#Disney theatrical
theatretube · 1 year
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marisatomay · 2 years
i’m so sick of writers who proudly proclaim that they don’t read and directors and actors and other filmmakers who smugly say that they rarely watch movies or any artist who acts like an audience is stupid for connecting with their work like what the fuck is wrong with you that you hold such contempt such derision for the art that you have chosen to make the art that so many people dream of the opportunity to make the art that brings meaning and connection to people’s lives it’s unbelievably disrespectful to both your audience and the art-form and if you can’t muster basic respect for either your art-form or your audience then kindly fuck off and do something else
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acmeoop · 4 months
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Rabbit Filmography (1988-1993)
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santaricotta · 6 months
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★○★○★○★ Movie night! o(^▽^)o ★○★○★○★
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askblueandviolet · 2 months
I was wondering what got you into theater? And if I can possibly work with you or something since...I desperately need something to do.
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ageofzero · 11 months
a crack in the wall
The thing that struck me immediately, like the first time I saw the scene, was the Director saying “...and now, we have a monster in our kingdom.”
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framed like that, holding the sword she stole so she could frame Ballister.
My literal first thought was “yeah, I’m looking at one right fucking now”. Two seconds later she’s using that sword to get rid of a threat to her order, so like yeah.
It’s not subtle cinema language at all, it’s basically shouting it at me, but I liked it anyway. She’s a threat and the movie is no longer remotely hiding it.
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disnerdpodcast · 1 year
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gingy7891 · 11 months
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The Marvels Theatrical Poster
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justladders · 9 months
Eating your art rn thank you for delivering the Gay Theatrical Disney Villain Springtrap I didn’t know I needed
There's a Gay Theatrical Disney Villain inside of all of us, and I find it satisfying to draw Springtrap's
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toughtink · 4 months
this miiiight be premature, but i feel like we are entering a new and worse age for walt disney animation studios, similar to the early 2000s when they began efforts to smother their traditionally animated movies in favor of their new cg movies. that era from 2000-2010 had a few really good movies, including my personal favorite lilo and stitch, but also contained the lows of dinosaur, home on the range, chicken little, and bolt. it was also the time of churning out unnecessary sequels via their television animation studio.
except now the unnecessary sequels are an endless parade of planned remakes, which i guess are making enough money for them to keep doing them?? and the giant corporate overlord disney (not to be confused with the animation studio itself) is letting marketing and execs dictate both what wdas makes as well as pixar’s offerings. that rough patch in the aughts was also reflected in the rest of the industry at the time—everyone was racing to get a handle on how to make new pipelines for cg and the stories told definitely suffered for it. but now, those other studios are turning out new and better and groundbreaking animated films that leave disney in the dust in so many ways.
i guess the question is—will more disney movies underperform like wish? and if so, will that loss be enough for them to trust their artists over those in marketing? or will they continue down the path of profit over everything and decide animation isn’t worth it?
in so many ways, every area of our media landscape feels like it’s cannibalizing itself as companies buy each other up and destroy whole studios, but disney above all has become an ouroboros—constantly feeding off of its past successes, all the while stripping any deeper meaning or resonance from those stories to be left with the husk that is the Marketable Intellectual Property. “here’s Nostalgia for you, served up on a silver (enameled) platter, please don’t try to remember why you actually liked this movie originally, just buy the doll or the tshirt or the theme park ticket with this character’s face slapped on it. it’s all we know how to do now.”
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that-frozen-queen · 6 months
We’re all debating on whether or not Anna of Elsa will be the protagonist of F3 & F4, but watch it be about fucking Olaf.
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james-p-sullivan · 6 months
this is an open letter to disney begging them to remaster monsters inc
or better yet, remaster all of the classic CGI movies. nothing needs to change, just give the animation the quality it deserves
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lady-mary · 1 year
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acmeoop · 6 months
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Was Ludwig Von Drake Supposed To Appear? “Mickey’s Christmas Carol” (1983)
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nightfall-cat · 1 month
How the fuck dose the Mufasa movie have worse cgi then the live action lion king?? Like the live action lion kings animation was awful [for what it was made for] but at least it was realistic and good as a stand alone thing. This mufasa shit just sucks balls
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werewolf-cuddles · 1 year
They're doing what in The Amazing Spider-Man? Had there been anything good with Spider-Man? What is going on with the comics.
I was talking about how people keep bitching about marvel movies because that seems to be the scapegoat for everything wrong in Hollywood.
Now I'm wondering why they're not bitching about the comics.
God, I'm probably not the best person to discuss what's wrong with the new Spider-Man comics cause I don't read comics, but if you want a couple of key points of contention
Mary Jane broke up with Peter for stupid reasons, and is now married to some random dude named Paul, also for stupid reasons.
Kamala Khan was there for pretty much no reason, did very little and had very few lines during her stint as a supporting character, and will be killed off in #26, leading into the one-shot Fallen Friend: The Death of Ms. Marvel
But yeah, unfortunately, people are still bitching about the movies. I honestly don't get why, I've personally enjoyed most of the new movies so far.
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