furikass · 2 months
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I've made some sketches of what it would be like if Mandark and Jack met. I'd love them to be friends :D
I feel like they would help each other in the robotic genius field or at least vent together listening to angsty alternative rock.
I love those two dorks, I want them to be besties. They both deserve a bestie. <3
And yeah, they're totally teens from the early 2000s
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lizard-color4 · 3 months
Me encontré esta imagen por internet, me acordé de ellos (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)👍🏽 (PS)
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izunias-meme-hole · 4 months
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B:TAS Riddler Appreciation Post
An underrated, under appreciated, and underutilized villain from the show who had a good run in some post-TNBA comics.
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jayaury · 10 months
Wrench Wench
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The Gremlin Girl (also known as the 'Wrench Wench' or a GG) is an evolutionary offshoot of your typical goblin maid. Obsessed with machinery and engines, they inevitably attach themselves to evil geniuses.
Though, it has been suggested they...influence their new employers. Making them a bit...dumber. A bit more genre blind. A bit more obsessed with giant machines of doom.
But that's purely speculation. Why would they make their new boss stupid? Make him more willing to listen to his evil henchwoman? More obsessed with giant, rumbly, sexy machines and guns that go boom?
Certainly not a cute, short green girl who gets all hot and bothered listening to evil rants. Who loves arrogant men who take charge, but who'll let her do all that pesky thinking.
A gremlin girl never manipulate her evil master.
She's just a cute, perky minion with big, green breasts whose goggles have fun little spirals her master loves to watch.
And that's all...
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azrael-abyss-13 · 26 days
Two evil scientists in black, similar energy.
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virlandil · 1 year
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When you keep telling everyone you're a genius, but sometimes you're just like...
(it's a gif, hope it works xD)
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howlingday · 28 days
Cinder: Settle down, peons!
Yang: I wish she would stop calling us that.
Cinder: There's been word of a new threat to huntresses everywhere. We don't know who they are, but what we do know is that they're organized, motivated, building a team of henchmen and minions the likes of which Remnant has never seen before. This person is attempting to become a...
Ruby: Um, Professor Fall?
Cinder: What is it, Rose?
Ruby: Uh, would this nefarious foe have an underground lair, ma'am?
Cinder: It doesn't seem that way, Rose. However, it could be only a matter of time.
Weiss: What would an evil lair look like, Professor Fall?
Cinder: Well, Schnee, if I were to build an evil lair, not that I would, of course, I would design an evil lair the likes of which the world had never seen! I would probably build it into a mountain, underground with barracks, a control room, a place for all of my ill-gotten gains, and maybe a recreation room so that my goons don't get disloyal when they're bored. Leeches, the lot of them.
Blake: Would you build traps, ma'am?
Cinder: Hundreds of them, Belladonna! I wouldn't want a huntsman snooping around where I don't want them. Certainly not while I'm taking over the world. And I'd build a cover operation to hide my base from prying eyes. Camouflage is the key.
Jaune: It's a good thing you're not a nefarious foe, ma'am!
Cinder: Don't be such a damned fool, Jaune! Now, peons, you have your assignments... Get out there do what you've been told to do!
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spaceferren-comics · 4 months
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World Domination! One step at a time! With the main villain, Proffessor Heinous Mutiny!
-Typhon. Art by Limenaut
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diddybu · 8 months
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silly duo
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pineconnie · 28 days
people who write jon centric tma fics with the tag terminal illness, i hope you know you have an amazing mind and i don’t think i will ever physically be able to read your fic
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lizard-color4 · 6 months
🎄 surprised (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)
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izunias-meme-hole · 1 month
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Seto Kaiba Appreciation Post
This one's for the fans of this unhinged rich boy.
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zee-rambles · 2 years
Splinter (bursting in): If anyone asks, I had nothing to do with it!
Raph, Leo, & Mikey: Huh?
Donnie (in the distance): GALILEO! WHAT IS THIS?
Raph, Leo, & Mikey: …Dad.
Splinter: Zip it! Or else you’re all grounded!
Raph: Grounded?
Leo & Mikey: But Donnie.
Raph: Grounded!
Leo & Mikey: But Donnie!
Donnie (getting closer):MUHUHAHAHAHA! WHO? Who will FACE the BRUNT of my WRATH?
Raph: Leo, what do we-aaaand he gone.
Mikey: I’m too young to die!
Splinter: Don’t rat me out! Please!
Donnie (bursting in): Hello. My family.
Raph & Mikey: IT WAS DAD!
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spacehistorian-art · 1 year
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Some of my version of Future Donnie, not a finished design, but it was fun to experiment with the possibility of a full robotic shell, hmmm
Anyways, there will also be some shenanigans with the mystic powers, that's for later
With Nephew Casey
The reaction to just hearing Ronin!Leo
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virlandil · 1 year
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"Stop being so happy, Spicer. You shouldn't."
Hello, I'm back from fanart drawing hiatus. Missed me? Didn't think so, HAHA.
Idk, the logic behind it is that Jack is such a pathetic villain who brings embarrassment to evil everywhere, so he needs to be stopped. XD
I'm a mess, friends made me do it (but I love it). 😆
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Also consider: Giovanni as an Evil Genius from the game series of the same name. He's not actually evil though, & his entire goal is based on stopping the other Geniuses. He has the hardest playthrough of all of them, but can make smaller Lairs in other countries, run by one of his Boys, Molly, or certain other characters depending on your decisions. (Naven becomes an Ambiguously Evil Mentor if you recruit him, for example.) Bonus: He manages to recruit Espectro by complimenting his tech & the latter seeing him as a fellow aspiring hero, one trying to bring the villains down from the inside.
Aww yeah Evil Genius! Love that game!
The idea of a villain whose goal is STOPPING the other villains is pretty unique, but I like the idea for Giovanni. He's definitely not...a conventional supervillain.
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