#Do your part for the system turn plant matter and animal matter into dirt using your very powerful guts.
the-mewrderus-duck · 4 months
I will never forgive the companies, that wanted to sell shittier cheaper food, for inventing diet culture. Ruining just eating a sandwich and not thinking about it. Sandwiches are fucking delicious and cause no real harm to anyone by just eating a fucking sandwich.
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0v3rcast · 1 year
Gnaw (4)
You stand at the precipice of Liyue. The land of Geo. The resting place of a corpse-god, the dragon Rex Lapis, and the home of Archon Zhongli.
Though some part of you hopes that they'll be less hostile, you can't help but feel that Liyue will simply be more of the same.
More suffering. More death.
But now you have a gift. A way to protect yourself. The symbol of one of your loyal creations, and a font of power from which to draw destructive energy. You are not alone. And you will not fall so easily.
You step through a boundary, a line between the nations, and the world changes. Suddenly, the sky does not feel so vast. The air feels thinner, and the ground beneath your feet feels... denser. More present. As though the soil and stone of Mondstadt was gravel.
You take a few moments to breathe, to aquaint yourself with lungs that go unaided by Anemo, and begin walking.
Somewhere in the distance lies the Stone Gate. You decide to avoid it and the people of Liyue as best you can.
You decide to experiment with the abilities you now have so you can defend yourself if need be.
First, you should probably learn to sense them, starting at the symbol upon your wrist.
After a minute of concentration, you feel the faintest twitch of static in your veins. The subtle hum of energy that now calls you home.
You move the energy sluggishly, slowly convincing it to travel along your veins, and it proceeds to gain speed.
By the end of your first hour of 'training', there is a storm in your chest, your heart pounding thunder down your ribs, your blood singing with voltaic power.
It feels good.
You are unaware that special organs are rapidly growing in your dermis and flesh to allow you to conduct electrical energy safely.
You are unaware of the way billions of neurons are rearranging themselves to make your use of this power instinctive.
You are unaware of the way your entire nervous system is editing itself, allowing you to pump your body full of electro energy without a cost to your health.
You are unaware that you could now shrug off chewing on a power plant generator's active primary circuit or that you would register lightning as nothing more than a mild annoyance.
What you are aware of is the ball of lightning hovering over your hand. You grin, victorious.
(Electro watches from their throne at the peak of existence, smug smile on their face.)
Your doppelgänger howls in agony as they carve a spiral into the space between their shoulderblades with a blade that oozes molten gold.
They cannot allow themselves to be discovered as a false God. To be revealed now would be a waste of all their work.
To lose the luxuries they rightfully deserve is so horrible a fate that they'd rather maim themselves to keep up the illusion.
Soon, their acolytes will arrive.
They command that their 'imposter' shall be killed on sight.
Five Archons obey.
(They do not notice the way their Gnosis begin to dim.)
You spend two weeks slowly navigating the terrain of Liyue and exploring your new abilities.
You've learned to weave the energy into your limbs to vastly speed them up. You've learned to push that energy into your nails and teeth, turning them into vicious claws and fangs.
You've learned to push the energy into your brain to increase your reaction time and slow the world around you to a crawl.
Days of travel are collapsed into mere hours as you become a purple-streaked blur that rushes across the terrain fast enough to run up cliff faces and across water.
...you've also had countless bloody noses and scraped limbs, gotten enough dirt in your mouth to fill a flowerpot, choked on a multitude of flying bugs, and nearly drowned trying to water-walk.
Fruit and vegetables are bountiful, but you can't quite shake the urge to find some new small creature and bite down into it and fill your mouth with delicious red-
No. You are better than your urges. You are a person, not an animal, no matter how tempting the idea is.
Unfortunately this peace does not last.
You run across a small patrol of Millelith members, each bearing a weapon of some sort.
"Fuck," you hiss, ducking into the treeline to hopefully avoid being found. It's too late.
One of them cries out in alarm, and the entire group is instantly alerted to your presence.
You learn from the orders their leader is barking that you are now to be slain on sight.
Spears are leveled in your direction, arrows are nocked and readied, clubs and greatswords rise.
You easily avoid the arrows, your body humming with electro energy, and the first to swing their blade at you is met with a spear of lightning through the brain, their body writhing violently at the end.
You dispel the spear and dodge a mace, giving the woman bearing it a blast of electrical energy straight to the face, turning her head to ash and instantly killing her.
An arrow slices your side as you toss the headless body away from you, and the wound immediately begins to sizzle as it mends in a golden scar.
You reach into the head of the archer from a distance and send a jolt of power into his brain, flash-frying nerves and swiftly ending his life.
You don't remember ever being as clumsy and slow as they are before you had Electro. Are humans this pathetic, or are the Millelith just awful?
Five more stand in your way.
You gather the charge within your gift and send it out as a bolt of raw electro energy.
The leader is hit, but does not die. They are instead surrounded by a potent magnetic field. The metal of their armor and the metal of their squadmates attract to each other, and they're slammed together.
The five of them struggle to part themselves, pathetically squirming in place. You put them out of their misery to save them the embarrassment.
As soon as that's done, the gravity of your actions hits you. You just killed eight people.
You're horrified - but they were going to kill you first, weren't they?
Should you feel horrified for defending yourself from people who wanted you dead?
...should you feel anything for these people? Some part of you still desperately clings to the idea that this is all some fucked-up dream or a game.
It ceases to matter when elemental energy erupts right in front of you, and Kequing lunges out of a teleport to cleanly slice off your head.
As your vision begins to blacken, and the world drifts away, you watch your headless body stagger backward a few steps and then drop.
"Maybe next time," you mutter without sound, as the darkness swallows you.
Deep purple blood oozes from the stump of your neck as every trace of your corpse disintegrates.
("I will put you back together, my maker," whispers the Abyss. "I will always put you back together.")
@the-dumber-scaramouche @thatdeadaquarius @ssak-i @imyme20 @fried-lotud @acacla @itz-luna @iruiji @crierofirony @itsredactedlove @sweetsthetik @leafanonsforest @oxyotl @kkazuyass @featuredtofu @resident-cryptid @d4y-dr3am3r @crimson-ashes @red1sg0n3 @the-real-fandom-person @code-roevember @yourlocalsourwolf @rhoswen-drake @minimari415 @reversearrowhead
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The Voyager Bunch
Or, Rascals: Voyager Edition
Based on this post
This is dedicated to @jellybeansarecool @bizships @emilie786 @joyful-voyager and @subtle-spock for providing ideas, encouragement, and for generally being really awesome people. Also they are the nicest folks ever. Go follow them.
This ain’t my first fanfiction rodeo, but it is my first Star Trek fanfiction rodeo so I beg for your patience. Also, I am perfectly aware that there are some plot holes in here. This is because I am an animal scientist, not a Starfleet physicist/biologist/whateverist. Swiss cheese also has holes and swiss cheese is good so please consider that.
Click here to read on AO3, if you prefer. Thanks for reading!
Despite having only been a captain for a few years, Kathryn Janeway had seen more unusual occurrences, courtesy of the Delta Quadrant, than most Starfleet captains combined. Some days, she felt a little overwhelmed by the summary of the last three years of experiences. Other days, she was grateful for the callouses such challenges had built over her nerves, preparing her to face even the strangest incidents without panicking.
Today was a day to be grateful, because without having seen everything she had seen, the prospect of her Chief Engineer, Chief of Security, Head Helmsman, and most brilliant Ensign being reverted into child-like versions of themselves would have launched her straight into a spiral of panic.
“How-” Janeway paused for a moment to pinch the bridge of her nose, “how exactly did this happen?”
“Well, ya see, ‘Lanna and Harry and I were in that shuttle and then this big black thing showed up and we flew into it and there was a big flash and-”
Janeway held a hand up, cutting off the shockingly fast string of prattle. “I think I understand that part, Tom, thank you.” She spoke as gently and patiently as possible. “What I don’t understand is how Tuvok got into this.... predicament.”
She turned toward the tallest of the four children, who stood with his hands behind his back in a way that would have been exactly like Tuvok, if the pre-teen boy weren’t fidgeting with the hem of his shirt and looking around the bridge, open mouthed and starry-eyed. “Tuvok?”
The Vulcan turned toward her. “The shuttle was stuck in the anomaly and the tractor beam wasn’t working, so I rammed my ship into theirs to dislodge it.” Tuvok nearly smiled, which was jarring to see on his features, no matter how much younger he looked. “It worked, but I got sucked into the anomaly too. When we came out the other side, we looked like this.”
He motioned to Tom and B’Elanna, who were standing next to him, both of which appeared to be around the age of 5 or 6. Harry, who looked to be about a year old, was currently tucked into Chakotay’s arms, playing contentedly with the rank bar at the large man’s throat.
Janeway looked the group over, ignoring the humored smiled playing at her first officer’s lips. With a sigh, she turned to the members of her senior officer team that were not currently under the age of 13. “I’m open to suggestions.”
“I would like to run some experiments first, but I am wondering if I can age their DNA back to the correct age in a process similar to the one I used to turn you and Mr. Paris back into humans after the, ah, Warp 10 incident,” The Doctor said.
“That might put their bodies back at the right age,” Kes said, brow furrowing, “but their minds appear to have reverted to their new biological age as well. Will the DNA reversal process fix that?”
The Doctor tilted his head. “I’m unsure. I need more time to research and run simulations.”
Janeway nodded. “Get started on that right away. In the meantime,” she turned back to the children and her commander, “let’s get you four something to eat.” 
Neelix jumped to his feet, practically lighting up the room with his enthusiasm. “I’ll fix you kiddos up something real nice!” He dashed over to the door with a wild grin. “Give me ten minutes, and I’ll have the best grilled cheese sandwich you’ve ever smelt!” He saluted the whole room and practically bounced out the door.
Janeway glanced over at Chakotay who, for the first time since he had picked up baby Harry, looked nervous. His worried glance met her own and he tilted his head.
“Well,” Chakotay sighed, “hopefully these guys aren’t as picky of eaters as I was.”
As unappealing as Janeway found Neelix’s cooking to be, it was, apparently, perfect for kids, as evidenced by the unrestrained glee with which Tom, B’Elanna, and Tuvok devoured their sandwiches.
The captain couldn’t help but smile as Tom downed the second half of his sandwich in a few bites and think how the older version of Tom would have been appalled to see himself eating Neelix’s cooking with such enjoyment.
As the older children ate, Janeway found herself spooning some kind of mashed vegetable mix into Harry’s waiting mouth. At first, she was a little uncomfortable with the idea of feeding one of her best officers, but, once she was able to get past the strangeness of the entire situation, she found herself enjoying the funny expressions and eager attitude of the baby in front of her.
“Gosh, he’s such a cute baby.” She said with a grin for the fourth time.
Chakotay leaned over, his shoulder brushing hers as he smiled at Harry. “I’d like to agree with you, Captain, but you keep hogging him so I can’t get a good look.” He turned to look her in the eye, raising his eyebrow teasingly.
She shoved him playfully with her elbow. “You got to hold him earlier in the conference room. It’s my turn.”
“I think your turn ended about ten minutes ago,” he grinned.
“I think I can find something else for you to do if you’re going to take Harry away from me, Commander.” She returned his grin.
“Fine,” Chakotay shook his head with a chuckle, “but I get him later.”
Several hours had passed since lunch and, much to Chakotay’s disappointment, baby Harry was still firmly in Janeway’s possession, perched on her hip and looking for all the world like he belonged there.
Chakotay tried not to think too much about how naturally Kathryn had taken to caring for Harry as he watched her pace the bridge, checking on various scanner readings and flight paths, from his position on the floor by their command chairs. Beside him, Tom and B’Elanna rolled a ball back and forth between them, excitedly chattering about... well... everything.
“Do you think the whales were really THAT big?” Tom spread his arms out to the side.
“Yeah they were!” B’Elanna exclaimed loudly enough that the entire ship could probably hear it. Despite Chakotay’s best efforts to get her to lower her voice, the young girl seemed to only have one volume. “I saw a big fake one in a museum once and it was HUGE!”
“Whoa!” Tom’s eyes widened. “Bigger than this ship?”
B’Elanna tilted her head. “I don’t know, but it was definitely bigger than me!”
The two kids laughed, rolling the ball back and forth faster.
“Hey Tom?”
“You’re my best friend!” B’Elanna suddenly reached forward and gave Tom a hug.
Chakotay glanced up at Kathryn to exchange a look of awe before he turned back to the kids on the floor. “But B’E, I thought you just said a few minutes ago that I’m your best friend.” He raised an eyebrow, hiding his smile.
The young girl gave him a look that he had seen far too many times on her older counterpart’s face whenever he said something particularly dumb. “I can have two best friends, duh.”
He laughed. “Fair enough.”
Suddenly, he saw Kathryn’s purposeful walk stop out of the corner of his eye. 
“Chakotay,” her voice was even and tense, “where’s Tuvok?”
Eyes widening, Chakotay glanced around the bridge. Tuvok was no where to be seen.
“Chakotay to Tuvok.” He stood as he tapped his commbadge. “Tuvok, please acknowledge.” They waited a moment and, upon receiving no response, moved simultaneously toward the turbolift. 
“It’s possible he hasn’t figured out how to use his comm.” Janeway tucked Harry closer to her side as they stepped into the lift. “Computer: locate Tuvok.”
“Unable to comply.”
Janeway gave the ceiling a glare. “Why?”
The computer did not respond.
“Maybe the de-aging effect has made it difficult for the computer to locate him.” Chakotay rested a hand on her shoulder. “I’m sure he’s alright; he’s probably just exploring the ship; you saw how amazed he was by everything in the conference room earlier.”
She nodded tightly. “Let’s hope so. Where do you think he’s gone?”
“Maybe to the holodeck?”
“Or his quarters.”
“What about the mess hall?”
“He just ate.”
They both paused, mulling it over.
“Alright.” Kathryn straightened. “I’ll check holodeck one and his quarters, you check holodeck two and the mess hall.” She turned back to the lift door. “Holodeck one.”
Chakotay swallowed around the lump in his throat, trying not to think of all the ways a small child could get hurt on a spaceship like Voyager. As the turbolift began to move, Janeway’s badge chirped.
“Kes to the captain.”
Her brow raised as she tapped the emblem. “Go ahead.”
“I think I’ve found something you’re missing.” Kes’s usually lighthearted tone was even lighter, clear amusement seeping through.
Kathryn turned to look Chakotay in the eye, a hopeful smile brightening her face. “I’m on my way.”
Honestly, Janeway was a little ashamed of the fact that she didn’t think to go looking for her best friend among the orchids and other plants in the aeroponics bay, considering his horticulturally-related hobbies. As she and Chakotay stepped into the room, smiles crept onto both of their faces as they watched Tuvok carefully transfer one of Kes’s sprouts to a bigger pot. After patting the soil around the plant firmly, he wiped a hand across his forehead, smearing dirt on his face to match the dirt on his uniform.
Kes smiled up at the command team. “He came down and asked about a hundred questions about our system and then offered to help me with my work while we talked because its ‘more efficient to talk and work than simply talk.’” 
Janeway chuckled at Kes’s approximation of Tuvok’s speech pattern. “Thanks for letting us know, Kes.” She reluctantly handed Harry to Chakotay, who flashed his dimples, and crouched next to Tuvok. “Hello there.”
Tuvok glanced up quickly before resuming his work. “Hello, Captain. Did you know that these Talaxian green beans take only a week and a half to reach maturity?”
“I did not.” Janeway raised a brow and tilted her head. “That’s very impressive.”
“I thought so too when Kes told me.” He patted the soil around another plant and set it aside, retrieving another sprout.
“Tuvok,” the captain reached forward and rested a hand on his shoulder, “I’m glad you’ve found something to do, but you have to tell someone where you’re going before you wander off. We didn’t know what happened to you and Chakotay and I were really worried.”
Behind her, Chakotay’s heart flipped. There was something rather... intimate about the way she had referred to both of them being worried about a child.
“I’m sorry, Captain.” Tuvok nodded his head. “It won’t happen again.”
“Good.” Janeway smiled and stood. “Why don’t you help Kes down here for a while and then come back up to the bridge when you are ready?” She looked at Kes. “That is, if Kes is alright with that.”
The young woman smiled. “Of course, I’d love some help.”
Janeway nodded and turned back to Tuvok. “Be sure to let us know when you’re on your way back up.”
“Of course, Captain.”
She patted him one last time on the shoulder and turned back to Chakotay. They fell into step beside one another and entered the elevator.
As the doors whooshed closed, Janeway turned to Chakotay with the intention of reclaiming Harry, but stopped. A smile grew across her lips as she watched Chakotay bounce Harry gently, allowing the little boy to palm his tattoo in curiosity. Even as one of Harry’s chubby fingers poked him in the eye, Chakotay simply chuckled and took the tiny hand in his own.
He finally turned to look at her. “What?”
Kathryn just shook her head, grinning wider. “I was going to take Harry from you, but I can’t bear to break up this cute little arrangement.” She motioned to the two of them with a long finger.
The corner of Chakotay’s mouth kicked up a little higher. “Captain, did you just imply that I’m cute?”
Her brow arched, but her smile didn’t diminish. “It would be hard for anyone to look unappealing with a cute baby in their arms.”
Her heart stopped suddenly as she realized what she had just said. From the look of Chakotay’s face, he had caught it too. Implying that he and the baby were cute was one thing; calling him “appealing” was another. Before she could say anything else she might regret, Kathryn turned back to the lift door, schooling her features back into the face of the Captain.
If she had turned but a half-second later, she would have seen a wide smile break across Chakotay’s face.
“I’m sorry, Captain, but I need more time. I won’t deactivate myself until I have a solution, but this situation is very delicate and I can’t risk rushing my tests. You’ll need to find somewhere for the children to sleep. Hopefully I’ll have a solution tomorrow.”
Kathryn nodded. “Of course. Thank you, Doctor.”
With a grim smile, the feed from sickbay switched off, leaving her to look at her dark reflection in the black screen. Something like relief swept over help alongside a touch of regret. On one hand, she could really use her senior officers back in functioning shape. On the other hand....
Her eyes drifted back down to Harry, who had pulled a bit of her hair out of it’s ponytail and was curling it around his tiny fist in unbreakable fascination. A smile tugged at her lips as she cuddled him a bit closer. 
She could get used to this.
The thought struck her before she even knew what she was feeling and, as soon as she admitted it to herself, she took that feeling and shoved it as deep into the recesses of her mind as she could. She was the captain of a ship that was constantly in danger and she shouldn’t dwell on things she couldn’t have.
Kathryn sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. “Well, Harry, looks like we need to find you a place to sleep.”
Turning back to the computer, she moved to set him down so she could use both hands to search the crew quarters layouts for a suitable place to keep the children overnight. As soon as Harry’s feet touched the ground, a wail rose from the back of his throat and his face scrunched.
Kathryn quickly scooped him back up. “Harry? What’s wrong?”
The boy’s cry of protest faded into whimpers and he buried his head in her shoulder, clinging to her tightly.
A warm feeling washed over her. “Ah,” she smiled, “I see.”
She pulled him closer and turned back to the computer, tapping buttons with one hand. “You can stay up here with me, then.”
The door to her quarters chimed.
“Come in.” 
Before she could turn to greet her guest, mischievous giggles rose from the door. Eyebrow raised, she whirled around to find Chakotay standing in the doorway, a stack of PADDs in his hand, a tiny engineer on his left leg, and a tiny helmsman on his right.
He stepped forward with far less difficultly than she would have expected, given the extra weight on his legs. He crossed the room quickly and passed the PADDs to her. “The crew reports you requested.”
“Thank you.” She smiled, glancing down at the still giggling forms. “Not to alarm you, Commander, but it would seem that you have a couple of lifeforms attached to you.”
Chakotay’s eyes grew wide in mock surprise. “Really?” He turned his head and shuffled around, as if to look at his back. “Where?”
Tom and B’Elanna’s laughter grew. Suddenly, Chakotay leaned over and scooped the two of them off his legs, lifting them both up over his shoulders as their shrieked in delight.
He turned back to Kathryn with a wide smile. “Not to worry, Captain, I’ve apprehended the life forms.” 
She smiled back with a soft chuckle. “We need to find a place for the life forms to stay tonight.”
Chakotay’s smile faded into a more serious, but not displeased look. “The Doctor doesn’t have a solution yet, then?” He lowered Tom and B’Elanna to the ground. They scampered off to the viewport, excitedly chattering about the stars.
“No, he needs a bit more time.”
Chakotay nodded. “Maybe I could take them for the night, that way someone is there to keep an eye on them.”
Kathryn shook her head. “I have no doubt in your babysitting abilities, Commander, but four children is a lot for one person to watch alone and your quarters are not big enough for Trouble 1 and Trouble 2 to run around in.” She gestured to the kids at the window. 
“Fair point. Maybe I should take Harry and Tuvok then, and you could take Tom and B’Elanna?”
She turned Harry away from Chakotay. “Trying to take my boy again, are you Chakotay?” 
He chuckled and shook his head. “Do you have another idea, then, Mom?”
Her breath caught in her throat, but she managed to smirk at him and continue speaking without any indication that his previous sentence had impacted her. “My quarters are the largest on the ship. If we set up cots here in my living room we could easily both keep an eye on the children overnight.”
“Sounds good to me.” He glanced up at the clock on the wall. “How about I go collect Tuvok from aeroponics and some food from the mess hall while you get the cots set up?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
He gave her one last lingering smile, which she returned, before heading out the door and down the hall.
Apparently the lunch they had shared earlier that day had been misleadingly easy. Supper was, to put it lightly, a challenge.
“B’Elanna, eat your own food and stop taking from Tom’s plate,” Kathryn said firmly.
“But Tom isn’t eating it!”
“I was going to eat it! I’m just a slower eater than you are!”
“Well eat faster then!”
“B’Elanna!” Chakotay set down the spoon he had been using to feed Harry and fixed her with a stern look. “That food isn’t yours, and Kathryn already asked you to stop taking Tom’s food. You won’t be asked again.”
B’Elanna mumbled out an apology and stuffed another bite of her own meal into her mouth.
Kathryn shot Chakotay a grateful smile and turned to Tuvok, who was holding up one of his vegetables to the light. “Tuvok? What are you doing?”
“I’m looking at the xylem and phloem of this plant.”
She bit back a smile. “I appreciate your curiosity, Tuvok, but I need you to stop studying your food and start eating it.”
The young Vulcan turned to her and nodded. “Of course.” He politely chewed and swallowed his food and turned back to the captain. “Did you know that this particular plant is a distant cousin of Terran broccoli? You can tell by the-”
Chakotay smiled as he watched Kathryn listen to Tuvok’s fourth lecture of the evening on plant biology. Neither of them were certain of what he was talking about most of the time, but his enthusiasm for the subject was nearly infectious and neither of them minded listening.
He turned away from the scene across the table and looked at Tom next to him. “Yes?”
“After dinner, will you read to us?”
“Of course.” Chakotay smiled and ruffled Tom’s hair. “Anything particular you want to hear?”
“I want to hear about your missions with the Maquis!” B’Elanna bounced in her seat, all of that barely-contained Klingon energy starting to spill over. 
“Or perhaps you could read to us from a classic story,” Tuvok raised a brow. “I’m fond of the works of Tolkien, maybe Tom and B’Elanna would like ‘The Hobbit’ too?”
“What’s a hobbit?” Tom’s face scrunched in confusion.
“Maybe,” Kathryn interjected before Tuvok could give a detailed recounting of the beloved childhood book, “Chakotay could tell us a story from his tribe.” Her eyes met his across the table. “He is pretty good at recounting ancient legends.”
Heat crept up the sides of Chakotay’s face as he held her stare. “Maybe.”
“Nah,” Tom’s voice broke through the pleasant tension between them. “I wanna know what a hobbit is!”
Chakotay chuckled. “Alright, ‘The Hobbit’ it is.”
It took some time to get the older three to settle into bed, but finally, they began to yawn and snuggle deeper under their blankets. As their heads grew heavier, Chakotay wrapped up his story telling and the command team began to tuck their young companions in for the night.
As Chakotay wished Tom and Tuvok a good night’s rest, Kathryn carefully extracted B’Elanna from where she was snuggled into her side and took her over to her cot. As she got the small girl settled, she suddenly reached up and captured Kathryn in a tight hug. Surprised, Kathryn’s eyes widened, but she returned the gesture in earnest.
“Yes, B’Elanna?”
“You’re my best friend.”
Kathryn blinked and pulled back to look B’Elanna in the eyes with a small smile. “I thought Chakotay and Tom were your best friends.”
“I can have more than one best friend.” B’Elanna’s voice was filled with deep confidence, despite how sleep-laced it was.
“Fair enough,” Kathryn chuckled, pulling the blankets tightly around the girl. “Goodnight.”
She met Chakotay in her bedroom, Harry still in his arms.
“Any time I try to set him down he starts crying.” Chakotay grinned sheepishly. 
She grinned back. “I had a similar experience earlier today.” She reached up and brushed hand over the boy’s soft, black hair. “Its a good thing he weighs next to nothing.”
At Kathryn’s gentle touch, Harry stirred. His dark eyes found Kathryn’s and he reached out for her. With a look of mock hurt, Chakotay transferred the boy to his desired location.
“I’m trying not to be offended right now, Harry.”
Kathryn simply grinned and bounced the baby in her arms gently. “It’s alright, Chakotay. He has excellent taste.”
Chakotay shook his head, dimples flashing. “I suppose I can’t argue with that.”
She turned toward the bed and settled herself on one side, her back resting against the pillows and Harry resting against her chest. “Let’s see if we can get this one sleepy enough to not notice if we set him down.” She looked back at Chakotay, who was still standing, rather awkwardly. She patted the bed next to her with a smirk. “Come on, Commander. Get some rest. We’ve has a big day, wrangling the kiddos.”
He smiled and crossed the room to the other side of the bed, gently sitting next to her, his legs stretched out. “It has been a long day,” he said with a sigh. “But, I can’t say I haven’t enjoyed it.” He tilted his head to look at Kathryn, who was already looking up at him.
“Nor I.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.
Suddenly, Chakotay was very aware of how close their faces were. He watched as Kathryn’s eyes slid down to his lips. Before he could do something he couldn’t take back, he took a deep breath and turned away.
“Well,” Kathryn cleared her throat, sounding more like the Captain now, “it’s been fun but we should get some sleep. I’ll keep an eye on Harry here and take him to his cot in a few minutes. You should go ahead and rest, Commander.”
“Of course.” He tilted his head and gave her a small smile. “Goodnight, Kathryn.”
She grinned back. “Goodnight, Chakotay.”
Apparently, Kathryn didn’t stay awake long enough to take Harry back to his cot, as evidenced by the weight on her chest as she stirred awake the next morning. She slowly became aware of her surroundings and the previous day’s events came flooding back to her.
She also became distinctly aware of the warm, comfortable presence beside her. As she opened her eyes, she realized that her first officer’s arm was settled around her shoulders and that his shoulder was currently her pillow. His head rested atop hers and the hand that was not draped around her shoulders was resting on top of Harry’s back next to her own.
The situation was all rather snuggly and, were it not a violation of every professional barrier Kathryn had erected between her and the commander, she would have had no issue in savoring the moment.
Then again.... maybe she could allow herself just a few moments to pretend that the baby in her arms wasn’t her star technical officer and that the man holding her close wasn’t her XO and that this was a perfectly normal situation.
Before she could get too far into her fantasy, however, Chakotay stirred next to her, his dark eyes fluttering open to find her own.
“Good morning,” he said, his voice huskier than her own as sleep clung to it.
“Good morning.” 
They looked at each other for a moment before Chakotay carefully extracted himself from her side, helping her up so she could carefully place Harry in his cot in the living room without waking the boy or the other children who were still sleeping. Without a word, they quietly prepared breakfast and coffee, steeling themselves for another day of handling the kids.
“I’m afraid I’m a bit.... stuck,” The Doctor ground out with obvious difficulty.
The captain raised an eyebrow. The EMH admitting that he was struggling to solve a problem was a rare instance indeed. “How so?”
With a huff, The Doctor turned back to his desk, flipping through experimental results from a stack of PADDs. “Kes was right; the DNA reversal process I initially thought might work will not account for the de-aging of the officers’ brains, so I decided to look at the type of radiation that might have caused this and, to be completely honest, Captain,” he turned back to look her in the eye, “I have absolutely no idea how this even happened. There’s no evidence of radiation, the temporal energy around them is unidentifiable, and I can’t figure out how their cells and their minds were reversed.” He lowered his head. “I’m unsure of how to even proceed from here.”
Kathryn nodded, taking the emotions that were beginning to tumble in her chest and stuffing them as far down as she could. “Very well, Doctor. Take a rest and we can all come back to the issue later once we’ve had time to think.” She rested a hand on his shoulder, causing him to look up. “Don’t despair yet; there’s a lot of other brilliant minds on this ship besides your own. We’ll figure it out together.” She smiled and gave his shoulder a squeeze before heading into the turbolift.
As the doors slid open, she found Tuvok waiting in the lift for her. She smiled down at him and stepped inside, calling for the bridge.
“Chakotay to the captain.”
She tapped her badge. “Go ahead.”
“We need you on the bridge, there’s a bit of a situation.”
She raised a brow, glancing down at Tuvok, who was gazing at her intently. “On my way.”
“So they want to.... interview us?”
“They want to interview you specifically.”
“To see if we are worthy of going through their space.”
“Something like that.”
“And going around their space isn’t an option?”
“It would add another 7 months to our journey, so this interview is our ideal option.”
“No pressure, eh, Commander?” Janeway shifted Harry from one hip to the other with a long sigh. “Alright. Hail them.”
After a moment, a blue and red humanoid alien appeared on the screen.
“Greetings, Ambassador.” The Captain flashed a polite smile. “I’m Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Federation Starship Voyager.”
The alien woman inclined her head. “Hello, Captain Janeway, I’m Ambassador Tel Parah of the Doonian Delegation.” Her eyes swept the bridge. “You’re ship is heavily armed, which, according to the laws of our people, requires that we do a personal interview of the commanding officer to ensure that violence or other manners of chaos will not be instigated as you pass through our space.”
“Of course, I understand.” Janeway smiled again. “What questions may I answer for you?”
Over the course of the next 30 minutes, Janeway was grilled on their purpose in passing through Doonian space, the types and numbers of weapons they carried, and the journey they had made so far. Just as Janeway thought there wasn’t possibly anything more she could tell them, Ambassador Parah paused and looked up from the computer device in her hand to study Janeway. After a moment, she spoke again.
“Just one more thing, Captain Janeway,” a slow smile slipped onto her face, “What’s your son’s name? He’s absolutely precious.”
Janeway raised her eyebrows in surprise and glanced down at Harry, who she had nearly forgotten was still in her arms. At some point, he had removed her combadge and was currently turning it over and over again in his tiny hands, taking a moment here and there to bite parts of the object he must have found particularly interesting. Kathryn exchanged an amused glace with Chakotay, who shrugged off screen, before turning back to the ambassador. 
“This is Harry.” Janeway smiled, turning the boy so the ambassador could see him better.
The other woman smiled widely. “How adorable. He has the brightest eyes.”
“He does.” Kathryn smiled back down at him.
“You know,” Parah leaned back in her chair, “I usually don’t allow anyone through our space that isn’t from a system or planet we are already know and trust and so I wasn’t planning on letting Voyager pass. However, when I saw your baby and how well-cared for and happy he seems, I felt that I could trust you somehow.” She smiled again. “We value children highly in the Doonien Delegation. Children are often a reflection of a parent’s character. I can tell by Harry’s disposition and curiosity that you are of a fine character, Captain.”
Janeway cuddled Harry a little closer, heart warming. “Thank you, Ambassador, I take that as a high compliment.”
“As you should.” Parah leaned forward again. “You may pass through our space. We will have you stop at three checkpoints on your way though which I will send you the coordinated for in a moment. Have a safe journey.”
The screen went blank and Kathryn turned to Chakotay.
“Should I feel bad that I let her believe Harry is my son?”
Chakotay chuckled, stepping close enough and lowering his voice enough that the rest of the bridge could pretend not to hear him. “Are you saying he’s not?”
Her gaze grew softer. “I guess he’s sort of been like a son to me since we got on board.” She looked back down at him. “I feel very protective of him.”
Chakotay rested a hand on her shoulder. “I know.”
They smiled at each other again. Chakotay opened his mouth to say something more but, suddenly, there was a tug at Kathryn’s elbow.
“Captain? Now that the negotiations are over, I think I have an idea about how to fix Tom, B’Elanna, Harry, and me.” Tuvok’s eyes were bright and eager.
“Alright,” Captain Janeway smiled down at him. “Let’s get The Doctor up here and we’ll hear your idea together.”
Chakotay exchanged glances with The Doctor and the Captain over the table as he bounced both Tom and B’Elanna on his knees. “Could that really work? It seems almost too easy.”
“Well, if this is a phenomena that’s inexplicable and is tied only to the anomaly the shuttles passed through, I feel like sending the children back through isn’t our worst idea.” The captain rubbed the back of her neck. “Doctor?”
The holographic man continued typing into his PADD for a moment before stopping and reading. “I- I honestly think this could work.” He slid the PADD over to Janeway. “It’s hard to predict, since we have no idea what exactly caused this, but if we send the shuttles through the anomaly opposite of the way they first went through, I think it just might turn them back to their usual ages.”
“How do we know it won’t just make them even younger?” Chakotay watched as B’Elanna slipped off of his knee, pulling Tom along with her to go play in the corner.
“We’d have to run some tests to be sure that they don’t. Perhaps we could send a plant through first, or some other organic life form.” The Doctor took the PADD back and made a note.
“We would also have to make sure that, if the tests show some promise, Tuvok can take the shuttle back through the anomaly.” Janeway turned to the boy sitting at her right. “Well, Tuvok? Do you think you could pilot the shuttle?”
He shook his head. “Since I don’t have my older self’s memories I don’t think I could.”
“We could use the tractor beam to send the shuttle through,” Chakotay said. “If we give them enough of a push to go through the anomaly, they should be able to pilot themselves back to Voyager once they get out the other side and have returned to their normal ages.”
Janeway raised her eyebrows. “Well, it’s worth a shot and I don’t have any better ideas. Commander, set a course for the anomaly. Doctor, prepare the experiments.”
Tom and B’Elanna seemed to sense that something was up as they suddenly became even more clingy. The whole trip back to the anomaly, B’Elanna shared the captain’s chair with Kathryn, insisting with all of her Klingon passion that the older woman tell her more stories from earlier in their journey through the Delta Quadrant. At the helm, Tom hung on to Chakotay’s arm, watching the stars go by and asking Chakotay a hundred questions about piloting starships. Tuvok sat in Chakotay’s usual seat, interjecting with questions of his own here and there, and Harry sat on Kathryn’s knee, chewing on her jacket sleeve, her combadge still clutched tightly in his left hand.
After they reached the anomaly, it took a couple of hours for The Doctor to complete his experiments and, once he had declared that plants that had gone through the anomaly twice were returned to the same age the started as, they began preparing the children to enter the anomaly themselves. 
“Will it hurt?” B’Elanna asked in the smallest voice she had ever used in her life as Kathryn tucked the small Starfleet uniform that she had come through the anomaly with around her shoulders.
“It won’t,” Tuvok said. “It didn’t hurt when we came through the first time, did it?”
She shook her head, but didn’t look very reassured.
“It’s okay, ‘Lanna!” Tom grabbed her hand. “I’ll be right beside you.”
Kathryn stood and took a step back, feeling almost as if someone had filled her chest with some of Neelix’s heavy stew. She had to let them go, of course, this wasn’t the way they were supposed to be, but she was certainly going to miss seeing the level of innocence her officers had now. B’Elanna was unburdened by trust issues, Tuvok was passionate and bright, and Tom - well, she supposed he hadn’t changed all that much, but at least he seemed to be genuinely happy, not just putting up a front of humor to protect himself.
It would be hard to see them go back, but maybe, now that she understood how the world and time had changed her friends, she could help them.
She was shaken from her thoughts by a tug at her collar. She looked down to see Harry pulling at her pips, completely enamored by the gold metal.
“Oh, Harry.” She nearly choked on his name. Since he was so young now, she didn’t have any insight into his personality after having seen him as a baby, but she was going to miss his innocent curiosity and familiar weight on her hip.
Before she could think too much about it, she handed Harry over to Tuvok. The younger boy scrunched his face up and whimpered at the change of hands, but Tuvok bounced him gently and he settled down, reaching for the pointed tip of Tuvok’s ear.
Kathryn took a step back, feeling Chakotay step up behind her so that they were nearly touching. “Best of luck, you four.” She gave them her most reassuring smile. “See you on the other side.”
She and Chakotay hurried up the bridge and gave the go ahead for the ensign who had taken over Harry’s post to begin using the tractor beam to move the shuttle out into the anomaly. They stood side-by-side on the bridge and watched the shuttle go through. At come point, they grabbed each other’s hands and squeezed each other tightly.
There was a flash as the shuttle passed through the anomaly. After a few terrifyingly quiet moments, the shuttle came bursting out of the other side and a voice crackled over the comm.
“Cochran to Voyager,” confusion leaked through Tom’s voice. “What the hell just happened?”
Kathryn and Chakotay smiled at each other in relief. “What’s the last thing you remember, Tom?” Chakotay asked.
“B’Elanna, Harry, and I were coming back to Voyager when we- wait a second, how did you get here, Tuvok?”
Janeway laughed. “Why don’t we get you four back on board and then we’ll explain everything.”
“Copy that. See you in a few.” Tom’s voice grew quieter, like he was leaning away from the comm. “I have a feeling this is going to be one heck of a story.”
After everyone had been debriefed and left to process the last two days of strangeness, Chakotay found Kathryn in her favorite spot; on her couch and staring wistfully out at the stars as they drifted past. She had shucked her jacket and taken her hair out of it’s clip, leaving her in her grey turtleneck with her hair falling around her shoulders and face.
“Got a lot on your mind?”
She turned to smile at him, a note of sadness in her eyes. “It’s been an interesting couple of days.”
He settled on the couch a ways down, turning to face her. “It sure has.” He was quiet for a moment. “I’m going to miss our kids.”
“Me too. It was fun having little ones around, playing at being a parent.” She fidgeted with the seam on the couch. “It was different and they sure did give us some challenges,” she chuckled, “but I loved it.” 
“Have you ever thought about having kids of ou-” he coughed, “your own?” 
Her crystal blue gaze caught his. “Yes.” She smiled and looked out the window again. “I always thought someday I would be a mother.” With a snort and a smirk, she continued; “Of course, I never thought I’d be mothering my helmsman, security officer, engineer, and technical officer.”
Chakotay laughed softly. “I think you were mothering them before they were turned into actual children.”
“Perhaps.” A pause. “What about you? Did you ever think about being a father? Outside of the whole instance with Seska, of course.”
He nodded. “When I was in the Maquis, no. My life was too fast-paced to be a proper father. If I was going to be a dad, I wanted to do it right and I couldn’t have done that from a Maquis ship.” He took a deep breath. “After joining this crew, though.... I’m in a better place now, and I think I’d be thrilled to be a father.” He looked over at Kathryn to find that she was already looking at him with something like wonder in her eyes. He held her gaze for a moment and, finally finding a bit of courage, he said: “I’m more at peace.”
A smiled played at the corners of her lips, and her eyes looked a little like they were silver-lined, though Chakotay couldn’t quite tell for sure in the low light of her quarters.
“You were really good with the kids. You would make an excellent father, I have no doubt.”
He smiled. “You would make an excellent mother. You’re a natural.”
“Thank you, but I barely felt like I knew what I was doing.” She chuckled.
“You could have fooled me.” He grinned for a moment, before his countenance grew more serious. “I hope you get your wish someday, Kathryn. I hope you get to be a mother.”
She was quiet for a moment, and Chakotay suddenly felt his chest tighten. Had he said too much.
Before he could fall too far into his panic, her hand slid over to his, giving it a squeeze. He looked up into her eyes, which definitely had tears in them now.
“I hope you get to be a father too Chakotay. Someday.”
He squeezed her hand back and they both fell into a comfortable silence, enjoying the view of the stars outside Kathryn’s window.
36 notes · View notes
aria-i-adagio · 3 years
aka. Chapter 46 of Where the Elfroot Grows (read on AO3)
Rhys Trevelyan - Fucking Herald of Andraste and newly appointed Lord Fucking Inquisitor - kneels on the warm ground of Skyhold’s garden, ripping out weeds with his bare hands, getting dirt all over his trousers, and trying his best to enjoy the autumn sun in peace. The walls of the garden are working as they should, collecting and trapping the heat of the day, even as the shadows cast by the trees begin to grow long. It’s brilliant engineering, even more brilliant than he thought at first. Even at lower elevations, the season for pears and applies should have passed, but the trees here are still producing. He suspects some sort of enchantment built into the walls to amplify the natural effects of the design, but he hasn’t been able to clear enough growth to uncover all the stonework. He’d have finished days ago. Except for Leliana and Cassandra interrupting his plans to declare him Inquisitor.
He’s as close to alone as he’s likely to manage anytime soon. Mother Giselle wandered into the chapel a half hour or so ago either to pray or to work on cleaning and repairing the ancient statue. She’d probably tell him that work and prayer are much the same if one has the right attitude of devotion to Andraste’s teachings and the Maker’s will. He heard the sound of other feet in the gallery a bit after Mother Giselle passed followed by the scraping of a chair being pulled into a desirable spot. Someone might be there still, but whoever it is, they aren’t bothering him, just trying to get a break of their own from the general cacophony of a hundred or so people trying to make Skyhold fully habitable.
It shouldn’t bother him so; it wasn’t as though he’d ever had space to himself in the Circle, but there’s something very different about being in charge of more than seedlings. And Inquisitor feels so much more permanent, so much heavier, than Herald.
Josie kidnapped him promptly after breakfast and trapped him in meetings all day. First with Leliana about the couriers she would be sending: to the Inquisition camps around Redcliffe, to the Chantry, to the College of Enchanters, to Queen Anora in Denerim, to Orzammar, maybe to the Queen of Antiva. Rhys had honestly lost count at a certain point, even though he did his best to read the ones she wanted him to sign. They were all variations on the same theme - an announcement that the Inquisition had survived the destruction of Haven, a reminder that they were responsible for closing the Breach, and requests for supports to oppose Corypheus.
Then, Rutherford and Cassandra wanted to discuss the soldier’s progress repairing an old road that ran through a pass between Ferelden and Orlais, just under the peak on which Skyhold sits. Rutherford says the road is in shockingly good condition and mostly only needs a bit of clearing a few holes filled to be usable by caravans. At the moment, the engineers can’t explain why it was abandoned, as once opened the route will save a significant amount of time transporting products between Orlais and the Lake Calenhad region. Further, they’d discovered auxiliary forts will secure Skyhold's control of what will be a valuable trade route. There’s some discussion of collecting tolls as a source of income for the Inquisition, but it all seems very abstract to him.
The only part of the report that Rhys is internally motivated to be interested in is the repair work on an ingenious winch and cable system that would allow people and goods to be moved up and down the mountain in a matter of hours, versus days. Like the road, it is in remarkable condition - a little grease and a few solders to the heavy cables made it functional again. They’re already able to use it to send messages and lightweight supplies up and down the mountain. (And one adventurous member of Bull’s Chargers. Rhys is slightly envious.) To operate it with any significant amounts of weight, they'll need some strong draft animals to turn the winches at the base and the summit, but Rhys is told that the contact he had made with the farmers around Redcliffe and a few generous handfuls of gold should be able to make that happen.
Rhys had just thought assisting the farmers to secure watchtowers so that they could better defend themselves seemed like the right thing to do as he had no solution to the conflict in the area. Even without Templars and Maleficarii, there were still bears to worry about. Rhys has developed a strong dislike of bears. But they do all the allies they can manage. And Rhys wouldn’t say no to a bear fur or ten or a hundred. Skyhold is magnificent, but with the exception of the garden suntrap, the temperatures are rapidly dropping below anything he’s ever experienced.
An hour after lunch, when he thought the four of them were finished with him, Harritt showed up talking about the tunnels underneath the keep that he’d been exploring with a small team. They go deep, far deeper than Harritt is comfortable taking the men without reinforcements, but he just feels that they reach the Deep Roads. Skyhold is close to Orzammar after all. No signs of Darkspawn, thank Andraste! But they do need to be mindful of the possibility of an attack from below. (It balances the threat of an attacking dragon from above, Rhys supposes. Good to keep your equations balanced.) Cassandra suggested that Harritt take Blackwall along with a few soldiers to explore further, and around yawns, Rhys agreed with her. If the road between Ferelden and Orlais is somehow valuable, why not a road to Orzammar? Or Minrathous? All the roads!
Rhys continues ripping out vines and mentally curses all four of them for promoting him from Herald to Inquisitor. (Although, he’s fairly sure that Rutherford isn’t entirely happy about having a mage in charge for the longue durée.) Morning glories - another plant that would generally need a warmer clime to survive, even as stubborn as it is. Pretty flowers, but they take over everything. He’ll transplant some to a bed near an arbor he discovered two days ago when he swung a machete at a stand of ragweed and hit a metal post. The morning glories will be a desirable replacement - Josie will like the decorative element - if he can keep them contained.
Why couldn’t Andraste just need a gardener?
That question, of course, assumed that Andraste is in fact, the Bride of the Maker and thus, endowed with the power to toss Rhys back out of the Fade (however he ended up there in the first place), which, in turn, assumes the existence of the Maker and not just an empty throne in the middle of a Golden City. And as far as Rhys has ever been able to tell, the Maker’s existence can be neither proven nor disproven, and the people debating it - quietly, of course - were both wasting their breath and risking their necks.
A better question might be, why in the Void did he let Cassie talk him into agreeing to lead the Inquisition? It was a bit unfair of her and Leliana to ambush him with the question in public. And Josie and Rutherford’s little display of rallying acclamation from the survivors of Haven strongly suggested that the decision had already been made before Cassandra and Leliana asked him.
From the Fade and into the fire. Just my luck.
Rhys is too distracted by humoring his own grumbling to notice the loose, mounded soil hiding under the vines until his right hand is buried well past his wrist and stinging sharply from hundreds of tiny mandibles pinching the flesh and sinking venom under the surface of his skin.
Rhys springs up and back with a yelp, flinging his arm to the side in an attempt to shake the ants free, then immediately back in front of him to cast a cage of lightning around the anthill, hoping that it circles deep enough underground to cut off the entire colony before any more of the ants can swarm out to attack him.
“Andraste’s flaming weasel -” Some of the ants have already gotten under his sleeve, and it doesn’t take many of this species to produce abject misery. He swats futilely at his arm, then gives up and tears off his jacket. “Knickerbocker tits!”
“Rhys, has some demon of dance possessed you?”
“Ants.” Rhys tosses the jacket aside and tries to crush the insects between the fabric of his sleeve and his arm for a second before ripping the buttons on his shirt open and stripping it off as well. A couple of the damned terrors have made it to his neck and chest. “Blighted fire ants.” Ugh. That’s a horrible notion - fire ants infected with the Blight. The Maker really will have abandoned us.
“So dramatic. Here -” Dorian attempts to brush a few of the blighters off before Rhys can stop him. “Fasta vass! That thing bit me.”
“Yes.” Rhys flicks one off his neck and sweeps his left hand over his right arm. Be damned nice if this Anchor were effective against fire ants. “Get me a bucket of water, will you?”
The static cage spell will wear off shortly, releasing any of the ants that hadn’t been shocked to death already. And those ants will be an infuriated horde with murder on their hive mind. Rhys ignores the stinging long enough to cast as controlled and intense of a fire spell as he can manage over the mound and watches with satisfaction as it erupts through the weeds and rolls over the anthill in a destructive wave. Invasive little fuckers. Kill them. Kill them with fire.
Rhys grabs the full bucket from Dorian and splashes the water over his right side, knocking most of the remaining ants loose and hopping away from that bit of ground before they can recover and decide to crawl up his leg.
“The hell are those things?”
“Fire ants.” Rhys glares at the scorched earth, watching for movements that might single a second assault. Dorian really must have spent the majority of his time in cities and libraries if he didn’t know about fire ants. The things are native to Tevinter and had been slowly invading the south for decades. He goes back to the well in the center of the garden and draws another bucket of water to dump over his head. “Also known as the most vicious little blighters known to Thedas.”
“Certainly they can’t be that bad. They’re just insects.”
“I fell into a mound once when I was still an apprentice... I’ll take a small horde of Darkspawn over these things.” Rhys rubs his hands over his neck and face. He doesn’t think he’s allergic; the bites should just be an irritant - just one more irritant for an irritating day - but people do develop allergies to insect bites following initial exposure. He can’t feel any swelling around his throat, but there is an itch along his jaw. He swats at his cheek - unsure if there’s an ant, or if he’s just imagining it - and inadvertently smears water and dirt together into mud.
“Ah, thus the warpaint.” Dorian smirks at him.
Rhys touches his face. The tacky mud over his cheek and nose sticks to his fingertips. Fortunately, it seems like Dorian is the only other person about to bear witness. Rhys laughs. Ah yes, he should definitely be in charge of a quasi-religious movement with a military. “Yes. The warpaint.” He slaps his thigh as he feels another series of stingings pricks. Excellent. One or two had made it to his legs, but at least it’s not a swarm. “And the two or three more fireballs I’m about to hit that mound with.”
“Such a vengeful little mudlark. Ready to defend his territory. Want help?”
“Oh yes. Fire. Kill them with fire.” Rhys casts another fire spell over the mound as the first burns out, silently apologizing to any innocent soil dwellers caught in it... But... Fire ants.
“Then quick healing spell, a bath, and clean clothes, I suppose?”
“Volunteering to help with that too?”
“I could be.” Dorian paces a tight circle around Rhys and flicks one of the insects off his back with a single manicured nail. “You seem rather distraught to be left alone.” A wave of magic - Dorian’s spells always feel warm - flows over him, easing the stinging, although the sensation - real or imagined or a combination - of insect feet has Rhys ready to crawl out of his skin - along with the rest of his clothes.
“Inquisitor?” Cassandra shouts down from a window in the tower she’s claimed for herself. “What are you doing? Why are there flames?”
“Fire ants!” Rhys yells back. That should be self-explanatory. He thinks the known range of the damned bugs includes Nevarra, but then Cassandra hasn’t spent that much time in Nevarra, and probably not that much time stomping through weeds anywhere. Andraste! Fire ants under armor. He shivers at the thought.
“What?” Cassandra sounds confused.
“Don’t worry about it, Seeker. The Herald and I have everything under control.”
Rhys can imagine her grumpy huff even if he can’t hear it over the sound of the shutters of the window slamming shut.
Dorian’s eyebrows arch high with amusement. “Be careful, Rhys, or there’ll be a rumor started that you’ve gone quite mad.”
“If I get many more bites -” He smacks a different spot on his thigh. “I just might.”
“Well then, we’d better go make sure you get them all drowned then. Is it safe to touch your shirt?”
“Leave it. Damn things will get confused now that their colony is gone and wander off in a bit.” He can retrieve the shirt and jacket to be cleaned later - once the ants are well gone. The morning glory vines around the ant mound are too green for the fire to spread easily, but Rhys throws another bucket of water over them to be safe. Josie would probably tell him it’s bad form to burn down one’s new base of operations. And then yet another bucket over his head.
If Varric has questions when Rhys, shirtless and still dripping water stalks past the table he’s writing at with an amused Dorian following behind, he keeps them to himself.
“Why so grumpy today?” Dorian asks. He’d volunteered to go find some dry, ant-free clothes for Rhys, and after returning to the kitchen storeroom - the most rational place to locate a tub for bathing until further repairs are made - had remained, leaning against the closed door and toying with the rings he wears, switching them from finger to finger. “You're normally as chipper as a little bird.”
“A mudlark?”
“Does that bother you? I won't call you that if it does.”
“No, no. I kind of like it.” Rhys scrubs a bit of soapy flannel between his toes - just in case an ant had found its way there. At least Josie won’t be able to complain about dirt under his fingernails for a few hours. “Much better than Herald.”
“Or Inquisitor?”
“Definitely better than Inquisitor.” Rhys slides down in the tub, dunking his head under the water again. His next oldest brother and little sister calling him snaggletooth when he was eight would be better than Inquisitor. Besides, he likes the way that Dorian says ‘mudlark’ when talking to him. Rhys resurfaces and pushes wet hair out of his face. “I really don't want to be called Inquisitor. And yet, here I am.”
“You know, the fact that you don't want to be Inquisitor might be precisely the reason why you should be.”
“I spent all morning trying to keep up with discussions on topics that I know nothing about. Politics, economics - roads! I’m not the right person for this.”
“You’ll learn. Quickly, I’m sure.”
“You’re more confident than I am.” Rhys flicks idly at the surface of the water. “But for what it’s worth, thanks.”
“Rhys, the kind of person who would be prepared for something like this is also the kind of person who is likely to abuse any power they are given. And you will have power once the rest of Thedas realizes the threat Corypheus poses. Wouldn’t you rather be the leader and not just the tool?”
Rhys lifts his left hand from the water and studies the Anchor carefully. Yes, a tool. An instrument that controls the Veil in terrifying ways that he doesn’t understand. Something that he’s not supposed to have and that an ancient monster desperately wants. The faint green glow is more apparent in the dim light of this basement room than it was in the sunlight of the garden - one more reason to cherish the place. “It feels so foreign. Wrong. Like some disease that should be pruned away.” He touches the first three fingers of his right hand to his palm and draws them slowly down to the fold of his elbow, following the path that the magic flows along before Solas pushes it back again.
Dorian’s brow creases and moves fluidly, kneeling on one knee beside the tub and catching Rhys’s hand in his. “You’ve managed well this far.” He weaves their fingers together, and almost - almost - touches his lips to Rhys’s knuckles. “You can always come rant to me, you know. If any given day is too much.”
Rhys remains still for the space of one, two, three heartbeats, then he runs his thumb over Dorian’s fingers, soft skin, metal rings warm with heat from his body.
Dorian’s eyes drop. His cheeks might be colored a touch, but Rhys can’t quite be sure in the dim light. He rises to his feet and turns away in a single elegant motion. “You should take a break. Soak for a while. Relax a bit.” He pushes the door open, just a crack, hesitating for the barest second. “I guess I’ll -”
His back straightens as he turns back around. “Yes.”
“Keep calling me mudlark.”
Dorian glances down, breaking eye contact between them, but the corners of his eyes crinkle as he smiles. “You know where to find me, Mudlark, trying to salvage books. I could try to do something about the mess you’ve made of your hands playing in the dirt again.”
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abluescarfonwaston · 4 years
Shapeshifter Au 6
Heads up at the top this one is our “Last Wish Special”. It’s extra long and what should be no surprise to anyone- Jaskier does not have a good time! Please take care of yourselves as we move into plot territory.
Part 1   Part 5 Inspired by @spielzeugkaiser art here And Also now on Ao3 cause that’s probably easier for everyone.
Sometimes, when Geralt got hurt, he’d use his shapes against him.
Help was the word he’d use. To help him. But if Geralt preferred to think of him using his shapes against him then so be it.
“Get off me Jaskier.”
He looked down his snout at Geralt and grumbled his reply before returning to his composing. They would at very least wait until the bleeding stopped to ride back. Since Geralt insisted the injuries were not so grievous as to require proper attention.
He might very well have been right about that. Which meant they could afford to wait for it to stop before returning for the reward.
If Geralt wanted to treat his wounds then he’d let him. But he wasn’t going to let him ride off and make everything worse because he was a stubborn ass. That was Jaskier’s job. Being a stubborn ass. Not that he made a habit of being farm animals. The risk it would sour him to the taste of their meat was far too great. He refused to be vegetarian. Grass just did not taste very good. No matter what Roach claimed.
“Jaskier get off me or I will throw you off.”
He shifted more of his near 400 pound weight onto Geralt’s torso to demonstrate exactly what he thought about that.
“I can.” He growled.
He puffed up his fur telling him exactly what would happen if he tried.
He had bigger forms yet. If that’s how he wanted to play- well. He wouldn’t bet on Geralt winning. Witcher enhancements be damned.
Geralt, seemingly having realized this, ceased his struggling and ventured a new tactic.
Insulting him.
Which got him grumbling and growling at Geralt. But didn’t get him off him. Geralt knew well enough what he was saying. He didn’t need to transform to express his displeasure.
Geralt, a versatile and clever man, switch tactics yet again.
Reciting history facts but slightly wrong- the year was 1123 and he was a duke not a prince Geralt- asking questions about agriculture – cereal crops deplete the soil of nitrogen. Legumes fix this. A fallow field is left for weeds and grazing. The three fields are rotated. Together this system allows farmers to plant more crops and increase production. – and finally just asking him to play for him.
He, personally, admitted that his bear vocals left something to be desired but he didn’t let that stop him from belting out a few heavily modified versions of his favorite tunes.
Geralt covered his ears and glared at him.
It was only after three verses of Fishmonger’s daughter that he finally popped down into his human shape to do the finale justice.
Geralt shoved him off breaking his sustained note.
“Rude.” He squawked from the dirt as Geralt stood.
“I stopped bleeding three songs ago!” He growled at him.
“I’m well aware.” He grinned. “But I do so enjoy a captive audience.”
Geralt threw the bedroll at his head. Which did hit him. But he managed to catch it on the rebound, which counted as a win in his books.
“I don’t need you mothering me bard.”
“Is that what you think this is? I’m trying to keep Nenneke from murdering me next time you need her services. The woman terrifies me Geralt.”
She did. A little. Not in the way he suspected she expected to be feared though.
It was because her eyes always held too many questions about why he’d arrived before Geralt, knowing exactly the condition of the man’s wounds, even though he lacked a horse while Geralt road in on Roach.
He’d fly ahead, unhampered by the twisting of the roads, and set them to prepare for Geralt’s arrival. Or, when the situation was far graver, have them send a cart to meet him. Transforming on the road just outside of the temples view.
His skin itched when she stared at him too long. Like she almost knew what he was and if she watched him closely enough she might figure it out.
Luckily, “I mean the woman already hates me Geralt.” She was easy to annoy into not looking closely. “No need to worsen her to me by damaging the one reason she even tolerates my presence at the temple.”
If all she wanted to see was an airheaded flop of a bard that was all he would show her. Staying within the confines of expectations worked well enough to keep people from digging.
“She does hate you.” Geralt agreed with a smirk. Pleased he’d befriended someone Jaskier had not.
“Naaaah deep down she likes me.”
Geralt bobbed his head, half conceding the point.
People were complicated like that. She hated Most of him. But she liked that he cared about Geralt. Even if she didn’t always agree with how he cared about Geralt.
With how they cared for each other.
So maybe he shouldn’t have poked the insomniatic bear that was Geralt as he dredged up the lake at Rinde. But he was a bear often enough and he didn’t mind being poked. Sometimes Geralt needed to buck up and face his problems head on!
Then his throat started closing.
Which was scary. Sure. But there were plenty of forms that didn’t need his throat to breath. He’d play catfish or pike or bream or – he was just listing fish again- something while Geralt sorted out the curse the djinn smacked him with.
Except none of them would come.
He tried to shift bigger and his skin pulled too tight like it was yanking away from the muscle and he tried to shift down and his organs compressed in his chest. And he was left folded over in pain from his throat and his lungs and from being trapped.
Trapped in one form. Perhaps forever.
“Can you shift?” Geralt asked him, looking between him and Roach. Debating.
He managed a ragged sob that Geralt translated as the ‘no’ it was.
There was the bumpy ride on Roach- poor girl they weighed far too much together- and the elf with the painkillers – which helped a little. But the world continued its painful descent into darkness.
Geralt was scruffing him by the doublet. Dragging his limp form. Somewhere. He liked being scruffed. It reminded him of the old mouser in the kitchen who’d claimed him as kin when he was barely a boy. Whenever he got in trouble, or was lonely, or scared he’d just run to the old tom and pop down into a kitten. Instantly be scruffed and pulled under the cabinet for a bath and cuddle.
Scruffing meant that soon everything would be okay. He was in pain and terrified but soon. Soon everything would be alright.
 Everything was not alright.
There was a very scary woman with an amphora on her belly and-
And she was a mage.
A powerful mage.
Something in him was singing. Singing at her notice. Her attention.
He didn’t much like that part of him.
His knees near buckled under him as she gripped his nethers and pressed a knife to his throat.
“If you want to keep all you have familiar,” She squeezed him tighter. The singing and terror crescendo-ing in his ears. What do you want me to be? It sung, heart racing in his chest. “Make a damn wish.”
He reached. Reached for. Something. Some shape that would get her away. Small or big or cute or monsterous or something.
Her magic threw him to the floor and it crackled over his skin- she wants you to be human so that is what you shall be – lighting up every nerve with delicious power – do as she says. So that the powerful one might keep you – and burning the tapestry of thread he didn’t know was woven underneath his skin.
“Make your damn wish! Do it now!”
This one is better. Powerful. Be what she wants. “I don’t- I don’t know!” Lightning ran through his veins and fire blazed through his chest and- and- Be her’s. Wish to be hers. Exalted one.
He didn’t want that.
“I wish very much to leave this place forever!”
She turned from him, the burning fading. The singing loud in his ears. Scolding, screaming, begging him to go back to her as he scrambled from the building.
And Geralt was there.
Geralt was alive.
Geralt left him to that witch.
“Jaskier. You’re okay.”
“I’m glad to hear that you give a monkey’s about it.” He fumed.
The singing was quieter now. The smoldering in his chest easing next to Geralt-
Geralt was going back inside.
The building collapsing.
“She could not have survived it.” The elf from earlier- Chireadan- said.
There was coldness in the shape of the lightning flowing through his veins. Ashes in the stitching of his soul where Geralt once resided.
“Why did Geralt go in there? It doesn’t make any sense. What, to save a mad fucking witch?”
“Because she was magnificent.”
She was. The song wept.
His knees hit the ground, the pain of the gravel collision distant, over the shapeless void that pulled him to nothing.
“What am I supposed to do now, hm?” What would be left when this form collapsed into the emptiness in his chest? “It wasn’t supposed to go this way.”
You should have died with him.
“I’m gonna write you. The best song. So that everyone remembers who you were, what we did, everything we saw.” There was a lifetime there. In the spaces they shared. Not a human lifespan perhaps. But it wasn’t like he was human anyway. “And I will sing it. For the rest of my days.”
“He always said I had the most wonderful singing voice.”
A joke. Between him and a dead man.
If he wanted to correct him he should have stayed alive.
Chireadan knelt before him, laying a hand on his shoulder. A tiny beat of comfort in a symphony of pain.
“They’re alive.”
They were very alive.
He ran his fingers down Roach’s neck, unsure how he was supposed to feel.
Relief that Geralt was alive? Jealously that he’d gone to Yennefer? Jealously she choose him over you?
Hollow. He felt hollow.
Roach nudged him.
He was nearly draped over her.
He wanted that old tom cat to scruff him and pull him under the cabinet. To lick and squish and purr him back to whole.
What would he be if he shifted now?
Nothing. It called to him that nothing.
Nothing wasn’t a shape. Nothing wasn’t Jaskier. Jaskier wasn’t nothing.
Still it called to him.
Roach lipped at a saddlebag. The one he’d nested in as his wing healed.
He shoved his bloody shirt in as a makeshift nest and fluttered in.
If Geralt wanted his peace he could dump him on the side of the road.
Until then. He breathed in the way the leather bag blended Roach and Geralt into itself and fell asleep.
 He drifted back to the shores of sleep welcomed by the gentlest smoothing of his feathers.
He readjusted, further nesting into the callouses of Geralt’s hand.
“I thought.” The pain in Geralt’s hesitating voice forced his eyes open. “That the djinn took your voice and your shifting from you.”
Geralt was laying down on their bedroll watching him with those big sad eyes. Which hurt.
But not as much as the fact Geralt had stopped petting him. He shifted into Geralt’s petting hand demanding he get back to work with a sharp chirp.
Geralt resumed his gentle stroking, lips twitching slightly upward. “So bossy.” He complained.
They laid there as the sun went down; quiet and exhausted.
“We used to do this a lot. When your wing was broken. It was nice.”
He softly trilled an agreement.
“I could smell you on Roach when I got back you know? I thought you had left. I understand if you’d left. After what I did.”
He blinked tiredly at Geralt before standing to shift up. He didn’t want to have this conversation now but if Geralt did then. Well then they’d have it now.
“Don’t.” Geralt’s hands shifted slightly, like they were caging him in. They weren’t. He knew he could get out. Knew that if he wanted to leave Geralt would let him.
He settled back into Geralt’s fingers, more than happy not to.
“Tonight. Can we be that again? Just for tonight.”
Be simple. Be easy.
Nenneke always scolded Geralt for thinking he could deny destiny. Because she cared about him and knew destiny would have her way, willingly or not. It would he agreed. Geralt couldn’t run away from her forever.
But he did help him run away from it. Sometimes. Like tonight?
Tonight destiny could go fuck itself.
Tonight they were just a bird and a man sharing each other’s company.
Tonight they were easy.
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esthetics for the entities, part i.   bold what applies to your muse, italics what applies situationally or only in certain verses. rest of the fears here.  this is based on a horror podcast;  potentially triggering and / or upsetting content ahead!
i.  the buried.   weighed blankets.  drowning.  the comfort of a loved one’s weight.  soil and sand piling on top of you.  hugging so hard it hurts a little.  cramped hiding spots.  letting out air underwater to sink to the bottom of the pool.  walls pressing in on you.  not moving from a position even though you’re cramping a little.  dragging the last second before you have to inhale.  lonely subways.  feeling like one with the earth.  a layer of dirt on you.  looking for something below.  cardboard boxes and tiny pillow forts.  hands calloused from digging.  knowing that your purpose is just below the surface.  entering your final resting place before it kills you.  a storm drowning you out.  dust and sand speaking to you.
ii.  the corruption.   insects.  a close imitation of the natural course of life.  an illness in a community.  a rag that dirties more than it cleans.  an untreated wound.  containment.  breaching containment.  unbreathable air.  fungi.  one with that you love.  one with what loves you.  a corpse unfit for a glass case.  hearing a song in the sound of tiny wings and legs.  honeycomb patterns.  an ecosystem within a person.  a curse passed on.  the hubris of a scientist.  an ugly death where a glorious one is owed.  blood on a handkerchief.  parasites.  something pushing up the sewer.  a mask to keep something out.  trypophobia.  knowing you belong.  death weeks after impact.  fever.  food that’s gone off.  pandora’s box.  death behind a glass.
iii.  the dark.   shadows.  lights that turn off by themselves.  the feel of cold marble.  a beaked creature in the night.  the difference between seeing darkness and seeing nothing.  touch of something you can’t see.  hiding under a blanket.  white, clouded eyes.  months without going outside during sunlight.  pouring dark.  unscrewing lightbulbs.  black matter.  light sensitivity.  a starless night.  time before light was created.  a shadow on the wall without a body to attach to.  withering plants.  a world without a sun.  footfalls in an empty house in the night.  a light that doesn’t reach as far as it should.  desperate reach for a flashlight.  clothes that hide your shape.  staying unperceivable.  winter months in the north.  an empty church.
iv.  the desolation.   senseless pain.  warmth of faith.  wax where skin should be.  a blazing fire.  heat without a source.  the third or fourth tragedy in the family.  losing everything you’ve ever held dear.  so much to live for, gone so soon.  the smell of gasoline.  touch that scars.  coffee cup that never goes cold.  scorch marks on wood.  inescapably warm air.  a child born in fire.  death of a loved one.  a candle without a flame.  an altar in the middle of the woods.  animals with burnt fur.  plastic explosives.  burning hot metal.  sweating in an interrogation room.  never touching a loved one.  disfigurement.  a kiss that ruins you.  the scent of burning fat.  a tattoo that terrifies its viewer.  the agony of hellfire displayed as art.  auburn hair.  little clothing in cold weather.  a ripple in the air.  trying to cool down in vain.
v.  the flesh.   body horror.  factories.  a hunger for something more filling.  never quite happy with how you look.  the terror of an animal waiitng for slaughter.  a very good meal.  the liquid of a perfect steak.  fighting your worst survival instincts.  a twisted bone.  long nights working out.  more than one heart.  appearance that shapes like clay.  a bag of bones.  bone broth in a pot.  knowing to fear pigs.  the butcher’s shop.  plastic surgery.  something alien inside your body.  a hunger in the gaze laid upon you.  unwitting cannibalism.  forgetting what you used to look like.  being admired for your appearance and appearance only.  teeth marks on skin.  scars from wounds that should’ve killed you.  cooking in scarcity.  fenced in with one way to go.
vi.  the end.   the last page of a book.  nightmares that don’t feel like nightmares.  a skeletal hand.  the grip of the grim reaper around your throat.  existential pain.  ivory dice.  flatlining in a hospital.  gambiling with death.  as old as the universe.  soul and spirit tied to an object.  a dream where you die.  closing your eyes for the last time.  the plead of a dying one.  knowing the fate of someone you know and being unable to prevent it.  a thousand cords tugging you towards your end.  skin that’s freezing to the touch.  an act of desperation.  someone’s life for yours.  an eternity spent alive.  the cost of your selfishness.  watching your own burial.  causing your own burial.  the smell of death.  numbness to fear.  words from someone gone.  meaninglessness of the actions or lives of single people in the universe.  multiple near-death experiences you refuse to die from.
vii.  the eye.   googling something you shouldn’t have.  eureka moments.  the unforgiving lens of a camera.  witness reports.  hidden libraries.  eyes of different colours.  feeling of being watched.  a death recorded in tape.  a tragedy you can’t watch away from.  endangering yourself for knowledge.  truth.  analog records.  a symbol of an eye.  a watch tower.  compulsion to document.  turning on recording devices without thinking about it.  saving the evidence before the person.  extracting information.  truth or dare, without the dare.  a thirst for knowledge.  books that speak to you.  coordinated shelves.  cataloguing systems.  voyerism.  police report you can’t put down.  reasoning your way out.  smell of old papers.  books that read you back.
viii.  the hunt.   sharp canines.  sore calves after a run.  the scent of blood.  an adventure for the journey’s sake.  the adrenaline right before the kill.   a whistle’s echo.  the woods.  the doe eyes of a prey animal.  your own breath in the air.  sharpened claws.  being tracked.  fear of someone knowing your every movement.  hunting down monsters.  hide and seek.  running away only to end up where you started.  staying alive purely because the enemy enjoys seeing you run.  a set of footsteps behind you.  blood dripping from bare hands.  barks and growls.  focused eyes.  a victim going limp under your hands.  a mouth full of fresh blood.  catching the scent of something monstorous.  perfecting your craft.  peering into the dark and running after it.
ix.  the lonely.   an apartment too small for a double bed.  completely vacant streets.  waking up to see everyone gone.  fog.  point nemo.  a house too big to hear your family members in.  alone in a faceless crowd.  a mask with nothing behind it.  separated cubicles.  a deafening silence where joy should be.  a blinding spotlight.  the least missed in your friend group.  streets without lights in the windows.  isolation.  not truly knowing your friends.  your friends not truly knowing you.  need for silence.  fear of crowds.  staring into space knowing nothing is looking back at you.  a ship alone at sea.  depression.  knowing your friends are better off without you.  talking to someone only to realise they’re gone.  a family too large to notice you there.  safety in being alone.
x.  the slaughter.    a game of tag.   senseless violence.  a true crime hobby.  improvised weapons.  blinding rage.  intent to kill.  a horrific day in a quiet community.  a medal of bravery.  holding on to what validates your anger.  history books that spare no details.  an injury you want revenge for.  war.  counting kills.  songs of soldiers.  a knifeblock on the counter.  a pool of blood.  shellshock.  unspeakable horrors.  anger pushing you forward.  unimaginable pain.  not seeing who will hurt you but knowing the pain is coming.  a fully human monster.  an authority sending its lessers to their deaths.  kill or be killed.  unedited wartime memoirs.  a weapons collection.  not knowing the names of who you kill.  too many to remember.  loss of hope.  there’s no heroes in war.
xi.  the spiral.   sleep deprivation.  corridors you can get lost in.  maze puzzles that loop back on themselves.  losing possessions.  losing people.  losing your sanity.  corkscew curls.  rows of funhouse mirrors.  optical illusions.  a separate reality.  walking through the wrong door.  delusions.  not knowing what your hands are doing.  blank spaces in documents.  hallucinations.  wrong proportions.  a nameless thing.  a place that has never existed.  doubting your own mind.  blind faith.  losing track of names, labels, categories.  distorted sound.  an imperfection in a glass that twists the view.  loss of time.  a garish colour.  doors that open to nowhere.  lies.  an unnatural laugh.  jokes and tricks.  illusions.  a doorway.  a sculptor with a wild imagination.  limbs in impossible angles.  doing what’s fun, not what’s sensible.  fractals you can get lost in.
xii.  the stranger.   wax figures.  a close approximation of a human face.  a borrowed appearance.  a strange smell.  glass eyes.  furs and pelts.  a dance.  a song of a choir.  the uncanny valley.  stitching yourself together.  the colours of a circus.  a puppet with no strings.  mannequins.  glitter and sequin.  a stranger you’ve always known.  someone strange in the place of someone you knew.  stolen identities.  stolen skins.  a machine imitating humanity.  the anonymity of a service worker.  hiding in plain sight.  uncomfortable to look at.  a faked accent.  concealing.  forgetting who you are.  forgetting who others are.  a replacement no one notices.  images that look posed.  the only one seeing the false face of someone.
xiii.  the vast.   open spaces.  carnival rides going up and down.  fear of heights.  endless infinity around you.  your insignificance in an universe.  stomach turning at a drop.  fear of not the crash down but the moment you slip.  the sway of a cable car.  an adventure holiday.  losing track of where the surface is.  miles and miles of nothing around you.  staring at the sky and feeling like you may fall into it.  loss of control.  a fall that doesn’t end in death.  glass floor to the view below.  terminal velocity.  the sound of wind in your ears.  a reach over the railing.  a jump from the top of the building.  falling into nothing.  feeling your feet let go of the ground.  a leap of faith.  motion sickness.
xiv.  the web.   undecipherable code.  a puppeteer holding the strings.  power over the weak-willed.  strings of fate.  manipulation.  an arranged accident.  a hundred minions doing your bidding.  cobwebs.  spiders.  a laid trap.  never voicing discomfort.  outwitting a cheater.  doing things without realising it.  red string across a corkboard.  finding something lost where you were sure you checked.  power over the unrealiability of chance.  watching others dance for you.  an entangled death.  a thousand tiny lengs and fangs.  shady forum threads.  something important gone missing.  suspiciously disregarded case.  a missing witness.  connections.  the world wide web.  power of victimhood.  gullibility.  no control over your own decisions.  an invisible leash.  mass psychology.  a horror film in the making.  scapegoat.  never remembering to ask for a name.
+  the extinction.   the end of an era.  apocalypse movies.  the alarms of warning systems.  a desolate landscape.  end of the world cults.  nihilism.  the last written history.  a changed world.  no survivours.  old prophecies.  a thousand predicted ends.  a new chapter.  an end with no escape.  catastrophes.  a calendar counting down.  breaking point.  overindulgence.
TAGGED BY:  @brokentoys
TAGGING: steal it! @monomaniiametus @tricksterreformed-a @acriminallawyer
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drdumaurier · 3 years
aesthetics for the entities, part i.   bold what applies to your muse, italics what applies situationally or only in certain verses. rest of the fears here.  this is based on a horror podcast; potentially triggering and / or upsetting content ahead!    ( repost, don’t reblog! )
i.  THE BURIED.   weighed blankets.  drowning. the comfort of a loved one’s weight.  soil and sand piling on top of you. hugging so hard it hurts a little.  cramped hiding spots. letting out air underwater to sink to the bottom of the pool.  walls pressing in on you. not moving from a position even though you’re cramping a little.  dragging the last second before you have to inhale. lonely subways. feeling like one with the earth.  a layer of dirt on you. looking for something below.  cardboard boxes and tiny pillow forts. hands calloused from digging. knowing that your purpose is just below the surface.  entering your final resting place before it kills you.  a storm drowning you out. dust and sand speaking to you.
ii.  THE CORRUPTION. insects.  a close imitation of the natural course of life.  an illness in a community.  a rag that dirties more than it cleans.  an untreated wound.  containment.  breaching containment.  unbreathable air.  fungi.  one with that you love.  one with what loves you.  a corpse unfit for a glass case.  hearing a song in the sound of tiny wings and legs. honeycomb patterns. an ecosystem within a person.  a curse passed on. the hubris of a scientist. an ugly death where a glorious one is owed.  blood on a handkerchief. parasites.  something pushing up the sewer.  a mask to keep something out.  trypophobia.  knowing you belong.  death weeks after impact.  fever.  food that’s gone off.  pandora’s box.  death behind a glass.
iii.  THE DARK.   shadows. lights that turn off by themselves.  the feel of cold marble.  a beaked creature in the night.  the difference between seeing darkness and seeing nothing.  touch of something you can’t see. hiding under a blanket. white, clouded eyes.  months without going outside during sunlight.  pouring dark.  unscrewing lightbulbs.  black matter. light sensitivity.  a starless night. time before light was created. a shadow on the wall without a body to attach to.  withering plants.  a world without a sun. footfalls in an empty house in the night.  a light that doesn’t reach as far as it should. desperate reach for a flashlight.  clothes that hide your shape.  staying unperceivable.  winter months in the north. an empty church.
iv.  THE DESOLATION.   senseless pain. warmth of faith.  wax where skin should be.  a blazing fire.  heat without a source.  the third or fourth tragedy in the family.  losing everything you’ve ever held dear. so much to live for, gone so soon.  the smell of gasoline. touch that scars. coffee cup that never goes cold. scorch marks on wood.  inescapably warm air.  a child born in fire. death of a loved one.  a candle without a flame.  an altar in the middle of the woods.  animals with burnt fur.  plastic explosives. burning hot metal. sweating in an interrogation room.  never touching a loved one. disfigurement.  a kiss that ruins you. the scent of burning fat.  a tattoo that terrifies its viewer.  the agony of hellfire displayed as art.  auburn hair.  little clothing in cold weather.  a ripple in the air.  trying to cool down in vain.
v.  THE FLESH.   body horror.  factories.  a hunger for something more filling.  never quite happy with how you look.  the terror of an animal waiting for slaughter.  a very good meal.  the liquid of a perfect steak. fighting your worst survival instincts.  a twisted bone.  long nights working out. more than one heart.  appearance that shapes like clay.  a bag of bones.  bone broth in a pot.  knowing to fear pigs.  the butcher’s shop.  plastic surgery.  something alien inside your body. a hunger in the gaze laid upon you.  unwitting cannibalism. forgetting what you used to look like. being admired for your appearance and appearance only. teeth marks on skin.  scars from wounds that should’ve killed you.  cooking in scarcity.  fenced in with one way to go.
vi.  THE END.   the last page of a book.  nightmares that don’t feel like nightmares. a skeletal hand. the grip of the grim reaper around your throat. existential pain.  ivory dice.  flatlining in a hospital.  gambling with death. as old as the universe.  soul and spirit tied to an object.  a dream where you die. closing your eyes for the last time. the plead of a dying one. knowing the fate of someone you know and being unable to prevent it. a thousand cords tugging you towards your end.  skin that’s freezing to the touch. an act of desperation. someone’s life for yours. an eternity spent alive. the cost of your selfishness.  watching your own burial.  causing your own burial. the smell of death.  numbness to fear. words from someone gone.  meaninglessness of the actions or lives of single people in the universe. multiple near-death experiences you refuse to die from.
vii.  THE EYE.   googling something you shouldn’t have.  eureka moments. the unforgiving lens of a camera.  witness reports. hidden libraries. eyes of different colours.  feeling of being watched.  a death recorded in tape. a tragedy you can’t watch away from. endangering yourself for knowledge. truth.  analog records.  a symbol of an eye.  a watch tower.  compulsion to document. turning on recording devices without thinking about it.  saving the evidence before the person.  extracting information. truth or dare, without the dare.  a thirst for knowledge. books that speak to you. coordinated shelves.  cataloguing systems. voyeurism. police report you can’t put down.  reasoning your way out.  smell of old papers.  books that read you back.
tagged by: @freakfragmcnted (thank yoouu <3) tagging: everyone who wanna do it!
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verglarchive · 4 years
aesthetics for the entities, part i.   bold what applies to your muse, italics what applies situationally or only in certain verses. rest of the fears here.  this is based on a horror podcast;  potentially triggering and / or upsetting content ahead!
(  i.  the buried.  )   weighed blankets.  drowning.  the comfort of a loved one’s weight.  soil and sand piling on top of you.  hugging so hard it hurts a little.  cramped hiding spots.  letting out air underwater to sink to the bottom of the pool.  walls pressing in on you.  not moving from a position even though you’re cramping a little.  dragging the last second before you have to inhale. lonely subways. feeling like one with the earth.  a layer of dirt on you.  looking for something below.  cardboard boxes and tiny pillow forts.  hands calloused from digging. knowing that your purpose is just below the surface.  entering your final resting place before it kills you.  a storm drowning you out.  dust and sand speaking to you.
(  ii.  the corruption.  )   insects.  a close imitation of the natural course of life. an illness in a community.  a rag that dirties more than it cleans.  an untreated wound.  containment.  breaching containment.  unbreathable air.  fungi.  one with that you love.  one with what loves you.  a corpse unfit for a glass case.  hearing a song in the sound of tiny wings and legs.  honeycomb patterns.  an ecosystem within a person.  a curse passed on.  the hubris of a scientist.  an ugly death where a glorious one is owed.  blood on a handkerchief. parasites.  something pushing up the sewer.  a mask to keep something out. trypophobia.  knowing you belong.  death weeks after impact.  fever.  food that’s gone off.  pandora’s box.  death behind a glass.
(  iii.  the dark.  )   shadows.  lights that turn off by themselves.  the feel of cold marble.  a beaked creature in the night.  the difference between seeing darkness and seeing nothing. touch of something you can’t see.  hiding under a blanket.  white, clouded eyes.  months without going outside during sunlight.  pouring dark.  unscrewing lightbulbs.  black matter.  light sensitivity.  a starless night.  time before light was created.  a shadow on the wall without a body to attach to.  withering plants.  a world without a sun.  footfalls in an empty house in the night.  a light that doesn’t reach as far as it should.  desperate reach for a flashlight.  clothes that hide your shape.  staying unperceivable.  winter months in the north.  an empty church.
(  iv.  the desolation.  )   senseless pain.  warmth of faith.  wax where skin should be.  a blazing fire. heat without a source. the third or fourth tragedy in the family.  losing everything you’ve ever held dear.  so much to live for, gone so soon.  the smell of gasoline.  touch that scars.  coffee cup that never goes cold.  scorch marks on wood.  inescapably warm air. a child born in fire. death of a loved one.  a candle without a flame.  an altar in the middle of the woods. animals with burnt fur.  plastic explosives.  burning hot metal.  sweating in an interrogation room.  never touching a loved one.  disfigurement.  a kiss that ruins you.  the scent of burning fat.  a tattoo that terrifies its viewer.  the agony of hellfire displayed as art.  auburn hair.  little clothing in cold weather.  a ripple in the air.  trying to cool down in vain.
(  v.  the flesh.  )   body horror.  factories. a hunger for something more filling. never quite happy with how you look.  the terror of an animal waiting for slaughter.  a very good meal.   liquid of a perfect steak. fighting your worst survival instincts.  a twisted bone.  long nights working out.  more than one heart.  appearance that shapes like clay.  a bag of bones.  bone broth in a pot.  knowing to fear pigs.  the butcher’s shop.  plastic surgery.  something alien inside your body.   a hunger in the gaze laid upon you.  unwitting cannibalism.  forgetting what you used to look like.  being admired for your appearance and appearance only.  teeth marks on skin. scars from wounds that should’ve killed you.  cooking in scarcity.  fenced in with one way to go.
(  vi.  the end.  )   the last page of a book.  nightmares that don’t feel like nightmares.  a skeletal hand.  the grip of the grim reaper around your throat.  existential pain.  ivory dice.  flatlining in a hospital.  gambling with death.  as old as the universe.  soul and spirit tied to an object.  a dream where you die.  closing your eyes for the last time.  the plead of a dying one.  knowing the fate of someone you know and being unable to prevent it. a thousand cords tugging you towards your end.  skin that’s freezing to the touch.  an act of desperation.  someone’s life for yours.  an eternity spent alive.  the cost of your selfishness. watching your own burial.  causing your own burial.  the smell of death.  numbness to fear.   words from someone gone.  meaninglessness of the actions or lives of single people in the universe.  multiple near-death experiences you refuse to die from.
(  vii.  the eye.  )   googling something you shouldn’t have. eureka moments. the unforgiving lens of a camera.  witness reports.  hidden libraries.  eyes of different colours.  feeling of being watched.  a death recorded in tape.  a tragedy you can’t watch away from.  endangering yourself for knowledge.  truth.  analog records.  a symbol of an eye.  a watch tower.  compulsion to document.  turning on recording devices without thinking about it.  saving the evidence before the person.  extracting information.   truth or dare, without the dare.  a thirst for knowledge.  books that speak to you.  coordinated shelves. cataloguing systems.  voyeurism.  police report you can’t put down.  reasoning your way out.  smell of old papers.  books that read you back.
TAGGED BY:     @deiforme   ♡ TAGGING:       @ghafaith,    @recadia,    @westenyra,    @reinahada,    @arelights,    @necrosess    and whoever would like to do this  !
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valhela · 4 years
aesthetics for the entities, part i.   bold what applies to your muse, italics what applies situationally or only in certain verses. rest of the fears here.  this is based on a horror podcast;  potentially triggering and / or upsetting content ahead!
(  i.  the buried.  )   weighted blankets.  drowning.  the comfort of a loved one’s weight.  soil and sand piling on top of you.  hugging so hard it hurts a little.  cramped hiding spots.  letting out air underwater to sink to the bottom of the pool.  walls pressing in on you.  not moving from a position even though you’re cramping a little.  dragging the last second before you have to inhale.  lonely subways.  feeling like one with the earth.  a layer of dirt on you.  looking for something below.  cardboard boxes and tiny pillow forts.  hands calloused from digging. knowing that your purpose is just below the surface.  entering your final resting place before it kills you.  a storm drowning you out.  dust and sand speaking to you.
(  ii.  the corruption.  )   insects.  a close imitation of the natural course of life.  an illness in a community.  a rag that dirties more than it cleans.  an untreated wound.  containment.  breaching containment.  unbreathable air.  fungi.  one with that you love.  one with what loves you.  a corpse unfit for a glass case.  hearing a song in the sound of tiny wings and legs.  honeycomb patterns.  an ecosystem within a person.  a curse passed on.  the hubris of a scientist.  an ugly death where a glorious one is owed.  blood on a handkerchief.  parasites.  something pushing up the sewer.  a mask to keep something out.  trypophobia.  knowing you belong.  death weeks after impact.  fever.  food that’s gone off.  pandora’s box.  death behind a glass.
(  iii.  the dark.  )   shadows.  lights that turn off by themselves.  the feel of cold marble.  a beaked creature in the night.  the difference between seeing darkness and seeing nothing.  the touch of something you can’t see.  hiding under a blanket.  white, clouded eyes.  months without going outside during sunlight.  pouring dark.  unscrewing lightbulbs.  black matter.  light sensitivity.  a starless night.  time before light was created.  a shadow on the wall without a body to attach to.  withering plants.  a world without a sun.  footfalls in an empty house in the night.  a light that doesn’t reach as far as it should.  desperate reach for a flashlight.  clothes that hide your shape.  staying unperceivable.  winter months in the north.  an empty church.
(  iv.  the desolation.  )   senseless pain.  warmth of faith.  wax where skin should be.  a blazing fire.  heat without a source.  the third or fourth tragedy in the family.  losing everything you’ve ever held dear.  so much to live for, gone so soon.  the smell of gasoline.  touch that scars.  coffee cup that never goes cold.  scorch marks on wood.  inescapably warm air.  a child born in fire.  death of a loved one.  a candle without a flame.  an altar in the middle of the woods.  animals with burnt fur.  plastic explosives.  burning hot metal.  sweating in an interrogation room.  never touching a loved one.  disfigurement.  a kiss that ruins you.  the scent of burning fat.  a tattoo that terrifies its viewer.  the agony of hellfire displayed as art.  auburn hair.  little clothing in cold weather.  a ripple in the air.  trying to cool down in vain.
(  v.  the flesh.  )   body horror.  factories.  a hunger for something more filling.  never quite happy with how you look.  the terror of an animal waiting for slaughter.  a very good meal.   liquid of a perfect steak.  fighting your worst survival instincts.  a twisted bone.  long nights working out.  more than one heart.  appearance that shapes like clay.  a bag of bones.  bone broth in a pot.  knowing to fear pigs.  the butcher’s shop.  plastic surgery.  something alien inside your body.   a hunger in the gaze laid upon you.  unwitting cannibalism.  forgetting what you used to look like.  being admired for your appearance and appearance only.  teeth marks on skin.  scars from wounds that should’ve killed you.  cooking in scarcity.  fenced in with one way to go.
(  vi.  the end.  )   the last page of a book.  nightmares that don’t feel like nightmares.  a skeletal hand.  the grip of the grim reaper around your throat.  existential pain.  ivory dice.  flatlining in a hospital.  gambling with death.  as old as the universe.  soul and spirit tied to an object.  a dream where you die.  closing your eyes for the last time.  the plea of a dying one.  knowing the fate of someone you know and being unable to prevent it.  a thousand cords tugging you towards your end.  skin that’s freezing to the touch.  an act of desperation.  someone’s life for yours.  an eternity spent alive.  the cost of your selfishness.  watching your own burial.  causing your own burial.  the smell of death.  numbness to fear.  words from someone gone.  meaninglessness of the actions or lives of single people in the universe.  multiple near-death experiences you refuse to die from.
(  vii.  the eye.  )   googling something you shouldn’t have.  eureka moments.  the unforgiving lens of a camera.  witness reports.  hidden libraries.  eyes of different colours.  feeling of being watched.  a death recorded in tape.  a tragedy you can’t look away from. endangering yourself for knowledge.  truth.  analog records.  a symbol of an eye.  a watch tower.  compulsion to document.  turning on recording devices without thinking about it.  saving the evidence before the person.  extracting information.   truth or dare, without the dare.  a thirst for knowledge.  books that speak to you.  coordinated shelves.  cataloguing systems.  voyeurism.  police report you can’t put down.  reasoning your way out.  smell of old papers.  books that read you back.
TAGGED BY:     i  stole  this  from  @verglase  :3
TAGGING:       whoever  would  like  to  do  this  !
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malonox · 4 years
aesthetics for the entities, part i.   bold what applies to your muse, italics what applies situationally or only in certain verses. rest of the fears here.  this is based on a horror podcast; potentially triggering and / or upsetting content ahead!
i.  the buried.  weighed blankets.  drowning.  the comfort of a loved one’s weight.  soil and sand piling on top of you.  hugging so hard it hurts a little.  cramped hiding spots.  letting out air underwater to sink to the bottom of the pool.  walls pressing in on you.  not moving from a position even though you’re cramping a little.  dragging the last second before you have to inhale. lonely subways.  feeling like one with the earth.  a layer of dirt on you.  looking for something below.  cardboard boxes and tiny pillow forts.  hands calloused from digging.  knowing that your purpose is just below the surface.  entering your final resting place before it kills you. a storm drowning you out.  dust and sand speaking to you.
ii.  the corruption.  insects.  a close imitation of the natural course of life.  an illness in a community.  a rag that dirties more than it cleans.  an untreated wound.  containment.  breaching containment.  unbreathable air.  fungi.  one with that you love.  one with what loves you.  a corpse unfit for a glass case.  hearing a song in the sound of tiny wings and legs.  honeycomb patterns.  an ecosystem within a person.  a curse passed on.  the hubris of a scientist.  an ugly death where a glorious one is owed.  blood on a handkerchief.  parasites.  something pushing up the sewer.  a mask to keep something out.  trypophobia.  knowing you belong.  death weeks after impact.  fever.  food that’s gone off.  pandora’s box.  death behind a glass.
iii.  the dark.  shadows.  lights that turn off by themselves.  the feel of cold marble.  a beaked creature in the night.  the difference between seeing darkness and seeing nothing. touch of something you can’t see.  hiding under a blanket.  white, clouded eyes.  months without going outside during sunlight.  pouring dark.  unscrewing lightbulbs.  black matter. light sensitivity.  a starless night.  time before light was created.  a shadow on the wall without a body to attach to.  withering plants.  a world without a sun.  footfalls in an empty house in the night.  a light that doesn’t reach as far as it should.  desperate reach for a flashlight.  clothes that hide your shape.  staying unperceivable.  winter months in the north.  an empty church.
iv.  the desolation.  senseless pain.  warmth of faith.  wax where skin should be.  a blazing fire.  heat without a source.  the third or fourth tragedy in the family.  losing everything you’ve ever held dear. so much to live for, gone so soon.  the smell of gasoline.  touch that scars.  coffee cup that never goes cold.  scorch marks on wood.  inescapably warm air.  a child born in fire.  death of a loved one.  a candle without a flame.  an altar in the middle of the woods.  animals with burnt fur.  plastic explosives.  burning hot metal.  sweating in an interrogation room.  never touching a loved one.  disfigurement.  a kiss that ruins you.  the scent of burning fat.  a tattoo that terrifies its viewer.  the agony of hellfire displayed as art.  auburn hair. little clothing in cold weather.  a ripple in the air.  trying to cool down in vain.
v.  the flesh.  body horror.  factories.  a hunger for something more filling.  never quite happy with how you look.  the terror of an animal waiting for slaughter.  a very good meal.  the liquid of a perfect steak.  fighting your worst survival instincts.  a twisted bone.  long nights working out.  more than one heart.  appearance that shapes like clay.  a bag of bones.  bone broth in a pot.  knowing to fear pigs.  the butcher’s shop.  plastic surgery.  something alien inside your body.  a hunger in the gaze laid upon you.  unwitting cannibalism.  forgetting what you used to look like.  being admired for your appearance and appearance only.  teeth marks on skin.  scars from wounds that should’ve killed you.  cooking in scarcity.  fenced in with one way to go.
vi.  the end.  the last page of a book.  nightmares that don’t feel like nightmares.  a skeletal hand.  the grip of the grim reaper around your throat.  existential pain.  ivory dice.  flatlining in a hospital.  gambiling with death.  as old as the universe.  soul and spirit tied to an object.  a dream where you die.  closing your eyes for the last time.  the plead of a dying one.  knowing the fate of someone you know and being unable to prevent it. a thousand cords tugging you towards your end.  skin that’s freezing to the touch.  an act of desperation.  someone’s life for yours.  an eternity spent alive.  the cost of your selfishness.  watching your own burial.  causing your own burial.  the smell of death.  numbness to fear.  words from someone gone.  meaninglessness of the actions or lives of single people in the universe.  multiple near-death experiences you refuse to die from.
vii.  the eye. googling something you shouldn’t have.  eureka moments. the unforgiving lens of a camera.  witness reports.  hidden libraries.  eyes of different colours. feeling of being watched.  a death recorded in tape.  a tragedy you can’t look away from. endangering yourself for knowledge. truth.  analog records.  a symbol of an eye.  a watch tower.  compulsion to document.  turning on recording devices without thinking about it. saving the evidence before the person.  extracting information. truth or dare, without the dare. a thirst for knowledge.  books that speak to you.  coordinated shelves.  cataloguing systems.  voyerism. police report you can’t put down.  reasoning your way out. smell of old papers. books that read you back.
TAGGED BY: @minttexan (Thank you, Sunny 💖 ) TAGGING: (nobody but feel free to do it)
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fourmarksmage · 4 years
aesthetics for the entities, part i. bold what applies to your muse, italics what applies situationally or only in certain verses. source here.  this is based on a horror podcast;  potentially triggering and / or upsetting content ahead!
Tumblr media
i.  the buried.  weighed blankets.  drowning.  the comfort of a loved one’s weight.  soil and sand piling on top of you.  hugging so hard it hurts a little.  cramped hiding spots.  letting out air underwater to sink to the bottom of the pool.  walls pressing in on you.  not moving from a position even though you’re cramping a little.  dragging the last second before you have to inhale.  lonely subways.  feeling like one with the earth.  a layer of dirt on you.  looking for something below.  cardboard boxes and tiny pillow forts.  hands calloused from digging.  knowing that your purpose is just below the surface.  entering your final resting place before it kills you.  a storm drowning you out.  dust and sand speaking to you.
ii.  the corruption.   insects.  a close imitation of the natural course of life.  an illness in a community.  a rag that dirties more than it cleans.  an untreated wound.  containment.  breaching containment.  unbreathable air.  fungi.  one with that you love. one with what loves you.  a corpse unfit for a glass case.  hearing a song in the sound of tiny wings and legs.  honeycomb patterns.  an ecosystem within a person.  a curse passed on.  the hubris of a scientist.  an ugly death where a glorious one is owed.  blood on a handkerchief.  parasites.  something pushing up the sewer.  a mask to keep something out.  trypophobia.  knowing you belong.  death weeks after impact.  fever.  food that’s gone off.  pandora’s box.  death behind a glass.
iii.  the dark.  shadows.  lights that turn off by themselves. the feel of cold marble.  a beaked creature in the night. the difference between seeing darkness and seeing nothing. touch of something you can’t see. hiding under a blanket.  white, clouded eyes.  months without going outside during sunlight.  pouring dark.  unscrewing lightbulbs.  black matter.  light sensitivity.  a starless night.  time before light was created.  a shadow on the wall without a body to attach to.  withering plants. a world without a sun.  footfalls in an empty house in the night. a light that doesn’t reach as far as it should.  desperate reach for a flashlight.  clothes that hide your shape.  staying unperceivable. winter months in the north.  an empty church.
iv.  the desolation.   senseless pain.  warmth of faith.  wax where skin should be.  a blazing fire.  heat without a source.  the third or fourth tragedy in the family. losing everything you’ve ever held dear.  so much to live for, gone so soon.  the smell of gasoline.  touch that scars.  coffee cup that never goes cold.  scorch marks on wood.  inescapably warm air.  a child born in fire.  death of a loved one.  a candle without a flame.  an altar in the middle of the woods.  animals with burnt fur.  plastic explosives.  burning hot metal.  sweating in an interrogation room.  never touching a loved one.  disfigurement.  a kiss that ruins you.  the scent of burning fat.  a tattoo that terrifies its viewer.  the agony of hellfire displayed as art.  auburn hair.  little clothing in cold weather.  a ripple in the air. trying to cool down in vain.
v.  the flesh.  body horror. factories.  a hunger for something more filling. never quite happy with how you look.  the terror of an animal waiitng for slaughter. a very good meal.  the liquid of a perfect steak. fighting your worst survival instincts.  a twisted bone.  long nights working out.  more than one heart.  appearance that shapes like clay.  a bag of bones.  bone broth in a pot.  knowing to fear pigs.  the butcher’s shop.  plastic surgery.  something alien inside your body.  a hunger in the gaze laid upon you.  unwitting cannibalism.  forgetting what you used to look like.  being admired for your appearance and appearance only.  teeth marks on skin.  scars from wounds that should’ve killed you.  cooking in scarcity.  fenced in with one way to go.
vi.  the end.  the last page of a book.  nightmares that don’t feel like nightmares.  a skeletal hand. the grip of the grim reaper around your throat.  existential pain.  ivory dice.  flatlining in a hospital.  gambling with death.  as old as the universe. soul and spirit tied to an object.  a dream where you die.  closing your eyes for the last time.  the plead of a dying one. knowing the fate of someone you know and being unable to prevent it.  a thousand cords tugging you towards your end.  skin that’s freezing to the touch.  an act of desperation. someone’s life for yours.  an eternity spent alive.  the cost of your selfishness.  watching your own burial.  causing your own burial.  the smell of death.  numbness to fear.  words from someone gone. meaninglessness of the actions or lives of single people in the universe. multiple near-death experiences you refuse to die from.
vii.  the eye.  googling something you shouldn’t have.  eureka moments. the unforgiving lens of a camera.  witness reports. hidden libraries.  eyes of different colours.  feeling of being watched.  a death recorded in tape.  a tragedy you can’t look away from.  endangering yourself for knowledge. truth. analog records.  a symbol of an eye.  a watch tower.  compulsion to document.  turning on recording devices without thinking about it.  saving the evidence before the person.  extracting information.  truth or dare, without the dare.  a thirst for knowledge.  books that speak to you.  coordinated shelves.  cataloguing systems.  voyeurism.  police report you can’t put down. reasoning your way out.  smell of old papers.  books that read you back.
TAGGED BY: @chaotiicgoods​
TAGGING: Steal it! Be gay, do crimes!
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adventurepunks · 4 years
aesthetics for the entities, part i.   bold what applies to your muse, italics what applies situationally or only in certain verses. rest of the fears here.  this is based on a horror podcast;  potentially triggering and / or upsetting content ahead!
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i.  the buried.  
weighed blankets.  drowning.  the comfort of a loved one’s weight.  soil and sand piling on top of you.  hugging so hard it hurts a little.  cramped hiding spots.  letting out air underwater to sink to the bottom of the pool.  walls pressing in on you.  not moving from a position even though you’re cramping a little.  dragging the last second before you have to inhale.  lonely subways.  feeling like one with the earth.  a layer of dirt on you.  looking for something below.  cardboard boxes and tiny pillow forts.  hands calloused from digging.  knowing that your purpose is just below the surface.  entering your final resting place before it kills you.  a storm drowning you out.  dust and sand speaking to you.
ii.  the corruption.  
insects.  a close imitation of the natural course of life.  an illness in a community.  a rag that dirties more than it cleans.  an untreated wound.  containment.  breaching containment.  unbreathable air.  fungi.  one with that you love.  one with what loves you.  a corpse unfit for a glass case.  hearing a song in the sound of tiny wings and legs.  honeycomb patterns.  an ecosystem within a person.  a curse passed on.  the hubris of a scientist.  an ugly death where a glorious one is owed. blood on a handkerchief.  parasites.  something pushing up the sewer.  a mask to keep something out.  trypophobia.  knowing you belong.  death weeks after impact.  fever.  food that’s gone off.  pandora’s box.  death behind a glass.
iii.  the dark.  
shadows. lights that turn off by themselves.  the feel of cold marble.  a beaked creature in the night.  the difference between seeing darkness and seeing nothing. touch of something you can’t see.  hiding under a blanket.  white, clouded eyes.  months without going outside during sunlight.  pouring dark.  unscrewing lightbulbs.  black matter.  light sensitivity.  a starless night.  time before light was created.  a shadow on the wall without a body to attach to.  withering plants.  a world without a sun.  footfalls in an empty house in the night.  a light that doesn’t reach as far as it should.  desperate reach for a flashlight.  clothes that hide your shape.  staying unperceivable.  winter months in the north.  an empty church.
iv. the desolation.  
senseless pain.  warmth of faith.  wax where skin should be.  a blazing fire.  heat without a source.  the third or fourth tragedy in the family.  losing everything you’ve ever held dear.  so much to live for, gone so soon.  the smell of gasoline.  touch that scars.  coffee cup that never goes cold.  scorch marks on wood.  inescapably warm air.  a child born in fire.  death of a loved one.  a candle without a flame.  an altar in the middle of the woods.  animals with burnt fur.  plastic explosives.  burning hot metal.  sweating in an interrogation room.  never touching a loved one.  disfigurement.  a kiss that ruins you.  the scent of burning fat.  a tattoo that terrifies its viewer.  the agony of hellfire displayed as art.  auburn hair.  little clothing in cold weather.  a ripple in the air.  trying to cool down in vain.
v.  the flesh.  
body horror.  factories.  a hunger for something more filling.  never quite happy with how you look.  the terror of an animal waiting for slaughter.  a very good meal.  the liquid of a perfect steak.  fighting your worst survival instincts.  a twisted bone.  long nights working out.  more than one heart.  appearance that shapes like clay.  a bag of bones.  bone broth in a pot.  knowing to fear pigs.  the butcher’s shop.  plastic surgery.  something alien inside your body.  a hunger in the gaze laid upon you.  unwitting cannibalism.  forgetting what you used to look like.  being admired for your appearance and appearance only.  teeth marks on skin.  scars from wounds that should’ve killed you.  cooking in scarcity.  fenced in with one way to go.
vi.  the end.  
the last page of a book.  nightmares that don’t feel like nightmares.  a skeletal hand.  the grip of the grim reaper around your throat.  existential pain.  ivory dice.  flatlining in a hospital.  gambiling with death.  as old as the universe.  soul and spirit tied to an object.  a dream where you die.  closing your eyes for the last time.  the plead of a dying one.  knowing the fate of someone you know and being unable to prevent it.  a thousand cords tugging you towards your end.  skin that’s freezing to the touch. an act of desperation.  someone’s life for yours.  an eternity spent alive.  the cost of your selfishness.  watching your own burial. causing your own burial.  the smell of death.  numbness to fear.  words from someone gone.  meaninglessness of the actions or lives of single people in the universe.  multiple near-death experiences you refuse to die from.
vii.  the eye.  
googling something you shouldn’t have.  eureka moments.  the unforgiving lens of a camera.  witness reports.  hidden libraries.  eyes of different colours.  feeling of being watched.  a death recorded in tape.  a tragedy you can’t watch away from.  endangering yourself for knowledge.  truth.  analog records.  a symbol of an eye.  a watch tower.  compulsion to document.  turning on recording devices without thinking about it.  saving the evidence before the person.  extracting information.  truth or dare, without the dare.  a thirst for knowledge.  books that speak to you.  coordinated shelves.  cataloguing systems.  voyerism.  police report you can’t put down.  reasoning your way out.  smell of old papers.  books that read you back
tagged by : @thecursedhellblazer​ thanks for tagging me!!! tagging: who ever hasn’t done it yet. if you want to do it then tag do it <3
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spirit-of-vengeance · 4 years
aesthetics for the entities, part i. bold what applies to your muse, italics what applies situationally or only in certain verses. rest of the fears here. this is based on a horror podcast; potentially triggering and / or upsetting content ahead!
i. the buried. weighed blankets. drowning. the comfort of a loved one’s weight. soil and sand piling on top of you. hugging so hard it hurts a little. cramped hiding spots. letting out air underwater to sink to the bottom of the pool. walls pressing in on you. not moving from a position even though you’re cramping a little. dragging the last second before you have to inhale. lonely subways. feeling like one with the earth. a layer of dirt on you. looking for something below. cardboard boxes and tiny pillow forts. hands calloused from digging. knowing that your purpose is just below the surface. entering your final resting place before it kills you. a storm drowning you out. dust and sand speaking to you.
ii. the corruption. insects. a close imitation of the natural course of life. an illness in a community. a rag that dirties more than it cleans. an untreated wound. containment. breaching containment. unbreathable air. fungi. one with that you love. one with what loves you. a corpse unfit for a glass case. hearing a song in the sound of tiny wings and legs. honeycomb patterns. an ecosystem within a person. a curse passed on. the hubris of a scientist. an ugly death where a glorious one is owed. blood on a handkerchief. parasites. something pushing up the sewer. a mask to keep something out. trypophobia. knowing you belong. death weeks after impact. fever. food that’s gone off. pandora’s box. death behind a glass.
iii. the dark. shadows. lights that turn off by themselves. the feel of cold marble. a beaked creature in the night. the difference between seeing darkness and seeing nothing. touch of something you can’t see. hiding under a blanket. white, clouded eyes. months without going outside during sunlight. pouring dark. unscrewing lightbulbs. black matter. light sensitivity. a starless night. time before light was created. a shadow on the wall without a body to attach to. withering plants. a world without a sun. footfalls in an empty house in the night. a light that doesn’t reach as far as it should. desperate reach for a flashlight. clothes that hide your shape. staying unperceivable. winter months in the north. an empty church.
iv. the desolation. senseless pain. warmth of faith. wax where skin should be. a blazing fire. heat without a source. the third or fourth tragedy in the family. losing everything you’ve ever held dear. so much to live for, gone so soon. the smell of gasoline. touch that scars. coffee cup that never goes cold. scorch marks on wood. inescapably warm air. a child born in fire. death of a loved one. a candle without a flame. an altar in the middle of the woods. animals with burnt fur. plastic explosives. burning hot metal. sweating in an interrogation room. never touching a loved one. disfigurement. a kiss that ruins you. the scent of burning fat. a tattoo that terrifies its viewer. the agony of hellfire displayed as art. auburn hair. little clothing in cold weather. a ripple in the air. trying to cool down in vain.
v. the flesh. body horror. factories. a hunger for something more filling. never quite happy with how you look. the terror of an animal waiitng for slaughter. a very good meal. the liquid of a perfect steak. fighting your worst survival instincts. a twisted bone. long nights working out. more than one heart. appearance that shapes like clay. a bag of bones. bone broth in a pot. knowing to fear pigs. the butcher’s shop. plastic surgery. something alien inside your body. a hunger in the gaze laid upon you. unwitting cannibalism. forgetting what you used to look like. being admired for your appearance and appearance only. teeth marks on skin. scars from wounds that should’ve killed you. cooking in scarcity. fenced in with one way to go.
vi. the end. the last page of a book. nightmares that don’t feel like nightmares. a skeletal hand. the grip of the grim reaper around your throat. existential pain. ivory dice. flatlining in a hospital. gambling with death. as old as the universe. soul and spirit tied to an object. a dream where you die. closing your eyes for the last time. the plead of a dying one. knowing the fate of someone you know and being unable to prevent it. a thousand cords tugging you towards your end. skin that’s freezing to the touch. an act of desperation. someone’s life for yours. an eternity spent alive. the cost of your selfishness. watching your own burial. causing your own burial. the smell of death. numbness to fear. words from someone gone. meaninglessness of the actions or lives of single people in the universe. multiple near-death experiences you refuse to die from.
vii. the eye. googling something you shouldn’t have. eureka moments. the unforgiving lens of a camera. witness reports. hidden libraries. eyes of different colours. feeling of being watched. a death recorded in tape. a tragedy you can’t watch away from. endangering yourself for knowledge. truth. analog records. a symbol of an eye. a watch tower. compulsion to document. turning on recording devices without thinking about it. saving the evidence before the person. extracting information. truth or dare, without the dare. a thirst for knowledge. books that speak to you. coordinated shelves. cataloguing systems. voyerism. police report you can’t put down. reasoning your way out. smell of old papers. books that read you back.
TAGGED BY: noticed it on @sagamemes blog
TAGGING: @flossinspector, @count-v-dracula, @muerte-rojo, @caedls, @nightmarinqs, @motherovernature, @piratekingpitchblack, @realprojectalice & anyone who wants to do it!
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arachnidwithagun · 4 years
aesthetics for the entities, part i.   bold what applies to your muse, italics what applies situationally or only in certain verses. rest of the fears here.  this is based on a horror podcast;  potentially triggering and / or upsetting content ahead!
i.  the buried.   weighed blankets.  drowning.  the comfort of a loved one’s weight.  soil and sand piling on top of you.  hugging so hard it hurts a little.  cramped hiding spots.  letting out air underwater to sink to the bottom of the pool.  walls pressing in on you.  not moving from a position even though you’re cramping a little.  dragging the last second before you have to inhale.  lonely subways.  feeling like one with the earth.  a layer of dirt on you.  looking for something below.  cardboard boxes and tiny pillow forts.  hands calloused from digging.  knowing that your purpose is just below the surface.  entering your final resting place before it kills you.  a storm drowning you out.  dust and sand speaking to you.
ii.  the corruption.   insects.  a close imitation of the natural course of life.  an illness in a community.  a rag that dirties more than it cleans.  an untreated wound.  containment.  breaching containment.  unbreathable air.  fungi.  one with that you love.  one with what loves you.  a corpse unfit for a glass case.  hearing a song in the sound of tiny wings and legs.  honeycomb patterns.  an ecosystem within a person.  a curse passed on.  the hubris of a scientist.  an ugly death where a glorious one is owed.  blood on a handkerchief.  parasites.  something pushing up the sewer.  a mask to keep something out.  trypophobia.  knowing you belong.  death weeks after impact.  fever.  food that’s gone off.  pandora’s box.  death behind a glass.
iii.  the dark.   shadows.  lights that turn off by themselves.  the feel of cold marble.  a beaked creature in the night.  the difference between seeing darkness and seeing nothing.  touch of something you can’t see.  hiding under a blanket.  white, clouded eyes.  months without going outside during sunlight.  pouring dark.  unscrewing lightbulbs.  black matter.  light sensitivity.  a starless night.  time before light was created.  a shadow on the wall without a body to attach to.  withering plants.  a world without a sun.  footfalls in an empty house in the night.  a light that doesn’t reach as far as it should.  desperate reach for a flashlight.  clothes that hide your shape.  staying unperceivable.  winter months in the north.  an empty church.
iv.  the desolation.   senseless pain.  warmth of faith.  wax where skin should be.  a blazing fire.  heat without a source.  the third or fourth tragedy in the family.  losing everything you’ve ever held dear.  so much to live for, gone so soon.  the smell of gasoline.  touch that scars.  coffee cup that never goes cold.  scorch marks on wood.  inescapably warm air.  a child born in fire.  death of a loved one.  a candle without a flame.  an altar in the middle of the woods.  animals with burnt fur.  plastic explosives.  burning hot metal.  sweating in an interrogation room.  never touching a loved one.  disfigurement.  a kiss that ruins you.  the scent of burning fat.  a tattoo that terrifies its viewer.  the agony of hellfire displayed as art.  auburn hair.  little clothing in cold weather.  a ripple in the air.  trying to cool down in vain.
v.  the flesh.   body horror.  factories.  a hunger for something more filling.  never quite happy with how you look.  the terror of an animal waiitng for slaughter.  a very good meal.  the liquid of a perfect steak.  fighting your worst survival instincts.  a twisted bone.  long nights working out.  more than one heart.  appearance that shapes like clay.  a bag of bones.  bone broth in a pot.  knowing to fear pigs.  the butcher’s shop.  plastic surgery.  something alien inside your body.  a hunger in the gaze laid upon you.  unwitting cannibalism.  forgetting what you used to look like.  being admired for your appearance and appearance only.  teeth marks on skin.  scars from wounds that should’ve killed you.  cooking in scarcity.  fenced in with one way to go.
vi.  the end.   the last page of a book.  nightmares that don’t feel like nightmares.  a skeletal hand.  the grip of the grim reaper around your throat.  existential pain.  ivory dice.  flatlining in a hospital.  gambiling with death.  as old as the universe.  soul and spirit tied to an object.  a dream where you die.  closing your eyes for the last time.  the plead of a dying one.  knowing the fate of someone you know and being unable to prevent it.  a thousand cords tugging you towards your end.  skin that’s freezing to the touch.  an act of desperation.  someone’s life for yours.  an eternity spent alive.  the cost of your selfishness.  watching your own burial.  causing your own burial.  the smell of death.  numbness to fear.  words from someone gone.  meaninglessness of the actions or lives of single people in the universe.  multiple near-death experiences you refuse to die from.
vii.  the eye.   googling something you shouldn’t have.  eureka moments.  the unforgiving lens of a camera.  witness reports.  hidden libraries.  eyes of different colours.  feeling of being watched.  a death recorded in tape.  a tragedy you can’t watch away from.  endangering yourself for knowledge.  truth.  analog records.  a symbol of an eye.  a watch tower.  compulsion to document.  turning on recording devices without thinking about it.  saving the evidence before the person.  extracting information.  truth or dare, without the dare.  a thirst for knowledge.  books that speak to you.  coordinated shelves.  cataloguing systems.  voyerism.  police report you can’t put down.  reasoning your way out.  smell of old papers.  books that read you back.
TAGGED BY:  STEALING FROm @daemcnium because I need this ok TAGGING:  whoever the fuck wants to do this it’s fun man
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ericasean01 · 4 years
Ecosole simplifies the management of the collection of edible vegetable oils
Waste oil or used oil is that which is contaminated with other substances and consequently is not quite as safe for use; it may be hazardous. The possible toxicity saw to the introduction of several environmental regulations that govern and also require for the safe disposal of these oils so that damages to the natural environment, living organisms and humans are reduced. Waste oil recycling has for that matter become huge company with the business needing cooking and motor oils. Waste oils can get cleaned up and then utilized in different industries. Once the contaminants have been removed, the purified variety can be utilized in electricity plants in the production of electricity for companies, schools and even homes. Utility and industrial boilers can also use it or it could be mixed for marine fuels. Lubricants are also obtained in the recycled refined oil. The other areas where the utilized recycled oil can prove to be beneficial are in industrial burners, molding firms to release products, for bitumen based products, hydraulic oil, as an additive in product manufacturing and even as transformer oil. To begin the recycling procedure, you can deliver your used oil into a nearby collection facility that may pre-treat and recycle it or perhaps sell to a specialized used oil recycler. There are so many used oil recycling facilities now and you may be certain you have played a part in maintaining the environment and saved energy at the same time whenever you have your waste oil disposed properly. Not so many men and women consider improper disposal of used oil and they'll pour it out without a care in the world. However, this improper disposal leads to the oil getting into back yards, landfills, storm drains as well as sewers. It usually means that the dirt, drinking water and groundwater may get contaminated and sewer treatment systems can also get damaged. When you recycle the waste oil, you keep it away in the lakes, rivers and streams in addition to the ground water sources which you get your drinking water from. Recycling oils normally saves the environment, conserves energy and keeps you protected from hazardous contamination. You can easily get motor oil from your boat, motorcycle, lawnmower, vehicle or truck recycled. It's in itself a show of commitment to maintain the environment secure, for the sake of future creation and also for the conservation of energy resources. In as much as it is important to choose your used oil to a collection and recycling facility for the same, you need to make sure that you properly handle the oil before it has accumulated. In case you have waste motor oil, maintain it in a container which has a secure and a tight lid to make sure that there are not leak risks. Milk jugs which have protected caps may very powerful storage units for the petroleum. Ensure also that you don't combine the waste oil using any other substance, whether it is transmitting fluid or antifreeze liquid. The containers should then be kept away from ignition sources and kids. Do not overfill. Make sure the parking brake is set and start the motors in a well-ventilated place after you change the oil. Its pressure light may be on, but it should go out after a few seconds. Once the light goes out, permit the motor to run for a couple more minutes. Display responsibility. Protect the environment and preserve resources by taking your used oil and filter to your nearest used oil collection center. My buddy visits a used automobiles centre in Alexandria after do-it-yourself oil change into dispose-off used oil. Used oil is a concern of every restaurant proprietor. This natural byproduct of deep frying foods creates an annoyance for any owner. What can you do would all of those gallons of oil generated every day that won't put a strain on your business's budget? Luckily, there are a number of recourses for disposing of oil and also an astute owner can even turn that waste to profit. Most restaurants still use conventional oil disposal solutions to haul off the huge quantities of used cooking oil which are created during the course of routine business. However, depending on where your business is found, you could have more choices than you understand. Having a rising demand for oil to be utilised in a number of products and in biofuels, restaurant owners are finding they no longer need to pay to get rid of their unwanted acrylic. Finding a service prepared to cart your oil away for free or, if you're lucky, one that's ready to pay you for it might be as easy as perusing your regional yellow pages. When was the last time you looked to get a petroleum service? If it's been some time then you may not be aware of how much things have changed. What used to be a bothersome waste product has now become a valuable commodity. A growing number of refineries are ready to pay a nice price a barrel of waste oil to be used in feeds, fuels and other products. Therefore, many waste petroleum services are prepared to really cover your used cooking oil. In some regions, where you will find local rendering plants and refineries that use waste oil within their production, waste oil collection services can amass an ordinary cost $30 per barrel. As a result of this high cost and the ease of collecting the oil from your waste oil bin, a number of these services are ready to pay upwards of $10 per barrel for your own oil. The waste oil can then be taken to refineries and rendering plants where it's used for a number of things. Waste oil is used in animal feeds as a source of high energy fat. Waste oil can also be utilized to create biofuels which are starting to replace traditional fuels in several of industrial equipments. For those owners who aren't concerned about making a few bucks from their oil, but would rather help boost their image locally, there is another exciting option to get rid of all that oil. Riding the wave of the present trend towards environmentalism, industrious"green" mechanics have begun a movement amongst environmentalist everywhere in the region of alternatively fueled cars. Individuals have begun to convert diesel engines to run on pure vegetable. Waste oil burns clean and gets surprising excellent mileage. By earning your waste oil readily available to the public you're playing a role in helping the environment and building your reputation as an environmentally friendly business. We are living in an age where the environment and the ozone need much care. If we don't take care of our planet now, there can be very little that we can do to fix it later. One of the regions where folks lack in is that of properly disposing of used cooking oil. I have seen that many people, from individuals to restaurants, find it hard to properly dispose of the used oil. They simply throw it down the drain or in the backyard. This isn't ideal since it may have adverse effects of the organisms living in the garden and it might lead to drain blockages that can be unhygienic. For that reason, it's of extreme importance that you eliminate your favorite sunflower oil at a healthy and hygienic manner. It is important for the health and the health of the eco-system. There are a number of ways which you can locate a used oil collector. These would be the people or companies which have the infrastructure to collect and dispose of the oil in a secure way. Firstly, you can find out from other restaurants that they use to collect the oil. Usually huge restaurants contract oil collectors to gather from them on a daily or weekly basis, depending on their volume of used oil. You could contact the local municipality and request a list of used oil collectors. Google, of course, is among the chief procedures to find what you're looking for. So it's also excellent place to search for reputable collectors. If they have a site, you could find out even more about how they do it or you can contact them directly to find out more about this process. These kind of businesses will typically collect the used frying oil from you and take it back to their premises where they will bottle it to recycling purposes or eliminate it in an eco manner method. The used cooking oil could be utilized as biodiesel or from the chemical market. It's very important that you do check the trustworthiness of the collector as a number of them might not be reputable. Used oil can be a harmful substance and incorrect disposal can be damaging to certain eco systems and to individuals. Figure out if they have a certification that verifies them to be used oil collectors and that the oil isn't recycled back into the human food chain. There are many ways to dispose of used oil, but it is best to get in contact with a respectable company that can do this. Our core focus at Golden Fry would be to provide specially customized goods and solutions to Restaurants, Take-Aways, Food Manufacturers, Caterers, Wholesalers, Supermarkets and Spaza Shops. We are a licensed used oil collector. Are you considering starting a mobile oil change business? Well, there are a whole lot of things that you ought to know, and I bet you are outside searching for information online are not you? Okay so, allow me to give you a few pointers and tips. Below are some questions which lately were requested of me by someone like you who wants to start their own mobile oil change business too. These questions must do with removal of used oil, and also what to do with it once its collected - where to take it. You will find DOT rules, EPA rules, and local principles most likely in your area. You have to adhere to every one of these. Depending on the amount that would need to put up a diamond shaped placard on your vehicle. To receive supplementary information on Raccolta Olio Verona please learn more here. And you'll need to ensure that you can include the oil if the used oil tank gets a leak. Wouldn't it have been fine if they had comprised the oil that spilled into the Gulf of Mexico and cleaned up on shore? See that point an why this is a significant consideration. Additionally that petroleum was crude oil, the petroleum that you collect from cars and trucks once you change the oil is filthy refined oil, much more serious into the surroundings. Today's high-performance CNC machines operate in extremely substantial levels of speed, requiring an oil mist eliminator to remove vast amounts of coolant. As an example, the Haas MDC-500 Mill DrillCenter features a high-volume coolant pump along with a 40-gallon coolant tank. Mist eliminators are intended to take out the oil mist and smoke from cutting fluids in metalworking environments. The health dangers of petroleum exposure associated with the machine tool sector have been well recorded. The websites for OSHA, NIOSH and the CDC provide an abundance of valuable information for both employers and employees regarding safety problems and cutting fluids. Among the most common afflictions of employees exposed to oil mist is Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (HP). This can be an allergic reaction to machine lubricant which worsens with continuing exposure. HP is due to germs in the cutting oil that affect air sacs from the deepest part of the lung. Symptoms include fever, chills, deep coughing and shortness of breath. A mist eliminator accumulates and eliminates the damaging particles and smoke from petroleum jelly. Does an oil mist eliminator protect workers health, it may also help increase production and improve your shops overall atmosphere. It is undoubtedly very important to get your car's oil changed on-time. But since it's all about the very valued part of your vehicle, the engine, it is very important that you have essential information about it such as quality to use, timing of change (if it really is important to change car oil after 3000 miles), and many other tips. You might not be close to an auto mechanic or you just wish to home improvement, a friend of mine in Fairfax, VA gave quite helpful tips regarding this: Do not alter oil while the engine is hot. Let it cool for a couple hours. It can burn you badly. Allow it two hours at least to cool before beginning. When engine is hot, its temperature generally touches 250 levels. It may burn you badly. Another reason why you should cool down the oil is that all residue settle into the bottom of the pan. Oil chemistry and engine technologies have now improved to the point that most cars can go a few thousand more miles before changing it. So 3,000 mph change is not necessary for all the cars. Although most cars require 4-5 quarts of petroleum, you must nevertheless owner's manual for the recommended amount is necessary and more notably recommended grade of motor oil for use. If you're traveling on bike or automobile for a lengthy journey and you think your car needs oil change, here is a great tip to get assist. The natives can buy the used oil from you. They purchase and use it to paint on the underside and foundations of homes. It prevents termites from eating the wood. So, if you're on the street and want to change the oil, just walk up to a few of the houses and tell them that you need to change your oil. They will assist you if you request them to bring their own container to take used oil. Oil recycling company initiatives make it possible for restaurateurs and professionals from the food service industry to maintain the environment a cleaner and greener place. By using these tools, restaurants, specifically, can turn waste into profit in a short time period. Clients that use oil recycling include little cafes as well as large institutional facilities, like kitchens in medical facilities, prisons, or colleges. Assessing the use of animal and plant byproducts is one approach to reduce environmental waste. Oil recycling company services include everything in the pick up of cooking fats, regular grease trap maintenance, as well as the cleaning of grease interceptors and capture basins. Restaurateurs who would like to increase their bottom line or receive their establishment up to code may benefit from such services. It is irrelevant whether a facility produces just a couple gallons monthly or has a large grease trap that needs constant cleaning, all businesses or institutions in the food service industry can profit from this sort of recycling agency. Partner using an oil recycling firm whose primary aim is to maintain grease traps, so the amounts comply with your city's codes. As you do have to spend less on maintaining collection methods, the assortment of this oil or grease is entirely free. Therefore, recycling is a sustainable and cost-effective way for a company to increase its bottom line. The gas that is made from recycled oil isn't just renewable, it is a clean-burning replacement fuel which makes it possible for the U.S. to rely less on oil sources from overseas countries. Not only is biodiesel better for your environment, it produces more job opportunities throughout the U.S. EPA-designated fuels meet stringent technical qualifications for quality and performance in motors. As a result, biodiesel fuel that's created by recycled means may be utilized in all types of engines, and is even covered by leading engine manufacturers' warranties. Since the start of the 21st century, the manufacturing of biodiesel fuel has gone from 25 million to over one billion gallons. The biodiesel fuel industry jobs that it will fabricate approximately 10% of the diesel transportation reservations by 2022. If that goal is met, it usually means that the U.S. will depend less on oil imports, and that, in turn, will also lessen the trade deficit. Biodiesel plants are situated across the U.S., including all the facilities equipped to produce as much as three billion gallons of biodiesel fuel per year.
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l-sincline · 4 years
Cybernetics- Cyberpunk!Sonic AU- Chapter 7
Amy Rose has been working tirelessly at her broken down booth for as long as she can imagine. Ever since Tails left their work to join forces with the revered hero of Mobius, ‘The Blue Blur’, she’s grown lonely and desperate to make her life exciting. A strange customer comes in one day asking her to fix his cyborg arm, what she didn’t know was that he would be the catalyst for a brand new life.
AO3 Tags:
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Amy Rose/Shadow the Hedgehog, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog), Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles “Tails” Prower, Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik, Rouge the Bat, Whisper the Wolf, Cream the Rabbit, Knuckles the Echidna, Badnik (Sonic the Hedgehog), E-123 Omega, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Cyberpunk, Angst, Slow Burn, Partners in Crime
AO3 Link
After resting a while longer, Amy pushed herself up to her feet, wobbling at first as her body screamed at her to sit down again. However, she soon grew accustomed to the ache and slowly made her way over to the hole Shadow stood at, stepping gingerly as to not cause any more discomfort. He didn’t spare her a glance and instead just moved over so she could have more room. She stopped just before the edge and looked out upon the city in ruins. Buildings were either fully demolished or damaged like this one, or they were crumbling on their own. Plants and other animal life had taken over the city once more, pavement was cracked to make room for trees and weeds and grass, and vines grew up the sides of buildings and all over the large chunks of the cement buildings that lay on the ground. She was far off the ground, but she could see a small stream that ran down a sidewalk, coming from somewhere out of her sight. She’d never seen anything like this. Quite frankly, she’d always just assumed the city of Mobius went on forever, that their planet wasn’t that big to begin with, that’s what she had always been told, anyways. But this was stunning, greenery and life contrasted there dull colors and dirt and stone she was used to in the outer ring, and even though what she had seen of the middle ring was beautiful with its neon lights and steely grays, nothing compared to the lush green of the plants and the quiet chirping of wild animals.
“What is this place?” She asked. He finally looked over to her, confused.
“You don’t know?”
“No..” she shook her head with a frown, still mesmerized by the beauty of it all.
“It was part of the outer ring... it got destroyed in the war with Earth. Mobius is reclaiming it.” He said simply.
“No one ever talked about anything being destroyed...” she admitted, “I guess I should’ve known that the war took a toll on our homes but... I never could’ve imagined a whole city. This goes on for miles.”
“Thousands died here, inner ring city military and androids guard the border between the outer ring and these ruins. The people who live so close to the border are already extremely poor, even though there could be resources here for them they aren’t allowed to come near.” Shadow clicked his tongue angrily.
“Why do they guard it? Wouldn’t it be better for them if they let people camp out here and rebuild?”
“No, it’s all about control for them. This is too far for them to reach, they don’t want to have to expend valuable resources to keeping an even bigger outer ring under control. They hardly like doing it with the outer ring as it is, that’s why they let the Robotnik bots stay.”
“There’s never Robotnik bots in the inner ring...” she breathed out quietly to herself. She’d never thought of it like that before. That the government just let the bots stay where they needed them. They were rarely ever in the middle ring either, but there were a few.
“I would bargain to say that the war is what left the government corrupt. The people were so desperate to have officials who could make bold strokes that they didn’t realize the people in charge cared more about themselves.” He spat.
“You really don’t like the government.” She observed.
“It’s hard to even tolerate trash like that.” He said matter of factly before walking away.
Amy stayed put, continuing to take in the sights. She’d never realized that the government had such a strong grip over the rings, but she supposed that’s why talented folks like Whisper would never move any farther inward even if she was paid handsomely. The system was built against her, and anyone like her, that wasn’t born into the inner ring and by extension into wealth. Amy bit the inside of her cheek, she felt as if she’d learned more now than she ever had in her twenty two years of living. Another thing to add to the list of ‘things the government keeps from people in the outer ring’ she supposed. Though she had just started the list, it already seemed to be getting a bit long. She heard some swishing behind her before Shadow spoke again.
“Are you ready to go?” He asked.
She turned and saw the last moments of him clipping his cloak around his neck and allowing it to drape down to cover his body once more. Unlike how she’d previously seen him though, he kept his hood down, she hadn’t noticed she’d been studying him until he turned swiftly on his heel and picked up her collapsible hammer, gearing up to toss it to her.
“We’ll have to get you some sort of cloak too, but we’ll stay out of popular areas for now.” He tosses the hammer in its bag form to her.
She caught it by the strap and steadied it, popping it open to see just a wrench and a flat head that she had stored in it earlier before the big ‘almost arrested’ moment.
“We can get you more tools too.” He promised as she hung the bag across her chest.
“Where are we going?” She asked.
“My home base. You can meet the rest of the team.”
“There’s more than just you?” She replied, albeit a bit dumbly.
“Yes- one other and... your first project.” He nodded before turning once more and walking towards the door.
“Wait! Wouldn’t it just be easier to do that... teleport-y thingy like you did before...?” She questioned, taking a few steps forward before stopping as he looked over his shoulder.
“I think it did you more harm than good, I’ve only ever done it with inanimate objects and androids before, you’re the first flesh and bones that’s been through that ordeal.” He explained. “It’ll be useful if we ever get in a tough spot, but for now I want to give you a chance to heal.” Shadow shrugged and stepped out the door, turning left with his cape swooshing behind him.
Amy ‘hmm’ed quietly in agreement as she rushed out after him, her legs weren’t happy to be moving this fast, but she couldn’t afford to slow them down. She didn’t know where they were going, but she could bargain it would be easier to get there while it was still light out, and the sun would be going down soon. She could hear Shadow’s metal shoes clunking down the stairs and she quickly followed, just barely seeing him round the corner as he continued down more stairs. This went on for a few more flights, but soon they made it to the bottom and she halted abruptly as to not bump into him as he looked cautiously out the space where she assumed there was once a fire exit leading to the outside.
“They don’t send patrols this deep into the ruins that often, but you can never be too careful.” He explained quietly as he scanned the surroundings slowly.
She imagined his eye was looking for electromagnetic signals or heat signatures among the plants and building, but she didn’t dare break the silence that allowed her to hear the very soft whirring of the camera occasionally zooming in or out. It was quiet, barely noticeable, but it was oh so interesting to her. She’d never seen a cyborg eye before, and she imagined you’d have to have good neurological knowledge as well as mechanical to be able to make one.
“Clear.” He spoke a little louder as he stepped out of the building and into the green waste land, Amy was quick to follow.
She looked up at the buildings and trees in awe, if possible, it was even more amazing from down here. She could now get a close up view of all the flora and fauna that she couldn’t have before.
Shadows feet crunched along the over grown path he was taking, and she stopped her ogling at the area to catch up. Little bugs flitted in front of her face and she swatted them away, if there was one thing here that they had back in the outer ring, it was flies.
“So are we moving towards or away from the city?” She asked quietly as she quickened her stride to walk next to him.
“Away. I found an area that no patrols frequented years ago, it’s been being built up by me and my... teammate since then. It’s nicer than the rubble we were just in now, but it started off pretty bad.”
“Cool.” She said in a hushed breath, well aware that she wouldn’t know if a patrol was coming near them.
“We have a ways to go, but we’ll be there before the sun in completely down.” He reassured before picking up the pace.
Amy nodded silently as she trekked along behind him, her aching muscles not allowing her to go any faster. She hoped they would get there soon, though the shock of her life taking a complete one eighty hadn’t completely set in yet, she felt ready to tackle the new obstacles that had been put in front of her. For a moment, she thought of Tails, and wished she could apologize for officially becoming his enemy.
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