#Dinosaur Island
mooneyedmoth · 4 months
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I have zero background in drawing animals or babies, I dunno why I thought this would be a good idea but the yoshis island colour pallet is so scrumptious
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mediasaurs · 1 year
T. rex Madness Round 4: Fossil Specimen (Black Beauty: RTMP 81.6.1) vs. Dinosaur Island (2014/2015)
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Fossil Specimen (Black Beauty: RTMP 81.6.1) – Black Beauty, discovered in 1980, is distinguished both by its striking appearance and by being the first T. rex specimen to receive a nickname. It is on display at the Royal Tyrell Museum in Alberta, Canada and has replica casts around the world.
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Dinosaur Island (2014/2015) – Like just about any story set in a lost world of living non-avian dinosaurs, this film features a Tyrannosaurus chasing the human leads. What distinguishes this T. rex, however, is that it is the first time the species is depicted in a feature film with feathers, which is just neat.
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lesserknownwaifus · 1 year
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jackie rodríguez from dinosaur island
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dc-tournaments · 9 months
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ninebaalart · 8 months
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Princess Éclair [Dinosaur Beach]
bringing her back to bask in the summer vibes during the end of winter here
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ancient-anteater · 2 months
Hey :] I wrote a three part thing because I have DC and dinosaurs on the brain, there is gore and animal death (I put it in the tags but thought I’d put it here too) enjoy!
Warren was running, he didn’t dare look behind himself as he heard the huffs and breathing of that thing chasing him. It’s feet slammed against the floor as he ran through the hallways of the cargo ship, the only reason why it hadn’t caught up to him is because he shot it in the leg.
There was a pause, it had stopped. He turned sharply and ran into a random room closing the door behind him just as something big hit the other side, he pushed struggling to keep it shut as he managed to lock it just in time for another body to thud against the other side. Almost bird line sounds were heard and he looked up at the window of the door, backing up as he saw hot breath hit it. The animal turning its head and watching him with a yellow eye.
The animal screeched and clawed at the door, it’s wounded companion sniffing around. He heard it, the animals were big, bigger then he expected but not at all what they were supposed to be. It was meant to be an easy job, he decided to assist one of his crews for once and this is what happened. The job was easy, an island full of extinct animals and all he had to do was bring back some eggs but the parents of the eggs had tracked him down.
He backed up, but felt something wet and oddly sticky on his hand, Warren turned and saw the dismembered body of a crew member. He saw how their intensities dangled out of the open vent they had either tried to climb into, or were pulled out of. He near froze in fear as he turned, seeing the raptor look at him, look at the vent. A hiss sounded from it as he quickly tried to jump up into it, pushing away the disgusting feeling of crawling onto someone’s intestines as he pushed the body out of the vent, it was small, the monsters couldn’t- there was a crash and he was quick to pull his feet up as one of the feathered animals tried biting at his feet. There was a struggle as it slipped on blood like he almost had, it hissed and clicked and jumped again, head swiveling like a bird as it near got up there, near saw him.
He moved as fast as he could in the tight vent, if he could barely fit they couldn’t fit but the thoughts of what had happened to that man to have been half way out of the vent clouded his mind. He heard rattling in the vent, and moved faster. The whole ship was still on a one way automated course for Gotham, if anyone was alive they knew they’d need to make it to the ship deck to call for help, or to safely dock the boat.
The issue was the animals, there were eggs on the ship, and a few adults that he had sedated but they’d need to be dosed again before the ship docked. Not to mention the animals that got aboard unknowingly. The ones causing all the issues in their search for their eggs. The biggest dinosaur on the boat was sedated, the smallest weren’t but they were in small cages with locks meant for lizards and alligators, meant for reptiles. The problem he had come to realize is that these animals weren’t quite reptiles, they were more related to bird, he had doubted their intelligence and that was his first mistake in the shipping of them.
Most of the sedated animals were in shipping crates, the doors locked with passcodes only he and the vet he had hired knew. He had to stop, breathing heavily as he realized no air was flowing through the vents. Something had happened to the generator, meaning the controls were off. The auto pilot system put into the ship worked on emergency power, and he saw the lights were red as he crawled out of an vent into a quiet room, meaning that the lights were connected to the emergency generator as well.
He rubbed his sweat stained forehead with a sleeve as he moved slowly to the door and locked it. Sliding down and sitting in relief as he breathed, only to hear a chirping. He slowly moved his eyes around the room, hoping that he could spot what it was in the darkness before it was too late. The small animal came forward, it tilted its head, chirping as it watched him. It went head first, moving like a chicken as it looked at all sides, jerking its head around. It was feathered lightly, not big fluffy huge feathers, but more so a light fuzz covering the animal. It was grayish color with a lighter underbelly and and a tiger striped tail. It’s face looked like that of a birds, with an almost lizard like white line going down from its head to its back, it cocked its head back and forth. It sniffed, lowering its head towards his shoe.
With a small jump it stood on his foot, it’s arms held close to its body as it tilted upwards, looking at him with both eyes, tail straight. It stayed like that for a second and Warren froze in shock, what an odd animal, but he was cautious as it leaned down and suddenly bit at the cuff of his pants. He shook his leg and with a startling thought he realized it wouldn’t let go. It’s tail was helping it balance as it latched on, small body barley being shaken off so without a second thought he kicked it off with his other leg. The small animal near shrieked in shock as it rolled on the group a little, shaking its head and getting up, raising its leg like it was hurt as it looked at him. A shrill hiss coming from it as he stood up slowly.
It tried placing its weight on its foot and after a few tentative steps it put its foot down. Staring at him, hissing. Sizing him up as it moved away, jumping onto the table in the room and watching him.
He moved away from the door and towards the bed, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at the animal who chirped and jumped off the table, suddenly running and jumping onto him. It bit at his face, grabbing a piece of loose skin and twisting its head and Warren felt a sting of pain as he pushed the animal off but it’s small body was strong as it took a piece of his skin leaving a bloody spot. It struggled and thrashed in his hold, dropping the bitten piece of skin as it shrieked and chirped. Warren threw it down onto the ground with all of his strength and started stomping it. Caving in the animals head with a wet splattering sound and a crunch, continuing to slam his foot down, only stopping when he knew it was dead and blood was covering his shoe.
He breathed heavily, stopping and putting his hands on his thighs as he huffed, suddenly turning and kicking the bed frame as he screamed in frustration. He wasn’t going to die here! He refused to die on this fucking ship, he refused to!
He took a breath, calming himself as he looked around the room, finding a flashlight and a small pocket knife hidden in the drawers of the desk. He had dropped his gun when he was running from the huge raptor, it wasn’t a velociraptor, he had learned from the paleontologist he had hired that velociraptors were small, turkey sized animals covered in feathers. The bigger animals had feathers, but their bottom jaw tilted down a little, they had white dusted heads and thick feathers on their arms and tails, they looked like a hawk with their brown bodies and dusty yellow feet, claws, and mouths. They didn’t clack their big toe down, the claw didn’t dare touch the ground, only flesh and was meant to slice.
He looked at the dead smaller animal for a moment, taking off a pillow case and putting the animal inside of it. Blood starting to pool and drip, he opened the door slowly, doing his best to be quiet as he walked into the hall.
Part 1 of 3
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hexes-t-rexes · 4 months
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doctorslippery · 5 months
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nitpickrider · 2 years
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Of COURSE it was Niles who made the holographic murder room, why the hell wouldn't it be?
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watsondcsj · 1 year
History of the Hypercube and How it Saved Jon Kent From a Volcano
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Superman (2016)
#8 & 9
After a vivid dream, Jon Kent constructs a device that when completed assimilates Kryptonian knowledge and reconfigures itself into a cube.
Krypto attacks the cube and it warps Clark, Jon, Krypto, and itself to Dinosaur Island. It is a place outside of time where they find countless extinct species and Captain Storm, a Golden Age war comic character from Our Fighting Forces that ran from 1954-1978.
They spend the next issue finding the cube so they can return home. Captain Storm sacrifices himself so the Kryptonians get home safely.
Superman Reborn
Mr. Mxyzptlk warps reality around the Kent family causing the timelines of Post-Crisis Superman and The New 52 Superman to merge into one.
The next few issues of Action Comics would explain how this all works and moves Jon Kent’s birth to Earth-0, but later in Infinite Frontier #0 The Spectre, God’s Hand of Vengence, would reinforce Jon’s original origins from the Convergence Earth and hint that this teen may become like a tyrant.
Special #1
The final issue of the run sees Clark use the cube to open another portal to Dinosuar Island to rescue Captain Storm.
They assume the cube itself came from Manchester Black as he had technology that was controlling the beasts of the island and on monsters he used to attack Hamilton County.
Adventures of the Super Sons
In the final two issues, Jon and Damian are trapped inside the cube by the main villain of the series, Rex Luthor. Inside is a white void, not dissimilar to how The Source has been protrayed. The Source is more or less DC’s in-universe mythos of the paper its stories are printed upon. Earth 2 Society and Dark Crisis Young Justice are some examples of The Source being manipulated.
The Hypercube itself manifests in the place and explains to Jon and Damian that it has existed in one form or another since the dawn of time in the DC Universe. Finally unable to stand being used as a prop for someone else’s story, it began to move and create under its own command. 
Cube admits it created the galaxy the villains of the series came from, and it seems to imply it has knowledge of all things that have happened and will happen as well as that they are in a comic book but spares the boys of that burden.
Cube takes The Puppeteer, a villain killed earlier in the series, and brings him into itself with Jon and Damian alive as if nothing had happened to him. The boys use his technology to break out of the cube. It seems the only limitation to Cube’s phenomenal cosmic power is his box-shaped lamp.
The Flash #797
Apparently, moments after defeating Rex Luthor, Jon and Damian find themselves in the future on another Earth to help Jai and Irie West and Maxine Baker beat some multiversal baddies.
I assume Cube was attempting to save the boys from the events of Teen Titans 2018, Superman 2018, and beyond into what was going to be 5G by skipping them past it. The boys return to their proper time, however.
Action Comics #1054
In chapter 4 of "Lois & Clark 2," Jon is badly burnt by a flame. This story takes place between the handoff from Jurgens, Tomasi and Gleason to Bendis in Superman and Action Comics. This is somewhat of a discrepancy if this Jon is intended to be the same Jon who survives in a volcano for 5 whole years.
Injustice #1
The Joker nukes Metropolis killing Lois Lane and her unborn child. 
Cube takes this child from the currently unknown Earth-49 and recreates the abandoned Superman: Reborn composite timeline for this version of Jon and Lois to live and grow.
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The Man of Steel 2018
Jor-El picks up Jon and Lois for a little space road trip.
Superman 2018
Everything Jon explains to his father about his experience happened to him, however the Jon that returned to Earth-0 is truly the Jon from Earth-49 the alternate timeline from "Superman Reborn" with most of the memories of Earth-0 Rebirth Jon in place including those up to Cube’s wormhole the black hole. The amount of time Jon was out with Jor-El as described by in Superman #8 is now a completely useless measurement of time. Jon and Jor-El may truly have only been in space for three weeks by the Earth-0 clock before encountering the wormhole.
Jor-El tracked the only Jon Kent in the known multiverse through time and space to Earth-3 in the universe and hypertime he now found himself where Cube placed him five years in the past. Earth-0 Jon would fall through Cube’s time and space wormhole to a world that was currently uncharted but known to exist, Earth-49 the world of Injustice. 
Having scanned all possible futures, Cube opens a portal for Rebirth Jon to escape through. This is why Jor-El thinks that Jon ran from him before they fell through the black hole. A version of him did, just not the one he ended up with. 
Superman: Son of Kal-El
Jon is shown on a world that does not conform with the reader’s knowledge of past events in multiple flashbacks. His birth in the Fortress of Solitude is similar to the events in Action Comics #978 but not the same. Dick is wearing his New 52 outfit at a time when he should be presumed dead and acting as a secret agent or back in blue. Jon claims he was able to fly at age 9 when the bare minimum amount of reading comprehension would tell you he couldn’t fly until he was 10. Jon remembers his grandparents farm house after its destruction in a way the audience has never seen before. Not only were his grandparents not alive when that book was published, but these panels are reminiscent of the New 52 Superboy’s origin story.
Pa Kent would later describe the events of Superman 2016 #1. This is notable because it seems to again reinforce that this world was not changed during Superman Reborn and that Jonathan Samuel Kent was not the one to reiterate these events.
Superman & Robin Special
As Jon and Damian remind the reader of Superman 2016 #8&9 and Adventures of the Super Sons, Cube demonstrates its power once again by opening a door through space for an alien that ages years in minutes and through time for a platoon of Nazi soldiers. 
This serves a double purpose to show the reader what is in store for these two. Damian is no longer destined to become like Hitler. Teen Jon will find his double and return with him to where they came from. Teen Jon has a younger double lost out there somewhere.
Adventures of Superman Jon Kent
Jon states it is easy for him to see when someone is from another universe by looking closely at their molecules. 
Val-Zod states that time moves at a constant rate. Jumping from one multiverse to another alone would not throw the traveler through time as well. More importantly, Val-Zod then states that in the whole multiverse, there are many Jon Kents that are children and only two that are old enough to be able to assist with their mission.
Ultraman recognizes Jon confirming the volcano imprisonment did happen. 
Injustice Clark makes a double-take at Jon and claims he has his mother’s eyes, implying that this Jon is his own biological son.
This mini should see the Earth-0 Jon perhaps around age 12 at most appear on this Earth.
In the final issue of the mini, Jon states that he has practiced sneaking up on Damian for years while holding the Lasso of Truth, yet for this would be a stretch to be fact. Jon met Damian at 10 and left Earth at 11 making their friendship truthfully less than a year in length before Jon became much older.
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graytaloty · 1 year
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rushed redraw of a random point in Dinosaur Island
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nocountryforiguanodon · 6 months
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One more old comic edit because yesterday I couldn't find the folder I had saved it. I wish comic books still had speech bubbles on the covers. There's so much more to work on.
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mediasaurs · 1 year
TRM Round 1: Dinosaur Revolution (Junior) vs Dinosaur Island (2014/2015)
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Dinosaur Revolution (Junior) – This juvenile T. rex has a string of good luck for a while. He’s the sole survivor of his clutch of eggs, withstands an Ankylosaurus injury, and even manages to get through the initial asteroid impact by hiding in a cave. Sadly, that’s where his luck ends as he falls to his death chasing a mammal and things somehow get sadder from there. Man, Dinosaur Revolution can be depressing.
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Dinosaur Island (2014/2015) – Like just about any story set in a lost world of living non-avian dinosaurs, this film features a Tyrannosaurus chasing the human leads. What distinguishes this T. rex, however, is that it is the first time the species is depicted in a feature film with feathers, which is just neat.
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coldcrashpictures · 2 years
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I just paid $37 for this, it better be either the best dinosaur movie ever made, or the very, very worst.
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dc-tournaments · 9 months
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Why do they deserve to win?
Dinosaur Island
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Leezle Pon
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Jorge’s amazing ringtone :)
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