Damon had Brady dead to rights until Jules shot him with a wooden bullet. They're gonna use the moonstone to drag out Brady's life a ittle longer for the sake of filler. Anything to bide time until Klaus' ritual. I love it when Elijah's witch comes in because Tyler's like wtf? He just got done learning he's a werewolf, then finding out vampires exist. Now he's discovering that witches exist too.
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John: Why don't you take a bite to find out? Damon: It's not worth my time. John: We didn't finish our conversation. Damon: I'll bite.
This moment here jumps back to 1x18.
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This is John's second attempt at Damon's life, and just as much the writing I'm talking about, the reason I'm frustrated. Either they suck at writing or they wanted Katherine to lie to Damon. John gave him that dagger to take out Elijah BEFORE he met with Katherine. Had John went to see Katherine first, it wouldn't have been a problem. Once you get to their end scene, you'll see it.
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Damon: I like a woman who knows what she wants. Andie: Thank you. So, what do you want, Mister tall-dark-and-handsome?
This is Damon and Elena in their 3x22 flashback. Understand why Elena ends up in his bathtub. She knows what she wants.
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Damon: You see, the thing is, miss sexy-reporter-girl... I have a problem I need help with. It's really messing with my mind.
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Damon: I'm in love with a woman I can never have.
Trust me when I tell you Damon doesn't see Stefan as an obstacle. Stefan isn't the reason Damon feels he can never have Elena.
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Andie: So, why can't you have her? She's with another man, I assume? Damon: Yeah. but that's not the point. 
The point, the point. This hits in 3x1. Damon isn't talking about Stefan, he's talking about himself. He feels he's the reason he can never have Elena because he's a vampire.
Damon: The point is, I'm in love with her, and that drives me crazy. I'm not in control. Andie: You don't trust yourself around her? Damon: I don't trust myself around anyone, Andie. I'm bad, Andie. I do things. I kill people. Don't be afraid, you're okay.
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Andie: Why do you kill people? Damon: Because I like it. It's in my nature, it's who I am. 
This is the very reason he felt it was in the best interest of women everywhere that he steer clear of all women. Rose died because he kills people, and collateral damage like Rose happens.
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Damon: But then, I have to stay together to protect her, and she wants me to be the better man. Which means I can't be who I am. Do you see the problem I'm having, Andie?
I can't stop laughing at how frustrated Damon is. This is where his two desires to kill come in. He wanted to kill John, then he wanted to kill Tyler. Elena wouldn't let him. Like I said, there's no assuming about it. He will play the good guy because it's she who's asking, and in doing so, he can't be himself. That's why he starts talking about how he kills people. He wanted to kill John and Tyler.
He's essentially stuck like Elena is in season 3. He can't live with her and he can't live without her. Andie is basically counseling Damon.
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Andie: Well, maybe this is who you are now. Love does that, Damon. It changes us. Damon: Just stop talking. Just kiss me, be my distraction.
Damon tells her to stop talking because he already knows how real this is. He went through it with Katherine. She changed him, ruined him. In saying this, Andie bsaically pushed Damon to embrace his twoness. So that's what you get... Damon acting like a vampire in Elena's absence, but acting human in her presence. This twoness doesn't become a problem for him until Stefan rips into Elena. That's when he realizes he has to let go of certain parts of himself. He has to make sacrifices. They make it clear that their vampire bites hurt at first, then become... pleasurable.
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John visits Katherine at the tomb. This is where his dagger scene with Damon becomes an issue for me. He already gave the dagger to Damon to take out Elijah. When he hits the tomb to visit Katherine, they make it obvious that this is the first time they've spoken.
John: I know you were expecting someone else. Katherine: I sent Stefan to find Isobel. John: She got your message. She was busy, so she sent me instead.
What I don't get is how Katherine claims to have chosen who got the dagger for Elijah. John already gave it to Damon, and gave it to him before he met with Katherine. So... am I to believe she somehow made the deal with Isobel while claiming to have made the deal with John? And how exactly did she get a message to Isobel, simply by having Stefan contact her by phone? I say this because Katherine tells Damon in a later scene that she had the choice who died using the dagger, and this was the deal she made with John. Yet here, they make it clear that she was expecting Isobel and this was the first time she'd spoken to John.
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These are their end-of-the-episode scene cuts. From Elena to Andie to Katherine. Know what Andie does for Damon, and every reason I refer to her as his bridge. She helps him shift from a vampire girlfriend to a human girlfriend. Similarly, watch Stefan shift from a human girlfriend to a vampire girlfriend, then watch Stefan marry Caroline while she's wearing Katherine's necklace.
What Stefan did for Caroline in this episode... is every reason they should be dating. They already have more than Stelena ever will.
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cordeliawhohung · 9 months
core !! for the ask game, choose whatever you’d like to answer :) i’d love to see the choices you’d pick <3
ah!!! hi fern ily sorry this took forever i had to work lmfao <3 also i am so terrible at choosing like... anything lmao but i'll try my best! we'll stick with 3 since that's what everyone else seems to be doing...
8: any reoccurring dreams?
when i was a kid, i had this dream that would keep coming back to me. it would start out where i'm in front of a set of three doors, all lined up next to each other. each of them had different symbols on them. don't exactly know what they meant. i would walk through one of the doors and i would be transported into like some other world or something. one time i just went into a hospital that was super run down. walked in on a nurse trying to administer a shot to a patient and killed them on accident or something lmao. the hospital was linear, and so when i got to the end, there was nothing but a bright field with a willow tree waiting for me. i remember climbing the tree and it was nice. each time i had the dream i would walk through a different door and it would follow some other type of story, but it always started and ended the same way. the dreams stopped the moment i told my friend about it though. i've had a few others but this one is the most mild of them i think lmao
9: tell a story about your childhood
when i was in the 8th grade, i had gotten terribly sick with pneumonia. i ended up in the hospital, fever of 104(f), terrible trouble breathing, a lot of pain, etc. my mom uh, was not the smartest and was like "you feel sick because you're just laying around all day" even after the doctor was like holy shit i was kind of afraid you'd die lol so anyway i ended up going back to school but was limited with like any physical activity and was still using a nebulizer. anyway, this kid like a grade under me was like really obsessed with my friends and i and i remember it's like lunch or whatever and we're outside waiting for our turn to eat and this mf comes up to me and i'm STRUGGLING like i feel like shit, i'm stuck standing cuz the ground is wet, and he's talking to me and i just... don't hear it because i pass the fuck out. luckily we were on the grass but i remember just sorta like laying there and like a fucking movie scene this mf looks down at me and is like "... so did you want to go on that date or not?" BITCH I JUST PASSED OUT? also my friends just LEFT ME BEHIND. anyway one of the boys in my grade saw what happened and helps me up and just sort of like guides me away from the kid and takes me inside and i don't think i ever gave that kid a proper answer but yeah. the doctor gave me a note saying to not participate in PE for two weeks but my teacher gave me the note back and so i sat out of gym for two months instead so there's a plus side to everything i guess <3 idk where i was going with that story but the more you know, i suppose lmao
38: fave song at the moment?
Lilies by Ethel Cain <3 anything by ethel cain honestly, or eden, or hozier <3
also sorry this was basically just me talking a lot but these were the only ones i could come up with answers for on the spot <3
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Unpopular opinion(I think?): The V3 cast is dumb as fuck.(SPOILERS AHEAD)
Ok, so don't get me wrong, these people do have their smart moments, but said moment are so overshadowed by their general stupidity to the point it's a bit painful to watch. These people could've literally figured out the mastermind by the first half of the game, either:
- before the first death
- during the first trial
- during the second trial
Here I will explain each one of the cases of finding the mastermind, having as basis the the mastermind is also a participant in the killing game:
A. Before the first trial:
Something that we know from the start is that the mastermind wants us to kill each other. So let's "give" them a death.
First we'll figure out possible victims, the most obvious pick being Rantaro Amami, since for someone who is talked about as one of the smartest people in the building my man has made some of the dumbest mistakes you can make in a killing game:
a. he is always alone, making himself easy prey
b. he has nothing on him, leaving himself defenseless
c. In cannon he followed the flashlight produced by the camera without thinking that maybe "Hey, this could be a trap!"
Now that we know the "victim", it should go as follows:
→we think of a trap that in theory should kill him(as example we will use Kaede's)
→we make it look as if someone is planting a trap, making it unable of actually killing Rantaroand
→we make sure that he doesn't die before the plan gets into action, which we can do by stalking him for a bit(stalking is wrong, but since this is a killing game I would say it is excuseable).
Once he gets into the library and his attention is caught by the camera we'll only have to stay in position, most importantly we need to stay in blind spots of the cameras in case the mastermind wants to check the perimeter, positioning us in opposite sides of the room if possible.
Since the mastermind has to make sure that there is one death before time runs out, they will use the trap we made as an alibi and go for the kill. Wherever Rantaro dies or not in this part doesn't really matter, cause' we will be able to find out the mastermind and catch them before they flee.
B. During the first trial:
Ok, so let's say that we didn't think about plan A and that Rantaro dies from the mastermind's shotput ball.
I have absolutely no ideea how these bitches didn't connect the dots, but I'll do it for them:
• the moving door(since for some reason Kaede though that it's useless information)
• the way blood was splattered over Rantaro and the way he was laying on the ground(because those details should indicate that Rantaro tried to defend himself, which he wouldn't be able to do if he would've been killed by Kaede's trap)
• the mastermind being the only person that didn't show up with the rest of the group when the body was discovered
• the mastermind generally acting weird
This should be enough proof that the mastermind's a little bitch.
C. During the second trial
Let's say that we're dumb enough to doom Kaede and boom: second chapter babey.
Now you all are probably wondering: "How could Ryoma's death uncover the mastermind?"
Well the answer is: it can't. That's why Ryoma doesn't die in this chapter: because we are going to fake a death.
Whoever is reading this probably thinks I'm tripping balls at this point, but that's where you're wrong, for we have the best candidates right in front of our very eyes: Angie and Korekiyo.
Something that a corpse should have is low temperature and no heartbeat, things that Angie should be able to replicate.
Now I am sure that you are asking
"How the fuck would Angie be able to get rid of her heartbeat and body temperature???"
Well that is actually pretty simple:
1. A cold bath can get Angie to rather low temperatures to the point you would be able to think "HOLY SHIT ANGIE NOooooo"
2. When it comes to heartbeat things get interesting. All we have to do is get Angie's heartrate low enough so that we can make Monokuma *think* that she died. This is the part that *only* Angie is able to do as she has a big adventage: she prays(or mostly meditates).
I'm not saying that Atua will be able to lower her heartrate(although by the freaky shit she's been able to do I don't deny something like that wouldn't be possible). A fun fact about meditation is that it should be able to get her in a state where her heartbeat would be really low, low enough to fool Monokuma(because I don't think the bear puts on a lil' doctor suit and uses his teeny tiny equipment to cutely check corpses)
NOW we get to actual planning:
Something that we've seen was that Saihara was quickly able to get over Kaede's death, therefore he is giving himself enough time to start thinking of a plan to fake said death.
First things first, he should look for the blind spots of the cameras, then he should talk with Angie and Korekiyo (privately with each one of them) and convice them to take part in his plan.
The night the plan is put in function should go like this:
→Angie takes a cold shower just before she goes to "take candles for her ritual"
→Korekiyo goes to cut some wood for his "kill" and meets up with Angie
→Kiyo bonks Angie with the plank, enough so that it seems as if she fell unconscious(but this is all theatrics)
→Korekiyo carries Angie, heading for her lab, but once he reaches the camera's blind spot he "trips" and wispers to Angie to get ready
→Kiyo continues to carry Angie to her lab
→Kiyo fakes killing Angie with a knife, only cutting her throat a bit so that she bleeds
→Kiyo puts up the whole room decor
→Kiyo leaves
→The "body" is discovered the next day
→The trial starts
The reason why I think this plan is good is because:
1. Kiyo can't betray Shuichi because then Shuichi will be able to tell everyone about what Kiyo did (and everyone trusts Succi Sahara so Kork instanly gets executed+ Kiyo only kills women so getting rid of Shuichi ism't an option)
2. Angie should be safe since Monokuma will be paying attention to the trial (Monokuma shouldn't be able to get rid of Angie's body since without Tenko's death he wouldn't have enough time)
Now all Shuichi has to do is play dumb so that the mastermind will have to take the lead of this case, making them fall right into the trap as the mastermind will have to come with proper arguments in order to make people believe that Kiyo is the culprit since they wouldn't be able to reply with just "Kork is being such a sussy baka right now!" (said aeguments only knows by someone who would be able to look on the cameras). This was the reason I chose Kiyo as the culprit. He is so suspicious all the time that telling the group how suspicious he is makes you look desperate, leading the group to think that you are trying to frame him.
BOOM: Mastermind found. It doesn't take a goddamn genius to think of this.
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HCS-La Squadra’s Dictionary, where are they from? Part 4
Part 1 Melone and Ghiaccio
Part 2 Formaggio and lluso
Part 3 Risotto and Prosciutto
Campania, (Eboli)
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Pesci grew up with his nonni in Eboli, but after their death he spent all his adolescence in Naples.
He loved his nonna more than anything else.
"Ua" to express every kind of emotion.
He wasn't exactly the smartest kid at school, but he always had a good nature.
Pesci has some problems speaking correct Italian.
His Italian teacher used to slap his fingers with a rule when he got a conjugation wrong.
A Zizzona enjoyer. (it's a kind of mozzarella)
He would drink coffee at anytime of the day. Risotto and Prosciutto do this too.
In Naples, he moved into the Le vele di Scampia neighborhood.
Le vele di Scampia was known to be one of the most dangerous blocks in Naples because of the Camorra.
Pesci started smoking since he moved to Scampia.
"Carlo Levi ha scritto 'Cristo s'è fermato ad Eboli' perché non ha mai visto Scampia" (Carlo Levi wrote 'Christ Stopped at Eboli' because if he'd stopped in Scampia, they'd steal his cross.)
Napoletano and Salernitano (and its variation: Ebolitano) are probably the richest dialects in expressions.
Pesci making an overnight snack at 3 a.m.
Pesci after seeing Ghiaccio slipping on his own ice:
"Agg pariat a vita mij, sto murenn!"
(I've never had so much fun in my life! Now I can rest in peace...)
Pesci whispering to himself after being unfairly reproached by Prosciutto
"...par o cazz"
(You dumbass...)
Pesci when Melone hasn't pronounced a "C" because of his thick accent, and nobody has understood a single word.
"tien a guerr n' cap...fa pac co'c'rviell"
(Make peace with your brain because you're so confused that you can't understand your own words.)
Pesci when someone underestimate him
"O scè ij teng e spall o cupert, e capit a chi apparteng?"
(Don't you know who I belong to?)
Pesci when asks for something to Risotto or Prosciutto
"mai pu cumann."
(Please, don't feel obliged to.)
Favorite expressions (dialect)
"Uè, fratm!" (Yo Bro!)
"Agg capit..." (Got it...)
"Jamm bell!" (Let's go!)
"Uanm" (I don't know. No seriously, I literally have no idea about what's going on)
"Aumm Aumm" (To do something in a sneaky way)
"Facimm a croc" (Like it or not, we gotta deal with it)
"Ma over faj?" (Are you serious?)
"M staj abbuffann la uallera" (You're boring me)
"Sto prorij na chiavc" (I feel sick/I'm in pain)
"Foss a maronn." (I hope so.)
"Accusì nun va'..." (That's no good...)
"Uagliò!" (Dude!)
"Agg semb trmmat e fridd, maij e paur." (Ironical: "I'm shaking with fear, I'm so scared!")
"A 'bbona 'e Dio." (Whatever happens...)
"Teng o' cor' ind o zuccr." (I think I'm in love.)
"Assa fa a maronn." (Finally...)
"...lo dici a 'soreta!" (Typical comeback that can be translated as: your sister!)
"Stamm nguiat." (We're screwed.)
"Chella granda zompapereta e mammeta." (Your mom's a big bitch.)
"M' agg scassat u cazz." (I'm fucking done.)
"SFACCIM!" (Typical imprecation)
"Accideti!" (Die.)
"Vafammocc a mammeta." (Son of a bitch!)
"Chittammuort." (Go fuck yourself)
"Omm e merd." (Piece of shit.)
"Cap ‘e cazz." (Shithead.)
"MARO'." (Damn!)
"Chiav’t a lengua ‘ncul, Strunz"(Shut up, fucker.)
"Va' a fa na casc e bucchin." (Go deepthroat everyone in your town.)
"Mamm ro carmmn" (typical imprecation)
"LEVT A NANZ!!" (Get out of my way!)
"MANNAGGIA U L'ENT CRIST!" (This clever imprecation substitutes a terrible blasphemy.)
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An incomplete list of shit my best friend has said
"I'm an amoeba. I do not conform to human ideals. I am simply slime."
"The trees have ears and I speak Vietnamese."
"If I ever start sucking dick for money, I'm gonna do it so that I have a loyal customer base." (he's straight)
"So shut the fuck up Captain Marshmallow Brain."
"Now everyone but me is a coward."
"Are you saying you want to play with a nipple every time you open your wallet? That's kinda lesbian not gonna lie."
"Fuck those wasps, they have delicious things hidden in their nests, I know it."
"I'll fucking stab you all."
"I'll smack that duck's ass so hard it comes out of its mouth."
"2+2=4. Infinity = death. Quick maths. Die you bastard die."
"I don't even think he's the smartest tool in the junk drawer."
"He's like a marmoset with a screwdriver."
"I'll moderate you in real life next time I see you, ya fuck."
"Ace keeps trying to non-consensually show me their spreadsheet."
"You aren't smart enough to be a smart ass."
"I mean there's the complete overlay of kinky ace people who play D&D."
"conspiracy theory noises"
"Can my gender role be weird dude who lives in the woods?"
"God is dead and I personally handled his execution. How may I help you?"
"I don't give a damn about your haunted lightbulb. Maybe it'll float over your head and you'll have an idea."
"Glad to know the single brain cell I have in my head occasionally coughs out entertainment in its dying gasps."
"Sometimes sucking a dick does not mean you're a bottom."
"God is taking a nap and left me in charge of you fucks, so who wants a fireworks launcher?"
"I really want a milkshake right now, does that mean I have a lust for cows? Nah that's stupid!"
"Why are dicks getting severed and am I allowed to do it without putting it in my mouth first?"
"You say that like I don't already show my nipples to random strangers."
"Don't sell your soul or your sanity to make your petunias better than Betty's."
"I wear a fucking garrote wire in my hair, go nuts."
"I mean fair, but I'm at least a decently advanced version of a magpie right?"
"Or what? I'm the one with a TSA horror jacket!"
"Jellyfish do not commit ethical or moral violations."
Okay first of all, I am not Bitch, I am THE Bitch and it's Mr. Bitch thanks."
"Oh fuck I'm useful."
"Silence, I have so much blackmail on you."
"I'm all of those things (except femboy) and more it's called being talented."
"I don't have a 'superiority complex'. I'm just superior."
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siimjaeyun · 3 years
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blue bag- jay park
genre: fluff, angst, bad boy au
tw: street violence, mentions of gangs
Jay's reputation at Belift wasn't exactly a secret to most people. The loose uniform with the leather jacket, covered bruises, and exposed tattoos were noticeable to anyone who bothered to pay attention.
Most people would like to assume to not judge him by his appearance, but his character matched it to a tea. He never bothered to give anyone the time of the day, much less even look in their direction. The only people who received such privileges were his closest six friends.
Or anyone who dared to cross his path- including the slight punches he's thrown at the occasional classmate.
But people couldn't see behind his intentions. Like the time he almost beat one of uppers to a pulp when they tried picking on jungwon his first year. All good intentions.
On this fateful day, the teacher had thought a slight change would mix things up. Instead of placing Jay in the back by himself like usual, he placed him right beside you.
"Hi Jay!" Your warm welcome startled him to say the least. Sure, he was used to love letters by other girls, but you didn't really look at him that way.
He stayed silent and placed his head back onto the desk. At the end of class, you bid him goodbye and walked out with your friends who seemed to tattle over him almost immediately.
After yet again another argument with the rivaling gang leader, he finds himself cornered in the back of an alley way. Maybe it wasn't the smartest idea to think you could fight five men at once.
Tired, and out of breath, he's barely holding onto himself before there's a final blow to his lower stomach, collapsing onto the ground before him.
The men are about to approach him, this time, aiming towards his back, but retreat at the sounds of a siren.
"Here, hurry! They might come back." He looks up and finds it's you, carrying a bag in one hand and reaching out towards him with the other.
"Get lost." Jay, who is too stubborn to ask for help, attempts to get up before his knees give up on him.
"You can't walk. Stop being a bitch and let me help you." You swing his arm over your shoulder, and pull him up, guiding him towards the exit of alley way. At the closest convenience store, you rest him on a bench, bringing a towel to his face to wipe off the blood from his brow and lip.
"How did you see me?" He barely manages to ask.
"I didn't know it was you until I saw your face, which is very beat up by the way." He observes quietly and patiently waits for you retreat the towel from his face, slowly admiring the way you move your eyebrows while humming a small beat. 
“I’m done. I’ll call a taxi to take you home so you can finish up. I’m going to assume this isn’t the first time you get beat up.” Jay, snapping back to reality, stands up quickly and blocks your view of the street. 
“I can manage. Now go home.” He nods towards the direction of the grand city. 
“You can barely walk. Either I take you home, or text someone to come pick you up.” Jay immediately takes the second option, and searches quickly for his phone before realizing he must of left at it home. 
“Go ahead, call the taxi.” He mutters under his breath. The bright lights signal to him that he has arrived, and in silence, you drop him off, and leave, not letting Jay even look back and say a quick ‘thank you.’ 
If Jay didn’t know any better, it’s almost as if nothing had occurred yesterday. He’s still wearing his black mask to cover up his bruises, but you walked in with a smile and the same welcome from the past two weeks. 
Usually, he would turn the other way or not even bother to look at you, but his slight nod was reassurance enough. 
At the end of class, he was almost the last to leave, given that he had woken up from napping the entire class. Rather than seeing the empty room he was used to waking up in, he saw you again in front of him, holding a blue bag. 
“Here. Eat well okay?” You left the bag onto his desk and walked out again before he could respond. He stuffed the bag into his backpack and went towards the lunch room he was used to meeting his friends in. 
“Jay’s late and beat up. What a surprise.” Sunoo’s snarky comment doesn’t catch him off guard, and instead pulls out the blue bag from his backpack and rests it on the table. 
“Oh? Jay brought lunch? Quick, let’s rate his cooking skills.” Before Jay can react, Heeseung had already snatched it from the table, pulling out a Tupperware with a sticky note on top. 
“Who’s y/n? And why did she call you a loser?” Heeseung asks, opening the container to a bento box. 
“No one, now give it back.” Jay takes back the container, almost admiring the contents inside. 
It was the first time his heart began to take notice of you. 
Everyone was quickly suspicious about Jay’s relationship with you. It all started with him publicly going to you and thanking you for the food. Then it was the constant good mornings when you would welcome him at the beginning of class. Then it was the morning coffee, and walking you to class in the morning. He was practically stuck to you when he wasn’t with his friends. 
“You know, I think Jay likes you.” One of your friends mentioned casually, causing you to roll your eyes. 
“Stop taking those rumors too seriously, he’s just paying back a favor.”
Yet, your friends weren’t the only ones who were beginning to notice. Most noticeably, Jay’s very own friends. 
“Sunghoon, I don’t like her, so can you shut up?” Jay, almost irritated by the constant confusion of emotions. 
“So, you wouldn’t mind her being so close with Sunoo?” Jake points at your direction. You laughing and trying to hold yourself together while punching Sunoo in the arm. 
“No. Of course not." Yet, he still finds himself burning holes into Sunoo's skull as he sees you wrap an arm around his neck to pull him into a head lock.
It seemed as if that was the last straw because in the next moment, Sunghoon was attempting to prevent Jay's next big mess.
"Get your hands off him." Jay commands, catching not only your attention, but those around him as well.
"Relax Jay, she's just playing around." Sunoo gets himself out of the head lock, and looks at your face who's been cleared of any laughter.
"I'll see you later Sunoo." You can't even look at Jay in the eyes before walking off with another friend.
"What's wrong with you? You know she wasn't hurting me!"
"Don't talk to me right now Sunoo." Jay storms off in the opposite direction while Sunoo turns his head to the side at Sunghoon.
"Am I going to die?"
"Not yet anyway. I think if you stay off y/n, maybe it'll extend your life line." Sunghoon states honestly.
"What do you think would happen if I told him she's my cousin?"
"I don't know but I've never seen Jay so..like this. Its a good look on him."
However, Jay is his full fledged rage, begins to shove everyone in his way including a poor freshman who happens to fall in front of your locker.
"Jay what the fuck!? Are you okay?" You crouch down and reach your hand out, giving Jay a bitter feeling.
"Is this how you catch men? You pretend to be the good guy?"
"Excuse me?" You repeat, shocked at Jay's sudden attitude.
"Nevermind just stay away from me? Got it?" You don't even process the words before he dashes off, ignoring his friends who are attempting to catch his attention.
"Sunghoon, what's his issue ?" Sunghoon only let's out a heavy sigh before shrugging his shoulders.
"It's not my business, but I can assure you that anger won't end well."
And it just so happens that Sunghoon's response was quiet accurate considering Jay's familiar situation. He's been long enough member of his gang to know what territories they're not exactly welcomed.
Yet, he doesn't care and does so anyway because anything is better than having to imagine you with some one else.
"Haven't seen you in a while Jay, must have been busy hmm." The leader mocks him, but it only infuriates the pent up anger within him causing him to land a punch at his gut.
"Don't test me." And as if history repeats itself, he finds himself once more cornered in the back of an alley way. With the collection of bruises forming on his stomach, one could tell he was a kick or two away from a good surgery.
"Jay! Stop!" He curses himself mentally when he watches you run towards him.
"You better leave pretty one...I mean unless..." He approaches you, reaching for your chin to tilt it sidewards, leading to Jay using his last strength to push him off you.
"Don't touch her." Jay grits his teeth, earning a smirk that quickly turns into a frown at hearing the sound of police sirens.
"You got lucky this time." He flees the scene leaving you again with a bloodied up Jay.
"You promised me to not fight anymore!" Jay chooses to ignore you and limps away to a nearby post.
"And I told you to stay away from me y/n. I don't need people like you to worry about me because they pity me" He responds.
"How am I not supposed to worry when you left so suddenly? One moment we're good and the next you're mad at Sunoo and everyone?" You place him on the stair case while getting your first aid kit ready.
"How am I supposed to stay away when you worry me? Do you have any idea how fast I ran here with this when Jake told me you weren't at your house?" You continue to apply a bit of alcohol on his open cuts.
"I'm sorry, I was upset. I saw you with Sunoo earlier and I don't know what came over me. Sunoo is so darn perfect, and what about me? I was afraid you'd leave me." Jay mumbles the last part quietly, but you manage to hear it well.
Without much hesitancy, you press a light kiss onto his bruised and swollen lips. He gasps slightly but manages to wrap his arms around your waist.
"I'm not leaving okay, I'm here to stay if you want me to." Jay grabs you and pulls you in for a hug, resting his face in the crook of your neck.
"Please stay." He mumbles, letting his grip on you get stronger. He stays there for a while, before looking at the blue bag in your hand.
"What's this?"
"I brought some dinner because I figured you would be too lazy to do it yourself and end up eating frozen nuggets again." He smiles slightly before admiring your features.
"I really like you y/n.." Jay confesses, still in the position of hugging you.
"I like you too Jay...I really do." A grin forms on his face and he drops another kiss on your cheek before leading the way out.
Perhaps Jay wasn't exactly perfect, but you always knew he was more than ready to love and learn by your side.
a/n: this has been sitting in my drafts haha, but I figured we could all use a little fluff with everything going on :( <3
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handern · 2 years
carrying on w my review of the Idylls of the Queen
halfway through and I'm still having a blast
it's definitely for people who already know more than a couple versions of the Arthurian legends ; it's based on Malory's canon but there are SO MANY KNIGHTS in it, if you're only familiar with the big three aka Lancelot/Percival/Gawain (+Galahad), you'll need a relationship map
it's 90% lists of people, court gossips and potential murder motivation, but Kay's absolutely ruthless thoughts process makes it all so entertaining (to me)
my main motivation to read it was bc it's narrated by Kay, and to my absolute delight he is exactly how I hoped he would be portrayed, the epitome of "it's rotten work especially for me especially if it's you but god I'll still do it"
he's bitter, he's loyal to death, he's a bitch, he never lies, he's a fool, he knows his weaknesses, he likes cats, he makes up mean nicknames for people he doesn't like, he'll die for Arthur and Guenivere, he'll call you a bitch in public, he respects women and service workers and peasants, he makes a list of everything that's wrong with you your life your manners your clothes and your family whenever you approach him, he calls Arthur Arthus and Arthur calls him Kex bc they're BROTHERS, he's the only reason why Camelot isn't in shambles yet, he's friends with Lynette the necromancer whom he gossips with, he used to be friends with Mordred, they're now competing to see who is the smartest most broody dramatic bitch in the room
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aizawaslovebot · 4 years
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class 1-A x platonic/classmate! reader that i couldn't resist writing because why not.
genre: crack, fluff
warnings: only cursing
a/n: couldn't resist posting a 1-A drabble aaaaa idk if i should make more of these >< should i? 👀
<- go back to bnha masterlist
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Oh fuck.
You can feel it coming out. The one thing you wanted to keep secret from 1-A was coming out, just before lunch no less!
You're d e f i n i t e l y fucked.
You had called in sick a day ago because of a fever from carelessness. While it was fun to have a break from the ever-busy school's classes, it would be hard for you to catch up on lessons if you were not to attend again. You had a reputation to uphold as not only one of the strongest but also smartest of the class and only God knows how terrible it would be if Bakugou overcame your record because a silly sickness held you back.
Recalling the last time you surpassed him in academics and the way sparky boom boom man almost murdered you from his looks alone, you shivered. You definitely didn't want that.
So, on the second day of your cold, you decided to go to class with only a mask to cover half of your pitiful face.
"Woah! Why is 1-A's resident fox dressed like an idol?" Ashido pointed out as soon as you entered earlier this morning. She only got a grunt in return.
Whatever conversation Iida, Uraraka, and Midoriya had has come to a stop. They all stared you down.
"You look like shit," Bakugou quipped, vocalizing what the Dekusquad wanted to tell you. too blunt for their liking, but same sentiments nontheless
"Thanks," was your only reply.
No comeback, no angry retort, not even a roll of an eye. Everyone was taken aback by the scene that had unfold. You never backed down from any comment Bakugou threw your way. Never was there a quiet moment when the two of you were in the same room. To see this, the class' dear kitsune not even attempting at sending a piercing jab, certainly shook them to the core.
That brings us to now, you were having mental breakdown because it was hard to keep it in. You never wanted anyone to find out this side of yours. But holy shit, life's a bitch. If anyone were to find out, you'd be done for.
No more intimidating kitsune. No more tough guy act.
Ah shit.
Here it comes.
You wanted to die.
Nobody seemed to notice your turmoil, honestly. Everyone was just waiting for lunch to come because class ended a tad bit earlier and everyone was talking without a care.
Oh fuck.
You're done for.
Everybody stopped in their tracks and turned to you. Even Bakugou and Todoroki were too shocked at what had just happened.
Hagakure was the first to break the silence with her squeal, "Oh my goD!! you sneeze like a kitten!!"
If your face wasn’t red before, it certainly is now. Everyone was in awe of this newfound cuteness from 1-A’s scary guy. (small guy but still a scary guy)
You are not cute. You are a force to be reckoned with. You are a terrifying being capable of—
fUCKING SHIT was one of the many curses that flowed from your mind at your demise. It was one thing for them to hear your kitten sneeze, but for them to see this... this fucking form of yours.
Your fox ears and tail decided to pop out and worsen your situation.
Cooes and “aw Y/N”s were heard from the entire room. Heck, even Shoji’s eyes were sparkling because who knew that their scary guy can be this cute. Their weird noises grew tenfold this time around because of your new form.
“Shut the fuck up,” You grumbled, though no one found it intimidating because you looked so cuddly right now.
“You look as scary as a marshmallow,” Bakugou snorted (but like,,, is that a small blush on his face or—)
Aizawa-sensei, who had long since retreated to his caterpillar phase, was also taking interest in your embarrassment. He’s trying his best to hide it though by simply peeking at the commotion from his cocoon.
Maybe you should’ve stayed at the dorms...
Your train of thought was cut off by Todoroki quietly walking towards your desk. All eyes were on him, wary of what he might say or do. But no one was prepared enough for the next few words he’ll utter.
“Can I… pet you?”
You should’ve really stayed at the dorms…
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that-bajan-kid · 4 years
Boku No Hero Academia Chapter 293 SPOILERS
(These children used their one collective brain cell and decided to rush head first into the arms of Death with zero fucks given)
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Oh that orange hair is not a good look on Shiggy. Izuku looks adorable in anything I can't argue.
We get an adorable panel of Eri eating a cracker/cookie next Lemillion bursting forth from the ground once more. Izuku ask him how he's here rn and apparently this boy has just been chilling at Nighteye's agency, which is conveniently not to far from here. He had to of had his quirk for a while now if he was at the agency right?
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Omg look at Eri!! She's so cute I literally have to point her out whenever she's on screen. I don't make the rules here, that's just how it is. And Ochako is doing her hair!!!! I'm gonna explode from the cuteness. And all that other stuff they're talking about is important to I guess.
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They're all babies. She looks so happy to help out too. The little bounce she does when she looks back at Dadzawa for permission. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-
Mirio is asking for back up cause even he can't take on 4 NHEs by himself. So of course Bakugou, with the two holes in his abdomen, leaps in to action even tho he really shouldn't. I swear these kids are all suicidal.
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THESE FUCKING KIDS AND THEIR LACK OF SELF PRESERVATION IS GOING TO BE THE DEATH OF ME I SWEAR. Also, I believe the time is now upon us my brothers and sisters.
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(Edit: I just realised I've been spelling his fucking name wrong this whole time. My brain just autocorrected it to the proper spelling and I didn't even noticed lmao. Please forgive me.)
Of course Spinner thinks it's cool. IS JEANIST FUCKING CRYING LMAO
I like it. It's very Katsuki Bakugou and not nearly as bad as the first two. You go, Dynamite. Man, I can't wait to see the fandom's reaction to this. How many people are gonna throw a tantrum cause its not Ground Zero? Or fucking Kacchan?
Mirio says he thinks it's funny and Dynamite says it's not meant to be funny. Mirio quotes Nighteye speech about there being laughter and you to balance out the sorrow and apologises for the absolute disrespect he just showed my son's new hero name.
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Enji, sweetheart, I know your in shock about your dead son not being dead and that you're literally on death's door, but Shouto is going to fucking die if you don't move your ass. I'm not mad and I understand why you're not doing anything right now. But, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, i would sacrifice you in a heartbeat if it meant saving Shouto's life. Don't get me wrong, I like your character a lot, but you dying would be a nice end to your redemption arc if you end up saving Shouto. And at this point I honestly don't care about what happens to Dabi. He's trying to kill my son. Fuck that guy lol. Doesn't mean I don't like him tho.
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Why are people defending this guy again? Cause of his trauma? Don't get me wrong, I like Dabi as much as the next guy but if his death means Shouto gets to live, I don't have a problem with that either. Dabi and Enji are in the same boat.
My boi Deku coming in clutch with Black Whip even tho he really shouldn't be to save his best friend. Dabi's gonna try to burn him too, I can feel it coming. Also Izuku is thinking about how his arms and legs don't have any strength like that's the only thing wrong with them. He'd be lucky if he can even move them when all of this is over.
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"Don't put this in a Doujin" I am deceased. Cris is no longer among the living. She has ascended to the heavens. Who ever this translater is, they're doing God's work. I can't wait to see the discourse about Izuku's speech in the tags. I can already hear the "Izuku is defending Endeawhore therefore he supports abuse #canceldeku2020" posts in my head. Anyway, I like what Izu says here tho, it's very much in character for him. I also like his Froppy inspired Black Whip: Projectile Vomit Mode. Very unexpected tbh.
Izuku yells "You are not Endeavour" and Dabi responds with "No shit, Sherlock" and asks if Izuku pities him even a little bit and I wouldn't fault him for straight up saying "No" considering everything Dabi has put him and his friends through. Hell, if I was Midoriya I wouldn't even be trying to get through to him rn. A trait I strongly admire about Izuku. Dabi goes on to say he is the culmination of all of Endeavour's sins and we get a panel showing threads snapping and I don't know if it's supposed to be what's left of Izuku's mental stability or Dabi's. Or if it's an actual thread snapping. Dabi goes on to spout some bullshit about how evil will never prosper and justice will crumble now that he's shown the naive citizens of Japan who to blame, which is the heroes apparently.
Uhhh so that snapping thread I mentioned earlier is actually the carbon fibre wire Jeanist is using to keep Machia contained and like all of them just snapped like twigs. Dabi continues his speech about how chaos now reigns supreme while everyone panics about Machia. Meanwhile Deku is having a moment.
Correction, Endeavour was the one having a moment and has decided to take action despite his obvious condition called dying. He rockets his way towards Machia and bitch slaps him in the face and immediately follows that up by saying he feels numb. He totally gonna die and I'm totally gonna feel sad about it. I'm already tearing up.
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I knew it was gonna work. Never doubt my gurl Creati. She's the smartest kid in class for a reason. It feels like it took forever but it was probably only a few mins. I can't wait for everything to go wrong again. Also, everyone who thinks Endeavour is either going to die or, end up with a debilitating disability, raise your hand 🙋. Mans suffering from the most severe case of heat stroke to ever stroke and is running on burnt lungs and he was impaled by Shigaraki/AFO. He's not having a fun time.
I think it's safe to say that Eri won't healing anyone after this. It looks like all her quirks energy went into giving Mirio his quirk. Meaning all these injuries that the heroes are getting won't be magically disappearing. Aizawa isn't getting his leg back, Izuku's arms are probably never gonna work again, Gran Torino is fucking dead just like Endeavour's career, and Endeavour is probably gonna fucking die too. Cause Shouto doesn't have enough trauma in his life.
Time for me to venture into the tags and see what the latest discourse is. Can't wait for everyone to call Izuku an abuser sympathiser even tho he called out Endeavour during the sports, or say that the heroes are somehow abusing Eri like Overhaul did cause she gave Mirio his quirk back even tho she clearly wanted to do it. The chaos fuels me.
Until next time.
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