#Don't kill me for the cliffhanger please!
bloopitynoot · 2 days
Reading SVSSS: Chapter 16
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For those who don't know, I am reading SVSSS for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag bloopitynoot reads SVSSS. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read.
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Hello! Another day, another chapter!
I really don't have much to ramble about today, but I am back on my tea. This is a new one from the ren faire this year- vanilla chai with sugar and milk. The cup is from the same ren faire (but purchased last year).
let's go let's let's go- I am already impatient to get into this chapter.
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Last chapter we ended on a cliffhanger with Luo Binghe totally unconscious- we start this chapter with Shen QIngqiu ready to rescue his man and escape!
It's really so upsetting that he is going back to trash (two bar) spiritually energy in this body when he was so used to his mushroom Unlimited Power p65
RIP Luo Binghe's skull LOL he is really being tossed around like a rag doll. SQQ needs to be more careful. p66
MXTX said forget the only one bed trope, I raise you -> There Was Only One Coffin p67
Fuck. This is actually so scary 10/10 I would pee myself if a little skeletal arm was worming it's way into the coffin I was temporarily occupying (really anything in this book's reality would make me die of fright. as an aside I was talking to my partner about this while watching MDZS donghua yesterday, in the world of cultivators I would be a dumpling stall owner. I could never with the sword training and literal corpses). pp67-68
I CANT 'extenuating circumstances'. SQQ definitely: I just HAD to kiss his cute little forehead to save our lives. p68
i'm crying LOL "a person's abdomen is supposed to be the softest spot on their body, but Luo Binghe's was uncomfortably hard against Shen Qingqiu's stomach. The farther down he pulled him, the more he was sure that Luo Binghe had an eight-pack. Was that a rock slab down there?" p70
this keeps getting worse LMAO
OOOOO Meng Mo is back! Is it weird that I kind of love this guy? He has such a cool power and is a bit of a dick, but in the best and worst of ways. Him and Airplane give similar energy and I am not mad about it. p72
oh gosh! LBH is either "fatally ill" or "close to death" p72
wait- adding to the above point. he could also be mentally very unwell :( poor buddy -> it's likely this option. p72
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so even though SQQ is processing nothing , I think SQQ admitting (not naming the feeling but admitting) that he is feeling a mess of emotions about Luo Binghe is a big step for him! p73
Meng Mo seems to have a lot of feelings about LBH. I am not sure if it's just pride or what but whatever it is he is correct here, "The way this elder sees it, he (LBH) should either kill you (SQQ) or do you!" p74
+1000 Protagonist Satisfaction Points for touching LBH's "Heavenly Pillar" p76
WHY IS THIS EVEN A THOUGHT IF HE THINKS HE'S STRAIGHT "He couldn't exactly help Luo Binghe jerk off under these circumstances, right?!" p76 But like if not these circumstances he is cool with doing it in other circumstances???????????
oh no! SQQ blocking the blades with his bare hand for LBH p79
Dang. the Old Palace Master has been through some shit. p80
Are we getting more of Shen jiu's story??? We have Qiu Haitang here too! p81 (just as an aside because my notes did not revisit this, we do not get more of his story just weird little hints. That I hope Shang Qinghua clears up later). p81
What a terrible combo. Old Palace master is just butthurt Luo Binghe doesn't want him as a teacher or to marry his daughter and Qiu Haitang seems to be just a vile woman with a grudge against SQQ for some reason. pp82-83
Okay but as horrible as OPM is, that cultivation he's doing with his voice is kind of cool. p85
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Wait. Did the Old Palace Master have a thing for Su Xiyan? This is so fucking weird for LBH and he's not even conscious pp86-87
reading further the above point got so much worse omg :(((((((((((( I'm so upset for Su Xiyun. p87
It got even worse with the implications of what it meant for Luo Binghe in that sect. That terrible terrible man deserved that horrifying death. Fuck that guy! pp 89-90
OMG SQQ, basically half dead carrying LBH, barely got away from the death flower room, and here we have Tianglang-jun back on his bullshit. p94
SQQ is in such a bad state :o pp94-95
Is this another dime??? Our demon blood piggy bank for SQQ is now at $0.40 p97
YAY! Luo Binghe is awake! (is he going to be okay mentally though??)p 99
Why is Luo Binghe so mad? Like this man just nearly died trying to get you the fuck out of there p100
Fucking finally okay, it got better LBH is realizing what SQQ did while he was unconscious pp102-103
I'm glad they cleared that up (even though there was the other added miscommunication about LBH thinking SQQ was crying when he was actually just in a fuck ton of pain). p104
I am actually so glad that the discussion was interrupted before LBH found out about the dick touching being real LOL p108
MORE DEMON BLOOD. -> SQQ's dime bank is at $0.50
How many times does this man get kidnapped?
We really ended with him being kidnapped again and with Luo Binghe being conned by his own dad. That was so rough. -500 dignity points (not really but it sure feels like it)
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bbcphile · 9 months
WIP Wednesday: Part 3
As promised, here's the opening of Di Feisheng's section of Chapter 1 of the AU where Li Lianhua's shiniang tried and failed to sacrifice herself to save him. (To catch up, read part 1 (LLH) and part 2 (FDB) here).
And, uh, sorry about the cliffhanger?
Tw/cw: suicide attempt, medical emergency
Di Feisheng dropped to his knees behind Xiangyi, catching him against his chest rather than the ground as he fell. He snatched Xiangyi’s wrist–veins bulging and black, damn it–and felt for a pulse. Faint. Erratic. Still poisoned by Bicha. Completely emptied of Yangzhouman. Where the fuck was the Beifeng Baiyang he’d given him? Why couldn’t he feel it? How the–
“–Lao Di,” Fang Duobing wailed, “he was walking toward the water! He–”
“–Shut up,” he snapped, sending a wisp of his own qi through Xiangyi’s meridians. Or what was left of them. He bit back a growl. They were too damaged for his qi to travel with the sort of speed he needed to evaluate this. He didn’t have time to do full triage, not while Xiangyi’s pulse was getting fainter by the second. He’d start with the heart meridian then; that would be the best way to stabilize–
–why the fuck was his heart meridian shredded? Who had dared to–
–no, damn it, he had to focus. There would be time to rage later.
He had to repair it. But Xiangyi didn’t have the Yangzhouman for it, and the remnants Xiangyi had given him wouldn’t be enough. Could the brat–
“–Get out of the way,” Fang Duobing sobbed, shoving him and thrusting two shaking fingers toward Xiangyi’s chest, the force of his qi rippling the air. “I’ll do it.”
“No,” Di Feisheng snarled, hand flying from Xiangyi’s waist to smack the brat’s away before it would destroy whatever was left of his fragile meridians, “you’ll kill him.” 
“Bullshit!” the pup yelled, as Huli Jing began to howl at equal volume, “I’ve healed him before! Let me help!” The brat’s qi spiked and the sand around them rippled.
Oh for the love of– he didn’t have time to explain this and save Xiangyi. What the hell had the great sword God been teaching this whelp? Xiangyi, if you die, I’ll kill you myself.
He unclenched his jaw against the noise. “You want to help?” he gritted out, each word like knives against his tongue and ears. “Calm your qi. Stay quiet. And keep the mutt quiet, too.” 
–Healing the heart meridian now was out, until that ignorant pup could keep a tighter leash on his qi. He’d have to work on the heart directly. 
Di Feisheng pressed his hand over Xiangyi’s chest, closed his eyes, and directed the faintest hint of his Beifeng Baichang to surround Xiangyi’s heart, ready to observe and mimic its movement, as he would any new sword form.
It wrapped around his heart in an embrace. 
Xiangyi’s heart gave one erratic flutter. 
A pause.
A second, weaker thrum against his qi.
Then nothing at all.
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oblako · 1 year
hey adachitoka. hey. what the fUCK
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justmeinadaze · 2 months
Inescapable (Steddie X You)
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A/N: This is the events that ties in with this thing here :)
Please enjoy!
Warnings: Older (Early 30s) Prisoner Steddie & Young (Early 20s) Fem college student Y/N, SMUT, public smut, fingering, grinding, LOTS of dirty talk, daddy kink (cause I'm me), female masturbation, handjob (m & m), ANGST, cheating (reader is in a relationship), mentions of her parents not approving of her talking to the guys, reader also mentions bf parents don't like her, readers bf interviews the guys and vaguely mentions things from season 4 like the deaths and starts a fight with them, boys get jealous and angry when promises are broken, cliffhanger ending (because I can :) ).
Word Count: 8533
"You can build a prison of stone and steel, but you merely present the prisoner with a challenge. Any truly determined man will find a way out but love, love is the perfect prison. Inescapable."-- Wilson Fisk (Daredevil)
September 1996
The longer you waited for the system to transfer your call to their cellblock the more your nerves continued to build. 
You had been corresponding with convicts Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington for almost two months so it wasn’t like this was your first time talking to them but there were so many different factors that made you anxious. 
Becoming a lawyer was all you ever wanted to be and you constantly felt like you had to prove yourself since your family was so desperate for you to become anything else. When you were told to pick a case, everyone in your class chose the obvious candidates making your eyes roll especially since there was no challenge in it. So many well-known cases had not only evidence but confessions from the defendant saying that they did the crimes. Manson and Gacy had done interviews constantly incriminating themselves.
Eddie and Steve never once accepted any kind of invitation to do an interview whether it be media or print and they never once changed their stories even in the letters they wrote. A plea deal had been offered for them to plead guilty with Steve serving only 10 years and Eddie with 15 but they declined insisting on their innocence. 
The evidence was lack luster at best and it killed you that their lawyer didn’t do a better job at defending them. You genuinely believed them and what they told you. Add in the fact that their demeanors in their writing never conveyed any kind of hostility or rudeness. 
Both men were always polite and answered any questions you had. They could be intimidating at times but you thought maybe it was just because they were older than you and stuck in a place they never should have been. 
Oddly enough though, you felt safe with them. 
“Hey, Y/N?”, a soft voice flowed through your ears. 
“Yeah, um, hey. Hi. Is this, um, who is this?”
“I’m Steve and Eddie’s on the phone next to me. The prison has a way for three-way calls but don’t worry. We can pay for those fees.”, the man responds hoping to calm your nerves. 
“Hey, sweetheart. It’s good to hear your voice finally.”, Eddie exhales heavily.
Blinking, you hear what sounds like one of them being hit as Steve scolds his friend. 
“Stop it. You’re going to scare her.”
“He’s not…I’m not scared. It’s alright, I just…this is all new to me.”
“What? You didn’t expect to be on the phone with convicted killers?”, Eddie replied bluntly making you laugh a little when you heard the other man sigh in frustration. “You’re going to have to get used to it with you wanting to be a lawyer. Unless you want to be lawyer like Steve’s dad.”
“Oh, no thank you. Tax law isn’t exactly stimulating to say the least.”, you giggle. 
“Ah, I see you tried to reach out to my father.”
“Um, I did. I hope that’s ok. You didn’t say I couldn’t—”
“No, honey. It’s absolutely fine. I say tried because I imagine he ignored you?”
“He didn’t ignore me exactly. I told him I was a law student…I just left out exactly what type of law I was studying.”, you wince on the other end fearing it may alliant him before sighing in relief when they both laugh. “When I started asking about your case he politely told me to fuck off and your mom didn’t answer my calls.”
“How does one politely tell someone to fuck off?”, Eddie asked.
“He’s got his ways. I’m sorry he was rude, Y/N.”
“It’s not a problem. I’m kind of used to parents talking down to me.”
“Baby? Are you hungry?! Oh shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were on the phone.”
Your eyes squeezed shut as your boyfriend called to you in the background immediately silencing the men on the line. 
“Uh, no, Derek. I’m not hungry right now but maybe later?” After nodding, he disappears into your shared bedroom. “I’m so sorry about that.”
“No problem. Isn’t it like nine o’clock? You need to eat something, sweetheart.”
“It’s ok, Mr. Mun—Eddie…I had a big lunch.”
We’ve been writing for two months and you still struggle using our names?”, the man laughs. “You start your letters with ‘em!”
“I know. I know but it’s different.”
“Well, let’s shake out those nerves because I have a feeling we’re going to be friends for a while. You’re Y/N. Who are we?”, Steve instructs with a calm tone that makes you blush. “Come on, pretty girl. Who are we?”
“Steve. Steve and Eddie.”
“Good. Very good. Now can you say it a bit more confidently?”
Glancing around you, you make sure your boyfriend isn’t within earshot before sighing and replying, “You’re Eddie and Steve.”
“You have five more minute on this call.”
The automated voice startled you as you listened to them heavily exhale in annoyance. 
“Alright, princess. We’ll…we’ll let you go but feel free to call us whenever. Like I said…It was so nice to hear your voice. Compared to all the bullshit we hear in here…it’s a nice reprieve.”
You hear a line disconnect thinking they both suddenly disconnected before Steve’s voice flowed through. 
“All of this has been really hard on him, you know?”
“I can’t imagine…”
“But he’s not wrong. It’s been so long since we’ve heard a kind voice directed our way especially one as calming as yours… But, yeah, um, Eddie said call whenever but you know—”
“I can’t call after 10:30pm.”
“You got it, hon. Have a good night and we’ll talk to you later.”
“Good night, Steve”
 December 22, 1996
“Don’t let my uncle forget to give you the present we got you! We went to every store to find the perfect gift!”
You laughed hard at Eddie’s joke as Steve sighed in fake frustration into the phone. 
“Ok we didn’t but we did scan the Sears catalogue Wayne brought when he came to see us.”
“You guys didn’t have to get me anything.”
“Pfft, please. You’re our friend and you said you got us something so sue us.” You softly smiled when you heard Steve’s smile flow through. You imagined this time of year was exceptionally hard for them and wanted to do what you could, growing fond of them after all this time. “Are you still visiting Derek’s parents for Christmas?”
“That is the plan but I’m a bit nervous. This is my first time meeting them and I’m afraid they won’t like me.”
“Sweetheart, have you met you? They’re going to love you!”
“Shut the fuck up!”
This wasn’t the first time another inmate had interrupted their call. They explained to you that while the phones were in a private-ish area, the common area was still nearby. You never told them but you could hear the immediate change in their demeanor when it happened and it killed you. It was as if their old personalities would leak through before prison reminded them where they were. 
You wished you could have met the men they were before being incarcerated. 
“I’m sorry about that, Y/N. Everyone is a bit amped up with the holidays around the corner. He’s not wrong though. If Derek’s parents don’t like you than fuck them because obviously somethings wrong with them.”
“Steve? You don’t have to always do that… pretend like everything’s ok. Not with me.”
The silence on the other end was heavy but you could hear their steady breathing as they thought about what you were saying. 
“I have to. Not just for you but me to. If I don’t downplay it then—”
“We’re reminded that we are actually in a fucking prison we don’t deserve to be in.”, Eddie added breaking your heart. 
“I wish there was something I could do.”, you whisper. 
“Baby, you have no idea how much you do just by being you. We don’t deserve you, Y/N.”
“Yes you do, Eddie. You and Steve don’t deserve the hell you’ve been through. I wish I could at least hug you both.”
Again, both men were silent and the only sound you heard was your boyfriend in your bedroom as he finished packing the last of his things for your trip. 
“We wish we could hug you to, honey.”
“Yeah especially with the way your letters smell I always imagine you smell exactly the same…so fucking sweet…just like you.”
Their voices had dropped to a register you had never heard from either man before let alone any man in your lifetime. The sound had your heart fluttering as you licked your lips and exhaled.
“Are you, Y/N?”
“Am I what, Eddie?��
“Are you sweet?”
“You have five more minutes on this call.”
“Baby?! I got everything packed but I’m not sure if I’m missing something!”, your boyfriend shouts making you gasp as you jump.
“Fuck. Um, I have to go. I’ll call you guys when I can ok? Bye!” 
Before they even say a word, you hastily hang up the phone. 
January 12th, 1997
Biting the skin beside your nail, you glance at the other people in the visitor’s center waiting to see other inmates. Some women were dressed in low cut shirts showing off their cleavage making you a bit self-conscious as you adjusted the slightly baggy sweater hanging off your body. This was your first time physically meeting Eddie and Steve and you weren’t sure why but you wanted to make a good impression. 
Quickly throwing your sweater to the side, you fixed your hair before straightening the long sleeve shirt underneath that fit a bit better to your form. Not wanting to seem too eager, you chose jeans telling yourself it was also due to the cold weather.
You weren’t sure if you could bring anything but to be honest you weren’t even sure what would be appropriate. When you met Derek’s parents you brought a dessert that no one ate except your boyfriend as his mother constantly stared daggers at you from across the table. When you went to see your parents, you showed up with small gifts that they always seemed to awkwardly thank you for before giving you gifts as well that were things you could never use. Oddly enough the only person to react positively to you showing up with an item was Eddie’s uncle whose eyes lit up when you appeared at his front door with cake you made. You both shared it as he talked to you about holidays at the Munson household and answered some of the questions you had. 
What do you bring to people who lost their freedom?
Inmates began slowly entering the room and the sudden sounds of partners and parents sobbing as they embraced them overwhelmed you as you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. 
When you opened your them again you were met with two tall men towering you. You had read about them constantly and seen their pictures numerus time in different place but having them both in front of you now abruptly overloaded your brain as you rose to your feet. 
They still physically looked more or less the same than the day they were arrested 10 years ago except Steve had a bit more facial hair and Eddie seemed to have more tattoos on his arms. Under their short sleeve white shirts, you could see their muscular arms and abs, again making you self-conscious as you pulled at the bottom of garment without looking. Steve’s hair was a bit longer but a bit frayed as if he had been running his fingers through it before coming into the room while Eddie’s long hair was pulled back out of his face showing off his soft features. 
“Is everything ok? You look scared. Don’t worry, honey, you’re safe in here. No one is going to UMPH—”
Steve’s hands flew up in surprise when you jerked forward and your arms wrapped around his waist. It took him a moment before his own limbs finally circled around you as his cheek rested on top of your head. 
“Fuck me… It’s been so long since anyone except Ed has hugged me.”
At the sound of his name, you released the one man to move to the other who without hesitation took you in his embrace and clung to you tightly as his fingers tangled in your hair. 
Feeling his hands shake against you, you pulled back into time to hear him clear his throat as he turned away from you to run his palms over his face. 
“Sorry, yeah, it’s been a while since anyone has come to see us. Well, except for Wayne.”
Their eyes never leave you as you take a seat and they follow you down making sure to keep their distance until you felt more comfortable. 
“I like Wayne. He’s been incredibly kind to me since I met him. Not that everyone else hasn’t…just hard to get a hold of people. Especially Nancy Wheeler and Dustin Henderson since they no longer live in Hawkins.” Shifting your gaze their way, you notice them staring at you with small smiles on their faces. “I’m sorry. I’m, um, babbling a bit. I’m just a little nervous I guess. Plus, you’re not what I was expecting…aaaaand I’m doing it again. Ok.”
Eddie’s hand gently reaches out to grasp your forearm that was resting on the table.
“It’s ok, sweetheart. There’s no reason to be nervous.”
“What do you mean by ‘not what you were expecting’?”, Steve smirks. “Were you thinking orange jumpsuits and tattoos on our faces?”
“No.”, you giggle. “I don’t know. I guess when you’re only familiar with pictures…seeing someone in person…”
“Yeah, we know the feeling.”, the long-haired man beams your way. “I was right by the way. You smell intoxicating.”
February 10th, 1997
You smile as both men continue to laugh at joke Eddie had made while they continue to nibble on the food you brought them. 
“I’m surprised they let you bring this in. Did you drug them with your own set of like pot brownies or—”
“Shhhh!”, you giggle as your hand reaches up to silence the metalhead who casually tilts back and captures it with his own making a silent mental note that you don’t pull away. “The guards here actually aren’t too bad. At first I was afraid to ask but when I did they told me it was ok to bring desserts but they have to inspect it, of course, and then it can’t be in like any glass.”
“And you said you brought this to Derek’s parents and they didn’t like it? I think these brownies are delicious.”, Steve grinned as he sucked some of the remaining chocolate off his thumb. 
“It’s not that they didn’t like it, they just don’t like me.” As you nervously chuckle and glance towards the window, Eddie’s own thumb caresses your skin comfortingly as the other man slides a bit closer to you when he hears the change in your voice. “Before me, Derek was dating this particular girl that his family found more fitting. Kind of like your parents Steve, his are high society and they’ve told him countless times that I’m ‘not a good fit’.”
“The fuck does that mean? You’re perfect.”
“Naw, Ed. Not to the ‘Hawkins Elite’.”, Steve sighs. “My dad was the same. Perfect to them had a particular meaning. It’s fucking stupid because you are an amazing woman.”
Your eyes lock with his as you thank them; his gorgeous honey irises burning into yours. When you notice Eddie is taking you in as well, you laugh hoping to break the tension that had suddenly built as you pulled your hand out of his grasp. 
“It’s…It’s not a big deal. He made sure that night to show me how appreciated I am on the dining room table so.” Your face promptly flushes with embarrassment as you try to hide behind your palms. “Why the fuck did I just say that?”
When you finally found the confidence to look their way, you noticed they were still staring at you but something else had replaced the earlier look in their eyes. Was that…jealousy? 
“Is that the kind of thing that gets you off? Doing something you shouldn’t?”
Trying to brush it off (and ignore the sexy sound of the husky drop in Eddie’s voice), you smirked as you lazily shrugged. 
“Isn’t everyone to an extent?”
“Hm…but not everyone is you.” 
“Y/N.” At the sound of your name, you closed your eyes as you tried to catch your breath. Feeling a shift in the atmosphere, you lick your lips and lean forward till your forehead lands on his. 
“This is wrong.”
“You like that though don’t you, pretty girl?”  His humid breath warms your tongue as you subtly open your mouth to contain the strong need to melt into the soft sound of his voice. “I bet if I put my hand between your legs that little pussy would be dripping.”
Closing the distance, his lips mingle gently with yours as his large palm cups your cheek. You can feel in his kiss that he’s holding back and the flutters in your stomach desperately want more. Another set of hands takes hold of your face and you’re met with another set of lips that taste like strong nicotine and sin. 
“Fuck, you taste so good. Does he appreciate you, sweetheart? You deserve to be worshipped.”
“Munson! Harrington! Why don’t you share, huh?!”, another inmate yelled pulling you back into the reality of your situation. 
“Fuck off!”, the metalhead shouted immediately rising to his feet when the other prisoner did the same. 
“Ok, ok, ok.”, Steve tried to deescalate as he quickly stood up and placed himself between both men. “Come on now, guys. Let’s just focus on our own visitors ok?”
Eddie and the man continued to stare each other down before turning back towards their table but to both their dismay you were gone. 
February 16th, 1997
“Hey, honey. Is everything alright? You sound like you’ve been crying.”
You sniffled into your phone as you pulled your knees to your chin. 
“Yeah, I’m alright, Steve. I, um, I just got into a fight with Derek and he stormed out.”
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. You can talk to us about it if you want to. We’re here for you.”, Eddie coos hating that he can’t just pull you to his chest and comfort you. 
“He thinks…I’m too invested in you two. That I spend too much time talking to you and visiting. He…he wants me to stop talking to you. Maybe—Maybe I should.”
“If…if that’s what you want, baby girl. We don’t want to make things harder for you.”
“Do you WANT to stop seeing us?”
“No.”, you sobbed making the metalhead’s heart burst when you didn’t hesitate. “I like talking to you. You both make me feel safe.”
“You know we’d never hurt you, Y/N. Not unless you wanted us to that is.”
When you laughed at his statement both men let out a sigh of relief. 
“What else do we make you feel, pretty girl? Besides safe.”, Steve asked. When you didn’t immediately respond, he took over as he lowered his voice. “Come on, baby. Tell us. Do we make you feel appreciated? Loved? Needed?”
“Do we give you tingles all over your body?”
“Yes. Fucking everywhere.”, you chuckled making the man smile. 
“Even between those sexy legs?”, Eddie adds, biting his lip when he hears your heavy breath. “Can you do us a favor, princess, and run those soft hands between your pussy? Don’t put them inside you though. Just tell us how wet you are.”
You don’t know why but as the brain fog takes over you do what they ask and slid your fingers between your folds making a loud squelching noise as the pads graze your clit. 
“F-Fuck…I’m—I’m soaked. I like the way you two talk to me.”
“Hm. Never had a man tell you what he wants? Trust us, honey. We fucking dream about how good our cocks would feel buried inside you. If we were free you’d never keep us off you.”, Steve groans feeling himself stiffen in his pants. “We know you like doing things you’re not supposed to. Maybe we’d show up at your school and fuck you in the library while you try to keep from screaming about how you can feel me in your stomach.”
“Go ahead, Y/N. Push two of your fingers in that tight little cunt and pretend it’s you fully seated on top on me in the back of your class as you try to pay attention. At most you can warm my cock the entire time until everyone leaves. I bet you’d like that, sweetheart, huh?”
“Mmm—yes, Eddie, I’d like that.”, you pant as you roll your hips. 
“Jesus Christ, I love hearing you say my name. Say it again, baby, please.”
“Oh God—fuck—I’m gonna…”
You moan both their names repeatedly as the coil snaps and you ride out your high as they listen to your heavy breaths. 
“Such a good girl. You alright, honey?”
“Yeah… I just…I wish I could hold you.”
“We know, baby. Fuck do we know especially with what you’ve been through tonight but we’re going to see you really soon right?”
“In a few days, yeah, but I’ll call you tomorrow if that’s ok.”
“Of course, princess. You can call us whenever you need to.”
April 19th, 1997
Eddie’s palm held down the corner of your textbook as the wind blew around you. 
Since it wasn’t as cold outside today you were able to visit with them outside near the courtyard at a picnic table under a nearby tree. You told them you were studying for an exam and they insisted you bring your materials thinking they could be of more help. 
“I mean we were punished by the criminal judicial system so you’d think we’d know some of this stuff.”, Steve chuckles. 
“I know a lot of it but when it comes to tests I struggle to retain any of it. It’s like I just panic sometimes.”
“I always had trouble focusing.”, the metalhead adds. “That’s why I failed so much. Oddly enough the GED wasn’t as difficult.”
“When you get out would you want to go to college?”
“Oh, sweetheart. What school would take me when I get out of here?”
“He’s got a point, babe. I tried so hard to get into a university after I graduated and even with my sports record no one wanted me. I doubt a prison record will make that easier.”
“That makes me so angry.”, you growl. “You two didn’t do anything wrong. When is your next appeal?”
“Mine is in a month and his is in three.”, Steve sighed. “Let’s not talk about that right now. How are you, Y/N? Beside the tests and school, I mean.”
“Everything’s ok. My relationship with Derek has been a bit strained. He went with me to visit my dad and my father just grilled him the moment he walked in. To remove the focus off of him, he told him that I’ve been visiting you two. That, um, that didn’t go so well.”
“What happened?”
“He just…he doesn’t approve.”
“Y/N, sweetheart, what did he say?”, Eddie soothed as he shifted his body closer to yours. 
“He’s afraid you’re going to kill me like that girl.”, you murmured, panicking slightly when you see the metalhead’s jaw tighten. “You know I’m not afraid of you right? I know you’d never hurt me like that.”
“We know, baby. We know.”, Steve coos as he leans down to kiss your forehead. 
“I wish I could do something to help.”, you reply in that small voice that drives them crazy. 
After quickly taking a look around, he glances down at your skirt and without warning subtly lifts your body as he adjusts it so its further up your thighs. Grasping your leg, Steve lifts it over his own and Eddie slides over till he’s pressed up to your opposite side. 
“Keep looking at your notebooks, honey. Don’t lift those pretty eyes from the paper unless we say ok?”
“Ok.”, you answer breathlessly as excited nerves fill your tummy. 
“Good girl.”, Steve praises as he kisses your cheek and you feel his palm ghost up your skin slowly between your legs. “Fuck me. Are you not wearing panties?”, he whispers making you clench at the needy sound. 
“No…I was kind of hoping…”
“Hoping what? That we’d touch you?”
“Such a bad little girl.”, Eddie teases as he reaches for your hand closest to him and kisses the back before placing it on the bulge in his blue sweatpants. “Just enjoy his fingers, Y/N. We can use you to take care of ourselves.”
“Oh my—”
“Shhhh! You have to be quiet, baby. Don’t want to get caught now do we?”, Steve smirks as you passionately shake your head. As he guides his index between your folds, your free arm wraps around his as you rest your cheek on his bicep. “Did you like that? Eddie saying that we’d use you… Oh Munson, she definitely did.”, he exhales as he wiggles and presses his finger against your clit. 
At the sound of you trying to hide your moan in his arm, Steve tugs your leg further up his own and you suddenly feel his stiff cock through his pants rubbing against your calf. To your left Eddie coughs to hide a grunt that wanted to break free as he placed his hand on top of yours and maneuvered it so you were stroking him over his clothes. 
They both would give anything to feel your body directly on theirs but they knew their window of time was short and unfortunately where they were there was no way to discreetly pull down their pants. 
Eddie’s nose smushes against your cheek just as his friend guides two of his fingers into your core. 
“We’re gonna get in trouble, Y/N, if you can’t control yourself.”, he growls as he presses your palm harder against him. “Fuck, your hand feels so fucking good.”, Eddie groans as he kisses your neck. 
“Goddamn, you’re so fucking tight.”, Steve whispers. “I would give anything to—mmph—feel your pussy squeeze my dick. We’re going to ruin you, little one.”
Clinging tightly to his arm, you pressed your face into him as you muffled the screams that wanted to be heard. 
“Cum, pretty girl. That’s it, baby.”, Eddie urged as the coil in your belly snapped. “Good girl. Fuck.”
After sucking your slick off his index, Steve offered his hand to his friend who without hesitation licked the rest of his middle finger. 
“I knew it. I knew you tasted fucking sweet, little girl.”, he grunted as his other palm roughly grabbed your wrist, holding your hand still as Eddie rolled his hips a couple more times before shuddering a bit as he came.
Utilizing both his hands now, Steve pressed your leg harder to his crotch, grinding as subtly as he could till he grunted and his face scrunched as he soon followed. 
Calloused fingers tenderly lift your head and you softly smile when the metalhead’s lips land on yours. 
“I love you, Y/N.”
Giggling, you rub your face into his neck as you inhale his smell of soap and cigarettes. 
“I think that’s the orgasm talking.”
With a firmer grasp, Eddie tilts your chin so his eyes lock with your own. 
“I’m serious. I love you, sweetheart, and I think you love us to.”
As you turn to face Steve, he gently places your leg back down and helps you adjust your outfit. 
“I love you to, honey…very much. You don’t have to say it back or anything. We know that loving us…carries a lot of weight.”
The guards scream out into the yard that visiting hours were about to end and both boys help you gather your books as they walk you back inside. Just like every time before their eyes remain on you not wanting to look away till you’re completely out of sight. 
Pausing halfway out the door, you swivel your body their way and flash them the most beautiful smile either boy had ever seen. 
“I love you both to.”
May 7th, 1997
“Please be nice to them. They aren’t what people say in the papers.”
“I certainly hope not especially since you talk to them 24/7.”, Derek sassed making you roll your eyes. “I’m sorry, baby. Look, I promise I’ll be good.”
When you don’t say anything, your boyfriend wraps his arm around your waist and tugs you to him, smiling when his lips attach to yours. 
The sound of a throat clearing startled you as a guard lingered in the doorframe with Eddie and Steve in tow. The pain that lingered in their eyes told you they caught your kiss and it killed you. 
“Alright Miss Y/L/N, you and your friend—”
“Boyfriend.”, Derek corrected. 
The officer huffed at the interruption as Steve sarcastically laughed under his breath. 
“You and your boyfriend have this room for as long as you need. We usually use it for interviews for the privacy and if you need anything I’ll be right outside.”
“Thank you, Bobby.”, you grinned politely and the officer nodded his head in return before stepping back outside. 
“Oh, first name basis with the guards. Some people would consider that a red flag, babe.”
“To be fair, her father is a cop so…”, Eddie countered as they both took a seat in front of the camera.
“He IS Mr. Munson but, to be fair, this isn’t exactly his jurisdiction is it?”
As you shakily sigh and your eyes close, you feel shoes lightly tap your shin and when you open your eyes again you are met with their comforting expressions. 
“All right, boys, the camera is now rolling. Are you ready to begin?”
Both their faces twitch as your boyfriend’s flippant tone as he takes a seat beside you across from them. 
“Yeah, kid. We’re ready when you are.”
At Steve’s equally annoyed response, you felt your body tense as you immediately began regretting your decision. The sparing match was about to begin and you were just now aware this wouldn’t be an interview but a fight for dominance like animals in the wild. 
“Perfect! So, Steven Harrington and Edward Munson, you were charged for murder in the deaths of some Hawkins student’s including Chrissy Cunningham who of course the entire country now knows thanks to people in the town spreading awareness and the foundation they created in her name a few years ago. So far, you both have served 11 years of your 25-year sentence… what has that been like?”
“Well, Derek, it’s been no picnic but we have utilized the time wisely. We read and exercise out in the yard. I’ve been reading up on law and we both participate in the group therapy options provided. Eddie was able to get his GED and graduate from high school.”
“Aw that’s nice. It only took a prison sentence for you to finally finish.”, he smiles showing all of his teeth in that sarcastic manner you know very well. “Now, in your own words, can you tell me what happened to those kids that died in 1986?”
Your eyes remained zeroed in on them as they explained what they had told to you and a courtroom numerous times. Someone else killed them and circumstantial evidence made it seem like it was Eddie while a vendetta made it seem like Steve was an accomplice.
“Were you surprised, Steven, when Hawkins Lap retracted their statements in regard to certain Hawkins events including their involvement of the death of Barbara Holland?”
Steve’s eyes fluttered as he tried to hold back the feeling that bubbled in his chest. 
“Yeah, I was.”
“I imagine they did that since Eddie’s lawyer insisted on using them as a defense in this case. There’s only so much a company will allow themselves to be blamed for. What did happen with Miss Holland?”
“Derek…”, you warned.
“She was best friends with Nancy Wheeler who you were dating at the time.”
“Is that why Miss Wheeler broke up with you about a year later? Or excuse me. She goes by Mrs. Byers now.”
“Y/N! You’re not their fucking lawyer so stop interrupting!”
“Don’t talk to her like that.”, Eddie growled as he sat up straighter. 
“Pfft or what? You’ll kill me to?”, Derek replied smarmily as he straightened as well. “Whether you like it or not, you two are criminals and apparently there was at least enough evidence for a jury to convict you BOTH of that. It honestly amazes me that my girlfriend can’t accept that fact.”
“She’s going to be a phenomenal lawyer especially since she doesn’t just look at what’s on the surface unlike everyone else in the town.”, Steve countered making you blush as a small smirk painted your lips. 
“Oh on the surface huh? So, Mr. Munson, you didn’t run after Chrissy was killed? Whether it be because you murdered her or someone else did, you ran and left her behind for your uncle to find, you pathetic freak.”
Eddie rose to his feet as his fists clenched but Steve hastily stopped him as he tried to calm him down. 
“When people go missing you just happen to be around, Mr. Harrington? Add in the fact that you both have similar scars that tells anyone with eyes that whatever you were involved in you did it together.”
“This is over, Derek. You promised me—”
“No, you know what’s over? This little infatuation between you and my girlfriend.”, the man rumbles as he squares his shoulders and faces them. “The letters and phone calls stop today as well as the fucking visitation.”
“Excuse me?!”
“No.”, Eddie repeated. “We love her and we aren’t letting her go that easy.”
“Oh please! What can you two offer her?!  You still have another 14 years in here and then what? Your lives will just be smooth sailing from there?! You’ve only known here for one year and I’ve been with her for three! Trust me, guys, she needs a real man. Someone who can take care of her in every way a man should.”
“Oh yeah, little boy? Is that why when you fuck her she’s thinking about us?” 
The room went quiet for a few moments before Derek sarcastically chuckled and shifted his gaze toward you. 
“You want them so badly? Fine. I can’t wait to see your face on the fucking news after they tear you apart. At least I can get a good story out of it. Better than anything else you’ve given me this past year, you fucking whore.”
You jumped, pressing your back against the wall as Steve abruptly flipped the table over with his hand before Eddie charged at the boy and tackled him to the floor. As they began to fight each other, guards ran in to separate them, pinning both men to the floor as they held Derek back against the wall. 
Neither man look your way as officers tugged them to their feet and dragged them out of the room. 
September 27th, 1997
Steve bounces his leg as they wait by the phone for your call to finally come through. You said you’d call last night but you didn’t and it killed them. They understood you were busy but you made promises to them that they desperately held on to because there was very little to hope for in their current predicament. 
“This really pisses me off, Harrington.”
“What are we going to do about it, Munson? She’s got school and her job—”
���Oh, I see. So her failing to keep her promises is only ok because we’re locked up. Got it.”
“Calm down, Eddie.”
“Don’t tell me to--! Don’t tell me to be calm. If I was free I’d have punished her already but…”
After coming to prison, Steve had a lot more time to get to know who Eddie Munson was and came to find out that they had a lot in common. Their dads were assholes, their moms weren’t present, and they seemed to have a common attraction to being the dominant partner. On nights when he was desperate and incredibly lonely, Steve would sit beside his friend and elaborate about fantasies he had, had in his head since he hit puberty. 
Both men continued to look at the brick wall in front of them as they continued stroking the other’s cock. 
“I just want to push a beautiful girl onto her knees and fuck her gorgeous face a-as she gags around my dick. I want to hold her down against the m-m-mattress and stuff myself so deep inside her till can’t walk.”
“Mmph—that kind of intimacy is…is fucking heaven. To have a woman submit like that…fuck… have you e-ever punished a brat before?” Eddie smiles when Steve shakes his head. “Fuck, man. It’s on a whole—fuck, I’m gonna cum—a whole other level.”
After thrusting his hips upwards, his release hit his friend’s hand but what surprised him was when Steve grabbed the back of his neck and pushes the man’s head onto his leaking cock. The metalhead doesn’t protest, bobbing at a quick pace as the back of his friend’s palm guides him. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. That’s it, baby. Take it. Take all of Daddy’s cum down that sexy fucking throat.”
As soon as Steve had given him everything he had, Eddie patted the man’s thigh before climbing the little latter to his top bunk.
“Hey, Ed?”
“You know when I talk about this stuff I mean…to like… a partner I’m in love with who consents to it. Like…I would never…hurt someone…”
“I know, Steven.”, the other man chuckles as he places his arms behind his head to stare at the bland ceiling. 
“Hey, Ed?”
“I didn’t cross a line tonight right?”
“No, Steven, you didn’t.”
“Good because, um, you’re my best friend and you’re, um, kinda the only thing keeping me sane in here. Not just because of the…but because…I trust you.” Steve rolled over to face the wall, closing his eyes as he heavily sighed. “Good night, Eddie.”
The mattress above him shifts slightly until he heard the light sound of socked feet hit the floor. An arm suddenly wraps around him pulling him back into an equally broad chest and another limb slides under his pillow under his head as calloused fingers looped through his. 
“Good night, Steve.”
They never told you about any of that because honestly that was none of your business. To them, it was survival and both men trusted each other more than anyone else. They had been through so much and knew truths that no one else did. This was sacred and special to them and they were terrified of people turning it into something dirty. 
Not that you ever would or mock them in any kind of way but they just weren’t ready to reveal that part of them to you and were pretty sure they never would. 
“We’ve never gone that far with her. I mean she said she likes it rough and we’ve said some things but we haven’t truly set up the dynamic. How do we even do that in here?”, Steve sighed. 
“Add in the fact that as soon as she calls us Daddy or Sir we’re going to want to fuck her which we can’t.”
Both men chuckle as a sad sigh leaves their chest. 
“Can’t we?” At Steve’s words, Eddie’s eyes flicked his way as he leaned against the wall behind him. “I mean a ton of the prisoners here have contraband brought in. There has to be a guard or two here who doesn’t mind bending the rules for the right price.”
“Steve Harrington, you’re playing with fire.”
“I know but—“
“Harrington! Munson! Call coming through for you!”
Both mean exchanged a glance before picking up their separate lines. 
“Hey! I’m so sorry. I know I said I’d call an hour ago but I fell asleep. I cut back some of my hours but still. These classes are so difficult.”
“We were really worried about you. We get worried when you don’t call and you missed our last visit, sweetheart.”
“I know. I’m sorry. This will never happen again. I promise!”
October 9th, 1997
Their demeanors were completely different this time than the many other times you had come to see them and you knew why. 
It was so hard to keep up with your school and work schedule as well as keep constant contact with two men who had a set schedule of their own set up by the prison. You were doing everything you could but you could tell from their fire filled expressions it wasn’t enough. 
“I’m sorry.”, you reiterated as they continued to glare at the table in front of them. “I really am. I’m doing my best to—”
“It’s not enough.”, Steve growled making you blink at the audacity. 
“I’m…I’m not doing this on purpose. I told you guys junior year was going to be a bit more demanding but I’d do everything I could—”
“You do everything you can yet you still make promises and don’t follow through.”
“I’m sorry I’m fucking busy, Eddie! I don’t know what else you want from me!”
Fingers dig into your bicep as the metalhead yanks you till your face is inches from his. 
“Lower your fucking voice, little girl.”
The action startles you for a second before your eyes glare back at him as your teeth clench. 
“You’re hurting me.”
As you yank your arm from his grasp, you can’t help but sigh as you see a slight glimmer of pain flash through theirs. They really did miss you and hate being away from you but unfortunately due to the circumstances they had zero control of the situation. 
“I really am trying to cut down some of the stress so I can call and see you both more. Like I said, I cut back on my hours at work and this kid in my class offered to help tutor me. He’s one of the top students in my year so I really think he can help me.”
“He?” Your head tilts at Steve’s question as both their energies shift into something new that both frightened and turned you on. “Well, that’s nice to know, Munson. First she’s working at a bar till two in the fucking morning with drunk men fucking flirting and eye fucking her and now she has a male tutor she’ll be spending her time with! No wonder we haven’t heard from her. Little whore as all she needs at home!”
Your mouth fell open as he shouted at you, feeling hurt before the anger took over. Rising to your feet, you grab your bag but as you start to walk away, Eddie grabs your wrist. 
“We are not done talking, Y/N. We’ve put up with the disrespect for the past few months because we know you’re going through a lot but missing calls, visits, and now this? No.”
“Let me go now.”
Without releasing you, they both rose to their feet and crowded your space till Steve’s nose was touching yours and Eddie’s lips were hovering near your shoulder. 
“You’re ours, Y/N.” Steve’s eyes scan your face as your breathing stutters at his low gravelly tone. “And you will listen, little girl.”
“I’m NOT a little girl.”, you grumble back. 
“Then stop acting like one.”, Eddie adds. “Now, be a good LITTLE girl and listen to what Daddy says. Sit. Down.”
The smirk that dons his friend’s face at the title has your pussy clenching as his eyes remain locked on yours. It feels like centuries before you finally collect your bearings and shake the fog that had begun to cloud your brain. 
“Fuck you both.”
After shoving Steve’s chest hard, you quickly powerwalk out of the visitor’s room. 
October 12th, 1997
You woke up with a splitting headache in a room you didn’t recognize with someone’s arms wrapped around you a bit too tightly. Prying out of the boy’s grasp, you throw on a nearby shirt and tiptoe to the bathroom. 
Your eyes were still heavy from all the tears you had cried these past few days. You missed Eddie and Steve terribly but you couldn’t bring yourself to reach out again. You couldn’t believe their sudden change in behavior and how they spoke to you. Had the signs always been there and you just never noticed?
They had admitted once that they weren’t jealous of Derek because they cheekily declared that “that little boy can’t make you feel like we do.” Why were they so angry about your tutor and your job? Maybe it was because school and the bar took up a lot of time whereas Derek really didn’t. Because of his own classes he was always coming and going and whenever he was present he always seemed distracted. 
To be fair, you did make promises you struggled to keep but it’s because you were so excited to finally talk to them you genuinely planned to go see them. You would literally count the minutes till your classes were done, promptly run home to shower and be ready by the time you told them but as soon as your head hit the pillow as you waited, you would pass out. 
Maybe you just needed to find something you could do on campus so you weren’t up so late at work. Yeah it would be a bit of pay cut but you could make it work. 
When it came to their attitudes, you hoped you could talk to them and tell you how it made you feel. How did it make you feel? Belittled, angry, annoyed, hurt, degraded…aroused… You had never experienced the brain fog with anyone else other than them. The headspace just seemed to come naturally when you were around them or listening to them talk. 
Even if it was them just listening to you chat about your day, you felt that giddy feeling dance through your body down to core. Any time they praised you especially after doing something you knew you shouldn’t be doing; you felt a high like no other. You hadn’t told them but you had had many dreams of them suddenly appearing somewhere you were like class or the bar and having them fuck you roughly as they spanked you, pulled your hair, and held you down as they made you theirs. 
Your favorites were the ones where they were in your bed and had you tied to the headboard as both took their time with you as you begged and pleaded with them to make you cum. Your lips would ghost their own as their rough hands roamed your body and left bruises you would welcome the next morning. Their eyes would never leave yours as they took from you they wanted and you would repeatedly moan, “Daddy, please.”
Eddie mentioned the title during your last visit and from Steve’s expression you knew he enjoyed it as much as you did but they had hurt you so badly. 
You sigh as you exit the bathroom and quietly grab your pants. 
I’ll give them a few more days to cool off and then I’ll go visit them so we can talk.
As you slide on your shoes, your eyes shifted towards the Polaroid camera resting on the bedside table. 
Fuck me. I hope I didn’t do anything stupid with that thing last night. 
October 13th, 1997
Eddie growls loudly as he tears up your letter and throws it in the trash can nearby while Steve continues to stare at the picture of you allowing this boy to kiss what was theirs. 
“Give me that, Steven. I’m going to fucking burn it—”
“No… No. She’s playing the game, Ed. She made this move because she thinks we can’t do anything about it.”
“Because we can’t. UGH! Maybe we jumped too quickly, man. It just fucking hurt us because we don’t get to see her everyday so when she says she’ll call and she doesn’t… “
“Yeah…” Steve taps his fingers against his knee while Eddie takes another drag of his cigarette. “Maybe it’s time to have a talk with her. Show her how much we do care and how much it breaks our hearts when she breaks a promise.”
“She won’t answer out calls or letters.”
“Then we should go to her.”
The metalhead blinks as he nervously chuckles before his friend’s straight face meets his. 
“Nope. Nope. Nuh huh.” As the man begins to walk away, Steve runs after him and tugs on his arm to stop him. “Do you know how much trouble we can get in for even having this conversation? You talk to one wrong person, Steven, and we could be stuck here for another 10 fucking years.”
“What if I found the right person?”
“How much money do you have?”
October 31, 1997
You faked a smile as you handed your cash to the cashier and grabbed your bags of candy as you headed for your car. Tonight, you were planning on a night in with some of your friends while handing out treats to some of the neighborhood kids. 
Truth be told, you didn’t want to do anything except curl up in bed and eat the chocolate you bought. You had tried calling the prison a few times but they informed you that neither inmate was accepting calls or visitors at this time. You sent a few letters but hadn’t received anything back as of yet. 
You missed Eddie and Steve so much and it killed you to not be able to speak to them. 
After pulling into your driveway, you hastily checked your mail before running inside to get everything together. 
Once your hair was styled and you slid on your red spaghetti strap dress to make you look like Cher in Clueless, you take a seat on your couch as you wait for your friends to arrive. 
Leaning forward, you decide to sift through the mail pausing suddenly as all the other letters fall to the floor. The envelope was marked from them like all the others and your heart did flips as you hugged the paper to you. 
As you tore the paper open, you half expected to see a lengthy note detailing how much they missed you to and when they’d want to meet with you so you could finally talk. Your stomach dropped as you read and reread the only two sentences written on the single page they sent. 
“Trick or treat, little girl.
See you tonight. 
--Steve & Eddie”
@lemme-slytherin-that-dick @micheledawn1975 @paleidiot @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @noooah @baileebear @dashingdeb16 @nailbatanddungeon
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aphrogeneias · 4 months
it's been seven hours and fifteen days —
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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader (soulmate!au)
summary: it's new years eve, and as the year comes to an end, so do a lot of other things.
word count: 3.5k
warnings: fluff and a lot of angst. brief sexual assault (by an unnamed patron). a little bit of violence. mention of a gun (as a joke, very quickly). a cliffhanger. stobin (platonic with a capital p) appreciation.
author's note: it's been a long time, but the show must go on. i hope you enjoy it! <3 also, please don't hate after you're done with this, 'kay? pinky promise.
series masterlist
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Steve and Robin surprised you with a visit right before New Year’s Eve of 1991.
Surprised isn't the word, in fact. They had both been dropping hints about coming over to see you whenever you'd talk on the phone for a few weeks then, especially since Eddie came back to your life. You were trying to not worry them, to not bring up the subject too often, but they knew you better than you knew yourself.
In the same way Eddie once knew you too.
On the morning of the 30th, you were woken up by several insisting knocks on your apartment door. Those were unexpected in themselves, since no one used to visit you. Especially at that time of day, after a long Sunday night shift. Your roommate was out of town for the holidays, and even then, it wasn’t like there were people coming in and out of your home on Monday mornings.
Mornings were for sleeping in and recovering from the buzzing in your ears left by way too loud live music — Linda would always say you'd all end up deaf, but you couldn't think of a better way of eventually losing your hearing — and standing on your feet since the afternoon. However, that particular Monday morning was different than any other.
Stumbling out of bed, you inwardly cursed whoever was bothering you this early, when you'd just gotten to bed. From the other side of the door, you could hear two people arguing. “Stop knocking! You've already woken up the whole building!”, one of them said, in a frazzled whisper-shout. The other responded, in an almost bored tone, “And she might still be asleep.”
You'd never yanked the lock open that fast in your life.
Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley, with bags under their eyes and bags on the floor by their feet, stood on your doorstep. Their matching smiles staring right back at you.
“What are you doing here?” You gasped, launching yourself forward, involving both of them with your arms around their shoulders in an awkward group hug.
“We were long overdue for a road trip to see you.” Steve sounded tired as he squeezed you back.
“The old Beemer almost didn't make it.” Robin commented as you pulled away.
“I’d kill both of you for surprising me like this on my day off but I'm too happy to care right now.” You were already pulling their bags inside and closing the door, leading them in.
“Can we take a nap first? I'd rather be killed while I'm well rested.”
The cold, early morning sun shining through the window curtains made that sight even more surreal. Robin already lying on your couch, and Steve sitting himself on the floor in front of it, resting his head on the seat. You smiled through the sleepy fog that still lingered behind your eyes.
“That can be arranged.”
They slept through the morning and a little into the afternoon, which gave you time to sleep too.
After you were all awake and they'd settled their luggage in your room, showered and changed, it was time for an improvised breakfast for lunch with whatever you had in your fringe. Frozen waffles, scrambled eggs and plenty of coffee.
You sat around the small, square table in your kitchen while you listened to them talk about everything, everyone, you'd left behind. About running into your mom at Bradley’s Big Buy, about the kids going to college, — and how Robin hopes Dustin never follows any of Steve's advice, much to his chagrin — about Robin’s life in the city and Steve’s struggle to let go of the past.
Some things would never change, even when they did most drastically.
You didn't speak about yourself, content in just hearing them talk, basking in their warm presence. Until Robin asked, “What about Eddie, huh?”
“Yeah, what about Eddie?” Steve repeated, trying to act casually while he filled his mug with more coffee. It was never his strong suit.
You sat back in your chair, crossing your arms. “What about Eddie?”
“Can't we ask how he's doing? How are the two of you doing?” Robin mirrored your position, grinning at you.
“There's no two of us, nothing’s changed in that regard, before you ask.” You sighed, “And Eddie… Eddie is doing great. The band is doing great, they're getting good traction with the public, the bar has been more and more crowded each weekend. It's just a matter of time until they get a better offer as a resident band, or from a label. I'm happy for him, for them.” You quickly corrected yourself.
“What about you? Are you happy?”
You couldn't help but smile at Steve's question. “It's bittersweet, I think. I grew used to having him around again, some days it's like I haven't even left, but I know it's got an expiration date hanging over us all over again. It's good to have him while I can, you know? I try not to think too much about it.”
“No use in telling him, then?” Robin finally breached the subject, you knew that was where they were trying to get all along.
You shake your head. “No, there never was, really. It's what I told you guys five years ago and it hasn't changed. Eddie doesn't want a soulmate, even if it's…”
“Not even if it's you? I really doubt that.” Steve interjected.
“Especially if it's me. Especially now, after everything I did. It's not fair to him.”
They exchanged a look then, one of those looks Robin and Steve shared that no one but then could really tell what it meant. It was enviable, really, to be that understood by someone. You once knew what that was like.
Before either of them could say anything, something shifted at the table. Subtle, like a soft gust of air, but you knew the feeling. You knew it well, and when you looked down between the empty plate of waffles and your barely touched cup of coffee, sat something that wasn't there a moment ago.
A woven leather bracelet, with a simple silver clasp. It was slightly worn, clearly well loved. There was no question where it came from.
You picked it up, letting it hang from your pointer finger.
“Is that… his?” Steve broke the silence.
A tired sigh left your lips from deep within your chest. “Who else could it be from?”
One more for the box.
As seemed like a pattern that day, you got woken up again, this time by the phone ringing.
Robin was sleeping in your roommate’s bedroom — because what she doesn't won't hurt her — and Steve was dead asleep, snoring on your couch. He didn't budge as you picked up the bright blue receiver from where it hung from the wall.
“Did I wake you up?”
Eddie's tone did not indicate he was even a bit remorseful — you could practically see the dimples forming around his lips stretched in a charming smirk, his body leaning against the telephone booth.
“You didn't call me to ask that.”
Little did he know you had a matching smile on your own lips.
“You’re right. Jus’ wanna hear your adorable, middle of the night voice.”
“Asshole.” You scoffed, and if your face felt a little hot, you tried to ignore it. “What's up?”
“You wanna go help me put up some posters over on the Strip? Linda said we need all the marketing we can get for New Year’s, and I could use some help.”
“And your dear bandmates can't help because…?”
“Didn't ask them. I'm asking you.”
“Why? Missed my pretty face that much? You saw me yesterday, man.”
“Jesus…” He sighed, overdramatic and loud, as you'd expect. “Just get your cute butt over here, I'm waiting at the next corner.”
You giggled, again, not being able to help yourself. “I knew it.”
Most days, you liked to tell yourself you shouldn't get too attached. Eddie would soon be leaving again, on a tour bus to brave the country — with how much people they'd been attracting to The Deuce, it was only a matter of time until one of them was a producer scouting for their label’s next big hit.
You told yourself that, if he didn't leave, then you would. You'd done it once, there was no harm in doing it again.
You realized you liked lying to yourself more than you were previously aware of.
Lying to yourself was what you did when you were crammed into the passenger seat of Jeff’s old car, less conspicuous than the beat-up behemoth Eddie calls a van, scouring the city for the best spot to tack some concert posters. The late night radio tune the background of your laughter, inside jokes returning like second nature, the red string tightening around your pinky finger.
It was what you did when he held your hand to make you walk the streets faster, trying to cover more ground through the night, the same way that he used to when you played together. When he asked you to sit on his shoulders to attach posters to places higher than either of you could reach, and his hands rested warm on your thighs. When you ended the night at the same diner you did every morning, sleepy eyes meeting over hot coffee mugs.
Closer each day, still pretending to be far.
Holidays were never a busy time at The Deuce, which meant that the crowd at that New Year's Eve party was something you'd never seen before.
Being one of the smaller, lesser known clubs at the Strip, your parties were always a bit more inconspicuous. Smaller bands, smaller crowds, a lot less trouble. For some reason — and you suspected it was due to the news of a certain frontman’s charisma spreading through the city like wildfire — everything you expected was turned upside down this year.
Tickets were sold out that afternoon, and the bouncer had manager to squeeze in a few more people waiting in line. All pretty girls, of course. You had drinks to sell, after all.
The beginning of the night went as smoothly as you could manage. You got in earlier than usual, as did the rest of the staff, and by the time people started rolling in, you barely had time to greet Robin and Steve, who promptly found a place to sit further from the stage.
It was funny, seeing all of your old friends under the same roof again, even if it was just for one night. The boys came from backstage to say hello for a moment, and it was almost like being back at The Hideout again, with those same old drunks, and much less history between all of you. If you closed your eyes, it was almost like being there again.
If you looked closely, though, the strained smiles and awkward small talk amidst your closest friends and Eddie told you everything would never be the same again, not even if you tried.
A new year, a new life. Wishes to make, though yours was always the same.
You tried to shake that feeling, though, and concentrate on work. On the buzzing, electric feeling in the air, on the loud chatter and the music the DJ was playing in the background, on the eminent excitement for midnight to come.
Your wish happened to come out of backstage again that evening right before the band came on, wrapping one arm around your shoulder while you carried an empty tray towards the bar.
Your heart raced as he leaned closer, voice lowered for your ears only. “Do you see that guy over there?”
He pointed at a man sitting by himself, close to the stage — as close as he could get without getting into the crowd that was already forming in front of it. He looked like a mixture of Kim Fowley and a Ken doll, nothing too out of the ordinary for the men you saw regularly here, but he was definitely not a regular.
“Who is that?” You whispered back at him as you placed the tray back on the counter. Eddie remained there, with his arm around you, his body learning against your side. You could tell how excited he was by the wild grin on his face.
“He's here for us. Linda called on some favors with an old friend who knows people, and… voi-fucking-lá. We have an in.”
“Good luck, then.” You smiled, turning to fully look at him. “You're gonna need it.”
You were not expecting it when he left a lingering kiss on your forehead before walking away.
If there was a strange feeling growing on the back of your throat, you tried your best to ignore it. It stayed there as you watched Corroded Coffin perform what you thought was their best night there, their music rising and rising the crowd until they broke like a wave, manic guitars and heavy drums working them for their own pleasure.
It stayed until the clock struck midnight, and Eddie threw a kiss at you from the stage, and you pretended to catch it in the air and place it in your heart. Somehow, that felt more intimate than the dozens of couples kissing all around you.
All hell broke loose after the band left the stage.
The DJ returned, where he would stay until the bar closed, and as everyone scattered around the bar, it was the usual pandemonium you were already used to, but with much more people. The bar was busy, which meant you were busy, but not too busy to sneak a shot or two with Steve and Robin, or watch the former flirt with Heather behind the bar.
Eddie and the boys were all around, talking to everybody. It felt nice to see them in their element, especially Eddie with his big gestures and loud personality — he was right at home, there. It felt even nicer when you managed to cross each other, his hands always finding a way to touch you, to let you know he was there.
As good nights, though, that one also had to come to an end.
It started to crumble when you had a full tray of beers, and a man bumped into you. You tripped, but didn't fall, thanks to all the practice you'd had. The man grabbed your waist, then, harshly. “Whoa, there! Falling for me already?”
“You wish. Let go.” You responded, curly, already trying to escape. It wasn't the first time you dealt with one of these types, and it wouldn't be the last. Keeping your cool was the best you could do in a situation like this.
“Not yet. Let me show you a good time, baby.”
“I said let me fucking go.” You gritted through your teeth. Some people around started to notice, and it wasn't long until they started staring. His hands started to lower on your hips, whining some you couldn't understand through slurred speech, until you felt someone push the man's shoulder.
“She said let go, man. You heard it the first time.”
“Not right now, pretty boy.” He pointed at Eddie, and you saw an opportunity to pull yourself away, and didn't resist stepping on his foot, hard.
“Asshole. Get the fuck out of here.”
The man’s face grew red with pain, and anger, no doubt. “Bitch!”
You heard Eddie let out a bitter laugh before his face was flying at the man’s face, who upon impact, lost balance and barrelled into you again, but with full force this time, sending the beers on your tray flying, glass shattering on the floor, and beer spilling onto you.
It was like being in the middle of a hurricane. Eddie fought the guy, who was already on the floor, as the boys came running to drag Eddie away. Robin, with Steve on her tow, pulled a startled you by the hand and away from there. Her and Heather lead you towards Linda’s office at the back, but all you wanted was to look back.
In your haste, you'd left the door unlocked.
The bathroom inside the small office room was cramped, but better than the ones outside. Robin had offered to come in with you, but you wanted to cool off alone. She waited outside as you attempted to clean yourself, your black top hanging from the sink as you wiped the drink off your chest with paper towels.
Your heart still beating fast in your eardrums, though the adrenaline was starting to wear off, made you tremble a bit, a cold shiver going through your body. You didn't know if it was relief that nothing worse happened, or if it was the phantom memory of Eddie’s hands gripping your body close to his.
You sighed, looking at your disheveled self in the blurry, dirty mirror.
The door handle rattled behind you, and you answered without looking. “I'll be right out, Rob.”
“Buckley is outside with Harrington and the bartender chick.” There's a slightly injured hand, free of the usual rings adorning it, holding the door a few inches open, and a face obscured by overgrown bangs. “Can I come in?”
Through your daze, you made yourself a reminder to trim Eddie’s hair when you could.
Sensing his hesitation, you smiled as best as you could through your reflection, feeling too vulnerable to look back. “Yeah. Of course.”
Quietly, — too quietly for Eddie — he came in and the door clicked closed behind him, but he didn't move, staying still with his back against it. You realized he was probably trying to make himself smaller, as to not scare you even further. Your heart grew warm while your body still shivered.
“Is everyone alright?”
When you turned, you noticed you were mirroring each other's positions. Trying to stay as far as possible in that tight space, arms pressed to yourselves, as the red string between you pulled and pulled and pulled, strained to the point of breaking.
It didn't, it wouldn't.
“Yeah, they kicked the guy out. Uh… I kicked the guy out, actually, and the guys helped, but yeah.” He chuckled nervously. You couldn't see them, but if you had to guess, the tips of his ears would be bright red. “Linda threatened him to never come back with that pistol she keeps under her desk, you should have seen it.”
You giggled despite yourself, “Man, how could I have missed that.”
“Are you alright?” Big brown eyes stared at you from across the small room and, as they always did, disarmed you completely.
“I'm alright.” You turned again, reaching to give your wet top a thorough squeeze before putting it on again. “Didn't get hurt, just got wet…”
You forced a laugh, but Eddie didn't return the sentiment. When you looked back again, he wasn't looking at you anymore.
He was crouching, picking something off the floor. The ceiling light wasn't on, just the yellow one over the mirror, and you struggled to see what it was until he straightened himself up, shuffling on his boots. The first thing you noticed on his right hand was a silver chain, and at the end of it, a red guitar pick. It must have fallen while you took your top off in a hurry.
You knew it like the back of your own hand. It was slightly chipped at the bottom, the scaly red slowly losing its former glossy finish, the faded Fender logo at the center of it.
You knew he knew it too.
“Where did you get this?”
A hand stretched between you, like a long corridor in a dream. Just within your line of sight, but unreachable. The necklace hung from it, limp, its silver chain glinting in the yellow light of the flickering lamp.
When you didn't answer, Eddie’s voice hardened. “I'm not gonna ask again.”
Your eyes were focused on the red guitar pick, not on his face. You swallowed hard, “I think you already know.”
“No, I don't.” He emphasizes it with your name, and it hurts you to hear it. The atmosphere changed completely, then. “I lost this years ago after a show in Indy, but you were already gone. Where did you get it?”
Eddie's voice trembled with something you only describe as betrayal. There was grief too, somewhere in there. Your shattered heart ached, but you couldn't find it in yourself to say something. Anything.
“What have you been hiding from me?” He had never sounded this quiet. It scared you.
“Nothing you don't already know.” You mumble, staring at the floor. “Like I said, I think you already know.”
Frustrated, he stomps his feet, but you don't flinch. “Goddamnit! Just tell me. Tell me. I want to hear it from you.”
“So, you do know?”
Narrowed eyes met in the middle. The red string tensed, and bent — does it break? Could it, ever? Sometimes you wished you could snap it. For his sake, not yours. But all it did was stretch impossibly tighter, like the fist that closed itself around your heart.
“I don't…” Eddie's eyes glistened in the dark, whiskey dark, swimming in murky waters. “I feel like I don't know you like I thought I did.”
You broke first, approaching the door with trembling legs, like a deer in headlights. The two of you stared at each other closely for what felt like more than just a mere moment, unsaid things hanging heavy in the air.
“Did you ever?”
It doesn't break, but bends, and bends, and bends.
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toboldlymuppet · 11 months
i think there's something so mean about how, when S1 ended and GB broke up, izzy AND his fans were called abusers (among other, horrifying things), i closed all my anon asks and twitter/ig dms because of it. i came into the fandom when the season just ended, "this feels like coming home" i said, and got a death threat a few days later. "i just want izzy to be happy", and a dm saying "you don't belong here" arrived. i got dragged in a doxxing scare, someone i know did get doxxed. now S2 has ended and what we feel is a disservice to his character, on the road to recovery and healing after the horrors of episode 1-3 and a suicide survivor dealing with disability, he gets killed off unceremoniously because 'he has no more role in the narrative'? just when he found a family and belonging he could've sailed with? he could've been written out without dying, getting his own happy ending. instead, he got killed by a stray bullet, on an avoidable 'suicide mission' (had someone else taken his place). and with us being upset, suddenly we have no right to grieve and be sad about this? suddenly we have people laughing at us and downplaying how heartbroken we are? we saw him happy and at home, we just wanted to end the show with that, him alive and experiencing the world with family. i related to him so much, of course it hurts. a lot of izzy fans started the S3 renewal campaign because we wanted to think everyone would get their happy endings. it's so sad to think about the show now. it's been more than a year and i still love this character and the community he's brought me. he's gotten me through tough times and given me hope. let us have this, let us be sad and upset and speak our criticisms, for kindness sake, for the kindness the show used to promise us. the same way people whose ships get broken up on cliffhangers and tragic ends are upset, let us have this too. this is a public message, but you have nothing good to say, if you're here to downplay the hurt, if you're here to laugh, please just scroll on by or block.
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unholyhelbig · 5 days
now i need more firecrest asap after that cliffhanger
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Title: Firecrest (Part 5/7)
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six]
Summary: Kate Bishop and y/n have an unspoken agreement that revolves around being enemies with benefits. But when Kate's new mentor is someone Y/n is very familiar with, things become complicated.
Warnings: Please, please, please read these, it's a heavy chapter. Kidnapping, torture, cigarette burns, blood, Cutting, getting stabbed (Idk how to explain it, istg it's not knifeplay), physical violence, horrible grammar, and let me know if I forgot anything please.
[A/n: I promise I don't think Clint or Eleanor are bitches... maybe Eleanor a little bit. This is for plot purposes! Eleanor is a MILF, I don't make the rules!]
The fist was strong enough to crack against your jaw like a whip. It was a rude awakening, one you were sure had shattered bone and most definitely filled your mouth with a helping of metallic blood that you weren’t quick enough to swallow. You let it choke you, your mind still slow and too foggy to acknowledge the position you were in. 
Strung up as if you were about to be carved with a butcher's knife and served up for Thanksgiving dinner. Your eyes refused to adjust right away, but you caught the glimpse of golden iron knuckles, the glint from a nearby light the only thing that you could pinpoint past the pulsing pain and the garbled breaths you could take. 
Another hit, this time aimed a little higher. You felt the edge of the metal dig into your skin and the steady waterfall of warmth that began to drip down the side of your face and off your chin. It spread to your stomach, which was startlingly bare. The simple fact that you might be nude was enough to jar you from whatever unconsciousness that lingered. 
You pulled in a painful breath, pinpricks of cold air filling your lungs. You felt like you were underwater, completely submerged. While the thundering ache of your wounds caused concern, what scared you more was your current position; a rope had been wrapped around your wrists and thrown over a beam on the ceiling. It was tied to an iron hook bolted to the wall, effectively lifting your arms uncomfortably over your head, the soles of your now-bare feet barely touching dirt. 
They’d stripped you of your blazer and the blue that you had agreed to wear to please Kate. It was never a color you enjoyed, reminding you too much of the broken crystals and toxic chemicals that had gotten you here in the first place. Thankfully, they’d left you in your sports bra and dress pants. Their hits were meant to wound deeper, to strip you of skin and damage tendons beyond repair. 
You were in a horse stable, or something that was once used as such. On either side of the long structure were the sectioned spaces for the large animals, but they’d been fortified with iron bars. It reminded you too much of  a prison despite both ends of the building being open and giving you ample views of the night sky. The cold wind brought goosebumps to your bare skin. 
 A groan pushed past your lips. You tried to use what little strength you had left to pull yourself up, just to alleviate the pressure on your shoulders, but there was no such luck. Your muscles twitched before giving out entirely. You settled for blinking the dripping blood from your eyes and taking a look at your attacker. 
There wasn’t much clarity to be had. He was, by all accounts, a white man with too much scruff and a cowboy hat for shits and giggles. You weren’t about to scoff at his choice in attire. You had no power in this situation. You couldn’t feel your fingers, much less create a spark from them. With the amount of hay scattered about, not only would it be pointless, but it would end up killing you in the process. 
“Oh good, you’re awake.” His breath leaked from his mouth in streams of smoke. You weren’t sure if it stemmed from the cold or the cigarette between his lips. He swiveled, calling out “She’s awake!” 
The sound-off didn’t bring an immediate presence. But Texas, as you kindly dubbed him in your sedative soaked brain, stepped forward and plucked the cigarette from his lips before pressing the angry red tip against your collarbone. He stamped his filthy habit out. 
A grunt escaped you, and you pulled once more on the uncomfortable ropes that had you bound. You wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of breaking from a little burn and some unfair fighting tactics. It hurt like hell, bit into your skin. Up close, he had yellowed teeth from his vice, and his mouth clicked when he smiled. “Boss said we could rough you up, makes for better television.” 
“Here I was,” you panted, voice gravelly “Thinking you were the boss.” 
He smiled thinly at that, the light in his eyes faltering. He let the extinguished cigarette drop to the lightly packed dirt floor, hooking his thumbs into his belt-buckle and taking an admiring step back. He appreciated his handiwork, the two wounds on your face and a third against your heaving chest. 
“Aw, leave some fun for the rest of us, will you?” another voice. A woman. 
You whipped your chin up much too fast, your head suddenly swimming at the quick movement. It had been a mistake and took a few moments for you to orient yourself again. Her presence didn’t give you much clarity, if any. She was dressed warmly for the crispening weather, a black coat and black leather gloves. Her face was obscured by a solid gold mask, only holes cut out for the sharp blue eyes that were so familiar. 
“How’s my prisoner holding up?” She cooed, taking your face in one hand. She squeezed your cheeks, forcing you to look at her. The aching pain in your jaw shot up to a slowly-forming headache. “Oh, don’t tell me you’ve forgotten already? Sweet girl, you confessed your undying love to me. I thought you’d show more enthusiasm. 
You could feel the blush moving across your cheeks, an annoying pink tint that gave you away. You wanted to spit in her face, but it wouldn’t have been productive, you feared. It would only anger her, and leave you unsatisfied. So you dragged a breath in and steeled yourself with an icy frown. She wore Kate’s bracelet. 
“No matter,” She released you and a rip of pain moved through your shoulder blades, her fingers trailing against your well-defined stomach, nails leaving subtle pink indentations. “Flattery will get you nowhere, y/n.” 
You snarled “What do you want?” 
“From you, darling? Absolutely nothing. You’re not as important as you think you are.” She tsked, circling you like a hungry shark. “Pretty, but not important. You’re nothing more than a pawn. All I want is for you to sit pretty and wait for your father.” 
The fire that you couldn’t conjure from your fingertips lit your stare in a dangerous red. The masked woman tilted her head to the side in what you’ve come to realize was interest. A low hum rumbled from her chest. You glowered at the two of them, drawing in breaths and releasing them in a way that caused the less pain. 
Of course this had to do with Clint. He’d waltzed back into your life, stirred up old feelings, and had effectively gotten you kidnapped. You didn��t know where Kate, your Kate, was. The thought made you thrash a little harder against your binds. The sharp sting of coarse rope cut into your wrists, a line of blood no bigger than a teardrop, slid to the crook of your elbow in response. 
“He doesn’t know where you are, sweetie.” 
She tutted, shaking her mask-clad head and stirring the raven hair that hung lazily on her shoulders. The woman kept a keen eye on you, as if you had anywhere to go, but she reached blindly back towards Tex. He wore a confused expression for a moment before the gears in his head started to turn and brush off the cobwebs. He flicked open his pocket knife and handed it to her. 
“Don’t you think it’s a shame that print is dying? Holding up a phone with the time and date just isn’t as motivating as it once was.” 
It was your turn to be confused, but it only lasted as long as it took for the blade to touch your skin. This time, you couldn’t hold back the scream. She was much too slow with her cut, much too methodical. She’d done this before, maybe with livestock, but she knew how to maximize the stinging pain 
She was carving into your flesh, something that would stay with you until the end of time. They were coordinates, you knew by the third agonizing number that she chiseled right below the burn that Tex had inflicted. She tried to silence you with her incessant coos and tender exclamations that it would all be okay. 
How could it? The veins in your arms were straining just to quell the sharp pain of her handiwork. You were doused in sweat, which stung just as bad in the open cuts than the slices themselves. When she’d finished the last number, you had screamed yourself sore, the adrenaline that made it nearly tolerable leaving as soon as it had filled your veins. 
The masked woman slid her tongue over the sharpened blade, licking away the tint of red before she let it fall to the floor. She’d gotten bored of you, you could tell by the flatness in her stare. Your head hung and mucus dripped from your nose, you made no attempt to swallow it back. 
“Rough her up a bit more, then take the photos.” The woman demanded, her voice retreating. “Send them to every news station in the city. They’re not going to want to miss this.”
Bobbi Morse hated the feeling of cold wood flooring against the soles of her feet. It made the entirety of her shiver, waking her body up and shedding the last of the warmth she had from her shared bed. Her husband had suggested slippers, but they were always left in various places of the house. So she suffered at her own hand, even as she padded to the front door.
Day had barely broken, and a blue haze coated the dewed grass. There were birds at the feeder on the back porch and small paths in the condensation on the lawn from deer that had ventured too far from the edge of the surrounding woods. This, by all means, should be a peaceful morning.
But it wasn’t, because Clint fucking Barton had pulled the glass door back and started pounding on the wooden frame with such fervor that it made Bobbi’s jaw ache. She had thrown on her robe to conserve some warmth, but still felt too exposed in front of her ex-husband and Avenger.
She’d leveled him with a glare that could shatter glass, and he respectfully rushed out. “Bobbi, come on. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t an emergency.”
He had a point. It made her chest seize. They only had one thing in common these days, and it was you. Even then, he didn’t make a point of crashing into her new life. The life she preferred for the both of you. So, she stepped back and allowed him to scramble into the foyer with his musky, cold scent. Clint always smelled slightly like gunpowder and cinnamon despite choosing a more archaic weapon.
“Have you seen the news?”
“What? No, God, you woke me up.”
His eyes widened and he clumsily found his way to the living room, carding around in the couch cushions for the remote as if he lived here. He certainly didn’t, and Bobbi had to swallow back her white-hot anger at the familiarity of his movements.
Still, he navigated the technology surprisingly well and flicked on the television. The room filled with a pale blue light that made Bobbi’s eyes sting viciously. She blinked the moisture away and leaned over the back of the couch, the anxiety in the pit of her stomach starting to swirl.
You’d mentioned going to dinner last night with your girlfriend. Something that Eleanor Bishop had orchestrated. She’d nearly begged you not to go. You didn’t owe that woman anything. But you looked at Kate like she hung the moon and the stars, so there would be no talking you out of the event.
It was only on your way out the door that you slipped in Clint’s presence. The oak had slammed before Bobbi could protest, and even if she could, you were an adult. You were in love. If you saw it fit to establish a relationship with your biological father due to the proximity, then who was she to stop you?
Now, she wished she had because Clint was here, and you weren’t.
Bobbi’s stomach was empty, but she had the acute need to vomit as the words Breaking News flashed across the screen. They’d halted all other programming. She was certain that you were dead, and her fingers moved to the now cold spot on her cheek where your lips had hurriedly pressed in a loving goodbye.
Cindy Moon, reporter extraordinaire, was freshly dressed in her usual suited ensemble. She looked so put together, even for the special report. How could she look so calm? Rationally, Bobbi knew it was her job to do just that, but the ringing in her ears was starting to wash out every coherent thought.
“Word coming out of our own studio, and it seems, multiple stations across the state. Current Congress Candidate Lance Hunter has been issued a very public call to arms. This morning, a photo of his step-daughter Y/n Morse, has been released nationally. Due to the graphic nature of this photo, we here at NNC will not be showing the image.”
Bobbi was relying on the sofa to hold her up now. Her world tilted and she’d knowingly stopped breathing, curling her fingers into the rough fabric. Lance hadn’t woken up yet, and she knew the scream that threatened to bubble into her throat would do just that.
“The message was clear,” Cindy sadly continued “It’s up to Lance Hunter to make the next move, and follow the coordinates. We will continue to update the public on this matter. But for now, we encourage the general public to disregard the message and let law enforcement handle the matter.”
Let law enforcement handle it. Like the department has ever done one competent thing in their lives. She had faith in you. She’d trained you herself and with experts in her craft that had been hardened enough to impress her. But she worried for you like any mother did. It wafted from her in waves.
“Show me the photo.”
“I don’t think that’s the best idea.”
“You don’t get to come into my house and tell me what is or isn’t a good idea. The photo Clint.”
Her tone left no room for argument. His phone was comically bright, and she winced at the white light that leaked from the screen as he fumbled to get her request pulled up. She saw his shoulders tighten and his jaw clench when he got to where he wanted. Such small reactions that anyone normal wouldn’t realize his fear. But Bobbi wasn’t normal.
She grabbed the phone with one hand and pressed her cold fingers to her lips with another. Still, an involuntary groan escaped her throat. She’d read once that wolves howl despite danger when they feel the need to grieve at the horrors committed.
There was almost more blood and bruising than skin. Your head was dipped, so she couldn’t see your eyes but she prayed they still held life. You were strung up, clearly straining against your binds. The cuts in your chest made her own burn horribly. They’d beaten you savagely.
“What’s going on?” Lance had padded down the carpeted stairs, moving with the silence of a ghost. “Clint?”
Neither of them answered, so Lance flicked his gaze to the television, frowning when a headshot of himself was front and center. A photo of you and him slotted right next to it. It was your high school graduation, chords around your neck as you beamed with your diploma in hands. He stared at you in the photo as if you’d been elected president.
Lance tepidly took the device from Bobbi, who let it go without her usual fight. She’d fallen into his side, pressing her nose against his neck and letting her shoulders shake with silent sobs. His eyes misted over immediately, hand tightening around the phone.
Clint wasn’t expecting the hardness in his stare when he did finally lift his gaze. “This is for me.”
“They want you to go there.”
“I assume you’re coming with us.”
“She’s my daughter.”
“No,” Lance snarled with the ferocity of a wild animal scorned, moving his hand soothingly on his wife’s back. “She’s mine.”  
The hiss that pushed past your lips reminded you too much of letting the air out of a bike tire. It was a weak sound, and even as you moved in and out of consciousness, you resented the fact. If there were ever a time to be feeble, it was now.
The pain hit you before you fluttered your eyes open. They felt heavy, refusing to acknowledge the lack of adrenaline that you now held close to your chest. You registered the exhaustion in your bones, the ache in every part of your body where Tex had struck. He’d left small expanses unmarred, but anything that would show your bruising to the camera was hit with iron knuckles, with another lit cigarette or the tip of the caked blade.
Just like the woman in the mask, he’d soon grown bored of you. You were vaguely aware of being moved, being thrown into one of the cells that lined the walkway. There was no haste to pull yourself up, even if you were able to. You were shaking too much, and soon gave way to unconsciousness.
There wasn’t a way to tell how much time had passed, but when you startled awake and tried to sit up, you were met with quick resistance. You clenched your eyes shut until you saw stars, trying to sit up again, but being pushed down to a scratchy mattress by a hand.
You thought you were alone. The fight or flight kicked in and your eyes sprung open. You struggled against the hand, the touch that was so familiar but in the way that Kate’s eyes were on the balcony. You were breathing frantically, panting in fear.
“Hey, hey, hey” a raspy voice tried to soothe, but there was nothing soothing about being under someone’s hand without a proper way to move. You were sure you’d cracked a few ribs, and maybe even your jaw with that first, startling hit. “You need to relax, stop moving.”
Despite the growled warning, you turned your head and gaged the person who was so easily restraining you. Kate. Or maybe it wasn’t. You felt a shiver rock through your body at the sight of her. You didn’t trust what you were seeing, not right away. That had gotten you into deep, scalding water just the day before.
You were sprawled on a twin bed that rested on a metal frame. The mattress was stuffed with newspaper, crinkling with each shallow breath you took. It was the only accommodation in the dusty cell other than a tin bucket that you didn’t much care to think about.
Kate was in her tactical pants, pitch black and stained with dust. She wore a tank top that revealed yellowing bruises, lacerations that she had nursed the best she could. Nothing near what had been done to you, but it made your heart clench all the same. She’d been hurt, and you wanted to carve out the heart of whoever dared lay a hand on her.
A sad whimper escaped you and her hand stroked the side of your face as if it were habit. She’d taken her purple jacket from her shoulders and pressed it to the carved numbers against your chest, effectively staunching the blood. You were grateful for the act of kindness, for her warm touch.
“You’re okay, it’s okay.”
It most certainly was not okay, but the certainty in which she said it made you want to believe that it was. Her fingers brushed over your arms and any exposed skin that she could see. She assessed the wounds like she understood exactly where they were, making sure they hadn’t started to leak blood once more.
How long had she been here? You hadn’t reached out after your fight. There were clear lines drawn and you weren’t going to step over them. You felt a burst of relief when she’d texted you, demanding that you wear blue and show up on time to dinner. You had done both without question.
Kate must have sensed the questions brewing behind your stare. Her tender touch moved to your forehead, carding her fingers through your hair in a comforting gesture. The ghost of a smile on her face “Don’t think too hard, okay? I don’t know if you’re bleeding internally or not.”
Your pitiful chuckle turned into a cough, Kate’s expression dropping, filled with worry. She waited until you were done, rubbing small circles against your bare arm. You noticed the small split that seemed to keep reopening against her lip. The very one you’d clocked during your last real conversation.
You swiped your thumb gently across her cracked lips, frowning “You’re bleeding.”
She laughed wetly, dropping her head letting her tears fall. She’d grasped your nearest hand with both of hers, absently playing with your fingers, squeezing and holding them to make sure you were real. You wanted to embrace her, to quell her fears, her misery. But you couldn’t move more than an inch.
“I thought you were going to die,” Kate croaked out, not looking up. “I could hear everything, smell the blood, even from here. I was certain that with each hit, you wouldn’t wake up and we would leave things… we would leave them in that stupid alleyway.”
Your mouth was dry, throat burning. She gripped your hand harder to wash away her own trembling. You didn’t deserve her forgiveness, you knew that. But there was the pulled feeling that you needed her more than anything right now.
“I hid in the corner with my hands over my ears like a coward. I was certain that you’d die right past my reach and there was nothing I could do about it. That the very last image you would have of me, of us, was that horrible night.”
“Stop,” you begged in a broken voice, fingers brushing lightly against her jaw. Kate glanced up, static gray eyes rimmed in red. She swallowed hard and watched you carefully. “Katie, this is all my fault. All of it. I’ve spent years denying my emotions. It was going to blow up eventually. It was only a matter of time.”
You carefully started to sit up, she drew in a sharp breath and opened her mouth to object before snapping her jaw shut. You’d always been able to handle yourself, stubborn until the very end. You pressed your fingers into your ribs to quell the ache.
Carefully, you put your hands on either side of her cheeks, wiping away the dampness across the flushed expanse. She’d never let you hold her like this, but she melted into the touch with a starved sigh. She hiccupped, trying to catch her breath as she scrambled up onto the bed next to you, her arm flush against yours with a comforting heat.
“We’ll get out of this,” You leaned your forehead against her own. This time, it was you who desperately searched for a grounding factor in her hands, calloused from years of archery. “Even if it means just waiting.”
“God, we’re so bad at that.”
You were aware. Patience was not a virtue when it came to you, and certainly not when it came to Kate. Sitting still for the past week must have been enough of a torture for her before you got yourself thrown right in next to her. Brutally beaten and plaguing her with the mere sound of breaking bones and your screams of anguish.
Your body was starting to grow heavy, the mere pressure of Kate next to you, the evergreen scent of her, was enough to lull you into near sleep. Her arm was wrapped with yours, her cheek resting on your shoulder. You both were on alert for the sound of footsteps, but were only met with cicadas and bullfrogs.
“What did she mean when she said you confessed your undying love?”
A groan rumbled through you and you clenched your eyes harder. How were you supposed to explain that you hadn’t noticed the woman next to you the whole night wasn’t your Kate. There were subtle mannerisms that gave her away, the more you scrutinized them.
The way she’d done her hair, the fidgeting with the gold bracelet. The defiance against Eleanor being so blatant. Kate would coyly roll her eyes, but not entertain anything her mother pushed. It had been different, sharper words and thicker movements. You were just so focused on your own turmoil to notice.
“Because I did.”
Kate frowned, pursing her lips into a straight line and staring at you with a glinting amount of question. Even under the washed-out yellow lights, she was beautiful. Breathtaking. Under her scrutiny, you shivered, aggravating the pain that wracked your body.
“She… looked like you. A carbon copy, and I… told her how I felt.”
“You’re in love with me?”
“Impossibly so.” A sad chuckle escaped you and you averted your gaze to the packed dirt floor. “Long before this whole charade. There’s a loving patience to you that no one has ever shown me before. You are impossible not to fall in love with, Kate Bishop.”
Silence was filled with your struggled breaths, fingers still pushing deep into your ribs to keep the ache from spreading. You sniffed, feeling a cold drip right beneath your nose. You weren’t expecting an answer. Too tired to fight for one.
Kate’s touch was softhearted, fingers brushing gently against your jaw and guiding your eyes to her own. They were glossy, tearful. “You absolute idiot. I knew from the second I saw you that you’d be the death of me.”
You scoffed at the irony of her statement. There was a blooming affection that ripped through you, much harder than the knife against your skin. Her expression was world-altering, earth-shattering and you nearly whimpered under her attention, no matter how sparing it was.
Her stare flicked to your lips, and you gave the slightest nod of confirmation. You’d kissed Kate before, usually open mouthed and in a rushed effort to fight for dominance with one another. But this was different. Her lips were soft, slightly-chapped from the cold. There was a metallic taste to you both, her movements methodic, calculated and full of care.
This time, you did whimper, more of a huff of pain. Her hand had brushed against your side, and the shooting discomfort was enough for you to pull back, if only slightly. Kate smiled guiltily against your lips, whispering apologies into your mouth.
“Lay down,” Kate purred.
You quirked a brow at her “Really? Right here?”
“Not like that. You’re clearly in pain. Lay down.”
She started to lead you onto your back with practiced ease before you could voice your protests (ones that included wanting to stay awake long enough to keep kissing her). You hissed, mumbling something along the lines of her being bossy, but you couldn’t deny the comfort that washed over you when you were finally situated.
Kate settled in next to you, slotting her leg carefully with yours and pressing flush against you, providing the comfort that you so desperately needed. Kate’s nose was cold against the naïve of your neck. An instant relief that quieted any lingering thoughts that would fight off sleep.
The next time you woke up, it wasn’t nearly as startled. Even if you had wanted to move quickly, you felt the twinge of your injuries prevent you from doing so. There was consistent pressure against your mostly bare chest, Kate’s hand had found purchase against the only unmarred part of your collarbone.
Her lips were parted and she let out soft breaths that tickled the small of your throat. You wondered when the last time she slept- really slept- was. She’d been here days, based on her bruising and her clothing that she was so willing to share to provide you with some decency.
“I’m rooting for the two of you.”
You stiffened, swallowing the groan of pain that struggled to rush to the surface. The voice, of course, was familiar and gravelly and filled you with white hot anger. It was the woman in the gold mask. Hardley cost effective and taunting you behind it.
She was standing on the other side of the cell, watching both you and Kate like viewing animals in a zoo. She’d even tossed a greasy bag of fast food through the gaps in the iron. You hated that your mouth filled with saliva at the charcoal scent.
You’d picked at a salad for dinner, and had even thrown up the one cherry tomato you’d managed to consume during Tex’s brutal work. “A peace offering.”
“An olive branch.” You could hear the smirk in your voice. “You might not believe this, y/n but I mean you no harm.”
You leveled her with an acidic glare that could melt the very bars that contained you. It softened when Kate let out a small grumble in her sleep and burrowed closer. She was like a little space heater, nearly to the point of a fever. She had always run hot, just like you.
“No further harm. I could have easily killed you, or your little bird. But I haven’t, so a little trust would be appreciated.”
“If you’re hoping for some sort of Stockholm syndrome, keep holding your breath, lady.”
The stranger shrugged her shoulders and watched the two of you with deadened eyes that made you squirm. You stayed put, partly out of pain and partly because the worst thing you could do right now was stir the sleeping archer in your arms.
So, you whispered, “If you wanted Clint, why not pump him full of sedatives at the dinner table? This seems like an awful amount of work for someone sitting across from you, sipping wine.”
“That washed up Avenger? Please. We don’t want Clint. We want Lance.” She hauled herself onto a large barrel across from the cell, crossing her legs at the ankles. It was a bitter attempt at sprucing up the place. “You said it yourself at dinner, Clint isn’t your father. In fact, I feel kind of bad for you. A dad that won’t give you a second glance, a girl who only entertained your love to piss him off? You have every right to hate him.”
You made a noise in the back of your throat and flopped your head back onto the flat pillow. The ceiling was a nice wooden structure, maybe apart of the original structure. You didn’t need her pity, but it still settled the slightest bit of comfort in your stomach.
You’d ran out of your ability to be tactful someone between the tenth and Eleventh blow to your abdomen. “If you’re looking for ransom, you won’t get much. All of our wealth has been pumped into the campaign.”
“I don’t want money, though, that would be an added benefit. I’m simply helping. What’s a better and more heartfelt story than a candidate saving his poor, inhuman daughter?” She pouted behind her mask, tilting her head at an angle. “It’ll be media gold. It’ll catapult is numbers.”
“I’m sorry, you want Lance to win?”
“Someone does, and they were willing to pay a lot of money to get you here.”
A breath escaped you, one that you tried to stop from shaking. That could be the design of anyone, including your own parents. You wouldn’t be shocked if Eleanor Bishop had stuck her hand into the kidnapping plot. But that also begged the question of who was powerful enough to orchestrate something like this?
“Keep your strength up,” The masked woman hopped from the barrel, “We wouldn’t want you to die in here, now, would we?”
She walked away on surprisingly light feet. They didn’t stir the gravel like Tex’s did. You knew your heart was pounding harder from the interaction, the planned admissions that were just another form of torture. She could be lying. You hoped she was lying.
Kate was drooling under the heavy hand of sleep. You couldn’t help the small smile that fought through your confusion, your pain. She really could sleep anywhere, and you envied her in moments like these. Your body had given in to the exhaustion earlier, but now, you were left with your thoughts and her distant snores.
Your hand closed over hers, playing with her fingers absently as you carded through every single person who may have a problem with your family. The list was long, but there was a shorter list of people who wanted Lance to win.
He’d resigned to the fact that he wouldn’t, and that had been an odd strategy for you at first. Near the start of his campaign, you’d have trouble getting to sleep unless you were in your childhood bedroom, close to the people who loved and cared about you.
Even then, you’d find yourself in the living room with Lance. He watched old westerns when he couldn’t drift off and you had taken to joining him every once and awhile. He told you then, that he didn’t think he would win.
“I don’t get it. Why run at all, then?”
“People are stuck in their ways, sometimes it takes more than one election to change things like that. They’re not used to Inhumans, not like we are. But we’ll change their minds, even if it’s slowly. They’ll learn to love just like we do.”
You’d grown tired throughout the latter half of the 1952 movie ‘High Noon’. Gary Colemans southern, gravelly voice lulled you to sleep that night with your cheek on Lance’s shoulder, the scent of his aftershave coating your throat and your lungs. You never knew if he’d succumbed that night, but you knew that it was the safest you’ve ever felt.
The idea that he would sway the election with a fake kidnapping was out of the question. Because he didn’t care if he won. He’d only ever cared that he changed the world in a good way, one that would cut the sideways looks you got in half.
“Mm, you should be resting.” Kate’s sleepy demands pulled you from your thoughts, her voice vibrating against the side of your throat. You subconsciously pulled her closer, making sure she was comfortable on the sliver of a twin bed. “Cheeseburger?”
“That’s what woke you?”
“No, your thoughts are loud.”
She nipped lightly at your sensitive skin, soothing it with a kiss almost as quickly as she’d created the subtle sting. It was relaxing, a show of affection that spread warmth to your stomach. You wanted to wake up next to Kate Bishop every single day for the rest of your life. Just not in a dirty cell.
The distinct lack of emotion in Eleanor Bishop’s eyes worried Bobbi more than anything else she had seen today. She had seen a lot. A startling amount that had numbed her to a state of shaking paleness. There was no comfortable piece of furniture in this penthouse and that aggravated her all the more.
They’d been intercepted by law enforcement before they could do anything shy of putting on real clothes before being herded like livestock to the Bishop’s residence.  At first, Bobbi had chalked it up to them owning a security company, maybe they had ties to other agencies.
But, they were soon informed that Kate had vanished too and Eleanor was just so beside herself, she couldn’t fathom travel. Her cheeks were red, flushed with emotion, but her eyes remained deadened. Bobbi had to clutch an ugly throw pillow to ground herself.
“Right now, we suggest you do nothing.”
“Do… nothing?” Lance was pacing behind the sofa, trying to breathe in as much outside air from the propped open storm doors as possible. “Forgive me Detective North but that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”
“We don’t believe that they’re going to do anything further to harm your daughter, but there is a very real possibility that all of this is a ploy to kill you. So yes, Mr. Hunter, we expect you to wait here while we execute the rescue.”
She was a hard woman with sharp eyes that could cut through solid ice to expose a soft underbelly. Bobbi supposed that she had to be in her line of work. In any other situation she would have applauded her finality. Her tenderness. But this was different.
Bobbi held her tongue. She didn’t make it known, and wouldn’t, that she was Mockingbird. The police force didn’t’ actively endorse vigilantes and stumbling out that she was much more competent than anyone they could send in for a rescue would lead to more trouble.
As if sensing her distress, Lance put an assured hand on her shoulder. The former SHIELD agents were getting older and the novelty had long since worn off. You, on the other hand, had a long career ahead of you as Firecrest. The media was meant to believe that you were an innocent, politicians daughter with a bit of a wild streak. Maybe they should do nothing.
“And what of Katherine?” Eleanor forced a hiccup, gently patting below her eye with a dry tissue that stayed dry. “Have there been any demands?”
Detective North frowned down at her notepad “No, I’m afraid not. We’ve heard nothing. They both seemed normal at dinner last night?”
“We’ve been through this!” Clint shouted in a sudden outburst. He’d remained silent by the bar, only losing his composure when his protégé was brought up, he sighed, softening. “Y/n left to get some fresh air and Kate followed her. We didn’t see or hear anything else.”
“It didn’t cause any concern when neither of them returned?”
“Katherine barely regards me as it is.” Eleanor waved off, suddenly dry-eyed once more. “I learned a long time ago that it’s easier to avoid fights that will get me nowhere. I figured that the two of them retreated somewhere they were more comfortable.”
Bobbi hated to agree with Eleanors logic, but could see where she was coming from. Kate was difficult, but only with her mother. She matched the energy that was given and Bobbi had always respected her at a silent distance for that. Little acts of rebellion made life livable.
Her voice pinched and she clutched the tissue “You’re telling me… she could be dead?”
“We’re not telling you anything, Mrs. Bishop. We’re trying to figure out everything that we can before entering an uncontrolled situation.”
“All you need to know is that our daughter is gone and if you don’t send someone in there to get her in the next hour, I’ll do it myself.” Bobbi hissed.
“Right… Well.” Detective North was disturbed by the impassioned anger in Bobbi’s voice, the venom in her eyes. She cleared her throat and stood. “Like I said, stay here. We’ll post a uniform outside of the door. No one in or out. I’ll be in touch.”
She pocketed her notebook and left before any further questions could be asked. Bobbi didn’t understand. They knew where you were, it would be simple to retrieve you and treat your wounds and make sure that you were still alive and breathing. That you were okay.
Eleanor stood from her seat next to Bobbi and poured herself a drink, straight vodka that looked more like a crisp drink of water. She swallowed it without making a face before she moved to pour herself another one but stopped her slender fingers short of the cap. “I knew this was a horrible idea.”
“What was?” Bobbi croaked out.
“Our children seeing one another. Everything was fine until Katherine started making heart eyes at your arsonist.”
“The last I checked, they’re both adults.” Lance said through gritted teeth. “They can make their own choices and have done so for the past decade without incident.”
She laughed dryly “Without incident? Y/n nearly destroyed a historic building with a couple of matches. Do you know why she did that? It certainly wasn’t at the behest of my Katherine.”  
“That’s enough.” Clint silenced the room. He’d fallen back into his quiet contemplation after his outburst with Detective North. “This isn’t helping anything.”
“You’re right.” Her eyes narrowed “aren’t you a superhero? Can’t you suit up in your spandex and retrieve my daughter and your discarded one?”
Nothing more could be said. She’d effectively taken all the oxygen out of the room. Eleanor unscrewed the cap of the vodka and poured herself a heavy-handed second helping before flopping back down into her spot. She’d had too much to drink, but Bobbi wasn’t about to point that out, nor was she going to stop her.
Tag List💕: @noturlondonboy, @slvtformaria, @pianogirl2121, @escapereality4music, @cyberbonesworld, @dark-hunter16, @crescentcrush, @bishopsbeloved, @sammi1642, @bilyashvili, @thinking1bee
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xinvisiblestringsx · 6 months
I'm going to defend Asagiri's fake out deaths
Asagiri fakes deaths too much yes but they make sense to the story. Fyodor was "killed" by Dazai and Chuuya and let me remind you that Fyodor is the main villain but Dazai is not the protagonist. Typically in fiction villains are defeated by protagonists so Dazai killing him doesn't make sense imo. (Atsushi barely did anything big and the cliffhanger at the end of s5 is proof of that)
Also about the fake deaths I don't think any "deaths" we've seen so far was enough of a big deal considering the importance of these characters to the story. If they were to fr die it would've been much more emotional and it would drag out through episodes.
Best example of Asagiri killing a character we have is Oda's death which was impactful to other characters and the overall storyline.
Also Fukuchi's death makes sense too but how Chuuya or Dazai "died" in previous chapters is underwhelming (i know they weren't when the chapters first came out but now through a clear lens they feel underwhelming)
And Fyodor dying without us learning about his ability/backstory/motivations + the battle just being chess with Dazai (there was no organization battle/we haven't seen all of Fyodor's cards/other characters were more involved with Fukuchi and hunting dogs business rather than Fyodor) were also hints that we're not done with Fyodor.
DoA fight was also all over the place like the arc was more focused on Fukuchi and his motivations (which is way different than Fyodor's) and Fukuchi got a proper ending unlike Fyodor.
So stop provoking this man I already am starting to think he's going to make Chuuya and Dazai die together (ehm we're destined to die together theory) And Akutagawa is obviously going to die at some point. Let him do his thing please 😭😭
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Royal Pain Part 19
Hey, guys. Sorry it took so long to get this out. The chapter was fighting me and I have had the absolutely worst week. However in slightly happier news, my partner got a new job and that means I should be able to quit mine and go back to writing full time. I'll let you know more when I do, but it's looking more and more likely.
I realized it had been a while since we had an Eddie centric chapter and decided this would be the one. And I left it on a cliffhanger again. But don't worry next chapter will see more than one villain vanquished.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18
Eddie was seething. He hadn’t been this mad since he learned Max was moving to New York. Actually. No. He was madder then that. He was pissed.
Gareth grimaced. “They won’t do anything?”
“No,” Eddie growled. “Because he technically hasn’t violated the protection order, according to them.”
“If he can’t get with in five hundred feet,” Brian said, “then how did he find out about Steve.”
Eddie threw up his arms into the air. “That’s what I asked.”
“I’m betting,” Mandy said, “that they didn’t have a good answer?”
“Apparently since Seth showed up at Hopper’s,” Eddie snarled, “and not Steve’s shop, that he was just going around to all the tattoo parlors and threatening everyone.”
Jeff rolled his eyes. “I bet they didn’t even check with other tattoo shops and just made that shit up.”
“I even talked to Officer Callahan who was in charge of the original case file because he’s not supposed to be out of jail yet,” Eddie said, beginning to pace. “He never went.”
“What?!” came the shocked cry of outrage from everyone.
“Yeah,” Eddie continued. “Apparently he made a deal with the DA and they didn’t tell me. He got two years probation.”
“That’s bullshit!” Mandy hissed. “He was going to kill you.”
“Criminal mischief,” Eddie said. “Domestic abuse down to criminal mischief. $300 fine, two year probation, and forced to take a class about how not to be a violent offender.”
“It’s because you’re a man, isn’t it?” Gareth asked, licking his lips slowly. “These fuckers don’t think a man can be abused.”
Eddie pursed his lips into a line and nodded.
“Hop’s calling in a couple of favors to keep Steve safe,” he said. “But that does jack shit about me. And this isn’t me calling out that shit. That’s Hop’s prerogative but he’s my dumb ass ex, who’s protecting me?”
“We are,” Jeff said. “You don’t go anywhere without one of us. Garth, since you’re the only one without a roommate at the moment, Eddie’s going to stay with you. Brian, talk to Cecil, he’s studying law. See what he can recommend.”
Gareth and Brian both nodded.
Eddie buried his head into his hands. “This is such bullshit.”
Mandy came up and gave him a hug. “We’ll get through this. We did before and we will again. And this time we have more people that would be willing to help. Steve, Robin, Chrissy, hell the whole of the Royal Pain would throw hands for you.”
Eddie chuckled. He knew that too. “Well, maybe not Erica.”
Brian snorted. “That girl would sell her own mother for a cookie.”
“Not even a Girl Scout cookie,” Jeff agreed. “That girl is bound for world domination.”
“No doubt.”
“You tell me right now,” Wayne said when Eddie had called that night, “do you need me up there? Because work be damned, boy, I’ll be up there in two shakes of lamb’s tail.”
Eddie chewed on his nail. He felt like that little boy all over again. Being given the choice between being with his uncle or being put in a foster home. He didn’t want to be a bother to anyone, but he knew. He knew that Wayne was someone that wouldn’t care. That he could be as big a bother as he wanted, he would still be loved.
He let out a shuddering breath and like that little boy all those years ago said, “Yes. Please.”
“I’ve got some vacation time coming,” Wayne said as if he didn’t have weeks and weeks of it stored up because he was never sick a day in his life. “I cane be up there for as long as you need me, you hear?”
“I’m staying with Gareth for the time being,” Eddie said solemnly, “because Jeff is worried that Seth will follow me home.”
“Smart man, your Jeff,” Wayne agreed. “I have a friend in Indy I can crash on the sofa of for a couple of days until I can find something a little more permanent.”
“Yeah,” he whispered. “Let me know when you get into town and we’ll meet up for lunch.”
“You can finally take me to that pizza place you’ve been going on about for months.”
Eddie laughed, a knot loosening in his chest. “You’ve got it, old man.”
A few days later Steve was waiting for the pizza he had ordered for the shop, playing silly games on his phone when the bell announced new arrivals. He looked up instinctively and grinned.
He waved. “Eddie!”
Eddie lit up with a big smile. “Stevie?” He hopped over, an older man following a little slower behind.
“Hey!” Steve greeted. “Fancy seeing you here.”
Eddie’s smile turned into a grin. “DiMaggio’s is the best pizza place in Indy, not coming here is a crime.”
“If it’s not it certainly should be,” Steve agreed with his own answering grin.
“Steve,” Eddie said, “this is my uncle, Wayne. He’s staying in town for a few days.”
Steve’s mood was dampened a bit, knowing why he was in town. “Nice to meet you. I was planning a trip back down Hawkins at the end of the summer so that Eddie could introduce us, sorry we had meet under lesser than ideal circumstances.”
Wayne blinked at him for a moment before turning to Eddie. “This one is a keeper.”
Eddie blushed, shoving his hair in front of his face, ducking his head to hide his embarrassment.
Steve just smiled fondly at him. “I think that’s up to him.”
Wayne’s eyebrows shot up. “I like him.”
That surprised a laugh out of Eddie causing him to drop the hair. “Me too.”
“Let me just go order our pizzas,” Eddie murmured and darted for the front counter.
“He’s cute,” Steve said, waving his hand to the chair in front of him for Wayne to sit.
Wayne took the seat and smiled. “He certainly is. I’m glad the world didn’t beat the silliness out of him.”
“Me too,” Steve agreed. “I love how earnest and outgoing he is.”
Wayne hummed. “He tell what was going on?”
Steve nodded. “I’m afraid it’s my fault. Seth came after me at a friend’s shop, tried to threaten me into leaving Eddie alone.”
“I don’t think being threatened is the fault of the victim,” he said, his voice a deep comforting rumble.
Steve blushed. “That’s what Jeff and Robin said.”
“Jeff I know,” Wayne said, “Robin I don’t, but it sounds to me like they both have their heads on straight and you should be listening to them and not that voice in the back of your head.” He tapped Steve forehead for emphasis.
The bell above the door rang again and Mike and Will walked in. Steve raised a eyebrow when he spotted them.
“DiMaggio’s is certainly hopping for a random Thursday,” he commented dryly to Will when he lead a slightly reluctant Mike over to their table. Eddie arrived at the table just moments later and there are hugs and greetings all around.
“You caused quite a stir at the latest family dinner,” Will said with a huge grin to Steve.
Steve huffed out a laugh. “Yeah, how did that happen?”
“Jonathan is back on Mom’s couch,” he said with a smirk.
Steve reared his head back. “And how did that involve me?”
“Argyle kicked him out of the apartment because him and Nancy lied to him about who’s fault your and her relationship ended.”
“Nancy is furious at them both,” Mike said with a half shrug. “I’m not sure their relationship is going to survive that little revelation.”
Steve winced. “Yeah...that’s on them though. How was I to know that Jonathan hadn’t been honest to Argyle about that.”
Eddie bumped his shoulder. “You weren’t.”
“Oh we are totally on your side,” Will said.
Mike nodded. “Yeah, man. It was straight up bullshit all the lying they did.”
“Mom’s pissed because she really liked you,” Will continued, “and believed Jonathan about how things went down. Like of course she did. He’s her son, but she should have tried to get your side of it.”
“Those eight years are totally on her,” Steve said, holding his hands up in surrender. “You’ve been trying to tell her for years to at least talk to me about it.”
Will and Mike nodded.
Mike chewed on his lip as he played with the loose string on the hem of his t-shirt. “Is it bad I hope Nancy and Jonathan break up?”
The table got silence for a moment.
Wayne lifted his chin. “Why’s that, son?”
“Because I don’t think she wants a relationship. I think she was only with Jonathan and Steve,” he said waving at him with his left hand, “is because that’s what you’re ‘supposed’ to do.”
“Steve!” the counter called.
Steve got up to get his pizza order, he stopped back at the table. “I don’t think it’s a bad you want your sister to learn how to be herself without a partner. I think it shows that you’re more mature then she is. You’re a good man, Mike.”
He clapped Mike’s shoulder and then waved goodbye to everyone. He pulled out his keys and walked out to his car, flipping the key ring around as he thought.
He never intended this to happen when he saw his ex at the grocery store, but honestly? Maybe it was a good thing to get all those wounds brought to light so that they could heal properly.
For all their sakes.
Steve was ready for the weekend. His week had been a literal hell. But Eddie had promised that he would have fun. The band had been practicing a couple of new songs and were debuting them Saturday night.
He sat at the curve of the table, sandwiched between Robin, who wouldn’t care, only to tease him mercilessly later, and Mandy who got it, how fucking sexy Eddie and the band was when they were on stage.
Steve wished he could say he was better prepared every time Eddie got on stage, but every week Eddie went out of his way to drive Steve absolutely wild.
“He does this on purpose doesn’t he?” Steve asked after a particularly hot number where Eddie fell to his knees grinding on his guitar.
Mandy laughed. “I would like to put you out of your misery and say yes, but no. When Eddie gets on stage he loses all connection to the audience and just rocks out. His fans love it.”
Steve looked around the dingy bar and had to agree. They were just as turned on as he was. He shifted uncomfortably in his jeans, clearing his throat. “If we...” he cleared his throat again. “I mean if Eddie were to–if we were–”
Mandy took pity on him. “If you two were going out would the fans tear you to pieces for touching what they can’t?”
Steve bit his lip and nodded, looking at his hands that were twisted in lap.
She gave his knee a squeeze. “I honestly don’t know what the fans would do. But Eddie wouldn’t give a damn what they think. He’s been booed before for a song that they didn’t think was metal enough and he didn’t let that stop him. Not once.”
Steve let out a breath. It was always something that worried him. He knew he went against the grain in everything he did, but he didn’t want that with Eddie. He didn’t want to be with Eddie just because it went against the norm of what was expected of either of them.
They arrived at the club and already Robin was on the dance floor. She loved dancing and soon Mandy, Chrissy, Jeff, and Brian were out there with her. Gareth, Eddie, and Steve watched in amusement as their friends let loose on the dance floor, living it up under the rainbow lights and the thumping beat of the music.
Steve turned around and Eddie wasn’t there.
“You seen Eddie?” he shouted at Gareth.
Gareth shot up and looked around. “Shit.”
Somehow during their watching of their friends cutting it up, Eddie had slipped away.
“You check out back to see if he’s gone for a smoke,” Steve said.
Gareth nodded.
“I’m going to check the bar.”
Gareth nodded again.
Across the crowded room, a man in a tailored white suit grinned as he moved to the back of the club where the restrooms were, eyes glittering with want and rage as he scented his prey.
Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​ @renaissan-vvitch @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @aizawa-emma @redfreckledwolf @thesuninyaface @bookbinderbitch @yikes-a-bee @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @archermightbegay @hallucinatedjosten @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @bestwifehaver @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @oldwitcheshat @nightmareglitter @tinyplanet95
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elliesmainhoe · 1 year
Hi! Would you write something where Ellie comes back to Jackson crying after she finds out what Joel did at the hospital and reader obviously rushes over- but she gets angry at r and asks if she knew all along too.
Ellie says something like so you let me kiss you or fall in love with you knowing you were lying this whole time, infront of Joel Tommy etc and they find our r and Ellie are dating!
Sorry this is so loaded!!! This is what my mind does at work 😵‍💫😵‍💫
Ellie Williams x Reader • FatherFigure!Joel x Reader
Summary: it was bound to happen sooner or later. I mean Joel slaughtering all the fireflies seven years ago was a pretty hard secret to be kept quiet- but you still wish it never reached Ellie's ears.
Content: death mention, arguments, crying, confrontation, guilt, angst, cliffhanger
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You were feeling pretty lonely that morning, Ellie was out on patrol with your friends and due to a nasty sprained ankle you were forced to stay home. So instead of moping in your self pity, you limped out of your house and across the street- knocking on Joel's front door.
"Oh hey kiddo- come in, come in" the old man smiled at you, his arm linking with yours as he helped you navigate through the copious amounts of clutter scattered through his house.
"Me and Tommy were just having a cup of coffee. You want one?" He asked once he'd say you down on the barstool at his kitchen island. "Where'd you find coffee old man? That's shits like liquid gold"
"One. A wise man never tells his secrets. Two. Never call me old again. Three. Do you want some or not?" He quipped the corner of his mouth lifting up into a smirk.
"yes Joel. I would like some coffee"
"what's the magic word?" He raised his brow
"Don't torment the poor girl" you heard the sound of Tommy's voice emerge from the attached living room
"Hey Tommy" you greeted the man "Hey kid how's the ankle?"
"Killing me"
"don't be such a baby- could've been broken" Joel interrupted only to be answered swiftly by your middle finger.
"You wound me" he joked.
Joel had been the closet thing to a father you had ever had. You were raised by your mother until you were thirteen, your biological father had been bitten during your mom's pregnancy.
You remember it well, you were eating in the cafeteria- scoffing on beef jerky when Maria (your mom's best friend) entered with two strangers and Tommy.
An older man with dark brown hair and a black and grey speckled beard. And a girl, your age, her messy brown hair tied up in a ponytail. She seemed cool.
It took you a week to build up the courage to talk to the girl. And on the chilly Friday morning, you walked into Jackson's cafeteria wearing a thick winter coat as snow settled into your frizzy hair- determined.
Unlike every other day that week, Ellie was missing- the usual table she frequented occupied by someone else eating their breakfast. Instead you approached your mom, who was chatting to Maria and some other ladies.
You leaned forward and whispered in her ear "The girl isn't here...". The past few days your mom had been encouraging you to chat with the new girl. Everyone knew how quiet and shy you were- you struggled making friends and your mom immediately began willing you to talk to the brunette as soon as you showed interest in becoming her friend.
"Hey Maria-" your mother called, drawing maria out of the conversation she was having with another lady. "Where did the new guy and his daughter go?"
"oh Joel and Ellie? They left- said that they had to go meet someone- Tommy wouldn't elaborate on where. Don't know when they'll be back"
It was three months before they returned. During those three months your mother had suffered a terrible accident. She was out on patrol one day- she was sick with a fever, but was too stubborn to tell anyone. She fainted during a runner attack- giving the infected an easy meal.
Ellie was different when she got back and so we're you- she didn't smile and she seemed more timid, not glaring at anyone who walked past like she did before- instead keeping her head hung and eyes on her feet. Your usual shy demeanor was even more so- you were currently living in a spare room of Maria's house- hiding in your bedroom and not seeing anyone.
Maria did eventually lure you out- a new film was being screened and it was one you'd always wanted to see. It was good- but halfway through the movie a plot twist that hit a bit too close to home (a tragedy stricken death of a parent) you decided you need a breather.
You weren't paying attention to the direction your feet were taking you until the familiar sound of Tommy's voice met your ears.
"What's wrong with you Joel? What the fuck happened to you out there?"
"The fireflies- the cure... It would've killed her-"
A pause.
"What did you do Joel?"
Another pause.
"I saved her."
You peered through the doorway "Saved who?"
"Where's your head at kid?" Joel's gruff voice pulled you out of your head as he put down a steaming mug infront of you.
"Thanks Joel." You took a hesitant sip of the dark liquid, pressing your lips into a thin line in thought- "Do you know when Ells gonna be back from patrol? I need to head back to the couch so she doesn't realize I've moved by myself."
"When did they leave?" Tommy asked leaning against Joel's brown kitchen cabinets. "Two-hours ago ish"
"Well if they're taking the route I think they are- then another two hours"
The three of you fell into conversation, chatting about anything and everything while sipping the liquid gold out of the ceramic mugs.
Twenty minutes passed- your cup now empty, a stained ring left on the graphite counters behind in it's wake as you observed the conversation happening before you, adding little quips in here and there.
A loud bang startled you, your heart stuttering in suprise as the familiar sound of heavy walking boots hits your ears.
"Kiddo- is that you?"
Ellie stormed in- her face red and blotchy, as tear stains ran down her cheeks. "Why?!" She spoke sternly ,but a small break was still evident in her voice.
"What? Kid, what do you mean 'why?'." Joel asked, approaching Ellie only for her to take an unstable step backwards. "The fireflies. I know about it. Why..? Just-" she paused "why Joel?!"
Joel stood there in silence, looking at his daughter and trying to figure out what to say- Tommy's figure stayed anxiously still, as if he hoped he would blend into the background.
Ellie's eyes wanders towards your sitting frame, analysing you. "Why don't you seem surprised...?" She whispered, eyes begining to well with tears again. You sighed.
"No. No" she denied- the water that had built up finally spilling from her eyes. "Don't- you knew?"
You stayed silent before hesitantly nodding your head, confirming her suspicions.
Silence had never felt so uncomfortable. Her stare burnt into you, her hands shook and you couldn't decide whether it was due to anger or sadness. "I can't-... I can't fucking believe it..."
Her hand covered her mouth, muffling a sob that slipped through her lips. "You- you let me fall in love with you, while lying the whole fucking time. How could you do that?!?" Her tone was frustrated and confused and God... It broke your heart.
Tommy and joels attention turned to you. You and Ellie had never explicitly told them you were in a relationship, there were rumours of course, but you both valued privacy too much to go around parading your relationship to possible homophobes and bigots that could live in Jackson.
"I'm.. I'm sorry. I just i-" you hesitated.
"you just WHAT!" She yelled, " I have kissed you and trusted you and you kept the most important secret from me... How could you do that?!"
Your voice failed you. So many words wanted to leave your mouth but none of them could. After being met with silence she scoffed, rolling her teary eyes and turning on her heels.
"Don't try and find me. I need time to think..." The sound of rushed footsteps became quieter before another large slam of Joel's front door sounded out again.
Idk if I like this or not :/
Taglist: @aunslie @lonelyfooryouonly @prettypeoniesx @daryldixonh0e @kittynnie @lovelyyevelyn @randomhoex @moonlightdivine @haerinwho @mufflaa @mial1l @sarahsmileslikesarahd0esntcare @moonlighting87 @escaping-reality8 @magicalfreakcowboylawyer @hejdevkdbdjsd @dergy @half-of-a-gay @ellieismami @cyberlainn @gollumsmygel @sseorii @kyleeservopoulos @taloulalila @ellieluhme @kiiyoooo @delusionalvioleht @joelscharm @hi2647 @gumdropkoo @coffeeandbookskeepmealive @womaniza @namgification @kimiisims-blog @tayyyystan @abigaillovestoread @whoreshores
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bbcphile · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
I'm back with more MLC excerpts!! (sorry I missed the last 2 weeks!)
In honor of it being the 1 year anniversary of my neurosurgery and of my finally being over the sinus infection from hell enough to write, here's an extra long excerpt (. . . and an extra evil cliffhanger? #sorrynotsorry. It will all work out, I promise)!
This is more from the (difanghua) MLC fic where DFS and FDB rescued LLH from the donghai beach after his shiniang tried to sacrifice herself to cure him and he shattered his own heart meridian to stop her.
For anyone who's interested in seeing how I put my analysis from the CPTSD meta into practice via fic writing, enjoy!
(To read earlier excerpts–although it’s not necessary!– you can follow these links to read part 1 (LLH), part 2 (FDB), part 3 (DFS), part 4 (DFS), or part 5 (FDB), or part 6 (LLH). Oh, and another excerpt from a WIP ask (LLH))
TW: panic attack, medical emergency, flashback (nonconsensual medical procedure)
He shivered as familiar icy tendrils tore through him, chilling him to the bone.
Damn it.
“Xiaohua? What’s wrong? Is–is this a trick?”
“Xiangyi, what do you need?”
He tapped the three points on his chest that had always controlled these attacks before and slid his hand down.
Nothing happened.
He tried again. A wet cough ripped itself free and black spots started to crowd in front of his eyes.
Firm hands gripped his shoulder and spun him 90 degrees. 
A large palm pressed against his back, radiating a slow, creeping warmth. Familiar callouses returned to his wrist, pushing down far harder than before.
“He needs Yangzhouman into his zhong fu,” a-Fei said, from somewhere close behind his ear. “Now!”
A shaking finger poked his lung meridian, and a sharp pain flared along his collarbone. 
“Less than that! Calm your qi if you want him to live,” a-Fei snapped. 
“Sorry,” Xiaobao murmured, his breath brushing against his face. 
Time crawled like qi through his meridians.
After a few breaths, the chokehold on his lungs began to relax, and the icicles that had replaced his bones began to thaw.
He let his shoulders fall from their perch by his ears, used some of the Yangzhouman to force the Bicha flare back to more manageable levels, and circulated some of the newly introduced Yangzhouman through what remained of his lung meridian, and through his newly reconstructed heart meridian. It did feel sturdier, didn’t it? Thicker than it used to be. As though it had been reinforced–
–his qi battering against the walls of his meridians, desperately trying to–
“Xiangyi? What is it?”
The room suddenly felt far too small. He needed more space, more air, needed this transfer to be done. Immediately. “That’s plenty. You can stop now.”
The thin stream of qi from his back cut out, but the one on his chest pulsed on. 
His skin crawled with the need to get up, this instant. “Xiaobao, I said stop. Save some for yourself.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. I’ve barely given you any yet.”
Li Lianhua’s hands started to shake. “It’s more than enough.”
“Will you quit lying? I can still see the Bicha lines on your neck.”
That was it. Another second of this and he’d make a break for the door, legs willing or no. “Brat, listen to your shifu.” He flung his arm up to bat Xiaobao’s away.
“Shifu?” His wrist was grabbed before his arm could make contact. “I’m not falling for that again, you old fox. So don’t–” a hard jab to an acupoint,
“even–” a second hit, and he forgot how to breathe,
“try it!” 
“–Stop fighting it, Xiangyi. Listen to Shiniang. Please, let me save you!”
“I said, let me GO.” He lashed his qi against his acupoints again, with more force than any blow he’d leveled before, even at his shixiong at the end. The reinforced structures started to shake. Just one more hit, that’s all it would take, and then–
“–Fang Duobing! What did you do?” “N-nothing! I just–”
“Undo it! Now!”
“But he was about to–”
Li Xiangyi blasted his qi against the obstruction with all his strength.
There was a loud crash, the sound of splintering wood.
A wet, pained gasp from somewhere far in front of him.
“Fang Duobing!” 
“I’m fine. Xiaohua, are you ok? Say something!”
Why did Xiaobao sound so pained?
Li Lianhua blinked his eyes open to a blurry haze. 
But he didn’t need clear vision to recognize Xiaobao’s silhouette–
–slammed against the cabinets–
–with red spreading around him.
“Xiaobao,” he gasped, and tried to stumble out of bed.
“A-Fei, don’t let him–”
The world tilted wildly.
A hand pressed against his chest.
“Xiangyi, don’t you fucking dare di–”
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oh-my-may · 5 months
LET'S TALK HSR PENACONY 2.1 (or rather, have my impressions and thoughts on the main quest and some other stuff)
First of all, I went out of it with so many thoughts and emotions. This is not gonna be spoiler free (duh).
ACHERON IS SO FUN TO PLAY. Like, really really fun. Finally Simulated Universe is not an annoying pain anymore, and much quicker too. Thanks to a good friend of mine her relics aren't too bad either. She's already so fun to play with Black Swan, can't wait for a Kafka rerun now 💀
Aa for the story now: I FUCKING KNEW MIKHAIL WAS THE WATCHMAKER. I KNEW IT. Now to wait for them to confirm that Misha is connected to him, either as a ghost of his past self or a child or some sort. It's the only way.
It's also really refreshing to see that HSR is giving 4star characters significant roles in the story. First it was Tingyun, now it's Gallagher (and maybe Misha? I'll die on this hill).
Loved the pacing. Story was quite long and lots of gameplay but didn't feel overwhelming at all, probably because we didn't just stick to the MC the whole time. The characters split up and we didn't just follow the express crew but also Aventurine, I really loved that. It felt so dynamic and immersive.
WELT AND ACHERON INTERACTION. BRO. The way I gasped the whole time. We still don't have a canon confirmation of how Raiden Mei and Acheron or just generally HI3rd and HSR are connected but it's sp clear that Acheron is by far the closest connection yet. So sp excited to find out more about this. Raiden Mei, I'll love you in every universe.
Aventurine and Ratio are also very interesting to me. What does Ratio gain by involving himself in all of this? What does he get out of it? Anyway, their little journey through the mansion was nice. GIGANTIC RATIO. The kinda stuff my dreams are made of tbh.
Generally the whole Aventurine story got me right from the beginning. He's generally one of the most interesting characters to me (although this game has plenty of them). I gotta admit of course I was suspicious of him (as one should be of all Penacony characters) but I liked him nevertheless. This patch supported my feelings, my GOD HE xkdjjdjdjd. The way I cried. Since I played the story so late ofc I saw some spoilers/screenshots of his backstory but I never expected it to hit me this hard. Just wow. His ending, too. It's so bitter. Kinda hope we get to see him again, since he'a mot really dead, right? Just in some limbo.
His boss fight was really something. Not a lot of different patterns, but I still had to try a bunch of different teams, since you're kinda fucked even with just a single single target character in your party. Had to unbench Clara, and I gotta say, she came through for me. I might not have used the most meta team, but it worked soooo...
And just as I was glad I had managed the fight they hit you with that big cut scene, woah. AND THEN WITH THE FIREFLY SCENE? AND SUNDAY????
First of all, apparently it was common knowledge among the community since last patch that Sam was Firefly. Yeah, I gwt it bc of the leaks and stuff. But I'm just so confused as to HOW. Like HOW and WHY and just generally HUH. I can't wait for them to explain this connection (if you're reading this and you wanna spoil me with non-confirmed stuff then leave it, please, I might as well wait another 3 weeks).
And then Gallagher and Sunday... Just as I was admiring Sunday's beauty because he might legit just be one of the most gorgeous male character designs... THEY KILL HIM. When I tell ypu I was SHOOK. Mouth agape and all. Didn't know what to do. What a cliffhanger.
Now I don't have a real theory as to what I think will happen. If I remember correctly they said the main story will stretch until 2.3, right? I really wonder what else will happen, the story already seemed so huge this patch and I really wonder how it'll conclude. There's still so many questions and stories. Might add on to this post later when I have more thoughts.
Also Aventurine's banner just dropped but as of writing this I haven't pulled yet. Might add a little post later about it.
For now, have some screenshots I took during the story:
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ALSO I GOT AVENTURINE. SECOND 50/50 WIN IN A ROW IN THIS GAME HAVE I FINALLY BROKEN THE CURSE. Now for the long and treacherous road of farming his trace mats and relics ... Since I never really prefarm 🥲
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A pic I took in my excitement. Forgot the screenshot button exists.
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justmeinadaze · 5 months
Little Girl Gone Part 6 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: Ok, I forgoed the heavy cliffhanger I wanted to end it on but still have one none the less so don't get too cocky! Lol <3.
Warnings: Dom Officer Harrington/Gangster Munson & Sub Doctor Fem Reader, no smut today, lads!
Lots of angst! Eddie was arrested and Y/N gets interrogated. Mentions of deaths involving gunshots, child abuse from Eddie's father mentioned, Eddie hurt pretty bad in this (black eye, bruises, and burns) but not mentioned in in-depth detail. Reader is attacked by someone in her apartment but is rescued.
Word Count: 4271
Series here/ Donate to my Ko-Fi
Falling out the side building, Steve looked around jumping to the ground and reached up for you to do the same. Taking your hand, you both ran to your car and he opened the door for you ushering you in. 
After speeding away, he paused on the side of the road to catch his bearings and check his phone. 
“Shit. They called me like 10 times. FUCK!”, he growls as he slams his hands on the steering wheel. “I could have warned him. I could’ve—”
“Steve, this isn’t your fault; it’s Gabe’s.”, you try to soothe as you rub his back. 
“I need to see what they know and where they are putting him for the time being. Just go home and wait there, ok?”
“What if the cops come?”
The officer sighs as he intertwines his fingers with yours. 
“If they do, just remember what we taught you.” As you nod, he hastily leans down and kisses your lips. “Everything will be ok, honey.”
Two hours later, the cops did come for you insisting it was just to talk; not even putting handcuffs on you as you rode in the police cruiser to the station. Leading you to an integration room, you waited another thirty minutes before Steve and the detective you had seen him with before open the door. 
“Hey Y/N. It’s good to see you again. I’m not sure if you remember me. I’m—”
“Detective Hopper…and this is Officer Harrington. I remember you two.”
“Good. Very good.”, he grins warmly. “Is there anything you need before we begin?”
“Begin what exactly? I was told I’m not under arrest so what AM I here for?”
“Huh. So you haven’t heard Eddie Munson was arrested this morning?”
“What? No, I hadn’t. You people woke me up to come here! Why did you arrest him?! He hasn’t done anything wrong!” Your eyes narrowed as you faked shock. 
“Calm down, Miss Y/L/N. We’re just asking questions, ok?”, Steve sighed your way with annoyance laced in his tone. “You are dating a gangster.”
“I’m dating a businessman. He’s not the monster you people make him out to be. And it’s DOCTOR Y/L/N, asshole.”
“Well, if I may doctor, do you know this man here?”
Detective Hopper slides an image of your ex across the table towards you. 
“Yeah, I mean that’s my ex from college Gabriel Wiley but I haven’t seen him sense he went in almost three years ago. Why and what does this have to do with Eddie?”
“It seems he had some information in regard to your boyfriend that could put him away for a long time.”
“I hope you didn’t take him seriously because Gabe was a notorious liar.”
“Hm, well unfortunately we’ll never find that out from him or anything else he wanted to tell us.” 
While waiting for him to continue your eyes flick towards Steve whose features seem to paint more than just worry along his face. He knows something but he hasn’t been able to tell you or Eddie yet. Sliding another picture your way, your eyes widen as you gasp. 
“He was murdered sometime last night.”
A commotion suddenly erupts outside with officers shouting for backup. The door to your room flies open as the gangster quickly slides to your side and grabs your hand. 
“Listen to me, Y/N. Don’t listen to a thing they say, alright? I didn’t kill him. I swear on my mother, sweetheart. I’d never hurt you like that!” As Eddie’s pleas tumble out, policemen tackle him and force the cuffs onto him again as they begin to drag him back out into the lobby. “I didn’t kill him, Y/N! Please! Believe me! I didn’t do this!”
Glancing towards Steve again, you notice he’s wearing that sarcastic smirk you had seen many times but it didn’t match the frightened look that reflected back in his own eyes. It was taking everything in him to be calm and appear unphased as his world fell apart. 
“Don’t tell me you really think he killed Gabe?  Edward Munson isn’t capable of murder.”, you growled. “Plus, we were together last night.”
“Doing what?”
“Take a guess.”, you spit.
“Control your tone, little girl.”, Steve sasses making the other officer roll his eyes. 
“Harrington, calm down. Miss—Dr. Y/L/N—we’re still doing an autopsy to find out when Mr. Wiley was murdered but at this time we have to ask, you don’t think he’d kill him out of jealousy? I mean this is your ex threatening to expose him. Of course, he’d—”
“Of course…because he comes from a crime ridden family my boyfriend would HAVE to have it in him to hurt someone like that, right? Eddie isn’t like his father. Plus, something like this doesn’t reflect a crime of passion.”
“What do you mean?”
Again, your eyes shift towards Steve who now genuinely seems to be interested in your theory. 
“Gabe was shot in the head from what I see here. It’s too clean…as if someone wanted to just do this job quick and get it over with. If this WAS jealousy there would be more signs of trauma or he would have used a weapon more personal like a knife.”
“So, who else would want Mr. Wiley dead then?”
“You said he was going to sell out Eddie and you believe Eddie took over his father’s empire…” Steve stands up straighter at your implicated as the detective seems more confused making you huff. “Jesus and you’re a detective? It has to be someone who was trying to protect Allen.”
“Someone in his gang you think?”
“Well…only officers knew Gabe was going to make a statement right?”
Hopper’s eyes darken as he glares in your equally angry irises.
“That’s a big leap you’re making, Y/N.”
“Is it, Jim?”, you ask sarcastically squaring your shoulders. “I want Eddie out of here now.”
“Once we can confirm your alibi for him with the time of death and we finish searching his building he’s all yours. You may leave now.”
Gathering your things, you fume as you stomp out of the interrogation room and head for your car. Purposely leaving something behind, you wait in your vehicle until Steve finally runs out with your phone in his hand. 
“You did so fucking good, honey. Are you ok? I’m sorry. They just told me about Gabe before we walked into the room.”
“I know. I know. I trust you. We need to get Eddie out of there, Steve. He’s not safe.”
“I’m doing everything I can to hurry these results. Thankfully, he was able to get a message to Jeff and the guys were able to hide all the supplies so they haven’t found anything nor will they.”
“Do you have any idea who would kill Gabe to silence him?”
“No and I feel like a fucking idiot for not thinking of that. I can’t be the only dirty cop right?”
“Sweetheart, you protect him and me, not every criminal in Hawkins.”, you try to sooth as you lightly touch his hand that was resting on your car. 
“I’m going to focus on getting him out. Go back to your apartment and hopefully the next time I see you…he’ll be with me.”
18 hours. 
18 long arduous hours past and you still hadn’t heard anything. You called into work siting illness and left one of your nurses in charge. You barely sat down for a moment, refusing to sleep as you paced. 
When someone knocked on your door, you didn’t even hesitate as you ran to open it. 
“Oh. Hi. Um, can I help you?”, you asked to the stranger in front of you. 
“Yes, are you Y/N? Steve said I should wait here.”
“May I ask who you are?”
“I’m Wayne, Eddie’s uncle.”, he announced as he walked past you and took a seat on your sofa. “Fucking Allen. I tried to go to the police station to raise hell but they wouldn’t let my nephew go. I went to the prison to try and talk to him but his father spoke to me instead. Said that Eddie was ‘indisposed’.” At his words, your eyes widened in fear as you ran towards your phone. “Steve said the results came in so he’s bringing him here soon.”
“O-Ok.”, you stutter as you sit beside him before immediately rising to your feet again. “W-Would you like anything? Any coffee or?”
“No, sweetheart, I’m fine. Thank you. It’s nice to finally meet you. He talks about you and Steve all the time. He calls you two his Paladin and his Princess.”, he chuckles making you smile. “I’m glad he’s happy. After everything that boy has been through he deserves it.”
Your front door abruptly opens with Jeff and Steve carrying an unconscious Eddie over each of their shoulders with Gareth trailing behind. Your doctor mode promptly kicked in as they placed him on your bed and you checked him over. 
“He passed out in the car. I’m surprised he was able to even fucking walk out of the station.”, the officer relayed with a shake in his tone. “I don’t know what they did to him but…”
“I imagine it was Allen. If your theory about an officer is correct, that same officer could have told him that he hadn’t followed through with killing the ex. This would be punishment.”, Wayne responded as he watched you work. 
“It’s Eddie’s gang. He can do what he wants.”, Garth growled. 
“Not to Allen, son.”
“Eddie, baby. Can you open your eyes and look at me?”, you asked in a stern but comforting voice as you caressed his cheek. He was littered in bruises especially along his stomach and face. His eye was beginning to swell and his nose had dried blood underneath it staining his skin. What killed you the most where what looked like cigarette burns on his arms. “Jeff, in my kitchen under the cabinet I have a first aid kit with some burn cream and bandages meant for burns. Can you bring that to me?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“I brought this from my apartment. I didn’t know if…” Steve hands you the medicine you prescribed him for his own bruises making you smile up at him as you kiss his hand. 
“I don’t think anything’s broken but—”
“Can you boys go back to his building and assess what the police did? If anything is out of place or missing let Steve or myself know. Please be careful. If this is a cops doing…” Both men nod as they run off to do what Wayne commanded. Pulling the officer aside, they whisper to each other as you focus. “What did you find out?”
“Gabe reached out to the station from a hotel outside of town. One officer answered and two others went to pick him up. They were the ones who reported his body. Eddie’s guy dropped him off at 1am, he texted her at 3am… his time of death was estimated between 3 and 3:30.” As he said his last sentence, Steve’s eyes locked with your own. 
You ex most likely texted you believing that someone was there to protect him before being murdered. You were the last person to hear from him. At the time they knew you wouldn’t but Eddie had offered to drive you to where he was. If for some reason you said you wanted to be with Gabe instead of them, you would most likely be dead to.
“I’m so sorry, honey.”
You nod as you turn away and place an ice pack on the gangsters abs. 
“I’m going to do some research on those cops. When did they report the ex’s body?”
“Around 5. They left the station around 4.”
“Ok…I’ll still do a check but…I’ll be back. Keep me updated, Steven.”
The officer nodded after him as Wayne left the apartment and grabbed one of your dining room chairs so he could sit near you both but not be in the way. 
“What does he do; Eddie’s uncle?”, you mumble. 
“He used to be a manager at one of the plants over here. Did that till Ed graduated. After, he got into private eye work helping families reconnect and shit like that. He’s actually really good at it.”, he smirks as his sad eyes watch you finish taping his partner’s arm. “Is he gonna be ok?”
“I think so. It seems like his dad…wanted to torture him…more than kill him.” As you begin to sob, Steve collects you in his arms and places you on his lap. “I don’t understand how a parent could do something like this.”
“Because Allen isn’t a parent; never fucking was. The Munson’s in those early years were extremely ruthless and vindictive. He killed for pleasure and ran his side of town like a fucking dictator. He was the same way with Eddie. From what he told me anyway. Abandoning him with Wayne was the best thing that asshole ever did for him.”
While Steve passed out beside him holding the gangster’s hand, you stayed awake constantly checking on his progress and making sure he was still breathing. Not being able to keep your eyes open any longer, you fell asleep in the chair beside him with your head against the mattress. 
Waking up with a start, you gasped before calming yourself when you realized everything was alright, it had just begun to lightly rain outside. Steve was gone but left a note by your hand saying he left to go meet Wayne and get some more details but he’d be back in a few hours. 
After quickly checking over Eddie, you headed down your hall towards your kitchen to get some water but as soon as you crossed the threshold of the hallway something hard collided with your face. Falling to the floor, you try to collect yourself but whoever hit you was faster, pinning you to the ground and wrapping their hands around your neck.
You tried to scream but you couldn’t breathe as you slowly began losing air. The world around you began to go dark and you knew soon you’d be gone. 
The person above you abruptly howled in pain, falling to his side as you rolled over and coughed trying to collect as much oxygen as you could. You heard the struggle behind you before silence suddenly fell over the room. When a bloody hand touched your hip, you begin to limply fight back.
“It’s me. It’s me, sweetheart. It’s me. Are you ok?”, Eddie asked as crawled closer to you. 
A broken cry escaped you as you circled your arms around his neck and he clung you tightly to his chest. The door to your apartment quietly opened but as the officer came around the corner he was anything but.
“Jesus Christ! What the fuck happened? Are you two alright?!”, Steve asked as he skidded to his knees and Wayne turned on the lights. 
When he tried to touch you to check on you, you didn’t even look his way as you held on to the gangster tighter and buried your face in the nook of his neck. Eddie could feel your hands and body still shaking and it killed him. 
“It looks like we were right, Steven.”, Eddie’s uncle sighs as he pulls his nephew’s knife out of the other officer’s back. “Officer Douglas…I guess he came here to finish Gabe’s job. He’s still alive. Was there anything else you wanted to get out of him or can we do this quickly and cleanly?”
“Leave him there.”, Eddie answered for him flatly as he placed his palm against the back of your head, petting your hair tenderly.”
“Edward, this is a cop. Are you sure you want to—”
“LEAVE HIM THERE!” Steve jumped at his loud growl, never hearing this particular tone before from the man he loved.
Giving him a final nod, Wayne patted the other man’s shoulder comfortingly before heading out the door and leaving you three alone. Unsure of what to do next, Steve kicked into the only other gear he knew, grabbing another one of your chairs from the dining room and dragging the knocked-out officer to it before tying his hands behind his back.
“Look at me, baby. Let me see you.”, Eddie cooed as his hands cupped your face and tilted your head back. You had a cut above your eye that was beginning to swell and purple bruises were starting to form around your neck from where the man had choked you. “Do you think can stand so we can sit on the couch?”, he whispered.
Without waiting for an answer, Steve bent down and lifted you into his arms, placing you on the sofa before coming back to take Eddie’s hand and guiding him to sit beside you. You both listened as he headed towards your room and came back with the first aid materials he saw you use on his partner. 
While you watched the officer fumble with getting everything together, the gangster kept his eyes you, taking note of your silent but seemingly calm demeanor. Sitting on your coffee table, Steve cleaned your wound carefully trying not to cause you anymore pain. As he started tearing open the bandage, you reached out to stop him, lightly tapping his hand and pointing towards the gauze squares. 
When he finishes his task, he glances over at Eddie, silently asking if he needs any first aid but the man shakes his head. 
“I’ll keep an eye on him. You two go lay down.”
After rising to your feet, you took the gangster’s hand and slung his arm behind your neck as you guided him back your bedroom. As you curled up in his side, his fingers absently played with your hair as he glared up at the ceiling. Not being able to control it, you began to cry again as he held you tighter to his body. 
“Whenever my dad would scream and yell at men in our house, my mom used to hold me by her side just like this.  After she died, he started screaming at me.  I could never do anything right and he accused me constantly of being weak like her.” 
You didn’t move or acknowledge you were listening but he knew you were, turning his head till his check rested on your forehead.
“That last year was the worst… he needed to get through to me, he said. He hired some of his goons to jump me when I was walking home from school to beat the shit out of me. When I was 12, Wayne said he wouldn’t tolerate this anymore. ‘Give me Eddie and I’ll take care of him.’ My dad dropped me off three hours later… I told myself when I took over that I would never treat any of my men the way he treated me and I don’t. He still has people though that are loyal to the ‘original true Munson’. They helped him carry out this particular punishment.”
As he murmured his last couple of words, you pushed up on your elbow to look at his face and his sad, heavy eyes met yours. 
“I think it’s my turn to punish Allen… starting with that fucker out there…”
There was a darkness that clouded his eyes then. Something you had never seen before, rattling you slightly as you blinked and laid your head back down against his chest. 
That morning when you woke up, you were alone but you could hear their voices as they spoke in your living room. 
“How many more cops work for Allen?”, Steve asked angerly to the man tied to the chair. 
“You know, Harrington, I never would have taken you for dirty. You could have been making way more money if you picked the right Munson.”
Ringed fingers grabbed the other officer’s throat violently as Eddie pressed his nose to his own. 
“You attacked and almost killed someone important to us. No matter what you aren’t going to leave this building alive but you’re the one that gets to choose if it’s quick or a slow, agonizing, painful death. Be lucky you’re getting the fucking option.”, he spat he let the man go and punched him hard in the stomach. 
“What does it…matter…freak?”, Officer Douglas coughed. “Your father has allies everywhere. That bitch was marked for death and it will happen. Wait until he finds out you’re fucking a cop to. He’ll probably follow through with finally killing your ass!”
“Did you kill Gabe?”, you asked as all heads shift your way.
“Fuck you.”, he cursed causing Steve to punch his face, spraying blood on the floor.
“She asked you something. Fucking answer.”
The other man chuckled as he threw his head back to glare your way. 
“Yeah, I killed him. I’d like to tell you he went out like a man but little shit cried begging, fucking BEGGING, for us to spare you. ‘Please! Please! She’s a good woman! Leave her be! Wa-wa.’”
You have no idea what came over you but you flew towards him, swiftly taking Eddie’s knife in your hand, and pointing it at the man’s throat. 
“You won’t do it, little girl.”
“Oh yeah? You killed someone I cared about, tried to kill me, and then you and your little fake gang of nostalgic assholes hurt one of the men I love. Why shouldn’t I?”
“Because you’re weak. Just. Like. Them.”, he grumbled sassily.
Who you were and you were becoming began fighting within your brain as the knife began to quiver in your grasp. You wanted nothing more than to hurt this man like he had you but you were scared. A steady breath warmed the back of your neck as Eddie’s palm slid down your arm and he wrapped his own hand around yours holding the weapon. 
“Don’t think about it. If you think about it, you’ll talk yourself out of it.”, he whispered. 
“Shut the fuck up Steve.”, the gangster growled as his other arm wrapped around your stomach and pressed your back against him. “You can do it, pretty girl. You aren’t weak are you?”
“No, sir. I’m NOT weak.”
“Then do it, princess. Do you think he was going to show you any mercy when he had his hands around your throat? No. He was going to fucking kill you. Return the favor.”
Before you could do anything, a loud bang from Steve’s gun filled your ears as they began to ring and Eddie lightly pushed you away from him, taking his knife from your grasp. 
“I know you’re hurting and these last few days have been rough but that does not give you license to play with her like that.”, Steve sneered in anger towards his partner. “If she wants to kill someone, that’s up to her. If she wanted to kill him, I would have let her but what you just did…trying to force her…”
“I wasn’t forcing her. I was encouraging.”
“She needs to become stronger for what’s in store, Steven. More people are going to come after her until it gets through to Allen that I’M in charge. I know the line has been blurred because of our relationship but let me remind me of something, babe. I’m the gangster and I run a business. Jason was smart enough to back away but my father isn’t and it’s my turn to teach him a lesson. ANYONE who is loyal to that man will be put down. I’m done playing nice guy.”
“Edward Munson—”
“What, Steven Harrington? Are you going to throw me in jail and turn yourself in? Yeah, now we know what your police force does with people like that so give it a go.” The officer cocks his gun again and points the barrel towards his boyfriend’s head. “What are you going to do, sweetheart, huh? You’re gonna kill me?”
Tears stung Steve’s eyes as his hand began to shake.
“Please, honey, don’t do this. If you do, I’m going to lose you anyway because Allen will kill you.”
Standing up straighter, Eddie, pressed his forehead further into the weapon as if to challenge him. 
“So be it.”
Another gun cocking echoed through the apartment as you held it up towards the officer in front of you.
“Drop it, Steve.”
“I can’t do that, Y/N.”
“Now, Steven, or I swear to God…”
Feeling defeated, the officer lowered his weapon and tucked it back into his holster as you turned your own on the gangster himself.
“I understand why you feel like you need to this and I’m not going to try to stop you but you need to heal and you need to be smart about this.”
“I don’t need to be anything, little girl. I already told you that neither of you have a say in what I do and this will not stand.”
Growling low in your throat, you place the gun on the counter.
“And I already told you that I’m involved whether you like it or not. Someone just tried to kill me again but this time they almost succeeded. Now, you will get back in bed and rest while Steve cleans up the mess here. Do I make myself clear, little boy?”
Steve’s eyebrow quirks as Eddie’s eyes darken further.
“The fuck did you just say to me?”
“You heard me.” Matching his stance, your chest comes level with his as your glare up at him. “Don’t make me repeat myself.”
@5tud10-54r4h @munsonzgf @eddiesguitarskills @supraveng
@lilaclazer @ima1986 @micheledawn1975 @foreverminliv @corkadymu
@lemme-slytherin-that-dick @joannamuns9n @dashingdeb16 @sashaphantomhive @corrodedcoffincumslut @aactuaaltraash @nailbatanddungeon 
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 3 months
The rare episode 13! Let's see how we go.
Ok, yes, this is cute, but all I can think of is how at my age, if I slept like this, my back would be so fucked.
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I do love how much they love being together. This is what matters, not if/when they choose to put a label on things.
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This man is never going to be sending mixed messages, and I love him for it.
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It's so funny to me how I did not connect with Winny & Satang in MSP, but now I am so in love with them both.
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Not that they were at all bad in MSP, I just really feel these characters so much more. And I do think the time they've spent together since then shows in the chemistry.
Ok, this is such a little detail, but part of why I love this show.
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Because Toey knew Q & Peem through mentoring & the art program, and he knew Phum & Fang from childhood, but he met Pun via all the rest, and yet they are clearly friends who are comfortable teasing one another. Just like Beer showing up here to practice with Chain & Q - he's friends with them regardless of Phum. Friendship, and found family, and the fact that you can just keep growing these relationships into this beautiful tree of connection when you find your people... it's so lovely.
This honestly makes me curious about New's friendships, because I feel like he must have some absolutely wonderful people in his life, and that makes me happy.
Y'know Chain, you wouldn't need to be so obsessed with other people's relationships if you just smooshed the man right in front of you.
All the friend teasing is so adorable. Also Phuwin is the king of perfect facial expressions.
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CHAIN!!! Stop being cute and just hit on him directly already!!
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Poor baby Pun is so confused, he does not have the braincells to understand this level of flirting.
Omg, can we talk about how beautifully Tan & Fang match while keeping their own aesthetics?!
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Goddamn I love this show!!
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The love rival is a fully formed human who is not just there for drama (and Title is nailing the balance of slightly bothersome but also rather sweet), he respects Peem's autonomy and asks for consent, and we're reinforcing that self love should come above adoration for another! Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Hmmm, normally I don't like "misunderstandings" as a contrivance to keep couples apart, but I feel like it fits here. There's still a disconnect in the emotional intimacy between these two, and they can't be boyfriends until they figure out how to navigate it. Peem wants to be someone Phum can rely on unconditionally, and be completely vulnerable with, but Phum still struggles with seeing people's love for him as conditional, and thinks that doing the wrong thing can "ruin" a relationship.
Always, always there. The true love story of this show.
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You two are killing me.
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Please don't make us wait until the last episode. I can't take it!
Oh dear, Phum is so emotionally fragile... not sure playing games with him is a good idea, Q.
How is Toey is the emotionally mature one here?
Holy shit, y'all, this scene. This show just told the misunderstanding trope to go fuck itself!
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The openness, the vulnerability, the honesty, the communication. The showing of what genuine love and caring looks like. I'm crying.
Toey, you are such a goof, but I love you anyway.
Lol, realizing Peem isn't just a dom but also a little bit of a sadist explains a lot.
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Ooh, I like this framing.
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Ha, I really thought they were going to cliffhanger Peem's response. This show has been such a tease so many times.
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jazeswhbhaven · 1 month
Wish good health and positive vibes to that salt anon, bless their salty heart.
With the MC stuff going down I think I felt I identified a few things. We know what happened with MC's parents but it's never been touched at all and I think PB made a huge mistake. Because that part is probably a good start to give some flesh on that bone that does nothing but bone every devil. Hence why people are complaining that MC is horny...yes it's a horny game but MC's only personality is that and that can fall short without any substance, or clash with the story.
The real questions that need to be ask is: What is WHB MC doing in the story to give them any merit? The answer is: not much. We could give them merit during the end of Chapter 3-4 with Nina and Leamas...but then the dildo thing ruined it. And speaking from the narrative...what else do we know about the MC? They're Solomon's descendant, and for the devils, Solomon was the big deal and very dear to them. But again, this is where the writing falls short. I remembered there was an argument about if the devils even value MC because they're MC and not Solomon's descendant but I won't touch on that we know the devils like MC and it's really just plot armor. I shouldn't be sitting here reading and wondering what EXACTLY makes the devils LIKE MC? Because MC barely has done a lick of anything than sit there and watch, oogles devils, gets kidnapped, gets hanged, etc etc. I guess for me, MC isn't impressive which I expect from a faceless character, they're frustrating because all they have going for them is their horny thoughts but they're ragdolled throughout the chapters and haven't done anything useful even though they're the key for this war deal going on(I swear if chapter 6 makes them a joke again I'm killing everyone in the room), and honestly any sort of situations that's meant to be funny isn't funny to me unless it's just the devils interacting. Then again I enjoy taking a backseat and watching characters interact than any MC in any game.
On a lighter note: if someone as useless as MC can have 6(7) kings and that many devils wanting their dick/cooch then please open the gates and ship all of us to Hell. Unlike MC who dawdles there, we're ALL willing.
Dialing back to answer some old inbox asks before all the new stuff happened (phewihavealottocatchupon)
But yes anon, I wonder though if your opinion on MC is the same after chapter 6 if you've finished it? I'd like to hear your thoughts now that we've seen a bit of push back from MC and them at least vocalizing things this time around.
Now since I don't know if you've finished the chapter, I won't go into too much detail but they DID slip up and it made me shake my head. But at the same time...they're human and perhaps that slip up was bond to happen. (if you did finish it and you know what I'm talking about feel free to chime in on that)
Without getting into Chapter 6, I feel that MC is indeed not giving me much to go on for the valid reason of their plot armor. I'm sure they can help with the entire underground lab thing that's going on, but from what I gather...chapter 7 is probably going to piss off most of us when it gets down to the wire of what MC needs to do.
But that's just my early predictions, I already feel my dread coming from that cliffhanger....
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My jumbled up thoughts on season 2 part 2 of dragons rising...
First off, Source Dragon Of Motion, super cool. Cool design, cool voice.
Aw, Wyldfyre trying to step up and take Kai's place as the red ninja... I can really tell she's grieving and that she wants to make him proud.
Did Shade die??? Since the new master of shadow looks like shade, I'd assume that's his daughter or something. Dragons rising really killing off all the old elemental masters. I really wish other elemental masters made cameos in this season.
Hey um ninjago writers if you're reading this can you please let Cole and Geo kiss. Thank you.
I don't know if I like the Zeatrix reveal or not. Feels kinda lazy I guess. And her motivation for disliking the ninja just doesn't sit right with me.
God, Roby's annoying.
I ACTUALLY CRIED Why can't Jaya EVER just be safe and happy?! Damn you, ninjago writers!! Damn you!!! "And I will always hate you", Somebody smack some sense into this twink!
Seriously, what does Cinder get out of taunting Wyldfyre. Like, I know why he does it, but sometimes it's just like... This grown man, thinks he cool for picking on a teenager. Pfft.
Take a tablespoon of feelings of inadequacy, two cups of loneliness from missing two of the people you love the most, milk, and an ounce of frustration from lack of progress. Blend it all together and what do you get? An Arin suffering smoothie!
I see Ras continues to spend his time manipulating and abusing teenagers.
Omg Arin found out Sora lied and- and it's just like that one fic I wrote- it became canon- and- *faints dramatically*
I honestly expected the confrontation to be more sorrowful, like Arin would be feeling so broken down, on the verge of tears from feeling like he can't do anything, rather than angry. I also thought the scene would be a little longer, but this works too.
Omg Neuro and Camille cameos!
Poor Lloyd and his panic attacks... That episode was actually stressing me out >_<! C'mon, Lloyd!! You can do it!!
Wyldfyre being right about Bleckt being the bad guy is so funny to me for no reason.
Ras getting betrayed by Nokt and Rox was DESERVED. Bro acting shocked he's getting enslaved by the same person he enslaved, who is a much more powerful being than him. Smh.
I changed my mind, Roby's cool.
Roby and Wyldfyre's relationship is cute, weird, cringe and wholesome all at the same time. I went from hating it at the start, to loving it in the end. These dumb little kids share a single braincell and are perfect for each other.
Really wish we got some more Kai and Bonzle screentime at the end. I was ROBBED of an overprotective Kai seeing Wyldfyre get a boyfriend.
The fact that I KNEW Arin was gonna become evil or leave the ninja at some point but I didn't WANT it to happen. Please. Please bring the baby back home.
Omg Nokt and Rox hate furries.
Every time I see them making shrines for those they've lost I get sad WHY DO THE NINJAGO WRITERS DO THIS TO MY HEART?!
Ooooh, cool sword.
Also, what happened to Fritz and Spitz?? It looks like Geo went back to the land of lost things, so... did he just leave the kids home alone???
Good season all around, cliffhanger endings stress me out but I know they have a reason for it. 9.5/10 season. I'll definitely watch it again in October!
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