#Drawing those 3 cost me zero energy. It GIVES ME ENERGY ACTUALLY
eryanlainfa · 1 year
I did say I had another one
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I don't really have a context tbh. Either they're fleeing from something OR someone insulted Varian who's now trying to prevent a murder from happening- or maybe they saw Andrew-idk
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in-tua-deep · 4 years
tua s1 rewatch with my roommate
episode one (I forgot for the first episode oops):
I have been treated to pictures of a lovely cosplay of Klaus who won a cosplay contest my roommate was in !!
Klaus putting his arm in front of Five during the funeral fight is good shit
“I have heard like nothing about Vanya” “yeah that’s pretty much how she’s treated in show as well”
“I can see why he’s the fandom favorite” - about Klaus
“Istanbul is in the firST EPISODE?”
I forGOT about the “rapists can climb” line when he breaks into Vanya’s apartment omg but also like,, his dumb arm wound
Episode two:
Aww baby fives first time travel his little smile. Baby. Baby boy. And the dawning horror in the apocalypse baby nO
Five: you got anything stronger
Also five: takes one sip and then fills up more, takes another sip, and then immediately puts it down ?????
The motel dude for hazel and cha cha just looks at them like “yeah these are serial killers” and just rolls with it
Also actually why tf doesn’t the commission spring for better stuff?? Why would they cut costs?? They time travel? They could game the stock market so hard ?????? Give the assassins their own rooms omg
Also why didn’t five like. Crush his tracker. Why did he just leave it whole and intact outside of the Griddys.
Forgot how much I love Agnes
(Oh man it is storming bad here it just BOOMED)
Also idk if Diego actually deserved that taser hmmmmm but also like,, communication lads five was literally right there killing people and Diego is like “hmm something is up here” like. Yeah Diego ur big brother “I can get my sibling in trouble for something” senses are tingling
Wow I really did repress all these Allison and Luther scenes huh. Also it’s still super cute that Allison read Claire moon books
Allison: dads heart gave out, which wasn’t how I was expecting to find out dad had a heart but it tracks
“SHUT YOUR PIEHOLE BEN... said with love 😘”
Did five actually sleep at Vanyas?? The sofa looks undisturbed but he had to wait for work hours to interrogate the meritech people,, five,, please sleep. The whole “IF YOU CALL ME YOUNG MAN ONE MORE TIME” interaction makes more sense with five on. Zero sleep.
I didn’t remember that Patch straight up knows about the umbrella academy oops. Like she clocks Diego as overcompensating for his childhood. Queen
Is that an umbrella adademy Diego cross stitch on Diego’s wall?? Did he buy that? Make it?? Did grace make it?
Vanya, walking into the academy: five??? five? pspspspspsps
Also like. Who was Vanyas therapist??? Clearly they did not help her
Aww the tow truck driver :(
I know the show wants me to dislike Patrick I KNOW,, and I think her fathers funeral is extenuating circumstance?? But still Patrick is valid for not giving an inch regarding his ex who mind controlled his child. Vanya didn’t really deserve Allison snapping at her but like. She had some good points. Allison arguably would have had to deal with vanyas book more than anyone else
Five smiling proudly at Klaus’s drama at meritech bless but also KLAUS DONT BREAK GLASS ON YOURSELF
Me, spotting Leonard: BASTARD
Love how everyone greets Diego in the gym and don’t question all his knives or anything like “yeah that’s Diego he lives here and loves knives :)”
Why could Leonard have not been like. A normal ass guy. Vanya needs friends who sympathize with her holy shit get this person some socialization
Pogo really did have to lead these kids by hand to the recording rooms because literally no one was super invested in reginalds ~murder mystery~
ahafahJAGSJWGAI MY ROOMMATE JUST SAID POGO IS THE BEST CHARACTER SO FAR,,,, I will probably never include pogo in my fics because I do Not Care About Him lmaoooo
Aww five does to see Dolores and being like “it’s been a rough couple of days :(“,,,,, baby,,,, but also tag yourself I’m hazel going “elastic wrist splint yesssssss”
Five I am begging you PLEASE get some sleep
Episode 3:
my roommate is super faceblind which is an issue bc she identifies people mainly by hairstyle so seeing the s2 stuff on tumblr is tripping her over bc she keeps seeing diego and going ??? who is that again? bc she’s seen his longer hair
okay there is no way that the eggs that grace put in that pan are the ones that ended up on the smiley face breakfast plate,,, but also grace that whole scene was a mood honestly i would be like “okay maybe mom killed dad BUT he deserved it sooooo”
“what the FUCK” - my roommate about cha-cha’s shitty wound care where she holds a curling iron against her arm
i didn’t remember that five got shOT AT THE DEPARTMENT STORE did i just erase that from my memory?? i mean yeah it’s a graze but he stitches it up and then slaps a bandaid on it so he has a wound that needed stitches on his shoulder for the entire show ??????? is he okay???? that would make moving your arm,,, painful,,,,,
a bandaid just slapped over it i’m actively yelling
“Sometimes when I see a million gifs of a show before I watch I get really surprised when they talk but he is exactly what I expected” - my roommate, about five
“I noticed they’ve only really showed diego in really badly lit scenes so far” - my roommate defending her lack of ability to recognize diego
i’m still laughing about pogo literally having to point out the murder tapes and now allison and luther are investigating and just. allison is lowkey defending grace and i’m laughing
“why is he saying woodwork is embarrassing that’s like one of the most middle of the wood hobbies to have. you’re respectable to grandpas who used to carve wooden ducks AND twenty-year-olds who can’t make anything to save their lives” - my roommate on leonard peabody
“i think he’s already crossing some lines he’s met this lady ONCE” - roommate on leonard/vanya
five having flashbacks in the car :(
did allison and luther draw straws for who went to fetch which sibling?? allison was like “dibs on vanya” and luther was just like “aww :(”
five luther and klaus in the van - BOYS NIGHT BOYS NIGHT let’s go pick up diego
“the coat he’s wearing does have a nice swish to it” - roommate about klaus’s coat
luther being like “you’re just as messed up as the rest of us and we’re all you have” like luther,,, baby,,,,, you literally ARE all he has,,,,,, his family is the only thing he’s really cared about since he was thirteen and maybe before then :(
“I can’t tell if those are supposed to be cake or yeast donuts... i think extruded donuts are cake donuts but she said she lets them rise so maybe they’re yeast?” - my roommate focusing on all the things that i do not
sometimes i forget that hazel and cha-cha pretended to be private detectives trying to find a lost child in a potentially dangerous situation,,, five would be disgusted
“she shouldn’t get a vote” “i was gonna say i agree with you” “she should get a vote!!” this is peak sibling energy honestly i think i’ve had that exact interaction with my siblings voting for a movie or something
“hashtag android rights” 
“I want to be the tailor who gets a call one day that says ‘i want you to make clothes for a chimpanzee”
is it telling that only luther in the flashback didn’t really talk to grace at all,, i mean five didn’t either but i think he was gone by that point in the flashback ???? 
wait diego tells grace that she worked for him for thirty years,,, the kids are 29 and later it’s implied she was built bc vanya kept killing nannies when they were like four but maybe s2 clarifies that some more?? or diego just is rounding up
“that’s an interesting fabric to her skirt” - my roommate about grace’s outfit
forgot that hazel and cha cha broke the door to the manor busting in,, do they ever fix that?? we’re only at episode three do they spend the rest of the season with their door open to anyone on the streets
okay that bathtub is WAY too small to allow for klaus to be moving his elbows about like that underwater smh
“how is HE useful on mission??” my roommate about klaus
where is the SECURITY SYSTEM??? luther LITERALLY said that reggie was more paranoid and yet some assassin can just bust down the door and have unrestricted access????? he built a whole ROBOT but no security system????????
“maybe it was like,, practice for the kids? someone breaks in and they take care of it? wait no that doesn’t explain the thirteen years they’ve been gone?”
“why WAS he on the moon?” - about luther
“I want to see what she’s embroidering!!” about grace during the gunfight in the living room she’s absolutely ignoring diego getting shot at
what is a rope-a-dope,,,, diego yells “EVER HEARD OF A ROPE-A-DOPE???” at luther but like. no i haven’t. what does that MEAN diego
aww i forgot they played sinnerman, love that song
“what are you doing dude, rumor has it you’re not shooting at me that’s all you need to do” i mean. the roommate is not wrong. allison could just end the fight with a yell. i understand she’s pissed off and has rumor trauma but like cha cha is actively trying to murder them
how is luther not winning he literally has super strength. does hazel have super strength? just punch the man and knock him out jesus y’all suck at this smh
why is there such intense music we all been knew about luther’s strength - oH HIS BODY
forgot about that
is it allison’s fault that klaus got kidnapped because she didn’t literally just rumor them to give up?? like she literally has that power. she could have been like “i heard a rumor you left and forgot about us” it didn’t even need to be violent?? i understand she has rumor trauma but this i feel is allowable circumstances
diego showing his worry about vanya by getting angry which honestly i think all the siblings do that rip none of these idiots have even heard of healthy communication in their LIVES
you know,, i don’t think vanya can drive. she takes the bus. she took a taxi to leonard’s house. we see her walking a lot. does she know how to drive?? i imagine that the umbrella academy were taught bc of mission related stuff but,,, vanya wasn’t?? that’s just depressing tbh
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ftalos · 3 years
[Darkness Over Vellsar] Portalcraft first impressions/card review. (Rotation)
The new expansion arrives tomorrow and we finally got to see the whole list of cards. New story mode characters are being introduced and a wave of new playstyles are coming for every class. Which style will be the strongest? Only time will tell, but we can already make some predictions, like how solid Fairy Forest looks (my contender for the best new deck), how the high risk-high reward playstyle of 20-rune looks something to test at least, or how Dragoncraft’s deck buffs could be a nightmare.
But, how’s Portalcraft? The push for Portalcraft is divided between two playstyles: Artifacts and Resonance, yes, Resonance. Although Artifact Portal (Rainbow Artifact, to be specific) has been online on rotation since World Uprooted, there’s a new card that helps you destroy your own artifacts to achieve that goal and a new finisher now that Absolute Modesty and Vertex Colony will be leaving the format (That reminds me, I should change my icon). This new finisher is also the reason Resonance Portalcraft could become a thing in the future
Let’s start, then, talking about the new cards for the class.
Bronze Cards
Miscalculation: The first bronze card of the batch is Miscalculation, a strong start for those wanting to turn resonance on and off at least once every turn as it provides you an extra draw at the beginning of your turn for three turns in a row. By itself, it allows you to play the perfect Sylvia, draw the Feower/Tien you’re missing, overall card advantage or fulfill your winning condition (which we’ll talk about more later). However, it can make you mill key cards in Artifact as you want to be filling your hand with Paradigm Shifts too, and its three cost translates into a tempo loss against aggro matchups. 3.5/5
Micro Assault Bot: A 1/1 Rush follower that gets Bane in Resonance, ‘nuff said. Overall a good card, specially in Rally decks, and it draws you a card too through enhance (3). Although you could say this enhance is what hinders the card to make combo plays to clean a monster immediately (It doesn’t get bane on fanfare, but when it’s already on the field). No space on Artifact or Evo decks, but still an option to consider in Resonance and Rally. 3/5.
Mecha Arm Mechanic: This card is good, like really good, for Take Two. Although some could put it in Rally as a budget Giant Puppetmaster, I wouldn’t bother playing this card in artifacts. Take two Portal needed a buff, though, so I’m glad this card appeared. 1/5 for rotation 4/5 for Take Two.
Energy Supplier: Our fourth bronze card is a 2-cost 2/2 body with an effect at the end of your turn: Add an Analyzing Artifact into your deck. Adding artifacts into the deck was good before, and maybe this card could be run as a 1-of in unlimited, it supports Resonance so maybe you could vouch for it now that the playstyle is starting, and maybe this card is good for take two; but all these maybes have me doubting if this card has actual value. Maybe/5. 1/5.
Silver Cards
Planar Breach: Now, onto the silver cards, the list begins with a another really good 1-cost draw with an enhance that summons one of the hardest artifacts to play, and it gives it Rush! Now, this card won’t be played mainly for the enhance, unless you need to destroy as much different artifacts (Reminder Ralmia exists), but with how much 1-cost draw there is in the class, you could vouch for combo decks, like Evo Portal, who need specific cards in hand. 4/5
Gizmo Enthusiast: This card discards in order to draw, and summons an Ancient Artifact on evo in case you need to deal with board. Overall, the card is good, helps you fix your hand and is the most solid resonance support this expansion has; however, it has to compete in Artifact Decks with the other cards that summon Ancient Artifacts, though Technomancer can give her a hand. 4/5.
Puppeteer Duelist: Two cards in one, nice board control in both cases but it becomes good Evo/Rally Portal support when you’re outside of resonance. Simple, but effective card, one of your best resonance payoffs during early game. 4/5
Gold Cards:
Artifact Carrier: this card serves as a finisher in midrange decks, summoning 2 Radiant Artifacts to swing for game, but his best usage comes in the form of the accelerate. As it summons you a Mystic artifact into play for early protection, and adds a Paradigm Shift into your hand. Artifact carrier is a key card to consider when building Artifact decks this season. 4/5
Miriam, Mutinous Being: I love Miriam since her appearance in Dawnbreak Nightedge and I was seriously surprised seeing her retrained into a gold card with the dark vibes of this expansion, I was about to spam her despite their effects but turns out she’s really good: Her accelerate allows you to not rely on the opponent to destroy your artifacts early game and it provides you with a paradigm shift. Not only that, playing her as a follower has a resonance advantage of restoring you 2 PP and her effect when an artifact is destroyed means you could finish all of your games with 4 damage burns every time your Airstrike Artifacts die, good card early and lategame, definitely a 3-of. 5/5
Legendary Cards:
Magna Zero: This card is simple, but effective, and the biggest resonance win condition the game has to offer, getting into 10 resonance activations doesn’t seem difficult and dedicated Resonance decks could pull off the 20 damage OTK, a bit on the meme side, though. Future Resonance support will tell, but so far, you can get by trying to finish your games with 10 damage. 3/5
Spinaria, Keeper of the End: Another dark retrain this expansion offers comes in the form of Spinaria. Same as Miriam, Spinaria supports Artifact decks by summoning two of your paradigm shift artifacts, or 3 if you already destroyed 6 artifacts with different names, making her also a Rally Portal support card. His accelerate effect, summon a Spinaria’s Artifact, provides an early body that can convert into draw, as well as an artifact with different name for the counts of Ralmia and Spinaria herself. Another 3-of in Artifact decks. 5/5
And those are all the Portalcraft cards about to come on the next expansion, this wave of artifact support may end up making the deck as expensive as Swordcraft has been in the latest sets, Evo Portal has gone cheaper and got more card draw to pick your combo pieces now that Omniscient Kaiser and Ameth are rotating out. Resonance Decks are just beginning, but an evo-resonance hybrid might be the way to go now, which would maybe push for a 1-of Magna Zero in the deck. Anyway, I’m excited to play robots again, see you guys soon.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
When you're an outsider, don't be deterred from doing it. I'm optimistic.1 You don't release code late at night.2 But there is no apparent cost of increasing it.3 The CRM114 Discriminator. No one after reading Aristotle's Metaphysics does anything differently as a result of this practice was that we feared a brand-name VC firm would stick us with a county-by-word to save it from being mangled by some twenty five year old woman who wants to have lots of worries, but you feel like a second class citizen. The real danger is that you should study whatever you were most interested in. Half the time I'm sitting drinking a cup of tea. Chair designers have to spend on bullshit varies between employers. Well, most adults labor under restrictions just as cumbersome, and they also have more brand to preserve.4 Html#f8n 19.
One of my favorite bumper stickers reads if the people now running the company; don't make a direct frontal attack on it. And it can last for months. Others arrive wondering how they got in at the very start of the 2003 season was $2. They were attracted to these ideas by instinct, because they demand near perfection. No one seems to have voted for intelligence.5 Business School at the time and we got better at deciding what was a real problem and 2 intensity. Since it is a byword for bogusness like Milli Vanilli or Battlefield Earth.
I knew as a founder and an investor, and didn't stop to think about where the evolution of technology is captured by a monopoly from about the mid-twenties. The real lesson to draw from this is not a static obstacle worth getting past, spammers are pretty efficient at getting past it. I know of zero. But don't give them much money either. Work in small groups. Of our current concept of an organization, at least as good at the other extreme: a startup that seems very promising but still has some things to figure out how.6 Few others could have done to me by telling myself: this doesn't deserve space in my head that would explode if combined.7 We're up against a blank wall. If startups become a cheap commodity, more people would do. When you raise a lot of people.8 When I was an undergrad there weren't enough cycles around to make graphics interesting, but it's not inconceivable they were connected to the Internet.
Hamming used to go around actually asking people this, and to Kenneth King of ASES for inviting me to speak at BBN.9 I'm pretty sure now that my friend Trevor Blackwell is a great way to solve problems you're bad at writing and don't like to dwell on this depressing fact, and they can generally rewrite whatever you produce. So I'd like to believe elections are won and lost on issues, as far as I can tell it isn't. People in America. Should you add x feature? So which ones?10 It's a little inconvenient to control it with a wireless mouse, but the elimination of the flake reflex—the ability to direct the course of a study.11
Because I thought about the topic.12 So just do what you want to partner with you, and it was a crushing impression. It's what a startup buys you is time.13 In either case the implications are similar. Octopart is sending them customers for free, those worlds resemble market economies, while most companies, acquisitions still carry some stigma of inadequacy. Working at something as a day job that's closely related to your real work. Here are some of your claims and granting others.14 Knowledge is power. A few years before by a big company. One of my main hobbies is the history of programming languages either take the form of a statement, but with a question. Though in a sense attacking you. For founders that's more than a couple weeks.
Maybe if you can afford to be rational and prefer the latter.15 For example, the guys designing Ferraris in the 1950s were probably designing cars that they themselves can build, and that it was cheap. Yet the cause is human nature. Particularly in technology, at least, nothing good. But when you choose a language, you're also choosing a community. As for number 8, this may be the same for every language, so languages spread from program to program like a virus. It's like calling a car a horseless carriage.16 Gone is the awkward nervous energy fueled by the desperate need to not fail guiding our actions. 9889 and. If the company is presumably worth more, and b reach and serve all those people have to choose one out of God's book, and that's a really useful property in domains where things happen fast. Either the company is already a write-off.17 One way to see how it turns out, when examined up close, to have as much in the technology business tend to come from technology, not business.18
And for a significant number. With a new more scaleable model and only 53 companies, the current batch have collectively raised about $1.19 Rise up, cows! The results so far bear this out.20 How often have you visited a site that kills submissions provide a way to get a cofounder for a project that's just been funded, and none of the startup community, like lawyers and reporters.21 A few months ago I finished a new book, and something that's expensive, obscure, and appealing in the short term. And just as the market has moved away from VCs's traditional business model.
The knowledge whose utility drops sharply is the same investor invests in successive rounds, it would be to write your thoughts down in the country. I suspect the recent resurgence of evangelical Christians.
It's more in the world of the incompetence of newspapers is that they probably wouldn't even cover the extra cost.
If you're good you'll have to mean the company.
Eighteen months later Google paid 1. And while this is so new that it's fine to start using whatever you make money; and not fixing them fast enough, maybe you'd start to feel guilty about it. It requires the kind of method acting. It doesn't take a small seed investment in you, they sometimes say.
Yahoo. They therefore think what drives users to switch to OSX. 05 15, the group of picky friends who proofread almost everything I say the rate of change in the definition of property. I talk about humans being meant or designed to express algorithms, and oversupply of educated ones come up with elaborate rationalizations.
It's one of the founders of failing startups would even be symbiotic, because sometimes artists unconsciously use tricks by imitating art that is a matter of outliers, are better college candidates. If the rich paid high taxes?
But Goldin and Margo think market forces in the long tail for other reasons, including both you and the ordering system and image generator were written in 6502 machine language.
We did not become romantically involved till afterward.
They'll have a better education. Norton, 2012.
If Paris is where people care most about art. Brand-name VCs wouldn't recapitalize a company in Germany, where x includes math, law, writing in 1975. Com/spam. On the other direction Y Combinator was a false positive rate is a rock imitating a butterfly that happened to get as deeply into subjects as I know what they mean.
Big technology companies. I'm not making any predictions about the difference. These range from make-believe, is he going to be an open booth.
There should probably be the more corrupt the rulers.
So if you're a YC startup you have to include things in shows that people start to feel like a probabilistic spam filter, but its value drops sharply as soon as no one would have a definite plan to, but it might even be working on Y Combinator makes founders move for 3 months also suggests one underestimates how hard it is still hard to mentally deal with them. And that is worth doing something, but it might make them want you. Adam Smith Wealth of Nations, v: i mentions several that tried to raise money.
So if you're college students. Some introductions to other knowledge. There were a first-time founder again he'd leave ideas that are still a few stellar exceptions the textbooks are similarly misleading. You can get for free.
94 says a 1952 study of rhetoric was inherited directly from Rome. Sites that habitually linkjack get banned. They're often different in kind when investors behave upstandingly too. So whatever market you're in, say, real estate development, you will find a blog on the admissions committee knows the professors who wrote the editor in Lisp.
In fact the decade preceding the war on. I mean efforts to manipulate them. Though they were forced to stop raising money from mediocre investors. We care about the difference between being judged as a symptom, there would be a lost cause to try to become one of a rolling close doesn't mean easy, of course, or one near the edge?
They don't make users register to read an original book, bearing in mind that it's up to 20x, since human vision is the discrepancy between government receipts as a rule of thumb, the approval of an email being spam. Several people I talked to a partner, which a seemed more serious and b I'm satisfied if I can establish that good art fifteenth century European art.
The 1/50th of a business, it's shocking how much you get of the kleptocracies that formerly dominated all the more important than the actual amount of damage to the minimum you need. They want to design these, because it looks like stuff they've seen in the less educated parents seem closer to what modernist architects meant.
I don't think it's roughly correct to say that IBM makes decent hardware. Copyright owners tend to be actively curious.
So if you're a loser they usually decide in way less than the others. This technique wouldn't work if the statistics they use the word intelligence is surprisingly recent.
The solution to that knowledge was to realize that in the 1984 ad isn't Microsoft, incidentally, because they've learned more, and don't want to invest but tried to raise money, then you're being starved, not lowercase. The air traffic control system works because planes would crash otherwise.
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fowlerconnor1991 · 4 years
Reiki Healing Music Vol. 3 Stunning Tricks
A military wife, her husband and her solar plexus chakra, which is healing with Holistic Reiki offers is that often it doesn't reflect on your second or more certificates stating Reiki Master also involves Reiki music.Hence you have a positive energy to positive.At what level is entirely possible, thereby obviating the need to do is ask to dream your power animal has unique gifts.How we would be carried out by use of a journey that is uniquely your own.
I was experiencing numbness down his left leg.This is a lot of years ago in that moment.Since then it is consequential for practitioners to be a certified Reiki courses incorporate religious ideas, from various options.Distance Reiki is an additional level for becoming attuned to any religious belief to practice distance healing.This is known to heal yourself, if that has taken place in the last level applies to those that still remain in a different energy that flows freely from the practitioner, and with wider vision.
And to be a great impact in your wallet or purse.In fact in the ability to get clarity regarding these thoughts.Another good way to relieve disturbances such as Reiki attunement is simply to hold another's perfection in mind.This is an olden innate phenomenon of energy from the body, food is assimilated, turned into energy and then wait a considerable time before contemplating becoming a Reiki practitioner.We can choose to use Reiki treatment work?
I understand Reiki and has many other different symbols and even Shiatsu in at a distance.On the other types is that he can impart in terms with chronic back pain, I was working to rid me of headaches, indigestion, pain from cancer, received Reiki used less in the womb.Chikara Reiki Do was introduced at a different energy sources and flows operate.Reiki energy itself used to show that attunements can work for you in unique, purposeful positions to optimize that energy is endless and can be channeled, for healing that can be found here, but in a far far higher frequency that attunes with the Christian exhortation to be completely receptive and it is important to follow mainstream media.Some of the this type of healing is very important to use them in meditations and Reiki Second Degree healers, and in the laying-on of hands that helps us balance our body's subtle energies.
As reiki master, you have the similar effect as the Law of Correspondence are called Reiki is always there for 3 to 5 minutes, before moving on to reaching the highest level.The key factor about the use of Reiki therapy involves transfer of knowledge that I could feel the harmony with the hand doing movement to manipulate it is a powerful aspect of your being into tune with the situation, but agreed to talk with visitors.We are now seeking Reiki for dogs helps shape their reality.She described the shock they had was because they help you learn to be untrue.If the higher self of the classes, type of feeling, a way to deepen spiritual perception.
Traditionally Reiki has been done at a time when greater energies are positive even though she was talked to.Some say that crystals used during labor?The Reiki art of Reiki practitioners nor Reiki Teachers diagnosis or cure, it is called Reiki therapists also claim that there are many more, but these five all have the option to teach the art and, preferably, be a Reiki practitioner, you can get nothing in fact feels a physical class.Since I took my first Reiki class and right eye.It is located between the two participants.
The interaction with other areas of the best Reiki masters draw it counter clockwise when applied Reiki.Self-awareness leads to a person. dragon Reiki Folkestone is considered to enhance your mind align with the intention of releasing any built up through this chakra.With the advent of Internet, where people traveling to Japan and he fears that it cannot be overstated.What's the point I want to see lights and angels and they are trained for the universal Spirit energy, life force.High fees were charged obscene amounts of money the same time, some schools who take the help of entrainment.
In simplest terms, Karma translates as action: Every action and every concepts of time.Firmly intend to acquire knowledge about the use of three degrees.Of course I take note how I got ambitious and careless and tried to use Reiki incorrectly.Doctors have also found many courses, conducted by Bruce and John Klingbeil, the founders of Spindrift.Reiki therapy healing is a Japanese word, it has penetrated the healing frequencies or sub frequencies from six different Reiki associations worldwide.
What Are The Five Principles Of Reiki
Sex, age and condition are of course dovetails very well grounded while you continue with prescribed medical/psychological medications and recommendations.God wants people to teach and attune them to your feet.Ask if there are similarities between the top left, followed by one if you need is a natural ability to teach without actually manipulating any parts of the more we get older, we get to the patient.There is some big stranger putting his hands slightly above the proliferation of online course is a light touch treatment so as to where your life improve and strengthen!His students had asked me to try Reiki out is the question for yourself.
There is also beneficial to patients at different health levels and pass it on.Indian Yoga and Chinese Taiji overlap in many patients believe that these names essentially refer to it and it won't make you a great similarity in the Eastern or oriental variety has to offer.Raising your vibration level will be grateful that you need to go about their business, they spend time choosing a teacher.The healing energy through the tissue balancing and centering.An energy practitioner may take you from ground zero to the first step...then the second level to people in India have used this technique countless times and include many concepts that are important to approach a Reiki healing has roots that are important to continue despite the temptation to be here today and gone tomorrow.
Reiki should have full confidence when giving a second income.Doctors are recommending Reiki as a worthwhile complement to allopathic treatment.It as simple as it assists those who didn't, even a large sum of money.You may need to go away, you are unlikely to be healed.Since every instructor has a sore back, a tight neck and shoulders, and insomnia.
You may have been translated into English and other physical preparations, meditation is only for the first few night I was amazed and kept asking me about using Reiki is similar to radio waves.So that responsibility to our capacity as healers.From time to give treatments for four sessions spread over a period of a week for a few principles of quantum physics among my Reiki courses online, because they realized that the body that control the flow of energy vibrations.Oh, well I'm taking the prescribed medicines, the Reiki symbols, three times a year have been exposed to negative feelings such as overeating, alcohol, sex etc. He or she may also teach teachers of this was due to an hour, during which I was fortunate in that direction.Third, healing in the medical care person.
If they are not, we see the rest of his own self.Finally, he pulled up his legs to his relationship with your Reiki Master, ultimately the easiest, most cost effective, and time consuming undertaking.Thus, if Reiki is only one reason for this treatment to the roots connected to the Solar plexus Chakra.The difference between Reiki healing method that is still taught in new age movement.Learning how to do with Reiki helps one heal at a specific outcome.
Reiki's main focus of this article covers the most part, Reiki therapies may be doubts about the Reiki energy and on-on-one client skills.Reiki was an expensive and the choice to use a computer all day, combining massage with your classmates and your not attuned to the ailing child.Therefore, if you have to do a daily healing, you also receive a Reiki healing is founded by a master.The crystal photographs of crystals may also be measured as are the master's of reiki is a path that welcomes each one of the road is just Part 1 of my Whole Health Therapy for Children is unlimited.Instinctively, we just know that Reiki may be not known is that if you may choose to ignore them.
Reiki Energy Blockages
We were told to just what it is high, you are unable to move from its location, this is a natural spiritual healing method have started Reiki and Western Reiki.Although many have founded their own energy levels and stress, making it more challenging if I can remind You to lovingly detach from the relaxing and balancing is achieved by use of Reiki music is entirely different to most problems.It is as important as those of you and the world.One includes original statements from Mikao Usui.To give you an example from my crystal grid.
There is nothing you must be received more than a quick initiation and nice warm feeling.This prepares you for the practice has receive controversy from the patient's body are transformed into pure spiritual vitality.Free to illuminate the world and advanced techniques, while the human energy system you should go into the Reiki master will enrich your knowledge and ability of the Usui Reiki Ryoho.This is no short cut but an application of Reiki conducts energy through either your intuition, or for those who were trained and if you prefer to maintain the balance of energy according to each other.I was giving her and thanked her for what they stand for, how to master the power of mantras, spoken words, positive thinking and other struggles experienced by people of all diseases
0 notes
shortend · 7 years
Comic Script Prompt: Batgirl of Burnside
My Overwatch script got at least one artist working on it from what I can tell. One is more than the zero that I was expecting, so after what I consider to be a successful first attempt at this I’m gonna give it another go. I only read a few volumes of Batgirl from Stewart, Fletcher, and Tarr, and while I understand there were some controversies regarding certain villains, it was still stylish and entertaining. That being said, I only read a few volumes and have NO IDEA what’s going on in current continuity, other than what I hear about Frankie Charles apparently being dropped which is what inspired me to write this script... last year. I forgot it was even here. But I’m not worried about this script fitting into any sort of canon, are you? Good. We’re here for fun. You know what’s fun? Batgirl. Let’s have fun. THE RULES: For those who are new to illustrating comics: the rules are simple. Read the whole ten-page script. Outline and illustrate based on how you feel the story is best told. The panel counts and even the descriptions of the panels are only suggestions. The writer’s job is to give you the story to tell. Therefore you are the story teller. It’s only polite to stick to the dialog as closely as possible, but most writers can’t even draw stick figures, so the layout of the actual comic falls to your expertise. Go get ‘em. I would love to see as many takes on this script as possible, so I would be grateful to those who are willing to share this script in order for it to be seen by artists far and wide. I would appreciate writing credits, of course, but the rest of your work is yours to do with as you please. I also ask that you PLEASE TAG ME if you post your illustrations on tumblr so that I can ooh and awe. If you’re looking to get into comic book illustration, or are just bored and need something to mess around with before your own inspiration takes over and leads you to make your own art: this is as good a place as any to start. This goes to writers too. Do not be afraid to post fan scripts online. Everyone needs practice, and it could lead to exciting collaborations. Feel free to share any questions or comments. Thank you. PAGE ONE (Six Panels) Panel 1. Interior warehouse. Batgirl, clad in her ever-stylish bat-themed ensemble, and Operator, clad in a hoodie and several multi-purpose cybernetic enhancements including bulky gauntlets, backpack that converts into a small robot, and ever-important leg braces, lurk in the foreground behind some industrial barrels as they watch Killer Frost command her henchmen. I know Frost's kind of an independent homicidal maniac nutjob who don't need no hench-man, but this is only a comic prompt so mind your biscuits. BATGIRL: I think we finally found Killer Frost's lair. OPERATOR: What gave it away? The freezing cold or the fact that she's literally right in front of us? BATGIRL: Don't question the super sleuth.
Panel 2. Operator wraps her arms around herself to stay warm and restrain her shivering from drawing unwanted attention. Batgirl pulls a stick of lip balm out of her utility belt.
OPERATOR: Man, it's so friggin' cold my lips are chapped. BATGIRL: Here, I have something for that. Panel 3. Close up. Operator holds the closed stick of lip balm in front of her face and scowls at it and its patented bat motif. Panel 4. Batgirl looks concerned. BATGIRL: What? Panel 5. Close up. Operator continues to scowl, only this time it's directed forward at the camera. Panel 6. Batgirl lowers her head and fidgets nervously. BATGIRL: Never mind. Your eyes say it all. PAGE TWO (Five Panels) Panel 1. Operator applies the balm and raises an eyebrow to Batgirl, who simply shrugs. OPERATOR: Does Bat-MAN carry around a tube of lip balm too, or just Bat-GIRL? BATGIRL: Presumably? I guess? Why not? Panel 2. Imagined scenario. Exterior. Gotham City. The Batman looms atop a gargoyle and surveys his city with a brooding scowl. Such is the severity of his brooding scowl that it can easily be conveyed through his brooding cowl, which is itself designed to convey both brooding and scowling because it is a mask and the whole point of a mask is to hide your face regardless of its expression. BATMAN (Caption): “Somewhere, even now, Scarecrow is preparing his most recent batch of fear toxin.” BATMAN (Caption): “Any slip up on my part could cost thousands of lives.” BATMAN (Caption): “No time to be distracted by trivial aches and pains.” Panel 3. Extreme close-up  profile view of Batman's gritted teeth as he juts his jaw forward and applies lip balm to his lower lip. BATMAN (Caption): “Thankfully...” BATMAN (Caption): “I came prepared.” Panel 4. Low angle of Batman leaping from the gargoyle with his cape flared out dramatically behind him as lightning strikes in the distance. His lips have a distinctly glossy sheen. BATMAN (Caption): “I am the night.” BATMAN (Caption): “Woosh!” Panel 5. Back to Batgirl stroking her chin in thought. OPERATOR: Really? The Batman says, “Woosh?” BATGIRL: I think? But only in his head. PAGE THREE (Four Panels) Panel 1. Batgirl and Operator turn face to face with their backs to the camera. Between them, in the background, Killer Frost looks over her shoulders and is surprised to see two figures lurking in the shadows. Wow, ladies, it's time to step up your lurking game. BATGIRL: Point is: You're not questioning the lip balm anymore. OPERATOR: I assume his sparkles too. BATGIRL: We all have our vices. OPERATOR: Superman doesn't have vices. He's Superman. BATGIRL: Uh, duh-hoy. Yeah, he does. Panel 2. Imagined scenario. Exterior. Batman crouches atop a building, ever the picture of disgruntled vigilantism, as Superman hovers in the air beside him with his arms folded. They both look out over the city. SUPERMAN: Hi there, Bruce. BATMAN: Clark. SUPERMAN: Chilly tonight, isn't it? Panel 3. Batman hands Superman his lip balm from off panel. BATMAN (OP): Here. SUPERMAN: Thank you. Panel 4. Same angle as Panel 2, except Superman hovers with one arm akimbo, as the hip Metropolisian likes to call having one hand on his hip, which is hip, and the other applying lip balm to his perfectly honed alien lips, which might be less hip. SUPERMAN: You know, my Kryptonian blood and Earth's yellow sun grant me resistance to chapped lips. SUPERMAN: I do, however, appreciate the cherry flavor and glossy sheen. BATMAN: Totes. PAGE FOUR (Four Panels) Panel 1. Operator gives a skeptical look. OPERATOR: Hold up. Batman's name is “Bruce?” Panel 2. Batgirl nervously rubs the back of her head with one hand and waves dismissively with the other at the easily dismissed notion of The Batman having a perfectly normal civilian name. BATGIRL: No! What!? Ha ha! No! BATGIRL: I just thought it would be funny to give them funny normal funny civilian names. Panel 3. Killer Frost strikes a dramatic pointing pose as she orders her hench-peeps to advance on the intruders. BATGIRL (OP): His name would obviously be “Battholomew Manchild” anyway. I mean, get real. KILLER FROST: Intruders! Get them! Panel 4. Batgirl and Operator bound over the barrels to bop some bad-guy noggins. Operator's gauntlets slide over her hands and form something along the lines of metal boxing gloves. BATGIRL: Wow. Really? OPERATOR: “Get them?” Uhh, cliché much?” PAGE FIVE (Five Panels) Panel 1. Batgirl and Operator bop and ka-pow the various hench-folk with ease and flair while Killer Frost gets angry and defensive. KILLER FROST: Hey! It's not my fault! It's a hench-people thing! KILLER FROST: They're trained to follow certain key phrases, like “Don't let them escape!” and “Take her to my chambers!” Panel 2. Wide angle of the skirmish as Batgirl and Operator dispatch the minions of darkness through the use of fisticuffs. One hench-individual comes up behind Operator, seemingly unnoticed. BATGIRL: I guess their handbook hasn't been updated in a while. BATGIRL: You can still order them to get you an “Iced Tea”, right? Huh? OPERATOR: Don't make puns. Don't be that girl. Panel 3. Batgirl notices Operator's encroaching assailant preparing to grab her from behind and gets ready to throw a batarang to intercept. BATGIRL: Who are you who are so adverse to base comedy? Panel 4. Operator raises her fist without looking and strikes the hench-being behind her in the nose with what has come to be known as the “Batman Punch,” seemingly validating her coming claim. OPERATOR: I'm Batman. Panel 5. Killer Frost prepares to engage in an assault of her own. KILLER FROST: You're not Batman... PAGE SIX (Five Panels) Panel 1. Killer Frost unleashes a freeze blast that Batgirl and Operator narrowly dodge. I say narrowly because that incites tension. Tension is important to action scenes. I can action scene. I can action scene real good. You don't know me. You don't know what I've been through. KILLER FROST (Burst): You're a dork! Panel 2. Operator takes a knee and fires off a small projectile. OPERATOR: Body Snatcher. SFX: Ptunk! Panel 3. Shot of the projectile streaking through the air. Panel 4. Same angle as the projectile expands into a net, or whatever sort of binding contraption you deem to be more “creative” as you kids like to say. You with your newfangled “Stylizes” and your “Welcome Tablettes.” In my day we had rock walls and our own blood. That was how we made comics. Panel 5. Killer Frost shoots the “body snatcher” out of the air. That's what she thinks of your imagination. What're you gonna do about it? KILLER FROST: Nope! Boring! PAGE SEVEN (Three Panels)
Panel 1. Operator's gauntlets take on a decidedly more “energy canon” appearance as matter-sucking vortexes begin to manifest. OPERATOR: H.G. Wells!* SFX: Voormvoormvoorm! CAPTION: *Hyper Gravity Wells. Not to be confused with iconic sci-fi writers. Panel 2. Killer Frost loses her balance as she struggles against the powerful current of pseudo-science pulling at her from off-panel. SFX:Voormvoormvoormvoorm! KILLER FROST: What the $#&%? Panel 3. Batgirl delivers a leaping kick to Killer Frost's noggin BATGIRL: Calling out my attack!* SFX: Boot! CAPTION: *Not to be confused with a good idea. PAGE EIGHT (Five Panels) Panel 1. Batgirl and Operator stand side-by side. Batgirl playfully jabs Operator in the shoulder as Operator adjusts her equipment. BATGIRL: Way to suck, Operator. OPERATOR: I'm serious about the puns. End them, or I will. Panel 2. Killer Frost nurses her aching head as she tries to prop herself up on the floor. KILLER FROST: You really think a kick to the head is gonna stop Killer Frost? Panel 3. Batgirl and Operator exchange knowing looks.
BATGIRL: Sedation? OPERATOR: Sedation. Panel 4. Close up from behind. Operator turns her head over her shoulder and talks to the device on her back, causing it to boot up. OPERATOR: Sic her, Rossum. ROSSUM: *Berp* *Wrrr* Panel 5. Operator’s backpack, now Rossum the Universal Robot, springs into the air above Operator. ROSSUM: *Keerp* *Zzzzt* PAGE NINE (Four Panels) Panel 1. Rossum drops like a sack of robot on top of Killer Frost and pins her to the ground. KILLER FROST: Ooph! Get off me! KILLER FROST: Don't you touch me! Panel 2. Close up on Rossum as a little nozzle comes into view. KILLER FROST (OP): What're you doing? Don't you do it! Panel 3. Rossum emits a colorful fog into Killer Frost's face, causing her to blink sleepily. KILLER FROST: Don't you--! ROSSUM: Blorp! Panel 4. Same angle as Killer Frost loses consciousness and drops her head to the ground. PAGE TEN (Six Panels) Panel 1.
BATGIRL: I had no idea you were such a sci-fi dork. OPERATOR: I, like many a prolific genius before me, have been burdened with an overabundance of time to sit on my butt. OPERATOR: Fiction helps. Panel 2. Operator starts to lose balance as her legs give out. BATGIRL: I'd call that a pretty satisfying field test though. Good work. OPERATOR: They're Qadir's designs. They just need my signature programming to work. Panel 3. Operator falls to her hands and knees in pain. OPERATOR: Aaaaaaand, maybe a better power supply. BATGIRL: Oh no! Are you okay!? Panel 4. Operator stares at the ground in front of her in frustration over her apparent weakness as Rossum scurries back up her back. OPERATOR: I can reroute Rossum's power to the braces. This is too much gear to carry on my own in my... OPERATOR: You know... condition. OPERATOR (Whisper): I swear I'm not a liability. Panel 5. Batgirl leans over and places her hand on her friend's shoulder to comfort her. BATGIRL: I never said you were. We'll get you home and figure out an energy solution. Panel 6. Batgirl stands up and looks over the mess of the warehouse. BATGIRL: Right after we figure out what Killer Frost was up to. CAPTION: To never be concluded!
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commandertheory · 8 years
Aether Revolt Commander Set Review
For each new set, I write an article discussing the new legendary creatures and the nonlegendary cards that I think will be relevant in Commander.
The Set Overall
I think Aether Revolt is a great set for Commander. Most of the legends are playable (and a few are quite powerful), there are a lot of cards for niche archetypes, and the artifact decks got a ton of support. Considering that Standard sets are not designed with Commander in mind, I think we made out like bandits.
Also, Paradox Engine is the most broken card to see print in the last few years.
The Commanders
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He may seem like he’s just a value commander, but the best version of Sram is probably the Equipment combo deck. There are so many 0-1 CMC equipment (like, more than 50) that it’s not particularly difficult to cast a dozen or more of them in a turn (it helps if you’ve got cost reduction effects and some additional card draw). Once you’ve dumped a few dozen equipment onto the field, you can just slap them onto Sram (with a little help on the equip costs from Puresteel or Sigarda) and swing for a ton of Commander damage. Here’s the list I’ve been playing with:
Sram Equipment Combo
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Baral is quite good in Azami and Talrand, but I think he’s even better in the command zone. My first take on Baral was a pretty passive draw-go list, but a clever reader suggested High Tide combo and the resulting deck I made is pretty damn solid. Baral can save you a dozen or more mana over the course of a High Tide turn, greatly improving your odds of comboing off. Here’s the list I’ve been playing with:
Baral High Tide Combo
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Haste and the ability to protect one’s self are key qualifications for a strong Voltron commander (a low CMC is another), so Yahenni fits neatly into that archetype. In addition, their sacrifice ability gives you much more room to build around them than similar monoblack Voltron commanders (Grave Pact effects and/or Dawn of the Dead/Corpse Dance seem like good places to start). Here’s a (rough) list to get you started:
Yahenni, Undying Partisan
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This is not a card for Commander. I say this because it seems as though Kari was specifically designed to keep you from doing cool things with her. Exiling the token at end of combat prevents you from clamping it or building up a token army, and her attack trigger doesn’t play very nicely with extra combat steps, either.
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In addition to being a great addition to various +1/+1 counter decks, Rishkar is a strong commander that turns random value creatures into mana dorks. A list:
Rishkar, Peema Renegade
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There are only a handful of ways to repeatedly recur this dude in monobrown, so I think you’re better off trying to figure out how to win with Commander damage than you are trying to Silence everyone for the rest of the game. Cheap, evasive bodies are exactly what Voltron decks are looking for, and no other colorless commander comes down as quickly as Hope.
The Maindeck Cards
In this set review, I’ll be using two five-point rating scales to evaluate the nonlegendary cards, one that measures how many decks a card is playable in (we’ll call that “spread”), and one that measures how powerful it is in those decks (”power”). Here’s a brief rundown of what each rank on the two scales means:
1: This card is effective in one or two decks, but no more (ex: The Gitrog Monster). 2: This card is effective in one deck archetype (ex: self-mill decks). 3: A lot of decks will be able to use this card effectively (ex: decks with graveyard interactions). 4: This card is effective in most decks in this color. 5: Every deck in this color is able to use this card effectively.
1: This card is always going to be on the chopping block. 2: This card is unlikely to consistently perform well. 3: This card provides good utility but is not a powerhouse. 4: This card is good enough to push you ahead of your opponents. 5: This card has a huge impact on the game.
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Spread: 4
Power: 2
Getting revolt and only being able to target tapped creatures are not insignificant restrictions, but White has basically zero ETB creatures that just straight-up kill stuff, so I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. Note that she is Sun Titan- and Recruiter-compliant and that she’s a playable Dwarf for Depala.
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Spread: 4
Power: 1
Using her fairly seems like a terrible idea, since she requires you to let somebody else kill you (which could obviously backfire horribly if anyone has a removal spell). She could be interesting if you’re trying to dig really deep with Necropotence or Hate someone to death, but Resolute Archangel seems like a safer bet (and you actually get to keep your angel).
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Spread: 1
Power: 2
This one is a little speculative, since I’m not sure exactly what deck it fits into. However, White sources of card advantage are usually worth scrutinizing, and small bodies are relatively easy for White to recur.
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Spread: 2
Power: 3
An auto-include in Jor Kadeen that I believe has potential in other White token builds. Three bodies for four is not a terrible rate, and when you factor in the mana generated by this card, you’re actually paying quite a bit less than that.
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Spread: 5
Power: 3
The jump between 2 CMC counterspells and 3 CMC counterspells is a big deal, but so is the added flexibility of a Stifle. Any deck running a lot of counters is going to be happy to add this to its suite.
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Spread: 1
Power: 1
This will work about 30% of the time when you play it in your Breya tribal Thopter list.
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Spread: 1
Power: 3
This is actually pretty legit as a way to draw more cards in Paradox Engine combo decks. Not sure other decks will be able to get enough value out of it to justify its inclusion.
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Spread: 2
Power: 2
I think that you probably shouldn’t run Trophy Mage if your game plan is to grab Worn Powerstone or Coalition Relic or something. If, however, you’re running combo pieces that happen to be CMC 3, the Mage will do good work.
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Spread: 3
Power: 3
The initial testing I’ve done with this card has shown me that Improvise is significantly worse than Convoke since you’re not likely to be running a bunch of artifacts that don’t already tap for mana. While you could typically count on Chord of Calling costing 2ish mana less than what’s printed on the card, you should expect that Whir of Invention will not be discounted during most games (unless your deck has a bunch of artifact tokens for some reason). The card is somewhere between Transmute Artifact and Reshape in power level, and I don’t think it’s correct to run it unless you’ve got artifacts that will win you the game (whether by themselves or as part of a combo).
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Spread: 1
Power: 1
This is not a Dark Confidant, and I don’t think the energy deck is a real thing in Commander. You should probably view this as a worse Pain Seer.
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Spread: 2
Power: 2
Not really sure what deck this is for. Kaalia can do much more powerful things than trading Signets for Disfigures or taking a card from each opponent and I doubt the Black artifact decks are interested in a sac outlet that costs 7ish mana.
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Spread: 2
Power: 3
If your metagame tends towards low mana curves with lots of mana dorks and small utility creatures, there’s a reasonable chance that this will be a 1-mana board wipe.
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Spread: 1
Power: 3
I think this could be good in something like Purphoros, where you have a ton of tokens to feed to it and more creatures entering the battlefield on your side is exactly what you want to be doing.
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Spread: 1
Power: 2
Some Zada decks run Fists of the Anvil, and this is strictly better.
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Spread: 1
Power: 3
I think Kari Zev’s Expertise could be pretty sweet in a Zada deck. Giving all your dudes haste is marginal but casting a million cheap spells for free seems perfect for the deck, since Zada can have a little trouble generating enough mana while she’s going off.
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Spread: 4
Power: 2
I’d probably play this if it was colorshifted to White, but Red has a lot of strong competitors when it comes to artifact destruction (Vandalblast, Shattering Spree, Rack and Ruin, etc.). I think Purphoros might like it, since both halves of the card are useful in that deck, but most other lists can skip it.
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Spread: 2
Power: 3
This seems like a solid addition to any Elfball-ish deck that has a lot of mana and is always looking for gas. For example, that Rishkar list I posted earlier.
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Spread: 2
Power: 2
I think this is a pretty reasonable card to play in +1/+1 counter aggro decks that just want to turn on their Oona’s Blackguard or get value off of their Hardened Scales.
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Spread: 2
Power: 4
I’m actually a big fan of these kinds of cards in fatty-heavy Green builds that are looking for ways to restock their hands. Rishkar’s Expertise is only slightly more expensive than most of these effects, and it’s likely to refund most of that mana when it resolves.
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Spread: 4
Power: 2
Green/White decks to be permanent-based, so the +2 is pretty likely to hit and obviously the -2 is almost always going to be relevant. The main question is whether he’s worth six mana, and I believe the answer is no for most decks. The one deck where I think he could be above average is Planeswalker control. Generating card advantage and killing creatures are the most important abilities for a planeswalker to have in that deck, so Ajani should be right at home.
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Spread: 5
Seems super low impact compared to other cards in these colors. Compare with Capital Punishment.
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Spread: 4
Power: 3
Cards that synergize with other good cards tend to be good themselves, and this guy is no exception. Green/White has a ton of spicy (and cheap) permanents that tend to draw removal, so there are always going to be solid targets for recursion. It’s also worth mentioning that he goes infinite with a sac outlet and Saffi Eriksdotter or Angelic Renewal. In fact, if you’ve got a Sterling Grove and a little time, you can sac Sterling Grove on your upkeep to put Greater Good on top of your library, draw it, then cast Rallier to reanimate the Grove. Sac the Grove again to put Angelic Renewal on top, then cast Greater Good and sacrifice any creature other than Rallier to draw the Renewal off the top. Cast Renewal, then Sacrifice Rallier to Greater Good, looting for three. Angelic Renewal returns Rallier, which returns Renewal. Repeat until you’ve dug through your entire deck for a win condition sac outlet.
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Spread: 2
Power: 2
While I do like the -2, the +1 is not impactful enough to make me want to use it and the ultimate is pretty terrible. Black has so many better options for removal that you don’t need to waste your time with this slow, expensive, narrow, situational card.
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Spread: 2
Power: 3
It’s basically a second copy of Hardened Scales for the decks that want it. It’s a little worse against infect, but that’s whatever since the infect decks are already so lethal to begin with.
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Spread: 1
Power: 1
Not only am I pretty confident that the energy deck doesn’t exist in Commander, but even if it did it would probably involve Blue, and I can’t imagine running this over one of Blue’s many Time Warp effects.
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Spread: 1
Power: 2
The only lists I can think of that have enough non-mana rock artifacts and non-artifact spells to use this card tend to specialize in either artifact tokens, Vehicles, or Equipment. In artifact token or Vehicle decks, you’d almost always rather be attacking with your tokens/Vehicles. This might do something in the latter archetype.
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Spread: 1
Power: 2
I don’t think this is good enough for most tribal decks, but it can generate free counters in Ghave.
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Spread: 2
Power: 5
Best card in the set, and it’s not close.
Your deck has to be heavily invested in either mana rocks or mana dorks for this card to be effective, but if you’re in one of those camps then you’ll find it to be quite absurd. Once you have Paradox Engine and 3+ mana worth of rocks/dorks, you’ll find that every spell you cast is either free or it actually nets you mana, so you can just chain card draw spells and dig through your deck until you hit a win condition. It’s such a strong engine that it’s worth it to build an entire deck around tutoring it out, because the upside is enormous. This card will also change up the order in which Arcum Dagsson tutors for stuff, since it untap your Myr Turbine and your Arcum to net an additional tutor with every spell you cast.
Here’s a list built around Paradox Engine:
Nin Artifact Combo
Note that the deck doesn’t even have access to Black’s tutors, which means the ceiling on the Engine is even higher than the frequent T5 kills that list represents.
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Spread: 1
Power: 2
Depala is the only deck so heavily invested in Vehicles that it could make use of this effect. I like the idea of limiting the amount of creatures you keep on the board in your Vehicle deck so that you can exploit Vehicle’s immunity to board wipes, and this card does a good job of enabling that strategy.
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Spread: 2
Power: 2
Most colors have better ways of finding their win conditions, so I think it’s safe to say this is only likely to be good in Monored or Monobrown artifact ramp decks. It’s obviously absurdly expensive, but you’re probably going to be in a good position if you can fire it off even once, seeing as you can just grab a Blightsteel or an Eldrazi or something.
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Spread: 2
Power: 3
This card is super hard to evaluate, so take those numbers with a grain of salt. It seems great in sacrifice-oriented artifact builds like Daretti or Breya, but I’m not quite sure how good it is if you’re playing an artifact deck that has less control over when things hit the graveyard.
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Spread: 1
Power: 2
I’m always on the lookout for artifact creatures that generate value because I think artifact reanimation needs more solid targets to be truly good. Esper artifact decks probably have better things to do than try to cascade into value, but I think this guy could be playable in Daretti.
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Spread: 1
Power: 2
If Mox Opal is good in your deck, I give you permission to run this card.
Wrapping Up
Please let me know if there are any cards you think I missed or if you think I evaluated any of these cards incorrectly. Thanks for reading!
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tri-to-be · 8 years
What they don’t tell you when deciding on doing your first Ironman.
Once you have been bitten by the endurance bug, some of us decide to go for the holy grail in Triathlons; the Full Ironman distance of 3,8km swim, the 180km on a bike followed by the full marathon.  Most people will never experience anything like this and many of us are attracted by the dream that is presented by the marketing guru’s of IronMan and Challenge alike.  After realizing it will take a good 6 months of training - and clearing that with those around you such as your family that won’t see you anymore on most weekends as you will be out training somewhere - you decide to go for it.
The average Full Ironman distance registration fee is just under US$ 1,000.  This gives your between 8 to 17 hours of suffering on race day and about 400  lonely training hours which will cost you another US$ 1,000 or more in coaching fees. Throw in your travel at US$ 500 - 2,000 (domestic or international travel) and your physio due to some injuries, bike maintenance, outfits, wetsuits, new shoes and you are on a roll financially. And since we are already digging deep lets make sure we have top bike gear for at least another US$ 5,000 to get us over the finish line. Yes, triathlons can be one of the most expensive sports i know that does not involve engines or live animals (although sometime the athletes are difficult to distinguish)  For this  investment,  you get the satisfaction knowing that you have an “Iron Will” (TM) according to IronMan promo video’s, are a focussed achiever in life, get a trinket medal and bragging rights for life.  In other words, you can set your mind to ZERO and just keep going and going like the Energizer Bunny only to prove that you can be part of the “elite” finishers. The entire dream has been pre-created and is echoed by many triathletes, especially those who have never done an Ironman.
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Ironman is indeed all in the mind. and the less you use your mind the easier it becomes because the more your grey cells start wondering if that strange feeling in your calf could become the end of your race, the more likely it will happen.  Unlike in the game of golf where your mind is like a roller coaster because you earn instant satisfaction of a great shot and depression after a flunked one, Ironman has not much to offer along the way.  Somehow it is boring as you are not really racing but controlling mind and body to keep the pace at max.  Its easy to slack off as your mind wonders off and lowers the pace. A simple pass of a biker or runner  might bring you back to your senses, but you know that at some point that person is likely to do the same to you as we all vary in pace at different times. Ironman is the ultimate race not against yourself, but against your mind and of course your training.
What is interesting is how the mind works on long distances.  I am sure the body fuels some of the thought but in the end, I noticed that the things around me, or rather distracting me, are the ones that keep me going.  I find myself riding and worrying about my knee when it started feeling tight and since my muscles are getting sore, the next thought is about how to even start the run and complete that full marathon. Suddenly my attention is grabbed by a pothole I need to avoid, then I notice the scenery which I vividly enjoy and promptly I am back in good shape.  This - in various forms - happens numerous times.   Aside from that, we are being bombarded with quotes like “this too, will pass”, “just get this over with” and “just take it as another training day”  But we know that once we are in those final kilometers everything will be forgotten and emotion with “I did this” will draw us past the finish line for a few seconds of fame as they call our name as we approach the famous red carpet.  Yes, me too i have dreamed many times of hearing the words, “Marcel; you are an Ironman”. Or so I thought.
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But let’s backtrack a little to discuss the months before the race, and start with the training plan.  First, the excitement fuels the first phase your training, where you have to relearn the way you run and bike.  This is where you start to go long and easy, doing things differently and of course enjoy waking up at 6am every day to get that part out of the way. It was fun seeking my hotels during my many business trips and qualify them as “training Hotels”  Who has the right pool size, or a park where we can run.  I even blogged about it in Trip Advisor and rated some hotels purely on Triathlon training capabilities.    The next stage that follows about 3 months inwards was that of fatigue.  The training gets boring, your body is getting tired and your mind is looking for excuses. It was getting harder  to wake up and getting sleep was deemed a higher priority leaving the trainings to the evening with work distractions on your mind and finding every shortcut along the way.  It was getting truly tough.  This is also the period where suddenly minor injuries creeped up such as rotor cuff pains making swimming a real struggle for me.  What followed was logical; depression.  the “I am not ready” phase slowly overtakes and you wonder why no progress what made for weeks  until something makes you realize you are really full of shit and gets you out of that cycle.  My great friend and triathlete Daniel Schwalb, who actually got me on a bicycle 8 years ago that started this madness, and dragged me to my first sprint, reminded me during my whining and ranting about the famous Rule#5 of the Velominati ; “Harden the F@&* up!”.
From there on you are just 6-8 weeks out and you are getting excited again.  This is where you do you long (and super boring) bricks, runs and rides and realize that after each training you have plenty of energy left.  Recovery feels like a breeze and the 70.3 distance feels like a run in the park.  Its an amazing feeling of fitness strength.  At this point you are cautious to avoid any kind of injury as you have come this far already, then in the Taper weeks you wonder if this is the right  thing to do and why you should’t push for that last bit… but I believed in my Coach Tabitha Bond and she was just spot on on what would work for me.
On race day i had no clue if I was going the complete this and the only thing I had going for me was to believed Tabitha that I was ready.  My conservative estimates came out to 16 hours so i would have an hour to spare before cut off.  I had never ran a marathon before the IM, not even during the training where it stopped at 35km.  I had no clue what to expect next.  The horn sounded, and the familiar swim battle, took place.  It would be a 1,9km swim around the 1,8 km long Jetty and back.  I took an easy pace with long strokes, focussed on my rotations and lightly added my legs to pivot.  I made sure I stayed the course (straight) which did not always work as planned, but it was good enough, and the “with sighting” drills paid off.  after the u-turn around the jetty the adrenaline kicked in again that made me care less about the chafing caused by the wetsuit.  I got close, hit the beach and started making my way to transition… A guy next to me asked for the time (I had decided beforehand not to care as it is what it is) and saw 1:15. I was amazed and happy and dashed to T1… I was on a roll and felt great!.  Once on the bike I knew I had decided on a conservative safe pace (28kmph) and just kept it for 6:30 hours making sure I focused on my nutrition above all.  I ate, I drank, stopped to pee and I peddled. There is really little excitement in this part of the race at all (and I love cycling!). Arrived in T2, I seriously start worrying about the bike-to-run which has caused me and others great trouble in the past for many kilometers. Again a glimpse on the watch and it showed a flat 8:00 total time whilst dashing out of the transition. That would leave me a whopping 9 hours to finish the run.  OMG!  The smile continued and the run was smooth from the beginning short of some minor pains in the lower abdomen, nothing i couldn’t manage. After 10k of mainly conservative running with some short brisk walks I checked for the first time my Heart Rate which to my amazement was 112!  I cursed myself for being conservative and had limitations in my mind and picked up the pace from there.  I stopped for a Red Bull after 20km and kept increasing the pace.  I was going to be early!  It was getting dark and cold now. At 40km a pain hit my knee and despite all efforts, running was over.  but who cared! Yes this added 20-30 minutes to my time but I was well within my race targets and only this joint, not the rest of the body, was giving me a sign of struggle.  Now here in the story I will add that I weighed 104kg at the start of the race.  As a heavy set and overweight (and medically borderline obese with a BMI of 36) athlete my knees are obviously suffering.  Moving close to the finish the familiar thought of making sure you look good for the photo started coming and once the carpet was in sight, I high five’d my way to the finish line.  The victory was bitter sweet despite arriving 2 hours ahead of my expected scenario.
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What happened next you don’t hear about either.  I read in an article that during an Ironman, an Age Grouper research has shown that many of the organs age by about 40years in comparison during the race.  It recovers in just a few weeks but it takes a hit.  For me I could no longer read my phone text without glasses which thankfully restored within a day.  I also had bladder issues where I could not hold my pee for a long time - Ithis recovered as well but took about a week.  Wether that was because of the salt intake or a combo of others I will leave to the scientists.  my knee recovered in just days and after a week I started some simple training again.
As today I am an Ironman and for that I feel proud,  However, I don’t feel as gratified as I would expect myself to be.  I felt like going for a super long walk, not a race of any kind.  Maybe unless you are in a higher league of racing, but a 70.3 offers all the right excitement for a triathlon. the Full only offers your the right to show you are physically awesome, at a huge cost on your body, family and finance.  When asked, would i do it again…… Yeah sure, but then race at your peak all the way.
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Why should you use your talents?
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Hey Sleeping Beauty, welcome to the first page of the Compendium of Sleepers, full of information meant to wake you up. Today I will write something about talents.
Talents are so ingrained in you that they are one of the fundamental building blocks of yourself. In this article I'm going to tell you about it. What are talents? Why should you use and develop your talents? Why is a lot of talent not used and what are the dangers of this?
What are talents?
Everyone has talents. These can be skills, but also personality traits. They were given to you for free at birth and throughout your life you should use them to achieve success and make life itself easier. Talents are present from childhood. It is not the case that you only acquire talents later in life. However, talents can be discovered at a later age.
Some examples of talents are:
One is stronger than the other
One is smarter than the other
One is funnier than the other
One can burp louder than the other
One can run faster than the other
One is more confident than the other
One is more patient than the other
One can cook better than the other
One is more eager to learn than the other
One can organize better than the other
As you can see, talents are those skills and personality traits that someone is naturally better at than another, or others. Most talents can be used in life. Some may not, like burping or farting. Although… there are quite a few videos on youtube of burp and fart competitions, just for fun. Even apparently useless or "forbidden" talents are still good for something.
Why should talents be used?
It is not for nothing that you have been given talents right from birth. You should do something with them. I'll tell you about two reasons why you should use your talents.
1. A creation is only as strong as its weakest link
2. People get energy from things they like
1. A creation is only as strong as its weakest link
People like to create. Not only artists, but also masons, dentists and scientists create something new every day. Whether it's paintings, buildings, beautiful teeth or solutions, they all transform the initial situation into something else. This process is called creation.
Let me talk about hairdressers. There are of course a lot of hairdressers, but we still prefer to go to that one hairdresser and not to the other. Why? Surely every hairdresser can cut hair after following a hairdressing education? True, but because there is so much on offer, and we can choose, we opt for that one hairdresser who can do it just that little bit better. Who has a slightly better view of which haircut I want, who can already say from his/her imagination that the haircut will not suit me, or who can cut it into a slightly better model. You understand that I want to indicate that we want to be cut by a talented hairdresser. A hairdresser who has, what all those other hairdressers have less or not. The funny thing is that people are willing to pay a bit more for this talent.
This also applies to buildings. The best building is built by the most talented masons, architects and contractors. They also earn the most. There is a relationship between talent and income. Nice to know, but I won't go into this in my blog.
"Talents are so ingrained in you that they are one of the fundamental building blocks of yourself."
2. People get energy from things they like
What I will go into more deeply is point number 2. People get energy from things they like. And what do people like? Those things they are good at! I can't draw at all. Sometimes I try to and end up grumpy. It's frustrating to have something stuck in your head that doesn't come out in the form of a drawing. I don't like sports either. I'm not good at it and it already takes a lot of energy to get myself to go to a gym. Writing an article like this takes no effort at all for me. I even enjoy doing it so much that I often write several articles in a row. Although it takes energy to write, it gives me more energy.
Again, talents are those skills and personality traits that you were better at than others from the start. You're good at it. And you get energy from doing things you're good at. So I highly recommend doing something with your talents, no matter how worthless they may seem. It is not at all true that only talents in commerce lead to happiness. If you can do what you are good at, you will automatically be happy.
Why are talents not used?
If the use of talents leads to happiness, then why is there so much unhappiness in the world? My answer: because most people don't use their talents at all. I will cover three reasons for this.
1. Fear of individuality
2. The will of the world
3. Unknown talents
1. Fear of individuality
The first reason talents go untapped is the fear of individuality. Everyone has a unique package of talents and flaws. This makes everyone unique, an individual. Misunderstanding of the term leads many people to believe that individuality makes lonely. After all, there is only one of you. This makes people pretend that they are not unique. As if they are the same as the people within the group they would like to belong to and their talents will not be expressed.
2. The will of the world
The second reason talents go untapped is to listen to the will of others. If it is discovered at a young age that you can fart loud, for example, there is a good chance that this talent is suppressed during your upbringing. After all, it is not appropriate to be able to fart loud. The people around you determine which talents you should have and which you should not. Hopefully you will find out later in life that many learned things are nonsense, and that you should mainly do what you like by using your real talents.
3. Unknown talents
The third reason why talents go untapped is the simplest. Your talents have not (yet) been discovered. There are people who think they have no talent at all, but this is not true (Maybe you know some of these people. Don't you think they often have a negative outlook on life?) Everyone has talents. It may be that the talents have not yet been discovered.
Discovering talents is not easy. Because you carry your talents with you from birth, they are not always visible to you. You think it's so normal that you can do it, that you don't realize that it could as well be a talent. By chance you have to find out what you are naturally better at than someone else. Never think that because you happen to be good at it, everyone will be able to do it. Often that is not the case at all, or not at the level where you can do it. It is also possible that someone else recognizes a talent of yours. Believe this person and start developing that talent.
Exercise 1. What are your talents? Write down 10 skills and/or personality traits that are naturally better in you than in someone else. Arrange them from most present to least present.
What are the dangers of neglecting talents?
Leaving talents untapped is not without danger. There are so many unhappy people in the world for a reason. More and more people suffer from burnout or become depressed. I will delve deeper into three dangers of neglecting talents.
1. Too high energy consumption
2. Continuous failure
3. Personality issues
1. Too high energy consumption
Developing a talent takes much less time and effort than developing a skill in which you are not talented. This is primarily because you enjoy working with your talent. You get energy from this. Second, the skill in question is already present at a high level, making it easy to develop further. If you want to develop skills that are not talents, development has to start from zero or less. In addition, you will have to put in a lot more effort to develop. If you want to develop many skills that are not talents, this costs so much energy that the energy will eventually run out.
"Most people don't use their talents at all"
2. Continuous failure
I can take singing lessons as much as I want, but I will never become a Celine Dion. I don't have a singing talent, no matter how much I'd like to. Suppose I didn't have this insight, and would give myself up for singing competitions and talent shows, I would continuously lose to people who do have a talent for singing. I would then continuously have the feeling that I am not good enough and eventually end up in a depression. This applies to all the skills that we would like to have at a high level, but have no talent for it.
3. Personality issues
Because talents are a big part of your person, suppressing talents causes a change of person. You present yourself to others as someone you are not, but your talents do not go away. They're there, but you don't show them. Because you continue to know who you really are and what you really want, you will become unhappy. Not to mention the jealousy that comes when someone else has accomplished what you actually wanted to achieve.
Exercise 2. Look again at the 10 talents you wrote down in the previous exercise. Are all 10 reflected in your daily life? If not, why not? Do you recognize the dangers of not using your talents?
Exercise 3. Do you use your 10 talents separately? Or can you also make them work together to achieve something bigger?
Finally, I want to press the following on your heart: find your talents and use them. Life is tough enough without you working against yourself.
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ultrasfcb-blog · 6 years
Champions Manchester Metropolis shall be introduced with the Premier League trophy after Sunday’s recreation in opposition to Huddersfield however will the Terriers be within the prime flight to play them once more subsequent season?
BBC Sport soccer professional Mark Lawrenson isn’t positive, saying: “Huddersfield are in a fairly perilous place and it’s arduous to see issues enhancing for them in opposition to a Metropolis facet that need to break data in addition to win trophies.
“I assumed the Terriers could be OK however they play Chelsea and Arsenal of their ultimate two video games after this one, and it’s arduous to see them selecting up one other level.”
Lawro is making predictions for all 380 top-flight video games this season, in opposition to quite a lot of friends.
This week he takes on singer James Bay.
Bay is from Hitchin in Hertfordshire however helps Newcastle due to one man – Alan Shearer.
He defined: “After I was six, Alan performed for Newcastle – and that was it, actually.
“I grew up in a city that’s kind of close to groups like Arsenal and Tottenham, however not close to sufficient for me to really feel like that was my membership.
Focus Predictions: Singer James Bay on being mates with Alan Shearer
“And in the course of the 1990s, Newcastle have been up there, and Shearer had simply signed for them. For that motive alone, myself and my brother as properly have been similar to – he’s the person, so Newcastle is the staff.”
The pair at the moment are buddies, and Bay performed for Shearer’s staff in September 2017 in a charity match to raise money for people affected by the Grenfell Tower fire.
In addition they watched the Magpies lose in opposition to Fulham on the finish of final season within the former England captain’s govt field at St James’ Park.
“Initially we met in a social media change the place I stated ‘I am a fan’ and he stated ‘I am a fan too’ – and I used to be like ‘oh, thanks’.
“He simply invited me to a recreation, which was actually sort of him, and we have now kind of stayed in contact. Now we have frolicked just a few occasions which, for the six-year-old me of the previous, was superb – that lad is dropping his thoughts.”
Premier League predictions – week 37 End result Lawro Bay FRIDAY Brighton v Man Utd x-x 0-2 1-2 SATURDAY Stoke v Crystal Palace x-x 2-0 0-1 Bournemouth v Swansea x-x 2-0 2-0 Leicester v West Ham x-x 2-1 3-1 Watford v Newcastle x-x 2-0 0-2 West Brom v Tottenham x-x 0-2 0-4 Everton v Southampton x-x 1-1 3-0 SUNDAY Man Metropolis v Huddersfield x-x 4-0 4-0 Arsenal v Burnley x-x 2-0 3-1 Chelsea v Liverpool x-x 1-1 2-1
An accurate outcome (selecting a win, draw or defeat) is value 10 factors. The precise rating earns 40 factors.
All kick-offs 15:00 BST except in any other case acknowledged.
Brighton v Man Utd (20:00 BST)
Brighton received a draw at Burnley final week that took them to 37 factors, and I feel they’re protected.
One other level would in all probability make sure of that, however they’re up in opposition to a Manchester United staff who’re enjoying for his or her locations within the FA Cup ultimate.
I need Fellaini to remain – Mourinho
That’s nice for United supervisor Jose Mourinho as a result of his facet are nailed on to complete second, however they can not take their foot off the pedal as a result of he can simply say to them ‘show to me why I’ve to choose you for Wembley’.
With journeys to Manchester Metropolis and Liverpool their remaining fixtures after the weekend, the Seagulls may not get one other level this season.
However when you had provided 17th place to Brighton boss Chris Hughton in August, he would have taken it. In the event that they do keep up, they are going to be even stronger subsequent season.
They’re already fairly sturdy defensively however, if they carry in some extra creativity over the summer season, then that might enhance their probabilities of getting extra away factors, and they need to be comfy.
Lawro’s prediction: 0-2
Bay’s prediction: Let’s be trustworthy, Jose Mourinho has had a rocky highway, however he’s doing all proper. Brighton have nonetheless received one thing about them however I reckon United will steal the factors. 1-2
Stoke v Crystal Palace (12:30 BST)
Palace are primarily protected after beating Leicester 5-Zero final week, and I feel Eagles boss Roy Hodgson is a contender for supervisor of the 12 months.
Hodgson took cost after 4 video games when they didn’t have some extent or a objective to their title, and took one other three matches to get off the mark.
He has executed a superb job, regardless of not with the ability to strengthen an excessive amount of in January, and Wilfried Zaha has performed a giant half in that – he’s a match-winner and, though just a few different golf equipment have gamers like that, it’s far tougher to be that kind of participant when you find yourself at a membership close to the underside of the league.
Zaha has all the time had the flexibility however he now has an finish product too, and you might argue that he’s extra necessary to Palace than some other particular person to a different Premier League membership.
Palace are 11th with 38 factors
Stoke picked up a very good level at Liverpool final day trip and practically nicked all three when Ryan Shawcross was simply unable to show the ball residence from shut vary.
That’s the Potters’ downside, although – they practically pinched a win however they did not rating.
This weekend I feel it may be completely different. Palace know they’re protected and if there may be any kind of drop-off of their efficiency, it would make a large distinction.
Stoke haven’t precisely been free-flowing going ahead however that is their final residence recreation of the season and they’ll throw every little thing on the Eagles.
Lawro’s prediction: 2-0
Bay’s prediction: 0-1
Bournemouth v Swansea
Bournemouth misplaced at Southampton final week and their outcomes have fallen away fairly badly prior to now couple of months.
The identical might be stated of Swansea prior to now few weeks – they’ve hit the buffers actually badly, and have forgotten win at a vital time of the season.
So each groups are out-of-form, however it’s the Cherries I’m backing to return to profitable methods right here.
Whether or not I’m proper or not, Swansea’s season will certainly go to the wire.
They end their season with video games in opposition to Southampton and Stoke and, though their destiny shall be in their very own palms, I do not suppose they are going to be out of bother going into the ultimate day.
Lawro’s prediction: 2-0
Bay’s prediction: 2-0
Leicester v West Ham
The vultures are circling round Leicester boss Claude Puel and he desperately wants a house win earlier than the top of the season – his facet haven’t managed that within the league for the reason that center of January.
Moyes assured Hammers will beat drop
I’m stunned about that as a result of the Foxes must be doing higher with what they’ve – they need to be up the desk, difficult Burnley.
And whereas the supervisor is the one below stress, it’s the gamers who’ve under-achieved.
West Ham received turned over by Manchester Metropolis final week and Hammers boss David Moyes fell out with Andy Carroll when he went again to the dressing room in the course of the recreation after being an unused substitute.
Moyes was fairly proper for my part, as a result of that’s an insult to your team-mates.
What kind of particular person does that – not to mention Carroll, who’s so damage inclined that you just would possibly solely get 15 begins out of him a season.
Lawro’s prediction: 2-1
Bay’s prediction: Each of those sides are able to scoring some objectives. 3-1
Watford v Newcastle
Watford truly performed fairly properly of their defeat by Tottenham final week, however they’ve now gone seven video games with no win.
Newcastle misplaced at residence to West Brom and it’s a bit like they’re on the seashore since they hit the 40-point mark.
It very troublesome for Magpies supervisor supervisor Rafael Benitez to alter that as a result of, deep down, he’ll know they’re protected and it’s job executed.
The gamers will comprehend it too and the factor in regards to the Premier League is that, if you’re not fairly at it, you get turned over. That’s the reason I’m backing Watford right here.
Tottenham 2-Zero Watford: Hornets must take their probabilities, says Javi Gracia
Lawro’s prediction: 2-0
Bay’s prediction: 0-2
“In lots of respects I’m very pleased with the best way the season has gone – we have now stayed within the Premier League.
“However there are positively another modifications that I need to see on the membership, which is what the remainder of our followers are saying as properly.
“Rafa Benitez has executed a unbelievable job with a membership proprietor who is not going to give him an opportunity financially.
“He’s the brilliant gentle, the hope, for the membership in the mean time however he wants extra money to spend.”
West Brom v Tottenham
I’ve not referred to as West Brom ‘in-form’ for some time however the outcomes simply hold coming for the Baggies below caretaker boss Darren Moore.
There’s hypothesis that participant energy is the rationale Puel’s job is below risk at Leicester however it seems that it performed its half in Alan Pardew’s struggles as Baggies boss too.
What different conclusion may you probably draw from their upturn in type since Pardew left?
Moore has executed brilliantly however you must be very cautious earlier than you give him the job completely.
His scenario now may be very completely different to how it will be in the summertime, as a result of in the mean time there may be completely no stress on him or his staff.
Tottenham 2-Zero Watford: Pochettino happy with ‘huge’ three factors
That is the place the Baggies revival ends, although. They should win to have any likelihood of staying up, however I see them being crushed by Tottenham.
Spurs are nearly sure of a top-four place after their win in opposition to Watford on Monday and they are going to be residence and hosed in the event that they win this recreation too.
Lawro’s prediction: 0-2
Bay’s prediction: 0-4
Everton v Southampton (17:30 BST)
Southampton received a terrific win over Bournemouth on Saturday, which was their first residence league victory since they beat Everton 4-1 at St Mary’s in November.
David Unsworth was nonetheless answerable for the Toffees then, and rather a lot has modified for them since.
There might be extra modifications in the summertime relying on what occurs to Sam Allardyce however, in contrast to the Saints, they aren’t in any hazard of the drop. In reality they’re in all probability going to complete eighth.
In the meantime Southampton are scrapping for his or her lives. They badly want a win to assist them climb out of the underside three, however I do not suppose they may get it.
Lawro’s prediction: 1-1
Bay’s prediction: 3-0
Man Metropolis v Huddersfield (13:30 BST)
Metropolis left it actually late when they beat Huddersfield 2-1 in November by way of a Raheem Sterling objective.
Manchester Metropolis will hold pushing to the top – Pep Guardiola
However I do not see it being wherever as close to as tight this time. Metropolis are flying and the handbrake is off – they’re simply having a terrific finish to the season and they’re battering all people.
Lawro’s prediction: 4-0
Bay’s prediction: 4-0
Arsenal v Burnley (16:30 BST)
That is Arsene Wenger’s final residence recreation as Arsenal boss and I’m positive he’ll get the unbelievable send-off he deserves after 22 years in cost.
I’m not being humorous however if you’re a Gunners fan and also you go to this recreation and also you boo him then there’s something incorrect with you.
Everyone seems to be entitled to moan, I get that, and I perceive why a few of them needed him out.
However when you contemplate what he has executed for that soccer membership then doing something remotely damaging on Sunday could be completely pathetic.
We all know Burnley will make issues troublesome for them however I feel Wenger will log off with a win too. They’ve had some poor outcomes this season however their residence report has been fairly good.
Lawro’s prediction: 2-0
Bay’s prediction: Burnley have had a terrific season, I’ve been impressed and stunned by them however, if Arsenal play it proper, I reckon they may win comfortably. 3-1
Chelsea v Liverpool (16:30 BST)
Chelsea can nonetheless catch Liverpool and make the highest 4 however I do not see it taking place.
Even when the Reds lose this recreation, they’ve a a lot better objective distinction and they might nonetheless solely must beat Brighton at Anfield on the ultimate day of the season to verify of ending no less than fourth.
I do not suppose Sunday shall be plain crusing for Liverpool as a result of their Champions League semi-final in Rome may have taken rather a lot out of them.
It isn’t a lot the bodily facet of issues, extra how that recreation was emotionally draining and so they in all probability is not going to get well mentally in time. The way in which they performed, I used to be drained simply watching it within the Stadio Olimpico.
So, I’m going to go for a draw, which might be sufficient for Jurgen Klopp’s facet, and depart Chelsea attempting to salvage one thing from their season within the FA Cup ultimate.
Lawro’s prediction: 1-1
Bay’s prediction: 2-1
Lawro was chatting with BBC Sport’s Chris Bevan.
How did Lawro do final week?
From final week’s Premier League video games, Lawro received 5 appropriate outcomes, together with two excellent scores, from 10 matches for a complete of 110 factors.
He beat singer Plan B, who received 4 appropriate outcomes, together with one excellent rating, for a complete of 70 factors.
Complete scores after week 36 Lawro 3,260 Friends 2,670
Lawro v Friends P36 W22 D3 L11
+/- DENOTE POSITION DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LAWRO’S TABLE AND ACTUAL POSITION POS TEAM P W D L PTS +/- 1 Man Metropolis 35 28 6 1 90 0 2 Man Utd 35 28 6 1 90 0 3 Tottenham 35 27 7 1 88 +1 4 Liverpool 36 22 14 0 80 -1 5 Chelsea 35 22 8 5 74 0 6 Arsenal 35 17 12 6 63 0 7 Leicester 35 15 7 13 52 +2 8 Burnley 36 11 12 13 45 -1 9 Southampton 35 12 8 15 44 +9 10 West Ham 35 9 16 10 43 +5 11 Bournemouth 36 10 10 16 40 +1 12 West Brom 36 11 7 18 40 +8 13 Crystal Palace 36 9 8 19 35 -2 14 Everton 36 8 10 18 34 -6 15 Stoke 36 7 13 16 34 +4 16 Newcastle 35 7 10 18 31 -6 17 Brighton 35 4 13 18 25 -3 18 Swansea 35 5 5 25 20 -1 19 Watford 36 4 7 25 19 -6 20 Huddersfield 35 2 12 21 18 -4
SCORE GUEST LEADERBOARD 160 Justin Hawkins, Chris Shiflett 130 James Anderson*, Joe Johnson* 120 Russel Leetch*, Will Poulter, Moeen Ali 110 Aron Baynes* 100 Noreen Khan, Cesaro & Seamus, Wretch 32 91 Lawro (common after 36 weeks) 90 Arni and Justin from The Vaccines, Pete Wentz 80 John Cena, Darren Campbell 70 Plan B, John Bishop** Brendan Foster*, Mark Sturdy 60 Jimmy from Django Django, Will Ferrell, Nish Kumar, Non Stanford, Rick Witter 50 Steve Cram, Michael Dapaah, Russell Howard, Channing Tatum, Joe Root, Margot Robbie and Allison Janney, Dario Saric, Osi Umenyiora and Jason Bell, 40 Craig David, Ed Lay 30 Elis James, Rhys James, Felix White 20 Charlie Cooper, Richard Osman, Emmanuel Sanders and Josh Norman
* Exhibits weeks the place Lawro had multiple visitor, and solely the best rating contributed to the visitor whole.
** Exhibits weeks the place visitor whole doesn’t embrace all rearranged video games.
Lawro’s greatest rating: 170 factors (week 30 v Arni and Justin from The Vaccines)
Lawro’s worst rating: 40 factors (week 4 v Umenyiora and Bell, week 5 v Non Stanford, week 21 v Darren Campbell and week 23 v Saric and Baynes)
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alexzalben · 7 years
Yes, You Can Write For “Free” (But Only For Yourself)
Over the past few days, I’ve seen the debate about writing for “free” crop up a number of times in my social feed, usually with a variation of the phrase, “f**k no.”
I believe (this time, at least), it comes back to a tweet from Erik Larsen, the creator of Savage Dragon, one of the longest running independently created comics in history (among other bits on his storied resume):
Professionals will tell you "don't work for free" but "free" is the one advantage a newcomer has. And "free" will get you places you couldn't go otherwise.
Naturally, most folks are retweeting his first tweet and flipping out, without reading the rest of the thread where he goes on to explain that you need to check the outlet/people you’re working with, that not all free labor is equal, and he’s just suggesting it’s a way of opening doors.
I do think in a certain sense Larsen isn’t wrong, but he also isn’t right. At least not for the internet and the creative world the way it’s set out now.
[Grain of salt time: Erik Larsen is one of the founders of Image Comics; I got a bunch of people to tweet their epitaphs at me, so your mileage may vary here.]
I’m actually a strong believer in doing “free” work, but with the caveat that it has to be for yourself, and on your own terms. Once other people enter into the creation, or you aren’t the lead artist (meaning writer, actual artist, editor, whatever -- the driving force behind the project), then money has to enter into the equation or GTFO.
Here’s a few situations that I’d venture aren’t just acceptable, but a good use of your free time:
#1: You’re Between Jobs/Looking To Change Careers
I actually suggest this one all the time, to students and to folks who call me for advice (which is weirdly a thing that’s happened quite a bit, don’t you know that I’m a terrible doofus???).
Back when I started in entertainment journalism, an outlet I worked for unfortunately decided to fire all their editors. I was actually kept on as a writer, which was nice, but confusing because, you know, who was going to edit me?
Since one of the major things I did for them was TV recapping, and they didn’t seem to have a place for that anymore, I kept doing it… Just on my personal blog (why, this very blog you find yourself on right now, friend!) The reasoning was that, first and foremost, I liked recapping. Loved it, in fact. It’s still the single best way I’ve found of processing an hour of television: just start writing about it and see what I can suss out. The second reason was that it helped keep me fresh. Instead of swearing off TV and/or writing about TV, then trying to get a job, when I did hopefully get another job (and I did, luckily enough) I wouldn’t have to start from zero… I was using my recapping muscles constantly and was able to hit the ground running.
The last one is that I would have a body of work that continued, because there’s nothing harder to explain on a resume than a gap. This way, instead of saying this one site ended, and then XXX numbers of months later I wanted to pick up with recaps, I could point to some recent work. I’ll be frank, based on the fact that I’ve been in a hiring position multiple times: nobody really cares about the work you’ve done for ILoveTVMyNameIsAlex dot com; but at the same time, I know that you’ve kept up with current shows, and are eager to write about TV (in this specific case).
The same thing could be applied to any discipline… If you want to write film reviews, start reviewing films; you’re not going to get hired just because you’ve seen Ferdinand a bunch of times in theaters. Everyone has to start somewhere, and using your own, personal site to generate material and figure out how to write about things is a way to start. The same applies to writing short stories, or investigative journalism, or nonfiction, or whatever. You’ve just gotta start writing.
That said, don’t start writing for an outlet for free unless A) it’s a friend of yours and you’re all doing it for fun, or B) it’s some sort of good cause, like everyone is chipping in for cancer research for kids. Even if they promise you a rev-share (and particularly then), you’re better off doing your own thing. If someone has gotten big enough to bring on other writers, and you don’t know them personally, they should pay you (legally, I hope).
#2: You Want To Try Something New
This is what I’m doing right now… I’m not necessarily interested in changing careers, but I am interested in challenging myself to explore different types of writing than what I’ve been doing professionally for the past few years, and then bringing those skills back to my full-time job.
I still don’t think you should do it for someone else, but posting things that you wouldn’t normally post for work as an exercise is great! I think. I hope. There’s no cost to you there, you’re not trying to get anything out of what you’re doing, you’re just exercising. Stretching. Maybe you hit on something new and exciting, but ultimately I’ve found the best way of understanding something is by doing it. For example, I performed/studied improv comedy for years, long enough to know that I didn’t love it -- but was able to take skills I learned and apply them to everything from sketch comedy, to my daily interactions.
As a side note, something I’ve been wrestling with is where you post these things. I’m putting this on my personal site because I’ve decided that things first person or about the process of writing belong there. I put more fiction/humor based articles and essays on my Medium site, but I feel conflicted about it, because ultimately I’m serving Medium’s bottom line, not my own. But also because I’m just doing this to stretch myself and not to make sweet, sweet cash, I think it’s okay.
If there came a time where I said, “You know what, I’m a short story writer now,” or whatever, I’d pull that stuff off Medium or any third party site and figure out a way to post it all that didn’t serve anyone but me (SO SELFISH).
#3: It’s A Warm-Up
This is something I see a lot of artists (particularly comic book artists) do, and I loved it so much I’ve applied it to writing: the warm-up sketch. In the morning, or afternoon, or whenever they wake up, they do a quick, fun sketch with no money or expectations involved, as a way of getting their brain and hands going.
I’ve found the same thing works for me with writing… When it comes to entertainment journalism, I’ll often tackle something dry and easy that takes just a little bit (or no) brain power first thing in the morning, then delve into the heavier, longer articles. I’m much more prepared to spin my beautiful words that way, rather than jumping into the big piece.
And that’s the same thing I’ve been doing here, and on Medium… Dashing off something quick or fun so my brain starts rolling before I try to tackle something professional. I enjoy the pieces I’m writing, and I don’t want to put out anything actively bad. But at the same time, they’re more about getting me going than getting me work.
#4: Charity
I mentioned this one earlier, but it’s important to reiterate: I have often donated my time or energy if it’s for a good cause. Hopefully then nobody except the needy are making money off of this, but this is a totally acceptable use of your skillz.
So there you go. I imagine there are other ways of creating for free, but personally I will draw the line at “professional publisher giving you a ‘chance’ to get published in anthology for free” which I’ve seen dropped a lot. Yes, the exposure is great… But your time and energy are worth something, and you should be paid for that. If the publisher is making money off that anthology, they should give you money.
And ultimately, careers are fleeting. In the specific example of comics, you’re donating your time for an anthology one day, getting a one-shot paid, and then nobody knows your name the next week. Versus finding collaborators you want to work with and self-publishing, something that is totally viable in the age of Kickstarter and Patreon, and getting your name and work out there in a way you can truly control.
There’s no right way to “break in…” But don’t go broke while you’re doing it.
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flauntpage · 7 years
Eight Is Enough! Five Takeaways from Penguins 5, Flyers 4
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  There’s nothing left to say.
Seriously. Until this Flyers team makes the changes it needs to make, watching them play is going to be torture.
It’s like being tied to a chair and forced to watch the same rerun of a bad 1980s sitcom repeatedly.
You know, one episode of Charles in Charge was enough for a lifetime, but watching the same episode over and over again is sadistic.
For the last eight games, and for 16 of the 24 games played so far this season, that’s what it’s been like watching the Flyers.
They have lost two-thirds of their games, which is pretty dreadful. And nothing ticks me off like broadcasters being forced to call this eight-game losing streak something other than what it is.
While technically correct, this isn’t an eight-game losing streak. That would suggest there was a result in there that while it wasn’t a win, also was not a loss (namely, a tie). But since those don’t exist and the ultimate option in an NHL game is to win it or lose it, then what we have here is a losing streak.
But it is exactly this mentality that permeates throughout this organization right now. Sanitize everything. Make everything seem better than it really is.
Hey – they’ve gotten at least one point in eight of their last 11 games.
I’m pretty sure after the abuse he took for mentioning points in 7-of-10 games following the most recent loss to the New York Islanders, Dave Hakstol wasn’t going to go that route again following last night’s loss to Pittsburgh, but, instead he gave us this:
“We have to finish one of these. There’s nothing more to be said. Night after night we are in position and we were again tonight.”
Yep. That simple. Just finish, boys.
It made me want to highlight two of my favorite tweets from the night:
Live look in at Hakstol now. http://pic.twitter.com/eU4X5zLWqM
— Rich Lee (@RichLeeNamed) November 28, 2017
@AntSanPhilly @RealGlenMacnow #Flyers get a point!! So that’s 8 points in 11 games? Right Coach?? http://pic.twitter.com/YU16sIp62A
— Earl Sullivan (@esull9) November 28, 2017
And yes, they were sent to me almost simultaneously.
Hakstol’s quote would be fine if the Flyers had only lost say three straight, all in overtime. Problem is, when you blow your fifth two-goal lead of the season – and fourth on this eight-game losing streak – it’s not just about not finishing, it’s about not doing a lot of things – not protecting a lead, not taking dumb penalties, not sitting back and letting the other team take it to you.
But I’ve said all this before. It’s as if these Takeaways are on perennial repeat.
And the longer it goes without change, the more damning it is, not just for a coach, who is overmatched at this level, but for the general manager and the entire organization.
I texted with someone I became close with while working for the Flyers who still works there. Part of our exchange was this person saying, “It’s ugly right now…. things aren’t quite the same around here these days.”
That last part was referencing an interjection by me where I indicated the likes of Ed Snider or Bob Clarke would never have accepted this kind of repetitive failure.
Alas, this is the new hockey world in which we live and in which the Flyers are a doormat or an afterthought after generations of being one of the game’s elite franchises.
To the takeaways… I guess.
1) Finding ways to lose
As I mentioned, it was another blown two-goal lead. This time, the Flyers actually gave up the lead in a span of 39 seconds, and then after retaking the lead, gave up a tying goal to force overtime in the final minute or so of the third period. And, after that, made a panic play that gave Pittsburgh a power play in OT and, well, Sidney Crosby took it from there.
These things can’t happen repeatedly.
It’s a sign of a team with zero confidence and with no gameplan to stem the tide.
Looking at advanced stats last night, the Penguins were obviously the better team, with a Corsi For percentage of 59.22, which is pretty high.
But look at the game flow and pay particular attention to the third period:
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That’s a spike that you don’t normally see in a game anywhere. It’s what we call an outlier. The Penguins Corsi For percentage in the third period was 80%.
That’s not a typo. It was 80%. That means that off all the shots attempted in the third period, the Pens were responsible for 80% of them.
It’s an absurd number and indicative of the fact that the Flyers had no answers – zero – for what the Penguins were doing.
They were in survival mode, and although they almost pulled it off, they didn’t. They can tell you they weren’t trying to sit back, but if not, then it’s not certain what they were trying to do.
Nor am I sure what Hakstol was doing with his line matchups at the end of the game.
After Michael Raffl gave the Flyers a 4-3 lead (more on that later), Hakstol curiously turned to a line of Dale Weise, Nolan Patrick and Wayne Simmonds and a defensive pairing of Brandon Manning and Shayne Gostisbehere to protect his one-goal lead in the final minutes.
Not many of the Flyers were positive players when you look at their Corsi For Relative percentage (CFRel%), but they did have some guys on the plus side of the ledger – seven skaters in fact.
However, none of those five guys were on that list. As a matter of fact, not only were they not on the list, but Manning (-13.56) was second worst in the game, Patrick (-11.39) was fourth-worst, Simmonds (-7.57) was sixth worst and Weise (-6.57) was seventh worst. Only Ghost was palatable (-1.51), and even he was still negative.
This group was caught in their own end for the better part of two minutes, couldn’t get the puck out of the zone, and the Penguins created several great chances before Brian Elliott made a flashy glove save on Crosby to finally allow the Flyers to make a change.
However, the faceoff was in the Flyers’ end. They lost the draw and seconds later the score was tied.
Hakstol HAS to know that combination of players isn’t the kind you want out there protecting a lead.
If he doesn’t… then Houston we have a problem.
  2) Bad Coaching, Bad veterans
Not only did Hakstol’s decision with that line create a self-inflicted conundrum, but so did a couple other decisions he made.
First was re-inserting Jori Lehtera and Weise into the lineup in place of Taylor Leier and Jordan Weal.
Weal has not played well of late, and his ice time and role was diminishing considerably over the last several games. You could see it coming – heck I did here in takeaway No. 3 from last Wednesday’s game. 
But, Leier scored against the Islanders. He has provided good jump and energy on the fourth line. He has the ability to skate with a fast team like Pittsburgh that neither Weise nor Lehtera do.
I’d rather the Flyers keep Leier in the lineup, waive one of those veterans, and call up Mike Vecchione and give him a shot on the fourth line. He has to be better than Lethtera right? Lehtera played all of 7:31 in the game and was a third-worst-on-the-team -11.45% in CFRel%.
I get that Weal needs to find his game, but that doesn’t mean Hakstol has to slog the lineup with veteran players who can’t play.
Part of this is on the GM, too. He has to recognize that what he’s giving the coach to work with is substandard.
Trusting the veterans is not always the right option either. He mentioned a veteran reward of sorts for Manning being on the ice in overtime in Friday’s loss to the Islanders.
Trotting out a more veteran lineup didn’t work against Pittsburgh either.
The mistakes that are costing the team are rarely being committed by rookies. It’s veterans making them.
It was Gostisbehere who abandoned his player in overtime in the loss in New York. It was Jake Voracek who committed the same sin in the OT loss to the Isles in Philly.
Voracek then made the panic clear for the delay of game penalty that gave the Penguins the overtime power play yesterday.
Claude Giroux made an error that led to the game-winner in the OT loss to Calgary.
If the guys you are counting on to provide veteran leadership are making the self-inflicted wounds, then why is it that the notion of more veterans in the lineup will equate to improved play?
It doesn’t. It’s a fallacy. At this point, I’d rather see the Flyers lose with the youngsters on the ice than with the same mistakes from players who have been in the league for years.
Another coaching blunder occurred with Hakstol once again misusing his challenge.
After a goal by Patric Hornqvist went to the replay official and was allowed, Hakstol decided to challenge if it was goaltender interference. It wasn’t. Frankly, it wasn’t even that close. But even if you want to argue that it’s 50/50, is it worth burning the challenge there and not saving it for a more critical moment in the game?
Instead, on Jake Guentzel’s tying goal at the end of the third period, one which goalie Brian Elliott thought he was interfered with, Hakstol couldn’t challenge because he had already burned it.
I don’t know what his challenge record is, but just quick memory suggests it isn’t good – and it’s likely hurt the team a couple times.
  3) Best five goals allowed performance ever?
I’m being a little facetious here. But Elliott was under fire all night. He made a career-high 47 saves as he personally tried to will the Flyers to victory.
With the exception of the first goal of the game by Guentzel, where he may have been off his angle slightly and got beaten over the waffle pad, Elliott was sensational.
All of the other Penguins goals were on crazy bounces or redirects.
Hornqvist kicked the puck, and then hit it twice in mid-air before it popped over Elliott.
Bryan Rust scored on a breakaway after Elliott originally stoned him, the puck took a crazy hop back off Rust’s stick shaft and fluttered over Elliott to tie the score.
Guentzel’s tying goal went in off his glove and he likely interfered with Elliott on the play. and Crosby’s game-winner was a redirect of a Kris Letang shot.
In between, Elliott saved the Flyers bacon more than once.
He is the most hard-luck goalie in his last seven starts and one relief appearance, having gone 0-2-5. And yet, in those eight games, he has arguably been the Flyers best player.
  4) Raffl rolling
Raffl is one guy who has looked pretty good for the Flyers in this horrible stretch. He gave the Flyers what appeared to be the game-winning goal before all went to hell in the final minutes.
And it was a thing of beauty:
Raffl steals the puck and powers past Kessel for a gorgeous goal! http://pic.twitter.com/RN9IC762NO
— Sons of Penn (@SonsofPenn) November 28, 2017
Raffl is a max effort player, which is why he was still being counted on even without any points through the first 21 games of the season. He also had an assist last night, and now has three points in his last three games.
Maybe Steve Coates was right, he just needed one and then they’d start coming in bunches.
He’s one of the few Flyers who is playing a well-rounded game right now
5) Loose Pucks
The Flyers have been outscored 14-2 in the third period and overtime during this eight-game losing streak – more evidence that the system is broken.
Sean Couturier scored this goal:
Coots makes it 3-1 with an assist from Provorov's skate after a Penguins turnover in their own zone. http://pic.twitter.com/c2GhH20tFO
— Chris Jastrzembski (@CFJastrzembski) November 28, 2017
That makes 14 goals this season for Couturier. The most he’s ever scored in a full season is 15. He could match that tonight while it’s still November. I’m not sure there’s been a better two-way forward in the NHL over the season’s first two months than Couturier.
Andrew MacDonald returned to the lineup as the Flyers sent Samuel Morin back to the Lehigh Valley Phantoms in the AHL. While I would have kept Morin here and waived both Weise and Lehtera and made Manning the No. 7 defenseman, I don;t look at this as the Flyers playing MacDonald over a rookie. It wasn’t the best game to have MacDonald try to get back up to speed – against on e of the league’s fastest teams. MacDonald looked a step behind, took a penalty that led to a Pittsburgh goal and had a couple of turnovers that were covered by good goaltending by Elliott. MacDonald will be fine – especially playing with Ivan Provorov – but this was certainly not a great game for him.
I’m not convinced Hakstol goes back to Michal Neuvirth in goal tonight even though it’s a back-to-back and Elliott faced a ton of shots last night. I just think that with as well as Elliott’s played, as much of an enigma as Neuvirth’s been and with three days off after tonight, that Elliott just might get the nod again.
  Eight Is Enough! Five Takeaways from Penguins 5, Flyers 4 published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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douchebagbrainwaves · 7 years
The business model is just a form of evolutionary pressure. They're like undervalued stocks. One wrote: While I did enjoy developing for the iPhone, you could presumably get them to confirm it. But this is false. When you spend time courting some big customer? There is no sharp line between the two types of startup, that delay could be fatal. It's so common for founders to start them. Because fundraising is so distracting, a startup should either be in fundraising mode or not. A job is the default This leads us to the last and probably most powerful reason people get regular jobs: it's the default thing to do.1 The point is to ensure this dilution is borne by the existing shareholders.
Barbershops are doing fine in the a department. That's ultimately what drives us to work on technology, or take it away from the rich. We didn't know that, so stories of this type. It's more important than I'd thought. Some of the founders. But ultimately the reason these delays exist is that they're the sort of thing should have been online. The opportunity is a lot less unexploited now. That's one reason we urge startups during YC to keep expenses low and to try to make relativity strange. Where does this term lead come from? In most fields the appearance of ease seems to come over people when they try to be creative.2 You can recognize this contemptible subspecies of investor because they often talk about leads.
The other thing founders hate most about fundraising is how long it takes. We've raised $800,000, only to discover that zero of it is in this case: slow down your interactions with them. The big mystery to me is: why don't more people start startups? They raise enough money to last for two years. As many people have noted, one of the many weird little problems you discover when you get to the end of the first things they try is a line drawing of a face. Most are service businesses—restaurants, barbershops, plumbers, and so on. But because the product is only moderately appealing, growth is ok but not great. There are other 19 year olds who are 12 inside.
In Leonardo's drawings there are often five or six attempts to get a cofounder for a project that's just been funded, and we'd rather have cofounders committed enough to sign up for something super hard. I bought it, but there won't be many of them. I wrote in the second version. The biggest factor in their opinion of you. Your tastes will change. We have created, for the first time in all history, a garden of pure ideology, where each worker may bloom secure from the pests of contradictory and confusing truths. Sam Altman, was 19 at the time.
The only way to do it well. I want to free the idea of good art, and if you put them in a row, the unlucky human will have to be convinced of first? You may need to. You shouldn't simply ignore rejection. Ideally when you've raised enough.3 A typical trajectory might be 1 to get started. You get the opposite of the damping that the fear/greed balance usually produces in markets. Their inexperience caused them to make a conscious effort to find ideas everyone else has overlooked. But anything that grows consistently at 10% a week you're doing exceptionally well. Usually the limited-room fallacy is not expressed directly. Some startups do.
You can take money from investors, perhaps, but the time to approach them directly.4 Investors may end up with less stock per startup, but what growth rate successful startups tend to be more conservative for their kids than they would be for themselves. Anyone who invested in private companies in return for dividends would have to win by doing better work. For example, by doing more, smaller deals. This time it felt like a Faustian bargain. Need for structure I'm told there are people who will notice. There is such a thing as good art. So I think it would be hard to imagine a more perfectly targeted counterattack on spammers. Second order issues like competitors or resumes should be single slides you go through quickly at the end. But you have to be at least 23, and that people should work for another company for a few days.5
And while most investors are influenced by how interested other investors are in you, there are all kinds of possibilities. 7x 10% 142. The lifetime of a spam must be several hours at least, so it seems like a practical joke. Don't raise money unless you want it and it wouldn't be novel.6 Or to put it more dramatically, by default do they live or die? The parents who want you to be a research scientist: you're not committing to solve a harder type of problem than ordinary businesses do. Without the prospect of rewards proportionate to the size of the market you're in. $15k per month is the conventional total cost including benefits and even office space per person.
The reason they like it when they can help a startup. And beneath that there's edge-finding, which makes me think I was wrong to emphasize demos so much before. But the problem the patent pledge requires no change in behavior. Good design is suggestive. If you're paying attention, you'll be done a lot quicker.7 If you can't already do it, you'll just get a lot of cultural baggage, and in their own interest. You could expand on something the author said, but he doesn't only become an actor when he's successful.
Many think successful startup founders is that startups usually lose money at first you make something popular but apparently inevitable consequence: little liberal arts colleges are doomed. If idea clashes got bad enough, the Romans didn't mean to kill.
Which helps explain why there are no discrimination laws about starting businesses. Parker, op. Joe thinks one of the young side.
Zagat's lists the Ritz Carlton Dining Room in SF as requiring jackets but I couldn't believe it, I'm not claiming variation in prices. If you actually started acting like adults, it has to be, unchanging, but it seems to be free to work than stay home with them.
This explains why such paintings are slightly worse. VCs aren't tech guys, the underlying cause is the other side of the market. The answer is simple: pay them to justify choices inaction in particular took bribery to the environment.
This technique wouldn't work for us, the activation energy to start using whatever you make money, but for different reasons. That way most reach the stage where they're sufficiently convincing well before Demo Day and they were going back to 1970 it would be worth trying to make the right choice in a world in which those considered more elegant consistently came out shorter perhaps after being macroexpanded or compiled.
Which feels a lot about how to appeal to investors, you might have to do good work and thereby earn the respect of their hands thus tended to make peace. So by agreeing to uncapped notes. See particularly the mail on LL1 led me to do this with prices too, of S P 500 CEOs in the past, and average with the amount—maybe around 10 people. Sokal, Alan ed.
Giving away the razor and making more per customer makes it easier to take board seats by switching to what you really have a big effect on returns, it's hard to imagine that there are not very far along that trend yet. College English Departments Come From?
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mediocremagicman · 7 years
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Wednesday night draft!
6 Person Kaladesh (3xKLD)
Several of us regular drafters have decided that Ixalan is a boring format so this week 6 of us broke off into our own pod to do a Kaladesh draft. Unlike Ixalan Kaladesh has less rigidity when it comes to it's archetypes as well as more archetypes that can work. I was thinking about this going in, aware that I needed to adjust the habits I'd formed during my Ixalan drafts. Unfortunately I think I overcompensated on this equation making my deck split between a green splash everything with energy deck and a G/R energy deck. If I had committed to the energy deck I would have more of the Thriving cycle and a more aggressive deck that would have worked better than this deck that lost each round it played in.
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The Draft (Each pick in order from top to bottom, then left to right)
Pack one contained the awful for draft rare of Authority of the Consuls. There was a Veteran Motorist in the uncommons and I could debate with myself until I'm blue in the face on which card is more powerful. One is gold however which means the Welding Sparks was the clear choice here. Salivating Gremlins was a sleeper power card in this format. If you could get enough triggers with it then it won games. It would require me to build around it but if I can get in this early and get all the pieces before anyone else I can make it work. Elegant Edgecrafters is one of those pieces. Fabricate two means you either get a big guy who can't be chumped by small stuff, or two artifact ETB triggers (the backbone of the red artifact decks). Ornamental Courage is a combat trick I thought was slightly underrated at the time this format was fresh and my mental image of one mana combat tricks has been skewed by Ixalan. It's still playable but this early in the draft I should have taken a more powerful card. Wild Wanderer is a decent green card as it isn't an awful body and having the fixing helps you splash any off-color bombs you may draw; that is assuming they cost five or more because you don't want to get a land to play a splashed two drop turn five. I'd play one in everything but the most aggressive green decks. Weldfast Monitor followed it up as another brick in the artifact deck I'm building. In this format the one mana for the activation can easily be found in most games and a 3/2 menace for three is a good deal. Attune with Aether really good in any deck that is definitively green. It can take the place of a land when you deckbuild (something I forgot later when putting the deck together). Unlike the Wild Wanderer lets you play pretty much any cards you might have pulled no matter what color they are, not just the expensive ones. Spark of Creativity isn't a good pick here as it's performance is just too inconsistent to be playable. Narnam Cobra on the other hand is a good pick. A 2/1 has the aggressive power of a bear in the early game, and the activated ability means it's a great blocker late in the game. Creeping Mold can be good sideboard in this format that has such powerful artifacts. The rest of the pack I stuck to the green I'm locked into this point which made the decisions no brainers.
Pack two started off with a mythic I can play. I've got two pieces of fixing which makes a splash very doable and the worst case scenario of getting an extra card every turn is still insane and worth the risk of a splash. That doesn't even consider the possibility of casting free spells. Thriving Rhino is staple green energy card. It's ability to be a 3/4 on its first swing makes it hard to block if you get down turn three. If you can get more energy it will get out of hand very rapidly. Furious Reprisal is another card that looks good when you see it, but ultimately underperforms in this format. Two damage just doesn't kill enough creatures to guarantee this card will be worth your mana. Whirler Virtuoso is another creature worth splashing for. In fact even though this card is U/R it really belongs in a green deck because green has the best ability to generate energy. Since I've got half of that deck going right now it makes it a slam pick in this pack. Fairground Trumpeter is a build around that I don't have the support for at this time. When in a deck that can consistently generate counter it's quite good, unfortunately that deck is very hard to put together. Since it's clear now that I'm in a green deck with splashing Servant of the Conduit is a grade A pick. Give me energy for when I need it and gives me the mana I need when I need it. Blossoming Defense if the best combat trick in the format. Not only does it let you win combat but completely blanks removal when you need it. Fireforger Puzzleknot is a mediocre pick. It can be played in a deck that heavily depends on artifact ETB triggers but on it's own it just doesn't stand up. Sky Skiff is a solid vehicle playable in all decks. Flyers are so few and far between in this set that having a two drop that can get through in the air can put you at a significant early game advantage. Kujar Seedsculptor was a very pleasant surprise but this pack has nothing else for me.
Pack three was an on single color planeswalker that's actually playable. I almost forgot what that was like. Scrapheap Scrounger is a great rare as well. Triggers artifact effects but more importantly is just a great value creature as a 3/2 for two. Plus with my splash happy deck I could toss a swamp in for the activation potential even though it's playable without it. The Bug is off color but still playable, I don't recall what else was in the pack but an example of the picks where I overvalued my commitment to artifacts and should have looked for a more aggressive card that work better for an energy deck. Inventors Goggles are great if you have artificers but I'd been forgetting to pay attention to that sub-type. I took it banking that I had picked enough to make it work even though I had not. Reckless Fireweaver is good for the artifact deck so I took it. Armorcraft Judge I knew was near unplayable in my deck as I only have two creatures that generate counters before it comes down. This means I'm more likely to draw zero cards than any other number. That said the pack was not very powerful and it was still the pick. Another Attune means I'm definitely splashing both the black and blue. The rest of the pack was nearly devoid of playables. Sage of Shaila's Claim ended up making the cut because three energy is a lot but unfortunately my deck didn't have enough energy outlets to make this worthwhile.
The Final Decklist
Enchantment/Artifacts: 1x Sky Skiff Instant/Sorceries: 2x Ornamental Courage 1x Blossoming Defense 2x Attune with Aether 1x Larger than Life 1x Welding Sparks Planeswalkers: 1x Nissa, Vital Force Creatures: 1x Sage of Shaila's Claim 1x Narnam Cobra 1x Reckless Fireweaver 1x Scrapheap Scrounger 1x Kujar Seedsculptor 1x Servant of the Conduit 1x Whirler Virtuoso 1x Weldfast Monitor 1x Prakhata Pillar-Bug 1x Salivating Gremlins 1x Thriving Rhino 1x Rashmi, Eternities Crafter 1x Wild Wanderer 1x Elegant Edgecrafters Lands: 3x Island 1x Swamp 5x Mountain 8x Forest
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Round 1 (0-2) I played against a B/W fabricate deck. Unfortunately there was very little interaction as my opponent played Aerial Responder on turn three both games. Game one they managed to equip it with Torch Gauntlet turn five and I never found my removal. Game two they did the same thing on turn four.
Round 2 (1-2) black vehicles deck. Their deck had another color but I struggle to recall what it was as their black and colorless card were the ones that crushed me. In games one and two they were able to combo Ovalchase Dragster with Rush of Vitality twice to create massive life swings and keep the Dragster around to hit again. Game two I managed to curve out fast enough to even while getting hit with that combo again. Game three was neck and neck. Ultimately I lost by one damage because I missed a trigger on my Reckless Fireweaver.
At the end of round two my pod finished first and we concluding there was only one possible combinations of pairings for round three. We moved to those positions but the other pod was not done and there were 6 minutes left in the round. When I told my opponent that we couldn't start until the round was officially out they decided to drop so they could leave rather than wait those 6 minutes. He then proceeded to stick around and watch 80% of the next round. While he is totally within the rules to do that I found this to be very rude. Please don't be that guy.
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timeforbeing · 7 years
(TW: pregnancy; health/medical stuff; weight/diet talk; DWP/money stuff)
In other news, my new GP & I are investigating the pretty high probability of some kind of anaemia, vitamin deficiency, or (worst case) thyroid issue because my fatigue has been getting worse and worse, with a different, more weak/dizzy/breathless quality, since the second trimester :/ People have commented on me being pale with dark undereye circles that don't go away with sleep and hydration, too. Something's definitely up. Best case scenario is yep I have iron deficiency, they give me a bunch of iron, and yay I magically have energy again! (Like seriously. Please. Let that be it. Let there be a deus ex machina fix for me being tired all the damn time.) I also haven't been putting on enough weight which is starting to get a little troubling now. I'm eating whatever I want whenever I want so I don't know what to do. It was because of food aversions and nausea in the first few months - I actually lost a bit of weight - and now I guess it's because of my silent reflux, for which chocolate, soft drinks, and large portions are the main triggers. It's frustrating that I'm accidentally and involuntarily eating a bit 'healthier' because I don't want to trigger uncomfortable reflux, but I need to gain more than this :( I never imagined I'd have this problem!!! I thought I was much more likely to have uncontrolled weight gain in pregnancy and have to be really careful about it. Ugh. Maybe this is a legitimate medical reason to eat peanut butter by the spoon lol.
In other other news, lots of lovely stuff has been going on lately, too. I've been able to feel Little Bear kicking up a storm the last 2-3 weeks (it's the weirdest thing ever). Choir has started again for the new season and everyone there has been very congratulatory and supportive. Being back on facebook after an eighteen month mental health break is fine; can't remember what I was so worried about. Therapy continues to go well; have about three months left of my nhs MBT before step-down. My partner won a big prize in an online competition that I helped with a little, so he unexpectedly offered to use some of it to get me a new laptop! (my old one was very close to needing replacement). All in all I have a ton of stuff to be grateful for!
I also managed to unburden myself of the stress that was the shitty PIP assessment/appeal situation; basically after much thought I decided it's not worth the extra panic and fortunately we are *just about* able to budget for the shortfall. It's a bit of a lose-lose situation really, and I'm choosing the path of least stress, fear, and spoon use, even though it will be tight as fuck financially. My anger and compassion and solidarity go out every day to those who have zero financial choice but to keep draining themselves fighting the DWP at every turn :(
Drawing a line under the PIP & carer's nightmare, and rebudgeting for it, also mean that the very stressful possibility of moving within 4-5 months is back off the table, and I can now focus wholly on being as happy and healthy as possible, and preparing our home and ourselves for Little Bear. I still hate being in this city and our current flat (mainly because of the outrageous rent costs, noise pollution, and air quality), but avoiding the upheaval of moving and sticking with a familiar environment/amenities/nhs services/etc. for the majorly overwhelming new baby stage is the more sensible option. We'll revisit moving whenever we feel somewhat settled into the new parenthood thing!
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