#Dream of Gluttony OC
Risotto (Blanco)
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"Wouldn't it be nice to stay forever?"
("Template" idea yoinked from here. I, Wisp, hereby thank thee!)
( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆
General Info
(Nandine) Ross White (Risotto)
Riso (By Marshmallow Fluff)
April 5th
Zodiac Sign:
( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆
Personal Info
On the shy side, so his face is usually covered by a mask (like Futaba's in Persona 5), and if his face is revealed in full, he will be reduced to stunned tears. Nonetheless, he's quite friendly and gentle to others, and likes to practice his photography skills on others. There's an inside joke among some that he's effectively a freeloader to Marshmallow Fluff, but he doesn't seem to notice. Has a naive side. As a reporter, he is seemingly aware of a dark side of Food Town, that he also needs a ruthless side to achieve results, and if he finds a body for a story in pieces, he will stitch it together himself.
Pretty colors, warm things
His face.
( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆
Game Info
Game (Good):
Tells Sissy a given number of residents that he's thinking of at the moment, and hands her a camera. She has to snap a picture of Food Town's residents that appear closest to his given amount. Occasionally, he will ask to photograph Chili, which you simply need to move to snap a photo of her sneakily for the most points.
Game (Bad):
Sissy is thrown into complete darkness in Risotto's house, and must navigate her way to jump out of his bedroom. The only way to tell where she is is photos and articles written about her by him, and become increasingly harsh and despair-inducing when you're on the right track to escape. These contain info on Sissy's past, goading her into remaining in Food Town forever by emphasizing her own issues, but she keeps insisting that it wasn't that bad, and pressing forward. If on the wrong track, the photos become more joyful in turn, some from the first route and some not, reminding her of all the good things Food Town is capable of. Halfway between, he will enter and try and kill you himself. Stun him by tearing his mask off. Show Me Your True Form! If he catches her, he will kill her, and is implied to stitch up her corpse into a "perfect" Passion Fruit.
Reason for coming to Food Town:
To find someone, anyone, who he can trust to accept his face. He was mercilessly mocked for his vitiligo, heterochromia and baby-face. But he also had a much more violent approach to his tormentors, cutting their tongues out when pushed too far. Following several incident in college, he cut out the tongue of a teacher, and sewn her another with her hair in the view of another student. Ran away the next day with a bit of cash, meeting Marshmallow Fluff on the train platform. He is much more openly timid now.
Grain District.
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party-time · 2 months
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This happened in the first route i just know it-
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spooky-cherry · 1 year
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moshi-roulette · 2 years
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“Have you come to watch me dance my dear?”
( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆
General Info
Charlotte Danseuse
Cheesecake, Cakey, Cherry Syrup
Aug 31
Zodiac Sign:
( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆
Personal Info
She is very calm and rarely raises her voice. Though she is a bit of a perfectionist. She is mostly seen in her house, practicing her ballet. Some of the other residents even hear classical music from her home. Some residents do find it a bit strange on why she never opens her eyes.
Getting dirt
( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆
Game Info
Game (Good):
Sissy just has to copy as many of Cheesecake’s moves as she can. If she succeeds (she needs to get over 10 to succeed), Cheesecake would be delighted, complimenting her. If she loses, Cheesecake will want to help her with her dance moves when Sissy comes back.
Game (Bad):
Sissy has to sneak past Cheesecake. The labyrinth (Cheesecake’s house) is covered with sticky cherry-drizzle puddles and books scattered around on the ground. Just like Tomato’s game, if Sissy touches something and makes a noise Cheesecake will notice. But instead of an instant Game over, Cheesecake starts to spin towards Sissy. If she gets caught, a scene will play where Cheesecake is taking off her mask, showing her face, with one hand with a sickle covered in blood with the other hand (presumably Sissy’s blood). If Sissy wins, Cheesecake will believe no one is there and continue waiting for Sissy to come, making Sissy able to escape.
Reason for coming to Food Town:
To run away from her abusive and manipulating ex-boyfriend.
Cake District
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jlown · 1 year
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uminoaoi · 2 years
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Old art of Gin in demon AU~
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goidenart · 2 months
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Here’s yet another of my OCs for this game, Carolina Reaper. I based the design off of Chili from the game, though it ended up looking like she’s based on Tomato instead.
She may look timid or shy, but it’s always to lower your guard.
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bloody-teared-angel · 7 months
Ppl will use any sort of excuse to defend *H*B* and *H*H* won't they?
"She's using her OCs!"
Then why is she using names of deities that people actually working with?
At this point I'm convinced that Miss Medrano isn't criticising anything or trying to represent anything, she's just living out her fanfic dreams because she's misrepresenting everything.
Stolas is supposed to be one of the most powerful princes in Hell and he's been woobified to no end. If I was the person working with him, I would be offended.
The same goes to Lucifer - this Fallen Angel is the sin of pride, which caused his downfall (and to some extent his dreams but mainly his pride) and not some visionary dreams. He's a prideful peacock not a depressed duck.
Speaking of peacocks, Marquis Andrealphus is also renewed figure in Ars Goetia, who can shift from his peacock form into a human form and is associated with the element of AIR, not ICE.
Lilith - by many (including me) is seen as an empowering queen for women. Many turn to her to seek strength and wisdom and sometimes for help to deal with mothers loss since Lilith's children got murdered in fear of what they could do. If she's gonna be Stella 2.0 I'm gonna loose it.
King Paimon is probably one of the two most offensive since he looks nothing like THE King Paimon. Man with feminine features, sitting upon a dromedary followed by spirits with musical instruments.
Beelzebub means 'Lord of the Flies' and is the sin of gluttony. I don't know whatever the hell is in *H*B* but it sure ain't Beelzebub and it definitely isn't the sin of Gluttony.
And as for Heaven, a deeper criticism could be made with listening to stories from ex-Christians, without demonising the entire religion AND without whitewashing any of the people in it.
Is it worth mentioning that Miss Medrano got the angelic choir wrong too?
"Oh, you must be so smart with your books!" I can hear the defenders say.
To that I answer: Wikipedia is free, Google is free, YouTube is free.
If she's basing her characters loosely on Hell and Heaven, she can't criticise Christianity since the characters have nothing to do with it. Nothing. None.
And also, how can she criticise Christianity if she's not going to include the Big Allfather upstairs, the face of Christianity along with the Son?
If she's using her OCs then they shouldn't bear the names of actual figure heads in Hell since they have also nothing to do with them.
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49-ibr · 1 year
Writeblr Ask Game!
There are 49 kinds of magic in 49. So, here's an ask game with a question for each kind. Knowledge of 49 is not necessary to play!
1. AIR - What is your WIP's first sentence?
2. BEASTS - Who is your favourite OC?
3. BLOOD - Which of your OCs would you want to have as your child?
4. CHANGE - If you had to restart your WIP from scratch, what would you change?
5. COSTUME - How much research have you done for your WIP?
6. COURAGE - What's the last word you had to google the definition of?
7. CREATION - What was your first WIP?
8. DARKNESS - Would you rather start a WIP with no plan, or with everything planned to the exact detail?
9. DEATH - What WIP would you want to be remembered for?
10. DESIRE - Have you ever written smut?
11. DESTRUCTION - What draft are you on?
12. DISEASE - If you had to live in a setting of your creation, which would you pick?
13. DREAMS - Have you ever written fanfiction?
14. EARTH - What inspires you most?
15. ENERGY - What song inspires you most?
16. ENVY - Who is your favourite writeblr?
17. EYES - How many planning documents do you have?
18. FATE - Have you always wanted to be a writer?
19. FEAR - What is your greatest fear as a writer?
20. FIRE - What is the worst thing you've ever created?
21. FLESH - Which OC would you most like to look like?
22. FORCE - What do you use to write?
23. GLUTTONY - How many notebooks do you have?
24. GREED - If you could steal a character from any other story, who would you take?
25. GRIEF - Do you regret killing off any characters?
26. HOPE - What would be your dream come true?
27. ICE - Are you cruel to your characters?
28. ILLUSION - What is the best line of description in your WIP?
29. LIGHT - Which OC would you most want to act like?
30. LOVE - What is your best writing advice?
31. LUST - Who is your hottest OC?
32. METAL - Can you write fight scenes?
33. MIND - What book would you most want to forget so you can reread it for the first time?
34. MUNDANE - Would you survive in the shoes of your main character?
35. PAIN - Has your writing ever made you cry?
36. PAST - How much do you foreshadow a plot twist?
37. PLANTS - What is your favourite thing about the world of your WIP?
38. PRIDE - Which famous author do you think you're better than?
39. ROT - Which of your OCs is the best villain?
40. SILENCE - Do you listen to music or watch anything as you write, or do you need silence?
41. SLOTH - What kind of scene are you worst at writing?
42. SOUL - What is your favourite WIP?
43. SPACE - Do you prefer Sci-Fi or Fantasy?
44. STORMS - Do you prefer metaphors or similes?
45. STRENGTH - What kind of scene are you best at?
46. TIME - Would you rather teleport your OC far into the past or far into the future?
47. TRUTH - Do you like your writing?
48. WATER - Do you prefer urban fantasy or high fantasy?
49. WRATH - Do you prefer writing endings or beginnings?
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onyanjune · 9 months
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fem yandere x gn reader
cw: implied dub/noncon at the end, my first time writing yan so… yeah.
notes: she’s an oc of an original fic i’ve had in my drafts for a few years now. she isn’t even a love interest but i realised that she has so much yan potential that this basically birthed itself. so i had to get it out there lest it remain a dusty af draft.
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𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭! who’s been your best friend ever since you reincarnated into the body of an extra in a light novel that you planned on reading. At least, until before you unceremoniously died and woke up at the funeral of the character whose body you were currently possessing.
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭! who cried when she first saw your confused self tumble out of the coffin at your funeral, the cold fingers and glassy eyes of your character’s corpse still fresh in her memory.
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭! who took it upon herself to look after your safety and wellbeing. The family of the character you reincarnated as took care of her when she had to flee her kingdom, so the kind and loving protagonist felt compelled to return the favour.
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭! who persuaded the prince, her first love interest, to let you stay at the palace for protection. After all, the assassin who had mistakenly killed you in her stead may try to take more attempts on your life.
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭! who convinced herself that the fact that you were in closer proximity to her now was merely a convenient bonus. How was she supposed to spend time with you given her job as the princess’ governess otherwise?
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭! who ignored the prince’s advances in favour of sharing afternoon tea with you instead. Lately, the only respite she’s been able to get was in your company, where your endless musings and intrigue of the world around you managed to drown out the ghosts of her family seeking vengeance. It was as if you were a newborn babe, looking at an entirely new world.
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭! who hates the growing intimacy between you and your personal guard. After losing her family and home, no way was she going to lose your time then your affection to a measly knight.
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭! who comforts you as your fury barred its fangs when it was revealed that your guard was an assassin. He was desperate for money, she croons in your ear, the ever-compassionate protagonist blaming the vice of gluttony for leading your guard astray. Oh the sweet, gentle protagonist. How incapable of wrongdoings she was.
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭! who locks you away once she wins back the throne of her fallen kingdom, conquering yours and the one that tried to kill her in the first place.
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭! who dreams of the family she was going to start with you. Her own beloved siblings were as plentiful as the stars in the heavens, so it was only natural that her children grow up in a large family as well. You don’t have to worry about a single thing! She’s been researching about fertility and impregnation magic and technology so just leave everything to her. ♡
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snepfeathers · 8 months
Sorry Callisto you're on hold again. it's time for more Aleyxi brainrot.
Specifically, sequence time!
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I mentioned a bit of Aleyxi lore on that first sequence I posted, but just to give a refresher + throw in some new info:
Aleyxi is a type of demon, and is pretty much entirely based in magic. Thus, she doesn't need physical food to sustain herself - when she eats, it's basically just storing energy for later. Stored magical energy is saved in much the same way as regular, physical energy. It's fat. Even though she doesn't need to eat, Aleyxi has developed quite the taste for it, and tends to overindulge. She can hide most of her bulk using magic, but if she loses concentration (or is trying to hide too much at one time) it all comes spilling back out.
It's okay though, since it's pretty much her job. Aleyxi is, surprise surprise, affiliated with the Gluttony Ring. Her given mission was to go to the surface and help furs act on their desires for overindulgence, and any other harmless instances of "sins" like lust or sloth. Much like she can change her own body shape, she can change the shape of other furs. Aleyxi can help them slim down after gluttony catches up with them, or (more often, it seems) help them achieve their dream bodies with a bit of energy transfer and magically enhanced appetites. Sometimes her magic leaks out without her meaning for it to though, especially when she's having a particularly self-indulgent time.
For example, going out partying with friends. Bar crawling, ordering too much takeout, everybody crashing back at the house for more mixed drinks and bad dancing... When Aleyxi wakes up the next morning, her hangover isn't the only massive thing around. You know it's bad when you've outgrown your blankets and resort to using your own tail as a couch. Any friends that joined her on this excursion would almost certainly wake up to an extra hundred or so pounds on their own frames, depending on how close they got to her last night. Nothing compared to the tigress herself, but still a bit of a shock!
I haven't drawn in her companions in this sequence yet, but I think I'd really like to. I know bigandsoft's Finn will be making an appearance, but I think I'd like at least one or two more to stick in the backgrounds here. Sooooo......if you've read this far and have an oc that would go out clubbing with Aleyxi & co, congratulations! Throw me a ref + a little blurb about how they'd be partying, and if they're a good fit they might end up in the background of this sequence ;3
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Marshmallow Fluff
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"Good morning, world!"
("Template" idea yoinked from here. I, Wisp, hereby thank thee!)
( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆
General Info
Elizabeth Desjardin (Marshmallow Fluff)
Maflu (by Risotto), My moon (by ???)
November 3rd
Zodiac Sign:
( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆
Personal Info
Tough and mature, she'd make a great MILF. She's got a good head on her shoulders, comes off as cautious at times, but means well. Her warm side tends to be focused to books, and her not-roommate Risotto. But when she's upset, everyone is. Wants to be den mother to the other residents BADLY, but lacks the proper energy.
Books, cooking
Getting her hands dirty
( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆
Game Info
Game (Good):
An example layout of a shelf in Marshmallow Fluff's Library is shown to Sissy, then cutting back towards the messy shelf(ves). Sissy has to organize the shelf from memory to what she saw before, to the best of her recollection.
Game (Bad):
Forces Sissy to read a novel of hers to the end, while she has to simultaneously dodge haunted books (teeth like the Mad Piano!), then guess the title based on a selection. The game itself is rigged, and the story never ends. Ask her for a hint, and get a Game Over as she bludgeons Sissy to death with a book. Catch onto the semi-rigged game, and she says "Is it so, Passion Fruit? Well done, then, human. You then must know what I intend to teach you. Passion dictates that a story can't end. A story never truly ends, it just stops moving." Call her out on the unfairness of her conditions, and she'll only say "Oh, it's unfair? Isn't it oh-so sincerely unfair?! You should know..."
Reason for coming to Food Town:
To be rid of her abusive husband Romero, who would often beat her when he was annoyed, in private or not, and held her under tight financial scrutiny, as he also often stole her money, especially when her books sold well (or didn’t). She murdered him a year ago when he snuck into Food Town, bludgeoning him to death with one of her books.
Candy District (the only other resident, having cut a deal with Candy herself to eat her hair when it reaches the floor)
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party-time · 2 years
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🎃Happy Halloween!🎃
I had brainrot, so i decided to make it a Halloween drawing; to make up for the one i didn't finished last year-
(To clarify, this is one of my OC's as Yellow guy, for headcanon and lore theory reasons)
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willtheweaver · 25 days
Seven Deadly Sins Tag
Thanks for the tag @the-golden-comet @thatuselesshuman definitely a fun concept, this one
Rules: Which of your OCs would you assign to which of the seven deadly sins and why?
Lord Halley wants what he sees as his birthright; the eyrie of Eagleheart. And yet the more rational members of his court see the dream of regaining his ancestral home as just that, a dream.
Fen wants a life where he does not need to remain hidden. Definitely something to be envious about.
Reed and Dirge have quite a bit to be angry about. Anger at those above their stations, anger at their Lord, and anger at their neighbors.
Another one for Lord Halley. He has power and influence, and it isn’t enough. He always wants more.
Hunger for recognition and praise fits Cya almost to a ‘T’.
Rail. He is plagued by a child’s short attention span, and an attitude that isn’t so much laid-back as it is sit-back-and-relax-and-hope-you-aren’t-the-one-called-first-to-offer-an-idea.
It’s safe to say that Playa has a bit of an ego, and don’t wound it unless you want to know about it for the next month.
Tagging @illarian-rambling @mysticstarlightduck @kaylinalexanderbooks @davycoquette @sableglass
@the-ellia-west @ominous-feychild @roselinbooks @lychhiker-writes @riveriafalll
@phoenixradiant @winglesswriter and open tag
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moshi-roulette · 2 years
Ruby Chocolate
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“Are you here to find love too?”
( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆
General Info
Filomene Roaimer
Ruby Chocolate, Ruby, Choco, RC, Lover Girl
Oct 12
Zodiac Sign:
( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆
Personal Info
She is a hopeless romantic and is absolutely in love with the concept of romance. She is known to be very hyper yet very friendly, always going out of her way to help her friends when they are in need. Though some might find her a bit obsessive and maybe a bit creepy at times with her crazed-looking smile, but she just claims it is just a little quirk of her’s that she simply can’t help.
Romance Novels
When her novels get too boring/weird
Writing, Reading, Dancing
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Game Info
Game (Good):
She will ask Sissy to help her write a love letter. It’s sort of like MadLibs, so there is no right or wrong answer to this game. After Sissy is finished, RC will profusely thank Sissy for her help.
Game (Bad):
Ah, so that’s why people think she’s obsessive. Yeah, she’s basically a yandere. She will chase Sissy around her house with a letter opener, begging for Sissy to not leave her. If Sissy fails to escape, then RC will tear her apart with the letter opener, leaving a cutscene where RC is holding the dead body of Sissy. Though if Sissy does escape, RC will continue to call out to her, saying that she will get Sissy to stay with her forever.
Reason for coming to Food Town:
To find love
Sweets District
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jlown · 2 years
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made some dream of gluttony characters when i started watching manlybadassheros playthrough, gourd girl and ice cream :) i am yet to color them
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