#Diggin Daily
da-ill-spot · 4 months
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New Music: Weapon Of The Masses - Underground Ideology LP
Ch-check it! Our fam Weapon Of The Masses is back with a fresh new album!
The long running San Gabriel Valley based crew just dropped Underground Ideology yesterday, May 11th via Diggin Daily.
Big shout out to MC Ewok One of Weapons for the shout out on “Come Here Son,” featuring Joe Baggs and Grim Moses. Bang that!
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anticmiscellaney · 2 years
The art and comics tagged newoldrare are from an original series/collection in progress. It’s about Louis and Neil, two kinda-punk guys in the 90s. They’re a gay couple, Louis is FTM transgender and Neil is cisgender, and some of the work is about that, but it’s mostly about music and movies and the part of growing up you do in your late twenties and early thirties.
I'm calling it retrospeculative, which means that it’s not quite historically accurate, more like viewing the past through specific filters, particularly my own experiences. It’s nostalgia for something that never existed.
You can buy physical copies of these comics here through Radiator Comics, or at South Street Art Mart in Philadelphia.
All my comics can be read on my website.
I’m not making things in order, so here is the chronological reading list for the NewOldRare comics. (A lot) more will be added as I do them.
Flirting (April 1995)
Interstate 280 East, Exit 16 (May 1995)
Picture Search (September 1995)
Needles (October 1995)
Diggin the New (December 1995)
Dear You (March 1996)
Art Critic (April 1996)
How To Tie A Tie In Seventeen Steps Or More (April 1996)
Dracula Daily, 1980s Style (May 1996)
Great Dickspectations (November 1996)
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vinniehorror · 2 months
Chapter 1: The Blackout
Now playing: ADHD-Kendrick Lamar
The city streets were bathed in the soft, amber glow of the streetlights as Samari Diggins made her way to her neighborhood. Her footsteps echoed against the concrete, the rhythm of her stride a familiar comfort in the night. Despite the darkness shrouding half of her vision, Samari navigated the familiar route with practiced ease, her remaining eye sharp and attentive.
It was a random night in August. She was just trying to go home and get her homework done while her Uncle Martin blasted Marvin Gaye on his record player and danced around the house, eventually finding his way to her room to annoyingly sing the lyrics out of key to distract her from her studies. To give her a mini break so she could show him how to sing the song. She wanted to go home and wait for that soft knock on her window so she could open it and meet eyes with Rowan, who hated his home with no love and affection and came to the people who always loved and encouraged him to be better.
It would've been the perfect ending to her night. But sadly a group of drunk teenagers ruined that night. Because on the way to the house, a car smashed into her uncle's Cadillac and rammed it into a nearby brick wall. Samari was lucky to survive, only losing sight in one of her eyes and broken ribs. Her uncle however had no chance. That night, she lost the one person that cared enough to raise her in this cruel world.
It had officially been 3 years since the accident. But the memory still haunted her, an ever-present shadow that occasionally crept into her thoughts. The loss of her uncle, the man who had been a father figure to her, had cut deeply, leaving an ache that time had only partially healed. Every time she thinks about the man, she feels guilt. Constantly thinking about what could've happened if she didn't call him to pick her up and walked home instead.
Would he be at home? Ranting to the tv about how Kyrie should've took the shot when he had the chance. Maybe he would be at Roscoe Gene's home, stealing the poor man's money in a game of poker. Or with Dorthy Mae, the woman he had been chasing for the past 2 decades.
As Samari rounded the corner, her gaze focused on the path ahead, her other eye betraying nothing of the turmoil within. She had grown accustomed to the curious stares and whispered questions, the occasional well-meaning offer of assistance. To them, she was the poor, unfortunate girl - the one who had endured tragedy and emerged scarred. But Samari refused to be defined by her disability, determined to forge her own path, even if it meant navigating the world with a constant reminder of her loss.
Tonight, she had sought solace in the familiar rhythm of her evening walk, hoping to clear her mind before the impending stress of final exams. The past few weeks had been a whirlwind of late-night study sessions and frantic cramming, and Samari yearned for a moment of peace, a chance to breathe and gather her thoughts. To free herself from the thought of a textbook filled with information that probably wouldn't be useful for the exam. To be free of the thought of Rowan, who is most likely off making money doing street racing rather than being at her house like he promised.
As she reached the entrance to the park, Samari paused, gazing up at the inky blackness of the sky. The stars twinkled, their light filtering through the branches of the towering oak trees that lined the path. It was in these quiet moments, when the rest of the world seemed to fade away, that Samari felt a sense of calm wash over her. Steeling herself, she continued on, her stride steady and confident. The familiar scent of blooming jasmine filled the air, mingling with the crisp coolness of the night. Samari savored these small sensations, allowing them to ground her in the present moment, away from the distractions and demands of her daily life.
Samari found a nice spot at a picnic table and wiped the area off before sitting on the table, always finding it comfortable to sit there than sitting on the bench. Every time she sits on the table, she hears her mother words in her head.
"Samari Diggins get off that table!" Her mother would yell. "Ladies do not sit on tables."
"Oh Michelle let that girl sit on the table," Her uncle would yell from the grill, holding a tight grip on his towel as he made his way over to Samari and her mother. "Them seats are far from comfortable and you used to sit the same way."
A small smile made its way to her lips as she could picture her mother's eyes rolling at Uncle Martin's words as he gave her a toothy grin. Samari knew underneath that annoyed look on her mother's face, that she couldn't stay mad at her brother for too long. It was always hard for people to stay mad at Martin, he just had that personality. She couldn't help but let out a sigh as her chocolate eyes looked up at the dark sky. Perhaps they're both upstairs, Michelle rolling her eyes as Martin smiles after successfully getting on her nerves. Maybe they're in heaven arguing about Samari still sitting on the table instead of the bench.
Suddenly, a faint rumbling in the distance caught her attention, and Samari paused, straining to discern the source. The air seemed to crackle with an undercurrent of energy, and she felt a prickling sensation at the back of her neck. Instinctively, she reached up to touch the scar that marred her left eye, a remnant of the accident that had forever altered the course of her life. Before Samari could react, a blinding flash of light erupted in the distance, followed by a deafening boom that reverberated through the park. The force of the explosion sent a shockwave through the air, knocking Samari off balance and sending her tumbling to the ground.
As she lay there, disoriented and struggling to regain her bearings, Samari felt a strange sensation wash over her. It was as if the world had been plunged into a deep, inky darkness, save for the faint, flickering glow of the streetlights.
She blinked, her good eye straining to make sense of her surroundings, but the familiar landscape had been swallowed by the overwhelming blackness. Panic gripped Samari's heart as she realized that the blackout had somehow affected more than just the park. She scrambled to her feet, her hands trembling as she reached out, desperately seeking a lifeline in the oppressive darkness.
"Hello?" she called out, her voice wavering with uncertainty. "Is anyone there?"
The only response was the eerie, deafening silence that hung in the air, punctuated by the distant wail of sirens. Samari felt a chill run down her spine, a premonition of something deeply unsettling about to unfold. As she stood there, surrounded by the all-consuming darkness, Samari couldn't help but wonder if this was just the beginning of a series of events that would forever change the course of her life.
Samari's heart pounded in her chest as she tried to make sense of the bizarre,unsettling situations unfolding around her. The complete blackout had an ominous, foreboding quality to it that sent a shiver down her spine.
Groping blindly in the darkness, samari fumbled for her phone, praying it still had battery life. As the screen flickered to life, casting an eerie blue glow, she was relieved to see she had a signal.
But her relief quickly turned to dread as she saw the flood of frantic messages and missed calls from Rowan.
9:42 pm
Otw to your house Mari. I know you told me to be on time but I got distracted with working on this new car we got in the shop. But I got your favorite meal from Jimmy's to make up for it and a coworker of mine recommended a movie for us to watch if you're down with that
9:47 pm
Mari where are you? Usually you'll be in your room studying or in the living room ready to kill me for being late. But you're late and that's not like my Mari. Hit me back as soon as you can
9:56 pm
Okay now you're scaring me. I called the library and they said you left an hour ago. If I don't get a response in 5 minutes, I'm going out to look for you myself.
10:04 pm
Mari I don't know where you are but I'm praying you found a nearby place to stay at cause there's a blackout and the cops keep telling me to stay indoors but I can't sit here in the dark while you're outside. I don't even know if you're safe or not. Please hit me back or come back home.
Samari's hands shook as she scrolled through the alerts, her mind racing as her eye grasped as much information as it could. This was no ordinary blackout-something catastrophic was unfolding, and she was stranded alone in the pitch black, with no idea what dangers might be lurking in the shadows.
She frantically typed out a message to Rowan, desperately hoping he was safe. A noise of shock fell from her mouth when her phone shut off in front of her face, the blue glow no longer able to protect her from the darkness.
"Fuck." Samari said in a shaky voice, shoving her phone back into her pocket
Samari knew she needed to find shelter, and fast. The streets were no place to be with the city plunged into this unsettling darkness.
Tentatively, she began to make her way forward, her hands outstretched as she navigated the unfamiliar terrain. The air was thick with a palpable sense of unease, and the eerie silence was broken only by the wail of distant sirens.
Samari's mind raced with questions - what had caused this blackout? Was it an accident, or something more sinister? And with the emergency services overwhelmed, who or what might be lurking in the impenetrable darkness?
As she pressed on, a growing sense of dread settled in the pit of her stomach. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched, that unseen eyes were trained on her from the void. Every shadow seemed to hold the potential for danger, and Samari knew she needed to find safety - and answers - as quickly as possible.
Samari's heart raced as she stumbled through the pitch-black streets, the eerie silence punctuated only by the distant wail of sirens. An uneasy feeling had settled in the pit of her stomach, and she couldn't shake the sense that she was being watched, that unseen eyes were trained on her from the void.
Suddenly, a hand emerged from the shadows and grabbed her by the arm. Samari screamed in fear as she jerked back and quickly started to run opposite of where the shadowy figure was. Where was she going? She had no idea but Samari knew that she wasn't alone. Whatever had grabbed her arm was definitely not far behind as she could hear fast footsteps behind her.
Samari's heart pounded in her chest as she bolted through the pitch-black streets, the sound of her own frantic footsteps echoing in the eerie silence. The hand that had reached out from the shadows still burned on her skin, spurring her to run faster, desperate to put as much distance between herself and the lurking danger.
She weaved erratically, crashing through shrubs and nearly tripping over unseen obstacles in her blind flight. Samari's lungs burned, but the adrenaline coursing through her veins pushed her onward, fueled by sheer terror.
The relentless pounding of feet behind her told Samari that her pursuer was gaining ground. She couldn't see them, but the thought of being caught in this impenetrable darkness filled her with dread. Samari couldn't imagine what horrors might befall her if she were to be overtaken.
Suddenly, her foot caught on an uneven patch of ground, and Samari tumbled forward, landing hard on the pavement. She cried out in pain as her palms scraped against the rough surface, but there was no time to dwell on her injuries. Samari scrambled to her feet, her panicked gaze darting around the all-encompassing blackness, searching for any hint of her pursuer.
The sound of footsteps was growing closer, and Samari knew she had to act fast. Spotting the dark woods nearby, she hurled herself towards it, praying it would provide some semblance of cover and safety. Crouching low, Samari held her breath, her whole body trembling as she slowly made her way towards the back of a huge tree and strained to listen for any sign of the person who chased her.
The seconds ticked by agonizingly slow, and Samari could hear the blood pounding in her ears. Silence surrounded the area but she knew better to say anything, she was too paranoid to even think of a noise. After a few minutes, Samari slowly peeked from behind the tree, her eye widening at the sight of a dark figure walking past the entrance of the woods. She dared not even to breathe, her heart racing as she waited, terrified, for the figure to move on. Even though she was down an eye, it didn't stop her from keeping her other one on the figure.
Just as the figure began to recede into the distance, a sudden movement in her peripheral vision made Samari jump. She whirled around, her heart leaping into her throat, only to find...a small woodland creature scurrying across the forest floor.
Samari let out a shaky breath, her nerves frayed from the adrenaline. "Just a squirrel," she murmured to herself, trying to slow her racing pulse.
But as she turned back to peer out from behind the tree, a bone-chilling sight met her gaze. There, mere feet away, stood the dark figure, its unseen face just inches from her own. Samari's breath caught in her throat as she stared, transfixed, into the impenetrable darkness of the entity's visage.
For a heart-pounding moment, time seemed to stand still. Samari's mind raced, desperately searching for some way to escape this nightmarish encounter. But just as she began to take a step back, the figure lurched forward, its shadowy form attaching itself to her.
Samari screamed, her voice piercing the eerie silence of the woods. She thrashed and fought, but the entity's grip was unrelenting, pressing itself deeper into her skin. Samari could feel shadow figure moving inside of her body, bouncing itself around as it explored her insides.
What was this...this thing?
Samari's mind whirled with a thousand unanswered questions as the darkness closed in, her desperate cries echoing hauntingly through the trees as the shadow successfully infiltrated her body.
She fell to her knees as the shadow disappeared, allowing her to be able to move again. Samari grabbed the tree for support as she slowly pulled herself up, her body feeling heavier than usual.
Samari stumbled through the woods, occasionally stopping to hold onto her body in pain as she could feel her body resisting against whatever that shadow figure put inside of her. Samari's body swayed constantly as she walked out of the woods.
Just let it happen
Stop resisting
"No...I'm not letting...whatever you are take my body..." Samari whispered to herself and the voice in her head as she staggered onto the empty road, her vision blurred and her body wracked with agonizing spasms.
Wait something is coming fast
A bright light shined on the side of her face. The woman turned her head and with widen eyes watched as a car was driving in full speed at her.
Samari brought her hands out, hoping that the car would quickly stop before hitting her. And it seemed a bit of luck was in her favor as the driver slammed on its brakes, the car lurching to the side as they fought to maintain control of it. Tires squealed and gravel flew as the vehicle skidded to a stop, mere inches from where Samari stood.
Samari took heavy breaths as she dropped her arms and leaned herself back, feeling herself lose balance as she fell back on the road. She could hear two car doors open before frantic steps were made towards her.
"Oh shit Mari!" Rowan yelled as he bent down to inspect her, leaning her body against his thigh. He snapped his fingers a couple times in her face, trying to get her attention and letting out a sigh of relief when her eyes moved in his direction.
"That's it, just keep your eyes on me." Rowan said as he gently slid one arm underneath her knees and the other around her back, carefully scooping her up into his arms and making his way to the passenger side of the car, laying her down in the passenger seat before putting her seat buckle on her. He closed the car door before quickly making his way to the driver's side and getting in, putting his seatbelt on first and then driving away from the woods.
Just close your eyes and stop resisting. Your body can't keep fighting me much longer
Samari's eyes throbbed as she struggled to keep her half vision on Rowan who was driving on the road as if he was in a street race. She slowly began to close both of her eyes, almost giving in to the voice but the sound of Rowan snapping his fingers brought her back, her eyes shot open as she jolted from it.
"I need you awake right now. What's the name of my cat?" Rowan asked Samari, a small thing the two have picked up and started doing whenever one or the other is supposed to stay awake.
Samari's brow furrowed as she tried to focus on Rowan's question, but the pounding in her head was making it increasingly difficult to think.
"Your...your cat?" she stammered, her voice weak and strained. "It's...Orion, right?" Even as she spoke the words, Samari felt a twinge of uncertainty. Had that been the cat's name? Her memories were growing hazy, the edges blurring as that oppressive weight continued to bear down on her.
Rowan nodded, his expression a mix of relief and concern. "That's right, good. Just stay with me, Samari. We're almost to the hospital, okay?"
Samari tried to nod, but the simple movement sent a jolt of pain through her skull. She winced, her eyes clenching shut as a wave of dizziness washed over her.
"Rowan..." she breathed, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't feel right..."
Rowan's grip tightened on the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white. "Hang on, Samari. We're almost there, just stay awake for me, alright?"
But Samari could feel the darkness closing in, her consciousness slipping away. The car seemed to sway and tilt around her, and she struggled to focus on Rowan's voice, to keep her eyes open.
"Rowan..." she murmured again, her words barely coherent. "I...I can't..." And with that, Samari's head fell back against the seat, her body going limp as she succumbed to the overwhelming darkness.
Samari, can you hear me?
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Sarah Marie Connors
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Sarah Marie Connors, The Most Popular Girl in town
Scorpio: The Secret Nature
Catchphrase: "God save me."
Favorite Ride: The Carousel
Intro: In her life, Sarah Marie had been know as one thing. Perfect. In everything she did. Growing up in Uranium, Sarah had been relatively normal. Making friends with the other kids in school and staying quiet around most others. It was when she and her parents moved to New York that her conventionally attractive face bought her a ticket to Instagram stardom. Her parents, seeing an opportunity to make money off their daughter, immediately turned Sarah into a rich internet star. After 10 years of ruining her mental health by forcing herself to be better so the internet would think she was good enough, a dying grandmother brought Sarah’s family back to Uranium. Excited, she packed her bags. When she got there, she tried reconnecting with her friends only to find them sending her Instagram hate mail because she betrayed their small town and became a quote, “popular bitch.” The only one to welcome her back was the boy who see had always seen as her little brother. Noel Gruber. Seeking an escape from her controlling parents, she joined the choir. She joined too late to sing at the competition, but Noel decided to take pity on her by inviting her to the fall fair with them.
Song Title: Picture Perfect
Song Theme: Just because a life appears perfect, does not mean the person did not have issues. 
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzBTynurJ0naURU7hJn16tuBkXkbzTpmc
Dialogue lines: 
“I have so many issues, but no one sees. I’m never good enough no matter how perfect I try to be. Everyone sees me as some perfect girl except the people I care about, they just think I’m an annoying mess. My family will never think I'm good enough. I didn’t act like myself because I was trying to be who they wanted. I don’t know who I am because of that. I’m beaten by my parents practically daily, and no one hears my cries for help. I try to be nothing but kind and people still think I’m a bitch. That, my friends, is why I resign.”
“....Cat girls? ….Really? ….ok.” 
“We can be nerd buddies!!”
“My baby brother is a whore in his little brain and I'm so proud of him.”
“If no one shuts her up in the next five minutes, I'm killing Ocean myself.”
“I’d rather die- wait.”
“That was the most romantic thing I've ever heard!! Ya kinda lost me with the rapping, but hey I'm still diggin it!”
“Jane isn’t even that scary, she’s just socially awkward. I think...”
“Can I hug you?”
“Connie that was so sweet!”
“Everyone thinks I’m ok. I’m not besties. Thanks though.”
Character Thoughts:
Ocean is the worst
Noel is my baby brother
Mischa is so freaking hot....
Ricky! Bestie! Nerds together forever!
Jane is my new bestie, I think shes fascinating!
Connie is the sweetest girl ive ever met and I'm forever grateful she is my friend in a town that feels so against me
Choirsona thoughts:
Juno,,,, sisters. Best friend. Darling. She’s insane. I love her though.
Robin seems nice! He is an amazing artist!
Lucille is a sweet girl, she drew me once! I love how shes always there
Arabella.... She's what I should be.
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xenodile · 2 years
Got miner from 70 something to 81 and I’ve unlocked all the gatherer dailies and most of the custom delivery options.  And I’m deciding that gathering is Byl’s post-EW recovery arc, after she gets all the complicated emotions and what she wants for the future sorted, she picks up a pickaxe and starts diggin’ towards something better.
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vickiabelson · 2 years
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Today Live with 5x Grammy Winner, Current Grammy Nominee with Good To Be, 14 Blues Foundation Award Winning, Keb' Mo'. Life is Beautiful! One of my favorite songs of all time, with special meaning presently. And boy are we getting a special treat this eve! Be still my heart.
Keb’ began performing with Papa John Creach, and has collaborated with Taj Mahal, Willie Nelson, Bonnie Raitt, Lyle Lovett, James Taylor, Vince Gill, and Darius Rucker, to name but some. BB King & Zak Brown have recorded his music, he’s composed for TV, appeared on screens big and small as himself and as Robert Johnson. 
I adore everything Keb, and so look forward to diggin’ in and getting to know this brilliantly talented artist, philanthropist, and soulful family man.
Keb’ Mo’ Live on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson
Wednesday, 12/28/22, 5 pm PT, 8 pm ET
Streaming Live on my Facebook
Daily by Toni Vincent & @peter_and_paul_ Cartoons
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SINCE THE DAWN OF TIME MAN HAS POURED CHILI OVER RICE. hashtag #blessed. We will begin with lush gardens and a glass of wine over the Sal Palto harbor. The seagulls will squawk, reminding us our unfit mortality. We'll think of overhanging-gardens of the Babylon… how did look? The dewdrops of our lost bloom, rarer still, tame our growling hunger. What that means is, one way to define the greatness of chili is to appreciate the sorts of things that chili associates best with. Things that pair well with chili include, well, if you are here you already know the real answer, but just for these morons we’ll indulge them their “empirical rigor,” and articles “approved by” food and health safety…
for scientific certainty we must suspend instinctual craving, appeal to the lay-community as both lovers and skeptics--
So lately I been like ordering by the bucket from JustSalad and, like, I am totally diggin' this whole bowl vibe. and bowl lifestyle because what bowl does not go well with chili? In the quest for perfect chili we must appreciate the daily bowl--
introducing, bowl#001 that goes well with chili--
Cilantro Lime Chicken Bowl.
"regenerative brown rice + kale, corn, feta, braised chicken thigh, spicy harissa pita, pickled onions, black lentils, avocado."
Modification: with tziyaki sauce (yogurt cucumber) instead of cilantro lime vinaigrette.
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don-pilon · 7 months
Here’s some word play
. She’s not my girl cause she thinks I’m all about foreplay.
Tryna get a nut like a squirrel diggin in the earth daily
Call the day Amy.
Call her up daily
Mall her up? Maybe
She living back near Bailey
Still hazy
I still gotta sit here persuading
The purses be suede y(&)
It’s entertaining
Enter the dragon
Year of the dragon
Year of the fan. No bang-wagon
I am your Aladdin
Ur the princess in satin
In my rugs she sat in
Silks was the fabrics
Milk her like fat chicks.
No cows or chickens
Listen, eat from my kitchen
Smell the delicious fishes
Yea fish be it plural
You’re the Pisces mural
Mutually immortal
Beloved in your new role
Happy Birthday
Signing off as your hero. 😘
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 11 months
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"DARING THEFT AT HAMILTON," Kingston Daily Standard. November 6, 1913. Page 1. --- Thieves Got Away With $850 Worth of jewelry. ---- Hamilton, Ont., Nov. 6. - Thirty-six pearl rings valued at $850 were stolen from the show window of the jewelry store of John Diggins, on King street east at 2 o'clock this morning.
The robbery was undoubtedly the most daring perpetrated in Hamilton in recent years. A perfect circle large enough to admit entrance was cut from the window and a tray containing the pearl rings was removed.
Mr. Diggins says the instrument was a new invention which cuts plate-glass like so much putty.
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amberfaber40 · 2 years
Introducing Paige Bueckers — NCAA Basketball Star and the Newest StockX Brand Ambassador - StockX News
Introducing Paige Bueckers — NCAA Basketball Star and the Newest StockX Brand Ambassador - StockX News
StockX is thrilled to welcome NCAA superstar Paige Bueckers as the newest brand ambassador. Learn more about her journey, the partnership with StockX, and that viral ESPYs acceptance speech where she refocused the conversation on the larger community.
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Lobo recognized for her great impact on women's basketball
The Women's Basketball Hall of Fame did not exist when Rebecca Lobo was growing up in...
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Lauren Jackson Photostream
Lauren Jackson Photos Photos - Britain's Prince Charles, Prince Of Wales, with former Australian and WNBA basketball player Lauren Jackson to his right during the India V New Zealand women's basketball game at the Commonwealth Games, Cairns, on April 8, 2018 in Queensland, Australia. Prince Of Wales And Duchess Of Cornwall Visit Queensland - Day 5
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Nike - Women's Basketball Advertisement
Description: We don't think women should be stuck with a man's basketball shot Agency: John Brown and Partners Location: National Museum of American History Archives Center Coll. 0488, Series 5, Box 1
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Natasha Cloud Roster Recap - Washington Mystics
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Basketball 🏀 | wallpaper | girl | Inst: @likawwwa
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Basketball Sticker | Zazzle
Size: Extra-Small 3" x 3" Dimensions: 3” (w) x 3.5" (l); Design Area: 3" x 3" Stickers are cut to the exact shape of your image and produced using a kiss-cut process on vinyl sheets Choice between matte white or glossy transparent vinyl; please note that white ink is not printed on either substrate Removable, low-tack adhesive leaves no sticky residue Printed with solvent inks that are fade-proof, water-proof and scratch-resistant, making them compatible with and ideal for decorating water bottles, helmets, cars, skateboards, bikes, laptops, phones, tablets, binders, notebooks, journals, lockers, water bottles and more! Available in 6 sizes 0.125" border will be added around each sticker to protect your design and also help it stand out against any background Contour kiss-cut vinyl stickers have never been this custom before! Now you can design your own personalized stickers and we’ll use our patented laser kiss-cut technology perfectly around them for you, die-cut style! You can add a single design to create one perfect sticker, or add multiple different designs to a sheet and create a sheet of stickers, each beautifully printed and individually kiss-cut. Whether you are looking for that perfect funny sticker of your favorite meme, a cute sticker to show that special someone your love, a classic Disney sticker if you’re feeling a bit nostalgic, a sticker compatible with your Hydro Flask, or even a perfectly trimmed sticker of your business logo, Zazzle will have you covered… in stickers! Zazzle’s custom kiss-cut stickers allow you create and make your unique style really stick! Please Note: Due to production limitations, there is a maximum of 30 individual stickers per sheet.
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Skylar Diggins-Smith Bio: Career, WNBA, Net Worth & Spouse
Skyler Diggins Smith is a four-time WNBA All-Star and two times All-WNBA First Team honoree who plays for the Phoenix Mercury in the WNBA.
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UConn basketball returns with fans despite tech malfunctions - UConn Daily Campus
There are many needs for University of Connecticut students throughout their time at school. One of these primary needs is basketball, and with the stands remaining empty at Gampel Pavilion last year due to COVID-19, students were forced to live without basketball in Storrs. But in 2021, the time has come for basketball to return.
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Nike Dri-fit Swoosh Fly Women's 3x White/black Basketball Shorts Ck6599-100
Item specifics Condition: New with tags: A brand-new, unused, and unworn item (including handmade items) in the original ... Read more about the condition New with tags: A brand-new, unused, and unworn item (including handmade items) in the original packaging (such as the original box or bag) and/or with the original tags attached. See all condition definitions opens in a new window or tab Size: 3XL Department: Women Style: Athletic Performance/Activity: Basketball Fit: Athletic Features: Breathable, Drawstring, Elastic Waist Color: White Occasion: Activewear Brand: Nike Size Type: Regular
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'The tide has been turning': Women's basketball players, coaches discuss the Michigan-Michigan State rivalry - The State News
A concerning trend for Michigan State women's basketball.
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chipjrwibignaturals · 2 years
i realized part of why im diggin this assignment and its Easy Actually is bc its playing to my autism. like. hell yeah insanely detailed list of things we need to do lets GOOO
ive hit a bit of a Wall where. im at a pause point okay like this is the Crucial "keep going or hop off" point which decides if i keep going. but ALSO
we got an extension til monday lets GOOOOOOOOOO!!!! FUCK this assignment im gonna do my animal crossing daily shit then drive home :]
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musickeys · 4 years
ay Ryoma ☕️
open; breakfast chat 
‘☕️’,  they have to talk about something that keeps them going and living.
“ hmph. why would you even bother asking, i don’t have any reason to live, you know.. i thought that was obvious.. “ ryoma sat in silence, gazing off at a wall before.. “ i suppose, if there’s one thing i’d say i’m hanging on for, then its.. Sakuro.. “
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“ before she.. was gone.. she always told me that.. i couldn’t simply throw my life away, that i should be easier on myself.. that everything will find a way to work out in the end.. she always told me that when a match went south, or when i pushed myself too hard.. heh, i suppose, i’m just.. hanging onto her words at this point.. “
“ ..i know i’ve already disappointed her enough, but perhaps if i keep holding onto her wishes for just a little longer.. she’ll forgive me.. i know it’s a long shot, but at this stage, it’s all i have left to hope for.. “
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“ ...geez.. it’s not like me to get so emotional.. “
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im moving to todayinspacecamp
ill spend a few days or weeks lol refollowing ppl ive followed on here <3
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tophthegoph · 3 years
Songs im feeling today: part 1/??? -- creature, half alive I really like the lyrics of this one. Its how you do good Christian music. Instead of obnoxious soft rock/pop country songs about "YEAH YEAH JESUS I LVOE JESUS", creature takes a more subtle, yet ever present Christian theme. I honestly didn't know it was a Christian song for nearly a YEAR after I first started listening to it. Its written so poetically and eloquently in a way most Christian music isnt. This same reason is why I love Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos. Most people don't even realize its a Christian song because of how subdued it is, but once you realize it is, and how poetic and beautiful the lyrics are it takes your breath away. Its similar to how Tolkien and CS Lewis presented Christian themes in their works. CS "If one person doesn't understand that this lion is Jesus" Lewis obviously went for a direct allegorical approach, where Tolkien went for a more subdued approach, peppering his stories of Middle-Earth with Christian THEMES, which is ultimately, to me, much more profound. TLDR: Good song, more Christian songs need to be less abrasive and more lowkey like this one, they will be infinitely better for it Starting a series that no one will see nor care about but it makes me happy so im doing it:)) Basically if im rlly into a song on a day ill post it along with a lil blurb as to why im diggin it :) Might be daily or every other day idk Also I promise it wont be a bible study every single time for my non religious folks following me. It just so happened this was the song I was listening to on repeat today
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dailyandnopales · 3 years
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We're Daily & Nopales! We’re launching a new podcast called “ Into the Fandom Void”
We do deep-dives on specific aspects of fandom or shows we love, and also hope to be a place to come for analysis, predictions or even theories that interest us! We're also heavily invested multi-shippers just hoping to spread peace and love. We go wherever our passions take us! we're really diggin' shows like My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, Miraculous Ladybug, The Owl House and more! So listen to us cast Into The Void and join the conversation here or on twitter!
Our first episode we talk about a character that’s very dear to our hearts.. Uraraka Ochako! At the time of the recording 318 was the most recent chapter but we think we’re still on track with what we discussed.. so who saves the hero’s when they need saving? Tune in to hear our thoughts!
Listen on > Spotify || Apple
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keelywolfe · 3 years
FIC: Pity in Short Supply (baon)
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Summary:    In the aftermath of the kidnapping, Red has a few thoughts. There's a reason he's always called 'em liabilities.
Tags:  Kustard, Domestic, Established Relationship, Sans/Underfell Sans, Aftermath of a kidnapping, Undertale Monsters on the Surface, Underfell Papyrus/Underswap Papyrus, Background Spicyhoney, A Touch of Lemon Goodness
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
By the time the sun was thinking about hopping over the horizon and getting started on its daily workout, the warehouse parking lot was starting to clear out. All the ambulances were long since gone, the only one of ‘em with a person in the back was the guy who was still stuck in that weird foam shit.
Red didn’t believe in karma; he’d spent much too long eating shit himself for that, but if there was any lingering threads of justice still clinging stubbornly in the air, it’d take a long, painful time to get that fucker loose.
Most of the Embassy Security teams were heading back with all the evidence stacked in their backseats and Red was standing in a shadowed corner away from the streetlights watching them pack it in. Some of ‘em would start working on interviewing the kidnappers who didn’t need a few hours to cut them loose from a little chemical warfare, along with the agents the FBI shipped their way. Some were gonna work on getting shit together for the inevitable interviews with the kidnappees sometime this afternoon. Red had some pull and plenty of strings to yank, but even he wasn’t gonna be able to hold back the tide of questions much longer than that.
There was probably gonna be a fit pitched somewhere along the line that he’d sent his trouble twins home to sleep before getting much info, but Red would have to hula that hoop when it rolled in. Wasn’t only about Stretch, it was about his bro; there was only so much the boss could take before he slammed face-first into his breaking point and he’d been skating a little too fucking close tonight for Red’s taste. Better to let him take his pretty little liability home, clean him up, spend a li’l time rubbing his scent all over him again like a dog in heat and wasn’t it a damn good thing none of ‘em could piss.
The last thing any of ‘em needed was his bro snapping and hauling his honey away like a shorter, skinnier, bald version fucking King Kong.
(and was the memory of his brother's bleak face as he sat there waiting for answers while Red lied out promises about getting his liability back in one piece gonna haunt his nightmares, fuck yes, 'course it was, gotta balance those books somehow, there was always a price, he'd learned that lesson fast while he was still carrying his baby bro on the streets. always a price, fucking always)
Red wasn’t too worried about losing any info, anyway. Wasn’t much chance of Stretch forgetting much, not with that eidetic memory of his. Not being able to forget was half of his fucking problems to begin with.
Out in the mostly deserted parking lot, the last couple agents were finished packing up their car, not even seeming to give him a second glance as they climbed in. ‘Seeming’ was the real shit there, to anyone who wasn’t used to watching. The driver, a deceptively slender deer Monster, their antlers cut stylishly down, paused just long enough for their eyes to flick his way. The subtlest of looks, but that was it. They didn’t make a show of asking if Red wanted a ride, didn’t play any ego trips over spotting him, just hopped into the car and sped off.
Good instincts. Red made a mental note to keep an eye on that one. Good, not great, ‘cause they didn’t notice the one standing further back behind him, the guy who took up the best shadows before Red even showed up.
He stepped up now, hands stuffed into his pockets as he shuffled his way to stand next to Red, untied shoelaces dragging on the damp asphalt. They stood there together while the first unbearable rim of sunlight crested and took the shadows with it, bathing them in painful, golden light.
Red pulled out a cigar and bit off the end, spitting it to the ground. He lit a match with a flick of his thumb and held the tip in the wavering flame. When the end was smoldering, he flicked the match into the puddle, the faint hiss of it extinguishing unheard as he asked in a cloud of exhaled smoke, “how’s it going, sansy?”
Red was looking at the empty parking lot, the puddles dotting it like a scattering of miniature lakes across a land of broken asphalt, so he didn’t see Sans shrug, but he could feel it, a ripple in the still air around them. “went like clockwork. we planned for this sort of shit, you know, planned it out for years. worked out possible sceneries with fuzzybuns, toriel, all the diplomats.” Sans’s ever-present smile widened humorousness, “even had a few for edge and stretch, guess we shoulda brainstormed on those ones a little more. don’t know if we coulda come up with that one, though. drugging him was always a contingency, but no one guessed they’d strip his ass down and lose every damn tracker on him.” Another tight shrug, one quick. cramped motion, “we’ll know better next time.”
The plume of smoke rising from Red’s cigar curled in the air, drifting like a mist in the dawn light. Red watched it and nothing else, letting his sockets fall half-closed as he followed the wispy path with his eye lights. “ain’t asking about the fucking ops. how’s it going, sansy.”
There was a long moment of silence, broken only by the rough scrape of gravel shifting under Sans’s feet as he rocked on his heels. “you know, i took up with the security department for paps,” Sans said conversationally. “wanted to keep a close eye on him when he went traipsing around the big bad world to spread the good word. back underground, that whole sentry schtick was an excuse for a paycheck, i wasn’t guarding anything but my own g and a nap.”
“yeah?” Red stuck his cigar between his teeth and bit down, tasting the scatter of soggy, bitter tobacco on his tongue as the jagged tips tore through the fragile wrapper. “that so, sweetheart?”
“yeah, that’s so, dollface,” Sans chuckled mirthlessly. “little ironic, ain’t it, that it turns out i’m good at this shit. who would’ve thought.”
“yeah, never woulda guessed a judge might not be bad at the whole diggin’ up covert info,” Red shook his head sadly, “a shock, really, that ya could put that empty skull of yers to some good use.”
“sweet talker. gonna end up sleeping downstairs with the cat you keep that shit up.”
“fuck, don’t do that,” Red shuddered. “already worried if i don’t get up fast enough to feed that bitch, she’d gnaw off my pinky toe before i wake up.”
“that picky little shit wouldn’t eat you if you rolled yourself up like sushi and slathered on caviar.” Sans hesitated, then asked, softer, “how’s stretch doing?”
“like shit.” Red didn’t bother to cushion it; his pity came sparingly and Sans could take it. “he’s got his judge all cranked up to eleven. caught a helluva glimpse of me when i got here, thought he was gonna puke on my shoes.”
Sans let out a long, ragged exhale. “that’s my fault,” he said bleakly, “i got him to hit his on switch to look for that lost kid, should’ve known he’d have a hard time shutting it down again.”
“maybe.” Red wasn’t too concerned about it. If Stretch wanted to retire and shove all that down into the dark, wasn’t any dust off his ass, but the only way he’d lose it entirely would be if someone ripped it out of him by way of a dustpan. “if those fuckers hadn’t tried to pull a limburger baby on the kid, then it woulda died back down on its own.”
This time Sans chuckle was more real, a little honest humor creeping in. “don’t let stretch hear you call him kid, he’s already got his panties twisted halfway up his spine.”
Red scoffed, tapping away the ash gathering at the tip of his cigar. “honey bun might be the same age as us, but he ain’t as old as we are. don’t matter how the universe tried to age him up.”
The sound Sans made might’ve been a hum of agreement or the juicy, hawking prelude to spitting. The sun hadn’t had a chance to chase away the evening chill and Sans’s jacket was zipped up against it. Over the tab of his zipper, nearly concealed by neckline of his hood, Red could see the glossy rim of well-oiled dark leather, the slightest glint of metal. He let himself look at it for a long moment, take a sip of dark satisfaction at seeing his collar right where it was supposed to be. Then he looked away, back across the empty, crumbling parking lot.
Sans didn’t try to touch him, only shifted his stance until their fingers brushed in a way that could pretend to be accidental, bone lightly scraping bone.
“we should get going,” Red said. The sun was climbing higher, the stars giving way to gauzy, useless clouds. At least stars were interesting, a reminder there was another Aboveground than this one, another path upward that might someday be reached. “we got a lot of shit to do downtown.”
“we do,” Sans agreed. He tipped his head in Red’s direction, slanting him a glance out of the corner of his socket. His eye lights were tinted golden by the sunrise, sly and knowing in a way that had nothing to do with magic. “want me to blow you in the stairwell before we take off?”
Red didn’t wait for him to finish, tossing his half-burned cigar into a puddle, dousing it and sending a splash of ripples through the still water. “fuck, yes.”
He followed Sans into the warehouse and in moments he was braced against the rusty handrail with his shorts around his ankles in the dust, shuddering at the feel of that hot, wet mouth around him, worshiping his cock with lovingly sinful familiarity. Every inch of his focus was taken up by that and there wasn’t room to think about a single other thing. Not even the phantom sensation of metaphorically getting flayed alive by a wild orange gaze, the unexpected, needle-sharp feel of every one of his sins digging in their spidery claws as they crawled up his spine.
He didn’t think about it at all.
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