#ESPECIALLY the coffee shop simulator
cowboyhorsegirl · 1 year
the only good website is coolmathgames.com
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cumikering · 2 months
F1 John Price x reader
2.7k | fluff Price raced for Mclaren. You didn’t know that (part 2)
No human body was made for this: jetting across continents and time zones for nine months out of twelve.
Even after the years, John Price hadn’t got used to it. Neither was he used to flying from Las Vegas to London for a photoshoot only to hop on another plane the day after for his next race in Qatar.
He groaned internally, his body aching as he plopped down onto the backseat of the cab before taking his black surgical mask and cap off. He didn’t get a proper rest with how turbulent his flight was.
“Oh, I’ve seen ya mate!” the middle-aged driver exclaimed, eyeing him from the rear-view mirror. “You’re famous- you’re the F1 bloke, innit?”
John gave him a polite smile.
“Could you sign something of mine?” He popped open his glovebox. “Wait, this wouldn’t sell so high…” he muttered as he rummaged through it.
The cars behind started a cacophony of honks.
“Am in the way.” He chuckled sheepishly as he pulled away. “You better not run off before I find something!"
Downtown London was packed at the hour. The driver had plenty of time to look through every nook and cranny of his car, but cursing when he could only come up with a yellowing notepad and a drying pen. John made do.
“Could you also put your name down, please?” He held the pad over his shoulder after he’d inspected it. “So we know who you are.”
And he did, with another rehearsed smile.
“Cheers, mate.” With a pleased grin, he tossed the pad onto the passenger seat, not even bothering to make eye contact amidst the traffic.
At the red light around the corner of the magazine HQ, the taxi halted in front of a coffee shop. He glanced at his watch - he was 20 minutes early and he desperately needed caffeine.
John pulled his mask and cap back on before exiting the car. The cap was still stiff, one with a French flag patch he grabbed at random at the airport with a grumble. He’d misplaced the plain one he liked.
He kept his head down as he stood in the short queue.
“Hot Americano, double shot, please.”
His phone chimed when he waved it over the payment terminal. He was going to regret this. He wasn’t a big coffee drinker.
“Can I get a name for that?” You looked up from the cup you scribbled on.
You smiled, glancing at his cap and wrote his name down. “Like Jean Pierre?”
He chuckled, only now making eye contact with you. It was a joke between him and his teammate, Kyle, or Gaz as the fans called him. You must be one of those well-meaning people pretending to not recognise him, giving him a slice of normalcy.
He always appreciated the gesture, especially the more years passed. As glamorous as life had been since F1, John discovered he wasn’t about all the glitz and glam.
He didn’t care about looking immaculate all the time, scripted speech in designer clothing or driving expensive cars. Have you seen the state of London’s streets? Everything was PR, PR, PR - like this wasn’t even his life he was living anymore. He wanted to be home on his racing simulator or get the neighbourhood takeaway in his thick hoodies without anyone shoving a camera in his face. He just wanted his old, quiet life.
You worked the coffee machine, your back to him, and his gaze wondered to the pastry display as he leaned on the counter. The cookies were massive, thick in the middle, probably chewy too. They would be perfect with his coffee.
He glanced at the line which had grown longer, and at you at the register now, scribbling another customer’s order onto a cup with a smile. It was odd that no one else was in sight to help you at the busy time.
A quick peek at his watch: he didn’t have the time to queue again. He’d just have to come back later after his business.
“Enjoy.” You flashed him a smile as you placed his order on the counter.
It didn’t hurt that you were easy on the eyes.
Sure enough, hours later after a photoshoot and an interview, caffeine still buzzed in John’s veins. He could only imagine how long he’d be up later that night, but it was worth it. At least he didn’t look like a zombie in the footage.
His mask didn’t hold off the gust of wind - cold against his cheeks as he stepped out of the building. His stomach rumbled. While pubs had started to fill up with people in work attire, the lights were still on in your shop. He crossed the street only for the sign to read ‘closed’, the last couple exiting the door.
His shoulders sagged, but he pushed the door open anyway.
You looked up from the tablet you fumbled with, your smile apologetic. “Hiya, we’re closed. Sorry.”
He glanced at the display, empty safe for two remaining cookies. He pointed at them. “Hi, so sorry to bother, but I just wanted those, please. I didn’t get the chance earlier.”
Recognition flashed in your eyes. “Oh, I remember you. Jean-Pierre.”
“It’s me.” He laughed.
You slid the bag of two cookies across the counter. “On the house.”
“No, no. You’re doing me a favour already. Have one with me at least?”
You hummed. “Why not.”
At the nearest table, he had taken his cap and mask off. You set down a mug of milk.
“You’re spoiling me.” He chuckled, taking a bite of the cookie. “Oh my god, it’s spot on,” he groaned.
You smiled. “I’m glad you like it. It took me a while to come up with the perfect recipe.”
“I’d thought about this for hours and it doesn’t disappoint, but I bet it tastes even better warm.” His gaze couldn’t help but fall to your untouched cookie.
You laughed, pushing the paperbag across the table.
“I’m sorry, this is so, so shameless.” He gave you a sheepish grin. “But it’s wonderful, really. I’ll be back. Definitely.”
“You’re very welcome to.”
“Can I place an order? For my team. Three dozens for tomorrow morning, or is that a bit last minute?”
“Yeah, no, I can do that.” You smiled. “If I may ask, what do you do, JP? Sounds like a big team.”
He frowned. “I thought you knew?”
You tilted your head. “Sorry, I don’t think you told me?”
“Right.” He cleared his throat. Heat crept up his neck from the presumption. “I work with cars.”
“Like a mechanic?”
“Something like that.”
“Oh, that’s impressive. You must have steady hands.”
“I do, I suppose.” He held your gaze for a moment. “Oh, sorry, you were about to close. I’ll just finish this-“
You waved your hand. “Do take you time. I hadn’t had the chance to sit down.”
“Busy day?”
“Very. One of my girls is sick so I worked alone today.”
“I can stay a bit, if you don’t mind.” He smiled. “Actually, would you like dinner? I’m famished. I can get something for us?”
“That sounds fantastic.”
“I saw a kebab shop a block away. Are they stingy with their chips?”
“Of course not. They wouldn’t be my favourite otherwise.”
He dashed out the door with a grin.
When John returned with dinner, you called out from the kitchen as you put away the cookie dough you’d just prepped for his order.
“I make the dough at least 12 hours ahead. That way the flavours have a chance to mingle.” You sat across him.
“Is that why they’re so good?”
You shrugged, smiling, as you unwrapped your dinner.
“I’ll be back for this too.” He nodded approvingly at the kebab, bursting at the seams with chips.
“They’ve got great food around here.”
“All the more reason I’ll have to be back.”
You chatted over the meal, about the area and its hidden gems. He was convinced he didn’t even know half of the city even after living there for many years.
“Thanks for dinner, Jean-Pierre. You can go now if you want.” You put away the wrappings. “I don’t want to bore you with all the cleaning I’m going to be doing.”
“It’s John, and I can do the dishes.”
“I can’t let you do that.”
“You said you were tired, and look how long I held you up.” He gestured at the dark sky outside.
You chuckled as you shook your head.
“Come on, let’s get to work,” he said over his shoulder as he sauntered to the kitchen.
You wiped down the counters and did the floor as John helped with the dishes, asking about you and your shop. While he didn’t like doing chores, doing them with you didn’t feel troublesome.
In fact, it was nice to spend some time out, not cooped up all alone in his apartment. It was refreshing to not be talking about racing or cars, to get away from it all. You laughed so heartily, so bright at his jokes. Within these four walls, maskless, he didn’t have to pretend.
He wore his mask as you locked up, but not before sliding in a few bills into the tip jar when you weren’t looking.
“So.” He turned to you, hands jammed in his pockets.
“I’m taking the bus.”
If he had his car he’d have offered to drive, but it was just as well he wasn’t driving. What if he wouldn’t want to leave?
So he walked you to the bus stop before calling a taxi for himself, back to his own reality.
While John was away for a Grand Prix weekend, between media day, qualifying and other preparations, he didn’t have the chance to be alone with his thoughts. However, as soon as he lay in his hotel bed that Sunday night, adrenaline still pumping in his blood from the race hours before, his mind drifted to you. He wondered what you were up to, if you’d thought about him since Wednesday morning when he picked up his order.
See, his problem wasn’t that he didn’t ask, but that he asked too easily and often came off too strong. He didn’t want that, especially not to you, someone the slightest bit more than an acquaintance now, a funny and pretty one at that.
But he should have asked for your number. He had so many chances to: during dinner, while walking you to the bus stop, or when he swung by the day after. You would have loved to know how everyone flocked to him when he walked into the room, oohing and aahing over your cookies.
He’d just have to wait until the next day.
Monday was his favourite day of the week because it was his day off, allowing him to not even leave his penthouse apartment if he so wished. But in the afternoon when he arrived back in London, he had somewhere else to be. On his way home from the factory, he took a detour, parking around the corner from your shop.
He wasn’t supposed to think so much about you, let alone miss you, but he did against his better judgement. He couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face when you greeted him as he approached the counter.
“Hiya, what can I get you?”
“I’d like to place another order for tomorrow. Everyone loved your cookies.”
“Sure.” You smiled. “You know, you could just give us a ring, yeah?”
“Right, about that. I was wondering if you fancy dinner with me tonight?”
“Oh, I’ll have to prep for the cookies-“
Behind you, a young lady at the coffee machine quipped over her shoulder with a stifled smile. “I can handle that.”
You turned and mouthed ‘thank you’ to her. “Where to?”
“Anywhere you want. I’m driving.”
When you sent him to wait at a table with a cup of hot chocolate, his smile faltered. He didn’t think this through. He was driving his Mclaren. Shephard, the boss, made up this silly clause in the contract for him and Gaz to drive their own McLaren to and from the factory. Good for PR, he said.
 He hurried outside as he dialled.
“Kate? Kate, I’m at that coffee shop.”
There was a beat. “Okay?”
“Would you please drive my GTI over?”
“Why, did your car break?” She chuckled. “A towed Mclaren isn’t a good look. Shephard won’t be impr-”
“No, I need my GTI in-“ he glanced at his watch. ”Exactly 52 minutes.”
“What? John, I’m your manager, not your errand boy.”
“Please! I’ve got no time to explain, just do it.”
“Or what?” she said dryly.
“I’ll tell your wife in Qatar there was a lighter in your coat pocket which smelled an awful lot like smoke.”
There was a pause followed by a huff. “Fine. Text me the address.”
Kate rolled up in his Golf GTI in time for your shop to close. You picked a place not too far from your flat, and he was thankful it wasn’t packed. You sat at the table in the corner and kept his cap on.
It was evident you were less tired that night, more playful with your jokes. He could listen to your laugh and look into your eyes all day. But before it was too late, much to his chagrin, you called it a night.
He pulled up at your flat. “I promise no more last-minute orders.”
“Just give us a call next time.”
“Rather call you.”
John Sloane, he typed into your phone.
You smiled, sliding your phone back in your pocket. “See you soon, John.”
“Tomorrow. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You held his gaze for another moment before giving him a quick peck on the cheek. His heart soared, but before he could react, you’d shut the door behind you with a supressed smile.
He grinned to himself as he drove home.
“Gaz!” Soap bellowed at the door. “Sorry am late. My alarm didnae go off.” The engineer hurried to the table to see Kyle munching happily. “Och, did ye get more cookies, Cap? I’m starvin’.”
Everyone on the team wore a cap, but Price was the only one who couldn’t be caught without one, therefore the curious nickname. That, and he often swore up a storm on team radio, like a bossy sailor. Simon, his engineer, could only remain silent witnessing the outbursts like he wasn’t even there. He earned his moniker Ghost that way.
John chuckled. “Help yourself, mate.”
He popped open the box, groaning after a bite. “Aye, that’s the one.”
“You sure you don’t want one, Ghost?” Gaz teased as he grabbed his third cookie. “You’ve been staring.”
“Alright, just one.”
“Oh, that didn’t take a lot of convincing,” Soap quipped between bites.
Ghost gave him the side eye. “Would you rather I eat the whole box, Johnny?”
Soap pouted and took his seat next to Gaz, and the team meeting for the upcoming race commenced.
As always, the crew flew out on Thursday, but this time, he had you to text. And he did, between the press conferences and briefs, or work, as he simply told you. If he was home, he would ask you out again in a heartbeat. Texting couldn’t compare to seeing that smile in real life, but it would have to do for now.
Abu Dhabi was the last race of the season. He was very much looking forward to winter break, even more so this time, because for the first time in years, he had someone to come home to. Okay, maybe that was too generous a statement. There was someone he would very much want to see, to say the least.
John landed in London Monday evening, still thrumming from his P1 win and finishing second for the season. He went straight home to switch cars before picking you up at work for dinner with a giddy smile.
He had a few days to himself before leaving for Liverpool for Christmas, which hopefully meant one more time of seeing you, if you let him, that was. But when you gave him another peck on his cheek when he opened the car door for you, he decided it was impossible to stay away from you.
I’ve missed you too much.
Ex boyfriend Price Masterlist
@tiredmetalenthusiast @le16erc @keegansshark @kyletogaz @footyandformula
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greensagephase · 3 months
Nonviolent Communication - Part 16
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Pairing: Spider-Man!Miguel O'Hara x Spider-Woman!Reader Summary: Miguel and you make visits to the cemetery to talk to your loved ones. Miguel joins the spider gang for a training simulation so you can continue to rest after being sick. You go grocery shopping with him and then cook together! You debate gifting Miguel something for Father's Day. Word Count: 17.5k Warning: some depressing content; minor injury; blood; Miguel cries A/N: Edited this once, so I'm praying it's good since a lot was done at 4am today 🫠 Masterlist Music Inspo (Spotify playlist for the fanfic here) "Evergreen" - Richy Mitch & The Coal Miners "Home" - Good Neighbours (tyy Laura!!❤️)
Thank you for reading!!
Part 16
You lay fresh flowers on Peter’s resting place. You’ve collected the old ones and placed them with the other ones from your other loved ones’ graves. You always leave Peter’s for last, so you can stay with him the longest. It’s always been like this since he passed away.
A gentle breeze blows on your face as you stare at the gravestone. It’s almost another year since his death, the fifth one.
You sigh and fix the flowers, arranging them in a way that looks pretty. You always take your time with this on every grave, wanting to show love and care to your deceased loved ones even years after their deaths.
You finish fixing the flowers, admiring how colorful and fresh they are. You always opt for bright ones to lighten up Peter’s grave. You like to think that he’s here somewhere, sitting on the ground or leaning against the nearest tree, or even sitting on his own stone listening to you talk about your day. It used to help you in the early days after losing him. Now, it comforts you in a different way. Your heart aches but differently. You’ve healed, even though you once believed you wouldn’t.
You pull back. Usually, you tell Peter everything that happened during the week from the villains you’ve fought to the little moments of your day like simply having a coffee. He always loved that, hearing about your day. You intend to share all of that with him, but there’s something that’s been weighting on your mind especially, and heavily.
He left your life in a blink of an eye, and came back just like that.
Nearly five years later, he makes an appearance, asking to reenter your life. You’ve had little time to think about his request with you growing sick the next morning and then having your period. Thankfully, you feel much better today. Your cold is mostly gone and your period’s symptoms have calmed down thanks to the medication that Miguel got you. Your body is still feeling some of the effects, like fatigue, but for the most part, you feel well. Your recovery has been a fast one and you have no doubt in your mind it’s all due to Miguel, who was like your nurse on duty, making rounds every thirty minutes and ensuring you took the medicine as it was prescribed. And then, there’s all the food he cooked and the other kind gestures, like giving you his blanket and sweatshirt, and the ointment on your nose and back.
You chuckle to yourself at the thought and decide to start your weekly moment with Peter at last, even after all these years. You tell him everything from running into Harry to getting sick and how Miguel looked after you to a brief summary of Miguel’s feelings regarding the situation with Harry.
He didn’t say it directly but you have a feeling that he’s not happy with Harry and honestly, even your other friends seemed… on edge about the situation.
His words, along with your friends’ behavior, have made you consider this situation, especially Miguel’s words. He made you realized Harry really did ghost you in a moment when you could’ve used someone’s comfort. Miguel also made you see that maybe, you did deserve a little better, even if you know that you were fully going to try and cut ties with Harry.
Now, you wonder if you would’ve done it had Harry not stepped away for whatever reason he did. Would you had allowed him to stay in your life had he stuck around? You know it’s unproductive to think about this now, so many years later but still.
A part of you is displeased that you have to worry about this now. You had simply accepted that your friendship had ended with Harry. He had his reasons and you had yours, so it felt like a silent mutual decision between you, but now? Harry is back and he wants to be part of your life again.
The question is now whether you let him, or not.
“What do I do, Peter?” you whisper. “I think - I was perfectly okay with the way things were left. Is that bad?” you ask. “I know I have no one in this universe.” Your head dips low once you say this. You truly have no one in this universe. Just you and yourself alone since Peter passed away. Staring at his gravestone, you swallow heavily.
“But I was okay with that for many years. I accepted it because I know I made that choice, to cut ties with everyone. I’ve told you what Miguel said - that I deserved better from our friends - and maybe I did, but it’s too late to think about that now. I accepted it years ago. Just like how I accepted what happened with Harry. We both walked away from each other, so it really felt like a mutual thing, you know? But now… He wants back and I don’t know if… I don’t know if I want him back. Is that a bad thing?” you whisper. “I just don’t know.” You sigh. “I don’t think my friends like the fact that he’s suddenly shown up. You should’ve seen them.” You smile softly, thinking of them. Your little family.
“You would’ve loved them, Peter. I’ve told you that already but I really do believe so. They’re amazing… They took me in and now they’re my family.”
You remain motionless and quiet for several minutes, thinking about the situation. The first thing is, maybe you did deserve better like Miguel said. Do you want that kind of person back in your life? What if Harry just walks out again?
There’s also the fact that you’re Spider-Woman. Having someone back into your life, someone who doesn’t know of your secret, will definitely stir things in your life. You’re not used to that anymore. Like, hiding your suit away in your bedroom, hidden in the closet. You don’t have to explain where little bruises come from, or why you were a bit late to something.
You can get used to that again, you suppose, but you won’t deny that hiding your identity can be exhausting and there’s always the risk of being connected to Spider-Woman. It was always a worry of yours with your parents, Aunt May, and Peter - to have them exposed to villains who made the connection.
You shake your head.
You can’t decide now. Maybe it’s too soon. It’s only been a few days since you met with him. Perhaps you ought to think about it more, give it a few more days.
“I need more time, Peter. I’ll think about it more,” you whisper softly with a sigh. You silently imagine Peter agreeing with your decision for now but your imagination is interrupted by your spider senses.
You glance around quickly, taking in your surroundings. You’ve been so lost with your thoughts you haven’t been paying attention to anything around you. Your eyes find the reason for the warning.
“Harry is coming,” you say, turning to face the grave. “I must go, Peter. I love you,” you whisper, quickly pressing your hand to the gravestone, your physical way of saying bye. “I’ll be back soon. I promise.”
You pick up your things and slip away, hiding behind a tree before Harry can catch sight of you. You watch from a distance as Harry approaches Peter’s grave, flowers in his hand.
You frown as you watch him get closer, your eyes on the flowers. You came to visit Peter very often after his death, multiple times a week, day and night. Despite coming so often, you only brought flowers once a week since they stayed fresh, and also because you’d always find other sets of flowers. You knew they were likely from friends but as the months went on, your flowers were the only ones that continued to come. Whoever else came to drop off flowers stopped two or three months after Peter’s passing.
Now, you watch as Harry stands in front of Peter’s grave with a solemn look on his face. You wonder if he ever comes to visit Peter, even without flowers. You hope he did because otherwise, it’d mean Harry didn’t visit his best friend’s grave. Not for nearly five years. It’d mean today is the first time.
You watch for a few more seconds, noticing Harry’s valet down the street standing next to the car, waiting for his boss.
With a sigh, you silently bid goodbye to Peter once more before slipping away, leaving the cemetery.
You dispose of the dead flowers somewhere appropriate and walk around your city. You’re not too happy you had to cut your visit short and leaving in a rush but you had to if you wanted to avoid Harry to avoid giving him an answer.
With your thoughts on Harry, you mindlessly walk with no clear direction. You must make a decision, sooner of later. For a moment, you wish you hadn't ran into him that day. If you hadn't, you wouldn't be here now, debating this entire ordeal. You're almost certain the stress from the encounter led to you getting sick.
You stop at the end of the street now and wait for traffic while you think about the fact that you got sick and how for the first time in years, someone took care of you.
You bring a hand to your nose, touching the tip, right where Miguel applied the ointment. You smile as you recall the moment, how gentle he was while applying the product while telling you that it was going to help you breathe better. Then, he gave you his sweatshirt and a hot tea.
You fell asleep shortly after while Miguel continued to watch over you. Lyla later told you it was like a man looking after a priceless artifact that could be stolen at any point, something that of course, brought a heat to your cheeks and stirred tenderness in you.
You're not surprised. Miguel is a kind man - a good one. He's caring and tender. He has so much love to give despite all the bad things, all the losses, that's happened to him.
You continue walking, finding yourself on your street. Of course. You'd probably find your way here even with a blindfold on since you've lived here for so long. You approach the construction site, keeping some distance as your eyes take in the progress. It seems like the building will be ready in a few more weeks, and then, it'll be time to move back.
It’ll be nice to be back.
You bite the inside of your cheek. But?
Miguel flashes in your mind.
Him standing in the kitchen, cooking dinner while he talks to you. Then, there’s him sitting on the couch reading, eyebrows knitted lost in deep thought. Miguel, who taps his foot or bops his head slightly when you’re both cleaning the penthouse, the upbeat music winning over his body. There’s also him falling asleep on the couch, snoring softly, which is both endearing and heartwarming, to see that he’s actually resting when he went so long neglecting his body of it.
There’s also Miguel wishing you a good night’s sleep as you both stand in the hallway, him in front of his door wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, waiting for you to enter your bedroom first before he enters his, which you believe he does to be a gentleman. It’s so sweet.
And there’s Miguel, who said was going to miss you when you return to your universe, and who you’ll be missing right back.
It seems you’ll both be missing each other. It almost feels as though, maybe… You shake your head gently.
You’ve thought about it a lot, many nights as you’ve laid in bed. The thought seems to pop up more often now that the weeks have dwindle. It doesn’t feel like much time went by since that first day when Miguel stayed at the penthouse to ensure you rested after the early morning you had helping your building’s residents evacuate.
A sheepish smile forms on your face as you remember telling Miguel how you wanted to hug him that day. You were out of it, exhausted both mentally and physically, maybe even emotionally, and the thought slipped out of your mouth. It did lead to him offering a pinky squeeze, an open one, though. Not like before when he could easily play it off as an accident because you were handing something to each other.
You hum softly. So much has changed since that day. Living with Miguel, temporarily, has allowed your friendship to grow, so much Miguel even admitted you’re his best friend.
“Best friend,” you murmur softly to yourself as you continue to stand on the sidewalk.
You miss your little old building and your small cozy apartment. There’s always going to be a coziness, a warmth from it. It’s a special place for sure, at least in your heart. And yet… You find yourself missing the housing arrangement, even though you haven’t left yet.
You’ll miss Miguel.
You sigh and shake your head.
It’ll be okay.
Things will fall into their rightful place.
They always do.
Back in Nueva York, Earth-928, Miguel sits on the grass. He looks up at the sky for several minutes, silently. After a few days of rain, the weather has now cleared up. Today is sunny and bright, and there’s even a gentle but nice breeze that rustles Miguel’s hair. After several minutes, he closes his eyes and just - breathes.
Recently, he’s been trying to come more often and stay for a while. In the past, he was unable to. It was too hard, and after Gabriella’s universe collapsed, even more. Despite not coming often back then, Miguel always made sure the gravestones were taken care of, that they weren’t dirty and overgrown with weeds.
Recently, however, Miguel has tried to visit more often. He supposes part of the reason is that it’s easier now. It’s been several years since Gabriel and his mother passed away. Too many. It’s hard to believe that his little brother especially has been gone for so long.
Truth be told, Miguel always assumed he’d be the first to go. It made sense for the oldest sibling to pass away first, right? That’s how he thought it’d be, but life has its twists and turns, unexpected things out of our hands happen, and somehow, Miguel is still here.
Even when there were so many times he wished he wasn’t.
Miguel opens his eyes, moving his gaze to the gravestone.
When Gabriel died, Miguel especially thought about that. Gabriel deserved to live. He was a happy, outgoing young man. He brought a smile to everyone, always lifted people’s spirits.
Miguel has always believed out of the two of them, Gabriel was the better one, something he once voiced to him.
Of course, Gabriel O’Hara denied it and told him he was no better than Miguel.
With a sigh, Miguel leans forward. Losing Gabriel, it was more than losing a brother. He lost two things: his little brother, who always told him he wasn’t “little” anymore, and his best friend.
Losing him, it was the last straw. He focused entirely on his lab, burying his grief and loss with work to try and forget the fact that he had lost his last bit of family with his mother dying a previous year. He was suddenly familyless in his twenties, alone in the world.
Of course, he had Lyla but Gabri… He was gone.
Miguel inhales softly. It hurt. So bad. He never thought he could feel any worse but he was wrong because he then experienced losing Gabriella.
After several minutes of silence, Miguel sighs. “Hola hermano [Hello, brother],” he says, speaking for the first time. He’s been coming more often these days, but usually, Miguel doesn’t speak. He looks up at the sky again. “You would’ve loved this weather.”
His words are received by a bird chirping somewhere.
“Remember when we’d play fútbol [soccer] with all the other kids from the building at this time of year? The weather was warm and nice, not too hot yet. We knew school would be out soon for the summer, and we’d be able to stay up late behind our -” Miguel pauses, looking down at the gravestone. For a moment, a fraction of a second, he almost said the word. Sometimes, despite everything, he still associates the word with the man. He supposes that’s what a whole childhood does to someone. “Behind George’s back. Mama would let us stay up late in our rooms, watching movies about superheroes, wishing we were like them.” Miguel rolls his eyes playfully, a smile tugging at his lips before it falters. “Qué días… No sabía que algún día te perdería tan pronto. Siempre pensé que seria yo el que te dejaría primero. Y yo… te extraño, Gabrielito. Extraño mi hermanito enfadoso. Que daría por verte entrar a mi laboratorio para enfadarme, tal vez con otra persona de la sociedad de la cual te hiciste amigo [What days… I didn’t know one day I’d lose you so soon. I always thought it’d be me who would leave you first. And I… I miss you, Gabrielito. I miss my little annoying brother. What I would give to see you enter my lab to annoy me, maybe with another person from the society, one you became friends with]. Or, maybe… I’d see you walking in with Y/N, telling her something embarrassing about our childhood because you thought it’d be funny.” Miguel shakes his head at that image, smiling.
“I know I haven’t talked the last few times I’ve been here, but I just - I couldn’t. Not yet, but now I am. It’s been almost a year, Gabriel, since I possibly saw you. I’m still not sure if I did, or if it was just a dream - an illusion - but my heart tells me it was real. Y/N thinks so, too. Anyway,” Miguel pauses, clearing his throat. “It’s been almost a year, hermano [brother]. A year - a whole year. I’m sorry, if you’re listening, you’re probably hating that I’m repeating myself so much but, yeah, it’s been a year. Can you believe that?” Miguel asks, pausing. The same bird, probably, chirps. Miguel’s lips purse before he continues.
“A whole lot has changed, Gabriel. A lot. I… I’m a different man than I was a year ago. I can look at myself in the mirror now. I don’t shy away from my own gaze, which is another thing. My eyes. I find myself… Happy with them, along with my fangs and talons. That’s thanks to someone, and you know her very well. Well, at least in my dreams you do. Y/N. You and her get along so well in my dreams. We both wish you were around, physically, so she could’ve met you. You would’ve loved her, I know it,” Miguel says smiling again. “She’s a big part of my life now. I finally told her the other day that she’s my best friend. Oh, and she’s living with me now. Temporarily. I think… Her building will be livable again, very soon. She’ll be returning to her universe.”
Miguel looks away, staring at his lap. He picks away some grass from his bottoms, thinking. That same bird chirps again as if responding to him. He looks up again when he hears the fluttering from somewhere on the trees.
“It’s… difficult, Gabriel. I’ve grown used to her living with me. To her presence being there, both at HQ and now at the penthouse, close by. Our routines, they just merged. Clicked. Is it bad… Is it crazy that I’d like Dulzura [sweetness] - “ Miguel stops as he hears the nickname he gave you. “I’ve given her a nickname, too, Gabri. It just slipped out of my mouth that day. Dulzura [sweetness]. She’s so sweet, so kind to me - kinder than other people would ever be. Something about her, Gabri…” Miguel shakes his head. “As I was saying, I gave her a nickname. Dulzura [sweetness] - because she’s sweet and kind - but what I wanted to ask is, if it’s crazy that I’d like her to stay? For her to continue to live at the penthouse?”
The flapping of wings makes Miguel pause. He looks up, his crimson eyes finding a red bird in mid-flight. It so happens to perch itself on Gabri’s gravestone. He stares at it, watching how the bird spreads its wings before bringing them closer to its small, delicate body. Once settled, it looks around before settling its gaze on Miguel, too, observing him.
With knitted eyebrows, Miguel continues to stare, wondering if speaking will startle the bird. He decides not to for a moment, wanting to observe the bird this close up for longer. For a moment, he wishes you were here so you could see it, too. After several seconds, the bird chirps, taking small steps over Gabriel’s gravestone. Miguel remains quiet and keeps watching before the bird chirps again, stopping and turning to look at him, now on the edge of the gravestone’s top.
“What? Can’t find food?” Miguel asks. “I’m sure there’s plenty around.”
The bird chirps again. Miguel groans softly, now he’s talking to birds. “Estoy loco, verdad, ¿Gabri? [I’m crazy, right, Gabri?] I shouldn’t… but I do. I know it’s not likely. Dulzura [sweetness], she loves her apartment, so much. She’d never consider it, plus… This was only because of what happened at her building, not for any other reason. So there’s that.” Miguel frowns, picking up blades of grass with his fingers. He twirls a piece between his thumb and forefinger. “Aun así… No puedo dejar de pensar en el día que se ira [Even then… I can’t stop thinking about the day she’ll leave]. Thinking about it - it upsets me. I have no right, I know.” He gently lets go of the grass, watching it blow away with the breeze. He turns to the bird, still there. “¿Tu que? ¿Te gusto escuchar el chisme? [What of you? You liked hearing the gossip?]” He tilts his head to the side, wondering if something is wrong with this bird, but it moves just fine, no sign of injury.
He sighs.
“… I’m going to miss her, Gabriel,” Miguel admits out loud, his thoughts still on you and the fact it’s inevitable for you to move back to your apartment. “A lot,” he whispers. “But I can’t possibly ask. I can’t put her in a hard position. So, I guess in a few weeks, I’ll be staying at the penthouse on my own. Again.”
Miguel stares at the bird, wondering what his brother would say. He’d be positive about it. He’d say something like how things will work out the way they’re supposed to. So, Miguel holds on to that thought, even if things have not always turned out great for him.
The next day, the Spider Society’s HQ is buzzing with energy since it’s Monday. Miguel and you walk side by side as you both enter the training sector, a floor designed for all forms of training, including simulations. You glance at Miguel, who’s carrying a gym bag on his broad shoulder.
Once or so every week, you join the spider gang to do training simulations but due to the cold and your period, you’re not entirely up for it today. So, you decided to ask Miguel if he’d like to join them in your place. He seem reluctant at first but then you added that you’d be here, and he agreed.
You know Miguel works out frequently, sometimes in the afternoon when everyone is gone from HQ, but ever since you temporarily moved in with him, he’s been opting to work out at home. Apparently owning the penthouse means a private gym, which Miguel told you about a few days after you moved in when he remembered it. Of course, he said you could use it if you wanted to, especially because it’s better since it’s more private than the training sector at HQ, where all the spider people train and work out.
Today, though, it seems he might try to work out a bit with the spider gang, hence his backpack to change into other clothes once the training simulation is over. The two of you walk through the sector, the place filled with many, many gym machines and then some more to accommodate the strength of the spider people, such as big blocks of metal among other things that no regular human will ever be able to lift.
As Miguel and you walk further inside, you finally spot the group, so you both head straight for them. You’re about fifty feet away from them when someone calls your name.
Miguel and you both turn, halting. Your gaze finds none other than Ben Reilly, who you know spends a lot of time here at the training sector. You smile softly at him and wave.
“Hi, Ben,” you greet him.
“Hey,” Ben replies, giving you somewhat of a smile. He raises his arm to wave back, flexing his bare biceps as he does so, not wearing his suit but rather work out gear. “Hope you’re - feeling better.”
Tilting your head to the side, you offer yet another smile. You didn’t know that others paid that much attention, though maybe it was the fact that Miguel didn’t show up that alerted them. And maybe someone from the spider gang mentioned it, so it may have reached other members’ ears.
“That’s kind of you, Ben, thank you. I’m doing much better, for sure. I still feel a little fatigue, but the worst has passed.”
“Glad to hear that, and to see you back,” he says, nodding. “See you around.”
“Alright, see you around!”
With that, you continue walking, Miguel following a step behind, his brows knitted.
It’s like he wasn’t even there, standing next to you. He glances back, finding Ben staring in your direction but immediately looking away when he notices Miguel’s gaze. He watches for a few seconds as Reilly starts working out again. Miguel exhales deeply as he turns to face the front again.
Weird, he thinks to himself as you both approach the group.
“Huh, Miguel did show up,” Hobie says, as if he expected Miguel to back out.
“This will be so much fun! Miguel is joining us for the first time!” Pav says cheerfully.
You smile as you notice the overall excitement about Miguel joining the spider gang for training today. Over the last few months, you’ve noticed Miguel trying to be more open with them and you have to admit, this little opportunity might help even more. The fact that he even accepted makes you feel very grateful and excited, even if you’re not participating today, unfortunately. Your hope, however, is that maybe after today, Miguel might be willing to train with the group from now on, including you.
“This should be interesting,” Peter B. says with Mayday hanging out on his shoulder, before everyone starts off to the simulation square, excited and eager.
Jess steps back, taking a seat on the edge of the running track. Sometimes she participates and other times she doesn’t, today being one of those days. You nod to Miguel.
“I’m going to sit with Jess. Good luck,” you tell him softly, offering a smile of encouragement.
Miguel raises an eyebrow, playfully. “Gracias [thank you]. I’ll see you in a few minutes.” Miguel watches as you take a seat next to Jess, satisfied that you’re safe and settled down, resting.
He heads to the simulation center where everyone is already waiting for him. The holographic walls engage right away, similar to those barriers used to capture anomalies except these can be broken.
From your spot, you watch as the simulation officially begins. The system selects a random New York from the database along with a random villain from those that have been captured, using the information it has on behavior and skills.
As soon as the villain pops up, the team jumps into action, quickly agreeing on roles and tasks before they split or team up.
As Jess and you watch, Jess breaks the silence.
“So… how is it?”
“How is what?” you ask, giving her a glance.
“Living with Miguel.”
“Oh,” you reply simply. You weren’t exactly expecting that question, so you feel caught off guard for a few seconds before you collect your thoughts. “It’s… great.”
“Just great?”
You chuckle. “I’m sorry, your question caught me off guard.” You sigh, watching how Hobie and Pav launch themselves off a building, swinging easily across the city. “I’ve… It’s amazing,” you start, which makes one of Jess’s eyebrows shoot up. “It’s really nice living with someone - living with Miguel. He’s a very respectful, responsible person. So… considerate. Our routines kind of - just clicked.” You pause, watching how Miguel swings after Hobie now, telling him something. Hobie nods before he parts ways with him.
Jess hums, listening.
“I’m thankful he offered his place to stay. I never thought I’d experience a fire at my building.”
“Girl - your building - I don’t mean to be mean but,” she pauses and you laugh softly.
“Okay, maybe I shouldn’t say I never expected it. I’ll agree the building is - old.”
“I was thinking ancient but old works, too.”
Jess and you laugh again.
“I don’t mean it in a bad way,” Jess says. “It’s an older building, a fire was probably not out of the question, but I understand why you’re… attached to it.”
“It’s been my home for several years. It was the place where Peter and I started our lives together.” You lean back on your hands. “But I also do find it to be cute, in its own way. Anyway, I guess a fire in the near future was not too out of the question but still, I didn’t think - so soon, I guess. It threw me off, into an unexpected situation, and I’m thankful to Miguel for opening his home to me. To all of you for offering your homes, too.”
Jess hums again. “You know my home is still open to you.”
“I know, thank you again. Hobie and the Morales family have continued to offer, but all of you have families. I didn’t want to disrupt anyone’s life. I still feel like I’m disrupting Miguel’s.”
“You’re not,” Jess says rather quickly. She shakes her head. “You know better than most people that Miguel hardly spent time at his home. It’s only been recent that he started to, at least the nights for some reason,” she says, looking at you as if you have the answers.
You keep a neutral face. You’re close with Jess, with the spider gang, but you’re not going to reveal the reason why Miguel has been going home almost every night for a whole year. You’re not going to reveal that each weekend, you offer Miguel a sweatshirt fresh with your scent nor that his gizmo plays the sound of you sleepy breathing - that both things help him sleep because they bring him comfort, that his nightmares have slowly decreased over time.
Jess hums softly, understanding. “Whatever the reason… He goes home and sleeps, I think. That’s all that matters. And recently, because you’re staying with him, he goes home earlier. Do you know how big that is?” she asks, raising an eyebrow. “It’s huge. Before you and him - became close - there were times, very rare, when I’d find him slumped over his monitors, passed out. Most of the time though, he hardly slept. He was always in a mood because of his lack of sleep. And don’t get me started on the lack of food. He’d skip meals, too.” Jess pauses and turns to look at the team, still in the simulation. Her eyes find Miguel, thinking about what a different man he is now. “You’re not disrupting anyone’s life, much less Miguel’s - believe that.” Jess stops at that, though there’s more she’d like to say, like how ever since she met Miguel and especially after losing Gabriella, Miguel was merely existing. He went through the days in a blur, day blending into night, in that dark and lonely lab of his.
Over the last year though?
Miguel O’Hara has been living.
It’s as if he’s found a new reason to try at life.
But he’s not the only one.
Jess hums to herself and turns to look at you, offering one of those smiles that never fails to bring you comfort from your once mentor.
Maybe one day, both Miguel and you will realize what you’ve truly done for each other.
For now, Jess Drew keeps smiling at you. “I’m glad to have you here, you know? This place would be very different without you.”
You smile at Jess, thinking. “Thank you, Jess. For going back to my universe even after I first declined the invitation.”
“Don’t worry about it. You made me ask and ask again, but I’m just glad you accepted at last.”
Humming, you think back to the reason for you joining. Your Peter. Jess brought him up, hoping it’d convince you. At first you wondered how she had known about him but being part of the Spider Society for some time now, you know potential recruits are watched for a few days. Mentors make sure that potential new recruits are not a liability for the society, which means Jess probably spent a few days observing you without your knowledge until she deemed you safe for recruitment. During those days, she quickly put together your life - what your schedule was like, the people that had once being in your life, and the fact that most of your talking was with petty criminals and villains before you went to an empty home.
There’s been times over the course of your time at the Spider Society when you’ve wondered where you’d be right now if you had never joined. Of course, there might never be a way to know for sure but a part of you senses that you’d still be on your own. The mere thought fills you with sadness but even more so when you think about the possibility of never meeting the people around you.
There’s a chance you would’ve never met any of them; no Hobie, Pav, or Miles. No Gwen or Margo. No Peter B. or Jess. No Noir, Penny, or Spider-Ham.
No Miguel.
Staring at the group, who are almost done with the simulation, you give a silent thank you to Peter, your Peter, from wherever he is. He was the reason you joined the society, the one that swayed your decision.
You turn to Jess. “Thank you,” you say again.
“For what?”
“You know, going back to get me to join.”
Jess smirks. “I already told you, not to worry about it - but you’re welcome,” she says, nudging your side.
Chuckling, you nudge her back.
It’s good to be here.
With a sigh of content, you watch as the simulation ends. The spider gang steps out of the holographic walls, some of them heading to the area with machines to use them.
Jess and you continue to sit by the track race, catching up on her life. A few minutes later, you both notice Miles and Pav stick to Miguel’s side as he fixes a machine to his needs before he starts using it. He’s changed into dark sweatpants and a black t-shirt, the clothes he had in his gym bag. You nod at something Jess says, watching for a few seconds as Miguel works on his arms, Pav and Miles still at his side, talking to him.
From somewhere, you hear a man grunt, catching Jess’s and your attention.
Ben Reilly puffs out air as he lifts a barbell that no human could ever lift. His bare arms tense under the weight and he let's out another noise. His arms shake as he lowers it one more time, trying to get one last rep, but even from your spot, you can see he'll struggle to lift it.
“I think Ben has pushed it too far,” Jess remarks.
“I think he might need help putting it back,” you add, frowning. “Be right back.” You stand up and approach him, noticing the shaking even more as you walk closer. You're about six feet away from him when someone brushes past you, in front of you.
It's all so quick it leaves you feeling caught off guard, but the familiar scent immediately reaches your nose before your eyes find the person.
He stands behind Ben and gives you a reassuring nod. “I got it. Here Ben,” he says, offering his hands to help the other Spider-Man. You notice his suit activates even over his gym clothes. It seems he doesn't want accidental physical contact.
You nod back as Ben hands the barbell to him before Miguel places it back. Meanwhile, Ben looks at you with a defeated look.
You give him a small smile. It seems he's upset about not being able to continue his reps. You step back and go back to Jess and Peter B., who’s now sitting next to her. They seemed to be gossiping about something, giggling to themselves.
“-ckblocked!” is all you manage to hear from Peter B., giggling.
Jess laughs. “Shush!”
They both notice you and hold back from their laughter.
“Should I be concerned?” you ask, taking a seat next to Jess.
“No, don't worry about it,” Jess says more seriously.
“It's nothing. You're safe,” Peter B. says.
“Safe?” you ask, confused.
“He's just being a goofball. You know how he gets,” Jess says, discreetly nudging Parker.
You shrug and turn towards Miguel and Ben, finding him talking to Reilly still.
“There's a more efficient way to do it,” Miguel says as he take the barbell, positioning his body correctly. “Look.”
Miguel demonstrates by lifting the barbell, stretching his arms above his head. His gaze is focused, staring right ahead as he brings the barbell to his chest. His suit is back to being disengaged now that Reilly is a few feet away from him, so you can see his arms flex as he moves. Your eyes take in the sight of his sleeves, which become even more taut as his muscles flex.
Miguel continues to demonstrate by holding the barbell for a few seconds before he lifts it up again, his torso’s muscles becoming prominent beneath his t-shirt. His gaze remains focused ahead, but then, it flickers to you, meeting yours.
You hold his gaze, giving him a smile and a nod, encouraging him to go on. He returns the nod, his gaze still on you for a few seconds before Ben says something to him, making Miguel’s gaze turn away from you, almost hesitantly.
You turn away and face Jess and Peter B., who you find wiggling his eyebrows at Mayday. Jess and you laugh, returning to your conversation from earlier.
Half an hour later, you decide to do at least a little bit of walking to stretch your legs, so you begin to walk around the track on your own, leaving Jess and Peter B., along with Mayday, to talk. You see them giggling again, once you’re out of ear shot, which makes you wonder but you decide to not investigate. Probably parent stuff.
A minute or two later, Miguel falls in step with you. “Doing a little walking?” he asks, looking over at you before he wipes his brow with the back of his hand.
“Yeah, I figured I’d stretch my legs a little bit, considering I hardly moved the last few days.”
Miguel nods, smiling. “I’m glad to see you’re in better spirits, to see you back on your feet.”
You return the smile. “So am I, which… reminds me.” You hold his gaze as you stop walking. “Thank you for looking after me. I…” you trail off, collecting your thoughts. “It was a while since I had become sick, but all those times, I was on my own. I got used to looking after myself, I guess, so much I forgot what it’s like to have someone worry about and look after me. Thank you, Miguel,” you say softly. “It meant so much to me.”
Miguel hums gently, nodding. You stand in front of each other, meeting each other’s gazes. “Always,” Miguel replies, his voice low, soft. “No matter what - always.”
You almost throw your arms around him. Almost pull him towards you to embrace him and not only “tell” how thankful you are for him, but also show him by giving him the tightest, warmest hug he’s ever received in his whole life.
You almost do it.
Yet, you don’t.
You wish.
Oh, how you wish you could.
You wonder. Maybe there’s a dimension out there, one that hasn’t been discovered yet in the vast multiverse, where you’re in each other’s lives, too, with the difference that that dimension’s Miguel has never shied away from physical contact.
Maybe another version of you gets to freely hug their Miguel, or rather their version of Miguel, not that Miguel is theirs in some way.
The point is, maybe there’s a universe where you don’t hold back from hugging Miguel when you wish to. One in which your version can just hug him.
Like you wish you could right now.
You smile at him, your arms wishing to wrap around him, despite his sweat. “Always,” you whisper.
You both smile at each other, forgetting that you’re in the Spider Society’s training sector with multiple sets of eyes and ears, some curious to catch a glance or a snippet of your moment and friendship.
After a few seconds, you begin to walk together again, soft smiles on your faces.
“I was thinking - how do you feel about homemade pizza for dinner?” Miguel asks, his gaze on you despite the multiple distractions in the space.
“Homemade pizza?” you ask.
“Yes, we can customize - if you’d like to, of course. I was just thinking - I don’t know where the idea came from.”
“Homemade pizza sounds amazing! I’m up for it,” you say looking up at him giddily, which only makes Miguel happy. “We’d need to buy a few ingredients, but we can get them.”
“I was thinking of going to the grocery store. Do you want to go with me?” Miguel asks, tilting his head.
You nod immediately. “Yeah, I’d love to! Just tell me what time, so I can get regular clothes on.”
“I was thinking leaving earlier today,” Miguel says as you both keep walking.
“How early are we talking?”
Miguel grins. “Like… an hour or two.”
You hum softly in response.
“Two hours before my usual departure time,” Miguel decides in the moment, the decision an easy one in your presence.
You grin. “You made your mind up quickly.”
Miguel rolls his eyes playfully. “We can meet up at the penthouse, change, and head to the grocery store.”
“Sounds like a plan,” you answer, looking forward to some homemade pizza and quality time with your best friend.
Miguel carries the grocery basket while you both walk down the aisles, gathering the few ingredients that are needed for dinner. Just like Miguel suggested, the two of you left HQ thirty minutes ago, two whole hours earlier than Miguel usually leaves, and went straight to the penthouse to change in to regular clothes, and are now at one of Miguel’s favorite grocery stores in Nueva York.
You’ve seen it before but you’re still in awe as you both shop around, noticing the holograms for screens from which the best deals and newest items are displayed for customers to see. You even catch sight of holographic AIs, much like Lyla, that customers can refer to if they can’t find an item.
Even though it’s just a grocery trip, you find yourself enjoying it because you get to see more of Miguel’s universe, and you’re not the only one. Miguel walks next to you, the grocery basket looking like it’s part of a child’s grocery toy set near him, with great contentment thanks to your wide eyes and “oohs” when you see something exciting. You even end up checking out the sweets aisle, where Miguel added everything that you seemed to stare at for too long to the basket despite your protest once you noticed it.
At last, the two of you head to the check out section. Even though Miguel used the “scan and go” mobile option and paid online, you must show up to this area for an employee to check the purchases. So, you both stand there and wait for your turn to show the receipt. Meanwhile, you take a sip from a coffee Miguel bought you earlier from the attached coffee shop, insisting on you getting something. You declined at first but now that you’ve had it, you’re glad he offered because it’s great. Glancing at the cup, you notice there’s less than three sips left as you both step forward for a woman to scan your receipt from Miguel’s phone.
“How are you doing today? Did you guys find everything you needed?”
You nod with a smile, letting Miguel do the talking. It’s his universe after all.
“We did, thank you,” Miguel says as the lady scans the basket, placing the items in the bags Miguel brought with him.
You finish your drink and look around, noticing garbage bins nearby. “Hey, I’m going to throw this away real quick. It’s so good, I already finished it! Thank you for buying it for me,” you say with a smile. “I’ll be right back.”
Miguel gives you a small smile and nods before you head off.
The lady, noticing the interaction, smiles. “Aww, how sweet! You bought your girlfriend a coffee. What a gentleman,” she says, making Miguel nearly choke on his own saliva, something the lady seems to miss entirely, too busy talking and scanning the items to make sure everything is as it’s supposed to be. “And based on your groceries, you’re having a homemade pizza date.” She finishes her job and steps back, smiling. “You guys have a wonderful evening together!”
Miguel nods, still coughing quietly behind a small, sheepish smile. His cheeks are red as he approaches you, trying to stop the coughing. He stops a few feet behind you as you read something about the store’s recycling system. Apparently recycling is taken more seriously in Nueva York.
Miguel clears his throat, his chest finally calming down.
Your girlfriend, the lady said too happily, too certain. Like there’s no doubt that you’re Miguel’s girlfriend. He stares at your back as you read, still feeling shocked but he composes himself when you finally turn around to face him with a happy smile.
“This is really cool, I wish we had this in my… you know,” you say, remembering not to say anything about universes. The last thing you want is for people to think you’re talking crazy.
With a short exhale, Miguel nods, finding his voice once again. “The work they do is incredible. They’re trying to implement it to more stores like this one. It’s why I shop here, they’re a far more ethical company than others whose greed leads their decisions, even when it concerns everyone,” he explains softly as you both head to the exit.
“That’s really great, I’m glad you have that here. It’s unfortunate that’s not the case in all universes.”
“I know,” Miguel replies as you both begin to walk down the sidewalk. He doesn’t even realize it, but he walks closest to the street, keeping you away from it as he easily carries the bags in one hand, like it’s nothing.
The two of you continue to chat on the way home. Miguel points out buildings to you and answers questions you ask about certain things from his universe until the two of you eventually reach Miguel’s building. Instead of sneaking in through the windows like you both usually do, you get to the penthouse though the elevator and the main front door where Miguel asks you to open it, using your own fingerprint. He added you to the security system almost a year ago, so when you press your finger, the system immediately identifies you.
Together, you put groceries away before you both head to take a shower, in your respective bathrooms, of course.
Miguel, showered and wearing lounging clothes, makes it downstairs first. He heads to the kitchen to start gathering ingredients onto one of the counters, but he gets distracted though. There, on the counter, lies one of your hair ties. He takes a seat, just for a few seconds to look at it. You must have left it while you were putting items away and simply forgot about it.
Usually, you pick everything up, never leaving your personal items lingering around for too long. Miguel knows it’s because you don’t want to make the penthouse appear “cluttered” with your belongings, which Miguel has told you before that it’s fine. It’s not like small things such as your jewelry and hair accessories is going to make the space cluttered, but it seems you’re too respectful of the place to even leave a hair tie for longer than a few hours.
Due to that, Miguel appreciates the fact that you forgot your hair tie now. The truth is, he enjoys seeing little reminders around the penthouse that you’re here. It’s so comforting to him, to know he’s not alone in this big penthouse.
He gently picks it up now, as if it’s the most delicate of things. He finds himself smiling at the sight. Who knew a simple hair tie could bring such happiness to a man? He lets it slip down his fingers, still admiring it with a smile before he slightly stretches it. He’s very careful with it as he doesn’t want to rip it somehow. He learned from his short time with Gabriella that these things are sensitive.
“Miguel? Have you seen my hair tie?” you ask from the living room, coming to the kitchen.
Startled, Miguel quietly slams it back on the counter. His hand lays flat over it for the most part, minus his talons which came out from being startled since he failed to hear your footsteps, too focused on the hair tie. He turns to the entrance just as you walk in.
“... I have not,” Miguel says and then he moves his hand, his talons withdrawn now. He turns to the counter. “Never mind, it’s here.” He picks it up and holds it out, trying to play it off like he wasn’t holding it in his fingers just seconds ago.
You reach his side and take it, looking at it while your mind wonders. You smile. “Thank you. I forgot it down here.” You slip it onto your wrist for now. “Ready to start cooking?”
Miguel nods, his cheeks dusted with a blush. He’s relieved you didn’t catch him holding your hair tie. That’d be too much, right? “Ready,” he replies, standing up.
As you begin to gather what’s needed, Miguel turns on his record player and chooses upbeat music to go with the mood.
With everything on the counter ready to go, you work on the sauce while Miguel works on the dough. He offered to work on it, saying his hands could cover more ground than your smaller ones.
“Plus, years of making tamales will help,” he says as he finds the appropriate measuring cup.
Once Miguel is done and you have the sauce on the stove, you begin to prepare the toppings side by side on the counter, chatting about what you’re putting on your pizzas. At one point, you finish with your part of the toppings, so you move on to prep the pans for the dough while Miguel dices some vegetables.
While prepping the pans, you glance at the windows, noticing the way the kitchen is illuminated with golden hues, giving Miguel’s place a very cozy vibe. You even notice little rainbows on the ceiling, which you point out to him.
Staring at them, he can’t remember ever noticing them before, until now. He smiles at the sight, finding it cute that you noticed that and shared it with him.
You eventually begin to work with the dough for your pizzas when it’s ready since it needed to do its thing. The mood is a light one as you work side by side on the counter. After the last few days with you being sick and running into Harry, this moment is a relaxing one for both Miguel and you. Time seems to slow down as you both continue to talk, at some point even about the grocery store and how you think it’s, “so cool,” which earns yourself a smile from Miguel.
You add a little bit of flour to your dough before you roll the pin over it, trying to make it into a decent circle. You turn to look at Miguel’s to see how his is doing. You notice it looks great, and also that his fingerprints are all over the dough just like yours are over your own.
“Your dough looks-” you pause when you look at his face. You instantly smile and try not to chuckle. “Great. It’s almost a perfect circle.”
“You think so?” Miguel asks giving you his attention, unaware that he has flour on his cheek and nose.
“Definitely,” you reply, smiling. Deciding not to tell him about it, you turn back to your own to keep working on it.
“Thank you,” Miguel says, feeling pleased with himself. “I’ve never made homemade pizzas before.”
You hum gently. “Me neither. It’s kind of funny, I guess. We cook a lot and we’ve never made any.”
“First time for the two of us then,” he replies with a smile, which makes you smile, too.
Silently, you both feel pleased about this - about the fact that you’re both doing something new, together.
“Hiiii, guys! Making pizza?” Lyla asks, popping out of nowhere. She floats in front of Miguel and you, taking a look down at the counter like a manager inspecting quality. “It’s looking good. You guys are good at this, look at you.” She grins and looks up at you two again.
You thank Lyla before Miguel adds a quiet “thanks” as well.
“Uh - hm,” Lyla starts but stays quiet, noticing the flour on Miguel’s face. “Picture!” Before Miguel and you can react, Lyla takes a picture. “So sweet!”
“Lyla - always the same thing with you,” Miguel says but his tone is not angry or even bothered. In a way, his tone reminds Lyla of a disappointed parent.
She grins knowing that at this point, both of you have accepted that she takes pictures whenever she wants. “It’s not the first one I’ve taken today,” she says shrugging. “I took some before I even popped up.”
You raise an eyebrow but once again, don’t feel surprised. “How many have you taken?” you ask.
“A few. I may show them to you later,” she says. “I’m still deciding.”
“I can always just look for them,” Miguel says as he adds sauce to the dough.
“Good luck with that,” Lyla says, crossing her arms over her chest. “So… are you guys just making pizzas? No movie, no telenovela?”
You turn to look Miguel. You hadn’t thought of that, and it seems neither did Miguel because he turns to look at you with a look that confirms so.
“I… Didn’t think of that,” Miguel says. “Do you want to watch a movie?”
You shrug slightly. “If you want to. I’m up for it.”
“I have the best movie rec for you guys,” Lyla says clapping her hands. “It’s about a guy and a girl. They meet up and then become best of friends and -”
“So, you’re going to give us a summary?” Miguel asks.
Lyla sighs. “You know what? I’ve changed my mind. I’ll give you guys another rec.” She taps her chin, thinking. “The guy and girl end up together in the end,” Lyla says quietly to herself with a grin, watching you two. “You guys feel like watching an action movie? Maybe a mystery one? Or a horror movie? Or - maybe a romcom?” Lyla says, laying out the options, an eyebrow raised.
“I’m not picky,” Miguel says as he watches you carefully spread sauce. “What do you want to watch, dulzura [sweetness]?”
Your hand falters for a fraction of a second when you hear the nickname. Just a few days ago Miguel said it for the first time and since then, he’s said it a few more times - dropping the nickname here and there. Every single time has been when you’re both alone, either here at the penthouse or at the lab.
Either way, it’s caught you by surprise each time without failure. You smile softly at him. “I’m not picky either, we can watch anything, really.”
“Well, if I may… I say no horror,” Lyla says. “The sun is still out. The vibes for it are not it, you know?”
“Wait, I kind of want to see how horror movies are made in this universe with all the technology you have,” you say realizing.
Lyla frowns and Miguel smiles.
“You want to? I’m not a big horror fan but there’s a few classic ones.”
“Yeah… I think I’d like that,” you say nodding.
Lyla watches as Miguel shrugs. “We’ll watch that then.”
You both continue to work on the pizzas, adding your toppings now. Lyla stays in place, arms crossed over her chest with a frown. She sighs. “I still think my first rec was better than any horror movie but what do I know? I’m just the silly AI,” she mumbles.
“What is that word the spiderlings were using today?” Miguel says as he thinks back to training earlier today. “When someone just keeps talking?
“You mean, ‘yapping?’”
“Yeah, that one. Lyla is doing that right now,” he says looking at Lyla.
“You did not -” Lyla stops and facepalms.
“Professional yapper,” you say which makes Miguel chuckle next to you.
“Not you guys calling me a profesional yapper,” Lyla says.
“She’s still going,” Miguel comments as he adds more toppings to his pizza, smirking.
“I see why you’re best friends,” Lyla says in disbelief, which makes both Miguel and you chuckle. She shakes her head, not annoyed but amused. It’s good to see the two of you smiling and laughing. She’s slightly temped to say that you’re both “professional yappers” with each other, staying up until 3am in the living room talking about the most random things, but she holds back. “I’ll set up a horror movie for you guys,” she says with a sigh, disappearing.
An hour later, Miguel and you are sitting in the living room. Neither of you planned to watch a movie today, especially not over dinner but because of Lyla’s suggestion, you’re now both sat on the ground over the coffee table. You cleared it earlier to make space for the plates and drinks, and everything else needed. The blinds have been drawn, leaving the living room in complete darkness except for the TV.
The movie starts, so Miguel and you begin to eat, sitting across from each other.
“Wow, this is great,” Miguel murmurs after he finishes eating the first bite. “Wanna try it?”
Seeing you nod, Miguel offers the plate for you to grab a slice from his.
“Try mine,” you say softly, offering your plate, too.
Hums of approval for each other’s pizzas follows. Napkins and crushed red pepper flakes are exchanged, fingers brushing in the darkness.
You watch the movie in peace, exchanging words here and there until you decide to do an intermission halfway to use the bathroom and clean the remainder of the kitchen, not having much left to do since you both tried to clean up as you were cooking to avoid having a huge mess behind. You head upstairs to your bedroom when you’re both done cleaning to grab a sweatshirt since you’ve grown cold downstairs with the AC constantly turning on. You slide it on, fixing the sleeves when you notice your hair tie, the one you were looking for earlier. You forgot you left it on the counter after arriving back from the grocery store and looked for it here in your room, having forgot where you left it.
You tug at it gently, thinking. Miguel may have been able to play it off well, but it was a second too late.
You saw him holding it and though you weren’t able to see his face, his bashful reaction when you entered the room said a lot. You’ve known for some time that Miguel doesn’t mind you leaving your items around. He’s gone on to say you’re not cluttering the space because he knows that’s how you think, and even Lyla has told you that it probably brings some sort of comfort to Miguel. You hum softly to yourself, ready to head downstairs again as you think about the hair tie when your eyes land on the bookcase inside the room. It so happens to land on a photograph of your parents. It’s a photograph you used to have on your wall back at your apartment, so of course, you have it on display here. You walk over to it, staring at your parents.
It’s hard to believe how many years have gone by since they passed away, so many more than Peter. It hurt at the time, to know that you weren’t there to save them. You miss them every day, wished they were here. Sometimes you wonder if you would’ve told them about your secret, about being Spider-Woman if they were still alive.
You don’t know. Maybe not with the dangers that come with it. You smile and place a finger on the photo, thinking about how a few weeks ago it was Mother’s Day, which reminds you of Father’s Day. With a sigh, you tap the photo gently and whisper an “I love you” to your parents’ photograph before you check your gizmo.
Sure enough, Father’s Day is this Sunday, in just a few days. You check the calendar, noticing that it’ll be Father’s Day in other universes, too, including Miguel’s.
You turn to a photo of him and you, also displayed in the bookcase.
It’s one of the photos Lyla took in the past, the day she revealed that she takes photos, to be exact. It was the day you were painting picture frames at your apartment, in the middle of redecorating, when Miguel showed up to invite you for dinner as a thank you for looking after him. You remember it now. You had paint on your face and he didn’t tell you until later on, when he wiped it away.
The memory reminds you of Miguel’s face while you were cooking earlier, his cheek and nose dusted with flour. You grin at the memory and leave your bedroom, still thinking about Father’s Day. You silently debate about it as you walk down the staircase. You’d like to gift Miguel something but you wonder if it’s a good idea at all. You don’t want to upset him, to cause him any more pain than necessary. In the past, you’ve never spent the day with him, so you don’t know what he does, if he even reacts to it. This will be the first year you’ll be in his presence for the day and a part of you feels worried.
You reach the end of the stairs, now in the living room. You hear noise in the kitchen, alerting you that Miguel is there. You turn to the wall of photographs you put together, illuminated softly by a lamp Miguel turned on earlier when you both decided to take a break.
Miguel has changed a lot, this wall is a great sign of that but you still wonder if gifting him something on Father’s Day might upset him.
“Everything okay?” Miguel asks stepping into the living room.
You turn, startled. You’re still amazed sometimes at how he manages to sneak up on you. You’d think that a man of his size would make more noise when walking but no. Sometimes he walks so silently, you don’t know he’s there until he speaks up.
“Yes, I was just - looking,” you reply, glancing back at the wall, at a photo of Gaby. You smile softly at it for a second before giving Miguel your attention. He’s already walked to the coffee table, which has been cleared once more. He places two mugs on the surface, over coasters, and sits down on the floor again.
“What did you make?” you ask but you already have an idea as you make your way over.
“Give it a second,” he says with a soft smirk, knowing that the scent will reach your nose soon enough.
You reach the table, noticing the mugs filled with a dark liquid. Your favorite.
“I’m not even going to ask how you made it so quick,” you say which makes Miguel chuckle.
“I won’t reveal my secrets, then.”
You snort softly and turn your gaze to him, noticing he still has flour on his face. “I’ll be right back.” You head to the kitchen for a napkin, returning to the table in no time. You kneel on your side of the table.
“I forgot to tell you earlier,” you start as you fold the napkin while Miguel watches you with curiosity, wondering.
“What is it?” he asks softly, his head tilting to the side.
“You have a little something - right,” you lean over the table, carefully, and reach with the napkin. “Here,” you say, wiping his cheek and then dabbing his nose gently. You pull back, not missing the way Miguel blinks in surprise, his brows knitting slightly. He didn’t protest nor pulled back though, he simply accepted it, either willingly or because he was too caught off guard.
You place the napkin down and pick up the mug, taking it in both hands and inhaling the rich scent. “Always smells so good,” you mumble bringing it to your mouth. “Thank you for making it.”
Miguel nods, still blinking. His brain is having a moment, trying to catch up. “Si [yes], you’re we- Always,” he says. stammering. “I hope you like it,” he adds picking up his own and holding it with one hand.
“Should we unpause?”
“Yeah, I - I got it.” Miguel grabs the remote and unpauses as he speaks. “Thank you for, you know, my face,” he says as the movie starts playing again.
“Always,” you say humming, your eyes on the TV once more as you settle down and get comfortable.
You watch the rest of the movie without pauses, drinking your coffees in comfy lounging clothes. Miguel threw on a sweatshirt earlier, too, so you’re both donning sweatshirts now. It’s not until the movie is over that you realize it’s the same one he offered to you when you were sick. Of course, you threw it in the wash since you were sick and returned it to him, along with his blanket.
You glance at Miguel as he reads from a book. It’s a new one. Apparently he finished the previous one while looking after you a few days ago. He turns the page, his eyes moving across the page. You’re both still sitting on the ground, across from each other.
You turn back to your tablet, looking for gifts to give fathers. You don’t even know why you searched that up, but you did, almost mindlessly, as soon as you grabbed the tablet. So now, you’re “just looking.” You’re not buying anything. You don’t think so.
As you scroll, your mind is contemplating.
Should you, or should you not?
You know it might be a hard day for Miguel but at the same time, simply ignoring the day and making it seem like it’s a regular Sunday seems cruel to you.
You chew on your bottom lip.
Which is crueler? Ignoring the day, or bringing it up?
“What are you thinking about?”
You look up, caught off guard. Miguel is staring at you, his book in one hand held open by a finger.
“I… Nothing,” you say softly.
“I don’t believe you,” Miguel replies, knowing you too well. Something is bothering you.
“I… well,” you start, trying to give yourself time to think of a little white lie. “It’s just … I’m thinking about… Yesterday.” You nod, finding a truth. “When I went to the cemetery, I saw Harry there.”
Miguel nods, not giving away that he knows you’re telling him something else. He noticed the way you were thinking, giving yourself time. He goes along with it anyway, trusting that whatever was truly on your mind, you’ll feel comfortable to share with him later on if you wish to. At least, it doesn't seem to be life or death. Still, the fact that you ran into Harry makes his brows raise.
“You did?”
“Yeah. He didn’t see me. I - I fled like a criminal from Peter’s grave,” you say wincing as you realize that’s basically how you left, running away from there before he could spot you. “I didn’t want to run into him and have to give him an answer when I don’t have one yet. Or, have to tell him that I’m still thinking about it, you know? So, I just - avoided him.”
“I don’t blame you,” Miguel replies gently, placing his book down after saving his page with a bookmark. “It’s only been a few days since you saw him again after so many years. I hope he’d understand that his request might need more than a few days to be considered.”
Leaning back on the couch, you nod, relieved Miguel didn’t notice that you very last minute thought of the Harry situation. “I’m sure he would - at least the Harry I knew back then would, but I suppose that doesn’t matter much now. Maybe I don’t know him anymore. So many years have gone by and I’ve changed. Maybe he has, too.”
“Change - is good,” Miguel answers. He knows that himself. He wouldn’t be here now if it wasn’t for the changes he’s made in his life, for accepting and embracing them even when there have been times when it was hard. “Maybe he has changed - matured,” he adds, leaving out that maybe he’s learned not to abandon friends in need. He frowns, his hand curling into a loose fist for a few seconds before he relaxes. “It’s only been a few days. You still have time to think about it, figure out what you think is best for you. Not for him.”
Letting Miguel’s words sink in, you nod with a small smile. “I appreciate your encouraging words. I’ll admit, this threw me off guard more than I’d like, so I find your words reassuring. I don’t need to rush and make a decision,” you say. “I just need to not feel guilty or selfish about it.”
“That’s the last thing you are,” Miguel says leaning on the coffee table slightly. “You’re not selfish for taking your time, nor would you be selfish if you chose to - step back, even if it’s for now. I’m… I have no right to say anything. I know he was in your life since your childhood, and I’m no one to tell you-” Miguel says pausing to gather his thoughts.
“You’re my best friend,” you say softly, seizing Miguel’s pause to speak. “I appreciate your thoughts, your advice - I’ll say what you once told me - you’re someone to me.”
Miguel hums, a smile forming on his lips when he hears you reciprocate his very words from so long ago. Back then, he was unable to call you his friend, so he used the word “someone” instead. “You’re someone to me, too.” Now, he can say it though, so he does. “You’re my best friend.”
Smiling back at him, your heart is elated to hear those words from Miguel’s mouth once again. To have him verbally say it - you’re his best friend.
And he’s yours.
You push down the happiness, remembering you were talking about Harry and your decision. “So… you were saying?” you ask.
“Right,” Miguel says, also recalling what the conversation is even about. “I was saying that… Well, my opinion doesn’t matter at the end of the day. No one’s does. The decision is up to you, but no one would blame you for stepping back, or asking Harry for more time to think about it, but that’s just a thought. All I hope is that you don’t feel pressure, nor stress from your decision when you make one.”
You nod, thinking about his words as you rub your thumb over your knuckles. “I don’t know right now. I don’t have a clear answer, and I don’t want to rush into making one.” You sigh and meet his gaze. “You’re right. It’s only been a few days, and I spent a lot of those days resting and sleeping, so I hardly even gave it a thought. A few more days won’t be so bad.”
“I concur,” Miguel says. “There’s plenty of time to think about it. Just - don’t get too stressed about it, okay? I have a feeling part of the reason why you got sick was because of stress you were - are - feeling about this situation.”
“I won’t, I’ll take it easy,” you reassure Miguel. “I don’t want to get sick again.”
“Me neither,” Miguel says, genuinely as he hated seeing you sick. “I hated seeing you sick, you know…”
You flash him a smile, moving your thumb from your knuckles to your wrist, feeling your hair tie. “I can imagine. I hated seeing you injured a year ago.”
He hums in response, understanding. If he hated seeing you sick with a cold, he can only imagine what he’d feel if something else - something worse - happened to you. He silently prays he never has to witness something like that with you. “Hopefully, it never gets to something like that again. For either of us.”
“I hope not,” you reply, still touching your hair tie. “By the way…”
“Yeah?” he says, raising an eyebrow.
“Do you want more café de olla [coffee]?”
Amused, he nods. “Yeah, I could go for another mug.”
“I got it then,” you say, standing up and grabbing both your mugs. Miguel thanks you as you head to the kitchen. You come back a minute later and place yours down, holding on to his. “Here,” you say, placing his in front of him.
He looks at it, smiling. “Thank you again, I appreciate it,” Miguel says softly before he notices your hair tie next to it, laying on the table. He looks up just as you sit down once more. “You dropped your hair tie,” he says picking it up, remembering earlier when you almost caught him playing with it.
“I did? Oh, I didn’t even notice,” you say, surprised. “I had it in my pocket. Hold it for me, let me get a napkin, yeah?”
“Yeah, of course.” Miguel watches you return to the kitchen, still holding your hair tie.
You return and sit down, placing napkins for each other. You notice Miguel is still holding on to your hair tie. “I think I’m just going to leave it here for now. It was bothering my wrist earlier and seems like it fell from my pocket. I don’t want to lose it,” you say. “It’s my favorite.”
Miguel nods, holding it. He places it down gently, like it’s some delicate item that might break. “You can leave it here on the coffee table, so you don’t lose it.”
“You’re right, I’m going to leave it here,” you say with a smile before you pick up your tablet again, not giving it more attention than necessary to avoid raising any suspicions.
Miguel goes back to reading after a few seconds, seeing you go back to whatever it was you were doing on your tablet.
A little while after searching the internet for gift ideas, you subtly look up.
Miguel is leaning on the couch, his book in his hand. His eyes move across the page fast, intrigued by the plot of his book. Under the coffee table, which is built in a way that allows people’s legs under, you feel his lower leg resting against your own. You hadn’t even noticed it but now that you are, you’re aware of the warmth, finding it comforting.
Up on the table, his free hand rests there. His fingers are busy playing with your hair tie. He turns it around his fingers before he slips it down his hand to his wrist so he can flip the page.
You turn back to your tablet with a smile, saying nothing for now.
It’s much later when you’re both heading upstairs to sleep that he remembers he has it, still on his wrist. He stops in front of his bedroom and turns to face you.
For a moment you think he’s just doing his normal gesture, waiting for you to enter your bedroom first before he enters his to be a gentleman but you notice his hand on his wrist.
“I have your…” he starts, trailing off.
“It’s alright,” you say from your door. “You can keep it.”
“I - what?” Miguel asks, taken aback.
“You may keep it.”
“Your hair tie…?”
“It’s your favorite.”
“I know.”
“So you should have it back, then.”
“You can give it back tomorrow if you’d like, but I don’t mind. Keep it safe for me,” you say before you yawn, covering your mouth. “Goodnight, Migs. Sleep well, okay? I’ll see you in the mornin’.” You give him a little wave and a sleepy smile before entering your room, leaving Miguel in the hallway.
His fingers remain on your hair tie, wrapped around his wrist. For a few seconds, he stands still until he shakes his head, dropping his hand from his wrist and entering his bedroom at last.
Inside his room, he heads for the bathroom to do his night routine. He makes sure to take off your hair tie to avoid getting it damp, taking it back with him to the bedroom when he’s done and placing it on his nightstand. He takes off his shirt and throws it at the end of the bed before he gets the bed ready. In a few seconds, he settles under the covers with a sigh. He stares at the ceiling for several minutes, sleep slowly coming to him as he thinks. He eventually reaches for the hair tie and slips it into his wrist before he turns on his side.
Miguel’s hand searches the other side of the bed, looking for something. Once he finds it, he tugs it towards him along with a pillow. He easily slips the pillow into it, gently tugging the fabric down so the pillow is covered. At last, Miguel hugs the pillow, now covered by your sweatshirt, to his chest.
His eyes close as your scent reaches his nose.
“Lyla - do the thing,” he murmurs. Two seconds later, his gizmo plays the recording of your breathing.
With his sleep remedies in place, Miguel slowly succumbs to his slumber as he thinks about the day. There was training with the spider gang, which he enjoyed. He might join them again if they’ll have him. There was helping Reilly, who was acting strange today. He’s never seen Reilly struggle with a set before. Weird. Then, there was grocery shopping with you.
Miguel yawns quietly, shifting slightly to get comfy.
He bought you a coffee and you seemed to love it. Oh, and for some reason the lady working there thought you were his girlfriend. Strange. Then, you made pizzas and spent the evening watching the horror movie. Café de olla [coffee] was made and drank while you did your own things in each other’s company. The conversation of Harry came back.
Half-asleep and half-awake, Miguel sighs at that before he thinks about your hair tie, now on his wrist.
And to end the day, there was the nickname.
More asleep than anything now, Miguel smiles sleepily, hugging your sweatshirt closer. “Buenas noches, dulzura [Good night, sweetness].” -Father’s Day-
Days later, you wake up around 8am. You go through your morning routine as usual, though you know what day it is.
It’s Sunday, but not just any Sunday.
You walk downstairs after changing into regular clothes, hoping to find Miguel on the first floor. You noticed his bedroom door is fully opened, which usually means he’s already awake but when you reach the first floor, he’s nowhere to be found. You check the office downstairs and the other living room. Nothing.
Stepping into the kitchen and dining room area, you notice a thermos with a note on it.
You reach for it, feeling the warmth from the bottle as you take off the sticky note. You almost get excited about the fact that he left you a note just like how you leave some for him on some days but his message doesn’t bring a smile to your face.
Frowning, you place the sticky note on the counter with his neat handwriting.
“Went to HQ. I’ll be back in a while. - M”
It’s not surprising that he’s at HQ on a Sunday. For as long as you’ve known him, you’ve known that Miguel was always at HQ, even on the weekends. Over the last year, you’ve noticed he only goes for a bit on both days before returning home, and ever since you’ve been staying with him, he goes for an hour or so. Even then, he’s been going later in the day, not so early like today.
You have a pretty good idea why.
Father’s Day.
You wondered over the week if Miguel would mention it, whether he would react to it as the day got here. He didn’t say nor react over the week, even when Peter B. mentioned something about it to Miles on Friday in his presence at which you shot him a look.
You know Peter B. meant no wrong by it, but sometimes it seems a bit inconsiderate considering the situation and how Miguel’s loss is still fresh.
You open the thermos, the amazing scent of coffee greeting you. You sigh. The fact that he still made coffee despite the day hurts.
“You’re too good,” you whisper to yourself, thinking about him. “Lyla?”
“Hey, there,” she says appearing instantly. “You want to know about Miguel?”
“Yes,” you reply, not bothering to wonder how she knows.
“He’s… at the lab.”
“I know that much,” you reply.
”He’s just working,” Lyla says, shrugging. “He always works today.”
You nod, frowning. “So there’s no missions, no emergencies?”
“Nope. Nada [nothing]. He’s just… there.”
“I see.”
“Are you gonna - join him?” Lyla asks.
“Do you think he’ll stay there all day?” you ask, wondering.
“In the past, he has but this year with you being here… I don’t know, honestly.”
Noticing your frown and worried expression, Lyla adds, “I’ll keep an eye out for him.”
You nod, grateful. “Thank you, Lyla.”
“You got it. Just - stay put, alright?”
Lyla flickers away, leaving you alone. You check the time. It’s barely about to be 8:30.
You take a seat at the counter and drink the coffee in silence, thinking about how Miguel probably wants some alone time right now. You decide to let him be until noon, at which point you’ll show up to drop off some food so he can at least eat because you have a guess he hasn’t had anything except coffee.
After finishing your coffee, you eat something before going to your universe to check on things. You stay alert to your gizmo, just in case Lyla notifies you about anything, but no notifications come.
You return home an hour later after an easy patrol. Usually there’s no crimes on holidays like these, so there was no trouble. You do some light cleaning around the penthouse to waste time before you jump in the shower and get dressed for the day.
Back in the kitchen now, you notice it’s nearly noon. There’s still no sign of Miguel even when you decide to make lunch since you didn’t eat much before you went out.
It’s an easy lunch, so it doesn’t take long to finish making it. After eating, you gather ingredients onto one of the counters to bake. You decided a few days ago that you wanted to bake something for Miguel today, even if you play it off as a regular baking day and not because it’s Father’s Day.
“Hey, he’s heading out and coming back,” Lyla says as you place the last ingredient on the counter. “He’s a little quiet but not in a bad mood.”
“Thank you for letting me know. I appreciate it, Lyla,” you reply.
“Of course. Take care,” she says, deciding that she’s not needed. Miguel will have someone with him today. You. She waves goodbye before disappearing.
With Lyla gone, you start the oven and check on the lunch. You made plenty for both yourself and Miguel, so you begin to prep it for him.
Sure enough, you hear a window from the living room open a few minutes later. You look up just in time to see Miguel enter the kitchen, donning his suit. For a few seconds, you say nothing, trying to gauge his mood.
He reaches the counter, saying nothing. The oven beeps, indicating that it’s done preheating. It catches his attention, breaking him away from his thoughts.
“…Morning,” he says at last.
“Morning,” you reply. “Do you want something to eat?”
He starts to shake his head but his stomach grumbles with the scent of food in the air. “Yeah, but don’t worry about it. I’ll eat somet-”
“I made lunch,” you interject gently. “I made plenty, if you’d like some.” You fix a plate and show it to him. Thankfully he accepts it and eats at the counter, thanking you.
You do your measuring of ingredients, subtly looking at Miguel ever once in a while as he eats. You can definitely sense a different Miguel right now.
He finishes eating and excuses himself after he puts the dirty dishes away, promising to wash them in a bit before heading upstairs.
You bake on your own for a while. Lyla eventually plays music for you through Miguel’s sound system, probably finding the mood too somber, or something.
Half an hour later, Miguel walks back into the kitchen. His hair is damp and he’s dressed in a t-shirt and sweats. He approaches the counter, watching you as you check the oven through the glass.
When you turn to see him, he offers a small smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. The sight hurts you, but you don’t let it show.
“Hey,” he says. “How’s your baking going?”
“Um - good. No problems,” you reply, for a moment not knowing how to respond.
“Good, I’m glad it’s going well.”
You nod. “Do you - Did that meal fill you up? I can make something else.”
He shakes his head. “No, I’m alright, thank you. Lunch was good - it was fulfilling.”
“That’s good to hear.”
Miguel nods, thinking. He sits down, watching as you wipe the stand mixer down.
“I’m sorry,” he says suddenly, making you stop. “Today…” Miguel trails off.
“I know,” you say softly. “You don’t have to explain. I understand.”
He sighs gently, your words soothing him. He suspected you’d know but he still wanted to let you know.
“I’m better now,” he says after a few seconds. “I just needed - to be out of the penthouse for a moment. I’m sorry for leaving.”
“You don’t have to apologize.”
“I just left a sticky note,” he says, shaking his head at himself, as if disappointed at his actions. “Not - very nice of me.”
“Miguel,” you say, straightening up and meeting his gaze. “You don’t have to apologize nor give me any explanations. I understand you needed a moment, or maybe you need the day. And that’s understandable. No one would blame you for doing so.”
Miguel’s eyes soften, he offers a smile once again. This time, it looks more lively.
“Thank you for - always being so understanding, dulzura [sweetness],” he says, so softly.
“Always,” you reply, offering a warm smile.
Miguel keeps smiling, taking in the soft look on your face. You really are so understanding, so sweet.
“I’ll be here for you,” you add. “Whatever you want to do today, I’ll be here if you need me.”
He nods, looking at the counter now. “I really - don’t want to go anywhere.”
That makes sense. There’s probably families out and about, celebrating the day.
“We can stay here then. I’ll let you be.”
“No?” you repeat.
“No, you don’t have to - let me be. You can… You can stay with me?” he says, sounding more like a question.
“If you want to… I can.”
“Yes - please.”
So you do. You stay near Miguel all day, like glue. You eat the baked sweets together, watch TV, and read. You make dinner together when it’s time and make conversation, keeping it lighthearted.
After dinner, Miguel asks if you want to go outside with him for some fresh air. Of course, you accept. You both climb out of the penthouse and up onto the roof.
Sitting down, your legs dangle off the building as you both watch the sunset. In the distance, you can see the traffic. You both sit there in silence for a while, watching the sun.
“That was pretty,” you murmur once the sun has set.
“It was, wasn’t it?” Miguel replies.
With a smile, you nod and lean back on your hands.
“Thank you,” Miguel says, making you turn to see him. “For sticking around with me. I really appreciate it.”
“Always,” you say softly, still smiling.
Miguel copies your position, leaning back on his hands. His fingers accidentally brush yours, so he shifts his hand to avoid squeezing yours under his weight.
You both stay like that for a few minutes. The silence is nice, comforting. You think about something as you look at the sky, and it’s not the first time. You’ve thought about it multiple times throughout the day but you’re still making up your mind, wondering if it’s a good idea.
You still debate it even when you both head back inside and tell Miguel you’re washing your hands in the bathroom even though it’s a lie.
You enter your bedroom and pull out the gift bag from the closet, debating. You sigh.
It’s probably not a good idea. Maybe you can wait until next year to give him these things, or maybe on another day that’s not Father’s Day.
“Dulzura [sweetness]?” you hear Miguel’s voice. “Are you okay?”
“I - yes!” You reply, moving quickly to put the bag away. In your rush, you slam your elbow on the closet door, wincing.
“I’m coming in,” Miguel says after hearing your wince.
He steps in just as you put the gift bag inside the closet, except it falls from where you placed it. You catch it quickly, remembering that something could break.
“You hurt yourself,” Miguel says stepping closer. “Are you okay? What happened?”
You huff slowly, giving up and placing the bag on the floor carefully before rubbing your elbow.
Superhuman or not, a hit on the elbow always hurts.
“Hit my elbow,” you say, still rubbing it.
“I heard the hit, let me see,” Miguel says. “It sounded loud.”
“It’s okay, just hit it on the door.”
“Allow me?”
You nod hesitantly, your face feeling hot out of embarrassment that you hurt yourself trying to hide the bag. You show Miguel your elbow, and he hums.
“Damn, dulzura. You broke the skin somehow - hold on.”
“It’s... fine,” you say watching as he exits the room. He comes back in seconds, a first aid kit in his hand. He motions for you to take a seat on the one chair in the room, so you obey. Reluctantly.
He gets down on one knee and gets to work, opening the first aid kit.
“It’s not that bad,” you say, looking at it. There’s some blood but that’s about it. Of course, it’s still stinging like hell - somehow getting worse.
“You’re bleeding,” he says as he opens an antiseptic wipe package. “Here. Let me see your arm.”
You hold it out for him, looking at his concentrated gaze. He shocks you when he gently wraps his free hand around your forearm - his fingers warm.
He gently wipes your elbow, which makes you wince.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers gently. “Just want to clean the area.”
You nod. “I know, it’s not that bad,” you keep saying.
That makes Miguel look at your face. “Why am I surprised? You’re a stubborn one, aren’t you?” He shakes his head and turns his attention back to your elbow. He was already gentle to begin with, but somehow he’s even more now.
“I’m not stubborn,” you say after a few seconds.
“Right, and everyone at HQ thinks I’m a beam of sunlight. They call me ‘solecito’ [little sun] - maybe you’ve heard members call me that before in passing,” Miguel says sarcastically, looking at you.
With serious faces, you stare at each other for a few seconds until your lips quiver, making Miguel’s quiver, too. Unable to hold back, you laugh.
Miguel chuckles, trying to hold back from full on laughing, but in the end, Miguel O’Hara laughs.
It’s a real laugh, so full of life. It’s the kind that makes his entire chest vibrate - rich and deep.
It’s the kind you’d do anything to hear again. And again. And again.
Your laughter subsides after a few moments but grins remain on your faces as Miguel continues to tend to your wound like you’ve come back from a rough mission.
“Solecito [little sun], huh?” you ask, chuckling slightly.
“Yeah, I’m everyone’s ball of sunshine,” Miguel replies as he puts away the antiseptic wipe. “You ripped your skin - what were you even doing in such a rush?”
You look to the side. “I was - putting something away.”
Miguel turns to look at the closet, noticing the gift bag on the ground. He hardly noticed it earlier, more concerned about you than anything else when he heard you wincing.
“A gift bag?” he asks turning back to you. His mind quickly connects the dots as he tends to your cut.
“Yeah…” you simply say, staring off to the side.
“You bought something?” he asks gently while he places an adhesive bandage on you.
You turn to face him and nod. “I did, but I didn’t know how to give it to you, and then when I saw you this morning - or in the afternoon rather - I felt it wasn’t a good idea.”
Miguel hums, his gaze softening. He’s done tending your wound but his hand remains wrapped around your forearm.
“And you hit yourself trying to hide it,” he says.
“I heard you coming in.”
“I came upstairs to grab my sweatshirt and then heard you sighing. It sounded like you were disappointed, so I just wanted to make sure you were alright. I didn’t mean for you to hurt yourself,” he replies, softly.
“It’s not your fault - I was just,” you pause and wave your free arm. “I didn’t want you to see it and then, have to tell you about it. I realized it wasn’t a good idea, so.”
“I’m okay,” Miguel replies. “You didn’t have to hide it. I’m sorry you felt like you couldn’t show it to me. The first part of the day was a little hard but… the rest of the day has been better.” Miguel offers a reassuring smile. “Thanks to you. So... If you want to show me… I promise I’ll be okay.”
“You’re sure?”
You nod slowly. “Alright.” You shoot your web and pull the gift bag towards you. “Um - do you want to?” you say offering the bag to him.
He nods, releasing your arm at last. He accepts the bag. After all the trouble you went though, there’s no way Miguel isn’t accepting your gift, even if it makes him feel bittersweet.
He opens the bag, still on one knee, and reaches inside. He feels different objects but he goes for something that feels round and heavy, wrapped in paper, and pulls it out. He places the bag down for a moment.
You slide off the chair and sit on the ground, joined by Miguel a second later. He opens the package gently, sensing it’s something fragile.
Pulling off all the paper, he finally reveals the item and holds it up, his gaze soft.
It’s a pottery coffee mug with traces of the color lilac, but it’s the main design that tugs the most at Miguel’s heartstrings: two bees, one smaller than the other one, and “Father’s Day” written under it.
“You remembered,” he says tenderly. “You remembered what I told you about Gaby - that she loved the color lilac and bees.”
“I did,” you answer, smiling.
Miguel smiles, his chest fluttering with happiness and pure ternura [endearment] as he stares at the coffee mug. “And you made it yourself?” He asks, knowing that you’re a hobby person, you like to try new things.
“Yes. I went to two classes this week and worked on it then. It’s not perfect, being my first time with pottery but I hope you like it regardless.”
“I love it,” Miguel says sincerely, leaving no question or doubt about it. He holds it, not wanting to let go of it. In his mind, he already knows he’ll be using this mug every day for coffee.
“I’m glad you - love it,” you say softly, happy with your idea. “There’s more though.”
“Right,” he says remembering. He places the mug down and reaches for the bag. His fingers find a small box, so he pulls that out. His curiosity grows as he realizes it’s the size of a jewelry box. He glances at you, wondering.
“Open it.”
Miguel nods, opening it gently. His eyes widen for a moment as he finds a gold bracelet, the kind that he grew up wearing as a kid.
“You…” he starts as his eyes read Gabriella’s name on the gold plate. “She had one like this, much smaller, of course. She wore it all the time, day and night. You noticed that from the photos.”
You nod. “I hope you don’t… mind,” you whisper. “I thought… it’s something you can wear sometimes, a physical reminder of her with you.”
He nods, sliding his finger over the name.
“Thank you,” he whispers. “You didn’t have to - this is real gold, it must have cost a lot.”
“Don’t worry about that, please. I’m just glad you like it. I was worried - it might be too much,” you admit.
“No, no, this is - I only have one thing of hers,” Miguel confesses. “The guitar I place on the ofrenda. It’s the only physical item left, and it was pure luck that it made it, so this… Thank you.”
You can only nod, relieved that Miguel is okay with the bracelet. He takes a few moments to look at it, lost in thought, before he finally reaches for the last item. He doesn’t know what it is but it’s a flat and long item. He peels the paper carefully, revealing an art canvas.
You notice the front is facing you, so you wait for him to turn it.
When he does, his eyes soften and fill with tears.
“Dulzura,” he says. “This is - beautiful,” Miguel says, his fingers tracing the painting. A tear slides down his cheek as he stares at the image you painted of him and Gabriella.
He’s in awe with how beautiful it is, so much he needs to take a moment. He looks away from you and closes his eyes, his chest filled with emotion. He lets a breath out, swallowing the knot in his throat and looks at the painting again.
It’s him in his Spider-Man suit, face uncovered, carrying Gabriella on his shoulders. Gaby is wearing her soccer uniform, one hand in the air while she holds her soccer ball in the other one. Based on the background, they’re, here, at the penthouse.
More tears spill from Miguel’s eyes - tears you’re tempted to wipe away. You swallow the knot that’s formed in your own throat from seeing Miguel grow so emotional, and clear your throat. In a second, you pull your sweatshirt from the bed with your web and take one of the sleeves. You lift it.
“May I…?” you ask.
Miguel’s red eyes turn to you, his tears running down his damp cheeks. He doesn’t say no or yes, so you dry his cheeks with your sleeve, gently.
“I’m sorry,” you say. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
Miguel blinks a few more tears, but a smile forms on his lips. “Someone on a rooftop once told me they’re happy tears.”
You smile and pull back, remembering the time Miguel did the same for you. You told him they were happy ones.
“Happy tears are good,” you say, nodding.
“Yeah, they are,” Miguel agrees, wiping his cheek. “Thank you - this is really - so beautiful. So, so… beautiful. Thank you.”
“Always,” you whisper.
Still holding the canvas, Miguel sniffles and extends his arm. He offers his pinky finger.
And of course, you accept the gesture with your own.
You give each other a pinky hug.
“Happy Father’s Day, Migs,” you whisper.
“Thank you,” Miguel answers, still smiling with his pinky finger wrapped around yours. "Thank you, dulzura [sweetness].”
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A/N: I have many thoughts about certain things in this chapter, hehehe
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But anyway - I made myself cry with the Father's Day part at 2am lmao
I WISH MIGUEL HAD GABY IN HIS LIFE !!!😭😭 Gonna be sad about this all day fr but anyway, I want to say thank you to the people that replied to my post from yesterday about what you'd gift Miguel for Father's Day. I did the same thing for Christmas and I really loved incorporating readers' ideas into the fic, so I figured why not do it again and they didn't disappoint!!! @lauraolar14 @only-a-universe-away @oharaslove thank you for the lovely ideas!!!!! <33333
Also one more mention for @lauraolar14 !! The hair tie scenes were based on this fan art that was inspired by a post of NC head canons of reader (I think I'm going to start calling her Dulzura from now on, lowkey) and Miguel as temporary roommates THAT I'M STILL THINKING ABOUT SGFRYEHRUH THANK YOU LAURA!! ❤️❤️ That's enough yapping from me!! I hope you guys enjoyed this one!! I cried and laughed, and hopefully you do, too (but in a good way, you know?)!!
THANK YOU!! IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME 🫶🏼🥺<3333333 Also, I hope you guys have a great start to your week!!!
taglist: @loverlorn @saturnknows @d1lf-loverrr @eddiestitmiguelsbigdick @freehentai @arithestrawberry @scaleniusrm @haradasaya @spidermanismyfav @bitchykittenconnoisseur @thecraziestcrayon @obi-mom-kenobi @natsury-kazuki @coraline750 @edgycatx @safixiovi @sunnyx07 @nxrdamp
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roosterforme · 1 year
Batting Practice Part 24 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley senses you're giving him the cold shoulder. He hates waking up alone, especially on his birthday. But the rec league tryouts and a shopping trip with Everett hopefully puts him one step closer to what he really wants. 
Warnings: Fluff, smut, angst and swearing
Length: 3800 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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Bradley woke up alone in his bed on his birthday. Sure, it was a work day for the two of you, but he couldn't help but feel like you'd become a little distant with him since Sunday evening. 
He wanted to move in with you and Everett, but it wasn't that simple. It was actually complicated as hell. And now he was thinking he shouldn't have been getting Everett's hopes up about it.
Things were moving fast. Probably too fast. Bradley was all in, but he didn't know if you'd even want to take things to the next level with him. Yeah, you wanted him to move in, but he wanted you to be his family. But you'd been married before, and there was no doubt that Danny had probably ruined that entire experience for you.
And not only had Bradley never moved this fast before, he'd also never thought about buying a ring before. He'd barely had girlfriends who lasted longer than a damn month, always bailing as soon as it was clear his feelings were nowhere near as strong as his partner's.
He wasn't sure exactly why you were different, but you were. He wanted to stick around. And he didn't like waking up alone anymore. And now he convinced himself to stop for a little birthday treat, but the Starbucks took so long, he was going to be late for work.
"Damn it," he growled. You had better coffee at your house, but you hadn't invited him to stay over the past few nights. 
Tryouts for the Navy baseball league were being held this evening. Bradley packed the red and white striped Phillies socks you and Everett gave him for his birthday for good luck. When he had asked yesterday if the two of you would be able to come watch, you'd given a vague answer about work and picking Ev up from summer camp.
Bradley drank his hot coffee too fast and had to practically run to the simulation room to get there on time. "Happy birthday," Nat crooned when he walked in out of breath. "Wow, you look like shit today."
"Thanks?" He was already grouchy, and now he had to sit by his best friend who was notoriously annoying when he was in a bad mood. But luckily Admiral Simpson was calling everyone to attention. 
After hours of testing out new simulation software, only stopping for a soggy sandwich for lunch, Bradley's mood hadn't improved. He missed it when you packed his lunch for him. You had sent him a text that said Happy Birthday! which he supposed was a good thing, but he wanted you telling him you couldn't wait to see him later. If you and Ev weren't at the tryout, then what was the point? He really only sent an application because he knew Ev wanted him to play in the first place.
"You ready to pitch?" Bob asked him with a grin in the locker room after they had been dismissed for the day. 
"Yeah," Bradley grunted.
He watched Bob's smile turn to a frown. "If you want to play shortstop instead, I'm sure nobody will care. I thought you were looking forward to this."
"I am," Bradley said, trying to sound reassuring. 
Bob hummed. "I can't wait to see Molly. I've barely seen her since Sunday with her work schedule, but she promised me she would be there."
And now Bradley was scared you wouldn't show.
You rushed out of work, your high heels clicking across the tile floor in the lobby. Thirty minutes. You had thirty minutes to pick Everett up and drive across town to get to Bradley's baseball tryout on time. 
As you drove to get Ev, you thought maybe this was why he didn't want to move in with you; everything you did was on the other side of the city from everything he did. Or, you thought, perhaps Bradley just didn't feel comfortable in your house yet. Or maybe he just really didn't want to be around you and your son all day, every day. But it didn't really matter, because your feelings were hurt. And you were finding it hard to be happy for Molly and Bob now. 
When Everett got in the car, the first words out of his mouth were, "Are we going to the tryout? Did you bring my sign?"
You nodded and told him, "Yeah, we can go. Your sign is in the trunk." He had spent an hour last night coloring on some poster board, making a sign so he could cheer for Bradley. 
"It's starting soon!" he whined as you drove as quickly as you could. The tryouts were being held at a beautiful facility near the naval base, and you actually got there with a few minutes to spare. Everett was out of the car and opening your trunk before you even grabbed your sneakers off the passenger side floor. 
"Calm down, Ev. It didn't start yet." You and he walked past Bradley's Bronco, and once you got onto the soft grass, you changed into your other shoes while you walked.
"I'm going to get a spot on the bleachers!" Everett called, running ahead of you. But your eyes caught on Bradley and Bob, standing next to each other and leaning on the chest high chainlink fence. They were facing away from you, looking out over the infield. You had missed Bradley all week, and you knew that you needed to get over the way you felt. He was right; you could revisit that conversation later. Right now, you just wanted him to come home with you and stay all night. You had cupcakes waiting for him just in case.
You were approaching them, ready to surprise him with a huge birthday hug, when you heard Bob ask Bradley, "Think you'll move in with them?"
Bradley took his backwards cap off, and you froze as he ran his hand through his hair. "I think we're holding off for now," he said, turning his cap the other way before leaning on the fence again.
"Why?" Bob asked. "Everett seems to think you'd make a great roommate. He said he wants you to move into their extra bedroom." He chuckled, but Bradley shook his head. Your heart was pounding, and you wanted to walk away, but you just couldn't. So you stood there with your high heels in one hand, feeling like you were going to cry.
"It's not that easy," Bradley said softly. "There's a lot to consider. I know Ev's excited about the idea of it, but the reality would be that his mom's boyfriend would be living there. I just don't know if it's what I should do."
Then Bob asked the question that popped into your mind. "Do you still have reservations? About Everett?"
"Hell no, man!" Bradley said loudly. He sounded angry. "No! I love that kid more than anything. I'd love to be his dad someday. I'd adopt him tomorrow. I just want to do right by both of them. And I'm not exactly sure what that means."
You were dizzy. His words hit you right in the chest. Your mouth was hanging open and you felt out of breath. He was talking about adopting Everett like he'd already made his mind up. 
"That makes sense," Bob said. "Does she know how you feel?"
Bradley was quiet for a few seconds. "She knows I love her. I told her I'm not going anywhere. I'm ready for more commitment."
You ran up behind him, closing the short distance and squeezing him around the waist from behind. 
"Kitten!" He turned, and then you were hugging him with your face smashed to his chest, smiling so hard.
"Happy birthday," you mumbled, kissing him just above the collar of his tee shirt. "I love you."
"I love you, too," he immediately replied, rubbing his big hands along the back of your suit coat and kissing the top of your head. 
You turned your head and said, "Hi, Bob." But then a loud whistle filled the air and you looked up at Bradley. 
He kissed you hard on the lips before he said, "Time for tryouts, Kitten."
"Will you sleep over later?" you blurted out as he pulled free of your grasp. 
He smiled and kissed the top of your head again. Then he bent and picked up his gear bag. "That would make me so happy." 
As he stepped onto the field with Bob, you called out, "You can do it, Coach!"
Bradley was sweating. It was hot, and he was nervous. "It's just for fun," he muttered to himself as he stood on the pitcher's mound. "Just a rec league." Then he threw a slider to the catcher and let out the breath he had been holding. When he glanced to his right, he saw Everett sitting between you and Molly, and he was holding up a sign that made Bradley smile.
He did not want to let that kid down, so he threw a decent fastball for his second pitch. He could hear you and Everett cheering for him as he threw a changeup. The catcher gave him a thumbs up before throwing the ball back, and Bradley was starting to feel good now. So threw two more sliders, and he just kept getting better. 
When the coach asked him to throw one more pitch, he went with a curveball. And then it was time for batting, and on his very first swing, he hit a home run.
He was a bit stunned, but he could hear Everett freaking out, so he ran the bases for fun while Bob and some of the other guys gave him high fives down the third baseline. 
"Damn, you played in college didn't you?" the coach asked as Bradley picked up his bat once again. 
"Yeah," he said with a laugh.
"That was an impressive hit. You've got a great arm, too."
"I actually used to play shortstop," Bradley told him, adjusting his hat and getting ready to bat again.
"Well if you want to pitch, then you made the team."
Bradley looked over to Everett and then back to the coach. "Seriously? I already made the team?"
Bradley tried to reel in his smile as he hit a few more balls and then went to sit on the bench while someone else tried their hand at batting. But he just couldn't wait to get up on the bleachers and tell Everett that he made the summer league team.
Bradley waited for the tryouts to officially end, hoping Bob would make the team too. His fellow aviator was fast and always seemed to make the catches in the outfield look like a walk in the park. When Bob joined him in the dugout, they stood next to each other, awaiting the final roster from the coach. 
"First base: Hamilton. Second Base: McPhee. Shortstop: Yang. Third base: Ruiz. Catcher: Hernandez. Pitcher: Bradshaw. Relief pitcher: Matthews."
Bob elbowed Bradley in the side and smiled at him. 
"Right field: Merrick. Left field: Wiley. Centerfield: Floyd. I'll post some bench positions as well. Thanks for trying out." 
Then the coach handed each of the starting players a navy blue and white cap. Once they were dismissed, Bradley had Bob in a tight hug. 
"I didn't know you'd be this excited, Rooster," Bob said with a laugh. "You made pitcher!"
"Oh, man," Bradley said, slapping him on the back before letting go. "I missed playing. You were right. This is going to be so much fun."
"You just want to show off for your girlfriend," Bob told him, slipping the cap on his head.
"You just want to show off for your girlfriend," Bradley replied, rolling his eyes and gathering his glove and bat together. Then he slipped his cap on as well, and they climbed out of the dugout, side by side. 
"I'm so in love with her," Bob mumbled, and Bradley saw Molly standing next to you and Everett, waving to Bob like she couldn't wait to see him. Then he looked at you, and Bradley's heart started pounding. But it was Everett running toward him with the poster board that really made Bradley smile. 
"Did you make the team?" he asked, and Bradley scooped him up in a hug. 
"Well they gave us these hats," Bradley said, putting his on Everett's head. "What do you think?"
"They made the team!" Everett shouted to you and Molly. Bradley carried your son over to you and kissed your lips. 
"We knew you would," you told him as you wrapped your arms around him and Everett. "You were so good, Coach."
"It's your birthday and you made the team!" Everett said, wrapping his arms around Bradley's neck. 
This was exactly how Bradley always wanted to be. He felt comfortable, welcome, safe and loved. He kissed Everett's cheek and nodded. "It's a pretty great day."
Everyone followed you back to your house, and you were thankful you had taken the time to get those birthday cupcakes for Bradley. He ended up tossing some hot dogs and burgers on the grill in your backyard, even though you told him you didn't mind cooking his birthday dinner.
"Go relax," Bradley told you, nodding toward your deck where Molly and Bob were blowing bubbles with Everett. "I'll take care of it." He kissed you and sipped his beer before flipping the burgers. 
You patted his butt in his snug baseball pants and whispered, "And later, I'll take care of you." His smirk as you walked away had you giggling. 
When you ate dinner on the deck as the evening sky darkened, you watched Everett where he sat on Bradley's lap eating a burger. "Are you going to get to throw all kinds of pitches? Are you going to start every game?"
Bradley held a napkin so Everett's ketchup wouldn't drip and answered every single question. He never seemed annoyed. He never gave you the impression that your son was irritating him. They seemed like they were cut from the same cloth, and honestly it made your heart skip wildly every single time.
"Yep, I get to work with the catcher about which pitches I should throw," Bradley told him. "And I get to start the games."
Then Bradley turned and smiled at you when Everett started interrogating Bob across the table. 
"I love you." The words came so easily now, you said them without thinking about it much. You'd missed him over the past few days, thinking he just didn't want to move in with you. But he probably just needed more time. You weren't in any hurry anyway. You and Everett could wait for Bradley to want to move in. 
"Love you, too, Kitten," Bradley replied, reaching for your hand. Molly grimaced and pretended to gag on her cupcake which made both of you laugh. 
"Like you're any better?" you asked her, kicking her foot under the table. 
"Never said I was," Molly replied, running her fingers through Bob's hair as he told Everett about the rec league. Bob reached up and took her hand in his, kissing her fingers while Everett asked him another question. 
"This was nice," you said with a nod, smiling at everyone before you stood to clean up the dishes. But Molly and Bob ended up cleaning everything while Bradley took Everett to get ready for bed. 
And a little while later, Bradley was the one one grunting in your ear. "This is nice," he groaned, unclasping your bra. "I love unwrapping my birthday presents." He palmed your breasts with a smile on his face.
"I can't wait to see what you wrap up for my birthday," you moaned as he scooped you up and set you down on your bed. You were completely naked for him except for your paw print necklace. He pressed a kiss to the charm before kissing your lips. 
"You can have anything you want, Kitten," he promised. And you thought about having a million more nights like this one, with family dinners and then Bradley's body pressed to yours. 
His shirt was off, biceps warm beneath your palms. "Well you can have anything you want."
Bradley froze with his lips on your nipple. He ran his nose down the valley between your breasts before kissing your sternum and looking up at you. "I want you to know that I am not going anywhere, Kitten."
You nodded and whispered, "I know that."
"I want to be here for you and Ev," he said, kissing the undersides of your breasts. "I want... I want you to know I'm not hesitating to move in because of me. So if you and Everett really, honestly want me here all the time, I have one condition."
You took a deep breath, getting nervous as your legs rubbed the rough fabric of his baseball pants. "What's your condition?" you asked softly.
"A stronger commitment," he said, nodding once like it was nonnegotiable. 
But you weren't sure what to think. "What does that mean?" 
Bradley's lips returned to your body after he said, "It means you'll be my family someday soon. I hope." 
He reached for your hands as you processed his words. Family. You already felt like he was. "Okay."
Bradley held your hands above your head and kissed you until you were whimpering for him. Then he unzipped his baseball pants and pulled himself free as you spread your legs wider. He ran his fingers along your pussy, head tipped back as he moaned your name. Then he coated himself up with his fingers before pressing inside you. 
"I love you," he whispered, fucking you nice and slow. It was his birthday, but you were the one getting it exactly how you needed it. "Love you so much, Kitten."
You combed your fingers through his hair, thinking about how he wanted even more of a commitment. What more could he give you right now? He made you feel like you had everything. 
On Monday, you let Bradley pick your son up from summer camp. Everett came bounding toward him, surprised and excited that Bradley was there.
"Are we going to practice baseball stuff today?" Everett asked after he hugged Bradley.
"Nope," Bradley told him, turning his cap backwards and leading him toward the Bronco. "I've got something important that I need your help with."
Everett gasped. "Like a secret mission?"
"Exactly like that," Bradley replied, opening the back door for Everett to climb in.
He'd given this a lot of thought after spending the weekend at your house, falling even more in love with the two of you. After Saturday morning pancakes and an outing to hunt for baseball cards, Bradley treated everyone to a movie and popcorn. The fact that you and Everett wanted him to sit in the middle because you both wanted to be by him had him grinning. 
"Are we going to be spies?" Everett's eyes were huge as he buckled himself in. "They go on secret missions all the time for stuff."
"Not quite," Bradley replied with a laugh. "I need your help shopping."
Everett groaned as Bradley closed the door and climbed in the front seat. "But I don't like shopping!" he complained, and Bradley was still laughing. 
"I don't really either, kiddo. But this is shopping for something really important to me," he said, starting the engine and pulling out onto the road. "Think you can help me out? Just this once? I'll get you a chicken nugget Happy Meal when we're done."
"Yeah," Everett sighed. And a few minutes later, Bradley was scooping him out of the booster seat and taking him inside the jewelry store. 
Once they were in front of the case of diamond rings, Bradley asked, "Do you think your mom would like any of these?" Maybe it was silly to ask a seven year old for help picking out an engagement ring, but Bradley knew you'd like the ring even more if they picked it out together. If you said yes.
Bradley's palms were starting to sweat as Everett scanned everything inside the case. Things were moving fast. There was a solid chance you were going to say no. Or tell him you weren't ready. But Bradley wanted this. He needed to know what was coming next if he moved into your house. He wanted to know he could be with the two of you forever. 
Just as he felt a wave of panic wash over him, Everett pointed at one ring in particular. "That one looks like a baseball," he said, looking up at Bradley and grinning. "I think she would like a baseball ring from you."
"Yeah?" Bradley asked, bending to look at it. When the shop owner came over, he only asked to see that one ring. It was really pretty, and it seemed like something you would wear. Just a solitaire diamond with a platinum band. It was elegant and simple. Not overly frilly, but still something that made you want to stop and look at it. And once Bradley was holding it in his hand, he really thought it was perfect. 
He braced himself to hear the price while he dropped the ring into Everett's hand. Everett tried it on his index finger and laughed at how big it was. The price was manageable, and Bradley briefly considered sending a picture of it to Molly for final approval before deciding against it. 
"You know what?" he asked Everett. "I think we did a good job with this."
"We did," Everett replied with a nod. "She's gonna like it."
Bradley handed the ring across the counter along with his credit card. "I'll take it." He had no idea if it would fit you, but they could deal with that later. Because now he was in a state of shocked anticipation. He wanted to drive right to your place and beg you to marry him. He wanted to show you the ring and hope you'd say yes. 
"She'll like anything you give her. Especially if you say you want to get married!" Everett said with wide eyes. 
"I hope you're right, kiddo," Bradley said, running his hand through his hair. But now Everett's forehead was scrunched with concern. "What's wrong?"
Everett got quieter as he asked, "Does this mean you'll be my dad?"
Bradley swallowed hard and knelt down in front of him. Everett's eyes were so open and sincere, curious to know what this meant for him. "Ev," he started, unsure about how to answer. "If your mom and I are going to get married, then I'll be there all the time. I'll move into your house. We can do your homework together, and eat dinner. And I'll take you outside to play every day. Does that make sense?"
"But will you be my dad?" he asked again, and Bradley pulled him into a tight hug. Because he wanted to be. But he couldn't make a promise without talking to you. Without proposing to you first.
"I hope so, okay?" Bradley's voice was deep and raspy. "I love you."
Our favorite coaches made the team! Do we think Ev and Bradley have good taste in rings? Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32
Don't forget to check out Bob and Molly in The Curveball!
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xoxoluka · 5 months
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jschlatt x streamer!reader
summary: you wear the same ring every day, every stream, in the same direction. your fans notice one day that the direction of it changed.
warnings: swearing, not a very descriptive fic
a/n: for those not familiar with claddagh rings, they are rings from Irish culture that are most commonly used to show your status. right ring finger upside down means single, right ring finger right side up means taken. look into them if you are still confused or would consider buying one <3
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gummygone: what's the ring say today???
CelestialCat: SHOW US THE RING
alwaysstar: what are we today
"chat," you giggle, holding up the upside down ring on your finger for the camera to see. "it's the same thing today, i promise. nothing's changing anytime soon."
the chat was flooded with 'aww's and 'why not's and crying emojis, making you laugh again. your audience had a nightly routine before the end of stream where they would bug you about your relationship status, especially since you wore it so freely on your hand.
you got used to giving them disappointing news, although you were hoping that you'd be able to tell them something else very soon.
you end stream soon after your nightly conversation with the chat, and stand up from your desk to close down your office and get ready for bed. once fully showered, washed, and clothed, you got a text as you were plugging in your phone.
'you looked good tonight, toots.'
you smile, biting your lip subconsciously.
'you saw?' you respond, laying back on your bed as you held your phone up.
'of course i did. i could never pass up seeing your face.'
you turn red at his flirtatious words. 'you can see it in person tomorrow, if you're up for it.'
you stay up for nearly another hour talking to Jay, making plans to meet up for lunch tomorrow.
you enter the small coffee shop, the warm atmosphere surrounding you and comforting you immediately. you spot your date and give him a wave, rushing over to meet him.
"i missed you," you say as you smile, sitting in the chair across from him.
"'missed you too," Jay smiles back, pushing a plate and a cup towards you. "i ordered your favorite, i hope you don't mind." he spoke in a tone that told you he knew you weren't going to mind either way.
"how could i?" you respond playfully. "thank you."
you banter lightly back and forth for a while, until you notice Jay pause, an unfamiliar glint of hesitation in his eyes. it goes away quickly, allowing him to speak confidently.
"you know," he starts. "we've been doing this for a few months now, right?"
"like.. going on dates and stuff? yeah, i'd say so," you nod, taking a sip of your drink.
"so then.. how'd you like to make it official? about time, right?" he asks, trying to seem as nonchalant as possible.
you sit up in surprise, but a smile breaks onto your face anyway. "yeah! yeah, i'd like that."
"jesus christ, dude," you exclaim, jerking the plastic steering wheel to the side, evading the car that you had drifted too closely too in-game. you were playing truck driving simulator tonight, which was one of your (and your audience's) favorites. it was late, so your real-life self and in-game self were both entirely too tired to be driving a truck.
as you took a moment to yawn, you glanced at chat, noticing a few standalone comments about your ring. you quickly readjusted yourself, pretending like you hadn't just read the comments, and continued to drive. 'as long as they don't all see it...'
you hadn't realized that the way you drive had your ring fully on display, you right hand on top of the steering wheel as your left supported the bottom. a keen eye would've noticed the difference, but hopefully not all of the eyes. you quickly finished up the level, parking the truck and gaining the money and XP. you paused the music and closed the game window, bringing your facecam back to fullscreen. you noticed the usual ring comments, and the few people who had noticed the difference.
"oh, man, chat. i totally forgot to put my ring on this morning," you lie, slipping the ring off with just one hand strategically. "but i'm telling you it's the same. no changes." you'd never been a good liar, the tips of your ears going slightly red, your face flushing, and your small laughs as you spoke.
TheyCallMeDawg: yeah okay buddy
"woah, woah, chat, what's with the attitude tonight?" you jokingly ask after reading that comment. "y'all are crazy, go to bed." you say your final goodbyes to the stream for the night and do your nightly routine. although, tonight, you were going to text Jay first.
'they totally know.'
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not rlly a fan, but it was for fun
lmk what you think! <3
© property of xoxoluka. do not repost.
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lucifersdeadbride · 2 years
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“Let’s Dance Together In The Rain”
A scenario in which MC (being you) wants to dance in the rain with their beloved demon. How will each one respond? A short one shot for each brother. (some fluff, somewhat angst, and Asmo as always is touchy, but no suggestive themes) 2 paragraphs per brother
“Excuse me?” Lucifer asked you rhetorically with a sly smirk on his face, purely just wanting his ears to be blessed with such a question once more. You rolled your eyes and smiled, dropping your umbrella to the ground and letting the rain droplets soak you beneath the fabric. “I said, would you like to dance with me in the rain?��� You asked over the speakers of the coffee shop playing melodic music to those walking past. You and Lucifer both shared the same taste in music, as well as a taste for pure, melancholy romance. Lucifer dropped his own umbrella with a faint chuckle, and looked up at the dark sky as he basked in the cold droplets decorating his face blissfully. He looked down to find you patiently waiting in front of him with a smile still plastered on your face, your hand out to him eagerly waiting to be hugged by his own. Lucifer quickly wrapped his arm around your waist, pressing his chest against your own, and his hand gently entangling your fingers with his. “Follow my lead, my love. He whispered against your ear before leaving a kiss on your lobe, causing your cheeks to grow hot, and your stomach to be riddled with butterflies.
You two danced away in the middle of the plaza to the faint music, not caring for the judgement blatantly given by passing onlookers. As you two laughed and dramatically danced in the wet downpour, unphased by the natural shower dowsing you both to the bone, Lucifer pulled you close to his face. His hand braced your back to keep you pressed, and his lips barely grazed your own in a subtle tease. You felt your heart pound as you gazed into his eyes, finding comfort in the shared, longing silence. Before you could speak your mind, the tall, prideful demon already beat you to it. “I love you, so much. I’d dance with you in the rain over and over again if it means keeping you happy, and getting to call you mine forever.” He finished his sentence with a deep kiss full of passion, the kind that makes your heart stop and your blood run hot. The kind of kiss that makes time feel senseless, and life feel nothing more than a simulation. The kind of kiss that lets you know, you’re his and only his, forever.
“Oi, you want me to what?!” Mammon asked with a scoff, already crossing his arms to let you know he’s not about it. “Ain’t no way I’m dancing in the cold, wet rain!” You pouted, looking down at your feet to seem all glum. “Oh, okay…” you said with the saddest tone possible, knowing you could easily manipulate him into changing his mind to please you, albeit evil. “I just thought it’d be romantic and fun.” You mumbled while lightly tapping a puddle of rain with your foot, causing droplets to faintly splash onto the top of your shoe. Mammon watched the mood change very quickly, and groaned to himself while scratching his head in frustration, eyeing your foot tapping away sadly at the puddle. He sighed heavily and snatched the umbrella you held in your hand, already dropping his onto the sidewalk without caring for other pedestrians. “Yah, no human of mine is gonna be sad. Especially because of me!” He exclaimed boastfully, practically yanking your body into the drizzle. You laughed while wrapping your arms around his neck, and forcing closure between you both, pressing your nose against his own. “Mammonie, you’re too easy~” You teased before pecking his lips. Mammon immediately blushed, rolling his eyes and pulling out his AirPods. “You know I could never say no to you.”
He places one pod into your ear while the other in his own. “Um, won’t the rain ruin these, Mammonie?” You ask with concern coating your tone. He shrugs, picking a romantic dance playlist from his D.D.D. and tucking it away into his coat pocket. “So what? The Great Mammon can always buy a new pair. What’s important is keeping my human happy.” With rosy cheeks he pecked your forehead, holding you close against his chest, his arms resting comfortably on your lower back as if they were meant to be there. You happily snuggled against his chest, the smile on your face never leaving as you two swayed slowly within the rain. Becoming soaked to the bone in cold rain never felt so amazing.
“Leviachan~” you cooed out to the otaku while peeking into his room. Just before you could step in a bolt of lightning flashed and crashed outside the window, causing the sweet demon to quiver and hide under his blanket with not a second to spare. You winced slightly, but only from the sudden obnoxiousness that came about. “Levi, you okay?” You asked as you fully stepped in, shutting the door behind you. His TV displayed a dim screen of a paused game that he’s been raving about nonstop for days. You could hear the faint whimpering from under the shivering covers, and you couldn’t help but smile fondly at how cute it was to find the third strongest demon lord afraid of a little storm. “Leviathan, it’s okay.” You spoke softly while peeking under his makeshift hideout. He opened his eyes and immediately smiled the moment he saw your face. “Darling, I’m so happy to see you…” Levi sat up with the blanket slowly falling from his head down his shoulders. He then immediately blushed, looking away with his hands covering his cheeks. “Agh, I’m sorry you had to see me in such a lame, vulnerable state. You probably think I’m such a weakling.” You chuckled, leaning over the tub he lay in and placing a kiss on his hands that remained pressed against his embarrassed face. You could feel the heat emanating from the immense blushing even through his fingers.
“You’re the strongest, bravest demon I know, Leviachan. So brave that you’re willing to dance in the scary rain with me.” You casually suggested while guiding him out the tub, pulling him out gently by his arm. The blanket fell along the rim. Levi gasped, shaking his head super fast. “No way! I’m not going out there in such danger!” His demeanor carried heavy reluctance. You pursed your lips with a sigh, looking away at anything but the otaku himself. “I understand. I guess I could ask one of your brothers to see if they’re interested. Oh!” You perked up, “Solomon would definitely dance in the rain with me!” You thought aloud on purpose, hoping to make Levi just a tad jealous to swindle his mind. You peeked over at the cute hermit to find him already fully clothed in rain gear, buttoning up his rain jacket with determination. Your face immediately fell into a shocked, confused look with an over-preparedness for the storm. Levi adjusted his rain boots before taking your hand into his, already pulling you towards his bedroom door. “As the normies say: let’s roll.”
The weather of the Devildom was gloomy today. Grey skies and consistent rain with a dash of bitter winds. One might find this mood dampening, but you found this splendid for your day of binge reading. For once you were left alone in your room. No pestering from the brothers’ shenanigans that you somehow were always dragged into, or an hour long lecturing from Lucifer for arriving thirty seconds late to class. A blue moon was more occasional than the alone time you were granted. Nothing more than just you, your fluffy blanket gifted to you by Asmo during past holidays, and your romance novel borrowed from the librarian himself, Satan. It wasn’t surprising nor unexpected of him to suggest such a beautifully written story. You were deeply invested in this chapter, and found yourself rereading a specific paragraph involving the main couple romantically dancing away their worries in the rain. You couldn’t help but blush as you played the scenario in your mind with yourself and Satan substituting the characters. The thought of someone as handsome as himself, artistic and intelligent, putting his hand out to you as the rain soaked his gorgeous locks, and complimented his stunning complexion, caused you to silently become feral. You sighed heavily while gently tossing the book to your side, grabbing your throw pillow to cover your face in disappointment. Sometimes it hurt to live your fantasy out in your head. The eagerness to act out this script was almost too much to bare. Quickly, a knocking at your door brought you out of your elusive thoughts. Apprehensively, you rolled out of the comfort of your bed, and made your way to the calling. As you opened your door you were met with the “main character” of your beloved book. Satan stood there with a smile, and an umbrella to his side almost mimicking a cane.
“Good evening, sweetheart.” He endearingly greeted, bringing a blush to your cheeks almost instantly. You smiled, “Uh– you the same– uh–“ you stumbled over your words, not making any sense and feeling an overwhelming wave of embarrassment. Satan couldn’t help but laugh softly to himself. You could feel yourself shrinking with every chuckle. “I’m sorry, you’re just so funny.” He apologized yet complimented. You looked away bashfully, quickly moving on. “Why’d you stop by?” You asked. Satan tapped along the handle of the umbrella anxiously, but very subtle. “How far have you gotten through that book?” He questioned with an eager intent. You shrugged, “A little over halfway. Why?” Satan immediately grinned, peeking through your door to look out your window from where he stood. He nodded towards the gloomy view. “So, you think we can reenact the couple’s first dance? I’ve been waiting many long years to find the perfect someone to fit such a romantic scenario.” Satan asked sweetly, almost giddy-like with just the hope of the possibility you’d agree. You couldn’t even find yourself to answer him, feeling drenched in shock and disbelief. It’s almost as if he read your mind. But, it clicked; “Hm,” you chuckled, “it seems I may have read your mind, Satan.” You reached up on your toes and pecked his nose softly, causing his cheeks to burn up. “I’ll get dressed.” You said with a smirk, leading him into your room by hand to await your readiness.
“Honey, there’s no way!” Asmo refused while looking away from you and into his mirror, applying lip gloss intricately. You flopped onto his bed, rolling yourself into a blanket burrito. “But why not?!” You whined, holding a pout. “Rain is dirty, and will cause my hair to severely frizz. Not to mention I don’t want you catching a cold.” The beauty king quickly responded, turning to you in his spinning chair. “Why don’t we just stay in and practice skincare instead?” Asmo suggested, poking gently at your nose as only your head stuck out from your fabric cocoon. You frowned and turned away from him, rolling your eyes feeling annoyed. “We always do that.” Your tongue was sharp, “We always do what you want to do, but anytime I suggest something you find reason to say no.” Your tone carried more sadness than anger. You and Asmo have been together for a while now, and it hurt to feel like you were always second to everything in his life. It hurt to feel like your opinions or wants and needs didn’t matter. It may be something as silly as dancing in the rain, but it was more than that. You wanted to be put first for once. The lustful demon wore an expression of shock, slowly pushing himself away from the bed you lay on. The room was tense, silent, and a bit awkward. You couldn’t read if he were upset by your words or offended. You sat upright, still wrapped in his blanket, trying to find the right words to say even though a peep hasn’t come out of him.
“Even if it’s not dancing in the rain,” you began quietly, “I want to try something different with you tonight– anything! Something I like to do and want to share with you. There are other things we can do together other than–” “Hush, love.” Asmo cut you off in a whisper as he climbed onto the bed, pulling your cocoon apart slowly. He let the silky blanket rest against your shoulders loosely, and wrapped his arms tenderly around your neck in a cradle. “You’re right.” The demon uttered against your lips, causing you to blush instantaneously. “I’ve never realized this until you said it, but you’re right, we always do what I want to do. We always go shopping, do makeup, skincare, nails, all that I adore.” Asmo moved from your lips to your ear, nibbling your lobe teasingly. This was always his way of talking to you when you both argued or disagreed on things. You couldn’t help but melt every single time. Your cheeks remained hot as he continued to whisper. “I’ve never cared for anyone else’s interests, especially if they weren’t related to my own. You’re not just anyone else though,” he kissed your neck, “you’re special to me. Everything you care for, I care for. What matters to you matters to me, too.” Asmo pulled back just enough to brush the hair out of your face. With a smile, he kissed your forehead and trailed to your nose, and eventually your lips, passionately. This time he was much more sincere than other moments. He left you speechless, but you couldn’t contain your happiness as your face beamed with the affection. “Asmo…” you mumbled, his name rolling off your tongue with pure bliss. He chuckled at your expression, and placed his fingers under your chin, gently guiding you back to his lips. His breath coated your own as he once again whispered, “Come on love, let’s go dance in the rain to your heart’s desire.”
“Would you look at that,” Beel motioned out the window of the restaurant you both sat in as he spoke with a mouth full of food, “black rain.” You set your fork down and dabbed at your mouth with your linen napkin, staring out at the downpour of what depicted squid ink drenching all of Downtown Devildom. You frowned, turning back to him, “Black rain?” You asked confused. “Sounds dangerous.” You added in while poking at your dinner. You felt full and couldn’t take another bite, but knew it definitely wouldn’t go to waste with your gluttonous demon who’s practically a vacuum for leftovers. “I’ve heard Lucifer mention it before but, he never explained much of it to me. Or,” you shrugged, “maybe he did and I just lost interest and tuned him out.” You laughed at your own words, Beel doing the same. “Wouldn’t surprise me. Well,” he paused to pull your plate away from your side to his, not even asking but already knowing, “it’s definitely not dangerous. I don’t remember what causes it, but it’s not often we get to see it happen. Nothing amazing,” he stuffed his mouth, “just black water falling from the sky.” You chuckled as you watched him eat with a big smile. Food always made him so happy. You sometimes even wondered if it took precedence over yourself, and you didn’t really want to know the answer.
“It’s finally slowing down.” Beel muttered while holding your hand across the table, his chin resting in the other. Some time went by as you both awaited the end of the downpour. “I’d rather start going now while it’s drizzling before I eat the entire kitchen.” “You mean again?” You quickly retorted, “Because you just did that.” You finished with a laugh, and he did the same. “Yeah, I guess I did.” He stood from the booth and onto his feet, his hand still holding yours. “Come on, muffin.” He practically cooed, seeming eager to head back home. Probably already thinking about what’s in the fridge for him to raid. You smiled and stepped out from the booth, wrapping your arms around his toned, large bicep. As you walked out the restaurant, Beel placed his jacket over your head in an attempt to keep you dry. He was always so sweet, putting others before himself in every way possible. Surprisingly, even with the consistent drizzle of black rain, you both took your time walking home, not minding the weather and its nuisance. You stopped in your tracks so suddenly, causing Beel to mindlessly tug on your wrapped arms as he tried to continue on. He looked back at you confused. “What is it?” His tone coated with concern. You pointed at a street busker who played his violin beautifully under a small tarp, keeping his little space dry from the black rain. “Listen! It sounds so beautiful!” You said full of excitement and joy. Beel couldn’t help but smile at how happy it made you. “It is beautiful, isn’t it?” He agreed. You let your arms slip from his and down to his hand, gently hugging it with your much smaller fingers. You looked up to him with a sparkle in your eyes, letting rain droplets decorate your face. They mimicked mascara-shed tears. His jacket almost slipped off your head, but he caught it with his free hand in time. The rain already began making its way through your hair. “Um, Beel? Would you care to dance with me?” You asked nervously, but kept a hopeful smile. The hungry demon looked puzzled for a moment, then laughed softly. “In the rain?” He questioned, then shrugged before giving you any time to answer. “Sure,” he said whilst picking you up into his arms without warning, playfully twirling as he placed a peck on your soaked cheek, “I’d love to dance with you, Muffin.”
Belphegor absolutely loves visiting you in your dreams. It’s a two-in-one package deal for him: getting to sleep and still spending time with you. He’s always able to create the perfect date scenarios for you both, and make them as magical as you want. Best of all, you two are all to yourselves. No brothers to steal you away, no school studies, and no unpredictable roadblocks. You started to become just like your slothful lover; always looking forward to bedtime. You looked over at your alarm clock on your bedside table for the time, and couldn’t help but to smile knowing it was indeed time for bed. You quickly gathered your favorite pillow and blanket before heading out your bedroom door, making your way to the sleepy demon’s attic. Your steps were fast, but quiet. You didn’t want to attract any unwanted attention from anyone at this moment. You didn’t have time for book organization, playing new video games, or handling gambling debts. All you could handle and wanted on your schedule was cuddling up into dreamland with Belphie. You really had become a twin of the demon himself. Beelzebub would be so jealous. With a few more turns and agonizing climbing of stairs, you eventually made your way to the attic. Belphegor was already sitting on the floor with his pillow and blanket near the entrance, patiently waiting on your arrival. He looked up from snuggling his pillow and smiled, his eyes full of delight the moment they touched your face. “My shooting star~” He said softly, standing on his feet and dropping his belongings to cup your face, planting a gentle kiss to your lips. His excitement he exuded through his affection never failed to make your heart melt.
You both got settled in by decorating the bed in plush throw pillows and fluffy blankets, eager to rest your bodies in the comfort. You did so first, while Belphie dimmed the lights to a low setting if it were that of a single lit candle in a spacious room. As you cradled your favorite pillow in a fetal position, the sleepy demon carefully crawled his way onto the bed, making sure not to pinch your limbs in the process. He then situated himself right next to you as the bigger spoon, tucking his arms under yours to pull you into his chest. The warmth that cradled you instantly made your heart flutter, and you couldn’t help but smile as Belphie placed his chin in the crook of your neck, letting a warm sigh out that raised the hairs of your nape. “So, my dear,” he began, his lips grazing against your skin, adding to your already familiar goosebumps. “Where would you like to have our date tonight?” Your arms moved from your pillow and instantly atop his own, gently tracing up and down with light tickles against his skin. You hummed, “Mm, London sounds wonderful.” He chuckled. “London? I like it. What would you like to do?” He asked, simultaneously leaving a couple kisses along your shoulders. You felt a blush coat your cheeks as you subtly hid your face away into your pillow, feeling as if your idea might be cliche and a joke to him. “I was thinking…maybe we could dance in the rain? Maybe to some beautiful classical music?” You asked bashfully. “But if you want to do something else, that’s fine, too.” You immediately suggested on a defense. Belphegor couldn’t help but let out a soft laugh, subconsciously pulling you into his body even more than before. “Why so shy?” He kissed your ear with a gentle nibble to your lobe, whispering, “I couldn’t think of a better date than that. Let’s dance our dreams away in the rains of London, my shooting star.”
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renegadesfic · 10 months
Hello everybody new fandom new pinned new me. I am DETERMINED to establish myself as The verneider author on whatever platforms I post on SO. Here we go.
I'm Nathan, or Angel. We are a system, our main blog is @renegadessys and you can always message us there, that's also where we follow from. Our pronouns are he/it. Most of the stuff we write is highly self indulgent and written for our fictives of various characters but especially with the list that will follow lots of this is just for fun!
Our main fandom and the one we will be posting a lot for as of now is Reverse: 1999, our main ships are Schneider/Vertin, Sonetto/Vertin, Lilya/Sonetto (rarepair central LMAO), and some poly variations thereof (Vertin has two hands!!!!).
Fic ideas and links below!
1. A followup to the first smutfic I wrote on ao3, Vertin/Schneider reuniting post Storm resolution and having some wonderful heartfelt moments and then. You Know. POSTED HERE
2. A followup to that followup - several months later, their anniversary.
3. An alternative followup - Vertin wakes up from a nightmare and there is comfort and also You Know.
4. College AU - Vertin meets Schneider at a party. There may be follow up oneshots to this one! POSTED HERE
5. Vampire Schneider/Vampire Hunter Vertin AU. Mostly just insane flirting and nsfw. POSTED HERE
6. Either standalone or potentially a followup to 4: Schneider inviting Sonetto to join her and Vertin
7. Lilya and Sonetto fuck around after that one scene in the story where they do the training simulation together. (NOTE: in this fic and all other fics I write with Lilya in them I will be writing her as a non-op trans girl. This is for one of our system members' sake because that's how she identifies. Don't get weird)
8. Schneider/Vertin and Sonetto/Lilya partner/sub swap. Very simple.
9. College age Vertin meets Schneider after she and her friends visit a bar that is not expressly a gay bar but sure comes close!
1. Vertin being diagnosed with some variant of Hanahaki disease while in the artificial somnambulism treatments post-chapter 2. Very angsty. NOW POSTING HERE
2. Vertin/Schneider coffee shop au. Someone has to do it. Vertin is a perpetually tired college student, Schneider is a perpetually flirty barista.
3. Future domestic oneshot where Vertin and Schneider are??? Married???? Have kids??????? Idk I just live here
4. End of chapter 4, Sonetto finds out when Z's birthday is and convinces everyone to throw her a surprise party as thanks for helping Vertin and co. (NOTE: I will be referring to her as Dr. Z regardless of canon, she worked hard to get a phd in whatever weird science she does and I refuse to discount it)
5. Ghost Schneider AU. Basically Vertin is "haunted" by Schneider's ghost after the Storm takes her, presumably due to some arcanum fluctuation that sticks her to Vertin (handwaves away the details). Romance. But sad.
6. Time travel fix-it - Vertin goes back in time to try to stop Schneider's death. NOW POSTING HERE
I will update this list as I get more ideas and write these. Please send me asks or let me know if there's one in particular you want to read!
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truly-hopeless · 11 months
WIP Meme
Was tagged by @eleonoraw. I don't know if I should be thrilled to be included or feel embarrassed that I now have to reveal the full extent of my rabbit chasing instead of focusing on what I have now.
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I don't exactly have a "folder," but I have a lot of ideas for stories that just keep coming to me, far too many for me to ever fully write, since I'm easily inspired by a lot of things. For my own sanity (and to avoid making the post too long) I will only share what I already started writing/outlining instead of the ideas that only either exist in my head or were talked about with friends/acquaintances (it's already going to be way too long regardless, especially since I just remembered I have stuff saved to Dropbox as well). Most of it is Death Note related (the brainrot is four years old now), but I have also had a few ideas for Barbie as well and I also have my own original stuff that I'm also working on (they didn't say it had to just be fanfics, right?).
Death Note/Cabin in the Woods AU (rewrite, + scrapped bits for original version)
Lost To The Night (continuation, three chapters being worked on at once, dark Vampire!L fic [under The Hellbound Heartbreaker])
The Interloper (continuation [and scrapped versions of prologue], Death Note AU, OC-centric)
Death Note: Legacy Episode Two (barely started, 2017 Netflix Death Note reimagining)
The Cat Who Stares Down Gods (side-story of Death Note: Legacy)
Mizuki's Worst Birthday (another Legacy side-story)
Bittersweet Valentine (yet another Legacy side-story, Lawmane-centric)
Untitled Valentine Legacy Side Story (Xain/Branwen)
Untitled Summer Legacy Side Story (Xain/Branwen)
Coffee Shop/Xain "Meets" Bogart (Unfinished scripted scene for Legacy)
Halfway Down (Bojack Horseman-inspired Death Note one-shot)
Love Notes (Eros/Psyche Lawlight Death Note AU)
The Thought of Fresh Meat (It Is Making Me Ill) (Venom inspired Death Note AU entry for the Beasts and Beauties story compilation, Xain/Branwen)
Exit Light, Enter Night (Part Two of Incubus!Light AU entry for Beasts and Beauties, Lawlight)
I Won't Cry For You (Candyman inspired Lawlight AU for Beasts and Beauties)
I Move The Stars For No One (continuation, barely started, Lawlight Rumpelstiltskin AU [am seriously considering starting from scratch])
By A Thread (Lawmane soulmate AU)
The Undying Detective (another Vampire!L fic; the vampire brainrot is also strong)
A Change in Priorities (Light/Misa parenting fic)
May I? (barely started, Ella Enchanted inspired AU, Death Note 2017 cast, possible pre-Lawlight)
Catch Me I'm Falling (draft for Next To Normal/Death Note AU)
WPaRG: Afterlife Affairs (fanfic of a fanfic [With Pearl and Ruby Glowing series], Disney/Non-Disney, heavily influenced by seeyoulater's Hells Belles TikTok series)
Untitled Changeling!Erika AU (Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper)
Barbie in Danganronpa (Barbie/My Scene AU)
The Survival Guide for the Vegetarian Vampire (My Scene horror/comedy/romance AU)
Together (original, Horror Dating Simulator concept)
The Price of Knowledge (original, paranormal romance)
Pet (original, horror/fantasy/adventure)
Untitled Barbie X L crack fic (if you know, you know)
I'm too introverted to tag 29 people (I don't even know that many), but I am tagging @ponury-grajek and @pebblesgum since as far as I know neither have been tagged yet (if you have, please disregard) and anyone else who sees this is free to do this as well if they'd like. Good luck on your works everyone. ^_^
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matt-lifesage · 9 months
Matt’s 2023 Visual Novel Tier List
Another year, another tier list/countdown of all the visual novels I read!
(two-thousand words of inconsistently distributed visual novel rambling below the cut)
Honorable Mentions:
I read a couple mobile game stories via youtube videos that are worth talking about but don't really belong on this list. Anyway, I’m slowly on-again off-again catching up to Arknights (almost halfway through it all the last time I checked), and it's been solid, my personal favorite story being Guide Ahead. But the real honor goes to FGO’s Lostbelt 6. A triumph from Kinoko Nasu and the folks over at Type-Moon. One of the best high fantasy epic novels I've ever read, hidden away three hundred hours into a gacha game for extra emphasis. A genuine highlight of the franchise, and if it was eligible for my own list where I make all the rules (hey, wait a minute...), it would be somewhere in S-Tier.
The Humbling of a Holy Maiden
Kicked off this year with some nukige. I’ve been meaning to check out more of the genre to have proper expectations and to know what I’m actually talking about if the subject ever came up (also checked out more of the genre for the obvious reason, but shush!). Frankly, not a good start.
Our tagline is basically, “What if the degrading corruption arc of the holy maiden archetype was consensual?” Nothing groundbreaking but still potentially enjoyable. Shame this game’s execution couldn’t muster even middling entertainment. Between erotic scenes, the game repeats the same meandering attempt at a philosophical conversation between the flatly written leads, who both never feel like even they can take what they’re saying seriously. It wouldn’t be too bad if it happened once or twice, but it’s *every* conversation. They did this a dozen times. Even in a visual novel as short as this, it was mind-numbing. Unfortunately, the erotic scenes aren’t much of a relief. I didn’t share the priorities/kinks of the creators, and even if I did, I would probably find the sex a samey and dull representation of them. This game was a chore to sit through. I don’t recommend.
Also, the heroine’s ‘slutty’ design looks like two clashing sets of lingerie worn on top of each other, and it’s wildly distracting.
Coffee Talk
I’m noticing an annual trend of me reading VNs that assume I have a far more positive connotation with coffee shops than I actually do.
So… I don’t want to make too many comparisons to a certain cyberpunk bartender simulator, especially when those opinions would be based on six-years-removed, nostalgically-charged fond memories of a game I desperately need to reexperience. I went into this Coffee Talk acknowledging it's a pastiche but willing to accept its own identity and terms so I could give it a fair shot and hopefully enjoy myself.
With that being said, I kinda hated this.
Its characters and drama range from enjoyable to mildly unfortunate, mostly nothing too interesting but nothing too egregious either--with Freya, the most frequently appearing character, being our infuriating exception.
The game touches on some mature themes and topics, but more often than not, Coffee Talk’s hokey one-for-one urban fantastical allegories are weighty in the same way that inflatable dumbbells are *technically* weights. The game is so obsessed with these close metaphors that the setting fails to feel remotely believable. And because real-life identities or struggles are recast with the likes of vampires and orcs, it falls into many of the common and frustrating insensitivities of the genre.
Shout out to the art team, though. The game’s presentation is top-notch.
Cute Demon Crashers [reread]
I read this like eight or so years back when it first came out and wanted to see if it held up, so I slapped it on one random night and went through it all again.
Didn’t really have a good time. I’m not the target audience for this. Comfy vanilla might as well be the name of the game, and it’s very, VERY, targeted to an audience looking specifically for that. Full power to them. I can’t complain because it’s literally free. I just didn’t expect to be so immediately bored by it, even if it’s not really doing anything wrong.
Who is the Red Queen?
A quick read with some good stuff, but it didn’t stick around in my head for long after reading it. It feels weird to complain about a free indie game created by people more skilled than myself, but a chunk of the art didn’t sell the Wonderland aesthetic for me. It was fine, but I might have preferred it if it was just a text game so my imagination would interpret the world as even more ethereal and dreamlike in a way generic fantasy backgrounds didn't reflect.
If you're specifically looking for a free-to-play Alice in Wonderland-themed Yuri visual novel, it's a good one. Maybe give it a try.
Coffee Talk Episode 2
Ever read the sequel just to be a more informed hater?
In all fairness, this was a big improvement on the first game. The sequel starts with some basic world-building. There's still obvious parallels in play, but there is a little work to paint this as a separate world this time where similar issues arose, something the first game barely even tried. It doesn’t always work, but it does try, which makes it less open for me to interpret uncharitably.
A second improvement is new mechanics. I don’t think the first game fully earned its last-minute twist, but Episode 2's additional gameplay verbs, plus more significant story deviations to incentivize replay and trial-and-error, does a better job at selling the fiction that the barista has an actual effect in the characters' lives.
Finally, the characters and drama were overall improvements. It's more interesting, less cliche, and there’s a stronger thematic core to tie the desperate arcs together. The highs are higher, and the lows aren’t as low.
That said, while the execution was improved, it never escaped the same foundational approaches as the first game. The urban fantasy allegories are better, but it's still hit or miss. There's still the ever-prevalent issue of halfway through a lovely scene with likable characters discussing their interesting drama, all characters involved will turn to the camera and start speaking in the unnatural cadence of a monologue in an afterschool special. Today's very important topic: Social media harassment! Garth Marenghi would be proud. However, even that element is much better handled than the first game which literally had a character smugly declaring all of this was a one-for-one allegory to our world, JUST IN CASE YOU DIDN'T GET IT.
After my distaste for the first game, I was pleasantly surprised by the sequel. It avoids the grating mistakes of Episode 1, but it's still too sanctimonious and I'll never vibe with its brand of gentrified twee.
Sweet Home ~H na Onee-san wa Suki Desu ka?~
Our final nukige of the list is Sweet Home. No, not the 1989 video game. No, not the movie that was based on. Not the webcomic either. (Gosh, there’s a lot of media sharing this title, huh?) 
If bland 'self-insert'-kun moving back in with his stepmom and having braindead sexy times with her roommates (plus some stepcest thrown in for spice) sounds like something you’d enjoy, then this one’s pretty a’ight. Mileage will vary if smut intended for the heterosexual male audience is even palatable to you. The game’s a quantity-over-quality situation, so you'll get plenty of it in this package for better or for worse. It got on my radar 'cause I dig how its artist, Kiriyama Taichi, drew ladies. I like their product. Probably wouldn’t have liked the game if a worse artist had been in charge--just to give you a taste of how shallow my enjoyment was lol. Consider any other game they were the artist for somewhere down in my TBR somewhere.
Ironically, for a game that’s whole fantasy is fucking (slightly) older ladies, my favorite route was the same-aged tsundere, probably because ‘childhood friend who's been repressing feels’ has more angst to it than 'new roommate wanted to see my dick.' After three of those routes, a crumb of drama might as well be a whole cake.
I couldn’t recommend paying full price. I think the asking price is too steep for this. Wait for a sale like I did.
The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog
I’m not a Sonic fan, so despite this being incredibly charming and well done, it didn't have any staying power in my mind. Still good fun, though. It’s rare for "joke" games to be quality, and even if I'm not the target audience, the passion was infectious enough to still enjoy it.
You and Me and Her
This was a solid and fun metafiction experience. Faux fourth wall breaking isn’t my preference (besides, it was already perfected in the 1971 seminal literary classic The Monster at the End of This Book), I respond better to the flavor of metafiction you’ll find in Umineko or Alan Wake, but for what You and Me and Her was going for, it's pretty well-executed. Spoilers, but having a spiteful rivalry with a fictional character is a blast.
While I had a good time, I thought You and Me and Her missed an opportunity to expand its commentary outside the scope of a fourth-wall-breaking “what-if.” Several times through my playthrough, the game felt like it was on the verge of using its premise to explore amatonormativity and heteronormatity, but it never really did, and I was left twiddling my thumbs, feeling like I was unfairly expecting too much.
On that note, however, about a month after playing this game, I read the manhwa Surviving Romance--a very different exploration of the romance genre via different mediums. But it gave me that subtle yet poignant commentary I felt was lacking from You and Me and Her, so I’m using this spot to recommend that comic. It’s super solid. Go track down and read it. It’d be up in A-Tier if I kept track of and ranked the comics I read.
It gets so lonely here
A really well-done yandere horror experience. It has pretty art, tightly written, and does some fun things with its narrative structure. If you want a solid, free-to-play, and spooky yuri VN, I highly recommend this one. Go download it.
I think this game might have ranked higher during a different year, but the cut-off between A-Tier and B-Tier had to go somewhere.
The Radio Wave Bureau
A short, super cool interactive fiction about fixing your computer. We’re at the point with some of these where I don’t have much to say other than “go read it,” but this game is short enough it’s hard to talk about in a way that doesn’t speak for itself. It's like twenty minutes long. I really dug it. Go play it.
Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk
A beautiful and melancholic expansion for the first game. A character piece that elevates Milk and Milk 2 to 'must read' status. It’s difficult to rank which one I prefer since both enhance each other via contrast. While I adore this game’s detailed introspection, if I had to pick a favorite, it would have to be the simplicity of--
Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk
It's another read that's only around twenty minutes long, but no other VNs have ever grabbed me by the throat with their premise alone. Both these games are incredible and vulnerable slice-of-life works. Put them on your TBR.
Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon-
I made like a hundred posts about it. What else can I say?
Arcueid’s route on its own was the best VN experience I had this year. List over. That goes at the top beyond the next two entries. Sorry, not sorry. It was a beautiful, perfected reboot of the story. I loved everything about it. It made me fall in love with Shiki and Arcueid all over again. If we count the false start back in college when I didn’t get halfway through the original VN, the two times I’ve read Tsukihime all the way through, plus the twice I’ve read the manga adaptation, this was the SIXTH time I experienced this particular story. And I cried at the end. It’s that good.
Now, if I love that route as much as I do, why, you may ask, is this entry only third place? ‘Cause Remake is only half of a remake, and it really does feel like it. Not only do we not have Far Side yet, but there’s also a whole Tsukihime-worth of new stuff, half of which hasn’t been paid off yet either, so there’s a pervasive incompleteness that isn’t really a flaw with the game, but will bug me until we get the next part. Also, I wasn’t as blown away by Ciel’s route as other fans were. It turns out it becomes more obvious that I don't relate to Shiki in Ciel’s route nearly as much as I did to him in Arcueid's once you take what was basically the last four hours of the original and expand it to an almost forty-hour new story. Still love it, btw, but it’s only a 'Really really good OMG go read it' story, instead of a modern magnum opus from Nasu (what a disappointment, am I right? lol)
Anyway, this game is a triumph that met my overhyped expectations. I can’t wait to see what Nasu and the gang have planned for in -The other side of red garden-.
The House in Fata Morgana
Welp, that’s just special, innit. Michel and Giselle have planted themselves among some of my favorite leads of all time. The entire cast is strong across all the incarnations of the house. While the first act is still good, once the narrative behind the anthology format is revealed and the whole context comes into play, it becomes a fantastic tragic romance and a beautiful rumination on evil. It almost gets a bit sanctimonious near the end, but it doesn't fall into obvious narrative pitfalls. Considering the premise of the final act, it's appropriate, so I'll give it a pass.
Yet another classic that meets the hype.
On a technicality, this was the best magical girl VN I read all year too.
The top three VNs were neck-and-neck for the ranking, but I gotta give it to this one. It's short, but I think on every level of intent and execution, this game's incredible. A beautiful aesthetic. A creative and haunting choice/route system. Vibes for days. There are no caveats to be found here. I can't think of anyone I wouldn't recommend this to. Read it. I'm not asking.
And that’s 2023! I’m going to try rereading Va-11 Hall-A in January now that Coffee Talk is fresh in my mind. Sometime after that, I’ll get back to 428--I feel really bad I left it hanging after the tutorial. As always, I hope to get through my downloaded backlog but I also plan on reading a few more Nitro+ games and my first AliceSoft title. Stay tuned!
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fatherramiro · 2 years
🍑,🍍 & 🍇? please and thank you!
thank you!
If you could make a connection between your favorite character and another work you care about (whether a crossover/fusion or a wonderfully “pretentious” literary reference) what would it be? How would it work? - When the Hadestown AU is done... that is the best AU for 1899 currently. The trick with that is that I had to swap a couple roles so Maura, as the creator of the simulation, is Hades and Eyk is Persephone. In terms of favorite characters though, I feel like one could make a really fucking amazing connection between like half the fucking Midnight Mass quotes and Ramiro. Especially the "you were never a sin, you never felt like a sin" line or Erin's whole final monologue.
What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you hate or just generally have beef with? - I love AUs! Anything from canon divergent/fix it AUs to the basic swap-the-settings AUs like coffee shop or college. However, with the latter, I'm very "he would NOT say that" about it. If you give a character the wrong job or the wrong dynamic I will not read or back out of it. I like AUs that feel like an extension of the canon, not just a new story altogether. And I don't fuck with a/b/o fic like thats not my cup of tea lol
Is there a particular scene/episode/book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one? - Honestly right now I could write a million 1899 fics either about the implied backstory with Ángel and Ramiro or the final scene, but honestly? I have ten million Lost fanfics. Ten million and one in fact. By the end of this sentence I'll probably have another!!!
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alicevgcna · 1 month
Update Your Career: Discover the Benefits of CNA to LPN Online Classes
Title: Upgrade Your Career: Discover the Benefits of⁢ CNA to LPN Online Classes
Meta Title: Advancing Your Career: Explore the Advantages of CNA to LPN Online Programs
Meta Description: Learn about the benefits of transitioning from a Certified‌ Nursing Assistant (CNA) to a Licensed Practical Nurse‍ (LPN) through online classes. Discover how these programs can help‌ you advance your career ⁣in the healthcare industry.
Introduction: Are you⁢ a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) looking to‌ take ‍your career to the ⁢next level? If so, transitioning ‍to become a Licensed⁢ Practical Nurse (LPN) may be the perfect‌ step⁤ for you. LPNs have more ⁤responsibilities and ‌higher earning potential than CNAs, making​ it a rewarding career move.⁢ Fortunately, with the availability of online classes, you can now upgrade your skills⁢ and knowledge from the⁤ comfort⁤ of your own home. In ​this ‍article, we will explore the benefits⁢ of CNA to LPN online classes and how they can help you ‌advance your career in⁢ the healthcare industry.
Benefits ⁤of ​CNA to LPN Online Classes:
1. ‍Flexible Scheduling:‍ Online classes offer flexibility in terms of when and where you‌ can​ study. This is⁢ especially beneficial for working CNAs⁤ who may not have the time to⁢ attend traditional in-person classes. With online‍ programs, you can ‌complete coursework at your own pace, ⁤allowing you to ⁢balance your job and studies effectively.
2. Cost-Effective: Pursuing a career advancement like transitioning from a CNA to an LPN can⁢ be expensive, ​especially when considering tuition⁤ fees, textbooks, and ‍other associated costs. Online classes‍ often have lower tuition fees compared to traditional programs, making ⁤it a more affordable option for many​ individuals.
3. Convenient Learning Environment: Studying online allows you to create a comfortable and personalized learning environment. Whether you prefer studying in your pajamas or at a local coffee shop, online classes offer the convenience of ‌learning from⁤ anywhere‍ with an internet connection.
4. Comprehensive Curriculum: CNA to‌ LPN online classes⁢ typically provide a comprehensive curriculum ‍that covers essential topics such ‍as nursing theory,⁢ pharmacology, patient care, and more. This in-depth education will equip you with the knowledge and skills‌ needed to succeed as an ‍LPN.
Practical Tips for ‌Success:
-⁣ Create a study schedule and stick to it to ensure⁤ you stay on track with your coursework. – Engage with ‌your instructors and classmates through‍ online ‌forums and ⁢discussion boards to enhance your learning experience. – Utilize online⁤ resources such as‌ practice quizzes, video lectures,⁤ and virtual simulations to reinforce your understanding of key concepts.
Case Study: Sarah’s Success Story
Sarah,⁢ a dedicated CNA working in a long-term care facility, decided to pursue her dream of becoming ⁣an​ LPN. Due to her⁤ busy work schedule, she enrolled in an online CNA ‍to LPN program. With determination ​and ⁣hard work, Sarah successfully completed ⁤the program and passed her NCLEX-PN exam on​ the first try.‍ She is now working as an‍ LPN in a hospital setting,⁤ providing quality‍ care to‌ patients and enjoying a higher salary.
Firsthand Experience: ‍John’s Journey
John, a former​ CNA with a passion for patient care, enrolled in​ an online CNA to LPN⁣ program to ​advance his career. Throughout the program, he found the flexibility of ⁢online classes to be extremely ‌beneficial, allowing ‍him to juggle his job and studies effectively. John’s dedication paid off⁢ as he graduated with his LPN degree and secured a rewarding job at a healthcare facility.
Conclusion: Transitioning from‌ a Certified Nursing Assistant to a Licensed Practical Nurse⁤ can open up new ⁤opportunities and lead⁣ to a fulfilling career in the healthcare industry. ​By ⁢taking advantage of CNA to LPN‍ online classes, you ‌can gain the necessary knowledge and skills to excel ⁢in your new role. ​With flexible scheduling, cost-effective‌ tuition, and a comprehensive curriculum, online programs offer a convenient and effective way ‍to advance your career. Start your journey towards becoming an LPN‍ today and unlock your full potential in the healthcare field.
0 notes
cumikering · 17 days
F1 John Price x reader 7 (end)
3.4k | fluff, suggestive John has been doing a lot of yoga (part 1)
“No, JP’s not charbroiled to oblivion,” you said with a laugh.
John had asked what had become of JP the bear as the lift shot up, streets under growing smaller by the second.
“Oh, good.” He breathed a relieved sigh. “I was going to be really sad.”
There was a ding before metal door slid open to reveal his penthouse. You stood in his open kitchen as he fixed you a drink, admiring the spotless marble countertops and the expanse of his living room. To the side, in front of the floor to ceiling windows, he’d set up his gym. He handed you your drink and gave you a tour of his home.
There’s a room for his racing simulator setup, next to it, a memorabilia room with his office in the corner. Shelves lined the walls displaying trophies, medals and awards along with a line of customised helmets and boots he’d acquired over the years. Lastly, the hall led to the master bedroom.
“The place is massive, John, and the view is gorgeous.” Your hands rested on the railing of the lengthy stretch of balcony, overlooking London at night.
“It’s too big. For one, at least.”
You bit down a smile.
He wrapped his arms around you from behind, resting his head against yours. “You should come over as much as you can.”
You didn’t leave his apartment until when he drove to yours Sunday night. But when he helped you unlock your door, he decided he didn’t want to part yet and buried his face in your hair for another night.
As usual, he dropped you off for work before tending to his own routines. But this time, before noon, he had lunch delivered for you and your girls. On Tuesday morning, the familiar smell of coffee and cookies greeted him as he pushed the doors to your shop open.
“The boyfriend is here,” Sophie called out from the counter with a giggle.
Heat crept up his neck. He couldn’t hide now without his mask. What did you tell her?
“A bit flashy just to pick up cookies,” you teased as you strapped yourself in his McLaren.
“And my favourite woman.”
The engine roared to life before he zoomed away, taking you to the factory to finally meet his friends. When he told Kyle on the phone, he sounded so excited to see you again he sounded like he was going to puke as he listed off restaurants you could go for lunch.
“You told your girls about us?”
“Oh my God, please ignore that. Sophie was just teasing.”
“You can call me that, if you want.” He glanced at you, failing to hide his grin. “I’d like that very much in fact.”
You smiled to yourself. “Okay, papaya boy.”
At the next red light, the car behind him honked when he kissed you a little too long. John pulled away, but knowing him, the grin he wore only told you that it wasn’t long enough.
Of course, John would have preferred if he didn’t have to leave you, but having gained your full support, he flew to his next race in Japan with no weight on his chest.
The next day, he sent you a bouquet of your favourite flowers to the shop. You sent him a selfie with it, your smile as brilliant as ever.
Thank you for the lovely flowers <3
Only for my favourite x
Weeks flew by approaching summer. He’d got lunch delivered for you and your girls at least once a week. You displayed the beautiful flower arrangements he sent each time he was away next to register. He didn’t forget the postcards he promised, although he’d always be at your door before they arrived. You collected them in a small tin box.
You’d warned John about being clingy. If any, he felt he was the clingy one as he always looked forward to calling you at the end of the day to look at your pretty face, even if only on his phone. He wasn’t sure it helped curb the longing though, because he kept getting reminded of exactly what he left in London.
Especially the night before each race when he was jittery about the coming day. You’d stay up to be with him, only for your eyes to flutter as your cheek pressed against your pillow. It was a look you’d wear in another circumstance, one where he could be as loud as he wanted, groaning and panting into your ear, feeling all of you.
When the heat rose to his cheeks and his voice deepened a touch, you’d smile sweetly at him the glint in your eye unmistakeable, prompting his mind to drift further. As he palmed his pants, you’d show him where you needed his kisses, telling him how much you needed him. He’d try his best to bite back the noises that threatened to escape as his body shook at the sight that always made his head spin.
He’d drift to sleep with a grin on his face. Helps me relax, he’d said.
“John, you’ve been a lot calmer on the radio lately,” one of the interviewers said after the race.
“Yeah, been doing a lot of yoga,” he answered without missing a beat.
“In bed,” Kyle whispered behind him.
When John turned, he had taken off cackling.
His lips twitched into a smile. His teammate could run all he wanted, but he’d smack him upside the head later, as if they didn’t share the same bloody flight back.
“You know you don’t have to keep getting me flowers,” you said, arranging the bouquet he’d got from the airport in the vase. “Or sending me lunch so often.”
He draped his jacket on the back of the dining chair and looked up. ”You don’t like them?”
“I love them, but it’s just unnecessary. And… well I can’t return the same.”
“Oh, love. I never expected anything back.” He strode over, rubbing the small of your back. “I just enjoy… pampering you, like driving you around.”
“Thanks, John. I appreciate it, but please don’t feel like you have to. You’ve always been so thoughtful, but I’m just happy to see you.” You placed a hand on his shoulder, pulling him in for a kiss.
He always admired that about you: your independence and tenacity. As much as it made him proud, he, too, wanted to spoil you a little. You were his sweetheart after all, and he could never get enough of the smile on your face.
“You know, I was thinking. How do you feel about having my car while I’m away? Makes it easier for you to get around, yeah?”
“You don’t mind?”
“Of course not. My house keys will be there too, so you can go whenever.”
“You’re too good to me.” You wrapped your arms around his waist, head resting against his chest.
At the end of the week, with your consent, he posted a captionless photo of your joint hands – the very first public confirmation that there was someone. Within a minute, Kyle commented a full line of emojis: intense eyes, 100, confetti, fire, cookie and fist.
At this point John was convinced his teammate had his post notification on.
He’d also offered to stop wearing his mask in public if it bothered you, but since more customers recognised you as John Price’s woman, you too, stared wearing one.
When he’d cut his engine off, he turned to you as you pulled your mask on. “Are you going to keep wearing one?” He mirrored the action, covering his teasing smile.
“I love showing you off. Love when people look at how pretty your smile is.”
“But kisses are better when they’re stolen,” you said, your voice teasing.
He didn’t disagree. You didn’t mind the kisses that followed in that deserted parking lot. Dinner could wait.
John meant it that he loved showing you off. Of course he’d invited you to come to his races, but with your commitments in London, understandably, you’d turned down the trips halfway across the world, including the Canadian GP. He had been looking forward to taking you there very much since the first time you mentioned wanting to go.
But it’d been months now since he laid all his cards on the table, and you’d accepted what life could look like if you were to be with him. While he didn’t push, you also said no to weekend trips to his European races. He wasn’t entitled to you attending them, of course, and knowing the paparazzi, it was a huge ask to take you out of your private life. But admittedly he wanted people to know who his heart belonged to, that it was never anything short of serious with you.
Later in bed as he lay facing you, his fingers trailed down your arm.
“At least… Would you consider Silverstone? My parents go each year. It’s quite special to us, you know, home race and all-“ His eyes flicked to yours before he quickly added, “Unless you’re not ready. There are other races-”
You smiled. “John, are you asking me to meet your parents?”
He averted his gaze as heat crept up his neck. You’d joined in on the brief video calls with his parents, but meeting them was something else entirely. Was it too much to ask?
“Yes,” he muttered. “My mum’s been wanting to meet you.”
“I’d love to.”
“You’ll be my lucky charm?” He grinned, pulling you in by the waist. “At my home race? I’ll make you proud, love.”
John Price secured a win in Silverstone, making it his second consecutive home victory. Still with his bright orange helmet on, he sprinted to you on the sidelines. He crushed you in his embrace and lifted you off the ground before giving you a spin. The next second, Kyle and Simon joined in on the hug, the crowd cheering all around them.
He didn’t know he could get any happier, but seeing you next to his parents, beaming up at him on the podium made the butterflies stir. Today was more than just you being at his home race, but also the day you declared publicly you were his someone, and he was enjoying every second being yours.
You still had your pretty smile when he got off the podium, and with his cap and suit still dripping in sprayed champagne, in front of all the cameras, he pulled you into a kiss. The movement knocked the cap off your head, the same papaya one he gave you all those months ago. You laughed as you wiggled in his arms, a futile attempt of getting out of his drenched embrace.
When he finally pulled away, he looked you over, your front soaked now. You smiled up at him and cupped his cheek, making his heart flutter.
Could he have this with you forever? Could he have his career and a normal life with you after all? He would certainly die trying.
At the end of the night, Kate relayed that he was invited to a photoshoot in Liverpool. When John thought out loud that he might as well send his parents back home and spend some time there too, you said you could take a few days off. He grinned. He’d always wanted to show you where he grew up.
John took you on a ride around his hometown. He showed you his old school, the field he used to play football in with his friends and the karting track where it all started all those years ago. For dinner, he took you to the neighbourhood park where his favourite kebab shop was.
The next day, John left for the shoot after breakfast. At the door, he gave you a peck on your forehead before hopping into a taxi.
“I hope everything is to your liking, love,” Mrs. Price said as she plopped teabags into the pot. “The room isn’t too small, is it?”
“No, of course not. Everything is fine.” You smiled.
“Oh, good. I just wanted to make sure you have a good time here.”
“I promise everything is perfectly fine, Mrs. Price. You have a beautiful home.”
“Please call me Eleanor.” She patted your arm. “You’re family.”
Your gazed dropped as you tried to hide your smile. His parents had always been welcoming, but hearing that from his mum made you melt. You knew how important family was to John.
Perhaps you’d been overly guarded, that you didn’t want to go to any of his races and have your relationship exposed, not wanting to be accused of having any ill-intentions with him. But most importantly, you didn’t want his parents to.
Evidently, your worries had all been worries. You spent the rest of the morning chatting with her over tea before she tended to her colourful, blooming garden.
Footsteps and cooing came from outside before the front door swung open.
“I got his favourite blueberry loaf,” the guest said as she and Eleanor rounded the corner.
“Thank you so much. You’re too kind.” She placed the gift on the table. “Love, this is Claudia. John and her grew up together. And this is John’s girlfriend.”
You smiled. “Hi, nice to meet you.”
“I’ll get an extra cup.” Eleanor turned to the kitchen.
“New girlfriend, huh?” The brunette looked you over with a sneer. “Can never keep track, he has a different one every time I see him.”
Your brows furrowed. “Excuse me?”
“Was expecting him to call. He usually would for some late night-fun.” She laughed. “Can’t forget his first time, I guess.”
Your fists balled under the table.
“Don’t take it personally when he ditches you, sweetheart. You know he can’t commit.”
Eleanor placed a teacup and a plate of your cookies on the table. “Claudia, these are from her shop. They’re lovely, please do try.”
“Thanks, but I think I’ll go now.” She smiled, not even sparing you another glance. “I’ll drop by again some other time.”
“Oh, alright, love.” Eleanor walked her to the door. “Please say hi to your mum. I haven’t seen her in forever.”
Your stomach churned. You shouldn’t be jumping to conclusions. You didn’t know who the woman was nor her past with John, but judging by how friendly she was with his mum, they must have had history. You trusted John - he had been nothing less than transparent since the day you decided to make it work, but her words rubbed you the wrong way nonetheless. They made your skin crawl. The exchange only reminded you that you and John came from two different worlds.
When his mum returned to the table, you tried to not let your voice crack when you excused yourself for a stroll in the neighbourhood.
John arrived home sooner than he expected, but much to his disappointment, you weren’t there. She went to the park a few hours ago, his mum said. He called you to offer to pick you up, but you said you’d walk home.
He opened the door for you and kissed your cheek before leading you to the dining table.
“Oh, Claudia dropped by and gave you a blueberry loaf,” his mum said at dinner.
His fork froze mid-air. “Who?”
“Claudia, Charlotte’s girl.”
“What, again? How did she even know I’m here?”
“Her mum saw, probably.”
He pursed his lips. “Right, okay. Well, thanks, but please tell her she really doesn’t have to.”
You and John helped to clean up after dinner, but you were quiet and wouldn’t look into his eyes. Wouldn’t even smile when he wrapped his arms around you.
Had he done something?
“Sweetheart, are you alright?” he asked carefully when you were in the privacy of his room. “Talk to me. Do you… not like the place? It’s not too late to get a hotel-“
The last woman he brought home over three years ago was the same one who threw a fit about the house being too small for her liking and demanded a room at a luxury hotel.
You turned to him. “What? No, John, it’s not that.” You sighed. “Who’s Claudia? Do you have- did you use to date her?”
“No. She lived down the street. Why?”
“She said you bring someone new every time you’re home.”
His brows furrowed. “That’s not true.”
You hung your head. “She said you call her when you’re back. For fun. That you can’t forget your first time.”
“First time?!” His face twisted. “Fucking hell this woman. I don’t even-“ he sighed. “Before I moved to London, I told her I had a crush on her, but she called me fat and made fun of me in front of everyone at school. We never spoke again until my parents moved back here.
“She said she wanted to catch up, and summer last year I finally gave in. Thought there was no harm because well, kids do silly things and my mum’s friends with hers – well, were. I took her to a chippy and she got so upset. She said my mum raised a cheap bastard and left, so I don’t know why the bloody hell she keeps showing up.”
You blinked. “And your mum knows?”
“I never told her. I didn’t want to ruin her friendship with Charlotte.” He pursed his lips. “You know what, what she said to you is out of line. Fuck that, they’re not friends anymore anyway.”
Before you could say anything, he marched out and into his parents’ room. His mum was at the vanity combing her shoulder length hair, smiling at him from the mirror.
“Mum, I don’t want Claudia dropping by anymore. Tell her to piss off next time she shows up.”
She lowered her comb with a frown.
“You remember when you told me to take her for lunch last year? We went to a chippy and she said you raised a cheapskate who didn’t know how to treat a woman right.”
His mum gasped, turning to him. “How dare she! I always thought she was a nice girl. Is that why Charlotte stopped talking to me?”
“Probably, judging by the lies she told her this afternoon. Said I always bring someone new when I come home, that I call her at night-”
She slammed her comb down and strode to her phone on the nightstand. “I’m going to tell Charlotte and her scheming cow of a daughter to go to hell.”
When he returned to his room, you had your hand over your mouth, stifling a laugh. He closed the door behind him.
“Oh my God, John. Scheming cow?”
“Nobody messes with my sweetheart.” He grinned, sitting next to you on the bed before reaching for your hand. “But most importantly, no one fucks with my mum.”
“Go Eleanor.”
In the Canadian sun, the cerulean water glittered. Under the infinite blue sky, the clear lake stretched far and wide along the rocky mountains in the distance.
“The view is amazing, John. It’s so perfect it looks fake.” You huffed, but the grin remained as you caught your breath at the top of the hiking trail where the wind toyed with your hair.
He tucked back the loose strands behind your ear. “I’m more than happy to be sharing this with you.”
You turned and pressed your lips against his before a dog barked far off. You turned to the man with the large yellow Labrador.
He cupped your face, turning you back to him with an amused smile. “I mean it, if you want a dog, feel free.”
That morning, you’d cooed at each and every one of the Newfoundland puppy you met at the breeder. He was convinced you were going to take home the litter in your backpack.
You shook your head. “You know my place doesn’t allow pets.”
“Mine does.” He kissed your cheek. “I’d love a dog, with you.”
“Who’s going to take care of it when you’re away?”
“Can it be your reason to finally move in?” he asked hopefully. “You know I always love having you over.”
You smiled. “That’s a very tempting offer.”
“You can say no, of course. I wanted to let you know it’s something I want with you, so whenever you’re ready. I’ll wait. I’ll always wait for you.”
You took a seat overlooking the lake and rested your head against his, his fingers laced with yours. He let out a content exhale as he soaked up the view, savouring your presence. He kissed the top of your head.
Later, you took out the thermos from your backpack and poured yourself a cup of coffee.
“Sweetheart, remember when you made my double shot americano? I couldn’t sleep for two bloody days.”
You laughed.
“Well, I’m really glad I went.”
“Me too, Jean-Pierre. Me too.”
Hi hello, thanks for reading everyone! I hope you enjoyed the story bc I loved imagining Price in orange while writing :D I was wondering a lot of you are into F1 too? If yes, who’s your fave driver?
@tiredmetalenthusiast @le16erc @kyletogaz @its-me-mila @msluccapotato
@s-rinaldi-18 @izzybmep @the-darling-fishy @rowanyaboats @dirtymana
@gamergirlbones @hungrycrazy @wannabhere @princessdaniiiii @freshlemontea
@eve-lie @two-autumns @nocturnalreader106 @sklt987659 @fruitymoonbeams-blog
@praying-for-the-sun @shinymriver @redzscare @dwaekkiiiiiiiiiiai
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shyu · 3 months
"Study With Me" Videos: A Virtual Companion for Remote Learners
"Study With Me" videos have become a popular trend on YouTube and other streaming platforms, serving as an effective study tool to keep students motivated. These videos involve individuals sharing their study sessions or work routines in real-time, often for several hours. The appeal of these videos lies in the sense of companionship they offer, which has become especially relevant as many workplaces and schools continue to operate remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
As public spaces like libraries and coffee shops remain closed or operate at limited capacity, students have adapted their study habits to include virtual alternatives. "Study With Me" videos simulate the focused atmosphere of a traditional study environment, providing viewers with a sense of community and accountability. The presence of another person working diligently can inspire viewers to stay on task and maintain their productivity.
Additionally, many of these videos incorporate the Pomodoro Timer technique, which encourages viewers to follow along with the video creator's intervals of productive work and scheduled breaks. This method helps maintain concentration and prevents burnout, making study sessions more efficient.
In conclusion, "Study With Me" videos have emerged as a valuable resource for students seeking a supportive and structured study environment. By leveraging digital platforms, these videos offer a practical solution for maintaining focus and motivation in a time when traditional study spaces are less accessible.
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onlineptemocktest · 1 year
PTE Mock Test Online with Answers: Get Feedback on Your Performance
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In the digital age, online education and evaluation have become more important than ever. The PTE (Pearson Test of English) is no exception, and students are increasingly looking for efficient and reliable ways to prepare for this crucial exam. If you're on the quest for a Pte Mock Test Online Free, you're in the right place. Welcome to OnlinePTEMockTest, your one-stop solution for PTE preparation. In this article, we will explore the world of Pte Online Mock Test and how they can help you achieve the score you desire.
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Sign Up: Create your account on our website - onlineptemocktest.com. It's a straightforward process that takes just a few minutes.
Select Your Test: Choose the specific PTE test you want to practice. We offer a variety of options to cater to your needs.
Take the Test: Start the mock test and answer the questions to the best of your abilities. Remember, this is a simulation of the real exam, so take it seriously.
Receive Your Score: As soon as you finish the test, you'll receive an instant score and detailed feedback. Use this information to fine-tune your preparation.
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Your journey to success in the PTE exam begins with the right preparation. OnlinePTEMockTest is your trusted partner on this path. Our PTE mock test online and PTE online mock test with score have been designed to provide you with the best possible chance of acing the exam.
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In conclusion, OnlinePTEMockTest is your gateway to success in the PTE exam. Our PTE mock test online and PTE online mock test with score offer a comprehensive and effective way to prepare for this significant assessment. With us, you can manage your time, reduce stress, and enhance your performance, ensuring that you are well-prepared for the challenges that lie ahead.
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purplesurveys · 1 year
1. What is something in your life that you feel hopeful about right now? Hans gave me a helpful pep talk last night about things I can do to keep my passions up. I've talked a lot in these surveys about the professional rut I've been finding myself in, and he knows about it too, and he sat me down for advice on how to not lose myself. I'm very grateful for the talk and it actually sparked a bit of excitement in me. Now to actually put that motivation into action...
2. What was the last thing you worried about that turned out better than expected? It rained SO hard earlier and I always get super super anxious when I have to drive in the evening and it's raining, because then my side mirrors become completely useless with all the raindrops and I basically can't see anything for the most part. Anyway, I had no choice but to drive as slow as possible just to be safe. I'd rather piss off unhinged drivers with my 10 kph speed than carelessly change lanes or speed knowing full well I can't see shit.
3. Name somewhere you are planning on visiting in the near future? My family has been heads-or-tailing Japan or South Korea for a while now, but my siblings and I have been saying that we would much rather go to SK since it just makes perfect sense – all 3 of us are into Korean culture, food, music, etc. We're currently saving up for it but as far as I know we have plans as soon as mid-2024.
4. How often do you go grocery shopping and how much food do you usually get in one go? Bi-weekly. Our bill usually shoots up to around 7-9k per visit.
5. What is a meal you eat extremely often? Or do your meals & food choices vary a lot? Meh I don't really repeat a specific meal a lot.
6. When was the last time you felt unable or unwilling to speak your mind to someone? No idea. I feel like I have been very honest around everyone these days, especially with regard to my latest promotion. I've been rather vocal, even towards my own bosses, that I'm against it and that I'm only accepting it to keep the entire team from sinking for now, but that I have very strong plans to leave the first opportunity I get, or the moment I feel like this directorial gig is really not for me.
7. What was the last thing you changed your mind about? I thought I wanted to stay a few hours in this nearby coffee shop, but when I was there their tables were so fucking high it strained my arms to use my laptop and phone that I ended up staying for like only 45 minutes before I decided I'd have a much better time in my car lol.
8. Who was the last friend you saw, and what did you do together? I saw Angela and Hans yesterday. We had dinner at our favorite Korean restaurant, caught up with our lives, talked a lot about tattoos for some reason hahaha, let out our respective work frustrations (although a good 85% of it was mine), and Hans gave me another crash course about watches which I always enjoy because I love seeing how excited he gets talking about those tiny machines.
9. Who tends to show up in your dreams? Do you ever wonder if you appear in anyone else's dreams? It's always random people, man. There's not one person or a set of people who make constant appearances in my dreams.
10. What is something you wish you could say to someone who is no longer in your life, or something you wish they could know? I would tell my grandfather about all my accomplishments so far. I'd also brag about how well I can handle my alcohol because he couldn't, haha.
11. Instead of flat earth, what do you think of the simulated earth theory, that we're basically all just a giant computer program or virtual reality? I never really entertain any theories of this nature. I'm just here to live the limited days I have on this planet and I'd rather not invest so much time and brain juices on conspiracies lol.
12. What worries you most about your future? Mostly career-related things. Like, if I've reached this peak at 25, where do I go from here. Ugh.
13. What is something you do to feel better when you're scared? Find a distraction, which is usually a) my dogs, b) rewatching familiar vlogs for the 908th time, or c) surveys.
14. Who do you feel you can count on the most in life? Is there anyone you wish you could count on more? Probably my mom or my sister, for the first question. I don't have anyone in mind for the second.
15. What makes you trust someone? When was the last time someone broke your trust? Idk, I don't really set criteria for this. I just...can tell if I can trust someone, but I can also easily take that trust away if they show otherwise. Last time someone broke my trust - last week when the event organizers that we have been consistently contracting since last year had a disappointing performance.
16. When was the last time you shared a secret with someone, and how did they react? Couple of weeks ago - I was met with shock, which is what I expected anyway.
17. Are you more likely to give advice or to ask for it? It depends on the person, tbh. I have relationships where I'm likely to be the one to seek advice, but it happens the other way around with other people.
18. When was the last time you felt totally lost, figuratively speaking? How about literally? Right now you can say that I am, for the figurative part.
As for literally, that would be two weeks ago when my co-workers and I were supposed to be headed to Nasugbu from Las Piñas (where we needed to pick up a member of the team) but some direction miscomms led me to make a few wrong turns – we ended up in the northbound part of SLEX, then I drove up Skyway, making us end up at the fucking airport, then we ended up back at McKinley near BGC. It was such a stupid experience, I feel like we lost a part of our souls that day LOL
19. In what ways are you emotionally strong? In what ways are you emotionally weak? Emotionally strong: I'm not afraid to be honest about my feelings, especially if they're negative ones; I feel like the years living in fear around my mom changed me as an adult. I'd also call myself resilient – my all-things-will-pass game is pretty strong and it's one of the things about my mindset that keep me sane.
Emotionally weak: I'm sensitive and quickly take things personally.
20. What is the strangest book you have ever read? How did you find out about it? I was gifted a copy of Sing A Song of Tuna Fish in my early teens. I liked the book, but to this day I would say it's one of my more random reads and I still don't have a clue what the title is supposed to mean.
21. Do you prefer to watch movies or tv alone or with other people? Is there anything you refuse to watch alone? I like watching with other people largely because I can have terrible comprehension and would need someone to explain parts that I might not catch on to as quickly.
22. What was the last thing you broke? How about fixed? Can't remember the last times I did either of these.
23. Is there a sign or symbol that means a lot to you for whatever reason (eg. seeing certain animals or birds, 11:11 or other repeating numbers, syncs, butterflies, hearts in nature, etc)? The number 2025 and 613.
24. Do you have any personal ghost stories or paranormal experiences? No.
25. What do you get complimented on the most? My writing.
26. What is something unusual that you find attractive? Idk if there's anything...
27. What time do you tend to eat your first meal of the day? And your last? I eat my first and last meal at like 7 PM.
28. What was the subject of the last video you watched? It's the newest episode of Smosh's running podcast/video series reacting to their older videos.
29. When was the last time you traveled out of town, and where to? Around two weeks ago, to Nasugbu.
30. How would you describe your overall aesthetic? Literally Namjoon's house is my aesthetic, minus all the books cos I stopped reading a long time ago.
0 notes
evwuniverse · 1 year
Spiralo - An Immersive Adventure of Creativity and the Mind
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As many of you know, I love art and museums. In real life, you will find me at one once a week. I find it essential to be cultured in the arts and find solace in others' imaginations as it sparks the fire in our own. Sometimes when we feel lost or the imagination just flops we just need that little source of inspiration and art in many forms can provide this. A lot of the time museums are free, especially in the virtual realm. In virtual world platforms like Second Life immersive galleries and immersive pieces where you walk through an entire artistic story are prevalent but underappreciated. So many users buy a piece of land and then let their imaginations run wild and create amazing experiences for the community.
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One place I've found in my recent exploration is Spiralo. Now at first sight when seeing it in the destination's guide the photo that was advertising it didn't seem like much. But who am I to judge a book by its cover, it's all about the adventure. So guess who hit the teleport button anyway? You got that right, me. I want to tell you about this immersive gallery and some of the things you might be able to experience on your trip to Spiralo.
What Is Spiralo?
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Spiralo is an immersive art experience inside of Second Life. This art installation is a cultural complex by the noise-classical music project Tia Rungray. The entire space includes a sound installation hall, a gallery, a cafe, and a shopping floor (I have yet to find the shopping floor after exploring for about an hour, I found everything else!) The staircases are in a spiral hence the name Spiralo and this is symbolic of incorporating the image of everyday life and art and blending it all together in virtual life.
The Sound Installation Hall:
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The sounds provided in this experience are quite relaxing, a lot of thought was put into every note and really immersing the user in its surroundings. I highly recommend exploring this space in first person through Mouselook as you will be able to see everything through the eyes of your avatar as if you were actually there in the space. You can find a tree upside-down with squares floating around it and a piano at the bottom. It really does feel like something you would see in a fantasy setting. It almost felt like magic. The really cool part about this room in the installation is the fact that the floor mirrors and reflects the objects. This is something that Second Life doesn't have the capability to do which means the creator made it match up as close as possible and made their own texture to mimic a mirrored image of what was going on above. That way it simulates a reflection, that right there is true art on its own! It's very hard to do this. It was my favorite part but let's also not forget about the Cafe.
The Botanika Café:
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On the very ground level, there is the Botanika Cafe, this was very tastefully made and honestly reminded me of a rainforest with vintage aesthetics. Very bohemian for sure! It was very relaxing in this space and it made me want to sit there as I typed this.
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Specifically at a table that looked like my current workspace in the real world (picture below for reference).
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I always type and do everything creative on my IPad Pro 2018 12.9 inches. So being able to see my current setup in a virtual setting seemed more than a coincidence. Either way, I was here for it. I also find myself at Starbucks and little hole-in-the-wall Cafe's a lot to write and drink coffee at the same time. Perfect would be the word for this setting. Sadly the drinks aren't interactive but that's okay, as I was typing I was drinking a boba tea and I just so happened to have one in my inventory to attach.
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I will definitely be back specifically for the cafe portion as it was a very peaceful section and I felt immersed it drove me to create more posts than expected as I was there. It's crazy just how much a virtual world can feel like you're going through real-world experiences. This proves the aspect that virtual worlds are more than just a game it's an experience on its own.
Statues and Gallery:
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You know around every spiral staircase there is either an art piece or a statue. These statues are amazing! 3D models, in general, fascinate me, but imagine you see a stone statue in vines inside a gallery. Anything can happen in a virtual world and it just amazes me the creativity the creator had to produce these and place them in random spaces. It made me want to find all of them, I only found 2 but I have a feeling there might be 3-4. Also, there are gallery images on each staircase you go up or down, I really enjoyed looking at all the artwork here. I do wish there was more as sometimes there was just a lot of white space for one piece of artwork and I would've loved to see more!
I didn't post everything because it wouldn't be fair for me to spoil this adventure for you. This is an amazing venue to take a look at and you would be supporting a local artist in the virtual world community. I'm a huge advocate for small businesses, artists, and creatives in virtual spaces. I highly recommend the visit there is something to explore behind every corner, literally.
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