#Diploma in (AME) Course Details
nikhilamecet · 6 months
Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (AME) is a 3 years diploma course having six semesters. Each semester comprises of 6 months approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). AME course involves studying, designing, developing, and testing of aircraft. The safety and security of aircraft is in hands of AME. AME must have good problem solving skills and passionate about learning about aircraft.
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gotham-daydreams · 1 year
Honestly, if I was reader I would weaponize the fact they literally know next to nothing about me. Hear me out
Bruce and fam show up and are like: it's so irresponsible for you to just disappear and not tell anyone, did you drop out of school just to get away
Me, knowing they never paid attention anyways: no one wanted to talk that night so I left a note. And no I didn't drop out, I graduated with honors. I went to/am going to college for___ degree. I took my diplomas with me because it's MY accomplishment
Bruce letting his high tech medical machine do a series of tests because he's lost it and wants to know every detail down to your white cell count: you've had a significant damage to your pelvis in recent months
Me : oh yeah, My husband is going through a phase
Bruce : you're married???
Me : was it my ring or extraordinarily good sex life that gave it away??
Like seriously, I'd not pull any punches when it comes to hurting them back for what they did to me. Such as mentioning lasting injuries or traumatic events that happened while they were pretending I didn't exist. If anything I'd bring it up just to hammer in the fact that I.don't.need.them. And let them all have mental breakdowns. It gives me joy. And the best part is, they really wouldn't know what's fact or fiction. Let them go hunting for a husband that doesn't exist. Send them on wild goose chases for anything and everything they don't know.
Again, I love all of these spite posts and y'all are a RIOT and I love y'all for that, oh my god.
Icing on the cake? Of course the reader has gotten hurt in the past. They've overworked each and every last atom in their bodies just to have an inch of a connect with the Batfam, but still got nothing for their efforts. Which may or may not be mentioned in part 3 when stuff starts tumbling down even more.
Honestly, why not just make shit like that worse? How are they going to know?
You broke your wrist? Say it was your arm.
An ankle? Say it was both your legs and you were maybe even bedridden for a while. Or just on crutches (which may or may not be canon).
Hell, with the whole husband thing — why not lowkey turn it into a whole ass drama for the hell of it? You've had pervious partners in the past, and honestly some of them were kind of shit but there was this one person who you're actually kind of chill with. Maybe you still have a drink with them every now and again. You're married but have already been through your first divorce and have maybe been thinking of having children, or maybe you already do! (Which, of course, they can be pets but how is the Batfam going to know that right away?)
Basically, go off. They honestly deserve it, and especially because after years they still don't know the smallest thing about the reader. Well- besides that they're into music, and even then that's only about half of them? I believe?
The only one that would see through your bs is Alfred but he isn't going to say anything. Not without being sassy himself and heavily sarcastic. Even if he'll only play along for so long, your the favorite so it's okay. Besides it wouldn't be the first mind games he's played.
It may take everyone a little longer, but you can guess why. Hell, maybe some lies they'll never even find out about, since some of the best lies are told with a little bit of truth to them.
Regardless, it all spunds very fun ♡♡
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agaypanic · 1 year
Holy cow, you are going through these requests super fast. Woah! Also congrats on graduating. So am I. This isn't detailed at all but maybe a graduation fic with Hyde or Kelso. You can do whatever you want with it.
Proud of You (Steven Hyde X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Hyde never cared for school or big events that didn’t revolve around him getting wasted. But he always shows up for his favorite girl.
A/N: congrats on graduating to you too!! Also, reader is in Jackie’s grade. Also number 2, even though i write for hyde I DO NOT SUPPORT THE ACTOR!!! kk that’s all, hope you enjoy :) F/f means favorite flower
You loved your boyfriend; you really truly did. But part of you didn’t believe Hyde when he told you he would be in the front row of your high school graduation. He didn’t even show up to his own graduation! You expected him to forget and find him sitting in his chair in the Forman’s basement, watching some stupid show with the guys.
You still kept your hopes, though. Steven Hyde could always surprise you by showing that he cared. Besides, even if he didn’t come, your other friends would surely show up to see you and Jackie walk across the stage.
But as you sat in the overcrowded, echoey gym, all you could think about was making sure you didn’t miss your name being called by the class president. It was hard to focus with all the camera flashes and cheering families.
“Y/n L/n.” You stood up at the call of your name and moved through the chairs and up the stage. You heard cheers from the crowd of friends and families but couldn’t differentiate any of the voices. Grabbing your diploma and shaking the principal’s hand, you looked out to the audience. Unable to see anyone clearly, you shrugged and returned to your seat.
The ceremony felt like it went on forever. The names and claps seemed never-ending, but after God knows how long, caps were thrown, and you were released to meet with your families. Your family got to you before you could reach the bleachers. You were showered in affection, congratulations, and flowers.
So many flowers.
“Mom, you’re smothering me.” You laughed as your mom crushed you in her embrace and continuously kissed your cheeks.
“I don’t care. My baby graduated!” She took your face in her hands and peppered your forehead with more kisses. Your dad had to pull her off of you, whispering that you should go while you had a chance. As much as you loved your mother, you took that chance.
Speeding off, you looked all around to see if you could find any of your friends. It was an easy task; Kelso was a giant, so you were quick to find him smothering Jackie with affection while the rest of your friends surrounded them, clearly grossed out.
“Hey!” Donna spotted you first, bringing you into a hug before passing you around to everyone else. “We were starting to wonder where you were.”
“Mom got emotional.” You laughed as Eric patted your head, telling you, ‘Good job.’ Everyone else gave you the same sentiment, except for one. The one you were looking forward to the most. “Hey, where’s Hyde?”
“That’s weird,” Fez said, looking around the room. “He was just here.”
“Yeah, he’s around here somewhere.” Using his height advantage, Kelso searched through the crowd. His eyes lit up in recognition somewhere behind you, but he quickly turned around as if someone was telling him to look away. A few seconds later, you felt an arm around your shoulders, bringing your back to a familiar chest.
“Hey, Doll,” Hyde whispered in your ear, kissing the side of your head. “Congratulations.”
You squealed in delight, turning around in your boyfriend’s arm to hug and kiss him.
“I’m kind of surprised you’re here.” You looked down at the hand that wasn’t holding you. “With flowers.”
“Of course, I’m here, Y/n.” Hyde handed you the bouquet of F/f, making you thankful that you passed all the flowers you had already gotten to your dad before you ran off. His now free hand threaded through the hair at the back of your hair and brought you forward so he could kiss the top of your head. “I always show up for my girl.” You grinned.
“I’m so glad you came.”
“I’m proud of you, Doll.” Hyde leaned down to whisper into your ear. You could practically feel the smirk on his lips. “Maybe we should find an empty classroom so I can show you how proud I am.” You laughed, trying to ignore the heat rising in your face.
“Oh my gosh, shut up.”
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ronanlynchdefender · 1 year
An Asexual Reading of Gansey
A little while ago, I made a post saying Gansey should’ve been ace “because reasons” and then I decided to write a post detailing those reasons and here it is.
As someone who is ace, I think many ace-spec (and aro-spec) people conceptualize our romantic and platonic relationships differently than allo people might. When reading The Raven Cycle, I personally related to Gansey and how he thinks and feels about his friendships with the raven boys. Had Gansey been written as an asexual character, I think it would’ve added another layer of nuance to the unique ways in which he views these platonic relationships.
"What has he possibly done to deserve such a thing?" Helen demanded. "Are you sleeping with him?" Indignation cooled his voice. "Because friendship isn't worthy enough?" (The Raven King, pg. 303)
Gansey prioritizes his platonic relationships just as much as his romantic relationships. In fact, Gansey’s primary concerns in the entire series (aside from finding Glendower) are his intense (and often tumultuous) friendships. His friends are such a priority that he brides the headmaster in order to guarantee that Ronan gets his high school diploma. Helen assumes that only a romantic or sexual connection would motivate someone to do something so extreme, but Gansey pushes back on this idea. For Gansey, friendship is just as worthy and just as important as any other relationship. The words,  "just a friend," are meaningless in a Gansey world. If Richard Campbell Gansey III chooses you as his close friend, he will go to the ends of the ley line for you.
I think this is something that ace-spec and aro-spec people can relate to because we may also place higher value in our friendships just like Gansey does. Just because we don’t experience romantic or sexual feelings in the same way as everyone else, or at all, doesn’t mean we won’t still do batshit crazy things for other people.
For an ace or aro-spec person, platonic relationships can be just as strong as romantic or sexual relationships are for allo people. 
“Do you not want me to come?” Something stuck in Gansey’s throat. “I would take all of you anywhere with me.” (The Raven Boys, pg. 163)
This is just an absolutely beautiful line, and what makes it so is that Gansey truly means it. It’s so sincere and vulnerable. The things that Gansey values most in his life are his friendships, and he just wants all of them to be together forever. Besides finding Glendower, his dream in life is to literally live with all his friends in Monmouth. He begs Adam to move in with them. And I KNOW I am not the only ace-spec or aro-spec person who dreams about living in a big house with all their closest friends.
What was it about Blue? Adam was not suspicious of her, and he was suspicious of everyone. But then again, he was clearly infatuated. That, too, was unfamiliar ground for Gansey. (The Raven Boys, pg. 201)
In these couple of chapters when Adam asks Blue out with the guys and they find Cabeswater for the first time, Gansey is confused about Adam’s feelings toward Blue. There are a few interpretations: Gansey is jealous of Adam because he is attracted to Blue; Gansey is jealous of Blue because he is in love with Adam. Both of these interpretations are, of course, not mutually exclusive.
Regardless of any jealousy or attraction he may or may not be feeling in this scene, Gansey is genuinely confused because Adam liking a girl so openly is inconsistent with his perception of Adam. It is exactly as Gansey says. Adam doesn’t trust people.  To see Adam trust another person so suddenly and inexplicably in Gansey’s eyes is disconcerting to say the least.
At the door to the helicopter, Gansey looked back over his shoulder at them, his smile complicated when he saw them holding hands. (The Raven Boys, pg. 196)
Obviously, Adam has a crush on Blue, but this isn’t easy for Gansey to wrap his head around. It's easy for Gansey to conceptualize that Adam may admire this strange and quirky girl from afar at Nino's, but seeing them physically close after only 2 or 3 encounters utterly puzzles him.
I feel like a lot of ace-spec and aro-spec people can relate to the confusion around sudden attraction. We ask totally reasonable questions such as how do you know you like someone after only having one or two conversations with them?
If Gansey was written as asexual, one could interpret this scene as Gansey not understanding the nature of Adam's romantic or sexual attraction to Blue. It would not be Adam’s crush that puzzles Gansey but also the idea of crushes altogether.
[Side note: Just imagine a version of Raven Boys where Gansey is lamenting the downfall of his queerplatonic relationship with Adam because Adam has a crush on a girl. It’s not even too far off from what actually happens in the books. Lmao]
“We’re friends at once, we would instantly do what friends would do for each other. Not just pals. Friends. Blood brothers. You just feel it. We instead of you and me. That’s jeong.” Gansey was aware on a certain level that the description was melodramatic, heightened, illogical. But on a deeper level, it felt true, and familiar, and like it explained much of Gansey’s life. It was how he felt about Ronan and Adam and Noah and Blue. With each of them, it had felt instantly right: relieving. Finally, he thought, he’d found them. We instead of you and me. (The Raven King, pg. 360)
How interesting that Gansey bonds with Henry Cheng, The Raven Cycle’s most aroace-coded character, about the concept of platonic soulmates. This point is pretty self-explanatory. I feel like a lot of ace and aro-spec people relate to the concept of platonic soulmates.
In conclusion, I think making Gansey asexual could’ve added another layer of nuance to the already nuanced relationships he has with all of the members of the gangsey. While it is evident in certain scenes that Gansey was not intended to be an ace-coded character, I still resonate with the ways Gansey feels about his relationships.
Also, I know I wrote about ace and aro-spec people in general for this post, but this is mainly from my own personal perspective so obviously the points I make are not necessarily representative of the entire community.
If any other aces (or aros) are reading this, let me know if you relate or if this is just a me thing. I’m curious to hear what other people think about this topic.
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gemsofgreece · 1 year
Γεια σου! I’m a Romanian History student specialising in International Relations and I am about to enter the last year of my Bachelor’s Degree, meaning I will have to write a thesis in order to obtain a diploma. I also happen to be learning Greek. I have been fascinated by the history of 20th century Greece for a while now and have written almost every essay we were assigned on topics surrounding it, thus I have picked “Greece’s foreign policy in the 20th century” as the topic for my thesis. As for any other scholarly work, I will be in need of primary sources and I was wondering if there are any Greek digitalised archives which may contain relevant documents regarding Greece’s foreign affairs and so on? Thank you so much!
Γεια! Bună! :)
I don't know if I can come up with sources for exactly what you ask in specific but here's some stuff I found.
I would first recommend the captain obvious / sly way: Go to the page of the History of Modern Greece in Wikipedia. The page is very detailed and long and it links you to even more detailed main articles about all the historical events one by one. And there are all the references you can search more and the citations you can use there. I linked the English page - but do study the Greek equivalent simultaneously. Sometimes the English one leans towards British / French "inherent innocence" in regards to its involvement in Greek matters. So both together, with their links to extra pages and all the references can provide a generous amount of information that will be pretty safe.
Old publications released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They cover several of the years 1878 - 1921. Half are in Greek and half are in French though. Here's the link.
Here you will find the pdf of the standard senior high school book on modern and modern Greek history.
This is a pdf of the Topics on Modern Greek History, the schoolbook of the senior year in high school for those who plan to study humanities and social sciences in particular.
The link I am giving you below includes online catalogs from Greek libraries (National Library, Academy of Athens and Gennadius Library). It also has links to open access databases on Modern Greek studies. It's catalogs though, research guides. Not access to the books themselves.
One that might be useful is the Journal of Modern Greek Studies. It's the scientific journal dealing with Greek history and culture exclusively after the Byzantine era.
I would recommend the podcast of historian Giorgos Mavrogordatos - Διορθωτικά Μαθήματα Ιστορίας (Corrective History Lessons). It's very serious work, based on his books as well which he mentions so you can search for them and buy them for more info or in order to cite them. You will find his podcast everywhere, Apple, Spotify, and pod.gr . It has around 67 episodes I believe, the first nine discuss other incidents in Europe and the world which could be similar to Greece's situation and then all the rest are about Greece - mostly the events of 1922 but stretching before and after that, and then some episodes about the Greek monarchy. Of course the problem is that it is, well, a podcast, therefore you need to be acquainted with listening to Greek rather than reading it.
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A history website that has great quality and a lot of stuff is Η ΜΗΧΑΝΗ ΤΟΥ ΧΡΟΝΟΥ. It has also articles about world history and its own podcasts. It has a huge archive of articles on Greek history and particularly the modern one, and a lot of little known events, people's documentations and experiences of said historical events, which can give a touch of spice to your thesis. Check out its history menu in this screenshot:
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See, it covers the 20th century exhaustively. Of course, it's a website, so what you can do is that once you read something useful in this website, you then make a targeted search about it on the Internet to find the scientific sources and citations because they don't do it themselves often. But they are legit.
That's the best I could do. Inviting anyone knowing history professors' by name to give us links to their publications (cos I am bad with names and remembering sources and such) or if there is any digital archive database you know out there, help Anon out!!!
In the meantime, I still think the wikipedia can save a life when used carefully. And the podcast is good. In fact, if you search your pod app with Greek characters about "νεότερη Ελληνική ιστορία", it might give you several useful results.
BTW I was amazed to find out that we apparently do not have a Greek-based proper, modern, attractive, friendly to use website about Greek History (all of it), addressed to everyone interested and just being a good, extensive and easily accessible source of historiographical content. I have seen many other nations, even much smaller, having such and putting a lot of work in them (although to my recollection in some cases the contents are wild and not very scientific...). You'd expect Greece would have something similar (hopefully minus the unscientific part) about Greek history but nah. This is both sad and not surprising at all. I mean, η μηχανή του χρόνου is good but it's mostly Greek for Greeks. And other blogs that are very personal and subjective may lack in integrity. But an official modern state-supported website that could engage people from all over the world? Nah. I mean, the ministry itself suggests in the year of our Lord 2023 to use IE4 as a browser! Put THAT on your thesis Anon *laughs to hide the frustration*
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emmaspolaroid · 2 years
NIKKIII i need post canon emma hcs or ill DIE and i feel you are the mutual that can provide (absolutely no obligation to try and come up w something if you just dont have any tho BKAJSDB)
Oh my god Ash you have no idea how excited I am to receive this, I have so many
Her memories don’t come *back* but she experiences really intense deja vu. The best way I can describe the experience is the sense of being “within and without”.
Dreams are really intense, whether they’re good or bad. And even though she forgets as soon as she wakes up, her body remembers.
She grows close with Norman and Ray again pretty much overnight, though it takes a little more time for her to get used to everyone else. It’s probably super overwhelming, but Emma’s cheerful disposition never changes so she does her best to take it all in stride.
Being a stranger to herself, then learning who she used to be deeply shakes her confidence. How can she live up to the stories about this hero who tore her way through dimensions and faced down a god? She’s scared of letting everyone down.
I imagine she develops a lot of anxiety, which of course Norman and Ray would help her work through (in my perfect post-canon world they all have amazing therapists and are on the road to healing lmao). I think post-canon Emma would struggle with being lonely despite being surrounded by people who love her - which was confirmed by that little moment in the bonus chapter. This comes to pass, though! It just takes some time, and a lot of honest communication.
She takes online classes and accidentally graduates with her high school diploma and an associates degree in like two weeks because she hyperfixated on it, like as a fun computer game. She likes every subject but she’s probably most interested in topics surrounding psychology, communications, and early childhood development.
I imagine a handful of the demon world kids will end up being involved in the human world’s politics in some way and while I don’t see any of the trio as politicians, I can see them being ambassadors in some form. Don’t ask me for details because I don’t have any lol I just know they all attend world peace meetings and are held in very high regard. Emma in particular would be concerned with making sure everyone in the world is taken care of and would spearhead humanitarian efforts.
She’s both different and somehow exactly the same. She’s still stubborn, cheerful and caring. She still loves games and is curious about everything. She doesn’t remember them, yet she’ll surprise them by saying the same exact things she’s said before, or coming to the same Only-Emma kind of conclusion.
Norman and Ray now really struggle against her in chess. She used to be so much easier to beat. Now she’s a terror.
I could honestly go on and on, but here’s a few! 🥰
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gureumcity · 1 year
in another life
💌 pairing: lee heeseung x reader 💌 genre: oneshot, idol!au, angst, sad ending 💌 word count: 2.9k 💌 author's note: i've always wanted to try out the idol au so here i am. i tried to research a lot about all the details in idol's schedules but if it is wrong, please look over it. i am human after all.. i have written this for the mere reason of me wanting to write angst. i contemplated a lot on writing for enhypen and where i should begin. especially cause most of them are literally the same age as me or as my friends so it makes it weird to imagine this story. but i considered doing this one because it's gonna be angsty and realistic. enjoy the reading!
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[ you never expected yourself to break the one rule. the trap of falling in love with an idol. but fall you did. you knew it was wrong but what could you do? it's not like you could control your heart. and for the sake of his job and his members too, the company can do nothing but stop you guys. there's nothing you can do, being a commoner, you had to let him go. do you love him enough to let him go? ]
the past two years have been a rollercoaster, really. your journey began with your mother working for the company, hybe labels. well, she had been working since the company was small and were called bighit entertainment; around 2012. so you knew many of the staff as uncles and aunts. your mom was a single mom. no shame in that. but it made lots of things hard on her end which caused you to have three part-time jobs. you wanted to do your part and make up for your father leaving the two of you. by the time you were graduated from high school, you had received a full-ride scholarship to attend a good 4 year university with the major of technical management. you were well satisfied. if all goes well, you would be right up there with your mother as she styled the idols and you leading them on stage to soundcheck and lighting. well.. let's just say you've never had good luck when it came to such big dreams. because not even your first year in college, your mom gets diagnosed with lung disease, an uncurable one at that. as much as you hated to admit it, without a cure any time soon, your mom was on a deadline. soon enough, she resigned and was given proper care for her hospital bills and insurance too. you were glad that at least she had been taken good care of from a good company.
naturally, you quit your part-time jobs and decided to finish university as fast as you can. luckily, your ged credits were easily made up from your high school classes and your chancellor had allowed you to graduate in two years, as long as you finished the rest of your credits during the summer as well. so you bust your ass off for the next year and with hard work and more hard work, you go to graduate in the summer. nothing special. just a diploma and a medal. obviously, what came after this was job hunting. but you didn't have to. like you had known, hybe was a good company that took good care of their employees. and so, here you were standing in front of the big building with the job offer for tech manager. you accepted, of course. where else were you going to get a decent paying, benefit-filled contract with amazing staff surrounding you? nowhere. exactly.
with hopes that everyone will like you, you enter the company and are immediately engulfed with positive, well-oiled working engine, energy. few weeks of training and shadowing someone got you to be assistant manager within no time. you started working with their newest boy group, enhypen. they were all sweet to you, of course professional too.
time after time, comeback after comeback, you and the members had grown much closer. especially lee heeseung. he had welcomed you the best. showed you around on how their schedule goes, what each member likes to do during soundchecks, and so forth. like a hopeless romantic, you did the one thing your mother made you promise to yourself you wouldn't do. working at such a corporate, being married is usually a requirement, due to many of the scandals the idols may be risked into. you were hired with an exception but that didn't make it any less forbidden to interact with the idols in that way. but what could you have done? not have a crush? not fall in love? all valid answers and you probably should've listened to yourself at the time. but.. he came to you first. he asked you first.
heeseung is a sweetheart. always has been and probably always will be. that's what made him feel so special. he was always there. when you found out that your mom is going to have to get surgery, even after the surgery, and also when you were told there's nothing else they can do for your mom. he let you cry in his arms like any boy would do when he likes a girl. but your situation was different. and you knew it. but you still let yourself be enveloped into his embrace, let your feelings make way, and to ignore whatever your inner subconscious would tell you; which was to stop and drop everything before it hurts anyone.
too late.
a few weeks ago from today, you were told by the higher ups that you must no longer interact with heeseung or with enhypen. especially with them being semi-rookies, they should be more careful with things like this.
things like this. that's all your love meant to everyone outside of you and heeseung's relationship.
they had been considering transferring you to another company. luckily for them, they were a label. so they could easily transfer you to a different group without letting loose of you. despite the whole romance that has been taken over, you were good at your job and everyone knew that. maybe that was why they didn't try to stop it as they usually would. you never cry. or so you thought. perhaps it was just that you never had time to cry. with working, there's no way you can just start crying but when you'd go home, you're taking care of your mom. again, no way. sure. you cried to heeseung about your mom but that was that. there was no one you could talk to that would relate or comfort you about this. you put yourself through this.
so the day you go to the park to clear your mind, it was the first time in years you cried. you were getting weird looks from some and pitiful eyes from others. but you could care less. you were not even 22 yet and you were struggling to pay hospital bills, to keep your relationship, to live the life that you wished. that being said, maybe that was why when heeseung had told you these words, you didn't shed a tear.
"i can't love you."
can't. not don't. you wanted to notice the difference in his words. but it honestly didn't matter at this point. when heeseung had noticed the way your face was expressionless, lips pale and eyes dead, he couldn't help but feel that you had known this was coming. it didn't make any of it easier, of course.
"please.. say something, y/n," you let your head rise until your eyes met his. it's funny how a week can change things. you remember just last weekend, you were laying on the floor of the dorm living room, watching some show the tv was streaming with heeseung laying next to you. his arms around you as you two giggled over jake complaining that you guys had finished the last ramen. and now the two of you stand, in front of one another. one's eyes filled with tears and the other with no tears left to cry. he leaves a hard grip on your shoulders, trying to shake you out of what seemed like a daydream. but in fact, you were just tired. tired of believing this was the better choice than all of the above. "i'm begging you. i need you to say something." you slowly wipe the tear rolling down heeseung's cheek and smile.
"heeseung. it's hard not to love you.. but i can't say it's easy to love you either.. you have to understand that this is what's best for the both of us," he pulls you into his chest, hurriedly wrapping his arms around you as if that would stop everyone from pulling him out of this relationship. "i agree.. hee. i agree with the company. i want you to succeed and live your dream. even if that means our dream must die. it's worth it. i swear to you it is." you nodded, almost like you're trying to convince yourself and not the man in front of you. slowly pushing him away, you let out a soft sigh.
his lips trembled at your smile, knowing that you were just acting tough for the sake of his heart. "i'll make it up to you. i promise. i promise to you that one day, i will become such a big hit that no one can control me and judge me for who i'm with. it's cruel to ask. i know.. but can you wait for me? can you-" with a grasp of both your hands on his, he stops.
"i won't. i can't.. hee.. you don't need me. i can love you and cherish you. but it won't give you anything. but your fans? your company? there's just so much more ahead for you. i can't get in the way of that. so instead of a promise to me.. make a promise to yourself. that you will become a big hit because you want to and because that's the life you want to live. not for me. not for anyone else. hmm?," you had many breakdowns together but never had you seen heeseung so brokenhearted. and you couldn't help but feel yourself quiver a bit too. you reach up on your toes to give him a soft kiss on the cheek. "goodbye heeseung.." i loved you i love you.
heeseung watches as you gather your things and leave. he had never felt so empty. what was his dorm, slowly just became a place for him to sleep and rest. it no longer felt like home. nor did his recording studios. he can still hear you messing around with the mic and see you dancing to his dances, in which you failed to copy, but none of that mattered. he still thought you looked cute. the hybe rooftop no longer gave him a relaxing feeling. and he soon realized that none of these places were home to him. you were his home. one he let go of. one he will miss all his life. back at his dorms, his members saw him as a mess. and rightfully so. they all loved you and loved the heeseung when he was with you. he was happy. he was loved. so the night when he was scrummaging through his room to find his airpods; one he tended to lose often if it wasn't for you; he came across a silver chain. a bracelet he recalls giving you. he wonders why it had gotten under his drawers when the faint memory of you comes up.
that bracelet was given to you by heeseung on your first anniversary and a few weeks later, you ended up losing it. you cried to him about it because you felt bad for losing something precious that he had given you. and now here it was. in his shaking right hand. he slowly wraps it around his left wrist and clasps the chain on. with an exhale, the tears were back. soon enough, the other members could hear heeseung balling in his room and it sucked because they knew there was nothing good enough to comfort him. jungwon cleared his throat and slowly entered the room with a knock. "hey hyung?" he could see the way heeseung quickly wiped his tears away and sat up.
"please don't act like you aren't hurt.. it hurts the rest of us to see you suffering..," heeseung's sigh allows jungwon to tap his back with a rhythm. "look.. if it's meant to be, someday, you'll run into her again. and you'll see that nothing has changed. but for now. you gotta think for yourself, hyung. you have to wake up and see that you still have everything else." heeseung's surprised with jungwon's pep talk because despite all the mature things he usually says, he didn't realize jungwon gives good advice on love too. so with a nod, he stands up, tidies his room up a little, before heading to the living room where the others watch a drama.
it's been three years since. your mother had sadly passed a year ago. but she fought her best and you knew she was tired. everything had changed around you except for one thing. hybe was still a good label. placed you into one of their companies, pledis. you worked for seventeen after everything and occasionally other projects among the music stations.
yesterday was their comeback so they're starting promotions today. the first one was music bank. you were excited because since you were now an on-call tech manager. last year, you were given an opportunity to travel on their world tour as the 2nd tech manager. which basically means you get to go with them but behind the scenes. you decided not to because you didn't want to travel in that tight schedule so you stayed behind. a part of you wanted to see the world. but you didn't want it to be rushed and formed around another person's schedule. so glad you did. because this year, you were upgraded into a higher position and now get to be on stand-by. more risks and harder work, but in the end, it was what you wanted. this is gonna be your second comeback with them with this position. first time went great but you were nervous. this time, you know you're just gonna do great.
"they're good."
"what about all the cameras? are they charged?"
all these questions made this feel more real. you were going to present these idols live in about half an hour. soon after, woozi, one of the seventeen members, came up to you and asked if his mic was connected or not because it wasn't working. you instantly fixed it and decided to check on the others as well. everything was good. until you hear a voice you knew all too well, practicing his vocals in a room. you halt and smile at the talented voice before knocking on the door. the seven boys' eyes shifts over to you at your voice with a few gasps here and there. "hi guys, i'm the tech manager. i'm just going to be checking everyone's mics as there were a few issues in seventeen's. so if you don't mind, can you guys show me the mic system and headsets?," they hurriedly take out their mics and lay them out onto a table. as you checked each one, you could feel a few eyes staring at you. you cleared your throat. "okay.. looks good. thank you guys." you look up at their manager and with a bow, you excuse yourself. before getting a grasp of a hand around your wrist. already knowing who it was, you turned around.
"y/n.." with a smile, you slowly release his grip on you. "it's been a while.."
"yes. it has. and i'm glad to see that everyone's doing good."
"how have you been?" you could hear the managers from a mile away, talking about you. honestly, you thought this was all over with by now. but what's done is done. "i'd advise you to go back to your group, sir."
"y/n. don't act like that," with barely any expression on your face, he sighs. "i have some things i left unsaid. and i've been wanting to tell you like crazy. is there any way i can talk to you? and maybe start over?"
"look. i don't know what you mean by start over. but this? it ended three years ago. and if you're here to apologize, don't. it was mutual and it honestly worked out better this way. but if you're here, hoping that things would go back the way it was. it's never going to happen. i'm happy now. truly happy. and i wish you were too. so if you'll excuse me, i'm going to have to get back to my job." as soon as you got out the door, you can hear mingyu.
"y/n! can you fix my headset!" this.. this is how life should be. and you were happy it was. whether it be with heeseung or without heeseung.
maybe in another life, you could be his and he could be yours.
but this was your dream.. right?
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elliemyun · 1 year
Alternative Career Path Essay #5: Baker
This week I am going to be exploring the alternative career path of baking as a professional baker. Baking has always been one of my favorite hobbies, as I always helped my mom make banana bread or cookies as a child. Some of my favorite things to bake are macarons and banana bread. As a professional baker, I would be able to bake myself unlimited amounts of chocolate croissants and other baked goods. Not only do I love eating the pastries that I usually bake at home, but I love sharing what I have made with my friends and family. It makes me so happy when they enjoy something that I put hours into making for them, and the smile on their faces when they tell me that they enjoy it puts a smile on my face as well. Being able to do this as a living for tens to hundreds of customers per day seems very fulfilling, as I would be able to make something that people will enjoy and smile about. I think that cooking and baking are definitely both love languages of mine, which is why I considered exploring this career path for this week’s essay. 
Bakers can pursue a variety of directions concerning their careers. They can either start their own bakery — which incorporates aspects of marketing, business, and sales — , work for a restaurant or bakery as a professional, or own a franchise for bakeries such as 85 Degrees.
A baker doesn’t necessarily require higher education or a bachelor’s degree, but it would be helpful to have knowledge in mathematics and economics. A diploma in culinary arts or baking would be helpful. One must first gain culinary training and expand their baking repertoire through culinary school or a program. For example, Le Cordon Bleu offers a ‘Diplôme de Boulangerie’ course designed to prepare individuals for working in the circumstances of a professional bakery. 
Once one has been equipped with boulangerie knowledge, they must also gain pertinent experience in the real world by completing an apprenticeship or internship. Bakers must be creative, attentive to detail, open to experimenting, dexterous, good communicators, professional, and have technical proficiency.
The average wage for a baker starts at $35,000 per year but is very dependent on expertise, location, and bakery. Bakers might work the early shift, which includes preparation time and proving as well as the actual baking, or the night shift.
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grislyintentions · 1 year
Something something something he graduated from the Akademiya and he made a paper airplane out of the diploma and let it loose so it taps the back of Ei’s head. (AWRAXAWRQXA)
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The paper airplane's course through the air is straight and true, managing to lodge itself in the loose part of her hair. Surprise softens the electro archon's somber expression as she instinctively reached towards the spot where she'd felt the tap.
Ei succeeds in removing the paper out of her hair, though she also succeeds in accidentally loosening some strands out of her immaculate braid in her attempt to do so. No matter. Violet eyes peered into the details as she unfolds the paper plane to read the words that were imprinted cleanly on it.
Realisation soon transforms confusion into a slow spreading smile.
"Congratulations on graduating, Tetsuya. You did well."
After a moment of thought, she held up his diploma to size up the document's measurements and announced.
"I am going to have it framed."
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yourlittlesol · 1 year
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Back on my pen at twenty four, twenty-twenty three.
It has almost been three years since I sat down in front of the computer screen to let my fingers bleed of words. The feeling’s thrilling but somehow vexing and taunting. Life’s been a tad buzz with twenty twenty one’s on-the-job-training course while witnessing a miracle-in-working healing of grandpa, heading back home in Tondo after being away for four months of health isolation, twenty twenty two’s completion of thesis and defense, shooting for our film finals, and finally walking down the PICC aisle on my black toga and white lace, on my grip was my diploma that reads “A Graduate of Bachelor of Arts in Communication''. Wait, it gets better. In July of the same year, I joined the Dream Team – a whole year of studying music and bible at church and helping out in production and ministry outreach. It was the most rigorous yet remarkable journey I’ve gone through in life so far, and I think it will always hold a special place in my heart for in it I’ve learned not only the intricacies of music theory, aural theory sight and ear, rhythm, and dance, but also to seek God diligently, communicate and listen well, be keen to details, and how to uphold a better version of myself every trimester, every week, every day with my soul anchored in faith and humility. As I near pass the finish line of my dream team year, I must say it is the pinnacle of my early twenties alongside stepping out of college.
I am a work in progress – we all are. However, looking closely at myself, I do tend to overthink a lot. By a lot, I mean a lot – with my brain working overtime in an overdrive. I guess it’s because I wanted to embody perfection even though it’s impossible. I’m twenty four, wow. I can’t believe I’m twenty four. It’s slowly sinking in as I re-kickstart my adulting journey by updating my CV. I was stuck at twenty, where I already knew I am old and supposed to be contributing to the finances of my family, an ever reliable ate that hands away W.O.W (words of wisdom) to everyone younger, and someone who behaves prim and proper – just like what the society expects in a fully-grown woman. I am not young anymore, technically but my grandparents often say that I’ve still got decades ahead of me to enjoy life without slacking my years away. That said, I’m old enough to make wise and mature decisions that’ll surely affect my latter years, and still young to be a worrywart about everything. Twenties is indeed a rollercoaster of learning – and this is not for the faint of heart. So to my fellow twenties warriors, we got this.
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Lastly, maybe this thought process has something to do with age as well but lately, I’ve found myself writing my future someone in my prayer list priorities – alongside career, calling, and dream house. Isn't it a little early for that? Better to be praying for him early than late and settle for less, right? I wonder how God reacts everytime I mention to him my “him list”, does he find it funny? The “him list” is not in any way demanding, just a couple of specified bullet points of what I want him to have, parted with negotiables and non-negotiables – e.g for negotiables; it will be great if he’s three years older than me (he doesn’t have to be exactly three years, it’s just my preference but younger? Uhmm, wouldn’t it be weird though? I think it’s weird); Someone who takes good pictures (for memories), and someone who loves to read and write because it’ll be great to be with someone I can mentally grow as well. For the non-negotiables, he should be a man who is gentle, kind, serves God in the ministry, and a man who cooks well because I eat a lot.
Wherever that future someone is, I am always praying he’s healthy and safe. As much as I expect him to be a number of things, I also have my me list so that I can truly be a helper suitable for him. I am praying for a great husband, so why wouldn’t I be a great wife for him? Whether we’ve already crossed paths or we’re still about to, I believe that our foundation should be God – because He loved us so that we can love the people around us, eventually, each other, best. So, no pressure for us. We’ll get to know each other in God’s perfect time.
To wrap up this life catch-up, I’m grateful that no matter how life keeps on throwing me lemons, God always provides for me a blender to make lemonades. I am flawed but not lost. My feet stands on level ground for His counsel gives me a straight-path direction despite the many turns I see. To speak life, to produce quality works, my soul should always stand close to the God who perfects me.
It’s great to write again.
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brookemedbil · 21 days
Open Your Future: Free Medical Coding and Billing Training Now Available!
**Title: Unlock Your Future: Free Medical Coding and Billing Training‌ Now Available!**
**Introduction:** In today’s fast-paced healthcare industry, the demand for skilled medical coders and billers is on the⁢ rise. If you’ve been considering a career in this field but are unsure where to start, we have great⁢ news for you. Free medical coding and billing training is now available, providing you with ⁤the opportunity to unlock ‌your future and embark on a rewarding career path.
**Benefits and Practical Tips:** Here are ⁤some of the key ⁤benefits ⁤and practical tips to keep in mind as you ‍consider‍ taking advantage of this free training opportunity:
1.​ **High Demand**: The healthcare industry is experiencing steady growth, leading to an increased ‍demand for qualified medical coders and billers. By obtaining the necessary ​training, you can⁣ position yourself ​for a‍ stable and rewarding career.
2. **Career Growth**: Medical coding and billing offer excellent opportunities for career advancement. With experience and additional ⁤certifications, you can explore higher-paying roles and specialized areas within the field.
3. **Flexibility**:⁢ Many medical ‍coding and billing professionals have the ⁢option to ⁢work remotely or on a flexible schedule. This flexibility can make it easier to balance work and personal commitments.
4.⁢ **Continuous Learning**: The healthcare industry ⁤is constantly evolving, with new regulations and technologies shaping the way​ coding and billing are done. ⁤Pursuing training in this field allows you to stay current and adapt to⁢ changes as they occur.
**Free Medical Coding and​ Billing Training Details:** – **Duration**:‌ 12-week course – **Requirements**: High school diploma or equivalent – **Topics⁢ Covered**: Medical terminology, ICD-10 coding, ‌CPT coding, healthcare laws and regulations -‌ **Certification**: Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive⁤ a certificate in medical coding and billing.
**Case Studies:** Let’s take a look⁤ at ​how free medical coding ⁢and billing training has made a difference in the⁣ lives of individuals like you:
1. **Case Study 1 – Sarah**: Sarah had‍ always been‍ interested in‍ healthcare but wasn’t sure which career path to pursue. After completing the free training program, she ⁣landed a job as a medical coder at a local hospital and has since experienced career growth and fulfillment.
2. **Case‌ Study 2 – John**: John was looking ‌for a career change that‌ offered stability ⁢and growth potential. With the help of ⁢free medical coding⁤ and billing ​training, ⁢he was able to transition into ⁢a new field and build a‌ successful career for himself.
**Firsthand Experience:** “I never imagined that I could have a career in healthcare‍ without a medical degree. The free training program not only provided me with valuable skills but also gave⁣ me the confidence⁤ to pursue my ‍passion. ⁣I am now working as a certified medical⁢ coder and couldn’t​ be‍ happier with my decision.” – ⁢Emily
**Conclusion:** If you’ve‌ been ⁤considering a career ​in medical coding and billing,‌ now is the perfect time⁤ to ⁤unlock ‌your future. With free training opportunities available, you can gain the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in this in-demand field. Take the first ⁣step towards a rewarding career by enrolling in a training ⁤program today.
**Meta Title**: Unlock Your Future: Free ⁤Medical⁣ Coding and Billing Training Now Available!
**Meta Description**: ‌Discover how ⁢free medical coding and billing training can help you ‌embark on a rewarding career in the healthcare ‍industry. Enroll in a 12-week course today and unlock⁤ your ‌future!
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grandhotelabyss · 2 months
I'm not really sure how to phrase this question, but — what would you say feel to you like the biggest limits on your understanding? Or maybe a better way to put it is 'what do you wish you knew'?
I don't mean like 'the meaning of life' or 'how to write a perfect novel every single time on the first draft', or even 'is there life on mars' or 'how to read linear A & B'. I mean what information exists, that you wish was contained in your mind (whether it's because of a lack of time or aptitude)?
(For context: I write this after reading Naomi Kanaka's latest essay where she mentions "the other five major post-Bronze Age language traditions (Sanskrit, Chinese, Persian, Mayan and Arabic)". And, having read maybe five works from all those traditions put together, I just muttered to myself 'my brother in Christ, you are so fucking undereducated'. Of course by such a standard we basically all are, so I'm not losing sleep; but I think the example stands).
I really don't know any of that material: languages, history, any science, any mathematics. I have a smattering of the modern Romance languages, as much history as I picked up in the course of a general humanities education and a life as a news junkie, a journalistic idea of "science" if that, a basic sense of the outline of western philosophy mostly sans specifics, and—my claim to fame—some general opinions about mostly modern and mostly western literature. I was just ruefully rereading the pages on Casaubon's characteristically provincial limitations of knowledge in Middlemarch—he doesn't know German!—and thinking about how I am somewhat below him, and well below George Eliot, who translated Spinoza and Feuerbach (I have merely read Spinoza, sort of, in someone else's translation; I know Feuerbach on an encyclopedia-entry level). I have a Ph.D. that is essentially what a B.A. used to be, and a B.A. that is essentially what a high-school diploma used to be; my greatest educational advantage is that nuns once forced me to use a protractor to diagram sentences when my age was in the single digits. My main "intellectual" attainment is one you mention: my first-draft novels are pretty good, if I do say so myself! But otherwise I don't know much, and I'm not even sure I'd be happier if I did. To give you a serious answer, I wish I could "download" all I need to know about world religions, but the details tend to flee from me, though I have formally studied the subject in part. I once saw in a day planner or something an inspirational sentence from Einstein: "Imagination is more important than knowledge." Did he say that? I don't know. But I will cling to it.
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herbouquettheorist · 2 months
Weekdays Batch - Mon, Tue & Fri
Batch I - 11 AM To 1 PM
Batch II - 5 PM To 7 PM
Weekend Batch - Sat & Sun
Batch I - 10 AM to 1 PM
Batch II - 4 PM To 7 PM
Duration - 160 hours spread over 6 months.
Available in #Offline and #Online (Live 1-to-1 sessions) modes.
Venue (for Offline mode) - Desai House, Shreerang Society Road, Castle Mills Naka, Uthalsar, Thane(w) - 400601.
Eligibility - PDET - Penkraft Diploma Entrance Test (exempt for candidates who have qualified Govt Art Exam Intermediate Grade and for practising artists (based on portfolio)).
Fee - ₹ 5000/- per month (discounts available for Early Birds and full course fee payment - call for details).
To register, and for further details, please click here -https://www.penkraft.in/DFA
For queries, please call us at +91 73040 44598.
Diploma in Fine Arts is a comprehensive program scientifically designed to provide students with a strong foundation in all aspects of visual arts. The curriculum combines theoretical knowledge with hands-on practical experience, fostering creativity, critical thinking and experimentation, encouraging students to find their unique style and voice in the art world!
Our Diploma in Fine Arts provides a nurturing environment for budding artists, combining traditional techniques with modern artistic expressions. The faculty comprises certified art trainers who are domain experts & educators dedicated to fostering creativity and guiding students in their artistic journey!
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diginerve · 3 months
NEET PG 2024 Exam Day Tips and Counselling Process
As a medical student, if you are interested in taking the NEET PG exam, which is scheduled for 23rd June 2024, you must be aware of every aspect involved in this examination. 
This National Eligibility cum Entrance Test for Post Graduates is a test in India for those who want to move into fields like MD, MS, or PG Diploma. 
Therefore, this blog post will explore the exam day tips and counseling process for NEET PG 2024.
Exam day tips for candidates
We understand that you would never want your months of hard work and preparation to go to waste, so learning about the following guidelines can greatly help you. These are:
The first thing candidates should never forget is their NEET PG admit card. After that, they are required to bring a photo ID and the registration certificate issued by the Medical Council of India or State Medical Council to the exam center. 
If any foreign national is coming to take this test, they must also bring proof of their passport.
You must also plan your commute in advance as you only have to reach the examination hall by 8:30 am.
You must also stay calm and not lose your focus after reading the question paper. A calm mind will help you write and score well. 
Always stay hydrated and trust your instincts. You cannot afford to lose marks because of your silly mistakes or lack of concentration. 
After learning about these NEET PG exam tips, it's time to move further and get yourself ready for the counseling process. 
NEET PG Counselling Process
After you crack your NEET PG exam, the next most important thing you need to participate in is the counseling process, which turns your dream into reality (based on the rank you score). 
Here’s a brief guide on this counseling process to inform you of what is included here. 
Counseling is most likely to begin in August 2024 after the result is announced in July 2024.
Once the final counseling date is finalized, the students must register on the MCC website.
After completing the payment of the NEET PG Exam, the students must also pay for the counseling process. 
The counseling process is mainly of two types: Centralized and State counseling. 
There are mainly four rounds of AIQ counselling: Round 1, Round 2, the mockup Round, and the Stray vacancy round.
After you clear your choices about the college you want to attend, the counseling authority will allocate seats based on your rank and available seats.
Once the seat is allocated, you must report to your college within the given time frame.
Therefore, by understanding this counseling process, you can make informed choices and secure a position at your dream college. 
After learning these key points, you can prepare well for the exam day on 23rd June 2024. If you want to know about NEET PG Preparation Tips or wish to enroll in the entire NEET PG course, visit DigiNerve’s website now! Here, you can get detailed and resourceful information on the NEET PG exam 2024. 
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nikhilamecet · 6 months
The Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance engineering program is a 3 year course including 6 semesters. After the candidate completes the whole course, he/ she will get a certificate. Certified by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), this course extends up to 6 semesters. In order to study in this course, the candidates will have to pay an amount of INR 2 to 4 Lakhs Total Course Fees. There are 2 methods to pay the fees, either semester wise or yearly. The candidate can chose any of the method as per his/ her comfort.
Diploma Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Fees
After that the candidate qualifies the AME CET entrance test, he she will be able to get admission into one of the topmost AME Diploma institutes. The fees will be depending on the colleges chosen by the candidates as well as the facilities that the institutes provide. The aspirant can check the complete details about the fees on the official website of the particular institutes.
The Government & Banks also provide scholarship to the applicants as per government policies.
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mparrott-svad · 6 months
Sustainable Packaging Paper
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The product I decided to redesign is a pack of 15 paintbrushes that are in a blister pack, all laid side by side. It is an enormous amount of plastic for just a few paintbrushes, and while I understand it makes them easier to see, it is really only vital to see the shape of the brushes themselves, not the entire handle. My solution to the problem is recycled cardboard packaging, but also more in the form of a colored pencil case, where the brushes are grouped together tightly in rows, instead of laid out flat.
Although the original product is a pack of craft paintbrushes for kids, I have decided to design my paintbrushes for adult fine artists, mostly because I just did a kid’s project, and I wanted to branch out. But I can also see an adult audience being more aware of sustainability and quality when it comes to packaging, whereas the kids aren’t looking for this. Fine Artists especially, are more concerned about the environment. Artists, art collectors, and galleries are all becoming more conscious of their environmental impact, starting groups like the Gallery Climate Coalition (NYTimes).
Researching further into this demographic, fine artists are 59.9% female (Zippa). Although this is a majority, I don’t think it’s too major of a divide to design for solely females. Therefore, my audience will be across all genders. Additionally, 47% of fine artists are 40 years old and above (Zippa). This also informs the design because it needs to be more classic than trendy. I will be focusing on artists who specialize more in classical painting techniques than illustration, or modern art. This is also an interesting statistic because it shows that the audience is well into their career, so they are probably looking for more high-quality products. Fine artists, especially painters, need so many materials. Brushes, paint, paint mediums, canvases, and so many other tools are all a part of an artist’s kit. There is a balance between getting high quality materials, and also not spending a ton of money, especially because there are so many other products to consider. I researched that a 15 pack of oil paintbrushes can range anywhere between $10 and $75. I decided that these will be mid-range, priced at around $35. When deciding this, I looked into average salaries for artists in South Carolina. Artists make, on average, $40,000 (ZipRecruiter). In South Carolina, the average salary of the general population is %49,550 (ZipRecruiter). Since fine artists in South Carolina make about the median pay, the price of the brushes should be in the middle too. I am choosing to design for South Carolinians because that is where I am from, but also there is a pretty big arts sector here, especially in Charleston and Greenville.
Another aspect of the audience is education. 91% of fine artist have college diplomas, whether that’s associates, bachelor, or masters (Zippa). A big part of art education is art history. Most art majors are required to take a few art history courses to graduate, so it is safe to assume they have a more in-depth knowledge of art history than a regular audience. Because of this, a part of the design will center around art history. The packaging will display classical art, and that will speak to the audience.
I plan to design 4 different packs, including detail, filbert, flat, and assorted brushes. Each of these will have different classical art on the package design (However, I only plan to build one for the final). Having this knowledge of art history will make differentiating these packs easier, and also an exciting easter egg for the audience.
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