#Drabble Prompt
taggedmemes · 1 year
GLIMPSES OF THE PAST: a headcanon / prompt collection because sometimes it's not enough to write about your muse's past and how it affects them, you just gotta write a little scene. these prompts are designed to be a little writing prompt related to your character's past, essentially!
send FORGED for a scene from my muse's past that they think made them stronger in the long run
send REMINDED for a scene from my muse's past in which they encountered something that reminded them of a difficult experience / trauma
send CONFESSED for a scene from my muse's past in which they revealed a secret about themselves to someone
send TRICKED for a scene from my muse's past in which they misled, tricked, or lied to someone
send IMPRESSED for a scene from my muse's past in which they tried to impress someone, successfully or not
send ACHIEVED for a scene from my muse's past in which they completed / achieved something they were proud of
send CHANGED for a scene from my muse's past that represented a turning point in their life
send DIFFERENT for a scene from my muse's past that they feel changed their outlook / personality / etc, for the better or worse
send CRITICAL for a scene from my muse's past in which they thought about / were reminded of something they're insecure about
send SCOLDED for a scene from my muse's past in which someone told them off, justifiably or not
send STRAINED for a scene from my muse's past in which they interact with someone they have a difficult relationship with
send SOBBED for a scene from my muse's past in which they broke down in tears
send LOST for a scene from my muse's past in which they felt lost, literally or figuratively
send BLINDSIDED for a scene from my muse's past in which they were betrayed or shocked by what someone did
send INJURED for a scene from my muse's past in which they sustained a significant injury
send AFRAID for a scene from my muse's past in which they were scared / under threat
send HELPED for a scene from my muse's past in which someone helped / saved them
send CAUGHT for a scene from my muse's past in which they were caught doing something they shouldn't
send BLUSHED for a scene from my muse's past in which they received a compliment that really got to them
send VICIOUS for a scene from my muse's past in which someone said something cruel that really got to them
send SWOONED for a scene from my muse's past in which they were infatuated with someone
send PINNED for a scene from my muse's past in which they were stuck somewhere, literally or figuratively
send GRIEVED for a scene from my muse's past in which they had recently lost someone / something
send MORTAL for a scene from my muse's past in which they had a brush with death, either themselves or someone close to them
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rp-meme-glaceon · 26 days
💤 Peek into my Character's Dreams 💤
💭 - An ordinary dream
🎀 - A dream that left them feeling happy
☔ - A dream that left them feeling upset
🌈 - A dream from their childhood
🗯️ - An ordinary nightmare
🐛 - An intense nightmare that made them wake up in a cold sweat
⚰️ - A dream/nightmare that featured someone no longer in their life
🌡️ - A fever dream
📿 - A dream your character believes is prophetic
👁️‍🗨️ - A lucid dream
🛏️ - A dream that made your character want to go back to sleep so they could continue the dream
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an executioner's mercy
Some fanfic I started but never finished, based on the premise that Silent Hill's executioner had an accompanying spirit, meant to embody mercy. Kinda like the dynamic of life and death, Hades and Persephone type vibes.
Someone use this prompt cause I ain't ever gettin around to it no more
You don’t remember the life you had before Silent Hill. You weren’t sure if you had one.
What you could remember was waking up on the edge of the forest, ash falling from the sky, and the feeling of dry leaves beneath your feet. And the endless fog rolling out in every direction, turning you back to the near-empty town whenever you tried to leave.
Eventually, you learned that you weren’t alone. Other creatures roamed this place, especially when the darkness fell and coated everything in blood and rust. Twitching figures in scantily-clad nurse outfits, fleshy amalgamations of limbs sticking out at odd angles. At first, you darted away from them, pressing your back to walls and holding your breath in fear of discovery, but as you later realized, none of these beings seemed to mind your presence. Especially not him.
He was a man. Or, at least, he took the appearance of one.
He could have been human if it weren’t for the pyramid atop his stature, melding into the flesh of his neck, and if it weren’t for the snake-like tongue you saw occasionally emerging from beneath. He, who burdened himself with the steel blade he dragged behind him. He, who persistently stained himself with the blood of other “residents.” He, who once found you huddled idly in a corner, shielding yourself from the uncomfortable chill in the air, and who  acknowledged you with a simple nod before deciding to be at your side forever.
And he who now lingers, an unheard breath away.
It must be odd, you think to yourself—or at least, it would be odd to the nurses and otherwise if they could think—to see such a towering monster follow the footsteps of a mere girl. You had seen yourself in broken mirrors; you considered yourself nothing special. Human, at least in appearance, though the passivity of the creatures said otherwise. True humans had found themselves in Silent Hill after you, and you had bore witness to their slaughter, yet not a single nail had scratched you. If it weren’t for the Executioner, as you’d aptly dubbed him, you’d think you were a ghost twice over. Invisible to all—except perhaps the men the Executioner made bleed, and whom you had learned to comfort with steady heart and soothing whisper. You could not stop the butcher, and would not, but could offer peace.
And that brings us to now: the odd companionship between you and him.
Wandering about with nothing else to do but wait ‘til the next lamb to the slaughter.
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
DP Prompt
   Danny Fenton dies. 
   He dies at the age of fourteen. He dies with the cosmos filling his lungs, the world holding its breath, stars in his hair and infinity in his eyes before everything crashes down into agonized screams. 
   Danny Fenton dies and yet it feels as though he had finally woke up. He dies and yet he doesn’t, a star collapsing into a black hole only to form a galaxy. He dies and he lives, teetering the edge, never more one than the other. 
   He lives and yet tastes the ashes of a supernova. He lives yet feels the call of the abyss, the stars calling, calling, always calling. 
   He lives, yet he dies, the echoing cries of the end of it all ringing through his ears. Danny lives, yet he doesn’t, only one world in a cosmos that beckons. 
   Danny dies at fourteen. 
   Blood like glittering starlight dances down his hands, body colder than anything on this world yet hotter than the sun. Spilled cosmos that stains the mortal realm, begging to leave the confines of the ground, to fly amongst the sky, higher than any cloud.
   Danny dies at fourteen. 
   Every breath in is the birth of another realm, presence tickling at the edge of his mind. Every exhale a death, a blackhole swallowing yet another world. Dust and ash catch in the back of his throat, crystals of frost glistening at his lashes. 
   Danny dies at fourteen. 
   Yet Danny lives. 
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the-badger-mole · 8 months
Prompt 47 with zutara
"No one needs to know.”
That was Katara’s mantra. So what, she had a crush on Zuko. He was the first age appropriate guy she’d been around since Jet, and he was handsome. It only made sense. It didn’t help that Suki was with them now, and she and Sokka were being so obnoxiously enamored with each other. Katara felt left out, that was all. That’s why her palms got sweaty when Zuko smiled at her. That’s why she wanted kiss him when he offered to help with chores. Nothing more. And it was a secret she would die with.
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gothgril69 · 1 year
Hey hey! Can I get a 6 for the smut prompts with Levi, please? ☺️
sailor i'm finally getting to this i'm so sorry 😭
this is also for you san! @notgoodforlife both of you submitted the same prompt <3
#6: "you look so good beneath me"
He’s so beautiful, you think to yourself as he stares down at you. His eyes are warm from the dim yellow glow of your bedside lamp, and his hair frames his features as it falls down around his face. You’ve never felt so euphoric, so comfortable in your own skin as a man looks down at you.
“You look so good beneath me,” he whispers, and the hand that was stroking your hip comes up to stroke the side of your face instead, his thumb trailing across your drool covered bottom lip. All you can do is nod.
He supports himself on a forearm, his hand now dipping down to guide his cock in between your wet folds. His breathing is more labored, quiet gasps escaping him every time the tip of his cock gets caught on your clit.
You’re no better, practically writhing underneath him, and especially so when his hand abandons his cock in favor of holding your left breast, bending down to wrap his lips around your hardening nipple.
You let out a soft moan and Levi’s hand shuffles up to cover your mouth as he still supports himself with that forearm. “Gotta be quiet,” he mumbles to you. His whole body is pressed against yours, his left hand running along your side and groping your breast as he nibbles and kisses at your skin. His right arm supports him as his hand remains over your mouth, your nose clear and your wide eyes looking at him. “You trust me?” he asks. You nod. “Gonna give you my cock,” he whispers and you nod again.
He guides himself and when you feel him push in, your eyes roll back, a muffled groan sounding under his hand and from the man above you until he bottoms out. You’re grateful for how slow he went, waiting for the thick girthiness inside you to change from pain to pleasure as he remains still. He’s breathing heavily above you, his face hidden in the crook of his elbow as his thumb traces circles into your hip. Your arms circle around him, fingers digging into his broad shoulder blades as you adjust to him.
You roll your hips up to let him know you’re ready, and you lose yourself again when he finally rolls his hips into yours. His pace is consistent and slow as he starts off, but when you start meeting his thrusts you pull his hand back from your mouth.
“Harder, Levi,” you plead through a whisper.
He rewards you. Levi fucks you hard and slow into the mattress, rolling his hips so he barely leaves your pussy and presses hard into the depths of your walls. He slaps a hand back over your mouth when you cum, a whine of a moan escaping you as your eyes roll back from the euphoria coursing through you.
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{TW Implied Noncon/dubcon, betrayal}
"Spread your legs."
"Spread your legs."
Whumpee had heard them the first time, they had just hoped they didn't.
Tears are already stinging their eyes. They let out a small, shaky laugh as their head dips.
"Of course," they murmur, laying back and doing as they were told.
Of course Whumper was no different. Of course they had plans to fuck whumpee. Of course they're just like the others. No amount of soft smiles and pleasant conversation should have made Whumpee think differently.
As Whumper starts to remove their belt and Whumpee's tears begin to fall, Whumpee wonders why they thought it would be different.
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kelserlyspace · 6 months
Prompt: No One Has To Know
A Dramione Drabble
Hermione silently got up from the bed & started gathering her clothes on the floor quietly.But it seemed her effort to leave noiseless was useless.
"Going somewhere, Granger?"
She froze and took a breath before looking back. Malfoy had already awoken, he was staring at her.
Draco's elbows were propped up as he looked at her. "Leaving so soon?"
Hermione cleared her throat. "Last night was a mistake."
"Didn't feel like a mistake when you couldn't keep your hands off me." He smirked, grabbing his shirt as he got out of bed.
"I had a bit too much drink, Malfoy." She gripped her shirt tightly. "L-let's just forget it ever happened."
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"Sure, blame it on a few shots of butterbeer I gave you, Granger." He scoffed, stepping closer. He smiled as he heard her breath hitched. "You wanted it to happened."
"How would you know?" She narrowed her eyes at him.
"The wonders of Placebo Effect. You felt drunk and thought all your inhibitions were down. So down," He held her chin and leaned closer. "-that you felt it's okay to kiss me."
"W-what?" Hermione blinked, so confused.
"Didn't give you any alcohol, Granger," Malfoy chuckled. "Just water with a butterbeer flavor. So, looks like you were all in on wanting to mess around with me."
She had kissed and slept with him of her own volition. Shit.
All she could do was stare at him with wide eyes.
Heat rushed to her cheeks, & she wanted to hide. She hated to admit that she had unresolved feelings for him.
She was supposed to hate him. How could she sleep with the enemy?
What would Harry or Ron think?
She gathered up her courage to say, "Malfoy, no one has to know."
She searched his eyes for confirmation but he sneered and leaned to her ear, whispering, "What makes you think I'll do whatever you say?"
Some part of her panicked. If he doesn't keep this a secret, it'll be hell for her. Her friends would disown her.
"Please, Malfoy."
"No." Malfoy's lips curled up as he leaned away to look at her.
Glaring at him, stepping back. "Would you want your friends or parents to know you had sullied yourself with a Mudblood?"
His face become serious at the word but he quickly masked it with an unaffected expression.
"As much as I loathe the idea, it's going to be pure bliss watching Potty & Weasel's faces turn red when they hear how I fucked their Golden Girl..."
She attempt to slap him but he caught her wrist & leaned to her face, "You can leave." He nods at the exit. "Door's that way."
She stared widely at the door, then at him. No way she was leaving, not without him swearing he won't tell anyone. "Well?" He raised her brows. "You waiting to be escorted out, Princess?"
"Don't tell anyone, Malfoy."
"Haven't I gave you an answer—"
"I'll do whatever u want."
His brows were raised. Clearly, he had not expected that, coming from a snob and stubborn witch like her.
He smiled. "Anything?"
"Yes. Anything. Promise me, no one can know."
He stared at her for a moment then replied. "You have my word, Granger."
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above are my Dramione black and white sketches I made all afternoon😪
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justauthoring · 2 months
32k drabble celebration!
i'm awful at thanking you guys for all of your amazing support so i decided to do a little drabble celebration! i hit 32 thousand followers a while ago but better late than never :)
here's how it works:
you'll choose a writing prompt from the list below (each prompt is correlated with an emoji) - some are sentence prompts, others are just writing prompts
then, choose any character of your choosing that i write for
send the emoji + your character of choice and i will respond to the ask with a 300-500 word drabble!
not all drabbles will be written (it really just depends on the volume of them i get)
i will close this once i reach a hundred or so!
if you request for a character i don't write for, the request won't be done (refer to my masterlist for who you can request for)
i will do repeat writing prompts, as long as it's a different character
you can mix writing prompts (can choose a total of three)!
writing prompts:
🩸— blood under fingernails
😈 — "sit down and shut up"
🪡 — pajama bottoms
👑 — “for you, i would do anything."
🪷 — wiping tears away
💥 — “are you hurt?"
⭐️ — stepping infront of the other to shield them
🫐 — "please never do that again."
🌼 — soulmate markings
🍄 — “your hugs are the best."
🌙 — saying 'i love you' for the first time
🌻 — "please come back to bed."
🍑 — sharing a bed for the first time
❄️ — "here, you're freezing. take my jacket."
🪐— genuine laughter
💃 — "wanna dance?"
💅🏻 — bridal carry
🐬 — "use your words."
✨ — under the stars
🫧 — "i wish i could hate you."
🌸 — gentle touches
🐚 — "you're the one avoiding me."
🦭 — good morning kisses
🍃 — "come over here and make me."
🪴 — childhood friends
🌗 — "don't hesitate, just kiss me."
⚡️ — thunderstorms
🍭 — "sweetheart."
☕️ — calloused palm against a soft cheek
🍓 — "i'm not letting you go."
🫦 — bitten lips
🐢 — "you are my home."
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April Drabbles - 17/30
Prompt: Nest
Pairing: Ukitake x Fem! Reader
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Ukitake always makes a little pillow nest for you whenever you sleep over. It’s to reassure you that nothing needs to happen and that there’s a little squishy barrier to bring you a sense of security. Lately, you’ve been thinking maybe you don’t need it anymore.
One night as he’s lying in bed, you start removing the pillows between you and him. He’s a little surprised but adjusts himself as you settle your head in the crook of his neck, bringing an arm around your waist to pull you closer.
“Are you sure?” he murmurs sleepily into your hair. 
April 2024 Drabbles Masterlist
divider by @/ saradika prompts by @/ creativepromptsforwriting
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silvers-smut-memes · 6 months
Send in "Bunny Suit" for my muse to (be forced to) wear a Bunny Suit.
Send "Reverse Bunny Suit" for my muse to (be forced to) wear a Reverse Bunny Suit.
Feel free to specify where they have to wear it, what they have to do, and other details.
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silvers-smuttery · 2 years
Send "The Morning After" to have my muse awaken naked and cuddled up to your muse after a night out drinking
Send "Spicy Morning After" to have my muse wake up from your muse doing sexual actions on them.
Feel free to add details and remember to specify muses
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krirebr · 6 months
Kris's 700 Celebration
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Hello everyone!! I recently, somehow, passed 700 followers which is wild to me. I am incredibly grateful to each and every one of you and I want to celebrate! So let's have a little sleepover this weekend (March 29-31)! I'll be answering questions and filling drabble prompts all weekend. The parameters for both are below. You can send your prompts or questions anytime, now through Sunday!
Ok, thanks to a poll last week, I'll be doing drabbles for any of my We're All Monsters characters. Send me the pairing of your choice and a line of dialog and I'll do a little drabble for you! This includes any of the pairings I've announced but haven't done an official story for yet. They're all listed on the AU masterlist I linked above. If you'd like a little more info on any of them before you send a prompt, let me know! Let's have fun!🦇
Get to Know Me Ask Game
Send me a question for one of the below categories:
📝 Let's talk writing process! Anything you might be curious about regarding how I write.
📚 Send me your burning questions about any stories I've posted here. How I made certain choices I did, what I think about my characters and what they might like or dislike. It's all fair game!
📽 I love movies! Ask me about my favorites, recommendations, weird blindspots, whatever!
📺 Ask me what I'm currently binge watching or tell me what you're watching. Ask about what I watch on repeat. Let's chat about anything TV related!
♠️ Aspec stuff - that's the asexual, aromantic, and agender spectrums. This part of myself is super important to me, and as long as you're respectful, I love sharing my story! I'll only be able to talk from my own experiences but I'm really happy to share!
And you know what? Send me a 🐕 and I'll share a Lou pic! 😂
Thank you again for being here with me. I love you all!! 💜💜
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the-badger-mole · 8 months
Zutara + 49
“Well, this is awkward…”
Aang ignored Toph and waited for Katara’s answer. He’d finally got the nerve to ask her out. It wasn’t ideal - with all their friends milling around while Katara and Zuko prepared dinner. But when she threw her head back to laugh at something Zuko said, she’d looked so pretty. He’d just blurted it out. He didn’t even know where to go. They were still in hiding. But he’d figure it out.
Katara glanced nervously at Zuko.
“I guess this as good a time as any,” she murmured. “Aang…Zuko and I have something to tell you guys.”
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holylustration · 6 months
Aurelia and Heinrix: 3 and 42 please!
3. ...goodbye.
He gently wrapped her fingers around the sheath. "I hope you never have to use this," he said softly. "But if you do..."
"Stick the pointy end in the attacker," she finished, a wry smile on her lips. "I know."
"And don't freeze." His free hand fondly touched her cheek and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.
"I will remember, Heinrix."
"Good." His eye glanced down at her lips. "War is unpredictable, but I will be back as soon as I can." A shy smile passed over his face. "It will be... novel to have someone to come home to."
"A novelty, am I?" Aurelia raised her eyebrow, though there was no ire in her tone.
"Very much so." Heinrix slowly leaned in, pressing his lips to hers gently. He drew back a hair's breadth. "Remember me, while I am away, wife."
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42. ...out of pride.
The crown of fall flowers with its yellow and blue ribbons rested upon her head, heavy with the expectations of the thousands of onlookers staring at her where she stood on the parapet. Wind whipped at her golden curls and the ribbons, mingling them in a maelstrom of color.
Kneeling before her, Heinrix took her hand in his and kissed the knuckles. Then he stood, his helmet under his arm, and took her chin between his armored fingers. Before all of King Basile's court, the Champion of the Harvestend Tournament kissed the woman he had crowned the Queen of Peace.
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broadwaybaggins · 22 days
6+32 with Scott please!
6: Break Away 32: Night
Here we go...get ready to meet Evie!
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"Blame it all on my roots, I showed up in boots And ruined your black-tie affair The last one to know, the last one to show I was the last one you thought you'd see there And I saw the surprise and the fear in his eyes When I took his glass of champagne And I toasted you, said, "Honey, we may be through But you'll never hear me complaaaaaaaaaaaaaain!"
The smell of campfire smoke hung heavy in the air over the crowded motel parking lot, and the group--a mismatched crew of stormchasers, influencers, mildly bewildered Storm Par employees, and regular tourists--were on at least their third rendition of "Friends in Low Places." At least they had stopped singing that Luke Combs song. Hot dogs and bags of marshmallows were being passed around between strangers, and now that the sun had set, there was a chill in the air that the fire was helping to keep at bay. The whole atmosphere was like an amateur concert crossed over with adult summer camp, but it was getting to be a bit much.
Evelyn McNamara--Evie, to her friends--leaned over and whispered in her friend Javi's ear. "I'm gonna get some air."
It took a few tries for him to actually hear her. He had been sulking ever since they'd arrived at the motel about an hour earlier and Kate, the other new arrival that had come in from New York around the same time that Evie had arrived from Little Rock, had disappeared into her room. Evie wasn't about to ask questions--it really wasn't her business whatever had put Javi in such a shitty mood. She and Javi were friends--he had worked alongside her brother in the military, and when Javi mentioned his passion for storms, Evie's brother had gushed about her work at the University of Arkansas, where she had gotten her meteorology Master's and was working as a research fellow, preparing to get her Ph.D. Whatever Jamie had said about her was apparently positive, because Javi had contacted her out of the blue a few days ago, inviting her out for a week of chasing in Oklahoma. The invitation couldn't have come at a better time, although Javi didn't have to know that part just yet.
The first chase of the week had been...less than successful, but no one except Javi seemed to be letting it affect their good time. He finally got what Evie was saying and nodded, the fire reflected in his dark eyes as he stared into the flames. "Okay. Cool." She pushed her folding chair back and wrapped her hoodie around herself, walking to the edge of the parking lot. It was a clear night and she tilted her head upwards, her hands stuck deep in the pockets of her hoodie as she tried to pick out the different constellations. She smelled him before she saw him. The sharp scent of spearmint suddenly cut through the tang of the campfire smoke. Evie knew before she turned to look that Javi's obnoxious Storm Par partner, Scott, with his ever-present gum would be standing there. She scowled. "You couldn't stand the hillbilly hoedown, either?" he asked, smacking his gum.
"You know, I actually came over here to be alone."
"Oh, I didn't realize you owned the parking lot now. My apologies." He didn't sound sorry in the slightest. When Evie finally turned to look at him--god, he was so damn tall, it was infuriating--all he did was smirk.
"They're not that bad," she muttered.
"Which ones? The Beverly Hillbillies with their youtube channel, those idiots from Tempest Tours who make tourists sign away any and all liability before they take them into storms they have no business chasing, or the rejects from the Grand Ole Opry?" he asked flatly.
Evie turned away, looking back up at the stars. "Some of them have pretty good voices." He snorted--actually snorted, damn him. "Yeah, okay, Arkansas. Didn't realize you were deaf."
"Don't call me that." "Would you prefer Razorback?" He smirked and smacked his lips again. Evie pondered, just for a second, about smacking him.
Okay, so he knew her school's mascot. Good for him. He'd probably fucking Googled it in the car on the way over here.
"What brings you here from the bustling metropolis of Fayetteville, anyway?" He said Fayetteville the same way some would say garbage dump. "Javi never said." "I don't really think it's any of your business," Evie said quickly. "But...same as Kate, I'm just doing Javi a favor. I happened to be in between some projects, so...the timing worked out."
God, what was this guy's problem? Evie yanked her hands out of her pockets and turned to look at him again, meeting his deep blue-gray gaze. "What?" she demanded.
He shrugged. He actually had the nerve to shrug. "Nothing. Just feel like you're not telling me the whole truth. You and Kate both." "I don't even know Kate, so I can't speak for her. But what do you even care, anyway? We all have a job to do here, and Javi thinks I can help out. That's all."
There was a pause, and behind them, the crowd started up another round of "Friends in Low Places." The irony was almost painful.
"Stop looking at me like that," Evie demanded finally.
He smirked again. "Like what?"
"Like...you're trying to figure me out." He barked out a harsh laugh. "Believe me, I'm not. I just came over here for a little peace and quiet, just like you." He gave her a look like he was daring her to argue with him, and Evie clamped her mouth shut. "I got friends in low places, where the whiskey drowns and the beer chases my blues away I'll be okay..."
Scott shook his head, sending another wave of spearmint-scented air in Evie's direction. "I think they're actually getting worse. It's almost impressive." "Are you actively trying to be an asshole, or does it just come naturally to you?" Evie snapped before she could stop herself. Almsot immediately, she regretted it--they had to work together, after all, and just because he was being a jackass didn't mean she had to stoop to his level--but it was too late to take it back.
He chuckled, and she could feel him watching her in the darkness.
"I guess you'll find out. If you're allowed to have secrets, I guess I am too, right?"
Oh, it was going to be a long fucking week.
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