#Divorce nz
sirenstreasurecove · 6 days
Surprise surprise but I'm reaching out for help, my last post mentioned a few things going on and I'm now in crisis.
My wife and I are separating. I moved states to be with her and returning to my home state is unsafe due to family and medical issues. With the separation I'm going to be without a home, I have no income so I can not afford food or medication or needed testing for my disabilities. I am in the process of applying for disability but It could be months before I get approved.
What I'm asking for is either resources for the state of Michigan that would apply to this situation or (and especially) financial assistance. I have OF content available along with tarot, astrology and DnD services. Please even a few dollars will help me get out of crisis and make it so I can reunite with my kids (they're safe from the situation with other parents)
Thank you so much for reading this, thank you more if you have any way to help and at the very least sharing this. I hope everyone is having a much better time than I am and if you're not I hope your troubles get better soon 💖
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transjudas · 2 years
you should check out the amazing work Taika Waititi's ex-wife (and mother of his kids) Chelsea Winstanley and his sister Tweedie Waititi are doing together. while he's promoting his vapid pop star girlfriend's shitty new song, they're back home in Aotearoa translating The Lion King into te reo Maori (in cinemas TODAY in Nz!)
I'm gonna answer this in two parts.
First, genuinely thank u for the recommendation to check out Chelsea and Tweedie's work. It sounds like they're doing awesome stuff and although I'm not terribly familiar with Maori culture, from doing a quick look into the Lion King translation, it seems like they're also infusing their culture like including the haka into the story and I love that. I'll definitely look more into that and other stuff they both are doing.
Secondly, I don't follow Rita Ora at all and don't have an opinion of her one way or another, and certainly don't have an opinion of Taika's relationship with her. But I don't think it's necessary to lift up or share the work of others to talk poorly about another person.
You don't have to like Rita Ora's music. And I don't know if you're calling her vapid just because you don't like her or if she's said or done anything that's been seen as "problematic". But either way she doesn't factor into the good that Chelsea Winstanley and Tweedie Waititi are doing. We don't have to take sides or whatever in famous people's lives and evolving relationships. And we don't have to frame someone else's art and work within the context of their personal lives that we don't actually have any real insight into.
And as for Taika, I love his work and the energy he brings to things creatively. I enjoy watching his movies and the things he acts in. I enjoy his interviews. He’s human, so it goes without saying he’s not going to be perfect. But no one is. You don’t have to like him. But others are allowed to enjoy his work and think he’s Neat. I don’t know shit about him as a person. 
It just feels weird and uncomfortable.
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milfbarbie769 · 1 month
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1935 Duesenberg
Clark Gable and his 1935 Duesenberg
His wife, Carole Lombard, had one too, which is now in a museum in NZ.
Its 420-cubic-inch straight-8 pulled like a train; it was reputed to have a 115-m.p.h. top speed – “right off the showroom floor,” It could exceed 100 m.p.h. in the second of its three gears, boasted E. L. Cord, the company’s president at the time. Its wheelbase of nearly 12 feet gives the car a poised, unflappable ride. And its massive steering wheel guides the wheels straight and true – although its vacuum assisted drum brakes provide the car somewhat uncertain stopping power
Today, the car’s odometer shows 13,416 miles.
It was January 25, 1936 and Clark Gable had a new car to show off – to a new object of his affections. She was actress Carole Lombard, and the hostess of the lavish White Mayfair Ball, a formal Hollywood soiree, to which Gable drove his 1935 Duesenberg Model JN convertible that night.
The suave actor eventually convinced Miss Lombard to “take a spin around town” with him; when he invited her to his suite a few miles away at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, she famously replied, “Who do you think you are? Clark Gable?”
They weren’t exactly strangers; they had already co-starred together in “No Man of Her Own”. After filming wrapped Miss Lombard presented Mr. Gable with a ham – with his picture on it! But their professional relationship went no further at that point; Miss Lombard was then married to William Powell (she divorced him a couple of years later).
Nevertheless, after they re-connected at the White Mayfair Ball, a scandalous affair ensued; Mr. Gable, still married, was often spotted traveling in the Duesenberg with Miss Lombard from her bungalow on Hollywood Blvd. to night spots, restaurants and hotels all over town. One of those places, The Georgian Hotel in nearby Santa Monica, now advertises the couple had trysts there often.
“This is nothing discreet about this car,” Mr. Gooding said as he pulled up in the glowing Duesenberg, in front of The Georgian. Not exactly the type of car for two famous stars to be seen in – when they are trying to downplay their affair!
. The car fairly screams “notice me!”. Even now the Duesenberg, which appeared in a couple of actual movies of its own, is a show-stopper.
“The record for an American car sold at public auction is $10.34 million, for a Duesenberg – the 1931 Whittell Coupe – which we sold last year,” Mr. Gooding said. “In many ways, however Gable’s 1935 JN is an even finer example.” It is undeniably rare; fewer than a dozen JNs were built – only four of which were convertibles. But no other Duesenberg is like this one. (I will update this post Aug. 19 with the sales price!)
And, then there is the consideration of its celebrity provenance. “I’ve never seen a car with a history behind it like this one,” Mr. Gooding said.
Its 420-cubic-inch straight-8 pulled like a train; it was reputed to have a 115-m.p.h. top speed – “right off the showroom floor,” Mr. Gooding said. It could exceed 100 m.p.h. in the second of its three gears, boasted E. L. Cord, the company’s president at the time. Its wheelbase of nearly 12 feet gives the car a poised, unflappable ride. And its massive steering wheel guides the wheels straight and true – although its vacuum assisted drum brakes provide the car somewhat uncertain stopping power.
A work of automotive art!
Of course, that has often been said about many great works of art – sculptures, paintings, and the like – but seldom about automobiles. Many collectors, however, consider the 18-foot-long Duesenberg, with its flamboyant, following lines, the epitome of automotive art.
The Model JN that Mr. Gable bought originally had a body by Rollston. Mr. Gooding noted, “It was a work of art already.” But Mr. Gable decided it wasn’t audacious enough for his tastes.
So he took it to master coachbuilders Bohman & Schwartz, in Pasadena, Calif., for a complete re-working. And besides, the convertible top leaked – which Miss Lombard reportedly thought amusing; Mr. Gable, however, was mortified.
Clark Gable shows off his beloved Duesenberg!
“Not only did Gable sketch out many of the changes he wanted himself,” Mr. Gooding said. “He also got hands-on with it, and worked on it himself. I don’t recall an example where a celebrity got so involved, and essentially helped craft the car.”
The modifications included body-colored radiator cowl and headlamp pods, raked windshield, extended hood with custom air scoops, re-location of the side-mounted spares to a double-deck “continental kit” at the rear, rear fender skirts, chrome side pipe exhausts (with a driver-controlled bypass lever), functional rumble seat, and a stowable convertible top – that no longer leaked!
It was also re-painted from a pale green to a luminous cream color that seems to glow – apropos of any star of stage, screen or even outer space.
Despite the fact Mr. Gable owned a large, discerning collection of other Duesenbergs, Packards, and Mercedes-Benzes, the JN remained the preferred ride of the inseparable lovers.
So public was their romance that Photoplay magazine ran a feature in December 1938 out-ing them as one of “Hollywood’s Unmarried Husbands and Wives.” Mr. Gable had also been linked in recent years with Joan Crawford, Jean Harlow and Loretta Young (with whom he fathered a love child) – among others. Producer David O. Selznick was ready to cast Gary Cooper as Rhett Butler in “Gone With The Wind” unless Mr. Gable cleaned up his personal life. So the studio reportedly helped pay for Mr. Gable’s costly divorce from heiress Ria Langham; he got the part. The rest, as they say, is history.
Gable got the part!
Mr. Gable and Miss Lombard (who lost out in casting for Scarlett O’Hara) eloped in March 1939. In 1941 the happy couple set off in the Duesenberg on an epic vacation – sort of a belated honeymoon – from their ranch in Encino, Calif., up the Pacific Coast to Vancouver, British Columbia. The trip was nearly 1,500 miles, on primitive roads.
It must have been quite a sight: two of Hollywood’s biggest stars pumping their own gas, fixing their own flats, even changing their own oil – the Gables didn’t want anyone else touching this car! – in a car easily worth $35,000 then (Mr. Gable made more than that in one month, in salary, in those years – and Miss Lombard made nearly as much).
“This was at a time you could buy a Ford for a few hundred dollars,” Mr. Gooding noted.
In Vancouver, the couple would see the Duesenberg for the final time. They stored it there, planning to return the next summer to drive it back to California. They took the train home.
Some months later, however, Miss Lombard was killed in a plane crash near Las Vegas, Nev. Gable, devastated, instructed an agent to sell the beloved Duesenberg – with the proviso that he never would see it again. He never did; he died in 1960.
The Duesenberg became a four-wheeled vagabond, crisscrossing the country, changing hands more than a dozen times. It was re-painted at least four different colors. Its engine was replaced in the 1950s. Parts went missing.
But the current owner, Mr. Gooding said, acquired it in 2006 and ordered a no-expense-spared restoration to its Gable-era glory.
Text via John Piazza
Credit: Respective Owner ( DM for credit or removals )
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thewolvesof1998 · 8 months
Fuck it Friday
fuck it so here's some art inspired by my fic Alright, Cowboy, Go Get 'Em. As some of you know I've been moving back home to NZ the past week and for even longer than that been struggling to write so here's some art instead (pls be nice I haven't drawn/done art for a while) If you've read the fic you know the significance of the chaps 😜:
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Alright, Cowboy, Go Get 'Em (2/3, 16.9k, E)
“What can I get you?” The bartender asks as Eddie slides up to the bar. “Whiskey, neat, thanks” “Make that two” A voice says from beside him, Eddie turns and takes in a black leather protection vest that’s undone over a bright blue button-down shirt. He drags his eyes up, over pale skin, an adam apple and stubble to blue eyes a shade or two lighter than his shirt. His white cowboy hat is back on, it makes the pink mark on his eyebrow stand out. There's a small smirk on his lips that Eddie does not linger on. “Evan Buckley,” He says, holding out his hand. Eddie clears his throat, “Eddie Diaz” He says shaking the offered hand, noticing the callous and firm grip before pulling back. OR What if Eddie had never left El Paso? What if Buck became a bull rider after being a ranch hand? After Eddie gets back from Afghanistan and Shannon divorces him some of his high school buddies decided to drag him to the rodeo to cheer him up. I don’t think they had in mind Eddie getting blown by a rodeo star behind the stable but it sure did improve his mood. Now Eddie can’t get Buck out of his mind and he might just become a rodeo regular.
Tagging: @wikiangela​​ @wildlife4life​ ​ @eddiebabygirldiaz ​ @disasterbuckdiaz @spotsandsocks @try-set-me-on-fire @jesuisici33​ @bekkachaos @buddierights @forthewolves @911-on-abc @hippolotamus @shitouttabuck @911onabc @exhuastedpigeon @eddiediaztho @your-catfish-friend @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @watchyourbuck @king-buckley @chaoticgremlinwholikescheese @fortheloveofbuddie @sammy-souffle @steadfastsaturnsrings @mangacat201 @theotherbuckley @hoodie-buck @eowon @rainbow-nerdss @nmcggg @pirrusstuff
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champagnepodiums · 2 months
I got into indycar at the beginning of the year, what even is bus bros and what is the lore behind them and their divorce??
So the Bus Bros are Scott McLaughlin and Josef Newgarden, both of Team Penske.
Scott came from Supercars, which is an Australian/NZ touring car series -- he had mega success with Team Penske but he married an American and he had always dreamed of racing in the US. He made his debut at the end of 2020, coming into IndyCar as a rookie for 2021.
And it was pretty clear pretty quickly that he and teammate Josef Newgarden got along fabulously (which iirc Josef himself said that he was surprised by that because he is usually so competitive that friendships with other drivers just don't happen). They also had the same guy Brian, doing their social media/photography stuff.
So of that, Bus Bros, a YouTube series was born in May 2022. It was hilarious, fans loved it so much, it was a hit. The series continued throughout the 2022 season and came back for the 2023 season but... you could tell as the episodes went on that it was not nearly as natural or fun as it had been for them?
The last video was captioned, "It's the Bus Bros and we are back. Apparently this show is alot of "work" for the Bros, but despite their "stress" we convinced them to put together another wild show from Nashville." And it was just... definitely time for the show to die it's natural death (and it did).
During media days at the beginning of the season, Josef and Scott both confirmed that Bus Bros were done. I don't think they've actually said that like they aren't friends anymore or anything but like, it does seem that their friendship (at least publicly) has cooled off. One thing to note that I think probably played a big part in all of this is that Josef and Brian parted ways while Scott still works with Brian so there's that!
I think? that's all the lore (if I missed something pls lemme know!!)
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saintmeghanmarkle · 6 months
Megs was never the first or only the POC on the balcony as a member of the BRF. It has never been an issue until Megs tried to make it one. (Gary Lewis Maori/NZ sadly divorced now from Lady Davinia Windsor) by u/Which-Homework2453
Megs was never the first or only the POC on the balcony as a member of the BRF. It has never been an issue until Megs tried to make it one. (Gary Lewis Maori/NZ sadly divorced now from Lady Davinia Windsor) https://ift.tt/opnXyxk post link: https://ift.tt/1RH8D0Y author: Which-Homework2453 submitted: December 12, 2023 at 09:56PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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omegaremix · 2 months
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Omega Radio for March 28, 2015; #80.
Eternal Summers “Together Or Alone”
Le Volume Courbe feat. Kevin Shields “The House”
DMA’s “Laced”
Brain F≠ “Sicks”
Thee Mighty Fevers “Sunday Breakdown”
Heavy Times “Denim Girls”
Reigning Sound “Your Love Is A Fine Thing”
BI “Surf ‘N Turf”
Notekillers “Punk Song”
Psycho Surgeons “Wild Weekend”
Spider Bags “Friday Night”
Catholic Spray “Black Cat”
Exhaustion “Pure Duty”
Joint Damage “Hooked”
Avey Tare “Tape Player Chants For Winter”
Users, The “Kicks In Style”
Lightning Bolt “The Metal East”
Tropic Of Cancer “Distorted Horizon”
Bremen “Entering Phase Two”
Fidlar “Whore”
Lync “Pennies To Save”
Thee Oh Sees “Soda St. #1”
Anthroprophh & Big Naturals “SRR”
Freshkills “Why Are You So Unforgiving?”
Henry’s Dress “Hey Allison”
Man…Or Astro-Man? “Clean Up On Aisle #9 (Turn Up The Monitors)”
Parquet Courts “Donuts Only”
Radical Dads “Flight to NZ”
XO Skeletons “Asthmagasm”
White Mystery “San Francisco Dream”
Spectres “Mirror”
Galaxie 500 “Don’t Let Our Youth Go To Waste”
Japanther “Divorce”
Lipstick Pick-Ups “Sealed With A Kiss”
No Joy “Wrack Attack”
Personal Best “This Time Next Year”
Animal Collective “Summertime Clothes”
Saints “Demolition Girl”
Japandroids “Heavenward Grand Prix”
Viet Cong “Throw It All Away”
Young Prisms “Dead Flowers”
Erase Errata “Another Genius Idea From Our Government”
Axxa/Abraxas “Late Night, Shifting Light”
Unwound “Usual Dosage”
Ride “Vapour Trail”
Hospitals “Rich People”
Team Dresch “#1 Chance Pirate TV”
Big Naturals & The Heads “You Are Rust: Undoing Of The Circle”
Predator “No”
Asian Women On The Telephone “Spaceman”
Together PANGEA “River”
Single Mothers “Nice Dresses”
Paint Fumes “Sevol Natas”
Breather Resist “X’s And Y’s”
Metz “Acetate”
Carbonas “September Gurls”
Veda Rays, The “Wait For Teeth To Show”
Destruction Unit “Day Of Your Death”
Spectres “Sky Of All Places”
This Will Destroy You “New Topia”
Oblivians “Bad Man”
Cribs, The “Arena Rock Encore With Full Cast”
Explosions In The Sky “Let Me Back In”
Godspeed You Black Emperor! “Piss Crowns Are Trebled”
Lightning Bolt “Snow White (& The Seven Dwarves Fans)“
Double deluxe five-hour broadcast; garage, psych-, indie, and punk.
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skippyv20 · 1 year
Our Prayer List 🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s family member who will be joining AA.  We pray for success. Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is feeling unloved.  We pray she feels the love we have for her from around the world.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s husband who had surgery today.  It was successful, now we pray for a quick recovery. Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s family.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend NZ.  Her country NZ was hit hard by a cyclone, and extreme flooding recently.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s patient Sissa who has third-degree breast cancer.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is in financial despair.  She is really struggling as she has no one to turn to in real life.  She is out of work, and there are no jobs to be found.  All of her savings are almost gone and she is afraid she may lose her home.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is having surgery next week after a 4 year battle with chronic pain brought upon by a medical malpractice procedure.  She is very nervous.  She can’t even remember what it is like to live without pain daily.
Prayers and good thoughts for Brian.  He is doing well after surgery.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s family friend Reece who is mourning the loss of his beloved Coleen who has passed away a couple of days ago.   We pray for him to be guided by God as he moves forward in this next chapter of his life with their two children, ages 16 and 19.  We pray for Coleen who is home now with God.  May God Bless her soul.  
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is appealing her disability payments claim, which was denied.  This is affecting her financially & physically with worsening migraines.  Also, her brother-in-law of 30 years is scheduled for a hip replacement in 2 weeks but his hip is so bad they have him on a cancellation list.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend.  She is awaiting result for cancer, and we pray it is benign.  We pray for good results.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s husband who has not been well.
Prayers and good thoughts for @truthseeker-blogger who is preparing to move and has yet to find a new place.  Prayers for her legal issues to be quickly resolved.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has severe iron deficiency and the treatment is very harsh and makes her sick.  Her husband has been unfaithful during her illness and her family is ignoring me. She feels very alone.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend and her mother who both have Covid.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s brother in Spain.  Unfortunately, over the past two days he has been having terrible pain in his toe and is needing high levels of pain relief. The doctors have decide to keep him on antibiotics.  Prayers they work, and prayers for his partner.
Prayers and good thoughts for Baby Roy who has passed away.  Praying for comfort for his parents, and family as they mourn his loss.  Praying for Baby Roy as he makes his journey home to God. Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who suffered from sciatica.  The sciatica has resolved itself now, but she has 4 ruptured disks, 2 of which are torn. They have done a laser ablation of the nerves in her upper lumbar region which helped some. Also, she has had several epidurals in her lower lumbar & sacroilliac joints but that hasn't helped. She has an appointment with a neurosurgeon on the 14th.
Prayer and good thoughts for our friend’s newborn grandson who was admitted to the NICU yesterday with a Group B Strep infection.  Baby Elliott was intubated last night and placed on a ventilator.  Please pray for him, his parents, and his grandmother.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s beloved nephew, Norbert.  He is heartbroken after a breakup and is depressed.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is going through a very difficult time.  Her husband is divorcing her after 33 years. After the first hearing, the judge is having him give her so little that she will have no place she can afford to live, while he has already gotten himself a new house. She fears her attorney is firing her due to how emotional she is.  The day after the first hearing she had to go to the hospital for kidney failure, she has stage 4 heart failure, a tumor in her lung and leg. Please pray for judge to rule in her favour.
Prayers and good thoughts our friend’s brother in law. He has severe heart failure and he had colon cancer removed last nov.  He must get chemo to be put on heart life saving machine but heart is too weak for chemo. This is his 3rd week in the hospital and the prognosis is he might live a couple months. Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has been battling depression long-term due to trauma and the resulting difficult circumstances.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s little boy who will be going through treatment for speech impediment.  We pray for his quick success.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s father who has been diagnosed with early stage dementia.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s son-in-law’s mother.   She has cancer in her spine, leg and lung.  She will be having surgery on her spine.     This woman raised 4 boys by herself, her now 23 year old son is  severely autistic and needs 24/7 care, which his mom has provided him his entire life.    She is only 64 years old, a wonderful person, warm, loving and very independent.  My heart breaks for her.  Please also pray for my son in law - he is in the Navy, fortunately stationed only a few hours from his mom.  He has power of attorney for his mom and his brother’s care - he has some very difficult and no doubt heart wrenching decisions to make.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s friend whom was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Myelodysplastic Syndrome, or MDS is now in remission.  She is still doing chemo and is still waiting for the bone marrow transplant.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s daughter who is struggling.  She is in much pain mentally. We prayer for her family as well as they try desperately to help her.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is battling an undiagnosed mental illness which led to decisions with consequences.  Praying for her to stay strong in faith, for her family issues to be resolved.  Also, for her to be free of financial hardship.
Prayers and good thoughts for Baby James and his heart brother Matthew.  Also their heart brother Conrad
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Okay, I’ve watched a bunch of things in the last week or so while only posting sporadically, but to catch up a bit, here are some things I think about Taskmaster Australia:
- One episode, in I was slightly disappointed, because I’d read people saying it’s as good as the really good versions, maybe better than NZ season 1, and I thought it was pretty good but didn’t live up to that. Two episodes in I was starting to understand, three episode in I was hooked and agreeing with the glowing assessments.
- I’ve made some posts about the pronunciation of Danielle Walker’s name being interesting, but really, isn’t the proper way to pronounce that one “Harriet Kemsley”?
- On the subject of comedians on this season being very much like UK comedians, why has English-language Taskmaster only ever had two middle-aged women who’ve recently gone through a messy divorce? I believe Sally Phillips and Julia Morris are proof of concept that this should be a mandatory category to fill in every season.
- There wasn’t a single person in that cast that I thought didn’t bring a lot to the table. It was so good.
- Luke McGregor fulfills one of my favourite Taskmaster archetypes, but does it, I think, better than any contestant in history. I can’t believe I’m saying this about anyone, but I think he may have even out-self-deprecated Mark Watson.
- The only mildly weak spot in Taskmaster NZ is that Jeremy Wells isn’t quite as good as the rest of them in his role; I don’t know why they didn’t cast an actual comedian. I think Tom Gleeson shows how much casting a comedian can make a difference; he was brilliant. I liked his attitude, I like his approach to dissecting the tasks, I like the way he could take apart every contestant but turn that on himself as well. Excellent Taskmaster.
- Tom Cashman had a more consistent record to compete against, if we’re only comparing it to the other English-language ones (not counting the US one, as I’m pretty sure we’re all pretending that didn’t happen), because I don’t think anyone can be as perfect in the assistant role as Alex Horne and Paul Williams. But he was very good, I thought he added something to almost every task.
- The tasks were good. I’d expected there to be more tasks repeated from UK and/or NZ versions, but there were only a couple like that. The fact that they had so many strong original ones shows that there is no need for the UK version to run out of steam any time soon; there’s lots more out there for people to do.
- In addition to every contestant being good in their own way, I thought he casting was really well balanced. In so many tasks, we saw five different people try five different things. Five different approaches and ways that the minds work led to so much varied entertainment.
- Danielle and Julia are one of my favourite teams in Taskmaster history.
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alcalaviccisgal · 4 months
This is interesting. I wonder how much of a settlement Joy earned after her and Dean's divorce? @alcalavicci
I wonder if Dean was forced to live here from 2017-2021? Poor baby.
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thestalwartheart · 1 year
So many WIPs and ideas lately and no energy to write them! I've got:
00Q's relationship development as seen through the eyes of the rest of the Double-0 division.
The 1960s/Cold War AU where M asks Bond to keep an eye on the new Quartermaster to make sure he's not selling secrets.
A missing fly in the amber scene where it's officially been a year since Q's divorce and Bond takes him out to dinner to distract him.
A post-NTTD fic (either a standalone or a fly in the amber oneshot) where Madeleine puts Bond on Mathilde's birth certificate and both Madeleine and Bond have to confront the painful memory of her being pregnant and giving birth alone.
The fic where, after Austria, Q has to take the agent tests before he starts going into the field again and Bond is "helping" him train (read: standing in the corner, quietly unnerved that Q would make quite a good agent, actually).
That one prompt someone sent me forever ago about the Bonds brand underwear that we have in AU/NZ and how Q has a pair and how it drives Bond insane seeing his name on Q's arse.
A sequel to i get down (when she gets you high) where Bond is back in the field, but Q is no longer listening/watching in on his missions and it's making him feel a lot of Feelings because now he has no idea what Bond's getting up to with women and men in the field.
Anything and everything to do with Eve Moneypenny.
The kink fic that feels like it will never be finished.
Any smut at all I miss writing porn.
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thedeviousdevilxx · 9 months
Just some personal musings underneath lol
I'm not a deeply insecure person but neither am I a very confident person but I am very aware of how my living situation, and over all "life", and decor choices really doesn't paint me as a typical "adult". What do I mean by that? Well for one, I still live at ~home~. My parents are divorced and my mom got the house, and I've continued living here. I pay rent, even while I was in university, I continued to contribute to the household expenses, since my mom owns the house, basically towards taxes, insurance, utilities, as well as towards groceries. Besides that, I pay and buy everything else myself. Most adults however do tend to move out around 18 or sometime later, but eventually do move out at some point. And to be honest, I never felt the need to. (excluding when I lived in NZ with my sister for two years)
For a single women like me, my choices even if I wanted to move out would be, spend a significant amount on rent to live alone, in a tiny apartment, live with a roommate, stranger or friend, or live with a romantic partner. I don't date, never had in the traditional sense, I'm not inclined to people like that? People exhaust me but that's another story. The idea of living with someone I don't know freaks me the fuck out, and a friend doesn't seem ideal either as I worry it would ruin the friendship, and my friend's I do have, I've seen the way they live and yeah no, it'd be a disaster.
The insecure part of me worries how I'm perceived, more so by friends and family, as I've somehow failed attaining adulthood in the way Western culture views adulthood. I'm single, never seriously dated, I live at home, and another aspect of adulthood in how one decorates their home/apartment/bedroom etc. And my bedroom personally looks like a teen from the 80s, music and movie posters galore!
When you look at most "adult" rooms, the decor is cohesive, or at least with minimal decor on the walls, a painting, or family photos, or some other kind of photography, basically like an Ikea room setup or what you find in decor magazines. There might even be a color scheme! Not a bunch of rock stars on the wall.
There are parts of adulthood in the traditional sense I have achieved, I've worked since I was 13, starting with babysitting, then getting my first official job at 16 and been employed full and part time since then, only going unemployed for a few months and that's when I first moved to NZ and was just traveling, then after leaving NZ back to Canada during COVID and trying to find work (took me three terrible months and over 40 applications to get work!). I've graduated university. I pretty much do everything on my own for the most part, and am self sufficient, only relying on my mom occasionally. Perhaps we can co-dependent in some ways, but in this capitalistic hellscape, truly relying on oneself for everything is a struggle, which I don't wish on anyone but I do know some people do not have any support, or enough. Being single in this world is fucking expensive, so the more confident side of me realizes that as mother and daughter living together suits both of us quite fine, and it beneficial in many ways. She doesn't struggle financially and has semi-retired from work, and I sometimes get home cooked meals, and has a tolerable roommate, and my own full space that is my own.
And yet I feel given what is standard and fairly normal for people my age 30+, to be married, having kids or have kids, engaged, dating, living on their own, or with their partner, that I am somehow a very defective adult. That I'm lingering in some space between teenagehood and adulthood, that I'm not actually mature because I have not achieved these milestones of "standard adulthood".
I do however interrogate these feelings, and realize, that there is a lot of variety to what being an adult means, that there is no one way to BE an adult, and yet a lot do follow this path of adulthood, many because of how they are raised, what they want out of life(marrige & kids), some have no choice (getting booted from the home at 18 is something I learned happens a lot), or have a horrid home life that leaving is the best option for them to thrive. And also I know a lot has to do with economics. Recently there has been more attention paid to adults moving back home with their parents, or multi-general households becoming a thing now (I know it's common elsewhere in the world, but Canada, not so much at least not over the past 40+ years, and we're probably seeing this too due to immigration from countries where grandparents, parents and kids all live together is the norm) because cost of living has skyrocketed, along with unemployment, stagnating wages etc has made households struggle financially.
Anways there is no point to this post, other than I struggle between being quite content with my life, and living situation, and feeling insecure about it given how far outside the norm of adulthood I find myself in. I feel because I neither desire marriage, kids, or owning a home, that I am not fully an adult in the American/Canadian sense of adulthood. As a cis women, that also brings a whole slew of expectations, and yet my family has never ever pressured me into any of these roles which I am thankful and why I can live the way I want to.
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ms-hells-bells · 2 years
I don't know how you feel about the SpXZ Beyonce Lizzo controversy's?
it's interesting because spaz/spastic is an ableist insult in nz, similar to the uk and australia, so when i hear americans say it i'm like :\
if it was a word that just happened to be a slur in one country but mean something totally different/come from a different origin in another, i'd say it's going too far, and people on social media over reaching. it's be like banning koreans from saying niga/nega in english speaking countries because it sounds like the n word.
but the issue is, spaz in the US DOESN'T have a different origin. it comes from spastic in the US too. most people just never knew it's origins. if it was the same in other countries, it could potentially have fallen into the category of dumb, stupid, crazy, etc., where the meaning has been divorced from the origin long enough, and the meaning has generalised enough and disassociated from the original group enough that it no longer holds the offense, but when you have a term like spaz/spastic where the origin is highly offensive, AND multiple other countries that speak the same language have that word as a slur.....then i think being considerate and not using it is the best option.
not raging at people for unknowingly using it, not expecting everyone to know the history and culture of every other country, and not 'cancelling' people, but just being like 'hey, so this word has this origin and is a horrible slur in these countries similar to us, so lets talk about this since your music is being heard globally', which is what most people did to lizzo, and initially beyonce, before things blew up. usually what happens is that the 'anti woke anti cancel culture' people get a hold and rage, which makes it bigger than it should be, and when more people get involved and push back, you get the young 'uns that take things too far and expect universal knowledge and have no room for forgiveness and growth.
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princessanneftw · 1 year
What do you think would have happened with Tim and Anne's relationship if it had become public in 1985 or 1986 that Mark had fathered a child in NZ?
We’ll never know. There’s a chance she would have separated and divorced him sooner if everything had been made public sooner - or even if she knew sooner, we don’t know when she found out herself. And had that happened and had her relationship with Tim played out the same way, we could’ve seen them marry maybe in 1990? But it’s all guesswork - we’ll never know!
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brookezilla · 1 year
I got tagged by @jubeelee to list my comfort characters, which I'm quickly realising are all variations of "unhinged yet badass" and mainly women.
Rebecca Welton — Ted Lasso: My baby! She's my comfort character atm for a lot of reasons but purely because she has so many layers of vulnerability. We've had three seasons to slowly chip away at her walls and reveal her softer, silly sides which are as wonderful as her boss-ass bitch modes.
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Donna Noble — Doctor Who: Donna, my beloved, means sO MUCH to me I stg. She was the first time I saw a character that I could see myself in on television growing up and for that, I will defend her until my dying breath. Her character progression in establishing her own sense of self-worth really helped me understand that you don't have to be cookie-cutter pretty to change the world, all you have to do is believe in yourself. Her ending was unforgivable tho, so I'm glad RTD is redeeming her next year x.
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Loretta West — Outrageous Fortune: Getting a real niche with this one but Loretta was a Kiwi teen that I aspired to be like. She's beautifully chaotic, and way more badass than I ever was but boy oh boy was she fascinating. She was so REAL! NZ doesn't produce television very much at all, and this was a rare gem that truly encapsulated growing up in West Auckland in the 2000s.
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Casey McCall — Sports Night: THIS SHOW WILL FOREVER BE THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY. He's beautiful and charming and very Ted Lasso-coded, but written by Aaron Sorkin in a show cancelled in the 90s to focus on West Wing. Casey is adorably goofy and just trying to find his way post-divorce while working with his best friend and flirting with his long-time friend/old flame. I love it so much.
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MacKenzie "Mac" McHale — The Newsroom: This one is arguably controversial because Sorkin tends to write two-dimensional female roles but I love her. Is it because she's self-sabotaging and beautifully unhinged? Yes. Is it also because we both have a chaotically passionate approach to the same kind of job in television news? also yes. This show was great, but Mac was the best part imo.
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So, I'm tagging @movrings , @roamwithahungryheart , @existential-labrador, @cherish--these--times and @thatonesquintern13. Tag! You're it!
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